mmrwirmmmt TIIFUSDAY. AIM 'Hi 'ill. - LOCAL lUUOlv-i. piy Fresh supply uf drugs and medicines just received al Chapin's. ttaT A IIJVV holSO pilvVi'l- 'Ml -hit! is being put i position ill. Moore's inill lu-iir thi place. Mr. Robert Julian lias return ml in safety from hi.- ride to und from Ktileigh on Ijih bicyeie. fiii'" The first, train on tin- J'itts boro rililroad ran a short distance up the ioal. on- lat Tuesday, carrying a lonil of cross-ties. 6--J"Tlio mutual in -ftiug of the Btockhoidots of the I'll :b. V' Ihul load Company will I"1 held at the court hou-,o next Saturday al ') p. in. siT The weailier lias heen very dry for some lime, whieh has lotillded vcgo'iiti.m. The oat is u.mosl a totui failute. and wheat in many places is not much heiter. JnTThe fruit nop may now be considered sale from frosts, and promises lo he abundant. A giaid fruit crop is always a groai help, and litis year ll is patticiiiaily hooded. 0A Uaptist union meeting wili lie held with tun chinch al lit tisli Cieek, 111 till- eouiity, beginning oil Fi nitty, Ihu -Slit of -May I no lil tiod.ielory senium will be preached by Kkv. J. F. Moore. 8" Hyiinm ei lleaden have just necived one of Hie iillgoM slocks oi' Spring and S.t.i.iner (balds in t lull liain, consisting hi all I In- vai let its of ll lirst-e.ass stole, and giisiniilce to soil us eheap us I he cheapest. Ktr Yesleid.iV I hole was tptiro a changu tu I lie won' her. For sev ei a. days it had heen very warm -ao.iost Htiiiiuier heal --lull about mi I lay yes terday ii began lo rant mid ttiiuel coo. enough to nuke tiitii e.t.ii.oil tiblo. teV On last I'iiday night some peisou. or poisons, set I'm 10 aa I blil..ed nearly lint a itil.e ol .ne fence of Ml. T. U Fowler, of tins township. It was a mo-l ni.tueinii crmif and vv . impe the wdi ho sevviel;.1 punished. COTMr. tiieotihoiiy Hums hrt- shown us u cuiiomi looking stone, that seems lo If .t p" -lilie I lei t a;. in whll a 1 i:iiv in e toil en I nheto the head :.: i 1 .-tit ini;;lil have le u I: was f't..; I on his tuoihsi's piitul.tltoii in thi .. u. r edge of this township. aT" Ni arty nil the towns in (his Stale will hold elections on next Monday for mayor and commission ers. At some p aces here is luneli interest t xciled. lull al this place. a- nsua'. tlnie is nolle wiiali let' '.'.I linpe our digiiiriod may win he re elected by lihalitiiioii-. vote. MP" Our handsome young county man. Mr. II. 1. Siiotvd. wa- mai t ied on last Tuesday to Miss ia.iii ilcadcn, on-' of our mosi jiopula; village belles The eel v ,uon iih .eifoiui.' t by 15 -V V S l!:ic'h. l. 1. utid was ivitin-. nl only bv Hit in . -e diata f .inn y a . I hit i-id -ucc of th bride's l'a:!e r. Have you been to V. I. I, n don's and seen his ( Soods .' Jl Iiol voil shou.d do so at once. lie lias the finest stock you tvei hale h en in this county, and th.' c!ii :ip l-st. Ask to vi' his l'aiasols. Fans, (lloves; Stoeki.i.'is, and yo,i v, ii: be hiirprised liow clieap they are. He lias by lai lite liuejl and nicest slock of Dress ( we bate cwr seull. fc"(i. Will Allllliei.l. of (t:eclis boio". N. (', has received his So iug and Siiiiiincr stock ol New (too. Is which he is selling cheaper tuau evei. boih by whoicsiile and icl.ti.. He ofl'ors splen.ld bargains in D.y (Soods. (':otitil'g. Nollous, Hats. Shoes, c. Oi d 'i s by luaii piDinpl .y lille l. Special induce, uclits. to conn - try nierchiuuw. wIf you need a Doj'iict or Hal von can eel taittly be aceomniod.i;eii At London's. He has a tlemendous stock utid lite finest display of Flow ers you ever saw. Lou, Ion h is not forgolioti the e-eiitionteii in his i (Voits to iieiise ihehidtes, but has tiielinest 8tock of Clothing he has ever had. Jieautiful sit ck of Cravats, HanJiicr chiefs, Cotiars, Cull's, ,Vc. llts o.ftls uru very cheap. IsiTThose of our rmders whopiitle themselves on being close buyet s i d who alvTiiys like to get thtt full tvoitb of every dollar they spend should nof fail to visit Sample S. Brown's big concent in (fieenshoio. The rapid gi otv l h of Mr. Hrovvn's busi Itess can be tttti ibtttcd so.eiy to tilt it has ulw ays; been his pol icy to give his custoiuets Ihe very lit. si goods ut the lowest possib.t ! trices always making pi ices it iillle owt r thiin his lowest competitor. A Nkw itvil.iaiAii Dm ham seems in earliest about building a laiiroud to Lyiichhuig. At u nui-.ii.g ut thtt public spiritetl citizens of that euior jiiising town, hehl last week, suffi cient stock vv us subscribed to o galt iz a company with Mr. Julian S. Cm r as its pi t sideiit. This company was oi gan i tul and w ill opeiute tttiih r tt charter granted by the last Legist lature, and will build u road i'.oiii Durham via Uoxboro to t In-Vi. ginia hue, ami there cotiiie. t vvtlli a Laid to be constructed to that point from Lynchburg. Such it road wiil be of incitlculablo value to Dm ham and the country through which it will run, and we entertain thtt hope that it wi't i-e exteuded int.) this (Chui hain i ainty, connecting with the C. F. i. V. ui ii. tSf. A. A h- taikoA'i. CviTi.i: Sno. The cattle show to be held at a!i ili on t he (it It of Mav will no doubt be u gieat siiceest'. Al.tudv a siillieient number of cattle I mve been entered lo make it the lincst exhibit of ea'tle ever s en in lliis State. In order t induce visitors lo at lellil from Ihe sun on in Lug on ill ties the rniiioads will rcdlioa their rates to three cents a mile for the round hip i:ihiii:.T i ck s A mend informs us that the Durham llrrn der n cent Iv siated lliat the ciuitiju-t had Iccu let oill foi huildiii;; n eovei ed brid,;e ; al 1'iice's iniil. in this county. We. regret to say thai our esteeiued con- temporary lias lieelt mtsiiiioi meil, ami fl..,i .... ...... ..i ..'I I. I....... 4..I-.... ...... ,,w s,, ,....,.., .., uur.i tor i ci)ii:iiiiitr ine nri.iL;e h I inn important ponil. aillioiili one is much needed. The nun Itv of build b'iiljjfi s is a very stioii in I'hiiiham. troiiblesoiite tpit Tr w iiKi:' Asskmiii v. The third an nual sess'on of the Teitehers' Assem by will beheld ill l'!a.'k Moiiinaiu iroin -luiin U-d to July 7th, uudfioiu all indietil ions it will be a reai sue ces-. Very low rales on ail the rail mads have been secined. the fur.-beiii-' only one ami a haf cents a mi.e each way has la en math l .vei y at iiiii;;enieiit : for i he comfoit and i p .ensure ol tlte teaeluas, ami ail Mli.e cm ps of inst I ilctoi s has been rli;;a f'ed Those who desire to attend can do so by h i it in;; to t he seei . lary. Kiij,'em; Hai rell, I'lsti . Ualei'h. . '. KvsiKi; VisiTons --There were sev eral v tsitoi s heie spending, In I'iasicr iio.i.! i .s with t..tir fi ieiids and ie!a ives. Al'i.Mi; thrill we were pit ae l lo see Mr. .ii Cotton and I'.llnl, V, of Winston : Ah. and Mis. Job , T. Mai loty. of D.i'haui:Mi s. K I", Motlit:. of M.i.n-e eouiil v : Miss Mav McA.isler. of Asln boni' ; .J .. .J.j'ihi A Ware, of Newton ; Mr. T. D Wa l b !1, ..(' New Yti.k; Mess:.,. ('. J! D.-ustiu. ii M. ('wan and T. C. Dciisou, of Iciieij'h: il-:. 1 Messrs. Hei bt-i t .lacks-til. Hay wood I'aiker. Wi.,i- ! lead. u. S. S l:i: !isoi! and oiiain Mi Klliuoli lioiu ihe S ate univei si: v. A CoN'i.lll sslo.KM. CoiNflorNl'l'. a-o indi bl' d to (Sen. Cox for a to' tie tbri'Cto.y of ihe liiest-lll -We copy emi gres, il contains short biogiaput sketches of all the in i.ibels of Congress, and in tending those of the Coig, t -.-in ll f I .'III ibis S'uie we noticed ' ha Ihe d tin ol hi- th i , given ill ev el y sketch except Hi ! hose nl the li -pi seiil:tlive fioiu Ihe third and fourth districts As these two gen t it-iii ti are w ido.vori, this omi simi of i ' o t ages -l ruck us a being ral hei :. st range) .' i coincidence, which is lliw more u i! livable in view of the fact . i lie.-.,' .-ket cites in e usually wiil ten bv the Congi e.siiiiui I hemselves. FvnK'! Mosnw. Last Monday be ! iug Ivister Momlaywiis celt:biait:d j in this section, as is done every v ear, by both blael; and white as a I. olid iy. ' ll is always an occasion for picnics and ti.-hiiig pa ties, ami this time the ; tiny was lav o. nine. It was a bright. : beau, il'tli. spline; .lay jtlsl such ll , h:y as won I tempt yo i;.;; lovers lo i trim id .tig -t)'..e mean, lei ing st ream, pi- en-ling toli -It. We have heard I f ipiite a iiinu..ei nl tishing par ie . ' eiijoyili..; last Mo!i. la ,, lieu: !y every ! mi . p ud in lit.' county hoi. g a scene j of pleasure. Al this pl.iee the Voting ladles and , geu 'emeu let I a utosi (" joyabf, paitva in,, al. -..iieie oi.l hind-onie V ouiig beaux lovely v.l.-ere mai : . leil.s nia h- a - cue of i a i c .1 ii oy .in n; l lie supper also w a - uiU' l. ei j..yed. ; being Mich a-, our ladies are laiiioiis I'm prepuiing. Viucoiil's 1 ysteiioiis Deal li. Svsi'V (tiaivK. N ('., I Ap.ii J'j. ISMS. j I'm ton or H: conn : in jus ice to ' it itei ;hi)o.s and nelghbol hood I wish lo soy a few vvoidii in an : .ver, o. i at her icply to my liioinl .lesso H. iiiey'i surpiiso ami stalenien: in lit: "i. ti of las! week, in regard to my op'.nioiis as opirssei a lew vvttncs ago about lie' mysiei ions death and tin, ling of li.i'ortei mcent, which ha;. penod in this town-lup Wiiat I shall say is founded upon facts (ami not repot is) known to my se.f uml other reiiuhlc, good ctiizens. who have a tight to know more about the circumstances than poisons "i' ' ol I he neighooi hooil couiil possllil.v know in coiu.iion with all of my neigh hots 1 am more than surpiised ai Mi. llen'.ey's stiijirise and sta t-inenls which ate verv income:. I tlon'l license hint of doing or wishing to do any intentional inju.,! ice, or making any biiso stalemeul s, hip bi itoviiig that he has been misinformed I inu-l c-.itt' ltd. .mill J am ol hei wise con vinced, that his ml' am oils me cither baiLy inistaki ti or else they are mil . l.ab'o pei sous I it-peal iliat ill my honest opinion thole is Hot a shado.v of evidonco t hits far that. Vincent was mm dot id unless ho did it him-iuif. and Ihut all lettable information ami cileuui staticoH coiieecteil with, uinl known of the tllifoi tiniate oocniToiiep, so fal coulirin my opinitiii. It woi: .1 neatly till a wh.tlo side of your paper io giv -. all the ctrcum stances. iherefott'. I shaii for tite present only o;mt some of Mr. Hetiiey's mis. uk' s, be sut isfaclorv to vvhicli 1 trust wiil himself uml the. public. It was on July the tllli, and not the V t it. that Vincent disup; oji ed troin tllo tjeid. Seal clt vt is no! -malleoli the lev, day. but the next, and was u vet v limited seuiclt ut that. lis eveiy hody. or nearly so. iinl not ; nu was l. leil in six .)... . a'" I A Cleveland count v woman brought behove that he was dead. He whs ! w an accident of anv kind vv hat- suit to ejoei i.ei liu-'b imi Iro.u a .nit t on Ihe east Mid! of the old p'atik rou.l ( ever, und not missing ;; Mn,;e tn' mud which hi- had tieede.t her. vvoikitig in a tobacco patch lor l'luil I oiMictl.m. Finsident Hi vi.n, alter ikiggs who man . e l hlsgiand dii.lgh- 1 knowing the ch.n,f e had to" W m.t.i., . -d inniiig co.,1 uini s to tor, in fail vi.-v. and vv.ibtlttistoii s Sl.t l..s,.pp..,l,..,,l. nii w.'.il'.ta,.- ,,',l""; " "'"''il11' .blow of th l.o.tse whet, last seen, i iv at ti,- wo. L. do'nig tin ,.. over iU' '". ''T'" U il'"J"'oa s,,"'tl.v 1,11 ub.mi o o'clock 1'. Al. There was no 'the eutne '.r, ,,,... ', i,,.dtvav. wit.. ,: ,nl' "' search inatle on the wesl side of said '. merely his own force of about iiO men. Fart of I he bw u of In 8 Vegas. N pl utk road any when: neat the piaee J This made it slower, of course, but M . has been inundated ; i any itvt ii vvhete the bones were found. Tilt? . nia.le the t x iitso light and suved , legs were swop; aw ay and othei pruj.1- bo'Aua, Ac, wtieuyti'ouud ux '60 of 40 much uuouey to tljo o4. t-ity (jivHtly vUuitiijeJ. yur Is of a public roatl. ns there is no pub ic road within it mile of the place, but were loiind in tt'l or 40 vards of an oitl road which has been ' shut tip for sometime, and about 1'KI) yard.t ttolii the. o.d plan!; mail winch H used. The bones wckj not found so mar where the old nnin was last seen as Mr. Henley's Idler miht It ad people to bin it ve : the. dislanen beitt oer one foul tii of a mile. As lo Vincent's wife saying ihut she had , passed over lite very spot where he ; was foun L that is too thin to bear u bead, us all parlies who were in the search, and ol hei s w ho wert! not. say I hat she was not theru and seemed to take no imeiest in the search. Sly trien.l Henley aMis. call U't.V ! I...... I...!. .. .. It...f Mint ,:..,,. ma, a ...t. a.s j Known to lie iinssiny eon lit lay on i tie t op ot I lie ,'1 otiinl flint Uo eaten i up bv dot's and ds. and Hot : In hscovered bv tiny one . In an ,'stver to which, 1 say. Yes! I believe il ; foi 1 have been al the place where i he hij, and there I found thn neces , suiy evidence to convince, me of tile : fact, vi: the boni s, remnants of his cioihiii''. tiiiss. buzzard fcul hers, iVe., : all scattert i) about as i ' common wliet e u ho', . ; has been cateo up bv doo and bus .ai ds. The leal her off ol the cross ,,- suspenders was I here jmrl iy buried in the diil. iusl as if he had lav there on his back dm in; dccoiu- position. 1 liave been Itn.i oy rejni- bie persons that two or t hreo mini ! about, the tune, the limits were found ! ismelleil of the grou ml at t he spot . .-aying they could discover the sceul of the decayed body and contents of ( the J was some weeks uf let the liiuling of the hut, skull and ichor bom s, when 1 went lo the piaee my self, and. by stilling aioun'd a little with my cane. I found within ten steps o ihe spot, one leg bone called by anatomists tiisu and known as the shin bone. 1 also loiiinl the left .vri i.i-.n and known :,s tint shoulder b'ade ihe long bones, mo far as found, have the appt hi aiiec of being eat oil' by dogs, al the ends. I h ive no doubt bat llie most of his bones ate scattered around about there covered up with leaves, which vvoulil go to piovo they were tneie l...f . I. .. f.. 1 1 . .f I . I "... . i . .i ...... ..... o. ne .eaves ,as, ' I o- j rv It is inn easonnlile lo suppose I hut : if iiad been foul play, tin I that he ditl not tlie there, that" ihe holies, but tons, remnants of cloihiug. Vc. would have been eai riotl tliere mni seatM-rtal at ramloni. As search was not ma. h al piace. lieihaps he j was not d. u.1 at I no time us he nnghi have laid .here several day before ! dying. Ami as every body bei.evod thai he was no. dead, but had ottiv l gone oil. which he had spoke,. : doing ,. account ol hat d am : L," l""''' ll'"""'' with Ins, I ; .sasitm-ten, easou aim excuse to; lite seoiuiiig nog.igeliee ami tioli diseovfty of his remains. 1 doii'i wish .he ci., ml v rim to any expense about so plain a case, but if ! Mr. Henley, or any one else, vv id j make, the lince.isiirv affidav it uinl have the case invest igiled. 1 will vouch j for the assistance of all good citizens I lit this iiiighboiiniod in living in tenet out tint muitlei', ii the'e has been any. D. H Ai nuniUT. State Wows. Henderson (i..d Leaf: As mi . viih lice of h !-. !'i-id ( state is b.,om ing ill lit lidersoii vve will stale thai a le v years sin, e a genii, u,.!,, nought ' a liotiso and lot hoi for vvi .oli i,e paid .:.) .",!M !'l.:-i ...oek he refused Jn.lOli for the .-a ue piopeilv. iSiblical litvonh r: "The music in the l'irs! Dajtiisi ( huich, Co.,imois. (ia., is mtproiotl by I ho adiii. ;ou ia ceiillv oft.voi.i Uiiee vi iliiis u.i.l a ibite. hat next ? This is 1N ing the Mifiti" in-ii the oiiiirch vvim a vt iigeance. tot' m xl .' Why. a menagerie utid an eduiated mule, of ttiiltlse. Hickory Press: OuT'oirsdav las'. (il( jjt ll-imocr ot ouii'jrat.ts. tuosi v (inn, r Crook oi-liict t,f Caldwell e-.tli ty. came to ILekoi'v ami too:, p,ist ;e on ti.e w "stern bound train' f the W. X. ('. Uailroad f..r Id.dio I ihev consisted t f young na n an, I men of fae.i'ie , st -ve ,1 lad'es an, I ehildieit being otthe ;-:rly abo I lin ly in all. We trust I hey may bt siiiaiosstul in tiioio ell utsto belle: 1 1 n-i r condition in i.,e far W. s. Meantime should some of t iiem y t ars J hence drift b o k to li ei:- ,.!d Ii,i.,,:s, t :ev limy ti:.d tht ir pin es Idled b immieiaiits fioi.i l'l'iois'. Ivania oi some other Xorlli. in ' it v. Ciiarh)i! Observer: We learn 1 I I'll Mws M'lgeie Cuue. ti uighler of a I'ospecta'o'.o lUtteii of Cuba i i.s cot lie ty . I as become insane, an.) e.Voi Is al being in too to scene httr i.tlmi. la ic i to an itsyl iiu for trealmeitt l',o ca.-;e is a nul one. Mr. '. u.(i oni.u a I vicinuti buil. which has ihe 1:1" lit ol a past lire, und ti ft w .latssinct the vaiiiig Inly was g .ing th,.. uh thi, i pasture, w theiillli gave herd, as. and l ilt! her Uol i-s t he lieid. Tin- ' animal cume. very ovri taking he: . and such was the shock lo lo r n i v s expel ioi cod by bight over tl e occur i rence. tl itt lur moid gave v;iv. (Solilsboiii M' ssi nger: Tip c'.iaii".' of galjge on ti.e Atlal'lie V X C U.i i .a. I was completed on Thursihiy 1 last, and Ihe gauge of ll.o entire hue. j,,, , ( I now that of tin M'.n head ! it v. I sl :l d U.I left lltlv adopteil fur ail of the wide tui.e unbends throughout Ihe ci Is". I ke good or.h I in which the change vas t lleilutl it ileols crothi upon the nianageilieiit of the road The Milne wotk was completed in six .!...-. a'"! without an accident of anv l.iui! wi at Winston Itepublieaii : Coloy Dal- (on. an industrious colored liian, met Willi a horrible death in this city Tuesday afternoon. He was flora ;cd Jl) blasting at a will on Mr. Ntals propertv on t.lui ry fit rei t. J! some means, the blast exploited before "Icy could be tlrawn bom tl o well and when rescued was fi nj hi fully inaiiled. His riht hinid. h It lej, a portion of his head writ- blown oil', Ids ces knorketl out, hi.s bi.dv lid tiled Willi trauienls ol stouo. .lied 11 short time tiller the accident being convened home. wliih Newton Hnlernrise: Mr. David Iditiisaur one of the old.-.-t fiii iin rs in Ijincolii coitntv said last .i in -.Lit- hllM he w heat prospect this n o .r was ' 1 t lie tillt'Kt lit had Ccr Sl'tll. -On . jtj, jls ).ivid Wbitlenbei r. col oretl, of Whilttuibeiiitir township. Alexander county, killed his r-.istoi s i vt ar old child He lived on the land of his young master, l M Whilteiibcrer: had been in a South Carolina penitentiary unlii about throe months aifo lb ot un-'rv '.vitli the chiltl. picked il up and t hrew il into Ihe house, iniui iii" il in i .n usuai aml;iv as liown Iv inoitein e.taiu tot ji or cow i i,,,,!,,,,,. fwist Ftidav wet k ten; Sp tnish null dollars were font: f -n i ietl Ik ar a ilitt.h on Mr. Sidney Titomp 1 sou: laud tui upper I i.'retk. I He mi. I a young liian liaiued 1'on h weie resetting a fence, as wn tire iu- i mod, in r a .liteh bank, wliei.apatt ,,f -, . ).., , . ,.,., j , reveaiing to them eight snver piled on top if each other, about six inches lit Ihe lop of th' stmc distant ground ne I tin from the brink of the i ditch. Ituleiidi News , iinl Observer: Ait i.isant: coloretl niau limit d l llie v- ui;:tt hi. who was .n t in jail ut Fav- eltevillo. iiitackt'd jailer Clark this I : :i .. . .1 ..i. . i : . ' mottling and Mr. ('lark lu:d to shorn liiin to sain his ow n life, lirewitie. ton was not much hurt, but Mr. Clark was badly cut aliou! the head. In the olliee of tlieYaib ro vcstoid iy attt III. toll silt .Itldge (jbllilcT. 1)011. J. din M Mtiiiiiiig anil (Sen. li. I. I 'luistoii. All Welti inl' lil upon sotiiol hing. which shone in their hands. They weie oblivious of lln li siirrouiidlli'is ami weie intent on I he s,ll( j,,,, ,' Mliu(. . .rlllul m,te,v r, f ., ..... , '. - It was found to bo a nuzzle kev rim,', i IJv utid bv there was a jolly I tieJ . : Ali. Mantling had sol veil th ptl.le. i AH bolighl rings The bond oi j n,;i icull ure ill' t Wednesday and ile 'v..l...l tl.. t. , ..... ,,ttl,.. ,. .I,,- u.,;f! ... t m I...- ;., M( f . u;ltiAlllAiUt f . , i(M.ilt, , vxlil h rt m;l,,); 1(V (l ,.,, ,. .,;, . , ; Tlllll s,lilV the b. aid was in executive session iiu the lea! t el', with (.,lis(!il (loi)1.s ,hw.UH.,lllI1 u;t, prolongeil and was .elite anintate., J."jlll4y a , os, ilut ioll establish"'' 111. school hero was adopted by ti vote ot 7 to ". - Xetvs has bt tui rect ived heie of a homicide lit Durham county in Oak Grove township, near th Wake line. A voting fanner nauie l Sm roil employed a young negro man . on his fi.rm. "Yestertliiy he slapped; the colored boy. The lutt-r mid his father, a burly negro man. who muilc t'to threats Ihe latter left houie nisi night and slaved ill the house ol a lieieiibot. Farlv this iimi .ling he left, and on his way to i.trm pas., ed the house ol i ite nog to boy's fa. her. I lie latter ran ill into ill" road und : iiltackod Mr. .t.-rrell in a most savage manner. Mr Sot roll .In w il revolver1 and wai n, d him not I" le i., ante In t itta. lt. 1 no negro roi'e.v ed I be altie It and was thereupon sle.t d- id. Mr. Sorii 11 wint to Dut li.'.nt and suneii dett d himself to t I.e s t fit i" Tlit'Stale I ltd us! rial School. ft-.. m titi- li'il"Uli Ni'W.s mi'l o 'rrinr. The people of the 'Halt, arc very hcai til.v lo be congtat iiiatt d on the detorminalioi; of the b.i.ittl of agri fit urc. to iini't! ix begin.iiog in the way of an industrial scbo.... The Wisdom of the lo-liou v, ill ' proven yei V soon iiflef the school g. is into jnaclicai op".u!i in. i'tie i want of the youth of Xoilh Caio.iua is ex actly what caimol be oh it I H id I p: t-scn! coiidii ions tun u.i.' an i isti iudon of tite sort. Tins is generally admilted, ami utb ie oj te: 1 1 had thei efoi e reached a most tiie point of demanding' the cs'ab.islniieu' of lite school. The hoaid vvi:i be fu Iy siisiaine.l bt yond a i!o, tbt. Wo speak of I iii' matter of the t ab i-luneiit ' of the school as u tixed i.i.-l necailse ihi'ie is no d.i'.ibi thai tin t i.idi.ioiis winch minim to ht com 1 1 ted with ' in be easl V inel. Tin' !ioo will be located here before loo . and its e,ad tlle'-ts vvi.l spcediiy appear, ll VVl'i be (ho gt! in of l sV li in ihut wi be dined to u.i seciiou of the S ate, olio, itf vent ui e to ay , liia will .ow villi a. lo:l..hlitg lupidity. 1 i demanded bv the limes, ami ll pub mu d is pre pie ed to fostoi ,n,l enco.ti tge tl . Il Wi!; llllll, iht step foi Will tl the S ale ha., y , I .a!."H. Jlioloiis Mriltcis. Ix VNSVS Cllf. Mo . A I '111 Jil An Atchison, Kansas, special says: 'The sinkers yesterday nlUieoon toi-s loiiible posses -ion ol thi' Missouri 1'acilic yalils in to. tlrivii.g mil i.ll .,1 li e men who bail gone ! t ...jk .-now tlie sinke began, six vvotks .g... !':, silt!. lis oi.:a..!f 1 in the yald and i.iiirched to tlu sh-pt. vvi.e.i i.e wot k-ii- wtiilotit wilti tail litiit. jn'iiltst. bli od sheil being thus avoided Tl.e Cut's in the shops weie rxli. gnislit ii and guilds appointed to pit .out any of t ho new men from re! '.lining to woi U." Out of 1H7 coiildies in (leorgia. prohibition operiiles. in o:ie way or aiiol l ei , in ov et 1 1 o roini it-, Wash ington coiiniy, (ne of Ih'laiisi in ll:e Slate, has v d the d y ticket by a inajoi ii y of '1 12. We walk in 1 1. e n. id -t of secrets, we are uneoinpiissed wi ll mystet ies, but il is an open serrel that there is no remedy in tl.e world so woi.derl'ul us Dr I'.uH a I'otih Syrii) forcouh and eold.i. j recoiimiemi but nit-.-.' Wo I'll, io I S iill t I live o Hair lialsitlil writes Mi Iibiil. - C. A I'tiiger, th iigisl, of . V. -After Hint il on ils record " ll slops fulling Imii. lostoi.s oiigiunl color, Hofl ness and gloss. Ivu'ept ioiially eh ail, prevents dandruff. Helliellibel t'ljtt I ( ii:i:t ssiioi.ii . N I ' , if y.ui lo patronize, and lift " -ii Mais e W. S.oTtA Co. i lint house for Ample faciliiu-s Xocliciice t;ltes lie tit -uperior .i,.o.;.ir T 11 U XVa AHU I1 S . lit iH.rte.i r.ii thi. to' W V ATT A T V Yhllli, it lit I' .v - M i i s-1 1 1 s t.l:it wis. N... I.' s,.,iil. i.:.. M.triln st.. '.iti.i.i..n, n. c.. (.lii 'j;, ihi.. 1 1 To.N m viihi:r: II.H..I Vll.t.Jlllll!, Ml I'l'IM,'. S:ri. I I... it 1IMiI.i', Sllttlli.. XI " " '"'! fi.. ...til , , vviloi.i oiioei.!:', vt viiki T. c l:s, i. s. llHllll-, I i-.iir. S. i'. "fal. whin- Hants. V 0 . ' Mll,'(ll . iiiivl, I'J Ih'h'i'v!""'' !.. ol .if..l, I'.'iii.. i ll 1 it-ii- N. ei,.. i ui.n syrii.ts, I ri-'l.t, situur - lirt-l.t V.-1I..W, . aii- r..r 1.II --I- ..ts New Ailwrliseiueiits. A DMINl vv .,,1U. . ri'A ni: sNoiicr. -- nit HI.- i a U.. .'tan.. 1. 1 .ti-iii.. r "f .. a. .',,.f.t. 1 ii.-. .-- I...U1V .in .i I-- li.lll.s i. uli-' -at I .-.!. Ill l..i'- ll. II',-.. II ..1 1..-1..II- ll.-1 . tl li lt "I .1. v VtllVl M K. vini X !l I ".. ls:t; 4 DM1: isn; atok's Noi ici: .,i.,i'.l. I a- U.i- a nun-'.-.'.--e. . li. .:. -. ... I. II.. : i.-'UU all .. .us I,.. I hut: . lailn n- iln'i s.i I I ! I. ii' !': I. lt.i' Ci' ;en.' I" 111.' "li r ''' " ''i'' "u '' lv Ma ii. ish; I. v. won vi It. .Viaii n, n-t'.. K DMINiSTI!VTOi;'SN')'iTCI'..- . . ; il I II a .i il,.' ii'li,,lt,isU'.-i!..r Ittiv ll.a. I. r i-.-l. I i.- f - I v I I, ....i.u' latins iltf -'!.' "I - ' .I.-.-.-.I. 111 I. .-M, 11,11 In.- -a I" I " "I' I"''" u,r it ant ..i . i-ril. I :. l v woM vt K . is;. JOTICI TO lildMTolJS Ml 'HIT if I., r.-l.. i'l t ', VV. r -list as t VK.'ll' ! I VI. .1111 I... ,1. .. .-.I. lias II .-I Ills .. iiii- t.-r Ui.' s. : l.-ai.'iu ! I l-s-'.l,., .Hi t III.' ,iiih- will i . i.'i'll el . i;i.-.-, in U,.' teti i - I'iiii".i..'. Ui.. I-' a.-:t ! V.'.' . i-s... sln l. al eeiB.t.s ii...ini; i-aiiu- n.-aii-i. ..i i...' in. s.n.l ,'-iai,- tt ill I . I'.-iti 1 ,V,i ii : . rot sin:i . c. s Tjjp I LL FOI! Sf.K. -I.Y V: li ' I I 4 - 'V'T:'.'''1" .' l a. ! '..-.i i. a n .Inliiu' U,. : .-li,. 'iinl. - ".I" ai 1, I ui.N .'l. I. tl.'l i .I., in U met ! ..I i i- r.-,llv an I l's .in it hi I, is . i tin. I . I-.-l liuii: ... . i - la- a ii, ii r.i--in !i r it i i. a. . ' '0 s 1" r w. ii i iiii.i.;is. A.l ll s. ll-Mt. cr'.iiiT i i. r i .II.- ."l"ii l" I Ii. Il- '.at .. . I i i ti,.. r.Ui .lay ..! M;.t. I-l-iii.l in -ai l a on- -i.e-: n. ttiil:,e,is I.,.,.,. ..i V..-1... s, u .- u ,ii' I - In I.V.'.t ,"ti I 1 ne .-in.. I I. :i. i a in . t.iaiiiiu' i-t I. I1, is.- K V. I ..I is-. . ,.i i r. ;. I11MJ 1--.' . I I'. ll I'. .,11. tl' It. a, i, it 1--1 i ,.: I..I..I in II ,11.'. i" : I ai..! -1 . rr. vv. !.i:i:vv i i.. A fill .'. Is I . I Vt V V ! W VI lit i , t VN W. J WYATT &CU., Dt IHIVM x e. ittaots AND DLVLi'.itS IX Heavy and Fancy Wee a: .1 F : ll ieli Is tl I ', eompli ti' no ol ( ii oi .11 kii.l .ll nl, e.' . e I st nil's oi si. .,. t th. in 1 ' 1 1 . 1 1 ham ill al sill lOlllllilll cel. lite s V. nave it'.l ll Ml FAI L N MI WOOD. .1 Char am. wh" v,d l..-;,l:i.i to have all ol Ins 'ri.-nd. to t.tll jit.d see liii.t w !n i' in I ill I. Oil. Via v I. -oi . Ife l',. V -i WYATT CO V.rllVf I'M. .i'n-. PACKER'S f--'iAJ Svfs?1' VJu-...t. , ,....l. l' KnVJi,1' "; '," " "n "'!' "t'"!" ""' Xlit. I'i'sl Ail.l.l.i- Ih 1 1 i.-e iMlKht'lirt I ; .nl .....1 .- H..M h- nil lirnie- 'll-.-.-iit -I, ,'e-.., Mi,.--'.' ' .n.a ih-iI . "-! ' ' i.'io, f: .1, . t, ui ., M..iw. .ill..i.-.,,V,'. lima, ltlii'ii fin l.ivr.r, -"'ii. M,,t,.i'li,,i lit,!-. iil.!... Muk.-Hthu fr--l r ....l.ii .SI.-. ll"i.'t-i.-.,i tit .-ui-c. w It. .. ,-rvtlUrirf fix. Itnia. fcvlU ly I t Juta ill t-f. lilotv 0, 1. v., V WK AifM NOW IJISI'I..; IMr Tlie Largest, Ilmtiisoitu'sl nnd Clicsipcsf Stuck ol'SpHiBg; iuu SimiiiieE Coods ever upeuvd ! TIiom floods have been bought at t'ASti, Mid will he s .id in tlie same i . given extra in.lueeincnts , , , l.omtoiis stocU ol l)i;i-,.S". i()()I)S i ever saw from li cents per yard up. istviish. J-oiidon's st i ii I; oi M CHMV ami LAWN'S (tioth vt-hit" md tioureli tran iiol be Mtrpitsseil iiy iinv ii.srivet in the Stale, t-ithei in f.yle.s :. Lontlon's st . ..-k of i ,. I if KS. MISKS" C!i I l.i d'f'.N's ll ATS. IT I 'S, FI-OWF.KS. Ol:A.'li;.M,i uml otlu r MIlddNlliiV 1 1! )t .'i l.S cannoi bo bent. I.oiidi.u'.s si nek of N 1 1 NS and FANCY COIlliSj 1st iug of evt ry- . thing anv built las. is vt i y large and cheap. lie i-- oli'lllg soi,:e etl:l bii 'a t it - in (l is ' i i.t l .'.don's sf c', of i:!;UVMAIl': CLOTMiN' ! i- th. j INKS I'. f.AIt'l I.S'l' v ''II i'.A i'l's'i' he ha.- t vol had. He can lit anv one I'; out a 7 yitr old .;. I . a it. mi wei . - lii !t.' J.")ll lb. 1 L.tdc keeps th I.AIiO'-.ST STOCK O!' SHOES IN TWIJ COl'N'I'Y AND Wild, NO1 Mil I'NDKIi.SOI.U l.Y A "Mv Loudon keeps unyl hi'ig on can want or wish b.r I NO TKOt'HItF, i'O SHOW OOuDs AT L'lN!) INS if voil wislt to b l. anv tiling in any o i can I i for 1-hs hi y .at W. JL. LWLiVtrx, I "ill. shorn'. N. C . April J'.l. lHMi Karris & Fiippen, QRElJlvSBORO li. C, I l M.t.liS IN IIAIiDWAIiC. Ci' I LldCt. CA i; ol A' 1 1'. (SO d is, (ii;ici i;ru:i. imi-lfmlnts. ( ivl'., tt . Vgeltts for Hi li, not. il Cooking Siovos A COUIpll I e 111" of 'ilNs. I'l.-'i'ol.R. Vc . Witolt sale and l."lad W M rite t"f t alaloem.. .V.rll l... Jtiih. Extracts of Vanilla and Um. Among the many articles in daily 1st-, which ate iiiii'io to be ilijuiioiis .ecu 1 1st- i .f a. 'mil el at i- Ui. Ii.av be class d Fi .VVoIUNi. I '.X .li tits ihe l'.X(ll, f a: i li ht'it- olV, ltd is made liom u.e Mexican Vanilla I ' -. cold 'tins o T. n. a I'n an. t.iitl is free from the unit I isle :i i nl odor so common in heap . shads Tl ot ot l.o'iioii is a pure. lltnl f.e-h j l' 'I' ll al lot.. iii d. i',t i s and ol hers oie'ei'tiab d (lldeis l'. solicitt l! Win a, sale and Lentil 1 1 llg; ! vvr.i ti v n i l1. N C. li.fil l'., I.s. ..f c:..iUi ti.-, c - b'EX'IV, VOl'TIIS", BOYS' Al CiliLBREiiS CLOTHING, w nwm m yy pij n i to TIUIXKS V LiSKS, LMHili:LL AS, Mb.-is. ;iildi:i:x's lvd:' AND lil'ATS FINF. sHoF.S spK' I A LTV. WiHEX BALBICH I C, CALL AT FOU iilil)VA!!! Cut lrrv, (inns, OH' f:"'- f "la? p:i?i'fj HI ;." II ii), Cement AND 1 .000 OTHLR ARTICLES. nuts: .1 IV F. -' St. V U I'LL LSI '. DCM.iNO FAT i: NTS Caveal Tri.-b Mi' M!.. !tH ' t,. I op.wvi k. Sot I1VI...I: tlx. I .fill,. -J I . ..! ! ... l lllls i- .ii 11 it ' ,. ll Is III ti.ili . t sott .V. . o . IdlfUi I lU'.e. XVMbllllJ uv.,. " THK Vl'.ltV l.OWF.ST !":i; i;S I'Dlf way. UV CAS') Ci :iT( .M i.hS wili is very huge iui.1 elicit;. er than you They consist of vt i v'Li'.g new ulel iii;ic. srsiaQ. ms8. M-;V (iS:()i;S! ( t. t,n i;oli , -T i '1 lc.TTl'T"1 iliij l'WiLi). i liilJJiO J tJ Wt I a k. Oill I' ieli I Sl'lHNO Will be ol'e Wit!, tl, We bate D!IV (!(.'. pi. a i.lioiu.eing to Is. iliat t ill' ;.i: (i ds in sy input by ol I a i in It tt line of ( i i o N s. v .Mil CIS. (til. ( LOTH, 1 SooTS .i iii n:s. 11 A . . AND (A I H (Jl I'd'.N.SWAI-i'., lil.'.sSW ALL. (i!:c-- i-.iiil'.s. c, I ev i-r iicfos t -I'n ed. ijrttlios' 0!cit!:s ir.ul Dry Gooda .jt--(.i:'Jty. We solicit an i xam'- ation of our Goods in i. re buy ng. Tliunks I f pa. si i. ui',. . Tii- Hi", host Cash I'rii es paiil f--r I '..lion ami oil. i r I ro.hice. YolilS lit sped iul.y. K. il V.i I.F.W V (0. Sn i t:. N. C . Apiil r.!. 1SS(S vv. t. ia. tt'iivv i :a . w 1 1 rv. fa: hlt'l'., 1. 1. i - GO nv - Dl'LHAM. X. C Har ;o, cutlery, .-si , 1 CROCKERY and STAVES. S11EKT 1II0.N AND Tobacco Tlues A Si l t IAI.1Y. AO F NTS FOI! LXGLLGiCn NEW UE COUK S."0V3. t, plete. I nil,,; . -t ,e .1 II i 1,1 III el, ol II,. ..I and most com ie .'.a.-.s t at u .lalilot tl.e low Lkn IK Adams, Wliisaie itiiil Hill Grocer, Cotton Pactcr mmm 'mmi 11 1 1 11 t (ii ) - i S. CLOTHIXO, DLY 11 vis. si. i:s. and of.nli. vl ml !k tlvn dis1', coi;n. m; al. SH1NOLI S VXD LA I lis O! OFU o N MAN ( i'.Vt i I'LL ALW AS MILL. IN STOCK AT OFU ALs- AT ni o;:l. THF. FF.ST lli:i:T SillNOLF.S. W . , ootih. ht ad (tui.' for I'rsl c'iih Apiii 15, lfsb-j.