jfiic (ilmatham jHt-ratf THIMJSD.VY. Jl'I.Y I, 1SS'!. LOCAL iX3MOZ&. Newton Mnterpriso: Three lwvn I went gigging for lish in John's liiver. Oxford nnl In gigging lit a fish one tuinhled over ity Next Sunday is tin1 'gloiious Fourth". tSF Mr. William S. IV ty lias re figned his office oi nnigisl i ale in tliis township, and Mr. W. O. 1'nriell lias beeu appointed us liis successor. giess, as it in near (ho close of tho. State HOWS session. llr. Charles G. Mi-Donald is Inn Wiirreiiton Ga.i-tt at 'ending tin' (etchers' ins itu'e. in Oxford township, on Thursday the; howil, tho Heeonil jumped iu after die itilcrcsis of the wi. II known pule l"i li insl, voted almost unanimously ; him and in jumping upsittho lioat lisliiiig house of Alfred W illiams - a donation of sity thousand dollars, i throwing the third into (he stream. to the Uloi-il A; llalKSviile raili'iaul , All three wore saved with diflieu t v. company. This is a progressive, en-1 Mr. V. K Keif of this place, has! tei pi ising iiihI initial people. lucyilicen ottered one li'.lli.lieil thousand IK& Juno was marriages ia Go., of Ituleigh. Mrs. II. f. Wilii. mis uinl family, of Kaleigh. are visiting her pal cuts, Air. and Mrs. K. (. ( -t; leu. Mrs. J. S. tthciton ami family, of Winston, are visiting iur parents. Hew and Mrs. M lisi'dwiu. We are requested to .slu-t' that 1. H. liiinn. Ksii.. of Nash count v. will had luuiti'u lor ho h; e 110.1 Moudav. and wiil he THE nAKKETB, llciHiruvl tor Thk Kwuu liy WYATT & TAYI.OH, tiltOlKKS COMMISSION Ml.l:i HANTS. N.i. l.Smilli hMii Mm Hi. si.. ULKInu. N. C. Inn.' ia. IhXfi. COTTON MA11KKT: this i-otintv. only lour pli 1 10 meet Ins many friends 111 njariiage licenses having n. c-t i..s'ir-l. one to whites and three to Inaeks. I'h'ti liam. Ol It li'.' I. It. 'A I). ! Ill fcifliitst 111011II1 was the wettest June almost ever known in this sec tion. Inched we dou'ot if ever In. I'm e there were so many laiuy days in any Juue. Hair Headquarters for Shirts! liy niim it Headen have just received 11 UPW line of Shirts The lie.-: .VI cts. Hhiit ever shown heie. 'liny sed their (lioceiies as ciii.m' as am om.. HtfW'v. tali." pleasure 111 calling attention to theiidveitiseiucii. of our enterprising townsman, Mr. N . II. Leonard, who we hope wi.l receive the pttlronage that lie so much de-erven. railing if I lie Pittsboto' laiuoad is going 011 tapidly uinl wiil l' finished ly the la -1 of iioaI mi in 1 li . Tho sijuad of convicts at tile Upper shickadc. Ilea: ..ir. Leach's, after finishing the cmbank- Iiiciii at I 111 ucv ei ecU, went onei; lo Air. Joh-i Harmon soilihwaid III the other squad, which is wo: king wards llsis place. The ill.-iaiict ; w een ih" t wo sounds is a ill I In 1 .low ll.nl .....I.-,, l.mm.v M1.I In, ,1.1 ',1,,11,,1-j l',. I.ij ,.(...t ., ,. 1 ' "'"HI Ml.ldlll.lf. up their t'wvti they must spend mini. 1 engine, a desci iption of which we 1 jj'l1)l'"w M1'1Jlilt ey lih ! ally. They leach some others published a few weeks ago. Tho in-1 ' ;i le iioii that mihi Liu learned with vent ion. however, is. worth and will wiioi.ksalk on -lit. ; bring Mr. Soli iuoio tliau tho amount i i,lw. I., noir Topic: J. 1?. Masters, one j0""101' ,or il' .. i .1 i:i t M .: 01 u;e neiv ,111111. en coiiiiiussi, mei s, . r, ,,.,,,, 1.',, ,,',. ,,r , M f t l-ml- imi has a r,sh pond and has sold 17 W" " 1 " " , ' , , .''T.'i'v ' jftaines, ot iJacUson lowiislui., met1 iy, worth of oarp ihiiiiig t he season. , ., : j, . 1 1 1 . I m-iii-jh - I, .. ? ,, ,. ... 1 with a serious ai'Clik-lit one il.iv lust! nw it..,. i:hn, ..... ...r...y 1 w( reil les'Lir li-h luis weei; weigi liollliw, l iianiH. n. e , I ' Hiijj.ir-.'m-i II, MT.HY MAIiKKT. '. C.fT.','. U in. imm m sale. I AH persons wanting lumber will do I well to apply to me, :l miles southwest j !of I'lilbon..'. I will sell cheap for leash or barter. Ail orders ti'led tpromptv. J. 1). WOAII5IJS. I j -May 2(1, lsstl. ! F AT E NTH , : Caveats, Trad". Marks A ( "njiyw rights. S. l'lit 1886. SPRING. II HEW GOODS ! AT .1, 1.' ! , . 1.1 I . H..111', N. ., .1 J'.'iil. whin., 14 C rli, .'ii"i- i.iihii--m in Hi.- r I.. I.T M.i. HA I K 1.1 IS. u-iii' Hi., r. s. i.-.u 1,1 iifti.i iff- ut It- tini.' IIihii II101 a. 1.1... 'MM'IIAI DaarTho i-istitulo jmblic sell'., is being he: the leetuie 8 tlte univ three teac.h for the white teachels of this county me tills week, ,'iiliotig . I'l .f. lb-Ill V, of the : ,-. Th' i e ai e thirty 1 1 at ti lida.ici'. IttjT Received this week al Lon don's 11 lot of one and 1 .vo ipl.u l i''i 1.1: Jain: also, ustia Ibibbeis for J'ruit Jars; a splendid I"! ! it.-d S.i;n Leather; anotuer lot ot tho.;e good Jlowing Uiades, iti.d many utiiei goods which will he .-old a' bottom prices foi' cash. SU? Kveiy voter in Chatham. night to lead the l'r. vi:.. duiing the com lug campaign, and le-cp posted up ui the polilicai is.-ues. Let ewry iic:u oerat try to extend the ciiviilnttoti .'f the paper Iha', lot e.gh1 ;. :.i . ha s ol tin' ie:ilociatlc fought the batt pui I y in Chatham. n)r'(i. Wiil Ainil';.''.'! has r iv. the best and most I'niup.ete Stock ol Ciothing in the city of r eiii.e o Itllil ill pi ices lo .er than cvrf is i'ihi It will pay ail who n, -si C.i;hni,; .0 c him before I. living. Also -i lull lino of Shoes mid Dry iioods 11: Wliolesaie and ilciaii JW' The ex tin baif;:oii ; this week at London's will be 11: lalilsui-. I' loiv ci'h. l'araso, ail fans: a .i, count from 2.1 to (' per rent, wiii bcanow ! for cash on the.-e goods. I'lu oiler holds unil the Sth of .liny ii will certainly pay you to look -it Inc., Imigains London is otieriu every week. Rkvkm'K IJmii Tin- lev. ntie olli cers niade anoliier i:i: l in th.s co.ini y last wei k and destioyed three lilici Blills If this sort of business con tinues Chatham will have the uricii viitbie repu.all hi of b ;ug the great- est "biockadin,;" coiiniy 'u theSt ue. ntld it theielole b. hooves all good citizens who hav. : s y 1 niii'y p: ide to try to put a stop to this conl Mined Violation of ., n vciuh lav..-. One of tho cipluied sii'.ls was in lladiey towi;shi. al.nlhei in .o S, el Station. Bud the t, ilid about lo.11 mitt ri south west ot liai pel's X K'l.i is. 1 he la-l in said to have l.i i 11 lui.ilil omy a few days belou. by the notolloiis lime i'a ioi , who was net hliy le leased fioin the pi-uiteniiaiy, w hie. lie hud b.-eii impi i.-oued for live years' for killing a man liameit .Vaweli. two miles and ; be woik is light, so i tiiat liie two squads wnl inn t in i about three weeks, and then a l ihe convicts wiil go to work mi the iasi liiiie, between liei e and T11. ki creek. This will lake about tin-' we-i.s longer, and then, probably by the mid. lie of Auii-.i. the entire road will be graded. Docs'lil it seem almost too .'jj.l to be true.' I he tiaek is now laid to (turn Spring, a dis!a'.,ee of foar iniic.-, aiul til.' W ilk of tiark:ayiilg wi:i be push ed 011 as rapidly as liiecn.ss lies can be furiiishe.l. And just bile we wo lid leiiliud the si ockiio'dei s of the coin), a. iv ol tin? n ce ; ity of their j.aving ilieir sub.-. -i ip! ions. '.hi iasi i'ie i -IV I h'' directors oi th" cie,. panv nel i a nicei mg uinl ilislruclid Itie'lleasillel lo col. eel by the i si ,.f Aiigiii a l I hill h:ld bei II s.ib.M'i I, and. if any was unpaid by ihe l.iih ol AilgUsl. 10 ei.foice its coiii i ttoll bv process of ia.v. The iiinney is ! to b'l,. cioss lie., wi'li. and ll is hoped iverv. stockhoidi-r will n ..iii.tiv pav all that he ha.-, subsci i ( .'olM V CoNVh -i I I. iN. 1 ll f.... i 11; u. vv;.. ...1 1 ..i:...i. i tweive pounds -Last 1 rlday even-, e,, ft ,1(,0 f(i. U4j ,,,.,,,. of , j,,,, j 1.1-. belw-een dark .....liut.e o clock, lit Whi,; WL J,, m ,he tree, a! he .,,: three ,,noners conhned ii,.liu, 0 , who' ,KH.n wmf ; ( aldwell e .mil vja.l made the.r escape ) t , (1m! ,,.ttlrtl(.( bv sawing mi; ail iron liar, squei zing , . , . , , , , , , . ; 11 .1. , 1 1.. :.. 1 1. . " " " 1 " 1 ' 11 : au.l is g. auuig , I . l"": piled around tho tree. The blae ran liuaiim. of the wmdow and chiubn.g down an im- th(, (r(.(, S1.lll,.lj(,(, Ml, Stlirm.J to- pioviseu ilM.iei 01 oiaim.as ueu 10., ., , , ., ,....1 ... ! : scend tl rough it. but was unable lnj There ,,, Hl,t Hlll j,,,, j0 lotiun to the tojr llrl.-lit V. IU.w, KV.i.H'. oiaiml'iii!!, 7(1 ,1'i-im, 1 5nf:i mi .mi l uii-NVw Macki-n-1. ..hi nr i.m lit, K.im iliuilpr, t;..,'jii r.,lK. l;..iil C rlil' k.'iis vn.M ' I'.-ik, S'.r.ii Olltllll,.,, Hli.l Mil fin ein.v hi,.-ii..' our , ni.-r- i .-HI, .tl.'llil, ';.l 111..U' rn.iii w 1111 s. n.i M..1.1 1. imim' !:,.! I'lllill.lllly ri-.-. .., .-Imru... Ill-I IM.I.SS Wl:ollTAIN I'A IKN'I' ri-iin hi r.' i.. ii... r..i,i,,i slniiHy Or.lcr I1 1 1'. hi, I I l--l:il:i 1111, III oni -is I-,. I- .-ir.-iilal , ;i l v..... 1,-t mis Hll'1 ri.'i.M'hi-is l m.-!,i;,1 i-l,., . . in .,tn- ,.wu sinle .r iHiiinly. wrlln t.i C. . SNOW I o , 'l-l"wlii r,n. iii i (11 i,, Wimiiiiiuinn, u C. Nov. i;i, if. .mid " p in'!(' pleu aire in mmomicing to ru our friends mid customers, that our Sl'lilNG AND SU.MMKR GOOD.4 .iovised gel In r. Wit'les! 'Ol ll Ii,ti'll;g,'ncrr : llnwllig 1H': liw Ifrnui Til H 76; Mm isl tUm tl M. V 'l'ln-i prliiv. i i' f,,r liiriso I, Us. New Athci list'iuciits. ATTEHTIOK TSX-PAVIRS! PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM 1 1,.- J.".'.!.,r f ix.rll.. I.ir ilrm-litff II,,. hair, K, -l.lTiK coli.r li. n l-'t'.i. n,i,i .-, ii,K llHiitlruir. i l. it-, l, m l,,, ,0, tliv tuur fulin.ir. ni.,t w mi, 0 1., i.lra.. ... i.i,.l)i....,tl t.Kl-t. ut (he 1 I '.-eiil tune, much se-liliess in Wiidesb, ro. ami four eases of h phoid fever me ii.,i ted. A gen tieniali, who chiims that his wife has tiled it repeal, dlv. gives the follow ing reeipe f-.r killing ilies: One table spooiiful of sour buttermilk, the yel low of o'ie egg, one leiispo.uifui of pulverized lilael; peppci. and a tea spoonful (,f sugar, the whole thor ougiil;, iinxed. Till 1 initui(, placed about the r.i;. i:. i. il is tlailii 1 d. wil! d Iroy all the llies in les than .111 Lour. (ireeiisb .10' I'aliiot A little sou f Mr. K V. Wooti rs wis bitten by a large bl.i.-k sin-It r la-t Sutiirduv. I'ivi physicians- are in ntt but at l.isi le. i-.iltit.s the III : i was not out of d Merer. Tiie In. inch of the C. F. A: Y V. It 1$ lo run in to ihe cotton iu,,ii.ii:icliirii:g section ol K ii.doiph county h is been .-uirviy-ed by M :j. Atkinson and i.is corps Tiie load wiil leave the main hue about I - e S.i uiilepissl, ilboiil niidwuy between ' 'leas'a ut (hird. li and Julian. II will be a iitti.' over nine mills long. ol the tree and wait 111. 1:1 the lire had died out, His inoustaclievvassiiigi.il oil' but 110 sei ious dalu ige was done to him Air. K. A. Ariiilield, one ot our nest tanners uinl most jiracti O'iTCK is hereby c,ieii tluit Ihe board ot count v ciuimissionei s of Chiithiiin county will meet at the court-house at J'iitHboro', on the sec ond Monday in .July, for the purpose of revising the t-u lists and valua tions. nl:d will hf.iV al' pi 1 sons object five hold in 1111 1 1 CXeeu 1let110er.l1 ie of tin s i-.ni'i: v ham decided t uitv convention :r tins I p. ace. on M 111, lav th" 2nd day of A. 1,11 t, for lie' p. 11 pose of appoint- r ing de.egU'es to t he iilale. I .ingress i. 111:1; and I, nlicial conventions. I 11. deiuo.-i a! i.- voters of e'.esy tow nship ale I e, j 'I 'Si e. 1 to meet a' tu-ir le spcctive voting places, at .ioclo,k on So isday liie 2lth day of July, an. I e.ect delegiiles to this e, unity e luvi ill loll. I I vi i v p: 1 cil id. or Vol ing p. ace, is unlit led lii have one vote in tin- county convention for 1 very I kciiIv live voles, and fiaction ovi-i lil'. ceil, cast, fur Scaies m iM. Ac coidin;,' to tins ru:e, tin; sevi-i.ii li.u iisi.i j.s uinl precincts in Cha nam Ih :I elect the loiiowiug liuinbi-r of ih'ie.jites. vi: Aim iglil's :t. Mat in ws S. Ui ai t reek l!iehnion, 4, Gu'f " li,;ypi 'I. t)-.goo ;!. Lockulie . i;. kin.i lie I. lolilis .u's Store (i, lo., li s Sli , p 2. l'eai 1 ingiou's Aliil S. Ulgosbee's Stole .". IS.lidwiu's 111, li.idiey's .", Hickory .Mountain 7 and Centre !. a total of '.W deiegales. It w l i be 1 etil-'.ii!" red t h U, w liei e tin 1 e aie two or more precuui.s or voting places in I he same toi, n.-h;p, each picciiict iseiiMl.ei! lo elect i's own ,1c. ega es and c.l:.t its Vote in the county convi ii'i'Ui, jul 11- u u was a supaiate township. 1 tils is dii e:ed III No. 7 of Hie : il.es piescnlicd by the Slate commit ten ( ,.'.i ii.i-.lied in last w eek's Kici.iMi) and is the tail est and best way of cum mg out the wishes ut the people. Jve'ii precinct will Ihcretoie hold its own mewling and elect its own delegates, on the 2 llh of July. lln: I oIii ai. Dl 1 ! ri. rs. The lev el headed editor 01' the Lexington Dis patch, in writ ing about I he late I'ress convent ion. calls at lent ion lo a w ell know n nuisance in the following plain I mowing Ins secuml crop of cloi-er ba the season. His lirst crop was cut about six weeks ago and made Ihirty sevcii good two horse loads. The clover from tluee splatters of an acre was sold for S.'!2.;i(; ami this cutting is eipially as good if not better than the lirst. At this rate the two cei lings would net SM 2u perucre and there is no doubt he will be able to get another cutting and possiblv two I inl.-iiiee. 1 of tUeni, ll he will lake it from the fellow ! land. Raleigh News and Observer : The shops of the Western N. (J. R. Jt., will be moved to Asheville next fall The Scottish laud coin) any has iMiugiit .lU.iiim acres more ot lainl m 1 Haywood county. The Cape Fear Yadkin Valley railroad Is rapidlv being extended In Alt. Airy. There v. iv s.r.ii'dit and verv hill- grading ,ir,! ,"mv 1fw '"' ,' emp owMi in wiii have to li- don- Ihe road will j fuuh' ,,,:"'k h,V','i, rut, lo a poini .'.boul I A miles from 1 ,,,.lltl," 1,1 "" , lll,',Jv'" k u ,.,ii.. ill.. .. il. ...... -1 ,.i.;,.,.i : hi ing pushed vigtirouslv. Ihe rails p., ml lo all the factories. ca! business men. is eugaged todiiv in i ,0 vahialion of their properly to the amount of tax chaimd gainst them. C. U SCO IT, July 1. lKHli. 2ts. Chairman. h)Ht umk! l'ur on ran tine, Anrt the ft itlh kimwii for 'onHinitioiu No otlicr n iiM-Uy h t-in ifnU. tti (lie i itm uf Ki-rofnin, KlK'itiiuiti ut. Asthma, Kl'ltii. I riui,v (unJ Ki iiuilv '.'oUildllU'l-, ninl llh (liMinh l-.x f tln J.i 1 1 if."-. Htoii.jb'U. Itiiwci, Iwmk nmi .crtiM. Il oft . miwi life and hrut ifr. t(l i-tin-t. in niunv rtUM-tt thought by it,yb luitM Ut bv ttu iii al.U-. It vtlf puy uu to kH I'iKMK H TiMir it ll.oro'ij-li ti lnl. Hia by uil lrug. irlitUlu Uiki Uiltlikul $ i.w. 1877. 18S0. HINDER CORNS Tl,.5.if. t. mir,i.l l, l,.'l 1.'.. I ,! ..,,. f.,r lrn. Puill.,,,-. Wall.-, M,.. .l all.,,ls. ,,A,.. lhn.IITi.lli. lr fnr! lli.TKlwh. SI..M,,M ,li,. I,,.,- 1 1 tiiil.lt.. Malt. -M II, feut ..t,,frti.l... lllntlfrttirn- t iu.- . t- rvi.rjthintf loo Iniiih bvM iy l.ritfuui ut iiibui & Cu., ti X. lie siipt. .,f will bo otlered at J'riecH in symputLy wild itie Jjow l'iices ol t'urut l'loilucls. I We have a more complete liue of !dky goods. NOIJONS. UARl'KTH, OIL CLOTU, HOO'J'S AND SHOKS. HATS ANDCAJ' tiLKKN.SWARi:. GLASS W ARK, GKOCKIUICS, &C, than ever before of!'.'ied. Ladies' Cloaks and Dry Goods a Specialty. We solicit an examii alioli (if opt Goods before buying Thatiks for past favors. "irThe Highest Cash Price pntol for C 1 t - - J llnd oil. ! !' j.luc VolllS Respect lilily, K. li. Mr I.KAN . Sit ru, N C, Apiil 22. issfi. New berni ll case ol' on S in lay liihl who 100:11s wi'h on the si. mat,' reii ti.at con. Ilti' Hi hive been laid within two or three miles of liruee's. A most deslrucl i.e. hail Htm in, followed by a heavy lain, passed over a large portion of Wavne county, about three miles south of Goldsbnro. l'Vidrtv. doin.' of his bed when his room ,,.!, aamage to crops and fences d, p:iitiy uii.lii sse.l and in I l i,,. l,.si f .1... ;.... l .;.i,. ... to.VII HUH went. TO 1 ...veltevi e lor I he Short Cut J, )'ii'. .al : W e 'near of a 1 o:ii,i.iiiilniiisiii in the cit v ! A yo.i.ig gem iisiian , 1 friend was sitting I I (I tiffin I i ! w v 1 r. w ,v. itoi..- s. W. J. WYATT & CO., Di'UH.VM. N. (V. General Vmmm Mercliaiits ; AND ikli:rs in I Heavy and Pancy FIRE! FIRE! I Bo IVudont and ; m m mmm ! IN Till-: I c. home Emm CO ! awolie the to. li.it. Aboilt the--e a, ( iele: I'efofe 1 1 IV ill, I found In his 1001 11 mate. had gone I have bad ! yeais practical experi ence ,il Repairing Watches. Cio.-ks. Jeweby. c. and linished my trade Mliih r one of I hi best .Je.vclers in the I' S 1 have roeeiiilv liiij.s lie.! me. ,'":,, j self with one of the bc-t set of Tool- lias lieen rinisiieu. an. I now on v lie 1 ;,. v. ...;. 1:.... 1 1 .... 1 1 i. : . 1. i- i . ' , hi .i.iitii i,,i.i;n J 1 H 11 1 11 no l 1 1 .1 IS liom , ,,n.,f ,111,1 liiittniir m miine lin:,! 11 .1 . 1 1 - 1 is : 01 j .paiiii:g 111 u'cveiv 111 st woik- touches remain to be done tor t!,e, ,., , 1,1,,. . : iiiiiiiiuvi- iiiiiii 11-1. 011 siiiii 1 nonce. ,.v he re , rui-.i without. J eo,,,,,!,.,,,,,, f the g. eat struc! ure - j y .,,.,.. ls M1!i,it).,, 1 1 r 1 mrL iHoiiti.M n j ii-iii -i . i i . ,r iv 'in ne si ues 111:11- wueii ueawoue vvl ,vos l;0ll HIX llliles from Hlti.l j f ne loumi iu,ne.i on me opposite sum 1 sr );,.,t,0 ,.unty. mid his son. Sum- ... . 1 ..... 1 , . 1.1 , .il. .,,,.,...... ,i 1 1:1 ,ii 1. ...a 1 1 ,1 iri , 1 11 1 11 it 1 r 1,0 ,i 1 r . .1 1 , . -ii I I ... I....I We enrrv eonipleteline of Groeeries mid 1'ee.i st 1 til's of all kin, Is and solicit a sh.ne ol th.. t, :!roti geof our I'm is U in ( Isi: iiiiiii and sin rounding co'.llil ies. We have wi-h us Mr !Al L Noll- WOOD, of Ciiatham. wh 1 willb. gl.nl to liuve all ot his fiien ls to call iind see iiiiu w hen ill 1 1 1 ham. Verv res'iei t fulb . W. -I V YA'l'T CO. A,rll .J. I-N-,. ::tns. i T his eouipailV I'll oK-r;iliotl for It lii lin.- been in Slteees- seventcen yisirs' SAFE, SOLVENT and PHOMPT in the liavtueut of its losses. hand Wlll'll Wal.h. cheap tor vo.i eouie s. .lewelry. ic, 01 cash Call on 1111 to town. Walehei 111.I i.ii thai how he .'I bi'in ot ll:ele i he supi.Osii ion :mure. ipiiu rei wil shot-gun loaded with hiicksh .t. He It Ins room, crosscl tiie ' f,,., ,,,,1 l.,,L-.. i n v.if.. ,.,.L- r.-uliou.t bridge or swam the 1 iver, j th. i ef,oiu .sstlll mid lied The shciitl'l which u not known, and reached that ,,,! j)((a!,e ,-,. Hcouring tin; country j ,..,1.1 11 :, ii.ii lee,,,,- . m i i.i j UJ ; .r ,IU). ' ,e lather is living, but cool, hastened buck to his ipiartt rs, t will ,l0. There is much excitement ,i:id gives this account ot his trip. j Today (June 2!lth) tho board of Wibiiin-toii Slur: Tne singulai ; trusti es of the University met in the cireiiui-ta'ices n polled in the col- 1 Senate, chamber. There wih a full tin. ns last week of fish in great null-' a' lelidiince. Gov. Scales preset! d. lil ii. l. s being fo.sml dead in ihe wa-1 'J'i'e bu. iness in hand was the election let s of tin- si. allot ,e creek, lb unswicl: , ,!f ' professor of Greek and mi assis eoutitv. is tuitin I eoe.l'u Hied both Iy j ttint professor of physics mid i ngi li iters liom risidi'iits of thin pait if , nwi ing. After a number of conli- tli nut v. and by the st-iti-iie-uts of i dates had been presented and many neisoi.H who hav v. itne.-,.-.e,l the re- ' speeches tin. le. Ml. Edmund A!eau- si;."il A gentleman whoi""''- "i nu- -..ivcrsuy ol j eiiiussee. from Shall, .lie ve.-terdav i Rnoxville, was chosi u to the elian theie Is no e.viggelalioii i 'f Greek. Ho is a graduate of Yale That Ihe lish are dving by eillego. T'or eight years he has been . ... ' 1 ..i. e il... - l, 1 i . - , apparent I v, ami lloat like i ciiauiiiau oi i ne inciiiiy aim neie-e vir- , . on the s.n l'a. f the water. ; tually presiiielit of the uiiivetsity nl le in the vicinity are perplexed Tennessee and professer of Greek I disiuavedal the' unusual oceur-! :i"d Latin there. He is n native of, W. II. LEONARD, l'rrrsnoiai', X. C. July 1, lh.Hti. 4ts. D3. Wi. LYNCH, I will visit I'ittsboto' July , Ii and will remain only a few days All in in ed of leiitul work will please call ; early. June 21. ISSli. 2ts. r.Y vr u etll.-.l 1", li, Siiiin Sli.tf, nisi K .liie ,-,iiiii- up s.i'. s thai about it p.- oil l'eo and I'cliee A Fi.a i Hicti.i: - -On last S inday Mr. James Iv JoIiiisoii sti nek ins bi oi her. Mr. Cliaries A. Johnson. ,.u uu- head with ll brickbat mid liaetuied his skull. They me both young teamed liion, the sous ot Mr. Joi d ut I' John u..i. t.l' I I :,..! I,,u iwlon iiii.l w.-l I. " ' ' ' . . . , ...... i i ...;.... r ....... I.....1 'ri . ..t i upending tho dav together Willi their i "It Das lieen irnpiftiit ly i euia: ktm ...... .......,,.. M ..rl. ....... ... fmnilies at then father s. After dm Unit um.iy oi the edi.ors are young the oily scum on the water which is , Q A Kju locftj lmi, T(,nt Rj. Iier Charles threw a ball in sport at men, tind by some it was said that supposed to have poisoned he ti.di. j . , , v,. was arrested Satur- ilesa-.s thai then-aiipi ais to' lelliiessee, but is a relative ol tile be an oily scuiii on the waler which j Alexanders of North Carolina. His exieii ls far out into ihe ileum niak- ig' '"' He is u man of marked ing -the sin lace pel fecllv suu.it ii and i talent and is the president of the calm. One man is reiiortcd as savin"' , State teat-tiers' association of Ti iuies- that he crossed this mi of oil Iivel80l). He iH u l'resbvtcrian. Jmues once or twice, wneii the latter tliey tire ioys. well, ineie wen- sev- ' . . ....... i. .. ..... .. robbiiir the mails. ??ORTGGK SAIdv- Ti l: ,.f ii ni..rtiu.- I iv lili.lrrsij:!,,-.! I.y ll i 1-.(-I m.. nil on ll. 'i.tli ,l,iv .f Aiil-mi. I.-.!. n-iriu-ri-'l in M...T. .nr v. l:..i.k v., c;. 1 will. ..n ii- aeti .Civ ,,t .l.ilj . Is.-,'., ic I lie ,...nn I h .....r In Cm- ili.iii.'. M.,-.' .'..,ih;j. .-Il a. (,.,!. ... i,u..!i..ii. rr .'ii-.li H.-.-iiiih, 1 1 .1.-1 ..: I -- t .'mi. in 1 a, a;,i. n.'-i iii.iu-.. .I.-. I, siiu.-i'i- lii l. ,.r.",,t,i, i, Cii-itti.u.. t..w r-Sip. ii-l;..ii.iiir Hi-- UiW ! s,ntni,. M.-Inst, an. I ..ili.-rs, --:,! 111 u I ii;; 7.', n.-n-s. ni,-r,. ,,1 I.--.. 'I'liH lulli- I '.'ll. ss,i loltN Mi l I viu:. .V. 1'. 1.11. Ill l;r, All y. Sl.TlniiKi'i'. 2 AND SAI.K 1!Y AIR III' OF .ill i.l'.i.T t U:- Sii,. -l.tr ,..,u I .,; I'liiilli.iln 1 I will -..-11 Hi ;.,. :i II. ., Hie I'!;I.MI-Ia. "II Siitur lay n,.- lull, tl,i --I Inly. Is,;, 1. in..-, ..1 .t,i In ll,i.ll.-y it.wi, ,l,,.. n.i ;,.iiith ll.,- I.-111.I- l i. is'...ii I...V... .I..I111 MulT-l.t ill, -I ...i.-ih, .-..itinliili!.: al I 7:. .trrrf. 1.,-lhU ,'iti lln- l.-ii.-l -.wi.., I I.y li. l.ry I'l-rry, ; ..-.-i'.'i 1, i-v,-,.! il,,.: wiil. -I. Ii.-ih l.,s-it ,-tii;iii-. iLt ..,,-l- s. Ill- wl.l'.W. 't'.'ruiH : t.ni- lut i 1 .-lu-l,, .-Hi.) l.-t!iit!t-- ll. 1 1 iii-.nlhs vi 11 Inn r.i in x ..-i cent. M. C. aiiiv.NK. .1,1111- lillli. IsWi. T. lll.Al'KWF.I.I.. l-nxMenl. I'. A. Mil. I V, ciiithlnr. cannot lie aci-ounicit lor. It lias lieen Hi w n biicl;-bat al the former stli- eial bovs ill the company who luet no su--estei, uiai a icsv 1 wiiu a e.ugo ki i" him just back of the left ear and business there, titnl theto were mil. :rs ol on mi;.it i:ae nn.iiiien in ti.e 1- j j l0 itemocratie eonientions of j kuilekiti" liiui down. At first it was not boys who ought to Inive lieen : eiiiity ; but this is oul-iuUv u-unled , ltruimwiek iind New Hanovei conn- somewhere else. 1 u plain wonts, t lie as liiipioo.ioie itiesliavo inslrucleii then ilele-ates ! issocta'ion was altliuteil wiih a niiiu Ct.arloll-f Observer: It has it ln-t ; to vote for Hon. (J. Ml Slediiuiii as! be:' of dead beats, woo never w rote a been li-ured out that the net cost of the Congressional nominee, front the THE BANK OF QUKHAH, EUIIIAIVI, .TfJ. C, VtHEX YOU COr-flE TO RALEIGH li C, ( A I.I. AT TEOS. I Mi k 'S. Foil Ii I!l)Vv AIIK, (A-tkivy (inns, S&Sd, SODfiS, BUIB3, PAINTS, OLS, GLASS, LIME, PUGTtii, Cement AND 1.000 OTHER AKT1CL.E3. lillSi' GOODS! I.OWI'ST l'UH'KS: St'ARK dkaling: M"i:rri-: Foil 1'iuci.s oi Aw- TillNO WvMKIl. Ki-i.riiiuy j:., 1m,'.. All kind of liiiildings insured at reasonable rates. , Hi- warned bv the losses of vour insure in tune. Ilelgliboi-s il. A. LOUDON, Agent, Hnjit. Ill, 1S."., Harris & Flippen, GitirnMSBCltO, W. C, ---i i:i 1 1 - in HARDWAIilt. CI . LKRY, C.M.RIAGi: GOODS, AGRICl 1I TIiAI. I .il'I.HMMNTs, C.. .C. Agents f, ,r I I'iehiiioi nl i 'onking Stoves. A com:. h (.- lin - of lixs, 1'is'roi.s. ,ie and Retail. f . i-alaliigiii,. e. Wh .li f v ' V, . ! April IS. Iw Raieiffli & Aimusta A-L. R. R, CGNDI-'.NSKD SCHF.Dn.E. IUMV- t,iiMi s: cri, l.,"iv.. liai..:"!!. l,., M.l siiur..i. i-Kint-r.. Mi.nl, liy.r. u r-. Offers its sei vices to the injury not thought that any seiioit was itithcietl. but in the course ot threo or lour hours the wounded man began to vomit, and became uncou hl'lOHS Oil Tll-'S'laV lll.ll 1 1 M s ' Doe tors J. M. Manning, H. T. Chapiu. eis on and there are some w ho liang W. -M. Burns and ,1. J. Haiiell it; on from year lo year, wit h the teiiae Jin ved u piece ol liie bol.e that was liy of gi mi deal h -have done much fractured, which operation .-eciucd to bring tin- a-socta'ioii into .bste ul. rii-nl lo i-.ili. v.i li,.. uii..iei-. bit ht. Utile, and elilois are. inn large in. -as died next morning. The unfortunate lire, responsible for it l.li.i.ral ai r.-i in.-ic n-.i..- l.-r Mint1 mi. I fvrry icu-nti-.n iro.'ii ,- rurn-ni a. lis r, Isii,'-., i:it-ii:.Ms, an, I .illn-rs. Mm cli Is, I -W'. llbltn. I.-,. - '.V-' i 'Spy A N line for a paper and dout know n mess from a raste pot. l'liese hang- At t'liu lit-x till- ch.ille ft ;.':ul.,i .11 the m.ie: of hues i- Sl,:t,r,tl,l JtJ. this is a huge sum of money, it is small in n 11 si i i -,iu w ith the benefits which will result from the eprtiti lure. i't.f e i i, .isliiueiit of a ptaeli ealiv uiiifonu gnu ;e tin ough,i:l thr coin. trv w ill be w.ii'l h iiihiiv luiihons. lil.tilS'tilh distnct In,, nccuiience is deeply deplored, bv no one more so than bv the happy a botti st Mild nil . mill nu meeting of the iissocisliuu, it is hojied palticulatlv to the South, and will be : Miss Wu'.droii. a young lady about i lil, who lesitles near iiuford's, Vh.. comple etl lur 4Mh day of fasting ' last Monday. Her only .lout '-jhiiieiit has been small tpiauiilies of vinegar and waler. Her case puzzles the medical profession. Ih.-u measii.-es wiil be taken to get who caused it. They are clear of all the beats, ami Keep cent - ami i-ievur young 'men, of them. In the meantime, tiie sec , ate brothers" who would : retmy. with liie assist nice of Ihe ex ro help each oilier, undleeuiivo coiniuit tee en cuit iil tiie . ks lor moment t hat i epi i-si-iitalion of that : class by rigi.lty y luteiided to Lill Chin Ies. i 'iloi t-ing the exist i'og i nks. What - -- - sav the brethren .'" I'tusos a t. Mention. The old friends We say most emphatically that the Spiings. of this city, hut w ho lately of Dr. NViiiiam McCitniihau are pleas ,ules should be rigidly enforced, and engaged in business in Lancaster. H ed to see him once more at his old (his disgrace to ihe association be C . yesl'-ulay siioi and killed John home, after an absence of t wenty-oiie mmoved. Tin- coii.-titunoii of the Hell on the streets of Lancaster. The years, lu the vear lHlj.", iiuiiiediately uoi-muhii i V i t . III. Sect, ll says shooting wss ,1 me in m If th feiise and atler tne war, lie teuioveu to xexas (,.tt "uuv etliiin. puoiisiier or pio GO TO mm, urn k ti, DFRllAM. N C, roR in do an li no OllL : James lea.. paid for ill a i-oitiparativclv short The Sultan has chosen the choicest tune. Tne Met!; oiiist Advance, the 1 productions of Tiitkish industi v as wiel.lv panel eiioed bv 1 r l . M 1 wedding presents for President Cleve- TTq frl XXf JJ VA B -'- i ' " I y, of thU cuv. whs yesterday land, and has dispatched them on a , AiaA 11 W al C VUCIOXJ. ;uricMlturol, sold to li.-v. .1 1. itobbiti. who will special steamer m care of the hist nioie lin- presses and tipo to Golds- dragoman of the American legaiion. j iioro, from which place t i.e pitper will ; . i her.aiiei be issued. Mr Lerov ni l ' ll ; I lt l'i i:c. Itl I )l Mi :ii'ii f'.it ir Ml'dlntM i ill mil, rv; id i... c:j. n. Yi.-.. WIL!. I AM !K)i:;;tit;i.Ai:K, Ettltor and Prenrietor. Doily, Hu.ia'ay, and Woekly Editions THE WEEKLY STAR, A Sixtoer-p!go Nowppnpor, issued overy Wcinosfiev, A rl, in. , I, .-lulu 1 ' ""8 FAMILY PAPEK. tl.r iut, t iitso1, uuKj ui iu: Hour or -,. :i. ,lniiy i .l M" Inlay. II .11 4 .HI j .1 ... 4. .Inlly i'I-i Stiislfty. ii :m ... :m I) ir. Arrlw li.-.l. -It'l.. I..,1,I t, i WiIiintiL',. I.-IIIWI, lilt, 11.. I, St.-. , nn,l 'I, 1'iii'i.lliia I'l-nlritl I... I,' iu,,l all .,.li,lr t lili Ut., fn... 1'i.nr r la, u.-vlllr mnl , ;, l , itiin ii.ii mil. li.tituMi k t oisi.ni ,-:,i, ,i,,r.ii. ll,..,l .'IiUIil-C "I, 11 ll lift Nil. I i, i it'-ii ..n.i i:,-ii.-ii:.,. Wii. sMl ill, s,,..rli,li'ii,loiitl UllUUl!.! .Lit! iu wheie he has le-i leti ever since, eiul relui ncd lit-rt tl few day -, ago hoping to see his mother befoie her death. which occuut'd how tier betore his uiiivhI. Jle looks ouite wed uiid liutural, uinl says that furythiiii,' nrieior of a new-siMpcr m the S, of North Cam. in. i. siippoi ted by sub sci ipi ion, shah be e.igible to luelit bi.lship', and then pie.-cribes the i ii in 1 1 1 . -1 oi b, t-, lining a nu iiiiu r, ami vet ovi-i iiicL-ting of the us-.oci:itit.n here looks verv natural to luin. eci pt, is ut temb d bv im-n w ho an- neither the- many lu w luces he meets tl.ooe editoi s. publishm li.u' ptopl letois of and e: a-n d part Iv tin oil eh t hi l ,a ,,,.a tm.ve ,.s utile bovs uuv liafer. The a-so,'ia' uni. out of head In ing eiugh: and lirmlv h iiotil the ev ..liiiu'i! so tar received, 11 appeal's to have been ll case nf justi haiiiu homicide. --l.sl Siiiiinlay lilght ill Gl i ensboi o, an in dividual w hose name we could not leal li, drop ped from a third story window ol ll:e Mi-A. loo house to the :ivt luel.t H struck a woo. leu gisitu gov. i n cellar. his 1 in Many siill'eiing people thai,' them selves about with f illing strength, i feeling that tin v me steadtlv sinking, into the gi ave, when by using Tar-; kef's Tonic they would tied a cuie commencing with the lirst doie. and vit'ibty and strength surely coining, back to t l.eni and glib) now being men and women, respect lo itselt ami trmu a proper the stiatteie.l -rate, me omy ln- Wo notice ill the .Sausbiliy iie.a.d sense of it.- dignity, ought to get lid j.ines the inali i. c.-iM .l. outside of a that our young couiiivmam Rev. li. of the..- dead beats, imd esp. cial.v few hi ins,s. wen- i 1;. ee br.iki n tingei s. 1'. Eubunk.-., has ui-ceptetl a scholar- when the ussociai ion is the recipient iubii mat comes from SVinsion whip in the Nasholah Theolo-.'ictil of courtesies and hospitality. We of the f.uime in Ih .t pwee hist Sat- Semiuaiy, way out ill Wiscousin, know that more than one member of ui.biv, of l'.ml , .Stockton, the well Alid will go there in September. the association, who attended the lute known inert ban! -it tint! place. Their T 11. Vi olimck. Hso . cleik ot C.en meeting a! Mol clo ud, did Hot go oil b ibillti. s i.le between SlilUHO ami Renieniber that J XV. Si orr ,V Co . , Gnr.KNsiiono', N C, is the house t'oi you to putroiii.e. Aiuple t.iciiities and tift.ei-n years experience gives tlii-ni superior iidvautnges r xm ii ... u I .m.ki(ii:i. " N'''i'-v tf ilrHib Mi l nmntHt"- ttiMri(U fr. Oltliimnw ti-ng'.l ni-vi it t.-n,. n Hi-, HKOVXN- UKi-IH.K - I'll Hie -ii ti .l iy ..f .ltii, xwi, ht li t i t'lilt'ii " "f ('Hi"!! J lin- h. In I ii r m ii I 'ltit-'ti, .1 ! . Mr. I 'M1 . IU;. wn. .-f f -tii. I- wnnttip, io Mi-r-O A iji'iL. t., ul t-.ikl.ni-t town- siiKi-:r iifo.v AN )- Tobaeca I?lues A Sl'MCIALl'Y. AG I '.NTS FOR tKijasion nsw lee COOK $TGV3. NJort.t, Household, Political, Financial anil Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial I -.rtn.. it . I.!! i.'.'io th. r! i . . .-ii ol tmtnril i..nriilln . .' i!n I. u-l-i-l -I t ' I i..s tti , l t ..eitl n.w.l. tl wall t t llni.w- ft, .1,1 l ...niv.-.fc I ' i ".l , . Iiivisti, -.'.. . ilititit.-iii.:lii. Anirnran una for, ,,,'n t n:.T t.f lit tii.it. C, F. & V. V. RAILWAY. Condeiised Time Table No. 14. I'o take effect Sunday. May 2:1, ItSHd. inn i- v . i i i TI4T IL. DAILY STAR, f.'ov'u committee, hasurnvedut In. me the. ashinuloii cui siou because fi'Oiu N ttsliington uud will not return the presence ot o uiauy of kguiu dutui tlila bvaaiou of Coil-1 "di-ild bcal-j . f SStl.tmtl and it is believe. I that the r Ihtot) a--sets will very nually cover the lia-.en - ouiiii.a. in i:i. -Al IMir,l.i, 4.ilinl,.s tsumtv, S f .1,111. Svlf.M li,-,'f.Kt l-.l. Il,l4,tt ttiHr i lit-uiwu X. tiuU Umi- 1 . buai!t, utsi 1VU Ull'UllD. Nirt:s.. We keep the l.uj.est af.il n.ost e un plete stock of toe i.boie g, o Is to be f uni, I iu town, and giur.iii.eetho 1 ,v-i-st iii u-i s, for cash. A), ul J:, l-tn. cm. 1 ',f ii.mi i stah i tmu, in. nil tin- " "' " i" itny in . in -,-t, m- f,.rm. Ii f'i'i:il i..rri--...i..,-iiii-I, . Ir.-:,, l...,,.!..n, l'..fi-. li. iliu, Viiiint. mnl i ,: , n : ,t f,,i, n I.,! t,i. f.nt.ii.-- Af V. li'liU".-!.. AHi tl'V, Itl'.l ullll-r ! i.'lltiT', li.,- .' .p-i i . l . 1 1. 1.!-. i. i iull ri..'t:i-,l I" ItM 1 i r - i n. Iiiinl-li tin Lit. o in l. Ii li -'niph. I: : t.-r;tiy f. -iiiirt-i- nu- nii-iirintp-i-il Ih- Ki.itin nl ami MiirL.-l li.-v it (in- unusually ' "m- '' Inl ll-rni" ami itniiirdliiiry tuiluce mi nis oi ii,:. i.l- "ii,! i-uiiviMwrii. sti-i.tl fur i-irruliii-s. TERMS OP TNC WEEKLY BTAR to Si b citil-.i:K-. H1..K .r i-..-lAtth in tl.e I liiti-il Stnl.'t ii.,1 1 .-in. ..In. tiiit.-iilt lin I im ilo ul Ni-w Vnik I H ,,,,,,,, 1 I ,.,!, f 'I.., til l I i . s ,,f l- iti. t-n l. mil on.- PX'ri, lo urainii-r). . t.i (W TERMS OF THK DAtC TAH TO but- .iiu.iii.- Fttrv ,l n (iirmir t-ar (incliiilinu Sunituy). . . . JV 00 ji-.iiv iiitt.si siiiiil.tf, one ymr . li 00 l,rvitai.ejir,,iln S Duiiv. w libual ;?uudj. ml miinth 8 00 .t',r.. THK STAIt, 1 yu ami ' VuttU VUUu bt., Hem VurM, int. n .,t,1i.e.'...rtl. Ntt. I Mail .V hl.-.vnt.-r l..-nv,-. .i. in 1 1 .un o. iiik s.,1. in N,.. '2. " Mull I'asi.iitir . Ami-.., ;.i.i p. m. l.t. to-, i; isi i in t Ml " I--1 si a. m, USUI Trillin. S..111I1 is.un.l ill st... .il Suntsril t.tr ilia ner. I r.nns N. .nil Imiiih.i mil si.., m Knyniixvlliti tut iliniit'i-, I ii-n-'iii uinl 1 Hs-. i ,....r Tntin Ii hvis. lirnnciiK. villi- I ii.-- hi., 'I li.ir-,ii s Ami SHtieilH),. HI a. HI t. It . HI Ml OitJ l S', ,. Hi., I HI -Uil,. 111. Hllll KJ fllri HI.- in ,, in 'I',i,--,l,iys, Tl, urstiiiyn anil si,. . n,.,. hi In a. ni.,niil i. 1'.' .,. 'limn Nt.rlli livw Fny . isM-i-il,,) m S-.nii.ril an. I l i'.- Trull, s l., Hi.I,-Il'I,i. ii , tun! Hrrlv.st al i-e.-illu. ,l...u ii l.-HM s s.uil.. ,1 til u :lt, I r.-i'iisl'i,r,.'.t i In p. is l...v. -ii i.sts.1.. Ouiiv in ,. a. in.. I. Hvfs San- f..r l in !l I.", ii. in., mi, 1 HrrlvcnHl Kayrllrvlllp a a. in s in. w M. s. I.I SN, Ueu'l burl, J0. M 11U3L, lion I I tma. Avul.