Jhe (tnaihaiH iiiccnS THURSDAY. JULY 15. lsti. LOCAL XUSCOIX.US. WtT Summer is already half gone. H Twenty live men eali get good wages cutting ei oss ties for the i.'itts boio' :uiiioud. HOT The celebrated colored orator. Rev. J. C Price, will deliver an ad dress at this place, on next Thursday night. tcV The only pensioner of the war of now living in Chatham is the widow of Mr. John Fields, who was a soldier iu that war. jay A will was admitted lo probate last week by the Clerk of our supe rior com t, the maker ol which hud been dead thnly years. . tmr As herolufol e announced, there w.ll be h lurgo Sunday school celc liiation next Saiurduy at Emmuiis church, iu lladley township. W Our vvoithy mayor is kept busy trying violators ot the law. lie has . heid oert every day this wet k ami is making ihe law a terror to evil doers. W Our young townsmen. Dr. J. M. Manning and Fundi C. 1'oe, as they dash mound town in thcii new and stylish "dog-carts" am the envy ol ,all the oiher young men. IHT Headijuaiters for .Shirts'. By Hum iV Headeii have just received a Dew line of Shirts. 1 lie be-M oil els. Shut ever shown here. They sell their liioc.eiica as u.f.i1 .w am oni.. taiT Ou last Sunday Rev. J. W. AValsoii preached veiy acceptably u. the Buplist chinch iu thlsp.ace. lie ; is a (.'halhuuute who gi minuted Willi honor ut the leccht commencement at Wake Forest. liar We take pleasure, in calling attention to tlio udvcitiscmcii.s ol Ml. Veinou Spiiugs Academy and ! Shiloh Academy, and in comm. tiding them as institutions ol learning dc sciving of the pub.ic patioliage. Mr The laiuoad tax to be paid this year by Centre township win be only about hint' as Hindi as it was last year, being 1 i uis.ead ol -5 ceius on the igltit) va uanoii. This wi.l be good news to many of our tax-pavcis. a On last Monday J. A. Womack, J. 1'., selltUifid to t wenty days' im-, pi isonment a coloit-d man. named. L wis Fai i iu. lor a Iu uial ussuu.t on ; a small white boy, named Falls. who; is employed by Mr. Alex. Fauner, : near this place. J-At thu meeting of the credit oik of the liyinim Mam. I'm lining . Company, held iu--t Tuesday, tiny' declined to sell I l.e lacloiy on li.e, teims offer, d. This 1'aeloiy is valu able pioj.erty and oilers a chance for a good bin gain. Voir We woiiid sugge-l to the dem ' ocrats of Chatham I hat, w lieu lln-y Ht'end their township n.e. ..ns lit s I vreck, they liy to ge: iveiy voici to fnkethe I In "in dm ii.g I lie campaign And thus keep poud upon the politi cal issues. Omy "0 cents iiuiil the election. fst" The threshing machine has uh eady b. gun to p.l iu its dead.y woik. On last Saturday a while man. li' ined Lie Hamilton, had his ! left hiwi.l so badly mangled iu a thi esl. machine at Loi-l;wi!e. that the a i . was amputated betweeu the Wlisl .o..l e.how. tar Farmers, if you wish to sow Tin nips it w ill pay you to buy good need. You will find at London's a Jaigo lot of Ruist fresh Tin nip Seeds ; Ullie different varieties lor sale in any quantities. Also, another lot ol those sipiciul id Cigars. London keeps the best 5 cents Cigar made. i U2T Mr. A. M. Yiii boi ough died at : Osgood, in this county, on last Sat -unlay, aged sixty-nine years. He1 was one of Chathain's most us ful , citieus and his death is a great loss to the community iu which he lived. Ho was one of the most honest ami , honorable meu that we ever knew. MTOii last Saturday theie win a ' conference of the Methodist Sunday ' schools of the l'iltsboro' circuit at . Ptejisant Hill church. An appropri ate "address was deliveicd by J. A. Alston, Esq, and slant speeches weie Mnuilt by several others. It; was an occasion much enjoyed by all who attended. , fcjjr The annual conference of the , Din hiiin thsti iet will be held next wrek at brown's Chapel, in this; county, beginning on Wednesday the, 21st. Rev. B. It. Hall will preach the opening sermon. A large intend-: anee is expected ami all visitors will be pleasantly entertained by the hos- pit able citizens of thut neighborhood. ; 6tf You will lind a few of those good bin gains still left ut London's. ' lb- is offering a large lot of Ladies' j Hats at 10 ami 25 cents for choice ; Borne of them former prices 2 and $3. He is offering dents St raw Hats at cost Also, u luigo stock of Ready made Clothing ut and below cost. All for spot cash. Ho means busi ness. BadT The colored teachers' institute is in session here this week. Theie are seventeen teachers iu ut tendance, and their appeal anee and behavior are highly ci editable to their rata. The instructors and lectuieis are l'rof. S. Vass, of the Shaw Institute, Trof. E. E. Smith, of the Fayettevilie Normal School, and 11. S. Sellais, of this county. Thk Univkiisitv. We tire glad to see tho I'nivt'i siy offering life in- struelion to its graduates and those of the other Colleges Students who desire speeial training in Latin or Greek or Kngineeiing or Chemistry or any study will find it at Chapel J - . ' . Hill. Professional teachers are otter- only tins, out uiiaiitam can uoasi oi ouib uws, 'd the advantages of a special course having steadily increased her demo- under Prof. Henry, while they may era' ie majority at every election since ; at the same time pursue any' other INT--', which eaiiuot be said of any' Asheboro' Courier: Dr. Worth in studies. Consideiing the sie of the other county in this district. In forms us that a continct has been . Faculty, the equipment of the labo-: every other county the democratic made wiih the penitentiary authorities .r.itoiies, the method of imparting Kiiow ieiige. the liumrji-r ami enarac- somey. urs iiinii iu oiuuis. oiuiuiw iiaitroiul lo the f actories within ten rester, a disabled soldier of the late ter of the students, and the cost, we wo do not mention this iu disparage- ,l.ivti. u H thought the work of war, would like to have the opporlu eiin unhesiiiitingiy recouiinend our ; nient of the true democrats of our grading mid track laying can be com- nity of voting for him for Register I'uiv. i sity as not exceiled by any in sister counties, but only to empha : j.leted by the first of December. This , of ileods at the coming election. j the United States for our hoys. For 1 size the Hteodfustness of our Chut-; is business and insures a railroad. I Bkaii Cheek. unnouncemei.l, see our advertising ham democrats, who amid nil the July 1st we had the third ami most ! - .columns. political fluctuations the victories ; destructive freshet ever known on! TTnmnnnitiT P lnrAt fntinUnn Svmmkk Visiroiis. Our town is noteil as a pleasant place to visit in nie siiiiiuiei. ami, anei 0111 lainoan is eompieicd. will no doi.l.t become tpute a Hitiumer resort. I lure are quite a number of visitors here now ami others are expected shortly, latest aiiivals we are Among the p. eased to note the following: Miss Annie Stone, of Mississippi ; Mrs. T. A. Craw fold, and Mrs. Fred H. Lon don, ol Rock I itll, S. C., with their children ; Miss .Maggie ILmghtoii, of Charlotte; Mrs . M Jones and chiidi t i.', and Misses Sally ami Luitt Jones, of t'ui v ; R'-v. Dr. Marshall. Miss Nettie .Mai shall and M.s. 1'lnl Tavloi and children, of Raleii-h : and . Miss Lena Chapiii, of Aurora. N. C. Several i't the chiidi t-n ol Mr. tie i. T. Leach, of Nevv York, ami J. P. l.eacli, ot Jithetou, are Msitiug lueir eiandpaieiits and having a jjllv time of it. The many friends of Mr. (1. W. Tiionipn.in, Sr., are picast d to see his ui iiiiu i.ii i; ,ii;iiiii lit win uiii-it iil. i ; 'it.,. ; OU;: II. Mis In. me t Daisy Deiison has after a protracted returned visit to;,, Pol tsiiiLiith and Richuioiid. ToWNsiiie Mkktinos. in order that there may be no misiiinlerslamli.ig as ... the wme and jiuices where diiKieiit townships of this county wii lueei. we w iiLiii 111 iieuuou mill 1 . . 0 . i ' .' .. . 1 i ; c..u-, wi.. meet a. nieir usual vou .g :l o'clock on Sat unlay, the 1 . . . ... 4th ilay ol July. J ne. scveial pre cincts ale eu'ili. d to casi iu the coun ty coiivi uiion the following number of votis: A. hi igbt's ;J, .Matthews K, Rear Click '.). liiclunond 4. (bill o, F.gy pi (i. Osgood 'I, Lnckvnie 4, liiui.l.oi ne 4. Johnson's Stol e 0. Boon's Simp 2. Fear. nigton's Mill 8. iiigg.ibcc'n Si ore ". liaidwiu's 111, 11a l. -y's ;"). Hickory Mountain 7 and Cent i e '.i. a total ot '.in voles. The county convention will meet lieu- on .iloiiduy, the 2nd day of August, and elect fifty delegates to the Judicial convent ion. lifty to the l 'ong l Cssii nal convention and seven teen to the State convention. Hin ri i.i: Di.iK k F.u roiiv.-We are ' l"perly wdU cents on the poll be much pleased to announce that a levietl and collected 111 Centre town :,. JiniHiililimL-. ,,..L-A niul -,..; ship, for the purpose of paying the hand.e facta v w i.. l.robahly soon be I esinblish, d at this place. Two gen- j tvviisl,ip to ihe 1 ittsl.oro Kailroail t.i-im-n. who have had long expel i . 4 '''l'i"0- ence ill the business, were heie ye., I OnnuiK.., That hereal ter a charge ter.h.v fo, in., purpose 01 making '-" I'1'1' ''"t. will be made ami col ,.' ...,, . ., 1... 1. ....1. .. ..... leclc.l belore anv remission ol luxes loiy. J'li.y weie niuch eiiciiuiag.-d with ihe 1. 111, 00k heie, uiid it l pi oh able that they will begin opemliolis lo- 1 1. 1; liist of next month. Thev w in t iiipMij. ;il "Hi I i , enty iahoi ei sand ili disliii: :.e ia tin. coiunainiu about 10.000 a year. Of couisc they will , il ! Willi :L ill-Ill !V w eieiilllC. lln.l w. I lioiibi 110I thai thev will do a pros 1 , nj i,,,.,,,,. T,, ,,, . tn-li ol li.e Slate belter suited lor such a business. We have an alniiul ! anteo! hickorv, oak. persimmon, and 1 1 . . '1 1 i- . . iiini.iiii iiiiiut i. huh 11111 mi iii'-i s , will now be ah.e to ".t tue ready money tor timber which has herein- been in Congress long enough to be-; profits and do nothing, and the sub fore b.-en ol ut 1 ie value. 1 his is fine : come acquainted with fedcial login-1 contractor has haul- woik and gets of ihe many benehis that will bi ;lation and exercise a w lioiesoiiie in-1 scanty pay. It is lime for our peo broii'dit us' bv our raiiioad. The ! fbieuco .' Or. if we look ut it from j pie to stop being used by these gen eiiUemeii refe'netl toale Mi. E. Cox. the point of ollico -seeking, which will i try. The government allows good of the wen known tinu of Snow A; i be of most benelit there, a man 011 j pay for cairying the mails, and our Cox. of Hi-di Poiiil and.Mi. 11. Note '. . . n ' ' ' 1 ! Jr., of LeMimlon. FAVtTTvn.i.ii Fiicrr Faiu The fruit ' Cox has laker, this session tho high lair to bo held al Fayettevilie on the lest position occupied by any North -lth and -iili days of August promises ', Carolinian iu Cougicss since the war. to be a most pieasant occasion. I he ! He is on belter terms with the ad- hospiiatiie ciiizeii.t ot mat goott oltl ; town are already iiiaumg ample ar-1 i'.... .1 .1 ..f iaiiKt-iiit-iua mi .1.0 tin. i.iuiii.ieut 01 tins iiuiiiy visiiuis who at e expecteii. lutiu wnen tney naa Deen 111 1011 A large crowd is expected from Chat- j gress 110 longer than he has been, ham and other counties on the C. F. Supposetheconstitueiitsof theseeiui .V Y. Y. laiiroad. A number of tlielnelit dvmocralic lenders had thrown leading biisiiiess men of Fayettevilie ! them over alter their third term, uppi eclating the vulue of the Chat-j where would be the influence now hum trade have published tlieir ad-1 exerted by the States of Illinois, vcrtiscmeiits m the Ki:- onn. to w iiich j I'ennsylvania and Indiana ? The w e woulil cail the special attention : of our readers, aim we wouul usk those who attend tue lair 10 no their . tiad ng Willi those who show their : appreciation of their trade by adver-1 Using lor it. , Eveiy visitor to the fair must by ; all means visit the nia-uilieeiil csiab- ' lishineiit of Favetteviiie's le.uliug . merchant, Fuank Th-untos, Ls.p, where you will think that you have suddenly been transported to Now York. Near his store you will find the attractive Jewelry house of Wakkkn l'moit A: Son, where you cuu buy auy- thing in tliat line at the most reason-1 able prices. If you wish a glass of soda water ; see thai Cox would be ol more s- r or anything in the drug line go to vice to them than any new man could SKimtituv's, who is one ol the most . ; be. Would a laudloid who had had : expeimnced druggists iu the State. ' a teuant for six years, w ho thorough- At Hunt. (tAiuiAstiN-'K. whose store iv knew all about his land and what :.. .. i.;..i. .1... t..:.. ; will be held, you will Ihul a complete llll.ll.-! IliU IIJI.UI III ,1111,11 lllU lull line of all kinds of groceries, lie suit) to call there. If you wish any kind of furniture call ou S. Siu.tr iV Son, and you will eel luimy lie pleased with their stock, And if you want uu hardware call on Mc.Viu.an Hkos. I hey will make tobacco dues a siieciallv this seasou. W Evwy voter iu Chatham ought to lead thu litconn. Tin: Bannkk County. Chat ham can justly claim t he pi on J title of being the ''banner" county of thu Metro- politnu district, having given at the hist Cotigresaionid election the largest majority of any county in the district fo the democratic candidate. Not ........... .i majorities have lluci uatetl, being l ss ami tlefeats of the past fourteen years, have remaineil true to their fuith and have, year alter year, stead-; ny inereiisuil ill ir majority. To prove the accuracy of this as-; sertion we have compiled Ihe follow-' ing table, showing the majorities of j ressiomdcaudi-i tin; democratic, t'on tlates since 1S72 : i'ear. 1S72, 1S74. 1870. 1SS-I, 1!SS2. 1KH4, Candidates. Majority. Rogers over Smith, Hi. I Davis over Heiiden, " " Young, Cox " Bledsoe, ' ' Duvcreux, " Turner, .,,.,' i m. r.. ivtu t.. i. ...i t..... nents, Wil, v D. Jones and Josiah ! Turner, and his nmioi iiv tiver both ! 'combined was 7it, but there was a vet v light vote that year rv li.'iit vote that vear f B' i in ' . i I tins it. will be seen that our dem - ralic majority of 84, in the year 72. has been'steadilv increased at ocr IS eveiy ehction, until in 1KS-1 11"1! Is not this soim-thim il Was: for our (Jhathaui tlemocrats to be proud of i i I CoilllllisMOlll'l-s .licet I tig. The count v commissioners held a i ,;., i,.M. M,,,,,!.,, ,1 T,. ... ' .lav, for the pin pose of levising tne . l. . . tax .ists, as requiied bv law. lhere "" " " -'"" ts m wut.-i.e. jn s !..,.. i ... ...!. i tl ....'one day the nasi week. We hear ; (), .Xl.t;ssive ' valuation, but, ! j ,,lt.y ml,l.al to thi tax lists a good '. , ,.,.,,.,.. ...i,:..!, ,....1 i,.,.,., . 1. i, , , . i- , .1. .. , ovei looked oy the list takers. They i ! also audited the tollowin i....ini.t u 1 j D JJrasll.gtoH, for listing tuxes. W. F. Vestal, for listing tuxes, If. D. Mason, for listing taxes, W St.,i,,,l,,ii, ful- liulimr 20.00 20,00; tllXt,S( 20,00 J. A Pa'i ham. for listing taxes, 2L00 I Hugh Womble, for bacon for I ,,,.. I, ,liwf. uij i-i I J. M. (Jriflin, for corn for poor-house, 20.00 it. A. Lioudon, tor advertis ing, 2.00 Oni 11.111:11, That the sherirt" giant license to A. L. Jones ami (i. W. Smith to rctuil spirituous liquors for 12 mouths at Merry Oaks. OitiiKHKit, That a lax of 14 cents oil the one hundred dollars valuation of "ll "JU bi:'"lH wsiu-il by said ; , is made where the amount sought to! be remitted has been assessed oil ', ! ill-count ot tiie neglect 01 inches of 1 it he tax payers. . lor tho IUx-okd. .. j i u. r 01 i 0111; i ess Mil. lh.IT. Ii is one of the car-, dinai principles of our government 1 thut the ollices me made for the bene-I lit of the people and 1101 the office- holders. We are. to nominate a eon-1 K,''ss,1,uu so,"- Whose lioiniuat ion j .t ill iiut.t li. ,ii. til the neoniii ' A new 1 - r- -1 - and untrie.l man .' or one who has intimate relations with the 1'iesnleiit, ; ...i. . . . . . 1 Ol OIIC WHO "ties lo VoilLIl CSS US ail enemy of the administration ? Oeu. ministration tuau any man irom tne State. His position is far superior ; ... .t.... ..r t.,....;. ... i;.....i..n ii..i i III mill oi miunm, na.iiic.i i-i ill..- j several guniieuieu wuo are seeuing ! for the iiominutioii are good men and ! it either 01 ineui nan ucwi iu i.uu- giess as long as 1 ox lias ami acquired the influence he has, I iihouKl Bay j keep him there. e souief uues iiear it said "Cox has had it long enough, Lid some other man try." The man who talks this way hasn't the inter-1 ests of the jn-ople at heart but looks ! : upon the ollico as a piece of valuable 1 j property- to be handed around so! jlhat all may in turn get the ben. lit. 1 ; of it. Ihe position of Congressman ; was not cteated to give a place for I j any man, but for tue benefit of all j the people and 11 uoes seem to 1110 that every thinking mail ought to it 1.,. I u,i,l u,w in ..II ,...,..,..iu .w a.i... ...... ... .. .-..,.,.- , good tenant, turn him oil' simply be ! cuuse it was a good place and to give souu. other untried fellow an oppor- tunily to learn which laud suited wne.it best and which com ? I hardly think he would. A man ought to act in politics jul like he would iu his private business. Farmers dou't hire meu simply to give them something to do but that their lai ms may be cultivated. A man should be sent 1 10 Cougiebb not because it would be an honor anil benefit to liitn but be - cause lie of all others is in a condition to bo of most benefit and advantage to thu people. Upon this rule Cox ought by all nio.aus to be re-elected. A Voter. efi.i. f(r ISO hands to begin work on the1 ; Uw ban ie by the people of this time., Hi- h iimi low aiuls Im.llv u.,.ul..i corn Hit, what is not. washed up is covered up. Some w heat is washed 11WI4V, fences ff. me and no rails. Smim oats aie no "ood , " u. t t ,. '!'". Workman r A most i ui.-itressiug affair occurred yesterday In . ., i ... ' Hlteruoon at the iMsher Hill Mine, i which is situated about s veil miles southwest, of this place. The work- '2H(i "ie" '"lv,! h'('" ,,,K:l"t,'l for several .j.jj'jdajs iu sinking tho main shaft to a V- i' 'gr ater depth, which is now only one Ihumlred feet. While at work yesler-! i.... i:f...... ii... i ... i .i 1 . i '"v? "iioig me inn. iroui me snart. t1"' lTki l h'wb. is US',,l f.1' t,'!s lmr-! M"". """isl' ' ,Ht' JUH' ,,Hort! it leached the mouth of the shaft. .... 1 ,i ... ... I . I. .1 i .. -.i .Itltl 11 Wellt back to the bottom With i . ' mr. nwi nu i ine, inifurniiiiyaiuli ;aiiafu dash. striking Dan. Williams nl1 '"""r RU"I"' ,""m" 1 , , '"'"o " M"""1" ft. iwimv. nn imukiii i.v .o.ju.ien, , tcrnbie ami; t'HX ;a,h "'' l,",s :0''' taken froui the mine mid doctors , , . . ... .. , . Miimiioneii, out OI HO avail, lie Hied IU ' : l. D..i..:,.i. x-.....i. n jlina has one gold belt rtachini' 2tlt) ,.n.vunf(uiu i .1111111 i .Ullll vllto Ujil('8 in length. Ouilford adds her proiortionale pint. .Mr. L. B. H,,lt vt Company Shops, made a ship t ..f Jl! nun 1 . e I . . I..: 1 . Kr'' 'I'1"'"' ' 't '." tbf IicWh tliroughout tliia section Irom the heavy rains. Mr. D. 51. I'ty, of Bush Hill, threshed out, as 1... ....... I... I I t 1 . l I I 1. 1 1 1 pi uiiuci oi tin ft uc i ys, no iiusij- ; els, ot wheat, on tlie 7lh lust. .1. I .... . ... ... 1S.(M)1V- J'ooh, ueiti .icijeausiiie. uus , iu in) 1 coutitv. has a heifer twenty-six months ' Mill I lilt lillU Mill l.l- li.i.l ....It ..if gives ubout a quart of milk a day. ur J"h"l'" hcliooltielcl, night 'V11'1'.","".', t tm, C,"ul buU'' " lbt' l- ,v, D- 1, , wl,llu waiting for the southern bound truiii to pass, last jSaturtlay night, sat down on a rail- j J V?' lS 11U iuuri,( l' oil to sleej). In j the mean tune the passenger tram came thumleriug by and when Mr. h. awoke he was "flying in the air" at a rate wonderful to behold. As a re sult his left arm and shoulder was budly fractured. Siatesvillo Landmark: We have great pleasure in stating that one of these far-away mail contractors has got the worst of his hurguin. It was mentioned some weeks hljo that a fellow named Hansberger, if Sedalia, Mo., had bid oft the contract to carry the mail on the new route from States vide In lllk hhoals. Alexander county, lie advertised ami advertised, and wrote ami wrote, for somebody here or ,111 Ihe route to take the contract oil' his hiinds, but nobody would have 11, and last week he came here to set- about it. His trip resulted in his: mih-lelting the contract to .vles-as. : .. ... 1 n 1 i- fi ivilliv.'ih .v l)amel. hveivmen, of; ; this place, for per year more than hi: gets from the government, 111 ad-, dition to which he has had all ot exiiense of a trip here. This is the' the ! best thing that has happened in a hug time. Certain fellows make a luofession of bidding oil' mail con 1 1 at f s and then sub-let t imr t iieni ut - . - n . ruinous pi s. '1 hey make g,l( ' people ouut not inemseives inn llieui er f .... 1 1 , 1 ..1. : i. "ll l"l lens nuiu im- noiiw is i, 1 in. imr take them off of the I'oreL'iicrs without being v hands of j 11 paid. 1 Charlotte Observer: l!ev. J. T. ! I'agwcll. of WiiiKlon. 111 rivi-d in the citv vesterdav. He is seliui'' cimirs f()l. u Vi,,ston linn. Vbont 3 vt0,.k ycalertlav aftcrnm.u. "iust aft-r ,.,e ,m ,v,il of Hie dllllv slollll, there was a brilliant llash ot lightning over : bead, followed by a crushing peal. ! The holt stiuck the old Howie house, j and tore out one corner of tne build- j ing. The hoese is occupied by Mr j McCrackiu, un.l at the time the crash t-iMiic. Mrs. McCrackiu was sil tin.' in I , . , . 1 1 the trout loom, anil her linbv was ,j,,,r ni (, ,.1-adle The li-'htniiiL. ! j,.0 (mt tu. (.,,nl,.. 4,f (he room, and : 1 :,, hull nf lire rolled across the ! f,,,. wmt ,,)t ' lilled w ilh biic a i-tl0 WUH stiunliii-' in tbofatt-tl 1011111 and it was knocked across the room, the articles on the shelves being shattered into pieces, lids of shiver- .,,1 luua and glassware, plaster and 1 sphnt.aetl timber ft 11 all .iround the . hi,.,.j,iig b.ibv, but did not hurt it. strange to say. Mrs. .McCrackiu audi ,!l0 Uby WeVe ' not oiilt 'uumiuied, ! ,,1 wt!,.H ,,, S1) nU(., ftN Kluiiued I t the Kile's Moiintaiii Oold Mine,' Uo j ,",,, King s Mountain sta-i j (ioll asl .Saturday, occiuied a sinu-1 lir freak of light uiug and oue that' was bad on mules. Two wagons ' were standing al the mines, and two mules were hitched lo each wagon, : oue wagon being in charge of u white' mail, and the other iu charge of a colored man. The wagntis were close together, one just behind the other. wat n the bolt ciinie, and two mules, one from each tiam fell dead iu bar- 1 ness. The two men w'ie Unock.-d sensei' ss, but were no! lai.illy hurt. Tiie S 'lviving limit s were appaieutiy entirely uninjured. Mr. Nicholu t L. W illiiiuis well kuowu citizen of Yadkin county, d.cd ou the :h d, mst . at the advauced age 1 of 66 yeaia. ' Muiiy suffering people diag them-j selves about with failing strength,! feelinir that they me steadily Milking j into the grave, when by using I'm - ; ker's Tonic they would find a cure : rommcneiiir with the first dose, and' ! vitality and strength surely coming j back to them. New Atl vert ist'ineiits. For lie-gist r. The many friends of Manly For - UUIVOltMJ Ul JlUllll Lf dl Ulllld. i,imt!viXl yMi f liiHirii.'Li.in in itpllV. Till 1.HW " "'" ii'rm.iii ..r N..rmal instrm-ikin i'niTiiiy mi l t lint i'.'H.kib iw ..f .imriji'. 'm Xr":::' m -wr. Henri n niinil:i.. Vi .,t n Hi. fiv UlM '''i"iy in aukuhi. k.t fun inr-i ll"U, Iwl.lret.H I'hisiuhnt Kkjo- V. Uaitle. LI.. I). July : ciiaiw mil. n. c. ML Veruon SpriDp Academy. MALE AND FKMALE. Trt . . , R P JOHNS X. Princinid. ' Rbv'.J; V. WATSON, A. M . Classi cal Course. piAMi. iiiiimr, and v.xiii Musii-. nniwiiiB. I'niiit. I liic.T L-mi,livni.,l1!nllsllii i,l,i..lni.-:li..r Willi tiimiiy miiulit In n llmi-iMiuie 'UMifliMil l.-ie'leTK. .ntT.r'l.,'l yniiiiL Ift'lli'H. Kg. yoiin: nit'ii niul biya either lir Nt'Xl IrTtii hOL'lim Aniiii.t :l. lfW. run iMriin if t.n.tnrH. T'tiltlun mtHlprAtfl. n,,nr.l . lii-Bp. i,h hiI"H wry limlilifiil. r.riii.-ii.ai hi Mr. vlunus bi-iiisiis,' iliailium Co., July 13, ltiM. Shiloh Academy. MALE AND FEMALE. SKCONI) SESSION ol'KSS llTil OK AT'OI ST PHIS H'Ti'liMny Isai'i-mmo'llnim liur.iltngnlitinu.il ' III .ll .'I lllr lll'Wl llfllllliy HII1 IHMritl MIM-tlnUrt of Hit. smio. ' .tZu iSS Ul ....... ,".. , ?L , uin- i i "I MlsH 1.1 11 Hilcll. i A .ikk.u:v Sd.-h.tv . tt-r iiieiiml Hiiim iluim. Tmiumu in kukiisii, i .i i.tj nun m -uiii : ca " - MhkI... 2.:. It. uii-'l. ovei j iliiiiij 1 1 1. -l ii-1 I . r in t(,. Tor fiinlii-r liituriuiiilou uililrivu tlio Trliii'liial, H. LEONID AS COBLE, A. B., Monn r's Mit.t., N. C. July 15, lKsu. Mb. r ' " ' ()j(5CO V IllCS W ith a huge stock of SHEKT IKON on hand we are prepared lo furnish all sizes TOP.ACCO I' Ll KSat lowest prices. Also Qaxk Mills AND EVAPORATORS. Address McMillan hkos.. Favkttevii July 15, lNWi. 3ln, N. C. S.IIKETZ&SON, FAYhi . KVILLK. N. C. Dealers in FURNITURE, Ai' i it."n ii.:i-iviii':iw, .- Always 111 stock 11 .y i. full line of thr hitrst styles of FtisNlTl KK and CoiriNs. which i ... , 1 . . , 1 4 . t.,.;t vvill be sold at lowest puces to suit th - ti- July l.'i A. GARHAM)., rATETTEVIUE, N. C, DEALER IN HEAVY s FANCY GROCERIES, nuiti Tobacco, Cigars, j &C, 6lC. Yisitors to the Fruit Fair are invi- I ted to nial.e ti ii their lleadipiarteis. j July 15, isstl. I WARREN PRIOR & SON Invite orders for AllsOKA WATCHES the best made. NVEDDIN'S ItlNOS. DCIDAL IMIE-EXTS, STERLING S1LVEI1WAUE Warren Prior & Son, FAY ETTEVI LLE, N C, friS" Stockh. Agents f r the J.iai.v "1 July lo. IMC, 3i. d.-is in and selling ; Auioia UuUu Com- j BOND E. SEDBERRY, ' .r. . - . f IlOlCSSlIC illlCl PAYETTEVILLK, IV. C, .Extends a cordial invitation to all ! STORK their Headquarters, and if i PAINT line they will find his stock 1 ti,uc8. EXIIIIUTOHS AM) VISITORS TO THE FRUIT FAIR Promise lo be numerous, and the citizens of Fayettevilie promise thorn a greeting and reception woi thy of the occasion. 'While in the city a cordial ' invit -t it in is nvlemleil to .ill to visil the IN TIIU STATE and view one of the MOST COMPLETE AND ELABORATE STOCKS OF DRY G00B8 IM THK SOUTH. This Stock embraces every NOVELTV, aud evert thing desirable known to the Fir$t-C5nss Trade. The only jl iee m the city wheie ou can procnie the CELEBRATED AND ORIGINAL ZJiuLt-l BROS. FINE SHOES ami QUARANTF.ED SAUTELINE REAL KID GL.0VE3. FRtNK TIM)!JT(). July 15, IHStt. lm. XI) KALK.-P.Y VIKII'KOF l- ri'l ' Huiirl'T Oitirt -it n.a'iiatn iiiii y . 1 ' 'it r-'U a' unfit' n !.' r;tli,"ii lln- pn-ui- l-8 '.Il r-Th ;iy nl il;'iH, Ikn".. a v;i ! i.f :tlil 111 Alltn'.l I'-WL'ttlp, f. .111111111 !!(.' M It Mil --iXlT-'Ill t f "''' 'U"H.ii. ilium M.iiii Hi.- iftiiiN t M.-nry Mili.'iif)t.l, niul Mifi Il lichic Hie tni'M l.-r- IllTly bftuliillg to t if. H ;t M'H'flll, h"W lviJtH'f. .1 Lily H, 1 MK(j, OoltillliHAlulD'I. RIOltniAtir. SALE 1$Y YUi .ViS Tl i. ! h ni..re-iti;i- .l.i-il .-x.-.-iiii-l Uio iiiul.-iii:ii.-. i.y I', n li -i- m.-l Su-mi s.n.i-i, Inn Ui jwii ilny -il Vii.-iim. ii. i-.-i.-i-i.-i-.-l In I Mm i1 til V. Ill ik .lll.-i- . I III. i-ll I IU' -I'll ilav 1.1 .litiv, lMii. hi ilii- ii-. h'Mif.- 'I("r 111 .'ur- thiiii... M. i-.- .-.-iiiiiy. -Il ill I Mi- Hii.-Ih 11. i- r I ivil. .1 . .'I'Otlll mi." .-I liiii-l i-inlTii I 111 mil I I ninriirui:.- il I. sinn i- in M.ii- iiinv. I'.-irili.-w , i..-iislti.. ii.JiiiniMi;ili-l.ii.it.iit Miiiiii.-I M.-lnt.-li .111(1 ntlli'lh, '-"II.UIIlllli: ..III.-H-. Il.i.-.. liw. I 111" Jiiiii. I..1I1. Ii .loilN M.i.vi V 1:1:, A. 1-. lilLlil 111, Aii'y. Jl.iriw-.'- MOKTH CAKOLINV i.l CIIVTIIAM COI'XTV. sin en n cm n r. .1. A. WiiMt. K. iiiiiitiiisirai..r "I Kle-liu Hurl, lliirri Hurl ami ..li.-rn. Tills Ik i..i- IiiL .-.-.-.-.llnU l" miilii- ri-.-ll i-.-lilli-n.n-iH nil I llil- I.-.- I- 1:1.1-11. l v f.l.-r nl i-inio. tl'Nltlt I.. lllUl.lll ILII "I lll-lMHIll Ki-rvli t Kiimni'iiiK. I" uii":ir niul i-li-it-l. iiiikw.t "r ili imir l'i I llO .' llll I it'll III ll-'H' -HI Ilii. ur lll'ltflMHIll will Ik. I!lv.-n iif iiii-i lii-r. w 1-. 101 'SI1KF, t: s. t:. T i. vv.iic h. I'lHiiiunr's A:i.iriM-y. .1 Illy 8, I KSti. till.. LUMBER TOH SALE. All per-ons want ing huiiber w ill do well to apply t in -. !l miles sou; Invest of PittslMi'o'. 1 will sell cheap for cash or barter. All ord.-is tried piomptv. .1. 1). WO.MBLE. May :!i. lli 2X YOU COMU TO RALEIGH, N. C, CALL AT IS. !, BRIGBS ft SOIS IIARlVivARB. Cutlory, (inns, ttif PAINTS. LVM, PLASTER, Cement AND 1,000 OTHER AKTICU.S. IES P (JOODS! LOW ES i' I'KK'ES: Sgl'AEK DI'.ALiNtl '. W lUTK. Foil 1'lil. ls Tl'lSii W W i l li. K.-ln 11.1t 2V issV, Asv ! W. T. Ill ll'.M I I . A II I . THE GAitK CF CUflHA, Offers i's scrvici i 'he pi l .r ilii.. . l.ll-. l-.-ll Ill-runt- :!.- I Hllll 1-Vl TV HMl I II i i ni'T. llllllls. IU II .-If. I VlHIvIl IS. IKNl. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM I lit- p-tpulitr fiiv.ii itt for Iitmhr tlii- hair, J".l.Minr color Im'U wt-jtr. niul (ii' VcnttMrf I'mniiiitf. It clciiti-"! Ol- M.;ilt, tin liair l .tlMni. nti. 1 mm e hi i'bac, t-: Iltl.l $1 'lH lllll'i-tH. Tim bent I'oitch nro Jim mil iih. AndUlelfl-tltPlltl.'.l,.1, liirCm-umiitlon. No -tlr r-nii-.l i i..nt H. i" U "' ' s. r..fnla, Itit.-llliu.lil.i. Aslliitui. Kiilll.-y. I'lituiry un.l Ki-iimlf Conmliurls oml ll llitril.-r "I 111.- Luiihi-. Slim in. h. lioK.'-li., IiI.m.,1 niul Nl-IAlH. It lui-t fl. il Nii.tl llfo .mil li" clln-U-il l uim In ninny .ii . I...uitlil l.y j,ivhi-i:iiiI. W 1ii.-iu-i.IiU-. It villi uiy .'n t" Hive I llikl.H " Tusli a Ok.i.iiikIi Irlnl S"lil by all 1'niK--bviiin lnii',-U.ill.-i.t itl w. HINDERCORNS Tht-Mtfe-l, Btif'hl, ntin-ke-t tifl Ut.1 cinv Inr i hih, , Bnnlon-.U nrf . M.-t tl..ii- r Ac Ilimi. n- ihclr fur thertfvtli. Mp nl .'iht. l sti'itrmilil. Mikwih f( . t r-viitivtMf. 1 -in.rtm cutvi w hi-n even t hlrif ,v . IvCtclll Jlll'rli"IS ! visitors to make his COMMODIOUS thev need anything in the DRUO or ' COMPLFTF. and prices to suit the July 15. 18fi FAYLl 'l KVII.LE, N. 0. FIRE! FIKBI! 15o Pntdoiit .and m m rmm IN THE li C. HOME IHSDRAHI CO ! 'his company has been in sueees opcration lor seventeen years SAFE, EOLVEIJT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. EllMMi! Kerns IiisiitEiii AH kin.N of Fii.il.l-iigs insured al re;i.-nn;ilil.' rales. He warned bv the !ns.,s ot' vour neighbors ami insure iutiiiie. 21. A. iigent. Si.jti. in. is:., RaiiiUAi!u!l A-L. II I'ONDENSKD S-. MiiDFLE. I IH1VS llolNr. snlTP. -x '1-1,1 s.lh 1. 11 . .-,-.-,l M..i,.iiy. hi' ii 111 j ,i ihi ti m I .Ml ( lllll.'l s v'. ' in :i:i i.-j; i ufl inn in n, 1 1 , . hi I .1 1..-, lialelKli. 1:11 r, . .Vl-n. M -in... sjih:..i,, eiuiii-i.iii. Miuilv. i : M.-ii i , i I'-;. in I.i-.Oi- h i lull 1 , All lM- ii lll'lk-ll. I Villi III il i'iiliiti 1.1 uh Hi.- c.ij.i- I .i r.i- i-.-ii-i!.-iiii- i.l V-'.ll.lii ill. 1 ii li.-iii'Uu liiisi.in iifi- "l 1 linliis No. 1 W .11 SMI I U Slip. Til, i.-ii li ul. C. F. & . V. RAILWAY. CeHifc-u Time TqLIg No. 14, l'.i take eli'ect Sunday. .May "2:!, IShli. to m v i . i i-r si vi. i l't -ll'l I i , UH SiiUIU Ul.. , . HI .-ii! l-.l-.i li-;tlns Stiuiti i titi.l wni se,i iti s.-mtor,! fur illte iT Ti --tt.it Nnrili in niul will iii hi I'm v.-it... Kit- fur 1 1 i.-iirla nnl i Illll-S lt!'!Ut.!M i'iii-,1us hi 'i.:HI I, mi. una ii.. . Tin ui M 1,1, ...i.M in fi li.-i-l .- i-ii.- ii- V , l.illVi'S lll.i'l ii iirl iis ,ii i'. i ii.--- n I', in I iviu-li: iimi ., Tin Ii' !ti--! .11 I't li. III.. UImI III. iiniii N.ir-th tinff Fny i.ii.--. .tt .ii hini. -fl t;.'i I.JIIIt- t.i lUlfl'hi, in-, tin t in 1 1 ut, 1 .tl II .41 I tn p tn