5. Q:i)c tl)ntl)am Hcrorb. II. V. LONDON, ED1TOK AM) I'ltOl'KllCTOH. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One. copy, one year Ono copy, six mi n it 1 1 s . One copy, three months $ 2.U0 1.00 fill ("iit'ii m. O, bird of mine, vx ith tin oping win?, Winnie nil the.e iii it -s of Mirrnw; Tliy aog lint vest nlay xvas glad, Ami 'twill In, ay to morrow. Know'sl thou not tb.il w ami llir llolil rath alike Mltnii lio i' That -souls a-, will us mutter botv To oni' liiw of reaction? One need- imi-t picve, nor knows tin while, Tlmt every note of sn Ini's-t lias lllilili'll in lis being depth Hit l ounlei'i art of ladiics. O. Iiiiiuau soul, in il.ii kin-si now. All li '' and comfort scorni g, l'.ui wait, ami In! within thy sight, The gulden liar- of nnuti n. THE BANANA THIEF. iiv nr.Miv m-awoist. The "Fcuilhtoii," which lias so long lieeu u feature "f I lie newspapers of Paris, is rapidly being engrafted uiun the strong slock of Aincriciiii journalism, iiml now the daily story is looked for liy many icatUis a eagerly as are tin 'took reports by other. Hceillls" i,f this liict, 1 ml the follow iny in itti r in the form of n story, instead of the steps i pel slc of ii newspaper Idler, and in genuine slory f: sh on w ith a few woids of talk from tlic iii o inn' of tin characters. In this i as,', slu' i- "M i rv. the well known Choet iw peddler of rools and In iii. whi.-e station is mar the down town entrance of the famous 1'ilnll Maikd, .n Ni xv Oil, in-. Id at her: ".', lit hi iitym.in-! it is true. 1 am no l iiiiiii this morning not u one. lie is sloli', thai haiian. Two hunch Italian stole, and the thief- the thief - lie is sllakc." Siring the ihiibtlul look upon our Ian , M liy piilltf'1 a eoppi l-colored fore linger tow al l her stock in tide spn ad out upon III - p.tvi'in, nl around h, r. "-'A, ' :i'iityiiian!'' she said in in her iiiiiiiinlulatr I voice. "It i true. S e, I am no h. man this morning."' Sure enough, the it-l !- Ihiih h of hi nana. whtih had I" i n lu r pii h' and priiieip.il snuree of re ve n ue, as well as 1 1 1 1 -1 1 v ol rn rv other Choctaw vender in tin- tn.iikel, for lo the-e in my day-. Wis t oiip iii'iiis liy it absence, and Mail'- -lock like that of In r compal-liot- wa- nia Ii up sob ly of some piti ful link I allot lua led llioci mills, I'lint lns of dried Iici'Im and roots, and alioilt two iuarl of swamp blackberries. 'Ami the thiel.'" nhcd my compan ion, tiii-laxc a ini iiil'i r of the N, w Or h aus p 'liee force- after taking three biy pulls at hi cigarette and ejecting the smoke in shinier -tieauis from his nostrils, "I he here' Was he one of your in ighbot-:" "He is not lu re; no. lie i not man - he. II' is snake." Like all other Indians, the Choctaw I'crrv venders, who gather in a little group t at ll morning at one end of Ihe French market in New Orleans, are not volulilc. "How much;'' you will usk, pointing at a tpiare piece of ( lean bark upon wh'uh a handful of lurries is piled, mil the Indian w ill Imld up two linoeis .... indicating tents -or Ihree, or four, a j he ease may !'. Sometimes he. will j put the price into words; hut his eon- j Veisatioii is, in jjent r.tl, reserved (or his iwn people in the privacy uf his native wu'iips. The enterprise which had iu- luee l M ii v to add a hunch of bananas ! ;o her hotuii-irathcrcd roots and herbs had h i to her acpiii in"; 11 more t .xtciid- j i'd vol" ibiilary than that of any of her relalixi -i, and the excilclin tit coiisciil"iit , poll her or. at loss 111 ide her uc it iiore freely, this tiioruiiie;, than ever ln fure in the presence of white men. "Y u are not believe that thief is siiahi :" She pushed her coarse black hair be hind In r cars and scowled at us from beneath htf xx iry 1 yebr.nvs. Then she belted the loose calico wraptier which he wore with her outs retched lingers, mil jerked her hetul toxvar 1 the circum ference of her wait thus indicated. "That snake is bi through like 1 am. His head is little like my two lists, and he is hni": tA, can! he is loll"; like 11 Y'o know that Ti houpitoulas road? Y,-. 1 am live there. Two mile from there, xxhere the river bends in and comes near my xvk'xvam. I am ham; my baniri in that live-oak tree, where the wind can keep him fresh, and when I 11111 come up from the river, before yester nioht, w ith water for boil in the pot, that snake is come down out of the live-oak. lb' is black, and he is crawl, mid crawl, and r-r-a-xv-l !"' She i nitated the serpent's sloxv, glid iiit,' motion with her skinny arm and I Mill. "And then, when I am Miff xvith 'fi nd, he jumps" - Her hand "jumped" and clutched ft bu o h of wild jjinoer. "And snap ;oes my banan-stciii, and he is none. Kh, bien, pantryman! He is 0,0110 olT in the swamp with my banan. That is tine. 1 buy ine Mime more baimn. That snako is gone in the swamp. 1 hunn my baiiau in the live oak, mid that other ni';ht the hist night he is lu re noain, mid this tiiorn iii; I am 110 baiiHii." bho waived her hand with a tragic. gesture ubovo the mengerly spread pnve ment, as though saying, "Here is proof of my words--there is no bauanuu lure." sure VOL. VIII. '"1 helift'e her,"' relll.llketl (illsljive, oracularly. He threw his head hack upon his shoulder and sent thirteen per fect rines of smoke, one after another, from between his lips. "We will i;o nut there this cvenine; mii. scot h that snake; what tin you say "Hut a snake can hae no possible u-e for bananas. Serptiils are fi m:ivorois." "I don't care what ihey are, Mary hns no reason for lyino to us, and I be lieve her story. ej-,(, t',si'ent liinl the Orient Circus ami Menagt rie' is lyino down there in the bi nd on i steamer Iii I inn up for a run in mss tin: liulf to ( ntral Anicrit a. The chances are that the serpent has escaped from it, ami if this is the case, and we kill it, it will make an item for oii; ch, my liny.'" Thus it was that at live o'clock that a teinoon (iiistave and myself, with a bum h of fresh li.in inn-, were perched a'llotio the branches of the live-oak tree which sin Here, I the romh bark hut in which Mary lived. The bananas wi re h.'iiiuin:; I'mui the lowc-t limb of the tree, about sis feel llh.ive the swamp jiass, and I was lyiu immediately over them in a m-st of Spanish moss which ef fectually cushioned the branch on which 1 restetl, and at the same time shielded inc frm observation from In V . (iiis tave oc, upie I a similar position on the opposite side of the mas-ive trunk, and with a repeat i;iur riuV beside u, ami keen idled knives with i in vim; blahs -such knives as th i, 1 I h inds u-t. f, , culling su jar cine -we aw at. I the appro. n h of Iwili .lit and the crpi lit. The ii'' r p.ii I ol the IreeJ had been thoroughly i plm-ed in the briehl sun liuht of the al'tel iifoii, and we were t on li' It'll I (hit n -1 hi ii ur 1 . 1 1 . I than a trce- tll.l I I 1 1 kill III it - Lit llllll ss. The Inn w i- built mi ,i hammock of solid I'ollll'l l . ilie out of the t pit -s swamp, above the in;aec,,f which all around u- weie tlmi-t tin- sharp pointid leav fs of the p.iliuel to and various seal let ll otters, as w, II a the rairi,'ei trunks of the cypress. Imagination peopled the slimy on" with all manner of of foul thill::-, shaped after the oi'llelal iuia,rc of the w.iitr nun easins which moved abiHit in plain i'bl ii 'lil twilihl hid lln in. I was wipiii.; th, mist from my cyc-ula-sesw ilh a s,.t lim n handkt ii hit f W lu ll sullh t hilli; tnlli lied me nil the shoulder and made ine-lall -o violnl I v th it the it'as-es sjj,, ., limn my hand-, iiml fell into a i luiiip of wild ins. s yrow . ill" ab nit th i" Is ol .he ti, c. "Nim r min i them," hissed Oustave in an intense whi-per. "In k toward the fixer." Kutxxithout the elas.c, I was almost blind and could not s. e mure than ten feel before me. 1 heard the i Ta-hili", of twios, however, as though nine lai'oe bully was inovinej tuwaitl ii-. al"ii'; the load over which xxc li el itmic, and then (iiistave sxviiiii; hiui-ef into my ne-t. "It i- cm. in:." he w lu-perc I, "ami from th" coiiiiu 'ti"ii a!oii4 thi cotlon Womls it must be as bii; arollud as a hols '. You tire at the In ad. 1 will aim at the -pine, and if the lilies do not stop it yivc it the knife at cln-e tpiar He heard the trickiii'' lonliiiue, and presi ntly h di blind a I was -I saw the top ol the xoun; cot! 011 xvoo I j-roxv- ill"; in a thicket about Ihe bac of the hammock tremble violently, as tliouuh a party "( l;m .' 'ii' 11 xxcre passing l!ir iu;h il. In t a I of coining directly toxvard 11, th it it iin paci through the thicket to the opposite side of the lix't -oak, xxhel'.' xxe had 110 outlook. While 1 xvas shifting tny p isition and puling through the semi-darkness in tin- direction which the agita'iou had taken, a slimy, black shape slid about the trunk of lie' tree, passed across the limited field of my vis. mi and giap"d the bananas. At the xxnlest point visi ble it was as large iinnm I lis a nun's hotly, and in tin' iudi tiuct view xvli'nh I caught it secui"tl to tapt r rapidly to a head no larger than an orange. 1 xxhippe 1 tie iill" lo my shoulder and pulpd the trigger, just a (iiistave knocked up thu b irrel of my gun xvith his own. There xvas a pause of a sec ond's duration, and then th" shape canie sliding up to our nest, and betore (iustavus could use his knife it had grasped him about the middle and lifted hi 111 from the perih. 1 heard it for some Heaven and of the empress in their yd seconds after crunching the dry twigs ,w chairs. To those outside the ,-ity that floored the roadway, as it moved ! more liberty is alloxved. The people are Willi its prey toxvard the river. 1 xvas a'rai.l to risk a shot in the di rection of th i tiois- for fear of wounding (iiistave, and at once sxvung myself to thu ground, whence I took up my glasses and set oil al a sharp run down th.i road. It was almost dark now, but after passing out of the thicket about the hut I heard the voices of men, ami my name was shouted xvith nil the strength of (iustave's strong lungs. "1 told vou Marv was right." said n i, i i....;.i ttus.utc, ........ so. .--...v him in the road a fexv seconds later. My fright and the sharp run made me pant like a tired dog; but he was cool and se rene. The end of his freshly-lighted cigarette burned red in the daikness. "She told us the truth as she under stood it. She thought it xva- a serpent that carried oil her bananas, and so do you. "You remember when I knocked up your riflo barrel just 'is you were ubout fttatfjw IM TTSliW 1M to shoot? Will, 1 saw that the thiii u cl," ' ix as no siiane, inn ine iruiiK in an en- phiml. I Knew it coii'tl be nothiii:; bill a tame elephant licloiioim; to the cir- , .. ti . i . i ; 1 1 , ens an,' it xvoiild ti"t tlo for us to kill il. , ', , ,. , ,. ll.it I li.ic-l eonf, ss I did not expect him , to seie me. lie scied me so f..ra mill- j ute I could not even cry mil ; but he did ' not hint me in Ihe h n-t, and down In n in tile loud xve nu t the circus men coin. 1 iie; in pursuit of him, mid he put mt ' , ., I ,xx 11. "And the bananas!'' "Oh, the circus conipany xx ill make il alright with Mary, or I xxill jm; tin whole lot." " 1 am inclined to believe that the eircm j company made it all riUl xxitli (iiistave, also, in consideiatioii of his services ii savim; thi'irelepliaut Iroiii myrille luillet, as lie xvas playiiiL.' 1111 unusually h'ejl hand xxhcii I met him olf duly the 111 l nioht in a lloyal street i;.imblin hall. -L'tti' tiiiititi .'oy'i', '. AVInceil SciliPHi'is tif the Sniith, It is afiainst the law in almost every Southern Stale to shunt a turkey buzaid, says a (ieoroia letter to the N'cxv York S'ui. There are two excellent reason f,.' this j n' 1I1 i 1 1 i 1 i 1 -ii ; ihe buaids art the scaxi -tiu'ers of the South, and then is no lellino what sort of a pestilence a bad turkey lniai l xxould brim; on il aiivboilv should kill one. The turkey biiard i- a Kiinxviii'i liinl. lie know lie is not eo, to In I eaten --lliinr;h his ktimvinu this il c 11, 't imply that he has superior know ledyi and In is not shx of 111:1 11 Ii. i n-1. lb hovels over ihe market places in th, S int In 111 t it ies. xx aitin; for business e close; ami xx hen Ihe ci'oxxtl of pun hasei's has ib parted the bu ml ih s cuds and fe ists upon the odds and end-, that have j fallen from the but lids' and ti-hiuone. 1 is' knives, 'I'lit- si aicily of ha h. mince pie and fish choxx'.lcr in the Southern i Slates is siiim t liini; for which the bu , .ard should have ciclil. In Chai lestmi I there is a 'vj public market down by the i xv liter, and the buzards i.lways clean up j aft -r business hours. The xxi-doiu of I ihe turkey bu. nd is shoxvu ;il-n by one ol llis CXpl'.liellls tor 01 nine; ,, Wt.lk. I He oocs to th" mouths of ii,r-, xxhere 1 the , I'llllret in- for, , . of i ni l. lit and tide I ih posit on th" banks a considerable pro ' portion 1 I t he 1 ai 1 imi and other m whole- nine tili.li;, th late liollle lnn.nl tle . s, a on the river". Il io,l, ami lln re In- ac , 1 11 1 1 1 ! o t : 1 1 s his not , iy I i-lidioii ap ' lite to the X, III, III of til.- animals thai p. r.sli ial.uul .11" I 1 1 1 I hx I ihe bu. ,.s. j, , x. 11 said that flock . of tin s. LinU will h .xi r for days and uiuhts over a lioise or cow that i mi it , 1.11 l.'U. I Tin turkey buzaril, d, pile his f, r. in.d able look, is a liamile-s bird. Not mix docs he never strike a ere it lire till it isdown, but he harllv ever tiiio it till il is dead. lili aid's cl;u . are not edible. Iiidccd.il i a lil'lch a a p in lit bird can cm lure to ii over Ih, in while halt hill"; thcni, xvith only two .;h, in the 11, t at that. I'.m ii iiii.Ii r thoi touditioiis the male bird ha to t ike hi 1 turn mi the 111 -I part of the time in unlet to let the maternal I'll ml "o ell and oet .some l'rch air. . KiniU'liif Knam; mi llis Triixcls. ' When tin- emperor Kw.iii'.: su h it Pekino latelv lo viit the ealern tomb tie re xv ere at least 'J i.otui person, in the procc-sion. The emp lor xxas b. .rue in a chair with sixteen bearers, who are j tr lined to their work, ami all tall men I of the same height, an I arc forbidden j to smoke, cough or spit, mr must tin y lUttifcxriia whispir. The t uipi rof sat j in a gla-schaii. There n a single largu j sheet of pl.il" glass 0.1 1 at II si ,-, through i which he could be seen distinctly. Wln ii I the procession left the palac-- gate i I entered upon ,1 carefully Icvd'cd road, covered with yellow earth on which Hot a stone or a stick could be seen, j A troup of about lilty horsemen, ili-tnl.-j utetl before and behind the ciiipvior, ! rode on iii good order, th re being no souu I heard but the tramp of the i horses' feet. No one xx as alloxved to be ; in the streets except pel-oils having duties eoliueitcl with th" imperial progress, but all along the xvay small holes xvcre perforated I hroit h the shop ' shutters, and a thousand eyes xxen watching to catch a sight of the Son of permitted to look on, but they 11111! kneel at a distance of not less than twenty or thiily yards from the cinpt A'.-VA CA.v i ... Dislikes of llei-s, A correspondent of the llv Junrum writes that a brood of chickens xvcre in the habit of ficiuenting the shed in which he kept his bees. The bees stung all the dark colored ones to death, vet did not molest the light-eolorod chicks. Why the preference' The editor writes I that he has fteiiueiu lv sit.iken of the ad. 1 ' vaiita ol wearing ugni c. nines among the I YVe wear black bci i'iU be cause xve cannot see dearly through any other color. Woolly, ,y, and dark materials are ob jected to by bees. A man with a plug hat on randy gets stung, utiless by a beethat is trying U "shoot the hat"' aims too low and hit. the face by mis ake, while a t-oinpniiioii nt a suitable distance is perfectly safe. L'citoit (l.) Jim null. CHATHAM CO.. N. ( nii.imi; i's (oil mn. 1 inn III i Two little cirls in the nit ii'low ill play, l"w.t wher,. t .. river is riiun.i nwny. Atxav to the ihs'ii bin ' sen. , , 1 ,, 1 hear their vo. 'i's iiinl Iniihl' i-slii ill, ,.,. sl,.,lv ..v..rvl liin -i f ., t-H.v still; vviini may th- tn.ublo l"f A r,.,m v ,. ,. , ,,,. ,,. omes tloaun dnwn th r w li.-.e I laii, u, hi'ieisinv little ilaiili'er "" '' ' "ix si-i.-r h is e.ill, I me a mime, An' -Ii - says sh .1 xx.iu' to pi ay any gam"!'' Tears ini'l smiles ,. 1, ,,11 11 i,-r. Tern, roll oxer ill- dear hltl" I ne, Put siiiisliin,. a 11. 1 smiles ice xx aiming the race, Pear little girl on mi knee' "Little -isli'l' tlo' feel pitty 'el t' liy, I'll go Ii i"k an' ki-s h"i imd -k h-r to play, Sh. 's i olialilv xv, shin' for ill " l.l. ..,', 7 '. Shi Hit I.I uUH,'x Com- 'lln 1 vn 1. iiiit rim. One blight .iiminer nioining as I xx.is strolling toxvaid the In n il on the island of .Mat k iliac 1 aw a -lioil ill-lall, 1 ahead of me two liltlc pig-, 0111 ptllectly while ami the t'lh' r pi rleclly black, both the same sie, 1 in I .ing .il nig iie hx ide in the sanie dil'ci t ion as myself, s 1 iiiingly cligag'ed ill cut nest env , I'sat on. They seelll, d so out of place all'l I Was sc curious to know w liilhet they wen- bouinl that I followed I in 111 unobserved. Tin X 1 i I not walk aini'ie-siy, but if they had some special object ill x iexv. and souu 1 1 ti 1 1 i I ' - di si in.it ion. 1 xxoinl, red xx hat they X"iil'l do xx lieu tin y readied the xxater. I was not long in being answered. Without a luomeal' . h"s:salimi, thev pliingt il into ill" xvavi -, -ide by side, and swam out and a.xay toxxard anoihii island, six miles tli-taiil. I stood and watched them until : lo ir I'.xo little head looked like b ilis bobbing up and tl'ivx n. side by -j.li- all Ihe tilll". Vh"ii I rel it" I tic incident to tin I mdloid a little lain he looked a loiiisheil and aniioxul. " Those pig-." he -aid, "wt re to hav been serve I up f. i- 1 1 i niier to day. They xvcre biMiulii In re this iiii uiiig in a boat from tli it i-l.iud, six iniles away, an I xx c thought xxc might ailoxx tin 111 tin il fi'ei'dom for the short tune that they have to live, never thinking of tluii 111 iking an attempt to n t urn honi". And ilidymi notice," he continued, "they chose the point of I in 1 nearest the island where tin V eanie fioin, to t'lili r the water? Siic:iiii lie ill l- animal should haxe bun so bright.' And, furl In nii'ii'i , tin y xxcieii't Ini'lel there: that in iki s it more -ir.iuge." I, to... h It the I I in. I th it day, and I have never heard w lid In 1 lho-e bravi Ii !e pigs ex, r lea, hed lb- ii ih -I ill.lt iof or not. II a 1 ', . , . . Set its til hiiitlui ti, t ri. s of , li I, --coine ii,.in a ,litant part of th" g.inh 11, xx hd, M iggie and .lack are Ini-iix at work. Auntie lutr licilly le.nes le 1 g ird ning. and 11111s I, see whit 11, vx niisl'oitiiue lia In fallen th, 111. Maugi" seh, and himl-, and aun tie xxmnleis x li t In r smu" dnaillu blllls.' is hi.,, beneath th, gimind lit. I tliily lingers are so iniliitri..uly incar ing over her ! .ir -taiiieil f.u 1 . Hut .lack soon explains ni it t -is and n liexi auulic' miini of that fe u at h a-t "Why, tin re' nothing tin nutter, auntie: hut, Maggie i such 1 cry baby. I was angry with her l.ecau he would not Id me have the spade, and I ju-l g ive II, I the X'. ce I -t box mi the C.ll nothing to bin t In rat nil, I'm -me!" Auntie took M iggie in In 1 .0111-, and kissed the injured ear, w In 11 sh, bath both children follow her link to iict in i riiiji'" I gardening. "Now, .lack," she said, "look at these liny piaiils, YVh.it are the, ." "They have gi.mn from those seeds ) helped you soxx, ami you arc t a k i 1 1 ; thein out of the box that tin y in iy gi" into loxclx ll iwi'i- by and by. " "And whit i this little plant I have thr ,x 11 111 a col le r of the box .' Can you Iiml out '" I "Why, auntie, it is a tiny in tth- I Toe I small to sling, though, is it iit ;" ! "i tll'illL-ht s,i until jll-t lloxv, xxhell my ling'1 nibbed again I it. D i yoiis.-, that lilt!'' xx hite spot it lias ldt ; It i ipiilc ptiiil'itl still. Now, .lack, tiy I. iindes!a:id xxhat I am going to say. Ail xxe do all nur action-, all our words are just like thai rol we sowed tin other day. Wee Is or ll ixvcrs are sure t spring from them. Inch xxould joii latin r have .'" "I'lmxi I, auntie, of course.'' "What srt of n d did you OXV jllst look' p mm . .la, k did not an-w but a-li inn ,1. "1'in afraid it xva-au ugly little nettle. You did not think il would sting, luu Mcggie thought dill ' ii iilly, did she m,t ; Will von both Irv t remember hoxv even I ,t tjhy nettle sting Artist's Wit. I Thing i.u'.. aid of betore: the p, inter Muukae-y I, ,s m i If it. wilty icply. A i Men., g. n.ietuin cam" to sc.. nun t .. Ihcr day, .oi I explain' ,1 th it ll xxould , ... , ,,,,1.11'es !,. In, . "" oldx," he a hied, "I eililiot atl'or I t j l"'1. l'" j " '' '' " j ' '"' ' ' p ici's yon tunv III ' X her-' 1 c, !v xxork, p ti'ii a-k. Cmihl xtui mid Iiml some ,, I xxhi'n xo i xxcre g.i x -oni ih tig v "ling ni n in lln that 1 1 null buy cheap'.' ' "Ctrlaiiily; U.ei e an- t w or three hiliidi'i' 1 in my na tive v ill 1.; ..I' Mini, ies in., hoo-es-1 1 ;lt I paint. d when I xva- Miehii"! I.i. b, painter ami gl.l.u.'l. ."eiet Trul.'t, C., JU.Y 2t, issii. INDIAN SI N l).N(T. I A tinrbarous Hilo Unit Ha- j Boon A I lulls 1 101 1. Fa.sl.iug and Teasting rolluwnl by a Sickening Display of S 'lf-Tuituie, The xvid Indian Sun ll.inee, whi'h xvas In Id for the la-t ti timing .blue, lNSl, with its barbarous and t rie I in llietinii, is ime of th,- hisinrie.il features of savage siip'i'-iiiiou th 11 xxill never again be repealed. Trior to th- comple tion of the iui dance ird", wlnii three days are takt 11 to ft-a ting 0:1 do; snip, ilaneiii'-', giving away imi , callle an I everything ele th il gives v'nl, in thai the "iicart is goo I," Ih" thief-, sub chiefs and Ilea 1 111 -u meet in t "iim il in s xx. to Hand, xvlier.' tln ys . t twelve xirgin wlii) ale to do tin- honor "f cut lii g the pole. Anuui'ii rnf young In dians ;ire app'iiitled to in. ike search for a g I poe fill' (I f, a-ioll I Wlliell Il ls. lloXXCVcr, bel li sell I n a b'llg tuic be- Ion 1 and liiiahy, nOer coiisiil. r.ilile d" lay, the twelve virgins : u h t il,e all ae, .111. 1 give the pole one cut, the X'.ung bucks finishing the job. The t .-i'ig ol a stream i up"i t il ion -Ix f"i bid b n. :iud wln ii the y nil! g Indians ai. 1, oi, they march in triu r.ph ! lie place s -lecti d for its "planting." IJefole tin m .rush a lliiiUsaiiilyoiiiigbi.ixis.nl p..iii. -. w In 1 lire olf rill"- and . oix ,1 . mil il ,nit - j s th the limit , ol the em .1111 pin. nl, w hi, li, j log, 1 her with their y.Ii.. would dine ! olf any evil spirits th .1 might be hiug- ing iround ; ali i I h at i- I le ii p ut in the play. The p ile is lai cd and gn 1 11 hitl-h i placid in a in le alimit it. while 1 the pole itself is gol'g s'y d a "I !' "I ; xvith strips of call 11 aM tin' 1 1 ill' nil J hues, w lilt h haxe 1 1 ' n d lli' ie .1- j olVcrings from some diiskx 111 ai.l' ii "i old j sipiaxv. The sun daiie among tin se wild - pie is a barbaioiis religion with tin in. IMiring the year an Indian Inn prayed to (he (ileal Spirit for foilune in hunting, le-toiatioii of In alth or souu other w i-h. for xx hieh he piomi- s. if ihe pi iyr is granted, to make -o iie sat a ili. e or dan. e at the annual -mi dance, whi.li ua Usually In ld during ll Il is compost , of l e combined, the mi'' w l'aiiiig for st . nt d i are to "see lie n. ihn delicious young dog-M-it In i s w ho h ax as, for some fax or In in xoiing t h bin II t" ll" III. "I'll of .1 ! '. in ; and I, a-t i il-.;- i have in i 1 1 x o.x -. .it-l tin.-- who i:h" l'..isiin.; on m id. int . -. up. d the (ileal U"1 th ir bal.e, and "g-oigel" i'l Ih" car x ilh anything hut sharp Unix s le, the "iiie.li. ine nit :i" i w ho are on h ind in great iniiiib r-i. th g'r!- r. ceix ing two iiilln lions in . aeh car and ihe b..y one, for whit h the niedii ine in m n o ix. a pom ,-r Ixxo. miieii hax e tie :r 1.1 in, shoulders or face t ill as tiny in n hue promised .it tin tune. I i roups of nn u : and xx i mn n dun , with uphiiicd f.u a -to tin bin ii in g -li n, to "t in ; i on I in it "it - Ix a whistle made of an ant l.'pe's I -ot.-. All tins.- ;ne preliminary to tie ui"-l batbaioiis and painful t ok ol I" in:: ! blave. Thejouug inin xx ho It.-xt fix, d thi il In ait- upon thi- 1 1 t ill c by going Ihloilgh tin- nidi il of being int in tin two br a-s and a sj,i, w pa--id through the wounds, arc tied to a mpe all i In I to the s t tit. nary -im d im t p.. I., which lin y iinl avor to b:e .1, mit by coiitinu oils d. on ing an I jerking. Their I'.i. is are lilted t i ll"- s, on lung .bin, -nn while liny blow on the antelope l.o.ie Whistle. To i oii Ilbllte t .. th, ir sic , . ... : soine in ar flit ml or rdalixe throws . m ! sticks lo the -uiioini' ling crowd-, and a st ranibh i made to -.cure tin in, a - t n il slick entitles ih.- holder to a pony. hi Vokillg the (ileal Spilit I 1 siii.as, i. gcueial by the nn 'it, ine in n, xxhile "I'i lips of d. met I's xx ith xxhi-lli - and bauds tif nearly naked wild nun, painted ill all colli I's, yellow, g.e'.'l. nl. blue. black, white or pill pie, in wliOe, in part or cmnl'iii.itiou-, won tin ite-igiis of hand-, hmse l..o pi nit-, le i- -. I'nli aiis, etc., go through iicuriilul -iii 'in: to the beat- of a d".-n gn at ili um-, making the conglomeration of noises anything but what a baud I. id.r xx mid term "harmony." On tin mia-ion to xv Im h thi ailicie r.-fers but one out of the three l, ceded ill bn ikin:; t he ih -h from the bn a-t, and he poo, I th. meanest as well as bravest the others fanning, and some of the f, w vxlul.s present became lain! th'-ni-elv t - during the progress of this hon ib'e torture. At the close of this I. stiv.il. I istiu ; about i i .-hi day , the ludiuis i. turned to their hoiif's to lind t hcin-elv t s tiller I ii In I ol poorer than wh, 11 tie v I'-lt.but a large storehouse of i i u - I ai ni -lu d by the government -upplitd tle ir want- to at lea-t a liuiiti .1 cxt' nl. o.i th. ir re turn hoine tin x found xxhat It vv irops they had put 111 In fore tin y ldt had cither got behind the giowth of the weeds or eaten ly -liav stock. Thus the progressive Indian tailed to progress, and the government did a ni"t sensible act when il abolishe I the sun dance, which every Indian xx t- compelled to at tend or bo held in di-gia. by the lead ers. t'i 'y6.'i,i i Y. i ' .'. A medical I-.11111 a eontl 1 li lis of a young woman who c chewing coffee, she caiiied the and at last hn dav. d tli habit of lexx until The habit iTec to bed xx ilh In 1 11-11111 d half a pound NO. IT. neer .Itlstici'. 1 n l tied a stoiy ol a I liingal i in iu-tit t', il'.ilbtlcss of mieiital ori-in. say- the I Ion. S. s. ( nx in the New York ", ,1, -1 ribin : 11 i'.c.xi r-alimi in Turkey. In th" interior of that c agent was s, ut to Imy recruil for the lie 11 llulgai i 1 am I ' : - '. ngc.it ie-ii.'. thai ih x ill.ige xx ilh x lean le should shmv linn a p mill rx a Turki-h cavalry hoi'-e.-, to i .lobable xv 11 x ith i While there l,e 1 plopl j. to' III the ; win contracting l ino n of the Hun- garian nn ol proceeding. "Wait a few inotnenl-," .-.aid the pm pii. t u-, who was al i a magistrate, "ami I will s. , w ho is in I'v town jail " Calling his constable h" xva- informed by that fill r that a goos- thief had be, n appi. lo ii'li 'l dining the i i.'hl and Was ill eolllilli III' lit. II" sellt fof tile i riiniiial. Are llld. vv Itlf s.,-s." asked the judge. Tw xva- tin d tin ' au-wiT "Ih a in . in in i who win In It. Alt. r hearing tin- evi h in hi- li. lee and h ai -ll Hun III' ,1 i. ill III j lll-ll fal lal it I Imiglle, t ailed i pril and -aid : " Ymi h iv I guilt ', and I li e Xoll tell k ti ll d iy s' iiopr.o'iiu. lit fol Up the i ll' In . n found I. ill. I and -Ii a ing lie In- owner of ll I II k 1 1 I U i ul l"i al- niali. I line ix ' i I i i .ri mxn bu-i Tin fi up-ill In -iliii!ll"ll tin I il I all'l -ai I I i I- and tell day ' llllpl, o ing X "III go.oe to b fo the XX .tile - I,. . lid ..il . u l.l' a:.' i an I I' mil' nl l"i not minding IMina 111 in 1 1 lie mo I an o i l a , 1 oil. ol the ill - ol tm cinie tn lie- i -lletl. ll XX.Is ..r 1". I hi a i x i ai s hence. the suit, . co. let coiil'iii. incut I' r tin, his honor. 1 1 xv ti. will he three year x mi ox i r x -ill' piasti i ti ke that al before I milimil. due lo hi in pia-l- is The m ig A li- ! e a liott and dm d, lt d .1.1. i I know xx her lien.'", o -.mil, -- I h t., pa I xoii! Iiml ll. eii in T.i IV A i . 1 1. 1 in w i , I ' xv I i. Ix and b. .ug al. nl li in the -aid pai n t got into ... rxi -. and at. tie tu .li on cmt. ing ...in. .l - "V . and w a- -o in.lirii.ii I I'ob" lh.it -le , ,1. gill 11 w.il- 1 and tl.n w il up a t i '..bb. d it of it - In i. sen i'S I )i. vv in I a patrol, h"!l. oil. ll IV. In r ,i of pf - I, p. I he W idoW led Ihe .11 th" . a lo III It lie 111 plum bid, I'n liy 'f hot I , and v. tal b it ll III : It w. lit do, ip.il VV in II pi 1 vv nlow 1 , N.d, had lead." 1 1 I'll, p.n 111 'li it l b ,1.1 pa" , lailll' d . "Hit. X o." I: -t il of nn ill;, hull, i'i;: atoii I l"t ll -p.. 11.I1 ut . ul .y I le w idow ' Who like "I'o in. hair on tli lie I . .1 1 In 1 n I'- -pit I- b'ig! . 1 ig ll I and in .1 I !' I,, 111 .11. old a- old I ll. le lop ol hill- lied lip illl I :: lit It in tii'.- Ilei III. in Mi eiing t lis. phv i. i 111, i,l,n ing I" 111, 1 il If H av . ling ."i -I. . ping 1 u - v .1 h I In b Mils thi- in i.b UP w llh lie .1 h lie ,l le el- tow. ilds , ligilli , lid : 'It I- Itallllv bad lol Ihe bra. 11 ol lie -It 1 p 1 1- ll is ii"! ii.ituia!, .Hid il is in 1 w . ,11 br 1 1 1 1 1 " in hi v 1 1 iv 1 1- 1 -. t -pi, i.til thu-. who havi beiii en tin load 1 i lii-.v. Iv, t xp- iii ic e bad 1 I It.ts liom it. Tike tut. mt- in litby i-.it -ii.igtsaicl 11 ' - ill' woiitau vv ill think of 1 1 ind 1 1 11 : lie vdiii I'- al.'ii : -" the t hil I go, , In i.l i,.. Tin y always . , x, a pt lie y .ling and im xp- 1 i. need lie! In r pil-h tic III along h i I lil-l. I'hy -ii ialis illV.llilbly a Iv l-e -111 ll h" t'lliol i '11. It i- the sin,.' thing "ll Ihe nn, and lioolie should h. -1 1. tie about having his L. ith 111. nle up - ll i nun Ii I'.. , (,.. '.. a- t" moxi b ltd- Im a!"ie : tut lu-t lie bl am Tiie liiisluii Small liny. (i, mgii is I'.. 111 v 1 11 s ..Id. I im d iv iho ! y.'iiiig-t' 1 b el ! 1 11 I ilv :t w ith a -light all. nu ol -i'i v .11 n at i"ii. .ue I. xvi-lniig t' in, pi. -- upon hi- inlaiitiie uiiili-r-laieling th, -iulu'ii. -s of , line; lib-, th. lath, 1 lel.ittd the -l"iv about lie .r. e Wa-hiug-(mi and h'- hit le h .b le I, cl i-iug w ith th" n in 11k ll.it (iioige Washington wi ll good b,. ami m v. I- told a lie. The tlnbl I III ll'l s,i I: thought a m, 1 lie nl and tie n ' Pap 1. I " "d ,t he I M. 1.0 -aid lilt!, -Y ni "c. glllll coin a. don't pat 1 1 1 X ii,- r -. "vou hni t tny 1 ntx b..y : On youi ,1'ii't. papt' fx Klli.ll Illl! I anils c y cat's alter ilat of pinnii e throw 11 by the -lllpelld"U' the tloaliiie up and int' island' th, -. v.-l anie crup lion at Ix 1 akaloa. in tin .lava art found to haxe drifted along ill'' Indian Ocean ill the I a-l twelve lie 'lll-.liTi'i lilile in the dire, lion west by south from where they weie one X'-ar ago, or about live miles a day. This :ft i. lentil help to tivdi-ogiapht r-, and ail who study if. an curr. nts and drill, i- probably thi best tin v have exi r had. became tin j origin of the pumice is xxi ll known, th, j ilo.ii ing- cxpaiise of it i so large that it aiin.it . -cape notice, and the dates anil lhcr p ,i tit ulais aboul it arc all matter .( r. i onl. JIATKS ADVERTISING 1 1 i:t I '. mil' insertion piare, I insertions .i 1 1 1 : l , unc innl'lli 1.50 2.00 in' dm' For lamer advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. I In the South. A I ttle gray sxxa lo v, I tl' il l i the xa'es i II the nightingales, i u. th wuoil-iif AhiIIo. llehinl ni" lieth-slnsr white dills, the lull lo.l llns'ii waxes llial l.nak nt hoine, tin1 lloflll' I'll gllles. The misty skicthi'li stead in thetl iltf i'ur ulJ my home is la.' an 1 c innol follow. 1 1 nightingale voitfs, 1 1 lemons in flower, i I liranehes of laiiicl I You nre nil li re: but, ah, not lur.1 my choice i' K.iin xv'i aid 1 pluck one pink veined blixini of s '1'1'el, Or hear Ihe xvrens I. ml, I in a hazel howrr .U-o'iToic tf Ai't. Ill MIHiOl . The le st butl-r is the goat. A rough drawing- A slugger pulling a earl. I irgaii gi inh i-' motto: '1'iirii about i laii play. A uian may haxe no ear for music, yet lia e I llllll I to 1 .1.1 , Aii unax .ii,ab!i bu :n 'i of the pi... e : I in s..i k ! a gun. sup. .1 tin I lor (joui l i nn: I. ir ci e it i in s wo ; il sweet on olio th .til,noo. upon proverbs. ihl' ii"; another, Ymi call never depend i :i" sax s, "S.l.-in e is g, "Mou.x talk- " "Minima," cried "I -lail' d to uiak" ii n's i ..me oi,t a pair "l...ok In re. .bid" a live-year old i ill, iy doll a li "iiin t, and if pint." ," ai, the burglar, "I ain't so I, a, a- ym think I am. Only give me time and I II reform." And the .beige gave him lilt'tii years. A in .tie ina'i. al . aleul.it ion has shown thai il the inii-t I, , of a man xxcre rel alivdy a- loiig a those of n (ha he t oiil'l throw a book agent. I wo mile-. "Men x !" c 1 a i n led Mrs. Hotnesp in, ,wlieii -lie lea. I in t In" paper llllll Jay jiioiild iniil" tell cents every time the j clock licked ; "I should think he'tl be j worried to tli .it li for fear the dm k xvjuhl ; run down . " I Sharper's Outwitted. j There is a sharper's game whiih hns I bet ii pi ,xt d for the last hundred years, i ue I in the turning point is avarice the 'game vv..ks forty-nine times where il I I alls on, e. 1 vv o sel pel s set out a few i weeks ago lo play it on a Wayne county tanner, i ine ol 111,111 came along one 1 I iv and wanted to buv t he farm. As the j firmer wauled to ,ll il was ,piie easy in j strike a bargain. The price xxas to In: s 1. 100 in 1 a-li, and the man handed over I s''"iO to bin I th bargain. Within two ' lay s a -e. oiid straiigtr came along and 1 vv .ini' l the farm. lie wanted it so bad ll. ,1 he , .'lil'lll'l stand still. lie found I ind , at ions ol coal, natural ga-and oil, ami In was w illing to give $11, llllll for the , place. fh" idea was, uf 1 our,, that tin 1 1,1 nn r xv oiihl be awful it k ol'hilirt j -ah an I -i i l, to buy the lll lll olf. ll I would p iy him to 1. If. 1 the man T' I . "' " 1 1 o 1 1I1 a-e him. The s. , ..lid stranger was only out ol j -ight when the liist out liirncd iip.igain. Hi in, 'iuh wati n d ovt-r the prospect, i but let i. i long. The I. mm r cxplaiuc I ! tint If had In .-tl oliited '.',."iHl lllol'c, and add d : "Hut I don't cue for money. Tnc 1 s 1 ouu i, enough for me, and its all the j oi l I n in i-xx 01 th. When ymi an ready a p.n tin biliine we '11 make out the P M" '-" I flic pun hast r off, it 1 1 to release him ,. -l IfJ"' s.",!!!! ji',011, but th, ' taint' r ili'ln'l want In be n leaed. He hung I" tiie bargain -money, and he's gi t : il yd, while the pair of sharpers rave and gna-h tin ii t t U t very time they think ft the thi. km -s ol his skull. - Iii. ban l isliing Spears, I h. ti-liing - pi ai's mi d by the 1'iule ln.ii no an ol peculiar construction, pill tie iinl of a pole or shaft from twt Im t lilieeii ft "I in h ngth is in et t -, d a pine ol ir-ii or -t, ,1 wire about as tint k in an mdinan It ad pencil and about I, n im lies Imig , the cud of this vv ire is m ,dc ,uitc sharp. Another pit cc ol vv ire about two nidus long lot nn the barb. One 1 lid of this .holt piece of wire is made veiy sharp. It i then laid upon the point "f the long wire and lightly hnln'd with a i.ii ,r of pilt hed twine. In the centre of the pi.ee ,. short wire is fastened :l sti ingox. i a foot in length, xvhi, h is mad, last to the shaft of the spear. W In 11 a lish is stiai. k the point of the spear pi entirely through its hotly. la withdrawing it tli" hort wire or barb puil, ..I, liinl, turning crosswise, the fili isseeui.lv fast, ncd and h angs dangling to the handle of the spear. Tunc Alters All Things. Clara, lloyoil remember .lane Crud lie, who xxint to school xvith lis? l) .ia. The girl with the cat eyes ami pu.'-nos. : "Yes." "I'.ig in. nth.''' "Ye." "No chin, 110 forehead, red hair, and cesnp exiou like a half-baked bi'tikl" 1" The same." I should think I did. W hat a gawk she xvas, llearvl of Icr lately!" "Yes; sin's the reigning American beauty in Palis Ibis week." t'AicU7- A'. '.' gnawpia m JiMi 1 1 n..mui...