THl KSDAY, AUGUST lit, lhhti. LOCAL ZUQCOUS. i J....o ..... f.. T 1 !.... k.n, .Tl,t m Ueiuiau euro on hi mmm j it-w ua, o ;w . v Jfc. ... - 1 1 i I .Lull i! it t. i.lel nmepounds. Ye mentioned last week that OrauA. Hanuer, Esq., was spoken of as our next Seuator. Since tbeu he La requeued us to state that t aept tUe nomination, , ten - de,.d. MT At their uext meeting the - .iti . ,. vuur' , . . " . " appiicuou io esiaoiisu nuoiuei tu- Ung place iu Uaidwin towusuip, on tbe west wide of Haw liver, near tbe rewdeuee of Mr. Johu Uark. r , , T Ou Tuesday night of l,t week it rained he,e quite lieavily, and ill t,':ii;... j it .,.,1 ... imvu beu luo ueaviest almost ever known. Tue laud was badly washed aud the crop auuost destroyed. t tbeu in justice we ought to give tbe ' east and wist each a member in the mr Stockholders of the Pittsboto i olle 0f Counuous aud I would sii;,' R. It. Co. are so slow iu paying their w,.ht Cuarl.-a E Ifoustou and O. W ubacripuon that the work ol track- lariutr will !; ive to be suspended u ii lev tiny j.iy more prompt jy. It would be - fl'-'iueif woik is suspend ed ou this ace. unt. Wagons are coming into town etery day loaded with d-igwood. per anuiuon aud bickoiy iiuuci .or (lie shuttle block factory, for wlii. ii the cash is promptly paid. Our peop.e are liudiug Ibeir inubwi to be quite j a source ol revenue. Mr Received this week at Loii dou'a another lot of Fruit Jars. La die Shoes. Also, a laige lot of Flie Sitlem Jeans, wlncli wid le old at Factory prices or exchanged for Wool. Doul forget to sc.! the liargaiu Counter at London's. Cash will buy you moie good than ever before. Hair Bynuin V Uead.-n are inc for the next lifieeii days. oil'er- tbeir stock kofRea lvmade Cloth. ng. and ; 's Si raw Hats at f.u c.wi. : I standard Pnut at (in pe, I. Heiuuaiiis of Worsted sold ..f i'.isL A nice lot of ' men Post Vktd l-ooardleaa of cost A mce lot of , MaUiug very low. Maou l i uit t 'mi ou hand. Now U the time to buy bargains. WrOn tbe baigaiu counter this Week wiii be found a 1 of Shoes 10(1 pairs. You can have your choice at 50 cents a pair. Aiso ot) Men's Coats, which will be sold at ha. I iuicu. Cash will buy a good deal at yindon's now. Tne.e goods can't last long at the puces ionaon is now offering them. Person i. Mkntios Mr P.. H Cowan, of the Anson Tunes, has been . ! . . . .i ... . i . Iiere on a short visn io ins inenos and relatives. Mr. Francis M. Womack, who has beau quite sick at Sun. bticld. is now here Mild I ill ml V illll)l'Ovill'r. ltp. lViev Eubanks is visiting bis ruhitives here, before leaving for Nil- bIioIhIi t'l'liL'c iscoiisiii. where he will spend a year. Amo. g oilier visitors here are .nss Marv Wi linns, of ( : M Lucius O. ecu and children, of Dur ham : Mis llattie Moon, of ( liar lotte: Mr. M. J. Ramsey, of Jersey City Heights. ., "" ",, , TowssiuI'Mki.TINos. Asheietotore aiinoiiiiceil, the ilemoci a T v ii:u baiu will hold their township meet ings at 3 o'clock on Saturday, tbe liMth of tins month, and elect dele gates torepicsent them at l be county nomiuating convention that will be held here on the following Wednes day, the 1st day of September. We would earnestly urge upon every democrat the importance of unend ing bis township meeting. It is im portant that the wishes of the people should be declared fairly and fuily iu the nomination of our county can oi.iaies, ami mis can o m.o, e uy , . i.i- ... i. . i ... , ...l.. I... t.tepeop.ea lemiing ine . .owtiMiq, lueetiiigsaiidexpressiiigilieir wishes, It is not l igbt that a few men iu a lOVVllhllip SIIOUI.I lueei logeiliei nun i .ii . ...... i i control the choice of their township, mid vet thev are not the nersons to blame. Those who do not attend, but stay away and grumble at what, oHioib "do, they are thu persons to blame. Let every deuiocial. then, attend his township meeting and ex- preaa his wishes and make known his ; preferences among the candidates. ! 1 A JIt"0LEss Chicrks. It has been ; u:.... . i it . ui.'j ..... ...... i has 'boasted of a new cuiiositv, but , BUIIIU L IIIO IIUUIl 111U IIL..UBI' . iit.. .1.,. i i i .i . .lav aiiei noun, Aug inn. ngui iiiug , now we cau boast of one that seems - . . . . " n i iT , , , t , . . struck a tenant house ou Mr. L. li alec)-.t incredible, and that is, a hvo.. ,i ui o ion () m lied b M'r ' eliickcii without a head I Several ' ,S " ,!" ,ClII1"J 1 ' , i, , ti- David Jo. ics It almost demolished days ago Mr. 1. li. t owlet, who lives . , , . ... , . i t .ii one end of the house, having lust about four miles ft om here, wanted . V. . .. h . , . i i i it . i i Ktrtiek the toil of the chiinliev and O chicken tor breakfast, and proceed- . . . , , , . .. . n. ., i i t .i. . the gable end of the bouse : running ed to cut off the head of a plump . h , .. , . 1 pullet His wife after awhile went. out iu the yard to pick it up, but to her astonishment the headless chick en was still alive, aud as it. seemed determined not to die, Mr. Fo.vler killed auother. After waiting several hours, and tbe headless chicken be ing still alive, M. Fow'cr concluded to take care of it. and began feeding it by siulVing coru and other food intu its ctaw. 1 he food was digest- ed and the chicken seemed to tin ive occurred Wednesday afternoon tit i " ' ' ". ' " ton, aged fourteen, mid MattieSmiib, go well that Mr. Fowler iu a day or Keitiie.lay's crossitig, '2 miles west of j "sai' S""'""'. aged tiltecen. Thornton on his tirst ' two brought it to town aud showed town, iu which Mr. Jaiucs Stout of! Dasvim.e, Ya , August 15 S. M. ; visit io the girl asked her to bo his the wonderful curiosity to lu.iuy of Randolph county was instantly killed. ! Armstrong, assistant postmaster of. wife. On his second visit he con- our citizens. The head seems to have The dirt load at this crossing ap- Danville, committed suicide I Ms af- suited the niothei, and on his thiid bocu cut off just at the end of the spi- , proaches the railroad in such a man-' tei noou by hanging himself to a gas visit gamed the consent of lite father, n al column, leaving aamall portion of ; ner as to make it a very dangerous ' pipe in the basement of the postollice Hs own father, however, was vio the brain attached to it Fhysiolo-' place. There is a deep cut just east building He left a letter saving he leutly opposed to the nuptials, gists say that such occurrences ate of the crossing aud a person traveling was tiled of lifo. Nothing is wrong Thornton had foi got ten to get lns( very rare, as iu cutting off the head westward in a noisy wagon could hard-: in his accounts. Ue leaves a wiiu ami hen use aud confessed that he did not j it is almost impossible not to sever , l.v hear the approach of a tiaiu from three daughters. Deceased was a have the money to pay for it, he! e- the spinal column, which of course causes ueain. Mr. Fowler will try to : 1 I..JI. ,.. i: WJI 1113 I.W.HO.D lUll.lll IUI.O Ulllll, the State Fair, aud there exhibit it to those who doubt thi utateuiont i i Fr ib mnu. ! Lcjjislalive Casididates. ' Mit. Editor : As ihe time is near at hand wh. i. the eilizens of ,,, , Koodold county ivili assemble ' convent inn to se! eel e.m,li, : represent us iu the tbe next Legis - l iture. und it beiu" bL'blv important "tfU rlmu,.u. l"'a" uJH,n our . , , vw".v 1 beg leave suggest, u.e name -.n d. a. Alston lor ! this Senatorial district. He is well aud favorably kuown to all of us iu Chatham county and to a largo per - : 01 ' eui-ub 01 A.a.uuu. -e, unu ! irSAl'iffi 1 .tdith tba, j last Legi-lature be aequi.ed early in : the bessiou quite an enviable reptita - 'lion and as 1 hid onixirtuiiit v 1 owmiiir Iui-''e farms 111 eacU ci)untv ... : - ...i,f . 1 .. 'A .i :. v.,u new luemoer 01 u.e iiouse 01 u pre a.-utatives to.-k ; inguer staml tU.ui -"r aisioh. au.i i was prouu :i mm as i'a1"""15 lv.pieseutative X ; bave known him well from boyhood. and alii Slll'e that we e;iU safely trust ...... . ;.. i.; i..... ... ..11 .......j nul umicr ail circtiiustunces. i If we name Mr. A. for ibe Senate jjvuulll resi'ctively for tliose places. llieynic yood and true men, with level ueails aul slei nil'' line 'illy and v. ed li.'irmiiiicd v itli tue wanln. of our p. opie, and aiu sure tLey have t lie in i ve to defend aud support at; all tiiin s imv Uie;iuie uhicn thev be-1 lieve will i.-dound to tbe iuteresl of our people Iu justice to these three g. nlieiiiefi I will say, tbat I ion't know positively lliat either ol desires the uominatl or would accept it if tendered t hem. but nwwi 'j ; them as I do. I believe tiiat if the nomination whs i.en them! 'Alto souieiijiii like unanimity inc. ccul l nut lii.d it :u tneir lnarts to r. tuse I conidiT this a tirst class ticket, 1 if however aiiv l lT ll -.-i i win support ll Willi pleasure. A lor tbe county oftn-ea I have found nil tluougii a long life, tliat ' tlie atlaye "Let well euoii"h' i a go j 1 one to pr.ictice, i.nd i a all the oi I o-li -era are uuiversailv iici.o.v.e I-ed to be go -d one tneii j we -" satety let them aioue. at : ieat for the i.reseut. 1'aumkk. I i---l for the present. Stato News. Wadeshoro Intelligencer: Trav elling iu the upper part of Anson county, a few day ago. we met a family of colored people father. I mother, children hastening along. Mill nooks, slates ulid till kettles in going, Ue a ked where they were and with one voice they a'i- red "to schooi: tlie lather. .mi-...i 1 , wu.' nt lomit iiii v veutrt iii.i, ' cms det.i iuiiicd to L:ivu all ed ited ton. I Iiockiiigliaiu Rocket: dolpii M' ag.-d '21. an Mr. Ran- eniplow e on It Mr. I dtiet tei s farm, com plained of a soi foot on Iat ill ui M day. He to Ins former bomeition it adhered to tbe wound .near ttiil's Mill in this county, and verv soon vn prostrated trout the effects ot t lie ten e. lull tunitioi) had for who, iicc.r. laded t'tleaeh the patient iu time to reader any aid He die I ..II S d md i folio ing plob ably iroiii cnsipelas produced by the sole. Dniiatu l!c j. j,. j .,.,. :der: This moining I at the residence ol h.s iier ui-l iw. J D. Wiibon, of ei.iist'iiiptiou. Mr. Miller was a prin ter, mid for a long while woi ked in Durham, lie li ft Dttthnni two veals n,,o, seemingly in gooa health, and w. iit to li.cid.swih1, re' tiri.itig a few weeUs ago, iu Ine laM stages of pul monary consiini tion. The deceas ed was employed iu the lti-.'olin otlice lor one Year, beginning November, I SKI), and w as one of tin bt st printers we have evei known. En. Ittconn.J , .oll.'OIil 1 linen ; in ii. ii i.iwii- r i .r: i.. v. i; i i-.ii i. ... .: ...I s.op. oo .. . ,.., ; cm.. ... us uea. , "cunesoay .u " wry painful and distro.sing manner. Tbe old folks were away from home, ... i iiii l ami i n ii . iiiiin itii, neii-ii iiiiu nine uiu n i old. were out m the yard with the oil j can pouring the oil ou some stick and setting lliem atire to see them blaze. They got the can and tbo lire ton near together, aud the explosion ; was beard nearly a mile. The older j child's clotliing caught lire, when he I run around the vurd sen iimmg piti-; fullv. In a few moments it fell ex-' . I . I .......... liniir-iuu, mill llill-D liuuin mill mis u corpse. ! , ,. ' , ... , , , . down struck the corner posts toie lliem into splinters, scattering! the wcathi'i'-boiti ding in various di-1 ICCIIOIIIV JIIT-IU UP HH' IH-I.11.U..IU,, I. f .1 .11 , , . , , . tO lllS foot ine House ill tue time, anil Bimiige iu say none were seriously hurt but were , ten inly shocked and ft ighteiied. Mrs. Jones was knocked oil' the bed aud a , lit tin bov out. of a chair. i I High Point Kuterpiise: A most shocking al.d tiuloitunatc. accident . the east and could not see it iu con- seipienc of it sbiup curve iu the dirt ...... 1 I.i. I. K. ...... ... ...,....l,,.il.. .... '. " ."., u,, u.U .... tbe laili. a l. Judging from tbe ap- peaiaute of thinga, iii'.btout waaiid-' jllg wi( ij buc k toward ibe approacb- j injr (ruiii, which struck Lis wagon i "1,ol't midway, totally demolishing it., ! and the doomed man was thrown vio- in , l, llt'.y against the engiue and lodge.! to.'"1 tun I 'lit Jt - Tbe body remained ; wlule it fll until tbe train could be rtl'Il,eJ- was dead when tbe train h-.n r..a. I....1 In... ia i.w t It i.rli : i i7.. i : " .: i 'Tii'.. U. III. in l X (i liT 4 IIIIU. A UV Jt il IIJILIU to'""" - : ."V ,"?.., , l" "''" crushed in. '1 he body was car- : "' 1 Jx 1 " , , "'V;. . iT'f . - ----- --. V";. 'r7 """ V" ! .Al'" ""''u 01 "f-1 " Ibd uew. lo Mr St dnving a mule and a 1 d three or four : U)s Woken ana lecenea otnei injuries. ! but uot.e of them fatal; the mule was unhurt. Kavottevillo News: At Fayette- vi( Snur.l iy ni-bt about 2 o'clock a . Mrtittr entered Mr. Thomas E. : rh.lHp- residewe aud being dicover- 1 ( (, a ,k,.raU n.siMrm. o. The ' I,.i..,rl,ir u-hv nlievn'i-tei!lv run , r 1. ....... . . . . . Mr. Phillips iu bis dining room. i where a dim lild was burning. The ; burglar was hiding iu a dark corner ; w hile Mr. Phillips was going through ! (be room, but beiiiif discovered lit ade for 'the window, the blinds f ! which he bad ojiene l iu his entrance. I He wa quickly intercepted and 6m. . I, ,.,. ,,f i.; ,,,.,,,. , 111 ji lips choked inm for some moments, but w is bring cut so badly that he was obliged to let ;; before bis wife flllllfl I'Pi.l'll llllil Willi :l Itlttfl 'I'll, ,. r out aU(l lk.j Wilmington Review: At about h i f past 3 o clock this afternoon a i white stranger, aud evidently a tramp, 1 stepped into the store of Messrs. V. . E Springer ,V Co, on Maik t street, and asked Mr. F. L Springer if be ! i.aa any iwo uouar pisiois lor saie. : -Ur. Si)niii.'er reniied m tliealtirmative ialid showed biui one, when the stranger asked to see hoiuc cartridges to suit the pistol, riies.i were Kliowii:!a.cenyaie violated, but that is i nun, i;eu ne pui one oi ineiu into one of the chambers of the pis - tol. as if to see that it would -uit, and then, with the quickness f thought, be placed tbe weapon to his b.'..rt and !"n ed He then threw the pistol vio- Ictitly to the tloor and staggered to ward the door, where he fell aud died almost immediately. , ., . I .i.chory 1 res: yu .i.e ,.u . ! , a little son of Mr. C. 1-. Link, who ! lives near Aunty I ill Iredell county wiih .iii.eii o ii iitoiu pnpp. nooui I we. ks old. J he ttiiti ol tlie puppy bad gone mad and been killed, and the puppy bad boon suckled by her repealeihy after she had become rabid. . Mr. Rink did not at tirst think that jth puppy was rabid, but observing !tbe symptoms .if madness, was pre paring to kill it when it bit he child . He immediately went to N wtoii in search of a madstoue. Arrivin there i be l.viiued that the stone he was look 1 ing for was at High Point. A t le- 1 grain to High Point brought the mad I stone on Tuesday morning last, and I it was immediately applied to the wound. Mi- liink wiit.-s us that be ! eight applications of the stone ' to the wound At the )iit anpli. a- j one the i hour and ten minutos On eighth aj. plication it adhered hour. Louibllg Times: Much excite in. -it wa aroi'sed on the streets on Wednesday, about half past eleven o'clock, v-hin the alarm w.i sounded across the river tnat t'vo men were drowning, at the mill. A crowd rush ed to the nilil. but too late. Tue :iii foi; un ites were b.-youd any earthly aid. The particulars are as follows: m i. I........ 1....1 ..... ..i l w:... ., ' , ... .. ,' , . , " , men. in noai seme w aiei nieious across the liver. Ti e lien of the prcMous night had swolcii the stieam, and the ., vvat r was very sw if . I.oth said the , . . . . understood managing a ho d, and g. t into it about 50 or 75 feet above th dam, where the water was very swift, They pushed off from tbe bank, i.ud were tiiUcli liy the cut rent, atnl le- tnn il. ... .,,11 . : , i :,. .,.,::,,,, .urn inn ruiiiu i.iint.' iiivii ..iii..n, wer(, ,,,,,, ovt!r tho fuUl. Quo of iUt,m WRH ,.,. to one time bv t,ie uji(,r wj10 W.IS the only eye wit- ' of tbo fearful scene Much (i ,,. ,, 1 J .,11 fir ; 1 , ".. M ' Ooldsboro' Messenger: A most distressing accident h lppencd in the Pais. m section on Tin sday of last week. Mr. R. T. King was at Mr. W in. Kings grinding apples mlo cider. It seems that .luring au un- ; guarded moment tbe little niiio year ..1.1 .luM.rl.t,.,. of l,n l.ll.,.. 1,1.1 ..1 ...ll. o"" v. . ed upon tbe post to which the rollers : ...... ..l ii,. l...i., ,,, , . re attached, while the hoise was making its circle. Tbe little on. . . ,. , . .. . , head was caught tx t ween the post . . , , beam, and she was oushed to death before assistance could reach , ... , .. her. e learn lioni a coirespou- , . ., . . ,,, , ,, ,,' dent that a little sou of Mr. C. r. ... , ,. , . . Ueiiton of t'eiio dordc, Columbus . , f , . . . ,. county, was on Monday ol last wees. pilot I lie hoy tan some .list inc. It was feared that the result would prove fat d but thanks to timely and . tVcctive treatment by Dr. Y. M. .Mcliugan, who applied cotton soaked in concent rated he to the wound, tbe little fellow is now out of danger. prominent man here, and was l ast i (iraltd Master iu the Older of Odd i l.-..ll....,o Il ..... 1 i;.. . r ,....,..- r, . w j ago from Hampton, a, and was a lawyer. Prohibitum In Italeieb. f' Die !!&Iolgb Obrlstt&ti Adrosie, Well we bave bad one month of prohibition iu Ilaleigh, aud our read wouu ifce to know tbe result. V. km Wn rait n( tl,., mt nnnJ jeai durjUg ,be mouth, but Lave carefully inquired into tbe matter. M Ync -even ineu .... . . . ,j, unkenness .taring tbe mouth inree 01 llie t.evt u got tJieir liquor outside of Ilaleigb tow-usbip, aud owe given liquor by aome one iu 1U1- . 1 'r r.Le oth' ,irr WouIJ uot tM uere mey ooiaineu liquor, wniy one of the seven entraed ' orderly condud Iu' Julv" 18 fcw Ic'atlta t'Suul m.s, iu july im tLere were 22 rets for jjyj.,. s0 tLlit dur - ; ,,,,.(!. r,f , fli,n,iini. .;7u .1. .uTi ni..! " is " : .p, v.uu llUiS ntjun, u. J". a er, s"l ,iear western ' tue townsbip aud one near tbe eastern limits, the arrests for aruiikeniie.-,s were not liall as many Some of them wi;! undoubtedly set as fur July of last year. This is ; tie peihaiis the cutir nmnbei' stalling off pretty well. We inter- J),-. . ji. Jnhnso,,. editor of Ecou viewed the watchman of the Capital. ! umist, Mi.tou. Pa., would like to get He .ays before prohibition went into ; !J the infonuatiou couccinmg North effect he saw from two to four druu- Carolina josible. keu ui. u pass through the Capital 1 J T. Crockett. Esq.. of Adair Square Jate eveiy Saturday night, ""'d that during tbe month "of July, 0UI u,sl 'uoniu ol prouioition, ne j Jina fai imng kuds. He is formerly ' only one uian wuo ,le tboughtjof Massachusetts, but moved quite had been drinking, and ho was not recently to Tennessee. He is not in link, xuose wuo nave neeu in tue and seeing it full of drunken men betetofoie, say that a woudeif,!, change has taken place, many men WHO useu to come to lUicnrh every naiuraay ana go nome ai unk, now come and go homo sober. c Invent seen a drunken man in Ral - uigh since prohibition went into, ', effect. The: gather them ate tue tacts as we Ofcouisethe law i violated iu some instances. but ur mayor ana police are on the alert ail the tim mul nie pntoreimr t ho nw. and there are but few violation of. it. The laws itLraiust murder and ; reason w uy lllese lavvs biiouia ue re-1 1 pealed. Here and there maybe a ! ; fw violations of tue. local option law, but any man of sense can ee . , that these lew violations are not to j be compared to the amount of ruin i that forty-seven grog-shops wrought . iu IUlcigh before we closed their .doors. In one of the principal loons a shoe factory has been opened, ull(hu. is being turned into a grocery f.(ol(l) ail(lther lllto tt dry go,nl, Blol. ajJ 8(jll wloLer iuto BUt.icgaill Jin- ; nig room. Abduction and Murder. LocvNsi'oHT. Ink., Aug. 14 There is great excitement over the abduction aud probable munler of Miss Luella Mabbett. an estimable girl, liviug south of here. Last week Amos ( li ecu a rejected suitor, drov.i in a carriage to ner home, seized hex and carried ber off. H returned home next moining and disppeared. Miss Mabbett has not been . en since then, and as Urceti bad threatened her life, it is believed she has been murdered An organized s. arch for ber ha-i vain ly been can led on A trail has been found leading to Wild Cat Creek ami some believe the body will be found in the stream. Thursday night a mob. believing Green's mother knew of tbe where abouts of ber son. ent to her house A rope vis placed around the old .u s ,,. i ... M.c was u... a enc.. with ileal ii il he did not reveal th biding place of l.ersou. but th" threat were of no avail. The mother rcfus ed to open ber mouth to betray hei i SOtl ' The mystery is deepened by the; "1 li-api.e.iiauce of another of Miss MaliW'tt k sintoia, John ltr'iH. "'I the night id the abduction William Wicker made a call on Mis Mahbett's ' . .... , . r ,i asdieeiis accomplice Mrs. (Jrceii , . 1 . , has also been .d . Cniigressiiien Who ilou't Pay. Wm.)iliit;t.. In ltiuil.urit IM...aloli. Some queer things can be seen about the Capitol . luring tbe last days of tbe session. One of tbe queerest is the crowd of collectors. -;"iing to Congress may be an honor, but it cannot be said to make men UOlll honorable. The average of lead beats in Congress is quitu as great as outside. On the last, days of the session you will find a swarm of Uor- ists, livery stable nieii, hotel and ; boarding bouse keepers, constables ; and prot.'S-ional collectors svvaiuiing u,,. corridors, looking after delin- ,,llt.nt uieinbers and trying to eatch (,n r(m ,.m in the halls. ' Tliere are mem-; T. , .if.. I .1 .. ..:.. . 1. I...I'. wtteri l)CI S Willi MVSI fllllll 1C11I1 y ioo notch ft,i Labenlasheia and all sorts of , . . , , - , tradesmen light and left. Nothing an be legally done with a member of Congress for obtaining money under fai so pretenses, though it is a jailable oli'ciiee when comm. tied by common people. I lie only remedy is to make the transaction known. If the records of the Congressional dead beats could bo printed a good many people would be astonished. Two School Children Mur lied. Jim.nsoN, Ua., August 15. Mag istrate Pieasani J. Hobeits was called ; to the residence of Mr. Ca!. Smith to ' perform a man iagc ceremony I'heie i'hildreii he toiiu.l abool titty school and learned that the bride and groom ' ; were ol tun iiuiuocr tliiaui 1 hoi n-. upon tue school chiUtieit present took up a collodion for ibe llecessa- l,t.i, M, u j .. u. ...o ,..,, prououueud the uoupia husband and 'wife. Immigration Item. Mr. V. E. Bigelow, of North Viue land. X. J., wishes to purchase lund near Littleton. V. T. Ogden of Port Republic. Md., desires to visit North Carolina with a view of making a purchase of land. Parties bavins: sjood land lor would do well to correspond with biui. He writes that li. W. ! Gardner a friend uf bis will mccoiu 1 JyUm j Seven gentlem. u from l'eousvlva- ! ia arrived in Ralei-b 1 be tiist of t Lis we.-k and after looking around for a ! T" f tf h TT'U ,MUt ! a eSlor .UoK j Zlirlbl" ..oint "o ! oien a store and tbe remainder of i..i.:.. 1 r l V "" j UM OJ je ,orineru immigration 1 Agents informed Coimuissioner Pat j ,ick that tbe whole paitv could com- mand ten thousand dollars or 11101 e. . Creek. Knox county, Ttnu , wish. I information conceding North Caro - verv.wtll pleased with Tennessee and 1 i . . ,w . Let Democrats Organize. 1 .,. v ... , j The democrats of North Carolina cannot expect to win tbe figi.t that 1 w I ...r. ., ii, ...;(i, ,., ..... wo,k and hanl work nt t t T'leri ' w iii ,,,i,.,t,!.. i. i,. , i,,; i ...ln ..,..,, ,. ,.,..,,.,..., i,, ,i, ' i W1i i, L..i.;.. ..f uu whackim; known as i-,dci.ciideniim ... i. ..... . , io ci usu out ol existence and orirati! j . . d.i.. , f i i i.;.,i, time that so. LetUedemoc! a?io hosta )ti careful iv em oiled in every ro.i.)t v. township and precinct. Let tie ralJjg ,,f the party be arraved. Otherwise we slniil have no reason i,. i,mw ;..t.., ,. r,,i i, . , o:gMtizi be the 'word throughout tho democratic party, and let it be ,,.,.;,., rtled mi,i we'aie fullv pre j .mml to meet any and all enemies. i ,,.i- i, ,..,... .i,, ,. ,.' under whatever guise they may ap pear. A Horrible Tragedy. F.vFisuHAM, Illinois. Augut 11 It was rumored yesterday that a hor rible tragedy, followed by lyn. long, occurred near Georgetown, Hiiuuis The names could not be I. an.p.l. In formation was that a party were threshing oats, wbeu a son of the man feediig the thresher accidentally hacked bis fathers band. This so enraged the latter that be picked hi sou up and threw him it. to the thresh cr. Tbe boy being cut to pieces, the father ut once lied. He was i-ooii captured by the machine hands and lynched by being banged f ivn the thresher. Tbe rumor piv.luec.1 a great sensation A Dot i nctive Sturm. AiihitiiKi n, Dakota, August 17. A heavy wind and rain storm again vis ited this vicini'y yesterday, and swept over a li f t v mile, doing more lainage tl au any pievious storm. At ' NVtt.a,k. thirlv-tive miles northeast ol ll-re, ou tue new extension of tlie .Milwaukee load, the suffering was1 ii.,. I,.. ,, l'. ..... ....... l. n. , amj mu)lU,.t. fh,u,jv ,:,,,., The Teliliesse n is novel, i if not unprecedented, in the fact it (mi tlie two pa lies have nominated t.... I., others as their can li.hitcs.fot' "" The engineer and conductor of a passenger train on the Chester and Lenoir niilroad were arretted an 1 jailed at Liuc.ointon for di-iegaid-ing the town oidiuance which regu lates the speed of locomotives with in the corporal ion The Johnston county Detnociatio convention nominated for the Senate Janios II. Pou: for the House of Representatives. .1. W. Perry and lv S. Abell; for cierk Supeiior court, L. ll Waddell: for shciili'. .lacks.m ltailis; for register of deeib. Jesse I). Morgan: for treasurer, licv. John J Harper: for coroner, li. ll. Hood; for survever, i. It. l'ulgliuni You tire not old, yet your hair is Your friends remark it. : v ur wife regrets it. Parker's Hair . mi ,., .1.:. ... ,, ! f ' , , , 1 , Jt , , K ,7, ',. ,1 'l iiia.i and lesioieinc oiigiuai gto-s glo- and color. F.xepiionally cletn, pie-, vents datidititV. a perfect dressing. j Remember that J W. Scott .V Co, 1 (iam.Nsltoi:n', N C, is the house for . you to piitronie. Ample facilitns and fifteen years experience g vi-. them supeiior advantage. I MAltltlld. ..U..H ..f .loHiliii Hit.! lrnirrhiiTc InniTtntl j fnH.. .It-ltuill'li.s .-i.irpa.l .. veil ins :i hut.. I'RIIIiV- liOHrilS -Oli II.H Mlh ,.I Vi.;.i-t. I) c. F. J -hlis ii. J I'., Mr. I l l. l l KKV I.. V.ibk S... j l lllli.MA Itm.KtBt, all ..f Cliallintu. "THE LEE BOOK " MF.MOIl.S OF ltOHF.UT F. l.KK. Rv (hsvu.M. A Ti. l.oso A full lilHtnrv of hi n.tMttry rt - anil enm imtiri:. w rn ifit ls i'it, fr nt 'tiitn d(o-'iiU Wlillt' H ini'inlt'r i if Hi' (h'O.-iiuI l.t(T 'f tifli !,. , anl fMm IHIi'tm nnil tiiMirml .itn tlni;i, . thr !. ffttnll) . t'liiim-li'ltsl ty ibf ti-v,i ti-ipH ut Vlr iTllltK ttil N-Tih CarnllMii. ftl l'rt-W-l Dy lhi KHIltltM I! l-IPKil.HH Hi '-titM'i. II Im 1'iivrtif, hiii'1i ai. l r? ti?tl lilfir, from iiifni liifi'.iiiti ht'it' ut )utU)tMl, furn- nui iy M--i'iit irirri'm. iipiimiil' na in Hint aiil Itviillfic nirn "I ih" A'HSb, i iit'U-1 itii.1 ihIi; a i with the Hsnlstniti-oiif Ootiml M titer? J, W nit. in The Whole Kortnttii A (hii-li iimvi. Arrurate niul StuiiilarJ Mi-ni ii of lite lilust ) ion Soldier vni.ift' 'it ..liim., Hl'ttui Tnii l'An, fully IIIiiwihim wiih imriraim. nan. . s.l.l l.: ,,.,,., ,ulty. WUII lMlw,. Kl llM'll,. uv.. .ir.'niHn. n i i..-. ' Aug. uiu" SIOWUAkrwiuu6iua!,w!'c. THE MARSETS HeiH.rted tor Tali KEOnHD by WYATT A: TAYLOR. GUOCKliS & COMMISSION MKKCHANT8. No. li Souil' nide Martin St.. KAUat.U, N. c.. August 1". I. COTWJI MAliKtT; MM.liMix, t- sirn-i U'W Mitldlag, . ( M&lUb, 7 WHol.lALF. UiiiiOEhY MAhETT. MoMl -O K sides, C , (j.froe. Hall f. l li.ur. N.C., H Ui'r. w Uains. N.C, 1(1 'oal. Willi, Wiffl hUtfar-furtnl, 12 r'li, ?2uT5 lr.l Of,!, iMiiii iloi refined, 9 vfilu l''u..f ramlly, e ut ;ie.n, 70 V.'!u " .1'pms, IW'iSOO V-w cam. Nrw Mackrref. Syrui, Irlghi, i-f hwitii, turn sutu Ui::ut, 1.V40 UrlBlil lrllvt, l-ez. lOall KlrH C. 6j C'hl.-kiut, ui.. Bmsuio: uw urrua t;.h Pletxd Tim ll s.i. 1 -! New Arivcrticmi'iits. GRAIN DRILLS. The PENNSYL-' NIA is thf- most ! e-'r nml Iu exiMwHv. j .TltH-t I ..rv. I 1 I siii r t o a tvuu'i o wi..i:uy.unii Mi'-i-s. moaiU ljliuil M (in I'liWi'rs, rider .niils. Tiiifsbiud M:i'lnu. O ru SLHIan- .'.lJ S.hli-lnr.l Airrl'-ultu- ; !?,!.X'".n"'u' srr-t Bh'JlwK'''M t e. i,ry(t.iuu Agriiuiiurai "rki, lurK, I H. AUfc-.i! il. Ism;. I ORTOAGE SALE. BY VIR-! - l-'k "U. I.' In itif.-m tnt Uie n-sier t.r ai o( iiiiijaru iMuniy. 1 will im!1 at .t.tiii. niK-Uou j f'Tcftli, ti Hie f.-un-liou1 f md r.tuuiy, . ll'iy'l Htl. III Nlld O'UU'iV V It'.f.itjltljr H itnir li' ri it fbire ti-UM Utf bH'ln KtuuiitHl I ly ' C. J--riHjp.u ui'.! Mrs. L. C. Vil!"ii. t A (THTIS, ; f ... '-:. lhO. hock 0rl, N. C. j HOLLY Nl'ltlMiS INSTITUTE. VAl.K AND I KMALE ) Rkv. J. M. WHITE. A.M.. Principal. Mr.. A. L. Thompson, Music. ""'"-'''.n r.i it-.i n...uoy. n. nviiiau.. FALL Tl :.M i.i..-ii rot sT J3rd nD.l offers Uik '"r '"-"'Oi ui in.-iHiiijr. i In tl'.M : muilc. HS.fti. Brd uer ni"iiiii J; .Vi. K-T .nri'-uirrs -ri! f-.r f;sl gue. ll lly .rti.Ks, WnkeCo., X. c. Jul; 1. , lt.sO. tlc.L GO TO mmm, mi i c;, DURHAM. N. C, roR Hardware, Cutlery, CROCKERY aai STOTES. SHEET IRON AND Tobacco Flues A SPECIALTY. AUK NTS FOIt LKG:'.':'GR AND NEW LEE COOK STOVES. We l.te p the largest and most com k of the above goods to be ' foued in town, and ffuarautee the low est prices, Al,rl1 for cash. cm. 1885. SPRING. II OT GOODS! AT- We take pleasure in announcing to! our friends aud customers, that our l'IN" AND hl'MMF.R GOODS wiU be offered at Prices in sympathy with the Low Prices of l anu Products. We hav e a more complete hue of DliY GOODS. NOTIONS. CAUPETS. OILCLOTH, HOOTS AND SHOES. H ATS AND CAPS (il'F.ENSWAliE, GLASSWARE. C.UOCEUIES. &.C., than ever before otVered. Ladies' Cloaks and Dry Ooods a Specialty. We solicit an examination of our Goods before buying. Thanks for past favors. JeirThe Highest Cash Prices paid for Cotton and other Produce. Yours Respectfully, K. Ii. Mr LEAN & 10. Sn.r.ii, X. C. April '22. ISSti. FIRE! FIRE! ! 15c IVudont and IKIES M PROPERTY ! IX THE N. C. HOME INSUEAHE CO ! All kinds of liuililings iiiHiired at ; rcasenaldc rates. lie warned by the losses of your ! neighbors and insure in time. XI. A. LONDON, I Agent. Uvit. 19, IBM EVERY DEMOCRAT -IN CHATHAM CODHIY. ought to read the RECORD during the com- ing campaign THE RECORD Publishes fuller i i i and later news from the State and County than any other paper, and every citi zen of Chatham ought to take it. IH EVERY CAMPAIBH FOR EIGHT TEARS The RECORD has done its ut most for the Democratic Party, and it now ap peals to tlie Democrats of Chatham for their subscrip tions. SUBSCRIBE AT DICE!