I Iljc il)at!)nm Hcfori, ljc fil)ntl)cuu Uc(ori. II. A. J.OJSDOIS, KlUTOlt AND I'UOl'KlKTOlf. iiati:s TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, 'jut; your - $ 2.00 J Olll! Copy, si.X months , f 1.0" ( Oni' ropy, three moiif lis 51) The S'n;f of tlm Mowers. With harvests r i i m He mol o!d limn Km KUpiXK barns inn I fill, li-'cau', willi sturdy hem t im I mill, Wuwiirk it Willi u will; And I'iiiim- I from s. rp ut daybreak lililln Aero n llii- lldds wo pis. Willi swish imI sweep of many nsrytho To mow llm ni" nlow (jnuvj. 'Mm fm in wife n-tir, we know, '1 nr. , ii r soon cmue round Ami K' " swalli.ss must liu a row Fie birnkfast limns -liu'l sound; liul every man iru-l will Ills kis'p, As every '"'I his Inss Full I lout mid 'Ii' '. willi swish ami snoop, We iniiw tlm meadow gru-. 1 In' noontide I rinu-i its Imur of rest, Our swi' it iug bruwn lo dry, AfT mi with run liss laugh mill jest 'J im wlu-l ing bono wo ly ; And Hi. .ii m'ii'ii limit-, without the l ( II Innsai d nf kIu, Willi SWj-ll llll'l sWi'1'p, Mill f.'ll IIITOSS, We llli II " m i l nv glass. "I i. M' i f Mill. I ' lii' liin lllllllS . Tlllll llnllle I ll III III H'll, 'Mi f irm r smile, hi- silent thanks Al sight nf acres ll'M ii ; Tin' fm in w ifi' I.e. kmis liuiii llm door, Tliurll'll" hulllcWMI.I (l.l.-S. Hi' I, Inn In r , ie.1, i nr I i-k in o'er, We've limned I lie lllcii'luw grass. V.iIiih dure CAPTAIN JOE. a i i.i;i;i ni l: i-sic i:ii-m i:. ,lo' I linn .in ri'iiiiii.iu'l' it llm mIidihiit li'iljiliin. S'-c wis lni.lt fur liim, fur In; li:ul r 1 1 w ii liiiii-i lf In he n seaman. A native nl dpo Cnil, h.' Ii:i'l followed tho si a fmiii boyhood, mid was ii worthy mall vi ry May. II'1 liii'l made many success llll vy :;: aii'l when In' li'lt purl III J .1 1 1 II :l I V , Itlii, III ill'' West 1 1 n I il'S Itllll II linn k tt lie i'jii'i'i"l In milk" N ililiy Mar tin his iilr i'ii Ii:- i tiiiii. Sin' was the mily daughter i'l Capl. Ike Martin, fnle ni in iif 1 Ititi distillery. Mai I in wiw ulsn II Inilivr nf C ': ' ('ml, win re he li.l'l liis In im , lli.iiili lii.i wife ami il.iuulili r sh 'iI nun Ii iif llii ii time in Xewjinrt. It w .r, at 'iiie C'i'1 I hat .Ine ainl N ililiy lie- nine in iii:iinti il - in Im t lin y 1 1 :t I f;rinni up t'iL'illi'1 -ami ulnn .le, whu was nun h I he o'iIi i', Weill In sin, lin y jirmii-i-i'l In luve mi mi l iii lime ninny em Ii iiiii, r. The )lliin, iiuni il dy Meii air, llu I, i iin l nihi l-, liiiuihl iinilaiM S In 'I Inn -I. Hi's ill nllriy, iiml freijiti nl'y win ii hln- hiii r.n eli il, Niilihy caiiii! Inilinl in .-iiliie iiia-tiil! vi'"el, ii-li niihly In -ee In r f.ilin r. Win II ,ne Klih'il the liet linn', vhe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I In t'ilii' Cul tn (i I iraily fur die wi ililini;. Ail ueiil well with the I) 1 1 1 i ) (ill Aw ni'iileil lul ilei-liliiit.iMi, when hlui Was taken liy ,''.iiii:ii'l''1 earrieil into Havana anil em ii nun il. Aliini-t iiiinieiliati'ly Cail. ,ne was nil ii kell W illl yellnw fever, tit nil whieli, straiii! tn say, hi) reenveieil ; fur w it limit ii frieiul at hau l l,.i .-nnhl have hint lint little utlenlinll, ami, he Ki'les, every mi i wm t ken iii with this il.niL'cr nf a luiinliai'ilinc lit, thu I - n i -.1 1 Inivini; uiithereil their fnrees, uniler Al iniiali I'nenek m.'l Kn liiey, fur that nn- HIS', Ohio ill ilc In lie mil, Jue si t his miml mi iiiaUini; hii ei nj , I i n ir, iiinler i hVi I tif 1 1 : ; 1 1 1 ami the eveileinent ill it ili,li e I, In (;i t nil I," II' 1 one nf I liar frigates or traii-i 'rli i if the liailmr. The ileiii'iiistiiitiun , g nu t the l ily wastli'nw . illln a lieml. W al -nil, the je;li-ll i lililln r, lial Nii'l that he nuilil Ineaeli the wall . nf M"ii' C.i-:h: in eiuhl anil fully hniin. 'I'heie w:s eviih'iieu th:il the alleinit wunhl he in. ele, ami al though the S a liiinls weui saii'iiinu iilmiit liolilinir ee, tiny were liirvini lllnl exeileil. In this slii', at liilit, ,lne gliili il away in a hinall hn.il. l-'eai iie; the hi ntinels hi,i;!i iiion tne Mmm miht 0 id II siuht of Ins linat, lie keit us near tn the oiios te shnrii us he ilaieil tn go, Mini was inaiiilin the I'nnta when lliern iinte a eliiilleirii ami it shut from the 81'iitinn1. l''iiolishly In! il isi hiuneil the Jiihtnl li leel seci'i teil, inore in ih ll iiiee lliiii for any tiling elg', when a heavy thinl on the nil mil ami the la'lliii' fall of n inu.sket tiil'l that hehiel killeil his man. 'J'heiu was no time tn losr n iw, fur us lie Mlliek olll there eainc the ijllil'K, In iivy (trokii of a ii.iiil-li'iiit , near at haml. Juu was iig liu a pi isiiiier, ami this time in the haiiils of iniiii ialeil men, who w .iiihl liavu killeil him iiioii the Kmt hut fur the otlieer ill euliiinaiel. lie onlereil them tn lilt tho ileiul Mill i ilc I into the u isuiier's Im it, ami lash the living ami 1 ho trail together, Inn k to hark. This lour, they I'lirnl tho linat to the shore, inti inlmg to toe her in when they hi! gone their ruiiiids. When thu giiuril-hnitt wuh gonu ami nil wuii still, Jue, thus Ii uiinTittl, with almost siiperhiiiiiaii htrentli, drew hitu 8ulf mill hunleii near eunuch to thu how of tho hoat to reach ami loose thu p iiiitrr, which alloweil her to drift away. Ho tieil, he conhl not have used an our hie I rue hern at haml ; there is no liile of uny moment in those waters, Imt thu laud In'i rzo swept him from the shore, and he lung to thu hope lh.it soniu ouu of the ships or transports would pick hint up mid relievu him from his dreadful posi tion. Just then a heavy blow struck the boat, nnothtir, and still another, and in n moment he knew that hu was surrounded by sharks that had scented blond, am! ere ruer for their prry. For yards around there was a blii7.ii of phosphurrs rrnt light; heru it bubbled up likeanVry tauldion; there it was a fiery serpent, m a shark rushed along, or fell in i. thower of ilory stars, at a mounter atruck VOL. IX, the surface with liU tuil. The ball ol the i-entind had pierced tho buttoin ol the built, and tho water, htcudily gain. iug o:i her, sank her low r and lower, h riii;.'iii the gunwale nearer to the sur face of the sea nearer to thu knapping jaws. It was too much for the poor fel low, w ho saw before him a terrible death, from which there was no escape, mid with a ry of niruny he fell back, ui M'lix less as the body l j w hich liu was tied. The cry drew the nib'titioii of a senti nel on board the S'jiiii r 1 to a Fxrli drifting down upon h r, mid nciew wat sent to brin tho boat alongside. Tlm living was lilted on board, mid the boat, wilh its deii'l, was again adrift. For the moment but little thought was given to the rin uiii-taiice, for in the Illuming the at lack on the Murro would begin, Jtut when tin- seige was over, and the city, with all its treasures, had fallen into the hands nf the Kurdish, minor in it leis - I he lilt le even Is glowing out of thu attack came to the surface. All on board thu ship win: anxiniH to know siiiiictliin r of the poor fellow they had saved from death. No une Knew him ; but a inessen'.'cr from one nf llie trans pulls, ilh culnni.il troops mi board, so far lecngni' d him as to say he h.i'j seen him in liliode I-lainl. The oiliecis and lueii wi re kind to him, but he had re ceived ton great a shuck to notice it. I hi could nut he led to say or dn anything that would throw light on his history, lb; was ijiiict, did ai he was to'd, but showed no tiai i nf intellect. When fund whs placd before him ho ate nf it spar ingly; where tin y placed him tln re lie sat fur hums; and if he niuved at all, it was lu hulk over his shuuhh r, as thinigh he feared tn sec s 'inelhiug frightful there. The ships that cniihl hi: spared went sent home or to the North, The Sipiirii'l sailed fur Halifax; hum there she was ordered to lihuile Hand, where sho arrived ill S-pleiubei, I Jii;!, still haviie; dpi. .lot; nil board. Here hu was idea tilled by ii iiiinibi r of persons, iuehidiu:; .Martin, In whom In; was turned nver ti lei taken tn Cape I'ud. O ice there, Nahliy M n l in pleaded w ith her father to keep him under their own rouf, w here, no longer able tn take rare nf himself, she colli. I minister to his wants. As yd, she had lint seen him, but she eucoiiraucd herself wilh the hope that reason had nut wholly vaiii-li. il; that her vuicc and presence Wuiil, I lift (hu i Inud flum his shattered intellect. S i l ii nutheued, sheintered the room. If her lips trem bled and her In ail sank within her al the sight of his bent form and vacant stale, sh : did nut fur a moment falter, but throwing her arms iiioiiml him, with a hiving kl s she drew' him t her breiisl. Fioiii that day furwaid every nrtilico. was resorted to tn gain some viilencn that he was lint the wreck he seemed. One day, when ol her means h id failed, she put her hand gently tipnu his arm and sang, in sailor style, mi old icfrain thai in his youth he used to sing. Hut it was all in vain; the light had so nearly giuie olll as to leave no hope that it could ever be rekindled, and with the patient, uudiiig lov e, of woman, she gave herself up to the ta-k In fore her. His w hims, f.-r he had them, were gratified. He ahhorreil (lie siuht of the sea, and Would sit cuiilciiteilly mi the other side of the house, lie seemed tn like ihe sunshine, was less resil es if he occupied a chair in thee irner nf the sin ing-iooin, clos" up to the w ill, and if Imui time to time he looked over his shoulder, as at fir-l, thu intervals wore lunger when Nahby was near, lint it could be seen that he failed; that from day to day his form was umru bent, his step less linn; mid of nourish ment he tuuk but little. So it went on until Nuveinlier, when, lying upon thu liiungc nne day, seemingly in a doze, 1U raised himself, ga.ed out upon a distance that he alone could see, shunted a line from the old refrain : "Silil of hind front lupsnil yard!-' nnd fell back with gla.ed and staring eyes. ycrjmrt W. (IctH Mail nt Truth. Kvperienru in publishing tho lmh:i proves that nine times nut of ten when a person gels mad at something in tl(1 paper it is because too much truth has been told. When n man is innocent hu cilhrr ignores the item or articlo about him or else he cuines or sends respect fully and gentlemanly to thu oflien and gives his version of the matter, and it is received by thu editor in a similar man lier, tho desired contradiction or expla nation being cheerfully published, with a resolve by the editor that thu roucoctur of falsehoods shall nut again be allowed lo deceive tho readers of thu paper. lltckviit hk (A". J.) In It r. Tlit Hiiir Little Clici uli, There are times when a little boy lo conies a nil sauce. At a hotel breakfast table a small boy said in a loud voice to his parent : "1'it, what makes you smell tho eggs befon you eat them f" "To eu if they urn good." "Hut, I'a, yuurau't sco with your nose, can you i " 'For heavuu's sake, boy, keep ipiiet. I smelt thu egg to tiud out if it win ;ood. I "Hut, Pit, what ilitymi want to smell the egj; for " Can't you tell by tiwtiu' t if it ttiu't good." HtjUu'jt, IITTSIM)It The K cli .New forked Villa. When I was driving through thosu vil us on the Hudson, two Hunt it! results r lino to me. lu thu ti 1st place, I thought hat wealth was monotonous there wcro ,ou many of these villas to make any ouu if them a special delight. In thu next ilaee, they aiTocte I me as insuHieieiit rc ailts of so tn u -Ii scheming and skinning. I'o see these men w ho have b u n down in he city all day looking over ligu.es, hir ng brokers and creating revolutions, laving no greater sati ifactiuu than to :oiiii out to u country house which looks ike every other country hoii-c, more or ess, around it, seemed bl be extremely nudcrate pleasure where so many millions A'eru involved. 1'ew of these men cm go tway and not taku their buducsg with hem. The average in in of next tn no , icoine can almost always go to Iviriipu in, I fulfi l everything. Your rich man las lost the .e-t fur historic il impiiry, in, I he is pursued by the phantom be has ivilh iiiliuile pain created. All that hu ets nut of this life is regular newspaper tliiiu front day to day ; regular shiveiy u a public olliee of the city, mid regular pn-e at night in the mi. I t of a family nliich has all the reslles-nes and aiulii ' ion of every oilier family, with thu nhled rcstlcssiie-s of knowing that there :s money enough around the house to get .In in a great deal mure than they ran get, Jilt of life. ii. .(. .I... Tmriiunl. Tltey Knusicil High. fine of the sanitary s,piad of the pu ,ice force wa up .Mulh tl street the oile r lay when an old gray-haired cili.en nc osted him with: ".May pe you like to coteh soino pad boys, ,"hi" "If 1 see any bad buys I shall certainly catch them," replied the otlieer. "I ditch Mime foryoii now." "Where (" The oh) man beckoned hiia into tin) -i.le gate and iiiuund the huiisc. lu tin; back yiird were fuiir apple trees lunh d with the ful l, .md in the branches of i veiy tree was a buy from 8 to Pi years nf age. tiiiarding the trees were two .lugs, and ih.it they ware anxious fur buy meal was plainly shown by their acliniis. "When did you catch 'eiu';" asked thu ( Mid r. "S x hours ago. Tf you loan' want ', in I guess I'll leave 'cut up till night. If Koine imv , like al nles it vlias Ion had! to pring 'nil down pcl'ure hi vhis I full." The otlieer went away and left 'em roosting high. J),tr it ''r,t l'n ii. ltiiikr Moiniliiin Caieins. The M iiiitou's grand caverns are the largest yet discovered in thu lue'y .Mountains, though nut yet up to tin: laiiious raves in Kentucky, writes a c n respoiideiit. There is a carriageway to cuter, level formations far ill for foot travel, I'.ilumns of slalaclites, four largo rooms, the lurg 'it called a concert room, where, as in tin; K mi lucky Maiuiuntli Cave, many Voices aru heard in sungs id praise. Tuis is what is called Miisk Hall. Then them is of course there ! is: when was there ever a cave, or n in uintain, or a . leiimlio it, or any otbet place in this world (and may we not hope in Ihe nel 0 without? a bridal chamber. Thisiave, indeed, in names and tilings, is ill that your imagination ran fancy. It has its "canopies," " b ls w ing," " lion's m ine," oral bou quets, bulls of beauty and crystal bow ers, baronial ruiiservatory, mid all that the imiigin ition ran fancy. The cave is warm, dry mid clean, and the cold, or heal, is nut over ,ii degrees. Fm- a dol lar you see all, from the diamonds in the top arches to the solid I id; below. Atlvlce to Molliers uiiii ratlins. I wouid advise mothers tn stu ly the laws of their own being, read bunks upon the stibject of infants and how to takt rare of thciu (there are many excellent Works published upon this subject), ndi the lid vice of your phs:cinn iiisleit't ol your neighbors, and take proper rare ol yourselves; instruct your daughters when they arrive at a proper age, mid impress upon their minds the responsibilities the) assume when marrying. Nut alone lq wo need to advise in thcrs, but fathers, also. Your life and c, induct have m much to do w ith heredity as a woman's, even more so, for if you think yon can ' persist indrinkiug, ill-treating your wife ' and disob ying all physical and mural laws you need never expect 1 1 be proud of your sons and daughters. Your .sins in thu past will often produce a livinu t w itness to testify against you and here- , nflcr. This is so much to be said on tin subject, but I feel that if what I have , saiil will benefit and console just one 1 dear loving mother's he ut 1 will bo cou- i tent. 1'itttthurg Ui)tth. Would .Ipjor Uot r. ' "I owo more to my mother, "said Uah- j stcr, "than to uny ether being on ' raith." "Well, sho will never get it," aald : Spook. j "Oct what!" "What you owe hrr. loiihnvo been' owinn mo 10 for tho past twenty yean I and 1 never expert tn get a cent of it. I . wouldn't give your mother four rents on I a dollar for what you owe her. Lyun 1'itvin CHATHAM CO., N. C, l'IIILUi(i:VS COLIMS. AltllHlrf Of Hoimr. A was an Architect skilled in his trad", It was II," building he lately lnel ma.lo. I I was the Coping; he put on the stotio, ! It was tho Ilyiiiimilc Imsl lul alone. I', was tli" Kiitntuei! hall, spacious mid gay, 1 K the Front dour which stood iimii by day. Ii was the liarden whom fruit did abound, I! was III" He Ig waieh fenresl it all round. I was Hi" lm ig" which sl'Hxl in tile ball, J wastli" .la -kass whieli braved by the wall. K was the Kitchen for baking and stowini , I. w.ls tlm louder whore onik won't have you in. M was Hi" Master, willi lots of linn Indies, N was llie Nursery, built fur thu I, allies. O was the Iticlciid, iMI full of Hue trees, I' was the I' tnlry, fm br-nd an, I fur rliocse. tf was llie i,liiai ter fur htiiih'r to lay, It was Hi i It, sun for tl liiMivn to plnr. Si was llie Hluireas nil w lini ng ll high, T was llm Tower louKin out on tho sky. V was lliu I'liderruuiid e llar for goo I die r, V was tlm Vino rn tlm summer hulls" near. W w.is Hi" Well wlmru the water was laid, X was llm Ivv' ll, nt d. ink that it uiudo. V was llm Yuiilh who Hies') lines did com I' 'SI', Z was Ihe .any h" pulled by the ii' so, Hi t: , .lines llil'lyitril. A tVl.r lliiiiimliiK.lllril. Wisdom dues let depend on size, its you all kiinw, my dears. The nut and the bee, in fart, often seem to know mure than suiue of the largest animils. Tim humming-bird, (no, though the suialle-t of bird., is not lacking in in telligence, A friu. id of the I) 'iicou tells II pl asalit Utile story of one that Was trying tn secui" Ihe buney from a Dowel with a deep cup, and at the same time was plainly very tir il. The lluwcr grew near a purch where a family wn sittiic', and see'ng the trouble of tin bird, a young girl walk '.l slowly toward him, holding nut h r linger. The tired bird I, ,uked sharply at her and lln u ac cepted the i, Ib-iv I perch, alighted un the linger, and, w heui1 was held cln-e tn tin lluwcr, returned f, his work nf linney (jallleriug. The g'.rl stood ipiietly, and he used her linger as a resting-place til lie had finish -d his in al, wle u he flew ana. home. A wi-e hilinuiing-bir I that, say I, -and a wise girl, too. .V, Sicia- I ille Mhhi. Sun Hrowit w is very proud when he first got a place in greengrocer's boy. It was rather hard work, its ho had tn cirri le avy ba-ki ts of fruit and vegetables. lllld delivil'lhelu I I til" clltulll is; but, uften, if he ha I b cu a good buy, his I in i -I i f v 'it'' I give linn sum plums or i soiii" cherries lu t i" hu ne w ith him, I and Sun thought thai was very nice, line day he was sent tn a house soul" way nil, and told to be very quick, a. tli'-le was plenty lit ue In he dune when lie cam : hack. His way led across open Ii Ids where tin re was no shade; and Sun, as he walked along with the basket on his head, found it very hot. Present- I ly lie came I , s un palings outside nl fanny t I. ''H i! I uni t sit down and j get ronl," he thought; "a few inluiit "S ' rui'l in-ilb r tn in.i-ler." So down he, h il willi his luck avainst the palings,; and ill abniil two minute-, Sim was fas! ; asleep. Now, just where he had put the badtel I ihiwu there was a Imle in the paling, j Nut very far Hindu w is Fanner tircen's old donkey, w ho s ion sin -It sum, tiling v ry gun I in the air, and walked up to the hole to see w li it there was to he seen. Oil, what a sight met his eyesls Such a basket full of lovely cabbage and cariols u8 pour old Neddy had not' lasted fur a hnig time. Ten minutes : Inter when Sim vule up suddenly, tin I basket was almnst i mp:y, and the end ; of the I ast c u rut w:is jusl sticking out 1 nf Neddy's iiiuulh. P ,ur Sam had to gc ; In, me with his empty basket, fccline. j Very much ashaiued, mid he gut a cunnl ; sculding from his in.eter, which he ipiiti des I ve I. I! II c inn mill Calciilitllitii. The Ti ijini'i has made the discovery that "a mo nieiil's r, llectiou will teach us that tlie surface nl the whole earth i one lucre graveyard, and that at sonir period or other human corpses have been deposited under ever inch of ground we now walk upon." If a "moment's I, llci lion" leaches that the Hritisli terri tury alone, climate, I at seven millions ol sipiarc miles, would give six feet by twi to as many as sixteen and a quarter bil lions of "human corpses," this would be burying ground fur over eight thousand generations of a population of twi thousand millions, which is more than llie earth ever boasted yet. F.ighl thousand general ions would cover two linn, In d and forty tliuu-iiud years. So much fur the ililTereiieo between my "uiuincnt's reflection" and the "mo ment's reflection" of the Telegraph Lt'iitloii Truth, A Jus! I ft able Inference. 1 "(iraciotis, Mr. Ibisenherry! What ' was that noise in tho next room?" "Mrs. Hrown's baby full out of bed, I , mispect. It's a lucky thing if it did." "Why so !" j It's a popular superstition, you know, ! fiat if a baby tumbles out of bed it will , n vcr turn out a fool." j Mr. Dusciibeiiy ia ter a painful pause), , "do you know what 1 think i" "What, my dear ?" "That it's a great pity you didn't fall ; out of bed when you Were ft babjf," . ThUiiUtilpMit Cull SKITKMHKU i, IW,. JL'STICI' IX CHINA. How it is Admin is to red In tho Land of the Pigtails). Druol Torture of a Prisoner by Order of a Mandarin in C.uilou. the .1 Canton Idler to tin: S ui Frun 'r-o I'.iaitiimr describes a horrifying court iccne. The writer says: As I entered the tourt room two stal wart jailers were roughly bringing in a prisoner licensed of the ciime of piiacy. Around the neck of the prisoner was an iron rolar, to which an iron chain was at tached. One of the jailers was dragying the prisoner along by the ch ain, ami the oilier was aiding him by pushing and kicking, 'l lie aci ii-cd wn, taki u In fore the mandarin's desk, made tn prostrate him -eif un the floor, and tin- trial roiu mcnceil. 'I he ,'iecu-ition charging the prisoner w ltli jiiiaey was read, and then the mandarin asked him thioii h the in terpreters to coiife.-s the charge. This the prisoner refu-ed lu dn, claiming that lie was ilium-rut. This : r -mcl to an "i r tlie mandarin, mid lc instructed the liclois to strike tin- prisoner willi tin ir leather thongs. This they did, striking him a number of times mi the fa, e w ilh a leather strap twu inches wide and a bint in length. This failing In I, ring the de sired answer, the mandarin ill Ii ordered the jailers tn prepare a lurture. An in slruinciit of toi lure, resembling a cum inou bench was tin n b.oiiglil. in and placed ill position on end. Fnuu Ihe upper legs of Ihe l ncli dangled lour st"lit cold-, mid near the lop ot the plank, funning Ihe seat, was a cheli band nl, out two im lies in w idth, and attached to a winch al the back of the In, Hid. The plisnlu r viewed these ple- paiati'ii- with a, lungd aud sullen lun!. l lli! lictius then sci."d the prisiiucr and forced ' im to kneel wilh his h u-k against this frame, and ipiickiy fa-tencl a cmd to each of tlie large lues nf tlie font, and, Inn, ling hack the arms, f . i I . 1 1 , -. I the other two curds tn his thumb.. The cords were now tightened until the pris oner's knees were raised clear of the lluor. The b ind was then placed around the fulehca I mid tightened willi a few turns of tlie winch. The pu-ilioii of (he body natiiralli threw the weight forward and made the pressure on ihe forehead fearful. As tho cords ami hands tightened and Ihe weight nf the b nlv was tiirown on lie in, the victim began to show evidence nf extreme pa;n. Ills breath came heavy nnd bib, , led, and a deep groan in: iimoii nlly escaped his lips. In this position ho hung for a couple of minutes, and wits then a,'am a-ke l by the mandarin if he was guilty of Ihe charge of piracy, lie refused to confess. Tlie perspiration Was stalling out all over his body, the cords were beginning to cut iut i the flesh, and the muscles were becoming kni tted. The mandarin gave mi impatient ordci tn the liclois, mid the winch was given a couple ol turns tightening the bands around ihe forehead until Ihe piisum r'.s eyes seemed to start from their sockets and the llesli 'Hi each side nf tlie hand was puffed and liseiiloied. Again he w as a .k, , I tu i un less and again refused. Another ii.ru of the winch was ordered. Tiie i yes nf the sulTi'i ing man had unw r die I back urn d only the whites were visible; the inn-, chs of his face began to twitch aud knot, mid froth was collecting around Ids lips. His groans and w rithings were horrible. It seemed as if human senses could stand no inure. A few inure (urns cf the winch and the band Would crush in the skull. The inu-clcs of the arms and legs stood out rigid and knotted from the weight of (ho body. One.! more he was asUe.l tn con fess. This time he hesitated and then shrieked out that he would confess any -thing they desired if they would but take him front th s !i, rrihle rack. The litaildaiiii, therefore, ordered the lictors to release hint frum tlie rack. This they lid much in the same manner as a steve dore handles sacks of grain. They un tied the cords and loosened the band, allow ing tin- pi isuncr to fall in a heap on the floor. The tortured man's face had lost the semblance of a human be ing. Historical by the pain mid agony endured, wilh set, glaring ejes and open mouth, it presented a grinning, unnatural, hideous aspect. The mails and limbs were rigid and cramped, nil muscu'ar power seeming to have lett them, and the perspiration was lulling from his body in streams. The lictors now hastily tlirowinga cloth on his lace to hide its hideous erinuings, roughly straightened his limbs and set him up against the rack front winch lie had juM been released. His toes and thumbs were bleeding fiont the cuts made by the cords, and the band had left a deep, red in 1 1 k around his forehead. Tho sulTer ing of tlie in in whs horrible and hi jjroansscnt a thrill through my blood. In a Itpstniirmit. "Look here, waiter, this piece of cheese is mouldy." The waiter looked at the piece rf cheese and perceived that it was really green and hill on top, and did not look nice. Taking it in his hand, he turned it upside . lown on t' e plate, so that the good sido was uppermost and remarked : "There ! that's the way it belongs." irtirty. NO. I. A Shying Horse. Tu the inuuii v. Whv d 'cs a hor-e fhy! the Xl'ii.iftt .if : .Veil .hlHfttid replies: I! -cause he sees sujiictiiiu ' which he doe lint limb r-land, mil is tilled with a greater or le-s il.-oice of fear, something as tho buy b'l'l.s w lieu In: shies at t liu buryiug-gruini I, aiid goes around to keep cli ar of il. It. may b" sum" new nr tl in--ual obj ct that lie hu.' see-, nr il nny beau i in ii rfeel view of it. Kven a fa in, Ii- r object, if it mmus to view sudden ly i.nd UH"Xp. el' dly, w ill c.m-e a horse 1 lu shy or jump, jusl as an uiiexp, et' d ub- j j-ct or s ,iin I i alii, s a lu l veils pei siu to j stall. When a pcr-n'i is so startled, how , nun h would il improve llm matter In be ; sen!, led ill or given a nl wilh a whip? .lust as much us tin; s une treat in lit I wa .iid ill the case of a hur-e. 11 n.slilie .i only ag'.'r.iv.iti s he matter. The Here Ihe horse is si old. -d and whipped, the more in I V, , Us he gels' and cveiy :iinc he parses the place where tin fright and whipping miauii-l, h" will recollect llie unpleasant, nir.ir, and In w ill In "in to prick up his, .ais and I d-' t, re;idy fur iitioi In r jump. ii,v,- him the lines an he w ill l.'u by in a hurry. Tie proper way is never lu strike m scld a liui-e that, is slarth d nr flight, n. d. Speak to him cully, calmly, and Uiinih ; give him time tn see an I e .Hi d his scattered sens.-,, rati. t mak" him b , I that you an- his friend and piole tor. When he sees thai all i-. right, there is an I II I In all further trouble. We have n a horse n -tn -.o tu i in-, an un- ile-lnokimr bridge; but when the drivel look him by Ihe Ids and walked ahead, ill" h ,1 -cailtiou-ly lulluwed. N'el time he le ipiiied an cu ixing or urging to cr the biidge. lb- might have been whipped inln it al till, Iut was let lie- milder i ,,iii s.-, all hough a little tumble, tie- Im t ter line.' Till' horse showed his cull lideliC" ill the drivel e vei a fl 'I w arl. It. sin lick i s it llein. While he was serving in tie- I'lilau cavalry ill I I.', his grnuin, w hu wa-th" sun of a fure-trr mi his e-late, rode iut the lali" lu .five th" lioise a b ilh. Mi sing his foot iic.', I'ii- li h r was thrown and disapp'ired in the wit'T. Ibsniu'cU was s .uidiiig wilh a group of nllieeis on Ihe bridge and saw his sinking groom. In an in-l nit his sword and uniform were nil tiie , -1 1 1 1 1 1 and he leaped into the lake. lie fuiuiil the struggling man and sei' d him. Hut in the blind a -oiiv ol a tirow ning in in he clung' so light t i his master licit li.sm.iick, helpless, w is obliged lo dive with his burden In I en the hul l. Il - eiile 1 buth Were lust, but so. m after bubbles I tn the sui'lace, followed by llisinuck, whu in the depths had ,1, latched the Lli, d the man and now appeared, dragging his gloom with him, and swam tu the shure. The inanimate furiu Wi- re stuied t, i life, nnd the fol'owiug day to duty. For this ad he afterwards i" ceivnllhe Prussian medal fir "i, -, in1 from per;l," which was his j t -.t de. ma lum; and he pioiilly vole it v. Ic ll he had nu other. Nor has he 'inri' ab-ui-ihuied it, tor it Ii i Is Us plac slid ami 1st the highe-l up1, is which I' lrup, all ?i onari lis have sin. v sh .were! llji ni hii l.,e s. Hi li'ien Is an; loud of Idling his answer to a nun h .hcrated diplu in atist w Im, seeing I'ii lonely nr d il ua h's juiing c . 1 1 ' e i ; '. i' -' s coat, iinplue 1 what ii, cor.ili.ei ii was. lf irvoii llis lu an k, who, at that t lit.-, h id liu title and h id carne I no courtly .lecui ui ni, looked hllil bar I ill the eye and .aid: ' I mil in lie hub. I -uiiiet'iii s of siting:! Illilll'.s life." .V ,''( Am l i ni e ,'. "'. I he llu l Snake. The hllll-sUlk' I'lV.S ill It' 'll S 111 till ground, in lugs, i , , 1 1 1 1 1 slump-, or any other convenient lu 'gin ,' limi-u he can find, lie is a great i l.mli. r, and has an insatiable appct.te for hii U. In fad, his ordinary did is birds, il tln-v arete be had at all. The m-aduw link, who builds ill r nest ill the bunches nl' sagi brush nnd near the ground, Ii ads In i greatest enemy in the bull-snake. Young stcr-. nr cg.-s, no ina'ter which, are alike aeceptal,! ' In the Vol n iolls app. I.I ol the nioiisdr. As b fore r.-maiked, llii species of the siialu- hii, i' is a wondeilul c nnbi-r. O i1-. a ihiy or two ago a nine fool fellow was can .flit ciliiil.ing- llie tr, I lis of a log cabin here at the ho , evident ly on a I'oia.'ing ; . I i 1 1. n i after ' ,iiu swallows wiin had lai it lie ir nc-ls un h i the, avesn I' the hud ling. W h u kn 'ck.-d nil the hea l tiiis. int. rpiising s r in a ol his lace was some seven or eight t. el lioin the ground, and ju-t ab ail tu gob ble up a lender joiing swahuw wahii; reach ol his fangs. - .),. l.t.'i,r, l'aiei' H its. Paper is abou: to icvolut inui-' another branch of in lulry, which is nu less a one than the making of geiitiem ill's headgear. I!v a new pin, -ess of iuan' il lation hi ts mure serviceable and tin r than anything now on the mark' t aru made of wood pulp. They are imper vious to water and hot wauling in il'X ibiiity. It is believed tint fell hats will have to take a back scat as s,,,m as those new It its c in be place 1 iii th luirket in siillicient numbers tu supply the .1 'man. 1. They are cert aiii lo ,. volut ioni. the bailer's trade, as they ran bo moulded into any shape or style desired, an I col. ored to meet tho taste of the publio. They can lie m tde to represent a ulossy or nappy appcaruiicv. ADVERTISING Our square, line inscrtioii Onr upline, two insert ions One square, iiiic inolilli l.M) For larger iidvcrteirinriits liberal rnn IiikK will be made. . Muliihlllly. A song fs finished, mid u eluipter reau; ' A tnst; eum,. i.-., anil a day I'a s . rn,. a ln-ut Lents .pii. kly nnd iulend; A pleasant day di'-ani lades away. ill" tlo'iin.'s ii,l,uil I" 1, hhuii in niius fall; Th shaft of marlil" topples o'er; I'll..-waves of limit tear down each iniyhly wall, And sir. w i's fi ngnmiits on thenhuro. t " pla. " an idol in the bu-om's shrine, And un .. en power-east it drnvit; We ilreaui, mi l mi a regal throne recline; Jtllt wake, lu limui ll a u.l-siii eruv- a. '.....f,,i II'. . in llir Cttii. nf. iir.Moitois. Why is the littl : b .y like a ,u-t age tamp.' lb; often gets stueli . n Idl. r. An If Ii unit leu lays two eggs iv.ry (l.i v rxc. pl Siind iy. Oil Sunday il.O lays nil'. "Il:, a puor rnle licit won't v.ni k both ways," " xelaiiii' d the boy as he threw the tern. b nl lie s, liunlmaster's head. "Malum i," s.iid an iiilere-tin:; juve nile, "do sheep write:' "Nu child. "Then why me they provided with pu,-;" A young in in wanis tn know h iw to bring cu'. n iiiuii-lacbe. Tie a mid ai, , iin l il lightly, hin h the mid te a p,e,t, and then run hackwald. "I wi h Coluiubus had never been bur:," was what a London merchant- 'aid wle ii In. heard lhal his cast. id- nad left b.r New Y'U'k tiih ad lh" assets. "Fine complexion Mis. H. has .Jot," s:i d lirowu tu his friend I'.rislles, llm artist. "I know it," replied ISri-tles, "she a ad I buy i air uiluW iit the s-miu Ml .p." A young man was irccntly aked toj.o die k huiili'ig and n luse.l, giving as n li a-on licit the aiplilie birds were tun pel al in their reiuaiks. lie was n ph sician. I. Ilh- Charlie "Papa, will you buy me a drum:'' Fund father "Ah, but, in v bn, ymi will di-lurb iic very much il I do." Charlie -"oh, no, p-ipa, 1 won't drum except w In u you're asleep." "1 am satislied on every point but, one," slid a gentleman tu an applicant f..r serviee. "I cannot get over youi II. is,'." " Thai is not tn he wondered nt, sir," replied the applicant, "fur (In bridge i:, broken." Ills l.liishes Visible. A good story is told c .nceriiiiig a new oilier who appeared m, parade with a very dirty tuck. "Sergeant!" .-aid thu i apt. liu. "Sir!" said the sergeant, "Have this Ulan scrubbed." "Yes, sir.' Tin' man was taken away by halfitdoen nl his coup. mi, ns tn the bath and stripped and vigorously washed. At the afternoon parade he took up his position with the rest. "Sergeant!" said tin capliin. "Sir!" said tlie sergeant. h, re is that man I told ymt to scrub?" "There, si!" "Where:" "There!'' "Oil, un; nonsense!" "Ves, sir; tliat'i Ihe man!'' "What! that man:" "Yes, sir!" "Well, now you s ly so, 1 fancy it inii-t lie; Inn I s nildn'l have knowr him. W hat a dilT rence il makes to I man to be clean!'' Ilapp;' recruit! every i.i ra on the grin an 1 lu blushing violent ly, conscious that for thu fust time foi many months his blushes aru visible. .. ivm .... Men's cckwenr. One reas ui why the miking of men's iieekw car has been nc s I cheap is that many married women and young gills of fairly-well iu-du I' aiuili -i wis! tn cant some thing hr pockcl iimncy, and, thinking lius light nud in t unpleasant work, take it lioine and doit. They dn not depend upon that lor their bread, and so do not have the same reasons for trying to up hold tlie price, which is now less than half what il w islhrei years ago. Thf w lo n aud girls who work at cravat ei iking, are geneially of a superior clnsi 'instly sic li us have seen better days, in, I ale ill-lil',e, to bitlle fur justice, or th,,-.' who dn not really need ntunej a i I dn nut i. alie what a dreadful struggle it would be tn live entirely from the piodiici of their work at this trade. A, c y.n k lie. . A Maori Joke. On the W.ilhatu river, below f. ikf T uipo, are large fulls, says a new Zealand letter to tho Salt I.aku Tnhmu. In a pi ne where th.-re are precipitous banks) the broad stream is mow. led into a chim in I about ihiily led wide. Thriuigl Ibis the waiters roar and surge in great billows for a distance of over "HO yards; th y then make a perpendicular leap ol lilt v fed, when they rush along othci rapids and narrows fur tl long distant: among rocks before becoming quiet. It is related tint the resident Mauries once taunted a party of sixty strangers intc nil attempt to shoot the falls. Not a man of the party came out alive. Tin natives about the lake consider this th most brilliant juke ever played oil bj thorn it is tlie pride of the tribe. Very Important. x'i .ra (I'.ubbv's big sister) I heard father calling you a little while ago, ll .bby -Did he say U b.rt or Hobbyl Clara -II" s:,id Robert. Hubby (with a aerious look in his eves) Then I g.iess I hail hotter seo what wiiutii. JltrjKr't Baiar. ho If .E Bimusy

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