V aaa KiiOTfrtfurrrrBTiii l)c l)atl)am Kccorb. 11. A. KblTOli AM rKi-i;ii.Tui;. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Z)t l)atl)am Kcrorfc KATES ADVERTISING ( Hit Mil:ilr, one insertion- 11.00 nc Mjiliiir, two iiik rtiolis - l.'iO One sijiiiin , ulic-iiiolith - " JI.M' up I 1 One copy, mc year - - $ '.'.l'11 On" ropy, six months , - - .V I.'1" 11 copy, tin f.- months - M1 VOL. IX. IMTTSlW )!()'. CHATHAM CO., N. ('., SKlTKMlii:.. 'MK lss;. j i Fur linger advert isi iients hbdrtl coti" ' " ". ' frill Is M ill lif Hindi'. Ivsr No Hi'lff. Mortal, if Itmii nil Is-lovel, 1,1ft S otT"le"s ill'"- ltll".'.'.. Ami tlm fiilelul tiling- ll.nl ilieeko.1 the H.llloW, lioai'll'll 1111 I pro'eel tint-. I iron's Hi. 111 mellow : Wli.-tl isuf Tinet 011 hle's illuiiiiiiitl n;i'. XV here I In iui )' letter glow lii''r, 1 nhite.1 oiiij it".". What is sorrow ' '"tut"i't's prinirt, Lnve'selioi.e h di ni --t n nt i"i- clinm: Sickness; TIimii will 1 "i-.i v it wiir." For u-li li" il halmy nurse. Ami for il f li T wli n tli ml art dyinj 'Twill In' l.i'v ln-id" thee lying. IMntli i I.m '.11.'.' 1 1 1. Ii" brave Shows III" fu.it tt".'l" 1 1 .-. I KlllVt'l ll'wvi'ii its-lf i. Lilt Hi- n-k-t Fur l."v V tiv.i-ur , in- heiisk it- Kn with I'Hitiiiii; li.-.u t h follow, l'li'irin through run up' ii'ii'a bolloflr, -Jf llii'ii ml U ....., 0I1: tli"ii. Fear no 141 n f 1 if limi t il iiiiii. t . 1 'ir.-iiifi'infri Au-nVux HER BROTHER'S DEBT. 'Oh, ( !i alley, Ciiiiiley, Iww ctuld you do such a tlini'.' .'" I.ih.ii Waylaid'- 1. Mm I cheek was l-laiahed I" in tiiiwniitcl whitciu s a nhc s'.imi.I In fun. Inn- l.mthcr in tin1 cluse, CUIIlpcd loom wllirll otlstitllti d her sol" home. Charley Waylaid. .1 handsome dissipa ted looking youth of two it tliiri1 and twenty, w illi li.'l.l, hhu k 1 ye nil I a 1 1 1 try ni.'iitli that m'i-mii-'I made only to smile, sal nii"-l" In 1, Innking li.ill-n .i nlaiil, lialf 'li ti in', a .-lit' spuk". ' I.-lh. I ...lll.lll'l 11. !! it. 1 t, you I u.ii I ai l ii. A . . in 11111-1 liavr liioniv, yni w..i.ii ilai't know . i ! 1 1 1 1 1 11 r al'o'it tin- I' niil.iitvMi.i .1 ti . 1 m i "N.iii -s 1, f tlir wi iM I" "Jill, ("nil. ," .-li fill, li l, ".to y. ii know how tlii- - 'in.' w .'1 1 I, as on li last; il, li nks at 111" ili' .l y..ii li nr ju-t 1 "in lirlt '.i; (Hi, I hail, y, an. I In r oin fMrw "v am I tiviuii'otis, "it a l"l :;. ty !' "N'oii-rnsi', I.iil' i". only 1'i'iiow in:; n put of .. .I ll.iiii i"-' 111111-. I inil'i. in to ai. I my 1 li. 1 . ..(r .111. 1 a-k. .1 linn fol 1 i-li, ami l.r. tlio iii'inaniirrly lull, li.'fiisi'.l, WMI, wli 't i oiiI.I h" p. i t all-1 thi-, I. HI tli.it 1 -lioiiil ln li in. hi I ( ' J.ija-wni 'o lier s, ml, 1 Inn. Is. "How ilalr J oil, li.iii )! That a Way!. in. 1 k!ioiiM ioiiii to tlii-V t-lic W.li'l.'l. "ll.n-.l!" Il" .rlio.'.l, H'i UIi s-ly; "it was I tit tlm Mi- 'ko "f a ..n, attu-a'l; 1111.I 0I1I (i "luii'-i woiil I I" a palni. r mis. r tlian 1 1 il, h m to !" it ho inaki s n fus- almiit aniitt'Tuf live I111n.irt.1l ilolliirs." "it is th" ri"lit iiii'l tin- in-1 f tin' tint'!.'," i rii'.l l.ilias, n!m t li.mti' ally "It " c mlil pay iii lit in any way; I. ill I liavo soltl t-Vi -ry tiling that rrinains of inn f.'iiinr wfalth. s('i !" mill slio lookiil roiiinl tin' iiiisiial'Ii iipaltiiiiiit. "S..; liow I livt ! I.i-t niylit I sat up nut. 1 miiliiiulit st'wny to li ivc a littl" 111. mi. y to .iiy tin1 li nt. 1 have not a j. wi l Ml, nor 11 ti iiikt'l," "tih, liotlu r, I. ill ! If -M (ilt in ro- cuts up rotili, it is only takino a 11111 111 ro-s tin' wnti r. 1 know lots of ship, captiiti'i tli.it woiii'l s(ov mi' .'iwiviin tliT tlu ir In hl. 11I1110 t any ni..nii':lit niolit." I.iliai lookt il ili'-p:iii iiujy at liitn. Was it, tlit'ii, iiiipo-i!it. I 1 inak" him rmnpii'lii'iiil th" in.a il oliliijuilv of th" ili'iil lit' lia.l ju-t li'iiiiniltt'.l.' "liul I i-an't stay fi'olinv; Iiit"," ol' srrvrtl th" yoniir III 111, with a toss of his lilark uirls. "1 11111-t In- oil ,-il. nut my Im-itir-s. tiootl ly, I. ill. liiv" us a kis, my j,'itl. FMi pl that you'ti' un roiiiinoii liiml i f Iii liii iii.4 a ft Mow, yoii'r" not 11 li.nl i-t' r in th" main.'' After In- lui'l jfiitii', l.illi.is sat ilow n to try ami ii'.ili" tin- in w situation in whi' li slit iiinl In r lu otln r w. rt' 1 .!- I . All now tli'pi'ii. Ifil upon tin' spirit in wlilrh I'au'us (Jl 'in iii- -lion!. I m i ivt' this in v t nticiit hini-nl upon liis pur e iiml patii'tui'. Lily Ini'l in viT si-r n this distant nla tion, yi't sht' had f Tin." I an opinion of lil 111 in li"r iii'no-t miml.as w" ai" all apt to do of mis i 11 pt iston- w h ail W" hi iii a gri-nt dial aluiut; and wlntii'Vi'i' sli" thoiiulit of Mr. lilriiirosi t!n' imam' "in liook no-i d ni l man, y. llow--kinin .l did radavi'roiH, i'iiq;:ii'.l in soitini owr piliM of nioio.n; 's nr intuit ini; ia;sj i.f Biipjisti'd itst.'ll to lirr lui iital eye. "Hut li" tnii-t In; Iiiunin, tit lia-t,' thought Lily, in II"' au'ony of In r dis tnss. ' If I (jo to linn injsi lf. and it'll lii in just what 1 r I'iiaili y's ii.tr--iln s wi'ro, Mid how uoo.I hi iilii d lit' is, iii spit" of all his faults and th.nuhll ssmsi if I nay frankly to him that I hivo no minify nor j wi'la to iviinliiiria' him, lint ttwit I will stay and work for him, at a m rvant girl might work in tins kitt hi'ii, until 1 have disclmr.d tin: hoinlili' il' ld, nuri'ly, oh, suri'ly h" raiinot liavi' tho henrt to rrlusi'. I ran do 11 ijri'at n any things. I c-rii iw and rmlnnid -r, mill i (Hit iiinke gooil hn'a.l and l.i-iiiit, 11. 1 I poor mania alway-i said I w as 11 o.mI l.tiu-tkiTptr, nnd if Mr. tt!'iiiTos is ri'tilly no iinst rly as Chaili y thinks ho would look nt tlm tioiiiiiny of tin th i . At li iist, it ii worth tryintr. Si fnvoralily did Lilian Way land ro pAid thi i'hii, hro.-ii lii'd in Iiit sor.i rx trrmity, that in t' days from tlii'ovi'ii inn in whirli nho lmtl hiddi'n good liy'to hr hands .in.', riTkh'si hrotli.'r, nho lU'ppod from the can it th New Voik ili'pot, df.'.ssii 1 in a solu r In-own mit that, ninth' hi'i- look liki 11 .-In inkiiii lit tl iiioii-r, w ith hi r rarH't ha-; '11 lu r hand. A In th' iii'n.; y miIVu-i-iI to In ini; lu r to the slii'i t wlifiii Mi. tili'iirross ri' sidid -a st.iti ly iivrnti", lini'l on either sitl" with elegant paiat es, th" like of w li ii'lt Lily had in vi'i si'i n in tin plainer l ily when she had iiti ii loin and lavd. II' i' heart sank within her iin. -lie stood 011 th" Inoad In -own stone !-ten leading up to the eatv 1 rosewood door, on whi' li a silver plat" li 'I" the name of "lileil los," ill oltl ICll'tli-ll l.'Slrl's. Then, e .lot hi"; d. eplvat her own l ow iinlly tr. !im'ni ne-s and utter lark of all re.so'u'ioii and fiiti-rpri-i. nhe rauv; th" l-ell to st ill.-the ii. .,'i. in at mire, and (Ul'initely. "Is .Mr. t'.!.aieni at homi' '." she nski tl ff t e lo'.orjtl D'.-tvant who iiusweied the -uninioiH. Ve s, Mr. a'!n ro s w 1 si nt lioiii ': would the youn ; lady enl. r.' And l.ili.H was shown into an apart ne'iit. iiiitaiin'd w it li In avy to!. Is of purpltt satin and 1 arpet il w Mil vi lvi t of th" sani" lii h I i'l"'-, an ap. 11 1 nit 11 1 w lio-e 'in. ky spl n I I or mill- l,i think of all th" stories s!i" had read of nu haiit' d p. dares in the realms of l.tii y land. As l.iii. 1 ' s,,t on th" silken M.f.i, wait ing w illi a tin. diliiiii; In art for th" ap pearanie of In r KiiUnown i.'Usin, th" thoilid't si "I" in!. lur mini that h" wasn't so nun h of a "misi 1'' alter all. and tie a 1 line a -n k mrt of iiii-u'iviiiL; that lu r it t ion was all in vain. "For sun Iv," she lh..ii;hl, flam in -j, tl'.iliuloiisly i.'iiiid the eleo.iiil :i i ill nielli , "he wid :i"t want any one l nial," lire. 11I er look alt. r the kill In 11 1 V ndi tuns. 1 wish oh. I wi-h I hit 1 was -ale it In 'ill.' a ; lin !"' The thoiieht had 1 .11 1 1 ly fi aini d it-elf in In 1 mind when 1 or at t!i" faiilnr 1 11 I of the 10 in ".as oM te d, and a t.i'l, liand-oiiu' man, M-.inely thiity y 11 s cf :i:;e, intend. "I 1 ! v; jour pardon, sir,'' fait-red l.ilias, ail in a fliilt' r, "hut I wi-lnd t" '.." Mr. Cleiui.".-." "I am Mr. lilem 10-. "V'.u!" I.'lv 1 up and sat down avain, rolorini; x i v i I se.ulit. This, thi n, was tin ir "lar-oll" i "ii-iu, and Imw i lt I v il iTeii'i't li"l'i tiled' tin anis and fiinies! A pp inn 1 1 v the "t nt liiiiaii siw ' and pitied If r p iin'ill t oi:l ii-nui, lor lie ! sard '..!ilelv: I "M iv 1 a-K in what ie inner 1 ean I e ii-. lul l i j.'ii:" ' "I am l.ilias Waylaml! ' she an-wt it d, in a tone thai was si.uielv aildil'Ie. j "Wav'and:' A shadow, filial il 1 lli-till' llV piit eplilile, .. -., -. his fan' at that wold, and l.ilias -aw il Willi 1 a f.iiiiil'.r heart. She lot-"t tin- I II". fed speech of palliation an I cm 11-e that -h" had prepared. She li i-ot that he ! w is no silver haii'd patiian h. hill a liaii'lsoiii" Maiim man. Mil led hy all tho ad j 1 1 t -s of wealth and luxury. She. n int'inl't'ied only poor t'harlcy and In r ! ow n sii kt hiii:: id' i o dt lit, disiai " and ruin; and -inki f.r i n In r knees at his fill, she soliliid out hi r pililul story. "II" is so yoiiiie;," she wailed, "so V'.iui'', surely you w .ll not relitsi' to ;;ive him another 1 hau. " for 11 iim- and lam"! I will wot k an I l"il for "ii until th" live hiiiidied dollars an' every cent pait : will he a servant, a seamstress wh: t you i please, only pioinisc me that yuu will I not visit him with the penalties ol the ' law r I ller voice ilii d into oiiiveting silence, hut her eyes -till appealed. "I!i-e, Miss Way land," said the yoiliij; man, without a moment's consideration. "1 promise that this oiretne of your luothi'i's shall he overlooked for the sake of the sistcrwho has pleaded so cloipiciit ly for him." "Ami I -what can I do for you? What must I do? For if 1 cannot lepay the money in some shape or other I shall die of sluinie and mul t ili. iit ion !" "1 will take ti e matter into consider- iition," said Mr. ( ih tiero-s, gravely, yet nut without a c it iiu gleam of lunuse- it'll t in the corners of his mouth ut the i idea of that pu tty, slender 1 icalitic ren - ih ring up to him the iiUial"iit uf the live hundred dollars. "Ami now, Cous in l.ilias -for I lielieve we m iy claim re lationship, although il is somewhat dis- ant I shall insist upon yen a inv guest 1 , " V - I for a while. I. t lue iiu ; and send for my mother!" Mrs. (ilctieross, a stately old I idy in hlai k silk and Yaitaicinnes lace, wel colli' tl l.ilias Wayland w ith a Mailing hospitality which li. longe I to the an cient regiirt', and alnio-t lieforu she knew it the girl fuiiu 1 herself chitting innocently away to her hostess, as if she had lived all her life in the sunshine of that pleasant smile ; while I'auliH (ileu cruss, hiist'ed mining soine papers at the tahli heyond, w..tchcd the sweet chang ing countenance with a new interest. "I never saw such 11 lovily face in my life," he thought. "The pn tile is as piuely (irccian 111 thf fact! cf the Hero on tn y mother'.'! cnuiiM, ami the ryi: are as lull of shifting lights as 11 diamond! I' pon my word, thin little new cousin is an iicitiisilion J'' When l.ilias wmi.i her happy letter h uii" that nit. lit Mr. IJIciiitosh added a pleasant post-cript mi I Charley Way land knew that his s. a-oii of peril was over. Lily had turn nrarly 11 m-nth th guest of th stately old imly in black fiilk and Valein ieniies laee, when one day I'auliH, coining sudd'-nly into tho purple twilight of the 0 rawin-rooms, I lound her si'tin all alone with tear drops !lilti'riny; on her peachy cheek. "Why Lily, what is the matter,'" "Nothine;, I'aiilus" - they had grown to oe good I'i tends hy this titnr "only I have heeii dreaniine; very pleasantly, ami the time nf waking has couio tit last." "Von my-torioiis little sphinx, what 011 earth do you mean ;" .She eoloreil and cast down lu r eye. "The livi! hiinditil dollar', I'aiilus -they are yet to Ii" paid. N'otlon't in tt iiiipt me. I cannot consent to indulge your generous impulses. I inn t p ty ymi, and there is no other way for me than to seek a .situation as governesH or instnn tress in some seminary. S 1 I'au lui, I have written :m advertisement, .and if y 011 will lie so kin I :i. In l ike it d.iw.i to th" ollit " of some inie of the daily paper- - -" . . "' o, ,.,,',.... Sli" pi. 11 1 it .1 eonli'l' nlly 111 Ins hand ; I... ...... 11 .1.1 1. 1. i.. , ' I I .111I11-, s'i" in.' I 111 iim i 'iiien . ... : . . .. . 1,0, I, tins is iioo-eii.e. 11 Y'"l wain to p iv me y ni ran. " "liul. I'aiihis, y m know I liavi not h ing in all the world !" "Yen have yourself to 1110 the pn . ions uill the it't'ii siid world tains. " "I don't inidei-tiiid y .ii." "Must I speak pi 1111. 1 Well, most 1 cull I then, Lily, give 1:1" yoiu 1 If. I ..V" Mm, dar- liiiL.', and would la 11 iii.ikeyoumy wile. I At" y il ci'iil iil to pay lue ill this "!i, I'.nil'i-!" -he falter .1. divaim d of so inu. h 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ! - And -o l.ilias Way land's in was settled 1110-1 sat i- f ictoi ilv "I never I'l'tcduesH "Aiiiit aving h tiicliiiL" ni'-.il I10111 in Ten - r.To, III" see, w i lt Yolk 0;, I C.I! I -l .lid. lit of the New ' (' .1 (' 'IS. .' I J II .l.lck- Ilia led hy the sudden th.'itliof lit . wile. "Aunt Kaehal. " :n W ile. "Allllt Kaehill. ' ill Mrs. ,,ou wa- c died hy her hu l and's pi'oual hi ad-, had ac oinp inie.l Imn to W.i-liiii;on whin In w a -1 In re a-st nator li 'iu T. lines-..-,.. She was a short, slmil, un it ! 1 ai t i 0 and line Incited woman, Ihi'icjli :!'. ally i ml. are. I to (J 11. .I.ieksou. While he had l.ein in th" army -h" had 1:11 i'l nl iy la in ig.' 1 his plantation, hii slave- and iii- 111 iU"V ill 1 tl. r-. and ln r ;. vot'o 1 1.1 Imn Iv . 11 1 I'oii 1 I . II r j h.'ippiae-s wa- ceulere l in hi., an I it was j hii ihii'l th ire to smoke her i orncoh 1 pipe III p ate at III . Mil". lien told thai he had lie n elect. .1 lue-id' nt of the ! , I riled States she t, plied: "Well fur I Mr. Jackson's sik" am g! ad ol it, Init lor mysi ll I am 11 .." A few weeks later she w as an ay i d for the grave in a white satin lii tullle which sh" had provided herself with to wear at lh" while liouse. Alter her funeral lur muiow stricken Ini-liam cam to Wa-liiii.:l iii w ith a stroll ; ilt ti 1 Hi-nation t" uni-li those who had uialigne I her tluriii"; tin.' preceding c.iinpui,ii. Iliviir.; he. 11 told tint Plesi- lelit Ada111sh.1l - in. I iolled the pill. Iii 1 tiou of t'.e slaii his, h" 'lid not e ill at the while In hi so, in accordance with Usage, hut paid d I'ly vi-:ls t" hii old hi 11 Is in I the wi.i it ,aitniiiit. Mr. Adam-, stung hy this in "ted the p.ut of lh inaii juration, , di ti l 111 in- 1 not to play ' 1 iiiipicrcl leader at tin: j ill I ipiietlv t'"iii"Ved to ; the hoii-e of I ' .111111. 1 Ion Mil'iulis, on the mm uin g Mai cli. I'olalui's Ki'iiily iVeleil. An American gentleman residing 1.1 Franc-write-: I'ol ito ui'tiire is likely to receive an new imp. In- mil e the plan of selling t ln-iii peeled, slu e I ami dried, like celt, iiu fruits, -. em to hit the taste of tho export market. The drying of i the pot 1 toes can f"l'ow the period of J ilcssicatiuii of fiiiits. The method oh. I viatcs dt cay and :' riniuat'ou i f the jtuhir, and occupying a less volume I tiaiispoi t will he 1 heaper and I. ss dilli- I Hit. I lie potilot S ate p' tiC'l liy 111:1 chinciv ; next carefully wa le d, slu ed into rounds, and h It for '.' miuiili s in a strong solution of kitchen salt. The l i iiie in. lin es Iii nine-, in the slices and prcvi tils tin ir chati-ing color -thin se Clll'ill" what slltlilillr ilot'4 for fruits. .... . , , . , . Later the Hillings are li ft to drain. placnl in the drying apparatus on hiirdlo .shelves and siil.iiiitte.l to a tcinperaturu varying fiotn Kli to III I degrees Fahieiiheil. Tin v must remain a lilt to longer in this hut hath than fruit, 15". ' fore Using the slici s have to he slci peil twelve to liih en hours in wa'er, when they w ill lu conic as ficsh ami as llavory as Hew potatoes. Thought His Tu Ileal Mean. The 11 'slon A'i .'..'. 1 hits relates a child' iilcauf justice: In a home on Common wealth i Veiui", not many cvening since, tho f :s r, unwonted to such duties, thought, it iiiriimhciit upon him at a certain peiind during the i veiling's i xere ses tu take his youngest sou up stiirs for a short outing, la-ol upon the child's dis olietlieiico to its in tlnr. Tho echoes from the interview penetrate I to the par lor, and while there was great sympathy for thi! i 111 u-t el heir-iippiiit nt, a laugli could not well ho list rained, when, in the. midst of t!i" "hoo hooi,'' was heard tho shrill, trehle voite, "l'a, I think it's real mean for you to spank ni". Why don't vuu let mamma do lu r own wmk" I i n 1 liki:s t oi.riv. I SI. mil Ii. "I ill'l 11 1' 11 e it III" l.leakln-' l'll, lint ttil. -o -I' t'l'V - I e III t I' ll - I III" lilt l) 'I'll" ho ..Is not e iii'i"l in, I know ; I'.lll lll'ii'S ill" il.llil li.'ll, I lll'lst I meant to. " I'll"!'". I forgot toslml tlii-i;at". Ami iii away my Look j n l -I it". I in.'.uit to. Tli" e in!" t:'anil"'l .Iowa t! rn, My i-la1" ; l.iok.'ii, h.n., 1, 1..111. I III" nit to." Thus li in . poor 1 1 .luninv Mil". From in iiu till mi'ii, I1..111 11 nil iiiyhij "I infant, to. ' And wh.'ii i" grows to I... a mail He'll ll"' ll"s.j' Mi ll' l 'I V '!ail Willi tlm ioor i!i'a. I in. a.it to.'' - .'ill "Of .'-'out. Tin- Ai'Rli ninl lin- lunki'y. I 'ii mil; a li'i'.-nl railway a. 1 ident in a pa-sol' the Sella M 'I'oiia, a valuaMe 111 ml, 1 y is. ii. lioai th" 1 .11 i of I lir.'.il.oio'.s 1 lieu .'pile el llll- miii iite lull -nil. 111, in e'ed to v mi-ll ill the lill's o the 10 ,v mountain Mope. It w .ii a tiiiii' d hale . . ! I"'-""' "'"' hi, vain "1 at lino eek of the 1 ni'.ine invo'.v I a delay "f - v i ll Icuis, half a hundled pi-on., e. ,y th" e'l'.ils til - It ami lie employs of (he Spanish railroad, joined in th" sianh, lull only made nutters w-ore, for II " litst altempi to capture the lu -ilive 1 -si 1 ' t I 111 a lu'eak neck t ha-e, in whvh tho native of the Al'Vs-inian liiuhl.iudi i-a-ily ili-t iin-ed III" -wilt, t ,.f his iir-u. fs. Tin y had cm 'Jit Mijit ol I, im in a pil" of loo-" liowlder:, Si illi hhi' lor ill-' I I- with the "i.ivily of a piole -i 'iial naturalist, ninl liiii'ia'.'ed to appro. it h him within 111 I era sit pi whin he thought it was time to In at a retri al, hut at mi l'-i-urely a gait that a young 111 "iinlaim er coiiceivi d th" fatuous idea of run ning him down. Seeing' that his pur-nef was in eani"-l. the foui haii ler, too, nu n I' d his pa. " -. much so, indi e I. thai Lis would It ''iiitois 1 lound it imposs; 1.1, to keep 1 M il in si 'III t.i liiir and ii liiriii'.l -liter leu in. r stampeded him nearly a mile down tin: sti i p mountain side. 'li.. Ili' titano folk-; had already given him up for lost, win nan old Aiah, the trainer if th" eaun I team, d. "landed an i:iteiv!ew with th" man e.;' 1-. and indiiecl tin 111 to intrust him with our of th" lal mon keys of the circus Illiil.l'Oiie. All r chucking the joiuigsti-r into a sat k and liiliin; his i.ockt ts wiili ihi'd fitiit. he j wi iiud a leather 'trap around Lis arm j and l i li d dow 11 loll without i xplain i ing his plan (,f prm eduie. hut w ith the li-" that h" w. ll d I e leu k 1111 hour I alter, lark. n sngei - Ii ,. l.eu ,hs. j p it. hed t 1 the m xt telegi iph station, I iiml lh" travelers were gioiipid ai.mn I I camp-tires ami calm."." stoves i wlu n a .series of 1 h"ii s ilt oil" I of the out -dour lijvou.il - iiiuioune d a ! well nine aniv.il with mi. Ii i inplias's , that s' lne of the pa-si ngi r- 11. 1 , - a 111-h f. r Ihe.r saeluds. t ,. tl. A-ah, h ad- in:; the ohl h :il 11, nh in his tin 11 li d j charged hiuis II with the 1.11c of the y .'Uiigster, i very now and lln n sii.,t, hing ; him up in his aim- m helping him om i j the ol.stuhs cf the pill,. The three ! 1 i -lit w alkers at one" hi- am- I lie 1 1 11 1 1 c of the iiivnu.ic 1 irt Ie, and 1 1 . - hiped pro. . ceedi'd to evpl iiu hi- 1110 l is op iaudi. I With h.s Ii it h. r strap h had tied the voting-lei 1 1 a thorn liii-li of the lower I'oilir, in the ; 1 nit iiu ship-, near a noint w here the I the third uf j footprints of the young mountaineer iu dicili"! the teiniiaiis ,, the nceiit sti eple-t h is". Then, hidding him good l', he 1 oinuii nied th" a-c nt ol ill' chit iis it he i 11 1 1 ml". I i ) Ic iV" him to his late. Ai he evpi" te I, the youn.: monkey, alter a desperate attempt to h i r his fetters and f.'how him, In gall t 1 -ci'i c!i out his sig nal uf di-tr, ,s. " was a 11 it i" of cash 111 il 11 lost. in, hul monkey ii- acosinupl t an 1 nigiiag", ami ill less than liH. cn iiiiiiiilc the di-tint nlalive uf the chained I'aliouii liahe in the w I- pn ped around the clilT, and, set ing the coast free, nt o made up to the serm hing hral and hugged him as if he w as 1 1 ying to silence him l.y a piou s, of MifT n-at ion. All that while the Arah was hiding Inhiml a ti"", hiding his tiui- till twilight had pretty well a.haiieed, when he ipiickly approat hed tin- ll 1 hush and, without the least opposition 011 the put of the senior fomhandei, icniuvial the btrap from t'.ie nick of the youngster 11 ml tr in-fered it to tli it of his companion, -dm s. eui" 1 not only ready, hul anxious, to ntuni to the sh Iter of his hoarding. house 011 wheels. Monkeys, explained to" Arah, nre the most gregarious creatures on earth, and the prospect of having to piss tic night in a solitary l'ii-h c imp h ul reconcile 1 the runaway the lestruin's of social life in a circus ti I'roiiblr. l,t ymi have tiiii. lt tiouhle in getting y .itr ihd lii'ii to take medirine?" raid .M:-. inccii, addnssing Mrs. IJ.ack. "N me at all." "How .lo yuu manage it ?' "Wel!, for instance, when I want in l"iy 1. 1 lake castor oil, I pour the nil into and sav, 11 re, Tom, drink this, ,, ' In't ask for any in iro ' Then h. drinks it with apparent relish, hcliev ing that I am not anxious for him to Uks it. II" always asks for more. () no, il i-. no tioiiliie to get mv children tctaM in. dicine." - .rhii,ftic Trurdir. riiAKAoirs iiocsh. An 1 11 1 -'i'' -t 1 ' t f)i ivsry 111 L. 'xv. 'i' ivj v fit. Uue.irtli'Ug tlto V"ry Flat 0 When J to lit 11b Slum! aii l Froiile-itel. Another very 1 111:011s and itiiitsli:i; discovery ha- heen 111 nle in the loneliest A Tnn'lia. Il K llli ily. nnd dreariest corner of tin- Il lla plain ol I I itUvavs di l Inv - a -.-i. untie turn. ?i Lower Kgypt. I'l th" hind w lure pi' vi- does lie imp! ."itwhi.-'i imouts (',. mis cxploii is have fouml only III'' im n- j circiil 11 nn.1 011 o a g, ind Ion '.th iug! I iiiucnt s ir ;ui 1 xt iuc I fail h iiu 1 th.-gr ivc- ;ou uvilili 1 o i wiiuh 1. th" gn-atir nf a dead nation, Mr. I'l. in. I. 1 - lYtne has M., ,.s ; .,; :1 , ., ,K Among ulher sy 111 p lightetl up ui the ruins of a 1 a! p 1 (. in . uf gen in- w hi' li are 1 .uiidly tl" .1. .p- I he foitiiuate tin. let-of Nor. r.itis h i-now heen Working upon a va-t iiioiiiid t ill -d Tell l f'lini'h, which hist..!'. an- ,av. long i' lent ili' d willi lie I lu i 1. ! iphi. a- (if the (ire.-k- and tin- T dip iii'i - ..I 'the II hi". ll-i" Ie h ii di-e ,ve.-. lh" pun of lint veiy pil to which, a- n.oid I in th" hook of th" l'i . p u t d n iii di, .lohiiian, the sou of Iv r all, follow d l.y lh" captains an I r uiii iul of .1 1 I ih, hroiight the lugiliv" 1 1 111 '':t. I - ..I 7. ie. kiah, then a dchione I c.apti" in liiliy Ion. This lli .dit of tlm lu.-w ii-iac"s-.. s took place alioiii ,'i-j ;. C , ihiiin; the reign of l a ah II 1, w li.uu 1 Im II hr. w - ra led II "p!n 1 and (lie li eeki Apro s, Tin: Piiara. h r-ceiv ! th- fugitives kindly. To the 111 is, of tho.l'wish ,,,, migrants he gave t r u t s of l.-unl, to t he daughters of Z "I- hi ill. his f ani-r ally, he assigiie I (lii, ioy t pile,, which t'.n- Ilihli: calls "I'nata eih's II..ii-e ia Tali- panhes.'' Although this part of the I !l 1 is n.-w a.;. 111 ut ..:' ll or- hi. , , !i 1 1 1 . iu'.I. s .,n a wi d.-rn.'-s, hall' tu ir,h, 1 1 1 1 1 .1. rl. ; i.i.uu'ii. A I r da. u . l'i- m- th over whii h no ti.i'.'elh r ev,r pi-e., il ' u- t 1.11 ; wis t, -.-t ih.c ,,. A was at the Iim- whi'ii tlie-e cm tils took I Ie .1 eiga in v. -I , gal 10a ol mv a--.- place a rich pa-(o.a! di-lii.!, fert iii.. d ' failed t- i.-vd 1 .ui a liint pi hy th" annual ov illiw of the Nile. i, , ,, l,.n,w,, thu :,, .imt the midst of mud sw.uu;i. Inv long 1 1 . .in a Ii n-i I. la inv Inn rv I 1 ii I the h-.'i'ii uli.erve I soiii" group. ,. niUH, lo pie. ..I -in wlnr- I e -nil n . liud it 1111 - of wh i Ii was allien- I t he name ol aj hii. I cut another pin e fr .111 1 li- the Castle f (he .1 w's Hiiuhti r. . i.ppl. d wash1 I, the t "'lh i-gelly II ar! 11 g this li-oiu hi- 11 :tiv.-, Mi. I'.-'iie ' a Iheari'ig t 1 tlm ah- I . 1 -in .-. 111 I my at one! pr.i'ived tie- in 1 1 -t whi. ii Wilepi..'. ! uj ; Imt h n I. 1 I t-i 11111-t atta. h to the p ac, and th" iut.-lli he d..'i'-, and th it -mi- thing I h. ro-, .,ily gent lah ir winch Im h is I. -t ,w, .1 upon ' all. inpi.-d I 1 d 1. I, u iug l'i- im mid il has met with sultald r.-w ud. N .1 . . in 1 - du . t I, I 1. 1 lh -m toii-h ! tow only the architecture's ,'iii.1 , Iml 11, : tie .. ah. .1. imn y 1 1 n iv t-' A 1 ' 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 -1 lii-lory al-o ha-I -i d lieu Id.v I. -l'i nle ,1 n It w i- .v.r 01 a n. : 1 .... ,, . 1 1.. .1 . Th" huil iiug wis at lir I 1 'i-oiigh-i! I, ' ipi.idr.iiigul.il', lolly , lui- i . . hk" a 1 1-- t e keep. l Mil. ijue I - ; . 1 'I ,pi ,!.- 1 i'"oins mi each tl . a-, I... i!i tii" i n: : :,u 1 pirlilioii wail- I. ing ,. i n. .im.. us strength. I' U, of , .in- e. inc. ... I,:, t . guess of how la.iuy sto: i n ,,, j .j iiahy coiupo.e.l, I. ut ii i. , ii- ',l . a son."j tint lh" in ii id i, in el-. I This Mi .iighold w i '. I. ii.it ,y r-aiiiuielieii- 1. as i. pi v d ; -v tlepo-ils Ml irk-l with ; !he royal name and lilli-, plied iim h i ' the foundation walls. Tl -w-re fount . also th- libation v. - p eann-ol' ores, I. ii. k-, the l.,i. s ,,! t! and hird -icrili '"1 al lh tun - an I a ..a . . ol tahhts wi h in .cript .el-. I'll I -m- in the f l-ll" W. le li.le I W I! h vial.s ol till" ' lillle stone, coV.'IC'l With I ii-' I- '.;l . pi i . , full of captives and th" hk.-, t. ii. .il.lv c.uv.'d and punted. Tin- - ate lew splinter, d and mini . I, n- lh- n i, w.t- hiirued as w. II a. hitt.-r..) i...mi, and very f. w nl.j, its of vain.- wel" then I. .ie ' to he recover" I. I'd.' t he 1 li ..-m-iit i i in iiu ill very pert, , t ,-., and in the I 'a-. -meat were th" kit. h" i, hut!, t - . pantry iiml scullery, an I lh.-. ' d -tic ullices hcconi" of gr.-al int. f -t w In n , they form pail of an L:pt iiu p dace : 'J.'i.VI years ..,. Th, m', ;,. ,,! I'.i u ,,,h's house in Tahpanh"i I- i lug room w hi. h ' served for dies,, is. ' l'i i -t - w. u 1 1 I uge ' j us, ami t wo huge ll il di-h' -, siaiulin ; lliihaiin d in th ir pi ice,, :,nii I th" gen- eral ile.iiuct.on. A st..n.. , ,,ni cru-hi-r, a largo iimi knife. weights an I thi.-e small ii-n ',n- were found hi tin- i . i mi. i ti, liinlm's j pantry, a lj"i'iing, w.ie no ii ai ii -, hut ' hiliitl 1 ei I s ol j ir lid - a i . I pi a -1 1 r -t 1 p j 'er-, some stamp d withthe roal nv us ol I's.'imnii'tieiis and son., wilh th f ; N.i ho, his sueces-... Tin- eiiiplv ir-", ' Willi lplilUlit.es o othm p.. t iy, ni -lly hrukeii, were piled m a -,,rt ,, ml,:,-,!, j closet olilsid", and next was a -ni ill j room, sacred to the v. u !"iy mud or ili'liwa-her. It c uilai'i" 1 a i c-s w ith ! n sink, a h-m-h to siand things up n ! ami rcccs-es in lh" w.div hv wav of I shelves. Tin. sink was I" in.-. I of a large i lay jar w ith the l.ottoni kn. k.-l out an I tilled witu lu men p .i-h ids placetl on edge. The watm i in thu. ugh this and tin ll into n l.r. -k. n puts hcluw, placed one in ninehcr, all hull an less.going dowii to the clean -an I Ii. low. The pot-litrds were clogged witli li-h-liiuies. Ill other chainhi r-were found liuuihrr of early tiicek v i-i , laiiging from .V.il H. C., to lillll I! C , Millie very lim ly painted with harpies, sphinx.-, dancers mid the like; nearly a!:, li.au Hi, wa re hroken, Imt Mime can In: uii'inle I. A RW-oiil handle, some si ale ainiur, hrou" rings, nniuiets, ht.i ls, seals, mid especi ally two rings, engrivcd wilh the titles of a ptie-t of Anien, have h. i ll found, and many unail tal.l.ls with in-eiip lions. Mr. lVtrie li l looked diligently for the stones whici, Jeremiah h,. mi, ::,g thi- I hliek wank, and some unlit wa stoi have lieen .1,, - out from lie'mv ll," ,,r. face, hut to ileutify them posit iv.lr would, of i u its.', he impots!h!e unit.'. I1!'" "'' ,v";vi,,,,;'y ",w'ri,,."J! ' He III. whlel I- 1 1 11 1 1 1-. -1 X . LgvpH'lll III I s 1 ipt ion . - i t hat Zr N . Inn h id in 1 1 dil I com" to Ti'ipiuh's, mi I -pica I out lil pavilion on lliil my -po', a- loleto'd in .1 '1 nr di'i 1 I'.'ph"! , I'll' I h'-y -ay thaM Ie w as il'te 1 1 I , I'.i'iy Ionian m-i-rip llolls Mule th.it le I oil. pel id, ami the1 tl'.ll'l i- hard to d.i.iinine. - 7'e ,1, .on . ing in iii", I ..1 . 1 -i"ii-idy w nip my ! I' 111 1 imp. 10 i r 11 '!c g!. .."11 a 1 I other wearing j appi"l ail w r : !.- with .1 i lu'ehoo 1 ;,-. . m pi, 1, . .1 1, 1 1 u .. . i p .a'c 1 - . 1:1 01 . 1 t-, - . .in I in ! 0 j wi h .-citl' ui-i of h i 'I'.-, w Ie link' 1 Im-im ss ,,f ,-..i , in-. .., h Ini. a In u , I ; I. ..oi to .-.u- th 1! I -h-ii! I en l.e 10 11- j p. il. I to iv ...1 lii-:, and nil h t In 1 e:n liud : of in' d -. What w id - r, ; tin 11. t Ii il 1 1, .. I l..w ing 1 1 en I Ie- I. . 11 ' .'.. t, all'.i. lid my n '. t . n I i . o 1 : '-If j ; a 1 Im, pi. ee ol :,. 1. p'.,,- I 01 i ' -i t.- of the "ii'il in I a -iK'-r . . '1 o-i th,. 1 o! i.er sid". w I 'i 1 In- e long to . h h 1 w . . n I ' th.-in, and then th- l.;,-s of lh' netaUj l-r 'light :h t, a v. . ik. ::i' uii. cur- I : 1. nt w i I I. c I ihli-h. , thai w1! cir: j t !": p i'n." I ineii i . . 1 : v ; ,1 li.-r.-d up j , inv w 1 1'.-'- w i-'o. . n I, .m I . u! a pin-" of j . tie lr-.ni i. "s, p. , v pi . .- , t I. Iml w 1,. u 1 h 1 . a I . ! h in hi-! j hi n'li lh il i-. dis at. !i I wi:h lie- m 111- ! hut t'.e dun. i'l. w!" 1- w 1- leg II iif im -Iowa tu, ihi,':i aa I uiti.hoig ..u. I h el pi-mu ."In 1 tuin ill" dini" 1:1 II l'.l all !l"U . l'i' tl id ! lh 1 l'i Ulil-t 111 ' .M I - illi 1 - !.. , I'll lu.' flii I :i .'.'. 1 . i"l- fi . 1 h iu I II 11 g tl II W I .tlgie I T' lie di .h -V : - ; - i I ,'iu ul Mauling Hauls. . liud ti e - troui whiiii tu- ':.ir..i".'iii nit n-s h.v. d.-iiv.-l to. alt Im:l I m ; ia - ..-i". ma t .. .k to di" I m 1 -d tie l'i u i .Ii-. I'm. in l!:pt ,i, , . , IM .., , . ., , ; ... .-, ,. t,., i ; , . ., it w i . t i'.-ui up l.v t-' Ii'mihh.. ., . .v l,.., ,:- , ,,.. 1 li- u :1, lh- i,...t.i ,,i . . ,.: I. ,. ... j i li i -- nl i i T, .. ,i I il-it-., ill I.'- g ,! I t.. I ' i ti il- '. I v. p il l I h ,.. .-i. nt I ; . I, I ..u' I ,u . s i ,. ol tl,.,-,: l.-iadia liypl ol "hi d.it". ,'0 lis -u..n nii'iu itam .: th lii iili'-i tint h i- l.ur.w d il, .u t Ii ..n the li : pi .a lh- tl. ... h w- v r, m a h.pMi -. ' a I I. i i lew hilui", the p i ii. i a I th. n i...!i l a thi- a I li t n.., i- . a- v I lin I. I , p' 1 p e t a! ! y i cnl. s . " th" pi -t . i .n I. on, the cliinat" rcpi ie 1 ill a . il u t. inple in -a, h a .- -uui y i--h.!l. li mi lie -uu hy .1 iy aid I con th- c .1 I l.y ,i :ht. ,,, I ..r j I hi- a ll il i".l, -nop a! I ly wall-, or; pil! o w 't'u u. hi'i iv.- . i- i-i -istli- nt ; J l"it w li-n, i oi i'.i . it . in "! it Me-, I iiu La I' I I i!' a I ! " 'lit. a -I ml .u : i I h ui. - a i Hy. Th" Hi.. I. , with th-ir .y 1 u -.niiu. tiy, pnvi n d Im ths l.y heiung lh- roof w.tli ae.-ntri1 n Ig.-, it in oota- angle, fi.'iii wlo. It il -'.p. d d .mi ..pii'iy on i n lur sal". Tut- ' i ' i .! r -pee thus forni. d ai th- i id o t i.- l-ui d ug all ivu l!ie 'iii-liitrave w.i- ... .up: I l.y I In p .1 i- imii I, an I I hi p n I of 1 m fi.-ide, wlu.lt "W d ll - I'lll I t . the i M a. I"- ol I I m ile. w is th- in I n .ll I. g i..l"d a- so i n- -t ut lal I ' ' tie ai I -t ip . t. ne ... I h" n k th it it w as - u i thu il a t.-mp o "' !' ! '"' ' ice . .1 in tie c i, -tial regi uis, In ram w..ti:. n"l L- pov.il.ii-, I'm " 'l.ni. nt . .. ild u a h in d. -i u . . I-.'' liiC'iln's Siilisiiln . "I'n -id. nl L'l'ro'u 'ill a -il .-litut" in lh" At ny ," -. I V i . I I. 1 1 it. r, ,.. Iln W a-hiiii ioii t'.: np.it.i-, whi!. talk ing om i ...1 t inn - in Wellington, ".mil I he win i r. .iii.. I to th land W .n.lot, this city. i w a . in the w int.-r ul lii.)l that li iici.il I'n, tin il piovo-t iiiar-lial i In re, -nit lor me nnd to I tu.- thai the ! l'i. '-id. ut w ml 'd a siilisi i!iie lo go lo j the war lor him. Al I "' tan" I was c ui- in-, ted w ilh th" Thud W al I lh ,11 ( ' ul., I the pn tit -1 p 1 1 o i. j i i ol' which wa, to se- j cure siih-l il ul. - lor ii ii -1 ii I -is who might i he dral'li'il. Then.' lived in .air war I a I son of a i lei gym iu wh i hole (lie u ual n put it ion giv. ii to inln i-. i -' sons, and he was ii ii I tn .i I y 'a m-'t r do well." This follow Wa- lle-ll'e.l ton pi: o ut the I'l'.-sj. dent, and a t he k fr nil III" W hit. II m .' r'" Mm. I" '''-' :' l; " ' ' ''. (lie coiiNt'lerati.'ii. Nothing wa. ever 1" '"'1 ' ,!"' .V"'-t 111 " ward s, hut ' w:" t;"'htdy helicv-d that In: was killed during the Wil h i ti-'cs campaign. The Shell nnil I ho Wnrhl. Th" Hiirlil wa- hi" a till. II to im 1 1 - mil e wilh di .t.llli son;,' wa.- low ; I'.lll now 11 - III' - lei ie-. I kno.l . 1 ll 111 III.' tUI III 'll of til" S-.'l. 'I'll" VS till I'll t. -ofl Hil l t"i"!' sollll 'thai in.-ml I knew ii"t "lull "I ..i" J .lie:. in !.- n.vst- ri"- now no nio". It- r... kii'.s lueaiinig I liav lound. ( 1 shell, I h"l I ti to in v cars lieu I w us voiin : , and snultvl m il h ,.ri.le To . -I and a .',low at mal l "I s side! I I world 1 la v - .1. " I - w ild Willi l.-.'U' ' .. ,',. ,..,,,,,. ... I.I .t'o.'"'. Ill iih;m s. Ha til k the telegraph operator. "Il.'tn ul Inl. n -I ' The ci. trie , in your l.a-kl.ook. M mk y - aie vrv prmlent. Tlu v nr" al1 l"in - h ind. . I . r at nr.---. Win ii a gill talk -. alimit "Iwostiings I I h. I"' 111." do- - -ll" Ul ii III- M-pCll.- II Ih.-n i- aiivoie who should hr "i ipp' I in -iiiuil" r " il is the man who .ll. -. Woman's gi. ,1.-!, gl.uy is h. i hair an I -ll" -liolli l lie v. r I I .'!' 'Illill.ll of It Wil'-ll -I" i- t o 'kill.'. When I' in k - hi t niie iiu .-i ly i :m-i) I I liliillg tell. hi- i IV- lithe ill positor is I ll.le I'l lose hi- l..,hl "I.ek, did y on ev-r - e ill" chilli h Ii 11 III il li m :- In the tow. i ;" "No, .1 , in -, Iml I h nv ..II. ii -""ii tli - chin, h I., i,.- tint -il ia lh" light h ind li. nt. n- w . '" " Yo'l'le ii.. 1 1," I. y .m i ..-d lo 11", I ', ii ii I," - lid t ',. I 'hi iii a s. -I row fill t.. "W ii t h u. J .1 .ne now ;'' " 1 1 1 1 n i g wi-.e.g, my sou, Imt it it p. .---i i i. . . . ii .e !..rg..lt. n that yesterday W is yoiu t ,ve:i!y -lit -t hil l il lay .' ' A hu-li.iil n a ling, while hi- wife in "ii linn -at i-inl'i "id. i iu.; ' 'i" ''I -lil1-p. IS, li 111 il k'-d : "'.Vil li -lllpti-e- then. an in - iili-'i.s. , i iii.iii physician allium and pi. v. - l.y iLim s thai half ..! I h Ii-iu -. ale t..u. he 1 wilh in sanity." "lh i- right," u pii'-d the wil", dry ly, "lor nunc than hail 'hi women prove it l.y g. tting m uric 1." (fusing Ten. J a pi oiling, in the p.. iiniinaiy :tagi s, i-v. iy - iii'i..r to c..f. " plmtin-. The ground i i h ..it d and tic plant- I ii i out. in tin- -am tiianii' i . Many of th" old i '''!' - c-t i'.-- in the i land uf (' y lull al o I'.iii.: iil.and"i" d and tea put ill th" placp I ol!'. -'. Tli" ilimate is lound to In .: Imiial'iy -uit'd 1-1 th" t' a known in A -mi hy'ind, whi.lii-a cross liet weitl tile in. lig. -noil - A- am and the t hina Vil li..!;., tin- f-ani.-t hi ing more of a shrtih t !i i ii tli" latter, Imt I hina t a al-o grows w. ll. ami il i- ii -i I principally f..r mix ing. The ii-.o-t important part uf a It a es tate i- the tea house. Here are the rolling lUaehii'i -, the ft aim s in w hich the tea is driid and wlnr- ail the Mating takes plat ". J'.v. iy ; liiug mu-t In- s. i iipul-m-l y il. .in. When a glu-lf i-on, i. e., when lh liul" .. h, at - "tip," app. ar mi the -hiii!., w. mi. -n lie -cut out with 1 uge lei -is. t- an I th. -. litti. "hp-," one long, one .-hmt, and ..u' shm'tir still, ill'! nipped oil l.y lh. iii. Their loth, s and tin ir ling, r iiiil-ni;! he ...k". alter or. Is. th. y will 1. 1 t. tli" h i Tiny then tarry the 1-av. s to la - ha li..u-es wln rij liny lie -pliad flit .shelves to witiler, all r this ar, put ::i a lopp-;' pan ami -li duly In ale. I uv i it - lt.il--. ml tin-; then conies the rolling, and the ie i operation is to dry them i. ier a slow tiie. Th. linai -la;" is tea. li". when tluv ate "sieved' and soit.-d int., th" i iflc.i ul grades pre paratory to li.lllg shipped (.( Il'.-klt.-- I", .-..,' . .,.(',. Hutip Sllilkl'S, T ie -eientilie i d I , of ill" 'il i i .idel- phii V s iiss.iis tli at there i.s u sin li reptile IM the hoop shake. II" h, ft r- t uii'y iiiisiaken. Thai t!i" snake is ran) i anm't I,,' de'.ie I. Im! that it exists is a sit'el fact, .ui.' it (gains its name from ti." li il lit of for.ning itself ml., die s!1;,pu ol a hoop when alarm. ' I. Tin: hoop st! lk" ll IS l.eeu 1 1", p ,t y MTU in Texas, W i 1 . I . ' I 1 1 ' ' 1 -1 1 s I J. c p , 1 1 g l"pli'.s 111. "Illld, aa 1 whi!c th"i" is no auliieiit iea'.i-d caso uf d.'itli from iis hit-, yt it is gr.'atly f. aicd Ly I'm i.ativ -, and especially thi) Hi 'gr n-s. It is allege I tll.l1 till! stiakl) i nil s it- poi-.iu iii a -I" located near tin- I ill, an I that w In n alarmed it pr..iip'!y tenln- Lr the Wc.ipoii of de-l rut 1 i.ei, thus forming a vciitahlo hoop. Stolie-nl its loeoinoliou ill thu shape are ii :i i n i ! .1 " I'y cxagg.i it.-d, hut 111. t" is little . I. mill of the existence ol t ie . ptiic. ll is eoiisi,l..,.. ili-.'l. I ly, .III. I the popit'ar hclit I where it exi-ts l.i . hut Its p .isou will liiight a tree. -St. ." o' J !.. ii. Looking After tho Scalp. Many lliiuk that, hy cutting the hair shorl, they increase its growth. Hut thin i. I .ill t till. Women rarely hi come Laid ; yd tin -y ti. vi r cut t i.ar hair a, do men. M iy mil I h. ir immunity from a shining pat.: he partly due to the fact that they do not patroni..' the harlicr, nor wear tight head-g.'ii ? If iu early lifu our young men would look al t' r tin ir sculps, cm n while tie y do not appiair to need iittctition, it might cava them the troubla of looking after th"iu iu sorrow at a later period, when it will nut do much good, ll tin y do not the time will come when we shall have race of human belugi without hair. lltnton UnJtt,