toit i m; i mi ,m no mi:. ftit't-tx iiiiitt l- riill Trcrs. When li ii- ii f in tin1 i;:irili ii niin'iif; hull lliis, says till' XtK i'lhjUiml t'llrm l IVi' sulllet illll's siT;lll! nil MHII" I'l till' 'iiiM', n-u-rli, mii-sy luills, lull xxo ilo it ihiiv for it t ltiiiLr- iif jm--t m" or ivst Im tlii- I -mix-, in' In iii:iKi' the 1 1 1 1 1 1 K h look a little lirlti'r, XX illl any r eclat mil it lu'Ipim; tin- "mwtli of tin' tive. V lati ly rami- into po-i'-vi. in uf 11 nrjjlivtr'j "l'. lianl, an I l!ifu it-marks aly tu lliis m'y In i'H- lilo-lune rM'i ii-m-ij in tin' :-.irr uf I'l. li iiil tivs, have luuti'1 im jt'i'iiNimi lor .iriiiliii:r any tinu' si-nipim; r xxasliiti;,. tln trunks uf tin-, or of ilittiiiy; the link to eivu tile trri1 room to ;ruxv. '1'ln' .V-'i'i' Ai'i' )'., iilltnlin lo this -iilij.t t, say: "Pray 'lou't xxa-te your tinu' ami trciiLrlh in 1 1 1 i - way. If you uivc .your lives ij.iiiil fnml to cat ami Iriity of it, ami cut out while youu all lir.inclics tliat interfi le w ilh each other, you have ilium all you can 'lo to promote thi-ir well' ire. Leave the list to Nature." l'lm lini tit i -litm' of the I'.-. J,; Unit 'mi u al-o i I'uili.iim- the pi act ro of Miapinu', I'llii Vin it ri 11 I'-rs the trees .lore susn ptilile to injury limil cohl in w inter. atititiltle lira's mid I loi-r sieeit, M.iiil'lee Tlit'iiiiuii, st:tti- ecloi-t of Imliana, ami t hid' of the ih parliiient of 'latiual lii-tory in that .-tale, well known is a liier.iry ami scj. nlilie writer, relate-; in i r. ci ut rep. i: the follow ilie inlerein im uli lit: "1 iicil ' a l'ooiI hM farmer mil an' a 'ii ink' tli' otlur .lav alien I loM ! him the i i ,i- 'ii hi- clover I'ulils have lailcil to hi ,ir a, iiiinli -nil a-tliev for- j in -i Ix lii. ' i "ii 'l"ii'l allow t lie I i 1 1 1 1 ! - j lire- to he killi.l on jmir farm, do your' I I a.k. -I. 'V. -, s.r, 1 .1..,' he ciic.l. '1 1 In ike iiiv Inn- hiirii up ov.'iy p!ai;Ui 'l ic-l of ih, in,' 1 sUiiM.,,' 1 re- i phi. I. Ami thai i- why y. ur clover srt-. j I. ill-. oi. r.iiiiiliie I..'- make clover! ".'I. ' V' u're i i r ins. ' Y u'r. a crank !' j he c i iaiiui 'I. ..n. 1 i. . -it me a- if lie j thought I a lit -ulij i t ..r a lunatic ! i -vliim. An. I x.-t it is fact that a ; -tl'.ri.; Iti'-t of I'lllllMe he. in a hi"; clovi r i'.el.l, is vviih nJ.i to the owner; fori j,;., i ,,,. (,,. chief au'ciits in for- ; tl i'u,- the li..--oni., th. rel.y in-il"inur a ! a In ivy crop i I m-i'i. In Australia tin r.- i ire no I nmhlc lu es of oiii kiml, ami thev '. oiiM m l I i - el. vi i' -eel until tiny import. . i loin i U- li Imiltr Atttt-s. The amount of -,iti-l:n Unil Ml :', linliliv is .lircct !y piopoi I'.oni 'I to tl'...' ntiitiimt of :i.oii;.ht ilevote I to it. j Fowl- -houhl l. u, !l .1 ami foil ; win ii inou'.tinu or shchl'i-.o their' leathers; aiel ill" male hinls -houhl I. ' I mi l!io leas e-peoia!y !nti j lie ir 1- .pule a niiin'or ot vhiiii:; i roiver uivilu.l, a- ll,i,;v ncraiiy is ahoiit tM; time of the One-half the care aii-l lahor reiju're-l ! to.-ara I; I't y . ! .il:u , t i I li'i s. m- etop j: . pro.i m e that amoiiu' IT the farm, r ill lie.-towa'il upon his (lock of fowls. If' you propo c to him to pcr-i-tently ne r l. cl hi- I ..- cow from one .-ml of the y. ar to tli" othi r, he will -ct y..ii ilown ! :i-a cu li.iale for a lua.itic a-ylum; yet .1 i omiliou -i" ll ek "I fm-, u, h ,i- ' are k. p.t at mo-. Ii: ;n-!. ... I -, will yj.-M :n non h value yearly, if prop, i ly In id .1, I as a lii-t rate cow. j I ii'l.-r a forcing y i.-m of t re.iiiii. i.t tie.' ie -t h n- Hi lie wori l will .jll I ill play out. V"U m. iv uot a lnv 1 1 1 1 1 1 of c;:'- within ,i .ivu tun., I 1 1 tic iat. r layiivj-will n a u-ive v "! a v. i ( . .;' I cilick.!'.- V. ill T y.'ll . . Ille to I : I " 1 1 villi proilm t. Thi. i ii i I wo line pi. v. I. h y .ml p., ii-ur , in i ii p l-t Cpi rl'-'I'-e. Tlleref- I , 10 V. t !.,. to any e. ni-i. h I' ll 'ic i ',i n I .in ,, lay an e. i --ivo or u:i la' iiionl., , ; c..r,'s, as it i-exh.iu-tiiur. .'im I wiii imp in tile vieor of the pro -i nv. I i-.J.hl S;l-h plllii VS HI' I Wei-llts :i' .-' Useful ami vaiiiaole m t,, n, w 1,. ,, hoii-o you ilileu.l to imt a- tin -things are noce.iry in ynrr w .11 . i-.l. r. ,1 ilwellino lmii-e. ll y m place tu-.v il.'.i ' sa-he- in j.nir lii nmry at all...ii will .1.. ; well to rcnioiulior the aliovo hint, ;.n. i thus -aveyoiir-i !f a ileal . f fii.-ino ic, I j lianl worils liceau-e "the wiielow will I licilhur open or Inn," w hen yni wi.h it either one way or the oilier. In! winter time, -m ii -a-hes at either , n, ,,f the In n hoii-e aru !i imly to help y..iir ; vi ntili.tion. In -iiiiiin r tin y can In ' taken out I i ailvantaoe ail,i , ,..,. Ci'Vere.l with wif." -ei'i.e)iie. A ill-i n. ; r,:ltrj yr.l. " j I'ai-m Htlil liRi'itf ii Potrs. ' Tohai o iefu-e i.s a rich an 1 ipiiek ; iictinn' f. rtili.'jr. It i- also r (mi sivu to I Ills Jf ymi I'ei cive trei s or plants shippel '''om a 'listanco, it is w.-ll to place tin roots in wakr from twelve to twentv four hours before planting out. Much is said at present about using tho roller on land which is being tilted lor wheat. The roller is good to pulver ize an 1 lirm the soil. P.ut harrow after roiling. Ilor-'S will go eight and probably ten hours without food if properly fed nt evening and morning. They should have water more liuipteiitly, but never when hot. A solution of boraeie aci 1 is excellent for fow ls affected with sort-head or eyes, It should be applied warm, using a soft sponge and marking the head, eyes nnd nostrils well with it. It ii the same with an animal as with n steam boiler the more complete the combustion of the food or fuel it gets the liioro satisfactory will be the re-u't, be cause there is less waste, I)o not overfeed the young pigs. L-t them make nil the growth possible, but do not attempt to make them fat. Fat in slimmer should be avoided. A good moderate condition is b. st. Tho injury that the trow does to corn by pulling it up u not generally great Hinl Clin lio easily ,'iiur.leil iioniiiMt, A more . i ions imlietineut Is; fouml in the fait that the crow is the fjrc.ite-t enemy of insect-clcHtroyiiio liinl-, li"-e nests: it rolis anil w hose youuy; It kiils, 'I lie sipiirrel i ialsooien to the same i li,u':;e. Have you iiuy occiision to ilie; up any soils alone; the ro els ale, umler the fences or in any part of the .ai'len.' Save them. Spicii'l ii layer of soils ami sprinkle on it it lii,'hl ilres-inj uf potash ( i-lieih ami hone, then another layer of mhs, then u-h-'s ami lioness, Ac, u itil the heap U ( oinpletoil. This w ill oivo. you a per fect -oil tor flower pots. ll y in hoes lack m iterial to Imihl up their hony nn I mu-ciilar ti lies, sup-io-e you try an csp riiueiil ami feeil tlu in lime, powlerc'l hone-, orass nii'l oats for muscle. lien you feeil, see that every hoy is present at roll call, ami always -eck the alisetit one. as there is generally suiim'IIiiiim- wi'.MiL' with hi. unit is the one to w.iti ll. It i- well uii'lerstoo l ley fartnorstliat then i- a joint worm that attacks harley ami often makes a li:,'ht weight. It is similar, t , hut distinct from u joint worm that attacks w heat. It is believed, however, that the barley joint worm uml -r soini! circiitu-tanecs, attacks I ill" w inter grain, mid hone- is siiocsted a c -union against pn c'dine; w hi nt, w ith h uh v, which is ipiite common with the winter wheat growing localities. Siicce-s in tloiiculture depends vastly more on th..- care lie-towed on the plants than on a. larm' ain e.uu of money ex . 'iide.l. Yet, for all this, many peoph will yearly -pin. I a great deal of money on hieh-price 1 and rare plants, afterward giving tli-'in no attention. A b-d of ei i.iiiiiiiii-, petunia-, laut.iuis find other ci.'ilv iown plant-, if well cared for, will he satisfactory than rare plants which r-ipiiru the care and attention !' an - " rt g ud-'ii-r. I'll' time to pick duck feather-, like fruit, i-wheii they me rip-. Ties in iy be lc. li ned by . atcliing two or throe ami pulling a few feathers here an 1 there. If tin y pull hard and the ipiills .-ire tilled with a bloody fluid, tiny are not ripe; but if they pull easy ami the ..nils are cleir, voiimiy know that it is the "best time to pick." IVe-ks m ay be picked four tim - a year. N-vcr phi It lie- long tufts of coar.e feathers on the -id s tint -upport the wings. Win n conditions ale right, ,,ui m will jii'M more bushels p.-r acre than the high. -t i.-ld reported of p -tatoes. 'I'll, rows aro cio-ertogetherth in potato 's can be, and though they will ti"t grow om above the other as potatoes wiil, the en tir- surface of th-- ground in the rows wi.l be cov rod with many of the onions luii'iia!!'.' ov. r'.ii..iug each other. In narrow row-littli. ,i the surface will be b ire, and litnil liu-hc be. n grown on a sin jb- :u r.'. of tic iiivt II ni-i ll il I Moils. IT --til a - it - el. ; th:. i. . I or - tl'ii. ; th- "IT '-. thai! e;; I'M :i b. aned bv I'll! let the of ine 1 M' I'" -., , ,l .1. I o- .1 -III. !!. lor in .ii I IV , I .1, I t u : h i ii - a-i i I I Ollll il i li , . .. p ii - - t in h, I Ill i a-id li-1 A l.n.C ii. i. I'. I n it.l the k I O ll w l 0. I i i d ict b. ii I: in ; i pine . in ,. -I ll. ,! . ilut th, I !,.i I. .11, pel. HI1 I ,..l. I III III I -llill ; p..t ll. ill the ut. n-i!s as hot a . .1 lie ma., til! iu.,t i ,.s,, a I i ..ii. t i I'" in ; I " . ti in. th and -oil. I, a ldim. mill,, 1 1 ilt. Hiiiik iiol s ilt at w ll -i lr ! ii I i- ,il'aiii'-.l by rub1 lo i-he potato t.. ugh a hot ami leaving it ju.-l i it falls di-h. . A de ling th" colander itito the ltrfllP4. ( ill. m.n --..I f. Sive the broth after boiling e'liek ens, ami toit a Id two mi. ion-thinly -lic"d ; b il twenty minutes season with salt ami p ppef, add two b. a'i a egg- and servo. Tl x P.isi t it. Take txvo ipiuts ol Ih Hi'-, iw - tablespoon white -ugar.two of butler. I: iif a cup of voa-t, one pint of boil. , milk. Make a ho in the tl ur, j pou i- ill the ingre Hi nts. Wln-n light i ut .low n om r twice, make int bis cuit an I xvhcu li;rht bake. A I'd.!'. M utM xt. xhk. Take any kind of -our apples, pare ami core them; cat them in small pices and to evci v pou id of apple put throe. ipiarl. r. of a pound of sugar; put tln m in a pre si rviug pan and b nl them over a shnv tin' until they ar - r.. bleed to a fin.- pulp; tin n put 111 j. Uy j u.1 ami keep ill a c..o I b.r Pot xt. eight large p-.r h oi ; p i and and mi xxith I Sxi xti - Moil till i..i .es and siice them win - I three largo onioi tal .es ; cut no -on bacon into sin, II bits, i noiigh t lid a I teacup, and fry a light brown; ic ve the in. at, an 1 into the gr use stirlhice tabicspiionfuls of vinegar, making a sour .gravy, xxhii h pour over the pel it. i and onion. Seoul with popper and salt and servfl xvhile hot. CoitN tlvsl l lis. - One i upfiil of llnir, half a i up of me t d butler, three lal.le snoonfuls of milk, txxo i sa t, (itie-fouiih of a tcaspi poon fills of . nftil of pip- per, one pint of grat d corn. Pour the corn on the llour and beat well ; then add the other ingredients and beat rapidly for three minutes. Have fat in the fry- ic- pan to the depth of about txvo inches, U-7 -i.okino- hot nut in the batter bv i , , ti . i ,i i " I il,,, .....infill Tl.xl.l tin snoon elns lo "" ' ' --- t'i- fat and the shape of tho oyster will be good. Fry five minutes. 1 ROADS TO WKALTH. Some Oild Wnya of Uonlizlng L.nrfle Foi'tiinoa. Mon Wbo Ilavo B'Tomn Sttililculy Eich liy Moaus of Trivial Invontiom. A recent l.on.r Iinuu-li li tter to tin; I'liihulelphiii JWm mijs of two curious characters noticed there by the corre spondent: They came in private paliieo enr, in which tlfy ha.l been trim-ling about the country for the pastxix montlis. Hoth nit- men of ejreat fortune, thouli not yet in the meridian of life, One is a Philndelpliinn, the other it Jorseymati. Five years nu neither of thoin dreamed of Inl ine; a private car, yet a single stroke of -ood fortune lirotiilit them out c " the common-places of life and rave thorn positions of prominence in the world of nlTair-'. One made his money nut of glass sie;ns, and the other from a patent cine which he compounded in the seclu sion of his .Jersey home. Nine out of ten bu-iness men would !aie;li at the idea of makim,' n firluni; OUt Of I'itS Of e;.ls JWO fl'Ot lllle; Willi triH lettering, and many w.-uM Iic-ltate before pivii'e. up even a moderate income to risk b'. time with a patent cure-all remedy. Hut now the life-work of the.-o two men i- done -o far as the accumula tion c' mom v is ('oiicerned.aiiil tin y live for the -olc purpose of living niiius.-l by the world. They cam - down here with a car full of the many good tilings that wealth comm in I i liaiiipei' of chatn pa .-no and a larder inwhi. h a D lnionico cht I would revel. A stable of horses had preceded tlnm, and when they were not luviriati'ig in their horn-- on wh els tin y wcr- -pin-ling ali-ng the blull behind a j t'-am that took du-t from no one. Vet j they tiled of all this in two days, and, I iu-t beeau-e a slight rain -term -it m, started d .wn to r.ipc May for a change, j ,'- n.- of them said. ! 1! lor.- .eo'.ng, lew i ver, they picke I up i a eoinpaaioii wh . hi- been struggling in the beat- n path of commerce for a lil'c I I :ii'e.a-i. had not reached the goal which I they toiicl.i m ,. f -w years. " could int. r. tlieiu by the -tories of his busy ! i an er, and they took him along with tin in for tli-' one purpose of li-tening to Ther i ster-i niikitie i a man Icre the inventor of an :n r and of an arraug"iiient for -IT.'.' in a minute. He told mo that he h i l alr ady funned two compa nies for the piirpn-e of putting liis in volition upon the market, and thereby giving an opportunity to every man to be Ins own oyst.-r. opener mid coir e maki t. Who i an Jn lp smiling at a man who builds his hope- in this wavr "Y"ll '-.-, said he, "even one likes a Clip of coffee lis - .ol as 111- ll.'H g,);(,. out ol bo I. Now, I propo.i- to -.-ll niy ap paratus '..r ii:' , cuts .'Hiioi", All have to do is to jump mit of l-ed, pour as n.'e !i wati r in it a- v mi w an', a teas; n lie ! i oil' , and thou light th" iniiip li l ii '!'o nil, Y"U 1,'llltlleu "O b n k to bid od take a iiilau'e's u.,p, and when ..ii ain.p on' ag i n your i-oiT.-c i- made and w ait in g." "An I you i p , t t i -ell a great many . f tins.- , oil, , ,k, r.:" I asked. "Well," cnti . ntly replied my lalter- d iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rv lh r-, ": hero are nearly i a i i -1 : i -1 1 1 IT It-inkers in N.'.v York i tlx ah'tie; licit i-enough form-." Ih-' xxoil i alwav. tin. I- amusement in listening to the plan- of thev.- living tx pe- ol . .iii T. I; ivmon.rsgri'at charac ter, but tier" are nay number of them xvho have made iii"ii"y out of to. tiling tiivial-ti--. I tut en I a mall driving on the avenue to-day, who txvi lve years ago -aw a foititui- in tin- sale of medics, if lu ll, voted hi- attention s..',eiy to th-'tn. II.- ha- reaped that fortuii" now, and is the only man in the country xvho trades exclusively in the-' little bits uf steel, lb' controls the h-'ii-e on this side of the Atlantic to xvhich all tin- needles in u.e have to be sent from abro a I. 1 h re is another man stopping here whose wealth has come from the invention uf a s, arf pin, and one uf the hum I -oniest cottagis at Seuhrttiht is occupied by the iuvi utor of a patent susp nder. The person who tir-t thought of at taching a hill to the i II I of ill el. l-til-cord, so that i! xvoiPd return, went to Caleb Ctl-hing, years ago, tu have him make out the application to b" s, nt to Washington for a patent. Mr. t'u-hing xvas bu-y at th ' t luo xxith an important laxv cii-e, and xvomb ieil that the man xvas willing to pay the large l'"e ho al ways deiiui'ideil fur his xvork, when he leal ned th" nature of ih- pnti nt. "I xxill have to chaige you a nun h as I imagine jmi will m ike i nt of tins thing," In- suggested to the inventor. "Well, I've already nn Ir a counact that will ml in- if'i, o.m," was the -ur-prisiug reply, "an I I i ill wi my xvay ch ar to ten times th it amount." What Hie limiiernr nn'eil. A vi-itor who has lately In en -laying at It ei linis tells a char o ti iistic sl..ryof th" liniporor A gn-it packet of joiiiii iIs arrives every d iy for the I'.in poroi's r. a liinr. In order to make th" r. a.ling ns little burdensome as possible, ii Ingh court o ilie, nl is cluuged with the duly ol looking through the entire heap of newspapers and marking with red ink the passages which the Kaiser' J private se rotary is to read nioml to his ' migii-t muster. The Kmperor one day ' took up one of the journals, and nskid the .moaning of the red lines xvith which it it was profusely scored. Upon i the secretary explaining th" signification of these rod strokes, tho venernblc J inoiuin h said with a lieavy laugh: "Then, my dear fellow, let me beg von. for once in n way. to rend me everything in this journal which hai not a red line underneath W-PuU MoV I mmm ' ........ ... . Tlio line ot lite is a i between duty and desire, Tim line of life is a merrcd disoonnl ino lint oi ine is n r.iggcu uiagonai CMi'iMMHs roii im: iritiors. The arch win fnniiliiir to the Assyrians is curly as tin- ninth century II. C. In i-i'l times tho nhoolmaster w-ih lflen called upon lo exori ise spirits, an .earning wa- consideivd necessary for an .-xorcist. The lirst herring ciught i-ai-li year nit di.t coast of Holland belongs to tho King-, as the lirst Kngli-h sturgeon be aiiigs t" IJuceii Victoria. An eccentric character in Susquehanna 'niiity, IVniisylvania, ha an immense age, in which are i-mili it-l '-MM I rattle makes. He caplurcd t hem early in the spring, when they wero coming from dieir w inter homos. Among the voters at the recent Ala. i.'ima election was Tlnun is turret t of dolman's Precinct, who ca t his lirst . for .John Adams in tin- fall of 1 I'M,. lb-was then -!l years old, nil I on his n xt birthday will be 11't years old. The Mlgge-tiotl is made that the .Ues ion of fii"l for steaiiiei's. - the siib-tilii-ioii of petroleum for coa! -be solved by Iceing potioleuin, using it ill the form if bricks, it can b- pick.' 1 as safely :oal. it i- urged, even m.-r -". In N' i t li. in California tin re is in u-i- j he "fro-t I-!l," wliii'h con-i-ts of a wile ! uniiing from dilT ruit part- of the vine- J ,-ard to the hoii e. da the vini yaid end i ( the wire i- an ipp.iialiis th it iiiigsal ll at tie- h"!i- In n the the; inmni te- Icseend i to li ei i t i n degree, In n the " ll is let 1 1 if lie- occupants of the lnuisi- j iiow that then im s lire in danger, ami j uiinodi itcly repur to the viney ml and j iglit Mas in liilT--t nt ipiait is, and thus ircvciit, thioii;!i the agency of this in genious elect i ical device, the lo-s of tons jfthe most iiu-ii u-i fruit grow n on the Pacilie s'ope. The 10 ill of N r liumbcrland, in the inie if J I 1 1 r v VII., had th-i-e country lou-os, but lc had only furniture lor me. Siwlnn li-move I fiom one to he other he had ! take his beds, chairs, -allies ami kit. -hen utensil- withliiui. I Th.-servants who took care of the pots j in. I pans and -in !i like were called the oiack guard; and as they were tin- 1..W t of all the hoii e'uohl, that name came i.y degii es I., nr au any kind of low, .oarse, rude p. r-on. My lord and lady 'n akfastc l daily a ipiart of bccr.a ipiait af wine, half a i liin -of boiled beef or nuttoii, or, on li-iing days, salt ti-h, red Innings er-piats. For dinner they would have som.tim.-s ihikens, geese, pork or pcacoi k-. A chicken cost a half penny, a goo-e throe pence or fourpcuce, i plica-ant or a p. a.-oek a shilling. Siinic J ici-r Oinliii 'tlts, "I xxill Let xoii $1 iigiiin-l an i lupty pill box," s-aid i Newark druggist, "that yoiicaniiot p r-. ale a .J r-cy woo lohop per that rattlesnake oil is not a sovereign 1 1 in.'-ly for rlieiim tisin, or induce a Pi iin-ylvania lu'- h to lenoiinee lie: belief ill l!o V I'lue r.( goo-egro lso for col I-, .-of,, tliroat and kindred complain'-. A great many iiii in pe iple in thi- town xxill go miles to obtain n little il. g fit, xxhiih is tsuppis-d to possess s.'tn" in -igie virtu -. Skunk's grease is another uiuch-cs! corned ointment in al most i very section '.xhere the high-toned little animal is known. 1 have got it in -took; nlxv.iys keep if, and have a big de mand for it at tiiiici." ''Same tub.''' "Sun tub," sai 1 th-- druggl-t, with a wink, "I get bear's gre-i-e. dog fat, -kiink urease, nn-l materi il for all my ) lejular ointments out of that tub. I c.iine very ne ir using it up the oth -r day xxheti an old colored man cam-- in and xvaiite I ! a half pound of '-nappin' tinkle fat lor i his old xv nn i'i's b u ',.' An old V. igii-h xvoin in i atue in the olle r day mid asked for parrot fat, nnd wln n 1 told ln-r that j I -It I not believe it i-oip l be obtained in I this i eiiiitrv she told til" that she could t it in London, and that it xvas I good for tongue-tied children and people xxith weak voices." - A'. - i'-rk Sun, A Maleni lit disprnxoil. Pi fe-soi Wyiuau, the il i-i inguishe.l ..nip irative atiatomist, ii,ed to tell a st ry that illustrates tin- fallibility of hum. i:t i vi h tice, I Im day t clorgyinar, to him a live xoung black snake which he s:id a parishioner of his, a g. ntiiin ui of uiiimpi achable veracity, had i jeeie l from his tomaeh. The eliOLXiiian grew verv indigliaiit when IVile.sor Wvm.ill doubted the possibil. '. of this, s ix ing that Ins pan-honor xvas ' i i.t' i .:i l. i l ... i i fib-,.hilelv sure the reptile had been 1 v- nig ill Ills stnnrn li tor yurs. I'.i seltli. io stint , I the matter tin t die, Profe-sor Wyman ' : cut open the stoiu ich of the snake and ' turned out i f it a number of gins-liop-1 per' beetles and grubs. "It seems," he I . . , -aid to the clergyman, "that your , pari-lniner has a liKing for a peculiar kind of dict."-.V. n lent Tribune Tim Sinillost hiigino. The smalle-t osctlatiii" I II "ino ill the i ,. , , i ii ii niiu-n isaisani. oaiien nn. xx n. iixi.i.s ni- woild lias been made by .lolin U. Hare ivi i-oh Tun l.rus, nnd in nlmnst every (as. Its bore is one. sixteenth of an inch, nnd ' thn.iiL.-ln.iit my rrartiee I haxe liml entire m - the stroke niie-eighth. The wheel shaft and erauk weigh eight gr.'.ius, the cylin d r live, ami the st mil ami pillar twelve grains, making the xxholu weight one pi mix 'weight one grain. It is about tint size of a half-grow n collar button, and is completely covered by a No. 5, or child's thimble. It xxill be run by compressed ir. It makes ll.oni) revolutions a minute, Mir. Hare 1ms al-o made a i-onipnrativi giant, xvhich is covered xvith an English walnut shell. llaltiiiu,rt Sun. A Simple Proceeding. A farmer sent, a dollar for a lightnlna potato-bug killer, which lie snxv ndver- tiscd in a paiier, and received by return : mail two blocks of wood, with direction, l l'-"" n follows; ' Take this block, which is No. 1, ir hand, plC tho bug on No. S ami press th. m together, I Helliove till ' i i i i , o n i ' , ; nn, i,ro(.,.,.J ns before. ' JJihhir, I (S. Y.) ll-ijuter. Origin of Hell I iiowii Songs, A celebrated composer once lost liis j wax in a dense forrest, when lie found i liim clf on a path leading to what sccnieil a large cdilice in (he distance. .Meeting a person on his path lie imputed Ins wiry, j but the pi rson made no response. Meeting another, the tame proceeding I look place, ami also with six others that he met. lie was ,,t a loss to account for this until be eaiue to thi' building, where In; read i lie sign, "A-vlma for Deaf Mules." This explained it all. and lie nt once jat down and wrote '-We never speak ns j we pn-s li v. I ItccthoMii was once nut, during a , heavy shower by a fiiend who was tin -' protect, d Iron; the elements i ''J.oiid mi- joi-.r umbrella." siglu-d the j latter. I Tin- gii-at nia-ler at once cotnioseil Ih- song 'till the cloud- roll ' '." A composer of i nitii nee being told I lliat hi- music w i. trasliey, ! and that he had better "turn over a new llnif,' at i-ine wrote "When the haves bcun I" tin ii. " Fr.uil Abt nine travelled upon a :!-( Ill railroad whi te he was allowed i "live minutes lot r. lic-liim iit-," in which he cat a dollar and a half dinner; I ob-cixiiig the furious gulps made by his j fellow Iran lleis to gel their iimncv'.s worth in the limited t ime, he eoinpos( d I "When tin swallows homeward fly." ! . toigliiln iieeeallcd upon a betrothed I couple, ami invited to dine with I tlici.i. The young in. in while carving I the tinkiy was .. ab.-iiaclcdly gazing at his -wi i tin all that he si nt the gobbler I three tinu s into the lap of the composer ami lan-c.l -cm ral -ticair-o( gravy to inn f. r hi- I' el. t.iigli.liiio lilt wittniiii rating any lliing. and wont home and composed The h.xei and the bird." ( l.uibcl wrote - Tike back the hcait" 10 a part in r at w lii-l w ho icvoki d when 11 l inn ml- w i re led. eMiMix iii, alter looking all on r the h"ii-e lor a piece of iw iiiu to tie a bundle with. - il 1 1- in ii in a furious passion ami cvoKcd "The lost .hold." Tin- (iieen's ( liililrcn. !l is i nt i i. -ting to eiinip in 'the dilTcri ut l which lur Majesty's children bc-ii inaiiied. The Princess o wii- untried in her txvi ntv eighth have I'.catii xeai. the Princess limal married ill her lightieiith year, the Prince of Wales was inaiiied when in hi-t xx eiity second year, t io Plineess Alice in liei txvelitielh Xeai, tho Duke o Cdiubiil . in his thirtieth icai, the Piim ess deli na in hcrlwciity liist ,ar. tin- I'rince-s J.oiiise in her tweiit;. foutth yen, the Itiikc of t',,n iiaught in his twiiity ninth xeai, the Duke 1. 1 Albanx in hi- thirtieth year. Hie united ages, at marriage, of the live l.oyal Prinetssos hundred and level', jears; the united ag. s, at mat liage, of tin four Princes make one hundred and eleven veais. I'.y striking an . Ul lage o in linds that the I'linco-sis a c iii.iri ie. at I w ( lit V t xx o and one Iif h ,1-ai-, arid Priiiees at txxct;ly seven and lourlhs. Itlil Ii v illogical I'u.le, In the shadow of the hilltop, nut under the trees, -at a pi'ity miss. Hark. 'pray, to this xxor.l of description: lb r ha! xvas like a coal scuttle, peri lled mi ln-r head, her lings of gold, her dl'css p..ligoe. She wore a s. er-ui kei apron, tio l with blue ribbon. At lu r feet were her cut and dog. Sin- lead aloud a psalm on men x . The xxords ineltcd slowly away, xxlicit a boy's terrible shout -tart b-. i lur. lie was lloiiiideiiiig in a -xxanip ovet hi- liei Is, but at la-t he i 1 a in I o t a ' I mil and xi nl into a barn, a i Ii in I-, .king building not far away. Find in the above the names of li -li and other xx ater animals to the niitiil.i r oftxv iitx txvo. I.ook through il i aielullx . Von will fun I the name -oiii. times all in one, sometimes parllx in one and partly in another. The letters occui ju-t as they do ill the name- the thing i, to lin-l tlicm. Mr. .1. E. Hini-al. New Hlo.nnnYM. I'n.. clerk of Ihe several I'l.iiri- of I'erry i'n.. I'.i.. xxns iillln ie. witli rln ion ili-iii fur ur m than llnr t M ill-. After 'i'ii.liin: lnui-lreils ..f .lollais wit li ilitTeieiit nu-l triiiu ixery klloAn Xlllllnlll Inll.'llt, In- ii-.-.l si. .I.n ol s (ill. xvlm li oil, , le i mi ratire 'ire. I inn. ir llear-l's career al Wiisliiiiftnii xvas j n. .1 altossCtlicr liarreii. lie intr.Mii, ...I a new ; i-ncKt.iil Iroin Califi.n.ia ealie.l "the . oxx !.. ' 1 il lea in." w Ine li i- -a ill lo In. "(i eiiliar l -e i r. Ii I iliir in I! - inn-rat inns it I lie Internal .sx-leni of iln nu'tusr t'eiicri-.iuaii. Mr. i; W. Walt-. IJeiieril .Win. Vrplntil Ilt'1'.otiiieitt, fniori -iieitir ll.iliw ay. San V run. risi ii. 1 at. sax s: "I tunc iteri .o.l iiuk'Ii Itenetlt .from ihe use .if l!.i stnr I' s;li cur in lu's of . i.Ulis anil cnlils." Noeles. ' "I .aura." sai'l Mr.. Pa Venn, nn the liutc! liiax.i. In lier ilaiii;li!i'r. "Laura, un ioi.I ask the le.o lei-ol lliem nrellesl rn- ti.j.lay lluil -i-viii-lialhx from Mvlilli-joliii' over imain. tt'ssm-li annwtiil fax i.nii- of iniii.- unit .xuitr iHltier's, liii.r'- i'lu'li nliii"! t'li ltitim . If yon liax'e CM, I'omiti. (ill y-h-irV.ltn;i 'li.iii. liilarrli lr....lim' r oisimeniiKli-lir. K i liner's linlian t -tin Ii imp il ' irrit'iem Oil will ret i-vi instatltl tiL-als uml iniris. I'nce 2.V., .'. anil $1. The iIe.IHof eiiwanliee: Kenriin, to strike n balance -heel. riid vmi know that ft Inkes Family Ilil. . s in Hie .tenia ml ill the I'lute.l ' ...... r, '!.. . i,,,.!,!... , h,.r r ,ii!i.14 uf isinall 1 li-Inrufsl li.iia I ... ,i, s.,,,11, is lluil of M. K. .l.'lin 1.1 lllellllli.ll.l. I lll'V l.llllll.-ll Kami I v Itilces nf all six l. Hint nrices. mil liiive lorn: iiinileit "inilv hs i.i how they can S.-t up tin- '' ru Iw! Hihle nt Iln- vnry l.v...t irin al tho siime liini- nllnxv hki-hIs a reasnn Hl.le i iimi.i'iisiiilmi f.-rllieir serx iei . Iviii nn, I.sni i hex inive mi l xx illi i-renter siieeess in Hi s ii i reel 1..11 thiol I'vorliiforo. If y.m eentemplate iii'lliin;i:o.l l"'l anil llililesiliirinn any of t im-. t.v all moans xvruo fur teriim mill I'arlieuliirs. Tln-y w ill treat y.m fairly. The Tesllinony of B rhysirian. lames Heeelicr. M. !.. of siirniirnoy. Iowa. axs: For several years I liax-e licet! HsillK hot ties si are thodaysnf my army practice il-4iai, when I was siirei-tm of Jliwi.ilal No. i, Louis ville, Ky. Mi ssxi ln's l-iieniMiai iinerToNic, tfxeonly prepitraliiin of beet rmitainin itn entire mttri I,. .im ftrniitrl it. Ii runinins tihsMl-mitking fi.i-ee.iri-iiprnlinjr nnil lifp-siistafnini; irowrtiert; invaliiatile fur lmli"psliiui, (tysin'Hin, nervnus (ir-'siration, ami all li.rm i.f general debility: tl-.), in all enli-.-lilod wlipther the result of pOimisttiin, norvniis proptrntion, ovpr xxork or aouie (Iispilsp, particularly If rfwnltltui from pitlmiinaryromtiiaints. ra- wplktlaxanitv, JVipriPlors. Npv Vork. Sold liy drussialA. UOOFIXJ. There ! no liotter motlne than that made of Iron, and the Cincinnati Corrugating Co. arc reliable makers. Tin y will cheerfully give you ny inform at inn and prices, and you may de pond on their prompt and thorough execution of any ordera. 5.V. bnvs a iinlr nf l.ynn's Patent Hire! StlfT- eners. w hich makes a boot or shoe last twice s tonu. l"'''" When a nun's a bear, he Is generally prett j IndetiendL-nt. T nil m 4v Knit will nnt stain or Inlure th skin. Hall's Hair Rt-newer. Dumb Akiio ran hi i pe. uujr cnra Of taking Aver s Akuo Cure. Try it. r.Droaragment for the Feeble. Po long ns the falling embors of vlinlity are rapni.H.iii iwms n-Miuoeii nun a wnrm and K nial gliiw, just so long there is litum for the weak nnd emaciated invalid. Nit him net,, despniid, hill derive encouragement from this, uml from the furl Iter fact thai there, is a re.-toralix'o most potent In renewing ihe dilapidated snvers of a broken down ny-Hicm. Yes, thanks toils unexampled tonic virtues, llnsl. tier's Stomneli Hitlers is daily reviving strength in Ihe bodies and hope in the minds of the feelihuiud nervous. Appetite, refreshing slpi.p. ihn iie.iiisitinn of flesh mid color, am blessings mteiidant upon the repnrnlixe prn resses which this priceless inx igoraut speedily initiiiiesiinil carries In a success! nl eolieliisii.ii. Ingesinm is restored, Ilie blnnd fertilized, nnd sustenance nlTur.lotl in eaeli liro-sii-t. lining oiL-nii liy Ihe Hitlers. xvhich is InnnVnsiveevcii to the fomliiine palate, x egetnlile in linn, mid tliorouthlx safe. I se It, unit regaiu xitfiirl ytienex-er a xvish Is father lo the thought It xxill le a . BITTERS rombln.D IR0X with PI BK VKOKTilll.R TOPICS, qnhkly and completely (I tANSKH oil TUB DIHND, Ickm theactloD of Ihe Llrraad kI4Ha. C'loara tHm romplrilon, mikt the skin mnootta. Itdora not Injure the tot th raufif hcstlwhf, or produrr ron-HlpatlOB-MiLOTIIKK MK.IH 1IUS l0. PhjTiii. Uni nnd lniri'tnefTryrtlisrtrmiraeTMl It. Mm Y. Apavii. 1 lUmuj 81 . Bnltit . Mrt , nnyn: " I hail n l't eiH'Mif Scr-ifnU utiirh raiiUHd An rtip lim of tho riktn n my fncn. 1 t'rnuulrtl ti hh IImwh'i lrtD Bittira, Fuur bultltw UaTvconipIetvljr curexl me " Mrs. M W 8 ilk. MS S. rin Si , Uirhmond. V , " Mj lit t In hoy waa miiTwtiiji frni n vry M'lhiuv Attack of !)'- pnitMiiimif Aint tho riottr ti(i t'Mnotitittfi liitn tn tht l(Miit, 1 tnt'tl Hi-owif Irin Hilttni. Tnn titt ht riitini tnm, Althoti:!i Iuh ti'.-Kt mm in n tfrni l" htito. h ir rrtninH a flntAt ttiicnn1 pnntttT atnl I luvirtily r"minnil it KLAlMPt Hl4iAM. ll.nt Dale. W. V.. "I hv.Mi Itrown n Inm Hitter for Cnmntt Ff Fm - inmiunr(l dy my iitiyHiciaim witli mift t-.-i. -tl, ml .-ff..--t I r.T.ltillv ro.-.miinoii.l it " Mu. Mahtin Mi'Uaf.. I.'imUir Hrultc. N O . -" I l a hiiiiiMr m niy I'Ii-hI, Mntfthin hkt Toiler or Km Worm. Itrimu'a Inm Kittnrit han curtl mt." tit'nuino h;m almtnTraili Mark and tiaim1 ri11iuca on wrapMr Tnkt' no nlhr. Mn'lt only hjr It Kim N 4IIKMKALIU, UALTIM0I1K, ASK KOIt thi: W. L. DOUGLAS Hi it m ,tr rinl. I'frfrrt Ut, fqnain any S or f. fli-m V.-'1! rlr rtanir. Ukf none nitUn tiiiH-.l w. H.ttminVf.i(i:hoi. vvrirranii-.i." Conttfv m th Y. I ' li.iiivlii. W.OO Minn. N imi.' p)i. a Jr-" et th-(ie iline fr.m tl- r f er.aen(iaMiMimiitiil 3 fard to W. I.. Vvcint, xv' Bruckton, Mab. vV 9o. OR. KILMER'S .s1,,V',,t'"" .'"'.'' ,!.'.""1' nn'. i i. hiiiik in i ne inrmii A rresl t lint ntiu i h, Iln lnli.-t or Asthma. This In-lllisly relH-xia qllleklv. t urn is'rmiiiientlv. ti -n-M ill!. In ln. Mj-la Swi-.n Hill fn.inl 'itin.ntnpll.,11 I (Tl i. ii.n-,1 i.i i.h. m sMib I.IM'FVSAiiT, Hl.l.-I.llll.'ll. N. V. I .ne... fin., ..iiv ,... n, I l.illi-l.' I.. Il.-iltll I henl litv). f.Avrs touh in i. Salvo CURES DRURKEKKESS Rm4 latenirrnr, not ttutanflj, hi rlTrn tuallv 1 hoonfv m-rntin Antl Uir ihm Alrskol Huhlt ajvI ih oly rcmody iltkU dttr to wad trW bottle Kltily mAfwivm t rk w- t-nt pmfraffioii nj )rrprcd by wpil. nown N-w i-h Ak-taiiA. KfnJ tamiw for eimilam mmi ri-fraNNoa AdUruMA "SAl.Vu 1UXKUT," It. I WM Mtfc .. Jtw TttlL trad t WMlrl f thl tU W vvntediM, and hai t r Milii0 lt,t aaii.lM MURfHV PRf Pi-is, f fllla Oit ). ol jMilJn mn4 row rnt AJttnV the MttU ClMtofthAe lxl- w. A. L. SMITH. n ii .-1. riv ait JONES i in PAYS the FREICHT . Ton Waaon frnlpA. I"n .,.f.. sort Urlix, Utu Tair IUxn. iv, m h t BOO. IH s ... (, ft.rprlivlUt I0U Ot IISOHtHTi'll, I1IM.II t XITIIN. N. y. CURE FITS! Vital i . hi 1 il. t...i nsn uir;ftn .t.p t.-i-m r Silas sad irtan b thtu i.tu.n aiialii. I ntcfn s ri.ll. nl nn I b.. n,.l. thi itlMn "I MrH lril.KPir tr PAI.I.INUHICISg.sSs llf l.bsiudT. lwrrt.ln,f rmdf lo tntm III want ruM. Srki.M otbr hft felled ( no rM-n for ce-l inw re.-llns curs. IVndat Hr. for I. ant. sntl l(OP Bol.lo of nf infantilis oniM. Ul Sarra.a anil I'.iot iiltlrs. ll 00 I J tuiulcl tot ttli, I lll 'uto . .. IdofM ei. u u. miur. lur.uiSL. Kw ls. Rt Bob it Cut Off Horm' Mints. tuiirsip.i i i,iisi:i ii i aft Rlllltl.K I umbilical, n bp HllpiMsl t.y sny li'.rw sm. rwiil r si. siit. I hr all .siL.l.u.' Ilanlwnr.' nii.l ll.irn.'H l'.-Al.'rN aiclni dlwnmnt lo Iha Iradp. b.'ii.l n.r l rl.'.' i 1-1 J. ('. I.II.IITIIOI MK, Kwii'.n. . V. A STHMA CURED! litrtHtn .ibii rtftAli rTr-u nri-l lt"tr all olh-r. Mil- A ...I r;nnn rm th m l I'n-- (n) i m an ) ivtu. r mii Hi-iii- nn y i,r ami. l K. It. M MII-'I- M t. I'kuI. Minn. S700 to $2500 Ar;,.":;:,; b-' niivtc wirkintt f"f ma. eS!.. iiis r frrr.l wiii,in furiuAh fit' ir im ii hurwn anl . I v ili ir wlmit tini tu tl Ixihliii'isA. ;ir.- ti i. ii i a mat Iw 'rli..ily t ill lyt-il ii I -ii. A ft-w tu am-li th nAti'1 . iti.-n MM i Kill III ' I , I I ttllOtl'l. t A. LADIES receipt of ."i e n A new iiinl relniM.- i ijnijhi of l.tiil I iH.kluif an. I linking lie. fines. m.tlU'.l oil ;."i e nl. in si.-iini... -, i.i:. If. un i on n. L's N. ,.llnliix si., I'.alln e. M l. FRAZERfi BEST 11 TH W(lHLl)UllaiHUs M list Iks U.aulno. J s.siwc. Skunk, Raccoon, Mink, Ami nil iillier U Furs It. l i 1 1 I I uR ASH Ht.lllKST fill, is S. nl r.,r .-ipiLjir .1 . .i.e.- K. '. HOI lillTOV. ll I .ur I r.i . N Vnrk. WANTED A WOMAN ..t ptiiiBjr" in her l.-.,.nn Sit.iri $SQ, li. frr..i.-.'. K. Juliliixiii, MsliiK.-r. n. Il..n'i,. HI-. S X L IllAIMY! Mun.ifa. tiinnit II. nun. in. Is O H" Mu. il,.. Ul ., k I'I.k k ii. In arln-I.e ll.-e iM. unit i.Ui. r an i. .-a. s I . atllil.' anil l.irli.'i.'ar- In-. M.t,-al". i r A. II. IILXIXIilMI. W'a'.li XI n.. THURSTOrS pearylT00TH POWDER Rsss Id Tsieit rrfw awd Hmni HtiKliky, Oiail S llllSt Rheumatic Rsmsd.. Oxal H. t I.IMIi ruu4, oO els. PATENTS 1 HAM, PalAIlt ljlWtr, W-Iiiii.1o.i. II. c. S5 la JSii ilar. sa,,,,,,,, si si iRi'f, I.ina n uuilr ihp b.ira- . f-p. A.lilrpa UskWa-rss-sSiraTf kkis Mm i-s. Hnlir.MI h. Pensions Sitlitipr. .1 Hair.. S' r i-ir.- il.r.. .'111,. .. HINil HAM. All y, XV..IitiiKl is, U. II OPIUM la all part-, lis. luaaa.vulsi , Hlct. OPIUM Habit Cured. Trpatmpnt apnt on trial. HID A k Hkm tnir l u.. IjiI- aj llo, llllt. ib kirdMt torn. IBratKl IrMmmk. mi :i sf ts w m m mam luiiii V 1hm Caamiol On" . 3 tV WE HAVE NOW -Mi 270,000 SUBSCRIBERS WE WANT HALF A MILLION, AND Til lUTDfinilPC lnto tRmilr ,D III IN I nUUUUC the land, we offer the PHILADELPHIA LADIES' Home Journal PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER From now to January JSS7 balance of this yearon receipt of ONLY 0 CIS- 1 Hllvcr or StsAsnps. Illuatriiton rtr brat nrtlatN. nrlnlod nn Ann ram llnt'1 ptiptM-, tin1 rnrt'luil? -tttfd by Mils. Lui'lttA h.NAiM'. Kinpiovi tliu tuet tviiton. l'ur HDd uf fiction only. Domestic torUt BY Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Josiah Allen's Wife, Marion Harland, Rose Terry Cooke, Harriet PrescottSpofford, tlorr Al.l.olt Rnntl. Flln Itnilma. rkarrh. XtT'tw "' Mnrum-..! 11. llurv, Clarlsata rotter. uuU uiouy olttui'S. PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER "TOSS Christine Tt rhune lh vrlcU Eliza if. ltvkvrf am1 nthor woU-known wrltorA, rIvIhr ua tlir hcAt And i' h 'i ii rra i niii and tn-w tu ihhIvm v imtnciiTO. VAhlnnnud Iroolnici & ursluv ibe ttlck, utc. MOTHER'S CORNER MINT5 ntJ FTIftllPTTr. " T " ni-rtla. I'T Mi.PHIItOltMS J ii VfinN i Uttlay ' EyeHirtKliti. Rrmh BtuiUM." nni HonArh'Mit lmi.rtitt'in. hr I. m a uml M .1. iMiiliSON; Is Hopvclalairuiiif feature, ttnelf illbftntttHl. LECTURES TO YOUNG WOMEN, ( Hiiptuii. Minis. i.V VoniiaT sVontuirai Hlarhla. t I AUK. Trlx-olllv uud Fllrtutlttu." Uttlua Mar- rled." aVe. Inslruotlx-p nrllrlps on 'How to Apwitr XVi-ll In Ho- pi,.i7." ti.,n tu'l'iitlt Won, Hint luipiuve yuur Gram mar, IIV .X1HS. KMXIA I . Ill: WITT. Willi f.i'rlal lllnatratl.ins. KniltlnK. 1'r.irhtMlnil, ami all klnila nl fiiiliU'l'liT). E.IIIihI l' nn rspi-rl. I'l-lsi'S (Ivcn l.roi.iilrll.iill.'iH. Ha hints nii.l aumrratl..ns wllh ri'tiiinl li.l...lhi.l.1aiiil N'- Vat - ln.liislrli a rer wiuiii-i.. an APJI vmIiiiiLI.. It ah. .ii M Is' In llm fTi C hatnta i.f t-very InrtT In llii'lnml tinonua it i us... . i r i. . . ....,- ..r, inn inns- trill... na art t' Ihn imllt'rn- a. Us l.'il nlini-xir.Mii. i; I last.'. sikI wrltlun In an tiinin uml t''it u iiiftttnor that a neTlcowlll Uml no trouble In l.iiu.niiis' tbi'm. DRESS AND MATERIAL. ',;:," Z. with ftiiKwern t currepoiiileiits iti .busU.ut., tiy Mkh. J. it. i,AlilltT. nl n'tii ti tnt'titiMl hr tulitTi!'i!r!. 'linn in n .MtMt'tnl Kftitiirn wuh ni, ntil ! rm ii ipri-.l tho h'.t nn-l in-t. ji,i- t. pfitiiMit ever nul)i!i(l In any (.iinK ti ') p inr. Vi ii'-u I'T l'isi r-rt. I"' mui cnirihtitiiiiii. ,,,w t pn "ri' .loMcnrl-f nittiilio f.r MftrrT.".n tvnn, T mi nit I'Vi-ntPit; r.inipttntifl. Hint lirw n-H t." ftiHMittivtt. Th'- It. in" ('I'kmtf niin milt u h'"iit Hint tiuiii. (i invuiuubiu to cvrijr itmcttcttl li-iusc'Kt't-pi'r. FLORAL DEPARTMENT; "ZMlfflbXit! Ei HK K.KKArOlll ltt.TS fruill Hllli.i'ril,,iA.rM.ii.iii il.'til "ii nil h -ii -el. ...I I h. It is Ilie Heal li.nia.. ini.i-r ever i - 1 1 . ' i -r. . . 1 . ami . i"..ulnr that. In li s. I'iMii lli'eii years. .1 tins mi I n circulation ul lO.illlll ....i,., .-n.-h liii. I.AOll.K' Hunt: JulUXlt,, riilla.. Pa, NO LADY ll n-illy 11EAU Tri.'tJTj willli.ul a CI, RAH. WHITE tOMl'LEXION. I hi. (ir-.l la.tltaa l..'. a lb. I natalai I lU.lmr ia. S, a. ..Ik'- l.l, -lit l l.l.'l. - if si!.' k (e. ii lifc.i lin ll. T stir-. ....Ill mi.l ..till... II i.n..l .anil i r ih.wiIpi uial will hi. Hi.- .'.i( ,,r tl.a- .1 l,y ... .It'.ittf i-iaal.' tilt - er llm kiti. aarh aa nl.l. s . t.- . I.h! I;, a i ti. . Ii itr It-... i.t a vat ..I, .1... ... i . eli.ik I.i il. lii .illli a... I I al Iln "Int. tl. m. II I- lllls-Mt.l I.. ,1. (. . t III tl M Ih ...It V ll ...ill, II i iii.i.. M,tn, !-ih.-.. I I.', hies I'.Ii.I.-Ii. I ll-.'l. 1I..II-. .. ll.ll. .1. t 1 I . Hell, ,.I,F f lea. "'I ..f III. I. f i-..pta ami i-..j III,. .1,11 . isiiiiaiti.iiK . niif II I! at il a.- i.i.iii, e . In. li it la im , i 1.., an- 11 is r..n.....i, a I., Iln- taal ami aalrat U-auliurr Ilif .irl.l i t. t i i,..lii, ir aalt' In l.r.i.-etAliil 1'ail.-; -la Iiealcni. W. M. SCOTT & CO., PhtladilDliia. P. websterT Willi or txillituit I'utfnt lit. Itx. IT TC Tirr- KTANTIrVRD Aiiilif.riiviiilli.-iii-x't rrimiiiK Oili.'-Miii'l Ihe I . S.'su.reine l eiirt, ftii'l i-r.'e..tiiiii. iiJf-l ''Y tl..' StBleSlll.'ti ..f t-ehoi.N 111 :i-i Millie!'- In ,'i. till-. ii t.. xail-sis ns. I'll l.ibkn l!ie UU'st is. in- t. tin- ix. rU . . Hit r. i- A DICTIONARY, H'sui W.tpls riirTtlvltiK". A GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD, HVmo Till-s, ( tu t n l.le.l) ami A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, ii. srly l"..i N-f-l l', ALL IN ONE BOOK. CO Ul u ll is nn int-.iliisl.l.- rn,,,aniii in rr.-ry Sdi. nn. I ul t v. ry l-' C. 4 C. MERRIxM k CO., l-ul.'rs, t-i-riiikjlU-H, Mans. no ok agetTvawted nr PLATFORM EGHOES ar Ll V1NU TRUTH! FOB UEAU- UiBT, Hit John If. Gottffh. 4 nia laal a ftowalns lift -ert. tn fsD of "H tha Lila and Haam 01 air . xjouin, ay aaaiT. 1IOTT. 1IIOO Aganla XVantL Maa MS oatao. !- aire Ftlra T--anil ' rrngku. aV. I. WUUTUI.NtlTOM aV CO. Uaa-Uiar, Vaaia. fVna, tH dreoUrt S FOR 1KUN V J . Sfncl for nrlrrs and Illaatralctcatnlngueor r CINCINNATI (0.) CORRaQATINS CO. TiicBcst Waterproof Coat. Tti bw roHmrt. fti.tri.KH it rrt- nita m A iiKt'(1t'V.tc1 I'xrliiBUtMf II fk 1 t t tliu r-nro iI In rittil rt ami J mNxJ n ' -:ni.t rhiittrn. M't,i ivhti mmjim Viw mUTi'Mliist l.ttrA I nun full- Ekx! tiLmth oxrtiKtik'litic views W V uml nii'ttiMitiini niHtiauoMHMit ; A tik SJrii Mhl rutimi Brttoit'H fiuu tho X 7 u'fiivv mill nun it i,nuMt tliu m Pi rapcr tu every )uuuu aiulU mmmTT'j mi fiCOTTl." r WW i-rooiryifirSimiu 1 ....... i . i,,i.. i lieallli.. .lli'l ..xitlifi .HS-ll.lft....t'l..l.l l. llllt ell. it,,. ii tli,. ml ., lu nDIDTIOHAaJf ITSELF t It owtbs.cnifriMi. fiwrn(tmls.ttAi). Xvam irnmni witbotrt tb "rifc 1tMtrftlr O.l fr. A. i T..r, BmIMi. Ham.