Jan l 't'h'?ni .1 rrnf r bein; m.-mift's: 'l in our proponed : rniirniitl celeb. 111 inn, which from preH ' ' cut imlicul ions promises to bo i T;JFUSDAY. DKCi'.M HFdi !, lSWi. gumd success. J he c.ommiUee hei e . t of ore appointed lo solicit eoutribu, wif Some oil broke into Hi' nIi"' iffs olliee m v.ii i lui isr, i few liightH Bjjo, Is ms "rtf"' lui iglar proof nothing was ! ! !ou. Tin: (Y.t.rnii'.TioN. Much interest Win. ffeathcnek. for pillows I Concord Register: It is useiejii ! incr (turn. Lai t Sftttirdny a number mid collin for Alum renu, $7.50 to dix'nisr the sitiiiition in rcurrf to of th children iu the neighborhood a. .woore, ior lumber lor tiie timim-tol condition el tins Mr-turn or Mr. Hobt. Simi nou induli? -d in gHinMrm i.u" oi couinry,iis as na.i a wrecK an mis practice. Tnat evening Mm cloven W. F. Foushco, insolvent fees. 8.40 Charleston was the day after the 'yen-old dimhier of Mr. .Simpson O'.iniiiiLD. Thai eucli member of the em tbqunke. Wo venture to ny that j wun taken sic!; and vomited a fim noma oi couuiy canvri: scrs in mo two l un Im oi our tanners cannot meet ileal. M'-s. Simpson, who w;ta visit- tlieir chattel murf-jaes. it m a mid in a neihbnr, was Kent for but he- . IT"" . . . , t .le, but, ma.s, tin true. I fore the mother reach! homo the live miles ilu-oidi the snow) and I ll'ri ttl Mtpl. ot Hcilllll. j o-.-ett..- At I T ''ttle R"ii 1 died Her death oecnrrod m:i,le proper arraiit;imfli Is to per- To Tiik Uo.lti ok County Commission- Wilkinson" Iiu .In, a uwn nn.n "l,,mt "'clock a few hours after I Oil 11 I tii'l l tl li ics. .1 lies ijitu 1 iiucii MIS : 1 tit tii m for the dinner, he'd a meetim 'on !nl Tuesday, (not withstanding j itcent election bo allowed fl.iil). the fact tnut several emim tour or i Many u rabbit was killed tim ing the late snmv Nioini, and oar Ituleigli 1'iieitdn ciin now feast on their favorite f-.iod, Chathiim rabbit.- negro ollll.l.iveil nlwil.l tVil, iril, llirA.iM, and Hel lie Telly we.o appointed ad- Oentlernen: This hcine yo,ir he t ' emole'i.Miesn, while trying to climb diliomil niemheis of the committee. J jueetini' diirinir in nreseiit te.mol' tlnvin..!, i li.. . r..n-;i..r 'ir,,r i.ia We hop our citizeUH will be liberal j oltiee I bey leave io H.ibmil. the fol caut;ht ami foan'nliv iiiaie-hd. Two lowing report. In aeeordaneo with ; 0f his ribs we re torn from the wpiu il Heetion 2H1) of The Code a iioard of ! column, and the kilnevn crushed. OT The laniei-t tiMiip that we ; ot ho praiul un oecasum. Ilea, th wa organized for this county ; Tho wouruls proved f.-.tal on the hoc- liave heard ol tins vnar im one laiaea j t, - ine jmi ony o; .January, mn.t, ami ond irty I he by Mr. S. II. Wilson, which weighed! .',K r ur c io . ,e ...hi,;X ,.Pl.t(,j itK HUl.n,endent. : iMtiiel 1'. i)8ouiieetiand meawuied linee lourlliM ,"v ""'n'7u .'" , Uul owing to a previous ariaiigeininl. Of a yard in pii-cumfcreiiot.. ih'' 1 I'lsboro railroad w:m canied j vliHfiuf( l.u,.n Vou, 15,uud and Dr. " Jst I' ''day, m a box cr at- jr. c ,jll(,ks(m j ,i,d not assume the fiW-W. II. L ai il li::s reimned taehed to the cmstt uetloli tram. It i duticn of the ofli.-e in full un;il after from Nw V : k t.nd is dai.y ive-iving , wan a ear .oa.l ot .yokea manurae- ,h,) 1st. Monday in 1 mbcr follow- MOM. I M! 1 , it'Wiri M,'l,il-V mi. 1 M'litf : sli pped away off vondor to Maine. The idea i.f a ra lou.l of h pokes be- in their coutrihntio'eu and enable the commit tee to prepare dinner worthy of ho graud un occasion. Tub ono of the i.iiei't ! ciiv a c-es. Clocks, Jewoity. Siiv-i ware and !hritmas l:reeir.s gei."iaily, ever ween in any country town m jSoiih Carolina. Hi'', when D.i Jackson s lenu as physician to the poor house and jaii expired So the references 4 shail make to these instit uiioim apply for ITiO i miLit viii mi It- ago, and our railroad will yet T ,IU, ,.',;ttji,,( ;,. i,..:,,,, ,.1,1,, . negro s nime waa llock. Murfrcosboro Index: Mr L-uo, of Coleraine. who sei-ms no( to be very happy iu his iimriii ge re.i.tinui. a f,'W da.s ago prayed tlmt tan Lord would strike hii'i h af and d.imb, ho thsl he might in ver Kpeck l'. a wo man or hear her tongue again In a few hunts his prayer wa- aiiswm.'d. since which time ho has t. t bvn ah,.' to speak or he ir, and lias to make his wants known iu v.r.iinLr. reouived a lot of fine l'oi ida ( h nnge and Confection ii i- Xeris fade; :i so V H nice lot of (i.a i. . ' t'hiilil ware. j Gire them a e.ili befoie tuiyiug ;,our X X'lias pi'CAelilS. i'.yiiUlll :li,d Iie.,ien Vill sei! you a 4 bu-diei sm-k of tine 'VI Halt foi .i.i;5. Sanford Kxpresn: Diwd nt nis res ioeti;:e iu lim county of Moore, on it'll h of November, Alexander Leach i.i the i ne hundred and neconrl tar on Cabin Ch ;:k inee lived up io his iug sent fi inn hero to Maine! No 'lie dreamed of iien n thnu. ... Tea . ago, ami our raiiroail will vet ear .ot a single consi.-ime in ine accomp.isii sri.t more wouanritu ,,rt that tho nunilai v condition of county (ptaliiied l, fore the com;nis- thingM and make some people opeu j (',i, the jaii and poo: house hi ns Hioneis, on !asi Monday, and the j wide their eyes in R-eonishment. In : good as eiicumstaue.s wouid admit, ili.i,eu,)..u passed an a day or two Mi ksir. Mooie, T.analer j UUJ I cheerfully accord much praise Older declaring vacant tbeoliiee of V J and wiil ship a car load of cedar j0 (!t(,Hi the jailer an 1 to Mr wveiy cons ao.e who wiu uo. p;.oi!y posts l hey expect to do a JmSf 1 1W. ,i-. u p.i i tit t i, , l.u t of (hepolM. .of hin age. The deceased was born at their meet .ng on tho inl ..lunday , business in tins line. lu)1HO f(. tll kiu, 1M!l;, Rt. , in Aig i- shire, Scolland and emigia- in .January. I -- , tenlioiis given tl.o:, who have been ' ted to thi.. State in II' e year ISO! and ... 1 .! -.T t .1 I'll. I IiA eon lit v ,nn. . .c' ..... t... . p I.., l,...., :ui I, : . ,i I , f ip.aceil uii'ler their respective eaie. -leiijed in Jloorn (.,, jiiitiuj oui'r 'I -un,, ,lii:,-llill,- ill 11.1:0 Ittnb lilt I'll 111. I . I, . . . f ,..!. I 1 ,1...... 1 ... f..ll... : f.. 11... h h "' "'ill ' I .. iii , , , 1 1 1 01,. in, 11 it: in' 111 n nil 1 ni- 'iv. 1 . . , , . . , 1 , , , , r . iiniec as puvsiciau 10 1 in noor house oeain. lie was a ronsiweui intmuer r eiiruai . o'l m of our mipenoi com t: r i. . 1 .1 1 , r ,1 t, . , 1 1 ii 1 ,'. . t . r, ;A have neen there sixtv times, and of the haotisl ( liuicli, an uprmht 1. r. I'liiK, J. .ii. lioiie: tain. J. fc. 1 , , . , 1 it 1 1 . . ,it, 1 ii.n iiji, uin-ii ui visa 11 once eaeo ( unoi ;iuu a 011110,1 uwniui int. week and an many other limes a- I I (I. I.i 1 1... : . . .1 :.. .; - 10,,,, .1 Y I'! i.i... . !? V Si.," :v ...i.". y. I'.oiux uiisn 1 1 ' -v-' , ' 1 ,' ' ' ' r-1 . ' theio have ijo.-'pn i;;;.'s, am etui pes, r, u. H.iughton, Ji A. Mann. An. on I-'aik, J It. Hooker, liieluu d C.egg (col ), i 1 ' , " "". I , .... t.. if ,.1 i .." tunty are now their, ten have dl.'d I A .-co't, Jr.. .Manly (he; man. h. , .. 1 .1 . 1 j ,, p (- 1 ! aiid the remainder luive el: to veeu e iing-onVw. 'U Justice. I'! II. E lis ' " H1u,wif,lM,e Wlt,,"l,t t,lt l' r 1 . f t it. . , r , "in ij. iirimu, ii. , A.sion, i. ij.) t . T ' i. 1 u I l .. 1. ! i ! w r ii' , v- ' ' I hopelessly liimtnc for manv vesrs and Stut devjtnt, J. li. Anslev. 1). A. Holt. : K-iiaii Col". .1. 11. Uiooks, li. Ii. IJv- she wan taken sick. Mr. V. C .Vitili go and Mr. John Wilson, both had children very sick for a while nd their sickness and the death of Mr. Simpson's little daughter ix attribu ted to the gum they had been chow-iug. It ih rumored that the supply of ur. liull h t.,ouh Syrup is not. eipial to the demand. J)rnggists should prepare themselves for all emergencies aa the peoph rely 011 them for thia remedy. No preparation could have mude such a reputation us .-al vat ion Oil has. without intriusi' nn rit of the higli.-st older. It kills pain. Price 25 cts. Mv liver was so feai fully disordered aud 1 felt so feeble and languid that I scarcely took interest iu anything. Tried all the so-called remedies with out rcluf until I used Parker's Tonic. which effect".! a permanent cure. David Hash. Little Itock, Aik. been in nil httv pauocrs. ; foily thrca being the I;ii ;.'.m number 5j"TIie big Mi.iw s mm found .Sample Drown of Gicc:i-li no' ready sith a big supply of wa: :i t)v-rei -I'-ri :andSitiiti, K.aniiei I "in It s ur. Hoots, Shoes, Ladies' Cloaks an. i a.i kinds of cold v e,i : 1 : 1 1 11 o 1 1 !, Mi. Iio,n geneiaoy iiiaii:.;;eH .i have till ry.ntjj goods at I hi' n"l tune ; La T Cold weal iiet is 1. 11 e and Lion- j , doll has a splendid slock '.f Ucd i'.eu .kets, hlle and i o'.ue.t ; 14 .1 t 0111 forts for 1 and t , . ; Sood Lap llo'.H's: Horse l:ia :l.e!.--. M.u's. I.,iO ami 'hiidli'l.'s Wooei, Vis.h unit I ' Intel -clothing: Warm Cove-. Hoods, Muil':, ISeHl fs. 5h l.leis. KiiMier taail -Hiid .iiioes, Ifeav V a.ei pi oot H;e.ts and a splendid stock of .'.n's t.'.olii ing. Of tliOHo who dieil two hud been mice. V. !' , W. C. Ii Ihii-on, W. A. . lioi to- , O: un M. Maun, aud H. L. i were othei wise hudiv diseased : fivi I were biought theie in the very lam I stage of cliroliic tumble and died j w it Inn a week of tlieir ad.iiis.nnii. ), lux! mnnt. 1110 lemUlll'ter. SO Ml as J coi,, lent u, Tin: St ick L.w. ieg of 1 1 nuiuanee o :i tie i:iini et-ot s K:n-.i, II..- alock law wasestabiished ""''ndaiit upon so Rie.it an age. In m ihel'oilownp.ir ion fOulf town ' 1 H 'i""''liou lei m,s ray that our H':ii-. in.! bon'mled as Imlow: "be- I tllwl-s ' the lU'v. F. L. H.irh i-iunim a ill.' month of Line cieek fo1' ,1!!t"' V'"'U l'-house an I t 'eej; i ive.-. rii'oi.i; Friiukltii Pii'sa: O.i Wednesdav. 17:1. nit., Mi:. J. 11. Moi.-.in. of .Macon comity, 'Mis nccideiitutly shot mid killed by her ."u. J l'f yo'mg man iii'1 ch uned out his rille. Ioudod it, and ; as stamiim.' near the end of itie him'.' witli Ins gnu a.i'iist hia siiouldc; . :. the act, of shooting at a nun k on a l. e-: in the yard, tvueit his in n her, witii no divam of danger, passed around the creer of the luma; jus! at lie iti: t ..it the gn.i as tired and receive I tin bullet ii) her left fidn. Sim died that night. Newbenie Journal: Tho depot le- J. W. ScoTf iV. Co. Oieensboro', N. C.. iuvite the merchants if Chut ham to call and ex'imine on of the largest and cheap.-sl slockijin Central North Carolina. DkvGooi nd No tions, and in n separa'e depM'tiaent a general line of Ghockiueh Very respectfully, J. W. S.ivrr k Co , (.iroensboio', N. C &4rT ('hii,tin:iH is coming aud wi.i soon be lu r . I . : , i i 1 .as i e eivi a !ar:e lot of his t hiist .nus ioviimd l'.llicy ( foods. Jt v i i j aV , o.i to c ill em !y ai d make your seieci ion -liefoie ih" rush. !Jei,:e r -oneeiv-ed u lot nt l!.iis!m-, 'iu : an. s. l it i mis, Jxuts, M ' M'.il. aid ull.rr j;ood thi.ig.i. J'iiei'iii is i st l,i.'r; iuI'm 4 luishel rack , ol .Sr. i lor .l tui cash. I.oi .ion ihe i:.-(i i-ti'ik in tho cotilitv ftiel v i ! n il ',: u ii.lei -m ,1. .e coimly comtniiisioneis, iu I 1" ll",i'' ""''' ,"' f' ''d ten ' rtt .U,,-ohe .;! Citv t ..ok fire from a ile e of a'l.e iiion prop'-rlv ""led of the inth-M,it.ies so of en f,.t.;iv.. the at 2 ll-'M o'clocl; on 1' iidu) i"emng and K'. It.-!') was entirely ! ..iti. ,litp. Tin ee. ears loaded with ,'i.ii sciap burned with l.oi.t live h oi. lee.! ilollars worth of I.e. ..'lit. but I ioi ius miiiiness in giving spit ll mil ,.,,.t v ear burm-.l and one s.-veil ride of the Evan plsce. Oeorge Old- B!lJ 1),(l":,' comfort lo those who we:c A (j,, J,. S(mv old child of Urvae hitMi'.. J.i.,,..., 0.,t:,aiu's, and C. M. 1,1 ,lt-''11 ai"' '''r-'n-niug to tiio de- , (.ii p.-r, cohlred. was left in the house l)v nself lyieg on a p.dh I behiie the tire on the -d mst. Tho bedding on which it hr. caught on lire mid whei it was found wiik burned to death am1, tim floor partially consumed. imp -, tle'i C Ai. Sn p. .'are.'. I bet on the north side of i ..id iw And: ew. C. W. o. i ei. land, the Labiirbe HmII is Current : Mr. Sid. Mauney, of Stanle'i s 'iei k went to Lincoln c iiiniy and attempt, il to steal one ot Lincoln's fail daughlers la t Thur day. und came near suecee.l'ng witl. tlu-aid of his f 1 1. ml, Mr. .Miles Can M, I.od, d. ,le V e ' de1: H .. b m imc i V i no n ?.li . Vet non e No. a. r. . A M m'; b, :.: I :. (, ho., un 'i U' silay, ' !l il.sl. I lie nod I'.ih Will be '. b tiiHiel M;-t:r 1'. H ,.d CM, iiv ihe hi IIIV ll if: -C lib. be a I hank M.hs.s li H und II. ; ()., talion I., a, ii i i 'i : .us dii.i.' r wi.l . wl ich, we il. p:;l..i.' ai i v. 1.1 lioiiii 1 ii'i, i M.iii, and .e ', mil li e. e We eh. V lell, foi ll ased the benefits of a Clmstian buiial who other wise would not have received one. p :-ee. O.an Palmer. Dr. A. V. Pal- ! "le u)"il ul l"B Ior nouse is sui n.er and the 1 v-or place, lo include ' u'"'11'- aluJ l'l.s"ig couroiiable 1). W. !noev' and A!ct. Dowd's I ,',h)".-11 f,,r lll"K,! ho ai e in model -.amis a.,,! ti..' Smith plaiv, tlu-nee on j a;,,;.y "' ll,,ul-h' ' " "m".v '" dieeast of ,,e J',sof place to Deep H,,1IU'0H 1,1 cases of sicknes:- they were live., ii,,.,,,.,. ,,' s,.id river to the ,,ot w,,hL h,,-v !' vkwiuii w,. i have bei'ioiiiie- " suggested for Ihe welfare .f his pa r' . . I ticnt, though Mr. I'oe, as far as he A I);s! i:,'.it:si:..i) CitiTliAUiTK. I Could, ColiiDlicd With t.iO mi'iliti Manv imtiver. of Chatham havr ac- ' meuts of each case. 1 rcspceifii.lv n u, who went to the home of the .Yl .li- ti.v-ti..,. , ,.,..1 ..,.1 1, ..,. I eiii'-rest, lo voiir careful coii.,i,leraii,,!i ' vou..g la Iv, a Aiiss I 'ioi.weil. dallih- n il 'C-. d i.onor "ii their old county, ' Ihe advisability of i-onstructmg two hof..- names nr" known to but a lew i or thiee roouis at a safe distance to i.t our c.iietyimii. For instance, : ihe resi of the buildings, lo hi prop. w!m o! our e m.itymen knew Umt . ei ly fin nished arid to bn u.-ed strict ,y Hon. J. r lan S okes, of Tennessee, for hospital put pos-is, in o, der that i:iii old ( 'ha'i.oui'.e 1 This di-Jliii- ' l'"' '"ck may be better careil foi and i.lsh, d g-ntl. man died last month, I a safeguard against contagtous uid iu die !i .i-lvi;l- Ame icau of .he j disease. this reipnrcmeut as I'e.'ii -Sth ulo. (m :u us by our foi mci complied within m. cuuMie iu 'own-'. aii. ' J. V. Jaeksoii, Ku .) is 'he Stale and I It iiv. Cna: ham will : not ne oetiiu.I iu the huuiain NEWrtilOK'! liKTTHH AND CH KAt'EIt SHOE. at It. F. BOH) t CO S. South Elm street. (Irectm boio', X. K.I. Ve nave made n ehunge in our business and disposed of our or.ti st ck f Shoe.-t, und purchased an entirely NEW assortment. With 15 years experience in business, ami hav ing studied tiie ttade of this place for a number of yearn, wo have hoitght our Fall st,.ck with the best interest of our customers in vicv, arid claim that no stock of eoods was erer brought to this mink -t to so entirely meet the demands of tho pm.pie both iu goods an I prices as ours. Call and see f .r "-'miself. ff:- T tneiiATS iiT.cut. i.tlonti. ii. tl F 15. A Co. 1 1 c.i; ter of Mr J .hu Cronwill, who lives a hort d.s'.o ce fr.nu Lincoln, ami ti.ok her to ride het; t liey met tin i.'Ver end proceeded to the neine:-'. triajds. rate s iisnleuc.' to be married, l ufot 'euitely for them t' e ic.au'is irate wa a brother-in-law of the voiing hnU's f itln r and di 1 ed the .civile. wi''i one i,r. f xl ;itid an ot it. r until he could send tie- young I.i. ly s t'.i her wor l of what win oing on. The l.oh r ariiw d on the scene trc'i.ue. A I'll:. - IVtwc.n J'J nid 1 o'clock ,:,s: f io ii. i.. e n.f;i.i. while the I,.! w bli-. i.g l-:e..i Iv ur.d -'.he . -. 1 1 . : ; d.v ll pi I'l-rly, . oi.i eil t-V I li i-.ta. i ( ll e !" i lie l.eav ei.s ,.t tie d, tp .-!:o 1, e I tied tie g.sie oi .l.e it.o;.e... i vi iyl'odv at. iirst tiioiiglti : uei.i t:ve i ..!. I'iag, al ton ws- i:.jing. the i toy pi opet ty ,;estu-o,l v a 1,1 in c;.i : bee: was b i :.l ..' ti w a ling en o! vete ngiow si ill, . iu g on i :" l: i w i t s .i I. fi.line.iV imiI a. bi'ivmi.s ;.,.is'.'. i he oi itn ol Hit- lire iu in: kl:o. :i. 'J' .i' but ,;i!ig was itisiue.i for T" in in" No. til Cuiioinu ll me jfnsiirsuce i. i:upaiiy. Our Cut'M Y O: kickuh -Our coin: ty.u.'li k'j.iA- tin- iuipo; . aiire of hav iug good coiiniy oiniers. and do tun beiieve :u tinuiiiy, ou; a g. -od otiic. . nicely for ririiigi-. t)i:i.:oui coui.ty lliciais, w i-.'se t ! iu of 't'V.i- le.in last Monday, eveiy one except lie Cietk ami C'iroi.er i;sd ti.'i n I e elect e.l. The she: .li", leisler, ..uivewir, county supet inteii, lent, of pnli . in St, lie', i, l, an I a 1 tile i oiiM . i-i.i.i l:li isione! (-, utee llll o-.ili Mlcces Sol'.-, and II' a: all had he ,1 luell Kul'iec:. !! M- ei at t. I IU'. O.ll Hew cieik, lie. S. M. lio.l. I ll: e ,leied tlpofi ,i e d.s. h.og. of bis duties I lie w:o- accus i ni"d to tin in uiei a. I'cr.dy seem . lit houi" in I. is "Dice lie 1 as-isl- .1 .'I tns , i s. nl by Hie foi mil c. is, 'ii. l'V Foilkt e, Alld ll' i.e i:c-1 - a ac-i plali.e an "III Cer as ws p. i , o ce-si, be i;i .io w eli t'nou.'h. (pi I i' an ex eii'leil iit..i e.onip , mental v III. lie. nf I,!':. Hn i una i.f l.llH ! nil'llt Oi llCi' llOOl' l'i..-eo:,l I -i-avh-s of 1V..H. ,see and! Hiring the year I have visit, d the in time l.. rob Sid of In l ed occiipn .J piii ions of much ! j?t:J as many times as was iitcessary honor. Ti e Amotic.m fays of him, ' mid I a n glad I :epoi; that i.s -e.-.t--ri e er. ire conn, .unity leg ef the ing a!iutiK'i.iii..nts me nos sutlicien! loss of litis emineii! and useful man. f'" "l comi'oil of the p.isoi.eis. 1 whose hie wa a synlb-sin of nob.e I have is;ted ami i x:imu: I twe've arnbin' a s a d higli honors mo lently ' (P!) lunatics livi.ig in vanous p.i.ts .'.orn.' Mf Ameiiean a!.o t'.ivs that "f Ihe county and have mad... lip. li- eniions for the admis-n ui ol ao of them into ihe a-yi, !ui. t f i i i 'mm ber ti'li have been approved, one ie jerte.l. and one ap a. ion ha :io yei been disponed ..f by ihe nu'iiori ties of till Moi g:':itoU nsdim. J !,) "h" '.'.as but n in I'lini am conn' v. N ;,. i'.. A.tg Ji'. l.sl :,. n.l a' NV.h ni, n e. ov. "J7. lS-tl. Tiie family re- a. moved to 1 etiiie .see in ISIS, 'lis w fat lit-r. Sylvan.i - St okes. WHnccid"iit killed ..ii this 'ourtiey. 'Un- Moke- family were quite famous iu 1 have atleiubd line.- eonuiers in ihe tt"'ii.!onnrv aumils of Sir. th I quests, prepared to maku po.it mor Ciir.ilttia His mother. Marv Chr t i.it,, as iiiso couuiy a- I th oi the ! ii'Voo, i na ive of ('hii.ham daughter of a soldier triii e.lami:ial;o.i -i Ii.ui tiiey oeeu u.j eessnry, and l.uvo acted as expert witness in two casea which wire on iiial iu the Supmiot i-nurt of o-ir county. At tho request of tiie sheiilV I wa- present al the execuiiou oi A.ui ComniiNsioiicni' Meofintr. The Ii iiu of oltiee of the county I'liiumi1 onct s liegan on lasi .Monday, i eon. and ihe old iio.ud having beet,,'-' As icquiied by law I have mad. a! e ected dull qualified for tlieir new ! end of each men, h a i epm t to t in and foui th o i tu ami was organiy.ed ', Seeretaiy of the Uoaid ot It.-aU ii, by re e.eeloig C. K. Sco-t. chaiiman. ; 4x in h m, so far as i could ie.u n, '. . II I ia i !i wits appointed pin elms i ihe uiiuiber of .leal lis, I he pltvuo iii a.;ei,: i.,-,- t he pooi -liinisu, J A. : "g disea-es mid such other in l' li w.i appoi'i'ed Hiip'.'iiuten.i ml foi matioti in rega. d o th" s tmlary of public b t: d !.gs, .1 O. Kencher eouditiou of the cot:'. ty as win likely was i.laiue.l ai uilonicv for '.he ' to be of use to him. John M. Mannish. 31. I), S.int. JSoaidoi Hellth. I'll, rl .(te Cliionicle: Wednesday eve: i'.-.' !'.. C Johnstoii.il C'l'Mid ha':,i at the l'it-.her mine, was walk- i:.g mi a g.t.-g pl o.k e.ill; A hintnui. j T'.O CO', ;.s. i 11 "ft.!' ii'iist below: p.tl not hi liht nti I he leil over ft! p C"h of titul'er. down t e s'l.-ift. :i j l.s:a :. e ot s'Xly feet. M" su tainetl j .e. ml p lii.f il i raise s. but no bum s I .veif lir.i!; 'ii. -Mis. Mc iintiis, Iiv- in. in P.ovi !e,i,-n town .ii p. fom I mile f'oin Ma thews, on Wednesday i v T.iu-;' ' is: Io- t iiv lit e : el H si.iriiee a, :d a provieo i hoiiKe w.lii all -of hei I pto'. isi. ne. I he til" oecHi i I a' oul It o'.-lo. k and o: ieina ed lit the latter i l,ou-.i. The fin nit in ! i dwell I iug was saved J'he 1 s -a .11 u nount ; to s-ieiin t'i.'ineiinl w I 'ch there wis no !. -in we can Irani. 'Fli i tit i is n Tt:a, ' in- of coej C'.e..!'l Y IS,!! Ill i . e. tisl i 'I ; a'tliillie 11!' ii'. r.nd, a:":i WHAT Wh ARE DoiNO IN af,EIi.lII! L. C. i 4 A ELL'S Ffasrrrine Sroiii is taking tto lead, and he desires to call your attention si eeially to his slock, which is com posed of numerous suit of Walnut, from .:")( to ?.'!!)(), aud tnanv other suits wiih plices lo unit the riaii mho so ttrdiiousiv tills the ground to ob t'lii. the iii ci ssaries of life. You will always find m his Store a large stock of Pari, ! Suits, Lounyes. tia: :ots, Towel Hacks, Safes, Hmvaux. Ceiiter Ti.bles. and Chairs of eveiy deseiip tior. and ail bi-Hii.ig pi ices lo please t he most fastidious ; in fact, he ha the credi1 of can-' in Hie nrnst i and some sloi k in R'deieh. and he would advise you as u b;-o:her and neighbor to place your orders in his h'.n.ls. tNi'KKrKi.iis lt:ri'i.ii s. Collins of all izes it' ll oiial'ti"s: M tslic. Walnut I tiitftli ui K -ew i. d. i 'plar and Pin" i'oflins. I'u riiil lv-bes of all n Ml ordel i w ill be allended to at m It leu been -ail that eve:-, dol.ar .avid was two made. I.agwell prmn is.-h to till your orders -o rensomibly uid ssi'sf ict! rily that wh-ui you shall lime fiin.i-.! e.l our ri si leu.-., and are I. is. 1 y C'ili'ii.:iti,.g the eosi. jou will li'id that you ': :v:- met gn at Miiccess llmi'i.-ially. since you j.un !ias d of L C. H-.ew:iL Do i:"l I'sil to si'iid vour ol de.sto L C. Haowki. i. s (agent) Fur niture Slore. Ibileigh, N. C, No. IV Ea t M.cti i Ste el. Nov 11. 'Si! The Highest Price Paid for Cotton! 1IB IHS BEST GOODS SOLD FOR THE LOWEST PRICES ! Bj JOHIf L. MARKHAM, Durham, N. 0, WHOLESALE AHS RETAIL DEALER IN DRT O00D, MOTIONS, CL0TH1N0, HATS, GLNTS FL'UNISTirNQ GOODS, HAIinWAHE. CROCKF.liY, GLASSWAHE, SADDLES, nAHNKSS. FARMING IMPLEMENTS and supplies of almost every kind. Do:i't fail to call and make your purclmses of him nt lowest prices when you go fco Durham. Nov. 11. 18815. 3m. JOHN W. MARKIIAM, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Offr in to his old frirtids in Chatham when thej romo to Durham one of the larh'ect stools of Goods in tbe city und invitee ftti inspection of his atoek before buying, an I buy in large qiidtitities, aud can give you HOCK BOTTOM pricea on MEAL, SUGAR, MOLASSHS, FlSff, MEAT, COFFEE, SYRUP, SODA, FLOUR, CHEFSE. SNUFF. AC, LARD, CRACKERS. TOBACCO, &C. I ':ve also in sti-ck a fine ast-ortmetit of SHOES FOR MEIf, EOIS AND LADIES. HatM, Dry Goods, Notions, Crockery, Tinware, &c. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO COUNTRY MEllt HANTS. Respect fully, Nov. 11. ISSti. 3tu. R .-lroa l and ,".e..utii W.reeta. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS at W. L. LONDOK'3. Be ii offering to hi friends and customers and public generally iSSGaT?3ENT OF G3GD3 ever ceen in this comity. He does to' hesitate to say he will e!l you goods for CASH as LOW sb they can Is- had N .rth or South. He h:u had I.mg e-.j crn i.ee and has bought, for spot. l ash, and is HiitienVd with a small fitll ; therefore can it'll as chenp anyone. He has the ha.-dnne?.t. t-to k i f you ever sa ! His sloct of LJLr'ZC V.T.Ar Z, Hu.-h as JACKETS, DOLMANS, NFY MARKETS. CLO.aK 5 AND JERSETS is immense and very ehmp. Kin stock of N0TIOIJ3 is la'g. r and ebeiper t' an he lia ever b4 He ha n great inr.i.y SPECIAL i5.SHG.VINS iu NOTIONS mid FANCT GOODS. I avii g bought tlinn from a large H'nttc going out of business, and is prepare, to offer i.ulu-i niet.. II Hto'k of HEADYMADB CLOTHING i-. t.-ry large, undti thinks vi tv low. He bus a ne e stock of LAD1KS HA IS and MILLU ERY GOi iDS. 'T. 'iidon s stoek of (i. nts' Hats is sp'e-i.dtd and chejeT tlntii wo ever saw." is the venii. t of aM who 'nac se' ti t,ie,n. Remember, keeps LONDON KV KIIYTIIING ' :u be lmd anylero. He hes .n mnev eheap goods tbu! he ciui:ot im niiim prices hore. Read Lin ioeais ev.-i y ivck LtiNDON will buy COTTON a. id nnything olo you will bring, paying the hi-hcM mroke; price e th.r it) c.isii or baiter. Thank for vour :!: ii '-c'e. and hope you will come ar:d see the new goods, whether you wihh to buv or n l. W. Ji LONDON. Pittboro', N. C., October 'IK I' Sti. . Kiukh; COTTON G 1 N NEitS! St. J itniiiri. rv I'EAt.KU IS V ZL Si SZA n x . it ..11.1- i.i-e liieud, .1 I'oe was appointed su-1 pel :u'e, detil el I he pool li.Mlxe. and , up, ii as f ii of th i III -. The I i' u ilii fi: I ;... ;ei. ei'i'.il :, I , U.i extin jtiished. Tliei'" alO liilltv eiht piisonerii. mout'v negroes, con ti.ie.l 1-. t en j'til, and t lieir m reams for i.uoi eaiis.-.l eoitsi ler.-.ble exeiimiieti j ai-toug the iterro":i. w'n-t in '.uiii'Sle i j imi'. 'i eie eet'ii al out t'e ir iiin ration, t iml ('.-e I'oiice were pi'-mpily on tie1 seen', i.nd drove !... tle?e,id. - j A '. o.ing tuili: b It:'.- I ami: of I'm i:n ' !ift,i,,-.i,l for Tup. :!i'aviiiu by Y Y V T T & T A Y L O R . IIHO. t.U- l MI-.IOV !tCK" ST. Mn. VI S ill!. Klilr Mnrtln St.. :tit.:i,:ii. N. C, l,vuilr 1. ISM. COTTON M.lUl.l.T: Uk-iI Mt, I liin, a i t . ' i ; 1 1 . . . v. Hoi.-. ll:.l.t'.n, . - ni. aiitii. 1 Vllol.KSAI.F r.UOiTHV MAttKKT. .SioiiM - -'I he lifQiiesl lo t ii e he vi- evel kie, ll ',i:ilei le.. I.eie on is it ,.,'Im ii,,, I Moiiduy. It it 1 1. ni t sow. im: i-ii Sat .- in , tied lily all day, In t'llti s i et ing w ioeli ll ..io:,,iUV, HI,, ,, ,. lie ;M e, e.u I ad lo in'' nl tuct.es on a SUH till- 1)1 tit. m,n.i til li.al we have 1. 1 moil ever M ine of our Vo.lll;' fo;L:l Si vi i t ! fan of ...io HO l Ni , III Sat til ll-' i , lm(:all hi." Hi d an. I an I t i:i :: 4'Ollt llllil'.l 1,1. II ..io:,,iUV gnu rliov. lav a.nn ami ilii ii. IV, coveiilif; I in- g' leiiih of al. i.ii i i miI lee.. Jl Siligiilllg SI I ll tooK aoMiiege of hi JitMiiab.eau opj oi tiii.ny lor thai spoil, li mis Hpeil of v-1 le i I . a foi e ttsi ol v. hat tiie wueei in be, it wiii lie a haul time on ii.:.. i ami I' -usl. '1 tie mow moi .: MU-iiiH io have been pjle i t' Uned. leuehllig U-. tar South J. N. (ireen, liiso.v lit fees, oven at, .Mot. i.e. At Aa.. i viiie it was Dt . J. M Manning, as physi over two e.-t deep, ami from ail uc-. c,in It) ;n.or-house, counts it is a snuw-luii kmg to be , R. Jam s Poneii, for coin for remelubeiej. I poor-Louse, Wil.iaiu lb aiheock Was aimoiiited Dee. Ctii, IHhl.. htllinlliril ki l' er. 'I ne t'ol'.iwing ueeoui.ts weu audit I d and o. lie, ed lo ll" aid : l'M..ai.u. )v.'t:gh:oii .V i':h, Im ind. In montage books, f 11.00 D, . II. i ( 'iiitptu, lor medi co iks to, i hou e, 4.25 L It. Exluic, for servi,-es as c.cik. CIJUO Mdwaid Pni iipr. foi colivey- ing A a.bi Vt nu lo jail, 7.5't Y. l i. Co. ..Ion, for 1 day oti : t'. nance eomlni tee, 3.00 V. li. i.i.inlon, lor supplies .n iioiii hole, e, 5-S5 .). V !,bt. hi, insolvent fees, 3.70 Sim Ki-e. for labor at poor- li.i.i-'. s.-s ,1. V- I'oe. as siiierinleiideul of pool hoii.,e, 08 7.3 U. M. .)o.:e. foi wheat, '2 60 ! h-.mas Cio s, jaii fees, 24 5.") (i. Y. I'o.i-iiee, ageiii, for Silly Peiii. 1 50 Fisher Ilea, i. 'ii, insolvent fees, 1.05 Y A. Liueb. iiv, insolvent lees, 8o I. "'.I S.iiisoli. lii-oiv. ul fees, t)it State X&ewis. S:ilem 1'iens: O. I Tovve, in Fol sth county, is n-i n' cieu! an t vi-:y t.uiail village. Tt.is s-ttlemetit tvas Marled in Hull b buit iing a ehur, h vhi'.-h i.-t of stone mid is stamling to dy, i:o' witii.-v'i uliii'j il is 1!W yea! 9 old. Tnis rettten en. ut i'.rst c.onsist td of twelie u: n, a.al then there wore thiitci) v.om :i m-ii, !:.. in, and tl ey ea-t lots to see v, :,i,-h of tin (a-h of tli'in . bo :id w.-t. All tine. p.. -oii-i lived i;i one iiou.-,'- one win ter, budding o.i tl'e wail to '.b'ep in. Sad bury Wut. lu. a.. : A v.-u.deocl: m'.f kllutil I tar i eic 1 : i '.ut-:; vi i.-ll in a cm iosity. 1 !a I n. I i.n liiKem iitd to time a teed about live ::n h a l'ii:g bii.'killg il-;i-ilg!l ils im I. I I : flo'li I. lid skm im : heai' d Hi ,) ,lid it i and l.luiii- t1 i'r.:'. ll I lotrtl I' o i,f, iy t .-t) im i.i s from ihe buast at:o was kii'".l al Tld.-ki ' t mil. in low G.ilTnev I !. !is (:,v i,i,;l I Mr l.v .1 at CiilLon. na, I j; d ii in tin' i arL- m i . h-e-.". t o jugs of b-o po -e.! thai he been" ln ii:s let. it'll, when p.t.,:.i.ig i hiei;i Uy 1 i . t iie i-l'U Kiiir; ol ten l leg the ti'.-V.l . foi Ii. l stalmii. Mi. i M-i ;i tie. uluug a dita. ii i- i Iv vi i -.in wo-!l inn ll:'. :. ;. e -e.tll i I' Stle. th.' 1 ! v, S. ( '., on 1'a". in.',, wh..! Mmt-C Kal'tiM, Cii(M. 11 iM !, 6 Kii.llf. C, MKtjfTm lliim. V e , 10 Vwil, wultr. iiu j " hi::(..r i-ill-r.,. I'J el Cm, UV1I lii u - ohi. M-l r.idnf I. iffjiii cmewii. In '""r Sv.wi, t M.,.,.,... .. ,-,, i i,-, .a '., .'r n e,,i.iv, :,-v'n:t.i '. ,1i-Nmi Mu-k.irS, -'ii n. Icint.t, 'iv-ii (,i-r iArril, W fiimi - Hulir, lfrtil e.'iht ,t l .vi. lutMl Ki.'. C i'i.t.-kn. J ,:. in i',i i I'.-'t, .)a encni'.-li) nw Areiu I'i,vi ?l 74, T-t-ml Tl l .V! TIiiwi. prt' iv- ri' f,,r litrh'i. lots. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! SCIIMEUTZ A- '(. SHOES A SPE ! Cf'vLTY. Highest prices paid for all emintrs produce, md go ids wii,i a ehe n. as the cheap, st. Come iiiui fe- foryoiii self. Oct. 2S, lHSth 2li). iUili 1 itiuiiDi.). S):il i.N U: THE I Eos wma ca. Mrs M MWm Tb:s I'ooipiitiy bat Iwen in succe r'n! noerntion for eigliteen ymru It i.s Yhrn you co ne to I)fJRHAIlI with a viosv of piirc' a in.r Dry (ioods, . ne to t it ovei i iug and pur i or ll is bu,i i e .titi.5:cnti-vl l e train was ' ' . he mintooi; a-n. hl.e cross-.-i.,Lii:g for e 1 . ff the sr.-" of sixtv fe. I. ; -..ill i . . ! mo: no g ! - went to tlieir wo li hice .i ill le.ibii New Aihet I isiMiientfc. iaN A1VOKPANCR WITH HICf i d Tls t! .:t Vi ! 1 i.r TliM1.!. I. L. ft. F.lllnf . 1 fmrk of lh t"'ir l f nii i'iimnilril-ii!rft l.H'!Mim i-Hun:, lo hfl-y rilfy th' th f"nw n ( ; ;i uft ftTnl tim! hin!ntitt, rr )Mr fUiic t; Nu "iMi, in"( Attaint, ltru au J Iff ui nl u 1 --ni.',itH .lii'lii" ! ty !Im) tffcf I ' ititt m'it, thfrrt.? TTfiaiiy; iti ntirnlMTor .rT llir ii i Ifi NWI 'll niv tttt iilf'rtn' i in tin fKm1 E-. we Our .s' oi t"0 is I'.lle'I in md beautiful . l U : e wet.- s,;i he a I i onto fr b l v fl w i : i' iiu e. It .V v.!,i. i:t ti t i..l l a- k of no.elili' il.l l.:.il I J: it -r oo l :,,i. .0 di ii Ui. i-t have ihiwu h eom.ii't: lli.uu ; uiitia ieewouii xemniug tiie i.i;, .and allow itl i: to h.al w tliout p.j 30.00 uoi inobvCMicnce lo the bird. 1 o.i j iii-,i ,lid , 0 d e flefllll' t the 1, .'. iv: . i.-ml ei.;!l if j .:: it ti' l Oo.'i't V ' i-,1 is i el V :.;ui .i ! i. .. 1"V R .e 0 l.l'.e s ,ej-i ;! 1 'a lev, 1 inn ":t , il t'e - n ;. . i a. iesb. , and I., it ! III'.;.' I" Ilfll tin. ii t? lb i r mt'i I-.-. .. leu;;, leiii'tiu-i in. a We leal li On tie m .i ;-c 1 1) Wud-v mil ;.ackais , since, a'l.i ,eit.. a'oout J'2'iO. v ml : f Rliyee, I- ! a;7e, in no.v ...o. Ci -.i gi d itii ,e " Klciiee ngaii,'! t!-' is i poor Inn, i in r.'i'bfry he ? tu W's.ieiboro i- ii urn! chain a ,,: -.-.i t t-torv of ti e io girl comes . K. S.'OTT, s.im r, I'.tn - M0 li-.i'-. Ir' l..' 'i ,:a. i n nii-.-i,'.- i.iii.u.li,n T.Ul, Vitr- w. ll HiTi-ll, r '.v iIhvr AH i-.-miniisiiirr. a,: mil".. uh..,w- I, i e,s , ilirni i--inmliirt Ml ft i ii M I' e :ll.'l.lll'J "i I'.iri tiHdli.:; ':,l ..I k ,ii brt.U'-s, ?..: 'li .liivs li . IT I 'llil" '".IV. .11 2 , H till',!-' rii, .i a rrou. itoji Clear Cieck, aitnbutcJ tocheiv- W. VI .'! Jl.lW IW T.-WI. Tlio liPi ww In Kf...l-,:i lit .lyi.. U Jt. XX1.1HK. Vac. i, Itxt. i- don't fail to e "tie and ,-lnttu to ho UK ! njr.V v ire ia. by f ir, tl e 1 ;-:."te. Each depavtm overflow with choice goods, FINE DRESS vDs. RLACK am. COLO ' E!) --ILKS, VELVETS, CLOAKS I ,-ii '.V. LS ispeeii't v. A'sii a 1 ir..;-line (if low pri e-.!od.J. sin h a- SHEIVITNGS, (3 ,!..HM.D AND WHITE U 'iE :.;' N. CALICOES, P N i"S (MH)DS, BLE.VC i COT PON'S, an-1. in fact, a fitting you wart in our line. Co-a --nd : us, and if we dont eell on VO per ci.;. ch. ape j than vou e-o buy .l-evbere. lie j don't buy. Samples fft.t on .; t,':c- , ti.m. Spo i .1 I i :.i .:,i'!i'- to whole ; Bale buyers. Rcflpectfiilly, j ELLIS A yVSTi. DURHAM. N. C J Main St., under Couit House, next to Fai things. , Nov. 11, 188C. 3m. J SOLVENT mud PROMPT iu the jeivment of its looses. All kiiN of I'uiidiiii.n insured at easenable rates. Uo w.M.ried I iv tin losses of Tnr lICi liibot- iii time. i.:. a. loszop7, Agent. Unlit. ',. 1 Vv PARKED'! BALSAM VS" lnur, HPt..rlnt color ka Stl'l -9(l7 "' l"'i-iitin l mttrnm. 'ViT-'""ai'-i t '""""I O". "lp. Leji-'Y f 1 tutr F'llllntf. lint I "urn to ilM fir... '', - . Sl Aft., ati.t tl.it I'l iim iW At Tho bent 'ouf(h Core you MUt Ami tiAtMi,A .jrcvtjnUvoknowufortonMuaplioa. Mi- uiiuiitj.iii Antl'tua, KMuey, I rlnnry mmd 9mmJ Conif br:, it I nil ditvirdiTB of the Lang, MoNk4k' F.owviv HKk1 nntl Nerve, it iim ottmm mrw xr-.ti it in -iTfs Aii (tiro in many rwtn thPa 9 iijt& l tti Int'urobW?, It will paj fim to tftv rui.,M ; T"M fcUionnirrhtrtfti. BoJ4 by aU Sn irlU In Itu-fett lioltl'iri it 91.00. HEFIDERCORHO 1 ti fifi't, iin-hf. qulrkont toA wmA enr far Ai mm PiiNtnno. V i.i t... Molw, ' allonj-n, Ae. HlnnVitlnfr (W th gprttli. FtfTt,ll paiu. 4.vHitntronN. Mmmm frtt iiiifuitotlA. U lr.(.-rirnt mirm lnn mil Mm aiafuia. bold by lrutfiflU at 14c OaouAOft, JTT.