l)c I) at I) am Hccovo. 13. A. I.OM)(), j:is !:: ami pi:opi;ii:joi;. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, 1I" Cop lie V'T :r cop'-, six moiih Oil copy, three mmi'! li.-.-S I .Oil j r.o. A ('liristmn ('nt liorlntr- Th f'li.'ist'iias limn Ins rotas again; ih R'n.l-miin Chrimns time: Tho evergreens nr- berried bright, 1 lie- Imiighs nr white with rime: From ove:y steoplo fnrnntl near the joy-bells l-oaling ring--Thfl voice of mail's go l will tJ mm speaks forth in everything. Wiirm clow llw light by cottage hearth, in lordly linn; on high, An 1 many a tale of love is told 'neath treaty st irlit -Iir. As nciri y th" U'll ring n.id silvery lii'ight.T sm'i't Mi n I w 111 tip 'i mi iing "f tho snow lie lll.lth till- ponies' fi"t. Ili'if ! s'rain.-n" ,i .y..m nm-ij cotnn from you lor crowd ' 1 hull, .inl hi.u.i.l-ir ni illi nml twinkling ft pro c aim the C il :s m is bull; Aid flowing o',i"e!;s nn I ",! lining gems and I r.glit.r c.oi mo tln'ie-- Tones f in inlioi I, I'lnlilli'Miil's t,rnce, nnd maidens' blushes fair. Thi-m'nt'o ' inogs tuy iilofl, its imlishnl lio.nl . if n hi'i Mr el iv. Hi Mi- l.m.vl n,, tl... bay ni',.'ir 1. 1 lioiv..s h;i".h t gll-teiiing linlly, wlnM th yvr it-pi p :c . n fi-n it bieia'h 1 ll" gin A i ., -II 1-S aid .."I- all I , fA ili.'O. the ivy tt-joi ti. Th-' lillli' t i yivir eld cavalier assumes ii m i i 1 1 1 i -.ii nr. Yli" six ..in- ll.i t I brow s, c moiou. lui 'k her wealth n! I Mi Ii iir: A rijr 1 nut ,1, hiT-nnlon w Into Imii .'.1 kll ght i.p .. Wlnl-t y.u:i iT in iiihool envying lure., ami looks hi'f j ! nt i on. So W. liter, n'l v ng.un mndo yoini;,, leilutik II III . I l.is S... M14; n I Spring h k h i n WnitiT S fi whil.1 v in'h I mi t!i- win Knrg-ttiii;.'. ow n a, -In -an! -, ni l Tinn- nini; ln-r p i" ll.ilh trav MM l a "v.n I aa I h;it!i tyin-h'.l. mi r ' i I u in i in . f f . Iti V mi I n ; on. ' I Ni: i,llii.l. Ii-'IN icil I II' III ii I I In-M 1 1 ; l-ni-p l ai.'l , 1 1 si -il i a ' I , I. null"! in-n; .-.aiilf . ' in i ! -ii. fur. I mi Ii. ilinliii l.nu'i' lii i'i I I'i'' nai'.-, in mi r li t" I'l " '.iiiii 'l pr.m-'l; i'ny r.iyal- lioin i;.; . ii'- an I all, to happy t-'in isl in i- ll i ' 'i h" I iin . f in ut ii i' i; i 1 1 ill. th i sctooa to fnrciv , rm.'t i -.rr mi Mri", l.i kin liio-i" ha liv... I.i !nv" s'r.'ii Moncri o'"r tin- ycun, ihiM ! n. n.Mi p . h ,-r !l:o ,,M. I. in o th- l.hi. k Inn' i.f t i- Past -thr l-'utiii-f writi' in t'i 'K - Ai'.i'nii ii !';. MISE.1 JOHNiS SHADOW. A II"! l!"AV MnllV. "J'li fiiiri'lo.i- "!l 1 1 i Hi, ff rilllisc I "ill '." he. M'f'ly (li!!iL"l :is lie nii'lii'il liis lui'iiU tiit t lu r. "1 lint him 1 1 i uionry iin. I Iin i-an't i y ii I'aik, aihl wliy tin uliln't 1 taki- liiH linusu iinillntf I'll tiki: ;i walk up tli it hmv. They nci'dn't c ill mo a i iiM inl-i'i', uiil say I'm liar 1 lifinti'l. I:' a straight matter of IniM ii(. I It'll I nu ll' y en a mntti:at;"' ; if the inoniy in't ii j aiil I'm ciitillfil to tint siiniily. Ti.iit".-, i.traij;lit 1 iisintss tin- wiirM over." I; was "Olil , ilni Whiti ," in i vi ry n.iiii, uonnn ami i hil l in the town -. 1 ! . 1 li i n. Win ii tin y ili'l'nt ivfri to him ; that ii. mi" ll wis to speak of him as ' MiJi John,'' Stingy While," nr "Mimii Joan. " M 'ii 1::. trii' l to n call fitie kill. I i'i lllu ial ;n t oil his pall, lull in va n. WotiM n ha l smiht to ti ) 1 c ciiscs for his -e liOui ami avarice, I ! t it was a h ir l tiling to iin. If he ha1' vrr l en man i il -if wif or t ! i ' 1 I hau sliainl his !ol ii.i . ni' coiiiil ri nii'ii h r it. II" livc.l ah lie elfish, i' lilliioiis ami friendless. .N . man entered liisnto unless in liiinneiai disirtss and driven to put hinisilf in till- inuv of the .shark. No ( luld i vi I halte 1 an in- taut in front i f the f;iim, tiiinliied dnw n building Miser John called hoine. ll a- ahiust t 'lii istnia ; tint'. Th" iviiili-r winds m i l.ke the teeth of wolves, uii'l now :.nd then the liht mow w.m e.iuht ili and whirled over street rind huiisi toi in a spiteful way. The rich idiivorcd as they stepped from their door-; lie pon siilTeied even as they re mained w itliin. Misi r John left liis cheerless lioiut' for n walk of h mile, nad ns the winds took hold of him he iaVy ;aspcl for hreatli. li s cainieiits were old and thin and win ii, but he had planned that they imit do him for the winter. "It i.n'l so veiy cold,'' he said to him self as he hurried along. "All this talk nheut the poor sulTering so much is tion kense. I t 'em ni'iVv' .".round and keep their Mo;d circulating mid they will by wimn cnoiiLjh." He lie! i a mort L?.to on the little home ot Ciark, the nn t lianie. I ath had en tered the man's f iiudy m kness lind conic a urcat fuel ry had shot down, a id left sr'ii'is of nun with mt work of wage. 'I'hero was inter st due as well us principal, and the day had com.' when the Inw would permit .Miser John to com lil neo proceed iiii;s of foreclosure, Jle was not the man to delay an In nr. The misfortuu 8 of others wir.i nothing to liim. Jf lie owert n d "bt he had to pay il ; if others owed him it would go hard but wh it he w-uiUI h ive the amount. 'I'll just pass the house softly piss by it," he whispered us he came near it. "There ou-ht to !." half nn n re of ground there, nu 1 I want every incli of il. And 1 want t' ark to leave the 1m mo in good repair, mid to he out its foon ns possib'e. I'm not to blame tint his boy died, nor lor ht s.tkuess, nor for tlte VOL. IX. trouble nt the factory. People who bor row money must pay it back." It wns lamplight as he pnus-.'d in front of the lu inc. It was a belter building than ho ha I hoped for, and the land seemed all thero to the last inch. Mifcr John was softly luhYll j his hands when hn noticed an object leaning on the fencj a few yards away. It did not feem solid enough for a human h.'ing, and yet what could east a madow in the gh om in Mich n pine .' "It may he a rnl.b'i ! ' hi whispered. "No cue has i ver tr'ed to rob me yt, hut the tini'.' may have come. IVo;i!e hate me and would be fjlad to see mo loose my last shilling. John AVhite would j;et no sympathy here. Suppose it is nu nssassin! I di flam if it di in't move then. I'll e;o hiilii". ( lark may burn III house down to spite me, but if he docs I'll send him to statu prison if it costs m $Vl.. As he in .veil away on his route home the something followed after. He made a run a. loss the darksome c mm ins. It kept its distant c. lie s'owe I up ai he reai h"d a fi. .jii-nted str.it. It was no nearer to hiui no farther away. I'ndi i t'le gaslight it tlisappeare I entirely, hut as he filtered upon his own dark street, lo! the sonielhing was nearer to him than before. He hear 1 no footsteps oil ihe wall; i m "pt hjs own. There was no word or lustie of garments as tiny en teif l 111" g.iti ,ide by side and pas-cd to the door. Tin rj was no pre.enc beside him, and yet there w ai. It was nothing, md yet it was a somethin.'. He was awed and frighlt ml. but at the door he turned at bay and stiuc's out furiously and hi.ii'e I : "Rirk I ii away! You in iy believe me o! i and helpless, bm I'il giapple with the strongest man mid light to the. lath!" lie struck on'y at. the empty air.thnugh th-j shadow wa; at. his elbow. It took the key liom li s hand, unlocked the door, an 1 he was forced to enter lirst. As ho stood in the i1;:1a!icss of the room lie hi ai I ih ! key turn in the h ck again. The snail-thing was locked in with him! "It's i nly M'lii.' trick to scire me," he whisp led: "or my long walk in the col l lias ma le m i nervous nini near sightol. As soon as 1 str.k-.' a match it will lu gone." A c andle soon she I its light over the room, and the old man threw some fag ots mi ih" li:e wli.e!i was neatly dead on the hearth. "Tlieie !"' he whisper. -il ns he looked ab.iiit him, "it's gone! It was some tr.ck by the boys. Tliey hat" Hi" and like to annoy me. Yes, it's gone." "It's here!'' answered a voice, nnd !o! th" shadow stepped into view on the hearthstone. In his nmeeinint th" old man was silent for a moiic-nt, and befmv he had found his voice the shadow - the some thing ai I : "1 have bet. ii with you for half a cen tury, but newr ! f.ire this n i -lit have you seen ni"." "Am! in I why to-night !'' a-ked Misir John in a trembling vm "I! t .ill-" vi lli life ends with the year! When the b dl ring out the old and ring i:i the new you will be no more on i milt. John While, what has been p!ac"d to yi 'iir i li "lit on the b inks of lle ivoiii" U why, 4've i.b'yod the law, ha .-n't I! And I ncv-r done noli idy any harm. 1 ain't no ( 'hri ti in, but I've tried to live right." "I've been with you all these long years, John White! You have been an iisun r. You h ive let av nic triumph i.i yourheait. Si'itis'incss has chisel ail pity from y. ur sou'. The widow, the orphan andth' poor and uafurtunatc have appealed to you in vain." ' Tlioy wanted my money !" whined the id ) man. "Men have learned to hate you nu 1 chiMion to shun you," c.intiiiifil the voice. "You have gold hiildeii nway, but you have no friends. If your soul was to pass from earth to niu'it there is not one human being in all this wr!d who would volu iteer to toll your years up in the r.emst church bell. Point me to one who is your fiiend. Tell me tin name of one you h ive befiicnded. I you have ever done one kind act towards humanity speak of it that 1 may have it recorded on the books of tho angel in Heaven." The old man was silent. "You have been an u-uici of the rich a robber of the poor. Kvi n this night you went forth to gloat ovi r the trcul'lcs and misfortunes of a fellow-being. Hark to the winter winds! Keel tiie cold as it creeps in through ctv.c'i and crevice! An 1 yet, to mid a few dollars to your hoard you would tut n helpless children out of dcoi's There was nerer a word from the shiv eiia"', trembling man who croned over tho dv ing tire. "And this is the last week of your life," whispered the vole. "You will die lute in your l"d, and it may be days and days before m- n mist you and enter this grim old house and find vm dead. Your hoar I of gold will b.iy you j a c fli i.a shr.iu 1 an I a grave, but iher' w ill be no moiirni is. t'luhlrcn will even rejoice that ji u are gone.'" With hea l in his hand", and his half closed eyes looking into the fue, the old man remained sih uf for a long, long time. By and by ho lifted hibcid with ITn snoKO atudden Mart of surprise and the soir tlvng was gone. He called out to it, hi searched the dark cornu -, but it had silently disappeared. was the day beforo Christina. Clark, the inechnnie, filtered Misti John's In ii o wilh f;nr and trembling. He came cut wiping th1! tears from hi' eyes and his face illuminntt d with the grent joy in his heart; Miser John had cine 'lie I the tnoiiyage. Olhers came mid went with the same feelings. T.if widowed and the fatherless in a ih'. r. homes were made glad by prcsciu;. ol food and fuel, and men whispered b i nch other ns they passe I : "Isn't it cuiiius; Miser John has gone cra.y '" When tho sextons stood in the chinches to ring the ri ipiiein of the dy ing year, ami then to p a! the deep tone I bells to welcome in Ih - now, men came to t hem nnd mid : "When that is done you inu-t loll thr death ol Miser John. II die. I an hunt ago." - -JJi troit Fin' J'rfM. The Fleet anil Wary Antelope. A Fort Keogli (Montanai corres pond nt of tho Philadelphia 'limei says that thousands of anleltip's have ap peared in that vicinity this season. The writer adds; To hu it the antelope sue cc.ssfully rftpries more than ordinary skill. With the exception of mountain sheep, antelope are ihe most difficult game animals to approach on this conti nent. A bear will stand u,i an 1 actually s ekti,dil; a buffalo bull will tun at first, but once wounded a stand-up light to the bitter end is the probable out tome; an elk can be approached ami slain without e.xcrci.ing extraordinary precaution, a id a il i r is sometimes as dangerous and hehigerent a a mouii t n'li lion. On the other hand, the ante. lopefir.it, last, and ali the time depends upon Irs legs for safety, and it is fair to say that they ar' the fleetest, ns they are the most graceful, of ipia liupeils. There is no fun in stole for tho green horn who attempts to hunt this animal without understanding its ways and habits. Anybody can hunt and kill a bison, a bear, .ni l inny of the other large game rliinnU; but the antelope demand the m .st skilll'ii! of huntsmen to compote with its Uvei s 'uses of si.jht mill smell, not to speik of that other import-nit adjiri.-i, cMrnie ll ctfn 'if foot. Tiie p iwcr of t nt is wonderfully acute ill thc:n, for il so ins ip.it they can "suie.l a man'' at lino v.n-1 s and beyond w.tii th: in i-t astonisliin ; c xaclnes. Their tenacity of life is b"yoiid all con teption. I have freipi -nt iy seen ;U te lope w ith one leg shot awiv an I han. -in ; by the ten Ions alone ou'.iuu and es cape from the M test plaint ponies. Their race in not a long one mot more than six or seven m le--l, .vol it i possible that an Aineriein hors' m'glit run tin m down, but as a rule nothing on th pi'.Uiie can c itch tln-in, and the grey hound is about t'le only four-footed beast in existence that cm bo depended upon to keep patv w.th them an 1 p ssi bly outrun tin m. A I'resli Iir Munition. 1 had oct asion this week to cad on a man of business in the Standanl oil building. I found him in lii. private t llieo, with the t n i of a section of rub ber pipe, such lis is ls;d o;i extension gaslights, in hit mouth. The other end tilte I in a metal plate in one of the panes of the window nearest to In; desk, lie appeared to be sucking away tit the rubber tube n.s if it was the stem of a I tobacco pipe, nnd was writing letters with great speed and th i- siveness of hau l. lie cmpti'.d his mouth to talk, but ever and anon, in intervals of con virsation, scied the fi'ic again and took another whilT at it. This singular pro ceeding so completely ih inorali. d me that I at last asked him, point blank, what it meant. "Only fresh nir," he replied, "I have been troubled in my iungs for some time, and the high temperature of these stcam- hcated offices nearly kills me. By this means I can breathe fresh air all the time I am at work. It's the greatest inven tion t f the age. It ought to 1-c in every office building in N. w York." It is not uninteresting, ns illustrating the average consistency of mankind, that this gentle man, who sucks in a stiady stitam of coltl nir while at hi desk, as a sanitary measure, wears a respirator in the street, tokecp the hnr-h breath of out of doors from his delicate lungs. The invention hedisp'nye 1 to me is, I believe, i f Kuro pcan origin ami wat imported by him. Sue York AYc. - - On the Framing of Picture. The flaming of engravings is a matter of 'great nicety. Firstly, the margin should !). cut to suit the sizo of tho pie- ture. A vast "meadow" of white is offensive to gootl taste, and tends to dwarf the engraving portion. The fash ion of ebony fi anus with it beading of gilt is bold and harsh anil fuaerealiii as pect where the engraving or etching Is large. The simple square-edged frame of oak unvarnished, with a slight inner rahbitt of gold, is ab ait the best and most suitab'c; but here again he tone of the wall must be tonsidered. lint whatevi r the color or character of tho frame for the engraving or etching, it must not be elaborate Art Jwrnal. CHATHAM CO., N. C, MOS(WS Clll'KCllfcS Ittissjinii City of Spires, Domes and Mmm eta. i Uj.-iut'Ci of The:r Arcli ttntural Con I s'.ruclion-Woml'.ir3 of t' o Krom'in. i I am imformed, write Dunns Runes in the llrooklyn A'y' that there are ! in Moscow about l'JO') lireek chinches. ; Tiny are a composit of t'tllmlio, Moham medan, and Oriental lueliiteclure, mid 1 probably th" most beautiful church' s ia ! the world. When 1 1 1 . - ornate and ' woiidenul St. Uisil chiuv'i was com I pleteil th : nrehitoc' wai asked by bis master, Ivan the Terrible, if that t ffoii was his vi ry best ; if, under any fir i tiinislanees or for any consideration w ith I any amouit of mow y he could const nut I a inor1 bwiutiful edifice. Tiie reply was ti nt he could not -to in ike a mole j bei.utifu! structure would be iinposs.ble. I Thereupon the ai t hi'.eet's eyes were put out that even he should not copy thi ' su limely bea.itiful creation. 1 think ! lli.it not one of those thousand churches has less than (lin e minarets mid domes, j Most of them hive five, some have -i't ! always an odd number -for a grand c n- tral effect and some have in the ncioh ; Imrhood of fifty to one hiind ed. Tiny are colored white, grot n, red or bin . or arc covered with silver or gold. Most of them have chillies of hells, and I pre sume there are in the city of Mo cow eight thousan I I id's, ll was but yes terday that I stood on the eniiiicm-u about six ini'es west of th city where Napoleon stool that eventful day when he first beheld thm .' five thou -and iii.ii.i r t :, spin s ar.d il"iii- s and the Kremlin's golden roofs glistening in the sun, and whence he sin veye 1 the treasures which he thought would s,.on heat hisdisp .al. 1 traversed the s-un ; real which ho took when he marche I his .Mm,Oiio men loan expected victory, that proved tob' the most melancholy defeat recorded on thr pages of history. The immen-e treas ures i f the museum in the Kremlin li.i t been removed and the sn'lei Mucovlto applied the tor. h lotluir own devoted hum's. The siipi'l is well known. Moscow has boon rebuilt and its treas u res and relic have Icon returned, sup plomentcil by the t moeror's cannon and A igs an I num'Toii! trophies taken from the 11. 'ling invade;-.. To ii inn- r lie the wonders of those i Kr.iu in iiiiisi iriis is iniii sible. To d 'Si'iibe any of them is to s, w j.'Wt le I crown out of mine, one diamond out of millions Silver and gold, mala chit", hipislazu'i, j i-pi r, in'iies, dia mond and sapphire are n.,t (i;.'lv worked into crown, tliioai and vest ments in almost endless profusion, but they are even foiin.'d into i'uiniture an I make fireplace, walls nn I o lings, .liiit there is 111 tot:si:i bell which sounded the signal for plying th- toich to tic city. Here are the lei stairs up i : which Napoleon ascended to the throne of the I! im.'hilf kiugi. There is tic swt id with which the T. ir.ble Jv.m beheaded hi own stn. II-i" arc ti e fiiiswhi'h one invi -lop -d ihe fm.n ..f Catherine tiie Nobl". A i I heio, again, are the tools with which Pier the tiieat worked wle u ho buii I .1 ship-, an I em pire: for it was his know led go of the wants i f liis peopl" that gave t In ni the mighty impulse whii h ;. et j ir two continent . Then we wire sIiomh thioii;li tin great throiie room, the silv r in -ins, the gold r milt, Ihe pink room-, the whiti room-, tin- bin rooms, ihe jisper rooms, and the t rystal loem-, an I then we wound up infrieiile staii-easo, to the secret -trial room--still lugher tn Ihe iliingeoii i.nd execution looms, where voices wi re still ! without remorse and wli-re cries could imt be heartl by syinpath'zing ft iend. The fii: -faiil' d Id! txe ede l my school- 'oy expectation as to si...,and Hot to mislead in sp-aking of it I ti led my measuring tap around it. It at Sirs hung if ever, it was hung - on a low wooden frame within the Kremlin walls. The frame was ncchlenllv burned, ami when the bell fell to the ground a piece seven fet t hi:di was broken from iis di-k. I was not there when ihe t v. nt oecui I' d, but I -iit-,i e the assuiioii that the bell, with a down- ! wind oritic" of twciuv-six fct diameter was not buried in the ground, ns histo rians record was th" case. Tin- bell nn a-ures scventy-t iglit fe. t in iir. i.ai fi reiice and is, 1 think, alvut twenty feet high. I am awar- that eyclojn -d 'st . give the me.isurein -nt :.s sixty feet in diameter and niiu teea feet three ii:c!ie i ns the height. Against this 1 I simply set in y own ncasiirem uif. Th ! iron clapper is about nine feet loaj,, and j is said to Weigh -1) pi. id, or tiilj I pounds. I did not lift it. The stat'- input is, I think, lite cc rrcct. J A Dangerous Spot. j Husbit id I hear tl.a' you Ig Simpson i who went West la.it summer has been shot. ife Was he shot in a bad p'a. e lluslein I - Y -s, be was shot in Chi cago. AVir 1 " k S a. It is note I that s vral islands oil the roast of i-.'t'r;ia h ive h 'en li.te l up in recent yt ar, and are consi I' raMy 1 i ,'ie;- ih.ui formerly. DI-X'KMHKK hSfi. rnkii iwii Islands in Hie Piicide, The fact I hat two islands of considera ble sizo have recently been discovert d in the Pacific Ocean, shows thai we havi yet much to learn of this gn at watery t x pan so. The latest tlist oveiy is an ishind lying less than I'm miles from th" iiorihern coast of New liuinea. It ::- been name 1 Allison l.lan l. i; meuiv three miles long, ries from lud to l.Vi feet above tile sea, ell I has nl'iiil'lan' limber. S veriil sp t -,s of feilile and inhiibited land, some of llnuii liHi -'i larger than Allison I. 'and, hase h'tii found w t li in a few years at a 'list nice of one hundred to two or three him lied one . fiom the N"W il.iiiica co: st, and similar di-coveiies ar - m ule on o in a while in various p ut of the 'n ili -. Os'o iiiiii ii is so iai ;e thai n i ill p of it can b give.i in an ntlai ext.- pt on a minute scale. We see hundreds of groups and solitary i-land - hu Id c 1 to. aether on the maps, a:nl ;fe the idea lle.f ll .. I.,r. i, lloel.!, sln.l.b-.l with verdant bils oil 1. Tic fn t is, how- . ,. , .1 1 ... . , islanlsfor maiiv week, without on.' 1 coming in si,h. of land. O.ily a f, v.- months am a crow that had been ship- wrecked in the gr-a. island r,. ...... of ,,.,,.-.. , ;, , ,. f,,,. ...... before they reached lliwaii, the 11 arc-l . .. I; u-.ai,,,. l, 1,,, ivollel wrlely in tic P.i.'.li', e - pros-el the opinio:! s. , .))- t ! Ill- ag- thill l!iei- :iie sliji a "11.11I 111 tnv islands thel" lint have ii 'vervel bt ,,'s.ui bv white ( (iJ1 ' Olico iu a while a P.lf'tie ll.-l'l.-r llllds some n-w or little kii i.wi is'an l, an 1 opens trade with it. inh ab tan:-. It busino.H thrives, he keeps his -i.-i-et :.i long as he can, s i a- to en j .y a monopo ly. It was folia I a whil" ago, when the Woodla.k Islands u- re 1 xplnl'cd, that an Auslr.-ri in iiiin h id car. fullv chilli., 1 th-island, several years b.fme, mil had b", ip.i.lK- trading theie, all unknown lo the oiler I'.elic rci.aul. -y..r Y.,l Mr,. The l-auili-Worm's Work. Il is onlv recently that science has j are cut from 1 w -lve 1.1 llii, t v le t Imig, i -!ii i i-. s- I coin.' to understan 1 ful.y tin: si rvtc" and where we are, i r ab w lul or N u- , - , ., ,, .ii.il -i-l .1 1 .- which the eaithil. worm -the humble w.-iv pine. I lu ;r the k,, s. v r o, Iroiu , - , , , M : 1 . , . ,. , . mm I creature whicti soui" Alio rieau boys 1 all j t ight leeli s I . I, ,v le t. I li" I 1c "an. Ie-worm," and .th.-r the tr v r we ,1- i. ih" e 1 1 f-:U .;' lie I; : Is i ".11 nl-wonn" p'li nin, in tho eoonouiy I liv.-r, which 4ak-- ih -!.. t . I.n-rn-'. of the world. j Tin pay of th- lu:n'" 1 in :n i 1; u.l l'i j Il is known lh.it, ie. vowing - t 1 1 !y ; to f-.'il .-, ii,..!i:i, 1 I ., ., !. 'i'ie v .l ui't . in the earth, he il,,., valuable wo:k l.-r j draw tln-ir p. iv til! tie- sp;- u ; and then ! agii.-iillure. Tiie little iioli-s which ho j there are high tini-. hi tie lens along! niiikoi let in the air and light to damp ' the river. M 11;. sp .;i I ,,; iheir earnings ' pi .cos, an I conduct to:!,' to .Is tie- in d ink. ii .1 -,.t uh.li lot. two 01 plants the leal m uld ..nd suii.ii-' ac ' the days. .Viihi::- :.u, :ig the j cumulations of ail -oris which lice 1 lumbermen '. o 1. v-.. 1. is f thi-m. ! plants in- d I'm- th -ii- lioiiri-hm.-nl. I! :l , Many ..re iti ii.vl and kill- I b;. li'i.bs of more than til's, the worm, bring to the ! tt.-e fahiiigoii tie 111 ir aiiig r cull ing ! surface the tin dy pnwl.-i.-d earth which , thetiiseives w ;!': au i . o.co'il." most they eoiisiime ia th-ir burrowing, and j r. markab!.- ex'nl:ti.ms m- i-.-iv- I 1 v r j -eatter il over the soil. j 1. py w.i- mi Ih put a lun.b r.naii who Two earth-worm put in a ::las va," j lad tut his f... t ; . : t -; 1 in r.o -t-.tigh', 1 eigi:tee:i iiicli". in di mete.-, lid." I with , t.p to th - i:.-l-;. il ineic -.l f. : t -and c .ver. il w ith dr.- e-.-.y. s, uiiiaagi-.i liom hi, 1 re ! . : Ic .1: l it .-. :1, 1 -.villi u;' lir,t to sink the l-iiv. e.itiiely be.ie.il h ; l, W"i l pu,.- I "ll" 1:1, ,1 !.;., r. a 1 I t:ii.ig j th-siiud. .1 1 I then to c .y. ; ;!;e si:;-l w ;t.i '1 u-'edle and th" : I d -li !., : y 1 a thii toiling of huinii., or iiifii'.i. !-. up the w nil. II- wis a, AT ll;;, ., ; i,piisl;r-l it, -Ix l,i"l,t h-. j whit- its a -h i w'i a !;. 1:1 it - Oil-- earth- worm w.l. bring to ih. .nd the b. 1 U of :ii 1.. , 1 . ,11 ,01 hi in fas-' .'''"ill -."yen grain :ivirdnp.d- ..! i forobcid. th..ii.:li lie- shaniy wa co'd, ; ealth in a .lay. This is a very s .mil1 y.-t he .li I it s-n- . .,lu I . , 1..0. V ry : .cciitily of earth, but il w e ii.u.t ' ly il j .Id viii'li:,, W";'. p" o.'e h,i e ' by lil'!--ix Ihoiisa,,., the iiv.-iiige j would t'rnl. s.., !.- m. ,1 mind il mi ll!., 1 of woi III. an :,t :e, w have much, a. :. I 'i ". I. -! w::,l. r the ! nniiv tnan li'ly poiia.l. ol . a. Hi 1 Use I j weather f r six v ,.-ks a 1.. I -,'1 !-i-v. ry day. j "tees b.;,,-,v y r, nil 111 n ih tik Frmn tiie tH It of O t .be-. I-M. to the 1 111; of 1 lobe, s.l the wollln up n one ti 11 la II ig'aiid I Ighl Up eight tons of cailli, and in :, t.e-i li.-ld s. teen t, '"'. A lil'l ill SlalV r 1 ! 1 : r '.- I- covered .inniiiilly I y the '.vim- with a lc tilt of c.iith 1 1 - -. i-1 v a u'liiiel I :,ti inch ia t hieknes. P.V th" -low toil of !l. e . . w ,,,'hj, rocks are hurled in tic grouii 1 . ,1 I ihe surface nf ill" f:n tli is iu dili" l. Il is th'iily their wmk which h is I uiicd ihe mil. s i.f dead ( it tr, under the "iviiud. - '""'' C:,., Aecoillilisllei Apes. According to Ti-'.i-ur. r M c-Mti of the S iltnagui-li C ub, ihe n.i.vn ; link h is I en d;-t .ver -d in the I'.uli.d dphi-i I.. . It is a monk: y ti, i: , ui reason, talk an 1 sing. To be sure, her 'ic of l.iti.uige :i not v.-iy . opi-u, nr ll lent in ils ex- pi-ession, but M . Morgan -.v. is thai it p ,ss s.. s c, liiiin aiti. ul.ite iin 1 f.inii .i ir s on Is. Sl.e di-ji'.iys i.i i i j.ii hi-::si,,; of f.icl . by ai! man n. r of Ie. ts sii'iivr to tho,.- tll.ll hill e end. i,p I M.-t'l- Clow -1. y I i ti e h .biiues of ( ett d Paik, but she far discounts thai simian star, s.ivs lur p inivyrist, in the f.itility of her resmircts and (he iinginl n Ii.-i iu-v that has ni id,- her f minus. I wonder if this gifted tiygh dyle is n .t akin t the elo ,pi nt ape I tun e vis, to 1 in a f.nit ii i's s ii.p in ( heiry street. Thi tradesmai. w-ii in the habit of buying bird and b.-asts from lie th ship along the docks, and this establishment was a great sup-ply-place fur tho organ .rinding frater nity. Son-." V. -' India sipper so'tl him il llOwli ig III Ulkey of the fetich' MX, which m il tli 'il- b. a-l soon ac.u',red a loc.il ie; u':itioa us a son- stress. r fame i aiae to me :.s the .1 nny I.ind of li.-r rac', sol w.-nt to see In-rati.1 she h vled me nearly tlenf at tic c nim.in l of h r m is(. r. Tin n she loo'; adiink of ale, swa lowed hall' a pap. r of lluc- rut tobae o Ml ! Went to sh ep ol. a ,miiiy sack, Xme JVr .ucs. .NO. 17. A LlMIHiKCAMP. Winter Work in Wiioonsiil'i L- rpjinfj HcjioiiJ, " ALif.j of Sev.tM To;l AU 'nlnl hy ll ll'l- j- I . D nin th-- winter M. .1 'hu II inc. 1 k, .1,-, ,! V.'es ,i .in," to illllll. r Itll-reSlS . ' . . . in V. i-t o:, ,;,. II says tu it mi iy nt He In 11I1 -r i-i'iii 11 ar 1 ii.i-i i' I ol in "i who Wnlk il- COWi I ls on t,.' p'. ! . Ill SUIII- in r :.n I thai anion the ;u !:: rn.en me ol'l. u lou:i I in n of to'il -e lir.-i-lin-', hiwy. is, .1' vims and ntl.t is I rnn all over the loiiuliv. 11 h is olti-n h-iir 1 a Ituil- , ,. ,. I ,l,,n,. hiTiu.in, ;.f or th" diiv s wor.-, wis Hone and the. iinpa-s.m'.eil , t hcii' : h.'iiity, ...e Shake. p '.ir w:lu m i' h iliamat f irt i- and t once! in -. Th" bun' ol ill ill's diiv's wni .i is t': -i:i I i-. 1 " it iinlil il il l''. S'.i m ill r lew f ii- his wi k in, Lriioind Is llolll 111 ' c ii.lj. '1 lil'I'I 11 01 11 spoi '-v d;iy ii-lit ii'i 1 n 1' I- 1'-' ' it lioh-.m S'-' III W' I'll 111 I i 11 I i , ! i o U" ' I to' III l. b " - ' oMhe cp, s n , - I ( un M, to s. v . - c"l -hve and on- hu 1 l:e I He n, I. -., s, : "" '"''" .v a.l lu.i.l w-k...,'. sole, iil'il. "liny liv.- In low, I.. ; -h.iiiti. -,'' hi- 'ad lei. "To.- lir-t tiling ii 1 -cup lines is . .J ills! rut t t In', r ;i I is. 1 . 1 j . . . ico i ll! a 111 uiil I'oit I tiiioil .il lie w 111 Is to the ii vi r in w hi-h if is in', n-h-d ! ''" !'!"1" Asso.n a-, the fn.-l 1 com "s oil .1.1 I t'." :io'.iid is h ud, th" , " 1 I ,j klloW.l ils it "ell .pin I, wlioi loll. .WCM , by two ,,- wli.,s,n ,'-,,-.' into log; 11. XI e .111 a -Wiiiiij. r" .-1:1 1 "eh liii' i" ; tin: '-kid 1 w. ay" men. with a yhe t.f . OX' 11. 'Ihe wampof" -t ips tiie lugs an I the "chaiini-" I .-lens a e'ein lo llieiii'ti th. it thy e. 1:1 bo hiille.ll'i the, -l'"laway, whi.-li is two Ir en! -lowt. I I'I"''' I f ill !' 1 apall an I lul at r,-T,i ,h:' ""' ' ,,n "h 1 ! 1"-s:"'" I'11''1- ''",!'i-'"' l,k-'x over tic i ink ih" c . . I .. . ' nothin ..f w .ri:i4 i 1 w-.i'i.i w!i' 11 th- ie , id i- "'I ; . :; i ;. -w : Hut I have SI on it ... c.,1 th ,.. l, , Il'.s :.ir. nn-", he, Is, iai !." t w.eii I fie.," Old they c-uM ;'l wovk . c 'Id that wh. n a in ,u w."i I . il. :i h .Id "I an axe I Ie-i 'Uidn't boil ,t. T l ines are ally rate, lew ver, an i Mi Inn- 1 speak ..f our tl.e.-iie ie-. ,-. wi. , I, . . ii-g.-iil, d at 1 I below, had i , a- I lo ,', . s n ;, .- :,',d iheieriic! ii, ! .ia. !-g,ee. Ii.'lotv ei,' ,. . Jo ! .t. ,'..,. (jtieer Texas expressions, S 'llle ,.f 'e o'l . r ih a.- - .el ill" ' jiic!i"l i- very w . -a1: h ; j t-i get rid of. A bag . ;, ' pail is a ''.in kct." 'I ' i- shut" for n k" aoil a w ,i- pail j , r bin U.t, fuli , 1 pi ..i l -. .-r tabus j are culled one bit-ii.-i, V. I. u -!. two 1 1 tsii. Is -vve t petit, .-.al ,.' !,:,!! ' i ut tlcm ia a h i i I." ' ....... a t! ur Jeirrel; ijnito a f. a", s.i .1 lei tleorjit, so he me nitr. 1 i -,v i I u k -'tal of lii-h p. taint i'lid ll.. y to.. 1' .a w 1. Ie : n.-d I, , !:-!.,! -In-!. T:e p:-.j. i v. y ;.i se!i i.nd b..y js by wi;- !, I ni e. d..;s it that we have f nil. -..! of the ad- ji ctiy.-s .-.i a- I u i .y ineuing. "M to conveiii-nt- i" ai d "i.i -! c..!.v.'iiiftit;st" arc lair vi,iiiii ol country ln'ks' talk. A gi.id -ii lull .f we, ds is foul." "Mighiy r-i y." "M-.:.ty nic ". A "pr. tty d iy"!.'-.i ph i-:.".! day. fe.-.- Ti .'.'..'.- . '. The Parson ami llihl;e. A well-kifv.ui d 't l.T ol diveiity, ll: t now living, was, li'v m uiy i I' lis, ic- ticent mi the siioj'ct of age, and his yoii.'.t'i.l graii.ls..:i, w.i, ilk" ..therthil- .In n. uni us about t ie same subject. At the tiible ni.e d .y out iiii-t the .pies- tinn. ' (ii.i'iiifath 'i', h iw t Id a,e vo l.''' lb.iv phiin'y 1 hear ih" f.ii:!iar, th?- l b r lie ae.i nl-'. "Why. Fd lie, I am nuiv th..n sixty.', "What ! Mm-, thm sixty, and imt tUinl vet i" JJvit'.i liwd. ! l)c Cljatl)am Uccorb 11ATI0S OF ADVERTISING l ine siii:ire, one iiiseltion tl.fb One 'iiuiie, two insertions l.-VI (:ie 'ii lire, one niontli - For larger advertisements liberal col. Iiact will be made. f The Silent Song. (I, the pwool, M'.ri't songs that wore never That le ver were wr t m- i-e.vl; ! The soii:-s of g ee when life was young, I An I ihesiin shoi-.o I riglil ii'trhen'l. I The mi ii f ins-ion wh"ii love licit ga.e-l In ihe i.5,m ll a' bl s o l Ii own; . .,. M.,.es of Ml.-il.-'l. Whose .he, ..- j I'i" "I I in ai! it's, n .w col I ns .1.0:11'. Th" son- of j..V Hhell our p-.ls-S .,,l la il rapture lievo'i I enllllo!; .,. ,.... ,. ,ij; ..,., . , 1 ,ciii 111 1 -nil!- -', .,., .',,, I 1 1 , W 1 1 I'll 1 1 1 1 'll II 11 ill i n.-u t.-u. "ui i".u-.i . 'I' - . Hop- ."I- lu . Iliee havi) ill; 1 11 11 jri-.oii. I on, l'lll li-IVI lit Vol' l ot I ."ill ! e-l I'I t lo s l.-'lee lien , ... , , , ,,, I -I II is holler th. Ill TVi l-.ls eol.1,1 I..'. , m. U t h, ,f ., 'I' -10' . 111. i Iv, . y 11 l.' .ai i ui-l -"i;l til; must ring lul e.01 lour. he h o I- .! I'll s 111 I si'.-,: l-'.-iin lo . . 'I' a l.-i: .- - in- . l-.-ir. ii! ioi;oi s. Dull' I I. 11. e- 1 pio'o 1 ted,' bill th ...w-s:i! kit-!,. ' he dal k- t h mr is w h'"i vu i aii't del the ie b -iits the laith t ill.-, !. t ;!! i Ill- I ll' iliti.de Hack. Tin- ad nt of a ty-loiieis always 1 s el b'.iM lo the 1 einieiiaii V. ,. , , 1,,.,., ., "'"- " 1 1 ' '"".un-t ... "An pinion ih t i;aiiis groiiii.J," i an opiebei of a j i-l in a land ca c. j ie- bi. ycl'-t who takes "In 1 1. 1 , m i.-j Vou all ab .ut the till. sin lie 1 ;, I. ; A I--I luiaul !e-e. r , aa ...aUe Loth ; , ,., , . , ., , , ,y ,,,,,'s I-a I and iA-iail so,,,, ' X. n.,,,',1 ... .. !,.,,, s ivi,.,. h. but it is a liiei, thiil well water wi'l some- I I -l.i s neike 1,. el.le Si. W. A ie w Ihig'.i-h dictionary i t-oiuing 1 ut will, U 1 l.Ull'i word. People who ' ;oe 1 v.-r Ii. jit on luviiigth': hut wild , 1 1 '"'":'' -";,l "!" '''- l ll, e. ll was i lummy mail who warble. 1, "M.-ol in- by nii'.eili .hi alone, oh, Sally, th'-u f iiiest of look-, :,i,d bring from the l-ird. r a tione to resale y.ir atT'-ctionat" S. looks." An aggi i I in iiv.ilual 1- rust his , ., tli 1 d ,: e ia; uii':iin and I,.",., hi I 'rale ol a! "i -. : "I! ,s- mi, ron "' "N -," -1 i -! tie- . -lit- : - v.:tlioi,l I , iking .., il-Suhii; ih ie' r. ( ogiiied the I'm-.-nun 1 I' tl oiiip'-seig.oi.in, "leaded i,unp,,iv.l, pe ii.s"." " A Cowhaj's Otltlil. 11 -y 1 i.b-.y ...v,., u private !,m-e, a sold.- and bridli, for if he i. thiown .ml .!' cii.p..yf.ie:jt ia fr.'tu m.y lilt - 111. nt. of while hii'.l ing 1'. r Work in the pr dries, his only means i f tr.-. veiling is his hm ; Lei ie- ihes-, his tpiipineut . o;isi -is nl ;i p ,ir of 1 liapa. 10s (leather ..v.-ra!!--, -g- u- 1 il'y 01 ii:iiii.-i:le 1 with n il .t'l' i tiie ,: u,,. ,- (he Indians, Aid ii pair ol M--:.ie:.n - u. ., iheeiiei- ,:; "i i"W i- ..1 ,i,e lilted with i i:.;ii -hoi. il l.e 1- ii tin i", along 1, k. r .wet.rpt . d coat , a si .-sh-Mte. . Ilgillg ll"!ll lie- ( .ill, I'ig' -b' It in I'll 'pen , .,1'l' t 'l, 1 Win. ii -!- r saddle gill,. : and a h-avv v.i-le biii.i.ocd ; It hat. rn.-.mi nte I with ieallf-r l....nd oi -silver M. xii an loll. A a lull. i i l-i.- e i.i' blanket:; and eld. I ..:ill, and lu p.,iili;i covet in.-, servo a; bedding, 1 :ii:d I i-t , iot h :;-t. l.is trust v liiw-hid.- i.ui, t r e so,, , i h, mpen lop", without. ! which he would indeed be helpless, co;n- ' pi. tes his t'l'lit. A I tiles.! things 1 i. ought id the slore, ailed and advised i :i 1 1: ir e,-, i ion 1 iy a iii.-ndiy cowboy, :.l whin" , ie:i,e 1 ha I had a drink. Unit big llnoiiuii for .Mice. J he wiioie town i, i,uighi:ig at :i,i- i-tlier s-ylng oi a promiiiout society lady, 'I'his holy ieeiii,ies cue of the most M'iieiiui, in ,n-i'r.s :,t ih- capit-il. Her 1,- - band , a nie'i .! u:, limited wealth, ' iiiil l.e fondly gi.,t li'-s per eery social cmb-ii...,. ! ng ago llii , hid y w its ho'.. ling one of h i regular afternoon i-'ct -ptimis, when :ie of the eotnp;.,y equally leiuiukeii that she had tried about everything, but her residence con- tinned to be ov. rrun with rats. Tho . host--s replied that that was unfurtil- unto, but she said her house was so ' small that -she was only troubled wilh mice. Ctneral Sheridau knows the name of this lady, f-r at one ofhertlin- n r j-arties sh" screamed ncioiii tho t.ibie r.tid informed l.i'a that he was Hot : intiiig hi ov-tcr.i alur the most ap proved fashion. Tiie hero of Winches t, r rettealt d and h is never been ft guest I tia.ro fcit,. j - 1 His Piisiness. j "N" ver saw trad-t so dull in my life,' I sni.l IVabody Jamison. ''No busines ll"'"-s'- M- rchatiH xvoii't buy. 1 don't ! we what is to become of us.", ! "I don't I'm I ii s . In fact my busi- ' ness is nearly always lloiu idling. " J "Indeed. What line arc you engaged i in may I ask;"' "I'm a professional pennnin," was the f reply. V'.rcAaii 2Vuci.it., f-m ili1 1- '.V IUBKfflf5

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