mm l)c Cljatljam HccorO RATES r l)c tl)nll)cuu ttccorb. 11. A. J.OM)0., Kunui: and ruoriiiLToii. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, i 'lie 'ijy, "ii' J '"I! ( ):v. f -, si niii:tlis . On cinv. I'm-." mii: In !.0(ij Ml Tinir "llakcs Cliiiiures. pere tiviiihto r...i nml lifMiippair A prison witli no open gate, Ami fettere I i ireum-tuuo.' unci foar At'rul thy ways. 'In silence wiit An I In k to (i 1 1: il well will le, Kor tun" makes olini-,.s pleasantly. n i I'orri ilins pii-sinns ris To venl hot l topnin; Warm I fs Hi- lij lit in Southern skies To cha-ii tin? elamU o.' inter rain Anil lie art-content nw.iils for theo, K r timo makes change-, pleasantly. Mrs. Burke's Pudding. !V M M!V X. I'ltllM Hit. It ha 1 always been the custom in Alls. I' ipu'.t t's day 10 hake one of her liest pluui pu him ;s during I'hristiiius Week lot the char-w niitm, .Mis. llinke, who w is in v i- likely to t isle mh-Ii a dainty at oilier sea ous. "Why should wo hoi p nil the -.i,l thin- to ourselves,' she us d to '1at p'ium-pu Idin- win i.eVi-i w.- I hi ;, it, anl tills poor, lim In i l.:.i- woinm neve.- know the j tasie of -n -il i Hi-."' It. w.i- a!- t!.e oii-t.iii .-I li- li u "t lelild," a- ; Harry t ipu'i l il-.i i . say, m-viral i.f tin -o rie'i pa Lliu-s a' the s.ti.- tine-; ' lin y w. hi -I i. eo t wiks i-r ni -nths ; without -ii ul'ii-. -m l there they were, . nt a mom -ii'i's i.iitie -, if dinn-i-company j aniv. 1 it :e.i.'i i lly on wn-hiii- oi iron- j in- d ,y-, wiien it was i:;r oiv, ni-nt t -i iviir-t-t ni i. When lv. Hairy C-pul-t t ". rie man- I'U'eim ii' of alTi r- nll-r his . ni. tiler's h :it n. :-. r i u-l.aml's t ea-i i, ! who had he. ii i, -. nt dinin- the itit.-r- ' 1 -on li In, -a.! t. t'hri.-tm i.- tiini I l.o ' ar. i-i i l cont'iiue Mi-. "" " I - , ... i. . .;n 1-....1 I l- ........ ... -, ...i.o , ,. i in aiiaal, null ,,a , i." "Oil, 1 1 rt.iinU," i-iswer. 1 Mrs. it n i v who w is of aa .en turn of iniud "1 sh iii -,ve M -. I', liki a pud iiu-,, lm not oae ef the -. Wliit ar you think in- ahour Wa-'.e i' I In a i har- w ouian ? ' ' liin-i rl'i. a l i,d I.ii-, wilh a f. v, : iislus iid 1-d, h.-r ipiite wi ll,'' ut ia M: . 1 1 :i ry's i-ti r. "Whit th.;. i al! .ir in in'- -ti ! - d-!.'' .Isk-d'.Mls. II lire. ' Ye- - the vcr thill-. ' "l!u!, iny d".ir," i vposiulat I S,i f'apulet, "Mr-, li.ivke will kn,.w; -V-lm.- Ii- cn : i ii : -in -I to the h, -:. I 'nve male it a pi in up!, to -en I her u poo 1 ns 1 kept ; 1 hated to -ciiinp her at t hr. stin is lime." "O.i, yoa're t -I i xtiava-aiit, ('ou-iu Sue. ii salt ., you -iv,.- an old i-uoraut rhar-woinan cr.dit lor all vournwu vir- tues and I a-te-. 1 don't think it t v.ort.i while to waste si much money upon her, i. povr man's pu ldln- is more appropri ate foi the t iii ni!:-'., en ." "Nohh i'li i"'," ii'si-ted Sue. Cut Mrs. Harry leU"hvd, and orlend the . peer man's pudding t h- hake I the same si- as h t -w u p'um p i l-l:u.;-. "I can hardly t-ii l!i :n ap.ut, i -ok has -iv-eti th-.-ni ail .ie-li a rich hr-wii. Sun ly the proof of the pu l ling is in th-hakili- a- well a- th- catin-." But .!' sighed. "Mis. lilll.e is Ku-li-h. Y-:t wan't 1 ahl- to deceiw her about an K:)-li-h piu-ii pal lin,-." ''I'm hut -o 114 i d'.-l :', and -h- can take it er le u- .;. i! ir- shout In't he chaos is, I've : n i," cried Mrs. llatiy, w h i e -n. !;.'. k -ep ! r t--nii, r as well as sh- coui i k-1. a atii-.- thnus. "That if i, a'.' -ail M s. liurke, one iii'iniit.4 aft r L hristiu is, liaviu-come in ! : ,. an ; wirs. Mis. ' Harry lo-k.-d at Sc. "I think," con tinue I Mi !! ttk-, ' ":li -.- -row nic. i i vi ry year, Alt . t'.ij t.ct. Tich one just me'i'-ii in y ,iu':-; v,a- tc-o good i'oi pool folks.'" "Theie!" crie I !i-. ('.puu-i, a- m m as Airs, liuikt". ha.-l, w :. i, "what did 1 teli you, S ie I Aft r t du.-nliti-Ali-s. l'.iiike up to ;le- K.i-il.h plum-puddin-! This i-: al; the . I tl. !,e s to educate the low,. .- ela.s, y -n ---. ' "I liope it i-u't b Ut r -y in Mis. lhu ke," ha ar h d S i-, ' V in.'ill eenvii: ann-t lo- v. ill, I i f thesaaie - i -' I', ipiot.'d .Mrs. Hairy. After this, waeeve;- s-i en! Mr-, 'bury di-a--,-. 1, li-r -i-'.i a w iM s iv, 'K-eineinher lr. 1'. n ke' : p-.i I 1 . u ,' Sue." Ilowvvcr. the ma!;,-- til, .1 o-it of their Uiinds in tim-. at'ei perhnpi, tin y wouhl ik ver have th-tuht of it a ;ain it" 1 Mr. lus Hake hadn't happened to .hap m upi u them. N-'A, M: I'.lak, was somebody worili win!" in M -. l.iljN exei. S ie had met him here and there, ilaue-'d villi hliu at -et in ai:-, yachted w uh him. panicked witiihiin, lunched with I, itu; on e l-e had even bent brr pom ttr.v-i-s; siie I..i ! -.nne of thca in v., oresse t in a lok tf love ; fouuets. He wis one of lh se cordial K'oplc who shake lain Is : s if th; y v. re 111 ihiu- love. aus- i. !j was in. i.e man . . , foud of li:s soii-ty; she lateun 1 to marry him. II u it w as a pity that b nhout.l arrive 0:1 ttie only day in th- week whj-a they l: picko-l-itp tlia- ner. "There i one 1 t t'.i" t lirl-tin is pu t- dins left, at :u:y i..te," s.tid Mis. ll.trty ; t-riicss ( IT to the op ra,or f,,r a few h-urs' a rili'l. "that will 1 e.l , -n tie- i:nu-r. " recreation in th. Park behind h s rimii ; 1.1 ttl.. Lulu, ,." ;..i...viv:i, .11 tloee ma le Air. tim li'ik- w.i, v -i a'Tib'e as and -o it hippeind lint otte l . I .' 'y 1 a t. th.r m tntre. s :,..: j .yed ;,U usual. 11.' an I I. i ,' -a t ; .1 -lets i..-t h-r an 1 All-. V tp i . t n c iv I the we. I lm-- j . 1K w ,,;.,.,. ,1 ,.. ,p,y, whctislie before dinner; he h i I ul.o to -how him : car Is of Alis.s S i an t apuU t in 1 Air. vv . ., disi.-esl 1 ' 1 1 y to h.-r motiur, over tiie grounds, the view of the r.ver, liustavm ltlake, iditli was a 1 niti j j;l r .j.iy to wli.-e c-i.iin.-s -.j .Hitl: Ihe ea-le's u -t; tl , y h i it -d f u f in- to Mrs. ia. ikc's u. ' lm.;. -. e' j -tt, mamma! I Lurn: i iuc r..i a bi kTil v-lgfiin together, aa-l slio tuU Lis , ."MyfovJ. mm VOL. IX. fortune with n daisy. 1T was cninpH- ' niontary Kiel -ilhmt. l.ily felt as if a crisis was at hail I. They met Sue, with her hands full of wild flower, eomiii from sehool. j "A lieihlioi J'' h( n-ked, with his most inililTerent iinnner, a, .-he just nod ded ami hurrh il liy. ' "Oh, no. That i-Sue l'.i u'ct, Har ry's cousin. She used to keep his lorn- ! before ho married.'' "Indeed." ' "Yes. Sim's lather prim in her ; and opinionated, like nil country roo- : p'.e." ! "All! she must bo very dls i-n i able.'1 ''Perhaps; hut one nei ds to live w ith ; her to liml il out." j "And you live with Ut "' 'Yj-. She w ill live here 1 suppose till sonn iiody niar.-H"! her." "Then she has a lover?" "I in ver heard of one." "And yet she is n it pr -i-is-'v :i-lv," w It h a w icked t w in,.lo in his eyes. '-,i, nut at a'd ; only coniinoiipliu ," conceded I. ill . Tue dinin r j r -e'-.-s I a; lain; the .!. It iv,i, a p ck-.l-up mi-, t . he -uiv; hut what c-u'.-l any on- epi i t wh i r me- with nit aimo'ine i: ; hiins-ll, .Mis. Harry a-ui e l h.-r-elf. Mr. I! ik wa ; i famous d mer-o-it ; l.e kin-v, m, li.-w I make hi if ,. ,!,;.. ,,vi r a ,li anei oi h- I !-, mid liiea ih re ivn -,-r Ka-li.h j.'umi-p i I i in- t- t -p ell ith. H-w pluiuji and d-lieio-i il ,, j; , .,, nj,,,, ,.,.. t:t!iV-, 1 w hat r-iyal 1--v it emitt.-d. . -n - ii !th l.ii l.-iti U.-: mii ii. Sa- I i-le 1 it and -h it a . li -k ;;!aaej at M:-.. Ilirry, Ini1 tai l le tli i: . u.i,i'- a u ail I l iv .11 ; in l, ;il!il v. I 'I -;-es ni;y I,- v. w .i i ii i i i-e;i ,1-ciiiu; ixiiie 1 sen-.c i .in a .", w liu tue - uu I oi I .mm is iiiu i-r i iiiimo- scnci -o o .i -i -v1 . ..... t i htm, at'a. r. sietui-i,,! p ,1-, ,,. ,h,. il( liH,.. while tun- p 'pular vote, I'u-the iity I'orporatiou i- Civid s..m-ihin- iik- si", .o ui - V -a,, l-avehe, pi-,- , litilo all iy i II. ! , .... ,,e,-hrw the ,!... and h,.st u'ar ! Y-i . ( -ao,ie. ,-' Then Mr-, Ho.,-, ii r in he'p'd ifi, hedy i l-e, fled le is If ;.i the r i joy ineut -f h-r pi lli-,:. Su , i"-i: lin: l lie e ii - on her, jiiw -i lo , i ;--,;,(. a - i:h t ; of t he trainin- s,i.,i.ii which youn upoli lu .- I'iiee. S ie i. Iter, d - cxi ia- I h. v- -i rvc their .ipnieulice-lii as .-aiior.-; million a-il .-lie h 1 1 l -en w 'S;i',"-'n I, aa-iil, , , ; led I l!i v, ion , p i Id n ; !i M . i . a r .. e Tlii : is tlie p - e ai I'l's pit Idla -ja: d Il s I I' her e 'st. "I c in i -i ill p I 1 1 in ; 'he c ool, -:lv, in-," :vt it i :i". i :-u '. " , w -II t-.- ;- 1 h M-. r.::l, tli'i iu-ht il r ' . -! ' p'l in 1. i .-, ' -' ' 'V- No h iter p 1 ,-t a kind captain wa. They hotli -loweicd at Su '. Tie y m ed.-d ! h.-in thi . io . f i I, .y- and ani wif ohii-4--i totaprs their wa. ilh 'I.,-!.,!- ! ,i .1, iwu in lc wilhti-n. -s to ailow tiieir -u- .-ts, hut tin y m-t.- l.... loll of i the up r 'istii'... t-i hruu th-:r ii-h-aateei t . ta'k rat1" , il y . r i- j ..., ,.,t, ,. . l le reio'v. If M:. I'.lak. .a .-, ! th ,i th, r,. was thunh r in th- at. h w.. facetious and a nee 1 : i' i . : i i , i j;u i.e I the atma-ph-;- ii;ia'"s. .ml did ti-l hurry -i-.vav. 1! ; when h was ,.'.li- I t i to take lit- tia.n at I i-t. th tlriu h- -ti i t : i,..r . ,.: .., Oar-, .U'O.I. - I - le I 1. "Siy-u cit-.-.tdy ni- p al';. r ail 1 ,!.;,. ,l,.,u'.l r-, et-j f.otn tl.. i. h.m I-, my di;-. c-.i.-to th- i .titi-.iiy," say, I .,..,! w s u.i; (1 , , vhv Mrs. Hairy, "Mr.. I a. h i 1 In- K a-- jr-. i. iiliou h ur . an." at. I his In:, he-li-'i p'uiii pu i i::i in sp-t- of in-." ! , "1 ill I f.olhiu'.; ! . d. wi-h it," re.!'" ,!.,,,,..,. k-.,t .n a littl- -h.I-t.iin.dSi; ' -"iniris, I the I, el.,;, :,;- t. l:,,,tniu's I i in as to -.. ' I' ty II ii iv ti Mi-- l.tlv. i.;n.-t'. hi, w.l.- i- ,'! :-. i. a, - , ... it, his ii ut.', i- i, tiiuehe kn w- it. p.., nun', pi.l!,.- tos l.e.oi- M. ii. i!..';-. 11'' ' I til- I!'. t i l-t! Il 'I. i t -11 t! .'' W l-'l'l a l:i- i idi I-." "Nor a n a thin ' fcr to do in an other' h.m.e " ''Mrs. (.'apu'et. 1 had ti-thin- whit cwi t do it," ptotcsled S le. "S :-a:i t ipulet, 1 don't hi a word you -ay." "And if 1 war- -i-t, r, ut or I -hould leave the hou- ." A i I -' it l.aj'peced that Su- pack'- i h.-r titiuk-. and ii lay I' ipul. t hii uch a version if M:-.. lin k-'s pa Idiu ; th it il- di I not die mi of let ilioi ii r. .-;, wan', t , a tii ti l'- l.-u i:i tiie city, who hi I promised to tiad In r a -i'lat'oa. l-i the in u-.tiii- M -. I' oi l!, t's s,-r-y.m'.s con'i h-1 tii -: i;-y of tie; p'u-ii- f.l Idill- to Ml. H I k e h I-eif, ll'ld lllll ii ake's e - t in it. M .. Ihuke felt it le r itu y to wt- . Al.-. Ii ik- aid n-i ut the whole utTair. au-l tiirouh h.m t i help -weet A!;-s Su -, wiio wo::l i iiev..; hurt a lly, out of It 'r trui'ile. Mr. li'ak" smiled ov. r tills letter. So th-y had mile it hot for Mis; Sue. lie had sa-p,ei te I as much. II.' went to on his frieti 1, Alr. li.ra an ! re .jiies. her co-op ration. II" wis shown into til" niii-i, -i am, an I in t Sue. "So," h" -.ii 1. -hikui- Inn Is, "ihis is the result of Mrs. l'mikc's p i i iin-." And then Air-. Ii am -s entere I. "I tame," he sail, "to coii-ult you about the alt .h s of a fr;cu 1 of mito- w h ha-eoir.n to -lief. 11 r case is i veil i-e iu.iti in.n. e. in-- in :n ia t.;i- .--titii , , , , , , w h i I ii'. h.s m mth 'at;n ; c ud piUiu- I iioiride." Tin- up-h"t. of the c.msu'!-it:.!t w.u that S : had a pisiiimi, a ii.tle iaUr, . , : ' w here .Mr. II ak-was iirim it-en u;ht, tlron in at his iileis'ite and can-- tin PITTS P )Iv(V. MIII.URKVS roi l MN. I'rirkrl Simikh. Wlint's the Mm.; Ihe ei u-Uet- -in,'-Suiiuiier, tiiituiiiu. win'ei-, sprin-f When I take my lit! !e l,i-.i-.:i Ami noilust nj; ihieii;h the runni: "SHe p! sweep' sweep! -We 'i'.'' When I go l,i I e. al nht, 'J'hi ii I hear th-iu out -I .-i;;ht. ".sio-p; sl-ep' -l-.p' .-I- p:" When I waken, eve; y .lav, If it'.-. Minny, the i th- y .-ay; Te-.: p- p: p-ep' peep Hut. they feel ii- ha 1 a- I When it rail.-, fur then they erv. "Weep: Weep: Weep: we p'" - Kntrsl II li 'hi. f, i,i S. A'u.'e.'o... Till' Mol- ' a I- I it llniiu One of the horses that b lo:u,'..d to the tire department ut Toronto, (.'an., had the popular hut -omew hat un-liunilii d ,i.mie of "Old ).n ," While on duty one niht many jears a-o, II D-n:" oot out of hi -tall an 1 in reaniiii-; around foun a pile of ha--. Th -in- il of the ha-- was as deli-Jit fu! ia the im-'rils uf the tire h-i-- a- the 1 ra-i am x of lo- - t.i a litil.' -ill'- tio.-e in tin- moiiMi of mt"! ios-.-s, .Inn,-. Wh it di I - ti! I I) ," do hut .--i. on.- i I tie- ii.ii:- :i h - moiilh and Ih-.-ii it to In . -t m, fi-r tin- ii.i- con taine I eats. A. aiii la- made hi, way (,i lie pile and Ii ..-,' a-e-thei In- to his to-'d ii '. That tilled lie- h . uh-leilp, 'II lie took a ha-of oit- t-. i.h !i of the h.-rses m the -:aiile. 'I'm-v ha I I' '.,st that ni-ht, and when the !:..!-: r m- the n- t liioreiiu he fun i.' tli-ee-iek hoi-e-. The empty h,i-,t,,:,i .,. t:,,,. - - i - i lli.'i " wa- the - eke-l oi' the I-:, h eall-c l.e had lat. u u,. n on'- thaa the uthei !...,.! , .... , .... I 1 , ... , , . . liVi-.l to da- a i i. u-e li- r-di- -h-at'.i. H was I,... , .. , 'rhe I ill liiiiiii'.i' llonkry Not loll- a-", 1 1 1 ni :s - tiie a u'.v i lui-c in the navy, -n -it nun-n-- of p-ts were picked up hy tin in in he liopi .1 l ho dill' li ut island- and . M- s at which tin-, ton. he I. To. v ii ol a li'iml,. -1 and ten canaries, iw.-nly pair-t-, i.ine do-s, f' lir cat-, I'. iiir monkey., .aid last, hut lllo-i ell joy ahle of all, a l.i-holl il-uk. v. wry -i.i:-'1 an 1 wtl! pi"p.-r. ti mi ,1. Wh.l, !l l" -III lie 1 In tiie ,-, my of iiidividii ih, t'.e -iolik- v Seem-1 to he!.. n- I- all. Ih wa- aiveiy Le-- 1 -than e , .,:.;, 1. nil. I. a i I cli i-: i -Ii 1. 'in. I, a i I cli i 1 . nil. I tin in on H - W.l II I.;, i. . . , ; .,,, ....., .... I,- . . ". ' " , . .' '. I hi. !. lid lit .-.111 lilt hi- .'fleet i ill i"!'i:'. It wa- t!:- iii-i-.n . :y evi niu ' " r ' ''u' ;ii-t aft'-i ..1,11 i w ;i I a lie' .u.i, -ill to ' "' ii... nihle tin- h-'V-.ei tin- : u i-I, ek. and ,., .-jii ,,t- iiC'if" .;-o .,. ,,,1, !t Vilil , ila-dav, ,:,!..- atler lie a rv.lof th. f l-i.ud, the -le-llfi '"; tin- sinp was a . ii-u a. -: v-ii .,o u' j -li'i- !. uh- : le.- h v. a-.eiu'd-d, a ,1 t.'.e chaplain he in th' i 1 nil:,- pray. r. The donk y,; them . oni hii little h. ni--, thoii-o-t tint play-titu-ha 1 ar- livid, mi i til- 1 t i bri-uk ' l.oti.'ts and tt t them. l:, i he f-iitid li uld , not, he he a - a ie. !' l-;av,ns that I inn- ll.roiuli tii besli -an- buce.ltle like til" yells ot ' Not a -ound of: , ti'.e i hap'. tin's 'w-tds or the united! : v. i.i s ,.; the iippr, lilie s. ,-:.' I le li-ard. j The hoys tried to k-cp ut lie. hu! it, ! wa-iiuiio.ssd.le, and th. d-tik. y had lo i , ne laniov. a pei .oice, ni. ttie v.: io- i , ic-tiit- in a .-ii t , .-: ii cf iiiu .amy i mi !-. which, t tie . : :- f ,. the . ; i rations id i.i in he ;t - ,1 I, h;-ve iiev, r j , t Lei 11 le till I t'l l I'lrotliatle -.-.ile. When the ch.-p!. d:i i. . I :-ii n time tor ! the :i pi -itu '. ov i tin ir -raMiy, the duty wa- p- I . I wa'.!., and n I short t in - af'.-r th- fun !- raard bewail, i -.'--.'- 1 --' 1 Uatlnrs in liii-si.:. j Th- l!ii--:a i- ,u n ,j in rtsn- s a j u ill u to he imp ,t I. hut ll, r. are s line ! t i ti-- we mi-ht leant -. ii from tin-til. l-' i instance, a Ibi-.-iiu .lie! ; w!ui fails j t : attend a pal lout wh.-ti caile i upon to i do so coniiti ti -i olT -nse, t;. I putiishin.-tii for w ha li i- a li i v.iryin trom .". to P'i) in'. it-., o . -n aia-ect -ravity, ateunot liif- in mtli-' Impri t.ii : in- nt. T!i - is -i mu.-li h, tt- r means of ke-pill- a UV.'d e.ll 111 III iltl t ) till' llltirk, , .1. , .; .. : , .. when: til" i'i',1 -if. li ll -t a "i.iviiiu on", . . ia all. a! c a,..:;, .-. 1 ohs-rye. . . ' ' ij", 1:111 01 n is-1 in-, to ai are rc-i.- Iatei.1 by la w, wlia'i is a!-., not a i' l I id- I. - Ll I -J '- a ' I. CHATHAM CO., N. C L()XI)0XCITY. Ti'i. 1 S-plondoP of the Lorr! Mayor's Position. IIow thi Government of t'a Gioit Me tropilis is Comluct.'il. A London httir to the New Yoik L' .,ln-rtier fay-: A ereater dilTerence lietween the mode nf election and the functions of n lord iniy-irnf I.-mdon aivl a mayor of New York it would he d llieiilt to cone. ive. In ymir mayoralty your r ti.ens vote direi t for the laiulidati-s for the luav-i's Hie , and, when leeted, thill f urn i ionary is the cviuiivi) otlii-er of the who'.e i , (y. Hi re thin-s nro total y ditTerent. 1 "I in io is no itopuhir ehelioli here, an I the lord mayor, when chosen im-reiy rues over a tins-, intiiites'inal por tion of the vast I, -Midoii of to-day, vi.. : ' r'",t.v '"' lif,.v I'crhap Ii ive in 'oiu-s ft on. the .-o-ealled "city" proper, all area cx- j -".,MM "l'";,r',s. :,M ! !""' '''" 'f.i:- tendin-fro,,, iho Tow, of I. union tl, I s-t.-intly i.cur.i of thai : :u -lit infer the Temple, and fr un Molborn to th,. I that the aniemit i- rather i la- rua- than river -a mere island in a constantly d : l ir'' c.cep!in. ,- . f th i iinin-population. Thero are some .. j I'liy'-'iam win an- p.-i u.iiari'y pr-.s- ) hona ti le inhal.itaats of the "city" l"'"'- !rr w:'' ' ishioual.le noper, and some I .ViO.n id ..ulsal,.. ; phy-ician- th it i-, tle-v .o in at who i are without any municipal in-titu- '''I ""'' '"' ''' fundi s of -oei i! ti.uis. It c, ins dillii u!t to real '.; so e- ' position. N"t a fe-.v i l tin - -i t -s'i'I, inordinary a o:iditi-u of thin--, and """ a year. ::d ocui-i-i, . iv y. t this is the state of l. unloii to-day, j a h mds-tu" p-c-uit fr-n, a millionaire Threatened men, it is -aid, live Ion-; and j whose life they have saval, th-ei-h it . tile saine seems to he ti lie of threatened institutions. Kor tliis little "city" e-r- , "'d ''-', w!ii .va wall old i n potation w hich ciunrol- vast wealth and lU'liu- aad.-rl .ilt din in- l.s la-t il'm-.-s, which arro-ates t i its-lfa position il is ' '" ived fl'inM I'-r h -ei--.-;, s. and no lon-er i-utitied to occupy has hci-n lr. Mil.ine, who a. lit .,l-r,-id with M . threatened f-r some tine' hy ra In il mi- . 1,.. ..,..1 ..... . . M 1 ...tJ .... lt-i.1 it- annual -ala day 1 -: Tuesdav. i v- .1 i i i.ii in the country. A lord m ivor i e n h y.-ai si l.clcd hy rotation from anion- the city al erine!i who have serve 1 the olli e of -hi-r.lT. The ( -isor.-who make th- selection nro the "iiy rv men" .f tl. .a.-' il- ill- I- U h . meet for that purpos- on Il.-cemher '.".. In pa-i times ihe-e so called livery men were -enuine traders cairvin- on bu-i- ne-4 wi.hii, il. , Hv r I..M.1,. , T,,.,i.,v t .1 i .'. l,.,.' ever w ith t-ic city ; the livery conip mies are now ho lie- of wealthy men, into j whose mil - s poise. .iiei of mo ley all I i proffs.ioii t.f i .ry politic- are tie.' neccs- i s it v c.iinlii ion- of e ..Irani Kw rv al- il-iinan i- the live y in in i f a -nil I. and liie i .Hit of ii'd.rin.-n have tin- ri-ht ,., -rant n-.w, rs: to the liv. r,- ennn ini-s , iiiii- .is-.-their liverv, :. c., to increas-1 the nelsons who c in i.uia !ia. l'ie !.--al , I ri-ht f. Vote in the olcition -f ftv otH- j cars mil pariiam litary n pr s n'atives. ; Thus th- who'e -overnm-iit and MitTrai;.' e.-i-s :, 1 naiiiam etii'e ..a, i-. - ..iii-,.. of tiie ",-lty" is liascl on money, and a he eat Iter Leu l-t-.l- tin- .'u mis f rmi m ue corr ipt an aii-eiuent pr-duhly does ' n;'""1 li-,lr " repttnt nA the four itot i-xi-t in lh- w rid. ' ! van,-, lisis. Ti:. re nre lw, nty-six aid. im-ti in the i '""I :'' ;" m-e.t: -n ". ty," en h r.'j.Ivsentiu o:n war 1. ' f "l1''' f"'"' .-''"I ''' n 'In- f. ur S.nie of Hose wards are ah-ur l y small, . pihi:-. and heads of angels a 1 of on. of tin in roiitaiuiu,' I-. t'han .".o I " 'i'i"- inv cati n Mili in u-e in cou-tttilL-iits, V) that a I -id iiuyorofs' of th-.l' i-li h e--iutiy p'a cs is an Loudon m iv have been . a :-inall y ' a'h" of t his old .11-1 mi : t i-t.-d by , ss than l id vote. a. an al ih. '.ilia". Wli-n in elliec th" In 1 mayor is a ;u l-e .( lhe cetitral . iiiu nal court it hi-ii-h he tu iv he as i-m real of law as a II .f.eiitot of th dill relit, al eahiilu--, n jii-'ice of th p e e, and chairman of the conn of aiieinin, th- e-n: t of c liuiif oi c u n il and the court of common had. II; is ab- .-, member f the p:ivv count i', chief butler at a rovil c-roiiatio:'. .i l l ihspen-. r-in-ehit f ,.f civic!, -pllality. When I add that 't has s tim s hapouied that a lord mayor coui 1 not ,i.y ik the Ihi-'.i.h lan-ui-e without sotii' aiuful err, rs c-mnioii to ,,'ikticv.Ioin. the reader will have a .0n3l. of the charuiin- iticon-rui :y of thin A b r I mayor hai a chaplain provided j.-r h.m to lu-l. after his spiritual web, hut with strict in in ut ions to avoid uientiou nf nil u-ly t-xt-, su, h ,"s ; --""" the in. ran- k, ,pii- pa, e w.ih de-erthin-the d.lU.u'oy of lich m-n en- ' tl"' a lvalue toward of tl:.. terin- into the kin-d-itu ot heaven. The ! other potti"ii .f the .i-'iii: tin;-, a lor 1 mayor is flutter allowed llil.oOO compared with tiie -. ;, th,. a.,. (,f, pr ;i'it;:i:u for his ordiuu-y ifl'n. two-thirds h ,vc I-,:, ad-1, 1 by j.a.r's .xpen-es, tin ll- of '."411,1111,1 ; the n-e of twenty; lollowin- the h.tter ef city plat-an I hu,v cliini-v ydt ! J"'":"'. the r.,U- .f .level. :u 1:11 he i.uriae. wlilth i- - ,i t ba constantly ! f 'Uf slower, I1.1t an itiena- ia vi.lii :; l.eedin- I-ir-e Minis f -r 1. pairs to pr. vent i is 1 ctc ptible uj, t- lh ' llf'.l-'ii y it from f diiit- in pie.-, The lord may- j 'l hv a':"'1' 1 11 k din in- .rhasrt les andatlwc chahi, imd ,h,. i l' riod i-suppo-e 1 to he h t . o.'.l , a i'd, itu, 11 and t iu::i illors have roln 1 I 1 u'''1' a:l'' m-'Nuiiiiin v, I,;m.' ins... The common . "incit is eoii,o.e,l I thus a'.t tine I . cbiii,;. d et fr. in-ir. cf -.'oii (eTs'i.: . ! elects most of the ciliicisof the tjty an! has unlimited control over the c sh. V -iiVenit' i-iscmiseiieil. -v. I'.ett': o; !ad. atl 1 is noted for his clnldliK.,' and bia!: I methods w In 11 tic eots to -t eak .iurin-; .-1 election erins 1 b ur. Ib aiwaj.s a itu'.cs the familiar- ; ty cf ki..,w in- all pi -pie. tbi one ce- i.i ion he wttit ilow-i to Kraiiklin, twenty miles below lu lianapnlin. lb; aro-e ti sp, :,k with his lace wriithed in siu:'e-, all 1 : "I. nil, s an I -, nth :ue:i. it ullords lu,' t;r. at ph i-ni . t m t my old w'e 111 I have ku 'w,i - . I n.r." At this p-.inr --:e. -'I-id ,.f in the 1,11 ll, ne,- -liout i : "Noil ', in; :: mi' :i li ve: n-ir." "lies s-. d ll:,t h, !:! ae. itel the (iovernor j 1 1 i- v r Ir.'m it ail the 1 JAM WHY l, ISS7. Now York Iaf!or. Thcr; are at rcsei t, it is estimated, .ilm-st .'i.Ooi) phy.-ieiiins in this e;ty, or one for every ;ui) of ita inhahitaats, which is i-erlaiii'y a liountifiil i-upply. If the batiri'-al saw, "'l he nior il ntms Ihe moi : illne-s," he true. N- w Y- t'.i should he oven iinii'i.- witii patients. Hut it is not ; indeed, it i- iptit.; a In a't'i ful town, whV'i may :m ei'it for the a!-le-e, fie' that til" liiajori'y ol our dm tins hai I ly earn a die-n( livelihood hy their plll'tiee, hcill- often ohli-e ' to depi nd on i re-1 it. Man.-ar- cui-taitly fore d out of their pii in order to ict a livin-,. hut th-ir places an regularly and rapi lly .-uppiii d Nearly :l,niM make, it is said, from l.o't'l to :t,IIM a year, and si. in- l. YHI m ike from :i.ilMI to V"1": only a h w hundreds reach in- tie- la-t li-ur s, a:i 1 then when thev have pa-s.-d in I II : a- . may Hot nave In -ii wo: Hi'. n:'. ; William II. Y iteh-i hilt, i .ward- 'he . I lose til Ills Ilia -t-i -A" a, . a ; aft. r : the railway in i-ii.,t,- had h's la-t a'ta k ! ,.r ... . .,i ., ,. : .... i ,.: .. t, ... . , . ! (u.iint iteilsleails. A writer in the (,''. ..,.( , -i curious study of hed and lie I- is reminded ol th- 0: i il!"v id-. 1 L" ' ' 1 1 i,' tllilt, "Dlillll- the Mihll A-es liuls were inad" I i .nirje cany. is and (id, d with mi.iw an i haves. Tii'-e i t'11''' '"' 'T1'"" ' :M ' th d ally, a- I-the c,:-t-:i , ' , le.pi.i ie m-'ttr ill th" o! 1 -l ,-hi ia. ,! iiie- ! 1- ranee and I'aly. III the tun- "f t leoiia r w i ar-' : ! I that, "Asa -i-ner .! ii. ., : th- y- ra ; men of the l.e.-i-e aa-l tie- -e.e-i- -1-pt oe i lal"n an'i nciii in i :i -n-.u u oi. where w aoli-n pnv-.-iIit- uad hlii-.-N : "ere pr.n id-d f..r v.atn ; and a't ni laiit s -I, pt -i:. .- r on, in th t it:- oi' T-; le- oll'-po-l" h-ii ti .l l, atl Itl.'lle!'.- ' " f'"""""'' li:hi,' :i .,. 1. atiaeh i,t ' :" !l 1 "''"' ''.v I'"'1-. ' ' -'" ! f''-llioi' ll,:'' ''' 'piii-eoiieli. (iisoiu-o; "M itthew. MaiK.l.ii'i" a il .1 ilei, 11 ss l.e I ' .I that I -I,-.-,. ,.:i. Two nii-i-s at my le a I. -'i ur nne,el? roniid my I i . Two to w it. h -in I t 'i i lo pi : -. . And two to can ii, v ul tiwai (.in will uf the Hainan Heart Inv, ,.:i -h-w . that tie- -; a' j ''-'I'' 1 u-roth of th,- liuniau 1 m':'ft t:,kl"i l''"''"' '"' ,il"t i -'''on 1 ea; s f life, l colld e il "-:'-: ' l'"'" to I- -M-tiy d-uhle j " !l:lt " ori-iaal',, wa-; la . w.. -n the s"''ond an I -. veiith y ar it i-a-i:n ai- m"t .loublcil a slower i t- of -rowlh UOVi tti.n-; in until tiie lit'te.-nth war, tlic iiu-uu illation of voluni durlu- the j inti'ivciiin- seven or ci-ht w ais hein '"'" "''out two-thirb. In 1 he pt i i 1 of ' " --'r":ly wh eh th, n aj.i, t!:e j .' th the It.xn ik s teen to (.even 1 ecu iiibic itu he-. li.irllehl Ytiinleil Hour. V rm-'-ur- I. aid. 11,', in I t; . a line I of teams came down fr on th: army for ! rations. Th- r" were so n,;,i:y wagons to be loaded th .t great d. -patch was ! necec-isary. A line lookm- soldtcr, , wearing a bill- ovcrcoit, pn-enti-d his ( le.pii-i'.ioa. Tin- couiiiii-s,:y s.w him ! take up a barrel of flour andt-.s. It into a wa-eii as if it r apiii d r,o ilb it. "I Mlpptis, y, u w ;ii reipure a ti ceipt for these 1 r -vision-," -aid the s-!di, r 1.1 tiie comnr.s-arv. "Yo, wair co:i;inii.eiin . tl: t.r nuis'. receipt for it.' "l an't I si-;i it;" "Oh, no, it must li.. si .....0.1 by a cotn- i in-ioned olli, er." "Y.ry well; I'm a'iak Aly name is tiittj h." - tt ittiwe'- NO. is. 'J II K FA.VII.Y I'll YSK IAN". ir! . lei- fin- Mii-n us. ll-il water i - th- he-t liiin- that can 1. u-cd to heal a -plain or hill's.... Tin! w- iiinilid art -hotli I I- p'aci d ill water ' ;:s hot a- i a i In In. rn for liflei II or J twenty minute-, and m all ordinary case, the pen wi.l -r col a!!..' da-appear, j II U wa'er applied hy iii'-aiis of cloths is j a s veieiMi i'im" iy l-r iieu;ai-i:l or t icuia-y pain-. I' o loirns or ti alils ap- : ply cloths wa.-ll - ,t.n-it.-d with cool alum- water, lo- p tl- th- in i-r -1 jei'-t.- leveled I from tin. air. Miiiki I i In- Tiiiiism . j I'le t'.n-'l i tiie Hid., to: of the ' i -v-lem. A w hit- i I loii-ie ind.- it-s f'liiale d siurhai,, e . a hrown, moist i ton-u iielii at -mI.s.,1-1, i- I d'yestioii: l j drown, dry t-n.ii. inliia!,... .Ii'j.r'.s-i d vitality, a- in t ; . . -. I -1 cotid.ttoii.s .'old hloo I p.ii-.i.liny . a i- i, la i'S'. t. .11-11 .- ill li, -ales ih iol:'v. .s fi-otu i-shail-tiii- di-i.-har a r-1. ii ,- t-a-i: In lit it-.-a p.. r via, i r any on'ii it ry U v-i . i "-trawl ii rr." ! uin -, w.l'. pr ni-ieiit p.ipii'a , in h a' . .-i area fev.-i (.r lolheiiii: i sa l, - :- 1 '-a-u - indu a' -,1-hiUli, -will v. ts.i -f u iiniiiitiv-- I p-lW, - of ,1. ., .! ..;;. I (. I.. -,'...11-, ! .L'.V I tun u iii-lu it - h i. riu a 1 1 lie li-; in s . I i.uu-y in .lot: u i it,- il: t ,.u I'lde it, com issj,,! , f Ii,. j.r tir.sitiii ,it on-- -id,- indicates j. i! a! -is - t" the inus-ca-- ,,n thai si l . -- ,'. ,-.', i. ;-.. Ti in ai v .X II llllllll . .me -li -orl. r- ar- i i-'ha ; othei-i, fuiictiolial only. in ihe li;--t i as.-, the in .sail, . lid we o... ia ii; -li It, would ue -i i 1- If di- -i- d ; n; tiie latier, how-.-Vi i '. ei'ciit 'ii- syiiii-t en -:;a ': l!n-y may In- in -i-.- io!i i.t ti .it; ::i !h former l a-' til. W . a' 1 sl-oV tl-it th" .-'i-htf -t ti e !' . m ia I'llali-i- i -i lii-r.i'i.y d-i" l-i , n.e or- - .ti'i dis ed. i -I tie- hi tin or .pinal e-rl. 111! there ' "t. li ..n i;.;. ie. lit itieipieiit p ir t'y - -. w-h . u ,,-i-e. tie jn.t i. nt !ni: 'i p I .!:' a;e i- 'la a-ioit, U 1 1 ' i I ! , lio-.v- '..:-, n ' -:' only - in-- f-.itc t.oi a . i i -1 1 1 h i:: . . T: re ale ii-riilei- it. I tin:.:::, -., - e , tan . in o:: :i; p r i 'r ::-. ty. a : i "... t in - in 'hotli ; v!!i li.n-- -n ;-! upj.-r ; i I. v.. r . -f. ltd :. .-: an I in : ;:n ., .. i., :- -i ie of the hod v. I' - , s 1 1- -tltlv i vvoiu -l, I. -it . : :l : -a. I; i- :, ;-'- '" ease-, i -p e.a y l . " ti.-i I 'it. wa:.::: . t .-in, a . I - v- pa, I- w- :'; t i- t in i- : . -, a': i It- i a::. i l 111 -V so far pli 1 U.i:. a t t o .;-; 1 : ;. I, III- - to !,e le ,t. 1 !,; 1 .1 p ,-e 1 ;.,r- ;,v-. ." II f i::l.-i - 1; 'i. ,- t ie - ;;i; -t-11.- tu -l -aly ',. ; . ;n th !. but - 1. . 1- -lail y ;n ll: - ! ;, .. . I'.. .-in i;..- ,,; I -.: :: ": . t .' on thi- - i1' ', 1 . .1 1- il. -;. ::.: t- :-.-a- pu;, !;, tn ie. i,e: , ,11: - I i a, t -'in -I. : I r ,1 1' : :., li ! i 1 1- r.ym it, w ti I, ,1 1 ta . : t; tu l it V to th- , er.; y ,1, e. I I. . ha it- l ilt f l.'t i i- . ! I t ':. w a- l-a-1, ,- a", I.: - . and I,- . mpl ,1:- I -: ! biht ... aioi . -;. 1 il i -riLri.t -It- an ! h .: i. A had as-ui, I i..u; : ': 1 1 r 'i.i er-.::-.- a, l'"lf "-' : pa--- 1 aw ay. ., i. 1 I. la l l'j yed tie- he-! . , t: Su, a p ,t.. tit- i :;' ih pn - in ; !' 11 , f a tl.t v no ia : il , n-t 8 1 all. .til. -)' I , nit s.,'b : r l y- The "I'rajimr (iiis-iioppi r." I Al-rop,s of i-e :;.,: .:-,;..;:, n ,f 1 1 tl-1 111 ,:;:!, '. 1 1 ' 'a .l.lss'n a . I pets, the Spaui-h plijtlS . ill i!-wh; ! -J w a- .Ilea li :: ta 1! at V i ia 1 1 . 1 I ; was sm-tl- 1 d ,i, .1 a : ::!,.:- ; Ui .-. ,-t lla ; ill-. ,1-. a l'.i :,' l ..a ol - I :,. -, M. ; I'll i I -. 1 1 I Lit,! l-.t , ', - ,: :,, eo;;-.t -I I ta- "re.;-.- it. i.i--li-p. 1 r .,! ii,. a, I I'l a'., ,-, w iii, li 1 1- p - ale : ill- Mid 1 ' 1:1.1 th l'i. .a-l ii ,in 1 .-it it:.- th.i' ;!a ! li.J. t is 1 1: -1 -, d ;.. pi-.y, 1. I Win 11 tie. I're .:a I mi wa k- i: pr- Ctt ,1-w ilh a -low and - ,;, mu -ad, i;kt t. pi'-i dii waii: i.i- s t .th I,,' I: dot s ti it Wall, a -1. -it di a . Its , ; ! 1. ,;y atti tud- is th.t ,-f an ci-tei -1 j-'ayir, it? iilill- rai-i 1 t-w ai d- lit :;w a. I'liis litol.- attitude, l.ow.w-r, is ;ili,o t, ,- cci'ifu! lie. Th I'r, , i-1 ' 1 1 is in.l cm o.-.-d in pray. -. i i.t i -imp'y aw.iitin- I hi- .1 ii 11 1. I! - i.'re'.e.-, .0 dew-illy j held upward 1:1 1 . 1 -- I. :: pi nid-"l with tiny spur- or t -. ;h, wilh which ht I cat-lii -, a- in . i, sin 1 1 thi s and! I othti tiny ir.-.-t t-, who. Al. Ihiiuuiiti-' ! (b-erVev 111" li, .- ive 1 by t,.j gri.sbIui). I per'- i j p until al e.ttitu i". I Al-rei v. r, this j riin- L.;-a--h'-ipin 1 lias worse fault- th 1:1 !.;. . . ri-y. H i, a 1 .11:11 diie, and k'lls and cats his own si-ttis an I biothois. Tii- wife kills hei l.Usb llld if la- tu li- , ut to 1 less stroll or h -? nimble than hi- "bitter ha',!'." Wh-ii thei- is -i family , 1 irrel, there i; ahvay. a tlteip t ate i body at the close of it. The l'i:-'a llioij, in spite of Li' pea, Tali',!' and dt v -at . M-rior, is th: most llvrc, au-l cruel of iu,cct ADVERTISING One siii;iiv, mo insertion- me Miiaif. two insertions One up ill e, one month f1."0 l.fiO - 2.00 For lni'irrr advertisements liberal cor. tiucl.s will lie in.'iile. On l.ife'n Voyim'o. lit tlio stream of hf.-yoii lloat, l. -t Trntli he h Im-man of your holt, I." iiaiieh1 hut Da y (ill its sails. Take 11oh' a- bulla -t in all -.nles; 'I houh lempest roar mi, I hiliows roll If l'.i th he nnelior of your soil, 1; il io Hod in prayer yell east, !li . hove will hold -.linst every Ida.-! ; Ai.. when you r-aeh the port nhovo Yo,:".l Hud th- Ho k or A a s. Low. .1. r Ml ..ia i.i ' '101.' it MAIOHOI S. Tie- 11.0-t stiikin- view of a lnu'.c U a ii ar vi, w. Tin win. of 1 h-oise .jil-h'. to .n'ck-r-ate a lh.-ht of -laii i. N'u'hl k -, as a nile, have their hanS-e-t work to do in the 1:1 riling. An . x.lrri ,'!ia an article on "Why !i -- A I ike ll 1.. y." They nude' it to !, way :., ,,: w.- hi- as he fe. ! i tin ; 'i-,.-i!,i:,'; -t.i:. linu .,'.::i iti the J1..S a poor sli- -,y in Ihi- v oi'd th" i.t. 1 mu- iiiu i-i 11: i.o ; who .! 'l Ii" I i- ntly i halite hi-- all rat 1 ion-. 'I' 1, why is a i.irl i ailed : 'elle:' a-I.e I ( '.ara. "Mi, I -II -s- it's beeaU : f hi r ton .,. ." tiui'i-elin-ly 1 pli i l'.i. tl. nti t tin: a mail who li .s ! :: -tt 1 k by I i'h!::: a - cit.tiot kwlin lb.- mL'!.'. have a l l..d that i.o iiev r tries S il:;'b, iii-h.a. ! , :ia 1 ihe pioverh, "Make h iv will th- -11:1 -'.'ii--," t. ..! d 11 the il:''!" a i i Mr.i 1 to the I) -i . if Tdiii.ti.v. "I'ltt ii v .a- i ; a io-.v key," .a- s a wi t. r -:. tl.j 1 t We pie-iitne cti- 1, It 1 an 1, t-;ap u- it iiy di.-p. n-'-d v. i - h win : 1 : ;. : !i M , i. -.- th" b y. in tin' S :.i oi),' 1. is il-.- v r dlliat "a mu'e catin I hni if a lea k he lie I to i.i . tai1.'1 It is e'r-:n -ly d.-uhltul if line man who Utl o rtake- to ni'lK- the C'llllhitri'ioil can :lo naieii l.r.o ;n- -r hrMtiiliij; eithci -ah.e;t ien 1:1 I...I' - later. Ibv'iiiiiiiii; a Lost Memory. The ,-t in iiiot-y in the ..--.I I.- a f.-tiohar 1 samp!-, n; - Ur. Al. I., ll-.l-1 :. Oi, and .an ..lily be acum.tcd for by i: li.-teriorati-ir. i f the brain ch-iui-tlts an I a .iii.iinitioii of bio , 1 -uppii" i to ihi-m. '':...-. ! tii w- t-t fi attin - of Mi. 11 i.asei a- t' i n t tl at. an old pi-i.on is not, tor a'. : : t;nii all 1 d:-ay ha- b, 'un, awaie 1 I 11. I .-rn I..- v, iieat n.: a ca-o "I" !i,-s ::' in. !- . !- a j. - : -:, ! ill ;. :,.i , v !.! -i i,.- ii.ii; lit-no inn : I. a I ia... -t lu -' n In atkab'v tili J tol-l i lia 1 :t. li : ti, il. i,, v i;o;i.t,s ,-ifort t 1 . 1 .1 it 1 .;::: , eto! w ith j -art ia' 'I la- method 1 1. i i-to 'phi two i:, ur- ,':.,ily, n. : 1:. be- in-rtt 1. and on.; in tin- i-vci::-ir. ii; c;. -: cislu- fai uity. Tin; pat:, til i- :n-':u,t-i to -ive tl'.e , ! -. -t atl -ti..:i to all that li : Ic.11:;.-, -o t: at it .-h-ili l-e h,:pi.-.-. d oil his linlid ' :-. . il- :-- ii-ked to liialiiwry ; . . i;:t; ; a I i !..- f . : s ii'al 1 , pericar -s cf th, -ay ;,:.d e-.nt: tile -oM nml liinu. Ii.,:y o alio- in al i I- Wiitte.i down ate! : --ed on i::- 1, in 1 elially. are I an 1 '1 1 ; :u o t- 1 ( a.l it ;.t 1 t- rv.i!-. T, 1, !:..nn - ft. ti, J iibl". lie u etc i-I'dend to l-e 1 -11,11. f,e 1 .1, 1,1 ni, in, ry 1 v, ry week. A v r-- of p- tt y 1 - to i-e Ii a: ta d. also 1 ; -0 fi-tti I'd '1 . dalii. H i- a-ke.l '.,' , II , tub. r t'o- tc.t abi r t I til pa-- i'l ;..y I -"k w i iitc. ii;!"i. -tin- fact n I. . !! d. -.: ill 1 oil.. : li.--..-,. , at,. -1 wa, 1 , - 1 -. itat.i-,.; a I'litin-' ll.cll'.orv. -: ." Scienii-I's Kile. Tin itib 1, -ti:-. 1 -. ,1, run -nt if tlymn kite ,f -ii :!i, a-'.t s:- tocaiiy a lean v..i n-t I..11- a,'., m ;d ov Al. Al f!i-,t, rnd i ;.s be. 11 d -.: ii-e I 1- tin- l'i .-tu !i i.ocii ty of ,n r,al l;.,V;-ati ,;i. 'i'l.- kite Mils of ... ta-..nal -'.:, witu a -upi I'ici:-! are.'. ,-f "i -.-;; 0 y ltd-." a t'a-i v e:-hie-!" l----i.i; is, and 1 .,:.; : . :,t,d coi.ii M c-l-hui- ti'.i pi ui..! . Tii" hu-o ::p I aiatus iittcd one him i 1 , .1 and lifly p-u;. !: of ha!!.i-t t a tiie It, i-l.t of thirty ! foi 1. i -'.' f-r I by wi.i,-!i tl was he'd back was cl-ht h'luirrd : n 1 twen ty fia'. lot,.; a:, t w.i- -n t;r ly feslcned !.-ihe 1 arili. Tin- i.i. . was kept at tho pto-tr ita lit. ,ti -1: - . ,ui in- with ti e !-:-.c of the win 1 by in-ai,, of cuds f.i-t-. ati' l t. i"o:.i -id - and .ii.uicuver.'d by three p. rat- r- st.m.l'u on tin -round. It w is 1 ii-iiially plaiitic'i to have ih(se c. ,.-.!- mini puiati d by :; man s'l-ja 1,, it-d fr, m the kio: in plno cf thu b ill it, but tliis dati-.-rous part of tlio C.NlH-rimcnt was i;,e cariii-d out. lisl,l-. , (If. I! obby pas t vi b-et'y veiy ti.ueh pe;-. pi, - 1. '1 want t ask you, .Mr. I'.-ath. r'y." he liuaSty -.a' I d uin a lull in tile ollVi-l.-ilttotl, "about ycut hou.o and lot." "1 have no h-'i.e ,,;, 1 i,n, Uobbj,'' replied 1. atherly, a Irdle utiea-ily. "I sold thelil some time a--'.'' "Snd 'cm," lopeati.Kt Hobby, "'1 'le tl pti have mad.' .1 mis take. 1 heard him say that 5 ou drank m up." A Nuniciical lirror. A be-cei.r-wom ui t , a -cut h in in : ' l'ak" pity on in", dear sir, I am thu m-thi r of twa-ive ehildr 11," "What a-e is the oltb-u" "Very neatly tv.o, dear U."--TiJ $1 it ?v i'. fV-- 1 fx 3'-; U ?.f;. "4 1

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