01 f)c l)ttil)am llccor& he ljall)am Hcrorb. H.A. 1.0JNIOIN, It: kaths F.DlToli AM) PKiU'lUKlOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, On- copy, mo yi'in n" copy, si x months copy, thr-e m-i'ths .,,:, 1M ,'i0, The Wind. Ttifl wind blows over the sea. Binning hemonartl the bulky tliips; 'i he html looms nn lcr I lie sailor' lt-a, An I lie dreams of ti is sweet lioart's lips. The wind rreers over tho nave, It stirs Ih" pines by the il8, I- sweo-s the cross on the quiet grnvo Wheio the sailors swootheirt sleeps. Tho wind swe. s over tlm sind Of tho iIomt. ho! nn.l bright; II heaps tlio grave of the Arab 1'nnJ; It covers llu1 sphvm from sight. Tho wind breathes Ir.Ioii with balm. It wrinkle. I ho fa-v of the pool. It lifts tli" leaves of tin h, v palm, As tin' ii-glu is 'i ii l- so cooi. 1 ho w ind w ni's ov. r tlio snow And io- of tiii- virgin zon ', Wli. re In If tin' yo ir i ho great stars glow, Ami the while l.ir sit alon. Tho win.l cirri so. or tho own; II mv.s i .i-i ih.. Iioiim'h for rey, It lifts tin-in nloft mi l liiirN tlii-in down, As mglr. m it.-li 1 nubs away. Tli- win J rusli-- ov.-r iho plain I if tli" i migrant'- ! nil Hi s n in , It h in.-, tl:.- wav... nf tho nlie.it-n iniin, Ainl III- gra-s nti.-ic Ihol ulTih e. room. Tho witnl s-v'i, the rninoii, wa to, U'li. iv Han. I -is ll." big horn-d ,n, An-I pilgntns to I i li i-V gnat di-mo ..h.-!p, A n l do pherd. pit o to tlmr ll.n-ki. 1 1, th-.ti mi ,-1,11 il-i-- h ,ii l : Though in... t.il. in n . i, .ii h th- tiro, An-I III n.-ii- r - o I.m.1, Tlu-v rami..: . ea- lien- ir. 1 1. tli m l-i ii- !i. -;i: w,.i' A- A. lam in-t hies,-1 thy breath. Tin- la: in in -h ill confess tli-,- kind, A- hi- !n-.. nwa t ng .It -alb. - io.,-,,.- i,i ,i,r,i',i.(.',i(. A Farm Hand's Adventure. I. ! OA M l - I 11 1 NsoN. ' I'll- 1. ii .b.-nki i- f irm,'' as it is 1 ll Ie 1 ill th" Il i jhboi iiood, i. Sill. ill ciieii-li, but tv.-iy - jiiue tod of it h is always hi i n so i an lu'lv tilled that there is s, ., a w-ck in the year when on,' caui.ot litid what IVter Si'ott eahs "-iiits I i do" on tiie pn-m iei. IVter S.-oit, head hired man. tills a highly i"-p"ii ;iii po-t ; but iv n Peter Scott i. in l ai'lly t.-stifv to the "sights to do'' from so tlii n iiii an x pi'iiciuc ;i, Dili l!-,llll. till' youngest of tin- '-help." At the time of llin's t-ikini; service, his mi lei-t.i'i.liii"; w th iji.i'T, but by no ineaiis 1 1 !-:i t M I . . I, Mi. Iv n .teiikin-, w as that he slum! 1 do a '-let-tie of i vi ry thin.' in fjetn -la!, Iaii'i, an ! r.othiu' in parlii k' lur." The ii.--.ult ol ;tn adlierin-; to this I it-is of this eoiiti.i, t tiiei! the muscles if lliu'i- w.-l!-.l,-,-l,.p...l b -s nnd bn.-k mid anil- i day- o-it of the seven, to a device that iml-ody i Is- i-niJ.I appreciate. He tj.-n--r.iHy tiimb'-.- 1 ever upon his pi! low at ii'eht ii f.i,'e.i out Mi el nuuii-r-:ti v. (a a c. rfiiin snored like a -to in 'st iiari-ut inf through tlie opt S I'tendii-r uieht lm i;n cn-;:ne. It was the tliin,' t ) do, ln.-eaue I w in low poured the mo 'ii!i"ht, a liMiaad vcliovv track. The -r-.it l-l. ek Sill-iiio tO till' 111 :i so ni; of inline th" mo. -ll, a ; i.,u imi-tilT, I.inL'cr, was ii down by the barn, I- :i:i!i e. Danger hated !i n ho est conied Dm. I'crh ips ,t wn D.in-. r's how ls that stirred Dan's dreainl-.si slumlais. At any rat", he hr 1 heavily -- tolled over - and found himself half awakened. li s opened eyes tinned drowsily tow. nr 1 the on- window aforesaid of his snail bedroom. A'i was still now, ev u Dm-tr. Mr. and Mr.;. 1! u .tonkins slept tl." sleep l! pe.KO 111 tli-cast win of i!if far'ii h-i'is.', ail tlie rest of the family were els.-.ii). -e. Ilil'.ua! What made tlm: v in low fi an: look s odd: Tail of t Jio sash, the lower left hand cor ner, .-eimcd -ye-- -i'ni'u': th.i- the ret as Dm studii 1 it !- -pily .-.-ainst the brillmnt iii-ht sky. hat I It moved ; Not so. S.mi-tlm : llial was cot the wood woi k of tli- i : n- r, li it that ti.letl up the corner, mow I. D Cl sat bolt up. liht wi-1- awake an 1 leaned for war J w th" .Ink st iiln- Couid it b -o-.sibl- that a fat human arm was beinj; cautiously inserted around tie- fi.imew. ik into the litt'e room! Certainly then was nothing ti:ere woith stealia-;. T!io iiini, ii vi-'.ili -li.-, went on, slip, pui- itscif aloiio e;,-nt!v over th- sill. No nioit.il thief could hive such an cud less, ghastly m.-iub-r. ! Dm criel out in perplexity an I terr.u : 'i s-iy th -re." He !eap d up on his bed mil stood with his wihl yoit'i ; eyes llv l upon the -rent patih of iiRionh-ht ov.-r tho bare floor--for lo, there exteiidetl strai-ht across it i h it horrible, -hastly in an. And there upon it rose, of its own motion and os cillated s'.iejhtly to and fro, and where the hand thould have b"on,sp'.rklcd two diamonds in the inoonli-ht, like the jewels in a rin j;. The arm was a -rent ferpent. For months the farmers had h cn tell ing tales of -limpsei, fu down in their tingled craiilnr.y lots, at the great python which hud nui'iaoed In slip away Ironi "("aw. bottle's Only Consolidate.! Oriental Cii cits and Meiia-erii." in May. Incredu lous folk had lu,'hcd at tlie tale-tellers. Id spite of tho launhin-;, calves mid sheep, inexplicably vanished, ai if to prove that th.! monster really lurked about the ravines of lllue linn valley. Here it was to-tii-ht to answer for itscif. No doubt about that. I'robably tho creature had been stretched under some c-utl uildin- all the afternoon- perhaps beneath Mrs. 1! -n J .'iikiiis' ow u front pinz. i. When the tirriu- of teams and men was over, it " ' VOL. IX. slid from !U totreat Into tho cool night, n ml Il.in Beam's opon window suggested entrance. The greater part of tlio sleek, lat Ixiily lay ulrculy in folils timliT tin paiit'l of tho window, where n ilrep shuiow lirooiliil. Tiie upper poition was a'lvanro 1 imwanl tnwanl tlio he 1 ami its oc iip.inK Tlio iiiifti''l, intent lieail was making keen ilierv.ill m of tho now riert white li-ure belor.' it ; an. I a sharp hiss suihlenly ur llo.l Dan's yoiin bloo.l. lie il ire.l not utter r.nothcr cry. I'os sib'.y ho ha.l not yet been lo ikeil on ly tlie snake w. tli any p irtieular interest, though the moon rays just at the inoinent gave to in eyei a pit r i ii In iglitnesi. It mii;!it It only loilfiin anil not revolting thought -supper also that it nought. IIuckiiM not leap to hisiloor ami unlock it ami ilash down the short Hi, 'lit cf steps leadim; to the otoun.l, as hist'nt inipiiise prompt i '1. Tlie iloor was iilon-jMilo tho one wiiulow. II s eoat iiiel trows, is an'l ap parel in general lay in a pile n ros the i hair liel'.ii .' it. I!. it not f. r a in .inenl !onu' r roiiM he en. line the situation. In I'm I, he ha.l little i haiu e I 1 iln so. i'h inviili r p..ve another his. ,o llnrnti iiiiil; that I'm roali.'.'.l his p ril imminent. II' leap -il I. .11 k toward till- hea l of lli-bnl. his f.-et sinking in the rl:i. At the saire time he lecoven d prcs-iwc ol mind mllii ii-ntly t. "Help. help Quick!" At the soun lind lllllted I'."' cry mil his I- N-t : Anybody help nic ! of th.-bo'.'s alaitn, l.u's .hopped completely to the pint tl it.r. ami then glided with lit t!o more than a sjn.-.' motion to tin b". I 1! i toss, d the cd-e of it, and then lay Iiil with a van! of its bo.lv alon-' the ! cmmbled white sin it, its head tuiniiio ri-jht and left. Dan bounded from his : unsteady letii at witli a horrific. 1 pusp. j The bed was for only a second between I the scaly cann b tl and the la I. Tlie i dash for tiled .r that he in id" was an ! ticipate.l by the make. Din's f. ot struck against sonicthiii-; that he felt was a foul of that Ion;, supple holy. ! II- fell directly foiwaid, striking his J head cruelly on the base-boar I. The python swept his coil iil-i ut his body bc j li re he knew it. j Sii',1 cryin-; out de-p- rati-!y foi aid ! fioin those -o-.ind si.a pt is, only j ju t within ear -V...I. Dm shuck ' nw-i;, lie: opei. j ns hi. i J stiu-,'1. .1 to free loiu-cif, as must li-ne j s'riiooled buio ,i','0 th" plies! I.iH'oon. j H it he lost oroiind veiy insta ll. It I was impossible to keep his footia-. II ! f.-li sideways on tlui folds of his alert 'til'iny. II- felt th- le'uii'.'iiii:; of tie i aw ful t n-irictive pi ro. upon his nak-d j liliiln. Xi ver will he lor-cl ju-t h'.-.v it I seemed that coll, slimy sulfate, its j ite.-'-'.iko impeie liab hty and resistance ! to his hauls, a!!h.u,-h it must have lasted but .'. eon p'.e (.f minu'e.. t'mld iK'thin-; deliver hiinf W ould uoli.i ly siv ! Ii - m -i t iin-: .nil 1 il I , , , . , ., hear Ills weikensil' v.nc i Iho oti -n i t i j t w s a. sailed him a;:ii:i and a,M:n now, aa-l It- r a! "i that a coil was closi.i-; just a:-. mi I hii bare wii-t, while he p ii i",od an 1 pulled and slunk out, without fri'.'in- himself from livin-kn-.ts that r -tied thein-elv.s and ti-ht 'lied. J ist as ho f -Ii i'or.vaid, roa-ly to suc t uiiib to th" pi-.-. sure of th" reptile, ami with hi Imt try, there run: a ipiick i-ciamble up the outer s!op. The iiiooii-li-ht w is hid for a s'cou I. A great da'k hvly came bouinliuij !!iroui,'li llio window, full a toil of hov and ser,)?nt . . ... ' T ' . . I,n-.rl,.l. ,u'l,l tlm sound of the i i.. .. f r i... ii.. i i i ' , . . wall. Wed was it that the in- : , te' lijeiit il-! KUesse.l tint the best friend he had must he ill sum.' dire daiiijer at this pe'ecful hour of tii-ht, and cipialiy well that leai.iii- was his -rand roouto on all oc as on. The python felt D ingcr's teeth close fiercely upoti its body. Partially relaxing its yrip on D in, it turiiel likt an arrow u;.o I .Ui-e-, i t-ii.; furioii-ly. l) .n-j. r and birkin: hoilsely. l'aithfu', if friijhtened, the dog ( barged upon the foe a-ain and again. The snake hurled itself on the the great do.; w .thout releasing tho half line iim ions b y. l'.utthe dog jumped about adroitly and bit and scratched and barked furiously. A faint low sound cf calling, tlie tramp ling ol human feet and then their lush ing up the lut e staircas- outside. Next to these came the bursting open of the door anil the inrush of men, or this story might have, in spite of Dinger, proved too hideous to tell. IVter Scott, with Farmer I!. n Jenkins, Moiiarty from the stables, and Mr. Deljcll, the school t'iicher, stood there, clu'ching their scythes and stakes in i onstcrn ation. Then, with a general exclamation, "Claw bottle's suake!" 'hey sprang to the rescue of Dm and Danger. To tho risk cf the hoy's exposed body nnd soundness of limb, the python was pi untied ainl hacke 1 into s-etiom within live niinut-'s. Dan was dragged outside and lay there w.th D in ;er, w In licked his hands and s eined t i r g i in his dignity much quicker. Ail the uprisen mem ber" of the family, male an I female, sui rounded them, in vn.ious stujcs' of dis traction aud toilet. Foor Dan ! He got his wind hack only to lose it in a denil faint that lasted for an alarm'n time. ; Hut he enmo to him-elf anon, and then was I. idcd for a time, aft' r some sort of a n iusoous romp isiii"; draiiuht of Mis. linn's lirew.i'e, in the b'jst bed room. Kviryonc regard" 1 him as a kind of hero another yoinvj "llorni'.i s stian;: lino the serpents" in spite of the f n't that it had tome near beim; pni Kivy the contrary. "I couldn't have done a thin-; alone," he protested. "It was all Danger. Ho saved my life! Dm'tyou sit thuti" After a time they did ; mil not on'y has tli noble do,' worn an in v -ible lauiel crown ever siin e, Imt l-'ainu r H n i not f;iveil to iavish expemei bnulit il leather collar of s.im-i sp'en lor, and told Din to buckle it about hii four footed friend's neck, nhii-rvin -, "W ill, 1 haint much sentemeut, s i ti r speak, but I'm blest if I di lu't want t- r d. w sinii'thiii' to couiplimeut the old daw,' there!"- .,'.;-(. m. Tho Spiirrow IV-I. ' Mi termimd nar has not o. . n wajed .-lej ii nst Knglish sparrow ; in this Slat'1, hut in Pennsylvania, and p rliai.- two m .hi. o ether Slates, bm ilie-. are p lid fri their heads, soinmli a huii'li. d. Ii ivs made ample poeet i limine for a tun" h ' te of rubber slinks an I 1.ow,miiis j '"" ".V like they s i ei, w tired of tin port of wholesale murder of the litl birds, and the sparnovs, , ft (,, tiiem selves, continued to in a as" w.thie i niarkal.tf rapidity, x i:iti.- on thi l,oillt aro '"lerestin,.. I i.- n.-uly oi-an- I division cf economic mnitli of tho Department of A-i ultnrc i -prep.uiii"; a series of bi iitini iipiullio relations of scveial i oiiiinoii specie-ol birds of this uti 1 1 v to a. i ieu'tiii . I Annul"; the bird p st, nhi.h tlu aiea ! destiuctloii lo valuable bi anelies of f irm : in-; Dr. M.-ri mi, th" In i I of th- division, j placis the K i-lish sparrow as chief, This little ( n ature ha- nts all I developed anion- its new suiioiuidins ;as to have Income a vastly greater : scouivje than the caterpillars and worms ! it was expected to de-tioy. I's present j rate of nit rcii-o is enormous, and the new territory which it iuvi les ist-sti i muted at more than bll.oil i square miles 'nni.tnlly. It is essentially a t.wnbiil, : '"'it it takes lonj vacations in the Iruit ii;liii"; seasons and "wnaks lis ; t.i-ti.l ousa.p tiu" upon l!i- !air-.-.t and jii'ciest of .;i ip-s ,-in I ; Ii- 1 1. lint i s ,,f 1 1 -e j fiu ts, in which v.o-k of de-iiiic i in its , ii";-r.'i;at" of ilain i:;.-. is.-i'mos( cieoinpii . lahle. ...Vf-' )',.; y ... .MnKiiiu h New Nose, Allien-; the rarer i-peia-iom of whit is termed plastic, an I bv Sir .1 im. s l'ii",i-t "ch curative" -ur ry is that by which u new nos? is formed by calling in the aid of the tissii" of o'hi r p: it. oft c body. This Inn been done by brin;;iii a flip of skin cut In in the f ivhcal lown over the nasal bones. The 1 . .. . - , ' . ' iciaius us ciincciioii W illi i ie ileeiii r I tissiiisata point between tin eves by means of a small pedicle, and thus its blood vessels and nerves are not all severed. Thi-ll ip is not .simply puKe 1 down from the foi.-hea ! -il i, twisted at the pedicle, so that the raw suif.icc lies on the bi nes of the n-so. Now, f . some time after this operation has I,. en perforate 1, any init iti-n in th: nose is refctred by the mind ! that part of th' foiehca l from which the flip i f th- tk n was taken; and, therefore, if a fly crawls over the patient's nose, it appears to him to he crceiiiii" ncuevi his f.,t-,1.. , 1 ,, , . ,i " . before the opeiation, whemver the neive-ends in tin- tl ip ivt i-i c iirila'ed, it , , . 111 thin-; teti.-hin-; tl,0 forehead, and it is some time befme the . . . . , . . . ntiivl ceases to refer -uch irritation to , , , ,. , , , , that J.'uni'il. (Jniel Home Life in Mexico. A letter from M-xio to th- I! .sto:i Ihiiill says: II re large families are tho nile, nnd the mothers fie.pieiii y look like the elder sisters of their boys and girl. ' It is'o" i, soni -thiiij, a Mxicau cannot irid"r.ta:i I. II uhvay. h -n time fi r everything. II- stms long at table, dresses h isiiiely, k.-op; much in die open air, a i l tlu women are i f his same leisurely habit;. O.ie hears little about "nerves" here, and life goes ou just as well, and a little bolter than if one were keeping ten cug i-einents in twelve hours, and r. for.iiin,' all tho ivt of matikin 1. Tin! ova!, warm-tinted, or even the frequently .sail pallid face cf the pure-blooded Spanish woman ha no look ou it of a burn iccupi"d with try ing to solve the i ldd'e of tlie universe, and doubtless the universe is jii.t as well ( 11' ami will rim on ju-t as smoo'.h'v. Whnt lr. I'liimer Says. The celebrat.' 1 D:. T. inner, who made .piitea stir several y -rs ago by a pro longed fast of fotty days, is now a iii 'iu bcr cf the comnni-.ity of Faithists at Slialimi, N. M. I.i a n -cent letter ho lays down tho broa 1 proposition that nine-tenths of all the criui! an 1 disease in the world is due to the hum an stom ach. Keep the stoin ich und. li! d with meat, csp e'a'ly free from the flesh of (lie swine, ami th -re is hope that a man may live up to his highest aspirations. This is the doc rine which tiie Faithists arc trying to enforce practically in their e i!ony, but tho result thus fa.- h is not been cncouiaginj;. lltallh un l Jlonu, CHATHAM CO.. N. ( ( IIILWRES'S COM MX. Be Not Hail)-, I! takos long d(iy of goldon sun, Ami many a drop of rain, To start one llower from wintor'i blight To bud ami bloom nain. If on. n from out a ti n-tine, oyo Wo cause a tear to steal, A hundred word - of warmest lova May lint the anguish I eal. . , . , An I ud an'. I'lniitiri v. Ih the year 1771 li.nr,'.- Washington mi t at tho mouth of tlie (ireat Kmiawha, whil. he whs making a journey down the o '.io liver, the old h lehem who wronht .n ut havoc in 1tr.i l. look's iirmv. H" tame for;h to honor Washington, m com- i.mi.d be other Indian w:,r, irs Afir iiitio.liiclioii he nddf s.,.,1 him thus, I pre. nine, from the peuilinrs.h-ipei.fi 1i. X. 1'.. m. r in an e '"i Hrii.U tlir.m:'!. Xrhob-on. t he in.ernr -U r : their lu-.i I fealh'-r, whi-h n-s -.ul.les the ; in- Wat-r s ay . : h, ,. -aid t-.th- Use ,,f "lama chief and inl-r over manv t.ibes. Mv iit'i't.co cxlendslothn wa- b'Mof tho Ki',.1 lakes and to the fa, l.lm'iiiounlai.,-. I have tiae!.-. a loiiy wav, a wearv pail,, that I iniohtsoethc Voun wair.oi-oftlio i.h'iit batlle. It wa' I. . . . .. .. ., , -. .. ii i on uie iiiiv w ii- ii ine w iuio iniin s oioo. i was mxed with the stro. of our fm- est th it I lir-t b lu l l this chief. I c tiled to n,v vo,,,,-,,,,, and said: 'Mitik,-., tailaud diinn- warrio,! )l"is .,," f. l!ie led-i rat tril. . ho halh nil Indian'.- in, and Lis warriors li";ht as we il ; 1 biniself -.1,1.1,, n .t,l n.iVL' let v..,.,-aim be crtain and he .lies.' ' ( li i nils were I, v-'c-l -i-iil-s which hi! foi j M'n kr.i'v nut li - t, miss; tWiis nil in ! valuta pow, ,- ml-hlicr fa, than wJ shielded lum f,.., harm, lb-. - .mint dh i ill bailie. am .!d and soon shall I" Hath. Ted to the -leal Ci llllcil tiro of my fatheis in iho i ind of shadis-bnt lie J i;o, there i- sonc thin- bids nit 'peak ill the voice of in oihi cv ; I. steal Tin. t.i.at Spirit pi -!.cs that man, ami -ui-h s his il -tin n rs. lo w ill lueoint the t lii- f of natiieis, and ft people yet up 1 1 in will hail him as the found. 1 U i. mi-hty i tup nl' I inl-r ihr fciinw- M imin i was . l.-anmg the bil lies i i-o one morning, "I wish I had une. gravel for them," 'ai l ho; "imt I its.d the last a week i ag". I didn't save .piit? so mii-li us 1 j on-lit I i-t 1:1!." "There's a wli..':-. lot in th-. sand bank," said X it.-. "I'll-.' sand bunk is under th" si rnv a Ion:; wajs," laii ;h.-d mamma. "1 "It"- they'll g.-t alon.:.'' !i - m - i-il th" r in ii i-i, (lit 'eni- mil Chip, who it i!!y did soeiii to miss th'i sprinkling of fresh gr iv.-l tin y were Usui to h ivm,' in t!i- lioitoiu of lh -it- c.ig.. At L ast, that was whal X ite and X ddy thought ; and they sio 1 1 by an I wliistlnl lo the bil ls, an-1 pitiil tin in, nut i I mamma hung tlie cage up in tin. sunny bay winilow am ng the gerinnims. Tii-n t in y put on i n-ir rubber hoots and ran out to play in the sii-w. They ;aye I o it a long I mi", and 111:1111 'ii :i wa just thinking "f going to c ill I in-ill win n the do ii tl w open and in lushed b th l.tth- boys. Their yes spa, kit"! an 1 their cli.- k. glowed, a. id tiny iiuried a pail In t neon th-.-m, straight to in. num. i. .k, in imni i,'1 th-y ei ,ed. "V. !iy-e : I ' exclaim-i m mum m sur-piis- "How d tl y hi ei ! ii c "Wet. -ok o ir shov is and spid-d down through the slow." began X-ito. "An 1 lii-'i w.. chipp-ltip tho dirt with tin- dullest hab h -1 " liii shed X- I ly. "And we can g.-t a lots m ue. dh, in.iniini, don' you s'poi" they'll like it: ' "WeM s e, " s aid n: imni, an 1 thin she took down the ca,'o and scatter d onie gravel in it. It was t--sy enough to ti II that Clip and l I-. in- di I like it. Tin y tl 'w down and beg in pit king it over in a hiiriy. "They act just like I would with fro-h' I cake if 1 hadn't any f-r a great long while," c-i-d No 'D.ii't ih-y, mamma;" Mamma hiuglie-1. "I honl lu't won der," said she. J o'.''.'. C '-'.'.(.! imi. (ii uriiim FrngV Flesh I pun n Man. An inti ii stir.g opi'iation of tl sh grilling, which W i one of the dis. i-overies of M. I'. ml I! it, has just been performed by a y, img French surgeon, nanied Dr. Diil.i-us.uci LalnTilit re. A workman had his foot scorched by mol ten iron, and tlie skill was dc-troyid over a surface of about eight inch' s by four. Dr. Dub. ii-.Uet took four ttiips of fleh Ir.-m the thigh i f a young mail ' ""' "' " I in-m i. ine w i. i.y greir. care tin- wotiiuls licalcii ill a b w days. - The cicatrice obtained by the frog's skin was soft, cln-tie an I inodorous; that from human lT-s.Ii was a little sttaui cl, harder, and produced irritation on s .nn- points. The path nt lias now been able to lesumo h s occupation. 'There suit of tlie operation is of great import ance in showing tlie superiority of frog kin, while on the ether hand human ll sh is not always to he ha I in suftii init quantities for burns or wounds of any si.e, and the d s c, i on of strips is v-rv pa.nful. -.( yi.iiii'x .t.am .(;,-;'. A Hint. "Wi!! you have some tonic w;th vou, oyster. Mimic." "Y'es. i;. t in-' some ginger ale.'1 ' (danger a'u I" "Ye-; tlint pop;. I believe, when you open it." 2A.-jov.-t Couriti: ., .IANTAKY 17. FANXVTinnONTS. Something About Their Char, noter nnrt Value, Soarc-Hina Coi'.ly B jcaue Tho Varietie; are Bj.tutifu!. "I'leis" t - -1 1 me Hotuethin? nbotit piu i on-," sai l a New York Ti-Ime lepor 1 ' ' I1'" other .1 ly to o c of the most ov "- ve d-ah rs in tlio-e birds in tli -' 1 "Til" v.irieti. s you so- h 'roar-limited, ' ''' I keo,) only stork that is fam v in the sir i and then - "If dear. 1 1 -I e ,'ir .1 i his, so -ailed, . l''lr.vK': cap, they ai'very bcaulifuP . l''rJsaml with the bail.-, p uH-ls and j --' I" '"'- ''v' "'.. :l I n r - to I rin- "'' my-elf h ive sold .,c lr I .e-y aro iliut h, cans, -liiey m- seal ce all I Ihev arc In .ml i fill the luu - - j Him lli.-it iv.. value to diamond- a.id - V".V l"' ".v " '' I'. 'it I - arc ! ... rar- b r-U; they d , breed as f.nt Ih-nr-linnry i, and a-e th.-uf n m ri I. Caiiicrs are valuabl- !.- , lli-y arc iis-lii', and it is to m- a' matt.r of siirpn-' lh it thev an- not '""'''V """'' than .ley ""' Th.-y are now raise I and k.pt f-'i- lu ,mii n" 111 11 " " 1 1,1 1 1 '""'' "'0' ''.ui- wh-,, it will l- a "" r -I re-r. t that tho lords have b en ll.-ij'.octed." II w do you ,n il." that out ." "Well, von know thev in- u-olul in wir for earning .li-pttolcs when all o'.htr Hi'-. mi of coiiiniiiirt allon -ti- in ' P"5'1' 1-1 11 1 f the on- my. Th.-y w- f, u-e I bv the t-onl'ej. ra!e, in lie- evil w. r. and i vt n.-ively in Fiaiue in th- Fnim- tb'tnian war. X-.w the ,i. -wspap.-r say in .sny i, n-'i won., muct. ate...., I io Il,-..,s- .l..f ,.l. I... ll ' I ' this, st,,,', whs- is lo prevent a U ili-h or veil a Tuiki-h tl t-t taking of X"W York, I'iii'a l-'lphia and liilli-mof- n-id til- for. e a 'company ing them biea'ving up or possessing th" railroad an I t-legraph lue s ceiteiing iu th-s- citi.-s: Aii-a.-i- m that. - 11,1", ...111 Willi. K.tl . o. a ..... this, the white an I brown ;" " l'h it is a t imb' ft-. '1 l-.i 1 - a'so bring high pi i e.. Th !"ve t . i! .- 1-1 ,!i .-iv . - i . 5 -. i :. . 1 f ill ; into tic a r, until they in-- a!iii-si iot o sigh.t, mid thin, iuining soine:.!ii'( aft.-r s.iini : . aiilt, d. -t a i ;! giv it rapi lity until tie';- a'.i'i ! li t!.e groun I." "W'. dotli.-y -I i tint." "I ica'iy cin't s.ty. I'lgeo'.is ai" it"! cm iiuii'cal.vj a a rule, but 1 p t sumo it nmu-.-s them. Th re are ddf r n; suit . ol tun b'ei's. Sen- mi'-i- mighty ( lloits t- p-rform a s en, i-, i i ! t . but can not aec inplish it : lin y i in only " half way, w liich is t-rin d a 'fail, ' an I ag an others of th-iii ca.i d t'ir- '-.pi nt' -r whi'h is 'lipping tin- lit'. id and tail.' Tiui pr.-tty mi-k-whiic b I ir, up. h. r "'""-"" i, -.....I l l 1 I,.. ..--it, .1... i.:.. is a po. er. lou.e.s-tow ,o a ,., ge si-. till, yes: pigeons breed very I,, t, almost as fast as, abbitls, and if it xvere not for the I act that tin y have so many cm mics would soon bee -Mil" a nui-ine '. Tiie conimoii run haw young on-s on. e every two mouths, and it is n ! unusual los-ea pair feeling their .- j : lea I - i .' while breaking their -le i! to as.ist a later progeny into tlii- wicked w.ul I. 1 should -; i y there are hun-lr ds of thou- siituls of thctn in X-w Yolk, ciiiilly invned by tb'rin-i'is, who are great raisers and importers of pigeons an I c-in.uies. What we call fancy bird-, however, nn- not goo 1 breeders: if they tv.r- th.-y would be in longer fiu.ey. Ol'i ills- large numbers of pigeons sir cit'ii. Most people like pigeon pi.-, ami time arc (picnics among in who lonsiiinc large ..uuili rsof pig'-'iis eggs, raw and uiokcl. The ladies say tl,, y nr- g..., 1 for the complexion. Owing t.- this and the . illses a're.nly staled seeing that tlie av.-riige pigeon lives ciglit ym . the birds do not iticiva' a mpip'y a- they otli-rwis; woull if l-H uudis- hirbed." A l.!tm HeiMeinl. A bedstead whit h . o t ., would be a cm io-ity anywhere. S,n h w.( the price pai l, niui 101.1, ov 'ir. ami .ur. n nilnoy tor tlie u-.lsica 1, at m-ir house i Now Yolk, ou which ( o. (i iv. I'.vtto sirens Whilnev's lii,,Ul . v , . ... .. . sav that aUcr his fatlu-r- in law nn 1 ma lo lum a i-r.-sent of this hou-e i.i N'.-w York ! he complained that he could not keep it; , that It took more in nicy than he could I mm to p ry tlie t.tx-s, keep s.-i vann and sustain tli- pine. liitreiipon i'ol. ,1 , k . Oliver I'.iyne, who was ft bachelor, gave , ,hn k X. Ileal the. . j. :, j his sister $1,0iI0,(MI0 to go housekeeping, t n hineiit th- re, M.tUiinlKjjirts. I (;,,s Y.m don't ay s.? A Itiir Time. "You jist ought to have bo-n over t our house I i-t night," slioiiied on- small ! boy to another, r.e niiy. I "Why making pietun-s :" "Xaut inueh ! Ilti'iiph! N , sir; our , folks wont aw iv, and we had pope, i ti. j two kinds of sweet' iie I water, milk and j camphor, tlnw the dog around iu the j tablecloth, nnd the hired g.il told tn j tight ghost stories." A' t- VrVr Liii-u. NO. V.). THE FAMILY I'lITSK'UM. 1 i- Surr 1 lii-oiif . li'iy one lias a mrc l"f sore throat, but simp!..- r. ine.li,-. n.p u to b" most ir-cMi-il. Silt ati-1 vat.'r ! il ,ed bv ' "r,n.v " ;': '"- '"" l'tl'" :l" 1 i honey d ssjiv.d in sa-.. t..a i-. Leii- r An ! application o! cioth.s wrun r out or hut I water aie I ai-piie i t 111 ie c., a.i ii;in ,' , 11 'fien i t ley II In i, i.-l, hi- liie j 111 -t 'i'ti:iii',. lol . Ill v 1 1 1 l; ll-ll illilnalioll ol any::iiii:: ov. r 1 1 i .I. It ie-ul 1 Im: ! kej.l up .,r a iiiiaib.-r of I., ii -. li ning j tin-evenin- is u-u i !y 1 1 1 - m t c-.i'- i i. n t tim - l"i- ,i.pl n : tli; I . ine ly.- - ' '('' .1 III : , ,. " ill-- W Hil l, Imr I wat.-r, if w- il. rb-rat u-iit the fund ion - siibs.-n , ,, .- u V '' ".it.r ornk. w- -ban s, ,- v..y ..harly why h..r I w..-.-; d- s s 1,.,. I. avin ..ii: . y !, ,v,t. a .-t , "-, " ' " ' U :.s . -kill. We lli.t 'il- In a - u- I il 'A IV. Ilia! i h- u-- -I u . , '- f. 'm-I, ih- M I . "'"" '- !" '! 'v ''' ' ' " '-v ""' ' v ' WtuU 'iek-- up l-y Ih- I.'. - I. w !! I, a. hiMnin water. ...-v, w - all ki. . ilia! a l.tpibl -in nils iii- " v , , Hen pi p-u-i ion of ; "".v 'd ; ! :e I I -i -, it w ipv t ui , I't-i'.!- af : ui!i, f, n, ! .. p i .iho,, .1 - aim - , it .. 1- ; ' i I ,1, , m,- ' : "''"'"''"' ' 1 '"i" 1 j ;i;n -iii' ol as,, niaf ri .' . all I also ,.,. I 1 It It I. Illlls .- ! , I- I t', ,1 T-l I --an,! -, the mil i w,!!!- r like a-i i h oi-'i I !...,. r d: -p put ol 'he load th- li: l .liii:ie;t -,t-. Mil 'I p'-U- a'u n. ouu.-. m v. ry ;m p. 'Haul .ind .1 !- ii.- ..-gm; noMoiy t,i- ; kldm-y and I. ad lor, I .rilling .lis use. , ; ,..,;, o,,,,!,,,.-,,,, ai- -f v, ry litth ; .-n, lit as articles of f . I. vet th.-v l.lav an llllpollalit pail 111 sllin'l atmg di iu ., :1S ,. ...r , ,,,,,..,g it is e. ''!' '' I In' pfilH Ip ll . olid nil. ll ' - i ay. line, inn.! ud, I. ;a h-li and viai g,l', an! should b u-ed wi!. .1 i -i i-lioii. Th.-r t oil - it.' ll-- i a , . s debility i:i ci-u tin ii..i.-., 1"..!. win:, ni-.-h m! Iv ii-. I, t! is lot vo! h i onsj-l. I, .- .-.-! ill-.- Win-it ell pan d wit h th- b t,. ih w,i, i, l-.iow. , .,. ,,.,,.. .. -.. t ;. j, . ,,,..,(, l(i ., :i ( , - ,. , ;,.,!, w-.-u.-l I'th -r w :- I- si .v. . a t 1 iiih-ii 'li a. t mi lie 1 i s (I,- .mi t i s-. .!. 1 . a.i in leniiy a-. ! . ; ' tlie app'-tile is !, ;i i.-nt tln-y ar.'U-.-It al.-l t iu, th- p iiil ii1 t : tl i a t'l.tii .. oth-i w i-- w -ui I. t'oiidim nt ar.- v iv Id nr. given pn p.-r ait -niio'i in tht .-it k lo-un. Tiie p lii'-at is Usually a'lowe I to u . t!i. in w it!i .nt siint, w her. as luu,-:! b, nelit may be oblain-d by t!n-ir ju lit i-u- u-e. !n n:a-y t a-e- i I' iiai:! ii i, l-l.u k p p- I" -iio o mil l ud . a l b- tak-n in ; uhH-ua! .j i an' it ie- a'.ol Willi great b. lo ,p r, ;i , f,. ,, ,. , w ',.-k-i c. u i- iu- e-h ill lit- common f. v. r iri-i a-U ' l lois cotinli -. ( ,y .p r is -I -p. , . p, ,.,,... ,. .,,,.,.,, w! tlll ,,. :l ,.... v f ,. ,., ,, ,-. - ., j,,,,,.., , f , , ., ,,.,,., ,, j )H - i Hon Fiv-.li Meal is Miippeil to liiigliiinl, AI! Am lie in- wli . vi-it I. ci-l m i s nie!x vvitli t h - t - n 1 -:-, . I , ! it - i -. i . juicy - ( ness .1 the !-:' an I i-i il tlie If b 1 an 1 r.--t till in n l nt What I- is kn -w a as n runi; -t ik tie!-, ...ill. I i-ouu I -;, ak ;n Aiu-i it a.lakt . iiai. 1 w ri wh.il i. ciil.c i tli- sal-iiu i i X -w- Yoli.. Tins com -s f: .,:n tli--fac! that a large u ti,,n of t h- I ..-.'( and inui i,,-, n .w t o.i- : sinned in l.'igl.-.nd and . pc-i.il!y I. ,!- ,l:i, i brought from Au-'.ra!ii. N. w Z a and, tie- K v-r l'i lie, I'llklni! 1-laud-, (' i.i nl i. w York, T . x is mi l nth. r .li-t.ui; places in a fro, n or chilled state. I'.,:- hi. c in- to b- an eiii.rm-'iw in I-i trv. n:i I v. '.. ue being ; t, , t i u i ii.-ii, all tu.-gri a'. heep ; ,,,,,1 calli- p: - i i. in., c unit ' ie- of th" ,i, .,f t-Miuers Ins n-- ; , , miy br-u -M i-it-. il-II i: In.l.i. d-'.-ks ;, ,-.ugo t,i .; -i. io calf is, . -d I, o n in U i ton, wlccll 1- the 111 -t . Mills ve colli: I- j billion y.t nn 1 ui tin I nil ot a single 1 ,r n I lie v. -for, th,- in,.-! n, i. w. nthe. I n7r,.f,i.g,.!:,.ig ,,.-hi..-y on board '. ti,u steam i i- a!-, tli- m--t i.iwtr'iil ! .1, , 1, , , 1 1, .. ., .;- . ,1 , ,, .1,1, I j iM ,, ,.,ivl.. l,.,vi-, b, , n i fio a p-r d iv. II -of is fr. . n bv I lie saut pi oet-. s, nnd 1 i u !,.: i , a!0 i. , ; ,,. i I.,. ,i, ,,., n Timely lul.irmiiti.in. i i- Han- v-u i mi I ii.e impoitatt lio'.l t .1-1 Miii.yl.ag'. doight.-i, .lick Y.s. i!io slurilV attached ' - v lything the f id m-i'i i-wns.- A--c Yuri Niii-'iii' May Hon ii. (u-lone, lion's tlii-; V'U cliargO ie si v.-n 1 1 Ills a j. 11', 1 f-.l s ig u. nr-n r I; - w.nih ih:,', i.,, t h; t u t.i:i-i Y.s; 1 UL y.-u sav on that placard "siig ir way down." (Im-.i Aii'lsu il i-, -ii. I keep it in the cellar cow. (.'.'.'. ADVERTISING One Miinv, one inscrtioii- ou, npiaio, I" M-rti'irm Os:e rii:nr', one month tl."" l.r.o - 3.00 Kit hiroor advertisements liboril cot.- W'iil I" IH.l'tf. In a (.nnlen. Eaby, see the liowors: -Hal.y s".s r.iirer things linn the- Fa'ror thURli th.-y Ih. than drrnm of Mir li-.l v, hear Ih" birds! -- I'ld i know , I'. tier l-ol-'s Ihllli tl'OiO, .' .v.--!- : ili.iii-ii il'.-y s.Mie tiiaii any words. I itl.v. s,... tin. in : P :!. ev.s I ..-null ! w .11' '.I 1' li -e. An-uei-,11-; liiit i h o. -j and ni'it with IlO'ill. JS.il.v. h. nr lie- s.-1! Halo'.. I.e .. Take- a ".raver tira-r T.-iiei e 1 w uli win I -r wleii ih- so-.i'i.l may I . lal.y, .." il: -In' - Isiby'. Inn I 'I en ; at iii r.ii.l !. ,i' 1. i,,',,, ,.;., ,,' . fil. tm( nii bale . luai t In- I.eN' ' l:.'ibv'- ii- -. I .: i ,-.- I 'I' I" -I . 1 ,-lll-t 1 1 .-Oil P- ibv ll , "A - - . ! i li', S.' ,.,-l s-.. P.: !,", -i- .i-,-iiiiis , hm: i -, 1 .lav -It ol sini .- unit. i. -l ii'-hl. I'o. ,- ' Ii i,i. - s- I ill uiiiioi s. ' ii, li- ie . i' n'l'.-l. :i, I n! .1 .. -II I i --.l ily make a inilli -n tin- ..f a leu'. . Ti..- b"V tl.i-t -i-i .i. d 1,;- auk', hi- a I V i line c. u e I'ol li-l all. I d'll.; ho.-l. A v. says that e i. i, er aliiiin-d Ie .'! h- I'takt - ll." ihii i. ei;:!i at labi- i il iii - th.-ie happ, ii . t . I y tn-ei-li l 1-r -i. "Y-'ii never hiive mi., h to say to th la ii- -. Mr. -iii:ax, 'i.e.i I- llnl:" "Wiii, i ii nr ha hm -, i !.- y 1. ive a" mu U i . -ay t" 11.-.." i:i i-i. Il'i-s'an it vine, more lliail tin p-rs,..s an- i ..gag-i in making , p , rg.ilis. v-t we Wcllder ill the " glow ! ol ll.lilii-m. j I' p. ! I III- '..id v if .a mail bo-, n 1 , b i-i bain I in I'.n -ih .uta . oiili'y, Wet I Vngii.ii. II re i- a warning to tin- la is !io ore xp-i ted lo bring bio k -in I'ti- j 111' 'il lie !-s ',, '. If I. iv-' bo .', -- : : in i " of c.l-1 iro-i, I c :, i wi;!i tin an I griV'-i, and then : piliit -l I' in c- i - an I variii-ii. d, mot! . .1 v., ui-1 -ti.i h in- c iii-c t- woii'b-i le v ,-i i.-miU lh ,! b .y g ,, (e. i s,- An Hill. . going ;l:e- ioiiiids ire.itiug tie- 1" -1 iih iii d ..,' pulling ;Lw ,y po- I it !an..'y ;' ol'out eight, in h:.e i-ys -.::-! tlnee gill, can - ! ,'" a!; -i! as -o- e, s,fuPv ( I'udii.g! , I'"' I : :i i ssi j ; f:y y v 1 1 i fb ak," !0- n, ok' 1 I lie u.ihip u i'.U lils mouth full' i " Ye-, " said th- w oiiiiu,, shortlv. "how ' w.-ud you have il rooke I, ro:i.lc 1 ' , "X., ccitainly Hot; broiled, mi. lam-, !,!.. 1. I may be .1 tramp," he added, ! p!a"it'-!y, but 1 nt :; i n-trii li.'' lh tiiimile iu Wnrfiire. In th.- . Vent ol a war on !a", I, ! o-.v t. '111 1 !;. a iiui:,- or th- t! ii I be u-ed.' a-k-d :-. N.w V-i-li. i", t-.-po:t.-r of I'ro--i M . -roll. " I'ii stunigesl in:, I ,,-s b hill 1 il l !:tii. colli I bo dei iioye 1 in a f -w liiiimt- b; -ly li.il.iite," 1. p'ied tlie I'lole-, "K ailr .:,.. colli I a!-, b-- -, u 1, 1 Us i. s to th- enemy in '.he san ina-i'i r. l l aitaekitig an at my pr.-tei !-d b e.u ' h work 1 sh -uhl u-e dy ii-iinite - lie!!-, in, 1 tii- sp .nt ini-ou-i j llui'l .-hells. T-i- y w -iiM disloti-o an iiimy o! .inv lu f t ! , tiie suicesi I i'lfiriii.- war .bpeiid-i upon tlu sitlo ; :li -l h i- I In- opp.. i in:: y to thto-.v tli i v.tlhy ui li,-"., couiahilng t!ii3 i ihii I. I In m ik,vg pi-s -, f.,r an army ov r ' ln '';'i:;1',;- ' would u-e large licld pei-s ' '" ,,lluV-''''. dyn. unite sliells. A l'i - j !' -:' 1 -!"'- w.-i.ld i h-ai away all th a I -' I J k withm r.i-lius of thirty I '" ' an ' '"I'ii atv.iucis c ud thus j '" ''' I a-' believe tltnt tlioba!- ' h-di-of wh.. h I h-ivc .-p-.k.i i . mid Ie ! ';" 1 1,1 I' "V""' ol destroying I ""I". '" ;" 1,1,1 ' '' " Tlii could I-.. '"" '" "i'-'l the sireiigili or I vai n' .-i any i m-'iiy, bv dropping .1 nvu on lii.ii! ! he spo-laii. .-us burning 1ui. '''''' Sl''l'-cx p'o 1 on Uepe-iocs horn any 1,1 "' 1 t'...o..lul , might choose. 1 i c! ! v.- 1 1 nl m I he lule.re btttlts will '' l'-"; h'"-h m th- a.r, v. .al miles iih"t- III- earth." No Sinner. 'I wo i liilnr. n l-eloiiging lo a lamily in llaltlold Wile toib i. llni to visit tho children of a ihrgym.ui I ccau-e it was supposed l!nt tin r..' w.-ro enough chiU li. n i-i tint I'ami'y t-. iii.ike up a goodly - j i -I - ! i tl," playgiouiid. One after noon out' (,f the t ielgymail's boys 1 lilllli- iug upui the fen,.- sh.-iited out: "ionm ov. r h. r. and piny w ith ine!" "I can't," repli-d the younger of the invit-d two, "mother say there's enough children in y- ur yaid." "Oli, p-haw ! come along!'' "I don't b.-ii.. mother wiil care v. rv inuch,' i.rd lie' ol ler, and h- begun to s.-alo th. f. n. o. II- w as interrupted by his younger broth, r witli this bit of Scrip, tun : "Wli-ii sinners entice thee, consent linn not." "Don't y.u cull me a sinner," camo from th- other si h of the femec, "i'iu a minister's hoy." Uu tjorJ, 2W. f ' If 'It