ljc l)atl)cua Uccorb. KDlTOlt AM) PKOPIUF.TOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (the fttettam RATIOS AD VERTISIMC Oni' siii:in one insertion- fl.Ob (mo f i tin ii I wo insertion.-; l.M) !.! ! f, oil. III II ' !s - '.'.01) For larger ii'lvi'iti-' i:'i !it ; lib-i ii "t trails will be 11 '. I 2.0(1 1.00 .10 Pronm Islands There nre many blessed islands Lying in tho sen of tlrenms. From who o Rlorioiu palm crowned high lands Daylight never dies, it seems; Where, in the hushes of the ringing Of the surf, we hear the Hinging Of Ihe soft nn 1 silvery streams, Aii'l forever Until in?, drifting Jly thi'ir slioresof sliim'ng sand, You nil I 1, sad eyes uplifting, I'll airl pas-, but dare not land. Bir.'iis beckon on the shore, Yet til to com. th in v rnioro Mortal bark upon that straw). - K. O. Cooke. The Cashier's Romance- l-.Y Hll.l-'.N K.'ItUKsT liltWKS. ''I'm almost coi tain that she has got ii story," sai l Fanny Till lnn "I cun !(-.? It In tlio expression of lirr faei'. I only wish I lni'l courage t ask her about it." It was a dull, rainy tiny one of the M''a! prcm.uiili.rs of the oipiinoot ial storm an 1 a there was not miioh doing nt the. store, the "iris took longer than II II il .".! til ir lunch. J' .iimy -nt on a puking box, tunic I ilpsi.l" low n, umhr t!ie stairway that lei down !o tin- "shipping room," slow ly mum hlng In i soda-crackers and smoked beef, an I IIHa II iy, her companion at till! kid-glove oi unto", (V;b l: alod at hi r ! 1 t, i atiug a i ait butter an I rasp, berry j i:i', w ith t!i he trtic-t of appetites. At th" mine nioii.ciit, Mi-s V r n a, the en hi r, came lightly down th" -tails ii Ii r : .ii k bin" s-rge gown, mill hi r s ilia-brow n braid ; of hair saining in the o'.lhpi light of tin' d:i-t-limine.! wi l dow'. Slice night Fanny's la-t sent nee-, anil pans '1 abrupt ly. "I'm a-k whom. - sai I she. "Who hi-; got a -t .rv r'' A el Fanny, -pin i'.' 1 on by a sud h n u mat. I I I of r :! i ;e .ti -vi ru-1 : " v.-u : Miss el on i -m ee I. In response, her f ic iv.-h col. I a:o 1 grave; but when it lighted ii , with t!i it i ii:- smile, it wa al soluti-ly brauihug 1 1 j -1 i 1 of In. inn offended, however, sir- sat cheerfully ilow u on th" olii'. r Ii ilf of the pckiNg box. "V'i'l :t.' light. Tullan," .-ai l she. 'I l.ave '"! a '-loiy, cl-o I never should have b. a ia this store. 1 wa-n't hi. light up to w !'., an 1 I ilon't like to sit behind a ( ahi"i'-'les i from morning until night any better than other people do." l':tniy Tull in'.s great, gray eyes 1'peiieil W III". "Oil, Mi-s Verona,'1 said she, "won't jou b ll :t t u-! ' "Of uir-0 I will." saiil tho cashier. 'Why shoiii'ln'l I.' Vol were very kind to ni", Fanny Tnllaii, when lir.t 1 mine, loii '.iom anil iio xpi rii nceil, to th" .-tore. It wrul I ho liar I imlecil if I couhlu't ilo as much to please mi l amuse you." The ruin patK lC'l n;;.iinst the ilu-t-b'urre 1 winlow; the wiml, shriekiii"; nitu nl tin' cunt'T, mule a iniiiatiiie m.ielslrom of shavings ami bits of piper in the In irk shift which it IT 'I'le 1 the only prospect ; ami Funny Tullaa mi l her fririi'l, Mi-s lla, en pt uji closer to Miss Veiona to I if ii- her wor U. "Of com-", xi.ii hivo iiliea'ly sur mise! that I am a i.-iluc" I l-uly,'' sal 1 she. "Thai y."' w itimut saying. ltut you woul'l . e.i'.ci Iy have imagine I that I n.ii onto an Ic iv.-s. Il'.inblowcr Hull that w.h Ilia name of the place - a beautiful olil lion---, down by the sea, llii, I love 1 that hoii-o ! -ami now I m ver shall see it any more. 1 1 . -1- lips .piivei'e.l ; the tears came into h r eyes for a v i: n I, a i'l t'ti'll sin: Went bravely on : "I5.it I ili'lu't know uiitii ipiite lately that th T" was a l.iw-u t ab i it. II ira blower il ill ; that s .iivj oiiier br i u h of tlio family bclieve.l that they lial a better ii;;lit to it than my mother aii'l . M inima in vi r t"bl me about it; ami, luckily, it was n t until after her death that that hate ful lawyer's letter came. Tho letter, I mean, that notified mo with a mock re spect that was worse than any inn Hint of downright iuflileiico would have b 'cu, that Hornblower Hall belonged to my fouith or lift'u cousin instead of me. There was something in it about my not beini; disturbed in the occupancy, if it suited me' to remain, but I could li-teii to no such belittlin"; proposition ns that. I tore the letter into pieces, and pu ked my personal belonijiiigs into ono little trunk and camo away. I took refuse with a relative of my mother, who lives, in a very ipiiet way, on Dilstoii street, iiikI it was she that helped me to (;et this situation; and there is my story." "Tlicbcirinninir," said Fanny Tullaii, nibbling up the last crumb of her lunch, "but not the end." "Why not tlu end;'' "Oh, because you'll sec that the end will be that you'll somehow jjo back to Hornblower H ill and tha cousin will l ; n stately, dark eye 1 aristocrat, who will fall headlong in love with you nt lirst i;ht," nodded Fanny. Miss Verona laughed in spite of her- tcir. "Thou lie m y fall out na;n," said sho. "There pies the b 'II. I must t back to work aud so must you child too; tho fairy story is over; tho wvik-ti-day Lour is beginning once more." Ono copy, ne year -One copy, six montlm . 0:id copy, three months VOL. IX. It was still raining hard when Miss Verona caine out into the dreary autumn dusk, where the wet pools glistened on Iho sidewalks, and tho gai lamps shone sulkily through the mist. From tho other sido of the street n shadow like fi;tiro approached, the radius of an umbrella extended it-i If owr her Ilea I and her arm was cam ly pulled under that of a tall yoiuu; man ia a water-proof coat. "Oh, Paul, is it you?" said Mi s Verona. "Yes, it is I," assur.'d a linn, ch "crful voice. "I knew you would forget your umbrella." "Yesterday's wind turned it inside out and split the gingham into ribbons," said Miss Verona, laughim;, as sho hurried ii!on' by the side of her cousin, Paul U itherme!. "Well, nt all events, it w is thoughtful of you to come for me, Paul. I'.ut you an; always' thoughtful." I'.iuUli 1 not answer it; it was hi way to be silent and aost I ar'e l. "Well, whit luck have you ha 1 at the printing-home to-day.'" asked Mi-s Verona. "The best of luck," ho unswi re-l. "Tin y have d. ei led to aecpt my in vctitmn, an I put il Into imme liale nw on every pre-s in th" place. I am to have live tlioiisan I dollars down, mid three thousand a year nyally en my pat'-ut as long as they use it --which, if it don't turn out a poorer thing than 1 believe will be forever and ever." "Oil, Paul!" cried Verona, bieath-les-ly. "I inn very gla I of this, Mary," hi; sai l. "Do you know why;'' "I can guess." "N", I ilon't believe you can pi:ti? ".11"--," lie said gently. "It i- beeail e this ha- prompt I in" t i speak out h it ha- long be mi on my iniiid -t i a-l voii, Mary, to be my wile'. Y. u i. re one of the women, dear, who should be a born piinc'.-s, in -lead of u ca-hier, diudglug all d iv io'i;. beiiind :t d' -'i. I want to put you on your throne a,'aia.'' ' D ir Paul !'' she wlii-pi red softly, nn I ju-t f-.r the fraction oi a ii.oiik nt herlitt.e bliii k straw bonnet ru-he I its c'uster cf si::!e! poppies n:;ail:-t his v.'iiterproof .-h'Oil'ier "only put me on the thione of y.'iir limit mi l keep me there, and thai i- nil I want. As lor my kingdom, why, Hornblower Mill -" What about fionibb.wer H ill "Pi rim; - ene il. y we may b" r'u Ii enough to lay il ! .ck. N"t hist et, Poll: we i re only beginning the woil l iis y t ; but so.i.c day." "Hoinblowcr Hall then be it," .-aid i'au , in his die any, far-off way. "Su -pose, Mary, that you mi I I and th" mother make a holid iy of to-moirow, and go up an i see what this imaginary p'nce is like." "Hut it i n't im igii.arv, an I I wouldn't for tile woild have the lu-ir siippi s.. (hat wc are pry ing abi nt t.e ien.isis that are lawfully h s.'1 ' o i, bin,' th" f-Ilowl" s iil Paul. "1 siip ose he e.in't forbi I i.s the p'iv.lege of looking at Mora I. lower II. ill, can he.'' Paul I! itherin. I had his way. He id ways did h iv his way, in a soft, im perturbable fa-hion, which you never fully compreh' n led until it ha I gotten the better of you i,:(t all i e iVi ry. 'I hey took the train tin' to t m rniun, all three of iheiu -I'iiul having sent a note of apology mill explanation to III proprietor of theempty cashier's cliair all I went up to Wc-tput, where a depot carriage took them to the sh no of tin' sound, where the salt wave.; were culling in fi amy fr.ngis to the very foundations of lb iiililower Hall. "Isn't it a sweet oi l place?'' cried Miss Verona. "Oli, how I long to hi! hero one again to be at home here !'' "It i-u't b.i I," said P..u', meditatively surveying its eray-stoiie towels and ca-omciit of stained Ltlass, the old sun dial at the south end of the house, and the u'roup of opposite the cedar'. Whiie old .Mrs. Ilithcriuel boldly ascended the l! ght of stone steps and rang Ihe bell. O.it came Mr. Peppcrtoii, the lawyer, smiiing and bowing, like an amiable J.iek-in-lhe-hij.x. "Happy to see you, Mr. K tln rmel !" silid he "most hap ie, I inn sure I Would you be so kind as to step in yourself and these h.lie- I've had tires lighted in all the rooms a siouc house like this is apt to be damp if ilisa't kept well aired and liiueli has been sent up from the hotel in the village. VV.i walk in, Miss Y'Toiia, your most obedi cut! lam exceedingly glad that you have been able to arrive at a satis actory arrangement with your cou-in, the heir.' ".My cousin, the heir! I think, Mr. Peppcrtoii, that you inii-t have gone (ut of your mind said Mary, draw ing her self up after n most stately manner. Hut Paul Kollierin I turned to her w ith a smil". ' "His mind is till right, Mary," said lie. "I am your cou-iti, two or three tidies removed, am I not? As for being the heir, that isn't imj fault, is it? The law suit was begun before I was born." "Paul, you have deceived me!'' cried Ma-y, with tla-hing eyes. Hut the next instant they softened into Iripiid light; her color ro-e beneath his tender ghince. "Have I, dearest ?'' he snid. "Not when I told you that I loved yo i. Th it is the main thing, isn't it, dearest? We ITITSnIM were going to bo happy without Horn blower Hall cannot we he happier Uill with it?" Ami Fanny Ttillnn and Ivla Hay came to the wedding lutd helped the bride re j ''ee. "The story has ended exactly as i ought to," sii'l Fanny "as I foretold it would ! ' "And now wc know that novels aren't a bit more romantic than real life!" as serted Mi-s Hav. - . '.?""' i.v Siyht. A Plilflienl .loker (bilwitlctl. Kccetitly a you ig ph i.i i.iu "f the Harvard M .'die.il S hool conceived the idea of playing a joke on Mi-s Annie Copeland, one of Ihe lady students of the College of Phisichuis and Surgeons, and at the same time rubbing cut nn old scorn he had laid up iigMiist her. His plans were carefully mapped out, and, cvi rylhing Icing in readiness, the I a ly Wits cill'.d upon to at lend a case of frac ture of the leg. Somewhat astonished, she promptly an vver.'d t h" -ilium ins of still. -ring huiuaiillv, confident in her abil ity to sudiiin the dignity of th" profe- '. sioii she had a looted. O i an iving at the residi m e indicid I, she was stir-j ii.- " 1 to ti id In r patient to be a man j about forty years eld, i.ppireiilly mi lb r- ' ing th.' most cxeiiii ial.ng pains. Mov-; ling the coveiiiig, .-he' discovered Hie ! i i,.... ... i... it i .i.... i i Nothing daunted, a id without showing J any evidence of hi t di-covcry, she pu-; etiy replaced the ci veriii', said she inu-t go lor some splints and bandages, and 1 would return hum- di.itcly. She did so, I bringing with her some small piei-. s of i bra and brads with which she at once i proceed d to repair the fractured limb. 1 I The surgical operati n was p ifonncd in .a remarkably s!i.l:pao' of lini", and thi: in jury lelt to the healing process of nature. She ipiielly gave the ncce-saiy j direction-, informed the man that he l would he all right in a day or two, an I I that her bill was if .'Y II is scam ly nec-I'-niy to say that the fie was not foith j coming, the matter being t r ate.l a-, a i goo 1 joke. N xt lii'irnaig, howa vcr, i Mi-s Copeland appeared on the seei.e w ttli a i mis iibl", and linn h loth' cha grin of the soli if llilliapilli, ('.lilted her fee. It would s c ii that, if the .young gia.liutes of Haivai'l Medical i School w i-h to get aln a I of the hi Iv stu ! dents of (he t'o!.-e of Phy-ii ia' s and Sur o!,s, th-ywill l.ave In i -e viy ' early, ;.lei u-e tnoi c br..ss I h:iii Mi- Cope. ; hind did in reducing the fracture of the ! wooden leg. 7A I',r,il. I He hail to he ( nil. I Ac rtiiiii D ti.ut puveau of great 1 wealth has hanging ia his drifting room a large mid hideous Ian in oil-, w hich ; s .ime Sh ingh.ii deah r in Paris induced him to buy, I le is very fond of taking a Ciller by the arm, leading him before the canv.ii and saving : j "iiViitpetuvelh.it. I'.y Maiiironi di i Vermicelli, you l .w. Paid sf'i11"! for 1 it in Paris and go; a 'groat bargain. ( rinmiug an i in m-nt An: -in an : 1 1 i -1 who I .-oni' times vi-ils D' troin ay-, ii'a worth i s-lo.iloii. I A few iliiy -ii:, this gentleman was j lunching at the D droit C u'., when the cat came mil of the ha.;. S uncoiie I Siiid: ' , old ( "lit pi-re nt says that you , have appraised that ! ii g 1 1 1 fi: 1 nightmare j "f his at . Id.iMlii. Is it tin J I The in ii -L answered, ,-ni'lingly: "I ' will tell vou how that happened. lie asked nn.' to dinner one day, and after we left the tiiole took me o s a- the pie ture an I told the usu il stoiy. Then turning abruptly, he :i-ke I ; "How much is that paint: n worth i" " 'Why, Mr. C ntpereent,' -aid I, '1 really would net like to place a value upon it.' '"Weil, I'd put it differently,' said I.e. 'How much would yen charge for such a picture?' " '1 don't mind saying,' I answered, 'that I would not paint such a picture for $IO,u0O. "I hid to be civil, you know." VrtrvU Fru l'roi. Pigeons ami Ciiumi. At a recent meeiiiig of the A 'iatoinic.il ' and Pathologic d S .eioiy of 1'iu-sels, M. I IKstree calh d the attention of tlie mem bers to the fact that cases of croup had been greatly an I -ti a lily on the iucrca-e I iu liuissels, so that croup mid diphtheria j were now epidemic then-; and he ven tured to suggest that there urght be, Some connection between the keeping of , pigeons and th: iceuirein of these tlis e ises. He pointed out tint Lmmeriels of Munich had found tho microbe of diphtheria hi these birds, and he himself had met with three cases uf i roup in j families where pigeons were kept, iu all ! of which cases signs of the d.se.ise had i appeared in the pigeons. M. ).-stieej hoped that members would bear this matter in niin 1, iu order that it might J be further olueid.v -I. i 'MY hi! I Fur!" j An austere-looking lady walked into a I fill m i's yesterday, ami sai l to the yel low-headed clerk : "I would Lke to get a imiff." "What fur?" impure I the du I '. "To keep my ban D w ar.n, you simper pig idiot," exclaimed the madame, crushing him l.ko a thunder -tuna. - -Wiithiiittvn Critic. CHATHAM CO., N. C ( IllLDKF.X'S rOM'M. IVtniMnic Vnrn. Little E.lith, n four ye. M girl. Win.) ng yar.i for her mother one Jay (iot it II in a tangled twirl, I'nmeti) her mint in n helple s way Wiih a laee whose plcadiiu ehat ni T. v h iiil"it Ir art wuul I in, -'iy-, "i. auntie, plen-'tix 'his yarn In iiii' k l urry, 'fore mamma cones in.'1 , ' Amnio wiih patience went lowork, All : nn nth tho tnng'e l slosn she drew , With practiced hand. j:nve n g. -nt!e j"rl; 1 Again the th. cad w; iil smoothly ami tru. ii o er licit lit t lo fico there i'l'oku ! A in le mi s' fair to we; j ; With eh Id .-li ti-iinnph. Mm. she spoke, j "We lixnl in, mint i', you aii'l me.'' j l l''l' fossil?' II. j 'lulrr Mrfprri. There nre seine kit ds of animals that , hide away in th.. winter, that an: not wiiollv ii-l rp all the tune. The blood moves a httl", tin I out" in awhile tiny ; take a breath. Ii ii"' weather is. at all Mild, they wake up enough to eat. Now, i-n't i. itiii'iis that I hoy know lad thi lioforeh -Hid ! Such niiim.il I always lay up so:n thing to eat, ju-t by : their side, wlnn tiny go into their winter sleeping places, Ihil those that I do not wake up in vcr lay up any fo id; for it would not be use d if they did. ' 'I h little-lield iivu-e lays up mils ami 'grain. It e:i!s some when it is putly j iiw ake on a vni in day, j The hiit due not i.'. il to do this, foi I the ,-anie wniiuth lh.it wakes him Wakes i all the insects . u which he feeds. He ! catches some and th u cits When he . i- going to slei p aiiin, he hangs him- If up by hi- hind claws. The woodchiii k ii kind f i.iaiuiot, does imt wake, jet he lavs up dried grass near his it- 1 What is it for do ! you think? i purpo-i: to have it p-ady j the lir-! in-id i. nt l.e w:ikes in the spring, i Then he can eat i.ud be strong before he collies oil! of his hole. 1 low many I hings are sleeping in the w liter! P. ants too. a- well as animal-. What a I -ii -y time th- y must have in j waking up, and how little we think I about it! Tin! same (i ll that teaches j ihe lit-!-1 ni oise to lay up nuts and grain, and the woo.lchiiek to pile tho dried gr;i'- near the ino:i!':i of it- hoi", leaehe, i us to prepare for ur waking after the long sleep of death. t In -I Ir l. i nips. "Why, Lionel, what are you trying to do:'' ii-ked bis mother, coming inl" n dark loom the other evening, wh-re she d -o .vero I him. There he sat by the ti. be' trying to re id by the Ii ,'ht of a do. :! or so uf lire -flies ii ider a ghist. 'Trying :i few c.xpeiiiu- nt-," he re pii.-d, soberly : "1 think I've i'.:iO'. red ;i way to lessen gas bids, if I e mid only f.'t d these little fellows to make them ".ii w larger." "I'm afraid you will fail, like Dome other great invi utors," she said; "fi.r the mo.-.cy saved on gas, you weiiM soon hiive to spend im siei tae'n s. Now if you lived in the West Indies, Lionel, y u could get p i nty of huge .- ones, and yu would only need lire or six of them under a ghi-., to enable v-m to lead the sma'Iesl print. Your um le told me once licit when he visile 1 St. Domingo saw m iny people Use tin in in pi I candies, by putting several "f tie 111 ill u gl.i-s v.-sscl. 1 le al-o .Siii i that at out of t heir festivals he saw in my of the women wearing ti'cm on then -irc.--c.-i for ornaments." "Or hi a Lights ; ipi'ie attractive!" in tei'Mlple I the boy, laic h i :i "And n he.id!:ght or :i toicli will :it tra. t the-i- insects, loo," continued hi tln r. " bile y. oil' um le w:i-in the Li Ii. -, the mo. ipiito.-s :iln:-'-t ilivoiiied I. im during tin: nights, a:al one time when h-' w is complaining to a mitiie, tli.it person a I vised him to use a torch, and r.ilcli a lot of the lire il is to keep the mosi'i;toos away. Tic hint was u' lir-t treated a-: :i j-'ke, but limoly lie be eail t.) i' x pt 1 1 n ir ut with tie ni, and loilnd that ihe large lire tins, when tinned loose iu a iMoiii I'll I of inostpi't-.' a, Would cha-c tin in iii'-ii'i-l and make hao-. among tl.t in. All- r this ili-covny 1k was never much troubled with the est-, Hut let's go on! upon the veranda and witch the th"iis.iud- of them flung iiroun I." "I vii.'ss I w ill," he replied, "for I cannot see very well by this light." The air seemed full of ihein. They dal t. d hither aud thilin r. tl isiiing their tiny lights 111. ' a m i ;uil:i ent displ iy of fireworks. (Vcnsio.t il-y one. would be s fti living through 'he air ami throwing out a long, lingering glow, which up p".ired like th" tail of a very small corn el, while down towa'-l the river til: scene whs pi'i lectly grand. "Millions of them! Wonderful!'' Wi'ie tin exctaniiitio i-.- - Cor.t!. A Lost IViuiy. A ir.otiicr gave In r little boy two bright, new pennies ami asked him what he was going to do with litem. Altera moment's thought the child replied: 'I an. going to give one to the missionaries 1111 1 "ltU h' t,:!"'' 1 '"" n',i'K ,0 buy :; suck oi eaii'iy. .vior a wnile lie re tuiiied fiom his pi. iy and told his mother tiiiit he had h-t one of the pennies. "Which did you lose (' she asked. "I h -t the nc'sionaiy p'-nev," he iii'oiniillv replied. How many erowii people arc , like that lit: I- hoy '. - .' i."n( JW-jt-'.t .JANTAIiY 20, 17. II0KSK JIAWTS. Something About EUino Wnys find Peculiarities. Horses Dixpesed to ho Geu'.Ii or Bav.ig? AccorJ'llg to Trea'.mint. A gentleman win has made a study of horses and their haiin l. rist cs for year iiu 1 who is the owner of a n umber of lino iinim ils, w :is show n by a New Yoik IA id tin I Fth'oh rcporlcr, an item tha! has been going the rounds of the pro s about a horse becoming insane, "1 do not believe there is any mob thing as insanity among horses," he said. "A horse may become w ild and ir in'iiiage- able from pain, such as the toothache, or because of cruel and biutal treatment or fright, but it honly a temporary affection. !Jut I will not deny that many hor-o-ii re natural fools. I have in fact sen many such, on which there was no depend-, nee, and a t h ar:u ti r:-t ie of which is the taking up of a im-utli'iil of hay and to -sing it about, making fn ipient'.y no headway in citing. Su h horses show no n IT-lion, and a rtr.mg. r nn drive them as readily as one who ha handled them for years, which is not th ease with an intelligent li-r-e. One thing that m ikes a hor-e nerviri; are these fancy curb bits, which bur! " hoi-." coii-i ler.'ibl v, and 1 at I r bute a gr- a! deal of thi- so-called vie ioii-r.ov, to taisj con trivances. No, sir; I do not t mi be li vi- iu n " I mill viciou-u"si in :i hor-e. To ill-lre.'ltmi nt this is :i due. Take il high r-ti ii ig, ii 'ivoiis horse and it doc. Il'it Ifiplile llilleh iii-tle -tiln l.t l make l.nii vicious. lev si t u hor-cs and owned them which wold be pei ft i t Iy gentle ill h ill. i s- and ill the stable, but the m. uncut they w-ail I see III' take up a sli.'i or w hip would a! once seem to eh inge their dispositions and try to jump upon me and o!h i wi-e tlo me harm. Out We-t hot Mimm'r I came across a black hor-e whith had killed three lileii, and whit h worked six III lb s to dealh. II" was worked tWcive j ins day and li ght on a stage lo.ieh. He would trample both iii'-n and lo niales to death the in nn- nt lle y caine too near him. lint l e was il --al"l, brutally In at. d, ad th- lime. Why, every time i hey put a iinn -son him I hey would keep him goaded wiih a pitehfoik so that le tumble! with fear all the I iu . It w:i- .(ii.le a -ight to sec him harnessed. Alter the harne-s w as snajipctl about him a heavy lope was tied about his net k and tin il he wou'd be cubbed over the head and backed out of the stall. Then Ihe lope would j be thrown nvi r a beam and the i:n n would take lh" bridle and club him with it on the head so as to stun him before they could get it on. He w is a large, j powerful animal, and fuc loohi ig. Y'e'. 1 to -day that hois ' is as gentle as a kinom YYIiysn? lh cause he p::-.-. d into (.iher hands fr..tn which he ntiivt.1 kind treatment ; that is ail In muled. "I have a light sonei hols' nann-d ow-ly, which 1 have owned a In u. two years. He was very high .-t I u:ig and a notorious runaway when I got hiin. The m:i:i who sold him to lite confe-s- d thai no impreioii could l-e in i f - mi tic horse's mouth. I began with gentle I rent nn ul and letting him know that 1 was his nia-t'T ami iln-v him wiih a sti.iight bit. At the -t :r: h" kit Lo i straight out of I he traces. Nov. he is Mibdued and gentle, and the moment I -peak b. I:. ill he ob y can I will ome every w here I" in" al the sound of my voice. He has a tiait that cm liiueli amusement. We allowed him to run in pasture with a mate. I! .w.lv wa lkways u groat fem e jump r, but his mate was not on the t ill. ii n to gether, Howdy would leap a fence and ! then seeing his mate d- eline to follow, would al first coa.x by jumping it ov- r j severa! times back an I forth, and at i last, seeing this would not sii'-cecd. v, ...lid b gin bilii; til : o'.'tT o:i" an 1 pii-tung it Willi ins iios - Hutu ue com- i I el leil it to jump. While wo-t 1 noticed thai I " "I" "" luT-es arc Lili'lc I the i-anic as oxt u, " . . , , " .' ' ' In I.,.,.. , I .,., I.. .. . .,' I I I . ' , .' " ' , ' 1 1 u e c e i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 g ei--. am-ui a ii"r t .ei him have col li It in t' in hi- lua-t r an 1 lit: w ill do anything. 1 saw an odd in- l.o,..,, ,.f .. le.IL . I ..,,1 l. 1: w;is iu Mlchi ;an an I he was atta- h 1 t i a light buggy. The hor-1 wns v ry l.ir;c, ami would f:li l.; e to l.soi pounds. They wcic on a!ec i::d idler going about eighty rods the h.-ro-stopped short and would not bu Ig'. II was beaten, knocked and whipped but without avail. I hen :i joke of cattle I was brought up and fiot.-n. .1, to which I t :,y. Mr. Simp on," sh- - ii-l, "au-l ; was a chain which was fa-tcne 1 iib.-ut I ,,!,! k,,:,r,. y.,r f.-cliiig-. f..r ii c-m the horse's neck. Tha! lnu-e xv:is ,., v.-r, nev. r bo. I esteem you highly, diaggetl half a mile by the cut!-', and j and w ill be a -i-ler 1 ." then was as stubborn as at lii-t. M -J "1 have fotu -i-ter-aire , iv," he re was finaliv left alone and after stand in.' I i.'n d. bitti ilv ; "four . r.'wn s'-t- r- and seven hoiiis starte 1 up ail light of his own accord. The ttoob. is that when n horse get- balky people lo-e their tem pers, and this only imikes mat ters worse. The only sure remedy f"f a balky hor-e is to blind fold him by ban-ling his i v- s. I never knew this to fail, as it seems to takeaway the animal's attention fiom the Mibj. i t over which l.e i- s ubboin. A wise man will iine mote oppi-r- i Utilities than he finds, j No. 2. llahlts of Whales. Iu the winl r si-a-on tin-re no whah'S ! in the Arctic o .can, for lie good rea-on thai lley can ict I.', a there when the vvaier i- fro, .a over s i ti.-i there ;ire no I r 'a t It . ti g -j .,(e. ., , i on s I-1 el ;i 1 1 !.i u::m. '. In r 'tie siijij I Ii die cv iy y ;l" by! being caught un I- r ii " thiek that when they e Hue to I le.'it h : they can In-l , break the ice. -'riiirlv a d ..'!! or' Inor.: whales may be s" il in th" small ! iiicis of op ;n ur r sun' mi i le I bv ic-: ! wheio no ship i-.m go, or n .t without grent'-r perils than on, 'hi t . bo cncoiir- i aged. Ji,s v.'h-r.; ui! the an tlo whahs ; w int. r im . Ion ; ! m : m . e.-' 1 ) i-'sjun. I Tiny are foil:; 1 all along III" ca-t of Calif i.iila ibii'ii ; ...i;i- .! the winter' in mill-. I! ii th. ia leu-ling groiinils ; are the 1 ovr la'i'o I , : at Maglaleiie HiV and in th" sli lilow have of the j I. over -xic:l!l I- .1l. It is plolellii" ! that -urn-' g do.'. :: a- th ( i'.i- .i Aui'-r- j ic -in I. All t i. i .go' w i il-s - i a i I'ong ihe c-.i t I i n il i i 1 : - r tic Arctic, j altiioiigh i: w if I s em i!i;t the gr- at :r j nuinber d. M .tie a!" folia! in th" j CUll'tsk s - .!: I ,1 ... tV .,.;,.( of Si- ' I' r'a. Tli-' li-.d,: w !..;! I. .".it hi- 1 siiiinic r fe 1: 'i ; j. I, j.i ii gh Lit tu l"s. The atijiu il lui'-ii tl .ii an i r - j turn isco'intel ..u v. th tl." '.: tt-..( . r- j tiiiiily. A - iti'.n;. v. ii.i - ' -in out, t- th Arctic iu autumn i i sh r i'i lh" -pi ing. Tiiev- I i :- .-.iv r.i ft. oji ri lion- of the wh'ilin : ll 1-. II in--' after ll.cAi'lie villi:.-. -.- iso;i i- i-vr many -hip- dl-i i. ng. i i i -'!il it oa. e, a'ci l'o low n tii i o ;.' .- ..,i.,t -rv t" a lat r ei ills- in high la'itii b--. A t several point- :d"li:r fl" ' ' i I in I '.i- :.ite th"!'" ill" -ll-'I'e sl.iJi ..- v.li- e at .ilsidelMl'le i-uiiib. I "I '. i i . i i ii - i .hi :1a ;t- they go up and down tl. a-t. '-. Fun.'-i-v :,' ,. A YYill llreil ( iin ier Pigeon. Tllel'e ale II llll I If' 1 1 ft a . s oi r I ;lli. ing il Well 111- . I, plolni-'iilg l.i' d. Will'll JO'.I SO" oil" wi'h .:; f.'.'lth. I-. li'lv t I'-et.'d t i tie- i""l.'. w.l i tli" wing-; -ilb.taat.a! and li.it ,'v j . ; :i . . :i . d to th f'.ilil, wi'.h a full le ei lioiii tin- t ii I of the 1 1. ok, w lit 'h -!i if; of the wing fcilh- is alnio ! i il ::.le al lh" i :i i, w.th a d. . o, l-i .. el i li. -t ;,:i I ii w id o' rl:l'pillg We1' wlell slop: the air from i il -Ii ii ; I'iu ueh when ::i Ibgl.t, v. .it can bet n'l the w - i I. a u mi ite I , c-e A lain that th it. lor i will . i:v u! i 1 l-tbi- 1- ' : I. A- the I ,,! :!i Im- i 1- ln- .l "t tioit an I eii Liiauc", tli"-" m t liarg-: of breeder--, eai'i: ! b. . . i ,,r':-' i'-i i:: - ing III il th v r.e or - I - . r:. F -r .i.ili cult W"i'k i.i. I i.e'r-.c;. s i-i, i- b t vMt n '.' an i o i .' ;. :: or lh' I--I. I'l.c r ;t'iibri..:i i- ilea a: its h-;!:i. Fit 'pi"li'iv a b v. b r I w I . :. In'-,- :, 'on- Il .h:- u-.t I !. ,- i- at!-. th - a -,- -. year-. Aio i 1 1, .t: uae !,,-, .,, ..vol..'.:.- :i v b-r br ii;i,- iee;,,., .,,.- r. f. - i. Ilililtiiig feline- 1. 1 s i ;i . A' no g l:. ta-'l , ni V i .. w , .- . peCiliiV il s--l . iie I 1 1 - i, -i,:,e u.l , f the i un. .lis way l:i v. :, e i th v ii . b. -:, III. l ie ti- fit to ... a ihe i '.i . tiib, or limit in ; I" -, .: I, and th, t ,r ,i a1, or de-i rt Iv t v.. H . i. ,1 - a- ;.i a s aie trained in Di l i, V i, a : i :b a ., catch game ! ! tl. it . -:e i-, lie- en. i !:i': tako.g her ,.e,l tli c.r .-.'. t iking parti id o . ti in .- in, a ..! i '.i; ; w ing- d g ti i . T. pr .-- i .-I' tea,! an I train n ; i. a --u: ' . ;:i the I; ,-t is i f very : . at I it . T. , I,,-, t ,. tigur. d i n A -j i an b ,- ;. i i t ." ac,- of -i.i ii ; -in a:i:e'o,, j ; r,.s -.-. sent" I a'- i on II i-;i' a 'e .en:,, v.: d ting al.-.-r ;;..:. p.' t ., , : . t!. an to :!- b:-.ei : .1 :u by w v o. I , II. :;,- '.., the k.u. - ot T .'. bj t:,.. 1 : i !-. t.:i", "1 tin' I . p 1 N i". h i i : I p w ith :: Vi I' "I il llll it t il c ' I -:'. A e !' ..., i. As Hie Hbl ll .mails Hid. )i. II -ll s.,. a II -i ,., ... .u;. I'- r health, is w ii a . -i I iie b.-ner lil litloll of teeth, It W. llel I. b Iter t,l j eat W he it a- t' c .1 i !,' . nail - .:.iels .1 id, I and d.i away with tilling. I'lm-.-! wliciit I ui tl-ioii.'.li a -milt ic mr.l. ,.,iv...l ill. I':.,-, e en!. ..1 , , ., , . , steamed or b .ll" 1 in a -loiil.l I, i l I tie I',,-' I'll hour-, Wll'tl sailed, iv. d h-t ' col I, w i th bu: . i or w . U in . a i i r- .im, alai." an I ll ll.i s an , x.-'p: i-ei.i le illhv de'e li .- :i fi r o :e poll l 1 Is -inh r a iical f-'i' lll'.-t of ti " a h.- ei hv (our p' ls.'ii., i ,i; I el. ni- iit- tha: ln,l:i.i:i ho.lv.' His Hi'lcnge. Sli" W Isll'l Veil J 'ill:, i'lit she b.il ni 'i! y. He di I'i'l want the earth. ' )i litest," he began, I ut -he slopped bin,. "I anti uoal wh it -ei ar-' about life is a hi-b . us I nub n. H it, oh, Clara," he want on pa ion id ly, ",f y. u cannot be mi wif ,wiil vou not give mo a mother's pr.'tri ting love? I'm an orphan. " A Siiilahlo Present. "Charley, I wondi r w lint would be a ii.ee present to give pa lor his birthday ;'" a-k-' 1 Clara. "li.ve Irm n pair of pa-Mo.1 slippi-r-- ' suggested Charley, gloomily. Jlio YYorlil. fll" WOI'I 1 is a 'lle.-l' old fellow. As v oil journey along by his s'i). V.-u In. I lett r eoneeal any trciiblii you f.el If y.ei want to I a l;!.- In- pl'i.l". No matter how heavy your lnu-len 1 1 .'i t ie:l lii.n about it, pray, ii" v.ail .-ul y grow eo'il--i' aii'l shrug hid -li..iil-l"- Au-l iiiirr.eliy walk aw.ay. I! t e.-o . Inl y v r yi iii- -.rrow, A:l 1 the Woil l w.li l-e j-.tir fri.-ii'l. II .-ii'y y. n il I, my jour woes nn 1 be merry Ii. i! ill:,' to ..a el. - 'oil;.- clld. I ' -.-r. a-ii loin to lit: one linger '! .. li -liiea v ..ur lui'd-n. b -' in--' li in .a- w.l !,. e it. but s lout ly beiir i'. .n 1 he wi.i he ion 1 w ith api-iiii"', 'I'.i" -v .-r d '.- a '. am .-11 I.- ..w, V -a i. iu-: in..:!: at ir- -allies of wit M" i-i it :. t-i w bi iiial, it iii-.ii-ti .ini 1 as fu !!' onlfi- wn wiiliio' - li in-e lulu ":,e whii. An i - .' n i.i -: i n n v tojether I '. u .: I . ' I: r- a. I in 1 1 i ' :.'.-: go. Key i,l, !,..;. - n. : i , n- t . I: -op ill 1-is I IV-'-. 1". i. '- ;u: -I'tin , ' .; u' io . n ;,. , 11 c il I Vo:;! s. A ' "I -ll ''I a!. ', i" ic:.'! '. Ti,.. f . i d- i p -io: Tie iu.tinathy I I . -';: I li'..- . n pig,' b.-t all the ' i . .l A e j,i,l stIIV J o'l doll'l .' ll is -a. I . t ii l:t- i.i' iiai'le j ..-fi man i'l 't h- I' V- r - ael .!- th.ng l"l! a can- I ' "Wi. ,i I. li lie ; -ei. ,'c e-y uat-:" -le "!. a le. fi" r. Th an- vr piobably i-: "i'ia.-v " -.' -." ,1 - - - j ' i i ' i M.io I iOi:io:i".e - hat "the Wo, I ! : . :e.t .:i u- - ,,! r- .1 p.. !-.'' This, ll-".V '. r, -I I.ot d.-l oli-.lge the JloclS. T e :. i- :i gie.it a lend ig ill 'lri-ssii g I il' t ly. T-.' i" i- ii In r i" -'.,-ioii e, in n il i -. .'.-. ,.l ,:i' t-i lie abb to In ar ., p u drop. I l.e.i- ii ' p.itj (i.J hod C'l'li'M)! "And d . v i, g.. i :!..,! ia-l I. : all day I- :.:. :" P..' : ' N ., .-.u ; I. .1 ov the to :n li , ii'ii .1 u " "V'"i t m't expe. t a man o;' my trade to i'i" this - ril.e," -aid a . i' p"i If nt r. " h. II a- io -I tin- w i killg dele- ite. "II . .ii . we :.i'o only c i I i t k iigilts, al.i w. - .ill lai-e in-.!, du-t by w " kin g than I": li i--. I! a-tlni llagti-hiiiaii - Win .) 1 was at I : ti. :. 11 i gland, -:', I lived iu a hiiiid : 'lie : loin mansion, an I Was walled "ii by Wcibp'tiil servant-, an I was in tin) - ' ice the g v- : n in :d. i'i.'ll I ical Am. I.- .::. W .!. n . .v, yo.i -i-.n'l look iiee a in oi u,.. !, , i I --'-: i in j ii!. V .u'i! l av to b ' pi I y ,-. : :1 ov r here.'1 A I'.il Heilil ill- ;ii.li'ill U-. An Ve-w dm i - .!", a:: apparatus ti'i" ::t iy - -a-tri:' :-- 1 !' r the indi-liil . !,' - . f Pr :. -;- i !: -er, Oi-rti I a:.! Ig!,-: in in th- ioli-w ig.; huiu.-ioii-.' I) : "lina.-i'i" to y,i :is li it getitl. man ot a b rman i- i , t ..a I : g, t.cid.ug in a i f Ir. .eliiii I, and hard at W -, ii uyiii ; to iu .i,'.i an im uinciy -'.ilea- 1 w ! 1 1 . i -' l ' e - g t: lug u'.ove lh) lii -! -! p, i a :: nil': i-. tie' u;p-r on -s .te -. si-l -.til ly to. - -i; i g on h r I.i- weig.it. To" e xer.-i -e in ;j -: i-n gt le n hi, lungs a 'I i v- ii make h.i.i .'-e a j.oiiu i or two "f .id p..-, I 'd the ! -! il , If, el. v.'.-ltld be I lit l.a'l i . u p:: h I .1 lie- bumh-r oi :' I !.-...-! ' . ;; a. i.i. I. i 1 ..e, a'- i, i'l 1- loi--:' to th:s -in it! i I'-.i'inuai'i as en e t.-i- n, lal.- ;i i ire .- provi-b- l'"i a c .ire- ' n i ing . ii. o.go i ! ;,,r. The physh-.tl e. li''l .'! c -ill illil o-i-iv ill seendil-g -t p-, ' oi . . the unhappy i buiber lu set In t o", a y i i-i .-i i'cllow s, v, hii h Ml', -h the out i an ,...I bl u ii full ill Io- I.i. -g In-t. i l t tic i .-;i,'i. -ii -tr.-i t ti, how " er. th - v . ton . in al-o ... n : i I " I r . i i . e a ' i n-,,.1. gaa!" I with ex tract oi pi'a a. ; ': i ; ii r ioi'.-i tree-, and -: ti. tla l i by pro-'.; r i g bin-, w it hiu th W .!!- "I lh" d.V. tie' :i u i .11 of till ing his brigs with si:-' '-. i :g.-i a: -u :cr o! hi h 1 1 1 . -1 1 " t aii.-, H - ile- -i.i tic ., the t p- re . '"i-'l e i. .1 .n to be plat i d ni"'" pi i -pen .' i ii'ar.y , 'f .le-iie.!, iii imi tate.il ,. a s, , , ;,, ',.:,! ,,. '., , .1 ., ,.. Mcl li(" '.lll'ss. S e. .su ei pi. 'iiii.li 1 1 1 tii cases . ii: oi I. n, -a', s i w i I:. . " ' -sell, ; i a i-. I in- c ".: .n;t :! iii - ii . 1 -;m:.i oi w.-iiy. I'h e.i.:li.:iles o! ::: bruin li. . oil' -tl"!. h" i .1'! I .S"'' ,; r-s-lleu- iv; tiey.ire i ci i i . I. '.be ;-, roie, to empty thegi-elve- o! bl--,. 1 w hell lh" hour of !'! e eii' s i-'l : I, a i I - w ikefuiln.'si to i'i . ii s fu- into tin- i.i .lr, ii itil tho b .ily i- iai-v w :: - -.I! and -inks into the I'd h t r x ol ii in : i i;i. It will bo ". :l for pe.-p!-' v. do uiV -r thus In at ogre lake a h"ii 1 iy. V--a ay you can -not ; thai !ei-iee-s w li n -t ji 'iimt you. 1 ! ei''! thi- v.'i v niiich. Would you :'-:-'iy th'o'.v ymi l ie, or pioleoily your I a- .ii, aw iv for Ihe -ake o! biisiue ? Th" .pi. sli. n is olio you ought to try to a.i-wer. I'.ut ir i- :;:;, privilege to toll j ou thai, iu the cu Her stages of -leep'.css-iie--, a ft w we. k- -lav at a bracing sea--i h- I oo often act- lik" magic, people, i' 'urn hoiii" I-- I '!.-. I ' b. alth and calm I-'.inn Ik-iii" to positively wonder Unit tie c ii. s and woni.s that s bothered tl-'lll colli I have been ,-iuh bogies. Aii vein! other I'melhs for sleepless i -'-s I pki. e el.ang' of air ami change of i- in', in conjunction with plain nulri- 'i- diet nn I a iu .re natural way of ii'i'ig. tf.'i! W 6 s. p. h

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