hot mmnmfikjm l)c il)atl)Mtt Hcrorii i:inoi: and riuM'iiir.itii;. 0II)c Cljatljam ttccorb kati;s ADVERTISING tin -.U:ni', out' insertion- tl-Ol' (in.- . i im i- . two insertions - l-M ( lll I j Hi) I lilt- IIK ll t ll " For larycr advertisements liberal col! tracts will he made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, .mi1 year One copy, six months . One copy, thicr months I MI TSi:oK) CHATHAM CO., N. (.. l AMW1J Y 27, ss7. No. 'J I. VOL. IX. Ml A lYnniiin'K Porlrnl, BlespiiiR (h" ('"i made her m, .Anil of week day lio mess Full from lii'r roisele.s us llie snow, for tin; slip ever e lint'ccl to Know That an jht were easier thin t lilos fche is nil st fnlr. nrd thereunto Her lifetloth riplitly liartiu-nii-.o; Kwlinp or thought Unit was not trua Ne'er nimlo less Irnui iful the hliie, t'lielowletl heaven of her eyes. (she is a wi innn: one in whom The sprine tune of licr rlnlilisli yrnn Hath never lo-t its fre.h perfume. Thi.ugli knowing we I Unit life liatli room Kor iiiaiiy Mights and ninny tears. .'oeies Utiwr'f I.otrrll. BEHIND 1HE COUNTER, "My first ilny at the store'.-' said Car r' AVal.ingford, with u curious thrill through licr, as if in ice cold stream were trickling down the line of her spi nal column. '"Oil, I wish I were u rieh girl, an I didn't li.ive to work!" "Wink is loeoiMli'e, my rliihl," .1 i I old I'm ie Wolsey, wh. with lit - - ( ;: cles on his n..-.- wa. trying to spc 1 through the iin -g li'e paragraphs of tin daily pap-r, inn it nil.' I i hiiii-elf tha' "tiller they ! 1 :i" I iiint us gno-l us (ley tl-c I to. ei i l-i l.i- .'H i i .giit was "V.s, 1 k l 'W," ll - I'Ut I'm mij w.lhi should hue th - i.o;: I'nele Wo's ) tin. 1 1 ti I far: ;: t!nt in r '.his t Mil . 1 his -la- 'ill im mild repii :e !i upo i his n'ci 's pi w hite l a!-ani of a t' e e. "I wish I . . ill I Ii a- I -rave I'nele AVol t v '." - H I irtv, as you. tied she the i unison stiin-- i f her little rap ii 1 1 1 1 -1 In r i mud i Old Wois. Va:iir,-:i id had In It. le I his little p. t lamli l.y hi- h.ait'i :.dd all her liletinie until leov. lie . a ew. irhytiaie, and le hid I.' pt In impn tetnliiiu stole op, n a- lue.e. as p.-s-ilih. I'.iit tl i ti 1. ol f ,-hioii went hy, aad 1. f: him stianded on it. i in ft - ti nl I sj.lo sliiet. w'it i- the -i ii of the I .misled siivei wati h a' ti e ted no fill llui atti ll ten. And o ! ,v. m! 1 ,ad s. 1 all day in the wiieUw with ii - m e.'nii'ynii; ! i-s. winking at some i:a; i!.r ill time piei e. wlioo- owni r : 1 da dainl never railed for it, the twei-jl.t dipt dnkly nvi r liis tyisiht an. heait. lie laid down hi. to .!-. "Ad day lonj," Slid he, '.Hid m vi r a customer! Well a 1 i ' it is tun f i tin old man to shut up ills store at Let." lie went out and put up the woo I n shutters, with a le ait that was ho iviet than they, and lr in that time lln im fm ward the wo nh ti imitation of tin- i! Ver w.iteh swuiii; no ou ;er ovirthe do..:. l ilt le Woisi y h el In e:i e n i n .1 in life's haltle, an I had laid down hisaiius, and now it wasthat Carry reluctantly threw heist If into the lir-aidi. How touid she let the dear old man starvi ? And Mr. I'u kreli's fain y and dry floods store mi itli avenue was really a very t ie-lit ili!e estahlishment, mill Mis. I'ii kivll heisi-lf had proinisi-l, fiotu the severe In iyhts of tie1 ei-hiei's desk, to "keep an ye" upon oid " 1 1 . WalMlle;fod's 111, IV, old if In r s-Vlee. proved tlesiiahle, tin re n.r. no sort o: doulit hut that In r ..alary would he in crtased ii time. So Carry Imttoin d up In r vick, drew en her in at - tlnead gloves an d took the little Imski I, ill which, wrapped in a napkin, was packed In r iiiiit h i t apple pie And cheese, mid went forth to meet licr new career, little rcckoiiiiiir how hrief it was to he. At lirst it was not v ry pleasant. The store was small and .tulTi-, W ith eoree. ms piles of i 1 let mi ne and thint. at the door, niul festoons of hu es, silk handki r hi' f. anil colort il jerseys ippine, ai;:iiii-t tin lie:-.(ls of the .'iris liehiml the loimter, of whom there were three hesides Carry hold, hieh- voiced il misels, who vvt re their hair down over the hriilye of tle ir noses and oioled incessantly. Customers came ami went, change w.-i. mado and paper parcels expedit i wrapped up. Mr. Piekrell waiked the floor with his hantls in his pockets, mdere.1 away tmall girls who-e noses were llatitiud too persistently against the windows out side, mid smiled heaaiiiiely on old ladies who stopped to examine the ipiality m tho chintes ami flannel suiting!. Mrs. riikrell reprimanded the yoiin-; women with the hanged hair for f.djr . jnj, too loud when there were t ust.un. rs in the store, and called to Cany to "mind what she was ahoiit" when a hoxofiili hons fell off the counter upon the ll uu. Carry grew very weary, her head .. nan to ache, niul ihe wondered how lono ii would lie lefore "slmtt inn-np time.' At last a tall, hrown-faeed joiimr man came in, wearing a foreifju-lfukin-; t .it trimincd w ith fur, and somehow luaiiiiu' in his aspect the iudesi i iliahle st nnpol helongiug to some other country. One of the handed -haired nymphs :s eating her lunch ; the second lailiu-hi 1 up the street to get cliHiire for a ten lol- Inr hill; and the thinl was enua-eil in in , telling an impo sihln nhade of ril'V'Ui for a young lady who was th t- rmin. d not to he pleased with inn thing. "Carry!" shrilly signaled Mr-. V , roll. And our heroine advanced gallantly to ; the rescue. I "What can I show you : " she n.k !, i timidly, of the new cii-'omer. I ( 'Silk, plmise,' sniil the young man. Ami when Cirry perceived that lie j was eoiisiderali'v morn ctnhurrassod than I herself, she took e image. ' W lint color:" s:iil she. i "I tlon't know," answered tho ru mmer -"that is I haven't tpiitc male 1 n my miml. Perhaps you could -up ' est " ! "What is it for '." Cuiy n-ked, with : niiM toleration of his evident liewildct inent ; ami at the same Pine she eouM not help pi reiving that he w as very hali'lsoine, witii w avy Mack hair an 1 ami lark, li.iiiil eye-, hmo lushes, and p'-i--ant t i look upon. "Fur a dr.-ss." "A dies.: r.ut is it for a ye ting lady, , or an ohl on. ;" "I tlon't know," acknowledged the ' gentleman "young that is, not ohl. She can't he over folly. To tell yon the truth" -and he smiled ill spit-of hiin s 'f- "I've nevi rsern the lady, l'yt sh is n cousin ,.f mine, and 1 want to make llT a pie-rut." "Vi s, I un 1. 1 -! tie), " sai l (' un . "I it to . I. lack ..r i..-, .1 ;" "What i s I I you advise;" said tie -ti anger, hlindlv clutching at I'.inv'- f"lllillill' I I i:n r m iy I" in:.' -par. nsel ; Xpfl shipw le to eliim I in.! a ll... "15 : ii.:.-. si i Wi.u'd pi 1 tl.lp- I" riiiU that V'Hi don't i-e or i'!np!e von," 111 le -11 t know tie I . Ill 11 k. d C any. 1'ut 1. 1 p nk uih i lettv i "I. r- ! ' pliad. d tin- daik hair .1 man, lookiliL; li-n-iiedv at the piles ol I'l-tliMIS fahlii mi the sin lv t. "V's," ,ii I I any, i;I"wiii:; inte;. lid; ' "I -lit they are only suitaMe for a v iy l w oi ea-ioii-, while li'ai I. j, alway ippropriati." ! thi iij't that oiov old ladies wor l.laek :" " 01111- l idics do, aKo,'' s'm'v a--. i:ed t i! ry. "l! yoii w. -i !ti tine; a dies;," s:,j, 'lie stian.;.r, i:i di sp i 1 1 i ), "e.hoh olor wi u'd j ai iioo..- ." "I would In o-e M ai I'lown," said ( uiy, alt' r a i "ii'l or two of leiiln r ation. "i: I. si ll OW II till II It's a huh lid UUI .' !lOV III" -eal-ile.l-e," said t lie I U-toli r. i ivi , pi i haiis" -urvev iii" th liiniiiL.' ful. Is, -1 nt ii's pii t:y, ye-, try putty '. Il-w maiiv aids now it .'.o,-. ;t tak- for a .In-. ;" "I slioiild liiiuU," sai.J ( any, after a .ii md intiivalof nlhi'ion, "ll: at hi : 1 1 n ai d - lni:;hl an.w t r if it was ei on mil al y t ut." "I d"ii'l know anvtliin:; al l lit i ii ii oinv," said th" yoiino in in : "I want a ooo I al! ow .ir. i e." ' I'ln ti I shuii'd le. i'iii!uend t i h t n aids," al vise I ( ' in v. ' I ut lie oil i iL'hte. n yard.," sai I the oenticm an. jiromptU ; "anil put in th. lining- and 1 1 iiniiinis and all thit suit of III tiL', pleas- you'll know what I n i l. le ttn than I do my..-f. And I - av Sit:" sail f any, a; In- h'sitatel. "II i e mi :n,i t hu:e thai would in ike a nil e pii .. nt !oi all old ;: lil!eina:i, do -, u I hiiik " -.11 k mulll I ?" MIL..:. sed (uu, Inr i.s luniiine :u ro-s tV .h Ive. of lh" store, "en a pair of fur lined "lev.-; ' "f ip ta!!" .ai l the t i.olltel. "Put In lmtli in tile parcel. " "Thank y m, sir." said firry. " In re shall we sou l lliein: ".Nowhoic," aiisWi red the ciistoim i . H i I take ill in, n.vclf, and then 1 shall I t- sine that tin re is 110 I'm a thoii-and tinns oldie; mistake 1 to Vol "Not dignity. So lh III-dark- I," s:,i, f,n with 1 stialioi'i with the epaitel, au 1 Mrs. v inn,' .'.iop -ii I f,,r fin -trimmed coat I' csiell praised th tli.itt-....l -ale .he hid made. "Vou'il he a v.iiu iV hand in time," SII''I s'11'- t '.I a mostly o "It isn't often we et a chmiee ilk piUnn lik- that. 1'olks mostly oo on It: Midway for their expen sive dres.e.," she al led, with a sjoh, Cmy was very tiled whi n si e Oanie lloine In the frosty O. toiler dil-k. The store did not do. mil. I ten, Inn th eirls took turns, twohy two, to slay a'' ter sunset, and Carry's Hun forlunately did not conic until tiie next nioli'. Win ll she H ai lie I home I lie!e Wol si V had the lamp lighted and the kettle hoiliiie; for tea, and was slit in.. . IT mine -mi ii . d t oi n hi i f, and "iniiiiliiio" the toa.t lu loie the lire at the same time. It looked tin i ry and pleasant; Cany dr. tt a Ion.' sigh of r. lief. "Mow nice il is tfi t.- nt home, Cue a W i'si i !" she t ried. "Ilo let me make that toa-l! And, oh! it hasn't latn I. i !i a veiy hard tlav, after all. Ami Mis. l'n krill s.ys I've the Inst sale she ha. l a I lor a week. Such a handsome young man. I'nile Wohty! and lie Ii. ated me as if I were a piiuci-s m-tead of a wm-kiiie; uirl, "St'-p, .top! ' -ai l I I-" !,! WoUey, r "'-"1-' the kiiil'e still in his hand. 'I ve had a g Cooking young man h. re, loo, Cain. Needn't think you've got a in in. poly of the ailicle. h it do M il think of y nir poor ir.ollu i's cousin from the seal-fur fisheries in A'a.ka' And what du y.m think of his hr.uging mc things here as a pu s nit for you and h.-" thu knife, ' on lie the l.. 1 silk lie. k ninlll-r. "Why, V ic'.! Wols 'y -" alnio.l s'liieke 1 t ' u iy. "What's the initt. i.'" s aid 111 - old i iu't lie y i r I' ) : a 'lit ut I to have taken 'em.' ' "It's th wry in mi," sail fmy. "' -old them to hiiu this aften-.u ni," iley." said l ae'e Wo's, y. "At the store." said fairy. 'i, I nele Wol.ey ! And Is he really I.e. leil'ia: I am sn glad. 1 "lUad of what: refuted a strong, cheery voice, and ill c.iiue the mv-t' ii 'Ml .tranter himself. "Why, 1 leclare, ' iie t r.e I, if there isn't the little girl win .old me the things to day.'' " !l:nl that you ale my i oiisln," said I'u ry , w ith a Ini.eliievoiis smile an I a low courtesy. ' Ii cause laeaM..'' 1 lli aig'.it you were wry plea-ant a'el kind -" "And I tll.iilL.dit- --" aid the .tian-ei. "I'nit no, 1 won't tell y vi what Jliioiijil ll.nv do you do (mi. m:'' "I am so glad you the ! in" n silk ! " di inuiely olisi rved fuiy. W Ii t .hoiihl I have done with a Mil: ol .; pmk -ilk !'' "It would have looked v. ry wa ll ol yoi,".ai I tlie c .ii-in in--' lit :il ively cvei.. Inr, "hliie would have inatelu"! ymn ee-; pink, your cheeks." ".Iii.t my sentiments," i l.m Mod I m a Wol-ey. "Collie, oiing I I.- . ' 1 1 1 1 : . i i, Ita ly. And tin lot t is g. lliiu: eld." N d tmlil the x i-it-.r Ii id I ikon hi have did dole Wo.,y,; hi pip - I ici't i re tic imp'irt t i f.nry a" additional piei e of llcws, " hat iI'm .iippo.e Mr. I. iniox told Mi" lie cam" down to the Males f .r, t 'an .'' "I in .lire I doi't know," . ii I fury, intiocenlly. "To gi t hi mi a w ih sail 1 W-, (ill! 'said ( from the lire, w i I he -in ee s airy, "I am 'ni!" -heli Th- tlir f lung, al I'ickr.'ll's l; ni hair Men uai -nil nai'h lied . ti.v a Itoh mi in "I i-s co'.ijn s t allingfor I' . wed liu; pn it tiny muruiured uni a aneei tin . Ve. lief:, II e tills gill. ji l .'.lalUIII iii' k had no cum them, "We're jist as j.-i lly as .he," : hey: "and nun h pnlti' r, ..'in- f, woti'd say. Ail I why e.iii'.iln'l li t , ! mi r h ive f.dien l.i niiv he : ' There ale .pi -tnuis wlm ilo t an aiiswi r. An I he, the rogue is ob.tinati Ty .i'u al. ' i fupi v in-.-. .. lleniai'kiihle ( lim il At a point win re tin- two ran ;cnf tin j Cordilleras, the ca-l-ni and we. tern, i whit h tiavt is" l'i in from mu th to .outli, 1 lie it, and form what is known a. ilo : i'en Hull of I'a-oo e till lode 11-. M i- oealed the city ff i no d- l'i- ., I.'.i indes from Lima. It i- hum upon hmi 1 i i oinlicl foiiiidalions and po.. s.e ; nest ri iuarkahle elimale l.y na- ui of it- "i. at hei-ht ahove the . :! lev. !. I'iou I it t mht r to Man h, a season whith lh. j P oiile of the ('. lit! i rni tin ir winter. J wheieas in reality itislln ir .11 uiie r, tin tempeiatut'o timing the tl.iy i. frmn I . o U! degiees ali-ve , ro, at night it fall in m ar t in, Iml the w ater n Idoie fr t vs. Mining thlss'iison the -un appears at tune-, and from the purity of the atni i ph re the heat caused hy hi. rays is a. ni'i-t unhearalile. A p i- n may h .taiiding partly in th ' sh nle; that p u ti.ui is disagre.'ahly cold, while the pari exposed to the sun i. inn oinfoi tahly w ii in. It would he thllii nil to tin I another locality when: the a'nio.piit iii changes am muru distinctly markcil. X. V. 1 fii jilt),; How to Fix (ieorge. Hat helor I'nele Ah, my dear, you look as pretty as a pictuic. I don't r (ieorge thinks so nun ll of yen Mas the rascal proposed yet .' Pretty Ni No, urn 'e, he hasn't. I really helieve he's afraid to. "Why don't you em outage him a lil tle, ley dear:'' "Ido, uncle; hut you know it wouldn't he tinniest to do too much encouraging.'' "No, 1 suppo.o. I'll tell yt'U what do, though." "What i. it, you dear old thing; ' ".lust wait till his birthday mid pre. sent him with one of those motto- '(in 1 Hless Our Home, tix him nollrng will. Il.llr,. If that docii'l Vittsbnr.j IK, j i Poisoned liy It's Slice's Cosmel le. A case is recorded in a (icrman in-di-i al ioiiiiiiil in whit h an infant was poisoni d hy the lead contained in a cos. mi tie on the fact: uf the nurse, 'fhe child was live weeks old, and was con stantly crying and siilTihig x ith colic. Its skin w;H of a dull hush tint. i in so had long hoen in the haliil nl using a c asmetic which coiitaine.l a large pro. oitinn of lead. It is stated that upon removal of the cause mil appropriate treatment a cure was elTected in a few days. lhtdth uml Uiuu'. I'nele Wolsey laid down and carefully du. ling his ha roiler tow .1, drew forih fr. reau-drawer a sea1 pattern, and n paiv of fur- lii r ipped aroiia 1 w .th : spott. A SWORD IH KL. . A llnid F'lrjht for tho Hi. -best j H'-liivsa in Virrjmin. : J'lio Young lia'ly'.s Liupliinj S'lgiio t nrt ' Aihijile 1 hy Her Two Lmvr. A n A'-x indria i V.i. i ! I t'-r to the New V-i k Sua notes th" fact that "Mis. Hi my ,' N ice llilaney, th" I ii hess heire-s in Vngiiiia, has taken up In r resideiie j i'. Ilii. aristocratic old town," and nm- ' tunics a- follows: " le is often s-ell on lh- street with le r Ini-band, the haii l.oiii" young Irishm m who won her a' the p i;nl of Ihe sword, and the pair ! are unit !i admire!. Tin -i presence here Mi is s t pc..p'c to talkia ; alumt the fa- in nis Itword conte-t in wh t h N - vi 1 showed himself to l,e the finest f necr in th- South, and hy which he won his : hri-le and great w.aith. Il ot'iunul j -'Hie I, a je.irs ag '. Mrs. I lii'.Tie y w a lie u lie- l.el le ..I this part of Vir ;ini i. ' Ih r father, t .'.. in -; Hal Dnlan y, in I w-itli .'i.ililil.oo i :, 1 (1R. daughter wa ! to i:i!e r t hall of lie amount. A sh 1 wa- In aiitil'ul a. a, wea'thy, there wire many .iii'oi. f-i her hand. Among ' lie in, th- two ino-t favored were a yi 'ling j I! iglishman named K in lolph, who wa. . an oilinr in l t r M ijesty's lleu-ehold I H:i iid -, and li nn- N-vil, an Iii-hinaii I who hal fought in the French and An ! Irian arin'cs. I; e.h wers haieis uue, I manly fellows, though not hunh ncl with riches, and f n a time tle ir iliances .' in d ah ull i tpi ,1. I It soon lieeaine i wb-iit that tie v h.Ued I .a. h other very ! I i.-il'y, and all tnh j wa'er Virginia ea oily awiiled there I -alt of ihe coin, .t for Mi.s i fancy's ; -miles. As l.oili very high Ii in 1 1 led and familiar wall the use of uu i poll-, lie-hdy had a hard time to kc p I them frmn vnlmg their hatied in a I lioi,dy way. Still, with a gir s ry, .in led lie in on, .leaving no det 1 le i pnli rente for fit In i, and soiiii tines ap pe n in:; in inf. lent to Im'.h. ( ae veiling lie- U.r i w-re in ihe Irawingro iiu to gether, fhe lival- addresseil each other only when ; 1 1 . 1 1 : t i y te t-.'-s aiy, and then with sinothi red anger in their tones. I'inaliv Ml-. Ha! ni. y got tired of that -mi of thing, and .aid l iu diingh : "Why don't y ei g il an I liav a goo i Ii 'le. iu-t-cl of snarling at e.nh i I in i a! w ay-: ' "We Wl'l do H," ih, y CXelaillie 1 in on- hi .1! Ii. Too la ly i-ntiiiued the -uver- iti"ii in a haul' i lug t-ii", n I lii-aiiiing that tli. in n w r ' in eai tie.t. Next d iy. however, she d :., .. i r, 1 licit tin v had actually adopt-I Inr laughing .iigg.-t ion. W h n the rivals l"ft the house they at one- aiiaiigel the pre: iniina: n-. for a die I. A inci ting place w.i. -elected ju . t oil tin- 1 1 faiiey estate, lie- tmi" li.xe I upon w:i. the following morning :it sun lasc.aiid .word, were eho-a-ii a. weapons. Al th- lime agree I upon th. j in.-l, with tie ii- - Is, and tln re u u I lh mot hioody duel tint hi. . v r tak-u place on .rgiuia soil. It w.i- evident lioiii the licgioiiing that N x i i was the more i xpeit swoidm.'iii on : ual of In- ex pi rieme ill the I'ri lit h ainiv. I! in dolph h indlcd Ihe .sword w ll, too, hit lacked the -race and facility of move ment of his opponent. M ir-over, the j Pugli hin in was very much excited, j As tin y fat ed each other j they tx-hanged glances, which inc. int plainly u light to th death. I'll, ll they set t , Wind., ph -liiking li i cely and wildly at hi. e. e ny. w hi!e tiie ll Milium co ily to-k tie ih leiie , partying l.i. hlows with ei-e and await iug Ins t haut e for a tlirii-l. It i auie ,al la-l. and lie neatly ivniov a lalg" pi-c ol I," ind.iiph's e ir. Tin- pain .! I to madden the I! ig'i-lini in. and In- h ire down upon his enemy w i: Ii indiseit . tksjieralioii. Nevil ipiictly goj ia alioth H strike, which iiiutdaled t'e- K iglis'i in an, no.-e. 'Ihe u-t of lh- tig t v.a. Cough and lu nhle on Ii indolpli's pni t, while N i x-1 1 no! for a moment ,,.t hi. pit-.i nc of min I. II ti i.illy disah ed the Kaglishmaii hy - tt::i; in a tliru.t on hi. swot 1 ai m. lie. hi this intTrljj to plevciit downright mu: di r, for h .. knew he coif d I ike I! i.ido ,ili apirt pi, t l. pitce without injury to hun.elf, and l:e kn-w, to. i, I'ludoiph would dj.j -, 1 1 , . . , than yield in long a. he could le Id a .word.' Mi-. Dulauey w.i- -,. ry for I; indol p'f. 111! iollll le, hut she .mile 1 llloivlltatl .vi r mi Nevil whom, it iiirue l out, she had loved all the tiui . I'liree inoiith. illi i ward I! iiidolph o- from hi. .ic I...I ilisiigured for lii", 1 fl the . uu. I has not I ni ii learl from Ahoii. ihe s.ui.e time Ni v.i and M nm try sin. e. hi (an, y were man led. The Law ami Uu I'rnll s. Mrs. Sinipkin's ol h -i hoy had gone Wi.;, ami a fi len I of t ie tannic w.-i. making some nn liries almtit him. "I un Instate! .lol.n is an attoruei," In- sai I. ".s, and he -ot lot. of Ini-i-ii'-.," she aiiswire.l, with a rtu thei". pilic. "1- he a tl iniina! I aw y I :'' A -hadow fell upon lie- good ,.', lad ,'-fa..-. "N , not vet,'' she -ai l. "I. a-lway. 'ie hain't told in . Hut I'm alr .i 1 he 'ie. 'fin law i- uo ilrcad.'u' te:u- t- rwtirtloii Acaln.t Frt. The agricultural cuiintrie. in I'.urope, France rseeiiilly, often siilT r fi"in lato Sp'iug fro-ts, which de-tn.y the young vegetation and do inueh ini.thitf. It has hecii serinnsly proposrl lleie to guard agivnst ihc.s l.y Imiiding tir s heiit the li-lils with the id-:! that the warmth would aveit fro.!. This might an.wi r if there were enough of the lii.-.. P.ut some l.iie invf-tii:Uor', r. nii inle i ing that sin h frost ii-vt r t ei iinm t huid v night., f..r the reason that clouds pie vciil the radiation of heat from lh-earth md the couM'iiii'iil thilling of lie' giiiund jnoposc to cmiihiiic the wanning' elTet t of fres with the j rodinlion of artificial c'.tni N. The method for nc- 1 eomplishing this ! suit consists in plae. .11- ahont the fields to he protected what . might he called cartridges fcrmed of a mixture of pilch, n sin. oi1, coal tar, hits of wood and i i inluistihie rnhhish, a 1 mixed Willi earth and funnel int" c itlclike shapes. Tin se (one. stand "i, three short wooden h g., and a Ir ! in the I a-e contain, a laiaeli of .hav ing soaked in coa'-tar. 'I I. e mat. i i il of the coins heing walclprnof, liny may he ex posed to the wn'cr for an iieh finite period within! injury, and the .shaving, fo .kitidl.i:g are pi oln tid hy the lua--' ahoiit them. Til1' matt rial, luirn witli a .real deal of siie k-. Tie- only ohj-t 'i-n 'o the plan w- u'd s cm to ii in the t lh t.1 of ih- smoke on t-nd-r v. -etati- ii. Few things a;e inori' - to plants than the vapoi of coal tar, ami the v im: -hoots of vines aie aith ul oly sen. to nox'niis inlhi. an i s. 'I'll- (-uiy value at present of th- :il...v suggestion i 1 lint other iim -t ig ltots 111 IV III ike CX- I enineni . in a -iin ilar line w hich might ail-Wi the pm p ... ' i iilied. t'l ''. ''.'-. Miisliiiiglnti's Itii lhiiee, Tln ie is .can Iy a sign ti.w oftli house in which Washingtoa wa- liorn, on the h.wir It ippahiiano, k, imr anj more of th- ether leuis. s where le pi-.-d his lioyhood, oVt r agaill-t I'p defickhui g', and in the landscape which must havi lii-cn known to our sollicis who fought at Cliam ellorvill". li.lh these leiu-i-wcre . f the old Virginia st unp lug roomy piles of hinder, with loiig.-loping hint roof in the rear, and two hug" chimneys slapped ngain-t the i x'. f .n w alls at either en 1. It w is a! the holm ia Sialford county nni-t h.,v happi u d h i pisodo ,,r tin- t.h- m an I it w.i. there, too, I. l p lied I ifler his fa lea's dealln that ..tlnr I letter sol tin lit', il. d itieidctit of th - ho;,'- .nil jiigatioti of a joiitig t'ior.aighliied tol! whic'i iiuild and vet tin. iel r pi d lad km wn a- '! "I -g. Wa-iiingt n, all I know n lor many athlete feat, i veil as a hoy, ,i,l met- ii!n- hrute, and -o tnragc him hy the iiia-ter.hip that the r aiiiina', in a In nv of pro le-ting plungt-, di- under th- r al of ihe l.oy nia-tti. 'flu. in;.r:yi lo i U!lg Wa.llingloll'. ituii n-o'.v, wa. a .: pet of hi. m t 1 km " -, undei w ho-" -pi ciai gindaiu" tlie lalhei'e-. I id ha I now l.ou th, iiiii ; and th-:- m iy havi' l en a o pa k hetwecu lle in ngaidnig It ; I' M in v I, then oi lie n afn i. civ Ha' h ill t ) i si muMiti regard . I lov-. .1 ,..(.-,. .-I..-.-.' ..,;.'. Somen lint Alisent-Mimlcil. "Spi . iking in t liile. I ia. sing epi.o I. said a real man, "I uni in-eioii-lv aided and aliclt.'d in one lh- other day. I went into one of the large dow n-tow i. i ii ii. -Ii rooms with a fia-nd who is eiiUllo's.elir ill llie lllllt' r of nVetcoals. II" weals :i guild an I he a'wavs re moves this coat v i 1 1 1 cure and hangs :t up with due reference lo th- turn of the collar. A. he was in Ihe act of ha .gang up his coal le' knoi k". in n- down, and stoopiu ; w itll ilpohigie. he can dit in::,, lip and It p'aeed it. My In. 'ml h-ast., go id deal of his ., If po-.e..:,,a . .,,, , trying e I, tiiiislaiic s, hu! a- In put iiiv ml! ill place he caught llie eyes o III. lady at .pi ntitan. es al a di-lant lahlc, and removing his hat he made a in .-t l.di nate how. Tlcu he ahs a -uiiiideil iy put hi- ha! ill tin- r.u k. ai d, teigcUiiig that he had already remove I hi. i v i coat, l.liill!loa. .l hi. cuuw.iy, and In foi I ci uld interfere he o.l la loie liu lifty or s'xly la lie. and gentle present in his shut sleeve. T in r.- wa. a laifh al his expense, ami he afterward explained o me that he would not hav h id It ll.lpp. ll ill the pleselice of Iho.i .liesf e: a tlinii-ainl doliai.." l'i,'-.,.. . .... ,. Uoiili'liil id the Onliaiinc, i, ft- iiisiir.iiice a g. :it piiiiug out appli- i!ioiii Vmii-general health is go d, i it no! '" Appicant "Ni ver had a si.k tl av in my life." Agent "I' ll, i oil do not colltell.pint" entering upon any haanl m- iiudl i.. iug, I .tippo.c:" Api!iea:t- "Wei;, ye.. I am iifiaid i do. I am going to g.-t maniel We. Inc. d iv." I. -it. V ( '('.-. . Ihe War id I2 "V. u .ay you w. ie III t I" w ir -f 'I Jf ' ( '. i taiiily ." "A iel m t v-n u tliiitx ai , . id :'' ... " oil ai- I .il-lei I. ' Vi ry w. II ; now, .ii, 1 ni.e to kn-w how you make that app a:." " h. voii . . tl;er.- wer- v, ii "liiei. in llie choir,'' DOCTORHD DIAMONDS.',-,.,, JT f,., l-'ade- on Him i' r Clevi r W'H U A'' -nil pi ishc p. . -ry mit uiim. wleai tli" dead Kiiv.v- full, lv I).h.-.ner.l l.tlJHil.ries. line more cafe, i me m r- fl-i.s wiih the tlyiiiR eni S..I n. ,! , T1...1.,- Wined 1-1..-I wiiK-l and stroiiK- w.f Neii'ly S'fi e-'ful. A w -ll-kn i v i 1 ; en e. I ! i 'U. win l.a- I hi .in- an exn it lu in nrinv van ' handling of pn ci. ni- -toil' -, a i- "ticii taken in a few d iy- , I.-.- , -hi. wd di m':1 Ul"ri'- '"'v ''" I'-1'''''4 attention, a- it 1- ilk Iy I- he at lelilp'.ed ill s in - -tie r .U u :,:-. fii" do.ig" ma. s'-t-d in f yii'g to paim fl a el. vi lly "doctored ' ih.'iii'Ui I as a v, :y valuahle stone an I in f'lling a p!:iu-M' e an I p.e I ture.iil" s'ory 1 i giv-i' coiiutenanc". Til- short, sioip in in, with a gr:..'.!"d, gray mustache, whilricl f v.etinn" th" j w .-r in .j i I. roil .'hi to hini ai clegia' :o'!to; - Mair" liu.:. pin p r i g lot . ,t i ii a d n I i f unusil ii . :! htill: en .-. T-. i 'i- ' vi :i f ill" eX p I t t il -III- 'I i all i i ::! i ' , I ai: I ih- in ut r . I h . I I ' in a I a I ir gain with him a "I;' , wtiieiul ji"',' i 'I nig .iiiv ill lh r. A - 1 1 ! " o 1, t ie d i i ' inoiid w I- ea I. w ., : I: ' ni ., h ' lu in, who to'd a I ;' i !: i , -IP. , 1 it i ;:,, 'i'he .oiy ol ihe .i:.,uio:ei. :.. told l'V th- man, w'nig.v tie nine of (. iialie. Ilaii :swoo 1, w.i. th i' i! hi -hinged '.I i gin illy t t i.- liiaiei Mike A'exis of j 1! i-s'a. In I) ei-inliei. 1-71, wiioi the. 'i:ind Iliike, wiio wa-.V 'lii.; and hand oai", alt-iid '1 th-r i ption g,-, n in his ! honor in th A el in; of M i-ie, an , c:.i - I I- o i -,i : I l'i ,t alll .c'e 1 Cm! - 1 ,i i . ,, . .i il i .1 h i le i 11 lU'l. ll I ilk- d of .!!!. ". 1 S mi- tint, afn I lh mom n el-, all 1 when cv.'Mliing wa- in ineiei, lh- a!-1 l.niion ,." th, hi1.., win hid gone up' stair- with tw i of t':,,. .- ,, t : n of the i .iniiiii! t. -, was aft id- I i'V a lily in . one of tl r.e r i-n of iii'tii'l' d l-il. .iiv Ii - -. 'I'hr' w.i- hut ladle- in !h- h ., c: 1' tii.-iu an elderly ' lily and the oiler i tall, neautifuV 1 young wo. inn, i'eii .' i yen- i f ag". I who had :e n iikalii'- lia- yes, w hi'. 'i 1 could not fail t" I,- ;,.,H"o I, l ' The iJtaud h ik" ' x;.n --, I a desire to , he 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 'li d, w'lliil Was u gritl- ' ti" , :ln I aft.- -t i'i ling for a fev lie I ni-!-.!- in f-oi.t ol tic- 'i In- a-kel p r-11.1-:..-, ! g i i i . I . la i i-n!- while . I;- l-i- I tie la K t" ... . oc the nun-:. : , a ie, an I olie i w . - .1 h;- p'e i-uie at lu i !:! ; ie : . ii nc I ' v o i pi r- !-! :,; v r-'u 'I A- h !" :.- . 'in I'u i. , i, ,!.(., il h .'i i a In :.:; i i I .:i;.p:tig fi ol ! U" of hi- Ii..." I - '1 1 cic li i i ll.g', !! i 1 it t,, j;. i an 1 a k- i :. : ! k. p ii ' ., a iv. :,;, ,. !:,. .. , ,. Th- ia ly lids., 1 lop! il f . : I year-.' i iHfi! .,' ia-! -le- l-!i into r.d'ii.d cr ; m n-'-im - and .I- ! imiie d t- g. t I 'd of . tin i mg ia .pn- f ii- eiaiioi... j I Su. :i, in -ii'i-t-int . an iin fae'sol ::n ; ,-. uu nee up . i. win. I, lh, man w:ili tie j d: I to s. II t-ld hi. -t ny. II" i. p I - en!- I t hat to, ! am eel ii- I, el wa ' il,. ,,,, mm n I., lh:- i.i.l. , I h- t n ,i, .v....i.rv,'.v. nil.",,, ii- io-t.rv I.Vr. Ti.-'; -m!.i', i. ..m-vi. insisted1 ,.-..' I' 'r lu's-tting to . ,in ii" it. i:e m i a al.ow - I I him t . do. 'I'ie- inci'- willing' '- !- 1 Ihi- very l ie ai"; tin, u tin- j. w.-ier ;! l.i g ia: I at the la-! in "ueu!, i -o", ia'iv a- upon l'i - moving, tie s . le , ef I ..... n ithiiig w.i in : Willi !. T .iili; up a u:" n-cop-, lli.W- V- I, he ' I- a'ee I . d t I !, W llil Insi .ei a .'iglit v.u ; ii'oit ia the ; ,; ly and lexlur ' tie !..:,- I" lw.e:i j tl- ufd I e p u'i ' : I - an I ;! i :. I-. i 1 le a he le-i 1 lh- -' ;! :,' ,r a lamo, and in a ! a ncn .! lie ':.' nature I ol tie HI ;e:i!..'l ; A 1.1 1 l.p.ei I htlll. A 111 l.. I. a' ,1 .( .-! n:'i I iol .juaiil v I .rm ll. P i. a id I'oU.eii. ami ., line pa i ..! . i i. i id h ' a .an 1 i wn licit l. -tw en :i,":i e i-1 : tig le ally ten , : hue. to t in' v . ': .:' ' 'e , In-i ll so i l. ve; ' ' i:: ' ! g. thii w : I ' a - , . wa. aim '-1 ." .: I '.'; : 1 i-Ml. 'l'l.e !,: c. I i . I "'"I"'---. u'el --:'. I 'a I w.i. ! 1 1 -1 :s ii : . . i . e-i I ei '. It had ,.;-y put t... i a;! ;h it it : ,.f deler. , . Xpr.'-sed (. j j1 , ,'.,,' , - i "t J , I - j ' J A MtU) Milllnili Kinl. ' j We an- hoi' a n.ii. 1 I i l.egin ;o wri t ' a si,-, v t h a! in u v.-- -id. founded mi j lads ihit .r,' . . r !'. s. ! I ipp... I r.i. j iml-. lil.ic.g - - m.i.aiiii ; wak in the ' .tr,it..'t' I".:'. a-.". "in . upon f !e o- j I det ti a laia i "'. and - iv. I- him : "W Iiv are Mm alwav. at W-.lh.'" 'I'lleod, el. s ' ,,!,.; "Ian, alw.y- a! w-rk to g, t : ne m. v to I a. f- ' I t g.M in- strength td ' i.-'woih thai liuiyg.t liioie ! ' money P. hi, y in :. .. t i -, i more' ' strength to .l-i more w ci k tnjgil inoie in, .nee to hiiy mole f I to get in. ue i strength to do nn i w.nk to get more : money t hue -" fins i. the i.egi lining ! o! the sioiy without end, and the facts j in which it is founded, th-y ,.. with- I i out cud nl-o. II (' .'. t P.. i ,. i W. j j ! J ItcssieV Ailment. ! i ", I lii ar von1 -i-tt r is sick, i I WI,.,' ail. 1. :' ' I i "1 do,,', know, ...'.. M,v he it's- ; , .. , fhe what, child.'" "The diploma. 1 hu rd mother s4y tUt she took it at ecligol.-(.'.. ... ai -,ii i einp'y h..e luood, Hut f Ii i li-sons- 1 i' e Ii lio t Uni". wh -n the heaven", arch lectin, eul l niul far, Ji'i-i:h lie- iri'iiilluig twilight Rloom -e II I - A not her s!ar. .,,,, nil,-runs willl." g.'i.c. 'l'i;,. ,ve.-. all dead. r,.i ih-p ith-w ith h-aps of i u iy K 'l I, Wlul-ov-ri:.' d . , M)- .ri,,v ,..i r-ak' ii. till Tti- tiranelies bare . i inlv ., li-'. of wandei ing mm.trel w in Is Sweep 'lollllil lll-ni tlleri1 V.-1. wiiat malt-r. Soul- Thy r-i-iii! ers l.o-k up mi l -e " I.. 1 1 . in h coiiiitle-s .la's e'er hri'iiin 1. tin -kv .sp'.-a.l- ore, Ul . 'v !,. n ii mot-,, -.-iiiii iei.i- s lie Is tlem, it - -I. Will, i i,m,. , ai--, - -1 j ! i music waf;el down, pa-l far Mist silver.. I -pheie.. - .!.... If ', ',,. , ll,, Ctie,,,,' ill MIIIKII S. I l.:i ir-u of th. . a 1 1 .itl -m huoys. lively mi-ci slmui.) ), :lVL. a chest pro . i t-r. 'I he gii at--" 1 wag "i known A xvo :oaii'. tongue. Il',-tli . are never ,.n good terms to g' liit r. There is ain ays a hitch ntiiong t intii. If a dealer in gr. iV" t one. were I o fail, .me m w.pap- I Woli'd he -lire torelci to 'he di-a-ter as "a hu-t in mat hie." An ordinal v .mall hoy is never so hap- IV' - !e n h- i. -t Hiding iind.r a sale lh il i- hi ing lioi.1,.,1 lo the li.tli story. A M.chigati woman kicked a hear ! li alh a few days ago, and now hi r lilts "alii li. vi : i "lit I a ii-.-i -, .inytliiilg she -ay-. fin re is ( v rylliing to diseourigo a M) m w ho els nvdieine-. liu best arli jt pri.tlv .,-,.,,, , ;l ,nl, on tl(J I11:ket. -Mi-rry love, ci mp.iny, and coinpany causes the -nod housekeeper a gn at deal "f misery, loo, when she hasn't anything "oke 1 in Ihe house. "W. U' Viii ( ver engaged in a duel, f '1. Klooil." 'V. -, sir, I was sir." "h.d It lellHin'al- seriously:" "Yes; I ; w a. ai le -ted and ti It -tl In.'1 ! W -in. n w ho have a hahit of turning n ie. d in ihe -tieel to inspect other wi . ne i,'. di, .-. . w ill h arn w it u t nv v that a !': 11 " f"Uinl whi. h ha. cy.-s in Im1' o1 !" "Augustu-, d.-ar,'' said the a otitic girl, tenderly pil-Iiing him from her a" t he moon'. ig lit tl i "l-I the hay window wll"'" they wen s.-ind:iig, "I think you Imd ! tier try some ol Inr hair dye : your n cui-taehe last ik turpentine." Origin ol Hie ('icat iVrlrii ('utile llenl.. T Si ,";"'-' hi, ''"'g'' W.-H . .. cat lie luisincSs, "-a!'' t'e other dav that the original stock - lo day have In en for Iht: most part hred, wa. an inheritance from the Spaniards. II- added: "I was nut in Wyoming re cent. v, where I nut Thomas Sturgis, w ho-e int imatc kn iwlcil go of the tattle Im-incs proliahly exceed - that of any man in the W. -i, II" told me thai the luce. ling of ranch caltle was heguii hy the driving from T-xi. sis ami suc cecding years into the plains to the iiorthward of a pail of the vast growth if cattle which had sprung up there wild, un '. al i In 1 an 1 un!. mied during the war. fhi s, i.l. x ere all of Spanish or Mex ican origin, I he meat wa. coar-o and llie annii il full id the wil l ness of genei al ion. of t he iintain 'd anee.lois. Those tattle have ticfii improved as tin cattle Im-ines. h a- grow n hy t he iuip.'i tat inn of hreeding animals from Missouri, Iow a, Illinois, K. iiliickv and in some instances ! r im New York and I'.uropo. In 1s,v' 1 th" ranchmen of Wyoming alone paid i nt over a million dollars for hri-cding animals, 'fhe getieial idea of the puldic a'l a ranchman has to do is to (urn 1 is cattle loose on the plains, round them t:p once a year autl kill off the fat nm s, .. ,,:ite ridiculous, 'file cattle husine n.piires capital, lahor and alteiition ne :.. in, pi rat ive than any other I. ranch ol .ml ie try." X Y-rl- 'J',-i'iin. " Kept Waiting. "VoUi rcturant rgivt.s a mail a good "I petite." "iiii'l to h-'fir you 'ay so." "Makes a man hungry to come la lo ie.' "Y.m il-itt.T me." "When 1 came in here, I don't havo a h't of appetite, hut heforc 1 go out I am 1 uugry as a 1 car." "Wliy, how's that!" "Have to wait so long lifter giving my t r ier to the xvniter I nearly starve to death.' - limn f ..;,. 1 A I'liimy M.irj. 'Ha! ha! ha!" laughed hinnley :u hi. f. lished a I0112 chestnut. ' Capital story, li, I'eiitherly ?'" r"P"'!" '' .'"criy, -us gooa 1 'vu' tilno' 1,umlti -'vcry --i,n-" I