""fffi'Trnimiwi Sljc tCljntljam HccoriV U. A. IA)M)0, Khii'Hi and ruori;iKT"i. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ; dl)c l)atl)nm Uccorfc It ATMS ADVERTISING f Hi c Miinrt, our insert ion-Cm- 'Mii.irc, lnii nisi rtiniK Our (ttiu , i'iif month f 1.00 1.M . 5.-.0 One copy, one yrni On" tp", sit months. . f -l.iin ,-,,rt! vol.. ix. ITITM.OHo. CHATHAM CO.. N. ( .. CFJiHCAKV :i. ISS7. For liirifT trails will In lulvrrtisrini nts liberal cor., made. (1 n-. Ifjrpp mcmf h attom Ml Going iTnnip, Txi-s inn when my spool flies; l.t tln be inly of your eves Renin alntt ; the w vi of death Wh e I draw my p nting limnth, Ami nm Lnrnpto yonder shorn Where t ho billons lnt no more. And llir iintei of endless spring Through th crovfv. immortal riiiR. I nm ko'iir home to-niKiit, Out of blindness into sight, Out of weakness, war ami prim, Tn'o power, pennx mi l pain. Out of winter cl anl glnnm tnto snneuer li e ith nml bloom. l"rom til wanderings i f III" pit I .ill! u"!"- bene. nMii-t. Kl- my lip. and lei ni-go. Nem-ei' swells tlli -n'.clml llliv Of ilio wonilroii st roum thiil roll Py lli( boi-.l.-i l nnl of sntils, ? i'hii eiitoh sweet strains of sons In 'Hi iiKliut ii from ilistant throiiK, And eiin f.s.l lite tmi Ii of hand.- Hn' hinj ie.it finni angel hands. Ane Xrown mil l.uvy's thrust, l ii l-ttipili ll.'l by eo ,listnit, Me"j.le-- mgltt mi I wn-try morn, Top in f i n ' In s Intel forlorn, A liir,; IhmiI ii n I l"f'aking Imnrt, I e,l-t ,.., ,x si in It'., .1 ill H. .ftii -g .h . :m I .1 rl..'ii... mm. Ho p thel" Mil I .lil.-l In. Kit Cson's Wild Ride. l . I I kn..n Kit ( ttNi.ii?" repeated that i-.fi J....11. pr, Mr. V. M. Hoggs of N;i.;i, lo i ( ii -lion tonoiliiing the f uncus piiiiii.il. i in anil iiilt. "Welt, -lightly, I r t l.i. n. I wintered and sun. nn-iol wi'hlniii :i ii. I V ii k (lenity in llie o. tinili":: .1 iv of 'Hi a id IT - the I in -, yon know, of the overland trade in the Smti ('. r. : 1 . I t o 1 1 St. I. mi's and N iv M x . Ii took live or six months I in th 'tiip l.v w agon -in I bam .nor tli t 'iuurmn r 'lite, n- H n, i.tl'ol. Vie'; fl. mm t when I w.i with linn ii 1II, p i -i . I out to me many . l s where I I Hii U ( lli olllltt'l llfl l iJlki'il p! lee I' tweentliP whito tr.itler mi 1 t!i- Mie-iMny mi 1 liliitj-l i hii t y I'-wii.c. Kiow.-.s, ( iirinrlir, aii.l A I n"!n "I! I. nli. .lit t'ir- .'i. What s irt of .i man Was tlic n!l iui le all I tiapier.'' "lc liuil mill y In lian i iiaiatli l i-tit owin.' t'. lh fai l that his life lial Ii en largely ieii! .itima.r the Pava'e. Me wa ret. Ma.', m i l.-,t ton ileuiec anions his white IVII iw .-, resi-te l any atteinpt t . lu-iiig him into nulir , in.) iv.o ulnislie.l ill. I i v. ii iu it i!i't wlieii he p. reeivi .1 a ilispii.itiun lo Ii.. ill him. He felt ill fit ( aiii"iff white men, lull win n iiinoii the In lian-. li.ul no .-ucli lei lin.'. l arson sp ike ow ly an. I us one li ivin aullioiity. 1! s jii l-iie nt in all 1 i f -In u'lit j (.LTuninir mi a man h or iiiesti.,n, au.-in' in e mini was never ipu'stiuneil. Mis h iluls wei.- iiiipli-, his fair plain. I have kn.'wn him yn (or ilays without fool, an. I a' lit" s line lime feel no yreat ineonw iii. ii . . A hiiulful of 1 1 i I I iili.i'.o me it, '.r a ill!!.' paivheil c.iru, whiili in i iiie,l in a -.it of pouch be l.iml Ins .-a l lie, w at hi . only rations fur U. i Us s lllli'iillios. II" iv;n tt lllp late, 'oo, nml stlili tii. ii" ever, iniliiliil in -Ir.iiie; iliink. t'ii...n was a ioti-ly lonit II in, of m t I stntuir. ail.l ' I II. .t tvt iu'li OV.'I i. I p .lluil-. s lllple h llllt lol lif, li-ol hi t "llie - t on I ii ituie lo him-. If an I Inn .i.S'M ia'e . "ii lh" plain.. T.e lu Mirks "f lile .nil the i ..iil.ieiii"iit t. towns, when t!i. v h.ipiem"l in the tvhil" (.'.ttleliieills, so. hi 'il i I mi h. III. uirl in a liltiu while th y went oil In th'ir liuiitiny 'roiiii l ih" simple hi of the pi lire, ati'i tin1 p in- wa i r of lh tin. mil . i i ii -lie fii.. Ves," t'ontinii'il Mr. J3'4-, "(aiMii wa a ino.lcl plain-in in. II' was cautious in all his inoveiiifiitsoii tic man It, hill ilaiin ;in tillie- t.'f em 'l';elli y, iI:i a to pflceiW any n'lv.iiil.tc to In: t ike:i, whether rmr the wily sav i,'e or in coinljal ill"; the t leiiietil-. It is ii inece-sary to spittk of his l.(lVer, I'ti in nil't t vpeiiencci heal te' tiinonv t ) Ih-it. 1 1' ivi lereil valuable H'l vice to the liiile.l Slabs ovt I uiin-iil (lining the Mexican war, an. I nfl.-i In ha. I t.ilFreiiii.nt, was 'iiitle an I scout lorohlli n. Stephen Y. K-nruy. II wiisinthi liai-. lijlit al Sin r.iseha!, win re K in nv was il.b. it.il by Am lie. I'ico. " "What wuc ih-j cin uiu-lani p nltenil inv; l .irwn's dc.ith . ' "It wiw caiiscil by an ni c.tleiit. lie l-rokp an aitcrv lv falling from his mule, mi'l breathed his last at my brother's resilience, o:i t!io I. is Animus, not far I rum the silo of oi l Fort li.-nt, where llie two h:t I pi(.-.l m in happy tlay iinil pas-,. I tliioiijh many exciting n- lies of front il l life. "Yes, yes," -till Mi. li'i",,'", slowly mi'l in a lower voice, as il communing with lnin-ielf, "the Ii icky .Mountain he roes have all pas-e I away. Ciivmi, Sub lette, Walker, Williams, (Jrejnwoo.i, B'aik Mirri, 1Vj-I,' Sunlh -all one to the happy limiting onmn Is." H covi-rinjj biimelf ihogenlUman con tin tied : "Snciikiiijj ul'C'irson's bravi-ry, let me rc-lato an incident that w.ll illu-trate liis rimr.-top. It win a in t-t horribl : an 1 fli-trossiiii ouo, an ! to k pine! on t'n Santa Fo 1! ;id, near tin I'liniii-oii inoiiiilaiiis, in l-i'.. A iiii'ich.int lia bi named .lames Wlnte, from Indep n lot ro Mo., w.lli his w fe, seivnnt ami . liil I was ruptured, tooeth. r, with his iner climrlisi' tra'i", by the (' mi inches, w'.io nfler the A pari v-, are tit -rot cruel of Utile .N nth Aunrj. n;i lii'liau tnbs White and h11 his mon worn immediately tomahawked and scalped, and the women and eliil I earned t lT prisoners. Mews if this: nlTair reached the New ; Mexican seltleinenl, wler: Kit t'ltrsoii happened 'o be (he lived near Taos in i New M"xicnl, and he imnie l ialely s-tarl -ed, joining a parly of I'niled Stale I dragoons, in purs-uit of the miinlt reus j inaiaii'lers. The troopers were too slow ' for the netivo p'.a'n-nnn. Kit, with his knowledge of Indian tricks and manners, -oon struck (he Comanche trail, and, in advance of the dragoons, pnr-m-d it until nihlfa'l, when lie lies. id tin savages rueaiiiped. It' liiiiiino to t'ul. Siimnrr afti r lone; and weary ni-jht ride ' he urged him to make a forced march an I surprise the I'omanelips. Il was the only way, Carson argued, to rescue the prisoners nlivo, for it is n well known fact among old Indian lighters that when the cruel redskins, when not taken by suaprise, will retaliate on the attacking parly by killing the prisoners nought to be it.sctieil, in order b hup llit ir x.llps, as every i nctny's fcalp -.On llier of man, woman or ' ln'd, count une '( i,' as it is tailed, ii; thisf.nl," i I'b-.l Mr. 5o:j-s, " , mv-, f awai. . I it :i tic I it while li ing with tin- t ii'v i tun s mi l i ipaho. -t in s ' ,,. Sieux mill Coinatifhes, n'- w II as !ie sneaking I'-niiii'is and Ki'ovt, all I liki wi-'. Tlieii habits are ,imi lar, roaming a- the-, do i.i-rr !li( same region "f country mi the great plains of Colorado and Northwester. i Texis, up to the Yellowstone and the Mi-s iiiri liivi i mi the iiorlh. Hut toi" till n lo C tr-Hii an 1 the ( ' .inain hes. lie. f.'re -riling out in pmsuit he vUite 1 , t Iip t.. I me him a l! i the -ceae of the While ma .siii re, wlibh had bun ili t "i i red by a M' t in. I'l.ou ihe iy in wha h lh. guild- and oilier tnat'ilal lav m ill. t-.'.l ai-'it-i I he knew il wa- the work of Com no !n -, an I this f i. aid. I him in tiailiiig. Wli-ii he ict'iincd t.' C ii. Miuiiit r an I lh'- dragoon-, mil nig. d him, a- 1 s.iid In fore, to make n font-I m an h so as to reach ihe Indian village b. f ire 1 1 avl i ghl , t he Colonel risk ed him: " "'.w 111 iiiy Indians are there in tamp.'' "'From -I'll to inn,' replied Cai-o.; 'all lighting 111" i, with tin ir families.' " ' Too in my for me to handle,' sa d tie- ( olone1. havj only sixiv lighting r gnl ir- an I nli ml twenty live voi,. iters gather. d in from .siirioiiiiling ranches. Icinnot risk th.'ir lives agaiu-t so large a parly.' ' Cii-on grew impalienl. 'Tin le i nol a monieiit In be lost, ( ibun l, if y -u would surprise tin- Iad'an- and n- -n-Ihe wont"!).' " I p '-iliv. Iy refuse In giv lh" or b r In advance," Stunner a d, illi to ild" termination. " Then ( n -i-a's kind heart and d 11111: courage as-eii. tlnm- Ives. t ' rn - - I from lint i iva'r,- Colonel wilh it slighi g s'uie of t utili nip', and rni-ing hiin-el; III hi- t (llllla-, while lh- tire t.f l.oi-lll lll li d li'oiil h's cjes, cilled out in a loil I i leal voice . ' ' Y iliiiiteer-'. 1 want vo!mitt . r-! Wliowiil li le null me In a" w'nte n n. 1 .1 and thilli n fioin Itirlnt .' an I .;. alii:' ' I 11 knew a I. w of lh I! kv M "iiiila 11 b..y.s in Tie pn l v, w ;in, ol i-'iir-e, w 1 teal hi.-i.l" in ,t iii'.iii" 1 1, and a numb r of lb soldi"!', a'-n ell 'i."l to go. "e ( o S lllltiel illlt I ,1 IV I. " Cars Mi, -ail In-, 'I will bill you te p ll-ibl" for the lives of my lllell.' "Allrighl C .lon.-l,' replied Hi t gal Inn! K I, waving hi hand, as al lh" In a l of a parly of thiity he dashed oil into llie d itkne.Ss nil his mission of venge ance and pns-iblv of rescue. The aelioii of C .1. Siiinni 1 as that of a tinned and tareful solditi, biave nil-1 -1 all Ii inii'lain I it tin- ait of war had taught hiie. tin.' . ll of u-.i l s'v t xpo-in llie I:i s of in n fm whniu he was it pon-ilile, a- he would h iv.' done had he pilte.l HO sol. lit is against 1'.i of 11 warlike, desperate, all 1 tleteriiiine l tribe of Indian-, such as the foma'irlit s were known to be. C ii-smi. of eom-e. wa-irre-poiisible, and liis aelioii wat eharactcri-tii , ta'.ing all t haneps, and Iru-iiiig to his Indian know ledge in be it llie savages at their own game. Wu call his rM .-reckless, 1 ul at llio same tim. admire, lh coinage that pronipte 1 it. ' They rode all n'l day ninl night, ; leaihing tint Indian village a little niter daylight, but unfoitunatcly were dis covered by (he C ..mailt lies, so that the Indians had time to make a bleak, mid st v ia! of Ihein got into the ravines and Inii-h. Carson's pari-; wt lit to work wilh a wiM, killing indiscriminately bin ks, npiaws, and papoose-. O.ie of the avengers, DicK- ed, singled out the Indian w ho was tiragging oil the cap tive .Mrs. White by the hair of the hi nd, in a direction different from that the other ridskius were taking, thinking, doubtless, he might be nble to p-cape unseen with his victim. The hapless woman's b idy was terrib y bruised as well as bli-lere l by sunburns. Com pletely nt Ihe mercy of the lir.lwiny sav age, she, m Inuring 111'! yell of the while men, as tiny dashed in to the nt latk, fell dow n mid was being tliaggel IT in the iiruiner do-ciibetl. W hen 'ed tlist overed the situation, he whet l"d his hors- and sptirretl him to ward the Indian, who shot nu arrow in- lo the fleshy part of the rider's back a ' lii:i horse, being somewhat un nmiiageable, passed him. Hut reining him up ti i iily, ninl ju-l as the Comanche was aboiil lo lit s ip another arrow at him, l! e ldr va( -leady It -ad on him w ilh a large Colt's revolver, and, ult. ringa piereing deiilh yell, the .savage fell on the ground with a bullet in his brain. I! " I lol l in the Indian's yell rang in hit ear- lor months aflerwnr 1, His killing the Comanche, however, prompt as it wa-, did not, tin fortunately, save tin- captive, Mr-. White. Hastily di-tinunting, I! e 1 nil to where she lav, only to I'm I ln r gasp ing in death, Inn- b"-. mi piercd by sev eral iirrows. A more pitiable -ight had never been lot ke I on III all lh" lnuri'l seeiies of lnd an warfaie. II ilt the s i vital girl and the child w t n: cai I ied til by sum" Indians who were forlunale enough lo escape nml were found the year following in Ihe h inds nl a friendly Iribe, who had punha-'d tin in from the Com inches and hrmi dit tin nt I t a II cl ing po-t on the H d Ii ver. M -. White was buried ll' ar the pi lee w In re -lie di. I, Carxin'H men i n t ting a i iii a nv -r the grave (o pit vent llu olv s an 1 t ny.-les fi.un di vouriiig the r, u, , M. Ii il w i . a leinble Win n I.- 'i d di. tie- anew from liis bat k, al'l-r liinli ig On woman he had periled hi- life In re-, n as pa-t all hop", he t ill' 1 to Hi t oinradc.s to give up the chase i flh" Il v ing Indians. S"iii" oltlnm return. I with bootly Inuds, til l of it . 1-1. in-' ealps. Many of Cu-ou's men w-l.' half breed.-, a to-. b I. Men French and Indian, a n I iUito a--avagf a- tin In dians they w tired again-l, lal.iit' a .-o the .sain" pleasure in glia-Ov tioplii. s .. ; their cneina-s did. ; -ill' of IlieC" nimche s.piaw- thn v tin il pap"n-i -into tin - ravines and bi.i-h, loping to tn ike tln ire-cip" and In return an I re gain their olT-pring . bid the half-breeds caught thc-c papoose.- up by tin heel, and da-hod their br.iui- out against 'he slones. They consilient 1 litis it nit r. i fill ni l, in a way. The children would have starved to death or been eaten In die cynics, so they concluded il xv is better to put tilt-in out of misery at one -. Or, perhaps, they thought wilh the old Indian tighliT, Hen. Ivm ny, w din favored a policy of exlerm aiimi. Such was Ihe daiing bill mis. n c s-lV i! tempt by Car sou p. le-eii" tin- ix 1 1 t ' ciptives. Th i IT. t r is ;tii. fn -Ii in tin- m iiioi y of tin od nu n, xv ho can v ae'i for lb- truth fulness of the story of K .1 t'ti iou's ri b and lh- vengeance he took on Ihe C in-mches. Il is only otic of lliousau Is of in l.-inees of Car-ou's voluntary b avt: al templs to aid lice whose itu-X p rieiice a ini-f o tun had bioughl tin in into the power of the nn ieil' -s sav ag. -."' - -Sfa '.V,H,.-i i C-.V. A Mexican linn t. A M. Alt illl dillll' l l-. l'lllllv -l i ved N -w Y'nik city is tle-ci ibed by the Nt'v Ymk '.( : Tne room was ii'l nned xxi'li Ihe Ita linnal coIoih of Mexico, and the table! linen and tableware, which were hand j stunt: ii color tmd pa tent, came fn in . itO. The colll-e- wi fe selveti ill the l il-iial M'-x i ill old I. l-'ir-t tame ''I'm ' ehcio Mi j:c ino," tl l lit iolls sotli, ai d ill. -n "picadio con loililla-," or eopp". ' meal, w ilh .i x t nr. t akt -, this wa- I !- I lowed bv "chili-cniic,iru-y fii.;ola-," a , dish of highly seasoned meat tut in!.. -mali pieces in the Chin, -e la-hion, wilh M.-xitau beans. Next t tine "chiles n'llenos," or egg-, and after t In .t "tor- i li.l.t-," or little Mexican takes, thin "In nt h lades," or iiu at lolled in "tor-lii-las." The nexl di-h wa- the inn.t novel one of the dinner. ll consisted of hashed meat rolled in a ibuji made of coriliiical and cooked and s. i vt tl in a corn husk, so thai ll had the ll ivm ef the torn. Tint .ornnn-al was made in lln- r staui.iiil, being gioim 1 by ban I I between two stones by the Mexican cook. The meal dosed w ith colli e, ihncol tc, .Mexican pu Id ing, or "Cipirolada Mi-ii-cami," Mexican cigart lies mid Mexican cordials. A brown, l!afk-cyod, Link haired Mexican girl xxailed on the table, and the other waiters w Te young Mexi cans in claw hammer coats and high . (liars. All the.tlishes were l xeellellt, and everybody said that the chin .date, made in the Mexican way from chocolate imporled ft cm Mexico, was superior to any they had ever drank before. llflVcl uf Imagination, Thomas Fuller relates a cm ions im i dcntxxliiili is tiu'y haiat (eristic ; A gentleman, he say-, Inning b d a com pany of t'hil'lien beyond theil IIMial jotnney, they begin; lo In; weary, and jointly cried to him to cany them, which, beeau-e of their multitude, l.o toiild not do; but he told them lh.it lie woiiltl provide them horses to ride on. Then, cutting little wands out of the hedge, as nags for theni, and a larger one for himself, they mounted, and those xvho eould scarce stand before, now full of ni'ifh, bounded cheerfully home. tVii'i-..o Ti itii(. Now hp re. "Maria," Raid lonipklns to his wife, I "can you tell me wheic lovers never like to lll 'i l I" 'No; where P "How did you jjue-s it;" and the lietid chuckled. uiHiiiKKX'sttH.r.MX. ? A Hroi for Slni'lliig. I'.ei Ilia wii- n bt'le ninnl Wnippi'd in l.biidnes." awful slin l , Yei her faee was all slight With a miiiIo fiirpa-.-ing l.nglil. I "it I ta. tell,' I sail "ii" iln. ' hv y.-u look so pl.i'l ninl finv--lli iinming full ' f lmi p n.'-' ) Wliu. s ho joy '. I eanii'.l i;iie-:' iti a tone of HniiiI'M-ing. S;..ik ng llionglilful! ami -lo . Win ," said she "I 'Ii' In I know J lifie had lt.i.jiene.l iiiiviliing: ' II th -1 tnliter rii i."l ..ut - "To be I . okiiijj nl it', "il'. ' , v. .VicWim. The i orrr ol llnhll. 'I hrre xva- once a h"i .( ili.il n.i d to pull .ntinid a sweep win- Ii lifted tlirt finiu Ihe depths of the until, lie was k. pt nt the business fw nearly 211 years, until lie Ih cani't old, blind, ninl too still in the j lints In I." of fuither Use. So he was tui tied into a pa-lure, or left to i vnp ' 'he gra-s without an v one to di.-tuib or i.'.llnr him. I!ul lln- liinnv thing about th- old ln-i.se wa-, that every liieinoig, nil-I graitig ,iw htl", he would slarl on i turnip, going roiin I and roiin.l in a t licit-, just a1 he ha I l" in at i-u-l. lined lo 1 do for so many xe.ir o w. ii'.d keep il up for hour.-, an I people often slopped o iook and Hiin-ii ii hat had g. t into liie head of lln- ncriible lili'li'nl t" make him wa'k .ii.oind in such a soleinn way when iheie wasim t-iii t lily ii'i d o ; it. llul il w.i, th" f nt e of Inbll. An I j children xx tin f.ni, ion I or good hahils in : Ihe. I yolilli will I" I.. I by tlnm when liiey b"come ol I, ml ti' be iiiiti il..-- j ji happy at in id in:; i v. I Is Ml II whit III l'ftlllt II. pin Iy of -uitrin-i t s I us it I. Ih inn , N. J , w refni" d-.y very iiiiuh ur- pris -I al lite -ag.,- .ty ef a 11 ek of li-lt ' hawks. due n th. s bird - li.- ng ;. , tak.-n for ii butiv ud lo'diei was -hot nl, while p iclii'ig on ti,.- t,,, br un Ii of a i tr.e. The lull -tinek the bud on In- ! v i ig. and he 'liopp d, llutleiiug and ! from bo'igli to b nigh, uiit. he connived lo t In eli at a stnui f-rxetl blanch and teste I lh ne. A l da, he .-.it, uttering piet-ci'ig s.-reani tint in xl limiiiiug w :is I un I lo have gathered round him a latg" circle ol hawks, prnb ihly In- friends a:i 1 rein I've-, who se-'iiie. In be Imldin a roiin il. I' tell in I in n (haltered lei-ily, n i! gtvmg a Iv.e o: ,i'.:io,ed pi tn , of n j !!. I, -viii;.- tin- i wounded in ilin i j st-em d to listen a o-i'y, and j,,w and , lie u pu' in a word. Tn- aopto.teh of a ' human b' ing pro liievd gre.it tou-teiiia- ' I aiming the birds bill they di I not ' lly .nv ay an 1 desert tie- di- ili e I imp, I 1 1 sp rt-mi-i cani :i g-1 i ii intn t'c nu on I illt the inlei.i ,:, ,,f pulling an in I t tic p lor cr iit tve - 'in-.-ry with an in I b:i;l but It: was ea-'iv peisiiadetl to wail and see -x tii th" ierls would tlo. An immediate ie-u't of the meet ing wa- the fi:e ling of ill' pl-i.oli'.'l, sev i la' In inlier- i f llie le-t uiug party living p. i he ... i-aii an I I '-I.i; ,iin w il Is a li-h i n I lull claws, ll tv. is easily -e,n however, I i..i I 'le inniiicss of lie lien to tin I Loll--, a. id lh' lowi!''-- ol th" l.iaiieh on j .lll'eli the wettll led if! I i l oiicll." 1. I caused thf great' -t in.xi' t . , and even ! nil. i lln- iir aiid's Inm on ,n sa!i.-ii". j the othei it: I, kept 1. hi., atv iy ill par j If-, -.vill i' elht I- still p. l. In"! "ll the : lice. ..ltd .siiined to' be niail'iig llir I lot s-eitgi i's return. Il -a i -o I bat -otne plan ha t - ma b evident j Ilia a! IiiiiiiIh i- "I 1. 1 lie- biou hi their needle woik oil inln lln: orchil. I, nml staid wailing In -ee what was going to l.e done. The hawks wi very ipiiel all day, x.cpt ihal lh" -..ib iei uttered nil t i fii-i . n il sound, as it move I un ca-ily in lis leafy betl, xx 'mi- I lot w .-itch-ers replied in low, soothing tones, as il x ith xvonls of pity oi cut oiinigem.int. Tow ards siinscl n singl" ha.k itpp.-tire 1 on Ihe m' 'lie. then anotll", a i l anothe' ; a chattering began mid the excitement . increased as Ihe in-ssi ng. rs kept return : nig in twos and llni't's. The v.oiiiided bird raised its -If n- nnub as pos-ibh fit. m ihe branih and sceuie.l juyfully ex j pcelniil. while the fiber 11 'w ri.und ii gaily. Sony, a Imi i Hipping overhend . xx as In aid, a dot k .f haxxks iippeiired, and in tlu-ir midst a giant hawk -a bird much larger and si longer than any ol the rest. For a box moments it p lclicd upon the topmo-t b .mill of the Dec. j then started up ninl began circling aboiil coinirg bnxei, ii an r to its Vto.ridtd' brother, until suddenly swooping, it grasp . I the ':.,. r m its c law s, an '. , raising linn gently from 1'ie bough, soari d itw.ty wilh him Iriiiinphanllv. Tin other hawk- loU.nxvd, having the spectalois tut rxx In !n. d xxilh a-loiiish- in. lit. l in y did m l doubt that. thi hawk was being ( niied to stun ,-nfp, r.-t iicd spot w bete he . ..iild be fed .lnd xxailed upon iinlil his xvoiind healed. O'lf Animal's ''"'''. Inleresliiig Itihle Mnlistic-. The books in th" Old Testament,.";. Chapb is m the Oltl Testamei.', ,".i. Verses in the u d Tesliiment, '.'d.'.Ml. Words in the Hit) Testament, :, , .cut. lh" letters in the old Testament, 2 .;-.'s, inn. Tne bonks in the New- Testament, Chnpti rs in the N. xv Testament, giit. Vei-es in the N'eiv TcstamsK't, T, .-, I Words in the New Testament, I M . ?);'.. Tie h Iters in '. xv l'eslat ten, )l.,. AXIM.LTK.IMNr,. Kxporimonts With H jr.fi-, Dog's, PiO'-. nnrl Elopliou ts. Tin Hors tho Hard ift .ml tho Kieplnnt the Easiest, Animal to Tiniii. I'eople w ho go to tin' (iuui nil I sit hor-es, elephants, monkeys nnd (he like perform wonderful tricks, nm-t olleii a-k themselves how tin: atiimils are t .night to do 1 1n tn. A w ii. a- in t'n l.i'o, having inl -rvie-.v -d -. v ril eii'-u-celebrities, nndeita'ies to sali-fy the r curiosity. M. I.oyal, who liar, been ling niaslt it of the le nlmg I'ali- circus f"l years supplies iulere-l iug informal imi t oin tilling li'ir-i s. " I h hols"," be says, "contrary In general belief is th. most stupi I annual on cailh lb- has only one faculty, iii'-moiy. n nm-l leseh him li s ext rc se-i w , i!i lh- caves son and tin long whip II ixing Ion d them into his head, on inu-t n '. 'le ' fle.rl whip when In-resist.' and g:ve h;m a i .irrot wln-n lo obey -. W hips and ; t iimts form tin-si . n I of lln train.-i. Toe hois- lli'l-t ! 1 1 mil 'i to i yeais n'.d In ton thai a In- i, ton -pi rile 1, all" r ll . l.is iiiiisi h - ll"l el I -I il I 11' II dl. Tin' i o 1.1 at eu ..iii y.'ir til l thin - to d i Inil-e to tin- r.n r"iiiid r gii'.-.rly, ; given signal. Inm nm -lop al :i a. compli-h IllOtg'.lt I r i i ii. r r, w hie'i i - lll' il I To ll i this III" into tl,' ling. Tit holds in hi- left li in 1 a I' '.In . is- I inl" the cave son, a I. -on, a k.n I of in. n i I. -t i lit iiini -d witii -h up points lix d oil the ins' of the Inn.. , in his light hand he holds a long whip. R hind llie niiimal an aistaiit, with a -tout sin 1 1 whip, isp.-ti-l, Ihe train, r "ills en tin hoi-e to -tar!, an I, pulling h tothi-r and .-in at king hi- long wii p fore s him lo gallop l inn I. If he re lilsp., the a i-t.iut tl-e- hi. whip also, il he is ibditnl. he is rewarded with:, cirmt. To ma.ve him stop short, tin I trainri eiin ks his long whin again, while the n-si-l i'it wilh his short wliip ; throws hiin-elf mi bieiilv in from of the i aniniiil, .in. I tin result i- obtained." M. I I.oyal tills us thai "llie ltta-e has a gnat objettioii lo kneeling or lying j down nt any m .iic ut. This feal i ! lailghl by means of iron bracelets placed , on his ankles an i all aene. I to a ttlni held by the Itain r, who, b. -u 1 1. tt j.nks or pu.ls ;is In- i- moving in. ikes him tail or kilt.:!. The iiiiinal nun mini th" less. ins ,'cid, by dull of whip an t i carrot, ultima!" !v perfotni- tlnm at lln mere in nm in I of lh- irainer. Tin , hois- i- Cm -lit to dance to inu-ic in the I Minn- x..y xv i ii lie font bracelets." A- regal Is tin leann l hoi-t, who o..iis bexi sand takes iii iic.es out of I hem. In !' i is In. xv the animal istralin l to do .t: '- j lit'st get a e nr.. I," says M I.oyal. " ( pi ice il in a box. I then lead ihe ho:-. I to the box. II- smell, the carrot, lift j up the lid of lh - box wilh hi- in- and . lake- out llie vegetable, xx I ii t 1 1 li-t i- al I loud lo eil. Tin- n -xl d iv, b for" bi ting tin hor-e f.i'f, I s'niw him a hand k'-ii hi' l full of loan. II" lake- il an. I liie; t-i eat ii. I then I t him In lb Pills to th box, bill hittiT deception-- il is t inp'y. The day alter I ft -nun- I lc cxirci-e, but tins tone tic h"i -e tin-1 -Ihe b in Ik rehi'-f xxilh lh' b'i.niiti tin b-'X. lb take- it mil, an I I retv n 1 him H ith a c iriot. I ,. cie.t-e ill amount ,, l. i ll. . I,,,.L ,.r. hi. f . ver. ,1 ,'. ,,',. til iii lh" end 1 pill tie n Iy tin 111 i i K t -chief in the box, 1 h lior-e brings it to me, ami gi Is hi- carrot. I then if iluce the si of th" carrot i v. iy day, until nt last I give linn imihing. Tin li'ir.-t ntintits tn perform xxiih lh handkerehief in tin- hope - f gelling tin t a n ot " With respect to dogs, M ( hang, ux. who is lioxv exhibiting a lioiip-of tin in at llie Noiixiitu Aniue, says theil cliii t- tioii is a woi k of I im Soiin linn s it lakes t neither sugar or whip," "1 take my dog in my him, and try l make Illl I pall, tn e years. "I ti-e la- infoiin- u-. hand-, talk I him n in I . t si i .i . i xxh-il he is to d ". Ipe f uin the trick-iny-elf and the dogs follow , and i n: i t it. Inc." Al present he is slum ing a i iniage dog wh i i performs on the single xvire. 'T will till you lioxx I taught him to In. come all t ipnlibi i-t. I made him lir-l of it'l w a'k on' a plank which was l-a! anced to and fm. Ihe plank wa gradual!) ndui d ill widlh i very day, a id the iin.vi mi ul net t it rati d. Al I iiglh Ihe plunk dwindled down ton 1 narroiv slip; this xva- replaced by a long ! round slick, and utimatclv the dog found j himself on Ihe single win-. Strange lo I '", "It's dog is blind. M. Chang. ux say-scent is lh" great ipiality wbi. li ! 'll.tbh s tlogs to pel hum some tiick-. l'.. 'example, the .ooll s who play nl d'-iniuoes nre taught by their scent. The tr. liner touches the dominoes which th. dog has to play, and the animal, smil ing them, pick them out from the r. -l and plays them. The pig is said to be the tno-l . 1 1 1 1 -cult animal b train. Tony I J rice, lln clown, tints not believe in liailnd nijs. They are to be taught only bythtir weak point iheir gluttony. ''When I have pot my young pig," he says, "I lit gin on the principle that I shall obt ain ii .thing from Inm without satisfying his apptlile. I ford him inv-eif, and during ii lew days J vary his food ill order to lind out w tint ho likes best. A- soon a I ,. , . . have ih-cnvei-. d Inn favoi lle dish, I d.-privc him of il i ompli le'y. This di-h i- my gn at t.ibsmin. The thief pg I ,i now pet forming; .th prefer-bet I lai. 1 put a pi.ee iii my pock. l. I jump ov.-r hut. lies nml the pig follows me. doing bkt xvi-e. In this xv.'y he 1. arils in- ,M .. -,- and gets his f,t. I ,b i ti i-e the pii t of fat ivcly lav, and at last 1 give him nothing. sii'.tii'l he refu." lo xx. ik I Ihra-li him llii If ti . tnd. hax ing t . nt : ! !"d li iJ p. : i"! ili tt.ee-, 1 I- i' inpeii ii ill xx illl h:s I'ix-.ii:!'- in- il." l h el. phaiil, on lln t nntci .-. is very inl. I ig. n', an I hi-cl-ie it i'ti xvowll It- :i -v ! Mil f"i- bis t u'hIm r-oiii" xveighl, xvlni ll li.rocs the llaiin l to have !ct olll-e tn cruel mean-. Fm' m l fie", tn make him raise mid hold out hi. iool, mi oon ring wilh .dial n point i- pln-id mi il. and ''. ing dinxn by a i"p. Id' p"!nl "ller til" ll I I e!. p'lttl'l feeling tile p lill .lit 'I)' h' lo I .01 I ie p- 1" lln ait till tie paitt i a-- . A ! r a f. e l pi til ioll- In I , .in I t' . ! .. I le ..i'. a'el al lii. ight of t;... ,1- hi- looi. Ill - it -I i ml ion, til i . i. I" li. inl' ill- gel!! e, I- ii'i'll e -llip ! I pit mis ale I iiigl.t i tii i t l"i luighl lo plitc op adi n -,i, ', t '. t beg on t'n I il ti I ' -. .1' - killing a hull Ilk i',"in an ;.i. iiil of a hunting rip in tile Si 11. i t he 111 tilt, t . I ' -, i'X 1'llllk Wlii.e.oll III lh" .. IX .1 I, eo.V wr .pi a . f.i.nn . . ite III lie alt.'lll 'on I . a -hi. I tie wo i b. I p lint le it xxhii h tin- di i l ha I I" en kdi. d in til in .riling. I xxasexc I'im.'ly tire I. I n.ik.d -loiviy up tie l:;'l I . .1. top, ul, . ll," tmib i xx a i ul". 'p n to si Ihrough fm I VI y.u I . Tie le I a' .bovn b !..!! I I i.ll-gi I" i. ! r I i !' -t .and I ' -llioke. U'inli s'l.okiiig I In aid a u 'i-e behin I M'.ok' 1 n roll i 1 lln I". ul I. r an I -axv a larg", h ni l-oin bud ink I tn l:ng inolloii" ' , .x.lh h:- h ' el higlt in the nr. IT'S aim .,! i o.il It it ! in in ' w ,iv d briskly in lh" lne -. My h-ul spring into my i ! it. an 1 there lriixg'.- l and lluStfl.-d. I dl xv my r ll armiti I nnd pointed It al til" e'k, lei' I coil!. I II 't I. .1 1 it mi l.i e. Tr -s, ro. ks, bu-li. -lill. I lh .l.'hC, a-id n f.v and t!n-:i lh" e k won' I -j..': ig r l'e -:.;lil- in a in '-t in n .'i .! life :n i in r. S I . i mi- :. I I - x i an i w nt I ii i' i! T got ho .l n!' nix n i :c;d li.e.i again I I In n-t the 1 1 tl.- o nnd lh, in. k. The !k wa.- -I I! linne. inoking liir nigh I org , b nilf'i! . y s il lh I. it tn el I laiiis In y.t id tl. e II xv t , not timre tli ni -v. uty tie- yuls fr nu hip. I ' .v -I-" I Id- ft ha I, .a-id xva I t-l go.ii ; '" p T i -i : . i : xx lien lc- otli. k v 'Irn', 1 I. t.i i '.' :iliiins t lilt gn nti, die v ni a i-.tg I'l-.-.i'di, and tor. -,v I;:. In i I h."h in III" ail , neulh sightiy ,.p ii. hi. w.de -pr.a I aittli r- re-, ing -i lo. In i.. ail I ti g : t oving. x fo: .. mile t- t ;u to him. II 1 , ! .. . l.e tt,. ,,-.' i . I. .! ii - SM'.-i-t a- wh"ii il is in-Ho.i 1 I..- di-lauee. Afl.-I- bugling, lie bail -to . I ii, ,::,. lie.., iippan ut Iy li-tt inn ; itit-i'i'. Ag tin In-bligh-d. I -,x i- ti I m . 1 i ag, r to kill loin, but w -x I-. -h- : in in-- it, on lln - lie of ' hi' h mi e 1 -inl i I i i 1 1,:- family depi adi d for tin ii w :;:! :'- pr.-vi-ioli ., si I in nr. u i ii 1 in mi, r . ' W . 1'. tin a I I iii" it. I -.x ill hax ' . l' ith- r y mi in ." and lh- ll 1 'i-.i hon llii .n -ii lie head I .Ins ed Iii. ii, and lln . x hi- I x,r and In ait ei-l lit l .- oil I in' ground, xx hi li the p unit e . 1 1 : I g. ! th ill to ' il. tlelall.c I'cil-. Ihe ilngel li-, 'teix ,1 a I. ion- -in penal A-. la. wo'i'd inl:. il ill . t tin- K .man . u-id t -.'! I . I i in I a ' p. -i b. yond . 1 1 - -fx lu:. 'Ill- lii ! un. . n--t imi' d. 'It I' ii 1 1 1 ' 1'. f . leli. to a lin lal p. n I-:n a liu'.cti pitmt beck, of Illl. Al-ut! lln same tim tin-p .. i I' .p , ri . -I .-I bis ...I,-, refei's to a st, , I ,0 g d, p -n. Tiie tii'-t l'.agii.b pen- xx, i, ma le in ( t .niii-haui, by Mr. Harris.)! mil l . I'i i. -tic. d.ont a Inm lri-1 ve.ti- "it.;.-. M- tnllic le nt xvcit t xp. ii-ixe an 1 I til. u-. 1 until the i-.x mil '.loll in lli luaii'ila. lure about -ixty years ago, i aiis -d by th- invent ton of tli- liniid i le'.x pi-'ss, llie m tv mi chine pi. . I ii,,- p. i.- tioiii .-ie . I -le. ' I'levioti-ly lleyht-l b.iu mil.' fioin sicci r.'lle-l int.. lulu -, t... i mt I. .ruling the -in. Tie' I. -t an: leu in., irnne .loiin M I. In li .,- lin ml:-" l.n . i ..: pi, -s. male pens, 1 1 - 1 1 : ; i th I Inm o ha- been a, voided I., both .1 . I di M ,- ni an I .1,,-, pb Oil ,01. - ' -..,'.- .1 ' .' -e .l.ihll (.1 iiill's llon-c. .lobti Oin a' i- said to havt -. in. fr.-m II .lln. id I.. I a thness, s. ot ni, I m 1 .i;t. wilh In in i.Miiie his bii'ili, I-. liny owned land in Ciithrn and in. it. is.. I ind iiinilipl .d until th-i- xxm tight I undies, i in, e a y, in lin y nil met iti the lirst hoii-e llu y had built. At. cii in 't-iing tin .pn siimi id pr. t t'lciiee xvas raised, ami hue was almost a light. .lohn o'liroais, as ihe S. i.li h t idied him, who seem- to have had th- most lev. I head of th. m a I. -.-tiled the matl.r t. nil i.-u i'v tin n, nnd mid that mxl year be w. old -. li t- it liiinily. W hen the time Im lin- m xt iii.-cting came: .1 .Im o'Cro its had built an t ight-s ded In u-c xxilli eight tlo. is and xviiuloxxs; in the middle of the house he put a round table. Ity this means nil struggles for ! n . il.'ii.- were tivi u ie I. -.V JV.e . A man in his e ti-nagn was rnlnig nlnng. A ginlv- b-esseil xxil'e bv his side. , -m,, , lacs--h -looked like a queen. At,. h hk n king in his prido. Av , .1.v,., ,,,, ,,, sllvpt as they p,s.,.. Tl i . n r age ind emiple lie eyed, An I -in I a- Ii worked xvilii liissnxv on a log. ' '' ' '"'":' atnl- iild rid-. '" Iii" tiiaii in lite can iage r. niaike I tolls "i I ie tlllll g I XX null give if I eoti'il I I iv nix- ee-tltli f m- th" str.ngth nn1 tli l.ntliit ' if llie iiciii who j -aw iug the xvciod.'' , p ."iy yo ce: tit,. nl with a l utidle of wotk. Who-e la t- lh" morning w-ns fair. x . lit Iii;ioi; nl nig "I'll a smile ol tit light W Inl" lia'iiniing n love It eathing nit. :-i.e ;.i .ke I on th ti ring". Ihe lady she ax, Ai iax. il in nppati'l sn line, Aii.l .ii.l t-t a xvln.-p...-. ' I xvii.h ft-.tn tnv li ail '' I ..,. --il in and lae "ere mine. ' I ii- I ,.. I.ml.e I ,,it .' i !:. .'S I lll- III . el . ,' 1 lh" inn nl wilh l"'i .. .li-. -In.. itu -h I'.-iIimi and tl I I I .Hi 1 1' i I . am y att'l vat h lo .. 1 ." I '.u ,1 i in lh" v ..i l I, n : ,i'i tee our Inxv, ' on- in iii t- nnd our t nie we employ In ! ng i'g !'i 'I Mi-huig f"i- x.h-tl x'.. hax ngl nt' I ul ' of vx h tl xx e en ..v III UniiOl s. l'in' tin ii w ii i iit.t n v iimst ft'opti-nlly !"- ne 'in y ni e tin mini t. r-. "Voii'i".' Irying lo m il." game of me," ,. . th" d. ei ai I to the poi l-inaii. .'ii Igc I will give ymi l'-n (h'llnri in lln-e .1 iy- rri-on. r .bdge I'll take tin l"ll .l.-ll.ti s. The l ip 'of luxury The t al's inb r v w xxilh tin' milk. A svx.,11 affair ." x.l una n i:i" '.- lit a-1. I In r isaina:! nut in Illinois xx lit .S" latue i- .b-eph Oolol" d II; is said t- ! f I a x . iy i. t irin g d :.-p t-it imi. l"n i" i-room f n- t v.rybody in this lug world. Id ti linn come- fi.un the hi t thai loo in any want the front room. A- i. ili-l says that a man xxl-.nhn? In. u -I ni. k by lightning cannot swim, lb- might have- added that b" never tries Hi-id ti shipb . n-.i nt seal "I feel -o -iek, my dear, and if I should die and they bury me In re won't you soini.tinn s ..one and plant flowers over my crave?" F.ngli-h milliners are said to have tlis t ivi red a xv, ty of making bonnets of li sn.- paper so that the bonnet will not, i -' ovi r l.tt coil-. Il ibis is true lining ne n cm I" gin lo marry- on ordi -Iiaiy salaries. A beggar, I" all appearance slightly befogged, thus at i osted a pitscr-hy: "Sir, would you please g,v: tne a little ( "rm'' to on, a on m orfint. nu inm so dreadfully thir-ty that- I don't know j xx here I am to gel a nighlVs lodging." How lo Athli cs lite I'rc'siilenl. I'..r ninety seven years the country in-grown in iiigiiny, xvc-aitn and powei i tiinb-r I In -imple t t.n-litiitioiial title of lln Cliiel llxttulive of the American li public, until il rclip-es all the high--,'iimloig designations of lank known lo the x oc titulary "f unman hial institutions. All cllicial t oiiiiiiuni. alioiis or from strangers sh 'tld th-rcfore be addie.s' d "To the I'resi b nl, Washington,!). ('. A lilt"!' f i , mii a pi r-"ii il Irifinl should I..' a Idres-cd : ' I . lev, r CI, vcland, Wash iiigl'.n, l. I .," xx i I lii.tit title. l ie I'l.-i.b iii lo all Vomniunii ations, whithei illitial or per-onal. simiilv -igii- liis name, xxilhoiil the usual com I'liiieiilary t lo-ing as "yours truly," or t io-ing if r -peel , as "very rcspectful- Ix , " u-ed by all t llieials. 'I'he disctis-ion of Ihe sitbi"cl of titles wa co . indiced ill CongrcxK before the ainvalof Washington in Nexv York. In i ! ll' i' ol .Inly, ls!, to a friend in Vir- ginii, 'lit first president expressed his oppn-il ton to an additional title. It was nig.. I thai 'Hi- High Mightiness" thn Clle of Ihe Stiullliolilcrs of Holland, was his ( !i"l' ; 'ml there is nothing to shoxv that h" ever ( xpf.----d -m h nil opinion, ".''. ''.( i Timn. The Wonl lltiri'iili." W hai xx is the origin of the extilama tioii "II ni .ill" .' There nr..' few xxords Illl in n-t xxltieh t n no.i-l siith a re in. .le and wnbly exlfinl.tl j.r. valence as tin-. Il is nm of those Intel jet lions in w h n h sound ?o et ht.es -cusp that men i-eiu lo have ndopled it almost instinct velv. In India ami C-vIdii the mahouts nnl iitti'iidants oi baggage elephanls hi t r iln ni on by .eipitiial repetitions .1 "in-re-re!"' l ln- arabs iud came.l-ilri m Turkey, I'alestine, and Kgypt "in outage their animals to speed by hoiiting "iir-re, .ai r. !" The Moors in n Spain tlrive their mules ami horses -villi t ries of ,.rre.', In Fram e tho -porlsimni t x. ites th" hounds by his ' limits of "hare, hare!'' nnd wagoners 'urn their hm-es by crying "harluiut!" The herdsmen of Ireland and Scotland -htnil "hurrish! lnnrish:" tothorattlo 'hey arc driving. It is t videtttiy an cv- anialion common to many nations, nml -probably a corruption of "Tur aie" ! Tlnr null, a liallle t ty of the ancient Norsemen, though some authorities (In- I ix" it from the .1 wish Hosannah." j I'I"' word is very often, and was form- i riy invarinbly spelt "hu..i,"' audits rouunciatioa was "hurray.'' PU"

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