Cljc l)ntl)am ttccorfc !)c !)atl)am HccoriV H. LOM)OA, KHITOIt AM) PHOTIilriTOH. KATES TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Oil'- ropy, mr yoni On" ropy, six months . Oil" rniy. three month1) t 2.0(1 1 : I 1.00 r.o) Ih l,lf Wi.tilt I.ivlncl 'In life worth liv ing:" A-k of Mm Who toils Imtli ilny mi l night To make little homo fur thosn So dear unto his sight. Is I f worth llvingf Ask of her Who, crowned with willow's woods Poth find snprcnioKt happiness In kind im I nobio deeds. I. lif worth living!" Ask again I if tliosi whose h sliest aim U to nwist their fellow hum. Without ono thought of faiiio. I- life worth living?" Ah! dear fri"tid. Let tin s ) go 1 K'oio tell ; A li'tt-r iii"stion ,'iir is thin Is life worth living well: THE STORY OF A BOOK. nv in ni whx Mm i urn p. Tli lioii-ciiirid Iimi found it in nn old I ir lio iii tin; iittl,- and put it Inside a volume of M.rkons on the middle shelf of the library bookcase. It was a little, 'I'l ii''. given-covered, dog-cand, round loinii'd geography. U was pi 1 1 l isli.-i I wh' ii tlio art of gi ogriphy -making was -fn-.ik inir, in its infamy, lis mips h id liliies.. i , green, red, white, yellowy pi:r,ile, hrovn mid many other color.-.! l ul l -, and It n em; cli i-hed with od I pi. tines ol'stlil older p-ople. dic.i-cd inir.: singularly st iil vv ho hav.. bciomi li t in-l y Mi.. ! I, m ; sine the artist, who drew them died, if the ;ra rnpliies of the piw.-nl day me reli.-iM'j in their illustrations. Tin a of this old fashione d v 1 -uni' among the richly bona I hooks in the lilii n v raided a M liter of ex. it" men, not uiiniingii d W illi indignation. "1 av't s, ,. j,, i- ; ,f,. f .,.' ,.v c'liiineil a i '!i a lion of Matthew Arnold's i ssays, "why thin . minion hook should force him-. If up':; out r.mipany "N', mil," i'-.-poii e I the Mlikm novel, -haiplv. "If this hhrary is !.. ! Honed i i - ;i J.t' ri r y junk simp We might us w II Ln in a -ei-ond hand stole :.t onec.'' "Vis, indeed," ci lined la iiiii-.ui a low I'f S ,.tt's IIOV.'N, wllll ll Ml'l'l like ii line of liriiish M.;di"is with luighl led sllii-, I'll .'111 . pp -lie -lr!l. 'tome, w have y mi got to say for y il 'el: .' ' ni'piae.l "iiitT old lle.n .h.hii -s in. "What in no you stick yours -If io hen- ae.iin-t ivir i o;i-eu; .'" "J didn't want to i.nue, til" to'Oirraphy, mii liy. di in'l. It wa.-n't my I -mi!, ill;; in the old cedar do -t ill where 1 have lai.i . ! sim up mi. I w h' ! 1 .vo.ild hav iin-'.M nil 'li. in I I I wii Iy tin- nil" . she glow I ( I'll HOW hut-" "Si: ;" in!eiKip'e,l D:,;s.eii-. "Who is she, pl ay : ' 'Why, don't yoa know her;"' replied the cicrwriiphy i.i ,iui.i.nient. "I thought y. u inu-t know her. SIiu used to study ill" when she win a little pink-faced W., yi ai an I ea.s .'. Mie and .lai k studied hi" loi ther. I'uey wiT" v.-ry fond ol ni", and I sup pose that tile icllson 1 111 Vf h 'cil !lpt s Ion::." "'.Ink; i'.-.i llliplired the impi:-- ii've )icki'ns 'S'.ho ts '.lack.' " ".I n k," en! inui I tli" !e I'raphy, in tliUsia-t ii a! I , "w is the hand .oiuit li"v I ever Knew, and I kie w i who'.- io n, r. ii'ion of boyj mi'1 i.'.tl- too. I oiihl to know them ul', f.-r I was r.-.d, th'iinhc.i a :. I mi Ii I hy tlirm for iie..rly I'.nty years In lor .! n l; found in- on tin hook shell' ill In-. I.ithi i's iihi ny, where liij old' r hr 't hei ha I li ft lie w h'ii he finished m IiooI an I w. n! to v,i." ' That ilui -n't i lain how you hap p"l:ed tol'.' lure." inti-rj d I'mi -I -n - -on, Itidoly. '. ' no" I'll il -1 1 1 o . '" "I Wis jtist .ilxiit to tell you," io:i tinned tli; t .oyraphy. "You me, .I n k took m.' t. .-' hoo: with him the very first day lie went tleae. I' was the little red school house under tli" hill. Vuii probably know it. V. I tliouhl everyone kue whci that was. The niast.r was vi ry strict and very criu-l, so I isid to think, and every d iv h" u-ed to whip m arly aii the boy and k'-ep half the ;;il Is in at rei '.-s. .Iil-t bccall-e they wliispiTeil, and I tell you that boys and ii Is can', lo-ep fi oui whisp r. in; ill sthoo! any more than from breath ino. I ri I 'nearly nil' th boy. .1 ii k was one he didn't whip. Why.' .lack wuiHCiipple. llow did that biipii'n. I'll tell you. l'iiillis -she was .lack's sweetheart -was the prettiest i;irl in nil thesihuo!. .Sue was younger than -'ifk iu-t a year. II ' wm twelve mid .-h.. e leven, mid they loved each other jui' n iiiueh as people a good deal older than they wet c, if not a little more, t'ne (lay after M-tiuul .' n ' m 1 I'lnliis were slidiii"; do-Ail the school hill on .lack's big sled. 'I lie :na: ter was nut watchiui,' them. Tie: load did'nt run straight flown tin I.ill, hut wound mvuml down thiouoh .: fuiall t:rov: of trees. 'I'he mad had been covered with water mid was ice In. in tup to bottom, ami the sleds Ih w fester than the wind as they went down. This afternoon Phillis -at in front of tlif sled, her little led stei k inus culled up under her drc', while Jack held on behind and steered with bis Uj:. 'liny st.uto'l the last slide they had from the tup, and were .;oiiio faster than they had everyone hi fore, when l'.illlis ;nvi! little mil caught hold of tko8lod tighter than ever. .lack 'looked over licr shoulder and awaloo tied, pilcil hi;;l! with leg-, crowing the VOL. IX. roal. How fist they were gninir, nii'l hov ' Klowit crept aloii"j! The seconds serine.! bkeyeMS. They rould't possibly turn out, for it was in the veiy iniddle of the ori,v( It didn't take .lack lout; to make up hi' mind what to do. With a ipiick s-,vee of his leg he turned the sled sideway-. lie couldn't stop it, but he cuiild imiK' the end while be -athit the logs lii-t. .V scroiid later I'hillis was lying in : little frightened heap in the snow by the roadside iinhuit, hut .lark wa stretch"il out, white, and sen-eles-, un der his -led by the ide of the big l Wi lier of t lie log-sled. "The master picked him np and ear rind him to the s.-Iio iIIioiim'. Then le sent for .l.iii'ii fatln-r, who was the c witry doctor. After .I n k opened his eye-i and knew any one he was ran ied horn ', and In; didn't, leave it all wintei long. Hi ; bark was injured, so tiny sii l. 'I'lie next spiin"; he was able to io tosihool a;ain, but he couldn't play with the other bry. His ctutt hes weie in the way, and no tn i'ter Imw mm h In whi-p rd the ma-ti l m ver wh p'id him. II" never wanted to. cither, b I in..-t cveiy on" bive 1 .l.e k. II" u - I t" -it w ith htlle I'iiilli- ami tln-y d tln ii li 'sous "lit of in". Ilnr'ii; i -'e-s 'le y would ( n nn- at the in ip "t I'. il"i", and mi.rk cut the trip tiny were 'oini; to take w In ,i tie V pn-v, up and wire lliatliel. They 'Ail" ';o:nu to 1 ali-; win I" .1." k wa- ;H- I i I' i d. Then they would live in Italy a y. ai or -o ..n tin bank of a beaut fill lake, and they would be si happy that tb 'V wouidn't car" wle th i r tin y had any iiioie oi not." ' Well," i b .-ived Pii ken-, Alien ll . i oraphy paiis' il a in i.t t;' bi' athe, "did th many ." 'N". " retnriied tin i tln i adlj, "The : t year .1 e ' dii 1 and w is I uil' d in tie little i hui eh yard behind lb. iilaue i linn h. I'liioi-'s lather pie.-e li" I th" -i inion a' th" fuii'-ial an I the who e seic"i! put ll.iweis oil the grave. I'.'l I wbil" l'i,il!i- w.i- im-oa-olah'e, but such Li-n f never last- v ry ton r, - I've learn -e I, and before her school d iy- weie ou r she wa- jii-i ai ch -eiv and Hindi in I i-i.iit i! ill than rv.-r b- f a.-. I was laid away years before -he vi-'-w up laid away veiy carefully tor Piiillis never I'l.r'.'.d the -ri lets that I shared with her. Hut I havu'l seen her for year-. I don't know le.idy wli-it ha. bicollie of her. Mie bio light in.- to thi- vvith In I over in the old clie-l. I " At thi- in .mi nt tin- libra-v d""r p 'lied and tin re entered th- llli-tl's i I the, a -light, h ind-oiii' w..inni, with a sweet face and -iUa-r hail. "I th 'U ht I heard a ii"i-e on the I k," she -ai I. "lei' I don't see anything there I" make it n-.w. I' hap- it might have I. eu a inoife. I'll look for it. Why ! " -'u e. ! lime I, a-s ie s". 'd the old '.'eogr iphy and ln w it on' . f its pl:n . "Imw di 1 tlfls deer old bo ik i v i t i oi'ie down hen .' I thought I had !e-l it y ears ago." Siring dow ii in ai the table -lc opened t . well Wi lli le i', s. When -h ( alii' : i r is- the old Mine in ip of r,ur"pe ci i i r.'-sed by p.-iiril milk-, In r f.ti t t - ie d, and a- -!n- bend, d ov.-r to ki-s the -'i.d and di-li :'ii d ii'iitini-nt two ten .iiop- were mingied vitii th" blue w iters uf t he sea. "I think," w iii-p. r. d lii k, n- to Mat t'l.'W Arnold, a- le- nodded in tie- direr. ti. ii oi the obi urography, VI think I know, i.ow, w hy the gi o-i.iphv w a- k' pt so long." ' Vis," softly n hoed tin re I . oat,-,! iine "1 Nott. "Yes; we think y "ii (: (.;.,. 'W'. Ilmv the Fairies Uu Their iime-. A w idelv spread notion is that when our irii-ading forefathers went to -the Holy I. ml they heard Mm 1'ay niin .soldier-, whom they fmght, speaking 1 1 nit t of the I'eri, the loveliest beings imaginable, who dwell in tho Dist. N 'W, the A ralii.iii hiugiia ge, which then -warthy wan iiirs u-"d, his no letter I', an 1 then-foil' they i ailed their spirits l-'eri,. as iii I the fi U-. ib'is' after llmm; and the word went bar! with them to Kurope and slipped into general us". "Kit" an I "goblin,'' too, an: interest ing to trace. There w.w a great Italian fell I in the twelfth century li'tweeii tli! ii 'inian lanperor and the I'op ', who.c: separate partisans wero known as th" (iuelfs and the tihihellines. As time went on mi l tho memory of that long strife w as still fre-h, a deseeuilnnt of (he tiiielfs would put upon anybody ho ilis. liked the odious name of tihihe llinr, ami the latter, omv ration after generation, would return the c inipliiuent ardently in his own fashion, li 'th term; finally came to be mere catchwords for abii-e and reproach. And the fairies, falling into disfavor with sour: bold mortal-, were angrily nicknamed "elf ntal "goblin;" in which shape you will rcc ogu e the last threadl'Hre reminder of the urn bitter and historic far ion ol liilelf ami tiliibrllinc. Wih .lif,i. Fiery. "Will you have a cigar, sir.'" risked Thompson, rlT-.ritig a:i old gentleman one. "No, No," replied the old geiitloiiian, t'-stiiy; "I never smok '." "No," said Thompson, "but I see yon flare un occasionally. .Y'. J.,rvfe s ' i. NLL- U Br V G SliOlfO'. rKIII'N VM 1 J' IM" So lie. M y-stot ioi is. Sunn Ms I lint Como from tho fc-ea. Virions, Mn ial niil O'.lirwiso, Midi! I7 ho Fiu-iy Tril p. I Mtentiin.-, noi-i - that , ome from the si a, and are , ij :.ngiy inn xplainiible. pioced 1 1 '.iii reitaiti small animals. That many li-hes utler sound-i is well known ; a-many as -il .lilT reii! sp,. en s cf Jinny v.-eali .t- have been heal i Irotii t.ine lo I ini-'. A number of year ago, while on a li-hing trip in Ihe ti ilf of Mexico in the v iciu.iy uf x, iicatan, Ih iiilid in a small li-h, known to si lent a-tli" Ibcnulon, and lo sailors as the grunt, and never was a li-h better named. ,,s no s"om r dill lake it ill hand than it rola-d a iiie-J i x ;iie-.i e p ail of ey s a- far a- I l-sli e. ii d roll th. in and comiie'iic ! an appeal that ipiit.- a-toiii-hed nn-. Fir-I the giunt- win iow aiel ulteied singly ; then they grow loud-I and l'a-1-i, Willi linally the lish hurled at in. a perfect volley of sounds that aceepd d as an in n atv for lin-iov ami huriiediy to-, d him bin k. I. it. r I c.-Kight m inv giunts, and the) were ail v,iy talkative out of imPi r, but w'-,' i- ihcse Miimds iimld be u'ti red in tin ii nativ- rb nieut it would li ditlicuit to d t. iiniii''. Mr. f. t . Abbott le ard the mil i sun li-h utter a il, ep grunting .-uind, and the gizzard shad mak '- an audible vvhil ling noise. The ehii'i su -ke- utters a vugli' prolongi.-d not", while tie- ratli h pro.iuees a gentle humming sound. Ab bott believes, however, that the in -t musical i f the li-h. s is the . I, t'tiat tit-t'-rs a single not" frcpn ntlv repeat,' I, and has a -lightly metallic reson.mi . The I'm t that the organ of hearing in these niu-ioat li-lms is very well deieb opi d Woiili! see I ll to point lo thf belief that the notes w-re call-; and as the an bladder ill li-hes represents lo soiii. ex lent the lungs of other animal-., there is no reason for not th nking that the fishes have vocal communication. Tlie ilrumlisli is one of the bai b -t talkers in American wad r-. hen the nets are hauled on tin; .Jersey coast, and large iiuni'iers of diiinbti di ;,r ' caught, t e.r protests .nv often v.-ry loud. Th it the-e li-hes utter so, m 1 i un lei water Ih-'ie can be no doubt. Til" sailors on vi ss Is anchored , IT shore have hear I th" tiang nob; rising aliou'. th"in, and described it ss booming, vvhil" others thought it wa-on a-ioned by drums be iug beaten on shore. 1 In- ti-h utter t'-e s.".tms, aeeordiiig to soni authorities, by striking their pharyngeal teeth together, while oth -r vv t iters think that th'.y beat their boliei ngain-t the sides of vessel) to rubolV c.-rt tin parasites that infest tli.-III. A vessel lying in the t :.iiua s -a -nine years ago had a remarkable experience. The sounds that arose about her greatly alarmed th" it vv, and wire de-crib-. I ly the captain as resembling escaping steam, the clanging of bells, tho notes of an i-iionuoiis harp, with others d i 111 cult to .b'serib -. Tii - . im- rt la-ted f r -ome hours and was .attributed lo a school ,.f li-hes that w is -,- u in the vicinity. That li-hes utt. i uw.l was known in vi ry rarly lini' s, and Aristotle mid Action 'ii-th fil'-r to the sound. uttering li-hes of the Mediterranean. The fry Ion, se li-heriiien are f imilia' with a ti-h found in the Lake if t olotnbo, which tin v rail "in," tit it inakrs an audible grunt when disturbed ; and Pa'degoix, in hi- hl-tory i I Saim, in fers to a brilliant, li-h, rc-ciubling our llo'.ueli r, which the natives call "dog's tongue," that attai his itse'f to a boat's bottom and gives mit a variety of sowi.b. f oiisidcrabl" i xeitemcnl w.u no a .dolled at I' it!. cola, t .-vlon, a iiuitil el of yeais ago, by the report that lim-i-eal sounds were hi aid rising from the -o i in v u ii us places. r li. Tennent visited the locality and interrogated several fishermen who had heard the notes, and ib sciibed t In 111 as lcseiii b iug the I'.iini sweet notes of an .1'. ilian harp. An nding to the nun, they were only iiu lib!,: during the dry sea-ini, and they ha I always known i t them, and tin- r fithus In I .re them. They said it was not a fl-h that "ang, but n shell or inollu-k. whi, ll liny railed in the' Tamil tongue the rorie loolerroo rradoo, or living shell ; the luiiiie ividenlly b' ing an a tempt to reproduce the sound. The men s on pointed out some of the musicians, which proved to be the shells known to -eiem e as l.itloiinn hrvis and (.''-lithium pains. Teinieiit engaged the men to take him to the spot, and one moonlight night they rowed him to a locality about Ml yards northeast o( the jetty by the. fort gate, and while the bent rested in perfect -ileiice, not u breath of wind blowing he distinctly heard the musical ; otrs, "They me up from tlic water," he says, "like the gentle thrills of a musical , hard or tho faint vibrations of a wine, glass when its ran is rubbed by a moistened linger. It w as not one .sus tained note, but a multitude of tiny sounds, each rlenr and distinct in itself; tlie sweetest 'rebhi mingled with the lowe-t bass. li applying the car to the woodwork of the boat the ibrution wu ( ( HATIIA.M CO.. N. C., greatly increased in volume. Tim soun It ' variid considerably at -bfTerent p. ir.ts as i ... . i. i :r .1... "" " "" number of animals from w Inch lliev -i to. 1 ei eded was greatest in particular spot-, and occasionally we rowed out of In aii ig of tln iii altogether, until on returning to tl.e i i iginal loi ulily the -ouuds w ere at once renewed." t'lH I'' -.,.. C'lll. Sliiuirlitoi iug I) er in Missouri. ' 'n lliirr.c me ficek ate two export d er motors, who have b. . n bagging do. 1 an I turkey on the wlmh -.!,' plan sin the oja niiig of the g inn- season. They 1 line li"in Miehigiin in S-.tember. sine. the deer season open."! th. Imve shot ami killed thiitv-i-iglit il.'er. a.,. ' only vviimded one w'hi. h th-y did not 1' iaily capture. Tin y used no dogi. hip th.-y go through tie- w is stealthy and ' travel I ut a dioi t .listilnro nimil. Thry ii-" the Mariin in i-azinc r.ll . Thr .- , times ,, rtive if ad. .1 starts up before tleiii, f the hunters stops him the . Iii -1 shot. Failing to do this, t In v fob low tlie animal up vv.tli llir.e or Imir J diots in ,,Mk sin.. s-ion. If the,!,,, '''l'"lio. If tliM ll-biw I, ,b t -hoill. I escape .hi- fu-ilade, and disap ",i,t ' '"' 'I'"1" ' f"':" ' pear from sight both hunters stiike 011! , '''bt'i'l "1,1 man of S -,,,'s ro,kyi-le,' ; after bin, like a streak id gr. a- d 1 1 """ ' i:i "'" '' '"" l"'""" lightning. Thev.o bum,, ing over logs'1'' ?f:l"'' ' 1,V i-"l" h"'-l . and through bin-!, iike all' poso-.s-ed. 1 K""w" '" llis """ U I'1'""1 Thrv will nmavvav Iron, ordinal v an - ab. ,,. I ;ys,es an .1 howi-nd ( i.ei-01, whisoti.-ed to Mis-uiiri thick, ts ; and jungles as ea-iy m a Kansas tornado will outstrip a Mimiri ycloiie. I! .th of , these hunters hav whistles. Mv the oiin I of these whi. ties they tehgiaph to1 oarh other the coin-e of the game they ar" pursuing whetlur it is bearing t irigat ! or h-ft. or moving straight ale ad. Sin,: j tiims out of ten tiny will leach tie" ; stimin.t of a divide before tin- 'I-' r ; ii aciica me apex ol uii: next tin. no, aim . tine, they open tire agai-i. That leer is ' imrb' of good ,'tulT that gets away w ith ( out taking som, of tin ir lea 1 with him 1 that rises and shows himself aiiywln re ! within forty rods, and these hunters say ! they have wounded only one deer since they came that th y could not capture. 1'his one was f, Hid a few days alter it was siiot, but it wa-spoiled Th"y ship all .their venison to SI. bonis partie-. They realizi; PJ I - i cents per p-aiml for the saddles, which is all that tiny ship '. f.-nh A,,,.-.'.'V.,l. llavy .Ion ''s l.nrker. li -i"ii Iiii:; I i a c -liv-pon lout's in ipl ry in to tin- oiigin of the n.iutiiai pbra-o, "time to Mivy .1 eii-V- I. u-U.-r," Pie New York .S'o, -ny-. Mavy .1 hh-'s l.oi kTr is the sailor man's name for the place of the dead who are buried at ;e i. Win n a man dies nt sea his body i--ewcl up in eanva-s, s..m- h' ivy w eight i- atta 'hud to the feet to mak" siir : that the body sinks, and the whole is then dropped ovorboarl. Tin- holy has gone to I) ivy .Imies's I.,, k'l'. It was an awful roiiei it of one sea writer that tin bo lies ol the dead that h iv e I n ii-t , , , , . . , overboa, 1 along the principal r.,.t.s; b,twa.,'-An,eniai,n'l Kurope are ..."-v : standing it. it on the bottom of th" .- a ' shell. dor to shoulder, from port (o put. ' . 1 1 . i .lilies is im: silllol s , .rillplloll ."I, . .. .-, i , , .lonab. Ih: thinks th" .b.mitite w ho , , , , . , , preaches ali. ut .lonah 1-siiuplv alii ct"d 1 ' vv ith iiii ambition to talk Ilk.- a cockm-v when saying .lonah i- th- naiie.' iimatit. Mavy is said to come from tin W.-st I idi i negro's word dnlTy, in -aning devil or ivil spirit. M.vv .b.nes is , ' simplv MulTv or I) vil .bn ah th it i-, he 1 l- the nil spirt of tie- s.-i, ju-t a Neptune is tin. find of tie: What- i vi i ol i v il happeu.s t.i th" ship ,,r new 11 1 is the work of the evil spil.t "1 the sea, 1 mi l so when a sailor mm dies Maw .bines basil ied his own, and the body ,, : 1 i i l,i..l s " authorities think that M iv v is a cui up- , , , " , . ' Hon of teufel, the (iernian lor devil. - . .- - A Wasteful Wnrhl. 1 have been Inuring," said Mr. Ma- li-tic, "on the amount of linger-iiail that isw.-t'l in tliis v- ,rl I every veil and, sir, il is something enormous. Now, -ir, the average pels,,,, trims elf a thirty- .second of an inch of nail from each linger every week, H three inehes a year. The livcrage of human hie the! world over is foitv years. ,ook at that, . siil Ten fret of thiger-nail b.r e.n li linger- a mi. id fei t from l'1' twenty lingers and fc. Well, sir, there !.'"".'.' '"l'''! j" IhK world. and iiltogether tliey w a.-lc, on an :-,:. age, :lil(l,iMlil,llilil foot, or ."il,ss .;, miles of linger nail in a im iicratiuti. h ...... Why, sir, tliat is Millirient to rea, around the earth, mi l still leave iieari '-v pi.iioil miles to do our si ratching wit And only think! it would take less than four generation- to raise tinker nai -- ? . " ' .... ' ' . mail iii the mo in. Tin re is a bean of waste in this world, sir, a heap,"' said .Mr. Statistie. C'n.iio" .V, . Asreeimr to do Ilis Uesl, Young Winks. Mirk, my boy. will your sister he home this evening.' . ttle Mirk, (iin sso. It's only ft night or two , called, but I'd like to rail again (his evening if I tmmght she'd be lemi". Ih-rr'sson.oe mdy lo. you, I 1 1 IKS, aw 111 IV. ' Now, l):ck, I want von to be a good ' h little friend of mine. Will. I'll be careful not to let her know you're coining. Oman WwM, FKIJIJCAI! V lo, issy. 1 I T T I ( ) N ' v.lyU l.l Form of Groot.iii,, Among An-'int Mosl-m-, 1 w I mil showed tin full l.ngth rf ils How tin Cun'oia if IJiloalin; the Ri.'lf v rmU .iU,, i.i,,;,, .:.v..M. t -. Hin'l Was I itr 'lit-el gland r. s :;1.' a- i v. r a man looked on. : Jei ling it "I: tin I. '1, P tli::r w -tretdi It i- lelaled by Sir Wall.-r ",.!t. n f.,,,1,,.,. ,.. i ..... ,, .,,-, I one of his great level-, that a ,,..,.,. u j.,., ,.. , , .j, U aiiibiihince, c rtaitl chieftain po-s, .1 such strength )(., -, i;, ., ;., ,,.,. v..,-, .,!, that he was able to r;:i-h th" 1 a l l of ,.0,0 at the l'.e.-. i of h;- b: - eh . p d any one Hied t 1 him by w ay of -aluta , .,d -aiu'.e 1 1. n-.-l .. 1 t. ian ttvva l:on. That tli- is 110 mo," 1 x ig.;. rat. "ll ..warin prr-nnnl f. 1-iel, m l we had ,0 t iscvid.m-ed fi .mi the fait that -here ai.; ., . f. ,t-, . f,,r , ..,., We h ,. eiv 1 ' ' "' "''""l n ug t no Samson li'.e grip of tin h person-, mid h"ir add, ess ot h-1 wis in io.t and on ' 'i''1'. t Th" v.iri-m- forms of s ,l:a' ion have 1 a' w a v - b"en of mif Ii inbi.-t. bu-aily ' -'l- tuii-s, t:ie reoor.i na.u tmii ni '''"' '"" 1-00, ins . .10. in-,, .,.,.-,, "1' o iim If r .111.1 hi--'-i inn. 1 . embrace and t he k I-; v. . r. 'lamlv ......... "i; ';' '" 's I mat s,oa .1! .Hint. ... beam' in le-ti icte.l t , 1 , 1 ,t i-.-e, an 1 tli os ' bv ll"- sac: O 1 I it.S if lli.lll "I e -O 'll 10 I" 1"- ,, j j,, . Te-iaiie nt ti n s tic ho'v . i4jN, w ,s "iijiiu I unii th" ' till n. Aiiiotig l, s. , iill, u d 'p' -'I'l' -' th- nil- ),,., ,.f ,.s ...,g Ii. II in high. ,.t, vlUt :ll j j, t,.. bv travellers that. even t o this da v In pal t - of Al'ii'i tic snilii ag ,i- m,-" iui..b::ig rii-totn pn- ,..,.( a.s aUo anion ' I l I" '. ., m - r ins, j, ,.,;. ,1M, t,tJ( r wj,p,0 t.,. li-ki. .,,) Laplanders follow tin- s:im ,. ,1, , In many .aees the Ms. is p .pu'ar. ,m, , -tl Ri.-,, each other a an cxpre- j,, of th-ir regard. It is oiiite cmi mou in CoiUineiital liuiopj lur parent.- ; iUid near relaiives to .pill th-ir familv i aM 1 friends vv ith a ki-s .,n . a.'i i heel., The rustom of ki--ing th-h".i 1 i-. al- v..rv Ven ral'l.', :iul ha- l-on in v.wii tini" out of mind. The right hand of felloM-hip i-ext'-e. led in ni"-! i liur.-h - upon i ee. i. i:ig m ml., r- into tli" c i i i. li :i o. II lilati - tor ..- tin it i in ,.i- I .r Mij in- poitaM t. ;, in tin-, oiuse , I r:,:i..'i :n li e an- ace-pt 'd, th" s. , ,d . h ,p e, ol (I ,' nt am cm", t i a I , a n 1 lie- t g lit h rid of fellowship i- ext-n h-d. There is n ib.1,1,- I, it that this , ii-toin of extending the right hail I w is inlrobi-el into nil mode,,, fli-ti, natio:,-. I: is ba-I niioii the Seripture narrative an 1 opi-tlo. ipture narrative an I opi-t.e. and whi!" po-sil.'y not wholly new, -ti I was givn a higher ignl;i a-i.e 1 1 1 r 1 1 h the Ni w Test nil. ii t form . T.i" bid. a is ,,'... , ... 'i io' ...iiiis ii ii' i lie: in 'nn- i., is ni i;c n ,.M ,,.,.,.. :,,.,...,. ,,,;. if ,,,, wi,,Sl y ,,v ' . . . '.,., , , , lo.vr 1 ti-oin th" whit in in. I li s h al.,t , . , has 1,,'eoin lix-l ninoiig aim,-' i v I v . ., . , "'' iviliz -d peopl". , , i' is r. e .gniZ'.-.i a- tie pr r a- i. 1 . ' O, retno'iv 1- eollll. ete vv.tli . lit It '!!! it . , is like th tob. in among- he- tr.b. tin ipia lion of all ci rciiioiii,-. th sign that imi-t i.reci a. I lalere... ir-. l,. ,i ,.i.... ... ,i... i. I . ., ', '. . ' ' '.. ,, ley the .b.-iiit inn sioeai a - -ml th" . . ,. . : I lltiois In bans ne t them with both , ,. . . ,. , . . .i,.. air. Tlii, lib tl,. v , . r ' , gave tin- -n i, aiilein, on lo- -,ppeari',g ... .... . , , i in th" iii-.i tini '. Ihe sign of wienie ! . . , . . i ' ' "'Z " - with p. haps -o slight vi, .,..:,. 11 1- "it ,. in, in, .oa'. s nn, si.-n , , , . . , , ., ,.' !h r; th" king In 11 tin- so. pier in hi- I . ,., , .,' . . ., . ,, orgreai poiii.n o. uhii I L'ave the bone, hot -on w o h the i i .. t , sign-t ling-we," ,v. , th . r'-'" 11:111 '"' givat li I nil ; l""biol and impre-sive Sifile. r.!igiou 1 '" I''11''1-""' w,lv I' '"'"'"I bv tin j ,M'11 m,'v" "" """"' -1'" ':'" j ''""''" lleildh I lectrich 'H,, ,.,., four ,'f ,,s wore wa'cliMig an ...i,, sparrow picking tip his , ah- , h.. r .,;" j,.,'.., , t, i ,., writer. 1 f,n-,''v --.t ., ,,rs.t. piece of iracker and H-w upP. llm . ,,;.. ov,,rll;l j( ..i,..!,,,,! ,, , .,,.. ,.,.ri. ,,, ., i ovoring had lint v. ith an a. ( idol. t an I ' , , . , , , , .(. .iripped oil, and Ins foot had in Miotii I loin lied the wire than down In i came, dead as a stone. Wh, nwepiU. I un tin- bodv. it had n iminv f. olin as if veiy bono had been biokc. t wa- a . , , , striking proof, , ven if f , a -in .1 si a e, ; of t l-e viiidii tivc , iirrent wliidi bu.-i-s and ll ish. s and leaps over and nr. mid 1 i . .i i i . . I us, re.idv at the slighti si provocation i,. .. ,' , - si i me .-, in i m Willi iiio cm: I "I Hi ai ll. i llO I. 'llgOst 'igs. The lorn est sov, i, i.oi's :, i. ,, ,.f ..looi, I we lave any i, liable ricoidi- that AiL'alilhntiiiis. Kin.. nf Tail, ; i(1,:.i, ,u ltlit, ,..,;..!!:-,.f , ,! iin I pr-'vi -ion., wt I em,. ,;..,, Pioib , k M ' ti,,,.,- I, .1- hm . at, I .1, ,! tie- bottom .,av , ;,1,,.1,., ,(11,pu Wi! ; has not ye, be. a r . le I " At this . f, ,- sev, utv three veins. XIV ol ' I'""'1 !"' T'.:n..,y. w i. h. I b on bs. . , , l-ianoe reigned seventy two veai-s; and ., . 'r v i i- .... . .tie TO 'Mi . hai'rlail.l S deoi- re 1!I -,f...l 'iiy year. The reign of Oueen Victoria bids fair to h-coinc one i tl,,. I, ... st ,. n , rvcord NO. Piekelfs (liaise .it li llj-hiirp. , From K. P. Ai, vamb i's ac-ount of the t'njrd day'.- ti ;ht ii! I o-ttyshiirg, piibli-h- id in t in- l l hi ii, we ipiote as lollows: o.i .e ,1 . ,,.., out of the ,,,, ,, ,.,, , .. ..,r r .. with lli)n o,..,t di.ij, . n-i I then .- wi-h- ,. ,,,!.,. , .j,Ve .,1,,': was oip- la-'. ..'rh.-n I rod" .1 .'.ui tie iim f gw;-. -el. it ing s 1 1 . h a - '1 el . : ii '1 . "ini 11 n 1 1 e 11 . IO ("I'-V, P . ,. 'f . i l l i-la! '.Ill ; I- ' ;e, n III a!' ::i I if 111. Me III- (!l,ln ,,,, .. Uu) j,,, !.,.. tin a iif.le whil'.and ' ul.i;. tie- m!i-ii:v o 1 ,. I'" I- -,! :!:... v ..,t.n)i ,.,,, !.,,;, ri,.. Tv- , ti. . m b:i- - i, .,.,,,. y. . , t!.-.. all the a I I- '. Ileiol li lih all Its ...,',s w, io ba, h '', l "I shell .lei":..' "Hill,-. - lee! as th- i,,.;,, 1 b .t-v 1. .', :.,.ed :,,n lliel,,,.- i, 1 :, .-. .,,.U- ,.f 1 , , , , 1 . .1 II Hie 1 1 e. 1 , 1 1 Is .1 ' a , 01: lie- en. 111 .- ' , .. . . ' , atti ! ry .it n - a rr an I hr d ri . v at i'l' uiin. N . , :i. nnl-l hav.- I"..U.-.I a'tha' ilv.i. .vithml feeling !-"'! -' ' liul :,-.".ir s..i: porting gmi -I. ( p.i--e I in ,v.: r in.-'ii.-l 1 vlitllu- I' 111 '..ainpl-J t r:ib.' ; ":- !" ,. m vv . p m .1 up- n 1 P-rk It, aid ,".:i-id. la!'!- fot- t the i-li' iny iii-.ved , ut to attack lie rgh; 1 oik of hi - 'im-. 1 altv l. unbiiib. r-d, I mi. 1 opened i'::-. up.ui it. I ' k 1 1 's nn n I I" v. r halt i. bir "i.e:;. ! ' .- a! oi j range, siuiim- l ,i, r tl.e I s and I among tin- omm .-'- gun--, w, r -- allow ci j P ' s k- - a:i 1 tint wa- th-la-t if - tb in l lu ! tiii : liaid.y - ' im d to j la-t '' tniirit- s '...fore th-y weie i. it. ,1 ! away, an 1 only .ii-igani d -'r.ggi.i. ! w.-r min ha. i, ;.'i:-:i 1 by a no .brae ; ,,r . .b;-t : la n. W .' x' I" i.; i h- pa-- . I ' u-. moving I'. he.', -upp.-i!. Tie-re wa- ... i -.;g, : ay':-,- t.. -op p-'i1. ami w i': -h i-.,.-. -' i :y ..tile ll" ' - - vva-t ,.! lit. I -"V ;i: a iv .tic. '1'i..- i;n n. ,- -li .-- in-, io u d !" ; v.ii.h ,e 1, a- ;f lb y a . , le,. I ,t ti,, v ,! . Xc. t.d I , ! !.y th-y w. r-' tie re Tl.oy vv.. - on, !,,... v r. halt : id hi 1 tiee.ed k." j ' ! I.Veeiv ing the l'mv .. Ileat-e. ! ' ' ' 1 ' I. I .. tl 'le r d iy. -"I I a r iv. lli'ig ni an In! In fi. in ti.e . t y.-l.lday. "'I'lie t'-vvn. y u lei . v, i-lh iainping 'a ' 1 1 , a 'e . I a , . 1'. all . l :e r . vv in I . ; ..I! r ,: ol i a g - :,d - , -b ,1 .-. --mJi M, .:, b-gl,,. Tie ..., ' . . , . 1 it - (ir t !. i bon: . i, dav- ago. : p , ., lt . ft . t,., I.'.- i in. ... v i.r c I'.Mi.a ui-eal I til ii'id , ilv oiii.. t' !i- fir- m i . i.i.' t in-nl . id a i nn. 1 .;.eiiii:ctit 1 ' 1 . iliz.-n- ou oil n inauli'l ! P. tlie '1. pot. b d bv t ao la , .- ban )- e. , oi ... , i - n vv a . 1 1 II. I tie I i' "I ..'ii, :, vv.t:i tie : i .. inifoit. ... it.,, m,., ti.i ". ti,.. eiin ioal 111 ' ' '- I1"' ' 1 ; t, . .,, , . f ,,. !.'. ' 1 - ' I I I ..-.v .ined al mg li" -id- w ill... mid iminy ; 1 '-- ""' t :-.; !.' tie i 1 w I itabie ai t. una ,,.i,,.i, ,.e I ; tl,. bii-iin -s .iitin ' ; I 11 " ' " t i! ;, u ' 1 1 1 n . i ! I , : I ,-i , I a ,. at ' , p. .,i tlr, .v .il.s in fi .ni .1 ih,- in ' J.., ,'i. 1, ; ..... . ., f-,1 ,w I 1 '' ' " ' '. ion, ci ...- n. in- ... a-no-.i. ii, o ivil b. .' anv i'o i t l l" 1,11 i leainn ihe o r.', n t'i ' .la y n ie , 1. in;. .. , .. 1 ' ,,'-. 1 1. . Ith,.. I itflsl, s I. -mi . . . . . .. , ., . , ,:,,,.,, in n .j .,., ,. ,',.. ,.,..:-. ,., ., m.;v ,,, , .,. i..-,g ni-ln 1 tin in -t vv h b have f ui ! ml c.'a'i tie- lili ll;,' I i v. r ' lf-k" I it link- tio-harb t light f,..- ;t- iil'-. It .i'tl'-n tui-n tie in ii: P..- w ,y . ' when sini.- ir. loft!" w ,t,r an I : nnh thro'igh i: vv.ih tin u no nil,- open, ''"'':-' ' ""l1"' and la,, 1 th-;,,. wide ,. ciiid. t..k- he!,o,.k 1 . i'- ni irli :-, I -,.,:;- . -r tin h"tt":n "f tin .nihavitn ' , .: , . Ioal w i I ,. - b-t IV- p'H. ' ;. i I i. ,1 sp .rt with it tli-ili wiih at y other ;i-h I . v,-r tackl." 1' ;- b'-' h::'-.; liom tin- -u k- to kr to the lalinu ml. .ml r..,wr i.'.-r t , brm : ; i.,,.,,,,,1 ih... , ,,tiiei ,f . vvo-ht 1 ' ' 11 ,n 1 ""ia an -, "ii ! ,i . - '"''.'.- ' I " i T.'tnnii' I). ii-. ion, ' . 1 1 wo bit-iii, -- i.e. n. s.ti'ng ni" roe tiaig at tie h mie of tin lis- . (Il-se.l the pii. f f nn ..hail, li-e ,.v. I I Ih" i veiiiii . paper, and on" , f tin m t ad : ' I'li'i' ml ! no dou'.t '.-,.it ' ll;.' l.ii- of : -n : al ::i rdiaiid i-e, a- l..,,oi as ll e. 11 " '" il. i :.,,., I H I Ig Ol 1, 1,1! t to ir iir soiie - blo'i" in. "Papa." I i'1 '"' 'h' 1 .iv anything 1 "' w;ntner you cm g, t two top ktrinus for n cent ADVERTISING Our sipniiv, ini" insertion- tl.Otr One ii:irt-, two insertions l.',r IllIC Mtii!ri', our IllOlilll '-'.'lO Fi r liinr r jhIvi -rtisriiioiits liberal col tin, ts will In- lllll'li'. i Ann i lion: f-'hi.ll we foi l our Latal- wli-n Pie fight Is ll'lel. .And th.. I.roken f.-t tol - lelii'tiint fall.' o'Ih-ii freedom conn s nflor lone; end" ivor, .1 II ' 'ill' Late I '1' 1.11 1 ieil 111 i. 'V I'olevef, Vii'l ti.e bitter past be forgot It'll nil' - I. .11 " thi' k no hi t., ni tli, .ood rv pen led. 1 in tin- day "f want mid the nights of woe, ' n !' . g.'iluu 1I1 nn 1 iin.l tli" taunt- more '.iil III- tauiii.e-in-irlere I for ven;e.'mei. 11 bliu. i 'In re the .: a--.-, iiii" naves be low "ll ,11 .. !...-. 'io p.r III -0e desell II- ,'V. . nilgiit le-ve:' aoeiiM' il- III '1.' I : i lie,-,' - in -t a i 1 "f "in' Ian I iiiiwalered , oh : I, I .I I of in v 1 1 1. 1 niartyti slangit' - I ,' I la ti," giie-.o s V'-'i- tint hive g n" i - f..-. . I :-i !-l 1 1. .ii l. t ' a - a i : ' ... i s .-ic uul.v W e h,- I i II e I . II I I- I r I lll ll' li I ll I'e II . I, 1. 1 .- ,1-p ,1 II !"e I.. I Mi l ' Xtetl.l. : i o, :n n ; all w I, i, I.. ,i ;I. had eiiiled. lint licit haliove i -I- !. Ao -1 1 -ill liud il . , ....- '..'. III MOKOI s. A gr.i s :.!,-w.-r 'J'wcl-.-e -..en. A i i Iy 's ia lo-l i- , i-ai'.ly let i c. at I niii, !'!!( i - ai -am tini' s J.-'id, !"i! tho u lias t- be Jnv, . , It i- , n, i-. b it a , :: 1- ..11-1 , ' , ...... 1 1.. ... 1 ..... r 1 " . .e .. . ---,...,,.. , ouo . , . . , , .,. .. am g lining ll.-h rapid. y, as In" ! . i . f Mini k. I uh.-n he rati away with 'a ii.aoi. A mail liny talk ami talk otui not be ' , ,,. lf p,..' , , . v,,.t ., ,,, v ,r ',,iut- I, , t an I -h hangs o,tl th' --'.- 'i-l if a I. t.-." Wg ali Kiev, p !.. ' -i- we don't want i- n,:s made of A .' t a-k-: "Whi.t ii- It makes th' '"""inlay air -o strong '" W, ', perhaps t'i" vvifc In- be. n l eiiing , abbago ,.t i -jiii' thing Ilk.- tiia'. I'''" !'-. "..king a .ben s pa n,: "Your I and i- v. ry - it. Von king a dude's at-- oitl,. r a baib.-i a gainblu. I ( iii't I--11 ju-t right iiway." .u ep.'iieir"d ilii lo-opln r mid -poit-uiaii ob-erv. - that it is easier to . lug a heavy -'.lotguti ten hours through :: i,n n. i able -w amp t h:m to put up a -..the- line. .. .,r,. .ir.,ngc er..-atur -. They wil .,, h-iir hunting a ."liar button in,..,,d -f 1, ,v :ng an extra supply and 1, uing tii-ir wife tiad the missing on". y,,,, ,,, v i - . w -ni m look for the pin -he di.-p-. lb i husi.aiid tiuds it when he walks around in his ban- l'.-et. I he ith es ami tip. W ilshlnh. Tin- st ry is told of a Norwegian far iu r wh was eonv y ing on,- ..f his swine t" another estate in tin- night. Ilis road lay across a pond which was fro.m over. I 'pen his sled he had fastened a very s:t ng, high fib, in whiih lie placed the Aiigl.iy animal, and inv.r.'d it. The tubs whi h ai,- in i minion use lor wn-h- n:g, as well a- etln r jnirpo--s, are nearly loin t. ot ,. -p, and ai" .-tl.p,.te.l by thtee fo. t. 1 1 " "v w In Ii in t In- .-t illm -s w a, heard tin: fain1 . f r. . i .1. . i- .. .... i i: t I-:.. ...:.l l . 1 1. 1 .. .. ...... 1. ...1 a pa, k .-f 'vo'.v s, and the firmer knew 1 In y vv i re hi in w it 1. pwilt. di -f .til ss. Now was hi- tii,).- to exerei-'.' ti e eo.'l.-st bravery and the most, adroit -kl .'. lb- at one-' loo-ell.-d his llor.-O "n th" h il le ss and let him go. The i.nioiis cleat i:ie- were mIiiio-( upon '" '"' w "''' 1""'" 1 ih. n on i ! urni .1 tin-tub nnd hid be . athit a- hi- i, lily lefuge, hi- ax his .leweip.n. , Iter d Touring ihe d"- ilcoiis I v t In w ild I. --t s t no 1 to ,,.,,,..., i ,.. i . t,;, , t, i. ; hi ii-i ing t in :r imwh or tin ir no,esi under ,. ,(,. !t he wielded bis a.x with n, rgy and hi- well-aim -I blows out oil Ti-intruding m.-inber st.-a-lily. The. f. r 'i i-in animals fell link ml the io", in after another, bleo ling .-in 1 helpless, '-at th" fanner remained imprisoned miil day l.ght. Wh.-n li" kliowbythe i , n t hat I:,- w as aioii" and safe he ,.pi f-i th to vn w-t he 'ceno and mark lie ,, suit -I' tie: advi iituie. It apprare I h it i ight oi tni of his foes had he'-n I. -troj rd, aii-1 the bloody tiaeks upon he i, e showed tint clhcrs had been voimlel and had craw led away. Uy hehoiintv whii h lo: leceiv'jd for killing he wolves and the sale nf the skins 'alien ll 'in I neni nn' lariii'-r g. linen a urn I sum altiioiigh he b,s the atiiinnl i-vduul with. Mi- horv: nil notion , a k to his stable. (. hew ins; Cocii.l I.i-aies. Th" natives ol Peru ihrvv the leal of he roi'oa bu-h from which the roraino . extracted, and it produces in a modi i. d degree the same result 4 us the sul hale of cocaine when taken internally, . units of whose, ravages iippear in the aper-i iron, lime to time. The miners l that country will not work unless wii" a day for half an hour they, urn Unwed to chew their ration of leaves, ii 1 then they are ready to endure my arilshin nnd work dav and night. ,, i 1..J...I l...:. . , ney 111.: lieMinii, iy cnsi u s; t ..j. iv, ll. v aid that anyone beginning to use it is mid to be. u ty.''