Sl)c ljatl)am Uccorb I)c iCIjatljara Hccorfc' II. A. iXJMX)., i;iU'mi: .M) ri:un;ii.iuii. KATKS w-: : li . ' V h TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, me vim Oni' copy, six immtl , On copy, t (in f month t '.'.hi Our True Ire wire. t ' pry com i'f o.irtlily tret-uro We leive !nv .she I ii;.oii earth, Km' our simple worldly pleasure, May be reckon".! iimi'' hung north; I or t h sp i 'I ng wii- iml losing, TIioiiIi ill pui' li in wn not small; Ji ha- pii-lid Hli tin' ii!-ii) ; W have lin I .t - tint is ulll li'it ; i hut i'nl nl I ili'iii - S"" Is i f pity i" ly sown, W li:lt vtc k.iv in vlf legation, W-- in iv in ly i n't iif own. Km- lint u-ii -1 1 f.tcly jii v .-ii 1, tin' tien-iire licit we hoard, fcm e Ii' angels st i'i ill ln'nvi'11 Wlat ii ! ut uiit.i !li. bird' -7. . St re. A MOTHER'S VISION. "till, ill..:," Miiil til y Mis. Jewel', 't In i t.-- Willie in t Ik- parlor nifjiu with his mudd i Ii''-, mi l .1 unie has finger ed tin: woinlwi'lk 'it thr J i itIO nil over, I sec, lli it I ! -lii' I mi iiii -!y only yesterday. 1 I ii I'm duor of tin-spare limul 11 1-. Ii lii ii :: i i n, too, f u tin lini-liu rut;. nils :i o jiiillni ill I away, In i- p i ii.'i -t have frn!iii' l in Unfold-; .mi, deal, id .ii, tin it's .Ink this in i ii 1 1 ! wi ll ins firi in 'uir i c ill" '." ( i,"C :i , i 'iii.', neither, 1 wuiiidii't fn t," I c i y .Mr. .J"W,lt : "tin childi-i; in it put tle-ir fi.ct -...inn w hi i c, nil' I I ii 1 1 U tt'i.i il i'l lr! lilt tell' all-1 lly nl'. itit In r.j tiny can fiii 1 the must fun. ' "i i.i, y I j 'im 'I Mh, .) tt, "Ii'-. v. i ,- i i y ("i v mi I.i! I. i'i, tu 1 1 1 1 1 U i In' ir 'i .'I i if -i ' in g uh ri" tiny III.'' .im I iln tin p'ca, . I in r i fulling, luit it'-, h.ii'i Hulk I I - .V.-. it Jill polish, llll'l lin eh nl - -.1 ii chiiig ; mi I Hi'" i lever ili'l know .in I iii .i". will kiiu v nnythin:. .built I Im .Mil1, ii!' a hull .i'li i"n l au l .i mother." S saying, Mil .1 ut I, with hi i fa r, I'lrtty In all in wii'.iklc', Hint out ol tin" r.iiun with a urn led : "i Iii, .1"' n :" A I In i Ini-i" hi i lu"ki''l nit i In r with u i'iiiii,! i- ii it-: "1'niii in tin i '" N it tit- illy M, .lj iv.h i.f a luii'i) '1 f.,i s Ii. n, Imt li1-." in my iiniilh"r fuml, fnitliliii Hint r , -.V" . s iiiirnlisriiiusly I.1H1114 inl i Hi Ii il i' nl Wui'i'yin uvri lh" im vil i''!i I. tit l mi' I lliiiti':hih-iiii s. h r 1 In! iii-ii. Sin w i :i m 1 ii ii ! 1; ,' in ..I hm; '- kri ji r, an 1 as In i' tliiii ;-. li.i-l nut 1 ' 11s i'.ini ly is t In y 1 1 1 t ' 1 in my i.tlii'i, 1 1 n-y itiiiiirl u!l I'lij in. r v : 1 1 1 1 itii'l ini"-i-lain i.' in hi t ' fyi's, on 1 1' tin y l aliicint" In r n".i -siuM. I u tin- usual ri" i ii - ,iir- i of I i',i .Hi' I il'.s, lilll 1 Vl'll i.M'l I ilii'l ill kilty llrl.-l'll, WIS f'l-t ili"Vrliiiliji illlil Ml'-. .Il'i:ll that irritating fii tfului ss ntnl iiniatii iii whii 'ii kills It in haiiini ss nii'l imiilnrt in many 11 li'iiin-, ami "linn tlir 111 tin t's II al lit 1)1 t is to liiakr till 111 mini uliilili: iiinl 'v ii. iii-.-ili'i'. In vain M . .Ii ' tl hititi 'l that IIi'iiil"' Wi re ulvvaj i uniii;." wnui-.', siunilimv, ami tlnit 1 1 i ii- H im 1 ml nl n i i -. 1 1 1 1 - 1111 I liiii.t liii lin t.ikiii',' i'"it in his I iniilv. Al Mlill tlllUS Mil. .IrlVrtt Hnll'il 1. i trills ntnl id 1 I. Ill' Im iini" ri'U'nl iln lll"li lliiiii sii iiil n!l tlu ir turn niul rti' iL'iis fur 1I10 vvi' if tlii'ir family, in hi' ih.l. tiiir luiuiiinn tin 1 111 tains were ilisrnv iti il In li.i v In i ll n l!i 'I 1 1 1 all tu mi'' hl li', wlillr tin- miiiiii' T 'titisliiiui was llni.lili, With its w hull Minn: lif'ht, the I liht intli ni nf the 111 vv lii issi ls r.u i "t. ,1. llllie iill'l t' nr.i h.i.l h it theii n liiiiil li'.i'Ks 1 lit' ir I : I' liiinl on the chillis, ami ,1 11 l.'s niii'l ly h ints st n .1 in t 'I" 111 ii'il'' Ill til'' Il ",!'. Mr'. .I" i lt I'litsi iiln ,1 t;ra le nf ilii ili'HMlli', hilt till" I'll i 1' 1 Ti'll HIT'" nut I'f Ii ariii',', s 1 111 t- i l i'f ju lii i'Ui-ly uii'l I'lt iiitly i.iliiii'4 lln iii 111 .111 I i'l'.i;iii;r tlu-iii to pill lh ii,;-. hi Iheif I'liui s, U" ln"'an iuttin things t ii'hn herse f allotting Mr. il'-vvi tt, as f te.tii"iilly Imp peniil, tu lea 'tut' luit it nl her .lisplea--lire, an. I ful nitr his L.11.1 I natui'ii gave way, 1111.I hu Miul, p liishly : '"1 ileelaie wit.'. It is a thou-aml pit ies tin ie aie any ihihlteii here to bother you so," Mrs .lent It 111. i'le no vi p'v, but p'itij; to her ii'i'tii sin- sat il.ivvn for a inoinent to roil" il. r iv'ielhi'i' 1 I nut lit r lin-baiul meant what he ba.l ju-t m'nl. Iini by il -iii'i's the rooin fii'lc l (rum her vision, the house beoanuj ipiict terribly "pin t -the sam liu'lil ihul nut, ntnl ahinle niul stillness lei-'iie. I Mi.ii iiie. Tiil'tU Hero footstep! heatil, but hush' it, eieepini.', iiwi'l. All i f iielive life ha I conseil ; even the k lly lul l taken I1.1-.elf ell, iiinl wan tin whi le to I e seen, Mrs. .L'welt mil nl In isiif, lunl ivnil f 1 cm kitchen to ilniin inem, f. urn il liiiiy-ioein to pallor. Tho iuvaiiablu onkr was uppreiMVL1. The curiums wen; ii'lUl with exact iveiinesi; not the I'ltiest line of fcunliht coulil pierce lliiiui','h 1 rin k or trevieo of the nicely ml jiisteii .huttcr-i. Kvery hook -i in iti place; th' 1 h.'.in ai n; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' s -i of ilust .h if jus: ileiineil, iiinl the uiib'tnteil p ilish ol the jiiitno lellectcl . lu ll li iilistiirhcil oiua niclit niul objci I in its vicinity, Uul the I'liil'lrcii ! lii, the chil'lreii! A jjix?at apjuiU'ng thiob of uppiclien nioii umi withering pi 11 shut iiure presseil tlirousli the mother' heart at tho tueutiou of their u 11 me. vol . IN I Whore vsm winsMiii' no i"tii:i iii'ischi 'vous but win-nine Willie? j Where pray, wi le s ortive Curric nti'l ' lively .b iinii ; W here, too, bouiuliniiv I in; little .lack? "Yes," i-h.' saiil, vaguely i 1 mi rim.; about in the sunless lui.tu, j win re lite my precious chil'lienf j She left ilillilli; room ami ( 1:1 1 1 l Hil l j went from one chil'I's ihimb r to 1111 i other evi rythiiii; in that same ib pn-s'-I i ni oriler, even their little boils were 11 1. -1 IH I, 1 ach snmoth pillow Inoke l as il 1 uiijin sse'l by a tunny hea l f "I oh, sc. ! lonu'. An l, all, misery: What was tin', in ! Willie's room in the p-jivcl lin v.i-tl I S in" white I iv r liel with whife J sntin lililiou ; n'i'l thii In art lin akiii'; I 1 1 ill ! 111 in .1. lin e's rooiii? Ib r pu tuie, sWi.'i t ( hilil ! with a rr.Hii of failing (m)ei i oni' iclin it ami here ill Car rie's loom Ii r pii lure, the ilailinir, also i"H ie 'I w ith iiiiiii rii Him. Ami .Ink's r.'ioin, I'm l"i 11 in its ti'li , iie.s; ye;, yc-, a Itri'Til wt" illt in hi.' 101 til, ib ai, li'VUl lit tie Jack. Mi'. J. 'v. tl's lit. it iiupii'su Wit! In ili-aiii'i'e 1 vnyilii'U'; tie." 'plict ami pallim; m at.r ss wi i -n' I'llll.J h 1 to II! elm si even ki ly h.i'l ib-iitnl tin' - in T -. ellil'l t-K lu ll-", but the lll'lll' ll "ll, the ciiii'lli 11 I 'I'lu; im ti.' 1 l It u- Il I.i I lea n "H' aiiie, ami In 1 heart w i 1 I. ur tin with its pent "in f; she cuiil l mil cii'l ii.." it ititnther in 111 ut -an 1 -h" J evi'k". ; 'l liiiiik 1 ' . I ! '.V w is sit liu' iliii 1 il". in tli i 11 in il I " i III- Imine 1 he t c 1I.I..11 - '.n 1 I .' Illiillll w Ii. Hi" in, in t tu b" slmt I'l tin" "u.b-n si,, ib i .::litsiiiiii. vine. 1 nut nl In al'l if III l,e b. , e I little , hilib'i 11. Kilty w uh tlii r nil," I. til" pan, e'n tlmi with null ('.e ..n- at 1 a .-els 1 I 1 In- 11 11 .: :n cur' am, ami mil let (I w Ith a sii'h i t n I' f thai wa tin -In tin in ihojntiy I 111 -.m. w tli its but ni-lu 'I ur! -He, ha I I i'i 11 j 1 1 1 1 I wi'li fie-li I'll ;ei 111 11k. Ml-. .1. Welt .-lius-' slunlv, Im ki-'l III" ' I uul', tin 11 km It iIiihii; all. 1 awhile slu e i n t f "I th, a ne-.v ijiiu t in her heart, r j 11 -iv .-iiiile mi In r f.u e. I In tile iliilill ; I ' i ill 1 she I'lisi'l tin 1 1 tilt .1 in-., si ' the sunlight ilin i j t'.lll V till Oll'.'ll I II" I'.". Ml. .Ii III! ii- came 111 with a t I was nrei ti ll it ii a - mil" ! lit ami a'l. Will " ha I Li' 11 11 tin il Ilin ; Ill, al' l l"ii, ami nil... I th" cl'.th, .lui.r knob ami I.-', but. 1 11 .1 1 1 III I . I pltil'llllv sllntte I ; him how to clean the s-,.(- art. iv, ami Willie pi umi -el with "i'-:it -iiii'ii'y tu be lie'li 1 -in In! . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' 1 Tiiit , ' a ! " 1 i 1 1 -1 y happy At ni,'lil, 'a In 11 tiny were all as!iep, their mother w,-iit ftutn room t" It 'i III, LMiliu' Willi lilt-" ll.aiikluini -s al 1 111 'll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -J Mttle ah, -o ileal ! Jslle sl:;heii, then -null il at the little pule lai I V.l-e ill Wlll i-'s lui.lii, tilli'il Willi swei-t, tt ,li ll'i'.M I s ef his ow II I pill. klllL'. Then sin) went to h r rooin, ami It. 11 fully tul'l "lallnl" hit lilllble ill alii. ' Ib ki hi- wife'.. (,ii I i " Inn lly, ami sai I, -.i .t liu -ly i ' ".Ni vi 1 iiiiml, ib 11 ; wi'i" al! linht 1 now. ' Ami they w- r". Tie- t inn ly wat'tiiii:; was ll"'t lu' t nil ll." 1.1. .tin t's In ail, Im -he never lurv'ul Imw ttitil'le it wa nheti ill ill 1 mil- she rnalie-'U fiuin one e . ply, mill rly mum to annlli 'i' in ipu -t of her chit. ll. 11, niul cuultl imt li nl Ihetti. , An l sh" resulv.'il that -he wutibl imt wait to place while ll mi is in tin ir ii .ill' I when the pel ftlilli ciui'il nut leach the ilull' il sense iti'l their fa lint; be.inty ( tvi'tiM uiily bleak lier heail; the , hil.l- ; lin siuiii h ive the ll.weis now, rthile their .leal' eyes Wile up 11 to beliul.1 ' 1 1 m- 111, an I their hearts k; 1 ! I alive lo all of earth's comforts ami tic ihts. j Ami we wotilil that many iinutlnr I wife mi l niother, who is ilialtin into habit of Ir Ifiilne-' ami nervousness throtluh ntnliie 1 are for tic 1 hii'lreii's ' limlies rather th.i't their ills "mi:;ht I ili'ciim Ihi.s l.ulv's ilrcam." A Yeirelui'iilii lb .lilllt'iliil. 1'. r the first time in I. mlmi, a 'in n setl ci;ctalian li st.iiirant has In i li i stab, lisheil, says a i o:ti -i"iuli nt of the Al luinj ." e n..', whi le, in ioblition to a veoclaiian ilnnn r, bcvet.iocs of all kind can bo obtaitu.l. N. Vi r havim; pre vimisly subj cte l myself to a vc; lariaii ibet, I tried the exp linn iit, an I tun able to report favoi. il ly mi the n -n't. The ilishcs, w !ii. h inchiile soups, mat carelit, lliltneroiis prepai aliolinof I at iuacc nils foo I ml a variety of confections, are all of a teniptin th senptiuii and supplied at ex ceedingly inoleiate prices; fur instance, the soups are charged six n ut', the dif Ii rent dishes ci"ht cents, Mid sweets cioht cents. A iix-iiiiny tea is ii'soservcd from four till six, ineludinjj bread and butter or e.ike, stewed fruits or jam and a tup of tea, cohVe or cocoa. Maul eil Him In W.tit Vi nr. "Sie lure, I'ukcr, y"ii'han't con oratulatel lue in my ni'irtia"e. S.. inonlhs have none by. "' "Are you in a tun ry 'hat I should." "Well, not patt'ieului'ly."' "Then wail a year. I5y that tiiuo you'll want im-to con I 'le wit'u yen." r,iU(lillt luti. IT! I SliOKO. Tin: familv riiVMtHN. 1 Ti I'l'ntliit e Slrrp. The .1 ,,-.. (-,.( .1. .'..' .,.;,.'.; -ays Ii it in th" ib i 'ui of lit", win ni -i.i'Kti'l n it lire hiOituiHy .p'l th" I"' -tuiative inll'i-'iii'i! nt "t.-i ji, thet" ii ii'thiuu s.i ,,uit ible tu in luci! healthful r pu-e as uue !t ilf to one te.i-p ioiiful 'if liroiiiiili i a', b '"I'.itii . It ni iv b" taken r-n-vats, in th" -nil" 'I i'", with tho -une i lT"i't tin 1 w iili i'i". i. 'l iin- nt, Imt in ver t vi'pi ui b I nlviee of the family physic,!.'! ii. Iliim nml llpll' lis V. Ir. ('. 'I'. Wilbur, Mtp-tin!-al b'nt of .selimils f r Weak Min i" 'I'M I'liil'li'-u lit K il ltna.u", wiilc to a in ilit al j airn il n eniniu'-n I inu bira for t piVp-y. S une time since a buy ab' tit 1 1 yean ol'l was liiuiii;hl to him for treatment. Kur two weeks after loiuiii"; he ha I fmni t ile lo siV c.'UV .isimis a tb y. lb: u'. hi in cn liMiii plains of bins, I lire t in s a I iv. l'.ie I I r kt pt this up coUstaiitly in the sum! 'bi-e alter caell IU",!, .'ni l up to th" lime of his wiitmir a pi tin I of six months the patient h i I not .1 single ( iiimiNiou. With a .liet th" buy o.ii'ie l thirty puttml'. Anuther I.i. 1. ..I I'm" a:;e, app.f cully I'i mi the u e i f tin: same nui' ily, I. i. h nl b it uue a't it 's I'f c uiviilsiun-t lliat, the 11 . t .1 thinks, ristilte I ll .tu an att tik . Ml it.n l.ii f'-Vi-r, which u ul yiibl'-'l io ipiinuie. Ol lu I' cases i f i pili p-y mi b.r Ins cai", ho'.vi vei', 'It'l ii "t vit I'l to the ii f b ir.ix. l-'ruin l!n -i' fu ts W" tan "lra'.v lh" ci'ticbi-inii, licit it is only nl vain in slum" i a- s. Ilmv III llrnitil'- IT4. S an are al way s iiusiulil ly an I are, often piiiifu! m ineunvi"ii"Ut on at unit, of their prop'-it'.ty to mutritt as they In cnnie .i! b r. li. Wal l of N"W Votk a-iirts thai tin y may be ntniveil by in uiipiilaliou, which he ilir cts to b". ciupliiyi! 1 a. fuM-iw: ' I'.aei" th'." cmls of two or tint'" liain isoii a .,car if It Im a -uii'l mi", an I nn th" niaiin if il be ' lip"'', ami viln .it': the suilac: on the I tis ue licn.-iilh. Tne iiirfie e its If il , imt to be mi'i el to any friction ; . II lite in ilion must b- hetweeu the iuteuiiini nt ami the ib'cpei' parts. The Ineotnii if th" vibtalib" in-.I i hi -Imii! I be cham.'!' I i u ry ten ur Mil en see- j uinls until th -'! star has b.-cii l. id i, il n I, ,, mo b r it sie. It the s, al .. the It -lilt uf a hit ye ' sea il ui biiiu, the inai'U nnlv -hniiM bi! tieati.-il nt li.-t; the a. Iv tines tow al'l the 1 clltte slmuM !,L ib t'ell" until til" till ti iti'tii of the margin- 'las In . n . 1 i. 1 1 1 y improve I. (In'y a litll" t icit nent .shoiil'l lit app'i" I to all" tne! sp it at the -.'iiiie 1 t ill", bill til" I. II. shout, Iii.i re peate.l a . iii iiij s twitity limes a ilay, but nevi r wnh sutli -lent frcipietiey or siveiity lo (.iii-i! pun. It' the .-c n be ( 'Ill 's il l ilull e, sllsp i l lieatinellt until it subsiilc'. In the course of two or three weeks nf faithful tit-1 1 ni" n t the sttrfaen of the scat m of 1 1 1 u 1 1 : .-1 1 ' ' si.i Ineollle more movable, an I will In "tin to form wrinkles like true skin wln'ti iressi il finin tu si.l". All thes" chaii 'es are libit" to iiniuovi'l nutrition, i ou-i .lUint mi lo t t. r hi i l i i. nl itn ui th" b ve! ; opulent cut i"iy n w -e'.s of bioo'l ve j se!s in th" i ii ilri al li-'-it - : The siilun n ine Itoal. With lefeii-ni " to tne siil nn nine boat, I which has ntllai t' 'I some nttentiuii in th" ilaily papin, it in.iy be well to point imt that ! he i'lc.l i I ivl I'litlly inure that ".'"in years ohl, for in th" rcin nl June' 1, i I lull Inn. in, naiuiil Hicbbt l, cniistiuet eil a boat which tr,ivel'"l nil ler the sur face of the Thame-. Since then many submarine ves.i.l, have been ilc-ion,., but mine of thciii as yet .'iri i'inplihlieil what has been iluiie by Turk'.' I't i im, iln; in the llii'lsuti I! ver, New Yoik. That vessel apparently ilnvii w ith case ami returns to the sin face a ' ibsireil. A very powerful submarine vessel is beino built to the ib s ns ol Mr. Ni nlenfclt, w ith engines of I,,iil hots" power, It'l'l it will probably In ti. lily f ir trial in S.iiithiiupt.iii Water ii the Spring. - .'..(.i'i .Vi- 'ni (.". j Hon ii Scolcli Lasde (oil Weil. Willie A -and Muio I'.-- been cointitin; for over two years, meet- hiix I'l'utilariy every Wednesduy niht in Hope street, ti'asuow. About n fott niclit iioo Willie, in parliti'' with his In - 1 hived, nude the u-ital remark: "I'll meet ye ill Hope street next Wednesday nioht. Muni umi be punctual. '' "Ibeil iiy, Willie, lad," replie l Mej;, wi' a tiler- j ry twinkle in her e'e, "we hae met r Iiiiil; time lion in ll""' street, and I wis j'st licit it win n'.oli time we were shift- in:' oni ti ystiti', phu e a street fatlhet icnit. What wad ye say lo I nioti st-ect:" Willie has taken the hint, niul the invitations aro out. -SvHit'i Anuri- hm. ! ii i Jttst Like I iiile Henry. 'Why!'' exclaimed litPe Jnhiiuy, when he heard his father tcllitio; about some body who w as looking after tho loaves and ti-hc, "that's ju-t whit luiimin.i i. iys nboilt b it 1c lb-ill v.'' I "Siys ab. ul 1 uele ni'v.'" n peatid his father in astoni-liin nt ; "what do jiui mean.''' j "Why, pa, don't you know,'' said Johnny, "inii'iiuoi says I'ncle II tuy , Oily luifs anl tidm." 'f"rt J.i-.. CHATHAM CO., N. ('.. ( IIII.IIIIIA'S ( (II I M. j lll-mmlAiiit. I' ll 'I I nv blue, w Hli y. in eyt s so keen, 11. is. ii ii fvi'i" tlia' woinli i ful eouuny u'mi, U ti.eli 1 1, "iv I i i-- i-it nfiain nti'l (lliiiii. In tli ni i of Kmp ror Meep s .loin -nnf ' i'.s a I rut of mat vellmis n n ns nnd silis, ll.. i", i liii'-'i-iir. 'I niul .iiu ilel .li'-, At t in.-, of scares uu l t'-n .1.1" ft i-Iin" ii t ak"i I li' a -ce enl to reaeli it: tiuo; lint lew went I yoll fc"i tlnre, llttl" It V bl-i : Voii imi-t liiai'lei" a vp-sf' ..ii H ..Iforil ll'iy. And siui n',.' t.. Slumtfi' S" i iiwav. Tin n li tie Ituy 11 ii... nil n tlin nir is.tnr, 'I It" p .t. I'liuey, will .show y.iii, ilt-nr, 'Hi it In; -otr i.cnl w tueli b yet so ne ir. - I.i'lh- A'oiA'. A I m st a. -uinuier, w liile a yacht was lyinir at ii'ii !i"i' "ir th" I". i"lis!i south coa-t, III" :i 1 1 1 n t m li of the sailors was drawn to a eui'inii -loiikino I' d aiiiunl, which they t "' h at lir-t -i"ht to be a .pe er ki . I of li-'i. A boat w i- .pi'' k ly lowi'icd, and I h.l-e w , ejivi n to I " stline ill. jilt. II i n i' 1 (" fur th" shm., and as soon a- it I' a h" I the In ,u h it was K"cn tub' a f'is. 1'o r li jtiat-l was speedily limit 1 "It ! in I, ami niu'c a wint into tie .-'a ipi te ni' ly. Tin 'i it ii 15 1 1 n went to wards the beat ll, but. its pur II i s a;; nil I'V. ital.iii it, it cut. ted the water the third and. :s it ii"V" I, the l i-t tim . I" T lie wind ami w ive-, coupled with iis ,r 'viinis ex "i't em -, proved too inm b fnt tic biave fell, w, a id it sank in the t '.i.iiitn-'. It w is "ippos.. d that il ha'l stiav d I'i it. proper fpiattei', mid, ben".' c'la- d, took t.. the sea as thy only tin an . of c-t ape. 1 hi- I' ui , lin llli i umi I lif. I. In nt. line tip'.u ii ;:ui'i then: lived a lit t 'c boy who sp 'til ul his time either in biid's in stui4 ur :n sitting trips tu i..ti h the u!! bud--. The other i liil'b'i n u-ed to tell hint that il was v ry wruii,' thus to k i ' I l (i- pour I ii'l , v. h'i del h ull', to no one. lint he wuti d answer, "I don't care, it's pood fun." 1 1 n il ij he ( in-, hi a pretty bird, with fjrceii, yellow and n'l feathers. Ytui may fancy how phased he, wns.J "Ala-:'' said tiie bird, "ate yen K"iii"; to kill me, ton.' ' "Ib'lloa:" iiiel the little boy, "my bird cm spr.ik !'' "Wotit yi.ii I"! mi- L'oj" Cinl iiiutil the bi.l. "ll'', li"," in" nll-"V"le l, "you Rp' :ik t in weti ami vmr ) liii is ate too prctty ( I that; - I've '.'ol you, so you l'c'"!io to m,-." The b r I said no im te, fi eiin sure it. w a- no ii e ti a-ouiii"; with sin h a naughty b y. v ly s -une day. in the cvc'iiii";, as tin i Iii .1 w is playuiL' in the lici" ill" wood, a !;ii at pjaut smldetily H peaiiil ainon. the tree. Th- little boy, w ith a -ere tin of termr, tit 'd to run nway. Tui'oiant, howeier, put In foot belni" linn iitui stuppi il him, for the little fello'v was no hieflnr than the ii. nil'' in-lep. lie stoop" I down, find Ink iir t'ie child between his ti ller mi l thuni!, lifle I him up t bis eyes. Tin: p .uf h lln'.v sereatii" I in I ni lly as li" coiil'l, I ut t!u' oiaut i nly exc!aiui"i, " hj , this little mi i in nl i att cream !'" "Alas, Mi. tlumt," s,. h child, "I'm nut a little animal, but an utifui tumitc little buy, who In, you not to kill him." The "inn! then bewail In skip over the tops of the trees for joy, cXi laiiniiifr, "this little thin:; run speak!' The pom child, with j li'ie I Ininl", be. p in to entte it : 'I I'i, please, do let me -.n!" "No, no," lepbed he; "you speak ff nicely, ami you are such a nice little fel low, I should like to keep you. Do yon ri member," he cuiitiinied, "that you said t he same this iiiuruiu;; In yuiir pretty iiirdf lle-iih s, I've got you, so you be- lllo to 111'"." "1 was very naughty then and made bad use of my slrclioth." "1 know that very web," replied tho uiani, "and I iniht do the same; if I liked I could cv -n kill you, but 1 will be more just. I only want to teach you that it is v ry wroii"; to do harm only bee ti-"j. u have the piwer to do it. tin ami h t ycni bird loose, tin. I in fu ture don't destroy birds as you have d .' You may be -tne lu: iioieed to tiiis. lie at once let lly his m.iny-col.rcd bird and dutim; the icin, under of his life in vi r f.'teot the lessnti he hid been thus tauo'.il. -" ii ""V. "'( FMi" Spontaneous ( nmiuislion of Wood. Mr. Itraidwuoil supi rintendent ol the London the engine ( -tiiblishiuent, stated before a coniinilt. e of the House of Lords tli -it by lono exposure to heat not much ex. ceding that of I'oiline; w aler.t imher is Li. u ;ht into such a cendilioii that some thin."; like spontaneous combustion takes place, and that it may take tight yean fi r tho heat from pipes charged with or u-ed to convey steam, hot water, or heated air, laid anion"; tho joists of ti floor, or in the hcait of n pntition, or elsewhere in a build m.;, incased in tim ber, lo induce the condition nicssary to the actual i nition uf tin.b r. Fill Pellnipieiit Suhsci ih ts. "fount that il ly hst, whosti low il-seetidiiig sun. Sees from thy hand no nuMc action done." Anil tin", tin' noblest net ion on call do. Is p j inj; your suli-oription when 'tistlue. (wiful'i 6'iin. FKIHMWIiY IT. is-. CIIIM-SK FAKMIXG. An I it'll' I" ml Oi'liifis Atii'jtig llio Pig-Tnllo t CvlfSitinl-. c tfentiVi'l Frnliietivi.' r.irti)---. 0 1 tl Garden inr an l Myrials of Tree-, In pas.iti"; Ihroti-jh tin' si k omwiii:; li triet xv hit li b oiiii very mar t -ha'ioliai an I t x'e el, all :.i'..iiii to th" "ityi'f II inoehuw, w i ids at "r:i -pumli lit .f tic l.'.ti'l i!! '..', I i cm! I but be -'nek ilebi'l w.tli th I'.f.-lt whi'h pn v iled i v. r.vil.i "t . The fninhoiiss d Chilli, or nt any late ;n that put "f China, win- inn Ids of what farm Imu cs 'lioilld be. I had i xp "i !i"l to e -i'.!ii!i r Hid w I e i lied ness, and was i I picpa:i I for tt lint I really I c!iel l. Lx" ee luio'y ,'ood nard II I"; I was ol ceils" p'.ep.iled fur, f . I !nti"si. o:u-. njn j in. ii in. .it with t vei ylhino that ' it an l io liu tive. I'.'it th" ... ', ,r I - an I limb Inrytleesall 1 1" a 1 1 ' I f l I ly I !' Ill III' ' I, Willi t'ie hi it k built and i .x I ,!i nt lm:i es ha I' hid'l n aw ay III t lu ui, t i :ai Iv --'.."i. -!i I ine. I ( linn, t d l i I ni i Ir u my ll.-U-C'bo l! fii-,pn"tly m Ol lel l-i -viiinli es k, fur it was winter tuii" when 1 lliruu.;h tin ilistut t. Tot; '! the-t inr ls it Nn. m i t s al y to - lamb ' nv r ! the fi -Ids and throii'ii the iii ii -uy n hards of the di-tiii I, .net I wn simply am a' I tu , e buy . beautifully the omvi - f Inn wi r" i kept, I'tnl' lit' a'h Ufa! ipicilitics i.f Veuel lli!e- Wi 'e ;;!'.. Wll, Imt af"'t 'it ulll "ipp- ati 'l lo Iii w..-l d, and evtly inch wa- in the in..-t -up. ib m h i. Ha 1 the'ttliiil" i uiiiil i j been ii.. t I it nui'. I nut have I- . u l i tt, r t. n .. I and caie I fo . Tlii re wire nut Inn abu'r 1 1 IV liedes or walls, the ti ,s wa re divided Iruin each other by .." p ilvk"-, which -ei veil the double in p i, . nf inaikuio out the laud an d il i tatuio or liaiiiin"-, as the ( as-- llliu'lll be, the i lj.iceiit soil. The tr-i (,f whu l: lln rewere injiiel', were all pi iu!,.. w ith iiinthetmii ical i x ii-tu -s. ami in the greatest older, utiiike th" tint s in many r.ilolish oi chard', which .in to have H en stuck into the or.uind with a yii w if W.ISt III;; i lis llilich sp ii-ii !H po.-tble. Ami us for the tups .! tin: tr -, tiny la I all been call 1'illv ti imini l to the line pattern, i very lit te h..l.;h havilc; ie ti inspei ti d ami ( in a . eii. es Ii:u:ce. tu ri ipi:r I iiey, i -aw- nui Ilia" half so oiderlv in i ii c nintiy in he world, lor these w .'le no i iiiaiu utal .'iir.h ns w hich I was piim; throiioli, Im' niilhiliy .it'ehard-', extemiiii"; over iiiinlreds nf Mpiite nnles uf e 1 1 c v iml owned by Ihuii-.inds of 1 1 iTi-i-.-n l hii-banltnen. In-ide tin lu'i-e, ajaiu, I was -urpris..'l at the rutiilurt w hich prevailed. I:i c.u h nti" here were nt least two muni, set apart -pi i in! I y for the sjtk wm nis, amlth.-e ivete ki pt si riipu'oii-ly ( lean. The ilhcr loollls nf th : lull-e Wile wall fin . ii-h'il, (iinifoi table, and warm in very can: very chau also; and I . 1 1 , 1 nut tee III any couiitrv huu.i: any nf Ihe npia'.ui' ur misery une s . in nnnv I'. e,'li h, Scotcli, and (-punlly ln-h Ii lin t'. Al the lime when I w is in this i outi-ry- too, then, was a veiy o.'iieral f. din; if inereiisc I conteiitiuenl sprim;iio no aninu to the opening of some l,ir;;e silk xviiiilin-r factories at StiMiiohai by Ami n an and I'. i is firm-. Ililin i to tin windint; of th." .ni, from the cm nuns had been dune in inu-t c i- s by th" silk nroivcrs themselves, and the demand lor the silk thus indifferently wound and Ihe prices paid fur it w. ie alike sni ill. Hut with Ihe establishment of silk-wind-iii.t' factor cs filled with steam tu i hiiiery at Slianohai it was Impml and ex pected by the silk-growers that the pliec of cocoons would o upt ntnl that ciiiiseipiently silk j;rowiuj would improve as an industry, lu any case the entire population seemed to ; prosperous ami well contented. It docs not always do to take the dress of liny Chinain in ns an index to the weal; It he may possess, lie may have many rea sons amnii! them In iti"; :x ilieiul of uttractiiie; the at tent ion (f some rapacious mandarin for not showino more richness of attire than is absolutely necessary, and he may prefer to pi about in warm r:i;;i than nut the ri-k of beini; "sipiee.d" by the lo cal ollioials, so that many a li.ivelcr may mistake their intentional poverty of at lire for want of money. 1 hud pointed out to me in Canton one day, for ex ample, a particularly woe begone lock in' Chinaman "join.; up the street. The gentleman who was with me, and who was a resident on the adjacent is mid of Shannon, said, "I'ooi 1 wi'ti Iwasnsrii Cliinam in, Why, half the Kuropeau houses here are in his debt, but if he showed this by his dress the mandarin here would soon boirow u tritle of him." Too Tar ..lieinl. "What do yen want:" she snapped, as she held th" front door open about three inches. "W lint to clean the snow oft ycr side walk," he replied. "Hut it is clean. " "Then I want to cit;,ii,v t" saw some wood for you next summer. The ixl neneies of the case demand that I get hold of some breakfast somehow or other rio-ht oil." D iroit I'nr I'm. No. il'el Cun i. An 0! 1 hunt, r ! II- tie' ("ll"'-' in ; stuiy in ll,e A'i.uita. t'li.i (' , '- i'i. .'jteakill" nl 1 null., ill I ' "I iv r b :v 1 pit 11 f I h.l a 'it . "tn. .".: I h- cu d 1 illt" moi" t!"!ib!e than ni! tin' pi ts tint i v 1 liv.'i on father's fariu put together. II" would stial tlitccl-, liiini bles, sin ks ininiis ami biu-'n -. A'.v thing thll W.1- !'.-l W.''ll 1 be I't 'i. ll"l' 111 the i n. -ti's iie-t. II" had a b i up mi the plate ..! lie I. -.11- an old ! i-l.t- .r i -ury ,111 1 a half luj In 'I . I'. .' ry'litug In- :;"t a h.i'd ut h" 1 11 i-d tie e. ' el in ' 1 vi ry tru'iVe he g e in' 1 li ma ! f .r ' that phce. l'!i " 1 cairn d this 1 ..ei with tne to a i'.iiit'ei.. a; "1 1 in in I! g b y's. Old in in liioiey had 11 le ap uf j In es, and you know a 1 1 m love- b n -y j bett'i thin aiiy:lu.i.;. Til - ipulttiij wi. pliiiled'Hg 11 (" Iv. a!i the w mini folki ' siting rio'i'i"! p'yin.; tie ir n '-I.i -whin in d i-lii I lie- 1 .-ei IiIt. iv '.' .red with be.-. II- f.-'i -I 'ri I r tin- ; ..'lib, -if. win-; tli" 111 1 I in ( ! . I t. 11 ; V"U th" ij'ii.'er-, in "V I, a"! I th-- ' ha i". !l v and tl.u dp -' ll inp I. ii'i I u 'I 1 1 'i.iuciiig was m V' 1 ... n I. I ..'. . ' t c i.iii w. ... not w trill lien !i in th .1 1. .el 11 f tcrwarl. I The same 1 i"!i " .t tie- :' :: ;!'. a a-'l. 1 1" Wu'i I im . w 11. a I ur U'l I j lh- it'iu -. i'. s. oni ,y I ri- k :id in;. - If went down in' 1 tli- p. t-i: , ;',-t It ! hind tin- !,,,. .,. 1,, a-i'l l!e: 1 o :i e une ! along too. In th" p i I II" w it ci-l -l to i take a lid.- upon a nciilm le.r-" that wa- 1 giniug !h"'i". We " it lie hoi- by tin i inane ami h ii him uji :u a -linn,., ami 1 ; gi t up'. 1. In. b. 1. a id I', rik : n up I" j 1 1 ' "''" 1'"' ''"' lie "tl.tlip II'l l W.,.,t"l t.. g , t-.", - I ii.ich' tl down mi I to i hiu tip :n inv lap. N 1 -nun. 1 Ii el th" h -I I-:.- I nT t!i ni tin eii .11, fi at ui of f i.i::, ', stuck a'l Ins claw - into ! h" hoi w.M; el's, and tin- tun le g 111. Iln- hot - m ut running anl kie'.m.'. I'ritik s ma lot the giuiiit-l ami h it m, - ,1 .11, i '!i :i j huldiiig on for d ai ! Ie. 1 .fo . 11 III! ' we is .ii li--' I ti... ,t fi in , , :,.,d til I", a- ' I lie Inir-e iiiuiiiii' ,1 hi-h-ui-l w. 11' uvir. ! I ."im-" down a,,.... tie nil., a", I I-ft the coo,, li.a-t.r nl' the -itiiat:..:,. I ' h-r heatd the fael.e. .,,,.1 s , th, i,,,!,. j plant m w.i I vn.o to , it,!, tl, Inr-e lo reiicve it ol it- il In. '1 hat w i- the la t of to it c i. lb .".1 kill. I and 1 got w h'"pp I, an I 1 ve 'e l w in". I a p I I in II ill' ". llnii-eil fni I'm. ,iniiig i! ie. Imrsi s. AI..-UI I. i a . . .,: .i, , ., .: . w mar.,, t, 11. - ; ::.l. -. v. : ,1 1. : w ho stood In. h i'i lli ii It i : i i if i-. nl tune', sinld- i, y w.-nl ll I, , i t '..-lole the l u e lot w im I: tin y wt , 1,1' led ; sottn die, I, . tin i s 1 1 i'..v, i I, ..i; :i I wi ie dl-:i!i!ed o tin: toll" b. -111., a. id l.ivolitcs that a fi w lu in s pt i n ,i-.y i ut - i ipp.-d i Very nvil, w. 'i' I c'lii" -flag ; tngyar-Is behind the li- ! I. lin i y on. kue'V I lit had been "ii'.l.bli .1," la t a lung time the pt p Uii' l r n.a . .1 iui.1'.--CuVered, at I.. -I, h'.w, y, r, a not rimis scini, idiel, nil" Urn liw-:i, wa- . .i'i ; hi. leil-haii'led i nun ; I h" "mil mi-.. 1 1 ir- tug the it i in., in. 1 tii it li - ii.el made a n uul 0 tl ad ul tie- e ;u I u ."tli plat tit e -, and ll il l. lit -l. I h ill -ll - . 1 1 I that lint a b w u! the In -i im i, n :ln tut I wt it- h:s i mp!.. e: -. I! it, ;,::!, ni h he was i "lid' tim d to t nth, In ! I., r from the Imp" Iii at s..m ainoi ; I. . .:i- il i; .1 ...o.... i i.. i- 1 li u I i a It pill ve, ul llolll III" hailed which ti I -tain lie li ul li s i la - have a : ii'i-'. "pi u h inu." he m v I b -lr.i.e I tu. ii,, an I r . in line I sil. nt to tie i i.. u - ti.o-t minute pre aiitioiis -ue t ikcii t .oi nd the i in "hoi -o from in ii ..iii.;i i . : th eimuilig or ilaliiig i I ! - cm nu - in . ipti-iitly pr.'Vt s note than, i m t.h the cue ,. h;. ..'in, i .. ( ' ...(,.'. To Sail I nilei' Ihe Wales. A new idi a in sir. ni. ii nn It '.its is ie polled. An Ki gli-li in en t. r h.isci ii stiucled a boat w hie", is soinetnin s I'm f -el Ion-.', and soni' t nii" c n -eb : v le.s. In other words, it shuts i,p and opens nut like a leli s ,,pe, and sinks in the found- else iiinl lluls in the lattif. j A boat ol this kind, which cml l ! down and hang a torpe. 1. 1 to an atv.i j sarj'skc. I would be an awuw.n.l in-in Ul: r to deal w illi ui a n u i! ii it t ic. ', i . I haps the son li Jits ol the future me g.- j itig to be di-iid. d u el' r w.n r, as the i land wins m i! be dia l I" I by b.iiu.n, in j mid air. j The te idea,, is otl'v in Its infancy yet, and nt ly not be pun tically ; developed for a loin; while. The te',, coping boat to which we refein- 1 is s:1, to wells s , .slai im ily. In,! it tii- mi y been tried, -o t i', in the -liallow ami p'a. i l waters of the I. ei I m .bt ks.-. A Nui I Life buoy. A voting Irish sailor named Welch, in the I'liiled Stabs .Y.iy is rted it. d j ,h 'l"'s llis trmiseis, and adds a with having invented a n mat ki.ble mid , 1 -' ',f f"l"r to il '7 thrusting a complete life bu .y. It is n circular belt i 1 "-.'lit crimson, yellow, nr blue haudker in whi'li :r." uioiintid six viticl ho! j f into his li. a t. Nor has he tin low liid.s. 'he I'd led witli, lir-t, ' iimet's of the) solemn ape of a year oi ibci k lire in siiilii ient ipianlily to burn 1 11 '"' '-'" ''" b"bs iiimig nt ft lively oil si con. Is; sreond, lloiiian candles that I u ol, mid grins hilarious greetings lo his ixplolecviy ten see ill', aud thirl, J b ends. He's i heap and onerous al with a s trt ol loike! to nlilili ate al- j i' m s, and hence men fc"l for him mo taihe l ble lines. Ti.e-e, as the rocket u entary spasms of dislike; but he's bet (.xplo.les, are projecietl in d If. rii! tli- ! b : than the dude, fortifier looking at rcct'ons, giviti; t!ie ilmwtiiu .j uian as ' du ie n mill was apt to liuto him inanv chances for his life. self. H'liaiu'Vuv'l St'tr. ADVERTISING ( mi .iiiiic. ! insi r 'li ii. f1.'M I'lH ;!:! f. tH lllHTli'illf iini iiii!in , oni ni' iiili - Kirhii-T :! v iti . in' iil liU'al cm "Ie !- tt ill t!i:lI". 'I he Villiii.'P Ctiuri'li. f . i tli" '- .unti'vs'.l" n land umi k f i I- el i.. eliui-i-li ii hi lh" vil 114.. i:rt"ii ; ln-.ieii p oi.titi.-. tiii-i" far is set n, 1.. ...m ll.- I. en' away from wu. Mly i. I l .'l -Inii I' f..r l.-fT W'.rl I' prepiifi. 1. emu use -iit.'hi"s the yuata . pi -ll I 1 I. .,-!:. 1 -l'1-l HJ w th hop"; n ,t fa t.-i- 11. 111.0 I "S il.illl,, lh" ll' list? of I . .1 . e.-. , I . 1 i.i.. . ui. 1 1 . 1-imt nir goal. . -Ii-ii 1 r- ,-n.n i"l uses uttt.'iet U' 1.1 . t . . -. n.ativ --. m,.atlii.-. th" I'.-.H't enjoin I . ::.ti ' il - nl - '"lite to make Its I o.isl. I . i.'.M ll. . I - l.iii g...ui i- w .thin tli" sotll; 1 ii- 'I. t. mpl - f tl .- ll"ly I ill-v. M ni lll im. ui i;.i;m . I'll -..i!l wll'- j lints the to-All fd Ite- i 1 11' j :-. !i -oil! ol tin" paint, on his r.Miity wi'l w-..w:i t'y n'y ad i"i!iitig I 'a I ... ell.. 11. ll' , I llllt il .titty '. 1. it i::u t i i n w ed - I 1 -I - 1 in i t- e.ui.e l upon a. . ' ei I.i-: i:,g a: t el" oi pe. n.1,1 i 'f p w . "1 ii"j s., -,.. ij ( h , h-,n I . l':i y- ung :11:1a w per.s i.'i les : tiiit I wu j," up' 1 nn iiv" a. clieapiy . ni n'w-u !i"!'l a gill to h' 'p 1 1 i til e tie t .- rli.e nt. ':e :i 1 inn: 1" in il.m'y tunvile ."! I. ,t i," ; a m 11IU', il ' 1 t'n ii that the :!'."-. -' -a'-,' ! "::.. !o ! -ijii cn th"l")t- ' - u ul his tin : - !',' legs. An a-1 ! i-- no .v g in ; th r"U'l I M'.t.el " to W. if." Hess you! ! V"'.lll ktocv '.lint to we.,,', but wo '.,,. t i.hiV .'how ., t It." "Iln', I'.iniin, l."'W can yott pii ft r that p: on, -h.inbi'y-hi I .1 liiiis lo my eie . on, hands. iiue broth I ? ' "That 13 v 'y . i nui. ; - - n c bt ut her is ill love with h in-.-'', and .l.iH.i- w i i li me." "V .; I.i. ""V, my !. ,r, I have often 1 tl, i', l.k" i'i." i' ! of tii" human i -.el. 1 al l "i.i. a p " t, Weak sinner," a I Mr. .h. as In- was trvngto ex- "'"'!" "V""" n" I' :'' 1 sl' " 'V"" ll:,vi! "n- 1 m v. f -aw anybody in my life S Xiotl' i '" ''"Vk' ''i1-' U'Hhof his Mat em. nl a, i .'" " 'l'"" '" '"' Suiilli All it an bi.iinoiiil Thieves. Mtlnai dl tt,.'e is i inn-i Icr.ib .' lilld ' v. i b t . t:v.;s'iir on the diauiond I :, Id-, thcie ale tliu-e a! Kimberley whe ; i .ii outwit th, nt any rate for P I t in", uii'l mi i: happ' i, i that .-uch a ittini j I" I el -I !" , j. :il,i..ia'.'y stolcll ns tc 1 a i n 'ui in 'li-turiii g the tnaik' t j -1 -. '1 h - i e- ol ili'tii-liiui tire in. b U 'l g". at ; bill tin I. "p " u! 'cctlfillg a lew hiiudt'i d poillid- by '1 little p"Cllla tioti i-so ti n, 1 1: itio that there are alway hil'elic'ls of men at "the gain".'' Sonic ol tim thi. ves, that is, tho men whr -ti a! the .stones they are paid for uu iiuthiii'.', iispiaj gn at ingenuity ill ciu rjlii"away llie gem-. Tin: biisiiu ss ol i ii nl 'ii'.:;Miig is n turaily a rough and I'- nly kind, a:i I p'i - "ills oppuitiiiiities l"t ll oi I Ii.' 'i are Hot available in nihil i in I us' i je-. When diamond steal in:: li' t In cam" a business, those inter- i s, ., Mi-p. . t nig v. I, were easily iln ale I. Sinin-.s were then tarried aw j i 1 1 i ee i ' i 1 1 ;ib nit the pi I'suii of the '. .i I l i -. I'.iit, a- tiie thefts incieascil. : I - ..! ' I l' cautions w i taken to Instiii. 1 ' .), , ,, ,, , , 1 1,,, thieve. S.'iue ol ihe I'M .V h.l hlU'e ill I lesol l U I ( ill eld- l to i illy 'llalln lld- flolll the dig- ' I.- have In ell tmi 11 little i llllllkllbl' . W" have only room h"W" v. r loi a s,-,mili two. 1 pun one oeca-iun it Is related that .ui uigi iiiuiis i.aboii r wi ipped the i. ii - in a small pi. iv of .suit, tin nans"! in in:: L'i.'"li.y snapped by a dog. I in "l..j wa-i in I lily louked alter li.i thu n ue Hn, ii I't l-i hind, w hi n it w as t ulh I' --! bit!.- I to iiii the hidden d:a maids, whii'i Wire contained ill It: -t'lii uh. Domestic fowls hav i been t .lined to s.vallow the snn'ler stones, wii ill have il'leiwii 1 I c 1; cutout of I In li i t't'l is. A pared ul' st 'h li gems ! is h,-eu known lu hnvo been got cut ol ,. well -watcl.c d digging by hnViii:, been in ;eiii -u-l v l.e-iere l I) liio hall of fl I l-e's I Ihe Latest I liing in Snc'i-. ; Tiie dude I- dia l, and with him hat l.l.piltid fi. mi ihe iiiaiiU' Is of the lowi: ! '!.' era of v in nous ami owlish gravity. ! 1 1 w a-a sin ! , sullen, i.nd inert protest miin-t loudness and d i-p'ny ; but he' I .l. ad and out of fashion, and men arc ; liiiriyin ; to exploit the very thiiif; he j m st nbhot ri d. Now thu how ling swell, j w th a dash of old Ion fop, is in vogue. I b day he wear; showily embi'oidereii J : ', and -alin wni-t coats, white iivci- : i ters, 1 i 1 1 i :n 1 1 h ie I scarf, gaud) :;' .ves, hei'sey shirt', llowing trousers, ei 1 clothes ,.f many shades. At nighl I :- shirt front is figured ami frilled; he p . it- gold buttons on his waistcoat, sat- fe ci.- '. U V ti