f ljc )i)Ci KcrcnicS hDiio;: and ri.oi'iiiiii.n;. 1 R M S OF SUBSCRIPTION, ill" Copy, tll- leal !!)-' CiipV, si IllO'dl.S . I),..- enpv. three Mi. 'I. Ills 2.011; '-"! Life's limn". Ttrnnli siiiil- s the roses mc cliinbin, (Thiibiiit,' toidoi 1 1 over li -r fnce; Tlii'y gnther in bciiiitirul clusters, Tuning softly ciieii tititlo uud spneo. llir luvo wen v. coin, nig of n)t. ISj cI ii ip jg..'! ii 1 1 lit tiniing s!.nh o'er, Tim' I'm lost in deep udoi iit oil ( '( t c res,, s that bloom nt the iloor. Her ryu full of mm' -cinl illations Softly ll.i-h. s timid l.or swift smiles; Ami counties-' li") ro e. llmt c'us er, linn-kb.' (;! i.i'i'iiiK'iii'l bli'iiiiiiiiB : lie while ller wele one if no! .n word- ".iven, Yet .t seems ft mil llioilvir In nit to pour. M il kI wilt; enchantment of ro-o. The r. !. tbiit baioin lit the door. The 10 c i nve- lire e n.cle..sly falling, f 1 - My. o -."e I., and 1 .lire. M'lul l oM'l i'ils me spi ii,;inn ill" n' us 'ihesw.ei 1 I'ea-itr s i'i Louie : It'll inline, 'lis nil" Ho. 1 our entni .u 1- liiiiul'le, In the e.. Biilo, I kii'.w, i' nr four, iiut that .! '! 1 o' al or the I .; ii ' " I II the ro-os lli.lt h'o nil at 111 - il" .1 Vis, ir la r.ie is hn iil.e' and lo vlv; Hy Hi" ti 'l 1. v h" e 1 lai o ea 'li 'lay, I'h ! r ii Iv at'i'ii -I.n j tln empp nn. Tii.il lov u. 1 in i ir e iintoi t lepay; 1 l.f I'lati'.s ej..w an I I. o on in iibuii'laii. e, In till i'.. iiiv h.:m 'i ics tin y st it; Yel ih . I. a. in c! it all 'k" ri ses 'J!:.!' I-'. I'd '.V'le'! s'.l' . Oil!" t j till ll'.Ol. i f'.ilon il.. j i'. v n ih" fu ii.iv, Turii.iii; i.v. r she , ; in l ow . nr'li. While (lie n "I'n j... s 11 . Hi,: an I Ikisllin ', As lejiii.- w.t'l nip i TV Its III. il l. The lieli Mnl I.. i , In ii,: W.tll lile-s.lUs. Wluif In: t ilin' .! lar.. fniils out pour; It till .1 s if ' ia.!ll -Mineral, in . Mill 'I e : that .. .en at t . I. ..:'. 'I lie s'lll. i I "T Illume. Ill 'sI-lWIll U'llii el::.,-.-. .. m l.,R .'lll'l -Il .I", A :.'l uii:n : .ci - a- . w i; h t - l-';iut v, I i.e.- . i- am, '. ii' im -a lo v nail .:. Ti e I i ::;!" o i e -M il III I I. Ilia' s. bs i .ai" '.nt- i f i 'ion i e, i. it j' or. Si h: ilii ii. I. o .aii"!ii, an I cli irinie,; Ui'.h Ih.'i" - In: hi- i an nt ill" ik nr. J .;c .in of 'la -i I .... s while fin-pine;, I hev ci na i-i isT.-i ia as imp-Is above , 'j In. i.u.ls an I II,. .: ea. rs ,:f tin s keeping, To he al II' I'cii III Ilea' ell t 111 i II ll I'.M . I l.llil-t Hill' II l-e ' me real. Tim! th".. '.'. .'lia.l. aii'i ei.t" u.e i .. r.ii re, Mm Iiiijj im -"ii . I : .. ..' U-in, With the ch, liu:.- t!:ey I. '.ve i ;ii.'ht a' the il".:'. - A. Sun . r i'.ntt in lie. t uri' nt. A VALENTINE. "f... -i:id al.iv a'.! niht with oid Mrs. i'.iii la Indeed 1 i.u.'t 'Oo. I'm in a ll 11 11 V I i fjet 111.' .".lilt together," lie- eland Tally Ann 1 !.. n t ni-r, a- vli'i put the tini-hiim touch t" tie block of pink-a:i I blue 'll i li i 1 p. itch' .he was piecing. "And I've trot the kit. hen and back p.. nil in M'our, an 1 h'ihu ironing to do l.ctoii; Siiild.iv." iii.d A la':i:ie. " i It's out of tli.. ipi. -t 1 1 : i for me to o..." "Wl-11, 1 shan't -o either,'' a-s'ttid IViieh'jM', the i ije-l M ss r.uutin.', tossing back le i l'l-k:iiA l iai'ls and in. wiling uinimeis'y. "II i 'ceil r.iir.'ax i boost's to i,o a c luting that iia;eiil, "-lie k-up Ih i-cil!.i l'liikhani, il t r.m srl -oimbidy li.;d"s in' !o .-t iy with his il.i'liicr, I cm tell l.ini." "U'.it pip. i :iiiiii-:s .i' nun li of old Mrs. I'll i la . , " d.iu.i: d lMly Ann, "he 1 1 Aon'l lu-i: to e.cie ol '.i, u",,i ;.'' 'There ' I. Ill's Vile.' I'.ll'i.'tl ill the -ate f....V," ilied Ad llille. "I. t's yel In.r to -o, an I t:ot till her ( 'vc. I's eauic :.wav. It'll i. il iin 1 j .1,"." "Y'..," .i:,r el I'. iielo pe. "It'll selio In I ju .1 1 1" I it. S:.e was v.'ltiii'j lier i-ap b i Cei i ail i uti'ii.'-i', till that I'lil.hini "ii'l toiiiu en I c in, 'lit him.'' 'I'.e.hl II. I :.'. caie a snap lor V ii'-y, ;iny way,'' i: 1 IV ly A in, -et- tin,' re 1 in ! ie !.,,' . ''Hat s'i- i ain't re- hue 1 .ii 1 -.ive ll i tile tlo'.l - ble.M V 1:1 F in Ii w.i- nil .i. iinl ihe I'liiut i,. U'lrb. S.i" I. ve.l with h- r biothei mid Ics iiife in a li'.l!': loej cibin, on a ten ace lai ni ad joining that of her Fa cie Ihritin,'. Tom F ivr tl ami Ics v. il',' v. crc p "i :: limn h mi. lliviiiselv. -, imt tin-y "'iv their si ter a honi ', an I helped to eke out tin- aleii lei income by knitting sot k foi the v. 11 -i i s.!. .re a: 1 uly cuts u pair, u i 1 by "liikin in" SA".viii.j whiu i v. r -he ( ouH -et it. "I l line "V I i'i ii irro'.V Sum" br .Wiled i i ll , " .- iid .n y, coitiino in fr.-sh and lo.y lioiii th li .-ty w uib r a i. "V. -, t" b" -lire," !c'u,',i"l Adaliue, ne'ii . lie I . i, 'hoi w i in r .1 out . "And, Vi:i' , w.e.i'd y it mi'id iioin.; ov-i to old Mi.. I'ii:l'. i tool.!) '. Sic wanted .line "M" "I u-to c ::ie. icit we are all so blisy." And with :. liitl' d -i p-niii of the pink in h r .leeks, Viuvyai" the re- piiied ns cut, an I iMpped aw iy with her bowl ol i" IV -, while the tlui',--oiisins burst in: . a he.uty laui at the SHCCt bs of t hell p'.l'l. "She th; iks t'cih Will he there," sai l l'eiiciop'', :u 'licioti-lv. "Waii't she be nicely fooled, tli.e.-'i :'' "C'oiuu in, my d ar. 1 am so olad !c see you'." uud oi l Mrs K.ihfav, as Vin ev aiuieare I. wiihr -v checks and n fiinoe of .nrliii.', li-hl brown hair peep- j ini; lioni iindei her si-u'ct l .o 1. "V. u'll stay all U '.d't, won't you, Wti"yi"titid the old lady, placln n c liaii f r the vis it il c'osc to Ihe :. .'c klino h.ii'l vo id lire Ilia' was 1,'low in"; on 'h" bio id h a, ll,. "1 didn't cpi 1 1 !o slay so lon:." said line, the diinp! . il mean; il: he b.iud't checks; "on: I . in, i. y.rtl want me.' An I she tl" ii-ht of the pheis nit time J she wo uh! have, (hating w ith (V cil ill i upper, -uni alleiwiid, with l lie Mi Myht In.,- biihtly on the health, mid vol.. ix. Ifjjhlinfr up th ploasimf, co-cy sitting- 1IIK I'A.MM.Y I'lIVSIC'IW. j room, with in bilodil ai i.. t, iti , . , ,.c.,...iir.. 1 lii.ler-!e.'','i''l chain and law-fin toil If 1 were now to oiic,s at tho li:'n liis iiiiltiojMiiy table. ' tui ics of those matronly lad ic? who lean "I'll la' "la, 1 to liav you stay," .ii'ij i :io fully as tin y can i.n llieir silken Mil. Fairfax, stirring up tin' lire with n umbrella'-, I should say that their Iron- hill"; hickory p iker, "fin Cecil's "one t. bio, if not hereditary, arose from dietary j the city, an' I'.l bo iiliine all niolit." ' cimnaiid want of stitUcicttt cxercis". Viney's heart, which had been lis li".ht They have lieen 1 u-y people, perhaps ' as i tuft of thi-tle-duw n, sank like a buy ut some kind of business whit h hit of lead in her bo-om a! th 9 an- took tin all their time; they did not re nouncement, ipiire exercise, they thought, beine; al- "Je'. heen a .vantini.' to r;o to the ways on the move, one way or another -, ity Im some lime," -a'. I the i I I lady, w.i h only t be w iilk to an I front chunh ' taking out I n -i kuittiti", and settling her- on Nin lay to e.iiiut l"i t. 'ax it oa of : .il for a plea-aiit cl. i'. "I s'piw he'll mind. They forgot, or tl ey di I not call an' ce I'ti-iiila I'.nkh iui while he'n know, that iiiovin il' uad at the duties iheie. 1 wihhc hadn't look mkIi ,i (, Ini.ini ii nut i v -ici in iti proper I noiion to that "jirl," :v .id'led, coitli sen -e ; that e 'lien ntu-l !: plea-utalile I . I . . i . t ; : . l : v- ii ..I,., i.,..!.,. I .1, il,,,.., , i, ...i r :,. t .....i i .. i ' 1 - . iii-i ..i.i" in. -. ii;cv s inii-iiiiii; cue. us ! "Hut, theie, we needn't holhcr uhr.tn ! that now. I'm real plad you'il tay with ni", Vm. y: and I'll h: vc li iii.'ii cuke and raspberry jam fur tea. 1 know what youn,' loiks iikc," .-he added, kindly. ' n.il-t -ay, 5'ii-cila, It's lii.c yo'.l (oiliid sp met l.j'i todo'." said Mi-.s .Me-;:--n r.i:kh iiii, sharply, to le r yoiiULj. r - lir. V il .-, i at all our sp .re lii'id l: r.al tup t ) the i -iiintiy this fali, all 1 li -t y- ni' tauati' li by it, and In ic we ire, ecllill' p- oi. r everyday. I tried to make a little suun :li,u ; n ntini; loons-, b.ll liob iil'.-. c. !.i" to look lit i in even, and ..melliit.j.'s ,t to I... done: ' II.:, iloti'l v...riy, M "lis- 1 My trip to the ci'iniliy, that y '.i ;.!iiiiilili d about . '. w.i- a !..i , u'.iti. 'i. .1.1-1 wail til! ('"cil F.iirf.ix '"iie-l lii iii.'iuac to b: in ; bin', t" 'h p.eui. s e if i do..'. ' An I w le n I .... ! h;i :: ir- : h'es will i,r v i I" "Ibimphl ' i, iT'l M Ii-m. I don't be:ii ve iii h ivin to briii..' a in in lo tiie p.ei.t: And b-.si.le-. it x ill' Mr. I'.iir- I' .v w:e. to ,i r v .w, I don't think you'd li id ii -o . I., do," she a ided, W .ill .1 L'lill.' e at I ' I i ! l':. '.olle 1 'il' -S IoU"!i. iiutid;. I, a:i a . I t.lip-shoil feci. "li, he won't . mi' ii. is w.,v!" sud I'.Im iI'.i. ILI.i'". "I shall lii my hair an 1 v.c. I ii,, irim-iv ta.hiu.'ii: and my beaded I -i v w h"U he cmiiii'..'' , At ll,i vi r, :in meal a knu 'i Minn ie I . "a the do, i, mid op nin u' ll hlstilv, I'li-i",! t In hel I -I'.-ci! l'.,iifa. j 11. lau'd b ii .I y ion. id his surprise at the plcT" v. i.,i Ii in 't his -i , for M 1'ii, iii i lii I, n the pink of neal i:c . iliiiinulli' 1 1 iv wicks, he had i.iio-.v. her, iiud Cc l had nil a i:i in's h'.iii'i .1 a .'ovi'ii'v wonui.i. i I'll-, i.l.i. , n le r part, was awk,.u! an I . n.b.i: ,s- .1, and w.i. - I i w la n tl.e inti i i. w was over. "Thai's I he ( l. I ( I M ui -pi i :.l it: i, I" . riid Meli-s a, s.',i, !y, v.l.. n I lie eiicst had depaibd. "Ail now that your ptelty a:r-c :-'.!.. k.,, !u::,l.i. abeu'. your , cars. I hope v ti'ii i. -:.i li d lo .-o to Hi lii. "U il i W",l,d have tlioujht -I ! ;is : -il-li a sha ! :" triruciii I fail, a- he -tall, d lol til" lb pot to tak. the li st 1' hollii . ' l.;!te .11. I-'all'ill, ,,, 1, , ..oi,., j . w t : ll :l . I ; l.r a,. I l in ch nproiis, Mi- I'::r. Lain -, in in.)- tii-r said." Mi -. I'ai: I i and ',!.ey v ', :e ps( .It- lit - down to 1 1 : e r Ii iii' li cal.c-, la.p. bet ry i.im .i:id fr.iji.ilit ( )..'.oi' ti-.i. wl.v.i ih- oooi . p. m d and (.clliipp aied. id - j ' iv ;, hid the p'ca-i nt chat with him, i.fternl', .hile Mi-. Fairfax ! aw ayihet ,i i Inn" -. liieli,-ht ll .-li, ,1 ov r the i ,d the blight : v room, and ; Ciiil watihed Viucj'ji fa:rf;.c, nil hi look i I lovci- ike iiiliu liitioii in his li.tn ' " j ; r. ', 'i'!i, 'thin or yon, Win",," j said Tola I'm. n, I . a 1 1 1 1 n his sister il 'ar,'e i inb. ,-s-l civelope, p'aiiily ad lie--ed lo "Mis- II vin:i Fallon." Wiley c;u lied it careful y. and fill, tli'.-ppid a -old ri,,:.'. which was att. idled by a ihte.id t the lian Isom-ly ileeorati d valentine il closed in the i iiveh.pe. Within a beautifully designed wrcaih I of i i uioi' i.'oss.itns was the c 'tlplct: ' ' 1; l Ii w ;l' I e my V.i'-i'.t ne, A.ii pl tliis nnilli I I inn tlunel" A id under the bin - wa- the nam ; "Ce i :l I'.lllf i." Adalinc li int iii". u ho was at her coir,. ill's a! the t ine. In In 1.1 the Valentine, w ,1 li a nti t ne . of fei hii:;.. ' "We didn't make much by sciidino V iny t" .lav witii Mis. Fairfax that d.ii," -he iiif-ine I la i i.t' is, "!'.:r Ce cil caiii'' 1 . 1 1 1 - tiie -:i i ii- iii"hl, and he's scat W.cy a a!."i! in-, askin her to iiiiny him." "Well, 1 luii-isii! Win fools wo '.v-'i' ! " ciicd I'atty Ann, luut h provoked. --Ii.it it's too late now ; the m'sthiet'i done." ! Helen W. Claik. Defiini; Ihe Jler.lll'j. ('.iii'.lcssmii i Tilliuii'i, ot tin- K lejctiehl. Smith Carol ma, ilbtiicl, b lonos to tin) anti-i'Vii out bi-yaih', of which Hautii- ,., piiliii M the .'cneral, When tho 1 mercury is cu.ldlin;; into cup nt zero I.n i walks to the c.ipitol with his sack tout : uni iitton. d, and lallies his heavily . w rapped i olie i";ui . (in their i iT' iniuai'v, j lie has not w l'l iinoVcfco.it in thirty. live yciits, mid in Vi r has a lire in his loom in the eldest mailer. lie is lii) i ,.,..,rs . I,t th, ,c is not it moie athletic mn iu t moiesS. Ml. TiUm ill tells with p, () . i,;lt ), has never made tic pro- IcsHioiial a. .plaint nice ol t doctor, At Unit Cimiit'i(wii. fttettem u u IMTTMiOI.O. ' j must imth Have a i !i:iiil"'. r.utia'iiy lite digestion hej;:i:i to fail hi -l-.te :: twin'O ,,f ih uinati.in took place; thev had lit- tie appetite for bn akf.is', except lor that ,.,,,,,,,.,.,, I , ,, ,, I,,:, i i up ot tea a.vl bust. Key oltc.st bit I w.o'v b,f.,.v. il, v 1, ,ir o.-.i w.a) bif.i.e th" w.i. hall oi.,-- ,",,,l'lb-.' 'I'" ""''I '-llr"' , because thUf .elm, ,s m v rs.,1 a. tho " biii'.th'irbncksii'e.l,,, so wary a. W..V tliat '. Veil appt:t' V. as litblf-rnl : , i Willi, ami ilr i ess o o ptllts eimsc'l i i , tlem to takevuy "lo.uiy View, of life, ! "'-" v ,.i ,.s . .. o, .-........'., Ahl these coi. bal,, winl :,. leal of ,.,v..- j ..... ....... ... .... r"1-".' " " 1" i . .. r, i ...:! i... l li .'.ill I, .sn.i licie ,:,,, as i,,' I kin:; of them becoiii, - iihabit, iiijurin..,' " 'ii.'esti 'rodii I .: irrtal.ilily of i. inpei an nsia - i.'.u, iii" !'. i I'll to Uni".,,'. II, , Ho'ibc. th. v .,! ineaiit lo 'pe ll, and -'ee t. il lib itself. t l.-cllN Ma'.-lll"'. lliaiin lll.iis. A window op-n it sli . 'lit dl-i..:ire both t p m I holtom, nnd a i hiuiiley d i a I ,dit also open, are ih on'y sun: ways of k' l pill:,' plll'e ail' ill I'. sleeping I'ooll! w ii-.se doiiis are c'os"i. A simple remedy for in iir.il u i" to apply U'iate.1 horse r.i'lH prepared, the aiiie as for table u -e b) t be teiople, w h"ii t he face ( r head is lilT'.'i ted, or to the w ri't w In n the pain is 'n the unn or shoulder. When i li 's i'i ilhiii becomes damp ' i i'pi)-iire to Ih.' weather, it is hc-i to rhnir'e it iimil' d i itciy. l!ub the skin wilhadiy, hard towel not il the body is in a "low all over; I ul if il i i impr.it lb able to ehaii:.'c the oariueiits, i'eic:si li " h rately so th.i' i in u-rli hc.it may jo n- I'l'ati' in the -yst, Ui to dry the skin and clolhine; without a cl.i:;. Apples stew.'d and -weet"i'..'d are plea-:. at to the taste, c inline, nourish- bi'4 and lax-it ive, far superior in many c iscs to the abomiii:,!i!': do-es ofsalt-i ami i ils u-ii i'ily !iveu iti i' v-r a'nl other di-eases. It iw app'i . a :d dried apples steweil are letter for con-Mp i.t;.i. t!iati !;,,.- ,,nu To cine chappei'i hainis take cr.iimnn . t iii h and rub it into a ti , smooth p .'.viler, put in a ilea', tin b , mil every time the liauds are icinoved from d s!i watci or hot sinl-i, rinse them car! In ly in clean water and while they ire damp, nihil pinch of starch over '.lion eoveriiu; the whole surface. A saiicerful of shiv .'d ic. may he pre served for twenty four hours, with tie! tin i inonieter i:i the room at l'., if the followi i'; precautions are observed, l'.t the sane r c ' : , t :i i 1 1 i 1 1 the ic ' in a sonp plale and ever it wilh ar.oliier. I'l.iie the soup plates th'ts an am; 'd o;1 a ooo i le i.vy pilh.w an I c .v. r with anoih. r ii Hurt, pres-inj; the pillows so that I hi! plates are coinp'et' ly imbedded in lie in. An o'd i ilk pi. I le set deep, is a mo .1 c v . ci lleut tht ie; w th which t shave ice. ll should be turned bolt.'in upwai l anii th" ice shoved backward ami i'oiwiud over the (Utter. llnu 1 i'liluiin; is kimlleil. It is no line 'in .ii.ui tiling lol the elec trical force em matin,' from a chuid to make itself felt in atti'.K'tioii'i mid repul sions many mih s aw iy. Clouds resting upon the n 111' ti' holi. ci thus in ipielitly produce .i tc plihle . IT "its ii" ill. lances 1 1 1 'in w hich the i'.iii, lheiiisclv. s c.in not be seen. Aneh itii. il clou I han l'o il mi'e above the -r, uud ; i I . indue lively upon lint i;ioii'id with sider- iihle ion c i . When in sum i tune the I' lnpel ilt!ie of the i arlh's m lace is , iy "lent, th" '410 an I moist, the a r i aim and the sky dear, vuy i opioiis supplies of vapor are steamed up lioni the luund under tin h .l sunshine. Co. uds, however, b.-in at lengih to jrither m eh vat d reirioiis of the air out of the nbitnd.'iii' e ol the supply. The free electricity which li u been canicd up with the Viipin- is at lirst pietty rvenly spread .lirou.'h the elou.b; but after a time, as the i h c'.iie.il chaise he- .met more and more intense, power- ,ul u pulsive force is in the end estab li,hed between the spluruh ; of the mist, and a leiy hijjl. d j;iee id ti nsion is at la. t pro lined at the outer surface ( f tho cl "lid. whe eit is enveloped by insulat in-; air, uti;il m the end the eipans vo en. I uy th-ic '.' ci .lies stiono inoilL;h io oicii.ioa an outhuii! fioin tie hud. The e-c.ipe ol the ivdu'idan '. clu.i .je t in n appears to an ol... i vei lye us a ll i-h of li:;htniu issuing Iron, the clou 1. friich, in its simplest foim, i i the i.:iy i.: whicli i .'hilling is kindl'"! iu the toiin cloud, - Science for ,VI, CHATHAM .. N. C, ( HIM) KEN'S ('ill.; MS. 'I'll l ilo:lll I l-lrllilf. 11 i:;i' Hi' ilia oi ii ionM ineie ine'i . . t i . . o l ' t.M.l x s, who never ha I a cross word j v .1 Ii each other. Hie if iImiii said oni d iv in th" politest fox lan-uae: , I.-fs .pnmd." ' iy ' I1, said li e ot'iei ; ' as you li. as de .r fii.'itl. Hit ln.iv shall we 1 I nt about :t ! ' "i la ! it can not b- dllli.-ult," said f.. niiinb r otic; "tw . !. -L'ed people lal! out, why should tn t w. ' ' Si they tried all ''il of ways, hut il c aild not he done, In cait-e each one would .ive way. At ia-t number one I Ich d t wo stoit-s. "There," sai I he, il saythiy're vo'ii., a:.d I'd say tliey'r- mine, and we v. !! iptatii l, mid llhl, a id scratch. .V.e.v, I'll infill. Those i-iotits tire mim ! ' "Very we'l," ai.Mveicd the other, "-ou are wclci'tne to tin m." , ,, . . . . i i.riii'iin ni iiir Ii inn's (rniii' .. e up .n a I He re lived u L'l "at ,, j' - .' - , . s',-.. .ii'i i I ,. r. ... I ;..-.i ;.f.., 1 , lion an I u : 1 1 1 n ; . . I ; i . --. lie wai nol ton 1 b lit u it1, p s.e -in the love mil a I - 1 I ' 'I " I ' " " ; wtsti. .1 to t.e r i,. idl Hy tin In n.iio alter, w hen Iii -I i n' I he deai ' ' ' ' .-:ii.i i , love ni", .im my inline is Know n , . , , , ah Ileal' d in in. ci v' .Is ; hut Ilia few1 , lit' I " .' " -"" ' "- iH""'i wi.lllieuremeinli.i ni",'' Al I ist he j o, f illy thou"hl ..f a plan by w hii h his memory would ni Aav- ri u. aln In -h im I or, . i:. lb- Mould build a church: a ihuieh sn ina'iiilii cut mid .-o vii-l, that in a. I the world '.here would b,' none In dpi il il l,i or b r, th. refoi.', that the "h.ry should be all his own, he cave, s! ril t iininauds that no one should contribute towards the i ii clioii of the huildino. So, in time a splendid cathedral nn.se, an 1 thi' kni.r looked upm it with le. .re-, .ii i n Ic an I pi'ii-u, c ; lor w .is ,1 li i'. a h:t ill- ni 'iiuii) lit ,' N hi II the -eleoll- e bil e Was cotil pleted, h" Caused his nalne to be ill- -. nbed upon lis w.i'ls i:i o..! b u htbis I upon a 1'in'l.li' tabid, and 'h.t niohl he la d his head Upon hi- .i.l-.v, i uitei:! at i.i'. I A. the k'ne- slept he ha 1 a .-trail"" i!n mil. He die allied that lie saw all iin ;el l oin and rub out "s.i- name upon tic iiiiiri'le, and write a!, other there in ! its stead. Three times that iiihl he had the same dream. When i.n.i nin ; came he siiuiiiioiied his K'lirt im I bad" I tit' 111 seek tlir-u ,'hout Ihe kiii''d"ni for the owner i of the ii line the un:,'e! had written. V -ry soon th" me. senders n tinned, hav-in,- found a poor widow of that name, who ivaite I iu fear the kind's c .mni.ind -. "II. .1 lu r enter." The tieinhlino; woiliiiii was brought before the thr inc. "N'.w," sai 1 I ho Imeiarch, "what hast lb .ii olven toward, the buihlini; of mv clniieli? Speak the truth." "M .st .ariu ious kiiicr,'' "as the reply, "1 oiive nothini; ; for 1 am poor and have no'iiTht to uive c. pt my prav rs else won d I have offered ni ne. Mich niidit, in b cd, I iisi.ed a bhssino for thee and for thy Work; . nd onie but once - I nave :i wisp of h.iy to one of the poor horses who drew the stones alon' the road." The kiny; wns silent awhile, then he spoke. "Uh," .ail h', "eras" my nanin fr-m the luarhle tablet, mid place lliereou the name of this oi..d woman. li"htlv inn I rebuked. S'!!' ;loiy wa, my aim; wh it she hath d me was done (or love of tl ) I alone." .i:t,e Folks. ( niliitet fell Cuius. Th- late C, plain U a lac W II ill, oi the I llite I Slab's S a ret S iviic, shortly I. foil' ll'SI'elnoV.ll to Si. I, .'ll-, is said lo have been inv -H.itino a j;i::ant'c loiinti rl'i ituu; s, In in, by whih alleged lare, -. .-'.ly and iiiiapie uniu w. r ' beiiiL; put up ii the miil.it as jr, no ne. In l"ss'i.i I'oilade'i.hi i en dcati i nd ver t'-ed nil iillciioli .sa'e ol his sll,cl tlllolis coins, iuclit lin,' an I t dollar, only six of which are known to have been coined before the issii w : recalled. Hut the v.il le of one of tin - dollars is $Vio or more, and so reat interest w as excited in th sale. A well-known conn ussi-wr who nttciided d -c "Veicd thill .some of the c .ins were not genuine, an 1 on the .ilei ti.ui beiue; sent to the mint il was f. und tliat a lare number , f (he cms had I. ri, made within a year. The "ov eriiin lit I'lli' i lis ate now eonvincid that siei.e of th" shrewdest couiiti i leilers in tin 1 1 u itiy are ii akiii fortunes in this biisin, ,s. The wish f.il s clti-n warm up :. my he. r. that I may learn nothini; heie that I cannot continu ; iu the other world; that 1 may do notliiu,' here but deeds t'liit w.ii bi'. t ii'i t ;:i ll'iivcll. - Kih-. -it ll we man r iiuarici niiins, . , 1 . tree it - f it pnttv an I oiii.iin-iitii'. In lab I i r. ed the nt hi r, juiupin" up in. I ; 1 , , sprin I Im ' It is ,,m,,1 w tl, a ,..'.. .. . ,, . . I'll .ion ..I wh t" llowirs, a-i in wint.i "" ', s""l' ' ' " ' ' V-u n-w :i:;:,u,m""' ,,",,w,( y;.H,., iiaivstMiss'i p,..!,',.. .i,t he ' blanches bend unbr the w.,J.t oi tl," " ", " !' a '' '" '"" , ... ,,:,.,. .... i '. .1,,,if,. in ver tri.d to p'av at th:, killy game ' 0 ,"'"'"l,,t I - Jo. ,.1.,,,,,, . ,,f t . uriia.- ami w.isiliosit! h. p.ttsoi tin. ulna ' - i n.elllalion of the .pac.cll- i.il'l 11. i-lli- F HUIH AI V 21, s7. AXOLIVB (IK0VI-. I . . . . . . . ; HOW Ulivo lai iirn tins ijo. con-, a California Industry. TL(J p,.,,;, ()fth, Meditftrnu an Now Cue of America' VtxKP. ,. . , .. ,. ! loin am lent wiitMiL'-. a: IihIiiil' 'n-- II ly Seriptiire5, it call he a., i liaiiied that the o ive U one of th : ol'li -t Known fruit". The M'.ti'it id ( ) i. near .( -1 il :!-111, is Imhouk I:i hi-toiy. I.'.iii; In fore butter w n k.i'.wn o'.ive oil wa .i d in the prepaiati ..I i f f. o I. bit-- .pi nit it ics of th" oil an 1 liuithiv.- tioin time to tune 1 ecu inip'.t'.ed h-re fioni i 'thesl,,,,,, of the Mi ditenatieati Sea, w hem e mo.t ill Ihe j.iohiit lias l.ecli obtained. The liniala of ( ' ilifornia, not i heino unlike that of the M" I i'i i l.ine i i. was considi n d siiitabl. for tie l'iow ll. of the olive, at, I an i . p"I ilii' lit w i- I.. ,...:..l. l...o ,. I .,, f.,1 Tl... ' ' i. .. .... hecl.t S ,! in's t'lnple. i l.e rut 1- . 11M,!l.1.. ,v .,,v 11S .omethiil, siiclel, As Shell It :i'.- 'I ill lOil-l'Ca nous ami ci ou-'i i n, . 1 :ie am unis . .. . u,e. the sptays ,. o'V I" IV i to I I'.WII tlii-ir T':it iii-n, a ; ,t was h. lievnl to be , ul , Jlllri,v ijn. p,,.... I ', ; - . 'Is coils', I, re I the lilln'-t !io.r I" ' ' i l, i,. I . .iM1 war an olive branch h'.i lie 111 th" hind I was n token ol peace, ..mi is civil now ..,,,1,,.,, .,. ;1 , SI"'K" "' " The olive lire iiv 's for il lot," time. ' - .-...ine ol tta lie, s on tl.e u nun m "live, j in .bid. a, are sai 1 to be liMeeii feet in ,ji;,mcier uud over two thou and yens t,i,j( w bile tliat in I he Valican at I! me : l a; a i. cr 1 of over e. thousand ci,rs , -pi,,. jVl, v, ,.y 1 , : 1 1 I ' and will cielu e j tn-iiment w bit li w mild kill otin r fruit irecs. H infecte 1 with insects the en- t j rt! head nut I fi cut i l! an 1 thrown ;,;v ;1y, while the l:u::h will -petit IU with ret ewe-l Ml'"!'. In Southern (' ilifoinia it ha: prospered l ey nd cxiirctiitiou. I! in" umiiive to excess , jvi. ). , , ,,',,1 lts lioni" is in tl i,,,.,i,.:,M,ell reoies.iii, ,1 I., tin l'.ic li lope of the 1'nited States. Il pro- i -r- best m ill the sea, but call be cultivated a sh ut dlstiuii e inland. W ith orditiaiy culture tlni olive ut lluiope will produce over t weiity a'loiis of oil per ai re, be sides nllow lllt,' II lal',"! ipl llit ity of the llillt to be us"d I'. I latiioj. Alllii'i.h jet in lis infancy in this country, i-x- pi lis have said that the nil produced in C.ilifoinii is npiilto any which has been inipoi le I, (i.ow.i's s;,y the Ci'i- foiliiiin c-tisl, Iroiu I'ouit t'oi.c 'ptioii to San Hil'o, is co tal to licit bet wen for del. , t ': , . 1 1 1 1 I and. island t!,.'. in ti tieva mi I Napes for the ptodiiciioti both iis.. , I," sutl-i. d inei'. r.ioti o1 ol.ves. '1 li- importations amount t o a ratle 1 I hall be build" I n:'.' pay in ui! . I.ii'oe mi aiuiii.il'y, and -f !'." In -t olive of sunn whl.h h, d.l not i. ;'i::uTv oil can, .is it is cl i:m li pr lu ' d h -re ..we. If tin:- ,- an. .i ay ..! tti ... i'lid in siilli 'lent i, iiai. ! i: ie-, that pro lucl int.. j iii tea: one i ,u a in:- ih i! i- ! I w ill foi m an addit ion to thiwcaltii ol the way. The ia-t time 1 b : r 11.1:01 "..t into I'nilcil States. S. far as the iiir.n ol .i.ctape of this kind wis, !,: ik. in the fiull is conccliied, cvperi "liee is like- bull il". t'.u-.lii. w ! i e iv.ni-::,. i: 'y I" teach the propel treatment, as it the i el i id"!', l.e 1 ii -iu'iI h w.'ii 1 1, .vi llas w ilh the I'lii-m crop. Th" (litf.njs soiii" ! im w ii h tin- fi:l an 1 ... h i of I wo trees plant, d :n 1 ' y i Id-d wi II .'an to peibuui I c-re tie- a-t. ii -o d in hsI the i.rili'ian liui r .pl'r- 1 be mail's eyes soiii !' his s'.i re tt'.ck-, - i h I iiiir iii; belli"; ten a aii. The ih;. ol as taking lie .ley . ti! tli jii. :'- i ihcse twii trees Was lle'ii s. vctity-lile lauis'iui',' coin- .'ti! of li.s ..wu I , ii o.tlloits of fruit, wln.li sold i. al ly at and s.. on. V. it the , Lap I to 1 per oilloll .liiir 1. ill:; pl'i pill ,i fol I e ol tho-. - 1 . , ., - n,: .: l.i :., the l:i'.!e. When taken from ihe 1 1 -es a'-, w h . ac :,;;' to . '.!'.' .. .. till' .'l'OWI".' tcilied Si V, II! V -live 1. lit- III the Hole). lil-Sl ll .1 1' : ; a. I I per oall'.n. The line Ire "i wi le h..i led h" w is a' !' m I. A'll In- '"I . 1 i.ie iloivii ilh fruit thi. s ei .in, and in Fel ru- m t.ik.n the .; :i...i p'.d , : a . ', my will produce a la' - c .'. rep that cm hi- tin re lock ill", ; h.iu 1 i il i 1 i en , , :u rcadi'v sold a! ih.: .i..cc of growth at " "Now let'- c y u pu'! a ',.. v i n' I eighty live cents per v'alh.ti Tile your nose and i.-il ., . ;h.t . a.' trees are plai.ted is hillside, til. .ut "Alieithit pi". 11 ii.iiii:. : " n thiity live or foi ly I'.i t np.ut, to alow niole c-ici-ei.i il,- , ,::,!n', an I a s foi expansion, as tiny will live and .. o- t . ,j,,M.:v ,s , , duce for et ntiirii'S. Am aire of ground i ,enbnee of d ath." ( ,.!!,, '. will hold til unit 1 1 t i i s. The small j ' fl ult is ii-i 1 lol i.i', while the liiru'e or l.ollU Seidell. '.. ipiein olive is pn kle 1 for i at in:;. ( "S i I . I n v II , ;: I - ; . - ae i m . (i.iv. ties i.iu I." pl.iiib d on rocky b'.V I ""j si nl'i. ii a': I.. ' , , a land-, '..'. ! Ihe iii,. would f til, and the c..-t ol p! intin.' th" Ii.iiii. r i- about olic-lhiid i I' the I ,tl. r. The l l' ps ale mote eas 'y - i-'. leMhin ;;iape-, while ihe ci.it lit lol p , i o l',- .dive oil Is a'.oiit "iie-ieeih "I ih it n- aiy lo proline" w ne. Tiiei'.-'tt p. cm le I 'iiidit : 1 1 u ' 1 1 t . . s ; i i a i I ,i,i! less osf than th.- 1 l'!l ' 1 A" 1 "'' ": '' ': ! niics of the vin '. 1! in,.; so j iv I !. it b. i nines .-..oner pi"liiii..e in u.e . icvir, a'nl cull y at alb I '.. al ill',' I he olive tie' produces a I oood crop until it reaches its fill, .h - vciopnii'iit, w le ll it p iys i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 lirocr re veil u I h.i'i a vincyaid, 1 .:i 1 1 nr a nop of from ;:u to I ) jrall'-iiH of bu t per tree. The olive tree is also not so much HlTected as the vine by drought. from 1,10 'M"':""' '''' '' 1 V'"-ir results it is believed that the A men til olive fit' vc will in a few ycais become successful rivals to that of the M, d.t. r- ralif.tn. ' t 'ineinnat ' C an iiierci it. Alll'cjf.li.lls. Sni'tli I iv il li clbi.ioi, i 11,., Crown, is that you; 1 hciiid o:i were d low n.d. I'.inttH twilh s.ad:ie-) -N , it was my hiolh r. Smith (iliouht.ess' v i What a p'ty.- Washiiioton Ci t c NO. 2. lle. anernlMe r.iHer. ! Tl,en-i,t.ni', a.:, v- i.iil tiisiv. of i . . . . i . . ti:e oil v.icai s si in 10 ie i i u i. . ' .. ' - . is woti.li r.ii.. Mu.-e wouicls je a, up I and leave nothing but a ':i: Tb: in true not only of ilie en't'i.a'. inu-i u'ar tissue, hut of the ialuiiil ..!' i'i, in- i ludiui; even tin- brain. ' A lat'e part of a b i'i iti iv he t iken .ut. an I th b ae ..row . ; ,mi. I "by p.iiso s may b: .wallowel, and 1'ie varioo; 1 i in i ii ut i n ' oil' .us will to , . i , ,, ,1,,. work , i i e-triv tin tr mivrr, a'ci o ' u ! f"'V v" ' " l "-;""s lian-'.ss lieallv v.iV 1 1 w 'I tie ii' ,n.ical sj.tem, im I s! ii Iiv u' lia I tln.j , ,v. ,.(. t. th-. uni .-.'t ! tr, ,,,,, of that ot'a. i law th" 1 i .v oi" ,., ,.!,,;,,:,, ., ,, ,!,. -.:-, 1,1, oi to ic'lti' " it t i a iumiI'iiuiii. A bllllet ll Is been catl il' I ill ill" I"' i'i'., I ill some lar I I'll" "i mil ", !' 'IMS itl,n I or i i a 1 1 ' e ii il,.:. I'i . u , ;l U i, ;i, ;,.-.,. .. . . . ,i,,,, ,,.,.,,., ,.,1,, f.,,,,.,-, . rl,Vl"""-' ' "' 1 'i1"1'-' ,.!,,,.,. ;,. , , ., ,!. ,.,l,s ; te,:, , lf . :.,. j,,.., , :, , , , f - - . . w. !h Ire ;, !: , slrikin.,v j, u.tr:,.., ,;. toletam .... I '. , , , upera' ive p . I 1 ,. -y -!, in : . , , ... , , . ,. A so!' I ni w is !..i l.v won i I -d in Ih" ,,', by t he c X pi -1. :, "of a .fbr nor wa iil'iei'i. ' , i.i'l'l li:,'' HI e i . . h I 1 ' I ll in t I- . luring w hi, h t m' I ,1 liv m-niiii-, i i lit i i. list. ii.: . V i I i ' time- -o t 1 ..,,1 ., .. , , i , , , ,i I 11 ' " : . ' 1 WOII'I' h- ,: .i II : I.;, .mi" a!. " I . d . 1 ,'..,.,', .mi, , j,.,,,.,, fi",,., ', j .,. ,, i li i al ),,. aii (--. l-i li,, d, hu h d. ha roe I for s ine eiji.t '..al.. nh 'ii l!i ,..,, ...... i. i ,.,t;!, ,,f tin i,, I the .. ... ' i.ll and bits ol . a I li.'iu lie ki , I he al'sci.-s reiuaiiii ,1 op. u, ccia-ioi. .,-,, in.; siuali po.tious of hi.i--, . a i and L,'ritly lua'.b r for th, :;, ! nine yi ai -, or until the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i of A! I i .t time, the surgeon at the ho-p: al e. ,. , th.n took tharoe of the case, s , ,-, , 1 iu Iraciii"- the sinus, or i.pi-nui::, b o l, i i .'1 h: I'd oojeit in the oppo ile die of the j int. 1, ii in op ii the tl .li al : I. is point, lie f.e.ill I it I I H llliiVed t'l" I'll 'id- lliu' cause, which w i ' o:n hill of a: it tiled and lui-sli 1 1 o n Inilii!. In a l-w Weiks til'' 111 I : was able I I W.I k Will i 1 1 1 '. I": ill. I'llVeliieliCe, an I lellilnd il 'lie' W it'l the pt o-p. 1 ! ol I . I i' I I I, st .ii'. in. Ill i II III tills i i, - , i : ; o I .a . w a- t li" licet, th'.'cavily, wli.i .i M i 1 1. .11 1 an inch ill di ia,eii i, w i- li ci ith ; '1' a l.lp-U e. )' " "'.'. Co ... I.,'.,. Nil II ,, nun' in II is snitl, "HeiTiu.iiiii, the n. a- ci .ii. i . ., u.ihty c'.Vi r lean at hi - In im- -," -ael :i Ci.uk -tiect ei, "a:i I I..- ma !. a :; 1 deal of luoticv. I'. ! h- :s , ! : ..va-an', sometime- 1 , i .-..ly so, an I . i : im:i.,1 y iind-h .iu-. I ; in tn :;!i e w iih I.:- cod.:- ol-. 1 think he ha. been twice in lad ' Irn'-h I t" 1 1 ha I 1 , . n .1 : -in - !.. in. n. bill I don't ! i an comp.u i'i h ' that I h' ..i I I I . luck. "Uliitw.i :! : I'. "l iu lit;, tli 7 V.i '''. Oil lis it ml r ii. the tHI-ei . Unil.i ltitih : -W I , I -ii il 1 . yon do look bun Tianip - "Not had a ile a! -i: e. y telday. C ii.'l vu -p in ui" a ,t:::': ! some "Will, ii ., 1 liav I ll', hue, I'd "H" i no -in i, i i Ii in -; e.l a I'. c steak end "ll til '!.' ii'l 1 . '"li l oll can bill 1 "No ll b. uid, o 1, '. I'i' :: 't il pi ...: i it of l.v - - ( lias: iii a Tlit.i diiiu. ' I'.isl Is . , I I'. .;.o'i Went li-h in- dow'i tie hu.'kiil hot Sun. I .v. d.lv i: ' ' S' cor I S ui'l 1! ' i o.'1 "Kdch an', thin : ' ! iw , I M1( ( ,.,,'. "X. t lill : , I iriiiladi'li'liia C-iU, (Cljc iCIjatljam ttccorfr KATKS OK ADVERTISING !mi 1 11:11 . iinc insertion- ( Mir lllllr, llVIl insert hills )'ii j 1 ; :j 1 1 , urn mmil !i - 2...U i'i r liii'L': r iiiJvcitisi im nti liberal cot Th ts will li.- 1 1 :i I -. A 1 e of Melimry. V.hv k '...li I thick . f .hui.i eo,r! i: ilieiu y, ilraiiin el oiels of giny, W ...... I 1 .im. s.i ii Ha III lloallllL' liirlit. , M,lM 1,1,,,,,,- soft ami bri;;ht i .. lilniv f. alh r. fault aie! wli.te, ' in many a !. 'hm.i' i'a I .. ,1V -,, j f a , , , f , hi whi'l i M -t,'li n ; nels thai slial.e Hi" ruin, When I v lei! !.r.'"Z s fii-.h ii-nl clear ' " " ""' '' Ai.il I.n ii'l s i I .iiiiiui r iriftiii li-'tir 1 1 . I'lov r li.'l'l nti'l f.'i ain' iv de.a th lu k i f i nvi like thl '. , , , , - , 1 1, .1 v- like lias, all il.ii k ai.'l wet, v.-i..,; . kli.,u ,!,vs m. gr;.nolyb.i.;i.t, , ,,. I,,.,.., ,,,, ... .1 ,!,.;,, .nt I :.a', ih"ujli all al':ei -life Mel': uirht. .1111 f"l','"t ' , V .mail'- Jouriinl. IM MOKtM'S. t ' .Id i i-iu'ol I. sh Ul:i'.'. . ,:. :.- t i v i.' 'I lie p'liiil ll I'bn. I' i'.i' v ; ir . ..lie:, a: r.v out of f in .ly M e h a I i' 'in .:i! in! '.ti'l,. Thi. part o! l e, ,.. i -iy !: ,'.. Vt'i.i.t k".d .! I" iy e not ii i' '.: -.'if A .sa - ,"li el y, I cien - . , !!. ,::jli :. .' mil : t ,1 . I alee.' tin P : '. o., . .- . a v : , ii,.'l i'. I.;. i '. I ,'! a i .i .. I e ,' ;!,. : i." w ..y a I . ' . alb ll, i'h :el,..' U in i "la'" I', ll," Is ti.ei" all Mm M '. M .-.'. i I 1 I i.e leave . '. a- Me i ... . I ' : - I Cpii, he p:o- li"t w us di" ten : la ;-. I il. V- I- tho I. i la -t in-'" ; I c Hid el,.-.'. I ll! ' e CUt i A 1 I , ! pu 1 'i"U ,1 . i w itii.'M' ' itisf; V. .ill. Ill, s.i .k".t i.oi.j c ;ne i . ii-totu. ,. .,,,i ll th le ,l'i. I'l.tl.ll.u cl-e he had ci 'lo in In r. V' ii. i'ain." he -aid, ":!ie ci h.iii ; i i.i. I , . ,, w i-h ii, I v, ill , . i v . 1 1 1 : 1 ' !" .el: '" np an I .how ii ;.. yon." I.i,sdtl lbe.it liini;. it e i.'iin ; 'u oi ;h t!i : op. "i ucith H a i,i ! I I . tin- most p. o i only by "e v.l, I ' ;n. :;. l'l." :il"'i ."Mi. e, of on i i I -.-, and -a'.'i,"' ii-ies el'.'- ill:.'!,', ill'l k-.'p l'l' III .It'll tlijllti. I i-i i I :r. I lei ith.; '.Iiior.-h the tins- J . , , . I Na! ,:,- - i ,i Is ,. ..,!,. i thai: fashion. j , ,,;). ,.iii.i ,- . : i . 1 ,f breathill" i-l I . t st ,.,. ,:, ,v n pi'iueip'e o'' hy"i- , ,, . 'lii :,.,, ,i ,::;, r of ..ev-re injur , .,, i-!.,:i;d to the de'i- j , ,t.. y --es "i il. ' luii-s iu pas. in ;h..,ii!,, warm a'r a hoiis" to ac. :i'. iiio-pieee iii tli" i.''"!i .orhoo'l of .er , .' ;i.e a l'l-. lake i d.icctly int.. ihe lime,. II p i.-s'iu i! tiir u ;ii the .' isir.ls 'h . i.i is i e..i iv .., iri'l '!. mi li om iii -a oi !1 el. .ill."' -. ap 1. . 1 .iir i' i ii v. II remember licit i I.i I'. ."- i.w itk'i, 'i in article which ive , ty p.:'-' -hid, iid thai li tho most : ,i .is en 1 .1' :!. Aii ti" reidi'ii", one ! . , ' n uilly I'u he t!i"oii.;h the in.'iit'i. Ii' the ii. o I. in '' in theoiy of Iho ori infeciii ,' . dl-c is,-1 is till", bli'iit'i in; through tli" 'I '.'.'i.s is one m' iii i.r. '- .. lb ""I. i'.' Is. T.u ba r., ivlcc'i . i la th" en! ranee 1 the Host ri I inayar i' I ilie.-iui. il'il'n; n: ib' Mr, and ,: vu! lh".i p:', a ; ti :!. biujs kiel .pieiii ai.-orpti ni by the blood. ' 1' a. n'.s oii.:h! to teach tlu ir ch ildro'l i illy to breathe r.nly thtouh l':u no '. . -.-- 1 .".'. C o ',;'". 'ihe Tit i I'iinil. 1 ic :..ti: plant oi 1 b'ti I u: ;H UiV i Ic? lh ii'cipri-so of Ann r:. 'an capita! :i Yankic invention. Only ere iniiie is needed and the ilick .' ni in't : iiil'l" is 111 l ie. Ml. I'.'Hlard, lull con--ul, rep nt-, th it ih:. pti phml, whicH I-l. n-ier b.e'i i "T t , v.ite.l, "row s spun ! meoiisly and iu app ne.itiy in. vh iu-u Me ipi .lilies by tie- in il u i n if cveiy liVel' all ! I aeoon, lli l, lll bed, .'CllwllciO l.-lo'v tin n't tic!" of two tliollsill'i i 1, , I. It I ..II I" II I 1 l"l ill" C'st ol I U1. 1 I, '. l oe libit' I -U-' i pi 'bl" of a tl.olls.nl u-.. Tin p. ople d Honduras convert int" thread l"i w n,; boots a id .hoi i, ni I inti ids, :sl, Inn s an I C'.idaRo. I he llii-st haniinoi ks and most tost y .,:, also mad" "I it. The Mn all ipianti i es w hi. h h ive bei i. sent to this market liav been ni.iniil.iclilled int'1 iland 'o rcluvfs, hues ribb. ns, false h i',', on. I wiu'-. Th" dlllieiilty is t'l d'COftii aitl the p'.iiit w ithout I'ottin"; o' otherw i .c injur ui'.; ih" fibre. Tie' in in who can do thai v. tli be able to lake fortune nt the ih.od. In other words hr-nni will brine le.iliioii. 'N. V. llei.'.M. The tM.lt st I mm; Person. The oldest poison iu France, pt riiiipi :,: the v.o'.ld, is said to he A Woman wl.J I I' -, in the village of A-da rive, in Iloy ans. Sic was ....iii M rel: I'i, 1TH1, aicl I therefore 1," veins old. Tho uutheii. e reeo.d of her birth ii to bo found in 1 liu- parish resistor of St. Just dj Clai , ;u the department if th? Isere. Scicq- t:lie American. I.

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