8 i t!)c l)all)am Uccorfc U. V. J.OIS'DON, Kiuroi; am) I'KoriaKiuJi. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, nit' ye.-u Ori'i I'D))-, six months . O.ie copy, throe months- An Em ply Xpst. A grave old iimn nnd a niaiJen fair Walked tnfietlier at early morn; Tbe thrushes up in tlio clear cold air Bnng to the lai mcr !anting his corn. And, oh, how sweet was tl e fresh -turned mould! J And, nh, h - fiiir were tlio budding trees : For daisy's .silver and dan") Ill's gold Were full of the hnppy bony-le, j "Ah, look! the e's an empty nest," she sa d; j "And I wonder w hens sing the last year's j bird!' I Then the old man (piickly raisrd his head, J Though few-rely be noted lier musing i word.: j lie tore the nest from the swaying tree, ! He flu R tnthe wind, its ino-s and liny, Ami saal. "Wli -n mi empty ni.-t you see, IV sure tin' you throw it far nwny," "flit why!' he n-ked, with a sorrowing fie "Why may not the pretty home ab'de ?" "H'l-aiw." h'MinsW' led, "'twill lea plaeo In which tin worm nnd tin slu.; will hi !e. List cir tens (a;r enough in its nv li w is lull "f l 'V.' mill merry with song ; Hut days f lint iii" pone must rot spoil to- Ii . Nor ili'.'.d joys do tli" bvin; j.iys wrong '' Tlie in.ii'l li le-anl wi li n thoughtful filer-- Her l:r-t Inls l ive hud gone Inr awnv And ! though', n my In- tit I cenmo n I " Ko.' anger nnd ".riof and bate to .stay i,niii, liomt, wi'li ihv sol, lor-nkcn iiiv-t ! 1 1'iiiig I nr thv s"lti.!i and 1 lie p.nn; Tli" lov that i- fins i nlnav. the best; And -h . H, Mt with a smile to h"r work again Mar, A I'.arr, i'l llarpu's Mn jn.irn. The Way His Motkr Did. 1 i in-' 1 inv .1 r. in all .-I thinking that In: c mid r.nik j st us his mother did easy t-1 i : i ' . Siys I , .-it the breakfast table one ni'ir.i n g . ".I i mi.ili, I I'll' d my meat yesterday, nnd ll you'll hi.ng in that j'lg nf rid-I luolas-.'s til il y 'U ell into the ire house to keep cool through the suniitier, I'll make ii in v miin-e pi-.'s to-diy." A simple i. in iik ( nough, and inno rent, but who can tell what a word in iv brim; forth ! "I wish," says tin- partner of my j y, nnd (when In; can't dodge tlieini of my sorrows. "I wish I could taste of some of my mothers pies u gn n. 'I'liein was pics ns was pie--.'' Now, 1 know that if Piiiliira .! inc Join s c an do one thia better than an other, it is to make a mince pie, but I kept culm out wiiidly. "How am tl.iy made" siys 1, "what was the ingivgieiiccs ,'' "Wall," says he, "1 Used to wale 1 hel, nil' if you'd hear to III", I bilieve 1 could tell you p st how, II,; wa-n't ihey good, though f I vuin, 1 believe I could in nke 'em i.iys"lf." "IV rhnps you'd better," says 1 coolly. "I can," says he, ".in' declare for all try in' to boss a woman round, I will," I could Vt help bill laugh to see him po to work. 1 got him my bit; check -npreii, nnd tied it or. I brought out thelloiir, mi I the hill, and the salcnitu-, i nd the s ilt, and the spins drawer, nnd the sugar li.ix. r. in. dl he went out li n I got the cider in -la-s s. Th" m at nd apples w is a rea I , o i til : ol I lain--. "Tliere,'' s.iy.i .leri'iiiiah, '-.N y, I'll sho-v you soinetliiii',' about p:e..'' 1 sin 1 not bin.', butwe.it t i washing up th-j brenkfint ilii'n's and -ivccpiny up. "I don't f;i t to liakiri" so eariy nsthis, generally,'' tnys I. ' You've got a good slait." "II, yes," he ans.vi led in his gayest tone, "I'won't I..' no l mi : afure I have them pies nil settio' in n row on the bulb ry shelf. II lint you got no sour niii K " "Why, vt's," sayi I, ' but y'' don't want it for nrm e pies." "Wlio'i inakin' the.'; pie.-.' ' (ays he. "My mother always n-d to make sum inilk ill-s i us t and 1 believe it w ould taste g od once more." So I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the sour miTu. He dippc I out al mil two ipi uls of it in mv big yeib w mixing dish. "Where's the sli 'li'niii' ;'' says lie, 'Tin-re's tin- lar.l, and there's tin; ti r h ie if you'd rude r ha ve il." "My mother Use I lard," says blit he. 'Wi;. i"'s a dish to melt it in V I got him a dish. "Most b Iks nib their shortening in t i llr 11 .ui," s.ijs I. "My inolhi i di In'l," snyn he. "As 1 Slid la bile, who's in i U i it' these pie- If ;,m me, 1'il go out and mend the. fence. If I inn "! "I won't say another word, " says I. I've li id some cp: rifiiei; in m inngiiig a opinionated pardner bufoie." He stirred his melted lard into his 6onr milk, and it rose to the top in lit tle lumps '1 lieu In; h-'gan to stir in flour. I si n lie hadn't put in anysuler.i- Ins, but knew him too well to venture to I say so. Jeremiah Jones sometimes needs I to attend the school kept by experience. Ho stilled nml stirred and stirred. When lie finally got it thick enough thuo was halter enough, such as it was to make several dozen pici. "Thcss pies are goiu' to bo so good," says he, "we'd make up a lot of 'cm. Where's the pie plates, '" I bioii.;ht thnn lo him all buttered, ; aid he begun to roll out his crust, iiy ' this time it was so thick that it cuuid scarcely bo induced to roll out ut all, but . ho worked nobly. When he got his rust piece rolled down to about nn inch in j thickness, bo stopped and boked ut it, CfjfJt Jill,- JHIII- H VOL. IX. 50 ; "1 like a good thi'-k crest, myself, (wys lie. "An inch thick ain't too much for n real juicy inside." "Mo." 1 nnswered. comfortiiiL' mvself ' with the thought that his crust wouldn't j rise up to call him blessed, the way most sour milk cru-H do. By the time lie ; had rolled out four under ci lists, and I used perhaps one-eighth of his batter, lie laid down his rolling-pin. j "Shan't I chop your meat for you i' l says I. "No, sir e-e!" unys he. "Who's ninkin' these piesf I wish't you hadn't chopped the apple. I've got an oven fuil ndled out, and now 1'il make tho inside. Where's the choppiii'-trny ;'' ' Dal your mother have somebo ly to hand her things, or did she get them herself i" says 1 good naluredly handing him the tmy nn 1 choppin' knife. He ut all his meat, tome four or live pounds, into the tr.'w nt once, and began to chop. He chopped, nnd he choppi d and lie ( hopped, nnd still great masses of whole nn at kept i inning to the sur face. After t iiree-rpiai tcrs of nn hour of hard work he ha 1 got it so tln r ; wasn't any pieces more than one and n half in lies fijuaie, and two inclu s thick, though there was plenty that bi. Then he went for the inoias-fs jug. "You niii't going tu rail thnt line i nough for the inent ." says 1. "Course il's tine i nough," says he. Takes the life ail out of mince lie nt or ha.sh or anything, to chop it i n line !'' "Il'.it .1 'leniiah," s iys I, loth to see so much good meat wasted, "that won't be lit to eat. I. t in" take it, I'd rather chop th in sec the pics spoil pil"'l . lie i Tie I. ll.rse pies, I'hilura." "I wouldn't want to Who's makiu' year that a iv- body was," s.ivs I. "You always mike your pies t"o sweet " he went on, ineasiii ing out su ' ir by the teaspoonflll. ".Mv mother never used much Minr." Then be poured in two teaeupfuls of rider molassi s and a tiarupiul of vinegar. Ho liknl thnn leal tart, he said. "Now fi r spices," say? he. "I. -mine She iisril to put ill a lot of g.ng. r, 1 lejip iuber. And thereupon the whol-j two-ounce pa1 k age was emptied into the pan. "And i itiiiainon - ain't we got any c!unaui"u st !i k - No." says I, "y. ii say yon doj't like il." "Il's best for p:i , I guess but this w ill do;" win n up"ii the packa o ol ( in minion lolloued the ginger. "Cove'. U, csl Win re's Ihe mm tar 'n' prsiV ; 1 And he ground up a pi.ir:cr of a il of cloves and stirred .tin in ill. "Now, that's all but Hie raisins. (i; nn, time's the apple." And be shi.ved i'l llie chopped apple. 'Ill yi s, bread. My mother used to ln ij up bread and put in.'" "That was w h. n she shoit of app'e-, I remarked. ' Who's I HDD 1 : i these phs;'' he p pealed. ' i:t tin' si nn bread, will yi !" 1 bioiiglil liie II'. id and In; pounded -oii-c up and stirred it in. "N 'W, I gii'-ss It's leidv," an i he In gaii to I. ell. it into his under c.u- s. "Ain't you going t i taste of it and see whether it is lihl.'" says I. "Your mother used ('." "That's so," s-iys he, "and f i did I, and w a'n't it good 1 He smacked his lips mid taste I, but I noticed he didn't siunck 'cm the second time. "You ought to set it on lire an 1 cook it all toL'cthcr," I couldn't help saying, "W hy what's tin. matter, .Jeremiah I" The tears w as chasing each other down his hollow cheeks, and f r minute I was leal scant. "Thcie seems to be a hi lie too much ginger," he said, blowin' his nose, "hut "I'll lix 'cm." Then he went to work pultiii' in in re stuff. A cup more of cider molasses mid a cup more of vincgai, con sidn able pepper, bin no salt, two pounds of l l sins, whole, and llie contents of a bottle of paiegoiic, I see him put in. Then he Went to the .sittiii'-rooin closet and brought llu: bo tie of brandy 1 keep for ;.ii kness, nnd put half i f that into the luixtuie he was coin oi t ing. I looked horrilied, indei d, for I never use it in cooking. "Doctors ;ay mire-pies (.light always to hi V b:andy in 'cm to keep 'cm from Imrliii' folks," says he; "I don't liegiiich a little brandy in .-m il good pics ns these." Then he si irred up the w hole mess .My laud I There w s great t hunks of meat, and great long tilings of it. And such a looking pan of iniiiei.-meat I never sec! Hut I said nothing as he went on and lided his pies, and prrrecded to cover 'cm. The eiu.i ha 1 got so hard ami stiff lie could scarcely roll it out, but ho finally got it down not much thicker than tho under crust. Without culling any air holes he covered the pie, lucking in the edge w lu re il came over, and pulling it nut where it came short. Then his pies went into the oven. He insisted on building up an aw ful lire, nnd in a few minutes the juice of his pies (h.s meat was tl atiii:; niouti l iu an aiubuleuc.e of lUulasscs aud viuegmj came IMTTSIM)Ii running cut on the floor, Jeremiul ! bounded to the oven door. He didn' j look near so chipper ns when he first he gan his pies. "1 wish, I'liilina," says he, "you'c , j"st sco here a minute. That crust don' j act well." ! I should say no! I The inside had ri; up and was riinnin' oyer nil around, whi i , a thick, leathery-looking substance r. - j up in the middle of il, burnt pretty v a black. " I "Whose runnin' these V'''s, Jeremiah?" i says I. "Ynii didn't sth k your twi ! trusts together." j "Wnl, why didn't you tell me not ti begin with theiui" he yelled; "not twil me with it iin," j Hut I went back to the settiu'-roi n win ro 1 was sweeping, and b ft him t wrestle with tin pies iilon-. j Hut lifter a while Hooked out, I novel see a more dej a led looking picture, ore in ire ilepn s-ed m in. His npion had got twisied to one side nu t was a! J loverod with fl-ntr. Co , it il.ib- of fl ui j w. i on both sides of his f.ic ' .nil hit, w hiskers were jest dre Iged. The tear he h id shed Innl ina b; water-course.' j through the dirt ni.d flour, and h:s ev i pies-ton, O my ; words fill in-. lie wai I s( taking a pie. out of the oven and settiu' it on the table. II" put Hi" pan of mini'' neat in a chair lo ' make room for the next pie, and then; he took that mil, th'i liquid from it hipping all ov. i him and the Kil' liiii!! fl mr. And if it w.nu't a oueer looking ' i pie! 'J'iio ciu-t had crawled up inn roundish henpin tic middle and the in side was i oaming about everywhere, as1 if seeking somebody lo devour il. My piu dner Iii, ..I slid ileaviug the oven door open) uul gn-d at tln in. Then he hni kc l li u k in a s riow lul kind ol way, ami ret light s.plin: down in his pirn of mince me it. lb: had had it on llie stove, an 1 it was b'.ing hoi, and he I yelled accordingly, jumping an' tearing . ! around the room iike mid. I rushed 1 j out with some dry punts nnd helped him on with 'cm. The liist tiling he did afterward was to take them two pies nnd march into tiie slwd. lien; he deposited 'cm in the swill ham;!. Next he went in mid took the two out of the oven and carr od them to the grave." "Now, " say h", may lin'sh the pie- same appropriate lecklessly, "you I'lnlui.i, and I'd mend (he folic-." "Wiio's unking these , ,h n nn, ill ;'' I c nildu't help saying. "Throw that ill my f u e, will ye?" he muttered, iu very sub lu d accents, iu he weiu out and g it his :ix H it I never grudged lliem poor pies, for 1 m ver Ir ard any more about the way his mother use! to do thin! 1'.. tlaiid Transcript. r M.nli of Ideiili j i iff I'rjsoiieis. Tiie latest niL.t ml fur identifying piisi iiiTi w hich lias hi en introduced in to I'laiin: hy M. A'phoiise )( rtillo'i, mid which is now successfully pun t sed, not only in the c lief I'lvui li prisons, but iu It issia and Japan as well, ii tic exact nn a.' u cineiit of the prisoner on his ur lival nl the jiil. li s waist, the length .-.111 width of tic: leal, the left mid. lie linger, the left foot, lie; oipslreti he 1 iinns, the thre ! other ling t, of the left bun I, the left arm from the elbow to the wrist, and the Icngili and wi 1th of t!i" car are iiieasurj 1, nil I llie color of 'ie eyes mid any peculi.u it ies are noted down. A photogiapli is also immediate ly taken, nnd by these means the many mi takes whic'i have b.'en made by tnisling to a photographer only, are avoid ed. The fait that during the two years since this mode has been in operation 8'ii habitual cr ininals, who presented themselves under an assumed name, have been ideiil iii 'd in l'miice, shows that M. liirtilion's method is supeiior to any other. It is stated that habitual criminals, particularly Knglisli pick pockets, nrn so convinced of the infalli bility of the method, that they will on no account submit to the measurement, and olT'jr viob ui resistance, whenever the at tempi is made to measure them, lu Mich cases we arc assured that it is nearly always siillicieiit to iiuasuio the insole of the hat and boots, i Amateur (Jilile n Iteliei. (iroccr Anybody been iu w hile 1 was oul i New Hoy Yes; a female shop, lifter. "I'll! Wh.i - what did you do?' "I tried to call the police, but she boxed my ears mid told me I'd got to behave." "Then yvhatdid you do;" "I couldn't do nothing, nn' bho emp tied the inonej- Irawer in her pocket." ' (iioat jinks! Didn't she say tiny thing more ;'' "Nothin', Yept she. 'spected you was drunk again." "(Mi! That's all light. That's my wife." lichen to II. Tommy was taken very sick. His mother discovered that ha had been rat ing too much preserved stuff, ami wink) awaiting the doctor's visit, implored him to tell her the cause of it. Mother,'' he said, li ially. ".Mother, M line Duffy rejected mi! suit, and'' (hoarse!) "it diovc me to j nn 1'' I'id- lhu. CHATHAM CO., N. HIII.UKKN'JS (M l Ml. eirc.ls. Hound alum', upon Hie we Is i here me many li'tl see Is II Id in nnny a tinv up, (inly waiting to come up: Only wailing for the sin. l'.r Hi) winter to I' Ion.'; ''or a I., soin in the ennh Wai in "i.iih to give Hi. m liT.h And I feel like liny we.-1 Wi li n rip' or dropping -eel, Wiiitin.; for Miothei sun Wh"ii mv 1 t'.lo dav is don-. - T. t. ''-, in ) iiullt a i ,,,, on'on. Tlie Vlcr f-plili-r. Wlnt a cm ions creature it is! I was reading abinil il the other day, and must tell ynii how it in ikes for ilsOf a refugi dow n in llu deep, ooinetliing like a div in' bell, no that it i nn have di y i larlcrs. The spider's hou-e is a c, ( mn, open nl the bolt un, and fl b-I with nir. The nature lines it .villi silk, and fa'lens it in every direction by threads !o tlij; sue. roiiu l ng plains. Within this r.elreit fchesilsand wad In s f..r prey. W hen she has nearly ( I i.-m-t :. I the air slu sw ims upon her back to the sin far : ol the iiler lo secure more. If y.'ii stand by a pond and watch the slid water, you w ill nfo n see a bill" hub. b!" that appeirs like n gol: of piii It silver. The bubble is a big of ail tV.t tnvel.ij.es the sp del', abdomen. Willi it she dee nds lo In i le u;.', and by il dis places the watei ; i lining again mid ao.iin lo tlie surf.ir.. f..r more, until she has sulli ii nt In i j 1 1 all ua'rr f r I n lo r n il. In tlii: v.i'iler she ( h.s s llu: i.jii u in ej, nnd dwells tin re seiuirly. Tin male spider does the - ime. Tliere is a specie, i.f water -spider that aitually f.uin- a rifl upon which it ill i't ! I r the pin p. s of getting lis pi. y iii 'ie i as.ly. l put. together by silken threads a bad ..funds threi m fmi. inches j.) diain ler, and upon tin- float ing island it glide- along until it sees a drow liing iii'rct, w hen it seies it and dcviiiirs it at h i-iii". If alaiiu-l by " dang, r it gels under the rait f. r siibly. Del you i ver know such i nil -li in ' .iii.l wisdom.' - Ciild at 1 1 ni'-. j MMlirf lii.air Almill Hell.. I Dolls me by no means a modem in volition, Dolls of baked clay, of wood, I mi l of other things, have been found ill ! Kgypl, iu tombs, win re they have lain buried since b 'for.' the time of ( hii-t. Dills me now much more carefully ' ma le th in i 1 1 v wi - i.i foiiicr time, j mid a gie.it deal of skill I- needid iu . their iniiniifartuie. In the lull" town of ; S uiiicIm rg, in rinmu, hundreds of thousands of dolls me iiianufaclir ed ! every year. Most of the d. .lis are made iout of papier m n he, but u, my li ie om s ale made with way or china head-. All dolls of the same siz: which have like i faces, are made in one mould, and thclc have to he as many molds as there (ire d llercnt kinds of bices, ll lakes thirty j r lorty persons lo m ike a single doll, I a- e i.'h woikniaii does only one thing. I Iu .1 ip.in, ( hildicu have i vi ry year J w hat in ailed a "feast of doll..." This j is li-Id only on one day of iii" yi u, at which tun: all thedol s tit I have be longed lo the family are In u;l.t out I from the safe places where lley are IIs--I ll. illy kept, and put tip.u tables with many kinds of playthings. Smielimes there are more than a hundred dolls, some i.f which are dark with age, for often dolls two hundred jean old are shown at this feast. Tiny are dressed in nil soils. if ways, some like court la dies and gentlemen, and sote like com mon bidies mil gentleiii' n. S mi'! of I these dolls are very sin .ill, nu 1 some I me as bilge as a lilllo gill. The feast of dolls la-ls only one day, but the toys me shown for many days. D ilU Used by Kist Iu hoi children nre vi ry different from any in this couu I ry. They are made of wood painted Willi. I If 'lent colon. I : nil doll has a baby iu its arm:, and is li d to a woo l cii block so that it ( i'l sla i I up. Til.: clothes aie only puintu I one-, its nrms are not jointed, and the only tiling that can be taken ofT is the he id, which is fastened into the body with a p-'g. ('.mi nion woolen j iinlo I dolls an: made mostly in I.. rmany by poor p ople, who whittle llieiii mil by hau l. - j Young ''oiks' Cyclopedia. Astonished Crows. 'i here is evidently a foi iu (if govern ment among crow s, and some have places nf authority, I:i a li n k there is always some on guard, I. ady lo give signal of approaching dnnu'cr, mi l in living their fl ight appears to be duel led hyroiii li. in I. 1 recollect once seeing a flock of rows homeward bound late in the after noon. They were on mi air line to their place of rest, when su Idenly the sun became eclipsed by the interposition of the moon. It soon becam a a total eclipse. Tliere were strange cries by the leader a the ditrkiie-s spread, and, as it became total, the command was ipi ruloui. In stantly each crow ( hose a limb. To me the actions of the binls were even more interesting than the celips'. Not les I idicu'ous were the movements of the row s as the eclipse rolle 1 away. They were voluble ill their ox pressinns of as tonishment, pri.bil.lv declaring it the (.hortest night they ever piTicncnl. After shaking out their feathers, greatly bewildered, they took up their flight westward and disappeared, Indianap olis Journal. C MAUCH A WONDERFUL LAKH. Situnterl on the Summit of tlie Horky Mouu tuinsj. A Beautiful Sheet nf Water wi li Som Uniqus Surrotiu lings. line of the wonders of our gr. it roun Iiy is Henry's Ink1, on the summit of tbe l icky mountains, near tie1 line let ween Idaho an 1 M'.nlan i, on the Targ'-e's I'ass trai1. Ii is destine 1 to be a popular nitntner resort, and the -oil nnd 1 1 irn.it : are not unlavorabli. to th" r i-m t of permanent seltlein "nt. Tiie lake is live miles wide and ten miles long, ll is the source of the ninth fork of Miake river. I. ike a basin ovn flawing the clear water ripph-s i ver a bar that foiuis the him--a b ir of criun'di d rhry-ta'line j 1 nt. - in a gurjling stream tin' !' 'W pe,n rl'ully thinugh w.iv.ii ; grass foi half :i mile, and then p nicer into a ( inon where it i- l.ishe i int i f"in an I baps ovi r prei i ii o on its w:. di)'-vn fi". hat conliin n'.il 1 1 1 v i I a- il :;i ow I o 1 e agreit r.v. r. A'bra .'iiiiey of loo mih s over lucky Ir ish's .uid lluoiili nioun'aln ib liles we p-ado I 111..- l-.k '. M "ii mi l Inn es were tii'd ni l h'ingry. The mild bc.iuly of the .smooth w i. i, level meadows and shad"! paiks a'! sin ling wil h the evening sunlight was a happj relief. The blue onus w.n varie gated willi wild fl iwcis, birds wit : slu: ing in llie I ices swill, wire .sw.unnoi:.' on the bike. I1"S ol e ii w h llie winl'T I'.illge of the alllelo'e, the de l aud elk. A parly of trapp.is who spent on: win - fir Ihcr:: say lh" elk m ievvn Mr herd, of itlle and d. -tr. y I lit. ir hay. Tiiev weio compelled lo drive gnat d roves of elk away I.) save any g' a-.- or other feed for their pn khon ... line of the wonders of Henry's I ake is the floating island. When we camp d at night a lovely i-hind win within a stone's throw of us. We decided to ex plore it iu tin morning. The soil green carpet, the drooping willows and slilf little pine, so near the shining surfnre cf llie cool blue water, liil. d us with a desire to rest iu their sha Ie. When morning nine the i-laud was eon,-. Kivc miles away we c. ti. mt'. trees waving iu the wind thai hid waft ed them t ) the oppoiile side of the lake. The wind changed, lew ever, mid lie n..sti i ...a . i-l.oi 1 ciiiiic on it- daily nihil a. id rested, niule all nature was hushed, thai 1 .v iv iifleriioou, near whi le we had lir-t s. i u it. We paddled a raft of logs lo il-bord'-r. It was circular iu shape tin 1 lion feet in diameter. The outer nl win n t.iii"h sward, and so tliiu thai il gave down under the Weight of a man and lei him into the water boot lop (brp. A few fort Irom llie rdge it would Mippmt tin' weight of a l.orn The floating nia-s we found I . be a mat of glass roots ovcr-pri-ad with a th u layer of decayed vegetable matter. The small trees ha I taken root in tint blanket of mold. Th. y n.i k. I an I swayed from side lo sol a, wo waUid around t hem. Another curiosity u ar the 1 i K i- w hat is en lie I Mi. is ' Spriii".. l"i lin mouth of a cave in the side of a bluff bursts forth ii river of t orisideialili: s.e. The sparkling water after seething an 1 roaring ll id'T tiie weight of yiv.it pies sure or oilier hidden forces, r pi.'. - out over a rocky bed of gli-L ning ipiail. bi feel wide, and leaps from ie Ige lo ledge, dun n the pin in. Pais : liiglil-. Thousands of 111..1111 lain 1 1 nu I are coiilinu illy living to st, m thai tumbling loi ri nl. Th'-y , ,,, . Seen lb. 1. in ill:; in llie air fl out lien ,1 in g ' till night in their eir.it to oain Hi" 111, ilergroiiud iiy.'i, alter billow in.; the iu mulliioils Snake In the s iinui.i of th great water-h 'd of lh" mutim ul. In ilinlis catch and pink away I1.1I11 that place Inns i f trout evnj y .,r. When we visiled the li-bing groun I a hungry nomadic lube of dii-kv natives, alter weary days of trav.l, w. ie .11 1 aiiging camp and looking happy i v. r the pros poet of a siiinplu on 1,1 'al. Tlcy wn,. to fi asl on li h th it wi i: yi 1 111,. an-hi. Alter lighting the bg tins the li-h-. rrtncii li paired to the foot of the -t cp 1 incliu by the 1 iisliiui; out b t of t In -u I .- ' liirain an liver, lie li man cut 11 slender ' rod and shaped the end of it to lit lno-e ly the hollow end of a bin khoin spear lip. A strong (old atlai bed the lip lo the rod or shaft to the -pear. A mil-, ll- Inr blave would step forwai.l, a brawny 1 bare arm would raise the simple imple 1 mi nt iilniM! his he el, wln i - il u u!d I balance for a second, and 'In n like an . allow ll would be hulled into tin! watei ; with a sure aim; a tiout woii'd ; 11 1-ll his speckled sides iu llie sun, the blood would flow in a red cloud down the Micam, mil n tine li-h would be landed on the green sward. The luickhorn tip would pas through the body and slip from the halt ns it was pulled back. The nd faster, ing the lip to (he rod would hold llie fish, let him ll .uudei as be won! I. Al'1.1 call king ah mt I n pounds foi cm Ii 11c oi lier of the company they pioneib l In cook the evening m. al in a minimi a. simple as it w as strange. I.uge ipianl -ties of soft ( lay were 1I114 from the bank and kneaded lo the consistency of dough, and 1 m h flsh was si piiiitciy ii.i as.'d 111 a coul ng about uu iuvh thick aud thrown NO. 27. Into (he lire to hake. Tiny w re cooked without dn s-iii''. ;s .in of lli' in wuc ga-p ng for breath as lliey w( n le-niir.."! w.lhil.-.y. T.iec.H' soon hardened in the Hi" like buck in a kiln. The oil si-l mid spudded (lin ngh the .-Mil', i:.Ml'tl watched cl'sely and wlr nthe pe I f . ( I i i'e m a t ie stale was I en lied the li-h wen withdrawn 1 1 "III tile In d i I lin. ')',,: sle il- w..i" b.'.'.. with small ato: es nu I the .bibb u- ni..rse!, wn luiiie.l out Men ui ing, while, nnd .-a. ay elioll.dl I i I. mot an cpiclil". u I 'i niciM o ( ' ii'. All! i lily of Diamonds'. The di nu id i, ri "i.tioi i I v. ry iin.i'tillj in i.ti ; i'ii -. .1 ipic r, in eord ing 'o clat-icii! my Me !, wis iiiixsoiis Iii llliik.' lli.'li 1'1'ft Ih'.i.v- ie -p.iiL mill. ng tin in, an I linding that -ne mull D. anion I ol ( i. I" i-'-ne nili. i"d him, I HI in 1 hiti) into a -ton. -; let a vi i y f I - ' ib'e s..i : of th- ori;;;n of tie. "..-in, but nn-!! nl - ! :i. " tie i.i:. I . nth cent ui y an- mui h Ir at i lo knowiu" ill- 1 lllilll oil the .obi I t. lie I ,. eks ."III lie -Ion a bin, !, tie- in bmiil ill!" or iiueliaii.eal.le, oi l li.en th"- lias nM" down our w o I in! in .nl.i.r and, .ml after lh- ! t ' i !i i. . n irli i .Hie i bail... s of a is t -1 '.bit ar not in. la lb" ; n.utii i I a l.iaMi o" , .::i nam i I ll." -tone ; il a It'. ll il, long b.-loie lh 'it"' k - h el ilin rgi 'l tiointh.' d.iihiii - ol tin injlbic teje, th ili iiie'iel wa- nride, iiiuong the i Hebrews. i,e p, , ii;,ai j.-.y.-l .,f the tribe ol bill n : iu 1 Aai.'.i's i'i. a-tp!al , v. In u I i -v i . 'Ii ;- i l in li .s pi e s'ly I. In -, wa- ad i :.. ! iii tlie -. . olid of the I.e. i i v.. ol it - .- tling Wilii pinion: -t witl. '.ii i in laid, a siipplin e mid a -li nil Hi . k-, I. r. nmii, w In ii the ' err i l l la :;i uiiiii:: 1. 1 be k now n, . 'bilking lie- in : going- of bis peop'e, ii I, " Mi. in id .In 1. 1I1 is w rill, n w.th a pin ol iron, iiiid .Mill l!.e point of ill. 1111". 11. 1. Uul, alth. ugh tie- .,n,.!ent n.u-iib re I j the .Inn, oii l In b- 1 1 u I lie. , and w re I ( ip.d.l. of tiymj ti., in,,-: daring ( -i -iliieiit.. witii 11, no -p riiii"ii that i- 1 k now 11 to hav.: be'..!i ;.e. to th'Tii has 1 one down to ii-. .uu: p"r-oii- sup po-e that tiie K ih-i ii. 1 i- live t Ileus 1 11. 1 years old, a, 111 ni'- p. is.se, -ion, but no 1 ne know- or . in iv ne its hist ory I... k w.th criiiiiuiy ! 1 inoio than a few u 1, turies. I'.ii.ul ir .-. ieiu , M.'i.th!'.-. blind at Mu-ht. Mi II. II. I'i ny, ..f .1 ..n Mill, , Yt , tliu - i",.it. - in - e p. 1 1 'in e in 1.1 y j ear-ago, whiie 111 awliaiiiig v 'jag,' i:; the ship .1,1-1 pl.il. e,..f ll': II .!!' I : "W" W.T it three ji ins, I r, 11, n o'i. 1, -ii. to ;- p b lulu 1. 1-r.i, an I .1 tlie 1 .,-, of the second v.-ar ! ll.e voj age, w hile ,11.-1 inakiiig lh" Ian I a', tie- 1 iitiai.i e of the poll of I', li.'i niii ; -ki. K 1I11-1 hat ka, t.s night 1 one en, I I . Hid that .iltln u;li it was ,1 biigli moonlight night, 1 could sic nothing all 1 twilight, and i oiild .-. e nn Ie Iter in. 1 r mm well lighted with l.m.p-. W e nn I" poll lh.' next day, innl al-. 1 a b w days in p. .11 it p.,- .1 d , I 11! ous.y. Iii icia i'-ns, al'lii I 1 ing al -en f r .me tiui. , tie: oil" .1 . tli ill I y r. '.iiinel, and oil lin- way hmui, vi 1 China III I ll" ( lie ol (I,.,. 1 II .p.-. It I .1 II... Oil al a ill lie t iii w l un.le I tl.i i ipe and I ..-t. d ue h. na , but a-i" 1 i If all. I about a we, k on -hoi, , My eye-i,l.l wa- peil .'t l y d'.y, and tny ( ye- wi i" always siroii.-. willi li .t a sjiupi.-iu i f wcakiie-., mi l 1 had In I slept in ll.e ini.nn!i.:l.l, bu: cull I i e nothing in li.e t'li.: hi i I i il o ' : i 1 id night ( r ill a w II liohle I loom unless I! Wa- .1 hllle - 1.-1 ol lul. I si I. w.-e. i,. I a -"ill ol light in flout. ' Inn eh Se h e in t ill s. If we may ii.ii" an I -1,.,-p in ..iloon iici ping n.i -, why -lieu! I ue ii,,t In ..I.i.- I ,, ::ii I , i i Inn . Ii ill I I, I p. I l II I i ig' - .' I'lie aloiity lo il l . I- i ill itti I ,.l s .ne imp 'i lau.'e U ' hi ba pp. u loi ir ill a I oti .11) V- I" I' IU' I" -I'i , ;, , lh ,,y siciil -' .I.i . -. I, liT--ii, in cv nli.lv know -. I In re I- I : I ' 1 1 .le d ni j 1' I il I -. p I . ' p!'-,', tin I .-.lillls' il.n.s I i. tlie al oinid v. iy fi i , i 'I.I ij . indeed. II nl load i' ,i o I- and .",; me .1 1 v. r-, ll w I appeal', aie ill" lu .-I I i i i ii i I. is., in Ibi.s.a : -in, e I ho i nijii,, . I upon tl lit i.W .-bill I! I.I w ,,y 1,'lVe I.i t. iv p, tltioue 1 lie a ill i i . I r I i . ' II I 1 1 1 1 la I II II S III, gilt I'' alb'l I" I Hi' to I 'l -i'l' " i ing 1. 1 tin 11 s.,i;li i . !' i. -. Clin I - 'I , -I ba- I , n ::ia:.le.i. .11 I I, ,s ju-t b, . ii i-sin i li.iinpo.i ; 'nn then. xt. , . nn n. Manniilitu' i M.iga- and IniU day a -..b.oii e ,( i Pile I up j u a-, a 1 Inii. ii ol th oilim b'X nl. -ho In I alia, le d I 1 ev, i Inn,. L. lie n I T 1 . 'llin Mil) "I tile Specilhllol'. ;i'v iini li.e mi, mil -.ivanl l.-l lln.V In. t in Hx.hang.! pboeii-far rn able 1 ' o g 1 In ' h ul h will, 0 1 ;..,,.;! ii.'o this inoiilh. 0,10 had . nt bought olTdulv, but l!...t tie- p, -. 1.::. 1- like- j In- w lie a pair ol diamond rings, nnd wise may have a . .1, I..; li 11 -,,,,' t u 1. 1 her had been moving into 1111 up- hi allh. -I uu"- I .." 1 1. . 1 I "-mi blown fionl. They met again on - ' ' '-.uh avenue yesterday, iin-1 the one in- Cm n ci'- ami hi upp. .pi n -I : Aiidicv t irneir an 1 In- pal tin i s pay ! Siy, (llci.n, Iccolilinend mn a paw n out more money in wage-, iveiy iikh.I U I -:iij,. n mil lo spoul those diamonds." tiian Kiupp, n l, biate I guunuiker ol j "Ah, has it come to thai, old boyi Il-sell, i 'llll lllV, dl-b llses llUiollg llisi:,iy, 1 I all't (lo it. We've jUsllllOVPtl men. Kiupp eiiinlny- I t.tio i n mid i, ,1,1 rooms ovi r this hut store, and I'm C.u in oie's v. n nrn-I'. Il-lniig nulls an: op- I,, , nnpiainled around here."- (Wall elated h liooo mi l,. The ilill. reiici! in j Stieet N ws. llie aggregate of s il:n :,. is t he iliT"i'elie I " ' between Am i, nu an 1 il Hope. in pay. 'I 'he iii'-iith'y p i' i"l! of the IMtshurg iron I u i-tri i- oiei hill a in; il n ai ib l.u s. Tin plant own d by lh" Cat iiegi.'s c iv-T '.' HI acres of gi.ui'i I. I po.l this there. an: laid and in lintaiiied thirty-live miles f . i i ,i . . , of tracks, and the linn ow ns t w ciity-lw'o locomotives. 1'itubiirg c-iiiuierc))ilf v2TI)C tl)atl)am ttccorfc ItATHS ADVERTISING Hie sipinic one insrrl ion- f Hie Miinrc, two insertions l.-V) - riii:ii'i , one month 2.'9 "Vr larger lulvcitisciin nts liberal cor, ; r:n Is will lit made Ml'lvinj. ' "" " y A few eompniiions with me went, I'.-uic fe I l ehin.l. some forward strodo, Uul all on one high nip. se bunt; To live for nature' rinding (ruth I u U iiuly mi I the t In dues of art : 'J.. . iii'.-.Talcoiii' j .von- y.nilli To ,i mis oiitsi e Hi. eouiiuou I. in t. ! mined a idonnd liugerel Ion? To pile '; n I , lo hear a bird, '!. iiiii-e while I stoning lo (he ?'iug 1 if brook- through leaf, eovi-ris lienrd; 'I iie in thumb' ilia' bimmht no fame 1 ll' (.'del ,., Iioiii the till. II 'III Ii Kt e-,,J '! on for ( ii.s ilwii euuiil n il rln in TI.e world : n plause . oms" nml loud. I it s i I. I h ui;di oft 1 bind in .' sli. nf. hi ti. l is my eoniraile- Inive not known, 'J 'ii. hurl i- ton. iiii.l life ii-I.i icf, And voiith bin now lon v.-r Mown, - . ii .1 n I .i e llie I ii pi in is swe.'l. ..i n (he toil of i in bei' bull would I . ml, with eager I'.-et, ,'l.oa:li l.iuii'iiu height on li.'i.'ht fiip"i . ' ,.(,:. , s .1, ,,7 i nhOna. m Mimoi I',. li- look" I up to The finhiona'.l'i i a'. i i i v ' I y in t lie I ui i ii i in; tl ab Him .i.e. : no I. on- . ilavhiir being fa -hi ii'i liie, elderly i . In-. ,. , ,a, .I .e. ll inn, Ii" ! in ii i;e I, in passing, that. v. . a: h..n ly things 'o hay ! aboul. li l. ni v i i too la:.- to lie nd ; I ut II I i in i auii'it i pi i I to have a button -. wnl i i, nr, . i. af el midnight. 1 bo jiv j.ici uring lather a gloomy , i :.i loi in", ma I mn , '' he .said lo the .. ;;.,. -I I l.-i . 'Ye-, sir,'' -he ! piled; ii! il'.s tiie best 1 i. ui do for haif a i' llu. " 'I in '. ri i bun my nu nd," -di I M". j. ,,,.,, v. nh a si ap. of tiie j iw heirdall . .-.r tie in. .111. "I wi-h yo i would, my li ' -aid ii .wii, 1111' lly. "ll must I" an iiiipi'.iy.'li riii.o 1'ailli ; -"iii -1 i iik - represenled by tlie, '....li"- of n drenched f.'inal.' clinging to a ri '.v.i-krd rock, but a belter .) s mi ll atioii Woiiel be a bablheiided man buy ;ag a bottle of patent hair restorer. Tii "V wet-.- talking ol the feminine sex, w In n Mine. I!, exclaimed: "You 'men ne right to accuse us. I only know two I 'bat woni ii." "And who is die 1 liicr:'' impiim her companion, gallant- Ye-. Mr. Oldboy," she simpered, "I : a ve s, en t w eiity seven springs. Would you lliiuk it:'' "Well, jrs, ma'am. 1 don't, know but what 1 would," Mr. Hi, limy said, "and 1 guess some of them .-pi :ti'.;s iiiii-t have been very back ward." inner, of Silence." Wle utile hem of death is ut hand llie dying I'.ii-. e is rained dow n to tho 1 char, or the lowc.-l loom in tin: house with what l. t i 1 111 I failed tu lenrtl. Afl'-rward the body is norne to 11 great i mini towel, there to be 1 xpo.nl to the. winds i, I hcavi 11, the binning sun, the beating rain and nil the host of foul 1 .11 1 mn bil l-. Some ri. h families hnvn a pi. vate lower of I heir own a sortol family 1 1 1 : il - I. 1 1 111. The public biiiinl towel-, of which tin re me live, stand mi Malabar hill, in 11 gar-leu of flower ing slu ul,, nvci looking the f.'i. Here, aiiii l flagrant bowers of mscs and jessa mine, stand these, lowers of silence, nn they are called ghastly ne 'pinoles for lin dea l. Tiny aie about Ihiity feet high mid sixty bet wide. I hi the top I each is nn opi 11 giatingoii which the. bodies an! laid in three circles il.ll'li. ii in the centre, then the women .1 : I in. n on the outer edge. Innuinera ;,! buds of pny a e forever hoveling, with their shaip huiigiy .Th , round :he-c lower-., nr rilling pi m bed on tin in, solemnly wailing for the guileful I a-t thai is in ver long ih laved 11 feast whiih daily riverage three I'msces, be- -1 b s .-111(11 and - llll'll'ell, b.r ll IS ( Sll 111 1I1 I thai 1 a, h day three of these pr is p loll-, i 1 1 1 -' 1 i I : -' 111, Well to-do looking I. , reliant- Imd their la-l resting pime iu Lie voi'a. ions maws of Ihe e ravenous bud--. And w In n the birds have don '.In 11 pall, titnl winds nnd sun and rain ii ill' ..11 combined lo alnteii the .'.ele Ion Li a Iking like poll lied IX "IV, Igrml II .. the boll- 1 sepal ah' and bill through I I, n p. ii gr al in:: ml. in well below tho 1 w.i, whence, il is siid, I In y an' Inken :, a s u I ! 1 1 a I) e a ii pa- iil:i mel cast into : , a and so the p n e is Ii ll clear for it oiiiuii i i lin-, Teil'lei-heiu tc-l young lady (111, you u I, heartless little wretch, to rob t ...si: poor birds of their eggs'. Wicked little boy Oh! That's the 1 " ' ; "l " ,u " "oiiiiei. (i le-s she won't cure. I Purest nud 1 titrcuuu

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