( I)C ijatl)am ttccorb ilATKS oK A D V ERTISING l)c tfljatljam ttccoriV ii. a. j.oindojs, KDITOU AM) PlbOPKlKTOli. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (Ini s.piate. ton insi illon- tl.Oi . liw i nvriT it il:.-, I . 0 ( bit f- i ::t i-i -, cm- 1 t n 1 1 i - $ 2.01) if 1.00 ,( Insntlsflod. In the morning of lift-, ouigi-otl shipmannptl Willi ne'er a thought where the port may I e. We loose cur liont Irtuii llio flowery strand And stul 11 ivay 1111 a summer sot. Tim wavckts ripple a silvery unpen, K uiiiIki-iii I kr .slntiil Willi slun ug ttenfh; Rut In-yt nJ Ihii.-t- U-auiiful meailm,-. green Ard Iniit-r mi that we never reai-h. TIip volley is bright with blooming flowers, And sweet wiili the wild wood stcrets; tut fain Would wee'imb th moii'itniii that grandly tower; And long f"r heghts t tint we rnnn-it pcnin Ah, Ii ov we yearn lor th eiiehn-.ted peaks, WIium' crests an lost in a golden lia.-! And ever a pathway our footscw seek-, 'J'ill our eyes prow dim in steadfast g-tztv Why it we never are satisfied? Wliem e comes this spirit of sad unnwt, This haunting gln-st i-Vr by our si.-, Thi rt-Hilt-its longing within thetreasti Pee- the wml stdl pine fur its native elini ) And the spirit haunts that it knew of ynp. Some land w here it always is summer time Koine beautiful dim remembered shore, Hut it finds no rrt f. tln we.i. v ftt-t. No where I. iieioh the shining stais. And fi re.-r the w ill w ings U at and ! -at, I. ike a rtiptne I iid ;;inii-t pri on bars. Waiting, waiting, we know nut why, Knis. 'in-thing. Alas' it i-evei- tlui-. And in ver I cnca' h tl:e w u t swept sky, Io 111- things we ,, tit tor ronio to us. - .'. '. .V, in. i; in ( iin i iif, THE DUELLISTS. I!V I'l l I U lnV W. ac i v.n ng ill the w mtt r of ITS'.i the n'i'i of Parisian society scintillated at tin; nil iivi--n- given Ity the Mmpiis l-landii-at In- p.ilai e in the K ic de Pro vein". The cream of the proud l'n ncli aristocracy, the luielilary oppressors of the people, tliioiiel the ballroom in their da, ing i o-tutncs. An I n o- to see mi ii a kaloidos opje array for beauty ami chivalry, so volatile ati-l gay, would not think that a ti n ili'.e Xonr-sis in the form of an outraged populat e was even then drawing near, and would, i-rj Iohl'. with one Titanio l-'nw, It e.ipitatu tin. hyilra lini'lc 1 iii..n-ter that so loni; lived on tlit ir .sii'-taiii i-. When the mad r v. ! was at IN liei-lil, a lissome creature, with the step of a pa zelle, attiiftl as a iieciau shepherdiss, tnov!.l "rat i fully aliotit, aii'l w ith Cir t'enn inaptii-tisiii, Ii.-! am-; tin- c yiio-ure of all eyes. A d ishiu' jiiuri' ollii t r we.n -imj the iitnforsii if a Htutruint, ,-ii- jiroachvl, ami lvtu,' tkfinntially, (ail : "Will the fair pit 'ial podiless favor me with a ilanc.-.' ' "Monsieur hum pardon in if I r fuse, I am already fatigued fr-.-nt d nu iio.','' she answeri tl. in a voire h:ih l c-p. ke unalTti tcd ini,'riiuiou-:ie;s. "Jiut, inadain," lie ersi!ed, "I III ay at lunst have the pa mure of escorting; y u to a seat.'' "if iiiu!ii"ii- -'U 1 suppo-e I have nothing l.. V " . comply," she mi sweretl with t a i: miii oic. .7 -( and ac c pled his r iTi re 1 arm. lie led the way to a t u liioni' 1 .-Trove aii'l, with the air id lliini I, liepnl p r uiisioti to linper il on'y f r a I v mo ments. All llllllost illipetn ptilile niovi inenl of the liea 1, v u to denote as sent, sullii i d to loos' ii le i ina-k, whii h fell to the I or, vt ahni; a lac:.- of da. MniZ beauty. II r ryes were in dark as niohl, and, in the laiiuipc of the poet, "mipht havo clianoe ! the fate of an em pire.'' Ii r bi"tv and lips would have iilTordcl ample scope for the liom ye I phrases of an i vi I. 'I lie t vpiHile sym im try i f her fi hum shone to ailvaulape iu In r 1 1 ii ! j i it- costume. The t yes oi the youn m ill f'-.i-t 'd on the lovely vision b r a brief ptiiod, an 1 then, removing his mask, li cxclaiun d ; "Since api nir. iH fate lias ii Vi a'ed your lovely fi itmes, it i 'y liiat I S iouhl a!s I V' al mine." The yoll'lo oirl (oye 1 with the mask for a m-ni-iit as if di lib (Tatinp how to ait. I'li-ii lilting In r i- cs she g.i. I at the ymiii ni ci in a d Hi b ut sort ot nay an ) said in alow, milrir il vie. : "If I mistake not, in UKieur of the hoil-e of Cli-inilos ' "1 i -aim.it r'aim sin !i a d i-t im t ion," ha-li y iinswir-l In r mi litor with a slioht shade of uielaiu holy in liisvoit -. "I am only a poor -oldier of fortune, w hi'Se swoi I is his only lt-oat y." 4 Tli -ii, how tl are you talk lo adauoh ter of tieneral the C iuiit tTArnot,' ' in terrupt!' 1 a rull voice, and the youthful twain turning ipiickly beluhl a tall man tlresse-1 as a Sicilian biiu' iud. II: held in his hau l the mask that he had torn from bit fat e an I his tyo shone omin ously as lit; pa.ed or rather scowled nt tilt- yotitig I cute unit. "Monseur lo ( ointe, the y oinipr man has acted with singular tlelicai y and "ciitlcnuss toward ill", ami 1 think yi ur words demand im iipolupy," spiritedly inteiposi'il the object of di-puto, aiising nml stand inj; between th-: two la-.'il. "The Coutit -1 I. nidou owes no apol ogy to a thiirl," was tho lieic; and liaiiftity i t joinder. Tho ytiuii'4 lieutenant, stung to mad ness by his taunt, ii lvalue 1 and tlellli-crntt-ly spat in the face of tho haughty tu bli-iuan. Th(: count sprung binkward wiili the utility of uu atLkte, itt tin: fame time tlrawinj; hissworil. The younj: gill prn-pi-il the uobleinan by the swortl arm uml U-jfjjftl ct Mm to forbear, Nyttjlng dauotcJ, One copy, .me year One ropy, six months . One copy, three in n t lis VOL. IX the lleutenart stool liken Lnunrolot, ' with poisrtl bladi', nwaiting the onset. ' I. w licit ii wn tcli, w ere it not foi "Save your breath, rount, you'll need it aM in the uinininp, in the patdens ol the l.u.eiiiboi:i, tit ctydit, any weapon: you choose. Ad i-u, madum, I am vnj sorry to be the rause of this (listrossin 8i-ene." With which remarks the young olliei r left the scene. The wintry h'n-.t shook the lealb-ss trees in the ar -leiM of the I. ix -in'i ai i on the following murnii.g. At a few minut"S bi fore eight o'clock two car riages vv. re seen coming from opposit-' iliiTctiiin. They (stopped near a clump of bii-hes. The I'oiint tie handoli alight oil from one mid the lieutenant from tin other. Pieliminai at ranged, swords wi'ie liatidi-d to the princiiles and nt a given word the combat began. The count parried an I tluu-teil with the dexterity of a practise! swordsin in. Hut. the m-nt gralirite ol tie: Military Academy provctl line to his trainini', as with a skillful tnovi mi-tit be dis.,i :ni'd his advt i -s uy and placed him hm ! "nl it. "Stiike! strike! why don't you -triki-:"' slit ill' d the touiit. The mag nanimous young ollieei plan d his foot on the vi id tf his ad ver-ai y ami re plietl, "a true so!d i i of l'raiii c never sti nek an uuai in 1 foe.'1 T. e count mid his flit mis tnteied their rairiage w i'liuit firt her a b an I wi re rapidly driven lioni the .scene. Shortly after the events ji--t rc'ate 1 the long ga'.hering storm of poj u'.ar tl i -rotitetit burst forth in nil it fu-y. I h alistot rats wi re hit. ited like wiid beasts and slain wio-iivr foiin I. The old ". it t de Ani 't foil a v.i I in to the fury ffihe mob Mid bis d.iu-hti r, tin- fair ll.-lt-i--, e-iap-d to t!i" tontii t ill company with tie- foil it de I.aiidon, whom she suhst ipi-'ittly welled. Th venegine- of th mob w as siwilt and It trible. In a brief pctiod 1'i.im f w a-thoroii ,'h'y purgi d ol the h-i!oiI p I'r t ians. In th un a' ton - the hero of many tiehN that bril.ia -t meteor which daz z'ril the vtotld with its supernal lustre, had laid tin- fo latiou of the throne to be shoiTy lille I 1 .y I he h"iu of M in iig'i. Europe lav prosti.itf at his bit like a shun lion at tie- ft et i f a gladiat.-r of ol 1. Napoleon lirtiapaiti- i-smd a iii.in: f--S" o griming amnesty to thecviV I HourboiH, and after srveral yea's of c:!e mo-t of I In-ill it tin led to l'rime. Aiiiong tlios. who n tiirue I wen- th-fount tb- l.iud.in an I Im yo'in ; bride, who still n tained her won. ie. (ill beauty of Ian' ami form. The lount, however, was only living in hi-, native land a sin it tune when he lost the lemnaiit of his sh ttt- re 1 fortune, and foiin 1 bimsi If in tift-r destitution. One night, while walking the streets of Paris, he ina. IV' rti n!ly -tray d into a ipliet tliorou Jil'ar -. He w is walking slowly, and when under a lamp, a strati gt r ci'inin in ici oppos I direction, met him f.-ie to face. The count t in il nt th" man, who w is inulll d in a military t lo.ik, and at o: c ret- ':ru' I him as bis advers.it; in th-dud in Hi" g inb es of the I. n nd' ill.;. The l"' "gniti in w is miitiia'. l iu' man a lv iaii I, an I bov ingFiil: "M uisiiur le '. ' 'iiite, t h- last tine- we unt it i, in deadly s'life, let us be friends. " Tin: f-'iuit l;i isp I his pr.ilT'ied ha-id a'i-1 an-weied: "V-' Tv-: eel l iinly proven your-clf i noh!t: fur, an I th: obj i t ol our dispute, II loise ib Anid, my wile, wiil be pica st I to h ar ofom niei ting.'' The f .'ttnt de bin lon then n laled in tub the tn inifo'd misfortune which be fell his lion .c, indli tally admitte l his poveity. Ibso'd adversary promised to i all at his house on th" following d iv, and finally left hini. after m my cvpns -ions ol sympithy. On the following day an t tlit t-i ill gor gt ins ll ill 'l iil 'Il ove hastily to the iloor of tie- count, mid aliyhtuig. ciitrred. II hurriedly infoim-l tie- ou,t and bis w fe that his nrister, their friend, le sited to .sec thein iinm .-diati 'y. Tin y enter d the cairiaje aw tiling them an I were hastily driven thtoiigh the laliyi inthi in aveiiiii s and st ie -t.i to the I'i.ii--' tlu f.u iusel, an I tu a few in i mcnts stoppetl at the gates of the I'alac: of the Tuilleries. The ollicer b:tl tin: way thr. u h mag-niliei-nt halls, lined with the gu inls i l the hi us -hold. They were finally u-l -i re I into a room mid tol l to wait for a few mi'liieiiK Presently an ai.l-ile-t iiuip, glittering with ordi r', njip-.-arc I and told them to follow him. Ib: ushered them into the presence of his Imperial Ma j s'y Napoleon It in.i p .rte. The emperor sat on a raised scat, with arms folded, ami the count recog iT.:d him immediatoK' as his adversary in tin: gar lens of the Luxembourg, ami hi', together with his wife, rostrated tin iiisolvcs before him. "Aiise, good people," he cxc'aimeil, " the Kinpeior of the French tles'res to a-sitt o!il fritiids," mil handing the cou'it's wife n packet he withdrew. When the fount de 1. union reached his humble home he opened lit; packet and found it lo contain his nppdntmctit to the impetial army with tin: rank of ro one!, t iget hi r with a prim- -ly sum. -! N- w V' rk New. High td dry A tall Keututkiau. ITITSlJOliO. CHATHAM CO., N. TDK FAMILY I'll YSIC'IAN. Itl-inutli fin IIiii iis. fhnnsethe pints thoioii i I v with waint rai bol i,ed wal er, Punituie l uge v- i cles. Powder the but n with bismuth, cover this with a layer of absorb! nt eot ;oti, and apply a bandage. II th" injuiy beiMcnsive mix the bistnuth with water nml paint over the spot. This p. rinits uniform distribution of a minimum . i.in tity nml lessens the tbiH:;i r of bismuth poisoning, (iiu-e api'lied the dres-ing should not be ili-lui be I cm ept to remov.i liny pus ni.d then as bttle of the bismuth shou'd hi: I '-moved us pu.--siit'e. i -1 b ait h and lb in -. Trcntmriit i 1 litt ilitic tttiuh. Th ) follow oil; ini l'io I of di n lei t ion of sleeping and dwelling up irliuents Hid clothes is n t oininended by M. Mohn in the treatment of n hooping rough. It is said to f tire the i ::' iniinc-lia' Iv. The children are w.r-h I and clothed in lean art Vies of dross, a-idnmovrl lo another pin t of tin- (own, tic b"d i- "in md sitting room or iiursiiy an- th u lit i -tnt-liially S"a'i I ; all tin- bedding, play things and I In r aiti. Vs lint t ai.no! I washed are cvp'M- I freely in th- lo.im.in which sulphur Is Im-nt 'n tin- p: p otion rf gi.un-iies to th" tube lint- t of pm e; tin loom reimiim tlius t liarged wiili sulphiit'uis at id f..i live h-itjis and is tlll-ll I'll e'y VI lit I lt- d. 'i'he C'lil'llcll 0 t il ri th" .same day, an I m iv siit-ji and play in t he d isinft ictl I'-om-. I.iin't. .t tlrl lll lira llll Hulls. With good general ie a'dli, an I natilial f" id, there it no tlangi r of eabngtoo 'UUi Ii or pel v itiiig tleappiMe. Kti.i it'gli sia'oning and st'iuulants in our f oils calls lll'ic'l of the evi.'ill-; il"l- iiid ly. There is a itilun I'm-'Unt "f tiniulus that is ii iinri:, and to ;i-r rta:u tin: natural tlegreu we cuuml do I IP r (ban to study the t.isfes of chiMivli. That from which the tlnld turns with lisgmt iho.ild teach le-soi.s te't to .e Ireated liglil!y. The time of eating, tind it what hour of the day the largest meal dioilld bt taken, s'n-lll.l be govenn il greatly by our occupation. Hasty con luct is never advisable, I lit hash- iu cat ng is wretched beyond dc-erptiou. Karly rising is a good motto, bu. this again cm be carried into injurious x. trcnii". Wbe.e it lobs oil" of needed sleep undesirable icsu'ts follow. With 1 very little thought fiilio ss tins p ut ot lif is easily regulated. flothing, its amount and kin 1, ht-uM receive tbie attention. Ilr- s; i an bi't u ?tvating or invigora' in t'.i right iniDjtit being of much gr-avr iiii;nu! ince than the tpi.i'i'y. Tin- d'gi e of vitality of each inliv-luT. slio-ild help !o m ike a rule for e u ii. Kp -i iciico i 'on teaches that sudden t b inges fiom warm room-to th-c iM a r i iprre ex it rior protect ioi. CiM is stimuhiting unl in many wivs lu althfu'. It aid-t 1igrsti"ii and Ii i s b veis out of th yslcin. No one would expect to do ;lr-ir bet brain work iu a h-atcd mom. The winter femperatiir.- is -o inn. h iie'i't if a n m -dial agi nt that 'i t! I -" air mi 'i 11 IU-a e vii lily t iiitioli.-d in the winter than in sumui r. 1'ear of- cold air causes m i-t of tho Irouble arising from so-c. tiled ipiiite, is f. iir of chuleia n rean s the u-c"p;i -bihty to that dis.ase. (' inijr.iii I ton 'i 1. mi- in the good tlT-tts of cold air would cure uliii"iiaiy n iiip'aiuts, es pecially in tln ir incipient .! ige-. To bt; ilisiillieicnt ly p.''-terlrd against s. ven. "Id air is much wmse th iu I ie ithing it. - ' Health and H niie. Ihe Scitllnp Fishing'. Mr. Ktuest Iiigersoll g,wi us sotin inlir sting facts collect ning th" i tcdible it allnp an I its fishery. t is t,ipti;:!.l ilong the coast bi twain fip" Cod and New .b-rs.-y, but r utly bejoiid the--bmits. bvcti he re it is not t out mumis, but ci curs only at intt t val.s and p rio li ally. It is said to have a life piiimlol hut about three years, and is only good for the market after the fi .t ye n. The it illops are caught by hand-dp dgirg "oin sin.'i II sailboats iliuing the .'ail ami winter months. Tin: only edible portion if the inolliisk is the it i -taiiguhii- must b: which hobls the .shell together. The loial proiliit t of the s ason is about T0, )0ll to ? ),0im gallons of these "meals," tvhkh yiebl from f .'", iuhi to .j Ml to. The Coiisl of Ixiii nay. Whither you sail along the coast oi ride in cariok-s over the Norwegian roads, I In to is constantly something that i; rtirious and interesting presenting its elf. The sea seenn alivo w ith lidi, par lit ulaily c-od. Yon meet ipiantitics of i-nritiiii vessels sailing from the north tu Ii rgtii, the great lish ib p .t, with tin ir holds III I of thy Ii h and the deik piled up some fifteen or twenty feet above tin: bulwarks with what lo ks at a distance like boards, but which on approaching you find to be the dry cod pile I so high that a boom is rigged to the rudder ami the steersman sits high up -.i as to get; ovir the tlry lish. Ib rrin; an; got in fabulous tpiantities. II r i:aet Age. -Mr. liiglcy -How old Is y, ur sistcvf II Hit f Ibrtic Siie's Iwi nty-feiir. Mr. Higloy Are yoti stir, f Bertie Yes; I braid her say tho tuber tl ly t hat she'd hie:i Iw i iily l'mr for tho past three years. i'l'i bliits, I II I l.lKK"S ( til. I MX. j An Airi'.iKt-, .' i; fas an Indus!' ial toil Wli i l.'-j't Ihe w h-'le lions" i'l n 1' il I Will It Ul'.s'l of I III- A ml the clutter of o. mis; I'.elole hlc.lkfa-t -he I 111'' e l I', fil'f ilim.el' she M- III .1 --I. Sir- null,.-, I in 'I -he eliiu li" I. No labor sh" spin ne I ; She had Inn n in stoie, She earir d silver galore, Tins very I ri'liistrml tiirl. And 11 .1. wa-au Indolent Wi.-I.i Ie. did iiolli'r.g I cm m i lo ;g 'ill night but ju t sit by the liie And there yawn and ii'ltuii ' Tin- iiiu-k b ol'il Mi-n; He ne'er si irreil a jug To eai n si er e,uti.-e I ii- pmvi.sn iiis in stoie, Vet sh" ilolilieil Ie I- wlli'e C"'.vil And shi' ,i-mi neyi d I" not h To wed till It th s indolent w igrr. - .Wor; f ...' i i He, li...... All lkllll. -slrtltft-. Tin : kiino, as you know, trav I c; liiiid by means id sledgi-s drawn by ibe-s Tin- sledge tie n "ii! vihicle lor l ue joiuu'V-. It is piob.il.'y the simphs I, Hid f c.in iage in the world. It i on s'sts of two planks ot wood, six he '"iig, and loiigbly linii'd up in fioi, like ,ali s for linini is. Some half a 'b n pi' i es of w ood :-.- laid ncros- tlu s riniii'is lor the scat, i n whith thr dnvc fi's with t iitslretchi I legs, as one -lion the l1"or iu t on ;i t hair. A tic back two uptight " i four or live fet high, aie fastened at the (lid of carl tu:.nir, ill ui'h r to i ii il.'le the dm', r U steer the s'tilge fo in behind when hi h-is to follow it on fool. The wl.'.le i bound together wi:h sealskin tlcngs 'J'ln- team usually t t'luprisi-.s l'"iir dog" but lis many as twig are used by well to do K-l;inio. A long stitk with user of chisel at the end of it completes li drivel's i tiii m 'lit. Little Folks. Itttblu's Mlilr. Oiiir on a time, when lio'iiu . , liill-boy, it began to rain; at; 1 tt k-p on raining for a day and a night ti'el an other day. "It's a genuine .1 Miliary thaw," sail papa. "It's a liiian thaw," said K hv. "when I wanted to siidt ." "Then-'il be enough snow h ft f tin'," s ii l Aunt Helen. H it K.ibi ubiii't !" 1 1 1 1 1 u sure ii 1 until be t!it::M"l t u' of be-1 tin .-croud mi riiii'g, and h mi l the lie'd w i re i overt d with a gli-lniig coat o ice. "I. inks like a fr- sti ti t ike, l lie li'bin; "and t hen's a r'gu'ai p"tul a th" foot of the bill in lie pastures, call slide right at lost it." "1 wouldn't," said mamma: "inaybi it wolf I bear you. I don't want you to, H'hin." "N'i'lii," -aid I"b n slowly, and lit in ant t" i e iiieiii In r, though he didn't b- iieve iiiamma km-w unit a al" ut ice. any way. "but I can slide down tin- hill, ju ' the .-alii--," said he ; 'Til s! p bi fotc- get to the bolt. .111." Thai w is ju-t what Ib'bin i - if du't d". 1 ib'tft b'-ln ve he miicii w.intcl t". Wli .' . went the sh tl on the ic , almost taking his l icilli away. " hoop! ' cried he; "it i-" i) 'b ai! At that very minute the h , (ricked di .idlully, mid into the walei, w hi' h w .isn't ihi p, but so . .'d, Willi li bin, si, , and all. lb- st icat'ii-'l ii. loll I as In i 'i .1, aie tin- noise luoiight out malum i and Aunt II -h ti, and .b thaiii with lii- t ! -I t I out' on. .) -1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 was the hired m in, and lit w-i-b-tl in lluoiigh Hit- ice and water :m-l pulled Ib'bill out. Icibiii's t' t th chattered a- if i ny on was living to to. ike molt- m ise than al the otlit is; an i when be g t I" tin hou-c h" was put straight to b. d Ulnlei a inountiiin of blankets, and d" I with ginger. So the fun was ov i for th it ibiv. "I 1 "ll't like thaw.." said K 'letl 'they're aw fill hoi i id. " "It w a -n't the thaw that made all thi: trouble," said Aunt lb 1 11 severely; "it was .1 little boy who didn't mind hi mother. " "I I think 'tin- tie- sled," t..:d Bobili, faiiilly. What do you think' Bill Arp nml Die K.im. The othei nit 'i ning went do'.vii to ft ed the bogs, and a- I w as throw ing tin ct rn ovt r ill the pen the old cot . wold lam jumped in to divide the breakfast, and us he was butting the hogs around live y I picked up a little stick ami iliiiibed over the low fence to hast is him ami make him diput those coasts. I had some little hesitation about thi business, and proceeded slowly mid Tiook the slick ai hir.i. He ju-t stt ppe I hai kward a little and b wed his net k in 1 ib ublcl up his fote f i t ami nude a lunge at me, an 1 would have kmnked ne clean over the fence but 1 was ovoi In foit he got to me. J was n.s mad as bi!, il fa -ar, 1 1 I I :-i ibbed up iv luui .iil ;;ii 1 1 ' too I outside and pitiu he I luni 1 1 1 1 1 1 In- jumped t ut whole he jumped in. Th- good I ook says that man shall iav. ib'liiinlou ovi r the briMs of ti e l'-bl, but it looks li,e niiae j,r- iu n si.ate i ' li bt ilion, mid ale tiy 114 to liaro Ju- iiinjcii over inc. ,tl,iuti( tvoslilut'-l'tti ('., MARCH H, 17 SIXG SING. A P011 Viewed the f eh binfcl Pri-.ioii 011 1 he H i tdsjon, ff.inl -n Brush Chats About Imp r!;.u' Fii .uuer.i lit Hip Uiiitvge. A repot ter for the Mail mid l'.'i' - who went up to S ng Sing had a chat w t'l Waul 11 brush abuo'. -ihiic of ills llllpol t.tllt I -lllirgea. 1 Ie s 1VS C.- ll'lel lllilll ,1 ichue is I'tie of t he bis! Ill 11 be t Ml hi'.d br 11 prisoner. 1'iouithe very I"' ginning of his sentence he has ohMe-l evt n rule to the letter. ' In fact," said the wardt n, "lie Si fin ed anxioiH to bain exactly what In ought to do, and today he is cxattly like 1 lof-k W "l k. His health has 1111 proved with the regular living, and his appetite is something pleasant to behold. I h' puni-h' s prison fare a if he hini been aecii-t"iii' d t" it nil hi III''. That is the only wav l"l a man t" g' t along m pi i- in . - must o.k at tie situ itioii from a staii-lpoi .t 1 I 1 phil-'si pin 1 an I say to him-i ll . ' I .1111 In ! imd m glil as well make the b -,-t of a I-1 I I'iiigiiin," .1 lelui" seems to be t hat s- 1 1 of a Uiiiii. I ii. del stand that In- w:t- in inveterate smoker of oood 1 ig im belm. couch;; lu re. i ,.. enjoys a p which we allow him in the evening wit' a- much gu to as if a w.-r-' a K :i c Bui K, i.linaiid Wai l, Ie- 1. lie mos' p'-fsistetit w.'ikei f -r ti t' i.g pr.v. cg s which we o 11110 ! ai:ow him that yo i v. r heiud of. I,,. ants a cigar in will try to get il, although it 1- a.-ai::-: Ihe ri. '!, and any ktep r .showing la'.t 1 in this respect woii'd be dealt w t h su:n ttiiirily. Ward w ill re-oi t to all liitie st ht in- s in order to in c unpli-h an ob ject. II" wall not a, ci pi def. at. coiiisi' he is treated the sane- as niu I other ronvnt, but lie is not wiu- ing to be tu .bu ). ne is. i Prisoners are allowed to r -ad boo'-, and m.igi.ines, and we '1 1 v .pute a large libiiiiy here, but m-wspip n : re v. I al 1'iwe 1. Some of the pri-i'iiiis wiil g.-t t'.irin, hovvi-vi r. A wile will s. :id her h'lsb.iiid a book. Weil, insi 1.; t. cov, r, perhaps, k!:c has e'liu-ilol a tie .-. -p:ip' 1, or portion of on.-, and when -he hands it I to him at In r visit, which we allow every I two months, he is ready to un-b r-taf.d the sligh'est sign from her, altluiugh ;i j k'-cjier s:-iu Is right by j - j the loom with them. "You would b 111 prise 1 at tie- nu m. oryofan intelligent pti-n,r. When m.' at work and ii"t reading, th y hi.v. nothing to do but tl ink, ai'd tie y ai" 1 ver on the id.-rt Im 11 it. from the out. si.ie world. If :i c miv it wt re to p.o tlirough this b ill m.i'.v for m-taiic -, an i h- ar yoil b t drop a wit I, he w u'd h. abl" to gue- - at the w!i"c niiv.-r-iti.e, an I tell his frieii I aboiiL it. It in stinct. We rar.-ly lliVe tl.llb'e with lll'TI "f illlelil iii ,'. 'Idn-J readily Uli b r-taiid th ' Hi'. -t an I k-i-.w that the b-st w-iy to g.-t ,i ,n ; is to fol low thrm. It is h" toiuh that u-u ilh tries 1,1 ki' k ov. r ih li 1. bill 1 , iievi r sin 1 1 ds in thi, in t , ( 1 1 r ; . . : , . ;:, j tb iisit k, th-- m in who w is , nt h ie t.'i biihling mud lion;".-, i-. , cepii"ii. II'' w n so .sure Hut he would o, 1 ,.., ,,, a lilllc w bile thill he ti ii I to 1 any on his bii ini-s'. T.iis w uld ti .1 a '"W. He was al ways wauling f t -.- -..m.- ,. his flit-llds about Ills blliMlll; 1 . 1 prises, and 1 have 110 il-mb! th it if ,, ll.ld been allowed , ojy.. o,.ls t" l.i- foreina'i uny iieuiiiiig :i- he 1 - i ! hi. b'.l-illi'H would ll.IV 1 .-Itillll'l I 1 p... per. Jb' W'olll I Hot pTt II ill any o.i t Ise's h'Ulds until til. f 'in t "I Apj" a , tb 1 ided Ihiit the veidi'-t must si in I. Now he is resigned." While the w ir b-u w.i. t.fking tine. piisoneis came, thtoiigh lie- don w i, fnuii below. They w.i" 110 long., prisoicrs when they entered the .1. n's otli. e. Th'-ir Itrni- hel ju-lt. piled. Thcj wen: iliccl in clothing tut by 11 I'lfth av irio t-idor, .11, f. It :l. pioild as could be. Tin y b"Wi d to th Wiirdi-n and wiiik- d oit mt 1 the wo'i-l free men. "It looks tpieei i'T :i pi i-ont-r without money or friends to leiy.- h. n- wi.!, 1 hundred d"ll ir suit on his bu k, but o( . casionally tln yibi. W Ie n a man 1 Hie -In re his clothing is conlm atcd. li 1 riuovated and, if ne. tl b 1 -.paired, and hung up for future inspection. The tir-t prisoner discharged is t ntiticd to pick out any suit of clothes h- tak-'s a fain lo. Il thel'i: is ti. 'thing to lit him w. furnish him with a new suit. There i- 111:111 walking about Ncv York to-day wearing .1 it-hue's spring ov -h ut w hich he had on when he mine here, and some oilier ex-convict selected his troll -el . Another took the Prince Alb i t t oiit and sum: one else those the Vc-t oftheix ihiernian. Tiny were all of tin liuc-l piality. Money ninl j.-weiiy an- always i'l-Utineti to 11 prisoner at th expiration of Ins term. It Irripn titly happens that when a man is sent here tin- second tint, he will bi ing along all his money and jewelry, knowing that .the State is re sponsible for 1 1 1 1 -1 11. S.ng Sing is not Mli h alia I place." A ('sp of Bail Meinory. iiirbrr -"Mh.it idi..t tut your hail l.i-t? I t.cv.-r saw sni-li a h.i I pi.-t-: o! woi k." fu-t uiier ' Y 'li tb 1, sii." U.irber "Ah I Well Dowcr, ei . ' NO. 2-. lloiinis lor ii Mini MiiH'i-. Among I he notabilities on whom tin led libbou of he I. gion of Honor b,i I I ntonfeiicl this v.--tr is a hero w !.-.. , on- bit,,.., bu m.-i-e than a .plai n r .. 11 1 riiiiii v uas in tu i-i win 11 oy ins v.-oo an I prowess. A' 111 ! -1 'f'li - A lii.i ii 1 , tie f.illlteis slayer.-! !l -MS il! the pr-tVilH t - f t oiist.'intine, in Alger:.-., ha- 1 v.-:. -11: .a-so.l tlu 1. -ie!. ra'.e'l .biles li -l .id ir In- ii'diii veiie-ii's. So gn at is tie linn. I" r ol th,- king of l.ra-t- whom li i t an -I d t" bite the dust that ;h- ', a .u' hor.ties, to -.i-,-e tie in. iv. - Ii..m :..i p'-n ling run, have l ad I" 1 ut .b-w h tl. n w ail olb'i i-'l for t v.-iy U"ifs skin t' . "Il" hillf ill l.i- rase. Il w , I! ; ,Ve J'.ul n a leis mi i-i- a . I th- 1 vi- ' - w l.o ! ' 'Ins bi ne Ai ib h 1. 1 1 1 I 1 - 1 m lli . I.'iiy "li n I say that it is e-liui il'--i t!i. 11 h,s skill and pint k have li 0111 lii-1 t li-t sin d it If. .in loss--, in tie -.hap I tie tn'M" kill. 1 and d- n-im-1 bv tie le ne iiii'inf- wi'h wlmii Ie 1"- w .,;.-.! 1 01 111, .--.lilt War -mi. 'I 'it I".' to le ..I l.v I. I II 10 o. 10 .. , ... .- eiloil I .- i i- -1 0:1 lie l et lh,! 11.. butt. 1 bi-! of .-a. I. -...,,, I ....!..- t!- ,. , !;,!,'. - , 1 1 00 j I ,',e-,.n. Il uoM b. i ,'. :-.-..: 't'l ','., li"W inin- ! it'll. ill li ' - - l.li !i le ... I - t ! Ic i '' : !...Ve I'-il - I, I li-- -I II,'. ,1-" b 'II p'" I .eg- d thr- 11 : ii l'n- t 1 1 . .0' 1 v :.' 1 Ai.itr 1 ' 1. A'lin ii. II It 1 - - ' l.-i.g!1. obtain, .j ii., 1. 1 - iiij.. ti wli:i : h. I .Oi 1- I ,1 i:..,e 'h.,-1 tl,- --'.I III I' 'I out to him b 1 . i v In sh -k.u w ii,. '., h !..... 1 . r , , i 1 , ,'.. -. ,,; p.ii. I. ;. - - im - I":.- .v.-iu:.:. !h ! la- !. !b a t I p'l I TOWII . Oil UlP Ml.'. ' ii III s, i-Il. e :.i I e t 1 1 1 ' I II she Wil li K- gb.lld tie -al oil- , r lib' 1 ,1 ', I li a I. I ! I - I h- 'I-. -, as l.. y a;.- 1 oi-I lie 1 , ::l- !- , i .1 u X!.i:i;t"ba lie -,' i' tin- 1 1- 1 -low i I to op.-n 'hii i""i - '1 'il i.ig t . 1 ! an ,,, ... ,- , , k-.p !t I'r un :.' ill'- ' 11 s ::-.. a. In Wales thi l.m , :, . down ..ut of .sight. I .--t:,, li,,,, ,'..,y,glil to Mo.'.- ! .-,!., , ,; , i,T: 'Vic was l.y , - tiling. N-wwe r ,!: vi.it ,,,.r,. ; ,, i,,.,, ing tu o .ii'.io b-w .is w In. i, b" fi o- o. -t. ' 1 ' v .-. I -a i : I :Ti!. T. "I wa ba::!is of the i iv. r I ' , w hu ll tie I' f",m- the b '.nlar-.- ir.,.-, liiganl ''"'" " 1 " ,!1 N"" a,,! Wa...-; a 1 I th-IW".,:' i i 1-.- '' ''-'- 'V- ' l"""'' a biolge .i., ti,.- -li',,,;. o, S.ndiV '"' !"' P mi-! " sp-(-,.-, ol b-x - alt'-ni'i u, we g:i ve t '-t .:', tl"- mil. "" '' g. g, i.,-- . l-i.n; - a , 1 1:; cn.w i- Iroin A ne 1. l.ani s ;i to ii faniu-r: "A d- ilal tl...- Miv' to th.- '.n !' of tin- ii.-r. wb: g.. lutlle r than it us--.l t..."' "Yc," Tiiis ,.i!l- to Hii:. ! a town on th.- 1 :,. t!i- bum r .piiek'y !' p-b-l. "-m '1 it between b-w:i :.:nl Ml - u:i, 1:;. -oil" i . 1 K ' - ;'" ' ' ' -'""' ' .piick-r tim-." by the ('ii;,' ,go II :.,! I. ' I s -, in Tie 1 nper that three t"ii-o! It r.'i lit - ill tie' 11 -iti.e of I, iievi!'. , v ' 11 ao v. ..: iv u-l I ii) the lieiiiel it I ii! al.d ti,. '..: ! t i.e.. la: lilli- tniougl the mi l l e . f lie- 11. .11. s-,, 1. T.tl f 1. t t .in 1 - .ne ' li. 1 .iii--.'. ! 1 . .. hillf of tie' t wn is il . t .-i', wl :l- the o'i j- b. !i,Vs ! . . ,, - 1 i. !'l" ' Th- Mi-- 11 1 s.,1.. r ti., , m i, ih.-r.e.gl whi'e ' 'U ! V .1:1 ! 1 ; -tiy till a, lo the w iv. Il n II I'M I !-, w, le - lo tr :,l ii :- in igi, 1 . t, i i -.t -. . i . h. - . -: "I ' :,' v r in: M -- ii: : w 1 li ne ," : :i i I h. V tie stl u i.-. 1 s-.'t tin-'. I u;i f..r s-ipp-r Irs w il - ,, 1 un ov 1 i t.M- .ii. : a 1 b .! - 1 j t I,", s Woo I. - , I k -I b If th" , I . tl. s." Tl.- 01 v I - . . .t -I that ! w 1. ii ri a giv. ,1 I-.-id. ; .! I.-, V.; - biin'l s i . 1: tiling nil!, lb n.s. M-.:.' in , 1- - o ! " ., ,, . ,,, , !..,.. ,.. ' , on t ;. : ! "y P. r, "lie , -. . t oi, ,, ,!,, 1 1 ;, I m ,i. . ,,. . ,'l I hel d' 1 oil l a I : . ! I 1 , '1 ' H :: II lii 1 .11 ' . 1. 1 "! -' .-r. :. 1:, dr. - ol - to tu- n!. Il I. . ! n 'Id h igfi Up .1 11 !', ' ie In ei .1 in y. with pi' .1", .1 - I Tie- be .1 , I by ' i ' 1 1 1 . ., -w ,! ., d .V II 'HI I 1 . ... ,1, 1 lo ! . N ' li : I : I -ii 'i. ,.t ! tl,. ! ct :, tie . -i ei : h - ii-- t I : oil veal . a Ill to!,, till', tie 1 ' I on Inn nil' ! . . . :,'T- .. i m-l - I ; . y Ir k lie- l ci b l- Wi'll t -I -' - I ill l. -. I .,- i I I lo. o c ' 1 1 I . i i ... I ie : I in , ha, - il,.- ne t . i"i 'i i.i : 'I II l While lie !"o g .. , ! .; I,, lo-'i .,'.; : n I, s, fin .-l a' I .. i i . -! : li p l i" ' nil -H-.w ii v. It,- 1 . i in - nd I. .a. k I " ti 'i" I. ! 1; .1 -I ' I I.ll.'theS nl 1, I- ' '11-.-- O.'l- Ilg In.'!'- i V I I I an I ' - lip i- -i - i i t it n ii i w lnl. , a- i I iT '. be ' r.n m. -i . - iral'y the I.I..W 11 I-. .1 ' l . i lie I I . -'l ie then- - I I.. . , I . I I b l. t -, un i -. I... I 1 . I .- ' -In . -if. ' ml: b I i , tli w , . i all or io-t -n ' ;-. IMiln'l Wiul ii ( "in. noil M.i.i. " I'iiCie I -'ft lililr.j t ll ! t ' o-r a w 1,1 r, down ill w I! "Im i." -ii I :'!. ; ii-.- in in oi " I a W. -t bound : i i i , "and s, I j .-I in i le up my I'.i t I t! .-.' I'd cone- U e-t an ! - " if 1 ( ol in'i do I t Iter. Ye-, t:i! u :mi' r iiln r -. .1 down i.i t-ui di-tiit I, but il I do - .v t I've ,ad n d' .' n i If ! - of in n in,.-" in tla !a-t tw.. y. ii -. I', ,1 tb. y w fn! I le li J,t kin 1. I'he iin u I ..I.s .1 wn i. ill Way are too ,,i!. t :uf t oinni e pa '-, aif I thought I'd t"iii" ' lit Wi -t i , where th. r.-'s phtifv of iiuirdt ! I-. t- lb I in) eil liy H is Ibind. Ibid im- a hub-Hi 1," iiii'-ig.' ll-l.i! !. ' I! . hail 1 1 .w u , w as MTib-ui d to t Wt: " ' - it in N-:W Y' lk for snitching B A lleatlilul l i nil. !p . ketbook. D iritig the trial A-s'.. taut A la tlsp. t. wn, b. wailing If ' -ijiit-Atlornrv Bedford lisked bin, t,. . wn niist'.'i l urn -, and -pi. iking w,'h a sir w bis liaud to ihe jury. II" at tii.-t ni, nd on tl..- l.,:tt Ts l-caily i'pp-aia'ite. i,, ill;,y i.,i ilv t. ,Alt What .1" you do to make , u - , -n ,,-.. p ,li-,biy ing lingn s at lea-tsiy j, ,cf "' I b.allhy ." in. pm. d tli" d.v-i'i . tl.. , j,,,,., ;,h uaik v. r half an inch in l.i, e ..ti I. ult alone," iii,-w,i. d bi- j , , ;ih. Tie; hand fi tun the w i ist t the lie ml. "W hat km I of fiutf "Mi- j -,:, tjlS w. ni'iuly foot long. j-;x. ' ii.i.I oi i.olu ':y; and I :i, ivv.-i i , ,(rt r,.,,,.,,..! thniaturc lm. ;::'!,bi.. ,vi,l, iaitfe -I ..:..-, II ifth , y ent ly cjuipped the man for a jnck i Jutirunl. vggktt. J-'.-r l.-irg-. r ndveiliaTnetits liberal cot.' i - w ibl he ninth-. yi-, K of the Sen Mind, 11..., ii mos s.n,, sine-, I', u.iig l.aroly fiom th.'s-a 1 ii", , . .1 1 .-..-- ..i '. -.It that -' ng -; ' " ' l'"'-,':," ': 1 '' '"' 1 1 .ot 11 M.i.s 11, a. 11 an I w hisiles, I! w 1' .I,..!. - tlie.sl.-u' s-a ilns'l -II c.v il smg ! 1 1 1,-. .-hi si,. .- I. -, 11 1 io.ii - ! Ill" le-.-i Haii'l, ' ; gi-l..- ofli. I.s. , .' -In .. I, - mop en Id' " I'." Ve lo I : - li, - I ''-. i i , 1 n ' 1 ' 11 il imd ' 1 i Il" c ! I II. I I id I II.." -O-l II -W ,t lo e -I -' t i' i - :.! . 1 . 1.1 - r- a . il. 1 11 iin-l- t 11 "l li - I,. I'. ,t .- ti,.. .1,.,,.. , i 1 ... . 10 . w , ! II..U..I.-I- ' - !i .- t: ,'. hll I I lit 1 id -'di I , I l ' ,,, ..!, , t' l'ip 's' It is' - . Il,- 1 e 1 e !"!,! Mild I'. leu 1 1 - "S -t l"il ' 11 , 11 ,M ! ' 1 - ' 1 t . h 1 ... 1 . f 1 1,.- in. k I ' ' 1 ii,, , 1 -g , r t ii - si. 1 - ,( '....,.,, 1 ., i,, ,- ,1.1 Hini . ,,.,e '.'. I;e I" li ---i.-.i-i I w -II i-'. '1 " . .', I II,. I, l l"l ', I -I'm: " " ' ; ' II! !l'l!il . .-.p .-. lie p- 11 A ...llg "T 1 1 1 ,' . iu- -tlo'i ol t no- 1 ;.in. - ... ' , lie I' ti.i-.e ::ie i-' . n 1- ' 'mp ' ..a 1 -ii .nk w ilh lie in. ! I. : il.-. "' ob-et'Vi d l'.ing'e. "I sup " ,:, - - th.- reason -o many club- g.-i a : -:i i. " 1. -j.li.-il nooi. r. A !i'i'' city l.'oy who hud ju-t re- t ti.i. i l'i 111 lii- fr-t v st 011 a farm, v. t:. .1"-. r-pt.oti t-f biiMt-r-m .king: Y 1 g!.: t.. :;i t - c l.ow autiti I '.iv. ;;!i :i ;.:: I un l a I .. . . in- lo'in s ol jiii I itinot liace. i. pi. nty "I 01 im l loiT -h r-' . tin- Mfwaiik-.- .in. -:..!, ..! l e N r'i.w -t' ln Kiilway," -aid 1 1: . I,, -:ii et il pot y -t-r lay. i ... in" -i'g I'.. I t In oi ! I." s .i 1 1 1 - a i. b I I ! potal c-. It i- my i-piiiit i n.-.-f. I - n in W.iuk'-gan t ' v . r I--';. - i:. l iiiiplein nts of a pre. hi . i :i . . : . : if t i a v.i t : m- havf l in .-i. , and tie bud - hav in li'vl . V V I M.c- alllp'v I a il b d the si l l; .!..;!-. d'li" piincip.il i ene t. I y it ,n. , l I I ' I.' I 111 t 1 e I Up tin' l".c', ' - h - : n - ' I I. II '11 1 ' lis lie '111, 'I d. . . i ..e'v :.l in - i" distill itly i,- i i v ; . 1- e- I: I- ei els, I I'T,! I li.' i I, I - i I W .. li t n s -Oil '!,! lb - il.ll ( , -i. I lie-- I.. .Illlds u , .. I .. ,:, md ll.oi. lis I,. ,!. : ,: ! : . ,i...:, : id .. Iu-Im tbil loll'' co i, ,,', ... .i - 1 w. I p'O.s ol 'I o , :, .-t i .. conn-- . j,..-. - . ' : .i.i : :,l '' ! t : 'l..- hi - i .i- !. : . , ,: i i, i. a u- ol w enb-i ii b.t -:..'. I. "" :.'t ''I' I I "'s ; j,., .' ,, .1 - ii." '! tl.. I., . ot tie i in II i f t fi ll I II 'IT I-i lei's.' . ! . I-I o;, 1, M ; I... e w men tie if -i le. k i. A ..Hi lh.ll a1' "Il a 1"IS". 1 - , , . . 'i.i i .,,. .' tl at lie' -in i.igtt ,-- '! - o - e ',, . ';,! it el Hi i ll it' ll'-l t : w I !i, , : tl ..; I ' .I- w i: li si;, 'i ,, i oioiar, e ul I p t I. nit e-. I : ,,.,-: '. n-w, I.,- pr--b.b'.y do'e: ; . , :!:. ii -ii:-. i ! :- ri the i ii-i , - ,.; -h v h'i ; . ...r. Ik- . Ha.i.h 1... i . ii v, k' vv I. is b..d i-. a: d yoe w ::' 1 think h 'ugh: to I-; " v w h it tb. I;.-:-, i i i .!.. I'.at win :i his h.-rse gets .-- .'I d tin I'uiy way In: can think of tr 1 . ',. the hor-0 is to beat him. Thi oi ol the Ti.i'igs li.iit ought to In t... gl.t in our puh'ic st l o 1 , I will'. I b v it made a i. gular brain I. of study, a- i I know th'- hostler who rould fur a t. t -book. The s.-hool of tin I nt . u- oil th'- plains of Tiies-aly was ,;. 'o il fiiuo'is in i's day, but tlnit w.o :i on-; (line ago, and tin- drivels nl out . . I i. tit- aie i,t A polios. - dlo-toli I' -t.

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