liererj! mi ft am THURSDAY. APRIL 1 1. 17. IrirTlie hiil"' tnuk on our lainoild at '-Woinblo t" nil. lit- eoinp.eied io tlHHTOW. 4p'lhe next term f our superior tooiitt brains on I lie '.!: d di.t of May. Judge Philips will preside. tOTho farmers buvo been taking fcllvHI)tlle.H Of till" pli'ltS.Ult weild.el this week, innl have been u busy in. been. 0jf A eomforiab'.o i-i-jlit ri'iiu, dwelling for int ii. I itt.-.l-.oi i For furthor iufoiinatiou apply at Uui.i Office. ter A small colored !).y here, a .am tf Tony Hill. acei.h-iila.iy biokcoiic t)f Iiis'legs. u few days nrpi, wliilo laying. MirTliP State medical "olivt ntioil Inet ill ( Inn .! yeslci .l.iy. Dr. I!. T. Cluipin, of thin piuec, went time, last night. lleml tin- new iidvcrliHcincnt Df Missis. Nimiis i Cailt-i. - 1 1 i .-. fcttriiflive si 01 1 may wed be ealie.l the "Ladies' L;up.irium '. tur 'I'll I'iiiiur a-iimul im cliiijj of Hie stockhoMt ! of thii' llllilrnad i Mil :i i iv ill Ik- held at this pliice. on S.iiurdav. i ii- 7iii day of May. Tenche! s mil i! i " i ll l' look at London's hiin-R oi Si!ii.n-iy be foie liiiying I'is: A ni.o. I tab M of Papei foi I :-. Al-o Sci,o..i liook of all kind.-.. r.i.-:ii. MrTln J. M. O Ifil .Mii;iiii.i'-:iHii. (.'oiupllliv l.ri'l' a .ai ut.d well s. -Jectcd slock n! li-M.'l-. ai ih.n -.lore at liyniiiii'n, w. ii-li i- a n-.i ftin m tiielico lo nil llial i.t ij;hhoi MP Mr. A. ( Leaden ol ii t i (tf Uynum tV lit udi I. is i'i l: ii Noithel II Inal li- Is parcics..: li.tU spring stock, wltiei. "hi l'f ro.npieie ill eveiy lint'. Fainilie ; Ion .-lick tiefoio piiicli.i.--:i. l'lioy wid J Oil hat gains lot i'a-li. eWfTOllO of mil e. ''oi e I siih- l ibers. Job I'll I V of Hii.-lv. in lowesl.ip. hownl us. il lew ,iays a-". we.i Jueseivnl : p.e th;.l he p.loveil up ill llib oiehaiil on '.lie -"'ill ot "i.oi.i Il bail fallt li l'l.'iu lie- :nv r.u'l a t'ovcinl ii i wi.un he iani hy hu coin lust July. W (irovei leu .T.i'e-ami n iiiiuibi'r tf other ilisiii j; o yen i. nn u bavs been il.M'e l lo speak i". mil imiioail ceieii iilli.n. Two mi il l s roinpiiiiics ihu Pii.Siam l.inh: I fantlT th (ii'Vei noi'- O lai.l Itaielli in t- ex p i I eil t. a' ' : ion) !lt two or tin en hi N.if haiiii i. f9 lluvr y.i.l seen t'lOf.i etrsiit Strttw Hals at 1. n l n ' Aiiotle I lot of iho-e. fe'. '.ia e.l V. 1. l.i !' 15 Shoe- li.i- .',.. I, .ii.l.'ii I Hi the Nol In i Ii lil.o.;ls I n I vii i y li.e li(est i-toi k ol j!'"ils ilm' is tv. liit)iij,'iil in Ci,.i; i.i:n II aii ii. r oo liV t.oilli e to h..-. Ih f.e i i, Is ... BS-Oucof om v:.l!i;rc uci ."lis, i Mish Sx'iv l:i, I. fill s lilV bill! ticiiMy ami a ti'ii 'i y a- li e most i, nkiiir'l luxiiifllili-'. :"ul e has In .el l-.'ccivi'il any in i 'i. ie .ii le. my We have seen ime ln-.rilil'i , jo'i II. of he. i.a !.l. .v.i. k. til." lill.t ' looking as n.i'ii al a .i' lli " wei" nlive Sim not n.v -l.'iV- He' lii i hIiuoIs !!ie;il, l. in.', n .!!. ,li; e pert shot. A Mr.r;isi.'0. is;i's --W-- men tioiml M-lini. in. -li II .- ayo. : !l h" -Vtns a lie i h iiiiea. i;e'.iiils in .!o.- ouniy in I he pi ; -mi i t in altbrte.l yoiilij; noiuai.. i.umi d Naomi .".ml h Wf have !-i in e I !..' :. i-.i si vei ai speei luelis of her haii-li woi k. 'III ! I eV a. e iliili'i'.l woiith-i f i: . She is il ileinle. Mill i t'llhei i eail i.i i wii.e, i-. an ai inost llelph-s-., l.ris neve, le reived any nie.-liauieal 1 1 aiumjf. ami Net can make line's, i til: b..i'ois, badges, pocket l;nies. f . as ne.tiy lid Ul tlsl iciiliy as the i:i-t iiil f'.l woi'kiiiuii. Not only that, but she even liinkts li e :ooi- with which si c works. 11 t ikes u Mi'iy tit III money that she can 'f.l these article, for lo buy hur iiieihi-iiii s. und she l.tis .--eiil to the Riiel;.. office soihh of h.'l pocket knivt s to be sold for tl r.t p:ii JjOsc. She asks oinv 7-" cmiI - for a knife, winch we woi send to any It dih ess upon iM'eipl i-l tiiat suiunud li cents to pay pt.sliife Fvery Jiail of llie knife i- mail.- by l.ei. ami they in f :u r.t ai.y iiiade as any you iil li ii I in a stole. Easti.h. We havo never known a lnoi e th- iphl fill I'.a.-ler ihnu la-. Sim day was. Ti.e weaiiiii pt fined to be tiyiiif,' to mai.e amends for iis pat iiicieuieiicv Hi.d dlsalt taililenss ll W'us as itivel a Spmiy day us one could wish loi. ami all Nat in e -et uied to levive iiuij In- in sympathy -villi the iluy on which ihe Rsui reel ton tif I'iuist. is t'i mi 1 1 ii in i t ul -. I. And the next iluy--Faster Monday was jusi. us pica-.. oil, jfitatiy to the de lihl ot tiie liuiiielollf) tishin mid Jiii-nif pai lies luat celt,b...Lt .1 llie iluy. At lieai iy eveiy iiini m the county nii;lit be seen n pally ot picafjilie si .'i.ei.-, anil wo hopcuti hud a good tin!.-. .Many pcisous went oiiuiig an.l ware l ew in .led with heavy hauls of lisii. We hear that at Hy mnu's, on II iw river, about CnHI po.imls of liah were cauhf, a Inrer tpiaiituy i.i, ui ever before Known lo have be-ii cauiit near thi-io in one day. Aiim.ig llie tiaili caught theiw wm a, a very unusual event, bucll a lui'sfe catch otTi-di ill Ihut p. aire may be accounted for by ihe fuel of til 8 damn bdiug broken below there, aud there is uo obsl ruction to the fish runuiu up the liver. (VurniK 1! tii.iK.AH We r jVa- .! to ieai ii lliut the fin.l iilT of ilm nii'inint fiom ( "iiirron to Carl Iiiiko is i,i .-.r, , s. i,jr uite rapitl y. ah lit'' four milrs n:e iHiietl. The soil heitiif samlv mi l liee from rock. Hie yia.lhi caii he ilon inueli more iu..,.l'v il.m. -i uw on the I'm , .-boio' I ' . r.'Hiioait. Wf nope on- iariiiiii,'n flietuls wiil soon reniic I licit li'iiL' tU Ion ftl hopes, ami liaiv the it on Iioihc anoi'iii in tl.t'ir lui'l.-t. J ii tl,w hi... Ii, in ive aie ii:nase.l lo.v. ov The following from the iast irisim of the Ciirth Uliele: "AI. . .1. '. lii.uli. he eleo. nil. I po, ilia I'lesiihiu ot llie Carl Ira ,','e IC It., ileseovt s nuirii ere. lit for his un tiiilif.' tlVoils losti'Uic ilie liJ.!, tor it is tine a'niosi i-iitire'v to his IVoiIk that tiie woili of irlnif,' has beilli lliil is mi .api'l pi .ii eshii . He, has vji-i til iiriiliei- iiuie. puns or money to sti'ine llie l'oa.l an.) our t it 1 lis ii' e line him not oniy u vnin of ih nikii. but ai" na ly lostiow tlioir .ppreeiat ion of his eil'oi is in sti oiiger e nlenee than worl-i.' N'i w S. iii:iti.k. iy the ne v ni-hnil-ii!.- on our ruilroail. whieh went into elV', t mi iast Momlay. W! now linvii a .iouhie .la iy liaiu. es.'ept Sumlays. Oil r Irani now eouiierts ai Ah Hii'iire. Iioih uioiiiiuj;- ami nifjlit. with she mail train on thti U. tfc .V. A-lj load, 1 1 leaves h.'ie in the in in ii: "i "Jo o,'i. ili. ai lives at .Wom-.u e at h .) : haves M.meur..,.ti;:i.l an! amvtM he e a' i.l.. Ami a,;ain at uiht il haws . . re at S oei.M'K ami leturns ill I'll i n in. thus oas -en. .'"I s cull make i'.-e eotiiieet i.m a! Mniu'iiio b h .'ouiiiie fio::i or roiii;; N nln or S ; I. dill eoaeh whnli follu lly Weill ihi'.i'iii to (ia'i ih ii.i'.v rims uiy between here ainl M- n.'.n . Tor I hi-, veiy e:i:i cniu Hi -ciieibi h our eiiieii shoii. i 'if veiy r.i.el'ul lo .Mai Wie.iei an I I 'ap: Smi I: in lins eoiiiit flion we w.iti .1 s'nto !h u. alter lo lay. .n.' "iony; v.iis;e wi.i H'.; I'.- ino.vii huil'aii ii..iir bel'".i tiie ! I ii i ; i stalls e ! v Piorliilii. a 'Hie .foil, en ir.ens en.;:; ,, 'lilt ol II: ill.-l hi bin',' ti i fl:-i ! w.,, i:,.i :i!i:; uai). il'.il .1.1 Ii.- In. i a1 h i: t . ecu lillliU'es befo e ti.e tiain's ilejuilt lire, as a :lj,' to passeii;: e. M. l'..r Ui. i.!'...;.. YhiNkc. . No. 4. Wp ciii ths a .i-pel ian.!: we i:!fiim o be a ( hii I .in I pie II. 1.1 v..ii lhoi;;riit how iueoli.-iff.lelit : . I - i I dial lli'l Use l.l.ll ' to HI. llie Hlli! se.i so e i, .-.I ChriNtii, i iie liar Ro 'l:i i 1 pi . s.ime h till i IN lilt .l.ll 111; .,.'l Illllie.oU' '. in n. ian oeop:.. a i".h:ii ii i- th,1' lis of ii'ir c.n'iiliy lit I'll! -hoi n' a.e iiieir keeptf. aie e; ions aeei.ituit happ. lied to a lad on! lil.'ii lo about ih'.lteell . .lit list Moilila'. ciisiomeis i his A party halsioted to (b;-io.ia with .i'.-e in ei.sed I hem. a vvni.n loaded w il h bales of il. tin y ii."e d ine, co'lou the r. pe hi'. ik". ami the to . liny a'e siipjimt. : t,.p Inhs fell oil'. llmkUlc boy's . I . . . ..." .1 ...'.!. I . . . . I . . I . l . 1 an (! .in- is tii.'tt it wa r if 1 fin lo lilt- lie-fleet t:f iht-ir eiiilirn i.ii i'fa!i..lis. N'ouilli'.!aiid i'4 mi iiibers i f he elm. cii be use men to st-. il mil tli-li liuv tioiu tiielii il Ileal ; dielil a- b.i.tiy as any mie ei -e, toi nt'eu .loua! V we i n-fi." of its putliuy tU,, in jan. and very often d tic leal .if i'i; eim-llii; i ! oul'..-' ill l- e u-elies nf hl. ll 'hese tle.u.h'.i mi's ale '.neiui.ei s. If we v.ou.d hnl si-ip and li.'.nk !'.; a im iiieiil, iwith our pi ej-.iiir-- i.t i.l iisi.l ) we ,ould I e liii ..ioii,f ac ait mmit iiii.f : ii'id I hiij); te w 'ii .i inal" in i ll'oi l l.'. ie. ht ill" n-. i.f !i a h i. ... oii t vei al I 'li I -Inn I- .' I.i to. i here i m- v. iii-.kf v d- us a. i- ' i ,l yo.: ci i see the 'i: :l M bolii w, l.ic.e .ii'i'istd lo .-.'ii ! .' I ! i . V ait-e-,.-t iab'e li'- II ot .'-..U se. fur the :.;V .eo ir.slhl' 111- . be l.'i.l Mil f. !-.- -.1 i.-.l -.11 . -Il.-I W ;n ..ii. e.i l.i ami 1 i . in eon ) ee w n- ..liii ..v 1,, i., Wi, ,.l y,- ,e.- ! I I I' I- ,i. i I'.ii ii. i , alio is a r hi. in ae. 'I. von a; d wi I --I ii.,i-:p h, 1 le. y-Hl: l' :a-,!ii wi.i ,-i' eiiin- up nil r'i'e ulllt oi Voil." .lie m-isl v in s.-e ai e vinin in-,.;' of i-'ll co 1 1 1 1 1 V, tin .1 die liieii, the men who il.- to i ,i, i y in t his i al ; in iclii il! 1 1 r our l.i.heis have h en ,e,l lo i;nc an account of i licii i-h thly wolk . n not iiiipi.! 'mil thai we d.a!l Wt fin .i belter ihe e, ni b !..n .! those n; wiiMSM l.ainbi the allaiifi . f iiiis icai eovt I limt lit wnl ..noli fail A it,- iouli we see our son as in- walks in. We wmi d lal'i.ei s,-.' any body t 's boy eo in: we tin not waul to see ih.s .-i'it. F.i'.iei, your boy does noi w ant to see y ui in l h i coin ii.iiiv. Meiiib-.-i.i of ihe c..urcli, vour moiner in ine cniiicu wou.i i a: m-r not si-e you ov. v I here. Do any of you ihiiik ihiil our F.-il her in Heaven approves of any one of His ciiii.iren ; ."'11 1; to s'.ll'll I) Ili-.'S . I ll.l.'l tl ich pn.-.-s. I n.b'i the ci.ciii.i.-taiuvs wiiai win tie b.-st lor , ,. .;. Si-i at .-r Y in hi-, b. en in iistotiof R-iii. uiber how wim-key llUli wjh doubtless tleliier ttie tn t.s our respeclabie while men ! I , ,J,.,.NM liei: eiiiot-r wlui: ll wilt cause o.u le I . pt i'ialne lilai'k lueii to lo ! Ki intin ! In -r ihat nine tenths of the oiinieS' ci".iinitt('il are attii'oul ible to ivni-I-. ! Reiileinber that whiskey drink n ,f leads to eveiy other t-iii.ic! Re- ne-iiiiier ilie liioKeu iu a. e.i wive and liuii"iv of our couirrv. Item.'Uibei lha! the Lud says no ib unkai d .drill t iller into the kii.jf doni l'f lieaveiil Reiueniliei nijf ail these, wiii you not say yivu us pro hibition ' We complain of hard times; who is lespousime for it .' (io lo imy viilujfi-, towu or city where w is key Is sold, Klid yim will limi a jfient iimnv lonnjfinrf iliound the winskev th'lis. Y'oil can tell the inoM, of tin by the e.oior of their noso and d-.ili.e.,s of the eye. abou! Ilieiu .' (1 if y..u pu'iistt to llie S. uie's pi ison and you wiii dud tiiousauds of tins veiy class. Who are those calhiifj upon thtr tax-payer for heip through the coiniiiisMoiiei s ot our county '.' Some are fiouil In uesl cilirns who have done, the best they couul. Inn the inost can, by view niff then past lives, se tl ut too iiiil.'h of tin If t line and inoliey wui spent a. wliislry shops, L iuiieei s in too uinneroiia and t ney are too expensive; do away with the whiskey nuojm and our tow ns and loiiieu will ba fiend, iu a rat meas - U'e. of tlio-tp ru-iisivo iests. We wimt proh'.b'ioiy rluli foimcl in Centio township. I lien le' tli" mem hei s of this elub eiivu'iite (.eiith ns. fjft the letjinsiie number of si'iia- Iuie, ami' ask (tiie 1-t Momlay in .May) t lie t'lnmiiissiom i s to tfjmit us an rieeMon in June, llial llie people . .i . i i . i -. IIIMV HiV tiv UK'U Volts m';lH'. iliev wii'i eon iini'i t in- hm I Li nes ami let ihis ci iuiina: I v lii.-i.e I ki put I mg in jail our ri siiet'iaii ! m i-n I whl ive other reason why It hIioiiM be tli-t linueil in I entift township, in No. A Fkikm. Ashcvillo Citizen: ( n S.nithiy mini:. ii. while .Nils. John ii.-na. of S'Viin fiiin'y. was goii.' to Cliaiiis tou in a l,iif. y. sin- ihote too near a pl-eipiee ami llie holse, ami bu-y it'll in !', uistiiatiy Uiitnij. wis. lit na, Hie sail iillau lias e:e. a gooiii t.ver ihe enliie eoiililiy. a i llie I.itly was hwlllv e-ittiemeil. Ne -.toii l lntei pi i-o : A fatal tlis aster is lepoi it'll in A. i x in. lor fount v As n II t !i- ehll.l ol i 'eh. in lav in its eia.lle aimiii. i t :ui.l iiia.'eil , a blooai in tiie ie. ami. Win n it hla.el llne-A ll. ill the e.a.He. It. f.'U ; ,ipon the ii l'aut. win.-li was roasUil ulne ot ime it.-, eoiihl save il. 1? ,. (i y , v(.h1 s i;lt.H.tlirr i(i)u( .ii, ', iron, Morivill..! si , j;,,,,, yu,.d ,!,, the hou-e ami i.a.'l.'.l hi-- I. ami Iheu '.val!,..., ,n,t into il.e vai.l Mm: ii..),.. Ihe :i leiileld.l iu.-t iiuio.v tue l:nt '. Iiie ikiui' bolii hours. Jloeiois Y"ik ami l ! lull were enlie m J'iiev have lint In. -t.n the lie ,iiV. an. I In ; e to save it, hut it is a verv l.a.l woiniil. (toiilsbo On Thuv ilav li-l a boih r at th" ni.v ami plan- in;.' un. is oi r eei w. .o.i ri-oq., near lle!.,..l in n Stale, e.'.pl'.nleil Of li.e ei;;l:t men III I he miils two Were iiiowi! lo p.e.'e. aiul i'lstantiv kiiicl. two wpre i'.taliv lunl whi;e i he o. ie r lour tMVipi .l iiiiii juii il. Tne miiU a e a i imiple!;- r reek. The llieii l:ili. I a. .! il' is." hin t w. re blown e r.tih I' llile .ll-.:iiliee. Trei-.s iH'Oinitl l.f mi 's are t un an. I broken by tlv in: liiiibers Tue lo.-. is about !- l. Hi 'il. with no i;:S. ii.n.ce (iaston (i .."ite: A mule beloui,' iie,' to Mr 'imnah IloiiinHoii was i,iSulie.l a Week mil ,!i '.1 ia.-t Sunday iiiori.ii. A mimbi r i f i.its wt ,e a. so poifoued. and w-rp ftiuti.l ..eaili'i. d aiio.n in li.e baill A tiilfh '.wis b: . .l!n. R.-:il!f on i; ami he.ilthv it is th"U!:i Inat II I piT- mailt lit injury w ill it-suit I iiee..-b..i'o News: .1 m l"f-S'heink 1 rx'.itihid nt. (tin oilii'f y.'-ti rdav un - Kniish i I'ti. . i'h t -rivalry .-..void, which was ( up. hi 1 1 b it i le f . ii.m I ti! '( bnli'md d-us t li.i'.ise" in iiie j enr 1-m 7. i e.i:s niter th" i'.otle a- fo i. hi. It, vtns iineoM I eil by the 'inns, whic'i wnsl e.l a tie lie- lie'd I f ir the dea.iil .-I l ll:jf le ..ok pine, the "S -ol -h ll:..' iilll'lelH M il . ill d I t." il'f ill '.! -v. Oi l lias b, on :'u err.isili ti.i b.- .r ; ih ' f' '.I of arm fiiliey in ht le' the ii.'l We. II and the I he I up. .ii it. of some ihsiii.g lish.-d i.oiiie lainily il iiiur't. n it li-.- v: On SiiMir- day !! iii.i.l s. ,-.-i'ii-" . t'a!ie 1 t'-.e A 1" iln. ii ec'ii-v imii- .' l ay tl vihe. ivrl'i -,i. I' : 'i.-.l to Ihe: .11 y. .-uiii I i.f'U ub nit iS ui'!-s ' i. is -i l-.' .if i I t-hit p a.' . f: o i soui - e.-u e t 'it. weiff i! mi aie v v i,. : ii u. n neuiseii . tV. wh- i ' rtlri 1 - I II -il - "l! with full t'll.'e. iiie i s I iously on J i' u- n. i e and t i the accident A I kins-ui. one of 1 he j'.i-iipe 1 over a-si .i 'in -e could ii I v.a- d- .iwut d .: s.-. i iisi injur 1 it III'..; one of 1 It u- fae a i i e -k eo l i re. im-l. C!' alarmed Mr .!o!i:i I pa-si n .-er-. a i boa. i ami b t ire v ..'li ;.im. in- sank l i e sie.miii' wu.-. n .: s. .d S ,iiih:'.. td Huiildr We h- ar that a ni oi'ii luiirv- mi i farm is t . be nn'-l . at lie eoirt hoi-e -ioii under a moitjr.- fi.r a debt l Seven il.illurs. I A letter has be n re-eivetl from, (reli. Joseph F. Johnsto i. ill wl ieh he siyi'ilies his nit i.iiou of beinjf i heieoii the occ tsion oi' the uiivi-iliiiy f ilm Coiile lei ite M.iiui.nenl. on the 0 i, 0ff;ll. : Sow t v r he will not ,, ( he il dill ess. us ids bil-imss , ,,, ,,,,. ,UH :i, ,1,,. s ui a! in" ft,,, HlIt;i,ii'iit so-.i e lime to pr .,,.,. Hrt,(.,d!e ndin - fo: the tn'- llijfh I'oinl I'utu p. i : About ton , yrr a. a loan,' ma i bv the nir . of Hilih riey Lucas 1- ft his l.i-me in Ralith Ip i co'l ilv i.n 1 went to 1 li . h ad mines of Kau ris, tailing wi: ii 1 him a'i his . !Vo 'Is will' li ei-nsi te.l of !ti'-;:' !' "io'' ' ,.l!i' !l h.a bv ii.iii'i .- tar ti) '.his ..I n o lie .lie I a s'u.'ii time sie.-e and b-'.t prop. . itv and uio iev to p e rimoiin if all S.Vi iMtH. e hi h will .','i to his in. t!;-r and brother ami .-i-ieis who lll! live in R ill. 1 Ipli co I' ly. '1 he ndiniiii-tai ttir of I'.e e-tu'e -u he,.-ve-ti r day and m i-le an anjfi in nts to dep sit tue lnoi ev :u th-' N .turn il bank lo tln credit of I Ij i -..s he i s I. urns' in 'ther h id n t In ,n'.l freiu " ," " "" b' nuieiimi, "P " '" C.,ai h.tle Clir.mie!e : Little John- , nie t .iiiuon. u si y r old s ui of Mr. l).ii,"l 1". Cam on. . f C .neoi,!. tie i in ,;t phn e ye-1. 1 dav mo li -. fr uu the eii't'cts of ea tiff s. mm poi onoiis subT ti-ee, tne eh.o icl.-r of wu't'li is not known O i hi t lay ilo'mni' ntnl Ins loiii.e r b: o' :i -r were snd drills seized w.'h r-p i.-.ius of u very violent imturo and h' doelor who w is sumuioiie I t- -ttli ml tin m was somewhat pnzde I to accouiit for the . eause of their sudden illness From 1 the kyuiptoiui), Lowovei, ho L id but little t'oiilit that (lie boys limi eaten sono thii if of a ioioii-.:is nature, .1 ilimiin, (he til ler boy. was sjii'ceh- Ii-sh lit m the time of ti n lir.-l attack until hm ileptli yestenliiy nni iii'i . The y..un;,t r boy is i t eov. i mj;, .t lie is too voiuil; to tell uiiy liii.j; about whm was eitell. .Mr I' A. Mr- V: . 1 1 1 .... I . ...i 1.. ......1 -.iimi raiminj ii'"rn nut inn wth ol hijuoi h. ainl him tb t i ileil Ills in- lei. lion to ai'iiiiilon the hinmr I.iisi nesx fur maul. Tl.i is tne lliinl saloon lit per Who lliis ui.c mil ol the busim-sd in Chai lotie siuee last month. i IMYniMliim 'I hi (Joei iiineiil. i Amii.viii.k. S. C., Apnl a. -iifor- i. in litis just it aebetl this city in nvtiil'il to seveiill eases nf cruolieil liess in tlm iiiaiiaenit nt of foveni mi nt ihhliili ri 's in liui hei I'm il eoiin ty. Two of these e.'taiilishincn: have been :.eieii iiv ot iMin-nt olii- eiiiU from Washington. n. as il t,,,.,lv,,s Worketl up I he r,lv Tie HL ..,., a ,,,i,t the tlisiil, . i..., v.ei in eopai tiiersinp ami conspire I in tle fr uiiiin;' the yovei nniei I. Tin pal -tio-i lunu llet) Tln-v are ehaiL'e.l will' wholesale violations of the vt'fe- nuu laws on a hi ale. ' " A F Hill il.V I O.MIIH'll . CIoi.i'mhu, S C, Aprii H. A iit'jfi f;iil i mplo.etl as a t-ivrant I).- 1).'. J. 1'. Hunter, u nlivsieiun ol j.amens enuiiv. attempteil to kill the Dot'tor ami family by .ii.i..K .at. -...won in the tlil.ner All who paitook ot ti,f l"'Honeil fo.i.l h. ealiit, yioleii! ly ii:. t a, e How out O; ,!ao-er. The prl '""' " o as i-upi n. co in .-.oanan bilir ami broii'iil baek lo Liitiiens i -..-- j.. ...... w ' ;1 -"S ho: "'is iilt-'i :. t. r- i ill. 1 aiitl wiiute.l to kiil the euliii fauiiiv. ..I n r.i . ..ijioiiia. Dieil ot H.uii"iii!ioliia CiiAtii.KsToN. S. C., April .S. Jaini s II. i ai 'isle, u prominent piunlcr of Abln vi'le coiiiily, ibe.l a week a'O of hviii opuobia. cause. i In the bitciif a pei iloj,' lli wife ami spivant. who nurse. 1 hnu .lunu ; his iasl dit'klicss. iiie x In i.t inr in ai kt .1 syinplo'es of I lie same disease. Tir. oniv way the 'liMCHse counl have been caught by liiem is iroiu Ihe froth from Ins inoiith. On stfvmal oi easious ilurin his M-vei'f iavii.( f:is utfiiilunlM ha. I to w ipe ilm ft mi 1 1 iiit . Litir ham Is. Miiiiiiiii.'iilai Clu'cs. Fruiii ilm NfW V'.rk tt..rl l. Aleinbt'is of iiie Michigan J'fis it urn n fiifio to stirreii.ier tlie.r pas.-''s issm ,1 bv I he i ..i.-.l.i mi.l Am. iI,i Railn.u.r, (u the ;:loiilid that tin erstate Coimnei cu Rill does Hot mnibit them, iiud tin v aecusR the tail wav of bad faith in atteliijitin- to Mseak out of I uir sucrt il olili-iitlou t( , ,.,iispoi t ! Stale law iiiak. 'is fit t of . 1 . . . . t hai iff. Wi ll, tins i.s iiiuiiuiiu ntui cheek ! clitnv Midw, Ciiicmio, Api il 7.--A sperial from Aufiista. Wis , says: "Aboiit an iin-h i f miow fell here Tuesday nbfhl, Ihe aurf'ice of w Inch is coveiLtl v, ith a I luck ltvt r of vlnt sctiui l-i iie dust or ashes This whole sectr-n. so tar a h.'iild fivui, is eoveied with Iiie Mime yellowish snow. It ss a slraiit. pin iiouiO'i.iu " M .Vlf If 1 !:. jr '. .il. v ..r .l-.tU, m froo. iii-I-uiii iff. -ii.t:-.l i Oi' 111.' ."!ll llf.1. :f ,.-. liia.i:- (.1. s ll. i it. In-. W. I;, o I., i - i"-i-n-'i . . r.. , l,y .11 1 tf-t l.l'l K. l. V. . ll I'.iK. 1 li" IU.i Cii. 11. lie i'Ili-i:'li Hi. U-sl wifii. -. I. lli lei.y N o ,i Vth cii iti'i!iei!ts. Till". J, M, ODKLL Have just sto' ki l th. ii' slort; at HYM.'.M'M WITH RKAND NFW tiOODS. A full tine of GR0CKRIFS, LADIIvS ami OFN l'S DtlY tiOODS, NOTIONS, AC, iii si. i ,.i t. These (foods will be sold at botloi.i prieen for c.isii. Anril 14. i;sS7, 4ts. .oi;ius&CA!iTt;ii R LEI011. N C. SPECIAL OPEiililG OF slesut im mm. Printed Chum i'ks. Fancy Velvet-., all silk I'o.iffi-. s, ivui.i.'i.ii'ii.d I i -ffne Robe-.. I'elai in Fiiiin oldci od Oiidaie Cloths. Hich Novelties 111 Stripes. Fluids. Plush uli.l Wool FtV.-t ts, o. Our collectn'ii c. 'inpii-i"s ninny e clllsive de.-ii.s wl.l.-ll e'llini't be louiiii elsewhere. !'(u Stylish dnmLs, Pecuiiarli applii' due to onr chmute, si-iei nulls ai'e iiiiexcelied, and uo bouse can ipi.'tc lowi i juioes Ji)Ji LOT KID OLOYFS. IS oknts; UFA L VALL'F. VI SO. i JOHN ff. MARKHAM, IH UHAM, N. C, Wtolesale and Mail Grocer. UT'KKS TO HIS OLD lTUKNDS f in Cliat.haiu when they emne to DuriiHin onu of the hnyest st'.eks of (f.Mitls in the t ity Kiel invites an iu--;n elioii of his st-iek helore bin iny. as 1 buy in hn i pian 'it r s. anil can ivc yon '.''V'K j:i)!T't)M piii'es on Fl.'. It, Ml1' A 1 1. MKAT, J.AUt, 1 L'U Alt. COl'FKK, SOIA, .MOl.A.S.-sF.S, SIT HIT', CHKl-LSK, Cl.'ACKF.KS. SNUFF, TOIJACC.J, FISH, C. i.C. I have also in stoek ii tint' assortment of SHOES FOR MFA HOYS AND LA DUX Hats Dry Goods, Crockery, Tinware, 6lC , fr-j- S FKCl Ah 1 NT ) l'C KM FN IS TO COUNTRY M MUCH NTS. April 7. I.Hh. ( i It-A i i i) OP h I i' (t ! HAS ARlFN FROM Fl'S ASH. ami mi the spot I hat was un in i . ' miisK of bricks, u few week now ths mam mi OF Charles Eobbins Who has opened ON I-'. OF THK FAR'.K.vr ANT) MOST SFddX'T STOCKS OF Dry Goods, Nolions, BOOTS, SHOES, rtiDTacNiu r.) ever In on "lit to Duilnini. tag- Our Mr 1. M Okaxs will lake pleasure in wail in"; on his many friends in Chath.- n and v. ill yive thoin i xtia 1'iiia.iis Aj.iil 7. ISsT. :t,n. FOR ! HI" Advertisement OF Durham, H, C, Who inu so busy openiii"; ami selliiiff lli.-ir iSIMUXG GOODS .that thev have not time no v to write STAFFOSD, HENLEY & CO.. HOLM N S MILLS P. O, Ai.tmsa: ( 'o . N. ( ' , Proprietors FAIRM0UNT FOUi'.'lJllY, Mm. ili'a 'line Tin bine Wuter 'A In t'l of spiv! ii ni'-rit, hurt s i to oe U.-.I- I in or ou of wiit..-i' h .u-e a d sir. il Ai-.oOii-t and Fit u n --j Mi'.l .'.:a'ii'.. cry. Circui t! Suv Mills wili. sirnul.a I . e-ills Met l in: U' :l.l id-u k. !: I .. tuple i id din ai.l.' ami Mill !. t . . i ii e ; II. ir.-e loners, f... I M..i i-.i . d . t !.:ili s, t'u: iinMa hoi 's, i i-.-l-Ur-. Cain' M in. Mil; -cic.i -I- in t of vu iiis kiu N. 11 at.lend.'d to pro.ii, tly. Correspt ii.l eu e so'ii' lle l. April 7. 1ns7 I . . iicni ( Aiioi.i , .v. 1 111! 1 lilt III t '1 It I .V . SIT'I li.oit il! liT. 1 .IMI .1 ..I - i t.l-il.'.t il.OM, Till- l a .-Ivii ...'it-.n t'..r .nv.'r v vin- ni ti-, tty Hi it:.- ,! tll .-r,t. !' .-I liti- .-'-iii'i -i-.h i'.-.l wt I t r.t.ti . t.t.ii i-i in. :.--. ti ihu ru" i i I- li..illu. I-. H.,t itr l tilt-Ii xl l.'1'rti .'! tills ,,.ur. I" I..- li-', I - ii lh ililt M. n ln- :..'! ill' i-,1 M h liiy In vlur.-li hii.I i'li- t.l. ll.iv. r !' .I.'lll-i; I.- Ih .'- .u I'lnliil -n 111 In Ililt- i-hu..- ..I- t.l.ikiii..l m.. I..-rt-ii'H'."l i.-t u.- Iilai s. ll. ti.. r, i.-. ii. t.'. UlLULkl 1. "oai'.M, Allorocjl till. mi sit WHOLKSALF AND RIM'AIL GROCER AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, (i. T. SI RONACHS OLD STAND, RALEIGH, N. Cr liVVK IH II AN It AND Alii t'OSSTWTI.Y HKCKIVINO 13aoi!imi ami T i Seoul, UoKricE. M u.vs-n.s. SviitM-. hum. Fi.orit. Ikm., Mi:t, lh:.n. SiKii-s. C'uArKKiis. Mjxkd 0i;i:s, ('andiks, Nuts, Rutins, OllVNOI.S. l,l:M 'NS. CNH1 ( loUS 111' KVKIIV l)i;SI'KII'TION, l'llM.KS, Su:. i:s. C', I' ii'i'S. Whole anh Guorsn Spicks. Feb'y I!. Iss7. Urns. vm"7iiw f PRICES TOWf THE TIMES.: We take pleasure in aiinouneiiif; to our friemls ainl customers, that our will be ofl'i'it'il at I' ill sympathy with the liiiw I'licesof Flit m Froibii'ts. We have a more complete iiut; of DRY (iOODS. NOTIONS. UARl'F.TS. Oil. ( LOTH. BOOTS AND SHOKS. HATS andc:afm gUFKNSWAIii:. (i LASS W ARK. GROd'.HIF.S. C. than cvt i ult' ieil. Ladies' (. loaka and Dry Goods a SpRlulty. We solicit an i '..i .lintition of uiii liooils before buying. Thanks for iuif. t favors. fi--Tiit) Hio;l, Cash I'riceH paiil for Cotton and other I'roiluctt. Yours Respect full V. K. It. Mr L KAN A. 10 Sii.Eii. N. C M rch 111, 187. liMi. If y-m w-'iit t i buy these cheap. send vout oltlt-iK to the Ulltll'l'si'iii il s; :;'!';;;.. ,.., i,,,,.. ,.,,, .MllirtsSes. UHI Rays ColVee. 100 RbU Sii'fiir - V. 1'a. C iiud Ot uu ulateil. 250 R 'XHS 1). S. Side,. 1000 Rbls l-'lo .. all grades. 200 Roxes Potash and, 200 Ro'.'-s Tobiii'co ami Suutl'. Soap. Candles. ChihIv. Kodu. llol'Se foul s Rreatl 1 'reparation, Corn, Meal, Hay, Oats. Nuils. Hoop Iron. I. aid Ac. Ac. Flesh (foods constantly ar riving. WORTH & WORTH, WlI.MISl.To.N, N. C. Miinli Ul, l-sK7 Its. I. J. TOT & CO., DURHAM. N. C. ft. AND DI'.M.FRS IN" Heavy and Fancy FEED 8TUFF8 A SPECIALTY. CsJ' Our M.-. I'u i Nokmo.ui will In phased to stive his old county men in Chrt'hnm. April 7. 1S7. W.H.&B. S. TDCKER& Il 1" Fui'.i rKUi.:.i: Stum t. The old reliable Dry Ootids House cu rie -i at all tunes tin-most complete sto.-ks of i.y lioods of all kinds. They ate now iu receipt of their f-ilMtl.Nii Pl'HCHASKS SILK. ' I'.LYF I S. DRLSS ( IOODS. LVCl'.S. W1UTP. OotlDS. Fd'lli iIOFIULS. HOSIKRY. OLitYI'.S FNDI'RWi'.AR. S 1 1 A W LS. ( 1 L( T II S. C A S I M I '. I ! F.S PARVSOLS, FANS. IRTTONS, PRKSS liUMMINtis. SMALL W ARHS. OAIINT ITTIE, SIP U.S. Horsi: i i'iiSisiiiNc. ooods, CAR PL !'S. RFOS STRAW M i I'iNOS. (TRTA1XS. DiiAPI'.lllIX C, AC. Partii 'ular at lent ion is tlirertetl to their in i liilii'.-ut di-pl-ii ot Si.k- a' .1 Dies- O ..ids. i!i i.'!. Dress (t .1-. :;ii i Motii'ii nif ' ." ds. 151 ick C-nan illy and Coloietl i'bii ...i'.i.-v. Lice-, in piece I. aces ai.d foil F!nn.,cis. Irish P.ont. F.f.." pt'if . ("'rii'iiial and Silk L .ces Never Ii it e sliovMl sil.'li beililti fu' l' and !:i u .' i i tpnii'tilies pi ices are in.K-r than an; iclier House in oi tn i 'il' :;na. i'.iei y at tel. lion jfivt u to a'l mail order'. W. II A 15 S. TFCKF.R A CO J'.s R . T. W. D.ei'UN, Cits. M Nl'.:-. v. i. W. Pot. Anril 7. Iiis,". WORTH CAROLINA ! l IIVI'IIIM IHI'MV l.i n K.i. r.i.i.i". i v--ii' -r ..f i- vn iH.iv.iiii-. ll'ri' I .irlr.iii:li. In- in .tllil ..iluTfl. TlllH 1- H -..--l ll Illl' '"!' flll-tl if '.. IHU ll'l I I I . II I.-.P..HJI. iiriii' -i hi .'il"! i Ot.'.I r-i---niih utel Tiii.iiiit.- I.iuit. will i-ile in1 l-' Ii ti ii:-.- Iti'lH'.it ui.'l I'l.'H I, nil-.-. - !' .! P. il.n t- .m- pl.liil en 01" in Un tn-..--ii M-iii I tv. uvvhIi, ls-7. Hi" rrlii-l tli-liiiiii It' I m U'" .-.-iiiplHln will l..t ,-riil.v s. M. 11. l. I , C. b. f. I li. v Ail- riify. Mdtth i3, Is'- yiwMz and Retail DriliSt 2311 Mw- SlALSZaiX, IS. C, itas alwiiyis in ntock a fresh supply of AND Patent Medicines. .Itlst received m large lot of GAKDEN SKKD. Oi'.lfirn by uinil w ill ici'eic prompt lttentioii 1,(,,,'.v :J- 1HS" Hius. ISIS IS PROPS II! in the N. C. HOME H3U3AHCE CO. Euconras Hums Iisiitotioii This t'oiiipaiiy lias been in siicces ful oiei':itioii Ibr eifflitecn icar.-.. It is SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. All kinds of P.iiildiiijfs insured al ! rViisMinihle rates. l'.e warned by the losses of your neiehliors ami insure in lime. II. A. JLOIVBOIV, Agent. Soi.t.fs. Issi',, Ralefei&ADpsta A-L. R. R. CONDF.NSKD SCHKDl'Id:. lii.ISs O.'IMi St. I' I'll M.i. 1. -lull N. ;l. .lull N..I li.r I.-., IRer. .-.-.--l Sim lut - - v - -1 . i M..H.I I..-.IV liHl.-ili, ".'.i.m '. -in h III tar... .1.1 i.i. i;, A..v. 'i M'-n -'ir.-. li j.' l j . in sin, 1. 1, Iti l.i ) t,-, i'iini-i'..ii. in '.s :i .1.. Millil.'. II I .1.1 K-.-.-i. In I . it in I .vi lii'iv,- ii.iii.i.'. . I re. I ; ...i N". '.'. -iHllv ."i .l " 1. it.Cly -.i snii.iit'r. N... IS. ls.'. I.ravt' ll.'llwl.'l. t: -i. t'ttri . l.'a1 Ull, S.. 1 . '. u.ili . I WMI.- -.Illll i'-'iit;'tl .'I III i.ll ;. wan; ....ll; N. . ' 'il ll.'. . Hi S.intW.t tl Ih. l';il. I-'-(H iil .'i Ikin I ftll-y liailwiiv s.i hnt- 'l'vlll- hii.I all p.. Im ' ii ' li'il i " t i- N- 1 II'"'. -ll lUll.'lBll will. Ii-il.-li.-ll .V llll!.t..ll liiilii-...i. , ,i i'i i o.;- ii..i;li.; ,'iti'M with. .nt ,'hni;.. .-ii I'-itn. 1 iiml No. i i..'ttt.-1-n ciifiri n.- -u. lui.-.a.!. M sin I'll s,i,. i-iii-,.ii,..ii. C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Coniensei Time TaWe Ho. 14, To take ert'ect Siindav, Mi mil v v i i'T hi'm 4, 1SSK. ., 2.rui s.7r Mml l-a.-.-.!..'! Mini .t l-iif-HoDC I...HV... N.l'.-t tn 11,'iiiinil.vlll.-. Ari'lv... i.l i. nu Arrivr. IO mi -t.-ii li -ll.-H, l.i tro. i; In I.' Hi . in I iiyi n, -vlllo, " i ri. -,-. .. in -.'inr-.r.l, i Lt'-ivn, :t v. nr.- mil, u to I'. 'Il.-I, " li.'.'O v, " ii in . m. ,l.'.r... ' lii.u Arrtv., ti i'i Kr.-.iil itii-1 I'-i..oit;..r ri.i.n l.-itv1- lltin.tiu. via, tli.ilv in 1 1., p. in , ffrtv... it- mi.h, unI ih 4 i'mi ' . I.siv.'i S'i. H.-..I e in.-, p. n., ..tU HI I'll'-. hi l" t..'ivui. hi s (, .ii Krt-UlC H'i'l l-ii-Hnni- -p Iraln l..t.-' rvnt..trtln il.-iily : ...rl.i i. in . itt rlv.-. h' s ( ... u.'..t rv -. oil . in . I..iii. s:, ll. -I ir 'i su r in., mi. I m-rlT.- at li.'ii...t-.vlll iii IV ill j. ni. I'r.'ltf!.' iei-1 I'.-ic-.!-;.!' Tr.ilu N '-rili loir.. Fr . e i'i i .,i . h'-i-.v... hi M I- ti s-i-i! .. , .ti rs ii I' in n4 nr. i-' '. I.- . 1.1 I r. I''.' rei I I'i-.- -ii-.-.-r T- il'i Si'lltl Is-ifm .r .i. -'ti il ii- it. in. I', f. . mi . 'n v.s,,-,1 ., l lt --H" l-';t"il. -vill.. .11 t. it. i I .ISO. m. Iiosl-;. il.-a'l I'i-,.. li i iv.. rti sinr.trA nl Ml i- n.. mi l r- I- in. .V. I- KV. lii'll'l Xul. li;.'iil. PA TEXTS, Caveats. I'r-ido Marks A Copywrihts, Oi.i.ti-.;. .1. hii.I nil ..liter i.tislii. In ill" r. s. rt .nt o.ii-'.' hi: . -I i It-1 I. ,.tr u 1 1 l.liv.. O.u l ...p,.Hl(. ll,.- I .:. I-.i!. M 'HTl'-tu, And M .'lit-'i - i-.'ii Iii ir-- r inn, f Ii.lii IIK.h.. rn ni"i. -ii -!,in.,i ,, S', . pi. . ,r IK, wi-ili. U't- Hilvltt' MH t tnt li-CI') if. ...i Iriri-.iii' I wmi :ke Nt 'ti ROB i M..'i.ii:inu '" I'- '! lii-rc i -li- !.' iinisi. r. Un- hiiia. ot oi-ler lltiM,.i, mi l I. i.lli- liil -t Un t'. H. l'liein o.TI . I "i' 'li.-iil tr. ii-ltts., leinis mid rl.-p.i"sv. p. n -nutl . Ii.'iit. it. t i'ir ..ten s,!f .T ..iiii'. nt.... .'. . UN. iv. .., 0.-n Itifiil lOl--. , pln(l.. .DC. i"V. in, ti. LilJi.lwpJllllilll..llLili,iJillllllt.LaiWl Tl'S.'SM!'! i" 1 1

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