iessaaa l)atl)am HccoriV il. .A. j.oin iors, lIMTOl. AND l'liOPKlKTOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRJPTION, l)c ljtttl)am Uccor5 JiATKS ADVERTISING i'Mh- squat, ci-i' insertion ( 'in square, two insertion: 'in- , ouo month f1.0( l.Ml - !?.ot O i': copy, me year On" i-'jiv, six months . 0:i-; ropy, thin uif n! 3.00 A 1.0(1; VOL. IX. rnTsnoi. iiatiiam ( .. x. (., 21, 17. no. .Mi mmssi (the fttaitom Obscurity. .11 tliou canst wake within one human breast A thouKht of Insting joy; if thou bant stirred Hn'y desire by some inspiring word, pr lulll the so-row fnl to soothing rest; ft with some glorious vision th"U has blest, Thn tired, lie wayworn las when some rapt I ill. I I'lisi"1!! 1 ours forth it soul, the kids is Iv-aid Oy the tm I leaves ami flowers, a tremble 0it ft cense t" sum, to .soon.- if this thy lot. Cine how lonely thou itinyst seem tod-, J'o.v east nwny as use lessor forgot; A1 to tin mightiest ejtu-'s bis work, to I lie The hii'iit'Ii'st tn-k to light some littlespot, 3hcu".h star-like, yet with rays the heavens may . - 1 1-istiro Hours, HOW HILDA MANAGED, HV I S HillllMT I.KAVKs. ' ll-oi Mm. Mm r.-iy live herr?" Mr. Well!) knorle 1 apologetically on theg n-s counter of tlie bakery with the 1..-UI ot liis whip. It seem :d almost a lili'-ily !lni. iineeremonioudy to address tin- gaily iitlir -il young woiiniii who win 11 Ming up h - t''.s behind the lull d-k. Hi.' stoo l 11 .'ar tli" iloor, keeping 11 sirup lookout on the ban-footed boy -who was hoi ling his sleepy old lioro foi li el lie imt heard, ninny ntim: fin I oft, of the wicked way of juvenile Now Y- rid In reply toh s tespM-t fill question, the joirig woman nodded her lieail iiu-1 curtly mi-. w.-j : ' l j. Shllls." ' It's 11 pretty big house, said Mr. Weill', glam .li;; nli Iti ill. "The. 5Iur r iy s wasn't itch when tie y live 1 down nil' v.-.y; 1'iit liaehel neve) hail good judgment. 1 -h-nild s.-iy, now, tin- lent of a li 'ii i ko this -'' '1: ain't n lime," said the young worn it:, spo iking with a lead penc.l be. tween lejili. ' A n't a liDiisr, cli ; ' .Martin Webb's lioue-i, onion-colon 1 eyes fjrmi n il ly e.v p i- ile I, u itil y. u woii'd haw thought the li Is mil l seiic-iy contan them. N..t -a house? ' "No; il'i a II it. Fourth story, bark room. N ini" of .Murray. Staircase just on! in tie: ball there.'' Aiel mi f. r the fust lime in his life, 5lr. Webb fi nil. I himself in th" incts of ii "flat." H lost his way half a iW n of times, this gaunt, good humored giant, with a ham in his mm , I wo or three strings of lO'intiy sailing" v r his shoulder, and a bisket of i o.l iijiples clasped t'ghtiy against his bienst. Tuat was a matter of Until SC. II" walked into the kitchen of one tl -.t, brought up in tin: parlor of .-mother, ami presented himself, smiling, at the late bieakfast table of a th r I, whore a luckless print"'-, who worked all night on the rally edition of a inurning paper, WiH bleepily eliippiiig tin; shell of an "('ill them eggsf" sa'nl 51 irtin, cuii teuiptuously. If our WoII'sC ' hens ran't beat that 'ere sort o' tiling- Hut I'm suro I ask pir lon; I guess I've got ii to the wring ll it. i'Vain you ean toll mu where a lady milled .Murray lives?' And by dint of many stu h ipinstioii n's :nid iinpiiiies, Mr. Wt bbnt last got h nisi lr, his i" 1 apples, ham and saus-I'g'-s into a sraiitity furnished room look ing out on a bar" In irk wall a room where rventhin'; hid a starved look, even down t the rat. which sat intently watc-liiuj; a moiise-hole in the wainscot in.'. 51 r . M nr.-1", a ta'l, pinrhed, elderly wnin.iii, was eii!;iiged, tli.ough a double piir of speetaeles, in nictidiii'' line lares; but the slow motion of her needle, the uncertain i xpression of her face, denoted no very brilliant sueces'. And seated on the window -ledge op posite her, a riding habit of dark gioen chilli, a beaver hat, Willi a Mark gi"en Al twisted aroiin 1 it, and n jaunty liitle ivory handled whip, was a pretty girl of IX or 20. IS ith started at the entrance of Mr. Wrbb, both smiled g'ad recognition. "Why," c ied Mrs. Murray, "it's ii mill Martin! Hilda, give your cousin iii-'iair. I declare, 5I utin, I mil siir p; isi d (o see you here ! ' ' No iiiore'n I be to get he re, I guess," rctun.ed tlie farmer, with a peculiar (liiiekiing noise down in his throat. ' These Vic city folk?, they do take the stoic Ii outen a fellow. Ain't iniieh like nir medder flats down at Wolf's Co nor, ohi b re, cousin I! ichel, I've brung ye one of Kliz i's best sugar-cured hams nil' soma sasng(S, and a l udic-1 of the, apples that grywed uii the tree beyond the well the real, red -cheeked Josey Mi Oiii't, you know." "It's very kind of you, I am sure, gaid Mrs. 5Iurry.- Hilda, can you not oiler our cousin some refreshments after his journey i" Hilda colored painfully. How ould sliu explain to her mother that the cupboard was utterly empty, even of n -i list of broad! "I'll briii'f up something direc'.ly," sho murmured. And then l:e vanished. Kriim one good-henrted neighbor the ypry jirinterV wife, iadced she bor rowed n potful of freshly-mad-.; coffee; from another, a few slices of cold boiled beef; from a third, a pan of lie-w baked biscuits, with a little bu'.ter and a comb of honey, nnd then she flew back to unread the frugal meal. "Are thev all well, cousin Webb?" I she nsked, timidly, ns, holding up h i riding habit with one hand, she ar- ranged the table, mi l ministered to lh" appetite of h-r guest w itii tlie othi r. Mr. Webb no bb-d his ltend, keenly surveying h'-r t'.ie while. "All well,'' he responded b"t ween the swallows of entree. "K iz i, she sent her love. And If 'el no, lt-ed didn't scud no love. Hut h - n anted to b-.- 'specially remcinbi'ied, It.-ed did. II had dreadful ijood link with the sweet - potato patches mid tob uco r op, this year. "lias he?" and Hilda blushed rosily. She might have added som"tliing more, but .Mr Murray I'lli loii-ly inter fend. "Vou musn't be late for your appoint incut with 51 r. Ituianey, diiughtei," said she witli a gl ine; at the elm I;, And she ad le I, in explanatory f.i-h-ion . "Hilda rides nut every day. Two hour', w iih, ahem I . i gentleman friend." "Kides out, does sin ?" said 5Ir. Webii. 'I guess l.k -ly il costs rond'lerable to keep In r.,es in New York. Tin glad you and Hilda's got so much money t" spine." "I'm told," said Mrs. Murray, fin-plue-'iitly, "that Hilda's hors" is on i of the hand -omi s! in the pu le. And of (ourse, n young girl lik" Ii-r ouglit to g I plenty of exi-leise an I fl"ll air."' ( ice more M illlll Webb's keen gl Hire circle I nin in I tic room an 1 settled on J leda's deeply MllTu.' .l fee -. lie went out, with a w-rl of hurried apology. "Hu nph," was liiscomm n(. "Yes," nodded 5Ir-. .Murrav, with the fluttered, ll.ttt.-ied cxpies-io'i of a moth- trly old hen who h is jmt ton id an ex tra tine kernel of corn for her bin ' I. 'J'y Hilda has got into some r. in irkab'y goud soi ii.-ty. And 1 entertain Impos that she m ay in any w-II b foro a yreut while." Mr. Wi bit look his leave - i ather ab ruptly, as 51 rs. .Muiray thought and the old lady, after rarelu'ily putting away the generous gifts from the old faun, sat down to mend hue and to dream again. Il"el WM.b listened silently to his father's account of their relatives. "doing out ri ling every day w ith a grand New Ymk genilcni-.m I ' sdl h '. 'Dressed like a pi incest father, that does not sound like, our little Hilda." "Can't h"lp how it sounds," said 51 ir tin. "it's so. That's n'l I know." "Then," said H ed, sadly, "it's no use my building (hat wing on lh" south hide of the old house? It won't bo need ed now. "Not if you expect Hilda 5Iurr-iy to live in it." Ilu-h!" said Mrs. W. bb, who was washing up the supper d shes with true liuu-ewifeiy deftness ami s.'ed, making eai li teaspoon shine like silver, each pi, id- gli-leu like ivory, in the Irirtion ol her homespun linen towel. "There's some one at the door, (in ipi'ck, hus band !' "Why," ciie l Martin, standing star ing on the thieshcdd, "it's Hilda it's lldd i Murray ! ' "Hut I can't slay a minute," said Hilda, breathlessly. ' I've got to return by the seven-thirty train!" '"Hilda," said Heed, gravely, "you must conic in. It is not right nor seemly that you should be out a'one at this time of night." "I want"d Cousin Webb to know," faltere I Hilda. "I couldn't bear that he should think so ill of in ns to fancy that 1 was indulging in expensive pleas ¬ ures, w hile while my mother was so I Spurious A'irieiil Armor, poor. Her sig'it is failing, you know; While speaking i f ancient swords we she is almost blind. She fancies, that i were informed that a large trade is done she is earning something by mending i in spurious minor an 1 weapons. (ier laee, but she only spoils il. Wo should j many is the centre of in inuf.u-ture, nnd sl.uve if if it wasn't for the money 1 ' tho existent'! of genuine med uval earn by giving riding-lessons in 51 r. castles furnishes the menus in many Dti inn's t.pii-striau school. .Mother c ises of cir-c'.ing th'! fraud. The deal doesn't know. She would break her ' ors secure an old I uilding.tit up a t ham henrt if any one told her that I went j her with spurious antiipie armor and daily to the ring, and trained littlo girls ' weapons, and have the whole photo tin I ytu ig ladies in hor'-cwomnnship. i graphed. The pictures me forw.uded She never can foigct, you know, that : to wealthy collectors, who are often de my p or father was a college graduate, i ceived by the genuineness of the sui and once went to tho legislature. So j roundings and luroina puichasers of we let her believc-5Ir. Dulany and I absolute rubbish. The prolits aro large, that I am taking less, us, instead of giv- nnd the trade is a profitable one, and so ing lh--iii. Sho saw us once in the park j it thrive l'.ill 51 ill (iazetto. with the class t-f young ladies, and she xv as so prou l, poor little mother! And 5Ir. Du'any says I am the best teacher he ever had ; and oh" with a piteous clasping of tho hands "is it very wrong? Is it? I almost fancied so, when I saw Cousin Wobh look ing at me this morning acting a lie!" "I elunno about that," said Mr. Webb, fumbling around for liis pocket j Iinndkercliirl ; "out I Know you ro tlie j n'c st anil Itest little gal I ever saw! ' ! An Automatic liute. "Hilda," sui 1 5Irs. Webb, pleadingly, ! An "automatic gate"' is th- latest i i "rannot you cjiiio bark here to Wolf's ; vention. I'aless it will roar up at pre. (.'..lie - ' I kn w your nia was beset to 1 cisely midnight, and kirk a lover out in .ct !- X v Y'ork. She thought, poor to tho gutter, and kick the girl into the il-eir, ha' fortunes was to be made there j house, it tloes not fully meet the de lian.i ov. r hand. Hut surely, now" maud, and the inventor may as w-ll try lidilu sUook. her ucu 1 sorrowfully, irain. fjmisvillc iJrccic "We are too poor," sho said; "wr cannot afford the expense, of movinj nain. And there is no hoiiiy to be had hero n iw." 5Irs. Webb put her hand on her lnr band's shoulder. "51 irtin," sai l she hurrii-lly, "if lid- ila renly wants to g- t l ie k by (he se'.vn- thirty train, you mu-t hiieli up tlie hois to take h-r t tha st ili ni. An I I'll g. , out tn tie- b n il with you an I hold tin lantern." turn out into th ' bar. i, M ntin Webl. looked at his wife, "F.l'. i," s aid he, ".In v m think oui I! ed has anv chance?'' ; "If he hasn't got a chance now, ):i never will have on"," sai I 51 1 . Webb. "I t"U you what 5Iarlin, that "ill ( pi.-n of grMit pric", and 1 nlwayi Mii-i so. ' I No sooner was If 'ed - lib left nlo.ic 1 with lid la h ei he snoke out w hit wn in his heart. "Hilda,'1 he said, res'iluii-lv, "you mu-t coin i b ir ;. Y"U ciVt li v.- there in the ureal wilderm ss of bic'is mil mortar, and I can't live here without yon. The farm is piv n ; for itself now. I can give my wife a -"luf"rtable lioni"; .Hid my wife's inolh ! also II ,u- li t e lid I a, say yo i w 1 be mine." Hilda burst out into a su ldi-n gust ol (cars and sobs. 'Oh, li -ed," she c ried, 1 'if y mi knew how often I hav" dii mi" 1 of coming bark here if you know how hoini -iek I have bi'i n " "Say heartsick. II. id i,'' he prompt-I, if you want to make ine happy! ' And, smiling through h'rt"ar, she repeated the word. "Yes, heait-ick, 1! 'el I" "Y u will come l ack h'jni", thru, Hild if "I will!" And by the tiin that the old Imrse was at the door for the s 'ven-thirty-dain, the question was settle 1. H-ed himself took Hilda bai k to ihn ( US C n"'1 there plea led his cause with 5Irs. 5Iiiit.iv. "It must boas llildl deciles," de dared the old In ly, with dignity sulli cient for n crown print a'. " igli (here is no doubt but that -ll'! could make a brilliant m ile'i in New York" "51'ithirl' urged Hilda, pit;ouly. "S:ill," went on .Mr-. 5Iurray, "I '.vie.lld not oppose h' r affect i oiis ; nud if you think, li"ed, that youcai make her happy at Widf's drueis " "1 will do my best !" assented K -ed, fervently. "In that case," said Mrs. Muiray, ".-h( is yii's!" And she never knew, the poor old lady, the whole story of 51 r. D ilany's riding-si hool, and Hilda's innocent net work of harmless deceit. "It was a frau I !'' Hilda always de clared. "Yes," h'-r liusb in I aim-tied, 'out it was a pious one !" S ilur I ay Night, .in Alilskiu's Valuable Testimonial, ' apt. Hak r, who at lonim indcr of one of the 1'nited Stabs cruisers took (lie suiveyers (o Ala-ka abr its pnr diase by this gove. nm-'nt from I!us-.ja, tells some si. rics of ad vi nl ure in the land of seals and polar bears. Wnen he at rived lh"r.; they f- u i I n tribe of native ipiite destitute. (I ie i f the number, a chief, handed ('apt. linker a letter of recoinuieii'l itio . solic ite 1 by the chief from a foiin r ollieia! placed at that point to re present the government. It informed "whomsoever it nny concern" that the bearer was tlie thief of a certain tribe, and that it would pay those who followed thi! writer to look out for the fellow, as lie would steal anything he could get his hand on even a hot stove. Tlie chief was very proud of his letter, being of course entirely ignorant of its contents, and dpt. Kiker heeded the warning. .Milwaukee Sentinel. At (he Tnrly. lie My tlcnr lady, you urn the ipieen of the occasion to-night. I ran think nl no other lady who ran compare with you." She--), you flatterer, you would say this even though ye u thought the op posite. He And you would think it, even ti1U;, j Paj, the opposite. t llll.DIiEX'S ( OI.l'MN, Th Hoiig m thr .Mali'. A liltln bird sanj in the clen'l of the nifrlit, When the moon pet-iel out through n elie.i'l; lit san?. for his hnrt. was so full of il-llii It seemed almost throbbing nloil I. "Hush! hush:' cried the old binls, you foi'li-h v. un thing, To wnk" up ami .sing for (lie moon: C"iii", tnek your silly bead under yo ir n ins ' You'll rous" our Koitd nc chine s loo soon." Hut the liit'e bird fl"W to th' top tif tlie Ire". And lo keil up into the si. v. " hir tuii' for sine; 'ns is sho t." ipioih he, "And sin in lh' night will I - Jniiie i'.tli klinm. in SI. Nieholas. Moldlcr mill'-. I. ttie .Minui", in her i ag. rness after flowers, hael wuuiidi'd lo r hand on the sharp, prickly thistle. Tnis mid" h-r cry with pain at first i nd pout with vex ation afterward. "1 do wish th.'rc was no such a thing ns a thistle in tho world," she said pet tishly. "And y.-t the Scottish nation think so much of it they engr ive it on -tlie na tional anus," said lea mother. "It is the la-t ll"Wer llmt I should pick out," s-iid .M iiuin. "I am Hire they might have found a great inline nicer ones, even ani eig th" w-els." "Hut the thistle did them sue'i good st rvice once," said their mother, "they learned t esteem it very highly. .e time the l mes inv i'l-' 1 S -ot'.and, and they prepared to m; k n night attack on a sleeping garrison. So they crept along barefooted as still as possible, until they were almost on the sp (. Just id thai moment a liarefoote 1 foldier stepped on a great thitle, nnd the hii't in -de him utter a sharp, cry of pain. T i sound awoke the s'ep-rs, and each ma i sprang to his in m . T.i -y fought with great bravery, an! the invadr were driven back with much loss. S , you s"", the thistle saved !c tl.ind, nnd ever since it has been placed in their seal as their national flower." "Well, I never ni-pected that s i small a thing could save a nation," said .Min nie, thoughtfully. -.Free Pre?'. A Urnmllitl t'nther. "Toll your mother you've ben very good boys to-day," said a 6choo! teacher to two little new scholars. "Uii! replied Tommy, "wc haven't ny mother." "Wlio tr.kes cure of you?'' she asked. "Father does. We've got a b -aul ifu! f.ilh'r. You Might to fe him '. ' "Who takes care of you when he is nt work ?" "lie takes a I the enre before he goes iT in t he lnoining and after lie comes buck nt night. IP's a house painbr; but there isn't V'-ry much w.rk this win ter, so he is doing labor ng till spring I'oines. lie leaves us a waini bn-alefast when ho goes t lT ; and we have bread and milk lor dinner, and a good supper when he com s home. Then he tells us stories and pi i.vs on the life, i.nd cuts nut beautiful things with his j ickknife. You ought to see fill father and our lioni", they are both go beautiful." II 'fore long, the teacher d d see lln.t home and that father. The rutin was l pool attic, gr.icd with i ll -ap pie! ui -s. autumn 1-av's, and otln r li't Irilh s that cost nothing. The fa in r, who wa preparing the evening ineil for his motlierlc'S boys, was at lir.t glam-' only n rough, begrimed l.i'iorcr; but b fore the sirang 'i- h id been in the place ten minute-, the room bi-cani! a pd 'Cemid the man a m igician. His chidren had no i.b a they w. re poor, nor were they so with such a heio ns this to light their battles for them. This man, whose grateful sp'r.t lighted up the otherwsn dark life of hi' chil dren, was preaching lo all about him more effectually than was any man in priestly robe! in costly temple. He win a man of patience and sub mission to -.Sod's will showing how to make home happy uu b r l he most u i . favorable circumstances. He was rear ing his boys to be high-minded citi zens, to put their shoulders to burdens rather than become burdens to society in the "lays that are coining. He was, us his children had said, "a beautiful father" in tho highest sense of the word. Hallucinations of Lunatic. Some lunatics seem lo live in a world of their own. An old lady once ,v lonished and amused us by exclaiming without nny warning or provocation: "Two cits and the bird of paradise are waiting to convey you to your heuvenlv home, and you are to sit for nine days between the cats and the bird of par.. disc.'' Then she stopped and forgot thai sho had said anything. It was like an alarm clock suddenly going off, startling everyone by its unexptctel in tilling xvith what ii going on, and ceasing jus; ns .piietly and surprisingly. A patient lived ii; the bath-room and mado friends with the rats, fr which she hnd n great nll.'ction. 'I hey would actually do what th"' were told. Some one else thought she was the w ife of President Ibiclinnan, and had the hallucination that her lui band frequently ran a locomotive through Washington avenue, Philadelphia, with a big bonnet in front of it, to remind her of the nun' ying fact that in her young tinvs she had bien a milliner. (North Amciitttii Joview, i .HSTS OF niKDS. Great Meelmn ical Skill Exhih. lted in Buildinrj Them, ! A Clmpter On One of th" Most Attivtive Branched of Natural Siienee, The study of birds' nests forms one of the most attractive b.iinclics of natural science. Not only doe, il show the manner in which our binls live, lull to a great extent the linr.ttt.-r of th.. birds t!r.'ii;s"!ves. It w. uld liar lly bu sup posed (hat by examining a bird's iic( in the hand much could b- told cm r.iing the builder; yet let any one ie ipiainte 1 with bird life b" giv n a nest, mid al though he may never h iye seen it le f oe, ho can tell with considerable nrcuracy the general habits inm-rs and u-lonis of the owner and many other liitle points that one wou'-l not supp ; possible from so ordinary an obj t .'. Take for example th'i humming 'bird's nest. One would know at a "Imiee thai its owii'T was shy and ie(,iing, piefni ring conce.'duii nt i athei than publicity. N'i other bird builds so dainty a'. I dell cute a stnieturj ns thk It is composed of the softest of vegi'tah!" dowi, he i together by countless wra) p rs of cob web and saddled on th" brunch near the extremity. This much having Icen accomplished, th" ingenuity of the architect is nt-xt taxed to gu ild iiiains! discovery, which is don" bvcov ri th" entire outsi 'e witli a coaling of :c a gathered from s uu" dead bi nit Ii . . i -in the ne.ait-t fence, mil aKo h-ld in place by cohweiis. The wlio'e so ne u ly re st inUes a knot that unless b travel by theblidi, one ni iy si-mi. h a troo tai'-fu. y for hours without finding it. As wil, be seen by a gland' at the i tioii i! view i f one of the nest--, or al pie -air.i i.i Is taken to prevent tie: eggs from bung shaken nut by the wind. I th" inside projects n rim for a q-iai t' r of an inch, thus avoiding all ordinary dan gi.-v. The nie.isiir. nient? of the net de-line i'ed are: Total diameter, one an I a tpi.rler inches; inside iliameter, three ijuiirlers cf an inch; total height, one inch; depth of nest, one-ha;f inch. In marked contrast to the n-s's of tie hummers is that of the woo I thrush; what a careless, happy-go-lucky sot "fa fellow he mu-t bo to throw togetl. r uch n combination of roots and dea 1 leaves, nnd' how cnrelc-ft as to its position foi the safety of the young! ( 'u- lind, them in the foik formed by two tender sap ings riossing each oth-r, wh'.-r.: a mod erate gale won I 1 separate theiunnd bring disaster and sorrow to n happy h-iu and then ngaiu on the top of a fallen ti"e trunk, where nothing cti'd hann th'in One of th.? hiilson st n.'tsiibii.t by the yello-.v thnat -d v. re i. whit h in one respect resembles those of the hum mers, lining cover --! on th" outsi le with lichens and dark c l T' d v 'get i!lo 1 iwii to conceal it. It is p-nd nit fiomth crotch of some braneli t.. which it is at tache I by cuntless turns of thiei l, cob webs nnd lo-'g e i, .ml so Iv tloes it icscml'lo the geiiei-il to'or o the branch that it is next to imp '-si ile to fin I it. An cntireiy ddl rent class of birds are the ground builders, which include tie game birds, larks, buntings nnd many of the 'pairows. One would be surprised to see the many v. ir. at ions resorted to ill their nest onsti uelion. Many species very rb s ly related build their nets so unlike that one w mid suppose tlcir owners to be of 1 1 i IT- rent families, wide others build so In-ar alike and di p -i! eggs so similar that unless the birds are seen and rvcignind the eggs will in al most every case be doubtful in lenlity as for instance the song spur w and swinip song spninnv, whose nests and eggs plnced side by side would be in distinguishable to an expert, while those of lh-bay winged and Savannah bunt ings an; widely different. The former is composed of line grass neatly woven together and lined with hair, aid the latter of short pines of giass, p. ihap. an inch nnd a half l-n-, laid on top of each other in a hollow in the gioirul. The nests of tho woolcock nnd riilll -1 grouse furnish examples of two wide v different birds building similarly; both are composed entirely t f matted, dead leaves, nnd differ only in size. The former bird places its nest almost any where in the bushes, while the grouse invaii ibly builds im er some log. slump or similar places. lioth are so fiall t in many rases removal is attende 1 w i(u more or less loss to its bulk, while in others it cannot be : ee .-nplishe 1. Tne woodptt ki r tlo ; to a class of birds building cut. el d.lT"rent from nny preceding, which aie known as (he woodchoppi'rs. Dtnd or paitly decayed trees are geneinily selecic I, in which the birds can easily dig, the depth of the excavation varying with the species and son, climes with the inclination of the build, r, although those of each speci as a rule are Uniterm. AH, howev. r, folk w a general tix- d law- namely, nil exca vate obliquely for a short distance, then turn directly downward, or dually w id ening toward the bottom, lire enthe fine chips of wood, with no attempt at a nest, the eggs are deposited. With many the entrances are as eiicubir as though dest rlbed with n pan- of 01111 pusso.s, while in othen -.t ry little ; inns are taken, this latter probably owing to the appreit h "f the, tiin fin tie' th-po i iting ol il.- lir-t e.g. Ano'lo i- p'n a for the slu ly of nets 1-. tint in many t as-s it shews hue thought a-i m i-e I l y the bird m ov reoinnig d lli :i I ! it s. yre-cu-c H -i'.il'l. Passports. The State Ib'pU'tlll' III d- riv's a reve-mi-of about 1'i.iem fioni the sn!" of piiS'pol Is to A ii 1 1 -1 It nns th seitg to go abroad. The g'-ntleinnii ill i bulge if lh ': w-'ik is Known as the p-:s,..,r: cli'ik. lie fi.tiires yu to slab y-.iir age, i-si-b tie", In i lit. e 'l"i- ! our h nl mil eyes and olher personal r .nr.-.i 'el ist irs Until, llll'-ll l!i'.' l'-t is c. Ill p'e'ed, yo'l liud he ba-- ill rvn nn t xti !h nt pen p'-r- trait of y. ui , i :. Y"U I le n swar to t'ue ' i-"i-icl ..f lh" slat, nn .it, p-.v lii m s"i lo bud ti,",,,,. and a i- g;vn, a f". , , , , . , I m:'!;ll'!o 1 n', ie- ; ill i ins ill fo'.cetW'i t-ar-, :- d w.lho'.itl . . i ! which it is nn ..ii-, -nt to tr.'V. 1 in any , . I " voouo. ion, .- ' '..'... ..'- 'It'iiiaud for p.s.porl' i;-u i iy begins about this tint" id the y- ar .ml c iitiniK-s uninterrupb -lly uat;l th-ml idle t f lie summer. Then the '. rk's labors ligl.'.i n materially until tl," n- ( spri'ig rolN nr. nud. I-hve-eighths ad the pn-s ports is-u-- l in" -raiite t ip.e ib s.i- ing to visit (5-nii.i iy. About one- eighth of th.- i.-ntir- i.uu.h' i nr.- u- d in ( -I'-a, mi 1 th- ro'iiaiud'-l in K l in, Italy aid A'i-!ria. New York Loads the ii-t of cine making the largest npplic it! n f'-r pas ports. ( til. ago foli"W.- in '. with IS i. ton third an 1 '.n.-.nn.iti b-u th. In proportion to her populat ion, however. Key West, F.n. , j at. r d-maud for t tl'S-.- p-l- p.. I ' - '. -I .ill the-e citl.S c I i.-i. Tin- s a eg '" her prox imity to ( u'.ii an : i . f.n t many na tives ol thil isi.iu I ere re-i lents of I'.orida's pi-.ue'pa! s. i: ,,rt.-. N w ie-rk Heiald. Weiitlier Hi rt'i's Few- err.ui"- u- not.' ..s ni spreid so j r.-alilv aid cling so teac;ou-!y as those M l"l" rm"ii say that caribm re...'tin.' th" w.-.tth-r. In' ,i( ing i r"n-i'1' v"r- ''"' Imgyenr, common error, of this kin I. Prof. C v. - ' ' d-er di v,n ; them toward th" li-ad land Abbe, the dist.,1 o.i-h-d ii.-teoi-.'Io- i "'i'"' "' l1"' ' p!l'" rivt'ri- gist, urges nt t , -,t .it to (lies. : fact; ' Titiis fur no' hing his been produce! Timt while th- mo ,n might well b- . - that will make ;i woiivni quite m m id, pec-ted to iiiflu. ,,,-e our w-either, .dent .tic : '" h,r :"''" '-iK br.-.k and let evidence shows that it d . in.l ; that ! h-r whole week's wa-bing dnwu in til th' re is no smin 1 r -i-:i f-.i b -lievnig nud. sunspots buvi; i.i.y -ippn . ialiie elteel i No' hing suggests tlie arrival of th? j in pi... In ing vl.,1 m., or i ilt-T i' c iP i.iang---; tu-il au.ui;. ri-uinl lanks greatly below human intelligent-.! as a guide to l'i'u-e ', -i-lo : , lii.;' the nidi- cations fui-i-le d by pi o.ts due to llic hydn .pic of tl- ;,-r, a., are also otle r V-1 -i - ni 1 ire less dd:. cite and n lia than tl." u t urate in- nune-ii' .l t' .ts of n-n te , .lo.-ists; that ecJric.l v an I t zone ,e not tno lu the i ll ets often a'i . ibed to ; them; that thtiu-lt i-storins do not t ool j the ail, but tl-e e i 1 inru.h results, iike the sinrm, fioni the ii-.- of hot a r--at S"!i the puM.c iai. Is on credit to actual least in in m;. ,. tint it h is tu ! yt t settlei.. w ho agr.-" 1 to pay a stipulated been proven Ii it ti e y ! .. t. n sts sum at d -.'gnate 1 '.lines. If the pur- an I the ext. n-i"ii .-f :. i-d- :n:d tele. t :::i - i faded to in ik.- p lym.-nt at the giaph- linvn :i li i- in ! . nr tl mit-; J appointed tine-, tin- land was foileit"d that the w-.ith'-i i- isntt n illy t'n - mi" ; to the g"? rnui. nt, eve . if paitly paid as in' -1 tiin. , -lii-utiile' It. 'Ihe Mif-rcenient tif the contra' t ! cor Is disj.rovin ; the f.iu'ty!i...' by the g.vtnniont ..nnel uu -s tau.ed tioii; of the old. -t in: ab:tant ; great distrc-s to the setthrs, when, s-v ie tt. i ni-are in. ne ie 1ml. i- to ti-- ; tl r -iuh the failure of their tro.s, they cur at I he date cf tie- t q iimoX' s, or on had b". om un ible to tiK'"t th-ir obii-c-'ilain ilny; of the wiek or net ith, than j g.iti-n. at other ti s. :.ik.ri'.iw 'liavelhr. ( bn . .lain . Fin-liny, atone time tin j i' ceivei of the disti ll : land i-lVi. e in H'tn ll Parliament , lisneil. 1 1 .j eu.b are 1 h.inse'if t the farmers II -n.iei i, t -ll a- that h.ils had some- 1 by the way in which he i ond lifted the thing 'o d i with the . ' i --..I u: ioa of the ,,f f: I lands. 5!r. Poor.', w ho l. 'i.g I' of l.-igLiin!. --"in j . p., in Ins "K niini-cences" nn am c dote asComw. 1, bid .1-elm - 1 th it the as- j illu-trativ" "f the general's geni il policy, -eiubiy no l-nig r i-xi-le I h" put on his i represents him as a gent b-nian of the old hat mil pic-i up aiel d..:i t ii-Par lia- 'srho.!, w ;th a bluff manner an I a cor men: ihuu'. r. The neinh i. wer-t ' pulent p-r.on. whicli he dressed in the piqii-I by his civi'n r .wig .r and : ari'toi rat :e bin and biulT. would not budge an inch. Cromwell j 1 luring one - ason of har-1 times, nviny ! called in M ii.'i- Hun- th - gunrl. The M j ir .aw whit th- h.-uble w i-, ' forfeile-1 to the gov. rniucnt and adver an 1 I It th it Ie .-. il l g t 111 cv-ib'j.u- tised for sale, (i -ii.-ral Fiiidlay, in iho ti'sto retire mu h s on- r ! . ro-.i t"-y I discharg-' of his ofli.-i il duty, i.ttendel than raibine.. He :ippr..-t.-h"d the ' the place of sale and learned that sprrii-Spe-iker, to k IT hi, own let w til luuch lalnrs were present prepared to purch'lSQ el. inonv, l.owtd low, and k ..ed lh - these lands. fallen t lli-. il' haul. II- r :i:ue 1 th" Mount ing n -tump, the gentral opened I itt. ', Ini.v. y-r, with -ii' li g.u'leeio. ibesale by designating the forfeited leuc t hal tie- iii.p..-ei d i.:u :! uy was lm Is and anuoiicing that they would constraint' I to foil 'W wlii:!.-r the eiy b s,.d to the highest bidder, polite but uii'v. I,-one II -p.. I. I. in ili .,. The original purchaser., lie said, were to conduct him. Tin- M.i.r Id bini honest ne-n, who had failed to m"0t out of the hall, w-.- a-n l..'d, a -"nt'e - tin ir eiigag. 'iieiit- by reason of the hnrd man does a hid v, th whole p i ' i .mi 'it ' t uiies. It was hard for them to be thus following." Tuns a li- t in i... . I help.- 1 t,.,ce. from homes they hal partly paid to do what a la! en le.-i d.ed to m f,,, but the law was imp" rat ive, and t-oinplish. , I'.nla b Iphi i ( , th-lauds must beotTered. A Hangei .ni. IS 111 ri.. "1 didn't lik-your en- veiy well to. night," .i-in okel D.n oey to hi. laud- '"''v' No. 'qu- ri.d she. "what was 'he m:,lt,T " ' '" "It so -m 1 ti me it was a !i;he short." I have noticed th- .am - failing in yen Mr. H ngb y," w as the 1, r-e r .-,.!,. And I) ngby borrowe.l enough Iron, hi. tii.-nl., to piy som.thiig en at count, - j Til Hits. Sure to rise . , . , "1 ve got a little ni'iut'v lo invest, and I want your adv..-." " "In "leganl to what ?" "I want to invest in siin.-tliing that is sure (oris"" "Duv thermometers."-; Sii, j,r,s. For larg r adycrtisi'iiii nts liberal cor Is w ill In- 111. ide. Only a Sung. I' on I ,- n inp! Iidl't 1. .'mi..u. t-i n e.-in-l--.'. ihc'ii;. i l.e,-e w lw n-,!.' kn- w- the sin And f-'.v that l:e".-l tie- s m:, V t th"" a-'s voi'- v.i- t-iel-T An 1 s'.V-et r s with l'.ve l I 'I 1 Sin.-iy ti I t- il ls h ir I. n I 'ili.'.i it i-ft , . pi-on I an I .- I I. i-ho -llllg of i li- v. i.n.h ,el . ej.ii y That i-aeiies 1 1 . - v.n , . in ;; t if 1 1. si ! ;i s, u :- .ti: rin V"'e Wi'-n tl'-lul liieak forlii nud Mil.;." 'i lh ' ;lll''- bud- ."V tt nl . I'lig T 1- -'iiiieiii of ;h da . And tliequ t luish of vail"-.-s I -l ' h ' -lllsli .. tie- o -. ng g ne. Aiel oil" in a di-t.-i v 'iiein woi n w li -t r.C" , II aid in th it s .ng a in s-u, l-'c -oi ile--pringtini-' of lier iif-, I'o'-f'ii-. re" upl.-f,.!-,. l,..r 1 "' '-i'i;-li I ye . - oi lei' v bhieln s. ,,,., ..,,..,,., ,,.,,,.,,... 'Ih.-n when tl.e ...a.- .ii-.M... I, " And hu-i- tlie a-! s.c t t-u ', . , ..,.,.r ,. up s. i.U- And neat o i her "n; ne'ie . In.'" in..-.- toll, i- i f ,.,,:. Sll I ans.- . I, I, h a-; n sti.i-i-. l.-l -I - ,. a-.e,), (,. , ! v.s lh- , Mger- And oh. lh ink li i l- r lie- song: lil IWKOI S. Ch ';. i-,s an i fn' m. rs agree in wishing f-r full ci.-j s. 'i'lie b' r ik" when eru liel J and liniteiel is sure to r'-.. again. Il .ct'iis who tin sp..-ii only one lan-iiiigi-s-ein t" uiid'T-t ind a great many .1 ll l. llt tongue.. T.e -.' ny Pat neciuiul s for his sh-epiiig v ' i y so'indiy wit-: "Whin I go- s b slap--, I p..y attention t o it." tin of th- in"-t fori ib'.e .s(iiiu)i or . t is lint i v i t i .k th- ti I 1 is the farmer v. Los- plough sti ik.-s a .-tump. Tin- man win. can rlc juperior to a l- vi. r-e t iie iiiistane -s is a ber- U -m m b'.i' this win a vour trou-'-rs big at thr inilleiiiii.i.ui m. re foi.-ildy than the sight if an old loin c it si'-cping peaceably by , t. t;, - ! w it h its h.-a I resting on a l ,...:.ick. ' s .,.th-Wh . is that gentleman vou w..r.. f.lkiti- svith pi-t lew: ISiown-- claims t . li.. a titled foreigner of il is- , ,,...1 , -.,. ,,. .,, ,i. :, ,:.!, ..y,,, , ,,; ,,,, ,li,hl., k in.- to I'-iid him a iv ni-.nrv. "Mho Hidsl" S xty years ago it was th- cu-tom to farms in t ihio but iiirl.v pud f..r w.-ro "And now," he continued, "I trust iluil th.-re is no g. ntleniau u i. I null ,..,t SIV tlm ; I Imp., there is no rased . ,..r,. M) ., to buy his neighbor's l.ouio over his head. (i"ntlemin, I ' ( iTor this lot for sale. 5Yho bids?" ! Ti.ere was no forfeited land sold that '' lay. Youth's Companion. A ,.. Un, of i.H(,U.s. j Tl0 Hm. , , (f i(1 ,,. a,, , ,,,.,,,, ,.,.., f) ,, .,,,.,. sr.,,p in d 1 , idental, this county, says theSuibi ,11'si (Cul.) D-mot-rat. Supervisor J. '' ' """""' ''as a large red cow whi-li answers to the name of Pet. She inny J 1 '' "''''" ""' ''"y wantlenng about foi- I I'I'I':'. ll"-y WI""1(T ,,"r Rih s,"; cM! f0r tb"m until they return to tho shelter of thtiif mother's w .-. qyfflwyi) l mi ne

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