&!)c v!atl)rtin UccoriY II. A. IA)MK, JSATKS i IHI I ill! AND I'UOPKIKIOK. rERVIS OF SUBSCRIPTION, M il- copy, mii' year O I" ropy, six month-! . On; copy, three months $ '.'.no 5( Who Knnris Juno leavns nre given. pink is the row, Whili' bloom the lill rs; yet who knows, Or swears ho knowc tho rca-on why '. None daro siy-"l " Then. I li-, nil I hi);, s oops iiu.l sips soft, sitee' I, is. Iriini llii I ly's lips; Who lmi):ht ilii' nrio'e toslcal nJ Nmi ' in they ki ow. Wiir li-T l hi- ni'io'o hinw mi I think', ii. mIh IIii'I ho simply stoops mi 1 .bin!;, Saying il im li in l I mi well; 'i h s ho ran tell.' We innrtel v lii In i- ihis lifo stream tends, Ami how remote m o Us hidden end; I Sill Mo uinl lo nig o:i -lip nirt Tiiiu1 ami I In' lover. A kiss is all. n sipnn In nmg; A day Is short . anl n year not lon(j, J.ovinn wi uUI iloulili'- I nt lliink.ii;; sfol Half from ti e tvln.l". - .l iiin lli'i'liort Morse. Ail Unexpected Result. i v iim.iin i niii;i;:-i mi i s. "M try ! M iry :'' Too I anl : v V voire r hoed fdililly low it the dc-cited hallway (if the Kind's diss hotel. Deserted, we fay, for at this time of I li; yi ar little t r:i v -1 i n patronage was ourhs.ifcd to King's Cross, The pinlm .st. r boar 1 I at tin hold, anil tliutnwii r'.rk had a room tl'.eu', ami the f.ii in. i -i 1 1 I tln in uf in rkcl days i which only c.iino onco n woo U I, hut tin: arrival uf u real live finest from III-! railway k a! ion, four miles nwny, always created a Mutter. Kino'g Cross wan a dreary little llilllllet, scattered, ill nil iucollsl'.plelit fashi hi, nlnng l lie ragged M.itylainl 0Ost, W l a r.'llliil ligllthnUSl', wl, Isl! eve of revolving Mime gl ireil wickedly nut to sea of stormy nights; there was a bathing bench, in or.! or less wasln'1 away by tin: i aprn ions tide, nn I an irregular s'r. rt of oil stone hous'S nnd wooden collages. Tin re wai apn-l itiiee, a village store, mii) an ancient stone i ' ur. li, whose gnvi yar I, on a steep --i le li;ll, seemed to lie slipping down the hank, in n sne er. ion of rule Ii inm, until its down ui:r I i-nn-o t as promptly in rested by a lieil" i f onarlc l niel hoary yew, nt the fiot. Ami this w i- Kind's ( oss one of the ohlest an I u.;lii it villages on the M ny I oi l l'l.,ll. ''.Miry! I say, Miry, w In r u you ? ' ) i e 111 ne Mi -i. V u'.e's voieu s it i s cr.ukeil luirileii ilown the nv.l h:ill,:ni I it tall, pretty jjirl i nne huiiie.Hv up tlirou'i the tail, purple spikes nf the lilae tiVL' in the li i k ;ar li n. ' Wi re you -ii i 1 in ; ni ', M' s. Vi i k. ; Oil, I urn very mmi v, hut " "Calling y. u" Mrs. York put In r h.iii'l pluintiv-ily to her lhio.it, a;i. rolleil her eyes up tuwar.l the -cii i ti hy way of cvaiein,' oreat mental an I ihy-.i-cal jiroslratioii. "Calling you! Ami where, in ly 1 venlureto nsk, have yi u lieen.'" Mary r.i'yntt was a pale, violet -ryeil pir', with hair of tho real S . t h li'1.1, a ileiieate preliie, ami 8 n i ivj n.'l lip'. "I I have 1 'en to the av v ir.l," sho inuriuurL'il, "with some wil l rose) nml white lilies, (ill, Mrs. Vorke, )iir ilon me! I ran both ways lut it was IVforntioii May, ami I ili.l not want his fjrnve to be ile-olate ami m i;'iTlei, while cvury oue eis.'s wailoailcl with Mower?." "M iry I'olyott, I'm suipr's'l at you!" saiil Mis. Yoike. "lies ileailau.l bnr ie.l, nml, l y all neei unts, thonoii I never saw tin) young man, you emililn't trout him iltcintly whle he was living. 1 ilon't think it sin.ti 's mueh alioiil tl iw -en now thiil hu's pnie. An l you're here, I beg y.m to ii'inemlier, to work for me, nml not to carry 11 iweis to olhi r folkses' jrnvcsl" Mary I'olyott hull" hi r hc.nl ; but .she was well nccustoiiiutl to cat tho bitter breml of ilepemb nt e. Mow brief a while iieo ii was that she was the pette.l tlarliiiL,' of f 'ilinic! N nv, orphaneil, pi nniless a!i l n'.oae, -ln w;,s ilriiilyc-iu-i hii f to Mri, Yorke, of the Kiiio'n Cross II itel, Ii r father's secoinl ci iisin. "t'oiii", muk h i I !" sniil Mi'i. Yorke. ' I'li 'ie's a i;i nt'ciii.i i c.iine in the nim o'ctl'tk st I'e. He's in Nil 'liber N II'. t en. anil ha wants his break f 1st, anil old ( 'K-sy's i;ot lie' t ootlui he, a i l weu't lilt a tinker. St r lip soiiin luutlius ami fly somu cys, ill tc's a ih'ar, ami I II be broiling thicken ami oettino the ceffeu Much mica'.ly M uy obeye 1. It was rather a raoioi!onouii life fur a girl of lighten j hut uf 'i r all Mrs. Yoike was fairly kind in her w iy when there was no cspH'inl hmry, an l w'.ien l as.y, the cook, iliJ nol ug .r.iv ite her, or Air. Yorke give way to his partiiit!ar failing of too much Hourlion whiskey. M iry stooil in the cool ha-lows of the vine leaves that vciletl the miik-1'.ioin wiudow, liltciiiii to the ruh of the surf on the shi'ic, anil walchirg the robins it in t in ami out of the oil Imtton-hn'l trees, ami siineil the Kiiijlish iiiutlins with busy tingin, while I cr thoughts went soirow (ni.) li ck to the grave unilcr the shadow of the yew hedge, w here she had left the white liiiis ami the i rushed heap of fragrant rose. "Nit even a sunbi miu !" she had sail, rebellu uly, as bbe jei-hc I buck the grny-gieen yet', I'renSiinn oil the VOL. IX. branrlies mid bi nding back the spurs in a sort of hot ang. r. "Ho sluill liav: sun shine on Ii h grave to-day, nt least." Ami as Mary wnrkiki, the slow teeis Irirkled one by one down her cheek. She lind loved iluyh Derby very drnr ly, but fh I. a I a c.-ipn ttish clement ihri uh her iia'iin' like most women, iinf' rtunatrly ami he had gone away In ihi! far 'ulh, I elii ving tlnit she did not i an,' for him. And tin n lind come th" dreadful rail roa I m i idciit, mid they had l.iou.dit buck his In dy to be lnuied lit King's Cross, In ini-e t'uo railrond coiporntion owned n lot in the old churchyard, nml it was (he mrst convenient plane for the interment of the poor victims of the mishap. There I hey lay, side by side, their graves marked only by Hide etoni; crosses, inscribed simply by the name and death date of each sleep . -r. And M .ry fell that her heart wns broken and lifeless within her forever. ".Nonsense!'' Mi'i. Yorkn had faid. "It won't last nothing lasts. Why, I had jut such experience, when I was a 0 il. There was Abe Alexon, as drove a lin-peibller's wagon, the likeliest lellow you cvei set eyes on. Me and him win as good as ingaged, but we had a spat and palled, H id the v. iy next week ho fell over King's Cross Cliff if n dark night and w is killed. li es you, 1 li lt as if the whole world had come to nn end; but here I be now inaniid to Hiram Yorke, and ns hippy as most folks. Minim ain't perfection. In be sure, but Abe win pretty partial In old ive, too, or he'd in V r have drove his old horse over King's Cross ClilT in-teal o' 'round it. An I I reckon things al'nys happens f ir the biMi, take one year with an other," loiileiile lly lidded the .stout ma tron, as she --lirri'd a s.iurep ml ill of onions with a pomb r oii tin spoon, while Mary l-'olyoll wined at the u .palatable parillel. What was there hi common between handsome Hugh P' lby mid the luckless hero who, one on a tune, p.-Idled till ami dr. ail. too ui'l.hj 'I he noil'ins were baked, lie.' egu'i fried to Ihe ex ii t shade of golden brown, and th" breakfast for "the grntb miin in Number N im teei." safely oil her inin I, whe'i Mary 1'oiyott sto'n down to tin jravey.ird nme more, with a Iriskct of doli.-hi'i. whit" r!i idoilen lions, whlo'i a little i ol on d giil ha I jmt brought, her from the w nmk "I do'.e kn owed y j' loved w hite po sii inii-i e," -aid C U'l Anne, who was in Mi-. I'olyett's id i s at Sunday school, "so done leung yo' ib"-e yal ! ' It w as :;n'd 'il nooat nle no , : iIi"Iih teis i f sweet fern i xaalit.g aioin.iti.' -cents; the i ows slai.d iug ill the shadow of ha 'I cop es; the oceiiil spal Ming like a plain of blue di.imon.1 The task i f ilecoiatin ; th" eiaves -for which Kino's Cuus usuiliy turned out with u baud, a com ie 1 wagon, ami a coneoiits ' ol stia rgling villa.teis would not c inuii 'iie' until three o'cloe't. '"They shall s o lint lie has not been forgotten," said M iiy. is she toiled ..long under the bowel s ;i p' ! br melies, and p l it the iippliu:; mil .ic ' f tho littbi brook. "Oi, Hugh --my Hugh -ifmily 1 could recall one short hour of tho past !" S ie strew..! thewhiM! rhododeinlious on the green so l, as th.; wonli escape I invohnita il fioui her I -. "Oh, Hugh dear Hugh -if 1 could only speak In you once again!" she Uttered, aloud. "Speak, then, dealest Mai 1 My Mary, if I wen indeed deal mi I III heaven, 1 think I could not be happier than 1 am now." The basket of rho In lemlrons fi ll to th ground. M iry Knlyatt won d have fallen, too, if she had not been caught in a pair of -liono arms. "Darling; Mary, do not turn so white!" p'e ide.l her lover, ' I am not a : host, no phantom ! lain !lu;li ) ily's self, alive and well, come back to lay my heait at your feet, and claim the love that is so prei ions to nn'. Il isn't si iinposd hie ns you think. I'm not ilea l, and 1 never have been dead. I'.iit the poor fellow who had the bed next to mine in the Accident War 1 of the St. M mica's llospita', died tie night liny brought him in, and the car ls nt our I ed-he.uls got accident y changed. I wns No. 4, mil when my number was nllixd to mother bed, 1 lo.it my identity nt one. We are not Smith or lonvn in a hospital, M uy -we me on'y Six or Kotir, as the Ci.g" may l . Si when poor Maurice lilenheim died, in the be I lab.'lled '4,' they turned lo their books and made out a burial ceiliti.ate fo, Hu;li Dei by, one of the victim of the iailio.i l accident. And before 1 recovered from the brain fever that followed on the b!ow I re ceived from the end of tin) car scat when 1 fell they had me duly buried with nil the honors of book nml bill. I couldn't make 'cm believe that I was lluh Der by, and n it Mmrice H'cnhcim, and so 1 left i If trying. And, after nil, what did it matter much.' What chaim h il life left for ine "Hut, Hugh, 1 loved you." "lint, M ry, I did not know it; and so 1 daw died aw ay the sunshiny hoursoil those sweet K endinn shores, thinking lew strange it felt to be wandering alone, like adi-einbuli d spirit, without IMTTSI5()1() any identity nt all, uinl half disposed to j wonder for what csp cial ine i 1 had : given inn back my life, when all of a sudden the strong desii" came upon m's lo travel northward to King's Cross to look upon my own gi live. Mary, I be lieve to heaven it was your love nttrai t- j ing in-.' like nn inviiibl" magnet. Sweet' heart, you have brought in 1 licit lo you ' an 1 now 1 never shall go away with ail j yell." J "I -I d m't want yiri to!" whi-pere 1 i M uy I'olyott, her soft c'moI.s .s iM iscd Will bill ill's ll"l' ey"S shinin; like, wet j stars. ''Oa, Ibigli, I mil mi v ry, very j happy. 1 h nen't 'b serv I tlli-, ll'tgll, ' but I will never be silly or c.ipricioiis , "Mary! M .iry '." reani'd the shrill, 1 fa'setto v. i.-e of M s. orse. what In s I conn; of (Il child Why. 1 S.ii.'.i j here, mid I her w itl-i i'-tlic-wi p, mining up th and nov.du re, Ilk : n Mary ! is lint you ' nc? And Cis.y sick, and old 11 tsey gone honie !n II T si-'c. s fi.m ial! I .slioii'd like to know what is to heroin" of Nilin'i r Nineteeu's dinner, with the chn keii, se.'iching, and the lire. i l-siiiee to I) ad", and the chilly I a ti. Is n ( look"! ,il .' You aieg. tCn; too r.ire.t'ss lor .my I Yin ;, and O.i, good gr.n ioiH ni", sir," with a prodigious stall, "i'nisuie I beg a ihoils and p il'dom, bin" "Am I alrtiiv.s h re.d.i i lo be known ! by a nuinber, like a lottery ticket ;" s.ii I llu,di D'lby, Ian ; 1 1 i !i "Never mind the dinmr, Mrs. Ymkr Mi-s I'olyott could tell you tint I am an old friend of Ins" And when Mn. Y"ike hear 1 th" story, fch" was ipiit.; wi ling to coiicele tlnd 1 1 ii t li w.ii Strang r than liilion; nml for j nil instant it s '.'im d n'most p siib'e that I .Vie, t!ie till p- I li.-r, mighl yet appear , on tbii niii'i iaii'.' .sph-re. "Oan thing w oul I u'l be mure im possible than ('other,'' .i ii I sh", as she weighed out spn s f .r a priding. While Hugh an I M iry, walking by the sea, walehel tho purp'e portals of sim-et cloie on the beautiful D coration Day which had brought such a gift of lui pini'ss to their linn tsi. - Siturday Night. I ii lii'iill IiTuI Oci upnllniiH. When the air we br. a hi is emiami nalcd by st agnation, by breathing, by lires or nrlili i il Ugh', sin i in can lies, lamps and g is, il r I , as a poison mi l injure! the i i h i il io.i. People I fn in to think (hat w holesotu food and ill ink a,.! nnic'i nn ie iinp"i t:iut than j pine air, and their lea on of so thinking is becau e nil i- an invisible s iili-tance. Ci ow ds of in. ci mi's of all kinds are f i . j i" u t ly pent up fr oii morning to ! night, with. hi' even thinking of opening their win lows for in n;!" hi'f hour for the a liui .sion of fresh ni '. When in llaglan I on li th of all th ! ile.ilhs nro from 1 1 ' 1 1 i -1 1 - c hi -uiiip'. ion ; ii I'imiico oii"-sixth ; i i I i rm my one-s 'V 'nt h, and in oar own e-unrry o ie -eight h ; iml w hen we s,." the can I. -:i 'ss oi e cry hand nb ml what we brcatli', i' is not iliMim't to ili .cover the c ills" n.' e.i i a feaiful mortality, and a'-o it is ii"t dilli'rt ti) di-cover the rem dy. A i tilings in e no V it cannot be .1 ni d til it so nn ocupi t ons me in T" iinh ii'lhful th in others, and yet Ihe dlT iene s, in a satdtary sense, could be gre.it'y lessened. Cily people are more subj et to pulnioii.iiy disease than thoie of tho country, and this need not b'; at least while then; is so free a i irculation of pure air in tho city, a b iter in ' conl I b; made, of what there is. Sedentary employ iicnts are less favor nldi than the active kinds, yet the man ner and posture on work marked modi fications A dust bid i n atmosphere is the most ditlii ult i vi! to face. To environ the worker with a pur' atmosphere is possible, but its i xeciition is not so case. Occup itinns that are classed ns unheal! h- j fill can be in. l ie less so by properly mi-I deistan l ng and rnciie ng the laws of breathing. Ib alth an I Home. Adullcral i il Spices, "1 know a mil," remained ageitl' man tliis morning, "w ho is so cotiscieii -tioiis that, after starting in the spice, busi ness lit Considerable CXp lls,', l-.e sold out at a 1 'ss rath- I th in c uitinu a in inufac turing concern that cou'd oily Im made profitable by a lulter iiing Ihe inauiif.ir turcs and s. I ng impure goods. There is more a liiiteralion in spic, he told mo than iuainlhiiig else, anl the making of the ailullei.it. ng agents is a business ill itself. Why it h is not ben long since there win a m I over in Camden whom fruit-iinpoiting thins here, and those that maun a ture I prepare I coo m nut, sent their c-'coanut sin 1 s, which were then ground intopiw.h r and used I for adulteration. I b.-lieve the method is to lind out whit you can get for your spices an I then a Illiterate th-m so you can make n profit nt tint figures i aiuc-l. The strength mid pungency of tho spico nro u-ii a ly ma le to cmrespond with its price. Philadelphia II ilietin. The t ihupp) ri'ililor. First stul n' "Win ie aie you going, Tom?" S.'coiul slu le it "To my tailor. " ' tt iag to pay bun wha' you owe him.'" "X it much. When h- w inN money he has to com to nn', and thin I led him when to come a;a'n," i Sift'ticf. CHATHAM CO., N. I'llll.DKKVS ( Ol.l H. liniiil MkIH. tioi.,! iii"Ji'. pret y Sun, 1 1 nUt : l ie wad lied voiir piiiplenn l (."Ideii liht V. hile you iires ukui unay. Ai d solii' one has, just lieeii lelnng m ' Yon'i" making, over the sinning sea. An Cher bi'iiiitiful ilny; Thai j i-t nt Ill-it lini lain ),"ingt.is ep, '1 h-eliil'lreii th 're mo tnkui", a i-iv. At vi in' f i -I " ; inn in g losiy lln.'l nioiuin,;: ju.t I en I i.v g"'l inghl! ...w. lel'llil'ill t- if tliej'iet .. i iglit, I wi-h you'.l sllj goo.! 1 1 1 ' M IIMi,; t"- III" lo nil th" III lie ones over ih" "i. Nrimllilr inlllis. S'lCiihet'iU' dogs are no!, i i n .ly wise. A stoi y is told of n uiiiiisb i vi ning one of his i o igregalioii inn ln p -f.-u uiing district in the south of Notlan!, nml eeiiig three ell e dogs lying, t" n'l np pea'iinci, n deep In f..r-' th lire. 'ii.--enlly a whisile n:ti ben l, mil (no of 1 1 li I lb gs lose ni). 1 went "'.I, III illiUlr- ing why the third dog had not left wuh the others, the inini-li r was ilifoiin d that it had been i ill in the morning, ami thai it was in-l it t loin now. Mlml Hill My Slullni' I Ion I. ! A lad tempted a ...y jnunger than himself to nib r n cav mi a wild pail ol th" M il oast. W hile Ihey Were looking at the wonders of the i ive the tide c lim it ; i unnoticed ami th-y wire kept prison-u-ail night. Th" y. -linger boy biir-i into (ears, saying : "What will tny mother think '. I sln u'd e: re nothing lot myself but my mot her." li iy- ami gil'N, wh -n you are lenipted to do wrong slop ami siy to your e'.ves the words of that liltle lad: "W hat will my mot her think , ' If n 11 love her and fi ar lo "lieve her lhiswillhelpyi.il to i -sist evil. ---Youth's l inner, "A I.iiiiH in lino !' Mo-t of our yniiii ; readers w ill b -in prised to hear that, th" well-known inn seiy s ngof "Muy III I n I. tile l.iiiib" is a true stoi y, mid that. "Mary" is still living. About seventy years ago sh" wns a lit I le girl, l he daughter of a farm "I in Worcester County, Massachusetts. She was very fou l of going with her father into the fields to see t he sheep, nml one day lin y found a baby l imb which was thought to bo dea I. Kind hearted little M uy, however, lilted it up in her nrui-, mil, as il M-eiui'd t biealhe, she carried it Inane, made it n wa'in bid near the stov -, and nursed it I'lil.rly. I'liat wisher del.ght when, nfli r we. ks of careful feeding and wat. hing, 1 1 - iittl o pali. iit begin to grow well an 1 s'rong, nn I soon .alter il w.-ii idile lo run iiboiil. It knew its Joung inistie s perfi c ly, always c line in' hei i i!', nml was. happy only when ut In r'si.le. One day it follow ed In r to tun vi'.lagi si In ol, nml, not knowing what else (o do with it, she put it under her ib'-k nn I ( oven d it w .lii her shawl. There it stayed until Miry w.is called up I i the teacher's desk to - i,- her lesson, nml then the lamb walked iii it I y niter her nml the' other children burst out laughing. Si the teai In I h a I to si. ut th Iittl" gill's p 't in Ih woo.l-ihe I until scho.i! win out. S mn .if or this a young student, named John I; il'stone, wrote a poein about Mary and her little limb nnd presenlo I it to her. The lamb grew to he a sheep and lived for many yean, and when at fnl it died, Miry grieved so much lor it that her mother took some of its wool, which was "as white ns snow," anl kuiltel a pair of s'oekings for her, to wear in rememl raiiei! of hi r darling. Som-.i years nfti r the lamb's death, Mrs Sarah Hill, a celebrate 1 woiu in w ho wrote books composed sum Viisci about M iry's lamb and add ed tin in (o thine written by .1 ilin Uoll stone, iii iking th" complete p i un as wo know it. '- M try took such goo I r it of th" stock ings miku of her lamb's ll that when she was a grown up woman she gave one of them to a chuic'i fair in IS.is ton. As soon as it became known that the stoi king was in. id fioiu the ll ee ol "M iry's little lamb, "every one wanted a piece of it ; so the slm king was raveled out ami the vain cut into slunt pii e . K ich pit co was tieil to a car l on which "M uy" w rot" her full name, and these caidssobl so well that th y brought the large -uoi of one hu -idled and folly do' bus to the o d S m;h church. Ameri can Agiicul u is!. All'eclioiiiile Pigs, l' gs have bei n li p attdly knotv.i to attai h thcniselvts to individuals or to other animal, and to show the gieate-t docility, gentle;-.! ss nnd nil i t inn. Mr. llen lfison, the writer of u well known work on swine, iclattsthat ho had a young sow of good I n e l so decile that she won d sitlT'-r his youngest son, three years of age, to climb upon her back ami lide her about for half tin hour or more. When she was fue l of the spirt she wi ul I lay herself down, carefully avoiding hurling her young jockey, who habitually shared 1 is blend and meat with h"r. Dc Dcskau also cites the case of a young boar which he caught vciy yeiing. and which formed such mi at tainment to n young Inly residing ill tho house thai b" luconipauic I her wherever she went an I slept upon lnr bed, '1 his nlf. a tionat" crenture fretted himself to tie uli nu account of a fox w hith had been taken into the house to be t.iui'-' I. C, AI'KIL JS, ss". ! UXKJ1JK i)IM-KS. ' r.'conii trit'it ie nt Dinnoi' ! Tiilib-'s in tho Mi;tro'oli.i, Aril-tii: Skill in CuU-iiig Trail and Vege- tnh'cs. Pf.i"tiral Jokes Ft", i - - ' J) i entrieitii s at the dinii'T-tnii'.i says a N.-w Yoik correspondent of the I) tlo ! Post, "s.'i ins to lie Ihe rage this s nsoti. Any startling or uu'ipi" miiu iviliou npjienis to be ifili .im-. The fri sii young leiii, who ion a hilliii'i i face on nn oi tinge m:. then ipn th" ' fnnt until the i -ji'i weep nml the mouth dr . c-, is in iiis g'oiy. If l.obes ar" lit . the table, he lal.-s gn at'T pleasure in ! exhibiting his artist e -kill, A f.-w smile, suine give vent to c lani it ions i of cotniii i.-er,.t ion, in.-l .-ill ii pie-iiv a 'ligiiilie I sil.-i c ., I'.-e iug all i. mug. ! gcoiuclrically is ..no' her :.i" -.ini!i-h j meiii. Theyillow rind ii cut ii lines I with a sharp penknife iintii it n- si nilih's t he ' j 1 1 i . 1 1 i ' -. pu i , " j i -t loov I nl Ir.u tiu ; s i imn 'i a't. n to'i. IM' ,ia 1 is then tripp -d lio n the fiuit ill s'-e. (ion-, m iking iU lint niiglis, in nb siu'H- ing by tin; t xp'iin itions in coinpaiiying theni. Tile n. pie, the M liaga gr p , the ra li-h, and (In: banana also all'ord much amusement in the h.oi !- of a- i 'inplished ani-(s. I ideed, on" in in has won sin h eehithyhis skill in carving ve-elables Mn,1''M ntsth.it he is known ii society as "Innana lid,." l''re,p,efy thefe dining tible nee,,- i 'lie tics are turned into practical j .kes. , A! a little .linner riven to x S ni.lT ; William Wiight of N'tvark, N. .1.. at ; (borge llopcaffs .ce.ht'y, th- :U"ds j were in a coin, nu . I roar n .oi -li er. I i" . 'hocolati! cream can li s Were stulT with colloii, t e lemon di-ips w luon di-ips wciv lumle j 1 I mi l the candied al- I Willi l.'ibn.se. s ! of gum gii liii' urn, momls were filled ' ' I "' 1 on (he (able willi inch 011111-0, and the . v.,....t ..la... ; i .i. .i... i ' ' ' 1 fioiu tlie t r-es alt-r lh" !i: .t in i. ith's run-th.-.n. In removing the cveis a live '... Ut ,-. w ,. ..AillllW v!'l nn '"or H 1,1111 posl,lv, i-o.l!v or Augu-i. - Popular liird from f.ike Ontario wen: disclose 1. .s,.j, ,,,ii,'v Ail were extremely lively. Toe eel I ' slipped within th ; low-cut w.iisteoat of the Sheriff, (ho bulllr .g Inn le 1 on I'ish Commissioner I 'Inn les Murphy's slneilder ami (he li ir 1 sho! into tin; ho-o,,i of ;l,e wicked Senator li.bbi. An old shoe, milib'tved ami rolt -n, was placed beloie Mr. .MeSwyiiy, a well-k now ii shoi-make,-, lie grew red in the f.i' e and was about I o tieat the matter ns n mortal in-il l when .l imes I i.ivi r of Par nl Pink turie-l the old -ho.-opened a slide in th" s,,!,., :,n ,, a do.-n cigais of tin line-t ll iv-. ter. Se, l'i," shoewasaeamli-'ldu ,y, ", I-to dor. Ihe btlle pariy bee.,,,,' so I, .,s,e,-. ous.n !.i.,,err:,ne.,tlh..tap'l.a' ollieer o .r,sn ucscc,' appear , ' the condition of 111" I .bl", th" room, ami in ...i. I ..' , ..I I ... I. 1 ' ' ' I :' " tuition, saving: "S'un lane! -n fam ! 1 thou ;ht vees were bnviiig a bit of a! ruction, but it's nothin' but a shin It ! ' lie unproved the oppntutilty "H"''' while all heals w.-r" lurnel listening to it good slm y to. sweep the remains of " i the ronleclioliei y into his i-iiiaiim. i conl picket. The theft was discoverel 1 niter his dcpariuie. "If his wife gets , 1 ... ,' ' , ,' -.-".is. u nioii urop ami I tie youngest i iut.l mi nlni. nid bean, what a happy liiu: that iiolii em in w ill have alter ho gets bona'," ob-nved the sheriff, and lh" hilarity was redouble I. I hear of dinners in lh" avenue wln ie liv.ng canaries It out of -e pies and where boiiiplets of choice ll nvers hoop, d with diamond rin ;s are pine I at the plate of each guest. At another enter tainment liny oil punting, o i b ay s of ivmy depicted seems in the life of each gust, rn.de liiiin ll.teh dis- plnyclau immatchcl eccentricity pnor . . I. : . .1 . . I - till. to his departiir.' t i Knope. lie had in tit-la fiieiid to 1 1 i i," y.ith him in :, private room at Morelb's. An excellent dinner was served. At it. i om 'usion. and while Ihe i olT-e w asstc lining, ltufus cilled forCub.no. Th y were hnui.dit. ... i ... -ri i i.. "Nviw bring us a light," said th" ex iling, , ale from Wall sln-. t. The wiitir lighted a slu.it si, otty.tvicke.l candle. Kuusriiisel th" chmi i an I lest irk to his mouth and lighted the cigar. II- then replace I the slick on (In table, i '. , , , , . , , 1 I is long an I oi a glossy b.i -., h- wea.s a i-l to ihe surpi i s of his gu --t took the I , . , , ,, i , i . 1 i-omb-il st, light bu s and r-.l.cl up into lighted candle from its so. k"t, p it it in j ( (i , ,, ,, , (l ,,,.., u j, h s in .t!i ate ami sit ill. .wed it. II"1., ,, , , - , , , ',- , this roll K"pt in pi nr hy a I. .!.", high cluin -ed not a muscle ol hi i r 'iiuti-n.iiic -. , , , ' ' j be tii.se-sm-l, r ini... A . a gein'i ,1 rule bui t u te was a im-ny twinkle in his , , .. , In a so we:.,-, callings, ; n I, i he is giavevis. A similar candle w as nlac. 1 I , . , - I ' v.illtio il mi! :o. tin.-.. noil,. I, tlon.r f. bet' re his guest, who ,,l-o light, d his cigar. When ,iske I why hi ili I not cat the t ip -r he teplied that h" was n 1 Cos. sack. Tiiii'i'iipoil Unfits opened his mouth and sent the s mud i.mdle into his stomach after the first one. It was a week before the gil 't got an explanation of tho mystery. The can dles were parts of tipples fashioned into rotun 1 simp1 by thn expert me of a pen knife, an I the wic'ts were the meats 0 almonds paled down and stuck into the top ol lh- vegeiab'e t ipers. The owner of a catt'e ranch-1 in New M- X c . ha- a p'! nnli lop1, e-s than 11 nu old, which follows its mister about i le , do.;, mil what is more icnark able, I i,,. ;l , .r.,.,iy oi rot- i,,...,t wh.nv-et 1 an get ,t, ct .1, ntly pi, - fining it lo any other niticie ot diet. N( ). :;:. Titrpenlin I'.niniiig in (enrgi.i. A turpentine farm r n-ist s of from th'O ' lo folly ttops of n..ym h x -s eath. The work is sum 'limes iai- ie. on by lh" ow.e"i ,f l':e pirn- fine U tli' iu-ielve's; again, tin- do's are leased ..ip, for a c-r- ; tai l nuuib r i f y eni i, t wo i r ' l l ' e being about th" limit. N gru lab n priio': pally euip'nye.l in this setiou. Tin' W. I'li I'olll'll.'i.r S ill NoV. lllb'i', when tie boxing ot the tiefs b".;in-. Th" b"VS w hic'i ar i ot sloping bai l, into the tre' s about a fn it from lh" gr u id, lii'-a-iir-; three im ln s I. n I, nt lioitoni, I urd'ip, mid aboiil I ;' iii 1 'iigt . Iii M.i" h tie v nre i orin n-.l ; tint ' . a .--hip is t ii."ii i If I'll Inlll s,is ., above tlie elnls ot III,' b.'X'S. N x! tie: lures f..i dripping an! c it V sh .i.o I.. -hi.-i-i and above the I In s i hlpi.eil. The number of fin-.. s oil em li tree -b pen Is upon its size, very -ing bo ll one lo thn i. I! sid-'s th origiu.il m'.tiu ; of the I':,. . -, the trees ii iv h irk' d nine a week dur li : til" dr. p. ping si.i-.iu will, a p. nili.r.y shaped! j km!" suit,..) ., ih- n: , The inn h ing iiirr.-.i .-, the I. ngih ! lh' Inc., a- in inches ol buK nl'.' tnk'-n o!V above e. oh time. The dipping of '.be 1 1 u le into In' rels ln'gii ab 'ii! the mi Idi" of Mm li, 1 ami the hex s an- empli d s v.-n or fight liui s during the s. ,i-or.. They h"id from O'li. Iw.i n-. ots on h :i-l I !r- to to - , ( , )m ., 1 , i b i. -l ., ! J ." .,i'i -'J' 'l'.,.' ',V.V ','.':- I j,,,',., js ,'. ,;, ;.v';, ,',. ,",.. , ;' j "t earl,;,,. ' and all ..!,, "ed s.,,T": ,.' , ,,:,.,;, , ,,,,,, ,- .;,, r ,,...,..,.. .. i ,, .,, ,,, ,.,.,, - ( v, ,. ,, t.c v,- ( w . ,; '. .,1:1.,.v..'.'.ls ," j IH'Xl high'1.!, -. o.i up th.- niphi ,, ., i; , , i ,i i i II"-s t hull".!. ..le i o.i no !..' :i n hi b.'l. ImiI down in ..i .. i . v. t i A. ti..- let , ,. , . ... . ... . ,- ti I .1 I. -ing ou.illi .1. I . i" In ! 'hipping, :, , . , , , ' ll not m..,ii-. i:i . i.nig, make beau, t i . u I '. whit., tiai.-i are, psin; hniii; the nani" "t it-r-w li.t ." Th" cm lr , , ; , , , , ipioluii.g t,,:, ,.- mv i b- obiau,"l rH,).r('..ilda'ilin..le,s Mysteries. 'I h" follow iug is fr "ii I'n il" .be bard's serond ni tii I-in tiei A;.! Ii-n.pi'i laa on "Life I! in illi th I re e-m. ' Ik-low, P. rbin D '. k p -e its its in V !! i"il s n, . li : n ; I: i i , i ( li w il h ,i t In .it - in I r-iiuui is, iiider whoh s'innl.i re 1 fornnily a 1 ir nn I ih "p ' : li.k '. Tidi.i! i- dr., .,'.-1 .. i ii will, freely .nu ii; the ril.us, which , v.inis!, in '.lie it ,i l.m- ., I ic- Ain.eni ni j - ilk w ill b-i i h.iv . ! up I'c a- i.-s in i I bis sol.!," i ,.i. ci I,' . i.,i tv ia, 1 1 the ,n..u ,...., , ,..,..;,. ..;,.., a. i , , ,,.,.,.,.,,. . -,. , Tin- Yi le I', it in S.-ni laro under I'- j groum is a,,i,t!i.-r r,-t"i:i, les br.ite 1 but ,, .it., a, cine.,,-. J; .gill . . ., , . , . c. mains a thin -'i.-i t ol st. g . ,,,1 water, which U he ,ll!,e ,,'i'r lo ill, li.ws licit 1 , , , i. t i Ii -ive in id" it lh.:, Inn. . P re... iml ,,. a , ,,U p ... ih- t ,',!l of whi-h is ,Uj .. : 7; , . ,,,,,.,, ,.. I , i i longing to a I r.i'a-t r ;n I wi v in V" I . , ,, . . ' , nrchitectui'". It is s, ,,. -v a cinl.irv ... , , , ,, ' sine tins cl-t r:i was di -i "V-i I. Ml - - j . , sii. la-til, who yie'd n 'thin ; t l!i" On- ,1,,,1,,'ii j (. ,,,:iin ..I -up. i -t i ti,,,,-. tell a (housan 1 dismal stories about tho-.- that dared to I, lave ti.e shadows of tins mysterious i i-t, ,,,, w Ice tin Angel of Kvil elms to sci k .-ll n y'nim it h.-u he visits Const , ut pic. ;r..s..p ,!,t:ui. - - - Ml'cel Scenes in (''jloil. h aving th" coring", wr.l"-.i i.-ir.-s- p ui. lent of Ih - I! ill iinoie un, w , st u t - rd on! .r a w ill, through the str-ets, whirll )nes, :.t nu a-p". I vet d T rent lion, tho,- ,.f citi , ',., In b:,. Il u-o.e .us. T;,mil, u.,. M ;.-,, all mm ,.t,.,i ,- -,,,,-,, ,,.. id ..ml 1 f - 1 ' ' i-a. h rare c uild easily be ,1 i-t nigu -he! by manm r of dres, from the others. The male Cm ".ih'se is a walking curios- I ilv in the in tlt ! of .Ir, i.. I t ihe 1 ..... i .. . . . I oi 1 1 ,.iis-i - ,.- hi- ii s ,, , i:,,,ji, i,r pie, e ' I of figured -tuff W I appe I nio n, 1 his leos t loin his tt ;.i I to his ankle- -wiaj-ped i s i tight as t :;, ike it iinpo.-il.; ,i, huu ! Intake any ho' sh-'i I, miming step. With this he al-o weals a s!,oi, mm j jacket of d iik i eUh. He. ban, which , stranger-, to mistake h.m bu a woman. ' , i .i 1 heir women dress much in the same . i ,.;.i. .i . .i i .i i . style, w itli the exception ot the u ki ts, anl it is often .lillieull to distinouish between the sex. s. Tlie Tiger nml tho St .am Holler. The tiger is but nioital after ail, nnd can be as easily frightened as other much more timid erc.-itur vs. One that had escaped from its home in C.il. alt.i net a steam roller 111 tin street an I grew so alanicd tint it at o 11 e turned tad. la its tenor il Me l int 1 a house, leaped ovi 1 the breakfast table at which four pel- sons were sitting, and finally found " ' ' "'..' I 11 r'n'r,K''1 '"'" 'I '"'' cott-d. After j " ""' """' ' l'l' Vaile I ii.on ( leave , ts ipiut'is by tho lertof a nieill. ADVERTISING ' """. "' 1 " ' V " One siiinro, I wo II M rl ion.s , Oni' Minin', line inel.t li - . 1 l.M) F i-larger Jiilvi rti-i' tiii nls libn.il cm ' mis "ill In iiimIi'. iho I'ticf. ii sing.-: nml sn.'h nn inlu' few n Iwl, "(out. perh.iis. but what's the i,. ,s ' And H -i-i mill r, V.'.n.l-: .Vli.m i- -n . -i.. Ilia1 1 1 ici e s i j. --. I I o s iv. v.' ,Mt ..... I .. -.v.-mt. ilns i.:,.c bound to piny II f. i - nm -!--mng Ih-i .1-:' n I i i lh .i..!nii. il.nt ,l-:l"il ti i in a' i-iii I ' ha-, ."ii l.-iil'i' -il 'lit inglil i o-i, .U :! u 'r ami pi '-'i ". N .1 n .1 g l..-..' l-ii. .ti,,l( fail n will .-.I-.-I-. ret;! il, Inn -rv h -ail. u-i-it i-li"l -In .l'"i'!i li. -I. il !ir-1 p- e ,t, i....,., . No. I. il! t. II. i e .lav tli" w.'ikeiuie.; nn""ii t.as nu in-pir'-l I iy p. t , !,n ,-!,. .. a I ' ' ', An. I lh n he is ln.iv pt. and lo ! mi l .i.-.i-'l. '-"'s m miner:. '1 J'u h n ! g il.'l.l. ..!U ileef r: nb' li .11 in !! Cental v. iu m:h;oi s. it is a v -- -". th .' 1-mnvs in ow ' )"'. Hi" r- I i: r - i d p. pi "i! A I "It not". ! , ; , i lMo ,(.e i n.-, "W'iI you t il-" ; i,:. ..,,- .. .,n.,i,. ; " I'll" -'ii iii b"v at hi, si.eiluig I. ion is 1 . .,., , ... .',.,.. 0 , f u,. . i-luek ; t ,.,,,.,. I . In - Inii p. ij.rs. 'I is j r. .1 . t -I. "",k,'J v"'i' '''''I'' '""j' 1,1 ' l;" " ' Von , .'! pay lint .- ,-,' -a.d .1," ' i.not .nn in in1, who broke .1 ,,v i -n a -1 I', u:i pi"- mil -ie. - C,. .( .',,-.: "D . v..., hav" 'Si.. .1,1 Id'noi, I" ; ' Mic-moi: "No, rm. ! I b , v- I w k .. . I, ., 1 d , -, t , M. '"A I i i',' - "A l.i.i ' ' 1 1' i . i I iv t . i . I ns th i! il m d I. 'in v-i v , , .' , . ' . , , ,, -a I to .. chinch when a boy. II-' i , , , i ni i le a :r. it in my "I h i in-nsel w h-n i,. i.-it th- . h'l'i !' and wnit lo W-i'l ' :ie t. ; , . , . A . e -nt ii eel iy-i "And he wen! lo b -.1 nnd ni jo . d a -on id, dn ainle.-. sleep.'' Ilow i oi a in in en j y niiy'hiug w le n h" is u'.con.cii.ii .' Il'.!';::i I ( im. it ii'tit iy to wifi t "I I told v... i I onlv w iiiled hn'f a nip of i ,( ;s ; .. ytv.,; ... j, ,, to I -,.. p,;,. Dm' I. nn know what hall f ; i-, .1 !,! in law ( ;i unit I "S'l" r.ugl.l t . know by this tun-. Y.-u'v .,. , ,u fu! ft.. ,.i,,.ugh." A Ib'.iicr's Instinct, I An "Id b iui. ,- i,v'.,i ; i:i lh" Crmy , Mountain ' might i yi ll ig b-:.v -r .". I i'll-r :!s Ii rth and i ini.'d I! to hisi.ibin. I wiine ie- gr.i in my inii-ie a gie.o pet oi ! it. A ll'-" yoii'ig-ter appro., i 'n l ma 1 t ill ll he vol t . b ll id iU" .1 ,111-. alld C a . ,.,,:,, ; I h" l.uul,-,- fo,,.,. I 1 s cabin Mo..r j .;vi I -d by n dnn, that reached .mm ,11 to w.i I. the component parts of i which Wert, lir-w I, bo-,, a.tirlcsof I i 'othing ami o'.h r inov. b' articles in tie- h"iise that c .ill 1 be n- n hed or tr uisp ute 1. To add I i tin-i inlu-i in. i il b .-i 1 l'f hllckft of Wl.ttr, if lio-sil'l" ' , .. 1 1 il ,.,.1. .1 i il,.- ilo.n I w.isi ips,,,.. .,,., n ,,.,. , ot., im uo.u. 1 d'm- 'i'll animi'. .tin had ii.-m r sn n a -tu-a- a .lam to .,iow cith-r, was i l,,,ii ,i ,.,l ,., 1 i,, !,,- , l,-ii ini-i.. .u t.oi, n.ngi.i in .i".n; win' I,; i ,. ,. i ,i i,.., J , ... I ,1,.,,.. ., ihoii.oi-l on I n ei.,t n-is ii.ni .om ,i 111011-1111 .. , ,, .-.. ,M ! 1 '""i. I w:,,.. -.11 ...),..,. ,,. , , i, l.i-, : Wnl" all c'.li-l g-n.e n nil 1'i.il'iig ! io. ni iN .". the iothw... nie I'k' ly to he i x'.-i mi nit e I w it ho,. I ilisscntin ; ! nee the r I, til- h.u uilcss nnd hard- working b in, r h is loin, 1 a fa-l fiieit l , in I he cat I h-m n nml hud -ownei . The j re, .-on t obvious In this gicatdry jc 'iin'iy and i liuiate the streams and j tt !.,,h , iei t rang aie few mi l I ir Inn 'ill. M -istuie is the ealtb- i in m's giet st want. Now, a Leaver .h -iey- nothing but trees, and as there are few of tin latter on the gienl t vc. , I.--. plains of Montana, Iheb-atei ol i .'.i.e-sity iV I sluiib. and r-ots and ' build . hi .1 nn wh-re heni-.t. This ' 1 i l-t suits th i ililem in, who hud- in l!,n I i,isi:;i,,lic.iiit lilllr . i.id up loinpniil I I" hi- lomi pound steer, a most v.d liable nllv in lirovi lung poii ls ami illliik- :...i it, ...... ..,... 1 I' .... ce: oi i s " - " " 1 -is I .llllll-l'l C.II. His Aulngi'iipli l!ct urnr. I. Tin- I ii i-t i n. Adv. h aie (ells this sion : A celcbrale l mm knew how to a 111 ist i X'-eileiit nip of coffee. '. well known ni ni-.t'-r wrote to liini . ' ask n ; for tin', en,.-. Ilisr-oU-l was : ' ! : united, bu! nl th" bottom of (In ei. r was th- followiu; nianife-talii'ii of s'u- ' o-n b u-com eii : ' d hop that tin ii a ,1 1 i . uuine n ,i:i,--l an I not- a surr"plitimn ' ' 1 n, h- ,,f s.iurin.; ni.' i.u'ograph." 'lo 1 - . W lie 1 li! Ill Ulster rep U'l ti'lT 1 IV I ' thanks for tii" rec.p,' for making colf e; I i .-. i I 1 wtote iii good faith, and 4 n order to " ' ' '' "V""V v"'"f ,ne to re. I ,,,v",,,"'' '"'iniU-ly inn-. 1 but which is of 1,0 value to in", your ni- b'.i'ph." ( Coir-i' Cherries, Theliuitof the coffee tree is so liko 1 !' iglish cherries that, it is si,, i,,.t j folk would be nt a b-, to !, 11 a h. i.p of I t! e beu u s fiom a henp of the id, I. In ! :iu t. This applies, however, only to . their i-iii ward nppcniaiice, for the hi 1 1 y 1 e min us 110 stoti". but Iw. seeds ir. ! -! a i. Tin se seeds (which aiei.urii.l 11 a uiiciv nainery skiii, cue, parcn- . mint" i, alter going through different 1 r -ss,-., b, , . th icoM",: beans of 'luinercy.

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