ivtatiuim i' Of ard THURSDAY. A PHIL '-IS. 1SS7. A. A. LONDON, Editor. The thefts committed by r. s'u dnt at our .State university hi p pub lished' in another column, and we cannot refrain frort erni-eng regrets thereat, and especially do wo regret that the thiol should have mr&ped his merited punishment,. It the tsauic eltorts lo punish hiiu huu been made that were made in pnnic outing th slayers ol young Fiie.c, ill Is thief would now if ci'moii in stead of seeking ot her field in which to operate. II. via; :i sufficient dis grace to our univcisiiy thai one of its students should have been gui'ty of such thefts, withiy.it .-id-bug the further disgrace of allowing him to scape punishment. Tin vigor, us prosecution and severe punisLui-. u: of this thief would ha-c shown that no one eouuteled "it!", our vein- i. Lie university eould with impunity vio'ate the law. We t liii.k it due me jul'.io tbat the college roil'-ori'ies should axttlp.in. If 1'uev eun, w u v limy did n I have thetlief vigorously proM-cuird. Tub Cai-: ion-, oi the Acts of the last iA-gidliluio have al iast been published. If ii b:m hd:f n so L-v,; r: lime to publish merely the caption, how long will it take to puhii.di the Acts themselves ' I'euaLy the rs; -ileus, which are simply the iieadiiie." Oi1 titles of t lie arts, aio printed ami distributed within a lew way after tbfl adjou-ncim,' i t'le. Lcyri.-datuir. We publish in at-cher . J n -.- u some of the captious, those that arc ol any importance. The list of rapti' ns makes a painphiet id p-itjes, a:i hows that the LeistiU.ni' pas-? 412 public laws, lit- p.ivato )jl and 44 resolutioi-s. The Si.ts Uoaid met at llaipiyh List John Jot)itir . 'ti, K-.j. tv. ('onjmi"S!Oiier hi if A-Mi-ilUUie .'Ct k :ud en ci . .1 . ..I' A... -..;, i-oiii' A.: leiilt'il . in place oi .inii. on iiiiiriiPi'. h0fi9 tCIIU of Oliii f ill! f .veiled Mr. K..biiisoi; i: a p..;' Leal an.i su cesiful fai iner an.! c trtts: tiiai !u eieetiou will umke tiio ai ieu.l.i: a. department more ptipuiar 'Ai;h the fariu?r3 acid ::t.:is :;s;fui t" the Sale Kit tea ii of l.iibiir Si ;it is'.ics. Bnlwiili 0.rr..si'ii'tfiii ..i 1.1. lui.-.u ! I'l.i'iii' h. 'i'o.hl yi. ut col 1 1 i-pt.-iiii. aL J.ad a ;:i interview with Labor t'oii.u:!!4 8iouor Wely N .ties in regard tu luattein iu iu.s d. pa. tin' nt- Alioul three bundled rt jants Luve l- . n ie eeivetl tlius far l'.mu cnipioyeis. ein ployt-os, iitli.iloi d. c. ;-)iii.rii.ii iin, all tbei-e leimiis tn labor m.d i:.i, the average or eu.-iai in e paid ptr day lor iaim .noot t breini.. ni me State ! sixty cenis. wiHioot buuid The repoits so tar received aie timii H maioi li V ol llit c ..i:.tii .-. Most, f tht.ru ifi'n a!i ine i:;f'.l uiat ion d- su ed ii: a fail an-l trmk i.nii.i'ir .'.b Jouen says tl iie app. a. - to Lc A general nppit fiat i- n oi and iulfie.-t iu the Coliitlili.M. :l i s Win k i i.e Ii Vlls we iv looked al. and l ho views of corrispondei.ih in most ca. s wc:e found to be eiear and ol dccute.i vaiuc. Ti-t v art: .-.eiisii'lt. .tn.l dlsciLii Much mantel a-, the i...; t;ae ;y. leiii. A:c Ail eolith .ua it, i.-i wtu ;w. the purchase of a'i icint in a. lei til iaeiH. .)nt curioui fact in inis con liectitjU is said b L'o'UMi. sivi.c: Jones to be li. at in inure coi.i.tics v.n.ie the iiioi tyago Ms.t-iu pitvatln tut "molli s cinp ' -leni pi waiis. The tvo app"ar to be llmej:il l.:e. J i.e liiiiijcy clop frti nn i i do loi i alt." tbeii supplies, and In net have to uirch'i.e them "on tin ..' l r'iinons la . They pay fioni '20 i.u '"il per c.-ui. tor dlicil supplies, the lepoite) slut.. In only one ri'itiity dots no such j. an obtain that, being fiisweii. The reports show no labor tit..bir..i or hl;i!.es. The I'.'.', lit '.tt.llb.i..-; h'lie ai lia. itjli have l.trcii the oihv ont in i ilf State. Tin-: c appears lo be no ilillcrcliee. iu tiie jiiccs paid white ion! mailed Irtboi ois. Coniinissiotu i Jonossasa carofui reiitiing of ail reports ho tiir received su.'W.i plain. foi tho past tin t yt ai s Linn ivajjn ha been decieasino and inechaii.es wage; udvancitlg. for the Litio: class oi wayes Uic raies run trotn l to tf.J per dii for skil.rd LtOoi lmiie being over aial uonn iindi r ThetH are no couiplaiuis fr..ni in--eliaiiica about puces Thcieaieio:. pla.tits about t lie rate paid for !' a in labtii, Hindu bv einpi. .vc. s 1'br nil iners iu i ueu n p. n is u .uiik miuin tue.-o coinplamts to be just. Out say tl.ey Hiv leii.iy not aoie lo pay wnai they tlo pay. liie pay I wo pi.ces for what they buy and ran soli for only one price. I no gsuerii nondi tiou of aj;i iculturo is yi thitU'iing, taking these ie.ito s a basia ut calcutatiob. lhey are cxei ediugi illuablt and '.nleresliiig. 1 he 0ia.uk forms sunt out to gainer sucli itilor maiiou aid weil anaiiged anil cticci ive. lhiyt'ov.. such malleis. f. r ekample, aa wag-is, wbethor pmd iu vaah or tiade; mtiutiis of regular work during the year, i be siippiy of c.iBterftiiera on lot, consising of labor, thu increase or decrease of uiou.ds, phtster of pan.., easi meinng wages, pal U of ciop given land ten- ,)H en.i JliM couiiteririi siuerd dlais aute, per ciut. chaigcd for supputs ,,H.iv (., n iic.il . .on. The counter bougUt on time, uu-iiOer of peidous f,.Us" Weii; well executed ami would in ten who save money from earnings. reudnv i.i any store. whether tenants, &c, are better otl' m than they were three years ago, per-, Six of the men arrcsied for com ceutage who cau read write, i..iinber phcitv in the plot to assassinate the atteudiliff public acnools, and if such schools art kept opeu, giving time so opou, Ac. Subscribe to tho Kmom. our WjisliMrlui Letter. Frsm Rmoilnr iv.rni.iiiili'iit .vsui:..ri.s. A.iil22iitl.!H7. Tin- ci k 1 in he-n a t,.iiei one ai -pan inly in V. aslnvgioi . "out wben one ct nies lo thin:; " i much ft m- fi. st y - f!V.sp lot. :-!'' 'l;e Pl'tsl .0 i t. ut li hM, ran testify tl-nt ua. d.rt'ts upon Lis nLtfnri.'ii have be.-n v tln ielit to ne.i:p ivc-y nioliii nt of lii-i t in-. the' fust phn-e he. :e vi"wed (he et in dl -KaiRliei-prtti.'ui puraie, tii, ii W;is cili'ili ,lie- t'',l !' a'l it ;:i"i i by torrent i f rain, lie accorded a sj i"..il re ropl the M.:.iiion S,j .i;uf i heiif . i',ii.,n.ii:v .ti:d ai .- 'i.l i! their :. nuriiii'l!. ' to' Mir lli.il. t t'.O Act' i." I'.Hid". hi tunic c.itl:il ill)-pi'i-iiin' . 'i -: t mt i t .-. La . a lo'der nii. e wiiii tl-e new Pacilic It iilioad (.'.Hiinii-sifii. I-. w! o hive n.'"i :n tht citv. ui d, iimi' iienitftn.,, his t-i-t-.c. U! !...:.i-h: Allien l r the pnh iic. I an la -ii inieiM'. we.l e..ch tla invriv, I'V h Mine ef mote ol jutb ii,' tie u. i o.itit nil.-, and !iit' ,l- Ti.e li::el slule. I'ouiti.i 1 1 ('olliinis- .ii.ii iio'f ... cupy tl.rii c ,(,.":t :. . . In a hai. nn : -fx biiil.'il:;; vtMi a whit" marli'e from, en i'' tu-et. At '..ts! the t'eiiiloirMUl l a .ikfi.led iii'.op :.l:d api-i'Hitetl I'.s St c- rrfary Mi. M so y. wlui w:-.s 'o'.?!!.! .11 jii !.( "ii. I'e t a Ui ni -erut -m l :i iMinl'tt o! the M.i.rac;.u-ct ; State l.i ii-la'.iie H- i i n'-o a hintln r inc.. i.i.nt and Las had v .lind.V ex pel: net in t.u- iiiiir.'sM Lu-. v rys. flic ti;i.t 1. 1 liie CVmvii-Mon is taheli upilh ibo coiisitl.i-.tii.ii ti! the ni.nn-i.'iis t , ::.; !. tu.ts a:. 1 prti Ii' ns I :! ilu-iu. innl with the ie .'.'jlioU if M-itl'!:, till' I'l'tllillCei' nii.l C.n:j'lal:i'. l s. who coiiie i. pemon TI e. ( '.viiiiii-.-i l;n I I'-, ii 'ecciv i.,' h'ttors i ll nil !( . I illi !e'a':t sub it-.-TM fro:-. ihtT 1 1 'it I arts "f the I ! i if S at. s. :i:d In i i.ilni:i'r tire. ,,f iin-. : uiu; Iroiu '. ef. "!;. It ill i:. c i i 1 1 1 ! . 1 1 ..'. .-in.-i.-o wi'u li liie lnv mi, ii ues l il'l:i t" e..i M i' l. U ' v t pultin-ht l a sta etnent l' 1 have j li," .i:t.'l's"t then u: l-,lletii.i ant p.-.N 1 il.tp.'l t...t I't. .I'll' Of the app letitiy h I'.o.i.ia i.- uii.a'.'. ami f ti.. L ( '. li:.!,'o:.. v. I ts. It .V 'i !s I iie . -I l"Ut : s t' i and coiiri t. r th j'f ii ii!"".:,. .-v.-.'..- :; tions i poinl-i HI'! ii:e 11" t Ho I' iv wiile.i i:.-l.i.i .- rati c tiir Lei re I '.cm. i.t s a vict-l i.'li. wi I'-il. if ' o :-nd i. .Villi w ui pin n! nr i.il.e -in troi.'i i ve lb- f. itf. .S ' ot lie-e cli-l! -;t; '.id. ft : ne rai'i i a i. . 11 .t vi-iy. pi inp-t.v lii iiiun I- : ii--litrh i ! ton in, I !i ! r:i: 1 v i Lilt r..i! p. . Ulllil.lS. II. v,.! i 'iie:r rLai . n vry i tin-' o'.y I' 'iu u t iv. r !o : d tl.ti: X u ha L fan I e.liii-t- ... alio t:n. i: to a p.e;..' t:t: !. :i ine :! . ! l.:r vr.c,( l.ti. i'! t i-K ff pen ;!V l. ':'ll'' i i:l.. r i! ri'i'sti u.'ll.. . '." tl;e ' i'l'i es aut'u"ii ti f.l.itt d 1 ai'i '.ii efiiiiu . ui. s. U'ldi tt'.-i!.'. . !' l..e :o.ld the pirposf i-t.v.f. ill. ti .i.-iiie i:i"i.i; and t ri' Mt . L.s -oni; it.ivi.i.!. nmy lit ui 1 1 ib iti-.i l" ine br.tjj. i!. t-) It if po.-Fli'i-j (lliJop:iLl It J .'t'ld If i he Y'iH'iw--i. .ii -av ti at tii'ie : cot i ii.;; n. . . e. in t'.e p: i-. im ... t. ! ih r iii.it.,; ti j;- ti i a! pu... p.t s an. ler w Inrn nil. i unite coin.ii r. t fi.i.ii ,'... i .: Lift.-.i 'Ii.e'. ?.u: p'.v I'tiiiu' ! tc!, '! '.'.isiiifs-ii..- .11 , ;! stot: I' iht- e.'tiilii w, it .a a s. :t.i I ir; hil Mllh it ai I'.i.'l l'l' ; p.r:ii. list v. rote v. .1 . V.i-:,:iitri.ii .is.d ,t it .-t Hi ',;;(. Null ;. ice la t iin'iiMi auiM.i ti lel.t .eil . , 1 1 1 -1 1 lai,i Hi :.! . 'lis tor t in i'i i":' a: . I it ll bl l.-i-.iV i 'i W Hi d till. I belli' I is t.Mt -i'ii.-- of ti.e f -nip il.ies ai ile eniisi.il mbiv in l :- of I. a. time -.1 tin- Ln.'amj ia c: 1 hi! Ai '!i Ulin lit gl'i'Uli'l- aie being put in 1 1-;. 'I: i.t ss f-'l liie ramp, ..ud i:,alul s'.ar.ds lln belli;; Cit'cltil r -pt it.it. is ill'OUll.l II. i' ilaj.se nil Wlilrll I I.e .til; list ."Ot pi i.l s .lilb. lit id. Ne.iliV one hi.ii.il' I .- i e,n:. it'll loin wi.i p..r ui tnai. . :0;d v-l l ""liie In. In a - most every Mute in the I M o; .ioi. ie oi ti t i-;t..cli.-il Wa -iij toL ! cniipler. !v frictiaU d o( i ii.t i:. t-1! cement oi some i.io lai... .-.iii.-i: H VV.I.-. llif tliit ..ele so tlsclw. Iiol.i ..is..si. tl.f 11 iy eniild not lie us d. I'ney !ii. tiir nul fS'inday elo-iag jaw.., which it piirr that ul places . r irii-ine-s where Mi.yli.n.g I- ilon. Oi" s"l i lor profit. ('ei p' :-.j otbi-ca.;. ,in.l tiiKir: t,ikin, e.-...i.li.hi.ieii!i, sir,., i-e In ruieti. ..: iv s 'ui. .1 on it.c tir.-t d i, of ti.e i.. t k 1 i.e uuilioi li. s ; .lt.' i i sin i erted these law- In. in tne stat in ink ell in i i. s.i ion" i'iniod. and are onltucin, W..,.;;,tv. I In in vie In sti:i!i:r of the X.c.-t. d I lout ititlu-i "I ie during Ine Mi.' (i tic N. e-t appe:d- Ii. leading hot' I i n !ial I), ill. ;omi' al i.- iV" III ". tl lliilde IO ine pi "j rii tot s and oiln r puuiic sp ju, ,,, , led 1 11 i.el.S lor lions in that i llet tl otll Olilllllllil'l against huinlty : hav;ne, passed, us tbev say. wiii n this e-.tensivi- metiop was iiniliiug moic than a good si.'d couniry town. Women t oHitteiTcil inn. Nivv Yt'i.K. April 15 - Jj'iie mi Sal unlay nigiil (lie I S. secret set vice oilic-is fioiu information liny hud leoeiv.'d, iai.ie.1 tho apaliiiieilt at l.asi illlli sllect. and IllltSti'd Airs. Anmn Keilv and her sisier. Mi.s Llloti lii-nelt. and eaolun-ti a CVar, w hich wan to have been earned out on the lUfh of March, have been . Kcutenced to death. The other con- spuaiois nave oeeu sentenced to hu- 1 prn.onmt ut for Inc. t'aiI lo(i ui LeUiatne Attn. If umding. Ac, Judge shall at.nttnce , , , ., . ,, . tluma whose aciileiices would ln iui Cl.iipt.ro,. Ar.M for Ice better in ilti or Ilu.s whow protec.ion of liKichanics ard. hiboiert : ',i t oiitiaci for building any build ing or vessel, roi.tri! to fill nisV owror iteinix d s'atem'!' of amount due hiborpis. 'cechi'liit's. c. befcte reti'iug eouitact pi ice. and owner to retail. snltii.i..n" to ray laborers. c. Sums dm' liib.uets In br- l.o:i ; it ainoun: due conl . no :oi insufficienf, laboi ers. 1 . to h-i pmd pro rata, coi'tiai tor failing to lutT.i-h siats utciit gui.ty ' f mis 'eiiiertiior. t'hnpt.-r Au act ! anisnd sec tion 1 diiii of The t'od '. relativt' to eai i , int.; ct licialed w ouoons: OrVeni'P Utii.-,lia!i!e iy fine i.ot over fifty dol lars o: iu'pt iso: tin tit not over thirty days J -.flier's jit. fl.iu"'ion. i'hai'ter An act relating etv lli'jn- aio .1... li: er.-l. i .. ... V II... 1 v. ,.1. ... ...r... ill t'liartiuiii t.e.ili'v : .'I s.h niCHit n lo cut tire", Ac, a!:,l no' it move Miein CliHpt.r 100. An act to amend section iH."ti!' TI i t'oile i'i left i "i:ce t i dj .-orcrs : Vi'ife elitit !ed to .i'.Toi ce if lotsiiund 5." iiidictt'd for n !'";. tlee liie State and does u.t ifliu u in onr veiir from m bctmeiii found. I'llllptlH' II ' All lie. to tstal''lh a I'-ufMii of l.;i!.-.. Si.tislics: Cun tir.-"io:ii.; of i,.iior Sta is!i:'s to be a p. point p. 1 by lb 1 1 nor ; -i!ary til tern bundle. I tioi'ms : c:f. k ut lit'ie b::n died tiol'.ars lo l.fi ;:pp. .ltiT.I by com uiissinuer : total pi use not to ex ceed le lb. ostiid doLais t" be paid out of tux laisedott frt ihzer-; dot u s. rep." ts. Ac. Chap. 1HL Ail an to ntiieiid sec lion 2. of cLaptn L'U. ot tin :n' - I lssfi: I'ens ill iitider act ot ls"i." i.i If .v'owf.i widows whoso inii" bands died oi disean- wlil.e m the sci'vi e of the Sia'e or 1'imtVdt.i ate Si a. vs. t 'bap. 1 4 :t All act to uieetid si'C tu.ii "stti oi I iic t'ode: b'or im p. Minding -lock, imp .inde. m.!y .ie uiaii.l ten Cfiiis lusti ad cf littv and ten cMits a d.av f r k.-vpiug ius'ea.1 ot :riity tixe. imi ..my i;on mock as mi tu. t iel al iaipie t hup. H,; An act to rouvl. l see tiuii 1'27'i t l he'.'i dc: W in i. mol t 'j-ee dies bffo.-ii debt Is J aid. ill-, t A.vutor or adminiii .' atol si.u.i ime ptiwt-t lo m ii iin.ter the in..! t j;ae. I. littp. 1.'-. At: ai'1 . ciie. I iiin. :ip pi a.s: M'i. ol t Xfi iUion on pi-ai ill tlt.e li!. r,..:. 1 JO ft The t'ode. t to ,tcn.c judf.-'u, ii which ; e i ( mti'io- i: a: ;-. ic ni. i-'t -oiielided oy tun., tii.g I 'i -ait ll.tec s t :."!'. l:o I ' X t'C 1 1 : 1 ' ' I , Sl:M. 1 -s ilc d li I I Ii o II I . . It I S-ctloU I'tj- a.i.'-n.letl, pitivldllig ' i.at j idg,..t i.t .-li t i r. i iiteie.l a.'eoniulg i.. rertlticaie: c 1-e lo sfilid . r HUi h; :ii s: i'ii.. i! nvn t' i.'.. . ...o d : in Ci .inil.a. ens. s, i.oi capital, del k t" I. -liti -l.eiilt i: J.. .leiii, til ailiilu.-d a..,i -.ei.lt l.'.'t to i'e evrciiti ii : i! new Ilia., it stun. is io. tnai at ti.si term. In .a; .":t. ?;''.. c : . Siij i . inn l. 'on it to i'l'i i ; v . t. , Sloe 1 . g -1 1 si in t , woo Iimisi .ui. ..iiit ol i i .Mil. Ui io siiel .11 . stctioii l'-.ii :'. ii' iidcti. appea. .'tiiy to I'.'.p sale ol i my sir- :i.e i. aj-.i t; i.d Oil.' tioi. r of : - l. I'.';' An net to it -f iiL-ite tlit s. I c.nt"n : I'mawlui to i I'.ilii'ii nn .cm prison buy oi i'i i i a i . 'i'k i he .lair ut on, ji.j.ii.u .-ci.i..,- amoiii.i ; ii. k lo be ot-el. to mspi-C i'i .-:, sr. a iiij !o Li .n.ty ui.'! w li I. in justice - juris ' i.el! i'e l- pt ot ell Olil : no. I. n.iaiil to show .t. t An lot 1 e n-'.l-jl , eiitle : 1 1 win. allow vii .sc w L. i . 1 Mai out ! I e Ie I all 1 I. ..ile.lrl.i," 1 i.ul-d and "I.e f" : I "I :: v d '.:m1 - as I L in . . 'I li i .1 lie: '. :i An n. -t tii i . j "it. t iiap aw a ol is.i: S .. t, ..t rati t'Un tel . .. .it t be - ..) '..-tied in i halhain ai:iv by j ....'.:. 'II : m ! t" iil'iec. till 1 it fi.i.'L .uiea ly lis Hie .aw. .. iiaj n .-.H . 1 Ail act to al'tr ide -.li of N'.ith t in ".it. a : J'o I'lti pis of lin- 5a d itf lead "I l.to A'i'i'n.ii.i. i i l i t vole.l on at Oil- i'ii"! Is--; r-n in d ol' uouiing tf .t rt l"li : i.V' i.rM'CIaii! j Jsl ices in lie vote i '". a:: l u ai.iei.duit -.t .rvai.s. to .j la..:;. ,ir h.. late p.ftl-'i-s. t i.ap Jli An u.-i l" .imei.d eiiap t.'l ti :. .y -.wo of 1 lie I 'o It . h:;.1 !"i ri;'- ..l!;l j I . ! ect lit! of i.-pior tl'.Ul i'ii.; l-j i i nun i.p.m io vii option to o- li. ,. i.i ,. ..!',( n i i i Inn. i ....... Ill 1 W ' I y. US. bo'lld I l itev.t-.stl s piOVli-il f-n lo i i'.v;..i ll;c ll .till of fee., l .ion: s . . : i '. 1 1 ' i s , int. us and mail .l.pK'is io bi in..-iu.ti;.l in pminbiliou ; si in :. i.s eiwn to .iiplo. dea.rrs lo close ii, bn-l!;e.-i ailv. vole ol po. nibi'ioi. , ii '.;bl - to i-t-i't (.li.V tlooli i; M Mi i. pi e .enpt 1.111 oi iLyskia.i kii'i.fii io tin ;n ui vi. ached lor. uud not ititetc. ti d in the driiK slore. ('ud'.. 'iJ.i An ac; In iioo.lsli thr present bi a lu.t ion at the I i.ucisiiy: i'uili' ii lo in- i.i ".ee.i in yt;,l tier inn.) t'.id paid foi in advance, by ash or go.. d in-te : l ilie to be ad -pie. I .-. nii'iy; mug adinis. !! of no" ... .st. ,i, uiose in coat III'' to Ur. . :. e., c : no i. ui- i.i bv ete.oidcil lor want "I means, but login. n,,to Chan. U:t.'. An a ! to oioiiilnt the advei lining ot .oltei irs, and to amend I he Code, section lops : Any prison who by willing oi punting iu any nay a.lieiiisci a ...iiei v iu or out ol iiie Stale, or states wheu ihe same w lit be oi awn or Ihe pi ice of a iiekel. Ac, is indicl Hb.e lor inisdeuisnor. (. Iiap. 'tll. An ad to amend see- turn oiiii. rliaplei on of Jim lode: t'erson culling din h lo tiuii water ou a public roa.l, to cutdnch to lake water fioni the nuid. Chap. a.)7. An act rripiiring jun tiers of the peace lo furi.isli itemized siittciuent of cosis. In all trial: euuer paitymay demand iiemi.ed staieiueui ol coals ; justice failing to tin iiis.lt gui.ly ol niis.ieiueauer. Cuap. iiU'J. An act to inn fed sec lion lid ot Ine Cude : Justices of tue peace not. to bo eogibie to the oltii-B of county commissioners. Chap. .tlX. An act to provide for tho working of ceitaui convicts iinon the public loads of the State : W hen a uouuly or evcral couutios associa- , ieti togeiuer nave maue provision for ' working couvicti ou public roads, seiiteiices could not exeeml ten years j.fiiiti :.tia:y lo furnish tweuiylive: addoiou.ii regulations and rcstric- lll'!s. (.'Iiap S49. An act to r-atsb'.ish a reformatoiy in conm ction with t.'ic North Carolina S'ate lVuitetitiai y : A retoruiatory mav be established in '.mr.eci.ou with tiie i'rniteiitia' y for coi-victs under ri.ie. u years of bs;p' ret; :.ia:iou mid test i ictions. Chap, do" ,Vu to regulate, thf" sa c l il .ingi toif t'p.osive-: i n lawful to st!ii dyiiAiuite ca;tud;;n.s Ac, w'i'hoiu iicen- ; dealer to keej a t ee istf-r of sa;r. Ac ; un!a(f to ibschurge eartiidge bxcept for n;v cliainca: inn pose. t'htip -t ill. An act to iiieiease the appr oj ! laM.'ti of the mini nl -i lioois fo. t i'r colored I ::(: Six iho.o and d.i..ais ii..-;ea l of two appiopiii'tt d foi t-o o.ed uortnal srhoo.s. Cb... . :2. An net siipp't iiii iitai to c'.i.ipicr :J08. !., ol lSfs.. eiilil L'd 'A:; .! io catabli h and niHitilai'i s-i ii. ..i-;l nil sclnio. ": To be ib nom: na.vd "'. be N. C. College of gricu'. I. ue and Mcchai.it' Ails." '.oc-red on land no. jiitid by 11 S I'.iL. u. near 11 i'l-i;; I. :o be limua I'd by bo-o d of a-iicii .i.retind five tner penous t be named by the j veinoi ; interest i. n land -clip :i UVOd. to wit : iT, "n .. to be pui i when cn.:eg n Iv i '. j"i woik: pi ''lutein iaiy m '.ll :l- ii !.;! . .. ami mat el ml ; bo.od i f og r.i'ii tine I" i'lin ovnr all f inds -m ' . '.1 ...:. ece.- "f ifvcl'tie lioui i'ul !!';..,.i'. o'.ci "r l.i Hit t : cvpei inn ut -lain. i . t-i l roe nee' od w 1' ii t tie college : Camp Maii;'.uii tiact. iiOb a.'ir--, t,i be luiiivd over lor use ol' college: ail students . be reijuilf-d to lake u Course of niaii'i.li Ira'.niiig. On the Wai-l'Htb.. Cm. A j 'i'i! '-!. -- A Times special fioni ltii:i'.a'i. I'.ias, says: Intfl'ii o. nr.' ii a! tin' Ki-.wa -tnd C 'luu '-I." li.d.an- aie on i In. war-path, and !!'. " promiiT-nt cat tie-1. .an. W. A. Vin son. ':. o:.t of ins employ i s, well" il.ll del vd by I Li HI ill ii!!i .o.nlv, i,i.ii' tl e N i . . .jo mo in. imis, ha- ciea tvd cscUemcli'. ihn .ii ;l. "tit tef :.ml Meiglli "I'l'g I. Mb b older emild.i's o I :; a- cs-i be h .1 :,e l. the : i' mg o! M.itison and his m. n is only the I'.'oi.ii:)! g i.t the go'iefii oui bred: ..i t mpi'teii for -o ne lime by t:.'it p .. I t ". til-' C- 'in ittclie 1 1 ine ki.. vv n :t toe "Xt 'l I 1 f e lil' tio:..' to wi i.'ii I' lliy iniil. l! K 't a t'oi sidi'l able ill I J T'ly. of ! tide' beliii. o. 'I'i, iv . .institute ti.e ii'.'.-t sn:i. e ,n .l w o iii. e . . t .tin r.i i ne ! 'om. : ei.e-. Ail t' fsi' who ii. lint under the L-i'l . ii.. l t-lii. :'. i4" i u, aii I'ail.ei'. li.'r lioui llii fr.-i : .ii-ll opposed to '.Lo !-lfin,' i 1 tl;. ;1 1; lids .'.Lite .'alt" t,:M: Tin v.i i i .,ate c. ii ..- ft ti.e i.iL -t' wt's t.a it i.fid on l:.. pa: t ; tl , vvhr. s to ppi; the in dans .vi h beet' a. coi oiiio- to ilntr denc'l. li. but il iiiv di'iu no. ii wnai ctn be it un i d that tin? i' a- "I iv llalciicd . p as a p'ia'lsible e -iise lo: li cm o tiie t'il.-i sin. Is in a !on; contemplated ' no .nisi their iniii.: ! i it i y lb" ':,'!. i;tlU"les ;,ji li.ii sol:. Tie Ii: li .lis ha v.. t! nan n. . t lake tii. it' s nt aii the -. ti !'- io !' . oii,.; v . mid so'ik- of l!;.' I estd.-i.t - :tie appi' Lt li-iw ol i'oniyi into the cli:' ti a- 'i ...wo.- boiiL ri'io on tins side (' II- I rivi r. Au ii.'l a mil in li e I i y ..t 1 1 i - i; '.i ' ..i i;. i s-a ' a of si. t'l I d'iV i'i"li. b :t i!.l ill.,' . i. f pe; j, 1 a a-- am. o.t o! L.e ,i"i'i':tv ::'ig! I I . des'i'oye.l ...th e l ei I i:oty ; i . . I i . . ,, r c ai! t ,. - v:.i It 1- ! "te : : pi b ,!. if the Co.. ;' r1 - and Ki-cvas ihi-ir war p unt oi irm st th-". be : einfoici'l i-y t'e Cheyi i.e.' .- At ap.ihoi tinir i.eioiibor- on mo'th. who w.ml 1 b.. ,...lv t" if a cbai.ee t" do some figh'iinr 1, al th - -lad A Hoiiiiiiitic !;iif!eiit. e. i w i- urt..i.' i I.l I. in-.n t .i" iC'.i. llMflfl Aoo;:t imi yeat - a"" u lull an) nan lsoiiie man came Li i r from I? i ; I. tu.i ..it up a 'n at ins plan, of oi- nr. - beaiing the wids "I I 'hi I-..". I (toll ii iyer l i e man whs ii e r and a ", n,- Lin. in: a ejm.-, -iaiM'dthlt. It w,i-t.. lliii tl.:it L. c- a iii-1 c'tusin of Valei l iin L do r. ,' e'i'. and had been a piomin- nl of li i :' in l no lirilish ?ei i'cp. In in i;a ' e sei veil iii a tamo. is coiiiliiai. i 'i. wu ii.i "H'."-.m's Hoi st. ' J'i Iv'J i.e ."inn., to !h- i niifil S'.itesin i. i ci: of niivre exi ut nn : t. and v as a; on, led bv the ' L v. ri of .Massa- ciHiits to the command ot itila.l: I f luifiil ' 1 1 i v in- fit Itie w.;ei I'ol.inel Flt'ieis IP neroii mow Inspector (I nersi ot 1 1 I-. Ml!i ) and I "I I .li'hu l.nef AiLui-ou, in. v.- t.t Wlliiiingtiiii, vveie i-aii i:i I. H" vvui vtiv kind loli.e nu i gciitleii. ill Wlnir Colonel Ha r w us hei i' C-.loiii-l Cai leton reco-;-;i!il Liui aj : is cai'tor and geiitu o:'s or !i a singular i.:i.e which C.i iLeel HaUer had 'i.e. I while m Ihe aiiny AH ihrc ni,i ,d a friendship whirl was never br.ilo n uutil Colonel l!a m'i'm tleatii. in 1HKI Like many an other t .1 aid man. he died pom but not ut horn red Kind hands minis tered in. to iiiin to I lie la-t, and he wa- buried iu the cemeftirv here in CoIoik i tVncioti's own plot "f ground, wd ile mili'm v Icior-i were I ' udered hmi in crrert sty li Ci" ''.1 li ik l w u entitled to n Jure amount tf peii-t.ni. which he nevei leci-ived. N-.w- (.tlicials fioni WasL- in.' on are here si tiling up the ni.it- ''!' Th- pi . since of these people n'0 recalls l!.'- to.iching :-to:y. whi. h ilhisli'ttes on o ngun the f.-ci that kind dec. is i. ever dio or remain toi- gotten. Fjt lone i i .Missouri. St L'fis, April 2i. V special from Nevada. Mo . snvs: ' V ten itic cv- rlone s.vept tlirough a part ol Vernon eouiitV last evening, lining great il.niei.'.e tn M nm.rlv nn.1 Lillinir it number of people. ' Thirtv houses are known to have b-en destioved ami fifteen jiei sons are said to have ,,,) kjiet. A Hiitiiiint tc .Marriage. from U cintrK.iie Cbreiilcte. A Gretna Green alVair has just oc cutivi! in ttif backwooda of this State that pit uuses to produce a sensation in Kne'iish society In mit t it i- this: Ludy AmoiU'. the dauguter of au Kng-h.-h Ivu 1. with an humble, laborer witli whom sho had btH'.itne uauior ed. I'he scene of t his romautre occur rence was at tlie b'ussei foltl uiiln', ill M mtgomerv county, and tin- lti tor which broiigi.t tho news to this citv. says that it create.! a de. ji seiisali ni aiaoiio I ue gooti folk oi tliat iocao.v, and will crrate h slid '.renter sensa tion when tiic news rruciiesthe home of tile bride across liie vater. The iacs m the case, as secured by a l in i locie rep. l t' 1 leave i o doubt as I.) the geiui lit m ss ("l tiie ease. Lady Auionr came over to this cuiu iiy lately with her married sisivr, whose husband it llliei esi-d In the: Ivu-sel mine, being, in fact, one of! tin p: iiicipal o.vi;er.i iitdv A moor, ' sho. llv dliei her aiiivid m thi eoii'i try. accoii.pai.icd her sister io her home ut ti:o liiine, lo spend a se koii of lest :.ttd i" ciealiiii Among the. lai.ii et s eiiipioiid at tiie nili.e was, an lion. 'si, laud .HUKiii. young man, by n.n mime ol lltry lied, with w l.oni Lnly Aiiioor ia came inlat.jii te.l A stronc ana. hnient st'i'iing up bet ween Hutu si; 1 liie relative of t!:c lady noticed that site si e. ned to t'llif tin ni,,i-il d n.tni tt in th.'- hum hie miner, hut lor nil this, they liitio oile-si'd tin' true . -late of the lady's heait.at d iveio aitogt ther uii; repar e 1 tor what wa- to lo.ion. thie div las! '.i.'tl; the m.'iiing ei"iimi;iiily was stiiit!eda lb. r. j. oil tin, t Lady Amo -r a. ,d .Mr. iii iilutd h en man led Tin ir line ii iMifi'm kind thai l.tughs 'il 1. rk-mi' . mi. I lhey had f amied tt s ic; :t-l'o ( i. a 1 1,;; Cirei ll ilfi.t.r. l i e reported eiopemei.t which clean d s.icii a liv-. iy inii i est in t it ii. i"hbor liooj. prov. d li lie. for w u.-ii ihe ci ll p:e ict'ilned. lliev came as Mr. and .Mis 11 in y .l :!!. ' l.a ly Aiiiooi s micie. who had betii in Lii l iu'ultu for some d.y.-. w n Di.-ld' seicisiy sick by .he nm vpeel-I'KS-'i tvu n r.au i In i sis r 'as- ihrown ho i a st ile of ;.ii'nt excite:!;' lit ulni d.. stress Hi'iM'ifi. the iiltaii' eouid mil In nieii iid. a:id the neighboring pi 'pic 1 1 1; ilk! " .oncluiied t Lit i-nii-;;l at ui h i. n. wile 11, older, Slid most t iii'i i fully inive they been expressed I ..t i v A in i ,1 fan. iit I Inn; i. s.'l, of d, ItiUKC Ih 1 hii-b ,: .1. Ci .lia-., nair, ne. -1 co n. -, i i inn a lis; ingiiisii . and In f inisb ti, .1. t iioiih - . . j,. a st udy yum j; ( l.i North Si.ite. mid will ia iy- l:i ji a true ..ml 1-iviTig I'n" b'st wi-l,es if 'lo hi c e -.t. tided to the ii'ippy ..e 1 1 us! 1 ha' their Tears limy be in my. ii-ip.-y mid prospcrmf . A K)c:v i It id'. I'P 'H tin I'ti; U.lili !. 'i'Jr. AL. .1 !.:. II ;'. of Chapel , 111... I- Hi luv.il ii'ls atttinooli nil I i.i s .ju 'i l l.c il. coi del i! e following f cis i e-pct niig a -i iis'ttiotial iiih.ii ; .. Lidi i iti.i it"i iit v Ii p. '. Hid : ' ll up e lis that some tour ye,.!s :i.-o oi.e Thomas H S atle. a ill .11 ; iiH.'.; d.". y. ,i;i of age and claim. n to 1,'iii li hi Texas, entiled liie CO! bTe ii'i a st' dciit. "since then lb" stud ills i.flo'. Iiolu time to time. i. t-..: 1 1 1 1 i : i i.; vain t'.i'ie aiticics ot ' I uipi ny. r ilcli as ciothmfc.', jewelry, w at. In s. .v.'. W i: u !'i of Toy ret ui ned to Chapel. ii. i. a few .hi-..- a" . am! unlocked lu i oinn. he a!s , discov ( it d ilia'. Val io.is o li. let v. Ll h I.e Lad li lt there w en , .:n..e. A sf.il nt i.doi me 1 tiio Fro ; -s i'ti, a In- had set-li Wade .vt.uii .; ' a e a: ai.,i vt-l .; io.- Ioy's'i. where .;, n ti., 1' ". s-oi t ok out a sr. i) cb ; .valiant W'iien Wade's rooms win-; o; t'i.e.l ihe occ ipi.d two. into one of ; w Li. h no ore evei was pei milted to1 o.'l tint i; i. :.--. .liie diimbfoltlitb d ' I'm r. 'Ley f mod f v ry coliceiviible .,'t of tning. sloleli and secreted to Wade. In t. e language uf Mr. Walsou, tl.i-le W's a i-.'.i-ii' i of ciiif-biitlin s ; a' il i: i :. 1 . .1 shnls; llioll":'.- of l Olli.l'!- . ' aid scei.i! Liiliol'" gold watches. I l-i say in ;L:i g of ihe t ar-load ' t I : s.ui... I ,.n i.-i cit'lhiiig. pi-t.'ls. ; k. nves. Ac , ail snileii by Wail" d.ir ; I' ' I'.e l"'.i! Vials of tils (' "...'.; si'.' Turn ol the wa! ri.es I, live j be ii i'!i.tifi" d a. the property of M.I i Hood. .id. of Wilson, and 'lf.;i' 'A iiol.i, id' Greensboro. Tint fnriuei , was sti.leii thin- yeais Hgo all I the 1 I ntel two yens ago. A ci. it and : vest ami Ss in in-.m-y belonging lo, Willie K I uclii-r. son of Mr II. S T ..fh'..i..l Ii ...i,d 1-711 in inic, ev ; . , :,,.,., l, i. ..i ,.,', Student. W.'l Suai.ge a win willing against Hi.- f 1 1 em .1 it may appear, no one ; tO sWf.ir Ollt ll W.lilMIit ' Low Hut S.piire Wat- ' son 1. 1... !' ..ii. i give i i i.i in inn sum j of SI 'Hi. warrant oi no wan ant, ami . would y -a believe it: ho actually sio'.e i .floof teat ami) int mil of Mr. Wat ( ,-o..'s vest po'kcl i'. fori' he left him. ' lie then t-.'.k Ih - tram and h ft, for whi r.- no om- seem- lo know. I It iippe.-irs toils that tho autliori- I tun of the c.'lbgo should not have i allowed Mich n character to e-c. pe. He iiinpu st ioi ably was a proli sneiial thief and was at t lie Univ. :i ity for, tin- poiprnf r,f robbing the st :::l"l'ts. We bate n-it the time to give further pal t.Cinais Ibis rveniiig. ' A Di'stinctiTc Cyrloiie. Four .'co-r. Ark.. Apiili'T A-p". chI irom I'lvienil, in ih.s county, re-O-.itv a b-nible cic.oii-' on rnur-d i evening, ut about li.U I o'clock. Th. ic wiiin si veiileeli pel's 'US killed at dif-f.-ienl points tluotighoj; tin: county a tl an mcidelilabie auio iin of dini h:.t done to all kin Is of propei I y. I'le.colt is lit'-railv wiped out of ex is'. iii ii. in t a single Ituilding bt-infi left siatidine; to iimi k tiie site of a otn o piospei oils and llniv iner place. 'iepoiis are coming 111 tiOlil nil '"ei in country of iLimage by the tcrriliio storm, ll, was a grnuiuw cyi.iui.i-. 111! t ( 01111- f I Dili t ilO HOl tllW est instead of the southwest as is usual. Hail fell all over the country, flome stones uioasniiug thirteeu inches in circuia- foi cucc. This i'ul illu-tratea the way in '.ihich the Fn; Ci .v Flcks is used in place of li, ick Cbim noys These ipes. hai iug sock ets (.ii. ure set one upon the other, find by eementiny them at Ihe joints tLey are pei fectlv side from tire Thty arecut.vi' ami anyone cau put them up We lU'.vii.vx r.i; i.o.vEsr mucks Wrlir f'T tiu.'titi.'..iirt Lcfirr flu, -lug y.iut' i.r.l..' Ii -.ii I'liut.-!'. Making ''obiiccn Flues A Sie...il! Wrlif (ar lii'MTl.'tvi' Ir.'ul.-irs i.l r...n' !'..l.t.r-i i-l K.ssll.ti.i: 111) .111.1 STIl.l t'l'TTCBS, Of (V.:! 'iu.1 I'x.iniint. til NS, 1 ln'Ol.s, ClK)i aii.l lll'.ATISli bl'OVM. I.IMk. ri.AsTl.ll.l'r.MENT. K'j,"wr p JULIUS LEWIS CO., Opposite Maikct, Kalcigh, IS. C. lAIiar-ST STOiiH XJa THE STAT3. Hsrdvvnre, Sash, lioois and L ii.ds KuLLi r and Leather Belting, Jfee.y A vl ki Vi W. I, I.OMiOV has retiiriiiMl from the Northern -illarkets with the and BEST STOCK of (iOODS ever brought to this county These goods have been bought for cash, thereby saving all dis counts, and wi!3 be sold to cash customers aschcao.if not cheap er than they can be had in any market, Xorth, South, East or West- H kt t p. l-.VI'.UYTHIN' i I All h" ashs is to Kive him a call nd se hit goods TLey MFT UK SOLD an i thai so m. w. l. Lorroozt. FittiLoro'. N. C, A'.'il -. ls.s?. TI15 DL'HIIAM MARBLE. CRAJilTE ABB BEQ7N STONE WORKS, DriuiA-M. N. o. ( ' r: ; ra rrr rrii .'uu, m-jiw ffi:, a I irf r i. u:'i zcct. and "":::rc" cm-s am wilmso rLRpoE8, "i:i i ri'i :e v i.o ix 1 :n( 'r.!K.i, F-KSION'S AND IIS TiM AIMS ! TlINIslIKI) OX AT PLICATION. U'l'l. ((A.M, ,V, (V, MAXL FACT FRK Us AN i) WI1 .l Iv.ALi: AND JlE 1 AIL DEALERS CC AHD ALL KimCU AHTICLE8. :,.tt?.2ds:c cr all s mjl-s to chjdsi SLT.ClAL I'ltiCr'S T ) I'llK TUADK. The linn is only one voir old and has -old more furniture than any otkV House in the Slate dli.il g thai ii'm- Tin v c,n -i.Totd to s. ii I MF. Itr.M f IT. UNTTFHF. at the VERY LOW. LSI' pi i -es Call and see for y. mi self. Nov. 11. lSSti. tinis. IMf MI WYATT k TAYLOR, G HO GEES ANH - (General Commission Merchants. jiAi.Kiuii. :. c. CtU on tiietn or send tho u your order t. if you wish s.juare dealing. July i. isms. . Jf you want to buy t e'e cheap, Hcnd your orders lo ihe un.le .-ig nd i l.ii o'V.-i .() 1 1 litis, it ud Bbls. new- crop Cuba Mll.ll-S -s. i(K iLi-s (iVoi-, 100 lints Sugar C. Kit Caud Gran ulated, 250 IV. It s I S. Side. 1000 lbis Flo ir-all grades, 00 Iloes Potash and Lve, i -30 I'-o i- s T b.ice . ami Sntitl', Soap. Caudle-. Can ly. .!, Il'.rsi ford's lh oad Prcp.o ..tn.u, Corn, M. ai. Hny. O its. Nails. H op Iron, Liir.l. iStc iVc. Fiesli goods coiistantly ar- riving : WORTH & WORTH. Vii.minoton, N. C March 31, 1H87. Its. C9 .Ti'.'??y?vi S.-o J TT-V; )v;j 1,2.-1.-s.. .vwK.iil- Ih T. KOd'EBS, -1FALF.I IN t5 i?r! rd iii'i.un ui hhtKcs. Statuary, t THE J. aL OBBLL MANUFACTURING COCFJIY Have just stocked their atora al IIYtSITRt'H WITH 13UAND NEW GOODS. A full line of GROCERIES, i LADIES a nii GENTS DRY GOODP, ! NOTION'S, AC, iu short. These goods will be sold at bottom prices for cash. , April 14, 1887, 4U. HOUSE! eiijiniifi mjmfVfl'tNikilflKf!Sli