.1 :4 3 8 THU1WDA1', JUNK lit), 1SS7. H. A. LONDON, Editor. Tjik Qi'ken's Juuilek was celcbia tedVou the 21st iv.Ht., with reiit re joicings throughout the vast fi:il:".h possessions. That day wus the Ji f -ttoth auiiivuiHHi v of S'h3 tcc'ssion of Oitr Uus'iiiilim Killer, ir'ruiii mil" Iuiru!'v ! risntiiltiui.l W( ;l hM iitul Crops. Wasiiimioin, Juno '.ill. Tim follow ing i: il: v.ciillier :,na crop Oulltt'i! Office, issued to-day Iv Uie Si for ! In week oiulin-r Juno -5th Ton i an lit m e Ikuiuir the week colored peeiiie in this section, and ''.A to be able to .s-v t':P.t .in. iwHilier hftH li, i-i. sli.'bik- cooler the xx ondei fill imae imil ion with wliieli Mr. Co-v ra'i iius iteoxc.td Kiifileiciit- ,iall ,, uveiitc in all the aeriei.lt u- 'hey Hie en. lowed, i elates tlt follow lv b hi -ek l tie conliiij,' slot ies oi 'Deer .list iets east of the Hoekv Monti- in:' inei.leut us bavin.' reuentlv oc- . -Uh, i.e in ii;l; iiuau.e to stana uie tains ix hi e !t ms In en win met I him em i ed Wxsmi.v.to.v Juno 2.1th. 1SS? I ant I onjiii in;,'. A Dostnictivc Morni. j nn u.e wm.-.iugu.u iu-vkw Chicauo, June '2H A TimeH spe- A iriend at Kockx Point, speaking ,.jttl from J.ouy View, Kansas. iyh:- of the ignorance uii.l supei s, ition One of ttie iuohI destructive ntorins tli still pievuil among some of the ,.Ver kuowii oci ui led Inst nisrht twen- atiijuf ot Wic tiij) to lm twiiiiliew.it. ,imi (, the I'acitic coast In the tlie l.lte Sul lull- J.l u:-s. St:.."s of the upper Mississippi Mid For the present ti.e i'resideiit has ,Ut. Mis.somi viiilevs mid the upper discoiuui'ied l.t public lcccDtnms, Iko rc.'ioii. the dailx uveraiie teiil- Queen Victoria to the t'! one of Chciit otxniy pioi.aiilv to the .-oven' .n!eal p, jaiure lauded fi oin tin cm to seven ui sucn an 'inueiiaixti'-, xviui ti.e inei decrees lioiintti, while on the Allan uionu". ilftiixiiie; vi tU Ue nun-tie, u,. , ,,ast ,)OI,th f New Etfland and that neighborhood, lie tv miles belox here, uiiileairied death i and ai struetiosi in its eotirst). At New Pinpeet, a iiei;hhoriniT (ow n twenty miles south of here, live men savs : Near Rocky Point Depot, Pender couhtv. iives a nej;n lionily i f in lliseei e and more I loin ol dinai y liei o inlc.oyeliee. 1 he wife ol the lul--1 ' ' is l.een depl ' ssed and haniit evtial moiitiis with the ilis ties iii ei'iivietioii ti.at she i eon- Biitaiu, and so (hiportuut an event .,u l: l;a, iii.-.l fiaiisp.n-U ll.al iliirmy ;,, :ie l.lllU,11 uli ,!,., BiibjectH in the city of London Mv. J iiouid s hil( niysli i uais visit di,. icnipeintiive uifleicd but slightly jni ed oi bewitehed. 1'iuler (his d AtlL'lanirs miirhtv met roiiolis - -I he !o tins i ttv. he u aliv n.i a yem ious iv.mi n.u niul. In no: t hern Ca'lil'or piorable delu-iou her heulih. t'eod dav was observed with the most im- ltn.,lic ttci, tor wu:eu I "i.-n to iweiiiy miiis soutl) ot Here, live men A", v. eie killed outiiKht. At i'airplay. a '7vf'& T- una!! h.uniet, one woman an. I I wo Vj'2 children were killed. Inning taken siieiier in an old house on which very loiij; 1 1 eo fell, ciiishin I hem. In the track of the tornado iioiliimr left. The coimlv is thinlv kui. THE DLSI51AM MARBLE, GHANITE AMD 2B0WH STOKE f ORKS, DUKllAM, X. Q, I!. J. ROIiMS, DKALER IX ,1 l I,. I jfosiug certnionieB. The tiiieeii ryae , ' .i . , i .. ... lew Mi. I'eitMli. wl.ure ashing lo:, s i t inaius iu state through the pnncipal ML t,utlllllbed, Mr. tioutd. iean.ii streets of the city, wh'i h .vsre throiit;- thai a tract ol i.iiui eoiiiiuoiis to the a.l aitli Iniiidndx of 1 h.nisumls ot esl.ite as dcslled to plot id the pr-ipoily iioiu ei:. ioaciiliielit. he ol - Jailv uverarfe of f.om 1 to 'J decree- ill i eo a boDyht at li! eNpelise l"( 5i2,."iUt) ilio owiKis btjlu l,aiieiice iiiiil J.ii.:abt.'i h Washington, ymil gianu in ptiew uid liieee i l tne liisi liesideit ami presented it to ine ladies of the Alt. Vtluon A -s-'elation The trruiul jurv of the ihsiiicl ol Columbia inn e, in ll.eir lipoit, pie- enthusiastic cilieus. and proceeded to the grand old Westminstfir Abbey, in whk'!i wero ythered not only the high olliniwl r.nd uobnity of lb eat. Britain but also the most distinguish 0& represelitativts of eveiy civilized country in the world. Such au us- liewbly has m.Vtl before been seen, M-nted the i'ost Ollhe, I'leasiiry, and and the cerwiiomes weie on u se.iiu Imerior J)epaitiii. nt bui.iiintjs as bo l in sued a 1;M sanr-il i foliaitloii :!s to t.'tulaio'el' ti. iieaith ul'ii lo'ee of the eveiai t i'.Hi.-auo eiui .om s i f Knglislrneii luive just cause to bo these i'c pail menis, and tue I to. cm proud of i hir Queen an. I to icjoic uu iu l'i iii'.mi- l.iUe. -o- weii as -omc so much over her loiitf icin. She ot the theaties, uie piom..m e.i noiir H' nit lei liial. nilliiali lil e U aps. iu I ue attention ot I'onyiess to 11..' lili,piT. ii." 'l.llnl j.il.x ills. iv tnat if a plivale n,u;i eui..i Win le spiinibie lor such a si. it.-ol .il. uls as li. s. tie would in1 imil.leii t .i mai.. l.unii.jf a ni,..-ai.c.;. 'Ine inii.diuy 1'isiiei im had Hits to suv on tin Mil' uia. Oicyon Mid Washii.gton Ter- oil-i.". oe'in .i lieclnu- and slie ntory the average daily excess of sought medical ai.l. so-called ftolil tcmpYiutUio for the vi ek railed C 'lijure doctors an I otheis of hot from I to 10 de.'i ees. The ee. ss own . ace who ai e celebi m ed for re- niov.ii;.,' "spi'lls, as ealii d liomthoso conjured or bewitched All the money I i:..t her ln.-l'ana and fiien.U coii.il lnise wiici litely bestowed in paying the eoriiioiiint ib'iiniuds of tl'. si- i-onjiirc dm tors and ciileis of .-jn i.s" lot Hi i viei-s lel.ih le.l ill was tied, which aeeniiuts for 1 he few lives lost. As theie is no teiei aphie coin iiiiiniealton but little can be learned at this time, stoi in is i ii" ivT I otrMfon Tto V. iiuxiitrii. it ,re'. aJ Sf : o n t ii OlilUJ CI. cirv A heavy wmdaudiRiu AND "71172077 m.'wC AND )il ll.DINd l'LRrO.SKH. now. ! ........ of temperature for the season, from January I to Jtim- ani."iiitm0 t. b enkiii looso the chains ot . 1 1 j n - befitting such au assembly and socb rl oci'iioio;'! continues over the cu't.ii region, ct nt.iiil Mississippi Val'ey. and ll.i lice westward to the Rocky Mount:! n. while in all other aoficitii ti al dis 1 1 1. Is. excent lit isolated slat ions, the a.era-e da;lv tempciatitre lor the t at ion I hat had re.liuvd t lie woni.ui season iblYcls less than one deyiee lo a skeleton ami to tile point of ft i uu normal demli. A' I at once n tisiou appealed Rainfall. During the veek thu to t in- U-i en ed iiuoband a lew days r.aiifail has been iu excess in all of 'o. mivh' that it ho would rip open t:e San son ilo Allaiitn -oa-t. aloni,' ihe be: I u,oi: wtnoli h s wife s.ept lintnciuite l'.ast tialf coast, and he would tl; d. on I no .l, ft side, the tli not only has the love and loyally of her subjects, but th" isii- -t and good Will of the ..VMs of other rou'ltiies. ilei ip.eei.ix an, I woman "j vil I lies mi e IVCOjjnied and r to.ied by all piople, and her example has exerted a wond-iHl ml'ieiicc upon j, rt' ()l n,e I 11111.11 i'liu-e -it 1 tiie morals of her subjects. Although woist tile Hap in the L n.toj ?M m.i a iiu-f;ruce 1 1 a! Uuiili: ' conjiiiii.o subs'. ine conjuror did as tm e.l. and s. x el n able I'd in on peas, ai: no va in 1 - fclve mightiest of mod-.-ru moiiuiihs, fehe was a .h; ll'ul ivifo atnl a tine woman in al! lue piivate iciii!ioiis of life, licr dominions iuc 1 jfW:t tenl than thoe of any oilier in n tin natch. Oue-si'.iii of ihe inhaiiled globe 111. .i one louitii of .'.': iiiaiil.ii.d are beneath Lei sway. Avi . t sh Las 's -li Willi gov ei i,ti:eiilai air-.trs tnan the l'rrsil"iit of our eat Republic. S ualcwr mislaki s in public policy may be made, ; !.e t),i, v. ti la riot hel.l lespoiisilile bo! (,'abi net Minib.cis aie held :ici'o'ini.;i.. and aie diniuisstd. Si.o is ticaiiy liit'iu tiuit head, but it is not so with our l'li suient whose ixtcutivc mtllJiity is yieatel than thai ti.e mighty "(J n u ol (SreiU lhilu.li and Kmpress of Iu.il 1" ! to .M uel 101. j. 11 !h" t v. o tip xolh. and el I mvi 1 niut'ut. Is tour s!oi n s hi,.;., and lill fi i t w nh . ana icl" !-"-.'i 'i s al-, -at 1 I l.-Cle Is ol.lx on. -: 14 1 ;n t. r tin lu lo 1 1 e rx ii. asf ol ill Western Missouri ami Mas'ein Kansas, the heaviest rainfall;, occur iti.o iilioio tile mid, I. e Atiaulic coast, lu the Mississippi, Ohio .md Miss, mi xu.iexs there was ie.-s ra:n tl;ai iisu.il. the lielicieucy auiounl iie; IhiiIim! an liieii ill the Stales of the li, sjpi. 1 v.iiicy. A iai;.e sea-oi; 1, deficiency . f oi.l sciaps lamlail. evecd:'- ten n.eius con linms oxer tin cotton ic-'.oi:. and 11 seas u-i. di ticiei .y 1 xcee.i.l ;; tiv. in. ii. s. e;-; s in Illinois. Wi coiisiii a:..! loiva;!'! .l nt bet Hectn lis I he i.u::;al. for tin-season ihilei s slight iv from 1101 mai. tieinia. Remarks - Tin: xxia'her d'lillif; tin' week lias been -eiici.t.:y axmuii:" for tne lincip.tl ci-p-I i.e Pes ,1: the Snolh Alialilic S.ai ts il '.nil less 111:01 ol e. I tiu . :!! a iu. Il.l .ev '.It We HE.Ml IV ''O.ul ih-'ll Said ill Certain persons making false n-tuit iu listing their ta:ah!is ,n.w ;i piobable t!;,'!' )" next iiiiid im will be called ui on to iin.i -oiue 111 . dictincnts tor pet jury. - he.u on thrifty iV.i mer. xvho reported to !::; the list takers of his township that bis iictsonal property xva xx.rth oiiiv '! . Illis-' 415. Tli. V did liol ia-ln-vc him and. p" after closely ipie-itioinii bin:, f. i .-, i . ., him lo adinst a valu-ricn ,.1 ..'.'it. yii!'s?-ii:.: ;y or.i of tic list tal.eis went to tin nan's premises and loand that he had ut least twenty barn Is ff coin, a L'ood xvajoii. bo., .y. o.d watch, and other iiniist.d popeity worth thiL-e or four hundred d.u.ars! Au tiX'a.J'le ou;'ht to l--e :"a U of such a man. for a!i honest tu payeis. v. ho eoirectly list :r UVo s, are 111-telt-sied ill evrrv i:i..f. - propel IX be ing ,-ste.l honest. y un t f.nily a:.d yig "s iji'opoi .louHle shate ot the jiubiic taxes. , -nee icon tli: h -. s'C iiuitiii.i. bobs . ii to 1 ami will be lA.iiiaua m a N- ,x loi.i Viuoi ..n. Il .s s.i I b lie'-e la:. ill i.il with Uie circniust iiii i s tt.a! iuni , .iu be no doitbl of ine , 1. mucin ss oi this i.ead I'ne b un s ol tlic as s.issin x'.if ii!':eiii.,i-. and pi.uv-i in tae M' dn ai Museum ol tne national l.i.nai. uneie ti.iv ..in. i'.i...';i:.. 1'. i 11 !i"W" i a.xii.jjfl. tu.lt a iloctoi MH-li'il li.e Li.i peinuos itl'-el poit:,uis of i.od'., :,n sp. i"aliii ive rather s.'u ni.lie pill jio-e.-. I cii.-ioii I'om.ui--iol.er l)i.n k has divided to CVl.'.se ti.e alill.o.i,. ves.ni 111 hint i.x law and lo its n.-J t i:e 1. .n fi es il i a.-es of Atlollnxs tor Mi-xi. iiu L'eii.-ion c.a..i.s . x 5,i, t,.e i...x "iiiiu. : e . t ! s ", h 1 c .nliact nas tuen 111. ..le. pioxnte.1 11 inn ai . CHIII. . .lis J,! 1:1 1 he am 1-ami .-top. . .led ill I !...t t lie 1 1 am sip, , al'i , 1 n n. WL.I.IUI L I. al I est II thei e I. ax 01 si.ii.e and ' Ol 11 loll tl b. ell 1 X lav olaine wheal no; e . i ss ol I t I !e 1 ,n Ill veat m i has I m.ii.-i 's and desti uci no s :ni 1 oduced t hei e by ttie i.r hei lesiriic;!. 11. Jlo omnipotent vision .brecl- II . 1 -uo.io h he to., lid t hesf uialei.ais. sie'.iieix xviap c. - of clol'n, consisting . f I a .Ir.'.is. a lew coxy litel trashy stlb-ianees of r unpoi I nee. l.isi-intiv the eo jiiiatni. disapp: o !. the "spins' w.i. b'.okel:. tlie woinau spuing foi ;h r-.ii i ,1. aiid in 1 In a i Ii lesloied. For s. utiii da;, s llmhon-D ha been tlnon-i d Willi coioud visl tors Jioui f.:i uu-l m a. to see and k. oxv 'f this ease H.'.d to lu-ject these c.it.juii'O iiiaiciials. Siispi en 11 ..eeu-i s a cerium eohaed x nnni in I ,:e m :!;h-'i hood being i he .'oiiip.'.-i : . .Is she IS tie lev, d lo have ...ve i."..r'.is upon soim- oi the f .inl y Hi it aie iiot .uci pt aide. A.- ii !,, - ihe v.e! ill. of a 1 isiiig s!o. m oi .. buse an.i in. I .: mi ion. 1 ho end . f vi.:eil .ii'iv be li.ui.shinenl 01 I lie loss 1 ; ho' own iile. Aimclie Indians Stin t'iiilcreil. . Vsitixoio.N. June 27. (Jeuera! Miles today i'01 warded to the War di paitment a dispatch from (ieueral . Mown-1 annoinieing the leriuii:itioi ' of ttie Apa.'he campaign, (tctieial' Howard reports that Lieutt imnt .loin K..n s eiici-i tic pursuit of the1 ho. (iie band drove them back into the , Don Curios ysei vation ami coiupill-j ed their sin lender. A military court . has been organized, an inx esi igal ion ' instituted, and Ihe win 1 ioi s oiiilt v of Civil ollellees XX ill I'P lei lie. I over to lie 1 ivil an! I, or, tics. Ihe distuib ' at.ct's are at 1111 end mid the War de partment believes the 1 Aiiip.iign to line been xerv eiedil.ibie to tlie o'Ji ci rs eiig i-e l in it . 1 DF.SItl.NS AND KsTIM AJ'i; i f UNTsill'.D ON API'LICATIOXf. rnr.M ASF 1 IB1 & ft mtto filTl I Vl! Death in a Mine, lit N t l. N't WVATT k TAVIiOK. a ir o c k n A N 1 1 (eiieral Confiiiiissiosi lereliants RAl.lb'iiH. N. C. (Vll on thrni or send them your orders, if you wish s.pinro dealing. June 'J."). Si men w.',c l..i,-l I-. lied b tile :u the Belcher M:re est eii i.iy : liw others cif shut i if tioln escape in Ihe "oil foot level and lixi .leu. .ire pi i". eels in the' 0 I ! ,.! . vei of the li,.. and K ill'. V Toe next triii ( ? thi. in t:'u:ion will i'e.;in hi MOMi.VV. Al'il! sT 1. 1-StsT. 111:.' eontitl'le 2') weeks Tl e new bin d. : will be commo ib'.'Mis i.-nd c.e'l eipiij pe.l for leaching Kiikniaii House, .'ilme. making m all tiftien mini-is ini- il.-oned. KiigilieH ale eiigag,.J in jam. pin su ii.to the levels. Thou Mil. lis 1. 1 pelfolis surround tlie inllies pin poses and mti I'-., eveitcmelil retails. ! TKlv.MS : A re-i'uii.g pailx iinally managed Primerv i'.nglish to le.ich iht. Itld-toot level, but tirt-y 1 n ! ci i.,ed;al e found Ine live linnets ih ml. Thex lli;lnr iai i i,h t. tiv la ru .isj-hvNii.teil while liiitin. (lieek. J'i"iii'h and Si'.uat' d in the centre of the Imsi-' s part f t.'-e (ow l!. Ji iige mtiilplo oin for 1 i u iitiii. r-t. Mm rv eonve 't"l cm!' 1 1 afforded thetravel- liu;' o'lbije. Apie.eciet reso't for the Siti summer. 1 '.'( I 15 ii;" i m in :'I1CI a. , a. : till' tU.Hi iUV.i s lilOii iho , ill ;er .i.i : i All . tii'isi i. axe s,!l:t,y lei. ,vi il o thn eo: n ciop l.i, and. X'. tie: e liayiiig is .i ess. tiie e ...iii;ioi s nine a iy fax oi ab.e I t he hay ti.e dole. III this section oil i e and i: li'M'i.iini ;i:.! iilliic Holders. l.ai, ,. .ill I 1 II -.!, T. Ni w - a .d i 'osei xt i is ;r:a i I" i i - 1 1 ioei - ! in tab ,'i in t 1- r "m Oi, ihe .v' lav be'. -i id b. i,.,.. paper, si '.,!i:'i. ssi :evi lan ,n. i in a .ill ix i.tili-iiii l ! i .per. i Ciia.ed i ii n: ie: ai s emit .iviii ill;; Id t seit e. T Hoim'- I liit'M's Killed. In ii I lioi K. June 'iii V tight is I. polled to. in , . lion, Choctaw Nation ni t'.vei :. a Si .-rill's posse and a ban i ot in 1st- tint t s in w hid, I xvo of tlie iat'ei were killed nini three w. ion, led !'!: oliii el t es.iipiii sen. ,us injiiix. I u,. i 'i.-, ims li rii IjiiMii Ine-e l.ii.-xes lor sexel ii i lavs' x iiei tin y xx ci e lilialiv i Xi 1 'a!.; li i nex I el used I o siiitiid, ; jit.t 1 a battle ie-i:iie.i i hii'i- of tin- j;;llig escaped by gettii. n.io Ine i.lidei l. ns.li '" ii.) extra. Mi'ii-I' is " children will betaken at hail' ! at.M. l'.nf ihe tuili; :i " e at th-. nndd'e of li e term an .1 he i h" h ill' a' t; e end A. B. HILL. .Imie lil. -im. Principal. nwm FOR SALS. terms t w t.l, I ; r: tl II in ! d at .ce i t o in I 'ood. top and :" ili.il-. Vtmiilio Isiaies luxxti I" .no, ox i .1 1 v i a: us, ; c t i . i ; : - i in I r x i .1 oy .s li, mi l ot tl.u.ks lees ill int. ine x oiinuiss . lien. Ihaci. is fno'-gti in -n.'!' sstn d an older hn.it llicst: cases to llial inn t t.e: I, portions and New oik in i' than 'l e '.is.l.l. mini iiil- io'-.l xxii.i c..:-: I N int ot Wl it ii r. ul.ess o t'rn Inlelsiiie I'oin- mis::-. on . oiit'.t in .- ! uioxv ....d li.e a.i'ei.iv le:.. ne I '.:'. o in t n 'tis 'ct en '. C.p .icl bv ll-i ililtlU'ls oi l-'-'hi-eiS. an. I it is n.v.x l-ein vett li.ai li.e wo;U will leul.lf t:e seiXi.es ot :.n.i..t liity en i Us -' ''I'!" . u-i ixsn.ps ,t t MilCll V.ls AxuTlir.lt panic in the money malke! tVeurred in thp city ol New Vm k ''. last I'ridr.r. r.ti.l that ioo wil '.;o, !t 2y leal cause for it. One class of r.iii rnad stocks depieciated forty per cTk-nt. in vuluc iu tht o'ie day. i!,eie Kv incurring a loss of several million dollais to its oxvt:ers. The chief muse of tl'.'s xvus a fubo ruiiior that Jay touH xv.T dead. It i-eeuis al jcost incredib'e th:it tli" mere um.-.r, unci a false one at that, of any iuan'-' Ihi'ie I. axe o, . ons for '.I't'oil ..lei li.e Ci n.ii.issioi.. .1 X ai ,e I :ti! .'I est s aie con. i. ut led f !ne ei.urijc .! ti.e l'e..i m:ssio:. ini il xxn . soon b itut.v coiisid'. l c. i one of the most iin.o. lant l;uie;oiS of li.e l jovei niin-iu a. ,i i : 1 0 tiiUi x.iii luii.ilii.i lo gioix in popu.tU ia-.o.'. 1 ad e is dismay ui'inng n.e ar-l and inc.ipaole c.eiks ot tiie Navy l pa. iliieiit. tor tJeclvtiiiV Alii, lay an l.oun.:e ' iiis pin post to ox ei I.iiui ihe xxlloie loice and clean oil. ad ihe bal nacii s Uii.l de, id llluiiel'. li.e Seii'elaix si ems lo mink it. lit tills Course hTWI-VeMilll.i'pUii'.''' XX d ll llio,(. .ll.CCil li. is I ss. I tiill to Hit- ....'--. in: a in -itiisiiaM.ui oi hisi'.ist. loiinl ilex e',opn,"i,." con ilice ine Ui al ihe liej ao.e .ins ale iiiipri -e-l xvilu inv nh a tun, t. eii omy pe of s.ii'cc.-s in 1-.-.S is to a-ii.iie sect it. :t l ;' iiiiil 11 ilali.O t ..e mind oi ti.e pe, pie of t.." Nol.il AV.h ti oi'.' war ieeiing ihe liist step to tins eial .s t..e 1'eje.ideii, Pension il.,.. ti.e i,t t. lit e.tio. tlie bal lie ii m biovi. and till' tillld Will 1 e li:c CoU- rsioii 01 ti.O lilaihl ai no oi I First (lass llosloii Darkies. A ; ; s i . .Im:" Jo - T'assi timers on ie it, I . 11 l"st on W el 1 1 -c l i i .- a I 'Il t se -..i ..., Ye- t. : ,iay . 1 niter iiv.n.-i Atla'da. wiien i.n hict d Hon- w.':l tniougn tl.t ..:.! ! d.i ; r.p i icl... is bt I'.te th." Ill st :i i di x ,,s I ea, "..ed. hi I ot i. ed I ivo i i. .I.t'-s, ,1 ,i -l ot s o 'CllpVitilJ- Beats liemoci at ie. I .. n.' u:o lelilioli t" the i.i I 'im! a eh an i-'.xi'. h id b". ii made iu Noith Ciio.ii... liii,.l K i .ulcers rtvrivit-.g i I k.i i a, p ant III. 1:1:. fiO.II tie' i'l ' St. I lit . 1' I'll. hten ti.i s um- in ; -ii.ve . iv sla'. A I": .X tin lied sail I . -: 1 1 tes iu the mail s. i te-e sli i n:ai:.. but tin ii .ti lili.ili is line ',. I ni ciiiels .. hi I ' His l'i t !,' (he I', si ie, t the P-.-mei OCl ..Is tl.- oiii.'e t;: as I. i'e. I w it 11 dell) I. .is. a,. i on,::.; i.ts lie i i :'. t be . x A Ilsi ill!' 1 1 ni il,- V' rk villi. Kii.,iiirr. Mi 1 uii s, t b" oia! cat ri.' r on the I I'd." iiolll this p.acc to P., .'.lock's t 'leek. ili'oi im-il us ye.stel .1 ix ixeli ..,; li al Mis Oo.iil. ,-m a. ,ed la.iy It v 'nr, i" ti e 1! :ii. ck's Cieek in igiduir no. tl. w.l- s. i 1;. n wiUl J -.l.llxsirt on li.e .'1 Mb of hist month, sin, ,, wuieii i in. . :. pffi d of twenty li.iee daxf :li. 'i.i it x i s, ei ,!.iy. : he has eaten no f.. i of any kind, and laken n . nour ishment e'.c. pt ::u t cca- louili sl) ol XX ,1,. I .1 : o't'c'.' "r for sa!. i , . l .l.;,1, . hums :., l'i, o e it I he!u III ! ' ! to .n.l ip. o;, l.an bu.i.'s , taining 'J'-Jo leu s an i x .-il Hie ; in.xili ,. " !o.-. ...ds. coiv. ci li n. Iiibneeo al. ! .. ,.-"i ;1 1! ,ii" o1 in oii-ina! f. lest ,.f o-.,- u-i. I hich a And the oi'ue: in l i .xvi.s i e .t linm- 1 1! I a, i ,-s. x rx- pr .b el i , and has a coi.i mill ami tine i u.. pn.ver en lt'-l.x : l - - t . Iln uii e. inf' l! t ii,.. .1 ,v, i'-n .'s. :r: I jj II spit:. ;;s tif uat. i on boll, hem-. I'm fnitln r iidoi :nai ion ad hess F M It.-. IU.!-. i . K XNS. N June 'J. l-ss.7. ;in i lorsi p iniil vehicles for bite. M F. KIRK MAN. Apiil "JS. 1SJ7. c. f. & y. v. railwaVT CsaScusBi Tims TaWe Hd. 23,. To take effect Monday. Max- :b), 1KH7. Irani i.'.-lii,- S'.iiUi N... 'i. ' Xllllt I'lLs.s. Dur . '.rrlt... r. 49 i. in. dapted to i . . ill xx. I v ", si ;h'.ii I'r nit r.ms li,twr: i ,1 i: i ii.-Usvliln ..II M.ili.l.i-,,, Visl- I ' l l.o I X,',-,.,.ll ,'i:i: I. ii 'I'uilli Mini' iMtwtma e. l'i i...i-l- r,.' T ,Uv4. Tlilrsilii) .,, i . i- -. io!i',s.ii,i.,..,'HiiiKr' ci,... xx, on -oo-- ni l lr!.:.y. I Xt:ill l'i alii niti. , l,ill) t.,,il BUU- .1 '.! 'I'l. I J. X.. 1 liV. lii-i.'i : c fialsisii & AiHuaia A-L. R. R. ( O.SDIlNSI.i. ex. Ill'.DL'LH t. II iJlJ, -:,t s. 'i i,, ,t a ; I.::,. -Wteie . e i, .s .. e.i ; I ii l : IT1' ;n -t a.-i, -te.l ill lt'1.1 111 .1 111 li a.: ai: . 1, t" tin eai pt , 1' ii .1 I a ei -I I l.c I I l. e. XX n'.'h Is. Illdi ed. ii class ear 1 in Informed lilui li.e-' hailed f: '!.. Host. -li and ' lot a . ,i s-1 ih .il:g M i . Hal . Is i.Af.i ' la in io ci aii.'.' cai s. H lln g t i.i in lb. it li tuey iild not d..) so i..,ibi- xx,ii.,d l e caused bv d. 1 1.' x ag .i i 1 1 I ilscii. xx m i. I wo a?. !. tienn u pa --t i,;!i 's nix 1-ed .'ie ui to x:icatf. lieu ;.dx ii e xx as, however, ..ot t iki n A man s.itii.;,' near ibem said dot i .n.,. but x ie n tiie tll'st tf '. riij.'.i s:a'..on xvas 1 em hi d i.i t !e . j I tie lac is t" Conyeis, a. id sit .1 that anailv imet ;i,i tuiinaiid ..I-... .-. o tni' liCylol.'. l"le II in. tlai i lea. -i.e .1 tin re it was i ma! tied b. H do ii met., ail ai'iie.l xxiih pisiols. ix I . in it .--, tune than it takes io tell It had tl,.' car cleared oi m-roe.-. liny I'.l Hot "ill wil't, to e,e (old IO xac iu. l. it just as si'oii as t la y candid slg.it oi thediaxxu pistols th.-y ittt in a tun for tiiemgro co.tcu. 1 in I a.s-eno-' I's xvi lc "lot liaiu troubled tn. .in and it in hiadiv proii.ibli in ii . ( i n .h i t i as I In. u -an I 0'.;.h: t" I oi lip, oi u:les. .mist be N. xx - i:.,l ( -i i x t-r h is i ; d to :. ake I his p a.: . I'lo. h t could act. h, . I :i., ni. is ,.f nun a is .I'.ucl i !d i I . Mes-i s l.a ii 1. I". a o. Ac . Ac . 1 no v. ti o: . ,' :. i:- t.i P. .-si c '.e ii d. di. ds. p. io I, s 1 e : e a lie, I XX I '; is" e 1 : f ,'!. il. niit. ii mi 1 n'.-.f tin' 1-, Y,iV i he la pill o ciei I, s i ice i-i' t ! .ib-Mlt XX '. .-ll .i.Cta' i' li IM I . 1 .at ,f kilo i t.e Ti. civil I. lei tl x xx en si I X Ice c. Ssl n s lein Oe. rl its to otlice point mem s ma - a ioiuled 1 1 :-! s i'i.a'. hn.x. xi r. bich tne I",, s.. .cut to ! l:e I lelniif I s . -r i.ini il" he h e w s i.oxv l at. inn . WeglX. b hi.,,: H'evei: ;:r; collect. s. K.i pioiiiinent c.ii ii - of Hei las coniil y. I'n, have o.vii 'iidic i-d for misiippi opt iarinr pilililc binds J lames W poe. a colored eiti-'eti of le -Chi. .ii.lim C liti! x . XX'il blll.g out it .. lilui ' ot poems some tune xxith.u in- next lexx loom us Sevi i,d ju 1 o s and eleiks of e! c iion in l in ,n, oi p. Md , haxe been r .iivicted ol train! nud Senti need to iine and iu.pl i-- l.motit. I'.t uiiliiitl ions for proit'ction under In i.e'.v eivi. sei x iee rules have calls c I o fa' t xcitemenl iruong dcpait lacul citlks in W l-hill;-. on. the li- X. IT' l i .mis . ii s ,.f M t. '. i-iw.iiri.is. r iic.TtL'il h.'ffrnu,. death could pi oduee such a panic and Hepubiic. into a paitisui. ixcpubhciu they will again atlen-.pl to ride ia a rieate such an exeitt.-uu.iit in the oiuut.i ,u, t ou io.i..ded up bv iiist cla-s while couch while bi (i. ot X l-iuni ii . I;,..,-, niKirna VI. XUr-lnN. T.-rrit..i-it,l u..v,rn. r I ehul.tti Ximu.. sr t.-v..i-H. Ijiii I gieatest sto.'k ex:ch i;b,'e i i Aim p-vi If the mere rumor of (touhi's .hath so quickly eotitia. beted had such mi eff'-ct. x-.hnt a wi le spread panic would bo produced by tlie actual fact oi bis ileal h ! Is it not da!ieioiis t tlie public for any one man to hav Sllch tt eontioiiuig !)' in 'be gl 'eat ui'oiiey maik' .s of ne woii.l .' on Kl.-: .i '.. tin dusky kmg of tbo SJandv. ,cli Islands, is accused of brib er and a leVo'tit'O!! seems iiiimiuent. by which he will be deposed and a lenubli" substituted for a monarchy. He is el ..iiiCu " ilii bavins: received . pbis 75,000 from one Chinese syndicate "Honkoh as Field Hands, foi' an opium license t. ml then giving !'.,. M v. J,,1H! HI. -Tl:e Jo.ii . nil do Hi" license to anotuer syndicate for , (Joinercio, of llio Janei.o. si.s that K0 0i(h and iiavini. only a lul t of i on a hemp i. liu ill ibaltsev -n iait; it into the Treasury. It will lie r 'die i.oniin.itioii ot a .xi'.Utmy lan li xla'.e. r a i cioily sh it .-hi i. !.. r 1 he e .ti mated re. eijit ;r. I liisbci - ne id- id' tlie ( .i rmnei.t iu July ::': A .'.i.-i ,-no x tha' tniiO '.'. ii oe a decrc.se r .it her tl. ili an n.cl a-e ol ;h' lie.i.,;i " siHp!'.; durtiig tnut r.iu. A'dei pi'oi!ii:g io. ..-1.1.7 1.'.. on:), of tin- li per cents In., id., due iiilv 1st. Hi.! Mi 'plav. will bo ..!'.;! S",7.'!d".tMM. '1. e pen-ion u; -a opi : i.i, .:ii 7t'.,i7.". Od'o, f. r toe lis. 1 yrarjrii.iing ! .'. . lid, J'x7 is a.nady extiausieit. ci'iiseiiiit i'.tr.' tli 15. ,r. a..,, re. .oris licit wi en tlie ne a pi opi ialiou ' ecoim s available J ai l-l, il will draw tl.i.lNM.UO'1 ioi pe stoiis. Ii ax dig then a Treasury u S'J.).tlill!.e:a) e.i a i ..iMmetor Main ', il seeui. im .,t tiieni o it by f 'lei , as he fear la'.x '.!lt ftoiii it I Sp, t r id i :ut tu cut lliCuibered that this royal bribe-taker visited the l'ni ed Stales, a few yeins ego, aud was cntertaiued with high honors. We wonder if his visit to tTashiugtoii and New York, and his til 'II S'X . s have liueu hemp and prepi.te it for :, e. t'le y .vol 1. moie ipiickix thiili r.egioes and .ho cost of feeding the ac-jais is tr.tluig The S i tin :c t .".Ian. e lli'...ii ! nulll. i el ' i a n. a. : on t Sic I .U sou l iver. In ioxx ll.i. ii li. liiiue d Angela Cor delia, xx no ciai:.:s to be i lie slpx-lict n: :ii di the wild i io f. au Italian, ag. d :J. and Main's feet I'l ll.i hi s. '.; iithing J'.'S pounds His sttt llth .ins iioiii xxith him for he bad no a biectic traiuii g H ' ititV. is honi . ! bel lueil chi. i'y in tiie i isseoils stl il,' tore. A'dii'tugii not ot uuiisii ii si.e. Ids spinal colii'im is much biyond tiie old. ary width, and his bones .ui.l j nuts aie Hindi' on a similarly .i.:'' iiu.l geneious s.-ale. He has bl'ted a man of V.0d pin.nds xxith th? middle bluer of bis n; lit Laud, l i.e man stoo l with one foot on the tloov, his arms out - tl i tched. his hands g.' isjed ! ! .vil persons to balance 1 a then stooped aud : duger of his I ight in in s fo..:. uLtl xx ilh Peculiar i a isi-s have led to the t pui ai v 1 ' t' Id ion of some men who bate not vet I a ,-n f '. O il all xvill -o. except foteill COii suis, some of n'uom. re-i bi.o permn neatly abio: I. a:W never change 1 bv anv a dim i' ration. t.l.s no.iv pi .Cctl ti li ind mi l. scarcely ai. . b-'u tii tb" Slail-Sli.ites Stoppetl a Train. KxNs.s Cli-.. .'do . June 'J'i -- The tiol lb bo'li:.! !. :sn:.ri Pac t',c train for thi- ci' . xx as ( iui;;lit in a t into hall .-tn :n .e..: Yolo C:it!C Fun. yi-stt rdav. an I dl tie glass on ..i e side ot thi tutu. xvas. dt molls: ed The engineer st ipped tin- train and sou'i.! sal'ely un.bi ihe.iioiiie l'i .rgc dent weie Held'' in h.e sides of the ens and tic i'llilnnm phee gia-s ..vindoxv xve.e liddie l. li.e stones 'ei, i-. ial'ge lis hi . 'i s ( o h and cox . cd 1 1 it ground to ii ! pt'u of iouitceu inches, rttteily de.-ci ox ing the th ciop of a se -tioii in ibon couiiiy two and a ball li.iieti xx : b . P03WNA HILL MBSSERI i'D.Nb'NA. N C . Iv'.o and l ll lif In it s xvi -! of Cr, . fi bovo. N C. I !. ! m, line of the Ix .x. I ' ll Ix passcs-thio , f.t ;;im oi Is if id xt it hi ii 1 1 MM", it of i ,.(' t'ir Sice, n ll aitis lu ike ; i gul a: ..p . I xx ice , illy :vli xav. Tno-e intoi est e, I u i n it i'l l'i, ut cro.. in ; .ii t coidi illy mxt- 1 I to ,..sp,.. ; i-, ( :.e 1 11 :."'st i lll ! i ti e S;at.i im I otic ainoi.g llie !ai';; est ill t he ."-Olil h. propii o i l is f. r ni iny yi .:-i!i. I I he b thi...' N ui s-ci j. -, Soitn ! 1 West m,, eorr. -pillule I xxit'i I il ' -e of f. ! i i oi eoii.it i it s ;;:it hi ! in ext rx f . lit: tliil ix as ci.lciil.it id '. o .-u ' the So, it h, bo:h led n e and foi 'gu l'i:r ie utiitini ni i'omoh Hill Nm- .se lies is sli. ll tii'.t li.ll.iX agi Ilis ;. ,!i our from (f.eeiinb.uo. i ep: esentii.;. iilher inilsiins, liy to ieixe tne ::n prcssi in that thev ire lepri'sfiiting I lies., inn series. Way do tht ytloit . Lei the public aiinv,!. I haxe in si.'t'k glo.,i!ig ( and cnl, shoiv visxitixvsj the sun ; the hn-gest and best stock of tiee-. iVc, ever slioxvn or set i. iii any two inuseri. s in North Carolina, consistm..; of api'le. peach, ptiur, cherry, pium, grape, Jap anese persimmon, .Irphiuse plum, apiic.its, lici t i: im . K issiar. aprico!, aiu'ibeirv, ipiinccs. Small iiiiil-.: Stl.nxli-iry, laMpl.t-iry, cunaiits. pe cans, F.tigllsii xvab ii's. i iniburh. as piMiigiis, evei'gi'eeus. shade tlees. IDS' s, ,vc. liixe v.nir ord. r to my aist'inrized ili.i'iit or ot.lei dine! fioni tin nc.i t'- New sand Observer: bast Sej.leii.- '"" I'.irre-p.'li 1. lice .so.r it d. D. s r durn.g a liemeii'lous fr hd ci iptive c Halogit.-B hee to applicai.K lies .V i'oxveil s mill xv;ts xx.'.shed Address, ei c II .i'.' ... a. .hilly t'.l .Xl..uaitr. ll i.X 1 . : i P m' lutiy Sun inf. ' r- ie H.iatl.-' xx ii Ii I ill '.' ii ;l .it) i ar 1 n't Ciiuirft' aii-l nil ifla C.ii.etn oi Aibinjileiipie. N. M. h.ive oi gaiii....l a vigilance commute ind coiiteiiipiate lidding the couiiiiy of m-i.efactois of all degiees xv bo tn fc-t i: An ex aldi ruia'.i of ibicdie, Wis , on Satin. lay issued iotl rnvim'ions to , i i.ens of mat place asking tueui !'o ii md tne am iviisaiy of Ins xxiie's d. alii Fcnp'.fl say that the e ul- ,b l ill i II is not cra.v ol i. lili Hi,, cier tixn -ix- . r K .j i tlt:vlil anil' I ..r .. i I : si- .-I'lii.-b:.J N .. J I' - - ii Ii i i viihKHl..i.'ll k (litstoD .l'i l: - ll'-. ll ni. ix : i...c Intl.,;'. nil IihIiid No. I :xvrt.', 1 a . 1 : . .ui.l Kitl..;ti. X. ?j. SX1I I li Sai nrliin-nitrul. McD .xvd ii ig.e: D J H Oi I k-y H'i!s us tiiiit be nas been attend dig Joshua Lackey, of the Cove, who i.as txphoid levir, r.ti l thai a fexv nights ago he got up winle tlelu iotis, left the house without the knowledge of the occupants and went to h: fatiiei s i:oC::e I'.'.ionl a mile distant, Hio ist d his mother and s ud to hei f Ibe-e i ( watl ,, ),is way to Heaven, bsiinss. ,ding her to lollow. and left il,-igneoii- ,,,, jioi siiid, orei liken and carried had- to bis tat lu is house where he is now eoidiued to bis bed in a ciiiic.il condition. J. Van. ItiM't ev, I .O . NV. (luilftrt . coin I v, N. C a.o.y and lb. ir lion safe went, down' xx, tli the biid li ig. Search xxartmatlo; d the tii.ie, iioi tha safe never culd be loan I. It looked almost imp -sible t..r such an article to I.e bis! in u str.ii.it of Mi.-h si.o : bet the cu'eu ioi.l i.t-iiciil. fii:llln. Kin I I, ii.l i ... n Caveats. I'l ad Ma: ks A Copvxvritrhts I r'a atti"ie tn. lt I wipoJ ' ' r - - - - ..5,1,1V fr'.ni !...nil.in. I"(trl, lieruu, nniv PATENTS TE-I? STAR A ex. .; ;.. s.l ili t iliK llle iriuelplM el' n iii-i:iui isli' AtliiiliilstritlltiUt Pj51 if) th City of Sow York. WILLI .H DOUSHEIMER, filitor and Proprietor. Dxilj, Sunday, and Weakly EdrtUH. THE WEEKLY STAR, A Sixteon-page Newspaper, UaueV every Wednesday. A den, mo... bright anil Inlerwatimg FAMILY PAPER. Jic..,it ais th latciu, tlo-n to Um boot ef ... -.!:. ! I -.-.-: Agriculuirali (xTitvt'ket, Fashion, Household, Political. Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous intf Editorial l -rtnii nte. ll uniti-r the tllrvcltuo nf trmlaed Joio imliHls "f tli h.i;h.-l l.iluy. It Uuj J will l found croHilcd wilh good thing i. in i ainini; to end. ... oU.'inul et. r'n Iit iliitloguiahtd AmertcM a4 f, i .n vxTitfnt of Iction. THE DAILY STAR, T'.t- Pwli STAitroiitaiin oil the uew of ttie d Tlie tl ll .. .too, Sleolie. ll! c credible effort, raised York. c iitinm-s 5" the i risou. I is oi. .tight of four feet and deposited iii tit oti ". table near at baud Three tobacco warehouses at Loui- WSU.ngton am .ew .o.k. a. u us m Kt joined with lloOO hog,- ( ce UJ vveWul u,en wWIhUI Co ihtercor9e with the othc.aU thete , hmd of the vvocdi loss SlloO.OtiO. ; v itU' iuU!(t to lhrttsU" llilUi Ut taught him how easily money eou. a , Alabama ti State Agricultural and he seized one in e h hand and haui beiuadeby bribery t Probably he xvas j Mechanical College at Auburn was lll0K,,i tbcui togethe r until life was flit bx'a New Y.'ik ri'derniaii! 'binned oa last Friday. uuarly knocked out of Iheui. nouiiced a xcy sick mail by a phy ciaii called to examine- hu:i. 'll ll) SolUO tlil.e iiCo. Jts'.eid.l- ,xh:le a fmee of cuuvicta were at xvoi k straightening and cleaning out t..e bed ol th.- creek, they struck the side, xv 1, n h bad K en buried under iiea'h tlie ImiIioui ot the Hlt't am for i lie pistnii.M mouths. Just where ii xx a.-. loan. t tin i e is a bend iu ilis Cieeix ai.tl after the water lead subsid ed a iaigc bole Was noticed ill tbtt s. to of the bank So it is supposed mat the rule fell into the hole in the stream und vxaa covelfcd Over with sand and locks from the dam. It it is I. uii.l ..II ,'llir 1. a-.. lists In '.lif f. S. Im ail : it,- ..:t..n lf I i..r M ia: ir I. lis. ii. ir ..jti is ,-.(. ...' Ui.. I . s. I .c- i.i oi!i-taiia t ' Mi, ..'.'..til r.!. ii-s in l.v. Ohm. lliiin lb-. si. it I,i..',. ti-., iu xx isiu,,iri' s. ml XI Mwlnni'ii X. ! ml vim s it, .i.l rittiv -ill-x' li,...,- ,-ti ei.... in. 1 Weill kf Nt'l'll XH'tL l'i m xx i: o.ii.its j. 1 1 t.M V n.:. i-I Hit' I" - 'I. ns't T. llif Sii.. t.r M..i,e Ooler I'lVI-l- n. :.. I .... 1. I.' .! III.- I'. S. I'.l'.'lll o.li f. i'"-. ilo-elc ioi,.', li 'in lili. I r,..,:-..ii. i n. ii.-iiiui - ai'i.,- in ...ar ..wti siaie .r o.a . x. ri' ! c. x. SN nx .xi .X'.. oj .' sue r.iu.iii at xx H,nuiin, ,IC S'.it. 1',', ti. HKUl rrss LK -I'.Y VimTT. den. Jamos Silt ed, Attoruev (len ei al undei 1'iesidetit Lincoln, died at has not Iweu opeued Tel, aud Lmisville. Ky., uu laot Fiiday of not know n xxheluer the couleuU are oiii"r. ii i e..uiiuiu ', general dtbi.iiy. i well ;ieeived ot not. I jUua t. iwr. Ull'y i,'ill s! I'. f. LtllV. I i l 'll $H . Iiii il.- hU'-i.iii tir ivh ul tl,-.i.iui li' iiittt a... r. .. XloM.XV, ti) 4i i, ,n, ,,r Jl I V. IhK-.. a errinui ' t M.l of Und lu Ontrt t.wr.siip, ft,tj..iilrii; Hit. Ikii.I. ul ..It.) I'rii.iltri;. mm, T. i. lillllln uii.l biiM-lH. m r.iii.mi nti.tbia ifaiarc Ai .t ..tcia.'tnn. Albany, and olher Ml center. Ih a'.i-: forri-n. onlfut. "(mh-wiIj nlalnrd hi J-nr Him, fnrnli-1) tUe lU-l ni hj ulrRnph. It-. liKTitrT ffHliiroi art uiuurpuMtl. 1 he 1' iimii.iiii tnd alarkvt lU'vlvw (re omuoaUr tuU mid rninpl.'ii' , Api-rlttl rtnti ntl extranrttlnwy tndun ' ni nis to iiRmU anil eanTtUasn. heuil fur tli-cttlurs. TiRMI OP THI WtEKLV TAII T. Brs- t,rnntxitr, rREi or roiAH In the Veiled 8WMS il t nti.l, outitl U) ImiiU of New York Ctl t IWt.-tr ft -lui-sef tvn 1 liil-a i f FKtrrn (nd one um to arguls)..16 fl TrRMB Of TH OAltV STAR To BCa- cr.msn i K.,-tr ti'ir t..r on yatr(inrludlrS0BU7) $7 OS J)miy. lib, mt similar. yr jD" tv.-ry lUv. i iiM.nlb, IV P11t. iiuuut SuiuUy, (ix month M A4,ir,,, the: star, 0 aud horth VTUliatu St., lw Vorib i.i imiiimi j.-w; ,it"l. I tgyi