in iirMttriHiii l",-S (. a M m if'i I .. I THURSDAY, JUNK 30, 1K.. II I U J- l-J. LOCAL SfcEOOUSSS. : .... - tSr A good tinner is much needed liere and could tiud plenty of vvoik to g0 ' .... narThc summer 6olsttce bus pass d. uud already tbe days are growing shorter. - -Carsou Johnson, hsq., or Uah- land township, has been appointed a.. Uuited atntca oinunssionui. x. . 1 .-...ll..! .,.M,ilif lilHlll. !IS Ml, in uu omuicu, ain,y....... , - JObUHOniSWeliquaiineuio.uo..., tar The Heasoii 1ms now ni rived for the aunual announceiinjiit of "iht fust cotton bloom", and the Hwonn's fiiBt bloom was sent last Monday by Mr. W. H. Cook, of Baldwin town hip. ItT Since Ihe boi rotns nt this place Lave been closed, the side-walks in ,.f il. ., f.iviiuirlv wi'l'e i Hi...., , bo unich frequwitwl, are now ue i. i.,... i.ii;.w ki,.i,m town. ' ww-Tl.i. ein nentei'H liava Lee:un ' ...... l- 1 1, a iwiiv i.tniii'li for the col-. i v. ui t,, to take the place of the one that was light, and just and ho thai I he Milua- j ol their pi ofession. Among the inoet : ve.u h of age, daughter of Mr. Jv Kos j..... i... rt.. m ii,,..i.i Ii lion of siniilar Diooerl v throiii'llout ! liromiiM-;it touchers here are Hev. .). iillial, wiio lived in Kaleigli bi.lne ueauw.u ut - -b" . - will be a very uertt buildinj. completed. wtiili Sty Head tlie new iidvci iiscniuit uniformity of valuation ihioughont high stand here and have had much ol Noiris t Carter. Whenever a.iy the county. Similar properly in j iniliieiico among their feliow-tcach-of our lady readers go to ii.i.eigh, ever" town-hip should have the same ers. TliAcuKii. they should by all imaus visit 1 lie valuation, and not be assessed at one i m bttiactive stole of lho.-e enterpi i.-iug vahialiou iu one townshio mid a' an- i State NtiWa. luei chants, lint those who do not oi her valiiat ion iu alio! hci town -.hip. go !o Raleigh can have auy orders 'Die ivniuii -sioiicrs aiso have the j Duriiaiu Keeordcr: Mr. T. V. Vin bv mail Diompllv tilled. ' power, after nolifying Ihe owner, to ! cent, of Aiiinmnco count v. sold two war A few of Lawns can Hti.. Ihose pretty cheap : ) found at London's, only 5 cents jnecea of tL ! iuukea a v - i v viiid; mso, a lew nrap Victoria Law n, ! lelty white dre.-,s, yui'.l ; 'it her dies only cent: goods euually as low. London's di esb yoods the Cheapest now you ever aaw. Mf Bring your nifitiey and get Pome of tho.'e good baigains ttiat ttit liow being ofleied al London V. l"u fan now get inoie goods for your liioney than you ever could l i fo.e anywhere, lie has u huge s,ocK and he will sail them for the money veiy low ; all he asks it to g'v'' him a Uii'.; Try ouli of London's Hancock l'low.-. &r We take pleiisuie iu calling attention to the adveitiseiueut oi . lie Hiate University, ia whose piospciny eveiy fiiend of h gliel ed.ic. tiuii bhoilld take the deep-st inteiest. Accoiding to an Act ot the last Leg iblatme"no young man ol good inoia. Muuauter shad be denied admission becuuso of his inribiiiiy to pay caai. br give a good note." We would again urge Ihe vahi" and iuipoituiice ol ihe b.ackbeiiy ciop, which if pioperly utilized won.d bring ifianv ihoii.-aiid do.lurs to oui county. Dind b:ackLciil's nnei with a ready sale, and even chi.dien ban make gi od wncs b f.;.u;iciiiig ti.cni. Kveiy family in the coaii.t could lho luiike a few dohuis wiih out icteifoiing much with any oihti work. O'Tlie itti'.ioad companies are Issuing, at reduced ia:es. round tup tickets from Laieigh, NV ilioington and Chaili tte to Viitsboro. ,-o a- to induce persons io conic hern lo ,-pend the summer. This action of tin-tail loud nutUnitn n to tie.p buod town deseru-a tl e thanks of nur fit: xens, aud we hope uid succeed in making rittsboio a popular sunniicr lisort. Thei'aielioniihiliigli lotli:; jilace and leiuiti i only 1.7o Roai 11 Asns. For the infoi timtiou tif the overseen of our pubiic loads we would state t hai they will heie:il'iei l,4vii metre hands to work their road than heretofore. Accoiding to the Into law, as contained in section 2ii.V of Tho Code. -the following person were eseiiitt from working on the roads, viz: justices ot tlie peace, eon fcfables, feuyineu; keepers of public ...ill.. it oiniiiiuuioiiiX'tt $ teacher- and pupils of schools. , attended, b by fa. he , casantc.-.t The last Legislature, however. ,e-: that has yel been held I he ace ii pealed this law, and all those exempt- j m-daUons a! the ... .1 here have tar K persona wtil now have to work the j n"f ' N ".vnesvil.e and roaus just like other folki. Tim only j Rla. Mountain, and more rea, ph as peou between eighteen and forty hu heen enjoyed here tnan at five yeare old, who "an be exempted ' "' -r both of those p aces 1 ,e how? a.e thone who are physically , '." .v drawback has been . .1 he illy ,. , . i ! of healing what is said at the il.n y disabled orhini -. 1H liy ,,,., Masonic Cn.hHiiATiov . We enjoyed nigs of the Assembly. The meetings ihepleiimneof attending, on Ihe 2 lib have been held in the hu ge bad room. Inst., the masonic celebration ai Siler i which is much belter su ted for danc is.v ........i.eiuoiHtive of the nativity i ing than lorspeiikiiig.andthe. '(instant Of St. John the lhuitist, whom the masons honor as oue ol their patron taints Tl.o ,..,,.1,.i,po wns not as it.. it ,,i 1iJi'ii-iHA would have been. -8-"."" ; - ----- if timely notico llilil Dcei: given, Howiver, there were novel a' masonic lod-e represented ami the exercises viscid ff verv hleasautlv. The ......!, auurtiililvd nt Iheir lodge .. -.i f.,.l ni,iwHiiin. with i. .'n... l... l.ii.iil nt its bead, uiid . i .i. -i. .i. o, ,.ui t.f tho towi w Hie academy, iu which tl eexeici w. i e held After prayei l.Rc hr,- N Maun the oratoi of the dav W Y ' Muichisou, Esq., was introduced and proceeded to deliver i- ii.. :-a a: I l,uU ti.. m. muuiv luieteniiuii niuiir"i -- auentiv'setliutr forth the objects of. t" J . b ,, 1 ...... ' masourv, ami especially eaiuiig aueu- i7 . '.u- l ..... .t Short addresses were also delivered' bvRev V. A. Sharpe, Rev. Jesse L. ' Sunth and Rev. A H. Perry. Rev. ,, .... i..y ii......:... e... UHr yaw wu x um were also called upon to speaK, out excused themselves. A collection IrUwu uu for the Oxford asylum, aa laiteu up toi tuo v . and QUlte a tfOOUIV Sum Was laiseu. m. . 1. t xae esoiciseii wmc mum u...r..s.. l.w .1. iimsin of the baud, of which biler boa just eauso to be pioud. A Mourn. I'akmku. III these days. when m; many farmers arc having their mii.plies'it in refreshing loYmd 'on- who not only does not buy any but bus a plenty to Hell. Such an ' ' -. . ... m it O.iPlH.ll. JOllll WilgUt., OI JllMII'y "WUUI" UUI ur-liiK rmuLii.n no townsbip, who has been housekccp those worn at germans and evening ing f,. (i,i, t v one y'Ui s und in that i receptions. Indeed if audi costumes tj ine has never bought a pound oijworo in get'.dial use, clothing and bacon, nor u bushel of cot n. nor a . dresses woul.l not be so expensive an ; sack of Ilour. On tlie contrary, dur-! item in domestic economy ! ieK Unit time ho has every year soldi A limited number of the teachers i, , ........ ft,.,,,. ,.,,.1 l...... if,, ..-un ( vesterdav with a' two horse wagoiHoadof bacon for sale, and oiirjlhat night in Raleigh and go thence ! attention was attracted by Mm unu. kuii, of ft tn ,orti, of fl(kv Umlw mille lins 1U1,! j j HU , lerH fo, HllI(,. Vould i . . ; t ht every fanner in (Miatliaui was as hjJ ,Mia,JUt as M, Wri ,,t! IUvisino Tax Lisrs The county j uuuiiiiuous re election of Mr. Alder conjuiissioners will meet here on the , man it president, and of Mr. Harrcll .. cond Monday in July, as the law 'us .secretary, which was n lit ting eoin directH, for the pui!Ose of revising ! piiinent to thoseexcelleul gontlenieii. the iaxli-tsand valu.iiioiis lehorli .1 to i A -rolil nieda' was awaided to jlr. thc:ii. They will also he ir a!! per- sons objecting to the valuation of ; the l.e.-t Kiiowiedgeof Moore s mslory . tf'leigli Msitor a mosi uisii essuig-i--their properl v, or to I he amount of , of Xorih Carolina: and a gold medal cidetit took place yesterday Itei noon tax churned airaiiiht them. If anv ! was awaided to Miss Isabel Graves , at (ioldsl.oio the. p:n ti.-utui s of win b , ,.;!, ,,i , hut .,,,,,:,,... (l ,,,.,,. n.,,,..--": i iii., A rem. ii.;..i. l,o ii,..i it,i , ;,,,, ..." , ....... n,i,ni!u; mi. I iiiiil... I.i.un.i. plamt. The law also mivs that the couiit v coiniiiisHioiiers 'shall collect the lists of the list lakers as luav be ..... .,. : me couniy suan uo as near unu i in us possible." This is eminently right im. I oiiiiier. for tlieiii hlioii'il be ii an. I proper, mine the valuation of anv properly vihich thev may think is valued too i j,HV A Uooi) Man (Sunk. The ninny i friends of Mr. . 1:01: Ii. ( ii.iri I ru will i egret to hear of ins death, which i teem red near La Orange. X. C. on.! i he Jlst iust., whilher he had k-:uov-ed las' autumn. Hit was in the sev enty ninth year of his age, and was bom and icaiid in couniy. in early manhood he w:.s a deputy .-Inn ilV under old shei ill' ih idges. and ; the old people nay that he was one of ; Ihe best officers Chatham has ever had. More than lil'y yeais ago he teuiovcl from this c unity to Ih-' city of Mohiie, wiitic he chielly resided . utrii lWiH, when he returned here. ! Iu lfl'.) he caught ihe California g-ild 1 tV-. :.-! , and wen' to that d'-lant St tie .ihcie he i em linc l a year ;.r two, und then leturncd lo Mobile, lie; became one of the most successlul , "i living on i ue Hum i.i in.- uue i ......... v ...... and inlh.eiHia! business men of ihat Lai'ayctle St at on was Killed by light-; who has sold many a jugful of wins i.f v. and bv Lis um i. ing indust , y and . ' "'"day night. The woman, b. r key in our prolubitiou town, lelt lo. M i let ul tentloii 'Mied ronsT.le able wea th. Hut in Ins declining eai :i his en e iiinsltiiicoit were greatly reduced. About live veins ago he was stricken wiih p.oal .sis, and sin. e thi n he had been un alinos; helpless invalid. Mr. (iiitlilh whs one of the most scl iipnloilsly honest men, whom we have evei known He ot imposing appcara'ici was a man --bca- ing a (reii. Lee--ti'ire ' cha act. r r ivillll Ve. was as 1 1 un u:i.g l csciiibunce lo W 1: 11 i: st 1 1 1 w as I pical Yes, "the.e g. slalwa.t it his sieriing i was not 1. ing i.i'r i i k iibout him io every trust as Noiin pole. To tvi.lo, who for been a help liiee; our heart fed c ue , and iic wi lll'i in ed his g.i.-f so many indeed, w h i."lici). c io he sti icken ea had - Icud.v I ,.r il.v i' Iti tils l i oiii Moi'clicii.i. Moi:;:iii.Ai ( 'i r. X. C. June Sih. 1SS". k. KniToii: A'lhicigh 1 n:u nol a subsciiber lo your valuable papei. but like ninny others am a flupieul iheieof, I lake the liberty i f givii.g v our icadei s some ileuis from 1 1 -delight fill summer resort. f course the Teachers' Assembly hits been the gland event of the past two we ks. and lis acts tied ih ings are the chiel topics of talk, but that will so ,n be ' cineiuheied among the things of the ' past, as Ihe adjoui nmeiit lakes place trial. They tiled it lor a few days I tomorrow. This meeting ol ihejIUK are pci feet ly s.ilistied with ltts i i teachers has not only been the largest ' buicess and haw ac. cpud it- Ihe, : passing to and fro rendeie.l it a most iuiiossil.!e to hear what was in , said. And III IllUi Wlieu llie I iinjiiiMied lecturers would he in tin' I i .1.. .;..,......;,.,, ii., ,lw iiiiusi i.i i.....i .............. . coin ses, ine iiinu wi.u.u ii.nn- m... half the audience would rush from j the room lo see tho latest an ivals. ion ' to Newbeine was riven bv the Piesi dent of the A. iV N. C. R. R Co . and u Hi.uit. niirdntl u-eb-onio whs exl ended by the citizens of that histoiic city. The excursiouists w.-ie welcomed noi ' with eloipu-lit words only, but aiso with appetizing refreshments w hn-h were provided in g.ea. abundance ! .tit.l u'im llinillv llliltlfi'iiitt'l 1. New .... -.--... . t berne's far-famed hospitality will i. h. ii...... 1,.. ..i. nm-i urm,,,,.,, i tieii,.iied iu vesterdav'H nleiisiires Many of the tea.-hms have let urned , ihr other day ,,. conlined in ol Lore, home, among them being all the Tim jail at Oxford is to undergo . e Chatham iou. An' bylheps Mr. ,1. E. Ihii-i.-iigbs is our ....... .nniiiv .....v fHl in oii.l of ...ilio.nv foiK,.vi.erti:e oldest i.irs.n - v - y " Its I epiosouiaiivea iii mis bv si.m the Teachers' Assembly, and if aii i them were not teacheis they w. . , i i ; uouuiibbb wufcui o...ur.....,K ........... . ... , - ... i . i i . !i-i. Ii aia It. mis ltl.I V mil IIS1I1I r til ti hi. I 'll VIllllS old. Hlld Ml'. 1. SttVsl llOt a tlsll stol'V, bill Illl llOSoJtlte V01 - j ----- i see the surl bathers, cst.eciaiiy i uose I who were learning their liiot axpe which some tontiil to ho Vi'l V in my. When (bo bathers would emerge front Ihe water it was diiiieult to distinguish tbo niei mails from the mi.k mf.n, the . .... .... ....A I...:.. - t..l. . will go on an excursion 10 vvnsuing I ton, leaving here Thursday. spendin i via 1 ortsinontii. ineiaie is eiy ; lowonly s:i 50 for the round trip i It will no doubt, be a veiy enjoyable i us well as instructive trip. i MM. . I -I : f ..ft.... ...a ..f I ' uunmu mrenuu ui ui,,.-. j tlie Assembly tor tne oiiKuing year ! was held todav, and resulted m the j Kiisha 1J. Lewis, of Davie couuty, for : if All u v fur i Iu, ins evtinniia ion f!,ni,.i, .ii,Mi.ii.ioiilv.loi.te.l to mini iinnti t Im iihvI f .eirisliitui o t lie i .i r ;ui.. ilA i impoi tatice of 'stabiishiii'' a t aroiina Normal Colic-re for the train- ' i t i r of tenclii is in the art and science V. ;. ..... .. n . .u. t nue, v api. ,. o. ifcnsoii auo i I apt. C.'F. Slice, who are well known ' ill vonr en-inl v Tiiev linvn tiiken ii 1 loads of tobacco at. the Keams Ware- house toilav for XlKl. An average . rieiico in Hie -biitiy deep", of about -tl' cents for all sold. Mr. i Shelby Annua: Mr. John J. Mc Vinc. nt Miys he got as much as he : (linnis. ' a prosn rous fiiniier near wai led toi bis tobacco. : Cheiiyv ille, died very suddenly ou ( -iiuilolte Chronicle: A Jersey calf Wednesday, dun" 15 Alter retuiu-I).-longing lo Mr. Edward Hooper, H'g Honi the 1 aive.-t. held he ute his di.d vesterdav morning, from the repast, said to ins w ,fe "i feel bad,' effects of .wailowinj' a rag that liaiiHI"l hud down lo sleep on the bed. been hat mated will, paint. The cHll'Attor a few m les 1,1s wife found found the ia- in tin- vaid where it ' her ngi d and beloved partner had been tin own by the painters. Wiiiniujion ItevieW: Wo lcul'li that there is living at Town creek biidgc, iu lh oiiswick county u colored boy, 'J years old that weighs exac tly 2tl pounds The geUtiemali wiio weiglied turn lias a cat Unit pulls down the beam at 11 pound... 'J wo curt- ..sines, Unit Uainuui would no doubl like to hold of. 1 ai boro Soul luilier : A negro wo-; .... . tiie house, the woman silling on the li. d mid Li. ul In rs lying on Hie tloor, wiieii the electric bolt descended. None ot the otheis were inj.ued. Asheviile l' : Robert Liver ctt, living about 4 miles mirth-west of lie ndi-rsonviilf, lniil a horse and two mulls killed by lightning on I'uesdiiy afternoon. They were in a i li.n place, had employed one Stimp pastuiH. and when ihe storm came BOii Wdiiaiuu, uud on "t he moi lin g Pi up ihe ran up to a., apple tree. 1 lie ' ii.dti n upon his ihe si. r;'. tu o siio.'.cd i.o iii.o 1. "I tne tioil which .Shaiul .urger censured him for being Scil, but all ti.iee animals aeuncd to hitc or tin- manner in which he L.el nave been'.lv killed Ihadi ii I'liilieliii: ('apt. Irving Rob-in-o;,, of I l"t' steamer ll, ill. informs u - tmit on i ist Thursday, when about siUeeil in. ICS il'Oiil V'llil.lligto;i. tlnit .li.o. livini 'iii. a paii.senger on ill u om;i, who was under tin''.ience of w i.i le . luli nve b. 'in d. was cariie.l un Ii r the li. ai. mi, I alter pas-ing oi i : il III he was seen to Use once alii ,n". . i... 1 1 : . ..I v . I -in mi :.r Kll'iii I s w el e n, ale lo I.i s. bodv. but at last a.-, ins aii aiUinpts had proved llHl)( Liimbcrton Kobesoniaii : Mr. ... 1). I'ud. i wood, of i'tyetieulie, icceinly paieiiled a machine for putting what is call, d tlie velvet mouthpiece to i lg:iicii.s. lie icus oiiio i.-i. ir i. t . . M Duke ami Sons ol Dm l.aiu. lor j three years wit h the uiideri.laiihiigi thai they weie to have -0 days lor1 pi ice obtained w as 2.41(1) a year, be sides a loyalty on every thousand j over a cei t iiu number inaiiuhicfurcd Wilson Advance: The little him1 ear old daiiglil. rol Mr. Aiuoawvvens was accidentally unu laiiuiy siioi iasi Moiidav hv her lit le two year mil : brother Mr. Owens and his thlt'e tilth- children were all ivmg on a pal- hi III aliout 1- OCiOCU Wlieu a otsi.ti shot aroused him from si. ep. He found ins liltle girl was shot just be hind the right ear. His lit lie boy lull the suiokinsr revolver that did Itlie woil;. J he pistol hy hiealis oi .iw hi.h the fearful accident occurred i was one tliai .or. it.vens nan uoi n ;id and had taken out to ret mil Hi" lime ooy was uai:ig nu iui-iu. him beautiful tov, when tho sad ac- cideut took place. j I Henderson Gold Leaf: Ignite a 1 destructive wind sioriu -aiiioiiiitiug ' almost to the proportion. of a well ileveloned ev clone imsscd t hrough ( ;,he Rear I'oud section M.-miay night, Houses were ovei I urmd. blown I i,lw Hllli trees uprooled. About 1 half a mile tins side of Mr. Mao Ed- vv.ods' place th-, ofR.-iry Mitch- t .l. col. .red. dinn.illsiied and a - -- - - ... fluid killed. Is was liaiiiy 1 1,.,,., ..i... m . ...... l ...i,.i,..i bom ( ............ , ,: ' G.aiiulh1 counlv weie brought down ,," ' ' .' .;. : . . i living in i ins n ........,... of j , his part . f the state, is to be found i e ' m tue pel son ol l. ttu. Lewis, colored, i.. ... I .!... si... - ..- - - - . he has no u.tuoi oui wnai uei age - omewhei uoui u uot ipnto thai Greensboro Patriot: Gtvensl.. record ou building for I lit,' lim months of the year JSSi shows up il dwe!Iiii, 12 stores, 2 tobacco factories, 2 churches, 2 steam saw Ul.. 'I .l.-l. L'ilnv: ) mills. A Meani dry kilns. 2 lumiior ripos'torii e, 2 livery and feed stnbies. 1 L. .i. court bouse ami postolliee 1 Iraf luciory, 1 cigar factory, 1 bo'el. 1 It It. depot; with other large ad ditions too numerous to mention. Stufnivillv T.aiidmaik: It is le 1 ,,,,,,,.,1 ,i, ii... 1 ,. ok. forn.ciiv ' nf Will..., mill twice ii, Ri'l.ilblii .u j , .UKi,.a,. f,. Congress in this ihs- i tril.t. jrt uo- j LUH and a preacu. r ; i( ,L(1 MriJll,.. (Uoirch. lhel.t iu U;J)U, f Ml. j v Jaiuisou, of l'ros- , I poet tieihbol b.. I, I wlii.-h f.-ll nut of !. " pu,.t lu.j.,hb..i L. . I. Kowau county, ! 1 .i I w,i,.h fell out ot !. "nair into tue tne u few months ago and was bad in humed, was iouud iu bod la.t Sat unlay moi iiiiig- it had been h d about 10 o'clock tlieniyut beioie, ami next morning when the in-tliiu awi.iie mid laid her hand on its loieiiead she found it t-old. i us i n im we u.o i: uvm rumnru n. u. n- ; er them, are as follows: Mr i GJttinger, of .vew York, a son of .dr. . Isaac. G'ttiiiger, a . Isaac. lEttiiitrer. a fonu.r well known , resident of this city, was driving in a i .... ..,.:. i hu- seuthal. a volimlt i,,iv Hbout 22 .1. !.. i- i-i.b...i ..t ...... , ; fioldshoro. As the fast mail train 1 Oil the 'illllil:rtoii iV cldoll iiail- load wns approaching, the hoisn be- ; c.uue iinmiiuageiibie and stal led to (runs the in. i I in li.ii.l ol the ;ui I proaching engine. Mr ( Kl I inger and j .Urns Koseiiiiiiil jumped from ihe ve hicle, mill, in so doing the otuig ludy foil acro.sH tue road. The engine ran over her crushing her in su. h a man ner that deal h ensued in about an hour and a hail'. W is asleep in ileum ue was smv years old and a consistent member of tlie Jtaplirtf Church. -tieorge Williams, col . while I'l ossiug I be slieam near Kli Ijiit' place, lost ou Tuesday the mail bug. which was swept down the swollen current. His , , f, : (llo . Th(, b..on of Ii. edom has increased ,lllc. t.,u.,.rt ulll mental strain of the ! brother in black," and as a result -a I . . . insaiiiiy rapuuy mcrcuseu aiuoiig Carthago lhade: We learn ' I tbe until carrier on the Troy i that a homicide occurred at lion- ; .sucker's store. .Montgomery conn.y, ' ; on hist Saturday. The 'acts as we gathered I hem, lire about as follows: i Mr. Telcr Shauibiuger Jr,who is I eugiigt'd in the nierc:iiitile business .il. pei formed some work, at which Wil liniiis lici am.; angry and hot words ensiiril, until Sham burger seized a weight throwing it at hiin, striLiug iiiin n the for. he, id and irailarn.g Ihe sLull. It the force .Mill which the weight will thrown di.i not knock Williams down Alter he had thrown the weight, ho gr..l - bed a pistol and tired ai him. l i.o i ball eitlicr missed mm oi glanced olt '11"' il vvlll,! '" 1,1 ":,"K,l, Aa'- .Smith, who was jusi Hchind W ihe. -. I Willinms was dying wheu last hero-. I I from, and Smilh is not expected io j He us struck in thos'.oni- ull( SU!,t,(ill..j Marions internal , mj,,,.;. ,. h,urll h,.lt ,,e cause of i.o.iliiiir was. t,. at Williams as s HHUU,.,1 SbttUlblirKer ilhaknife () tl,vil.I(1 m.t.llt;. fn.piov d in ,,.a.iltf tK. Cartilage raihoiid', have .,,... ,.,.. vt.,l to WuocsUor... an 1 .e learn that a ln-w hiiii.i 1 will take iLe r tilace here as soon as the. ttock ides can be removed from where they how aie to some point nearer Cartilage. Wilmington Star: There came veiy mar being a drowning accidi ie at W rightaviile yesternay iiltciiioon j M(. ii;lllMh,!c, the Wilmington ugeut , ()f ,j Standard Oil ( o., went, oui ... s(, ...... I oilu-rs for a nw;m in the! , le. a.., r i iiu iii.4 iiiim,, in .'niniini t 1 j hm( -rj,,, Ht nM yn. ,;,, . ,...,., ,, ....., velitiue. out loo far, was ovei w Helmed by the waves. His companions wen! inline 'di.iii iy to his asisiaiu e and filially uceeeitcd iu hanging unu io ine i ,.,. ....... ,, ,ls,,n,,s .......l.ti hi. Ho W(s ,,.,,,., , , eonscioii n.-s. : ,l)W,iVer. bill wa.l io much e!niiisi: d 1 10 lVililtu., ,,, mic ,;itv. and .1 hn's- ..... , ,,,,,,, . . A cui'respoiaieut ol the Sia1, willing Ir. in l!ockiii;i,aiii, N C..say.s: "o i can say to v . mi spol ling mtii thai Holiei't L. Steele. Jr., rd our town, is the owner of a seller d"g whose pis icatniiid aci'iiUK'lishuieiils we will p it against lbel.,.,1 vecently the wale has been drawn oil Irom soveial ol ' Iho ponds in on, vicinity and I he bo, s i have had hue fun chasing the spin tiv j . rout, the lively p.-ieli. the U.y cut- ; llsh, (tie gentle HilckiT and tin- shp- , , i . I ju-ry eel. i m. o,.g ,i . ... n in then snort and soon earned what , . . ., f ., i I they weie all. r. and with a few d.ivs practice bcvaim- a lust cass hs.i bun - ter He wades along m the water , until he a llsh, when ho comes to a dead Ml. if ! he hsh moves, or ... if .,l,.,....l ... -hie .,.' ht. , , .1 as he would at a bird, and ca,,,. ally sin c. eds m ealclnng one. w in n h.. .lenveis H lo Ins master. 1 his is lH lu ilow, A , mi.. ........... .. ........... ... .v - 1 uit-ii and uuujcIoUj bUiad boya. Do NOT ruKOI'.T Til T .1. V. SlTT S,' I'ii., (Iret'ie iii iiu', N. C carry one of tlie largest stocks of (roods in Central Ihe Non ton ...ill! it ! i (.uiiiUi.ii. Meicli. iiits invited mil in person or s"inl orders by . mail. Very respectfully. J. V. SCOTT & CO.. Grcetisbo.o'. X. C. April 21. 1SS7 i T IX M A II It i! T b . KHiruJ tor tiik 1:ki:ohd by V y ATI A TA VLOlt, (IIIOI'KKS a IMI"ION MKIH-II ANTs. Ni. 12 SmiMi HlJf Miirlln SI.. :ui.i:ii.ii, N. C, .lnim 2, lhH7. COTTON M.MtKKT: ''":d1 3lllitllliU, ki.i.i u,w iim.iiuk. :. mT'o Wllll,KS.! i;l:oiT.liV M.MiKCT, M.ii-c ni.ifi., b:i 4 ,'i.n,.,.. iirlli"H, s I ..Mir. S. C, i lliiins. N. C, II I i ', while. " Mii,ii--,.ir,'tl, l.i'i i.i d,ni, l.:,l OiiIh, i ,.ti.-' mo,:,:, II.MI O'lllllVl, '.I T, . IU I .H U....B I'llHIll), ri .. ' li svim'I, l,',"ijll M. l,-.- lush, M.IIUTi :i !."! Ni w iT',i 1'iiiin, :liiii:i'i I'i'iis, 7.,hi yrii,, lirlchi, j." , 1,1 Whin. Kls'i SuiMii - -r hulf i.uiti'I, 1116 lirtarlit V,-ll,,v. in liutiiT, 1.I.K-.V lll'i,tl, .'i v "I. I . I'.' ' .i ll: iiln' i'ii. f. ;l I'hi.'ki'lls. 'J(l'i.l5 '1'llHt.H ,t'lri.n Al l hir lnvi luln. Now Advertisements. x im iiri i i) A'Wli,il LV L'AUA ljLl BLACK - - GOODS. ni.tkn Hits (lint-inn-t)( a Aj'f'taltjr In xnr tiiiKiitfKi .iinl iy rl'wo aii'l! u'.!tailn hnvf v.q r"niitti'ti ik it only luuui tiij , Imt llii 'iiitih ma ;tn' suit.- i..f I5iack Goods AND M0URHSN8 GOODS. Tim nl.. li.; Iw 1 111." nf clt'llu. Hint c.'lll nlKUTrt l,i li'iiml in ihl ili.i,irtNin1. Hc:ii i. lln Clodis, X s i us Veiling, famine C;otli, S 'bastopols. B.rilhca ('loth. Imperial Sei-ge. Cotipme Cloth, Alpicas. Australian 1'iepeg, 1 oil i de Moths. Mohan s, Cnshine;es. Ac. bigelher with all tie latest novelties ill stripes and cheeks. Ladies' underwear, cheiiiis.- s, gowns. si;irts, drawers, corset covers, knit and gauz" vesls. M1 OT um AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW lf.'l A 1 T" T1M1 - i xuii ut-i jriompny j.1 Hica ders Promptly RALE IO H, X. C. ll, ::. c. The session is di'ided into two terms: tlie tiist b.'gi,:nii!g the hisl I Tiiiiisila. in August and i nding a- j Christina Ihe second iu'giiini: g em lv in January and ' nding iir-t Thursda- iu .liiue. Tuition. SHiMIII for each j term For room r ni mid s. rvice i 00 per term Those unidile loj .my tuition are allowed to give theii notes, secured if possible j iu (lie N1 inn. tl t'oui'e free. l'os' j (liadn it.' iiixii'iii'ti ;i also free. Tin ! l'tciil'v is imw Slltiil'il'litlv Stll llgr t,. give uislruc.i u. in a wi le ru;."; of ; S'.llilieH. l'"or tei nis in tho f.nw S 'ho ! aoplv lo lion, dohii Man:, ni.'. LL I). I'm Calaiogiii s apply to W. T. I'atiersoii 13ursar, Chapel Will. N C. For spe cial inform it nm appl v to K K.Mr 1 ISAT'fLE. LL. D Jiincllu. 4 ts. TO TAK PAYERS! Niitliv Is in irony kiv.'h Um P- inml.-.'iiiT nf Piiiuli.iin .' y will mi''i in Hi,, .'..u i luii.s,.. "" moniav, iiu n-.n .lay .r .inn, j.-sr. r..r iii j.i.ri".,' ... re vi-,liii; i hi Hi x i.ii i win iikiii-un .,s..ns wh rii.'iy iil.Jt',-1 in UlH v,ilnali..ii nf llir-lr rr .iriy- (' Ii. SO T 1". C. 11. ('. Jin if .10, 1M1. TIOHTCAGE SALR.-HY VI R TB TlK.,rii'iU.',l lit H. K i.T I ..ill.i.l. A. Yiiii. i-v. iiii.-nr, n hi. Ii w i.-fis ,.r.-l j I,; l.-.k -ll. .VI." .u'.'s.c.:.ii. :k'. in Dir. ,.,... ll:,. twIsiiT "t ili'.-.l ..I i ll-Clialn i niiicy 1 .nil ll f.. ill ill. .imn-li'.ii, N p., ,.i VONn VV . Hi.' i.l iluv i.f .M'.il sT. IsHT, a ,'tMi.uil ll'H.-l ,.t liiinl III l li'tfuioil .-..un i . iil).,lte tiiu il,,1 lincl;. ..I lfi...- Ii ci.'iri:. Mr,. Aifln'w ti,.ii,l.'i, .....1 .''.It. r, iiu. I l",ii, .!.' mn' iru.'i nir i 1,1m ! l.y l Ii.mkh , ii,. in J. iiii I'. I ,.. h ,tll I. S ill'il.).'!., mi. I iMliialulnil tJ 4 fi.Ti,-. Jilll.'.KI, 1SB.". il A. I.OM.ON, Ally. JTTF. OF NORTH CAROLINA I'll Vfll M Coi N TV.,.'l Fills. ii'tliniil-i i'H.1. T "I lll,-lir, Ellis, nHin-.i W. II Erii. ami iirs. This In i. s.i- U.I .".- '. H" l"l 111-, will. lliMll nl III.' ilnlli.llT i. fli.-il i. il, l "I li,n ii llilllitsiin. I,,'ll "I ili I It' '.-' ill i' a 'f!l.l', .'111, I ii ii.lil-lli.' I." iltn iniNf,i,...n ..f il, i. .-. oi r. , nv Un' um Iron ..I ; .1 l 1 , : I IT. Hull I.. Ii. 1 I ; 1 . ,. i I in' ,1. It'll tattl I . Is II Ii, n l.'sl-t.'Ul mi l .'H'i'i..; ;c.i , u, i tlilU', ii, o l. , in,, I wli lili, litis SI-,',-, ! 1 li-ili ii,.,ll... l,i Is. ii, i. .. ai p.l II,', ff -r ! ill 1 1. I lhn. .i'ii, r . I.Sll.fl 'CI .Ins- t.l Au-ai-' . i in t-Liii.:! fT'-, itk.'ii ell,. ,',,. l ix i, a, t.Hiil . !' . s. m noi r. Kill Is ToIU'idgoHuildorsll v'EALI.D I'ROi OSAI.S WILL RE : O ie, ei'.ed bv ill Col, 11,11 tiinrs o: im k in ('h.ilhiiiu up to on 1 1 LY "till, for 1 lie collstl 111' lion of a ' LATTICE BRIDGE over HAW RIVER ai Pur's Mi. ions on lie 111 tin olticc , , '.'ids. The ('oui I he right lo i eject the Register ol ,.,,, s riser ' ,..- ..,! :. hi. Is . . ... . 0,,ier ol tbe C iliiiinssioiiei's. ; L R. EM INF.; June 10; l.Hf.7. lit. Cleik, c. Ii AND SALE I.Y VI RITE OF at i .....Mw-M.,;. ...r .-,.n .,' !..'. .sunny. n n,i m ii.ij Trim, in-., i i,o,,iui ,,,,1 ..,;..;- ir .m, .e. --r: j,,a,;. ,, ,,,, ;,.,,.,, H ,.,.,,, i,h, i ,.i in in. -n-v M...n.'i.m t..i..u... .... Hi,' hi-h i.t li.--k m nn.l k.imii il. Ih Hi-- im ni' - ,I..,-,.tu,, i,. ,,, . ,.,. ,ill ,1,.s, N,. , i,. mhio s i. uuaiu a ' -ym !V.-i4iuiLwi 'iii-r. MAKE YOUR PURCHASES AT I Hi AND YOl' MILL OT ONLY i BAV'E MONJ5Y ' BUT WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT EVER YOU HrED! AS UK KLT.l'.S KYKHYTHING, AND NhVEIl ALLOWh ilio IOCK 1 TO KI N DOWN, i At this seison of the year be is ofti-ring ftp UK I 'i! ' in a great lniiuv lines of goods which goods must and Will tc sold ! own faud. "liist come, sc:vi-d.' vvj )(. grM.,,ty redin-rd on Jl'LY 1st, -v LAWNS, WHITK GOODS, PAUA3GLS, FANR, - LACES, Ki333NS, Losnos has a few DAVIS and other .. i..-.r. ,. -.v. i... ...n i., t .ash. laud CAUUIAOKS. new and second If von need unvt.hiitsj eall at J'ittidjoro'. N. C , June Ht.1, lHhV ! JOHN W. MAEKHAM, ' Dl'KIl AM. N. '.. ! Wholesale and Retail Grocer. 1 1 n in Chatham when t.ney come t' Durham one of the largess stocks o Goods in the city and invites an in spec! ion of his stock before buying. H' I. buy in hogeipian'ilies, and can givi vim KOCli LOTTO M prices on ',r.KA,,M,,V,LAKI, SL GAll, COFFEE, SODA. MoLASSF.S. SVill P. CHEESE, i CRACKF.KS. SNL't'F, TOUACCO, FISH. iVC, AC. f have also iu stock a lino assort nicnt : of SHOES j FOR MEN. HOYS AND LADIES Hats Dry Goods, Crockery, Tinware; BcV sPECiAL iXDl'CEMEX I IOCOLNTKY MERCHANTS. April 7. 1HS7. ; FOR THE Advertisement OF S3LUS&MUSE, Durham, N. C, A'ho arc so busy opening and selling i their I -y I "1 "i f f l' X C v 1 I I I J I 1 1 ' I 'I If II V I Alt llUUI JiJ t- L I t I H Vl V- V- i ' llnit they have not time now to write I) OPENING! iti HS ARHEN FROM ITS ASHES.; : . I oll ic Spot tlllll WHS 1111 UnslgllllV n ' . mass now of bricks, a few weeks ago, is lilS MffilHSIII SISEE ; OF Charles Robbins Who has opened t ONE OF THE LARGE.sT AND ! M"ST M'.LECT STOCKS OF Dry Goods, Notions, BOOTS, SHOES, ever brought to Diiiham. Our Mr. G M Gmnx will tal LOOE OUT "V"''",' pleasure m wailing ou Ins many ' 1 i I . . .., . , . .. :n ..;.... 11 .Is 111 iniiiion iiu. i win tji.e i thhUl extra b.nbaiUb. LONDON'S IS I he does not wish to carry over If you lose the !;.: gains ii Among Ihe goods which oil These is your juices are "i. di I . . . SKWIMi m -t ,11 1 . t.-s on nan.i aiso. a tew wa .s. ih- soik baud, that he intends to : ell W. It. LOJtfUtfJW'S. NKAV Ck)C)J.)S I . ... i' ?RICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. We take oh ie-r,i. nir i'rieud.i and ci. i aiiin iincing io i.ik is. ibid our m m M J!?, v ill be olYei-ed at S'rlies in symi'iitby With til.' Li '.- 'I'liei-:; of I'i.llll Product1. We have n more co.uplele line of DRY' GOODS. NOTIONS. CAUPETS, Oil, CLOTH, .DOTS AND SHOES, U il'S AND CAPS tkenswai;e. gl.sswai:e. ( i lit Id . lit ES. A.O.. han ever before olP-t'cd. Cjadies' fTo-.'vs and Dry Goods a Specialty. Ve solicit an auiimttiou of our Goods before buying. Thanks for pa -t favrs. isif-The'-t Cash 1'rices paid ,'or Cotton a id i.. her Produce. Yours Kespei Muiiv. 11. . Mr LEAN tV CO., X. ('.. March ol. 1SH7. W.H. US. TLI'JKER sTcoT, 12:t A 12") V I I VII. I K SrilKET, The old reliable carries at all time slocks of Dry 0 I'liev lire now in r s-illtlii IM Dry (1 ods House i l.e in t complete it, I . i, l all kinds, c. ij,i oi' their Ol -i I L K s. V E LYE 1 S. I '-!! ESS GOO DS, LACES, WHITE GOODS. E.MF.R !l DI'.R I IS. HOSIi:RY. (5 LOVE-. I'M) RWi'. Vi;. SHAWLS. CLOTHS.. -.V-NIMERE.S PAIUSOLS FAN I'. ' I'ONS. DRESS I RIM MINGS, SMALL WARES. G vRNlTURF, SHOES. HOUSE lT'ii:SiilSG GOODS, CARPEi .-s. Rl (is. STRAW MATTINGS. Cl'RTAINS, DRAPERIES. AC. U. i Particular alien m is .lirected to ; i heir imigniticent disi'la.v of Silks and Dress i'.i.ick Dress Goods and ; Mourning Good-. Black 'lii:ii'i!ly and 'Colored Chili tili'y. Lues, in piece j Laces und full Flounces. Irish Paint, 1 Egvptiaii, Oriental and Silk Laces. Never have we shown Mich beauti ful Piiteriis, and b .yi igiu ipiantiliea prices are lower than any other Houho iu North Carolina. Every attention given to all mail orders. W H .V R JtS RilVl.AN, t'llAS. Mi KlMMoN Apnl 7, ls7. TI CKER A: CO. T. W. Douias, (i W. Pot. STAFFORD, HOLM AN S Ml EES P O . Alamance Co.. N. (' . Fiopiiefol's FAIRMOUNT FOUNDRY, Manufai'Loc Tuibii.e Waler Wheels of special tnel il, buhl so as to be used in or out ol -r Inn; e, as desired. Also Grist ami I 'io iring Mill Maehiu crv. , I 'iieni .1 Siw Mi'i.s with simulta neous setting In nl I 'loci,, bot h simple and (hiuilile and pn--k lo i .pernio; Horse Powers, fo ,t Mortising Ma chines, Cutting Ma- li nes. Colli Shel lers.Cane Mil.s. M :li Screws and Cast ings of various kinds. Repairing iitti U led to promptly, ein e solicited. Coi respoud- At ul 7, 1SH7. lv. .6 i i; 1 !t M S .ll'.l'l : ,H9t'-J ' e . A?

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