to???! Mia ' L JjlW UyftlllnHMl 2ttQT8 . ' "w,"t, , THURSDAY, ShP i EMbER 8, 1887. Schedule pittsboro' r. r! The passenger train ou the Ilusboro railroad leave lltit.boiV dully, except Suuda.y. at & 40 a. hi. aud 7.30 1. in., hi l Hi'i'lveu lit 1 itlhUi o' Kl 7.46 i. m. and 9.43 p. m., tnakins i-ie t-i?( iiou at MtMM-uro with ibe trains t. And m.m jirigb. P Subscribe to the Record. tf?f-Tu ,n,ir' "ii,;ll " i. ftr-lbo weather this week has been very favorable for saving fodder. J to the town commissioners have levied a tax c " nous aud malt .) on dealers iu uors. vi- fltt Nights &i e auite cool, but the sun bhineshot duiiug tin day, and conse uucutlv colds are prevalent. ; J. rdT When you go to Durham call Ut the store of Mr. S. R. Perry where you can get almost anything you need, aud at the lowest prices. Read hU "ad.". i&r The Durham Furiiit ure Co., as will be soeu from their "ad." in an other, column, keep on hand a large and complete stock of all kinds of furniture, and the pi ices are very reasonable. rjlr. Sneuce Taylor, of this bpeuce place, has been appointed a deputy collector in the internal rcveuue ser vice for the counties of Chatham, Moore aud Montgomery.- An excel lent appointment. Ssfir Miss Mollie Johnson, of Al bright township, died very suddenly a few days ago. Cause ot hei death supposed lo have beeu a congestive chill. She was a daughter of late Zeuo Johnson. the : fittT The North Carolina Teacher has bcmiu its fifth volume and is a fit iepiesentalive of ihe educational interests of the Slate. Its tenia: kabie success is another pioot of the eueigy oLd of ils popular editor, Lugene G. Han ell, Esq. ti&" A protracted meeting is being held at tlu Methodist church in this place, conducted bv I be pastor, Rev; R. T. N. Sit : ijheuon, who is assisltd bv Revs. A. H. Perry and James W. CI egg. Thus far not much success Laa rewarded their efforts. Sf' Would call your attention to W. L. London's advertisement this week. He is receiving a Jaigo ioi. tf Fcasouabic goods. He is making Shoes a specialty this seasou aud ha K tremendous slock on hand and coming iu, from the tiuest handmade to the heaviest Brognu. JB The iirst bale of new cotton in this couuiy. that we have hoard of, was raised by Glover A vent, lilsq.j aud sold on the. 1st day of ibis month to Messrs. Womble !t G'nsburg, at Moncure. And by-the way theouen ttrprisiag merchauls have moved into their ntw and cjmruodious storf, and expect to do a large buinesa. lit ll - CSr Would call the men and boys ' J. H. Hende: sou, T. C. LutttM ioh, ! raiirbad tax in Centra town attention to the splendid sioi-ks of John S. Dorseu. No. 9, A. N. An-! ship for computing taxes, Cassimeres, Jeaus and Keieys now (drews, T F. Andiews, Maul v Liudiy j S. W Brewer, for material and coming in at London's. Ask to bee j No. 10, Divided by a line running work on court house well, the Leaksvilie goods, the prettiest ! east ami west by Centre school house. Dr. L. A. Hanks, as supeiiu' nnd the best for the money. He aiso j The southern part lobe known as j tendent of health, has a nice lot of Sack Flannels mad : District No. 10 with J. M. Liudiy, ! Thomas Cross, jail fees, til Leaksville, N. C. Buy goods made A JJ. Harris and David Wright com- j W. M. Gunter, for repairs on iii your own S ale and yoa wi.l gg-, uiiuec. Tne northern part, to be Egypt bridge, better goods for your money. j known as District No. 81) with W. E. O. s! Poe, fSr supplies for S- Mr. Thomas C. Dixou, of Al bright towu.shi;, has p f--euted the RECor.D with Ihe largest lehioii that, we havt ever seen. It weighs 1-if ounces and measures around 11 ihbhes one way and 13 inches th other way. It was grown ou a tree iu Mr. Dixon's yard, aud he says that there are a dozen more lemons on it nearly as large as this one. J. J: Thomas & Co. It affdrua us ; Inucl pertonai pleasure, as it is also j giatitymg t publish the bther coluiri; i. Thomas our county pride, to ! vbounceaieiit" in au-1 : the new linn of J. i o. Ir. Thompson irt I V Chatham boys who cue of oui have .mitiihiifrwt v. (Kn i buildiDg up of K aleigh, and his suc cess is another proof of what intelli gent energy and sieady application to business can accomplish. For several years past he has been the bookkeeper and confidential clerk of Capt. Thomas, who is the leading cotton dealer of Raleigh, and the fact ihat Capt. Thomas has now takeu .fciui into co-partnership, is sufficient proof of Mr. ThompHon's high stand ing as a business man, and is itself a compliment of which he has just cause to be proud. Another rcasou tvhy this firm should be popular in Chatham; is the fact that our esteemed county mau, Mr. M. T. Williams is one of its chief clerks. Colored Celebration. Last Fri day was a day that, will long be re membcicd hy the colored people of this coniuiuuitYj for on that day the corner stone of the new A. AI. E. church was laid in grand style. A large crowd was present aud all seem ed to enjoy the occasion to the utmost. A brass baud from Sanford greatly enlivened the delighted heaters,- and the booiniug ot the old cannon (which was lired several times in honor of the occasion) aroused their ehthusi ksm to the highest pitch. It is not often the corner stone of a church is laid amid the booming of cannon and the music of a braes band! Colored masons from Raleigh and Haywood took part iu the ceremonies,- and were the hrst ever seen here. But the most conspicuous characters of the day were the gaily decorated mar shals, as they proudly dashed about on their praucing sUeds. The church, when completed, will be one of the largest aud mot costly churches ?n this county.- - r " x",u'iru-ljr a- vn irsi xuesaay Dwelling Burnt.- I afternoon tue usual quiet tf our town ! was disturbed by the alarmiiig cry of "nie" aud the rtnging of the church bells increased the excite- nieur, ana quietly everybody was running to tue fccene of the fire, ! which proved to be the dwelling of ; Capt. Johu W. Taylor, about three fourths of a milo from town. But before help could arrive the house whs wrapped m flames and was soon destroyed with nearly all its contents. All the out-buildings, however, wei e saved, though it was hard work. Too much credit cannot be given those ! men. both white and wlm ! worked so hard in fighting the fire, iTK j,,4 . - 5. e. , WwX . ; comfortable one, aud we much regret 1 ,,ear. ,here waa coinsurance. The fire originated in the cook room, probably from a defective flue. ' A Chatham Invention, One of the niost important nnd useful inventions OI, -ub ceuiary wa:j I ne r au .Bellows, which is used in propelling air into mines and for various other purposes, aul we never knew until a few days that it was the invention of a citizen of Chatham. And yet such j is the case, the inventor having been - mo mre asse xixun, wno was Dorn I riirmr L ll m -1 and reared in Albright township, and ITJ. Hatch, J. O. Clark 84, W.J. died there in 1873 in the ninetieth ! Goodwin, W. F. Wynne, R. E. Good year of his age. His nephew., Mr. .win. 85, A. M. Bowden, M. S. Smith, Thomas C. Dixou, showed us on last I A. W. Norwood. 86, A. G. Mai ksj Monday the original letters natent I Calvin Holt. J. W. Tavlor. 87. TvTiln jthat weie issued to Mr. Dixou for lue mvention. it is a parchment yeiiow witu age, aatea uuue iitn, 1827, and is signed by John Quincy Adams, Piesident, Henry Ciay. Sec- retary of State, and William Wi' t, j Attorney-General. These signatures are very piaiuiy written and are as legible as if made only a few months. Mr. Dixou made a model of his in vention in brass and seut it to Wash iugluu City bv ou9 of his neighbors (Joseph Marshall) in a one horse wagon. At that time (1827) Hon. John Long, of Randolph county, was a member of Congress and he accom nauied Mr. Marshall on his iournev to Washington, travelling all ihe way in the one-horse wagou. What would a Congressman now thiuk if he had lo travel to Washington in a one horse wagon I Mr. Dixou made no money out of his great invention, which ought to have beeu a fortune to him. His patent, was for only fourteen years, and, as at the expiration 01 tuat pe liod he did not have it leuewed, any person could have a bciiows made like his iuvention. School Committeemen. At t he meeting of the county board of educa.iou, held here ou last Mon day, the following persons were ap pointed school committeemen of the several school districts of this coun ty, lo serve for the next two years: " District No 1, J. M. Ray, A. M. Pickett, Allied Moore. No. 2, 6. R. Pickett. Johu Hinshaw, William Hiu- j uav. No. 3, H. Y. Dixon, William Heuiey, vaeancv. No. 4. H. C Johnson, Taylor Teague, W. A. Dun , cun No. 5, W. S. Edwards, John W. Whitehead, W. A. VJ. Cooper. No. 6, W. W. Edwards, J. F. Buck- ner J. L. Stone. No. 7, R D. Smith, j J. J. Jox, Jr., L. J. Kirkman. No. 8, i ;rery, j. w. wuiieiieaa ana j. b. Heni. y as committee. No li. It a j Braxiotij Gaston Love. Ed ward John- sou. 12 N. A. -Webster, A. M. Self, I W. H. Ciark. 13, J. V. Crai on, R. I F. Andiews, J. G. Cook. 14, A. J. j Wilson, WT. B. At water, S. S. Saowd j lo, 11. M. Love, M Iv. Perry, C M. Justice. lb, 15. t . Pie, Caivin jG Lambetb? T. w Gatti8? R R Hamtet. 18. A. D. Burnett. J. J. :L.T T T . t It? T-l "" v y' , W"T ; ,V , - , Vj"ie' J f; Hackney, J. M Burnett, ttEe" jf1?1'1011- r 21' Jt w- Atwuter, i naams J.-uen Carson 22, (J. h l D i a",ab' B' J; Seai a' oears, o. xj. xales, : 1j. Uil- liams. 2i, L. B. Yates II. M; Lewter, J; E; Johnson. 25, A. Richardson, E. H. Holleman, B. Jj Upchurch. 26, 26, VV.T. llearu, Robt. Burgess, W. J. Thrailkill. 27, U . L. Giiffiiij William Williams, Matthew Seymour. 28, H. H. Wails, J. T. White, D. M. Poe. 2U. R. D. Hackney, Ben. Johnson, B. AJ, Sanders. 30,' W. G. Bland, J. D. Brown, W. J. Lasater. 31, Noah Bailey, J. A. Thomas, Atlas Bryant. 32) S. H. WilsoDi R B. Wilson James Jones. 33, Mat iou Wouible, It. lioit, J. C. Davis. 34, W; T. Edwards, T. L. Lasater, O. M. Neal. 35. T. Y. Mims, M. J. Boyd, M. S Stevens. 36, W. D. Harrington, H. T. John sou, T. J; Hairing ton. 37, John O'Connellj M; G. Dorsett, A. J. Pip kin. 38, A. J. Lett, J. T. Mattox, W. J. Rosser. 39, A. H. Brown, Al fred Hinealey, C. H. Pattishall. 40, A. T. Harriugton, B. T. Buchanan, J. W. J. Guuter. 41, B. A. Spence, M. H. Filchett, Glover Avent. 42 John Barriiiger, W P. Burt, Rich ard Moore. 43, Henry Lloyd, J. H. Poe, N. A. Gilmore; 44, J. H. Tysor, Asa Gnuiore, J. R. Blight 45 W; T. Pattishad, W. H, Wicker, Charles Riddle. 46, N. Q. Yai borough, A. J. Harrington, T.- M. Johnson. 47, T. W. Segroves, John Lemons Daniel Riddle. 48, O. S. Johnson, Jordan Tysor, Jr., j L. Johuson. 49; J. H. Buike, Marshal Oidtiaru, O. M. Dor sett. 50v A. J. Goldstou, J. J. Gold ston, T. W. Moses 52, Divided, E. D. Naile, T. C. Deal, J. F. Ausley. 88 New District, Geo. Frazier, W. J. Buie, James Campbell. 52, R. W. Taylor; W. G. New by, G. Giimore 53, W. A. Smith, J. U. Tillman, Win. Oidham. 64, M. A. Barber, k B. Slinson, J. K. Talley. 55, W. D. Coggiu, Hugh Womble, G. T. Hart, ; oo, w. ju. x nomas, ixoan neeit. Hugh Smith. 57. G. G. Emerson, J. ! M. Evans, T. B. Mooney. 58, J. J. ! White, A. E, Willett, Noah Sanders, 60, E H. McMafniis, N. F. Phillips, ' Muo Uouncilman. bz, li. U. Urewer. 1 Ira Phillips, Lewis Myrjck. 63, E. I W. Kidd, J. W. Scott, V. D. Cheek, j 64, W. G. Ellis, P. P. Andrews, J. D. . Stone. 65, J. C. Bray, A. G. Bray, ! J. N. Dixou. 66, L. D. VVrenn, A. J. ; Jbane, J. IS. Page. 67, G. W.. Worn ' ble, A. D. Jordan, W. L. Poe. 68, B. W. H. i Festmre, Josiah T. Brooks, Fitlz. 69, D. G. Fox, J. A. Gilliland, John Dark. 70, Josiah W. Dark, C. ! E. Houston. G. A. Mnrrhiann 71 j John, Crutchfield, Weston G. Dowd! a w ' T w - tv t ts i v n T Tr7 ! W. J. Dowd, VV. P. Dark. 73, J. A. Pugh, C. B. Temple, D. E. Rives j 74, H. A. Fields, J. W. Green, John W. White. 75, Isaac H. Straughan, J. B. Burke, Duncan Mclver. 76, T. T. Brooks. N. B. Justice. L. Utlev. j 77, J. C. Jones, A. V Ferguson, B j E. Webster. 78, J. A. Alston, Manly j Clark, Thomas Moore. 79, Mark j Sunt h, Oidham Peri v. Clarence Web- ! ster. 80, W. F. Foushee, A. W. j Palmer, Win, Heathcock. 81, R. M j Burns, R. M. Jones, W. S. Griffin. ; 82, John Thomas, Thomas J. Griffin, J. 1 I homas. 83. J. M. Griffin. T, j Dixon, Aaron Stewart) Obed. Marsh- burn. i The. above named committeemen j are for the white districts. We have j not yet been able to obtain the names ! of the committemen for the colored districts. In some districts there was quite a contention as to who should be appointed committeemen. Commissioners Meeting:. The county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting on last Monday and Tuesday, and audited the following accounts : John W. TJtley, for feeding, guarding ami conveving to jail Andrew Caton, R. M. Cross, for lumber and woi k on Buckhorne bridge, W. N. Straughan, insolvent fes, J. W. Poe, as overseer of poor house, $3.10 18.30 12.37 68.75 28.28 Sam Fike, for labor at poor- house, W. L London, supplies for poor-bouse, &c, F. .VI. Hadiey, for corn, M. D. Biady, for expenses of bringing his wife from Mor- gautou asylum, Micajah Rosser, for work on bsidge across Lick creek, W. B. Carter, insolvent fees iu case of John Loy, A. W. Wicker, insolvent fees in ease of J. G. Burt, W. H. Hatch, for computing 23.20 46 50 10.00 3.10 85 1.37 and abstiaciing tax hst, 57.50 J. A. Pugh, for computing ano! absiraciing tax lisif, 55.10 7,00 59.07 250.68 J. A. Puarh. for snecificalions i - i ! : and work on Pace's biidie. C. R. Scott, for computing and abstracting tax lists, L. R. Exdue, for makiDsr two copies of tax lists, W. H. Hatch, to be rmid not. 5.00 14.60 25.00 26.77 1.00 24.05 3.62 Petty Centre uoor-iiouse, S. M. Holt, for blanks, Obdisred, That. Thomas F be appointed constable in township. Okdekei, That Miss Hannah Yar borough be allowed 98 cents for tern porarv relief Oi ;jered, That I. T. Buchanan, agent, be allowed $2 a month for sup port of Carney Straughan. Ordered, That license be granted to John A. Peuniugtoii til sell uia!t and Viaous liquors in the town of Pittsboro. The Dead Alive. Chicago, Sept 6. A Times Cbat- tanoosra. Term eral years ago Martin Pd'k robbed the State treasury of Tennessee (J several hundred thousand dollars while serviug as S' ate treasurer. He fled but was subsequently arrested and returned to Nashville-. In due time he was reported to have sick ened and died. His body was shipped from Nashville to Bolivar, Tennessee, where it wits buried. Now comes news that one Gamblef, a prominent citizeu of Anniston, Ala , has just re turned home from an extended visit in the city of Mexico', arid while there he met Polk on the street and talked wi!h him. He made further invess tigations and found Polk in busi ness in that city. The affair ha.s created no little excitement in this part of the State. Gamble was well acquainted with Poik while he was treasurer of this State. Crusty tff M tries'. Fronii the Charlotte Home Democrat. There are at luit one hundred and fifty mules brought into aud sold in Meckleuburg county yearly. Think of it. Don't you know fifty mules ought to more thau supply the wear aud tear df the uiules in this county f This ia proof to our mind that we kill by bard work, bad treatment, and starvation, one hundred head of mules every year. We know one man whose mules are always poor, back and shoulders sore. This man bujs all bis feed, is always hard up and in a strain, and can't get credit for five dollars. We know another man whose mules are always fat, never scarred up, and he never buy any ieea, ana can get credit lor any amount aeaaea. Uue at tuese mnu is poor, liTfcft bui d utita bat no frienda I ITT 1 - mi 1 fm ! TTtiq rtttriAV-ta waII rvflF livaa wait mmA . everybody is his friend. One-is never strain, une is nappy, tne other is miserable. One is the builder of his own fortune, the other is the wrecker of his fortune. . How can any man get Along, how can any man expect the Lord to prosper him in his busi ness who is so cruel to his stock And so reckless of his own interest? -The law ought to b enforced against every man who misuses or abuses his stock. Who will put the: ball in motion? If men were made to take care of thei mules and horses iu this county, it would be a clear sav ing in dollais and cents yearly to the oounty, or T$fc- to,th4eople of the countV, of at least fifteen I. thousand dollars yearly. How:, can we help being poor so long as we kill up our stock, buy all our home supplies from the north, and don't raise enough on j the farms to foot the bills made dur ing the year ? Ought we not to be poor, and do we deserve any better fate? We saw nine mules in town j Saturday, and the owners of each ! ought to be indicted, convicted and i punished for cruel and inhuman treat-! ment to animals, and we have no doubt there are two hundred such cases in the county. ' Poverty and hard times will always follow in the wake of such. . 7; A Theatre Bunted. Exeter took fire this evening" during me penormance oh tne itomany llye. The opftiinjints of tho attni .,r, ' f.V, ' UU awful struggle, escaped ..but many of There wna nnlv nna vii- fi-run fv. gallery, and the rush there was ter rific. Scores were trodden under foot and suffocated. A fire escape was brought to the window, and many inside were rescued. Sixty corpses have been removed. The in jured survivors were sent to the hos pitals. The mortality is estimated at over one hundred. A Town Afflicted. Lockport, Pa , Sept 2. This town is suffering from a epidemic of black Diphtheria. Out of a population of 2,000 people nearly half are down with the disease, and 13 deaths have occurred within the. ,p 8t five days. The victims ore seized with black vomit and usually die in two Or three days. Au old viaduct which formed a part of State canal, was destroyed by dynamite, leaving stagnant pools of water which, it is believed, caused the epidemic. Collections of Internal Revenue for July last were $10,097,879, being $361,411 more than the receipts during tho same month of last year. There was a decrease of $178,540 hi collections on spirits; an incease of $3i2.700 on tobacco, $204727 on fermented liquors, and a decrease of $3,296 on miscellaneous objects. The Signboard, published at Dunn's in Harnett couity, says 'there are forty marriageable' young nfen.iu the corporate limits of that town with only one marriagebale young lady. At Flemiugdburg, Kentuck, on Friday night, a negro who commit ted ah assault upon a young lady wue taken from the jail by one hundred masked men and hanged. A brakemau, nsiined Nordaby, leaped fiom his train into th Housatouic river aud rescued a lady from drown ing. The steamer Avalon, of the Mary land fleet, was destroyed by fire Sun day night. Some of rur most prominent citi zens have beeu cured of chronic rheu matism by that Wonderful pain-biih-isher. Salvation Oil.. Pi ice 25 cents. ' "Why, Jones, what a ho(a)rse you have in your throat !'' Yes, I raited it from a col(ri)t in-my head; I've too much live stockv..;"Vell, like cures like; Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp will cure you. The Bull will quickly scare the ho(a)rse away." Do NOT FORGET THAT J. W. ScOTT & Co.; GteeuKboro; N. C, carry one of the largest stocks of goods in Central North Carolina. Merchants invited to call iu person or send orders by mail. Very respectfully, J. W. SCOTT & CO., Greensboro'. N. C. April 21, 1887. IHE SXA'ftXXS VS RaportM for Thk R&onftu by AV Y ATT& TAYLOR, .'OROCKRS & COMMISSION MKKCU AKTS.. . . t'.$a: 12 !Rat Wrte Martin St.. ' . HALDOS; N.' C.V August 86, f887.- COTTOM MARKET: Good Midailng, Miaaiiug, ' Strict Ltw Mlddlag ' Stalna, - . ' 10 33-4. . WHOLESALE GROCERY MARKET. . a . . . . '. 83-;Coffee, . 15W U 25i?6 90 624lg65 65 60(555 Klotlr, N. 0., Veal, white. Haras. N. C. sugar-curea, iwaio iOats, Coru. Besl refined, FamUv. 910 l'ntauiee Sweet, Irish. MolaiMefi 7680 Serous, bright. 2540 aKar , : per ball barrel, "54.75 Butter. l5Ci) Rrttrht Yellow. 00 Brown. 5 Orauulaied. - 63-4 ChlcKeiiA. 90(g4o K3. Tlieee prlcet rtf tor large lota. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.HAV- in..' aciiaul f fi nmttir 111 t 1 f v a.1 I nmwirii hold. tng claltne agalnat aatd oecdent to present them w me ou w ueioro tin ou uj dijubuiuti w. liERIFF'S SALEwBY VIRTUE r 0 Btmdry execatfons In my ltande tor oolleo' tlon. I wfil sell for cash at public auction, at- the court-house doer in riuaooro'. on aiokuax me 3rd day of October, 1887, the followlnff real eaiate : 0,o tractof land iu Boar CreeK towmrtrtp adjoin ing Uie lands oi Eli Welch) R..W. Phillips and others', containing " 78 acres, and' levied on as the properly ot J. F. Williamson, te sathtly execution tn tuVn. i1 J- ft. T jtn'ft. One tract ib wtniams townshtp, on tbe' rateri ot Kortb East creek, adjoining ibe lands ox Alfred Morfog, J F. 0SeUy and others, containing 70 acrea, aud levied ou as the property ot Joan sa. : Morlng to satisfy an execurlon n favor of C. BV bept. 8 lftsl. 8. W. BKWXB, Sb' J?ew Adterti8eDieiitjR. S. R. PERRY, DXJKHAM, N. C; -DEALER IN- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, .BOOTS, Hats, Trunks, TINWARE, &C. All the above goods will be sold at Panic Prices ! Sept. 8, 1887. 2ms. . ANNOUNCEMENT. I have associated with me in busi ness, Mr. Geo. W. Thompson, Jr.; and hereafter the business will be con ducted under the firm of J. J. Thomas & Co. Thanking my many friends and acquaintances for their patronage so liberally bestowed and appreciated, I kindly ask them to continue their business relations with the new firm, promising them and all othere who may feel disposed to deal with us the very best treatment. From all who are indebted to me individually, I shall expect prompt settlement this fall. J. J. THOMAS. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 1st, 1887. 1867. 1887. FALL TRADE. J. J. THOMAS, GEO. W. THOMPSON, JR. J. J. THOMAS & GO., General Commission Merchants AND Cotton Sellers, KALEIGH, N. O., OFFER TO THE TRADE. GiflHEHS AliD FARMERS, 1,200 bundles New Arrow and Spliced1 Ties 1,000 rolls U. 1, 2 aud 2ift Bacffinff. j 2,000 yards Dundee Bagging. oOO lbs Bagging 1 wine. 20,000 lbs B.ilk Meat. 1,000 bushels white and yellow Corn. 500 bushels white Bolted Meal. 1,000 bushel OiitS. 20,000 fts Best Hay. 1,000 lbs Bran, Brown and Sbip-etuff: 100 bags Fresh Guano for wheat. Also, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt, &c, &c, all of which we offer upon verv best terms. We make a Bpecialty'of the SALE OF COTTON and will make CASH ADVANCES upon bills lading or coitdu iti hand when desired. J. j; THOMAS dl CO., 312, 315 & 317 South Wilmington St., RALEIGH, N. C. Sept. 8, 1887. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. m tatters of odmlnfotriutoii ali thfc estate ot Johu tTiulerwocd, defeased, Laving tliis day lfeu granted 10 the un iorsigned, W. P. CamieH. he hereby notifies nil per one having claims against the deceased u exhibit I hem to him within twelve months from this date, otherwise this uoUce wi)l bfi hlead in bar of thir recovery. This the 6th. ot Sept., 18X7. w. P. CAMPBELL, Admr. Sept. 8, 1887. MILL FOR SALE. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage deed executed by John 8. ClArk to 3. A. Yany. trustee of the Tiuiner k De ianey Engine Coifipahr. and. regleierod on pages j i anu oi hook u. m. m me onrce oi me tu)gm Inter or Deeds , of Chatham county, I will sell at public auction for cash at the court-house door Jn PlttslKro on Wbonesday, the 21st day of Septem ber. 18b7. a certain lot ox laud in Chatham county. on Dry, Creek, known as the 'OoakkTVI'M' tract, tiu oomanung nine aurcs, iuro or into. Sept. 1st, 1887. Attorney. FAXU3 70H ZIBXIT. THat valuable farm belonging ti the estate of the late 3; W. McPherson is offered .for rest ot lease for a term of years. It consists of 500 acres, lying on Deep river, and is one of the best farms In Chatham Anply to F. M. HADLEY, duly 7 j 1887. Evans'.N. C. A DMINIS l RATOR'S NOTICE rW IT...!.., rmallfla.1 u iufm1ntstr.tnr nf SILAS MAN N, deceased, I hereby notify All p'ersonS n tamg claims against sniu unueuvuii w wumi the same to me, on or before tbo 18th any ot AtlgUSt, 1888. . a. August 18. 1SW. "STAitii, HENLEY 4 HOLM AN S MILLS P. O., Alamance Co., N. C, Proprietors FAIRMOXJNT FOUNDRY, Manufacture I'urbine Water Wheels of special txfei'it; built so as to be used in or out of water-house, as desired. Also Grist and Flouring Mill Machin ery, Circular Saw Mill with simulta neous setting head-block, both simple and -durable and quick to operate.: Hofse Ptrwers, foot Mortising M cbines, Cuttiug Machines, Corn 8bel- lei-H. Caiie Mills, Mill Screws and Cast ings of various kiodd. RepMitiu atteuded to prompUyr Corrt:Hpond ence solicited. April 7, 18S7. ly. ffiiSIlSlII . PRANK THOMOlfS DISPLAY House Furnishings Iu unexcelled variety and extent; e exhibit everything necessary to adorn and beautify the home. Wilton Velvet Carpets, entirely new ' and beautiful designs, . Wilton Velvet Carpets, iti new varie gated patterns, Body Brussels, lovely dolors; Tapestry -Brussels; 3-Ply Ali. Wool Carpets, n ' 2 Ply All Wool Carpets; 2-Ply All Wool Carpets, special for 'churches: Extra Super Ingrains, Cotton Chain Carpets, Chelsea Carpetinos, Cocoa Mattings, Stair Cakpetings, Jottings, Paper Lining for Carpets, Velvet Ruos, in all stees; Tapestry Rugs, sizes from 18x24 in. to 5x9 feet, ' ' Mats and DHuoefeTS, large "ahl cbin plete assortment." Lovely Bleached Table Damask, Unbleached Table Damask; Turkey Red Damask, all grades, all colors in Damask; Oil Cloth Table Cloth, in new and pretty designs, Shelf Cloth; All Linen NApkiNa and jJoxttf Turkey Red aud other colors, Elegant Tray Covics in bleached arid colors; Lunch (Cloths and Doylies, All Linen Towels, Towels in Damask, bleached and unbleached; Genuine Hand-made Russian Crash; HuoKi Crepe and Fancy Colors in Turkish Towels, Curtain Poles in Walnut and Gdlt, Lambrequin Poles ill Gold, Copper aiid NicxtE. All of these selections were niade by me in person in New York a few days ago, consequently are perfectly fredh1 and of the newest styles and designs, and besides is by big odds the largest stock in the State. Take Elevator f tir Third Moor to the Exhibition Rooms. FRAKK THORNTON, Fayetteyille, N. C: August 25, 1887. 3ts. RALEIGH MARBLE WORKS; Charles A. Goodwin, PROPKlEtoE. CD l men Send fbr prices and designs. f CHAS. A. GOODWIN, . Raleioh, N. C. August 'ii. 18871 2ms. "thompsoii SCHOOL. (Successor to Oakdale Academy.) . . A flrei-cjani! Dotifdfng School, with a Military Organizaiion, Siler Oity, Chatham Co., N. 0. The fifteenth session ot this School wfil begin AUGUST 10th and close DECEMBER 22, 1887. Deeir?ibe location on the Cape Fear and YadkW Valley lijvllroiid. Large and attractive new school building. Corps of efficient teachers. Satisfaction, guaranteed. Terms very reasonable. Cataiogud containing full particulars and photograph of buudlng sent on application to J. At W. THOMPSON, SUPERINTENDENT. Aug.. last. m. ; Kirktnan Hoiise, PXTTSBORO, M. Q.: Situated in the centre of the ousi uess part of the town. Large sample room for DrurnmerW Every, conve nience and comfort afforded the travel ling pu blic. A pleasant resort for the summer. Horses aud vehicle's for hire. M. F. KIUKMAN. April 28. 1887. PATENTS, Caveats, Trade Marks & Copy wrights, Obtained, and ail other business In the V. 6. Pat ent Office attended to for MubXMT .EEZB. uur omce is opposite ine v. o. nHHuuiuva, wu we can obtain Patents in less time than those re mote from Washington. - ... Sen. Movku or Dbawino. We advise as to pat entability free of charge, and we m ike NO CHaBGE UNLES-S WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to ttte postmaster, the 8upU of Money Order Division, and to officials of the If. 8. Patent Offl-e. For circular, auvios.'- terms and references to actual clients In your own State or county, write to O. A. SNOW fc CO.. . Opposite Patent Cfflce Washlugto ,DC. Nov. 13, tf. . i i j - ' DO ASTiIMA? s wi... ...,wi i,.j wrvi Y it an A pahki .. I'urr l.r T. POrHAM CO., E mm -OP-: M Seasorii ... finished our fcoctltftlririi HArZ :- u,dav,;night. , .0n Monday roorhii. wCwill. jlace oyj sale nt prices fair be- ' " low anything evefcojaTerect . ale boDB And ekds; brokeSsets; SHORT ijEMTrf - 1 : ..-., . .; - ... .,, i. i ! and all such goods as we niusi get rid of. to hiakB room for autiimii ooveUiSi; Tha oTfifif. to close -put otlr entire tock Spring and Summer: .goods is that we . win hot have an iiuh of sharp RtiAnn nHAti . our. large stock of Fall goods arrive . o hate'nt the space to niehtibii the iiiany 1 Great Valiieei that will be offered, we can on$ ieji biir ftiencls to call aJid see for them selves v . - No: 2u.$.Fayetteville Street; G0TT0N (1 THEIR GlM N THE- IJvCIa Honie ins; d OF RALEIGH, n. C:; Vf:- & PRIMROSE, PrfeidSntt This Home Institution; established in 1868, deserteS the pdtrobage of all North Cai'bhniaus. ' All Losses M Proiplij. All classes of insurable property insured at reasonable rales. Appl to' XI. A. lOITOOrii ' ' ' Pittsboro, N: C; Aug. 25, 1887. ilgtmi. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. U, Two and a half miles west of Greene bJro, N; G. The. main line of the B. &D: R R pasves through the grounds and within lOOfeetof the office.. Salti$ trains make regular stops Iwice ctftH each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially iuvi ted to inspect this the largest ourserjf in the Stata and one among Hie Urgy est in the South. ' The proprietor h&h for ittatiy ye&t& visited tbe leading NilrserieH North and West and corrt spouded with, those of foreign countries gathering - every fruit that was calculated to suit the South j both, native and foreigd: The reputation of Pomdha Hill series is such that many agents going out from Greensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the iui pressioq that they are representiii these nntseries.; Why do they doit f Let tbe public answer; I have in stock growing (and fotti show visitors' the same) the largest and best stock of trees, &c , evet1 shown or seen in any fwb hurserifi in Nortli Carolina, consisting of apple; peach, peari cherry, plum; grape, Jaj tnese persimmon, Jabahese plum apricots, nectarine, Russian apricot; mulberry, quinces. Small fruits: .Strawberry raspberryj currants, pfc. cans, English walnuts, rhubarb, as paragus, evergreens, shade trees roses, &&. Give your Order io my authorized agent or order direct from the nurs& ry. Correspondence solicited. Des oriptive catalogues free to ipHctots: Address, J. Van; Lindlev; PoMovi; Guilford coiiuty, H. Gi THE WILMINGTOlf STAR. REDUCTION IN fRlCl3. Attention' is called to the. foitowtng . of subscription, catfh' in advance: The Daily Stair. One TTeaf , ' SlxMonilg.. -Three Mouths. -One Mohth, is CO TheWoeklyStiir. doe Tear., - " 91 tx MoulhSi - - - rhree Montbs, - Our Telegraph Sews service, baa ttty eed largely Increased, and Jtis quf aeterralnatln keep the Sta up t the highest standard ol paper excellence. . July M; Wfii WnmtnAtoa; v