Gjfj) . JJOB Wnaiham JlieCOrt ! , ... ': . ... . - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1888. JCOCAI XUBCORjJS. " , r,, nnn-m.A,, r T SCIIKDULE PIllhliORO R. R. The iwnpr iratu uu Uie litiKintru raiin ad )vea rUtsboro daily. wscept Sundays, nt & i xcit Sunday, at 6 . 4 m rw- ... a I ... 1 -1 . .......... . .. t W LeciK-u at . m and 20 n. m.. hntklne close con u wni. I(0 iM-iiiM i. mi.i iriu liaioiifh. ciri"ue, winuit.:t..uani iiiurinedriateiMiuiB. fflotT Mr. W. M. Thomas has been appointed postmaster at Riehnioud, in tbid count. . . i VOT mere is an old saying that the fruit Julv fir We would call the attention Of our looacci , p.au.e s 10 lU leuer j of Maj.lv. u itajjiaud, wno is one ot the uio.t experienced tobacco plan- . ten m the bouth. jbT Rev. R T Gray, who left here a few weeks ago to lute temporary charge of the Baptist church at Fay ette ville, has been ordained and elect ed pastor of that church. ilw !.i it it . i.i o- i.idav fPeliriirvnrli ti.r is if ow loda (bruai -ad), that i, if tA ot.ak .It . i r tA.i . 1 . t ...all i... more weeks of wintry weather. Itttr We are indebted to the mar- Buaio U( A v vi f uauu luiiiatiwii VV iU'J ULV lUUU UUUI1 CI rfl y : .i . i tllll'IKKK Ul LL1U X lllllllllHLUKMS.,! L 1 1 1 1 uia E.eliau Literary Societies ar Wake Forest Coilege, on the 17th inst fijyThe number of marriage li- censes issued in thi couuty last mouth wus twcMjiy-four, of wiii. h Hf - . teen ;veie to whiles and nine to o.acK3. in .January oi ast year only tuirteeu were i.uvd, ho tliat inia in- i crease masi ue an auspicious siyn 01 better times coming! 1 5r A lai j Ciothing at e fttock f Readymade London's at cost for; casu ' Li-iifcs' Li ess Uood- at aimoai, j your own price.-. Loudon has a large hiock on hand and wiii sed as chap j a can be had in any murk:-t. goods must and wiii be sold, uud see and bring the money these : Come KSTOii and after tomorrow (Fri day) the morniug train 011 the PsJ.s boro ruiiio;id will leave here at ;0 o'ciock. instea 1 of i 5 ), as heretofore, and return here at 8 15 instead of 7.45. No change iu the schedule of j thenkrht train This ,-ives uaHaeii- I O - , CJ M. gor an hour's more sleep in the worumg. Sr Look here! X w is your time ! f T.H.dnn uA I.i' .T,,h TiOt;iu Counter Hiram this week Look out .MSia-i I Mil III .1 l It I ' I'V I liu rt I ( I'd I ! f ll. . - - I. . 1 ,UW.D.,W . T imnu ecupse oi me moon ou mi od ,,fr at John Latt more s board ,u July, if lias bo true, there Saturday night, and therefore our !Jni A," M,i WM ikiiaA in a h ill be an abundance of fruit next readers were looking out for this jon tha Re,.ond floor. & Du,w the ' 1 urnilAtf . 1 4- ' on1 if rr a i rv. i . - " . . t v Mr. Robeit Brooks, of Hick-: tl lo? but shone faintly itfast, Tiiisheld Morrow s Mnnntain townshin. u fn,wl ' WI" a wnd, coppereo orea ligut, j i lt 8afe but not very trra , ;,. .u'ln.,,.,,,, ;,. and tUeu gadiially as it emerged j tude, with his leet some dis ' P it. , . r V i from the earths shadow its hght ; h utduihI mul hi indv tt d.i jiiseusio'e condition, and died i t j i i ' ouuu aua Ul uou bW fl . I...:... r became brighter and blighter. An- lenoth un the side of the forlheba.gaias! He c-,mmences on I counties ought to avail them Hats aud Cap Yoa cau buy them I selves of nature s bounty in this re cheaper thau ever sold in New York, j g"d ud adapt the crop to the soil, Caps from 15 c -uti up ; II ds fro.u o to reap the best leward. Some 20 cfiits up; a .'Ood stiff Hat for 'lo'Qt her poorest giay dry lands, too cents. Such puces wete never heard of before li.ing the money wilh vou. &eT Everybody who has any tim ber to sell, take notice! Mr. Nooe wants every olo that oas any dog wood, persimmon or J-ickoiy timber to sell to go to cutting and hauling it in to his factory at this pjace. He must have more timber or he cannot afford to slay here. To those who have limber but do inu eaie to cut aud hrVi it themselves, he wiii buy it sta:;v:i:g. k--" A.. L Jones has just returned from th North, where he bought a large and select stock of dsy good', tiotion3, hats aud hhoes for men, women aud chi dren, which will be sold cheaper tha;i anywhere else. If you doubt this, all ha nsks is to try him He calls his store, which is How opposite the Record office, the 'Racket" store of Chatham, where auy and every thing is sold cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. He cau afford to sell these goods cheap, because he paid the cash for them in New York. Call and see them. Supervisors' Meeting. Next Sat urday id the day for the semi annual meeting of the supervisors of the public roads of every township, for the purpose of consulting on the 8iilject of the condition of the roads in their townships. Until the last Legislature amended the law, it was also their duty at this meeting to appoiut the overseers of the roads and allot the hands, but this will be done at the August meeting hereafter. AVe sincerely hope that this 'con sulting'' will in some way improve our roads, for they certainly need improvement. We verily believe that our bad roads are the heaviest tax that our far mors have to pay, that is, iu the wear and tear of their teams and vehicles and loss of time in haul ing light lo ids. A Tannery. At the sale of the Haii bron farm at this place, on last Saturday, Messrs. VV. L. London and A. J. Byuum became tbe purchasers, aud they intend to start there at once the best tau-yard in the county. They have employed a skilled and experienced tanner, who will not only tan the hides but will Also dress the leather as well as it can be done any where. The tannery is to have all the modern improvements aud con veniences, and will be quite an im portant enterprise here. These gen tlemen purpose dividing up the farm (which coutains over 400 acres) into several small farms, aud sell them to desirable purchasers. They wish to huy at ouce 10,000 good hides, either dry or gicen, aud will pay cash. Plka.ba.nt Excursion. On last Tu day a party of twenty -five ladies c gentlemen enjoyed a pleasant III Tues-! and little excursion from this place to Mon-! Jrtrc A8t' on 1116 question or a bud cure. The weather was delightful, i scription by the city to the capital as pleasant as a spring day. and this i fcck of the CaPe ?r & Yudkm Val added no little to the day's ei.jov- i J R. R-and tbe Wilmnigton, Ons- went. The train left here at 9.30 a. ni . l,,tnrnr(1 nt s ij lv ftnfl tn t i 4 tj nfirv wa8 their firfc '. . . , . of the excursion was two-fold busi- ' nftss and nleasnre for not onlv war it a sort of picnic, but everybody also went to "buy themselves rich at the closine- out sales of the late fiim 0f Womble and Ginsburg. The Moon's Eclipse The Recokd announced last week that there would? ' nrnnc citrnr. ltitlAPrl I no ssirv wnc n i mi i inn,l!-'.ft t.l.." f.h "onM b t p,ain,v Been aU(J ifc was a(. an hour -. after dark) wUeu evervbodj could umvemenWy see it. At its t t . ecijD8e luo rnoon wa8 uo. en. other eclipse is predicted to occur ut midnight on July 22nd. A Liberal Ofteu. We are author- ized by the Rev George P. Moore to state that he will give the water- power ana ten acies oi lana to any ut ; sou or coi uoratiou that wi 11 build ; and onetate a cotton lactrv at his i on Haw river, reserving, how-; flMK:pnt llta,rbto ril .v. . -. .m. .--w - l ' I his mill. This is a liberal and public ' spirited offer, and affords a rare op- po: tunicy to auy person or company that would like to invest in a cottou i faetorv. 'ihe water-oower is said to - ha m. v it on Haw river, and i " " T -- . is nmply sutticient at an seasons ,0 run a large cotton factory and also! Mr. xMo.we's merchant mill. It is j situated iu a good cotton section where there would be ho trouble about obtaining a full supply of cot- ply oi cOi-1 ry healthy j ton, and the climate is ver anu provisions pieutirui ana cueap . Ihe place is six miies distant irom ! cue uearest sianyii ou uie xaiei"u a, Augusta Air-Line railroml and live miles from this place, so that it would have convenient shipping facilities, For ibe Kkooud. Culture of Tobacco. Ilvoo, Va., Jan. 2oth, 1888 Mit. Enrrou : Your advice ou 'Cul ture of lobacco" in tht Recoku for January ll)th is timely aud bound, and appues not only to the planters of your county, but to those of other counties iu North Carolina, Tennes see aud South Carolina, begiuuers iu its culture, and if followed cannot Ia" 01 w"S resu- . . The present and prospective prices for tobacco ought to stimulate those who have the soil adapted to tine i yellow tobacco to raise small crops the best paying prouuet grown the Untied States. The farm- ie,'s 01 Chatham and contiguous poor tor piontao-e cuaii.t 111 corn or cotton, may be utilized for the fine yellow type most, advantageously, piovided Mnall a-eas aie planted and these well fertilized and eultivated. Your planters need not ftel dis couiaged because many failed to make successful cures the first sea son's trial. The yrllow tobacco in dustry is of slow giowth ; expeii-nce is necessary to success, but this is sure to come, soon or iate5 where the natural advantages are as favorable as they present themselves over much of the area of Chat ham. Your couuty is sure to become famous for the production of bright tobacco, the best paying of all the types, but discretion must be used in selecting the proper soil and the right vatieties. R. L. Ra gland. State News. Statesville Landmaik: Mr. Au gust us Jamison, of Coddle Oeek, was topping a tree when the top fell in a different direction to that he expect ed and knocked him off. He fell to the ground with his skull crushed, aud diod instautly. A subscriber at Carthage, Moore eouuty, Mr, D. C. Kelly, writes that Mr. M. McLeod Kelly, of that vicinity, made last year on two acres of land, 4.775 lbs. of seed cotton a bale and a half to the acre. That is farming. Mr. 0. W. Leckie, of Cool Spring township, has a hen which has a regular habit ot laying eggs with two yelks in each. The eggs are of extraordinary size aud weight. Mr. Leckie brought three of them to the Landmark office the other day, and they showed when broken that the hen was keeping up her record: each of the three had two yelks in it. Winston Republican: Nine young men from Davie county boarded the train here Tuesday morning, bound for Iowa, which poiut they will make their permanent home. Soma of the Western cities, Little Rock, Ark , for instance, are passing laws forbid ding the sale of cigarettes to boys. It is a habit that has grown to be gen eral, it seems. Even in Winston, you can see more youngsters puffing away on cigarettes than men, smoking either cigarettes, cigars or pipes. We favor the Little Rock idea and would suggest it to the city fathers of Win ston and other towns. Very tew are aware of the fact that the law en croaches upon the privilege of married people to the extent that according to tbe U. S. Postal Laws and the U. S Revised Statutes, neither bubaud nor wife has am right to open the other's letters, and the one that does it may be prosecuted under section 3.892 of the revised statutes for so doitj.r. Wilmington Keview : His Honor, Mavor r owler, has issued a call for elections to be held on Thursday, " aiomm xv. iuui- ter is therefore fauly and squarely be- . 01 the people and it rests with them ; lo gRV whether ihev will have the i ads. As for the Review, we are piaiuiy ana unequivocally in lavor oi th schemes, simply because we believe that they will both promote, in a wonderful degree, the prosperity of our city. Hickory Clipper: Last Sunday evening Wib Morrow, a brick mason and a plasterer of Morganton, took gut, imagining was the door of his familiar domicile, which was but a step to the ground, he concluded to go out He raised the lower sash and stepped out, but i fort unately the sash came down in time to catch um coat tail and bold uspended ceful atti- tauce from etched at building. His cries brougnt assistance. Charlotte Chrouicle: Mr. W. A. Howell, of Gaston county, raised last year with one horse, on seventeen acres of land, 17 bales of cotton, "OWIoi, u fuuuus iav;u- A IUU aiiiuii vxve uestroj ea iour blore8- The loss is estimated at fif 0 tuousand dollais. Ihe buildings were partially insured. The tire was ued by a defective stove. A - w little child of Widow Kirbv, aired eighteen months, was left in caro of her chi.'dren ut her little home while sue went over to see a neighbor. -py . t 111 Hearing screams sue hurried back 1 I Kit... 1 1 . . K 'T.T1,"1 "e having fallen into the n,e ud Mas burned so badly that it walked to the door aud foil dead. Le.ioir Topic: Last night two meu of this county went at night to til0 houso of Thomas A'oshir, and, knocking him up, were admitted. up, were L-i rt ..1 1 1 'fhev were drinking a id 'jad a iuir of i whiskey or brau.iy with them. Mr. I A boher dran'i with them, and thev gave an old man named S veet. an j idiotic old feliow who lived at Mr. j Absher's, some of the spirits. They j insisted on his drinkiug, and plied ; him v ith it, and he continued to drii.k j a good deal of the liquor, although 1 -lr. Absiier remonstrated with him and advised him to stop Afier awhile Sweet became ins usibie and remain ed iu that condition until he died next day at four in ihe afternoon. It is charged that, not content with fill ing the old feliow up with more liquor than he ought to have taken, the men doctored his draughts by chewing to bacco aud spitting the juice into it. Raleigh Visitor: Grey Pool, the well known colored deaf and dumb man, was seriously burned at his S room ou South Dawson street yes- j terday afternoon about 2 o'clock. He is subject to fits and it is supposed j by some of his iteighhors that during ' au attack of one of these, he fell into I the tire. When found the top of his head and back were burned almost j into a cri.-p At the mouihiy mtet- j i-Jg ot the Atlantic Hotel Company, j (.Morebeid City) held last night, to jlr. (Jto. W. Ellis was awarded the! contract to mike the main building twice its present .size, a.-td hiive it in readiness b the 15th day of May. Contiads for u&w kitcbejjs, bath houses, pavilions, &c., will be let at eailv dav, a'ul bv the comiiii ! t.easi-u Aoit'.i Uaro.ina cau boast vi one of the iineat summer reports iu America. Warrenton Gazelte: "An unload ed pistol" has again t-ot ten iu its good work. On Tuesday last little Carrie, the eleven ve.ir old daughter of Mr. TbOH. J. Pitchl'ord, while hand ling an unh aded pistol, "snapped"' the same at Miss M-igjie Robeitson, aged seventeen, and happily succeed ed in lodging a good sized bail in the. young lady's shoulder. The wound is deep aud painful, but not ueces-' s-irily fatal. Had the ball blruck au inch lower the result would have been doubtless fatal. It occurs to us that one of the chief reasons why the f armers do not accumulate faster is the heavy profit they pay for what they buy on time. When we buy, that is, borrow money, we are not willing to pay more than six to eight per cent for it : but the farmer who buys on time, especially under a mortgage, pays probably never less than 25 per cent, and oftenr 50 per cnt, or one half profit. Represented in figures, this mans that the far mer pays from 25 to 50 cents ou every dollar's worth he uses or to put it differently, he alwavs gels from a fourth to one half less than he pays for. There is no orher business on earth that can live under this fearful stiaiu. Lumberton Robesoniau i The Grand Jury of Cumberland last week indicted nearly all the Justices of the Peace in that county, for failing to make their proper returns to the courts, aud iu failing to discharge their duty as Supervisors of the Pub lic Roads. The roads ai o in a terrible condition, and the people are com plaining. Our community was shocked this morniug by the news-of tbe death of Mr. Angus Archie My- Toill .vViit iti Ilia WAV f 11 m Lumberton lubi Monday afternoon. He left Lumbertou about sunset in company with Mr. W. P. Buie. The horse he was dtivitig was contrary, having balked several times, even be fore they got out of town. Mr. Buie left him about nine o'clock, at lite residence of Mr. D. McP. Buie, and his dead body was found about 2 miles from there, about t o'ciock this, (Tuesdav) morning. When found he j was on the road, the buggy being j turned over, the dash board resting v i his breuil. il. in supposed that the horse ran back and-turned the buggy over and it catching on his breast, held him fast till he died of pain and exhaustion.. There seemed to be no scuffling, so that it was more probable that he was killed iuatautly. The horse which: was very gentle, though contrary, was fastened by one trace to-the buggy. Mr. McNeill wag in the prime vf life and leaves a devoted -wife and three children. Three" Ka;rtM Lynched. Special despatch to the Wilmington Messenger. Plymouth, II. C, ) . via WiLLilMSTON, Jan. 27. j Lynch law ran xiot here last night, and this morning the people of ibis town were horrified to find that three negro prisoners had been taken from the county jail by a crowd of masked men, conveyed to a piece of woods on the outskirts of the town, tied to trees and there shot to death. This morning their bodies were found in the position in which' the lynchers left them securely bound to the trees and riddled with bullets. The lynching party gathered at the jail bhortly before midnight and de manded that the jailor should deliver to them Jack Blount, his brother, Matthew. Blount,. aud Patterson Spruill, all coloied-who had been lodged in jail charged with the mur der of Johu Dawson, a peddiar of Creswell, iu this State. The t jailor refused, but was overpowered "aud was forced to permit the men to be taken away. When the woods were reached, the victims begged piteou&ly for mercy, but no attention was paid to their outcries, except tbe stern reply that they would be given a mo ment to prajv Then the lynchers, who were variously armed with shot guns, muskets and pistols, begun theiNbloody work, and fired .oiiey after voilejr until the wretches 'voie dead. Matthew Blount, one of the three victims, was a preacher of some local notoriety, aud had previously lost an arm. The crime, for which the three meu were thus summarily made to suffer occurred ou January 1st. On that day John Dawson, the peddiar whom they murdered, was walking down ti'.e couutry road on his way to the house of a neighboring farmer. Pat terson Spruiii happeued to pass by in his cait, aud win 11 Dawson asked for a ride, he conseuted. and the two drove some distance. Before they reached the end of their journey they came up with the two Blounto. The three negroes, afier a whispered con sultation, then determined to rob Dawsou nd to murder him. They overpowered hiui) curried him off to a secluded -por. choked him to de'ithj and then endeavored to hide his b-.-dy, on which they found only one doilar as the reward of their crime, 'ihey were subsequently arrested, aud on a preliminary hoHiiug before a mag istrate Spruill made a confession, statiug that preacher Bh.au t had committed tbe murder uud the other brother had stiipped the dead man's person' of the hicmey. ThaG the day before the muider they had seen Dawsou with a large sum of money, and l hat their object iu kiihug him was to secure a large plunder. The murderers had all been committed for trial iu the county court. That some effort wiii be made to discover the identity of the lynchers is hardly to be doubted, although the authorities aie puzzled to know where to begiu. The crime which the ne groes committed was a most brutal aud unprovoked one, but fho general opinion here is that the law should have been allowed to take its course, and that it should now be su-daintd, otherwise the affair wiii be a reproach to the community. The lynchers, however, wore very guarded in their movements, and adroitly left no pos sible clew beiiind them. Thev came into town in the dead of night and they went, after they had killed the three murderers, no one can say wueie. A North Carolinian Duprd. PniLADLLruiA, Jau. 25 A man giv ing the mime ot Joseph L. Pen I, una st ting thai be was a lumber and flour merchant of Bethel, N. (J., called at the Central Police Station this morning and informed Chief of De tectives VV'oou that he had been duped out of $210 by a confidence man. Peal said that a few weeks ago he received a letter at his home from a man in New York, named J. H. Ward, who gave his address as LOO Mulberry street i;are ot Barber) Tne writer iuforined Peal that he had a lot of greenbacks which had beeu printe 1 from stolen government plates, aud which he would sell to Peal at a lib eral discount. Correspondence fol lowed, and Ward informed the Bethel merchant, that beHvould ni- et him at the Pennsylvania Railroad atatiou in Philadelphia. Peal placed $500 in his pockets with which to purchase the goods, and iel't home for Phila delphia on Sunday. Here the old familiar confidence" gam? 'was played upon him by uu uli'able stranger from Tarboro, N. C who knew ail about Peal aud was glad to met-: him so fur from home, took him to dinner at his hotel, found himseif nnconitortaly short of ready caih, and asked would Mr. Peal oblige him till site banks opened in the morning. Peai obliged him with $210. The text morning he begau to think somotLting had gone wrong, aud told bis aory to the police and feft for home with the remainder of his tnonev. . A trenfeudous 'fire occtis-red on Broadway, NewYcrrk, iast Monday ; eight large buildings woVe entirely destroyed, and many oiiiers badly damaged: about ".twenty iiruis occu pied the buildings, and the ioa will reach $1,500,000. A heavy freight train os the Lake Shore & 3Iichiian Sou. iiern Railroad ! weur through a bridge ht'-t Monday, j By t)i;ma melius the cal : cook tire and a large amount of-property was de stroyed. A brakeuian is the only person ropoitcd to have been killji. Stealing Coal. Speikofikld, Ohio, Jan. 26. An extensive and systematic coal steal has been discovered at Baiobridge, Ross coanty, Ohio. A car load of! coal would at times disappear in a single night, and the peculation be- j came so exteusive that tbe Railroad 1 Company employed detectives to un earth tbe thieves. . The result hag been the arrest of .fifteen prominent citizens of Bainbridge, including the City Marshal, a hotel proprietor and a Presbyterian preacher. The detec tives say that half of the citizens of the town are implicated in the steal. The pecuiations amount to many hundreds of dollars, aud . the extent of them may be imagined when it is known that although coal is uulver-1 sally used in Bainbridge, not a single1 car load has been billed to a resident of that place this winter. Government receipts for January have averaged about a million a day, and already exceed expenditures dur ing the same period more than eigh teen millions. The Senate Commerce Committee has ordered a favorable report on the bill providing for the construction of a. 5500,000 light-house off Cape Hatteras. John Wilson, a wealthy bachelor of Montgomery county, Ala., who died last week, left his entire fortune of $75,000 to the Orphans' Home and the institution for deaf, dumb and blind children iu the city of Mont gomery, Ala. A bloody affray occurred in Hnox yille, Tenn., Sunday morning : an edi itor was attacked by three meu as he was about to enter. church, and he wa wounded twice wilh pistol shot-, aud received seven stabs in the back ; one of his assailants was fatally and one slightly wounded; the editor is I bought not to be dangerously in jured. The Scifntific American, referred to in another column, under the head ing of "Patents', i& tlie Very best publication in this country for those interested in science, engineering, mechanics, inventions, etc. A copy of the Scientific American may be seen at the otheo of this piper, where sub scriptions will be received. Do SOT FORGET THAT J. W. ScOTT Co , Greensboro', N. C, carry one of the largest stocks of goods in Central North Carolina. Merchants invited to call in person or send orders b mail. Very respectfully, J. W. SCOTT & CO., Greensboro'. N. C. Oct. 27, 1887. DON'T BUY. SELL or exchange any kind of new or second-hand Machinery before obtaining prices from W. R. Burgess, manager, Greensboro', N. C. Engines, Boilers. Mills, Saws, Belting. Shsfting, Pul leys, Loeotnotives, wood-working Ma chinery, Boiler Feeders, Cotton Gins, Presses, Threshers, Buggies. &c, at wholesale pi i-es. New Advertisements. 4 DMINISTRATOR'SNOTirE ,H.av,u- iwillflwl the administrator of Davlil Hammock, dweaswl, I horeby notify all iwrsoiss Ix-ltiliis claim Hfraln-i nid (leorlDt to exhibit Uie same to me on or before tbe 2ml day of 1 Vhruary. im. a. J, MaNSFiFXD. iebruary 2, UW8, ASSiSStE'S NOTICE. All per'u indebted to the late firm of Wombl Ginstuurg. t.r Voucuro. N. C.,r to .T. F. Wombio. ara horwby notiflttl to make Immediate payment to moi huiI thusav o'sin: aud all pe sous hoi., lug claims at.uult the same, are notlfl;l to pro sent them to me duly auih:n'icaied. U. A. LONDON, Jan. J6, 1888. Asslguoe. A IJMIKISTRATRTX' NOTICE t Havhig qualified' aS the admlnistf atrlx of 3 Q. A. Leui'li. deceased, 1 hereov oifv all persons hol.liliir claims against docedeai to exhibit the same to me on or belore the 12' h .lav of ary, 1K89. EL1Z-V A. LEACH. January 12ih, 1688. OKTGAGE SALE BY VIR TIJE of a moi tirHire ex(vuiril to m liv T.. .T Kirkiimti. on the 19;h day of February. fn, i will cil at public Huuiiou fr c.-iwli at the coiift-hotie door, in Pniaboro ou Tt'EsnAY, the 14th. lay F El '.KIT A 15 Y, 1H88, a iriaui tract or land lyliiif the walera of liix-kv ilvwr. in rimilinrvi .mi : v conisiuine If 6 acrea, and more fullv dettirribeii 'r. ! aald mortgage. i. W. K1KKMAN. January 19th, 1888. iB OKTGAGE SALE. BY VIR TUF. of a moricee executed to me by W. A. Foe ami wife, tbe ami il.iyof Kohraary, lSKfi. I will sll n; public autlm for Raah.on .MONDAY, ih I9h iay ot February, at the tnurt li'.iisti dMf in PiliBboro'. a ceriaiu tract of land In Baldwin township, Chatham county, lying on the wwt slilenf the old HillslHr..' io.td, ailjoln Ing.the lands of W. IX uogan. T 11. Poe and oth en and .-ru:aluing about 1SJ acres. Jan. 19, 18S. li. N. MANN. STAFFOED, WW & CO.. HOLMAN S MILLS P. O., Alamance Co., N. C.) Proprietors FAIRMOtJiatr FOUNDRY, Manufacture' Turbine Water Wheels of special incrii, buiit so at: lo be used in or out of water-house, as desired. Also Grist and Flouring Mill Machin ery, Circular Saw Mills with siuiulfa neous setting neao-uiocK. uorn Bimpie ltirl -liivalia anil nn5L- in nnorato ! . . ,. , our- Hv virtue of an rder t the cupetfi' cour. ot Horse Powers, foot Mortising Ma-w. at t chines, Cutting Marhines, Corn Shel-; rt tM i0) acres on saw river. " io ! 66,1 'T ,rHsiU M 11,0 7,r-L,',,s? ,J" ' ' 1,1 f.: ; lers, Cane Mills. Mill ScrewB mid Cast- stan,r.d Heaiiu-ctc 43 acre, on Crw creek, a ihi. ;n;i;,;:;.::;la7 s,irrrwi:.. iu , . tv Mann 108 acres "ii w I'. kerson creek. 20 1 h.gs of varioua kinds. Rrpaitiiig j m 3 m attended to promptly. Correspond-; ji, irry, ano acres m nr.p-cr. US''rver2-,S , . , Fnelire TrlM. l'Jd acrs u Wilkoraou creek. 13b6 ,.-'.vei a... iw i i -ni-.ft Mrtlu-ited. Ei.ieiu.e int i. . said Smitii to Ynrborougli & Hif rP: '- April 7, 1887. ly iJmy4- If His Property 1, THE N. G. Home Ins. Co. OF RALEIGH, H. C, Apply to XX. A. LOKTDOKr, Jun. 5, 1888, Tixisolo, C L L N1SSEN .-KMJNB HOUiW WABON, MANUFACTURED BY C. F: NISSEN & CO:, SALEM, N. C. .r: We rise best Steel Thimble Skein made; and will riot break: , .They aire Jhe sole manufacturers of the Improved Kottnd Hound and . Straight Hind Hound, made of per fectly straight graiu timber. We use square tennon on tHe end oi the spoke that gbeS iri. felloe They make all styles arid sizes of first-class wagobs. . Do not be deceived : see that you buy tM wagon bearing the name of J. I; NISSEN On hind gate and ale, and get the best wagon made. : r The J. I. NISSEN WAGON is sold and fully Warranted by. - . W. li. LONIrON; Agent; Oct: 27, 1887- 6ms: Pittsboro', N: C: TO OtJE CHATHAM FRIENDS WE OFFER Low Prices oil HARDWARE, Wapn and finaiy Malerfal SASH, DOORS, BLIII9S, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS;" Iiime, Plaster, Cement, GUNSi SHELLS POWDER SHOT, CAPS and WADS. BUY F Ttaas H. Brto & Sons. BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. THE PRICE TELLS I AND EVERYBODY TELLS THE PRICE. After Forty jrers experience in tba fireparatioD of more han One Hundred Thousand at United SUtea and Foreien coun CDlic&tioDs ror..Mtenu in trie, tbe Dttblishere of the Soirntitio American continue to act a aolicttara for patents, eaveats, trade-marks, copr rirhu. etc.. for tha United States, and obtain natents in Canada. Eneland. France. nee is nnequaled and their facilities are unaar passed. Drawinst and specifications prepared and filed in tbe Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models srmanr. and all ether countnee. Their etDon- or arawmgs. aovico ny man tree. . Patent obtained thrnuirh Mnnn ACo.aranotioed 1b the SCIKIfTIFIC iinKKJCAWwmch baa tha lareest circulation and is the most influential SewnuMr of its kind Dubltebeil in the world, Tbe adrantaeas of such a notice erary patentee understands. This large and aplewdidly illustrated nstrspaper la published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, ked is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, tnechaciss; inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress. puh listed in any country. .It contains the names of ill patentees And litle of syeirinreution patented each week. Try it fonr tneatha for on dollar; Sold by all newsdealers. If you havs aa invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific Aaarieaa HI Broadway, New York. . - . lladbwknoptBU mailed fraa, X.OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ( that I will sell f.-.r cash, at the i-ouvt-house d or, in the town of riTTSBQRO'. N. C, on MONDAY. tlie6h dayot FEBRUARY, 188 the lauds described in the following list r said lands to be sold for the payment of taxes and costs due there- j I'll, UUll lOllCU KJLA tkO VUW uj(i.J the following psrsous : IS' WILLIAMS fOWNglllP. Sampson xtwater, 55 acres near NeW HJl)d, $ 5 04 W M Harbee, 257 atres on Sorth East, 20 "4 Martha .v Blackwood, 50 acres on Now Hope, 2 01 J C Fearrlugton, 102 acres on sorlh Kast, 14 53 Martha nreen. 127 acres n Kltfs creek,- 9 43 M s Hat-ktiey. 440 acres at Ua:kney's store, 00 t! E O Hackuoy, li acres on New H-pe 10 8y Annette Klrby, 100 acres ou Pokewerry. 6 11 J II Morlnst. 75 acres on North East, 3 90 T S Oldham. 05 acres near Hackney's store, 3 52 Julia Oldham. 50 acr-s near Hackney's store, 1 31 Y A Oldham, 107 acres neat Hackney's store, 30 0 Q S William. 147 acres on New Hte, 1 OAKLANO TOWSSHIP. V J Bridges llfi acres on Deep rlvor, ' James Klssell, 4 aorts at F.gyit, Sarah M Sloan, 36 acres on Rocky river. Emma Wat den, 75 acres on Deep river, Loyd Wa'ii'n. 10 acres on Bear creek, X.'.on Vatsoil, 10 acres on Bear creek, : llliUiinn Bailey, 2S acres, W T Buchanan, 46 acre?. J E Moore, 17J acres, J R Blddle, 57 acres. Emellne Thotnas". 146 acres, . IN HADL1.Y TJWS5HIP. Henry Cole. 44 aTes W J. Fowlor, tfi acres, S H Crutchfleld, 540 acres, Jamrs Hatch, 135 acres Alias 1 Perry, Mrs C F itawhut, 76 acres, Geru U Tlmns'M. '00 acrus, Newlen Whtie", 200 acre-H. 7 35 1H V 41H 5 6-1 j 5 96 Z 01 2 47 1 n 5. 1 fei ' 5! - C2i 18 31 0 (Mi 11 so 2 2 42 4 74 1!) 45 j Bll(;k Mounlalll, 2 j ' . ... ... ... a. rliui' - 3 S3 . IN n.M,''WlX TOWNSKIP a Y n i iKiik oscu'i - Nici Wright, '237 rw on Terrell's creek, 19 12 U Hwee:, 75 .-Mireu on Haw river, 11 ft! V.- ,. . ..... .... vmi'c ranlf . 17 47 ! i. i..u,i, ut si.Tw.nn bn-wcek. 21 T I r L Sutphln, .u-TW ii Mol- lintodi. i iN M iTi Kii.VS foWMSillI'. ! K P Brtn-ka" estate, aiH acf3, i S T CulLerwu. 58 acres .1 v f JWaf l!. 144 acres. i'li;:.! McLrmu. lWucreSp ! k ;-?'r. 37 acres. 2 It 11 2 9- ! Jail. 3 1888. Sbeuiff, ! TC53ACCO SEED! i r viiuiiK, f-ovrmsiso kteiy type. I i, 1 i'T Brir lit Yellow,- incht li:r Jtli t 01 I KS wh:1, ? the ftrtff .end for 1 Zr.Jl.rt iv. m. ;ni"..M:rt l.k their own cb'i'-e. rrli-o an ccn.i $l'0"';'l-er 1- ir oun (.uiM s for u l i Ar.f n, Bycoj a, vm to O f- bxhx&AaiTB. c,i ' DEALERS tJf ; : - , HEAVY AKD FAKGY Confectioneries, &c. (Corner M.dn and Church Streets.) Near Parrish's WABEiionsx: tf" Highpst market price paid tdt nil eburttry produfte; . 1 Our old couiityineh of Chatharn fire invited to make our tt ue heir Head tjaarterB vrbvii th.y t i.rlt Durham, and special bargains ave offerc-d theui; Jan. 5th. lSbS. 2ms. Ji:B P. W5TATT. inf.rPTATUja Wyatt & Taylor, General Coisissien Merchants asi Cotton Sellers. We have on hand a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED of every d!3aftrijl inn. also BAGfilNG AND TIES, which we offer to the public at bot tom prices. Will make cash advancea ou Cotton in hand, when desired; Give us a trial aud see what we can do. WYATT & TAYLOR, No. 16 East Martin and 1C Exchange -Place, Balkiuii, N. C September 18, 1887 i i 0 R R IS & C A RT HI ft Grand DisIav -OF - HOLIDAY GOODS SUITABLE FOR LAMES. Silk a'-d Vo--lhjn Dress .Pattprns Silk Haudkerciiiefo. Fura a:si ;lutFs, Cloaks; S-'i! Plush Wrip. Mufflers, Fancy Eirslvoidered Handkert'iiiefs, .fewelrv, La?e pii.s nnd Etr-drops, Cuff buttons, Oxydise Ja velrv, Kaury Fable Covers, Table Sets. Napkins, Piano. Covers. Funy No'-kwear, Pocket-book's. C;iiefs, Rugs, Cur ains, Boufet Sets, etc. 1 mmi j .Material for Dressing G.wns, Glove, Oress Shirts. (Joll.us. :uttK. rcy Scarfs, bVtii f-pins. Vnv f-W. ilk KandkerHiihij and M.utllei s, b!ippfcr-, Hits, Cuff b . lions at.d n:aiii other I ailCV iXlvt.-;n- Li.nt uuMWiuua iu i.ini- !j xt l. .. . .,,. j lion, at low r;ce.a. No. 203 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C Jautwrr 5, 1W8 O-tiV! ! s; net . Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, nA aU Patent boslness condutv?d lot Molerte iees. OuvOfllce i Opposite U. S. Patent Of fice. We havJ bo eab-agenciee. all businesa diiect, hence ca.i transact patent bisincss in Jess time and at less cost than those remote Irom Washington; , , 3 , fiend model, drawing, or photo., with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free oi charge. Our fee not dne till intent w secured. Alioolc " nov. to OLtain ratits,M wita refer ences to actual clients in your State, conily, or town, sent free. Andres, C. A. SNOW & CO. Oyposit Futeat Office, Washiagton, D. 0 .

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