ht (Chatham Record THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1888. i&H. A. JLOITDON, Editd. Who 'Mil Ire our next Governor? This u,uetion ii now being f requently akf d, and the answer is tiot easy to niake, ait hough the knowing(?) ones !insw?i- very positively. As yet neith er party has indicated who will be He candidate for that high office. The names of several distinguished gentlemen of each party hate been suggested for the nomination, but thus far public sentiment has not predominated in faror of an one. The democrats aud repnblicaus alike seem to bo Rt a loss whom to nomi nate. Those most prominently men tioned for the democratic nomination $re Alexander, Clark, Hoit, Jaivis ftnd Stcdman (the redder trill please 4ote that, we mention thsse names in their alphabetical order): and the five most prominently spoken of for the republican nomination are Boyd, Jpockery, Nichols, Prioe aud Russell, the republican State convention has Been colled to meet on the 23rd of May, and the democratic contention will probably be held iu June. 'Ihese conventions will be held so long a !hie before the election, in order to appo'"t delegates to the national conventions ?3 we'll as to nominate fhe caudidatt-i for the State offices. Besides nominating its candidate for Governor, each party will also nominate three candidates for Jus tices of the Supreme Court, and can didates for Lieutenant-Governor, At torney General, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, Treasurer and Auditor. Thus far no one seems to be seeking the nomination for Lieutenant-Governor, nor have we heard any one suggested in opposition to the present Secre tary of State, Attorney General, Su perintendent of Public Instruction, 3r Treasurer. Only two persons have a yet, fo far as we know, been men tioned for State Auditor, and they sire Mr. N. B. Brotighton, of Raleigh, and ilr. Duncan E. SIcIver, of Moore county, who ro ably represented his Senatorial district in the last Legis lature. Thr.s far we are pleased to note Chat no unpleasant feelings have been aroused between the friends of the gentlemen wiio are being urged for the democratic nomination for Gov eruor, aud we hope that none will be stirred up. Of course it is right and proper that the friends of every as pirant for the nomination should praise their favorite, but they should cot disparage his competitois and thereby furnish weapons and argu ments for the republicans to use in the campaign. And we sincerely hope thV the friends of every aspi rant will work as zealously for the election of the nominee whoever he may be as they now work for the nomination of their favorite. Every true democrat ought to be more anx ious for the success of his party, than for the personal preferment of any particular aspirant for office. Very little ha been paid about the candidates for Congress in this dis trict. If Nichols does not get the republican nomination for Governor, he will tun again for Congress. It is very uncertain who will be the democratic candidate. The friends of Bunn and Cooke are again urging be nomination of their favorite. Some think that Gen. Cox may enter the race again, and doubtless there wilL be sevoral other aspirants for Congressional honors. There is plenty of time yet, and in due time no doubt the track will be full of racers. Tee white people of North Caro lina are getting tired of paying taxes to educate colored children. Whether this feeling ii right or wrong' we will riot now discuss, but merely state it as a fact. If it was not for the taxes paid by the white people,' there would' not be many public schools for the colored race. Every year the .hite people pay thousands and thousands of dollars for the educa tion of colored children, and for the instruction of colored teachers- at the normal schools r and yet On the day of election, these very teachers and the fathers of these children array themselves in united opposition to the white people and vote solidly against thenil I3 it wonder then that the white people are getting tired of this sort of thing ? We ailude to this matter how, in Srder that oar colored friends may seriously consider it before the po litical campaign opens and their prejudices and passions are aroused by the harangues of demagogues. But if they persist in drawing the ftcolor line" in arraying themselves fn solid opposition to the white peo ple .yrhj of coarse the white people must accept tlie issue and staffd in aiid r-ftbimu 1 Oar Wash i nst on Letter. From oar Rrul&r correspondent. Washington. Feb. 3rd, 1888. In tbeir frantic effort to mauufao- ture a little much needed political 1 capital this week, the desperate publicans of the House unwittingly Ml into a snare, from which they j fla8U 0f light caused the beast to close : 8faiw and dirt. ' It was from Lenoir ; found it impossible to extricate th?in j ni8 jaws, and he retired growling lo j county ana t)(i BaJne of the expert I selves. They introduced a resolution ; the comer of his cage, dragging his ; who ifc u is tnowIJ. ! to investigate the business methods , helpless victim with hira,.thett bfei r . .,;ft0n . .,wi;.. TW t. Jii .:,uti toino- U FavettevilleObserver: Supennten- official at once responded to the in- j bear breast with hia claws. The at-, dent Fry -who has always show 11 a dis uuiry in a manner that was perfectly 1 tendants at once sprang toward the; position to meet the wishes o Jhe nnninncr m.d satisfactory. und Attacked the lion with irons, , citizens of Fayetteville has agree! to iio,rH timt. hn war in i 11 uau wccji .wv 0 ; arrears jet it was shown tuat every j 0ff M He. Senide was removea 10 bill introduced in either House or; her lodgings and medical aid sum-St-natH up to thn day before had been j moned. Her neck, shoulders, breast received from the Printer, and in alui one arm are terribly lacerated, the document room iis completely indexed for use and refereuce. ihen. upon mot ion of Twtr. Springer, the investigation was extended so as to iuciude ihe term of Mr. Rounds, (the late Republican printer), despite the protect of the minority against investigating the doings of a dead ! man. It is probable that the fires of pnrti8au strife wiil soon blaze fiercely forth in the House over the White Lowry election contest from Indiana. Tho Democratic majority of the Com mittee on elections have agreed to a report, recommending the unseating of White, on the ground that he fail ed lo become naturalized within the time specified by the law he being a native of Scotland. The Committee further recommended that the seat be declared vacant, as there was no legal election. Should the B?pubiieans lose the seat, which is almost certain in the event of a new election, that party would be unable to control the India na delegation, aud thus would lose their nower to elect a President of the United States, if the election should be thrown upon the House. Thev have but one maiority of the vote by states. From such a stand point, this content assumes national importance and will be one of the great events of the session. Aspiring statesmen have showered tariff bills to the number of three hundred upon the Ways and Means Committee. Still the astute member, whose datv it is to present these measures, will find little trouble in separating the wheni from the chaff. As yet the Louisiana delegation have been unable to come to an agree ment as to what shall be done with suar iu the new tariff bill This auxiouslv awaited measure, by the way. is uemg very cureinny consider ed," and it is thought by those in position to know most about its character that it will pass the House and be satisfactory to the country. Although the proposition to reduce letter postage to one ceut had its fate sealed for the time by an adverse Senate report, the subject, like Ban cpio's ghoBt, 'will not dowu". More penny postage bills are being pre pared aud will be introduced and voted upon again during this Con gress. The Senate has again toted for the opening of Congress on October loth, and the closing of the short session on April the 15th, and also for chang ing Inauguration day to April 30th. Should this pass the House, being a Constitutional amendment, it would still need to be ratified by three fourths of the State Legislatures be fore it could become a law. Iu the House there is auother bill which provides that tho Congress shall open ou the first, Monday in Jan. and the time of final adjourn ment shall be at noon on the 31st of December. This would practically make a continuous session for the two years term, with oniy such recesses as the two Houses might agree to So it is impossible to know just what the new law will dually be, but there is little doubt that the existing order of things with reference to the official terms of the President, Vice Presi dent, Senators and Representatives will be changed by the present Con gress. A Serious Hiot. Hhemasdoai, Pa., Feb. 3. A tre mendous riot broke out here to-night. When the miners in collieries which recently resumed operations quit for the day, they were attacked by crowds ;f idle miners, principally Polanders, and were defended by the city police and officers of the' Coal and Iron Po lice. In a few minutes the entire town was in possession of the rioters, aud any. number of broken heads and bruised bodies could be found. The police were overrun by numbers, and the offices of two Justices of the Peace were wrecked and ail prisoners capturod by the officers were libera ted. The sheriff has sworn in three fire companies as part of his po&se, and the city authorities have passed an order for the enrollment of special officers. Nobody has been killed, so far as is known, although pistols were used freely by the mob. Pittsburg, February 6. There has been no further trouble at the Solon iron works since the serious outbreak on Saturday. The mill was closed yesterday, but was started up this morning with an increased force of non-union men. Over one hundred men, all of them colored, are now at work, and the firm expect to hare ei ery department in operation within the next few days. The mills and yards are closely guarded by sentinels and policemen, tnduo person, not even a boy, i3 allowed upon the prem ises, unless he can provo he has busi ness there. The strikers are very bit ter, and another collision is feared when the non-TJnion men leave., the mill this evening. Those in authority and those who have the coolest heads advise the working men not to molest nor interfere with the colored men. but others cry for revenge. They threaten death to the non-Union men, and hint at the firing of tlm mill Messrs. Hargrave & Alexander, of Charlotte,- and Jackson & Shaw, Of Carthsgo, tmv iv3e assignments Her Head iu a Lion's Mouth. Twwnv. Feh4.At the conclusion of the performance lit Loweys Musie Hall, in-Dublin, last night, Mller Sinede, one of the performers, placea ( ;k3r head in a lion's nioota tor me i Ke-!pnrp08e 0f having her photograpn . I tftken fa that position. A sadden a aii LecAoA irt lififttinc him 01 1!4 iiiiaiij duuvov. ... 0 w but she is still alive. A Horrible Tragedy Nifw York, Feb. 4. A Macon, Ga., rtAfml hays 1 In Baker county, a young man went to the house of Amos ; Grant, a colored fanner. Finding all j quiet and the bouse closed, be looked ; canneries here, and we believe mat around for the cause, and found the I there are persons here in town who body of Graot hanging from a rope are disposed to invest money in the thrown over a projecting joist iu rear business. Why cannot we have of the house Inside he found Grant's 1 gome canning factories in Chatham ? wife's body, in bed, and her. head Ed Reooiid. crushed into a jelly as if by a club. I Statesville Landmark : Some fun On the floor was the body of the :Uy errors are made by the tax listers, wife's sister. Further over waa the; We hear of an old ladv. 12 vears old. body of Grant's 15-year old son. The theorv is that as Grant whs a hard task master, his wife was about to j leave him, and that Grant, frenzied by the thought of her departure, took a club and brained them all while they slept, and then committed suicide. Six Children Roasted. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 3. The six children of Lester SiugWtary, a col ored man of Clarendon county, were burned to death last night. The pa rents locked them up in the house about seven o'clock, and went off to a negro church about two miles away, where a religious revival was in pro gress. During their abseuce the house caught on fire and was burned to the ground. The six children perished in the flames. The oldest child was a girl about thirteen years old, the next a boy about ten, three mrla nraA ranAntivplv nine, kit And e - 1 ' 1 three vearp, and the vouncrrst an in-1 fant of thirteen months. The char red bones of the victims were buried today in one grave. Strikes Causing Suffering. Reading, Pa., Feb. 5. The shutting down ot so many furnaces, ft want of coal, has caused misery in an un expected quarter. There being no demand for ore, many of the iron ore miners along the East Pennsylvania Railroad have closed down. Miners who have large families received but seventy-five to ninety cents per day, and consequently even when working are in almost abject poverty. About thirty' of them with their, families have been compelled to seek admittance to Berks nud Lehigh poor-houses until work is resumed. A Poverty Party. Nivada City, Cal., Feb 5. The latest fad in social circles here is the "poverty dance", the invitations to which are printed on hi raw paper. No gentleman is allowed to attend who does not wear patches ou his garments. The ladies array them selves in tattered calico gowns and supper is eaten off wooden platters. A Richmond (Va.) dispatch reports the sale of the old Libby prison to the Chicago folks, for $23,000 cash. Rev. Dr. J. T, Wheat died at Salis bury last week, aged 87 years. Before the war he was a Professor at Chapel Hill. Along the lines of some of the rail roads in Dakota Territory the snow drifts are higher than the tops of the telegraph poles. Mis. Letitia Tyler Sesaple, a daugh ter of the late President Tyler, is al most totally blind, and is at present an inmate of the Louise Home, Wash ington, D. G, The treaty between Italv and Germany stipulates that if France attacks either countrv the other shall send an army of 300,000 men to the French frontier, The safe of Chapman & Gale jew elers, Norfolk, Va,, was forced open by burglars last Saturday night and robbed of $30,000 worth of watches, diamonds and jewelry. According to the death table com piled for England during the years between 1858 aud 1871, three per cent, of the deaths from known causes occur through accident. ' Six hundred pounds of powder were exploded in the blasting mill of the Austin Powder Company Works, near Cleveland, Ohio. The building was entirely demolished, and one man was killed. The committee of the Mississippi Legislature appointed to investigate penitentiary affairs, will submit a voluminous report, condemning the leasing system as inhuman and vi cious in its nature. The strike situation in Pennsyl vania is growing very serious; a large number of miners have been reduced to abject poverty, nd the colored men employed at the Solon iron works are threatened with death. A Beaufort Bpecial says the schoon er Adventure, Whitehurst master, from Charleston bound to Washing ton, with guano, is stuck in Oregon Inlet, N. (X She is a total loss. The cargo is insured; The crew's effects were saved; The Post Office Department has resolved to arm, at the expense of the department, all postal clerks west of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. This action is taken because of the frequent "holding tip" of mail trains by robbers in that section Otaia Hew. r i .tmMa - Om of the bftIes of faise packe,1 cotkon recently , here from Norfolk, was bale opeu5d on 6 platform a ami it revealed the .fact ftt ba,f the weigfct 0f the - maAe urvof .cotton seed, terday pine ive excursion rates on every ea nesday, for eight: weeks beginning jFeby. 1st. from Bennetts ville and 111 termdiate stations to Fayetteville, : and from Siler City and intervening i stations to Fayetteville for $ rates. Lexington Dispatch: The toma toes put up by the Hanes Canning Company have almost eutirely dia- placed ail others in this uiarKet. Their superiority is beyond dispute. There is an opening for several more j ju a neighboring county, who wan L.k nrcrort nn l;ist vfiur'a tn v-ltrtntru a poii tax, and it took three trips to : see the county commissioners before ! the error was rectified. Informa- ' tion was received here yesterday of the burning of the dwelling house of Mr. James Hudson, of Rowan county, Monday night, with all of ita contents. There was no -insurance. Washington Gazette: The 17-year old son of John Page had been suf fering with itch. The father had ordered the son not to visit among the neighbors until he was well, but the stubborn fellow disobeyed, where upon ;he futher rebuked him sharp ly. The rebuke was met with nn im pudent sullv from the sou, and tne V it Mei very justly struck the disobe dient youth. This infuriated the young fiend and he instantly sprang j at the lather and cut a severe gnth in his throat, threw him down and would ilntA . . TO killed uim Diobablv. bad not the mother and sister interposed. Smithfield Herald: On a four horse farm Mr. J. T. Capps, who lives about seven miles from Smithfield, has made $1,128 worth of cotton, $700 worth of pork; $1,500 worth of tobacco, $1,200 worth of coin, $100 worth oi pens, worth of miliet, $180 worth of oats, $600 worth of fodder, $100 worth of wheat, $248 worth of sweet potatoes, $150 worth of shucks, etc., making a total of $6, 146. He Baya it did not cot him over $4,000 to raise the crop, which leaves him a net profit of $2,146. Pretty good farming we call - that, especially is it so, when we consider the fact the farm ou which this crop is raised is said to be one of the most unproductive in the county. Sanford Express : Some days ago while Mr. James Gilmoro near Egypt was ginning cotton, his gin suddenly Imbed. He was very much puzzled for a few moments to account for this sadden stand still. A careful exam ination of the premises, he found a negro one of the hands about the gin lying under the overshot wheel, his head wedged between the wh el und a rock in tho bed of the stream. The negro while riding upon the turning shaft of the wheel was thrown irotn his balance, hi head ianding under the wheel. Mr, Gilinore pulled him out in an unconscious state and went for a doctor. On returning to his great surprise found the negro up and walking about. It is conceded by every one who has heard of tnis occurrence that the adamantine skull of the negro saved his life. Charlotte Chronicle: A citizen of Mt. Holly reports that something of a stir was occasioned at the Mt. Island Mills, at tbat place last Tues day, in coueequence of an order is sued by the superintendent prohibit ing tne use 01 snuxt aud tobacco in the mills. It is said that rather than give up their dip and chew some of the operatives quit work. Mr. Pink Mullis, of Clear Creek township, this county, is to be tried before Es quire Maxwell .tomorrow upon a cbarge of selling wine without a li cense. It is said that Mr. Mullis owned a plantation in Union county which he sold, taking payment there for in wine, which he has been sell ing out amorig his neighbors on his own hook. Tno law does not permit the selling of wiiie without a liceuse, except by the person who manufac tures it. -While, a party of road workers were digging in a public road near Taylorsvdle, last Tuesday, they unearthed a skeleton. Their picks first revealed the skull, which was but a foot beneath the surface of ihe road, and then digging carefully they soon exposed it to view. The skele ton was in a silting posture, the knees being drawn up close to the chim It is believed to have been the skeleton of a colored man who mysteriously disappeared f rom Taylorsville twenty y ears ago. At the time he disappear ed he was known to have had $400 in gold and silver in his possession, and it was since always thought that he had been murdered, his money se cured and his; body disposed of in some mysterious manner. Ihe tobacco stodk of the eotratfy has' been discovered to be small and there is some excitement among raisers and dealers in consequence. If yon have a sick headache take a dose of Laxador, we know you will find relief. Mothers should take warning and stop dosing their babies with laud anum while teething. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.answers the same pur pose and it is known, to be perfectly harmless,.' Price 25 ct& JOHN' S LOCKHART'S I Willi DlfKlBI Affl, W. .,' IS STILL IN THE LEAD! Load Your Wagon and Come on 1 have worked hard for my customers and intend to still keen on the harness. I will say right here, tbat this or any other State to down me I have got the money and want to exchange it for Tobacco. flie Fipris Mow fill Sneat for Themselves. Potinds. Average, j W. D. Tilley, . 409 $22.37 j Bragg & Allen, ' 380 42 92 ! L. T. Wrenn, 148 25.13 ! L. D.Waller, 352 35 32! Laws & Satterfield, 540 24.72 ! John S. Waller, 1014 24 H8 . L. A. Veasr, 806 29.93 Wm.Tipptt, 504 37 72: W. L. Umstead, 916 29.96! W. D. Veasy, 718 42.77 Green Steephens, 704 24.58 R. B. Carringtou, 422 22.90 John Hed-jepetb, 416 45.41 M P. Nance, 478 21 15 J. H. Garner, 330 27.67 My average for . a . on my floor since Christmas lias been $19.80. IT CANT -BE BEAT. My accommodations and Work ing Force cannot be surpassed Working Torce ; JOHN CTJLBRETrl, JAMES RANKIN, JOHN DYE ii, RALPH D. WILLIAMS, Feb'v 9, 1888. 2ts. NEW IISI&VT IN BEGINNING THE NEW. YEAR THS 3&2?SG tTTTIOBf YOU CAN MAKE IS THAT YOU WILL BUY GOOD GOODS, AND WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM AT BOTTOM PRICES! AND W. L. LONDON'S IS THE PLACE ! HIS MOTTO IS : "Lowest Piiees Consistent ii Good Quality an2 Hoaest Goods". He will continue to beep the largest and best assortment, ol goods in the county and will sell them as LOW AS THE LOWEST! You will always find what you need at W. i. IQDQM'S. He again returns his thanks for the liberal 'patronage yon bavo given him, and he will try and do his part to induce you lo continue the same. All persons indebted to him are requested to call and mate an early settlement, "Short Settlements Make long Friends". Whenerer you need any goods call at ... fce&Boixrs. Pittsboro , N, C, Jan. 5, 1888. BDKHAMj N. V.. HEADQDARTERSE6R0CERIES My old friends iii Chatham are invited to call oti tne when thev visit Durham and I will guarantee to satisfy Staple and Fancy Groceries. SUGAR, CHEESE, SNUFF MOLASSES, FLOUR, CRACKERS, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, crockery, Tinware. &c. Special inducements to Country I Offer everything at prices that defy My Stock is so large that it fills two . j ti . . : . house and the other n$ar the Depot, .17 1887. S& v . will Mil m mmm I do not intend for any Ware'mus" in in High Prices. I mean BUSIiSEbSI i AvpJROrfl ; $51 50 . Dav & Jones, K. T Byeott, Jones & Pettiford, J. B. Brandon, Flint on & Co., E. Goss, C. G. Markbam, W. W. Hamlin, Wesllfty Laws. R. B. Porter field, W. I. Brown, Harrison Gear, J. M. Terry, C. S. Holhmao, 32 30 30.5a 25 00 24.50 34.25 24.25 30.15 38.75 31.75 33.75 46.14 2K.K8 29.83 404 320 450 everything sold ROBERT HARRIS, f h'ANK RE MS, NAT M. CLAY, JOE BALDWIN. YEAR 1 them in everything in FISH, COFFEE, SYRUP, SODA, tobacco, meat, Merchants. competition ! -udoi me vjuoub ware . W4 AJWaBiX. - i'0RRIS& CARTER CESISfinRSSfll 1 Display OP - HOLIDAY GOODS SUITABLE FOB LAflM Silk and Woollen Dress Patteiug, Sjik Handkerchiefs, Fura and Muffs Cloaks, Se.ii Plush Wraps, iiiifHers Fancy Embjoidered Handkerchiefs) Jewelry, Lace pics and Ear-drops, Cuff -buttons, Oxydise Jew elrv, Fancy Table Covers, Table Sets, Napkins, Piano (overs, Fancy Neckwear Pot-kf t-bobks, Carpets, Rugs, Cur tains, Boufet Sets, etc. ilLIliU Material for Dieting Gowns, Gloves, Dres ShirU Collars, Cuffs, Fancy Scarfs, fecarf-pins. Umbrellas, Silk Hnndkm-hiefs aud Mufflers, Slippers, Hats, Cuff-buttons, and roan r other fancy Novelties too numeraus to men tion, at low prieen. jsron&zs & c&rteix, No. 203 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. (X umn mm DEALEUS IN 1 -Gents9,' Youths', BOY'S ait CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, DOT M m, MATS, CAPS TiiUNKS, VALISES, LADIES', MISSES', CHILDREN'S and GENTS' FINE SHOES A SPECIALTY. Jan. 5, 1888. 2ms. M. CHerndon&Ca DURHAM, N. C, (Near Parrish'd Warehouse); DEALERS IN AND simtirr Dftrim i:i liiliiigrllUUiil ri Wall Paper, BABY CABOi&SES, &c, &a Best and Largest Stock of Furniture' in Durham! Milwa all Styles! Give us a call before buying else-: where. A) I orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Jau 5, 1888. 2ms. Paul mm no., DEALERS IN- HEAVY AND FANCY Confectioneries, && (Corner Main and Church Streets.) Near Parrish's Warehouse. Highest market price paid for all country produce. Our old countymen of Chatham are invited to make our store heir Head quarters when they visit Durham, and special bargains are offered them; Jan. 5th, 1888. 2tm.