Sljc Olljatijam Eccorb. II. .A. JOISTDOTV, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEiB Strictly 'n Advance. She Chatham Before "Ail BATES OF Ay aja Ay ADVERT! 01 flC One square one insertion- $1.00 One square, two insertions -'. . W One square, one month - - 269 For larger advertisements liberal coo tracts will -be made. vol. x. PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, FEBRUARY 16, 1888. NO. 24. . ' .-.-r..r 'v r Father Time. Above tbe wor!d 1 sit and sail Moving on, moving on; The things I pass no more avail, Tluv bill their years, decay and fall, While I keep moving on. p.nvn on tho world I look and smile, Moving on, moving on; Tho scythe I bear smites all the while Cuts a it 11113' for good or guile, While 1 keep moving on. Ovor the world I glance my eye, Moving on, moving on; ( ;.Hil !. Is mature, the hopeful try Tlx1 l,,n ' shall never die, Whilo I U vp moving on. Animl tho v- orld I sit and roll, Moving on, moving on; Kivnirg fruits for sacred goal, I rtVoting hopes of the dying soul, While I keep moving on. !. si.le the world I pit and hear, Moving on, moving on; Sounds of joy or s dn (s drear, Filling the pac- around tbe sphere. While I keep n.oving on. Altove, around all worlds I ride, Moving on, moving on; Watching in all tho swelling tide Of human love and human pride, Whilo I keep moving on. When stars go out and worlds stand still, Alone I'm moving on; Obeying God's eternal will, I cease not when all else is still. But yet keep moving on. Thus Time rolls on, Ever on and on; Above tho earth and o'er the sea, 'Mid lightning'. flash, And thunder's eraih, Moving toward eternity. - Wm. A. Wheildon. A Thief Among the Bees. The Holden brothers, Moswell and Fnnk, went to California from a New K iL'tatul town, in 1881, for tho benefit 0' Ui-well's he ilth. upon medical ad vice; and Eu')Jcquent!y they found tli mclves engaged ia tin business of lre-ketpinij near Los Angeles for cir cumstances, accident rather tlun dc M;'n, lir t led thern into it. Tii? children hi I i iharito I a coasti tuti:ial tendency to pulmonary di3 c:is, which had already begua to de vjlop itself ia Roswcll. Indeed, he m h'.cottc so far an invalid that his friends denned it unsafe for him to -set off on so long a jouracy alone. After many l;nu.y delUrjrsuions, it was arranged that Frank, aud Ellea, their sister, should iiccomjuny him, and r.'in iia one wintvr, if cot longer, ia the weit. As their means wvre limited, Fraak nud Klleu bogau, sooi after arriving in California, to look about Jor some way t-) earu a liviag. Ilinvjl', too, ai his health improved, wished for something t)do; and at length Ihey were, by chance, led to buy thirteen hives of b.os of a lady who herself formerly an invalid hal been employing her leisure ia ajiculture, but now was about re luming to her home in New York. With these thirteen hivej the young Hohlcns entered upon the lien ey-producing busiacss early ia 1832. For a year thev resided in tho vicinity of L03 Angeles, but finding that the bees, as the number of swarmi increased, were unpopular among their neighbors, they were led to move from so thickly inhab lied a diitnct. and lived for a lime near Mojave. Thence, however, early the followin spring, tlvjy again moved to a tract of unoccupied country farther back cmong the mountains, ia a kind of long defile, or crooked valley, inclosed by a wooded range oa cither hand, but which, from tho great abundancj of wild flowers, atlords pood pasture for becs. Here C7 ft thev arc at nrcseat dweliiacr. and it is from a number of letters from them to their friend at homo that the present sketch ii compiled. The weather there h so favorable and the clim itc so mild that bees require but little feeding with artificial sweets, tlrm -h, of course more honey can be produced for market if, at certain times of the year, the swarms arc thus pro vided with food. The hives are arranged so that drawers, or boxc, when filled with honey by the bees, can be withdrawn, and empty ones substituted in their place. tjwarms of bees vary in size and in in dustry as hoacy-gatherera. Some swarms produce in a year not more than twenty l"unU that can prubntly bo with drawn from them; some, indeel, from eit.ii cause, will not even gather enough honey for their owa support. Oilier swarm produce forty or fifty pounds, and stiil others much more. The lloldcns have now between two tad threo hundred hives, hiving made it a rule so far to keep all the new warms which come out, though a few l:ive escaped. The care of thi3 nu niciom colony occupies all their time and attention, and they hire two Indian J-'irls to assist them to watch tho nu mcrom sub-colonies which they have 'stablishad in different parts of the val hy, generally within a mile of each thcr. For it will not do to have all fats two hundred swnrras, or more oliected near one spot, ou account of 'lie pasture supply of flowers being over fed, and the bees having to go too far. The whole number of swarms ii di vided up into groups of ton or fifteen hives, and these are often shifted from place to place as th-3 season passes. For moving a sub-colony to fresh pas turage, tho boys have a platform set upon four wheels, and drawn by two steady mules. Then, sft.r the bees have entered the hive at night, they are closed in, and the hives are transferred to the platform. Very carefully then, and slowly, so as not to jar the hives too much, the transportation of the colony to the distance of a mile or two is ef fected. At the time of this story, some, time in March or April of last year, the Holdens had pastured out ten hives at a point higher up the valley than any they had previously occupied. In point of fact, the new pasture was ia a branch of the main valley. Hither they had como up from their bcc-shed3 next be low, two m les distant, with a load of hives, and built a 4,rest" for them near two large oaks great trce3 with wide spreading branches that nearly touched the ground on tho north side of the intervale,, at tho foot of tne mountain. It was a favorable location, for on the south side the becs had the entire val ley, well stocked with flowers and flowering shrubs, outspread before them; and so sec'uded did the place seem that the young apiarists judged it entirely safe to leave the be s to gather honey here, unguarded, for a few days at least Having seen to it therefore, that the hives were well placed, they returned down the valley to their shanty-house, where their sifter and the India 1 girls looked after the few simple domestic affair of the household. In fact, it was quite their custom thus to colonize new pasture, and thus they had met with few lose3. Honey in smill quantity, had b?cn stolen from them on one or two occasions and once a number of deer, ia their flight aero s the valley, had upset three or four hive. But on thi3 occasion they met with a mishap; for oa going to the place two or three days afterward, to see how their swarthy "Italnns" were prospering, Fruuk found oae hivo upsjt, and another of the ten missing altogether. From the latter circumstance, as also from certain marks and traces in the irrass, resemi:i:icj loot prints, ne at once concluded that soma thief haul "jumped ' the hive. A few day before they hnd heard tho report of a pin ftv.r u time?, faint ana at a di dance, and hid conjectured that th re was a hunting party, cither of whites or Indiana, on the other side of the mountain. 'So:r.c of them hive probably been spying about aud got th ir eyes on that row of hives" was Frank's thought. Whether tlu rogues would nst con tent with the honey of 01c hive, or corns back after more, was what no one could guess. The brothers, however, deemed it prulcnt to expect them again, and would have gone up and drawn the re maining hives down to camp, if the two Indian girls had not been sent down to the postofliee a little settlement twelve miles away with the mules, to get the mail and a stock of grocer hs. Roswell therefore propoicd that, af ter suppnr, they should t tkc a little shelter tent which they Ind, and go up to the new rest, in ord. r to pnss the night where th -y could guard th ; hives. For 1 y this time the older brother had so far recovered his health as to be the stronger of the two. As Ellen did not li!ce to bo left en tirely alone she proposed to accompany them. They accordingly set off, tak ing a'ong the tent, three blankets and a Winchester carbine. Arriving at the rest just at dusk, they pitched their little shelter tint near the trunk of one of tho oaks already re ferred to, and in such a manner that the culsofthe drooping branches nearly or quito conccaie 1 ine ie 1 irom viow. The night was warn and the place was quite dry. Accordingly they did not kindlo a fire, but made themselves comfortable with their blankets under cover of the tent and the sheltering foli age of the tree. They had really no serious expecta tion that the thief would com3 back; and after a time all threo of them fell asleen. for Ellen Holden had become 1 quite accustomed to this free, out-of door life. They slept thus for three or four hours. During the early part of the nisht fhero was a mien, but the moon set to ward midnight; the stars, however, gave some light, though everything rather mistv and dim. The now somnolent and quiet hives reposed on their rest, a few yards from the tree and the tent. At length tho sleepers were suddenly roused by a he ivy thump, followed by a rrninrr noisft an d a deep humming b' o sound from the hives. They all started up and listened in tcntly. 'Something's afoul of the bees, Ros," whispered Frank.- Roswell, starting up, took the Win chester and peeped out amongst the oak branches. What looked like a: -till, ' slouching ' man was in the very! act of talvin" one of the hiv.-s in his arms, 1 cl-.ifv tho. lotidlv buzzinir bees. As Roswell stared in astonishment, the sturdy pilferer did actually clasp ' his arm 1 about tho hivo and raisins it off tho rest, started .to walk slowly off with it. It's somj Indian, I gue3S, by the looks of him, " mutterad Roswell "I don't just like to fire at him; he don't seem to have any gun. But let's 'go' for him and givo him a good thrashing.' Frank, agreeing at once to his propo sition, snatched up two stakes which ihey had cut for the tent, and handing one of theso to his brother, who laid down the rifle, both young men ran quickly, but ttealthily, after the heavily-loaded thief, w' o was shamb ling awkward lv oa ac oss tho open ground, beyond the rest. The grass was thick and soft, and they wero not long closing in with the marauder. 'You scoundrel!" yelled Frank. Lug off our honey, will you? ' and tlrawing off with his stake, cave the thief such a trcmcndoui whack across the back and shoulders as to knock him half-forward over the hive. "Take that!" Drawing off again, he was about to repeat the dose, and Roswell on his part was ju it getting in a blow, when the supposed "Indian" suddenly came round on all fours and givo vent to a growl which made the Whole valley re echo. It was a grizzly ! and as ho growled, ho rose on his hind legs and "lunged' at Frank. Prodigiously astonished, Frank gave a long jump backward not s far,how cver, but that one of the ugly creature's paws raked along his right side and sent him rolling over and over again on the ground. Roswell, too, had executed an almost equally long leap backward, and ran plump into Miss Holden who with com mendable foresight, had come quietly after her brothers, with the Winchester in her hands. "Here, quick, shoot!" she exclaimed, thrusting the loaded piece into his hands. Turning on the instant, Ros well fired one, two, three, four shots into the bear, now in tho very act of lunging again at Frank, and with such effect that the animal fell, roaring and yhining, unable to rise for another lunge. A few more shots finished it. Frank, though considerably bruised and shaken up, was not seriously in jured. "Ellen," exclaimed Roswell, turniig to his sister, when tho bear had been fairly floored and Frank had picked himself up, "Ellen, you're a brick! You got round just in the nick o' time!" "Well," said she laughing, "when two fellows go after a grizzly with a couple of sticks, it's a good plan to have Winchester not far behind." Youth's Companion. Ventilation of Bedrooms. Dr. Brown-Si ouard, who has been preaching that Lad ventilation of sleep insr rooms and poor and monotonous food are the great causes of phthisis, treated of that disease at the last meet ing of the Academy of Sciences in Paris, taking many of his examples from Eng land. Wherever population is dense, and sleeping rooms ill-aired or over crowded, consumption prevails. Dr. Bai'cy reported that in the Millbank Prison there were, out of one hundred deatha, forty-five from this disease. According to the illu trious French doctor a room in which a consumptive person sleeps is reeking with contagious crerms. if tho nir he exhales u not carried off. But how to net rid of it in il!-built hou es or very cold weather, when it as dangerous to open windows as to keep them shut? To meet this difficulty Dr. Brown-Sequard showed the Acad cmy an apparatus of hi3 invention. reversed funnel, the shape of a lamp shade, is placed at tho end of a tube, so arranged in its curves and angles that when it is placed beside a bed the re versed funnel will be above the sleeper and draw up tho air he breathes. The other end runs into tho chimney of the room. If there is none it is taken through a heating apparatus to an air hole. The heat is great enough to burn the disease germ . The Fig and the Lady. A Lady who was Passing along a Lane came upon a Pig rolling in the Mud and called out in disgust: "Wretched Creature, but what a Mis erable Life you must lead 1" "On tho Contrary, ro one takes more Comfort,'' rejoined the Porker. "But you roll in the Mud." "Just liko a Pig. Had Nature in tended me to boss a greenhouse, I should not be here.'' Moral: The above happened a hund red years ago. All the pigs of today want to bo Canary Bird8. Detroit Free Press. mm. .Backing a Horse. "Did you ever back a horse, Darrin 'gerP "Only once, Bromley." "Didyouwiu? "I lost $50. I backed him into a shop window on Chestnut street Bos ton Budget. CHILDREN'S COLUMN. Sm'l s and Tearj. I smile, and then tha van comes out; He hides away wheue V I pout ; He seems a very funny sun To do whatever he sees done. And when it rains he disappears; Like me, he can't see through the team Now isn't that the reason why I ought to smile and never cry? In more than this is he like me; For every evening after tea He closes up his eyelids tight, . And opens them at morning's light. " Frank D. Sherman in Young People. An Arabian Gsm-t of Marbles. The Arabs play marbles differently from the American boys. Of course the arrangement of the marbles to be shot at can be varied in many ways ; but the young Arabs shoot the marb!e in a way of their own and much more accurately than American lads. The left hand, is laid flat on the ground with the fingen closed together, and the marble is placed in the groove between the mid dle finger and forefinger. The fore finger of the right hand is then pressed firmly on the end joint of the middie finger, and when the middle finger is suddenly pushed aside, the forefinger of tho right hand slips out with more of less force and projects the marble very accurately in the direction of the groove on the left hand. Many of the boys be come very expert Perhaps marbles are almost the only playthings for which Arab children pay I money ana as a rule only a very small capital is needed. St. Nicholas. A Tale-Tellirg Crow. Among birds there is a universally understood signal of danger. . In some cases it is the shrill scrcim of tho swal-1 low and swift; in ethers tho repeated despairing cry of the thrudi and black bird; or it may be the hiss of the tomtit and wryneck; the "pink, pink" of the chaffinch; the "cluck cluck" of the farmyard hen; but wherever or when- ev-r it h he!-;! a 1 the feathered tribe instantly seek some place of refuge. But quite np-irt from this well-known warning there arp numerous instances whic'i seem to be conc!usive that birds also communicate their ideas to each other. Ojo div. wfcl c sitiinff hidden in the garden, says a writer for Little Folks, I observed a crow fly to a wood-pigeon's nest, which was in a tree closs above me and bring forth from it one of their ci?gs which was hard set Carrying it ia his beak he flew to a neighboring tree and proceeded to pull out the young one from the shell and eat it slowly. Presently another crow came sailing along on leisurely wing, and seeing what was happening, he alighted beside the thief, who must havo explained everything very clearly, as, after a tiinuto or two, the new-comer flew straight to the wood-pigeon's nest. which was well hiddm in tho tree. and, notwithstanding tho cries and resistance of the parent birds, ho soon appeared with the second egg. which he ate with much relish on the grass a short distance from me. An Odd Birth Jay G ft. A queer birthday present it was, in deed. But at first Ralph was in a quan dary. "I haven't a thing to givj Ber tie," he said. " What shall I do, mam mn? It is so far to the stores hero in these Florida woods." At earlv dawn Ralnh was up and off to his traps, fishing-lines and turtle pits. Soon he came in aud whispered : ' 'Mam ma, I have found the nicest present, after all ! I can scarcely wait for Bertie to 4 blossom'--mayn't I wake him?'' Just then Bertie moved, and Ralph bending over hi3 brother, pressed four kisses on his forehead, saying: 'Til give you one to grow on to-night; but now hurry to dress." Later, mamma heard a shout of delight outside. B.rti j called: "Mamma, please come and sec my horse." She found her boys bending over a queer object. Ralph said, "ho travels like an elephant with those short, clumsy leg3. But when I found him in the pit I dug at his door; ho was mak- a ing the sand fly like fun with those flip pers of foreleg3. Ho had nearly dug himself out" It was a land-turtle, fifteen inches long. This kind livo oa grass and ber ries, preferring garden stuff to wild vegetation. They feed mostly at night, lying in their burrows all "day. It is only found in the south. ' "Take tare, darlings, he may bite you.' ' Oh, no, mamma; uncle says he is gentle, and will never hurt any one. See roc carry him round, and then see him carry Bertie." He did prove gentle and became a great pet He was picked up, harnessed up and ridden bare back. He was at times elephant, camel, donkey, horse or turtle; but nothing could tempt them to sell, or hire him out, lest he might be harmed. Before the children went north "Ber tie" was painted on his back and with sorrow was turned loose. Do you sup pose he will come to his stable this winter and look for his little master!" Philadelphia Times. - "HIGHBINDERS." An Outgrowth of Chinese Life in San Francisco. Secret Societies for Purposes of Murder and Blackmail. , The Highbinder societies in San Fran cisco number about fifty. They are an outgrowth of the life of the Chinese on this coast, as none of them were organ ized in China. . When ih coolies first began to flock hero in great numbers, allured by the offer of high wages to work on the Central Pacific Railroad. the lawless element among them saw the opportunity for blackmail and general cspi na ,e, and began the organ ization of the societies that have proved the source of most of tho Chinese crime committed on this coast There were already in existence then what were known as the Chinese Six Companies. These were societies formed for the mutual protection of members, for aid to the sick and destitute, and, most im portant of all, for the transfer to China of the bone3 of those who died. The companies represented the two districts of China which contributed the greatest number of coolies to this country, and no Chinese ventured to come to this country without joining one of these c m panies. The companies did much good in early days in enforcing order, and in punishing any crimes of its members, but of late vears their nower has been so much encroached upon by the high binders that little remains. Nearly twenty year3 ago the first high binder society was founded. It was known as the Chce Kuag Tong, and it was regularly incorporated. This parent society is very wealthy. It owns a hand some brick building on Spofford alley, in the heart o' Chinatown, and hero are tho headquarters of the officers, the j room, and the J033, be fore which all new members are initi ated and all oaths takei. One cnter3 the door, which bears pi linly in English and Chinese the name of the society, and as cending a flight of stairs reaches the main audience room, where state coun cils of the socictv are held. This is a handsome apartment fitted up in the celestial style, with heavy old oak ranged around the wall; a largo table stands in the centre directly under a costly lamp, while Chiaeso paintings and mottoes from Cjnfucius and other moralists cover tne walls, for your high binder is nothing if not m ral. Near the heal of the stairs is an enormous boxwood tablet, let into tho wall on which are engraved the names of the 1,2D3 charter members of the fraternity, with the sum of money that each con tributcd to found the institution. At whatever hour of day or night one may enter this rom, he will find in the small rear oftiee some one to inquire about his business, and to answer any Questions. It seems that the Case Kung Tong boasts of over 4500 members in this city alone, while throughout the United State, Sjuth Amirica-aad Cuba tho roll amounts to 15,030. In all it has 390 branches scattered over this great territory, but each reports to the parent society. Every six months four "headmen" are cho3en by election to conduct affair', and under them are thirtv-three "hatchet men," cr active police,- who are under oath to obey im pMcitly any order of the heal men. The Chce Kung Tong for many y;a s was the most influential of the highbinder so cieties, but many of its most active members have starto 1 other associations, and now tho pum of supremacy in local power ii dispute 1 by the Ga Sin Sea and the Bo Sin Sea. Whatever may have been tne pria ciplcs upon which Chu Kung Tong was founded, it is now carried on mainly for rmrnoses of blackmiil. like all the a a other highbinder organizations. Many reputable merchants have been forced to ioin these societies, to escape the exactions of highbinders, but the lead ing spirits 11 each are men who recogr nizo no allegiance to any government, and who obey no laws but those of their own making. Over the halls of most cf these societies floats no fl ig but that of their order, while not even tho com mand of the consul general tne vic tual representative of the emperor could stay any order that had gone forth. The power of these societies, there fore, is very great, and no earthly au thoritv can stay their vengeance. What w m this vengeance means may be seen from a typical case. We will say that a Chi nese, through jealousy or other motive, kills another Chinaman, and that he and his relatives refuse to make good the loss to the dead man's kindred by a money payment Then tho society to which the murdered man belongs issues an order proclaiming the murderer and putting a price on his head. Every Chi- j uese in the country is warned against harborinf? or aiding in any way tho fugitive under pain of the vengeance of the society. The proscribed man can not wet any assistance in this country, and he is unable to escape, as every ave nue is closely watched. Payment of the fine imDOsed. suicide, or death at the a hands of the hatchci men are h? only alternatives. A moro perfect system of terrorizing the timid or the obstinate was never devised, and the Chinese who have escaped the death sentence by dis guise and flight may be number, d on one's fingers. Ia conversation with Lee Ah Fonk, who is tho head man of one of the strongest of the highbinder societies, he smilingly admitted that murder was one of the fine arts in which his society ex celled. He explained the method of initiation and the penalties that followed the breaking of any of the ru'es of the order. The neophyte who is to be initiated is taken before the great joss of the society, and kneels before tho burning punk and incense in the sacred bowls that adorn the altar. An attend ant, with face concealed by a hideous mask, holds a naked sword to his neck while a second presses the poio of an other weapon to his neck. In this posi tion he takes the oath which binds him to obey without question any order of the society's authorized leaders, even though the order be to murder his best friend. Corporal punishment is fre quently inflicted here also, and torture is applied to extract evidence from wit nesses, precisely as it is in China today. San Francisco Chronicle. Keeping the Oyster's Month Shut Oysters cannot be kept without a thorough knowledge of their habits. They feed twice ia a day of twenty -four hours and then iust at that stillness preceding the turn of the tide. At no other time, except when feeding, do they open their mouths. When taken out of the water they naturally attempt to feed at regular intervals, and as soon as their mouths are open the liquor is all lost, the air takes its place, and the oyster is covered with a thick coating of slime. This is the firt stage of de composition, after which the oy ter is of no account. Just so long as its mouth is shut it is fit to cat, and a means by which this can be accomplished has been the study of some enterprising men for a considerable length of time. In 1834 Mr. A. A. Freeman of Philadelphia shipped to Denver, Cel., some oysten with their mouths fastened by means of the patent wire spring Yankee clothes pin. Upon their arrival in the latter fVi i jt-- Atunril " found to be in an excellent state of pres ervation. M Freeman immediately set about finding some device less cumbersome than tho Yankee c'.othespin. He finally hit upon a practicable plan. When the mouth of the oyster is closed, it feeds upon the liquor in the shell, and will keep thus for a considerable length of time. Mr. Freeman's plan is to fasten the oyster securely aroun d the mouth with a stout wire. This is done by the hand and a pair of piccer. and as it can be dona very rapidly, great quanti ties are wired every day. Mr. Free man has cstablishe 1 at Oxford, Talbot county, the American Patent Lock Oyster Company, with headquarters at Oxford and office at Philadelphia. Al ready he his shipped car loads to De troit, S in Francisco, and other cities, with satisfactory results, and some ere even on the way to London. He is now completing arrangements to send next season shipments to Paris, Rome, and other citi s, and if the attemj t proves successful, the American oyster will be eaten in its natural condition and with much gusto all over the worll. Balti more American. Tea Drinking in Rnssia. In Russia tea i3 drunk as beer is in Germany or wine in France. It may be called the national beverage, and there are especial saloons or restaurants all about, both here and in St. Petersburg, for tea drinkers, both rich and poor. Tho truly Russian restaurant is very dif ferent from the European ones. The waiters arc all attired in white from head to foot, with a large black purse at the waist, and are always all men. There is generally a large barrel organ which gives out the latest airs. It is wonderful how much tea a Russian will drink. The writer entered ono morn ing one of these restaurants with a young Russian. Tea was ordered, and one glass followed another with the Russian until he hid drank seven. He said he had often drank eleven, and that fifteen were not too many for an old hand. Tho tea is drunk alone or with lemon, and the sugar eaten from the hand. A peculiar kind of bread or roll is eaten with it. Albany Journal. A Wonderful Grapevine. Mr. A. F. Tift has upon his place in Key West, Fla., a wonderful grapevine covering a great trellis. This vine bears four crops every year. The grapes grow in exceedingly compact clusters, many of them weighing as much as eight pounds and the vine is literally loaded with bunches. It is a native of the West India islands, probably of Jamaica, As an illustration of the dense nature of the bunches, the grapes grow so thick upon them that the center grapes frequently cannot reach the sunlight to mature. The out side grapes can be picked off as needed, and the mass of grapes beneath the outside layer left to ripen. Chica go Times . Some Days of Days. Some day, some day of days, threading fhf street With idle, heedless pace, Unloosing for r uch grace, I shall behold your face! Some day, some day of days, thus we ma meet Perchance the sun may shine from skies 01 May, Or winter's icy chill , Touch whitely vale and hill. What matter! I shall thrill Through every vein with summer on that day. Once more life's perfect youth will all come back, And for a moment there 1 shall stand fresh and fair, And drop the garment care; ' Once more my perfect youth shall nothinj lack. I shut my eyes now, thinking how't will be, How, face to face, each soul Will slip its long control, Forget the dismal dole Of dreary fate's dark, separating sea. And glance to glance, and hand to hand ir greeting The past with all its fears, The silence and its tears, Its lonely, yearning years, Shall vanish in the moment of that meeting New Orleans Picayune. HUMOROUS. In months of sun, so live that months of rain shall be happy. "My first purchase is my last," said 1 cobbler, who was just starting in busi ness. It doesn't abbreviate a three months' note to have the indorscr make a minuti of it. If there is any one who should be "rapped in slumber" it is the man wh snores. At midnight: Young Bore O, dar ling Miss Ada, I'd do anything for you. Miss Ada Rially? Well, go home. Customer: ' I should like to look at a fat goose." Shop boy: "If you'll wait a minute, missus will be here directly." Nothing is more annoying to a young man who has a bunch of keys at th end of his watch chain, than to be asked what time it is. ' Tm gcin' to leave, mum !" ' 'What for? I am sure I have done all the woric myseir, mvlov, ,v - 6.... "Well, mum, ther work's not done u suit me!" Mrs. Popinjiy Now, dear, you won'i forget, will you, that to-morrow is the twenty-filth anniversary of our wedding day? Mr. Popinjay Dunno. Guest I'd better tie a string around my finger. Teacher "John, what are your boots made of?" Boy "O' leather." "Where does tho leather come from?" "From the hide of the ox." "What animal, therefore, supplies you with boots, and gives you meat to eat?'' "My father.': "George, there is a sadDess and mel ancholy in your eyes to-night, and your checks sacra blanched." "Yes, Naomi, lam far from being happy.'' "Confide in me, dearest Let me share your sor row. Have the buffetings of this cruel world cast a gloom over your soul? ' "Well, not exactly, but you see these shoes are new and they pinch like the deuce." Just tack this legend on your door For those who're going through it, "Pie:-so take this door along with you As far as you can do it" A Uniqne Farm Lease. A doctor ia Knt county, Delaware, leased his farm last year. An ironclad lease was drawn up, but at the end oi the year the tenant was unable to settle his account An attempt to secure him self developed to the doctor the fact that all the goods of his tenant were covered by a chattel mortgage held by some one else, and the doctor was "left" He again leased his farm, and here is t copy of perhaps the most unique lease on record. The names given aro fic titious: "I, John Smith, do hereby rent my farm, consisting of 240 acres, more or less, to Abel Youagman for the ycai 1888. I, on my part, agree to do the best I can, and I hope God Almighty will let Abel Youngman do the best he can." Distilling Gold. It has long been known that gold is to some extent volatilo at high temper atures; but it is evidently far more volatile than has hitherto been believed. Mr. Crooks mentioned incidentally at the last meeting of tho Chemical So ciety that he had found gold to boil violently when heated in the oxyhydro gen flame, and, in fact, to be so volatile that there would seem to be no doubt that it might be distilled in an apparatus similar to that employed by Sta.s ia dis tilling silver. Athenaeum. Choosing Lire Fish For Dinner. A correspondent writing from Russia says that in the dining room of one of the large cafes of Moscow there is a pool of fresh water in which fish of various kinds and sizes swim about Amy patron of the restaurant who may wish a course of fish for his dinner, joes to the pool, picks out the partic jlar fish which strikes his fancy, and in x jiffy the waiter has captured it with a 3ip net and sent it out to the chef. f'' ,"i'',fi, ;-3 ..'yji .'-.?- - ;:? J5J. j-