(Smaiham Record THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1888. uGVjitf RECORDS. Three weeks from next Mon day Mutil court-week. fcaT The old Murden bouse and lot is for rent apply at Record office war KM) coids of bark wanted by j Bvnum & London at their tauyaid, ! near Pitteboro'. ttT Mr. Robert L. Montgomery ba been appointed registrar for the election to be held here, on the first Monday in May, for mayor and town commissioners. Itfg- Masters James Griffin, Willie HaJen, Prentiss I'eny and Millard Kirk'&an weie on the Roll of Honor in Mr. S S. Jackson's school during the past two weeks. HirThe revenue officers destroyed an illicit still, in Hickory Mountain j township a few days ago, aud it is pail t ua.L Home hogs got drunk ou the lfVer uud siuglings that was pouted out. IB?- Bynum & lleadeu have receiv ed today one car load guano, $2.75 per sack. Granulated Sugar, 12 lbs. for one dollar ; G ft?. CoilVe for one dollar. Also a beautiful lot of Ging ham. WaiT The weather is now very pleas ant aud favorable for farmiug opera tion!, and every farmer is as busy ss he can be trying to make up for so much lost time, caused by the fre quent rains. ftaT We understand it is a settled fact that woik will soon begiu at the Egypt coal mines. Iu the meantime J. P. Stedmau is selling all kinds of poods at remarkably low figures. Fertilizers at bottom prices. jgr W. L. Loudon arrived from the Northern cities last niiiit and the largest and best selec:d stock of geneial merchandise is to anive this week that has ever been display ed in Chatham. His long experience in the business has enabled him to know bow to fill the wants of the people. Remember it is no trouble to show goods at London's. jsST The attention of the people of the State is centered on Xamt While, but the attention of l be people of Chatham couuiy is ceutered on th iiiimmense stock of goods beiug le reived bv W. L. London this weak. He has bought the largest stock thut bus ever been brought to Chat hum He bought for cash aud theiefnt will be uble to compete with any uimket in the State. Shu - 8i.:cfl the recent high fi eljt muie ."hut! ,tvo k'ru caugnt in H.-w river than tor umny years past. At "Williams' ujU (between Heniev's and Moore's) about forty shad were caught in oue day last wet-k, and come have heen caught as high up the river as By n urn's. Ttte oid peo pie say that before the navigation vorkx were c.jusiructed, plenty of shad weie caught iu Haw river as high up as Love's mill. Plksonal Items We were pleased to meet, a few days ago, our esteemed youug couTjiyuian, Mr. Ernest 11 Eubauks, who, for over a year, has been cieiking in the store of the Durham Cotton Mills Company. Our venerable mayor, J. J. Jackson E.-cp, with his wife is visiting ft iends uud relatives at Wiimingtou. Mr W. H. Leouard acts as mayor pro tern, and preserves the peace of the town. Miss Sallie Hill departed this morn ing for Washington City, where she hopes to obtaiu a desirable clerkship iu one of the departments. She is au unusually intelligent and energetic lady, aud we hope will meet with success. Soldiers' Reus ion. The Record's suggestion, to have a reunion of Chatham's ex-Confederate soldiers on the 4th of July, ha6 been favorably received and thre is no reasou why it should not be the greatest occasion ever known in this county. But it will be necessary that proper pre liminaty arrangements be made at an early day, aud some steps ought to be taken shortly for that purpose "W hope some suggestions will be written ior publicatiou in the Record, as to wheu or where a meeting may be held for the purpose of appoint iug qommittees &c. How would it do to hold such a meeting in the court-house, at recess of court, ou Tuesday of May court? New Ads As most of the trade of Chatham goes to Duiham and Ral eigh, it is natural that the business men of thoso towns advertise for it in the Record. Ab the spring trade lias now opened, several new adver tisements appear in this isMue, to which we would call the aticutiou of our redder, and we ask them when thoy trade at Raleigh or Durham to give the prefeience to ihoue mei chauts who show their appreciation Of it by advertising for it. The leadiug dry goods houses at Durham are W. k Eixis, Musk & 5Haw, and Chab. Robbiks, and they wouid be a credit to a larger city. They are all young men, wiiose en ergy and fair-deaiiug euable thein to " succeed ho well in tueir business. The State Chronicle, iu last week's issue, compliments the furniture firm of J. C. IIctson & Co, aud says, A1 though they have beeu here less than a year, they have gained the full con tdence and built up a large and liouiibhiug trade among our people." Messrs. Woollcoxt & Son have one of the most attractive stores not oniy iu Raleigh but iu ihe State. If you don't beueve this, visit Luein the next time you go to Raleigh uud be con- A Libel Case. The editor of tbe Wadesb'oro' Intelligencer was tried and Bcauitted at Raleigh, last week. upou an indictment for havir-g pub- lished a libel upou J. L Stoue. It i was a case that baa attracted ranch I attention throughout the State and j th acquit !al of the defendant gives! general sal isf action. It seems that j Stone had been selling, through his J i . . , Kf? . ' . y coun iea CJil0n se,a i which u claimed was "i a very supe j I " " " i J" .....v.. nor mi m lit. v nn.i whioh ha eniii ! for fcve pounds, or SlSOabuslie'. oorae of it was sold m Anson county, j a" the Farmers' Alliance there de- nounced it as a fraud, and their reso- , lutrons were published iu the count v i , ,r , , ,. . I paper, and the editor also published a Very strong editorial denouncing j Andrews, u. h. Stone Thereupon Stone, who lives ' BennnA.' AKiu' at Raleigh, proenred an indictment, j James g. at the recent teim of Wake supe- i BmiwAi, ii". a. rior court, against the editor and the j SJS trial took place last week. Able law-! Brown, Albert 1 , , . j ; !!ri)wn, E K. yi8 were employed on each siae, and ; Brown, joa. a. many witnesses were examined, and ! rklcxhomasR8 the costs amounted to several bun- oie, Jim .u.t di ed dollars, which, the court ordered ' co!',rimIm p. tttone lo pay. We guess he will now ; "U'er. Jam-s n. quit selling cotton seed at. $150 a:ixiiia vmuip bushel, and indicling editors for libelling him ! ! HAiilley,, b. .i.t HarkKoy, J. H. i- , " ' n,i T, . iJurkiiey. U. A. r akmers Alliance. 1 ne Farmers , vm.-ki.y, Jesse e t Alliances of Chatham held a county ' HS.tt" me;inrr in th nmirf..hniKfi. on Inst t Hrum, JameH W. ' O ' ' A.s the meeting w as pri ate ' only members of the Alliance being i' r""se marked thus were killed in battle or i t 111. t P : died in serviif. admitted we arc not. abie to publish : Those marked thus t wore wounded. any accouut of its proceedings. We ' i om Lue lbove iit it will bo seen hear, however, lhat about, one hun-1 that this was the smallest iufantry died delegates were present, and j company organized iu this county, that there are thirty-live sub alliances j numbering only 63 otticei s and men, in this county, contaiuiug an av -r-! Gf v horn 9 were wounded and 17 died age, each, of forty members, so that f disease or were killed. the organization is a power in Chat j After its arrival at Raleigh the ham and cm be used for the accooi j company became Company B of the plishment of great good not only to!4'.ith regiment, of which Stephen D. its members but to the county gen- j iJamseur was Colonel, who was oue erally. I of the veiy best offiwers iu the Con lhe only business of a public na ture transacted at ths meeting on last Friday, so far a we are inform I ed, r as the passage of the followiug ! on the lU.h of Octol)?r, 18Gi. The resolutions, which we are requested 49th regiment was attached to the io publish : j biigadc commanded by General Uob 'Whereas, we the Farmers' Alii e:i. iitnsom, which at'lhat time cou-auc-e of Cbaiham couuiy have heard ! slsted of tho 24th, the 25ih, the 26th, wuu sincere tegiei, oi tno loss tnat ; onei m irewor hah susiamea iroui the defaleation of th ofii;ers of the State National Bank at liaieigh: therefore Resolvkd 1, That, we take pleas ure in expressing our unabated con fidence in his horn-sty, faithfulness and integrity as an officer and extend to him our hearty sympathy. Rksolveu 2. That, believing iu the merits and justice of his case we commend the matter, for his relief, :o the next Legislature.'' "Buck" as a Candidate. Afril 7th, 18S8. Mr. Editor: I wasiu Greeusboio' last Fiiday morning, and, befoie I knffw tLat. my CDUKuunicatiou had not found itr way to the waste bas ket, I was sainted by a clerk saving, "Lieilo! Buck; I saw you out in the Kecoud this morning." And, after some compliments, said something about me beiijg a candidate for ihe Legislature. Now, i thought if om letter on the war would start a boom! for me I would write again, though on a difiVuenr subject. Now, it is :i long time before the election a d 1 t have nut decided to be a Candida. e, b it it I should and b elected the Cierk might treat, me as he did the Magistrates who were appointed by the Legislature, fait to give lue my certificate until it wouid be too ia'c to qualify. Now. if we judge the iutuie by the past it will not letpiire a very -mart man to beat a smart man : therefore 1 may have a good show ing. 1 suppose one of the leading issues iu the next campaign will be the internal revenue. Now, that is getting to be mightily mixed up and I would not know which side to take, as the moonshiners have iailen out among themselves and cau't do any thing for watching each other. And it is said that some of the revenues are iu the same lix. Now, the cry will soon commence, Give us good men to fill our offices ! Well, if they are good some of them wont stay good aud have to go to Canada to repent, but still that don't bring the money back. I appreciate the privilege of read ing the Chatham Record, so ably ed ited by a first class lawyer, as you can tell us what the law is, and I wih to ask a few questions. First, what qualification does it require to be a juror How niauy times wouid a man boa juror, if drawn according to law, in a century, in the county of Chatham ? Having heard much said about the way the jurors are drawn I will say something about it as to my own knowledge: almost every tune 1 go to court I see some of the same men jurors that I did before. It seems that some men and some families have au inherited right to be jurors while others equally as in telligent and worth as much property live to be 47, 50 and even 70 who never have been drawn. I believe that it ought to be good and intelli gent men to serve as jurors, yet is it not the cae that much of this intel ligence is objected to before the case can be tried! And again, Mr. Editor, I have seen men stand around the bar to be called iu as taiesmeu two or three tinis a day and beg all tbeir chewiug tobacco at that. Now it this is republican government, and we are all equal, let it so be admin istered. Now, Mr. Editor, if am a candidate and have all these thiugs to straighten out aud Mr. Wilkie after me won't I have a hard time ? Yours, truly. Buck. The House of Representatives has passed a bill to authorize the issue of fractional paper currency in denomi nations of 10, 15, aud 25 cents, when demanded from the Secretary of the Treasury. This will be welcomed by the public as a great convenience in the transmission of suiall uins of money by mail. WAR REMINISCENCES. j Chatham's War History -Her Military Companies Sketch es of her Soldiers, &c. CO. b 49 th regiment. Early m the month of March, 1862, ! . - C 1 L A,nr . U""4M"7 01 yo unwih ww ia iue ueigiiuuinuim vji uvis. wrovfi. on tno en.sr, niriH or naw river. . . . ... Ae following is a list of its oraceis ana men at the time ot its orgau.za- ou, so tar as we nave oeen aDie iu oDtam : Edward h. ward, captain; jbus. Bennett. 1st Llemennnt; Young A. Otuham. 2nd Lieutenant; wmium e. oiduam.t 3rd Lieutenant. Marks, J. A. Mann, C C Mann, H. A. Mtu-nell, Sidney Morgan, John Real, E. M. Kenl, W. A. Oldham, Wesley OHto, Calvi I'arltn, B. K. r-ennlutf'un, Jackson Ray, C. M. Rlggsbtse, Jobn A. Blgisbee, John 21. BlggHbee, F, S. KlKgHbee.J. W. Rlggsi.'ee, Bovol BlpjjolKia, J. E. Rltfgsheo, Elbertt KlKtfsneo. W. L. Heaves, John Sieilmau, A. J I pohur., P. B. WMiOeid, W. t. Whiineld, C. L. Wa1rtell, D. C. Williams. A. J. Wicks, J. A. Workman, A. F. Kl' 1V V Marks', t. u. cvn. r federate army, aud who, after having attamed the rank of Mai or General, !!! , .... l . TT - was kilh-d near Winchester. Virginia. ihv Sotu, the 48th and -19ih North Ca: oii iu regimeuts. The regiment was only slightly engaged in the fight near liiciimoud, on the 25tu of June, but on the 1st day of July, at Maiveru Hill, it suffered heavily, a indeed did all of Ransom's brigade. Gen. Ransom, in hio official report of the desperate charge made in thai bat tie by his biigude, said: 'It was now twilight. The line was put in motion aud moved stead ily forward to Within less than 100 yards o; the batteries. The enemy aetsmeu to be uua.vaie of our move meiit. Masses oi" his troops seemed to be moving from hts left toward his right. Just at this instant the brigade raised a tremendous shout, and the eucmy at once wheeled into iiuo and opened upon us a perfect stiet t of lire from musketry aud the ball cries. We steadih advanced to within 20 yards of the guns The enemy had concentrated his force to meet us. Our onward movement was cheeked, the line wavered, and feii back betore a fire the intensity of which is beyond dfHeijpi ion. ft was a bitter disappointment to be com IO ?" 1 ffU"8 eV n'u "IT ' ''"" , - , , In .Robe,;t brigade, seem- at 'hat 'line, there were five omuames from ha1 ham count v, town.: Cos. E and G 2(th R gtMC,. D 35th, Co. G 48th, and Co. B 49 h. It was at Mii ame unfortunate battle that the 'Chatham Rifles" jost so heavily, making six companies that Chatham had at Malvern rJill. Yes, thar one! batt le brought SOl lOW and grief to manv a Chatham honsplio'd whie'i ' main a v.nai nam uouseuu.u, wnica . the lapse of twenty six vears has not I olniteral OU I ! Capt. Ward resigned in M"ay, and ! Lieut Beuuett became captain, but j h.' died in 4)icTiiKf nn.t r, vrtm'PeA m Uieu IU August, ana Vas succeed- eil by Lieut. Oldham, and Sergeant uui iuu won iHuiiiuiru iuiui 2nd Lieut. Co B participated iu the Maryland campaign ami fought at the battle of Sharpsburg. Its next, ba'tle was at Fiedericksburg, in De cember, 1862, whero Rausom's brig ade rendered conspicuous service In the winter of 1863 this company aud Co. D of the 15' h Regt. exchan ged places, each taking the place of the other by consent of the Secretary of War, in accordance with the ie quest of t he officers of the t-.vo coi:: Pames' i0 te company , o. jj lotu rvegc, ana oeiongea to Cooke's- brigade during the remain der of the war. AlBiistoe Station, in October, 1863, und at Reams' Sa tion, in August, 1804, Co. D lost more heavily than in any other bat tles during the latter part of the war, aud, when Lee surreudercd.at Appo mattox, there were only about teu members of the company present. Wilmington Srar : Tbe catch t f shad iu tUe Cape Fe.tr riv-r is ua precedented. Dealers here who han dle a large proiiortion of the product of tbe fisheries, estimate that k-o fur t liia season the fishermen engaged iu the business have taken 50.0U0, and that by the iir8t of Maythe number will reach 75,00. Last year the catch was double that of the previous sea sou, uud this year's will probably be one third more than the catch of last year. This is a capital showing for tue gouu wur uoue uv uue x iau Commission resulting in increasing oy turee 10 a or more me supply 01 : u bei tbe gole tg iu Durham shad and placing this hue food-hsh;of E p Reed & Co who make the within the reach of aH classes of peo-. best 8hoe on tbe market. F ' I Every Fair Warranted! A great flood is reported in thej Our space is too small to quote prices Missouri river near Sioux City, Iowa; i of everything in our line, but we guar an immense territory is inundated and Irantee to sell lower than auy other great damage caused to property. j house. Seod and get prices and sam- Miss Jennv Flood, daughter of the Calif oraia millionaire, is au excellent business woman, and personally man ages her own little fortune, of 5,000,-001. Climbs Like a Cat. Boston, April 8 Among the in mates of the Home for Feeble-Winded Children in South Boston there is a little tp.h-vRftr-old frill whose case has itbua far banied the best authorities OD mental diseases. Her peculiar trait is her inordinate desire to climb to ! 4 a 4-sa Vwiwlt rn o iwr if noit- if : (jVfir go Lf . . lo Juount uud bftlnee O . . . . herself u on geemi;igly inaccessible 'ledges, and th ere rust cont itent. On 1 . - i i : . jtuifnuff a rociu, aim nuuwuig ue is i ulloDBerveu she will fling open a do or amj caj,,,, uoia Qf tke e(ge W1 th , uei. lf wiJOiv ur.coucerued anc j BOttl' UL'' Bt;i,i vvhuuj ui.ujuiuwi, apparently perfectly happv. She wil swing back and forth with no fear of falling; indeed, she has never been known to loe her baiance. She frequently climbs with wonder ful agility upon a wardrobe, twelve feet high, or again. will mount to the top shelf aud there coil herself up liko a cat. She has been known to ascend an eighteen-foot pillar support ing the ceihug and roost upou its ledge Oue night she left her bed and deliberately climbed down the spouting trom the fourth story to the street. Her parents me both strong mentaiiy and physically. . m -m ST i Winstou Sftutiijfcl : Brother Liud sey of the Kernersville News and Farm, has a bight little daughter, of some three or four years oi age. Her lianas is Norma Clare and Bro. Lind sey says "her mftma is making h; silk quilt, .-nd Norma wanted 'sho bad' to gel t:)mj scraps of the dresses worn by the pretty lady that lives at the White House, that she decided to write and Mnd a little photograph f heiself, so if the iady had any lit tle girl like her she would send the scraps oven if the folks did bother her often. Although Mis. Cleveland has no little girl of her own, she has ju kind heart aud a great love for iit- r,R c,lll(,n;l1 and so m a low days a 1,'.. I ,.i I . t - . 1 A big letter came from Washington, with '"Executive .Mansion'' in the up per coiner, tilled with iota of "pretty tings ' fW Nrmastuilt. Amo;g the scraps were pieces of Mrs. Cieveland'. wedding drerfs, ribbons from her bon nets and some, very beautiful silk pieces to o into the "Cleveland square." And thus ihe first lady iu tne taint, whose beauty, grace of mau ;;e.r and womauly tact, have m.-ide her so popular with all, coudesceuds to take notice of the peiitiou which a little child has untde to gratify the whims of I'ooiish parents. We now, more than ever, want to see Mrs. Cleveland elected for another four vears term in the White House.' The Signal Service reports very favorable weather during the past week for the growing crops. Anthony. L. Bargamin, an old and trusted bookkeeper iu Richmond, V'a.. robbed his employers of a large amount and has taken refuge iu Canada. The State Normal School buiidiug at Terre ilauJe, lud , was burned last Monday morning There was no loss of life and not a dollar of iusurauce. It had 800 pupils, most of whom sav ed their personal effects. A defective; liue is the supposed cause. Do xor forget that J. W. Scott it Co., Gseensboro', N. C, earn one of the largest slocks of goods in Central North Carolina. Merchants invited to call in person or scud orders by mail Very respecthuiy, J. W. SCO I T tt CO., Greensboro'. N. C. Oct. 27, 1887. a memorial. Whereas, au all wibe and overruling Providence hBS v6?m ?l l",romove rroni ,,ur ,ni !s' liy ur boU-vcd anil reopened brother R. o. Fkasiek, member or cuimor Lds, ko loi, Ttitrmr Kts.a.vKr 1st. Thni we iviw in hu;nWe submln- STth anTmniSr1' Wh" 13 1 l err but Ria.vi-jj aud, TUt we tender our heartfelt B'nPHU,' l" reRed family rkU n-lwuts, and ,1ud taem to God iu tlita sad and sore bereave- m"m 1 U I 1 1 ... . "J ri - I I ... : ... . our a'ceaea Droiaor ana pint ii line as an example lu lie Jnllowed by all Ui :riemlxra of vat LKle. and ihat we will wear ilio Uaual badeaof inoiuuliiK Kir thirty duya. Resoi.vku 4ih, Thai a ropy of hwn resolu.lous be stMit i' .he Chatham RKiX)iii ior publloailon, aud thai tbey be bpiead upon the .viiiuiea oi tUo Lodge. Reupecttully nubmltted, 1R. W. A. H aES, ) GiiiniuE Coi.1 , Committee, t H. WlLL:tX. ) N. w A l vert iseihen t s. MUSE & Si! AW, Offer the people of Chatham a complete assortment of Notions, Dry Goods, AND LADIES' SHOES, at prices that will be sure to please. Best N. C. Checks at G cent?. A. A. Sheeting at 6 cents. Best Shirting Calico at 5 c ents. Best quality Cottona.de i'ant Cloth 20 cents, worth 30 cents. Best Dress Ginghams 8 cents, sold everywhere at. 10 cents Ladies Dress Goods at 8;, 10c, 124c, 1 ff 3fta 2Jv. ami in fin itni-Art.r1 nnAu fl.nrn r,)(, tn ai (M I Llies Ki(, Button shoes gt $L75t wmt.h o rm tn wj 015 ! In fine bhoeg we hm ft complete U1 iV us " 11 ""cu 4U We will not be Undersold ! Respectfully, Al'USE & SHAW. April 12, 1888. CH AS. BOBBINS, DEALER IN DRY UOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots, Sloes, Ete. ltinnking our Chatham customers for their past patronnge, we hope a continuance of the same. Our stock than ever before, and we can give I Better Bargains We sell at $1 BLACK -ILK lhat is worth $1 50. Full liue of SURAH SILKS from 65c. to $1.00, all shades. HENRIETTAS at 75c, worth SI 50 Pebble grain, button shoe, at $1.00. woith $1.50. MILLINERY and CLOTHING departments separate. Our Mr. G. RI. Geaks will be glad to serve his old countymen. April 12. 1888. We Are Now Ready to show von our new line of SPRING GOODS just arrived at WOOLLCO'fT & SON'S, 14 BAST MAHTIW ST., RALEIGH, II. G. Worsted Goods, one yard wide, at 22c; and 24 inch wide at 12c. Calico from 3c to SJ per yard. Satines, yard wide, at 10c, and one yard wide at 120.. Ginghams and Seersuckers at 10c, worth 12c. Table Linen from 35c to 65c. Napkins 50c a dozen, worth 75c. Cheese Cloth at 5c a yard in all shades. Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves at 25c 28 inch all Silk Umbrellas at $2 26 inch all Silk Umbrellas at 1.75. Check lUuslins from 6c to 35c. Ladies Hose from 5 a pair to 5l)c. Latest styles of Ladies Liuen Collai and Cuffs. A new lot of Hamburgs, Laces. Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Ruffling and all styles of braids To arrive : 50 pieces Giughsms at 7c. woith 10c. Croquet Sets, $i and $1.25 SHAXtOWfiD "Coim Events Cast Before." You are shadowed by TEE COSING VIUl OUR GREAT You think you won't come ? Yes, but you will. You tvou't buy if you do come, you say. But if you come you'll buy. You will see such goods at such prices that you will want to by putting money into staples that pay 25 per cent, on the investment. w m mm mm Shadowed by our spring sale;; YOU CAN' T stay away an J we will make you glad you couldn't. WAITING FOR YOU AT W. Xi. lOBTDOXg'S. riTT.-BOlW, K. 5. April 12, 1S8S. mis I 2 HEEIFPS SALE. BY VIRTUE I of dn exocuiioh trra the Clerk of Um Suiierloc i Court nf i haibaiii county, placed lu ruv hitvH for I : colipci-ioh, against A. n. Brown and In favor of , ; A. Wohnack. I will sell ct public auction for cash , at the co&ri-nou!M door in Pltutboro on MONDAY; the 7ih day of MAT, 1888, a certatc tract of land ; I In Cape Peer townslitu near OaKood. containing 1 j-70 acrfes more or lews adjoining lands of Henry anivey ana otners. Levied on as the property of Uie eatd A. H. Brown to eatUly the above named executl. n. s. W. BREWER. Aprtl 6. 1888. BY I. W. DTUT. PAliLOR SUITS. Embossed Plush Parlor Suits. tS7.10 i ! silk Pluh 1'arlor Stilts, m ibUK Piush ntvau, is.6o LJhlD ROOM SUI I S. Poi.ior Ctaan.ber smis from t23.oo th tat oo Cherry Uiamiir r Suits, 66.00 j munui jeusiaas iruu o.W to n.eu BEDDING. nair Mattresses, tine Quality. $25.06 Pine Bair iiKiircftbfS riom 16.00 to 8 30 cotmii Aiauresses Horn & Ou to b 00 ur ouucik, unwu x op -, . B.29 to i.aO liNiNG ROOM. Walnut ExteuBl'.nTablos, l2.od Wttluui Extciihlou Tables, 16.M Poplar Mldo-boiiida, 10 09 Wainui Side-Boards, ao.00 TABLES. Prop Leaf Tables. $2.75 Cemre Tables; X OOafld a 50 Auilque Ouk Oeaire Tables, 4. 50 Cherry Ceuue Tables, .AJ CHAIRS. &I1U Seat Chairs, . $ .30 OimmvA WiHMi Cliolrs, .00 Cuue beat uhalrii. .io Oak niniug Chairs; Kockers, i.ao 1.00, $;.0,$XfiO and 4.$ ijlCKLLANKuUS. Cane, tor reseating chairs. 1,000 test; $1.00 Spring Mat Beds, a. 30 Wuvea-wire MaiireH&ns; 4.2.' Wardroom; tlO.OO and Children's Kockers and High Chairs Toe, $1.00 aad Baby Basket Carriages, with Parasols. $6.00. .00and 10. Hall Stands, $13.00 and 13.00 Safes; Titf or Wire; . , 9. 50 Loui.gos liitin $ 0u to 10 5u aanuriDck Chairs, fct.Ott Hod a.UU Bedieads frin $i.00 .i ZVi.W Waehstands from 5.16 to loot) Orders from the Cotiiitiy, iiccom panied with the Cash, uli reee.vt prompt atteution. Letters oi inquiry cheerfully aud promptly answered. j. o. xiursori & oo., No 12 lAast Martin btreei, RALEIGH, N. C. April 13, 1888. "STAffOED, SCOTT &lflT HOLMAN'S MILLS P. O i Alamanci Co., N. C. Proprietors FAIRMOUNT FOUNDRY, '.lanufacture Turbine Water Wheel, of special intuit, built so as to be used a or out of water-house, as desired Also Grist and Flouring Mill Machin ?ry, Circular Saw Mills with simulta neons setting head-block, both simple tud durable and quick tcf operate ; Horse Powers, foot Mortising Ms? -.nines, Cuttiug Machines, Corn Shu' iers, Cane Mills. Mill Screws and Cast .ngs ol various kinds. Repairing ttteuded to promptly'. Correspond n-e solicited. April 741S87. ly. TO 0TJR CHATHAM FRIENDS WE OFFER Low Prices on HARDWARE. apa and Baggy Material, SASH, DOORS) DUNGS, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, Lime, Plaster, Cement, GUNS, SHELLS, POWDER SHOT, CAPS and WADS. BUY OF Tin H. Brians & Sons, BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. THE PRICE TELLS! AND EVERYBODY TELLS THE PRICE If -.ou intend to buy any New Gorth 't will be well for VOU to CO to ! W weu iui jruu tufcu i' the New Store of . B. ftUDBLE, szutrx cut, as his prices are so low and his stock so complete. He is adding to his stock every day, and now extends his thanks to his many friends and cus- ycu come to SILEB don't forget that t. jj. auiiiuo uew etom in uic j place to get the woi th of your money i or barter. You can buy 14 lbs. of j nice Sugar for $1.00t cash, or 6 lbs. j Coffee for $1.00, or Pants goods at j 10c. 1 yard, or Dress goods at 8 to j 50c., or Calico at 5 to 7a April 5, 1888. 2ms. STATE DEPOSITORY , MiC SB B AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Scud your orders to ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., BOOKSELLEKS, &C, Kftleifffli, IS, J, Catalogues aud order shoe's free mi api'heatiou. Feb. 0, 1888. om. N0RRIS& CARTER- Wilt 3ffc-i aui-Ing 1.500 yards extra fine 6-4 liEIGE - AT 23 Ceiits Fer Yardi 2,000 yards 3 4 Beige at 12 1 Ec. B. YARD, 20 pieces' Himalaya suitings at 40c Pep Yard Tic above goods are specially suited for early spi'ihg wear and the greatest bai gaius ever offered in Dress Goods; Special Oiiip ii Mt We had gh at success iu our Silk Dep u t ih'!ut last k. consequently will conlitiuo bdr special ofl'eriug ati other week: While Goods, Laces and EmbroU dfeiies at low prices. NORMS & CARTER,' Raleigh; N. C: March 1. 1888. v. vrsx t 'e. VUJUAV ATLolt Wyalt&Tayloi General Gsmmissiga and ClottOa Sellers. We have ou baud a full line of HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED of every ddscripHnii, also' BAGtrjXG AND TIES, wh'c'i wo offer to the public at bot tom prices. Will nlake cash advances on Cottoii in hand when desired. Give us. a tri t) and see what we can do. WYATT & TAYLOR, No. 15 Ea.nt Martin aud 16 Exchange Place, R.ALKIGH, N: C. Poptombor 15. 1R87. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conduct'-d for Moderate Fees. Oar Odiru is Opposite U. 8. Patent Of fice. We have no tub-agencies, all busineai flirect, beiice can transact patent business in leai ime and at less cost than those remote from Washington. 8end model, drawing, or rnt', descrip tion. We alvirHj if iaunl&blc or not, free of Charge. Our foe not due till iiati'nt is secured. A book. "How t Obtain Patents," with refer- Cces to actual clients in your State, coUty, at wn, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C SCHEDULE PITTSBORO' R. R. The passenger iralti n the I ittslMro' railroad leaves llltt-boro' daily, except Sundays, at 5.50 a. m. ;ind 7.00 p. in., ami arrivos it Plitaboro' at 8.15 a. m. and V.'M . ni., mukitiK rl'e connection at Mo'.imre with the trains to ami from lialelg1 Charlotte, Wilmington ?!r.d intermediate points. 8. F. & . V. RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule No. 30. Tak;ig effect Tuesday, Mar 20, 1888. DAILY EXCErT SKXDAY. Train Goin-.- .v : Mi, jTrain Going (South ! No. 2. Mall St Passenger No. 1. Mail & 1'assrtiiKor. Leavo, 8 15 a. in. Benneltsville. Arrive, 8.00 p. m, " ' in -VosMui, Leave, C 40 ll.ii) ...m. l'aytieville, ! 4.30 " 2.15 p. m. Hiiford, 2.00 ' :5.f. (u if, ! l.ld " :i 5.1 Mif-r, " li.55a. n. Arrive, 5.4U Giwusimro, i 10.05 3.00 Ararat, 1 4.00 p. in Freight anl Mall Train runs dally except Sun days. Freight nn1 .voommodntion Train runs from Fayeitevilli! t. !:i:i.e;tf v,'.i aiul return on Mon ilays. WtHiws-i.i.vsnnd Ki idstys and from Fayeite vllln to (i!wniir(i' on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and !rm (i'-."t:j?M,ro' to Fayetievllle ou ftiotnlays, v.otlucnaayK nl Fridays. Trains on Fautory Uran-'li run dally except Sua day. v. E. KYLE. Oen'l Pass. Agent. J. W. FltY, Gon'lHupt,. EERIESS DYES o Your O-.vu lyein, nt Home. Th y wiil dy trvorythinB- They uretold every. where Vrin lc' Pcka e. They havei iioeqnal j streirtri.il. iihtnflas. Amount in Pnclcftffea for Strength, iiit,htneas, Amount in Pnclcftgea or tor Fastness of 'k)ior, or non-fading Qualities. i hey do not crock or smut ; 40 colors. or iaie oy H. T. (rnapln, Drustflal; C. A. Roon, A. J. KlggS bue. Kitrgsbee's hif.fo, and W. A. Foushee, Hack neys, N C. Min mi maun DURH AM, BI. C. (hsivns and terms for TOMJ?- ' &C ' to abVe ttd" March 15, 1883. ly. WM MM WORKS, 417 uud 41'J l''ayeltjvlllo Street, RiLJ-Siaii, 2. c iiUANCli YAUD, Lnri:'s ()i.! Stani. FAViiTTEVILLK, N. C, MANUFACTURE II oi all kinds of Mofinmestx and TomMoaes IN MALiBLE OR GRANITE. Also contractor for all kiudsof Build hig Work, Cuibm, Posts, Steps, Sill-'. &c. Desiiis of all descriptions k pt on hand and sent lo any add esa upon aiivjlicalioti. (3 HAS. A. GOODWIN, 3d arch I, 1888. Prcpiitlor. 9 i In: Pi Kit' 12 mm ii mi IS." f-I I 'ii. ' If H i. m mil m m HA m m if hi

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