Mm ft it - - ' j, Yiit Upnatham jEktZtiTB LOCAL 3XCOimSL ejr Hot and dry. fajr Longest days of the year. gr The farmers are now si Ifcnfcy 'that Tery few come to town. fejf Have yon listed your t arables ? Hi not, you had better do so atronce. kfgr.V car-load of ice from Releigh "will bo received here tomorrow sight ami bo sold cheap by Johu H Loeion. Our veuerable couutyraan, Sir. fin'ry'Burns informed usyesteri&vy that be hal been in the harvest field cutting oatsjust-fts if he was n'J ..ears old. ted Our former townsman, Mr. John T. Mallorv, i hre on a visit tod if a tond of fishing as ever,:d ' ittm io lemin uis wu-uma lursior tu a few hours he o&oght, one 'id ay Mat wek. 107 perch. "t6T Wheti you go to Greensboro i call at G. Will Ar:utieldi -wholesale aad retail store. He lrs a large and well selected stock tf Dry Goods, 'Keady-made, Shoes, &c., which he is selling at bottom prices. v vt i i i r iJ . - r : :r r. :?: and other seasonable J . J .Trace chains, ham&t:,- J Action hoes, plow cnstingH, poiefs ot all kiuds for. double 8hovel-plew oradie lingers, pitch forks. Snag, tobacco and cigars. IHorse powders. 'J. P.tedman, Egypt, N. C. taf The wheat harvest in -th?ss county is about over, and we hwir cnAictitig 6tattments as to how it is 'turning out, but the majority ar: unfavorable. The oats crop is turn 'ing out 'letter than wheat, ak?. it wiil probably brf the best oais H op 'that we have had in three or four . years. This hot wea her you can keep cool by gettmg one of these cheap, thin colts at Loudon's. Nice A! pace coats. Seersucker coats r?t! vests for boys' and men. Flannel coats and ests very cheap. "Nice Lawn scarfs and ties. Larxre lot ot Fruit Jait and otoue Jart A large lot of straW 5 shairs matting Very low at London's. tear Until th 30th of 8erlejber . ti. ,.'.r... -.?tl i le solil ai the pnecs named below rr6r one first-c'.as fare to aud from the following places, viz: Rai igh IU.20, Charlotte 57. Cevwnd Springs $9.30, Caroliua Beach and Wiightsvil'.e $7.15, aud Southport $7 40. Wnen sold these tickets a.e ogrtd until October 31sU t& Who will be the next Prei deut is not the oaeation now, but. where can:I get the b-sr baigftitro f ;ah cau tiud thouj aULondon's. tie ra offeriug extnt baifjiins now in all kiedaof till miner goods Ladled and meu's straw hats 'atrcgreaily reduced prices N'w is th time to cet a '- Suap. ccOi hat jut received. A large iot of shoes Ay Alliance Stoue: A correspon- deut of the Progressive Farmer, wri ting from this cotintv, has this to say '.Rboui establishing au alliance store; "flnr T.teie is Aurora, situa I ted three mile west of Siler Ci:y. I '":oUh nd comfortable steamboat, 'Our Aliiauc", xiti: fourteen others,:?; jCalied'U'o Sylvan Grpve, gives you a 'making -arrangement to ertVre delightful ride of twesve miles down house at Siicr Cii-v, on the C. P. &'&e UapeFear river to a poiur. oppo Y. V. R It.,- so that the farmers huo Orfcon pcrtratioa, where yoadis atouud and alt ever the countv, and mbark and late the tr.i that runs f lia.irv ..a hv fi niR on the two-mile railroad that bad ii Imv PVf-liuHorH. nr lvii tur for.irotcts ! J ' 0 . " . .r- i . 'piy the merchants the high per cent. theyput ou their goods. , boLDiEw';' Reunion. The ex-Con-fedorale soidiers' reiiniou, to beheld - here on the first Fnisrsday in Aenisi "f wiii probably be the grandest beca eion ever known in l&athao:. The comitiittee of arrangements will do all withiu .their .-power to make'ita (complete success Among the &s-'-tim?uished Dersbus who have been 'especially iuvitecl'to "attend aie. &3'na-! 'tors Vauce and'Raiisom, Gov Scales abd Lt-Gov. Stedmau. Col Lafee, f-who will be the chief marshal, will j appoint as his assistants one survivor j of each of Chatham's companies, Vnose names will be announced' in due. time. It would add interest t o 'the occasion if every old soldier, s?ho ' bas any relic of the war, would bKng it with him, and let all these 'reftcs be deposileu a u'd exhibited tbt day iu tbe court-h-iuse. These arHioles would attract much attention 'and 'form a most interesting museum of 'curiosities. CouiiTr Polttio3? We are pleaded 'to announce that the political -outlook fn this county is highly encour l2iutr. aud that with proper eSbrts "'the entire democratic ticket wilMiave a majority of several hundred.. We 5 are informed by 1VB. Womack.Esq , ! tbe cbairman of our county executive corairiitlee, jhabhe4ias received iaost 'encouraging reports from the'town 'chip coinmitlees'all over the county 'in regard to- Geopolitical outlook in : their respectrve neighborhoods. One encouraging -sign is that the 'com 'inittee men themselves are taking 'mum bitwAst in 4114 camuai(ra thaa :probably ever before cert aiulytti-uch more than in the last campaign. Nearly -all. the idissatisfied demderats of . t he last campaign will vote' the straight democratic ticket at theuext election They ow realize that the ao-called 'imlepeudeutB", for wfcam 'they votecl inilSSe, have not afforded tfeem 'afay relief or fulfilled any afthe "Umjmises made bv them. Bofcb;4he l$tate and national nominees -ive buu umvuw uuuiiuuuo b ii.- i. ol Chatham, and will receive their Hiiuiitidedeioport ' wu v u vw-wi ..-w, m v ' i A Seaside1 R6iw.-llf any of our Np countryreers would like to en- - I joy a visit to me seashore this sum : iuer, we woufd advise them by,U - means to take-a trip to one or more of the deiiglifcrul resorts ou the j Atlantic coast near Wilmington. We . L. l jkiiuw wcereoi we speaK, ana -can from personal experience vouch-for the correctness of what we here write. These seaside resorts near Witenng ton are trot -ony the pieesantest we know of, but they are more accessi ble to the citizens of this section than any other. A. persen can leave here Kit 6 oVlcwVin'the-'siferiinotK eninv a comfortable nights rest on a sleeper, eat breakfast next morning at Wil suing ton, spend that dey-on the sea shore, "end, after another night's rest on a sleeper, return here next morn ing, being absent from here onjy the wnoie of one day. What would our forefathers have thought of thist On Thursday ftewooc of last week we started from here on a short r visit to Wilmington, and. aftar & r. frefthiug tu&&&i'eep in one of the cNjuifoi table bleepersec the R. & A. nnd C. C. roads (much morA rrVmf.irt. able we think than the celebrated Pullman -sleepers), arrived in that city next morning in time for break fast. During the day we rode to Wrightsviile ijound on the new i ail road gust constructed by the Wil aiugiou Sea Coast -R. -R. Co , and hich by-the way-is the best con alluded and easiest riding new road that we have ever seen. For inauy a iniuiflK' w rea cuaua tias beu the hope tho talk of w.i- ed reality. er trains ou this road began to run ... . D r on the de.y f -our visit, aud they were crowded with htt-Dfdreds of. pas seugeiH. The total length of thd road U ten miles, extending from the Front Street depot of the Atlantic Coast Line to "the 'Hummocks" more thau a mile across the Souud from Wrighisviile The hmmockj for as it is generally-but incorrectly spelled hammocks) is a small island, or hillock.' in the sound; and is cov ered with a thick urewth ef smaii but. shady trees. A large hotel is feci W 'constructed there, aud will soon be ready ior the reception" of vibitois. A veiy-'o mod ions pavil ii-'!4 also being constitieted, and it wil&dd greatly to the comfort of ex cu rtionists. A gangway has been rottructed frwn the hummock, one cr two 4?.rnlred feet Ion?, to the banks wfcere bashing houses have been &uilt for tho convenience of those .7ho are fond of surf-bathing. ILis ptet-e ts uestiueu o be one of t&e:ieasantest resorts on the Atlan tic coast, because it is right at the .seashore ud is shaded by a dense grove, wbv&i3 in tpleesaut contrast to the glare at other places on the co&st. For the pleasure of our ride to t'he huuimocka we aie indebted to thecouiresy of Mr. James H. Chad. bourn, Ji-, the very efhcifiit Genewil Manager of the Seucoast R. K. Co. Nfxl day Saturday) we euiayedl our Urst visi; to Carolina Beach, and, I all hough e-had ifeera d extravagaut j i praises oi'isis' place, yet after seeing j it we' thought "the half had not been told" us. This delightful seaside re sen was liiat. opi'.ued to the pub-iic 'hst s-?:!uer, aud so popu.-ar-iid it at unce become that over!)0 pt-r-ioua vuned it during that beason. !ls ony one houijs tide from Wil- mAiy ton (though ifcfc- ritie is so pleas ant that you wish it was lotigei ). riifu li de is made iu a boat and also i& uway coach. A very cfwiiuo- eeu built across the narrow neck of land between the i iver and the ocean Th train r-ens to witlun h few yards of the water's edge, so that you can ftfreost. jump from the coach into the daslrttig waves of the Atlantic ocean, ihetbeach is as smooth aiad surf bath ing here is as safe and pleasant as anywhere on the Atlantic coast, after seeing and experiencing it we 'are not surprised that it is so popu tar a resort. The- boat, the railroad and the improvements at Caixrlina Beach -belong to the New Hanover 111281 Company, which deserves the thanks of every Wihaiiugtonian for opening up 8oacccssible:utttLt:Ught4 fui a seaside resort. Ihe company, aud -also the. public, are f orttefiete ' in havniff '-as its General Manager so courteous aud competent an officer as Capt. J. W. Harper, who is cer tainly the right man in the right place". A Candidate Kecominended. Goff, N. C, luneW, 1888. Mb Editor: It may be the case that some might look upon the demo cratic out-look this year as 'being gloomy, but with the ight'ieii - on the ticket we need not be iitteasy. I know what I am talking about when I say the name of W. A. A vent should be urged for the nomination of Kepreeentative. vHe wotild carry- Cape -Fear township solid: not idnly the true and dissatisfied democrats but there are a good many republi cans I know would1 vote for him. ? Cape Feab. A Rail road Accideut, AusxiKmiA, Va., June 17. The Virginia Midland train which left Washington at 'Op. m. yesterday ran off the track at Pope HeadsSluii, about twenty-live miles south of this place. The engine, baggage carand one coach were thrown from the trattk. Baggage-man Poss, Edward Hartz mau, Fireman Makely and (Carles Mayo, a telegraph Operator on board the traiu weroiilled. Thomas Hardy. thft Adaina EiDress messenger : Mrs. Gaines of Wanenton, Va.,-aDtl,ato. I . . , , . ; ' trvlrhndrrfi oi railimoro !busly injured, and several passengers' tence upon the four iinfortunate men reueived slight tsd braiiuie. 6li&erd vry hjghlj ot WAR REMINISCENCES. Chatham's War Hfctory Her Military Companies Sketch es of -tar'Kfifiiiers, &c. CONCLtJSIOir. After this week we will omit, unti after the election,. our "War ftemin lscences. , which we have been pub lishing for the past fouroonths. We regard the. present political campaign as of -so much importance, and the seeeess of the democratic party so essential to the happiness and. pros peri ty of our people,-that we deem it our duty to 'devote more of our time-rand space to the discussion of the political questions of the cam paign and to the publioation of appropriate campaign items. After the election in November, we hope to resume the publication of Chat ham's . war history,and continue our sketches of her military companies,; The sketches of Chatham a Confed erate companies which we have thu for, published have been wmren under difficulties, and are cot 'as complete as we would wish them to be. Very: few of the old soldiers gave us any information about their companies, aud the idiorfflfatioti-that we did gel was the result of patient and diligent' inquiry. We have been able however to obtain and perpetuate in history Bouie'faetsabout Chatham's war hh tory, of which any county might weJl feei proud. Our county 'furnished to the Coo federate army 11 full com ; pauies, and large detachments for 7 companies from other couuties. The following tabulated statement of Chatham's soldiers is worthy of pre servation by every citizen of tbe county, and was compiled by us afte; careful inquiry. -This statement gives the name of every company, or part' of a company, horn Chatham, togeth er with the number of the origina. members of each company, the nuin ber wounded, and the number killed or died cf disease: -3 r - T3 Name tiZ Company. S:"? .i S Co. M 15th Regiment, 104 30 24 E26th " 124 26 47 " G 2th 88 17 23 D35th 92 26 17 E 44th 86 23 7 G48th 92 36 28 B 49th " 63 17 9 1 6-1 st rt 102 35 20 E 63rd " 90 11 9 " G 63rd " 90 9 7 " H 70th 87 2 1 I -6th 57 18 30 44 E 8th " 20 7 2 Eieth 26 1 1 " G 11th " 18 5 i D41st " 21 1 " E41st " 14 1 CS6tk " , 36 3 2 ! Toial, jl210j 267j23- In addition to the above numbQ (1210) of men who composed thetc companies wrr.n-first organized, there xrere nearly 650 recruits wfcw enlisted in thr m at different times during the warsc that the original member? a tne recruits amount to aoou 1,860. Not less tha.i 60 of this num ber were citizeus of other counties, so that the total number of Cfeatbarai ltes is-p.lDotitSfjO. ' who enlisted iu tbe Confederate army. In the above tabulated sta'ement of ihe dead and wounded are included those of the or.gjnal members only who were wounded or-'kilted. None of the 650 lecruits, who were killed or wound ed, are included. State -IVews. Goklsboro are brinjiinsr Argus : The farmers in larije. quantities of fruit. We heard one say yosterdav that fi"uit crop -at reason ible prices is worth more thau bis cotton crop and he is a good aud large cot ton planter at that. ; Greensboro Pitiiot: A colored brakeinan on the R. & D. R. R. was killed near Wolf Trap Friday. The caboose car jumped the trsek, and the braKefaii-nrfe ti leap rcr me, but his head struck tbe cross-tio, and Ihe unfortunate man died in a few minutes. Capt. Taylor, the conduc tor, jumped off and' landed squarely on hisrfeet News atid Observer: A difficulty occurred at Louisburg on last Monday between Jas. Yar borough,. -a colored barber, -f.nd .W. G. Peri', a saloon keeper. Yarborougb threw a hatchet at Perry. Perry shot xarborougn with a twenty-two calibre pistol, the ball striking the collar-bone and lodg ing under the skin. The trouble grew from a discussion. ita iorogh s wound is not considered daugefus Bot h parties were bound over to the Superior Court. Warrentdn. Gazette: Oh Sunday evening last, while a number of yoiing men were at Watson s pond bathing, Mr. Lawreuce Robertson attempted to swim across Ihe ipoud, but his strength '-failed and he sank. Mri Walter Wiggins hastened to his res cue, and with great presence of mind waited 'till he sank the third time and was powerless, when he swam to him and seizing him by the neck as he was eroin&f down aeraih, raised his &routh O " . -w til above ihe, waferlai'cl va'm'tvith him to the bank. It was a gallant deed. Durham Plant: This evening, t 3 : 30 o'clock, Judg e tMerrimVya ad- p- On sun -xj.rv -kii... 2.- tj- days there Is tKily obo train, which leaves Pitts- ourned'Durba-iwjfjenor court Be- boro.at5.16a.In.ftndreturiullrt7.Wa.m. onon fore adjournmeht the J udge sentenc-; (uya the m0rning cam leaves Pitubof b' at :zo a. ed nie four colored men, Ua-ve Oim inorfs, York Goodson, Henry Battle and John 'Justice,' to be hanged on AugU6t Sj'd fortie crime of rape. This' is the tiret tiuj9,vperbap,'i all court records that foiir znen have been sentenced to death at one time for rise jcrime of rape upon the same person, Wittton Sentinel: Wetoe reliably rinioTsrea inas tnere is a una in oans- I : Itl 1 X A t . J 4- t bury, composed ei two gentlemen) dealers in family groceries, who have not 4M6n noon codd terms for - f oar years or more, neither tuft epexen Pto the olifer in that time, and still rtheir bnsmess is in a prosperous rtjn dition. One member of the firm de votes his time toftfee store, while the other employs a competent gentleman wxtiena to nis snare ox cae ousmess. We doubt whether there ran be found a similar firm in the State whose busi Hess flourishes whrre'tireTclaticms be tween. tfre two are any turner save friendly. , Salisbury Press r On Safrurdaynicrht while Mrs. Sevffert wtgvalkinein her room, in the Old Mansion House, she heard tire- report of a revolver. Ou walking across1 her room , she heard another report, which was qeieklv followed by a ahng on her arm. Bhe was in the act of falling when her husband caught her. . Upon examina tion, 'it was'fonnd that the ball had passed through bersreiand grazed her breast Tire ball came from the direction of Klutl's drug store. She was'cot well, which accounts for her being up and having a light in her room, ihe intended assassinator is not known.- Progressive-Frtaer : - At the local option eleciiou in the tows of Kin ston, a few days ago, a certain whisk dealer, who wasdrunk, made so much uoise aud disturbance at the polls that the editor of the Free Press de uounced him through the columns ol his paper as a nuisance. Sboitly aH ter the appearance of the paper tht whiskey man sought the editor foi the avowed purpose of giving him a thrashing. They met. Tbe editoi turned the tables on the man. ani laving disarmed him, was proceed : iuglo wear him'iuto ak,ifrazzle,'' with5 as own stick, when some citizens in terfered and separated the parties. Siuce the tight, tbe party has sued tie editor for libeL Greensboro? "Nortii "State: Mair- if the papers in tbe State are getting nto trouble about the Farmers' lliance. The Democratic press seeniF to be afraid that Republicans wil btain some influence in that'organiJ 4tion. This is unnessary fear. The Aliiauce has two distinctive ardiua. principles as to politics which d ' not fit a staunch and clean-haadeif Republican. They are I. Tbat th Alliance is in favor of i free trade. 2: Fbat it is a distinctively white man' ' organization. The Republican part a does not draw the color line in public affairs. 'The -Republican part v i against free trade: and in favor of protection of labor and manufactui mg. JNo tuau who endorses tbe color line of the Farmers' Alliance and the free trade plauk in its platform can bo much of a liepamiean. NewberneJonmal: Allen Dunn. who lives near Clark's brickvard, th:- county, has a girl child three yea: a of age that recovered from a seriou : wound inflicted accidentally by he: brother; the particulars of which b.u as follows: One night about six weekr g the oldest boy who had been out suooiiug with other boys, came box e and carelessly hwd his pistol on the bureau. The nest morning all the family left the house to work in ti e field, except this girl and a young brother agd wi h-latter discov ¬ ered ths pistol, ard in hsnuiiug pro duccd tbe usual result shot bis in fant slater iu the bfad, the ball penc ttating tbe skull on the right siu immediatelv on a line with the eat' fraversing't?T6-1iitenor-rf tbe skull to tbe back part where it came out. Tin father was near enough to t he house to hear tbe report, aud hurrying iu found the child covered with blood, but not 'unconstibust -ile immediate ly brought her to Newberne. and un der Dr. F. W. HuhesW.riiful treat ment,1 has made a;cmpfete recovery, and Aileu says he think she's got a heap more sense since she was shot than before. Scotland Neck Democrat: One of the stddest and most severe shocks felt in this community for a longtime was caused bv the intelligence of the untimely death of Mr. Guy Rosberry, koo of our highly esteemed county man, Mr. 1. H. Kasberry. The saa accident occurred on1 last Sunday af- temotfc ' at Hale s mill pond, near Crowel!8. The unfortunate youth was a few days past bis sixteenth birthday, and was one of the most remarkable boys of his age in tome respects that has beeu-known in the coinrtfOTiity. He wasiiite a man in his regions prbpensitieH, having been a member of the cliur.'h since about eight years of age; me was in Sunday school in the morning and it was said he recited a perfect leseoik. -His pa rents had Ukengreat-carefn his traiu-. iner, ana trad triven mm au . tue n. structions, both in precept and ex ample, tuat seemingly could uavo been needed for his perfect obedience both to his parents and his God. And the bay had always -teeded well the teachings and training of his parents 1 in ineir uoair me, eut on ouutiav afternoon he was te&s&t by a younger boy tban himself until be yielded and went in swimming, and the end came Ho him in a wat ery srrave. i iTii li i i r Gen. Sbeiidau is much better an'd may recover, though his death was expected for several days. iSCHEDULE EITTSBORO' R. R. The passenger traiu;6n Iho Pitta boro" railrc-ad leares Plttsboro' daily, (except as hereinafter sta ted) at 5.15 a. m. and 5.00 p. m., and arrives at - '-m. instead of arS.ia. m. as on other days. N)w Advert ieient8. fob reiit m sale. A nice new "house with rooms good stables,-good water. J For Tent I W. L. LONDON. mwm & son, m EAogjrAnmtrj as', . RALEimi, 11. CM . x - n 00 pair high cut 20 4u4ton ladies' :JL I ongola GoaVBoots at f2.z4, cheap at saw. pair ladiesv Oxford ties $1.48, a '1 real bargain. TOO pair opera toe slippers '68c pair. O.000 yards printed hrtrnsj-ne'w styles; j ec-ayard. 1 ,000 yards bastite doth Scand 12c 1 a yard. 0,000 yards cheese cloth, all shades, J 5c a yard. Ihite goods, lavee, edgings at I greatly reduced prices. ace curtains 10, 12, 16$, 25 and Li doc a yard. XLibbons all shadeeead widths. 200 misses' aud ' ladies' shade bate 35c each, worth SOc in order : to cdoSB out our French organdies we have reduced them to 10c a yard. These goods at this price will only last a few days, they ire cheap at 20c ajard. Our New York buyer is daily ship ping us bargains in all lines of goods. June 21, 1888. To Democrats. 1 hereby announce myself aara candidate tor th numlnsttttn tor Bboisteb of n:-a. My record as a democrat will compare favorably with tb: ot any otber-farmer-tnCnMbam.andU nmlnatea aud etected 1 -wilt serve tbe people faithfully. BOH. 8. ETJBANKS. ; June ltb, 18S. TATE OF NORTH CAROLIN - O0UNTY OF CBATflAM 15 THE SUPESIOW Preston Fox" and otberscsinst WUIlatn Fox. Bob-, ert Fox aud the heirs at law of Levi Fox. dH r&ued. Tliis Is a special proceeding for partlUon of a trart of land In the county of Chatham, and It a; ;aring to the tatisraciliu of the crart that tl urnee and residences of Uie hirs at law of Lev fox are unknown, and cannot alter due dlllgenn bo ascertaiued And that they are necessary xt this action MwrtlceWliersi'y-cfen' them to aj pear at the office of the Clerfc of tbesupprlor cour f Oiatbam cwuntv, on the 1st day f Au2U;,H- ind answer or demur to the complaint herein: o judgment will be rendered for the relief praye ir. n. uotiT, u. c. A. K GHSSBT a 3. G. REXCHKB. Attornlvs ior Plaintiffs. June 7. 1888. 6is. DlliS. STARKEY & PALEN'N tTMCM'Miair nuaisTDSB 1038 rota StrMt, Pbilad'a. Pa. l-'..r "i&uiiipilon. Asthma. Anmrhlix. bepui Ciuarrb, Hay Fever, Headache, Debility, Kb"i matlstu. Neuralgia and all Chronic and Xervoi Disorders. "The oinp4nJ Oxyphil Tratment", Drs. Str xpy t Palen, No. X53 An-b Stroet, PblbW.etubl bavj teen nplng for tho laot rpvenienn years, i siieTitlflc adjustment of the elements of Oxyt tn t Nl'rogra magnetlxed, and the compound -i condKtuted aud made portable that It is sent ver tbe wrld. Dbs. STABxrr-t Pales have tbe liberty to rei " the folloWinc ua'ned well-known lieraom w nave tried "their Trmtmeul : 'TUX. WM. D JEELLEY, Member of Congress, Ph- : lripblK. . EV. XlfiSQH'Z (KKRJld, Editor Lutheran t 8-i vr, Phlladelphta. hiX. CUABLES W. CUBBING, D. D.. Kucheel - N.T. HOS. WM. PEKK N1XOS. Editor Inter-Ocean, Cm t-ao. Ul. W. H. WORTHINGTOX, Editor New South, 81. mitigbaoi, Atv TUDGEH. V. VBQO ASUJaenemo; Kansas. MHS. -IAM A. liTrE6MOB, Melrcse. Maes. inSE K. 8. X.'.HKES Sew T-rk City. S1R. E. a KNIOIIT, rjiliadelpbia. MH. tRANH S1DDALI.. Ph ladelpbla. HON. W W. 8CKUYLKR. Easton. Pa. EDWABD L- W1LSOX, 833 Broalway, S. T.,Edli; PhiUdelphia Pinto. 1 1 DELIA M.&TOS, Walmea, BawaU, Sandwh-: laiaude. ALEXA NDtt? &ITCBIE. Inverness. Scotland. j&ibi. MAXJL V. OBTEGA. FresnllK Lacat-F Mexico. MRS ifflVA COOPE't. UtiDa, 8panlflh Hondunt t J. COSH, Ex-vice Consui, Uiaablanca, uorocoo. SI . V. ASHBROoK. Bed Bluff. Ual. ' JAMES MOORE, Supt f-Alco, Blandford. Dorst- sblre. England. JACOB W.RD. Bowral. New Bomb. Wales. - And thousands of -oUiera' lnavery part or tk united states. "COXPODXD OXTG?!f ITS MoDB OF ACTIOM ANJ RESULT!!." Is the title of a new brochure of tw hundred luges, publisned by Drs. Starker Paleu which gives to all inaulrers foil Jnformail-m as t several hundred surprising euros In a wlJera:e this remarfcsMe- etrsuveMnt-ana a recora of chronic cases many or lUem alter netug aban doned to die by other physicians'. W1U be mallel free to anr address on application. Bead tbi- bruchurel Das.aTJkBaBX MLta, . So:&ia ATch street, Jhliadtftptti,i. JGce li. 1S88. 2ts, JOB P. WTATT. PHILLIP TATLOK Wjatt& or General Cusissiee Mercliaats ana Cotton Sellers. V ' h Af, on ' h anil a f all line of i HEAVY GROCERIES, FEED of every description, also BAfcGfKG AtffcTIES, which we offer to the public at bot tom prices. Will make dam advances on Cotton in hand, when desired. Give Hfs'V trial and see what we can do. WYATl' & TAYLOfe, No. IS East Mtrttn-aid 16 ExfthS-age Plaoe, . Ralkh, N.! C September is 1887. rCnVfeata, i TrielllaVlrs biitain, and attPattBS :' bnsineefl coadncfed lor" Modef ate lees. , oJoTomre U OTloit V. S. Vmttnt Ot T'bae co snb-sgennea, all business :hct, tence can traQSa; patent bosne in tosj ; time end at less coihan those remote Iroto .WS?SeaBWiDg.!.rr P0-. vtion. We -Advise if j-utrntaMe or; not, me ox 5hTEe. Onr fee not5 flue ti)) patent w.""-,' . A Mdk. How to Obtain paiei:t.Mtwita refe noes to actual clicnis in your State, coratjr, town, sent free. Address, .. . . C. A. SNOW s CO. tesltfstt Office, WaahiScMa9 J1' Yet if the world only knew of the energy, grit and enterprise we iare iepiayed lin collecting such -a - - HAGUIFICEHT SPRIM StOCK -It VdXittheBiirjris DEY GOODS MD GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever brought iato this city and we are ?aanynimg ever neard pi Deiore.; ttoaptoa with this we givp -CHOXOB STlpCI A AXXQZ2 ASSOZlXZilJT And we have no'4etatation in gating; that it contains ' TM23'iLATiBTFM& BOOTES Brought here direct from the centres of fashion. And wq would respectfullvi invite everv ladv to irive us an earlv paII antl inspect it. May 17t 188. liiffl! Offer the people of Chatham a ' omplete assortment of Motions, Bry Goofts, AUD LnBIES SHOES. t prices that will be sure to please. jest N. C. Checks at 6$ cents. A. bheeting at 6 cents. lest Shirting Oalioo at 5 ceis. st quality Oottonade Paot J Gloth 20 cents, worth 30 cents. iest Dress Ginghams 8 cents, sold everywhere at 10 cents aches Dress Goods at & 10c, 12: 15c, 20c 25c, and in fine imported goods from 90c' to $1'.TX). .adies Kid Button Shoes st worth $2 00 to $2.25. In fine shoes we have a coinplet- ine, being the sole ajenVs iuPurha:-: f E. P. need & Co , who make th Mtat shoe on the imrkct: Every Pair X7arranted 2 v)ur space in too small to quote price f every tbing ra ouriine, but we gua tntee to sell lower than any ot-lu ! ouse. Send and-et prices and saui if s or give us a call when in Diirham Wo willvaot be XJndersold ! liespectfaily, . MUi & SHAW. April 12, 1888. TO OUR CHATHAM WE OFFER Low Prices on HARDWARK. WaiEBa naM Baify Material, SASH, DOORS, DLItlOS, j: PTS, tILS, GLASS. I Lime, Plaster, Cement, P GUNS, SHELLS, POWDER. SHOf,CAPSrrf WADS. Him E Brisp & Sons, BRIGGS BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C THE PRICE TELLS ! AND EVERYBODY 'TELLS THE PRICE Jas. A. Thompson, OF CHA2ZXAX3 CGZtTTY, WITH W. H. & R. S. TffCKER M CO, VJSkVERS'IS Wholesale and Retail Drv Gool-. Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishii g Good.s, &c., &c. Orders by mail w ii receive prompt attention. May '24tb, 18816. T-nd9 Fayetteyille Street, U23lXT&GII, XT. O,. BRANCH'YARD, 'LAtrbtit's Old Stand, faykttkvillk, a c, Manufacturer JtD of al! kinds' of i IN MARBLE 'tR GRANITE. Also contractor for all kinds of Build ing Work, .'Oii-bit 5. -tts. Steps. Sill?, &c. &esigD iof ?ail debci iption kept on hand :and" sent to any address upbn "application. cims. A. GOODWIN, March lUi83. Prprietor. g'oiirg to sell at , piieos -away below 'T - FIl,TSBOttO,,N;C; PAIlLORSUITa. Embossed PI nob Parlor Bulls, SUk Plush Parlor Suluj, $37. fc 60.00 '2O00 16.60 ROOM SUITS. i Tr,piir Cbamber SUibt Xmrn $23.00 to S3o:09 wn"t Chamber sutwa n-cm , 5.eo 37.30 to 60.60 8.00 V) 12.60 935.00 l&Mto DM ! BEDDING. ' Be!r SlJtoriisses. KlneCoaiUy, Pine ifslt Manrsos frf.ra Cotton Mattresses f rcia . .. . S.raw or hlnu k. Cotum Ton, COO to 8 00 2.25 to 4.60 DINING BOOM. Walnut Extuhl -n Tablut, Walnut Ext&ubi- u Tab!es, $12.00 1G.0Q 10-tiS 20.00 Walnut SnJc-Borilj:,' TABLES. Drop Loaf Tables, Ontre Tables, 200 and Antique Oak Ontre-fr.iO"., Cben-y Ortre;ib!i. '. ' . : ' CUAIIiS. Split Seat Chairs. Common whi Chairs, 92. 7S -2i1 -4 7.00 s'.se .60 - .IS Cane Seat tti iirs, -Oak Dining Chain;, Bo-kerf, " oo. r 50. $2.50 and 1.60 4.S ml KliLANEOUS. . Cane, for resoatinp chsXr.C 1,000 feet, fl.oQ Spring Slat Ba1h, . . 2.S0 Woven-wlre Maitrefsee, ' 4.25 WardruijPH. flO.OO ami 915.00 Children's Rockers and High 1ialra 73.-. $1.00 and. I W 3aby Butot CwrUses, wlh Parasols. - - . ' f ou. ft oo end 10.00 HaUands, :2.0uar"J 15.80 safes, Tin Who, 3.50 yungus from i ti to 16.60 tlnmrnock Chairs, $3.00 and 5.W 'Jedntads fmra . $2 00 to $12.5 Wahstands from $1.75 to IU 00 Orders from ihe .Country,; accom anied with the Cash, will receive roiupt aitMition. .Letters.f inquiry heerfulSv and prompt! v answered. j. c. Htrbxff & co;B No 12 Ejst. Martin Street, RALEIGH, N. C. Aptil 12, 18S8. NorriS & Carter RALEIGH, tf. G. 4RAM)"T)ISPLAY . OF LACES AND Tomorrow we wiil nrake a special -. lisplay of luces, tnihroideries antt vhile goods of veiy descnplion. in- ' ludiiig manv novelties never before -liown in this market. LAOS FLOUHCIIIGS In Oriental, Ni mi:dy,Fedora-,Platte ' vals, Ciiantilly, Spanish Guipure, reij;e two ton?d tlouucings from ' 0c per yard up. EMBROIDERY FLOUHCINU'S in India linens, cambrics, pique, Irish point ad batiste id oiie- aml'ttvo- toned effects. WMirl'SJ OBS in mull De Paris, Persian Uwn, Egyp- iiaii lawn, Bui'iuian lawn, Tictorlj awn, India ia-vn, iiitiste, Ariel 4ripes, silk mulls, India linen, Indtt lirneties, spotted nainsooks, JoneiB cambric, French lawns, Jfce. 100 piecf s 2o.cut 'India' linen will be offered during this week at . 8 I 3c PER YARD. We propose to make this for buyers of white goods, i&ce8,6m: broideries, table linens, towels, hap kius, Marseilles quilts. &c. A special invitation is given to every latly to make us a visit during this week as many of the above- gooxb .no jobs anl wiji be offeied 2a to 40 oer cent, below the murket value. NORKIS & CARTER, May 24, 1888. C. F& Y. v7iiiLVAV Condexised Schedule No. 2. Taking eh'ov.s. ?.ondnr. June 11, 1888. DAILY EXCEPT VTSLx. Trtiu Golus sv.utk Train Going North i koTt n j Mail & Passenger.; ! ti.-2. Mail riWMfer i Leave, 6.trJa. ra. B:'nnettsvllle,'Arrive, 8.00 p. m. i " 7.15 iMasum, .Leave, 6 0 815 'Fayetteville, I . 4-16 ! " 11.27 Snord, I 2"0 i 11.65 OuC, ; " 12.40 p m Mler, 1 " 11-5 a. ta. s Arrive, Greensbfir, ! 10-05 ! " MU Airy. " 5.00 p. ta j "Freight and Mall Train runs da fly except Sun- lays. . i i Freight and AconnmoJation Train runs from Fayetteville to BenaettsviUe anJ return n Moft. days. Wednescia js and Fridays' and from Patt ville to Oreenahora' ru taesdaya, Thursdays and ' : Saturdays, and mha OroeEkl.rt' t rayettevlUa on Mondays, We-iaesdays and Fridays. . . Trains on FacU?y Brnnch run daily ex-epl8ae i day. ... . J. W. iAT.Xita'lSapt.

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