HMO 1 l)c !)atijam Kecotb i:ati;s ADVERTISING tine st-inne, one inst-ilum- 1.-- on.' s.pmia , tw w ri l-"' One si-iiaro, out! in. 'Mill - - ".W Km-hu ge-' ndv. iti-eim n's libtt.ll con tra" Is will li: made. ljc !)atl)am Uccorfc. 11. -A. JOIMOIV, KUITOU AND l'KOl'UIKTuH. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. VOL. XI. rriTsr,oiio Chatham (., x. c, skptkmiwii is-ss. ttteikm NO. 2. i Hi (iivlnj. Tllt-IO is II'. lit'.', h'.H-l'VlT loW (r I iiinl.l in i s I nlh, That m i.v nut, from its store. In-slow i'0t' ll ie.lltl.eVS o'er th" earth. I'n.-li Intl.. 1.1 I'tniiip; wayside 11'jwiT 'I'lm' kicking homily run, I'reoly oilers ;ill its dower Th make tin- minuicr fiu'r. 'J'liu tiniest stir, tli' fnrnwny, liutli s"ii I mi .'IF -ring il'iwn, Ami litlps ly it tremulous, golden lay Th Ih.iw night to crown. Tht- river hastening t i tli" sen, Willi nil its Kitli..iil treasures, Yi.'Ms n iis i l'.'i in.;, full nn.l flop; Thi-ir worth it never measures. Thus Mm u u' proves in ninny a way The in Must rules of livin---. Would y.' leoeivef Then .lay by .lay ltieniise thy stoic hy giving. - ll. li n ti linliciTs in Jlostou Journal. A SOLITARY PASSENGER Tho in "i0 trait from White Punk whs Int.; Ill it snowy t'ebrmry nigh!. It never w is wh.t dim wou'.d call a pain fully )irou.t trniii, but tonight il win fully lily irii utis Itliind its usual limo ami the telegraph opend r 1ml Hourly fallen nsb c p lc! hit the pane of ground glass over u hich the ivor I "Ticket-." was liKriilu-'l i i a half circle ami tt.w nrd which a in is t inartistic illy fore shortened hand was tlcpicte 1 nsoxtotul ingagilt finger for tlio enlightenment of the gem u 'He. Not that th:' Hi ; I'ino telegraph was ci ilia a i ll y op' ii : t so I a t r an hour as this. .Seven o'llis was "hen u .1 pi run! of closing. No: hiil I'.u i-: I! rlnw any Iii iai ii,'li! t tip: taK woolen st" il I". himl th." s mifiicnlnr gilt !:; it re ferring!') "Tii -lit t." In a manner sin ha I h nl gp:l:ic ' 'hnist u-nn lor. Old Mr. IMtychiV ', who represented tho luaj'sty of tin; i .i wiy company in this par! it'll 'iil' sp.t, li ,i go:ic homo in tin) curly 'In k with a r-gin-; fncid tieuial- gii, and in t-mm ):i huma- it) Huiiite C lt!d Hot h:iV: refuse! temporarily to nsMi.ut! hi. position with its tluti'S. "It will In." only another hour of work," sh l.ilil hi-ijL'lf, cho-rfu'ily, as shy put nn :i'M it ional lo;; of frost frinfl wo. . into th . Iitt!.; iii--tiuht slow. "Wiii-u tho I" ..VI iias passvil I i Hi si. lit up lh : 1 i. o ' i I 1:0 homo. Tin; re hp; mil) two uiL:ht freights, ami tho coii.linloi onhoth of llicm havo keys to lh i (ri'i ;ht liouif." Siililciily tho silciiLo was ijck"ii hy tho ti.;i st .s. ua.l, liku the t lirol.lti n of fOn-.o mil II .si v r heart. Duaire juinpeil n -1. i::sli irlively, olit'.li' lit to tho Cfl 1 f hur, tho ti'lcr ipl: "A in.'.-s 1'. !' sin: tli'iii',"lil. ''Ami at thi tiaie (il til nilit. Wt'H, won ilors Wll " Ver njli -r " A ir.cssa'ijt' it wn: tu I' ttr Mly clove, station aeiit at Hi; i'ino stn- tIDM. Iii f .1 -.iii 'ii in limre liank. I'etnin as iiu'i-' I. 1 1 on N .'I Small, il.nli. v i'.ic lii till' ti null.' I i "ai. I-. -' in ivi-Ii .ly 'in lil fin tin r ii.'t ' -. II V ' " n h i, I I i.l .1 I ..1 at While I . -i I. . A ui' st i.i l ilt" s!i" l.a'l iln ipli'TC"! Iliest" wor'J-, I' i ii it- I! il'i w li l";;ra ph. "I l: c "AH n lit;' ami unco ni"r thu small si v. r li. ;rt Ic.'t . IT its tu inu'.t n nu tint) jhin .;. An I not mini tin; ri 1 i I tin tt'l'";'l.'ljili cp lalor ruali.j wh it a Very p t i l r posiiion .sliu in. All nlono at lh; l'r.c Station, noil i lli mily au tlioii.i.'"l, in li'ht. of her .uli tilu'i m, t ariesl a lank 'Itf Icator o tho spot! I v ..'ii while, she poinl re I on I hi. u.i fXpectel statu of tliiui;.s tliere was a cu rious thrill nii'l I re :i; I ile ol the llonr henms iimli r her leet; a shrill stvMii whistlo ri in; aliuve tlio au-t'iineil roar cf tho tempest. Tho in oil. . iy known lis No. ?l( was swihyiii' iiroiiu.t tin; curv.'. I i nn instnut I'u.. ice I'uh.w was nut in tho deep snow ol the in I J hoar I plat form with tho lihte I Innti rn in her hanil. Tho conductor of the train was not at all surprised to sec li-r there. 11) knew Hint IVtcr I'. tlyclovj was old and feel.'le, and asjintcd yciri feninlu te! "I'rapli oporator is rather at her full valuo i:i tho lh'; 1'iiic soclion. Slio tried to si;nal to liiai that sho wanl.'d to speak to him, I lit tho lU:ilinij snow drove its shroulliko hhects between I hem. Ho smile"! and nod. led to her in tho ariivntia; way that men havo whon they nro particularly ottuso, shoultil si iiio incompn.'heiisib'io com ment on the weather, helped to loosen tho brnkee, uad was an ci-;hth of a milo up tho truck l-eforo laiaico's lantera ii lit. fell on a single black li juro, its h:it pulled over its cyos, its form closely 1 1 1 1 toin "i up in u fur-triinine I over toat. ' Is this the station J" snid a low, woll ino lutiiled v io, which ;;av") Miss Har low the idea that tho unhappy fjentlo man of jus lice was u gentleman born and hre. I. "Whore are tho porters? Upon my word'' (looking around after a bewildered fashion') "I'm afraid they'vo for-joUon to put oil my lu'ago, I, n't (hero a tiro somewhero hcro alu nt f Euuico Barlow looked solemnly at him as bo openod the door into tho bri;ht, cboerfiilly lighted littlo station. Y , tho tele;;raphe"l "luscription had Imou correct, lio was small a id dark, and, poor follow, he looked as if he was half frozen to death. Hut now aroe tho pcrpbxinc qti'stioti, how was '!); to "dutolQ hjuii" ' Yni me mistaken, sir," sic; siti'l, i answer to his ipiu-tions. ' Thero nro u potters here. Thero is no hotel ncarei than the i'ino Hnrie:is, four miles away Tho agent is dut .inod at homo by sick ness, and I am lh telegraph operator, on duly in his absoncc." "Can you tell mi,'' pleaded tha soli tary passongcr, "whoro 1 can get n night's U.diii!! ami aoniclhina; to cat ( It is si.-i hours since wo lift the mippcr station, and I am just recovering from a sio:;o of uniaxial fever. S iroly there must bo soin.) ono around hero wh could act as my guide." "There is no ono hero but me' said Miss Harlow, locking the cash draw and proparing to extinguish tho one rellectoi lamp that glowed above, tho new at rival's head. l!ut if you chooso to go home with me I darn Bay my inothei will givo you uoino supper and a bed. dur house is the nearest to this place. And tomonow" with a somev sig nificant pr.uso "you can bcgii anew career." ' I'm avfiil!y oli'.i;cd to you,'' sai I t'.io gentleman, jumping up with alacrity. Hill, how many c ireers per week lo these Westerners coint upon: I've no nhjet'tio:!, for my p.ut, to the old i no i unti iii ."I." Mi-s l'jr.ow's fate renmiaoil inexora bly grave, fshe consi lered it no put ol her duty to counteiiai e flippancy like this. Sic; locked tin station, and lung tho key on its hooked mill close within tin tallied casement inil-ile, where winds c.iii.l not l.url it away nor storiiH "iis'iiib it, b;loro she suit, 1 1 1 1 1 y : "This way, please. Tl'.'J lan tern will light you sulli iently if you are a little oirolul; mhciwisc you will lii'.'l tho way rather st;;p and narrow down tin lull. You are perhapi una ware that a teleyraiii ilesci i bing yiur pi'isor.ii iippe irance his just coin) in ! i oiii Ihe Whit" IVaU ollinr' "A t i.i in ! i'.y jove the whol' t ling is oil!, then !" Ho -.poke ipiickly: was gonu iuu ilisut ami o i satisfaction is-pre-si'd in every foaiuiu of his face. "Ye.," respoiulo 1 th) tele ;ra:ih op erntor, "tho whoh; thing i out. Your cell j-dure i. ipiito correct. ' "II. ii- - I beg your pardon, but this is a matter of some in p irtance to me "Iocs any ono know it be i I.m yourself!'1 "N.." "I may d. peii I mi youi" with ini pl.uing iiipli isij. "Ye-, you in y d.-pend mi iii "." "Thanks, ,'iwlu' ly!" "Iceland the stranger, w . t ! i foiv-.r. ' You see, it hum's l v i v no j't to liave thoio thin.; t illse I :l nut." "So I sh ul'l mi igine." A I'liel silenc" t'lisiied. Kiinico whs w i -del ing how her slrango oin pan i"U inii'il Hpeal; so cool y :' "lice thin;." ' Was he uili'i lv le i I to all slniii';;' sh ! th 'U ,1.1. lh" sti ni'.-e c nn iau ion, in lh m : ii" : tin, w is s'l r- lly iciuve'.- Ii'i ; at tin ease .n I Ii ;l.i: . ss with which this ctr.ini -li.ii.iy gill ftept"l mil tin - il ;li I h s!i..w lii'ls. "A 'eft Am. .on," he mil to him-s-ll, "and a i.-tty om', too. Why't she k' -p talking ; 1 like tho tiiu. re of her void; it. s a regular cou l r.ilt'i." "It sei ins to me," olnciwd the young mnn, nll'T limit bur inioival of silence, during which the cruni hi:ig of their feet i:i the mow ami the crsisii'iit how lng of the win I all th.-.l broke the spell, "that they put a trrcat "leal of responsi bility on young woine i in this part of the w. i'i. I." "A good "leal of it ii forced upon t lifin, an I a good .leal they assume themselves,'' sai l Kiinico Hulow, com posedly. "I am willing to admit that I lnvo taken a heavy responsibility on my -elf toi'.ih'. Understand," n Mod .Viss Ihirlow, "that if I tako you homo tonight and shelter you, I must havo your promises " "Tho new career ijuestiim again! I'm bloased if I know what till this means," lisped tho solitary passenger. "Kipiiv. -cation is entirely uieless," said I'iinice, .levcre'.y. "You know perfectly well what 1 in m:;. I h ivj given you a chance lor freedom; for what is slid better, fame and character. See to it ill it this rhanco does not pass unimproved." ".Mail!" muttered tho stranger to himself; 'vs-ry mud! Kutircly a hopo less rise, I should say. I wonder if there really was a telegram, or if that is merely part of her brain disorder f 1 wonder if I'd better keop on wiihher, nobody knows whitlcr, or cir anil run for it, snowstorm and all?" "You hnvo basely nl'.seoi.d 1 w ith your employers' money," raid K iiiee, with tlm freezing sternness of ideaii.od justice; "in other words, you iiro a bank defalcator. " "Oh, ciine, now; won't you givj a fellow a chance? ' uttered hex compan ion. "As tho school books say 'Klri-co, but hear.' I've nobody's money but my . wn, and nono too much of ihat. I don't know anything about your bunks nor their defalcators. I'vj been only two weeks in your rountry ami I think its the snowiest climate, going. My name is Krnost 'Tiusallon, ant I wn t havo been met at tho Rtatinn by Col. Copley of th; MOtli CivV.ry." Ihinico Harlow gavv a little shrink nl uuiazauicnt, "bir rucit Tiasallonl In cried. "Tho Kuglishman who wa "rning out hero to hunt buffalo and ollow up the lino of the I'ino rivet? Hut you havo alightol lit the wrong iiition ; you should. huvj st. p e I nl l'iuo Harriuks, bevea miles bcyoud liere. " "I hear'l tho conductor biwl nut omething about pine of ono sort or another," snid tho young Hilton. "I was .lend asleep, and didn't slop to liscriminat;, an I Iscn.m d I nlT. Si i'vo iiiado a mistake, have 1? I! it all tho sum., it's awlully goul of you to iTer to conduct me to a placo of Christ . an shelter." "And I havo inndo a mistako t"o," sni 1 Ivmipo with a ga-p. ".in t boforo your train ciiiii-j in there was n message wired to Hig I'ino station- a me-sigi to detain a bank robber win) wiis.s.-iil lo be on the train. I was all alone, I lit I could have locked him into th.) ticket .fliee pi'if.ctly well. We West. tii girls are prepnreil for any emergency" (with some pride). "Hut I was sorry for you, you looked so young aid innocent; and I determined to give you one more chance." "l'or a new career," interi upte I 'he stranger, with a gild of Ian -liter. "Tho key to tin pii.'. ! I seo it nil now. Don't y u know, I was 1 ('.-inning to think you must be a lu nttie. And iiow disagreeably nenr I cum ) to being locked up, after nil! And tlm bank fellow, whoever he i", sjoms lo hive got IT scot free, lienlly, now. if ever n man hal a getiui ie guir li in aagel, y u are one," ho a bled, as i". nice le 1 tho way into a pretty little si ti"g room, all aglow wilh red carpet and curliiis, where a Iiro of logs I limed on the op'jii lu-urth and a coy in ill w ii sprea I on 111.) table. bir Krne t Tinsalb) i slept ri t!n spare chamber lint night, wis ciUe 1 by -t u light. and I r-alt :wt'dal. ii o'cbn:' the ii" xt morning w ith the t ; r i "p r ator a-i"l her nioth-r, and afl'TW.' I : com pan i d li r to the Hi ; I'i ie si .lion, pimping through white in i-ses of mu.w drilt and sliding, school-boy fashion, across the n:irror-!iko surf ac of fn vi brooks. Mr. l'ettyelovj wai there with his fac; tii'd up in a spotted -iili picket handkerchief. There were -ever al telegram . aw. ti; in ; tin haid of tin .),i-eiatoi-. On wn fi ml lh; chi'f f piilieu nt W.iit i I'-a'x, Btatiag -i.athur bite, perhaps ihat tin b rik d.-la'c it-.r had at thy c'e vcith hour and on tin very step, so to speak, of th" train, sur rendered hiiiu. ll to 111 ! local :iu:h'iri' les. Tliero was ain't h" r from Co!. Cop'ey of the sllliltli Cav.lry, in.iiiiing if a:ylln ng hid boon h;ai l a! li. ; I'm' station of the missing 1'. i;li.h muonct who w is overdue at th b irr ic es. O ,ly think," s ii I Miss liul .w, with a littlo shiver, "'..' 1 hid li'" k""i you up in th.i ticket cllito all H i -lit. what w u'.d Coi. Copl.-y have sail;" "I hat, under th ciich n -t i;i s, you ha I done no m iro lha:i yur c m Ty expected of you," retimed Sir l'.-ne-t. "Hut, I say, all this thin"; was awlully (hl'lsyof y.u, .Miss li ll low.'t know of nu l-higli h irlthat woir. l havo tin coning") to g" tlm u ,h with it." Kiinico smiled a littl". 'lire is your train, Sir Ilrnc-t.'' she siid. "Hut I haven't thanked you half enough.'' II stood holding both her hands, his Ircsh Diglish faio all eager ness. "It is iptiti! unnecessary to say any ii.on," oiiservjd Misi Hulow, ipiielly. "Therj is the telegraph. I am w.ritcl at my post of duty now. li ed by, Sir I'.rnest. I wish ymi a very pleasant jnirney." Sir Krnost Tinall"ii went on his way into tin bin-, glittering ell of timt p-erl-ss winter tnornin.', with tho pino trees lo iki.ig li ve Drui Is cla I in ennui.) robe and tli"! plains all sheet . I in levjl pearls, an-l I'.uaiio Ii.ariow never saw him more. N , he dil not ceiin lock to woo an 1 wed her, as tlio hero of an orthodox love tale shrul l have done. H i could not, h' ing already engaged to another young woman in Ivigland. H it ho sent n superb lumper of game to Mrs. Harlow, in care of the telegraph operator at Hi; l'i io station ; and at in my an Kngii-h dinner table afterward ho tol l the story oi his midnight adven ture in tho wild west. "The prettiest girl you ever siw, by love!'' ho reiternt 1, in that earnest wiyofhi", "and tho pluckiest ! .loan of Are was i.othiug to her. I dreamed of her for a week afterward, with her swiii'ging lantern and thoio great gray eyes of hers, and tin pretty littlo speei'h.M about 'luniing over -i new leaf that she niado to (tie. Y's, I .lid; and I'm not ushanieil to own it. cv-u he -forol.idy Tiasallon here. I'.'i, Katef And the K i-glisll brid.. laughed goo 1 humoro'lly, aud 111 d "to hear Sir Krnost talk, tho American girls must bo full tl IgoJ heroines.'' "Slio w is; 1 can v. ueh for thai,'1 said Sir Krnost. - llaip r's l'or Her Sake. Wife-- Julia, your luiir is coming out at a rate. lltlihaad" -I know it i', lny dear, must "lo Koiiiething (or it at one ). Wife -I wish you would, John, for my .."ike. You know how people will i U. i L!ioctiu ( 'II 1 1. Hit KN S COl.I'MN. Hos he . 111. A lull" b..y, with eai-. Ie s It-iii I, ll'eltlili-sv thegl'ilii' ii"'il the si .-mil. Ami merrily he laiuhe.l. " Hi' ohl I've ni'.ve.l tlm world ""III my small blow!'1 Itriiv"! lioon. my little man. And in thy li i'liin. 's l"iilli"inn span, Strike al woi hl I. lows of miuht, And move it ever l.iwanl Ihe i i-ht. - 1 Youth's Hanni-r. "r.tlrls "fiiiu. As tho full spri ig lime comes 0", the number of short chants by prairie bird-, jiiys a wiiter in th- Am- licaii M igaiin-, is greatly"d, win!) their pro longations iiiid v:i: ia'.ioni ni" without number, and soon il heroin s cvi lent to the most can il obseivvr Ihat lie- iov fires nie kindling ai l ihat cu-li mu sician is strivi ig to lh ; u m i-t of his powers to sin pass nil livals .hi I win t bl ind y lark of lm ehoii -. n.i one oc casion us 1 lay In hi liug near a fi ::c -, three l;.i!iJ came skiiiiini-i ; ovei th' They a'iglitcd within a lew yards of me, and two of tin in burs', in to sung, scu'.eiim s singing t.: clli r mid sometimes ultei :i n t I y. I tit th' ihiid silent. When at la-t th. yl! .v up 1 nitice I Ilia' lb' -lieiit out mi l one ol Ihe si igi is kept to gi lli'T. I ha I been witness to a li.ii.:ci! louriiaui"i,t and tho vie I .1' h:i"l wn I.i, I ri le. 'Ilia I."u.itl . I i lit YS.itlel' l.ils. 'I'o wliein th; w.l r iyi. "I:i,rtlie littlo legend th t i i lo igs to il will prove i ileresli g. I. ;tg yeais ago, be lore any o us . :e .iving, a I n ly star -.-.lowed I rightly ii the - '.v. II r lac w s shiii-ig wr.h a striiu; -, i.nlii.i I Oc: lit y. lilt in h.-r breast In r heart was col l and ib-solal , wil Ii ll . i o 1st i : t ;g!i ing lor lev." .-nut I lie compai;!" lip ul Kinn; warm heart. In tho g i: a'. darU forests In dusky ro I m n s . liil lr. !, weio at piny every . veiling, -md'i-i:ig th.-ir happy mo . Is lh; - ar w..iil I sigh mi re deeply aol b.'ioiu- pis.- -. el of a gi"al ;r j-.-arning for l"V , s one in , lit she droppel troin In' -l.y an I n- l d up)i n tree to lu inoro n.'iir t In; iiltle chill run. 'I'll y did not incioi her, ll "vever, till con tinued row i ig o i tli 1 1 ver, . i' l e -."i -s-ing tlie mis.-ty "d lb I.) lely watcii'T. "I will go ii ;hl to lh. vi,' t-i ; tar siii'l, pit isly, an i so she tell to tun butt. A s -he diil so t he boat shot on; into I ll : ftr.aiM and tho star fell w.thaira-h upon the w .v s broken in'.o a lh u- iid piece-. I'.verj wave cm dit Upon its c ri st a scintillatng be nu a id each be lain: a water ll y. At last the star h.'l ; ir cl ion, lor who "Iocs not lovj this p.rlt c; ll .werj Allant i .1 nirna1. SI . l.llll I. ion III .1 'I'lMlt. I a t ' i .T.ido and .some oilier western -tales thoio is nn aniniil called the mountain lion. N it .Mlhstandin r this iiiiiii ', ho ii re illy lh; it ; tr, .some time t c ill.; I puui or pa:r!i"i'. Ther; is no inoro crafty or s.av i ; beasl in the j l iiile 1 States, and n th m ;h li-i rarely i att ick in n, except wll -n woun led or I very liui iy, he destroyi luiny sheep ami ol In r domestic anim ats. H i prowls about 1 1 i i ti t i dwelii:i;-s, and climbi to ih"' roofs of cabins anl smalt houses in Ins i IV oris to gi t at tlm fool inside, of which llo; smell attracts him. Tw o prospectors in Colorado kill oil a "leer one day, and carrijl tli) cnicass into their lent, whore they hung it on th; ridge pole. Tin y thou "lit lln von-i-.ui would be safe th r . ar. they toare l no enemies larger than Hies and birds. On going lo work, llm laeu drew down lh : tent curtains, and till tliein clou-. A i". ut t wo liouri Inter a mountain lion cur.e a'ong, nn I. snielliag venison, prcc e le 1 to ex mint tin tent. It di I not lake hi n long todi-cover that, no li) ly was id hull') and to crawl into the tent, lb; bit a sample mi: of tho deer, ami finding il go.) I. d ici lel to take lh") whole pi i . It did not com.! down easily, so M -. I, ion sprang up ami grabbi I il. His whol) wci-hl thu nd'le I to 111 at ol the ilecr meat was too much for the lid ;e p !e, an 1 il broke in two. 'I'ln tei.t coliipsiil entirely, and the lion wai I u i 1 in cinva-. (. course h - thoillit bims '.f caught in a trap, ami I egan l:iyi:i"- about him in every dir. . lion wilh both teeth and Hails. Tois aaimated action soon re duced t he t"-nt to t il ter. : n I t lie ll m crawled out of tin: wrick ami i.iii nw .y taking th" venisoii alo n ;. Til it after noon Iw-i of tin mgii '.t men ymi c.i-. imngrio looking at the nun d tent, ami w on iei i ig if tlnrehil li.'.-n an ike. The r veni-.n wn gone, tln-ir ouili: scatter." I "V -r the "roiut I, and l!i ir t -nt in riWums. Wll n the;.- killed atiiitli -r dear tin y I. ung it in a i.av", nu t cii.el up tin rav.'i m.iii: It with lec'v'-, ll.rpcr'a Young I'eop'e. Citling Clicnpcr. Alumiuuiii, the M veiy inclil that used lo c 'st A ; IO a pound Ibiitv-live ycais ago, is now pro lucid nl I'.e l'U;-p "ir, works nt 11 s --i, li rniiy, for Iw n!y li v t cents a pound. Coiniii"ii c'.av cveiy where coat n is from two to ten pounds of it in ev iy hiiidrei pounds a::.! it is likely, uithin the m xl d cad"' it l t, to beteiii ! inoro common Hi. i a iiou. MARRIAGH IX CHINA. LI Micul ia ii Re! rot Inl aii'l Mat ri -nionial C'di inniiii";. Tho Wooer Buys His Wifo from Her Father. Tho instant) of ma' ri age in China tth'-rc the bi i lo biings her bmban I n il it, are not -o fii ipi'e t as hum r'y. Almost always the wooer in reality I uy his wie fri-in li rlatlni-. la ad li: i i totliislho pa:t'iiti"f tho giii teieivt from thnso of her . 'ii meed inore or le s la'uabl') presents ..I ric, wine or silk-. I hildren are often bet rothed nt a vety eaily age. S inetinies fiiends ngiee . veil before the birth ol children that in case th y .are of different sexes that on rem hi g the proper ago they shall be inir:i"'l. S n;!i agr :enients aro relig iously regard"'!. In general lelrotlial negotiation! "re comlucted l.y a third person, not be longing to cit In r of the fami.ios con cerned, 't he same cu-to:il is found i ..long tin' .lews in mityti rmim cities. Ihe miitrimo. I d iigen.. takes a .-. to the family oi tlio inteutled I ride, giv ing the mini" and ago of tho young mnn. If willing to consider the impli .'d npcs-.l the father semis back a si milar carl with the 11:11110 and age of tho gi t on it. 'l in n the negotiation b' gn m earn, st, nu t aro prolonged over thro: days it u illy; nil.teis nro coiidiii ted with great c.iemony. If tho is formal y t:r. ed upon the ictiiil be liotha; follows. This is as biinling ns mat nn it -elf. Too day before the wedding th"! niiii th: 1 clothes herself as a l.ri b; and ex hihitsh.r trosseau b"foro her fonnlo Irio tls and relatives. Persons in 111 mrn ing a;o shut out Irom this cet eiuony. When tin inaiiiage "lay arrives tho young man clothes himself as elegintly as hi. in -an s wi.l permit. The I iniily lissemoles Willi hi 11 .-iron :i 1 lln house hold altar. He k ne Is down and throws biuisi If upon tin c.arih. Spices nro burned before tlio ancestral tablets. '1 lie man i l ;0 i. formally aim oil 1 cod to those pp-vct. Tin- mister of c reuion -ii'.s coi.ilut Is th-- lather to a special scat of honor ami hand 1 a gob let of wine ' lo the 1 11 le groom. 'tin young mai lowsliiin st'i! lour lino s b.-lore I;is falh :r, p. urs out a few drops ol wine on lh ll .r as a li 'atlon, drinks the rem.ii ider. Then the fat.ier say, "i, my son, bring thy w ife, an I in all things con -"lint thy -elf wi-ey and prudently." The s,,:i throw, hiine-lf lour tunes upon tho ground, says that he will ob -y and tiioiinls n stool at th.' "Kmr. I'li'iidi an I as api .inta'i. es inarch by him w ith li -lit d lanterns, a .!' the tinio when all III 11 l i ig- s wele celi brated at iii ;llt. 't ile p. i r--inll ill":; prnnce Is In the h.'U-e of ih- 1 ri I.-, where Ihe groom aw ul . In r at t he gate. n.i her pai t 1 1 ai leu 1 1 so s early on tier wed i 1 1 1 g moral ig, bilh-'s wlub- a band of 11 1 11 - it iaii -. mil -ilo di-e ur-e allege I tu'i-ic, cb.lli s her-. If, b -.-a.-f.i-ts mi fo d sent by i 1 1 1 1 . t I pareat :-i'l-Iaw. M11: tin' y takes a li.-w tiles, however, as il is rmi i h r.-d n -;oo' c nie.i l"i I. it t o c d iibslt inii ii-ly. II-;-foie .-ho take', her pl.10 in the s, tbait it is her "Inly, in campany with iicr iiK'lher, to wet p copiously. This part of lln: ciToirony i- In 'pi' ntly ob hi.'ived even In mi le c;vi!i. d bin is. A 1 10011 as the wonieii have siiil'.'l t liem-eivt-s in the paiaM. ii a sliaago c :ne takes A ii.elnbt r ol '.be lalllily lakes a bed coveilel ai.d holds it i:p with two corners tolled in ci'ih hand. Another throws into th" air thiee haul takes .which tin bri log to. 111 lias stnt for ihe purpos ) so that they fall into the c .venct ; .lur ing this o I" in rr: y llm bit le inurii'.iirs good wishec Inr the futur . 't in pi.'-ces.-ion, iiii'luduig belli i'llle mid 1 1 1 I - -(room and I heir at lendants, then moves oil', nccompae.i" d by music and I'ne works. Ued capped servants c arry along the articles i f 'uraitnr: lo bo taken from her own In) no i"r th u so of the b:i le. It i :iu 11 iwnll 11 law that every ore, p 1 r a:. l nt h alike, ti n t r iiiiil i stand ing while 11 wedding p:is-e, as ll was re ceiilly the 11 ivi-rsal custom in Italy to remove one's hat as a luaeial went by. la Ciii:i't even a man I ari l imi-l nbservo this tu .loin, and if In m-ets lb-; poor est wedding train, even though hi le on horsebiik, it is his .Inly In dis mount iin l show this honor to ihe young couple. When they arrive nt Ihe the liiidegrooni t l.e yoitu ; man alights and invites the bn le to lollow him nn I leads her into the inner emit! of tin house, where the Iiii.. let is laid. II. te tho lilaide.l removes Inr veil; lln: toiiplo gret I tat li other ami wash their hand s, he on the north an I she on the -i-iiili tide of tlie court. She makes couitcsi'js to him and ho two to her, and then they sit down on opposite sides of I TTc: table. The man stands up and invites lilt; iiuiiden to drink wilh him and lliiui sits "town ; then she ri-. s, invites him t 1 drink with her mi l takes her soil. Tin 11 tiny dunk, lir-t out i l separate cups, ami aitcmard from llo. ban -a glass. M em Inl in o : I 'Oil o I ' I ": tli') lalli I - I '.b y "i g m i. li i - v t I; hi, , j i; , and in a . . : h-r Ir- ' i with lie: ! m 1 u ' ' . 'I ; " ' ,. :,, a y I e'l -in . a da .' i i S.t. I' i:i lb w hole time ' !: I I k I I la i ;:; i i lh: bii'l.i! i r, a ,d ll is a : i . if m y of lie---- me c :. ia ; i li I. torc-liad owing th car v -I : I !i . I ' . !i i ii le or It i legr'-oi.i. 1 I"!'- 'wi i lay lh pair go into 1 h : c- d ""I'' ' I lh b "!.. wh r lh .- in : !' v I by . in- p:.i . i,is o I I In- vi.. .in. 'I ii i ' i : greet I b in, I It 'a in - I h ::: - v - - a ! he gi.ttiii-l. Tin- y- U' ri i : ' H 1 I ' - , and t he w if.) makes u ,., .1 .-; . lc-i::,ts to In-r bil-b in t' . during th" nt xl !' w day I i v. i e i- i ; . upati alt h-r bus a..d'. i : nv -, i li pays the s:,m t in I -y to i.- s. itli lius the t mi inoa le.. are i.l a i ci.'i. I'l'nne.- I) -inoi rat. A I'lilciitiatic l.n.'lislii i I :. In o ii- " I 1 h : w .1 - ia ill' t -ei 1 1 ' n! of 11 1!, p , in lh" last ,--:.t ;iy, 1 i :.. h I! .gl Old .and S,. .i i wit a .i I. ii Hi, twoo I, an 1! ; i-b --ll;-:, wi. taken pno.aer by ; h I ' I i i, ii t mi pany w itii t w -atv ".lir- : Sp.i i it 1. I'li'i"'o Mi'.iii"e, who wis ia c -i.i. .i.ii-l of tin) Il'.i'cli, in li re 1 th-.l - i !.: ' I la . prisoners should be ::l I" 'I n' i i:i id-taiali-m for a like s -al e .--pa---l u.-. I .i;ht l)ii!c!i soldi T. n-.l lei; !':lor'. 1" w is o: it red that it s, ul I ! : I' ll. I" I by lot upo.i which ' Hi" pfl si"-ei-. the dealil p.'ll l.ty sho'l I I ill. V . n liie 11 :-.' i -linrin's t i::i cam1, h" -tp-w a lot which In'd him lh ll hi lit" w a -pate I. II e sM'l m.ii.i'i r I u' :; I by to s;e th I,-,' of t no "il. a I ul or tea!. Presently, lw or llireo ftl il I- iv- in:; been ilrnwa, a Sp miar I .-l'-p; d .-ul to pi.t In. li ml ill i ill" helmet an I bowed a great r:l:i" t aoe to d ... II - drew back once or ; wle and .s"i":r 1 to i c il'lder a gi,-n' m-;t-i 'tain. "Ai : you af.-ai I a-k "I a i lli r. ' N ',' sail Ihe Spiniirl, "but 1 it .t i! i. w rung to make my "'iv:i ban I lh: in ti i- i:n nt i f my own d - it it. I c in I i w . ing'y, but 1 fear tlie guilt ol a su: i I -." ( i o;:;. li i.'.'W "i I, the 11 i ;li -iuu .11, here .!";. d lor w ir l. "II .v.: v -u av lil.ttie,'." In aik.-llheS.i-.iird. "Y , ' .-ail 111" l.itt" r, "Ilia- I'.v I'..: il-u:;," "Veiy ..... d," R.i I II , . wo ,1, "l.r .11 i I giv.: ll to in-. I v.;., stuil ! li i !..i:;t-'.' in ytmi p ;.c ' "lb- i. a ! ! or a in uliii i ," s.iel ll. ' ;' ': 1:1 f m- m.i'i'l, "he do not .b - : -. I ii- :i ; in: h is so piovi I -nli'illy ; I.'. .1 o I. I. '' I.i-m take th: t h i-.'e i a I he .: li n' - pi .e .' ll'lewool pill iii-ban I i.l o i he b -lii'.it ami again tin w bin. -elf safe. "A tcr y il h id e-c tp -I on. . ,' lh . lli-- I a ke 1 I him, "what n.nde ymi li s y-oir iilOj again.'" "li' . in "'." '-.i I be, "i :!i u :!.! j 1 ha I a bargain. Yosi I ll-k lev .He t Very day lor -i p', an i b t.- v. ; a eh inc - t ' risk it fir I w v t r vv .s. 1 Coil. dii' t b i il go l-t, sp y !.'. '111.11 kalile liiston ol .1 M.'l".il. ' A Iai g": in Ii o i it - lo . Ii "-:i r -c - i v ' ad led to til" C"!!"'i li ia "! th ' I'. .".'.! i i : ' N llm i il Ma- ii n w iii li is rem ii I. il e ' I .1 its hi lo y no !"-. Iha i b i l! s . .. ! I' b i- been ke.ou a 'in . v i- a t .-, j a'. I i.i I ;-'i an attempt w ,, m ,.b- !., : ! niov: it ! I oil i! lor a! i i '. ..I 11 e b-g," ; t re. k I i li .hi ". It w i , ii--w. v r. ir: suet -e-sfiil. I.'-I y -ar .-. rai tt.i I . t .:n di I" I t i w il I.i i a "-iil t v " ! j ; n ii, s of If ie .", uad as I tu -r v. i i prospect ' f a i: ' m r itppi.i n il I . t ', : I m ai Inline, lh" it .i.Tap! it i! S.-eb I, .d I ; ll , .. .1 .i,, i-, i ! ok ll. it nl it i ... it. , v -I i i b i id, mid ntl.-.i I" I t"' nu-.) 'tin i.e.- :.,ny !u ' 1 . lo m p.i h tli w.nk. I', ilo : lib.-, a e. a I Sty linen I Per ol the ii i l. ll l l Iv " ll -i. ! lo j iiirnisli tlie m lie;.. An e- niv.-i, olli -cr I n nine I Cai v il!n, I: b id b i 1 s un 1 peri-""..-! il Ira a ; mlng h .ivy can on over ne mn'.ai a mats dunn: tin I'.u.i guay in "ar, took char ; el ' h r -uiova'-, I Tlie "bill lllties w T" e i.i' lll'ills; ill ! mete, iito w.i.h 'l over -H-i .i ton1, and nol , v n lie- . n i.i: i -s of t o: ii nam r i 1 1 were to li.- ba I li-r il s tra ;sp.irl. o. -r i ei lit v t 'mi oi arv hi I I ; s hnl to : e ; constructed, ant ono in u.liiii ch .in li -1 to ia- cr i-s" !, i- vo hi., i ii-.- . I s el leet in ' "em A II t iv : six no i. I ii - I ef iiar I Wo; k lh' uet"., i! e was go! I:'l to lh r.,i'i.)a I, laiv ui :io:u th i lo i li.ibi.a, lint them'e i.y ' i I n Kb nii'l'; I il W IS final V dep.' H ' I ' ,!,.'y i.. til ! National Ma uai. Sti-iuili Am ri - call. A I.UXUl iillll Ncolcll lililpc Villi'. Th: iarg'st spitim-n el a glowing grape vim- in Ureal liiltaini. lb - '.Ink II unbiirg vine ol lent 11, ii l',-rt-!,in', N-.-t!si I. 'I ; is vi'ie, plan t e I s, ui ii years ago, hi" a in:.i i slein tw. '.ly Two itit lies in cin iuu 'ereaee,; ih t e y li 1 - .1 glass h .us,) -Jill le. t long, an. I is ml growing as rapid.)' as . v r. lis ) "M til present year wis 'J .", Is In, tin-, ,.( wliieh oily o HI ave:a:ing t wo p.-u els ac ll, w re a lowed lo ii.ttup. A -lib. stnntial -ul. soil of Iciil-'uobl ivns u-i' I wile., the vim w is p'ni.t"d, but tho only extra ii.a'rrial llm i I now re ceives it iiioken iione- ii ha', -inch I i-r 'I bis Kia i ll i i"' s'Xeeeds in -i.e tin . a ill ' us Mm',-. II hi, burg :t II imptnn court, the pn ci brurclns of w Ii i i-Il an n iml 1 I.i ta t bmg, thou :ii its t i i.k i- : hi: t y t i 1 1 i file-, l i , i; t inn ference. I'.irm, I'ljl I 'jd locikUiiil. Coil II Hi.nii. Wh t 'vei' you have lo so , my li i.aiil, 'l,ril. ! w it: v. i- ni'.-ne, "e- ;'! - t '..;,. I :. - a iiiu-ii a vi" '!! '"Hi, Aii" I in ti.- I' .ell' -I way : ,l:-l wl..-l:i.-." "."l wn!" "li tiil'-al litt.lll's. 1 1 1 pin 1 1. -nl.. r I lone;- in low o. .I...I .1 w.-i.l of l.m l's a.h my fii'tnl- l:.-il 11 il-.w ii. I l' 1 1 ' j 1 1. pl.atl.'l'ing 'IV' r a p.-!"."-. I..-1, n . ai;,!. ot In:.-. Wi.'.lld 'I '. V. "if I ilM.-r l.-s,,le:. . 111:11 ll. V"il so", Ti, ,1 il,.. I 1. .el I.i. I.- 1 I only tin-. 11 :h. I- , ... .... I, I " 1 I'-I.l lotell, U ', 'ill.' !! hill'' ItilfWII, 'loin I. -a I y.-ur wi-li.iuv friend - I , it v, ,. W ! n will ni an .-ilU'l.- I'l I he 1 -I'" s-, V : : h- r a ' m i , ju -I Ir." T !.!! r c lit tin ll.-l.t - in He- l-w. -! sveil'l-, i I it le. i- -p ; 1 1 " 1 .!"'. : .:;.! Wh II I! I- ll'il !l' '.It'! Mil -lippo-" ll i- -I -i- i.;- -o H I "!. I .In-.: I..-. . it "M-i- "le '- M'-re, .-in-1 ll" e ! i. ,,. it .t o. u. j I ,,i ii' ' "I ' i" 1 I I " t" print j .An ..r - I- I 1 ' j A i '1 ll ..' -a'- i- i -' ' P .-. a - u: I-- -: o-l- I :i t I; .i w : it'-, in- i , aid I. !'.! nun IVl'i I ! Ill M:;!!i . A In! ball '! i." !:. ll m iy : on.; I pma i i a', bV. I :S j in.- ,-'-r w , ul I i. ;;i. ' i 'I'. i make a ;-.-!-. ! iv sht.r. Send il i 1,1 in- editor of a : .- .,. r. ' ' :. It ::' ;.r - li- tl j'ldges of I '""i- !' -! W.e: :" ."kc-l ! I ' I; '- a " r t ! I i I .a 1 o:-e," s:ii 1 ' si,,.. "A I win :-, ' .::;-p .-.," I be. I s, ;, ,ili,-', -!,, is i ,ik-i ..! i-i ! p., ., o r. u:-- ,e: y 'i:il- si. avers j u;; .,-!.,-.. A - n; ,.1 l"'V, i ' ; a; I : i. r - '! a sen t : . o :al!,i ;:;!:.' '. ! I ".. i may, ' p:,. ;i:.- I I , I . : . i ' il -n.:..y imtr- i,' s i..'. i . .:' Ml li iai : . . i'o .'I ' u t ai l' M'. I III: -. i:. Iii.. . : V :: r i v e ui'Uil li f Mi., !t ii .ri i .'. .i i i ;; vi -Itully): -I, ...It I .-.:. ' -'i "-.,;- th.t v. le n bur w oi,n ll I :"'" 'v 1 l- '' ' '' !" : ' 1 , alue " i ki i ; a". i. . t .. . I'. : p..v ni'-nls . ; I in . k i i., I ,r no: hing ex. I,, i- w:!i a p il:-1 p 'I. :. v un ; in i . m Try c 'lurorl v i oi i i i .r ; ' a-k . ci-riespott ! "lent. V- -, ! " .a:.. ui i:"' wiilbo ! i ti sr--- 1 m ci'i s . r 1 : 1 1 1 all I w .id .. - . , ,.. . ,:, ,v .-.,:.".,;:. V' tl I" i a.l.c I a hu -I a I -;i- ii i-u'l struck ' .- -t," ai.sw.-: ! the wit.; nn-ekly. !i i .1. vei ylbi:,- 11 an; li-i'i- ;, u'.l' ' I I '11 m wlial, M ri sin 'h- r, I .1 n r n. .i iy a girl . I ., 1 n I in v i ; : . : i i ?-. ' ' ' . ,i. i li. '. I tier , . : -.v i '.lii ui:, I j y..ii want to .,-: ; I. . ' W .. .! do V' U ll'.iidl n paper !"', 1 ; 1 .! t i i. I' ow . " :.:t a I il illv i iplired :m I : i.l ; "ill u i ,-', t iia g i " ' uall V i I.l I. -I" : ; " . year, i: a I vaiicc," .,-. ,.n b d :i e Hi r, ".m l '. 'i ' w n. ) I, r I ui y-.! -." v. : ! ii s ;.i now l.lli a ; "1,-ad a! ,." 1 1 . i 1 1 . . i i t i in i ii i a -k" I l' i' a .. i I lli-. le ad a- glV I. I V il llllt - .. .aii ur in a b I s. i,, :,:..! it is :.;,;,! j. tu -, i el. -ail y - in mil I ' I i p- ; 1 i -. a :' w w a.v tin -girls have of .., Ui .- a i,. :'l -I : n boys. Mist, i llnllam, ':., ... lore !'. ! :i am, lie C. vi:o t"!l i. -,',,,-:, v. li, -a a- S; .inker Ciili-le's ,,.,: .. : ,:, ih,- T I . i uti I, is tho ..: Iv i.ian in lb; I .'lil. 'l Ma'i s who bus a. th iai, not lo si.y legal rii-hl lo tho til ,, i i-i. Wh'Ui l'i,,. I n Knoll, w i i I i t I governor ..I K : I m ky, ho in. : ! i i I i.l m thai h" w . ui I likO v i v ii. m h to nu.!..' him a member of la; mi.!' ai . si . 11, wilh he tiile of ct I-".' I. II illam e.iol.; bat k Ihat ho w a- , i. i . I I.- bin I ut I'm ui. l.t ibcio Vi-.-' t ii l:.a V i ! a- Is 111 lv'lllll"Uy : T . ; h- w. i I' ' w- ii d like very i- -. , :., I ,. s !. if, sl.,ll, :i:d ll i- : t ' i i u! I a p a I hiin a- a I i i Mi--l-v b" v ul 1 v. :y "li.Uy a.-e.-M, Hy l-i i: ail i." :" t iii:ii!:i ion as 'Mi ! i ' in tie- -. , t r i I - si ,o; , .loc- 11 !,, ,.l wll! : W Iftl-S i :i il l".l -lilllO ! r me en lie '' li ol bi - ei" '. Il was , ''";' 1 1 .. lam, w ho, iii -t tin-- .I.i I : II" ;g ol ,- - ir !!, i i, p o v d I o I ike him. I, w a - .r -a i lie iia I bis ''.anc.i ; w i.. -a II- a-k d him wh'.llii'i- l.e lul.l t , vei i- ,1 'II. :aiiis i . n n.e: t i i"i." - oh, m ,'' .-.l I II i.-iue, ''I wiotii ti:"'." "'II::, u'c-- tin tiigiual ! I! I . ,. 'i ipm ! II ' V said : I! . .; ".n.d nr.y I a-k w I el In r ymi j ,.re tin: iri'iaai ! .' ' Nt:W York i ijj-.i: hie. I "" , Ton lllllliy. Chai be (dej c t. .1 y I -S.y, Tom, I'vo I b"-l my gin. 'I'"'"- -N Ibnv di 1 il hupp m '. 'oar. it Aw, 1 was all tig i I lier too finny for m r. To loi funny' What do you 111- a :. t'liailn- i , y ti -i i', sh" w a i t razy lo i, iv i pi 1 d" , s,- :'nv io r a pug iii.d : . I Inr I t- d lh ,l kin ! Lu te i a :. a' i h d Inr i o .e -o p. r t t ly. S-. : I' i.i" t ke a tunny man, ,i.y h.w , Vi' i-hlnc;loii CiT.lC.