: i - !jc !)at!)nm ttccciri. il)c l)atl)am Hctori. U. V. J.OINIJOIN, KDITOII AMI) l'UOl'KlKTOI!. HATIiS ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, OM D0LL4R PER YEAR Strictly inAdvance. line scii;il(', inn: insertion lini' siimir, two Mini rtiniiH Oin: (iiiiirc, oih: month - 1.00 1.50 - '.'.00 VOL. XL IM'I TSI,,()0 CHATHAM CO., X. C., SKPTKM WVM '27, INS. Fur lur-fi Hlv-rti- mi -"" trails will lii? mudo. (Lgi Ailt anciil Mil ill Os. Jinn'.- book-, ii iv I hi mini's nllmlit- Itcyoii.l .and I'liliis less-ns lii -'I'll.' los ..us ,.f II... violet. Tin. Ihi-ro v,1 letters .if lh.. sky; Tli.. love i if li 'ititv, hl,..s.iine. s .il, 'l h.- Ini;;- mill til, tln (ran. inl t..il. .l.'ll.llill Miller. Blossoms Chatigoil His Lift). "Oil, Frank, how lovely tliU uir is! II w I pity the people in thu tlty! 'I o iliin'i iinyniio tin. ii. l livo i:i n lily front clinic!" "1 won'. I n't .1 imp your enthusiasm, K ite, Inil, ii t r n'.l, a man l.'fi nut sec m ull uf tlio eouitiy; hu in only liUo u chicken wliirli nun i homo to roost, ml J every ono does l.ot (I i ll pill in ciitcll i ii tlm t ruin twice cncii il iv I can't Miy I'm ipnU reconciled to it myself, litlt 1 ii.ii l be i IT! (i jnd-hyc, In. lh of you," ai:'l living his young xtilo and littlo J: ii hi r a i ni:i:; U i -i. Mr. Travis ran (or th' i whoso wirninc; diriek ruiil I In- heard i:i the cl i-. t :i ni-i1. K ito TruvU lin ;rro.l on the porth. It win her first c. cri'.ii'ij of ft who'.o year in tin1 country, nnil every day brought m w dei;hts. S!io hid dis covered "j ii y-willows'' down ! the brook, iii:1 hil l learned how warmly Maine N.l i o h'.ankclt thu t c 11 ler i;tiipc vino leave. SIi ; had found tlri shy violets' mi. I nnciiior.Ls' favoii'.o liili i' plnroi, mil ilec'stl her iitt'.u hour! with liuirel, nn I p-v. 'lied i:i the 1 1 o I i ; 1 1 1 s uf lettuce ninl r i.l li'h.'s of her "own r.iis '1'liis i .! I irulnr M ly iiioriimc; was it l..y i:i w hit lithe inert: (act tint one whs nlivj wn n joy, and as thu y.iin! wii'o Inokcl nt th. fleecy ohm I , the hillsi 1 :s bright with rye, and tlio mlurl om: muss of l-.ivlylil.ns.iins, sh-j siliv-l I.ir very f.Vi'-s of happ'riost. "1 wi.h 1 had ;iv.::i Frank a branch of tipple-blossom' they won!. I h:ivo brij-htetii' 1 up that dro.ry 1 tli '," thoii,'ht 51m. Tr..vi.. Sin, like lh rest of u oltea hi I tins. aftor-i;n-. lilies, 1. ill somehow this ono would tint I 0 shaken nil. K .to Travis was not a superstitious woini.i, yet such a I lira l:ii desire to fcn.l hor huslmuil somo of tlio hrijl.t, .lilie ite I 1.m.mi:is orew upon her th it -Ii . leare l to rosi.t it. .l ist I eforo llu -t 11 1 1:14 of the next train, 11 hippy thought .-trtiek her, nn. I, ilonnhi;; her ,'-ir.len hat, h ivi i-; ha-ti:y .ithere.l threo or four Iriiii iful i-prays of the 1. 1. moms, she liitM'i ; 1 to tho trai l. Yi.-s, .laek i.rot w.u tier;- ho t.-ik tie! later triin ipiito often, Kato thought, 1 er..l iu'.ly, for sh i k ! hy many littlo s'lnsth t .1 ic was not ijuito so att'-'ii-livjt i hii-iiiess, not ipiito so truo an.l 1 -inly us he hvl luen. .Ink, on hi. si le, :.ti h.-.l thol ri'h, . a ;er fair) as it caino near, "i'liat Tr:ivi- H a Imky fellow," hu thoiilit. "Aller a'l, what a fool a fellow i.s to wa.to tiino .-r money on earl, ami t heat re '." "(lh, .1 i k I ' iMliiiini .1 Kate, lir.vith 1 s.'.y 'I li.'ir yelir 1.111.I01', M. l.r- . t ! I'.. in. I you utoi into my IiilImihI's ollii:. in. .1 oivo him theso Mossomsi This lira'.ch i f..r y. ii.'' .huk hail only tin;e to m. v.: the tlow 1 rs an'l call out 1 1 1 thank s lor his si: iro l.eforo ho w is whi'Ie-l aw.iy in that ro e ill. si f itc tli i I rai l. Tliero Hiii' twi nasoris why .Ink ll-r.ct h.-el taken this lutor train, theu-li even to himself ho aeknowl e l.;eil I. ul one th it, as Im.inesi was s in k, It Wis jll.t as well to sleep a lit- e later this -prin weath-r. lint, hi l .len far iir of siht was ntnther n .-noa ami .1 11 k ha 1 ii-t I. en welleate.l when llint reason became apparent. "Hello! Thoii;ht y..u" I ho on this train. t'oini' ahiatj in tho .smoke:; wo'ro just m iki-i' up a Inii'l." "No, thank you," sai.l .Ink, with a .iteision that -urpiiu-.l himsell ipiito us inneli ns his comr ido. "Why, what's up? Tun nl tu-ty? Come, you'll hivo your reven;,'0 oa 11:0 today. I s-houl'ln't v. on ler if you won onou.'h n havo a hiriv to-niht." Tho pcrfiiu.o from tho pple-hlossonis had ivn Jack a wonderful p'easiire, uot unmixed with hilterness, and when his coiiirudj leaned ov. r to whisper tho list fonle .co conlid jnti 1 ly, tin odor of tnlc tol iiai co and liquor seemod 111 IjenrnlV. Jack fairly blushed with manly i'urao, "io, 1.0! ho sail; "I'll havo nono in .t soit i f thin-; t liia morniaL'," lid, with a -idle 1 reali. .t ion of hi s 0 wn I Ij !iine,s aud tl.is had fellow's power ovj; -hi.il, J .ck doli licratoly walked over lo ol.t D.'.icon Tail and seated him-e'.f by hin.. Tho donenn was surprised. Youa' m.n di I uot tuko ii.ueh to him. Per haps ho k.ew ho was, at ti s, tho mark for their j ikes. 15 it tho 11 ivvors holppil matters. "Them's hoauties, 1 do declare," Kiil the d 'acii', "and I'm qla l to eo n yolinf; fellow lito you think cnoii;h of Vm to carry 'em to town. Why, I r meinb'T when a flower just chunked my hull future." Tit mo ah. ut it, 51'. T-i't," said J tk with a sense o'. having escaped Iroin imiiiiae:;t peri'. "Wa a', 1 doi.'t know as I've told a person about 5tiry's rose in year, and ct any body had told me livj minutes 10 tint I d h i' lei tel'.rie; it to you, I .1 h..' ju t '.in; :'i .1 ' i', 't !' I t u.cU :i lUsHou . Uat setiu' tin 111 tipplc-hlrssnms has lituu-ht it till buck mighty sirnnp, "ti l 1 fool soiter drawn ti yu, .link hirsct, M'ci'i' you with '.in.'' .lick felt almost as if ho mi'htto miik.i sumo ili-i liiinier; yet surely ho de.-erv 'd nniie 110 lit lor turning from t.'tiiplalion. Alter a few inuiiienl, the )e co 1 he.:an: "I nnsii buy nln ut fo.n teen 1 s'poso yen think old I . neon Ta!t has I een roii'itiy l-oi 11 and I red; lilt at that t ine I'd t ever ;i en tho 1 mint ry ; never .seen orass J could ti.uiipon; tu v r seen I'irdi'c'pt in cai;es; never fcen any t li i :i tt I w R"i'i' to say --11111 nii-ery, diit and pov. tly. Hut then, that would n't be till', foi th'io was ono lovely thin: b-foio inv iv", ni-;ht and morn lau, n-il Ih-it was my sist r Miry. She was 11 he.-iuti'ii! oirl, i tit sli '.! b 'in Kick lor a Ion:: tune, a id mo, though sh did nil .-h-. con I, .she couldn't do iiiu.li more t'ni.n keeph- t .e'.l' sw nnd clean. Mother ha I Ii d when I v. a a baby, and I supn-o It w is tin; Ii id wirk nnd fath-i's d: i-'.kin-,- (hit hi I riek-'ied th" 1. 1 .jirl. I'mt I w is te i 1' you abuut 1 that .Inv. It wis a hot .lien: day. I'.itii r h:-l been -pecial hi; I 0:1 11 -, nnd the la-t thin.; he'd l..ne w it to ct me a 1 laic ill a ilrinkii:;-s.-iloO'', wh'to tic 10 wis a lot of i iin!.iiu' yoin' on, t. o. My l.oy, y..u'le a'l i inoeent, wel!-br.-uht-lip you fellow" (.lack lifted thu m:iss of blo-soms to his lac, ami their delie do pin k seem 'd rill 'Ct- din Ins ch.'i'ks), lot i' y. 11 ever knew what 1 know of the w ie i d :uss that cauls and liipi-ir may b'a I to, you'd imt won der at tho old deacon's 'nnrrow-iii-R-. Well, as I wis :i-:iy in, my father 'd found me ill place, and I'd I hi en nt it lor ji: '. a w ok. That 1 ri- day cvenin' I Wis t . b - paid, a id 1 hid a orcnt plai ii my heal. Mary w is ju-t cr.'.y . ' r tl .w r-. A missionary I idy ha I brim ;ht her a htric'i unco and n.-ai", and III ! w if sho doted 0:1 'tin was jii.t s urprisi 1'. ).ar, dear, how olten l'v.: thought of M iry when I s'.o tho y.iuno-t rs pu'diu' ll iv.;r and ih row in' 'em away !" Toed a. mi pnu'-d a tnonient. ,1 uk broke ell' a bit of th ! Ilos.oms, and, with lh.' ntl.ness of a woman, f is -tone 1 it i:i the old farmer' coat. " l h 1; Iv e ! thanke ! I 11. v r 1 u'd pick flint-I io-m iiis luv-elt, but I doa't know hut llnw-r. i. as : i. ti. -1 1 ne. -de I as Ituit. Wi'li, ai I w,.a- avi.', I ha 1 a p'li. I had s en a I v ly r-s.'-l.ii h in a pot lit tlio conn r "1 01 ery. M-.d meant to buy that lor Mrv. I priced r ; twis jut twenty-llvi: sent-; and I I uatchol i-iviy .1:1-.' a i l 10 one h d i...:i lil it. Now, this in iv. i:-. I meant I'liy it ai d keep it in (: .aloon liil I 1 ;;et 1 IT, 'at" at :il -lit. I'.M when 1 to tli- ncciy ill - ii... -1 -1 1 -h w.ira't there! "I v had a mm 1 111 lay ili.'p'int ments one way aid ae..-th"r, I in I don't knows iv r I felt ono wu-s. The . !;roc.-iynri i w is t.ilki 1' to ft I i ; 1 i:i';h I hi .kin' b l ,v, but I w is lh .t e 1 ;er 1 j cou'.dn'l wail, and I jut ru li d 111 an I j sai I : 'You ain't sold th:! 1 o I 11 di .' ' j "I u.-ss I h.oked mi ;hty airnest, for ! titty l oth 'k "I at ill1, and tlio i tho mill .aid: 'li', luM.y, 1 sum it v. sb-t lav afternoon. I .tit 1 her.-' oth'T ih.w ets I Id . man's ju-t bavainino for me to Inly some of h 1 - 11. 1 "Are you so bind ol l .'.v.-rs, . i-ll'iy ?' sai l the strain." man. "I tol l him I w inte.l th'.' r ise for my ister, who u a. sick, and then I said I hid t-'ld Miry how nt'y the r..se was, a:;d, thou.di shediin'l know I w is to id it, I'd meant to b it - I" I bor rowed tho money fn 111 I..111 ' cause, 1 wouldn't bo paid 0 IT til 111 i-1 11 i'ht. " 'Mi Illicit ! A littlo f.-llow iiko you !' ' e xclaiuicl t ho hi man. 'And where do you work lid tui liii lit J" "'At the bi:j saloon iinuind the cor ner,' I ai l. '1 ain't so y oii.i";- - I'm fourteen !' "'And workiniii'i 11 saloon' AViint does that fister ' your II say to that' said the I i-- i.'io. "Shi feels mijdity bad about it. She fti'is an I ri".s. Ji'i: I t 1 her I won'. I n't diiik, not i! t.'iey kill.d me, nor 1 won't play car I.; and tonight 1 11 have thr..') dollan for M .ry.' "Tho urucerymaii had .ono to another ciistonu'r. Tho bi ttai-'or stood lookiu' mo over for a ruinuto or so, and then ho laid his h it 'I on my shoulder and sai I: 'Iljw'd Maiy Iiko you to li vo 011 a farm, so my "I told him that th it wis j 1st what made Mary feel s i b 1 1. A lady had told her to pray about every thin";, and Maty had pray-'-l an I prayn! tint I mih'. o to work on a iarni as if thtro were farms i:i Mew York City 1 " 'Njw, seo here, sonny,' taid tho 11: nn, 'you just look in that cov red wa'on and pick out the 11 iwers you'd Iiko fur 51 try, and the 1 tell mo where sho livns, an I I'll !oand s.u her.' "You'll boli vo I stepped up to that waoa pretty lively. It was just fu I of roses littlo pots and bi ones. H it I hadn't a minut i tj spare, and 1 pu led out a beautiful pink roso that 111 llu 1110 think of .Muy's rlifkunt ni;lit, and toll him where we liv.d; and th-ii 1 ju t 11 :w sroiia I tho corner. 1 was late, .1 d the til in wn mighty cross. The police had Iccn in tho nic;hL before, and I .nt liar I w r l and 'Pin : blow-, b it I ii In lean -M ry w -ul I Inv tin roe! I h ivoa t tint! to tell you how the mou liiikafaucy to mnko un diinkthat ev.uii'i;', and how my own father, ha'f I tipsy as ho was, helped 'em on; but at last it wn time for 1:1 to leave, and 1 asked fir my ay. .Ink, ju-l think how I li'lt wh"ii that si.loon.kn -per told Hie my father had taken my pi'.v in 1 1 I i" r ! I was stilT and sine I h id !" 0 1 up late for set' 'it ti :hts; mid now I hadn't a (en! 'or M uy ! "I ar. b'u! Mow n ill conn", buck to tin ! W !'. I ot h-me !i..w, a id c rejit up .soltly, ho in ; slmwas a-li-ep l ilt she was sit ; i i . up in be I, It. r cheeks Iiko tho t o e l y h -r si lo a id li-r eyei shir.iil'.'. I ji:sl tl.i w- myself 01 her bed and 11 ie ! -1 In 11 di I w as a I oy - and sh i had m 11 .0 eaoii ;h to let lilt'. Hut pietty soon Ii.e;an to dst-u to what shewnt sayiir; and she eel tain y hl.d news. Tni. jf inaa was riming for me tin- tn-xt d.-.y and I w .s to live at hit h'.iis'. h I'lu't chi. k nor i-hi I an I hi. wi e w-nil-l be obi I to have a I ny around, bo-ides his nt'li'ii help. "Well, th ! Ion ; .'tad th 1 short of it was, I w 'tit aid I stayed; and when tht! dear oi l man an I his wife d i. .1, they treat. .! 111" like 11:1 own thild and I 'It ir.e a:'." "And M iry J" Tie! Meat 111 wipe I his fate ntifit wen a .lino day iu-tea l of a May day. "Miry.' Miry w is liku th-so hero blossoms to.) Leid r and delicate to list Ion.;. Yet ptrh.ps tin: find has coin: in place of the blossoms- -I wouldn't h:t' been much tuo in this world if it w ira't fer Miry." .1 ick sat silent I". .kin-' at tin blos- i soiii-, W is not fitiii 1 -mi:i ; front th it j far-nlT lile nv ' i 11 nv ; Aa-ith-r lif: w n I cli!i:i"0-l that tl iv by mean, ol a flower -only a bloss- 111 picke 1 before it cuul I I I'liieiil'y, but shall wj say "What a j 1 '':' Kroin th-.t day .l.i-'; Ilu -et tl ited twit friendships, ll-loro iono- )-ai:-i:i I Taft knew th" -tory of ninth, r tlower, I for .lack co-iles-e I to tli' oil lirnir I his pr.wr-ss on the .! own w :.r I road land how a limi-h of .--l -bbi-sonn had stopp I htm, wiiih- K .(.. Travis and her 1. us: and l.-arne 1 to io.1'5 l.-r .1 ek's ci 11 1 1 ti 1 as on of tin si.nplt,. pl-asur.s of their .piiet home, 1 1 1 1 Ie dr.-aniln- how -:; ivi ll wis th i in 1 ul .. In -en I t h i appie-blos-niM to t u:i. il'hrislia'i I' nit) 1. 'Hie I'alii'iil South A iiieii.-.i.i lluiro. The I U.T.. 1; a v -iy 1 ;t. .. -li ; I. i ie;, with his -i- 1 i . ii ; Sac. hi- c hi t en I men t inder a har I ( .t, !i ptii !! in I r a I eel, an I hi. int. II jn-tice. w-.it-'i a S -nth Aiti"iiian c rr.'-i'ii :d- nl ol lh : -iiiui -r-cl: I il It-'. Il l via c 1 ts i.othi- t. Turned out .t in'.it 01 th: ".n'-i," ho li .tls it anion lh s i ;c an I ot n r we d '. II-- en "o l-ii ; With. nt' w iter. The tridiliin 1- tit it Ii tan I v on 1.0th. in;1, and th 10 is to isi Lrel: prat t-c I faith in :t. I 1 lh -ti-..- .-t, i 1 trout of the Miopiy stor -, a -i"i-' nl lh ei miyhj en of a luoinin . it a !,,.n-- i, Inline il'. Th 'ir bin I "i s :: !. t a 1 -port itioa comical 1 01 k -t v in rn'il 01 thi otlnrsid: t.o-.; .11 1:01 wh-.-lbir-tow. 'i li.i ldl is li-ar ; t . 1, hi 1 ; ;roua I, bai.i'.c 1 1 by I.. I sat k ; iron rail', one 0:1 e :eh .1 b , 1 11 en:i ; Sorwirdof him and 'lra,'i'i o hi 1 1 on t in r..u nd ; : all th ini-c l: 1 ie hi . 1:1 r.-i-,.il . of in tit . wn. kin ' aid ii1 lh: livi-i- sli:. plies j bt.11 :d nil his b.k il o'l a:.- shap '1 1 who.e bud. in k hi 11 I ."k -ti l sin t; ler. The adji-'ii; ril I 1. 1-.-. 111 of tin) s j loads i- a 1 art. Th burro, are also said j to havo a 1 ait of riii'.i-ij; h:.vily j wh l th" bi I is b i 1 : ul on, to cut it short. I.ui'l up, oil' th 0 in a j bunch, ur.'d by a 111 in .hi h-'iiebiit k, j until they mit-ii lie! nuairtain trail, j when they fall into sj 1 -i . li e, an cier ! ieucc'l om: in lh-: load. Letters of Ancient limes. A fin :.r.v :i Ilo disioV.iy his been 111 ado in l'l;pi of t ii.ii.ts, or letters, which co::ipo.e a lit-rary corres-pon.lei-.ci! of liVi.l to I'lnii years a:;n, canid on I 1 twee 1 llypiiaas and Asiatic'. 'I'll' ta-.tts now iii Yi-tina repio-ent I ! ! i s an I di patch ; 1 seal to l.jypt I'V '1"! oov.raors and kin-s of 1'alest.i ie, S. ri i, 1! iliylotiiii, and osie r countries ! west. -in Ada. Tin till is remark ib every wav, and opens th) pe .p'.e of that n;o to us with lie hness an 1 famili irity. I is t ie tr that tho literary spirit is very ancient, and I'ro'". Say co stir 111 i "is we -hill yet find linrarics of clay books. io town i 1 .bt l.ih was railed "It ink Town," or "I.inrary Town." Tin momentum of this dit covery will bo marked. Uich men should ln-itat 110 longer to unearth tho vist treasures of tho orient. Phila delphia I. ' l'-'er. Oiiicks.iuil. Qiicksand is compositl chiefly of small particles of mil l mi 'd 1 irely with water. The mica is so smooth that tho frac;m"tiH slip upon, each other wish tin greatest faci.ity, so th t any heavy bo ly which di pl ices them will sink and cont i.. 11 ! to sink until a folid tiottom is reai hi d. hca p irtie'es of samlare j i'ed a: tl angular, any weight pre-siaj: en them will crow 1 them to p ther until th-y are coniji ctod into a isolil mist. sin I .o.-ni-ed of miea j or soapston-, when -utli. i ntly mtte l ! with w ul 1 r. seems ii.cipibl.i of micU j c . so i l.iU'.n. ( IIII.IMCKN S CUM'.MV ...it 1 .mi l.'l I I i i.til' bear Muic little li-. 'lib! V.. hllle . Inl ii- .. .1 .. Ye know not wli .!' I .-f'.ie y..ii, So l.tni'-e up -1 1 1 I I.-- t I If' I'.oiii- ..tie l.tt I.- I r ai! I s Willi 11 .sl.a.li- !..'.tit. I'"- til" Moist of It. .III.'.-. M ii-l very -" 11 !. 1 11 1 I'., ar ..iii- bill h. ni l. V. t-e-. - ll.-lll . . I , -..f l.il... a bill . I. . nl, T il 5 our w .1 k 1- .1 I I ..!. p.'ll'lellt. lltlllri'll III 11 lllti; . It.) I.l'l. It w .1 . i-a: ly 11 M11 ; , e ii . a:;-i, when on" of th" hu.i ejr sell cisof i for ! coirily ma I" up his u.ind to in. ve hi faaii y fioin M i t ..ulni 1 ; 1 to th t laV'.lit'.' it i ,::. -' Ii id v-:i titlh: one-, .'Hid leu-. I tln-y i' 11' I no! e-i'l-ir" so I "II;' a join a. V 1 lid I lie pi" I . I n ; 0 il I . II iw do y hi think he took c ire of their. .' The lat It. r obtain- d (r un a in ij'.iu"i i .ret1, hi-h.'l, tiv Ive f:.-I by si an I four f'-ut !ii di. ll w is li te I on an c -led a id was ma.!-: lor tin ; 'iipo-e of transport j i; .pr ist teed. Th - v.-n lit! lo tuns wnie pa' k-d ii -trr.v ii t d. bis ket like so mmy kittens t r pi ,'s, an I Iliad .' th" i-iii::i",' -life mid warm. Tin bisk'-t is ye. i ei v ! I by th p: n u' i lesc 'lid i.ils. inw itan i M. I .1 ,ur lial. . I'el Ol'.tl. A sea' about two months ol I wiss.e-i recenliy by a I' Til in I 1 1 : ": ) I're-s r'por!.:r, on tin -leclv ol lh" -e.i' " .cr Ariz. Il l, which wis iniir.-d at th (Hu meri i il w harf. II 'is the skippei's p"l and a oreal fivoiit' with the i: v. The (' ipt ii:i .-aid : "I h ive In I tin littlo tcl'i w about six we. k -, havia; t'lil.'ht him at Stable Island. ll'Wis a'.cep wluti I cmi" upon him and before he knew it 1 hil him in my arms. Ii threo days fr in tint lime In w i. in tamo as a do.', and will now b llow mo all over the v ;-s.l. Ii tin morni'i ; nt about threo o'clock tin s al ta'ies hit position ov r '.In hitch, and llnrelns wid cry until some one of the cr.-w "o"s on tl 'ci; and I. mis him. H I..- : w are cut-id" I thr -a him ov-i i. . ud and bt. 1 . i in -wini until lie i- dr.- I and :h--n ho is on y too ola l to be t i';"ii on board a.;. in." The little fellow se-med t.) te j y him elf in th" v '.sei's ib-c'. an i Was v ry foil I of lie: caresses of : In) crew. When he saw ..ii" of the men .appro: i - i i -j him h" would l.til I do lowar I It i I n and t"n-e lor a un u'hiul of Ii - li that was eneral'y '': 1 In o;n in ;. ''Ill loltll.' lltM'l'. At one plcluie-'pi o'. 1 tlnlched In.ii.e i i the fcie-t wiites a corre-p"i-.lent tr. in .l.ipan, wli"" a nnir-.-.v, -ido path a:u;!cs ri a' i i l '.' riu'it point to uivu one a Ioiil' ap; i. a-hi:.o vi- w ..f the moss and l.tch :; oy -. 1 thatch, ther-isau old pens; .nn r ii the way of a la i:e de r wrh a brni-i b un. Hit inli' niili- s work on every one's lei !iii ;s, and : iie old soldi. I ";..! t':'.'' til.i". his share of feed : n -, and ci.'wli away a'l tin Utile, s II. .w -. ll is imp. s i i" to e-cip: him, and al'ier i:r l.i-i:; -.mil t ir euit s w:!h th.- di-aM d v.-teriti h --ppiil-s aft r tin. 1 :i :i toe ill on the little '.;'ul of th" estal.li .bin i.t t-i hold hjm back whil-i the younger d.-er "..t a chant '. Slnli:oil;ht oil! a -:u :i '-1 b tinboo t w i .-, nnd with biiws rot hud en- n ;h to M'ire a but e.ll.', ini l" ("i t of re-l I al i inith"o'il scamp. Il w.i- a- nany a .si lit a t ono sees to w itch t'l-: iilt.e 'rl iind th-'th-er wre.l i a i d pi .yia ; am i- nl Iv across t h i "r :-s, t In d :.-i pii' u no more attention t-i ler ".-alb' whakt than to tin: ras. hopper's lea p t ii: t In) grass. lie tl '. '. H 1.1. Th ' I: lie w. av i I i .1 ..i " in I. : bd.r t t of A I Ilea, and, as their i:mii iidbat.H, they make a nest ly weivinp. A way from civi 1 ti..::, th yii ! -el I: r t -s.-s J 1.1 this purpi.-e, i nt i,I:i I i y -t v : t-n roltoii or nth r twins; ... ht n piv-n t j larot! bail of cotton twine th"v wt 1 not I Cen-e lint ll th" . ast i i. Ii is wove: IntiJ I the nest. The only ;cci:i,.n of ibis J family inhabit i: o N.nlii At.- lien i- :ho ! I'.i tiniore oii.'l.-, . inel i-ii.-. . I. d llie j han,' bird-, ..!, let roi.i.:, i I,-. Th, bir-l iiisiiilly iittath.-s iisi.e-t t"t!i- i i.-ncj i ends ol tli - b i a 1 1 Ie . i.f a i: . -1 mi t re ', t ho nest beiii' six or ci ;ht incins .imp, ami jrili.'ip.'l lik'J a pocket or ba;', and is) I 1 uilt as li'iii as if Hale of ha ;;:i:!ir. I This iiemb'T of lh w . .v i :i:d family : has a's-i adapts.' i i: '.: to the ways el I tivili. it ion, litiki ii its n-'-t almost en I tire! y of Iietiip. t.-tton twin-, and other .materials pullj I i ro:n .1 1 lT rent Inbtics, ei casi iii il iy u-ia -onie lnisehair. There is no lining for the m t except whit :s coinnaitly v. .v u i::t.) thu 1 fal i ie. Tl.is u 1 will o toti s-w y la.-.war I a:! forward .-.-veril fc. t in a ti!T i r.'- whi.o the eld i ill IS .sj'ti i Ol th.' cif i, Iii:. Is are . Id "in fri ;ht"::e 1 iy :n i-e or motion lie ited by nature or aniio. lis, except tin I W' -le'.;e I biic. I, wh:ch , sec ins to bj a. i t lieu v to t : i y t hmr be-'i:tiful in n -it lire, tlestr .yiu ; i ir 1 1 a: d pi nts i. ut o1 u; ' w antonne-s. fail. lien sht.ul i b-i tail h! net t.) tie--1 roy birds' rc-ts; the i nli 'i tltey srvi a . th y will know b. t; r :hi;i to sUuot butis j ut for fua.---j I'.c.tvu.ic. j Till: SIMOON. r .Vliirlwiii'l lliil Swcfpi Over 111" Ail'ilMIl Ih'M'I't. I! s t'.rnof.ititin ninl Inciilontv. m Itii TcitiIjIo Carcur. 'lit: mot remark al. 1) of the hot. w i-:d m the simoon ..in!iii, saiiiun It .i.-h, .te.i, tin via. eit whir' wind, with or will onl .ir.d, which ill ctslhe ib'-. its of Allien and scut iiw e.-tern A.'u. 'Iln t'real In at of i he sell i us.i ,e; into the nt-i:i-.-.ln':.. cms's an i.pp:t ti :bli! ex . i- i . i a : I li bte ; i-i;; ol I he bit t' l, t'-:i Hi-; in tie l.-r n a 1 1' 1 1 tl small i y- I i i. .1 isl a: : ( , s. 'I he s.iri-.iur.dino at:no-pii :e, In tli'inv-r c a I :; n -it ural rti ii;o!e to in .inl in a i c.piil i I nun, rush s in to lili tin spaei v c Ie I ly the pmi led aii, and i i it. turn ii:..b r .. s lln - in' process, until i.t lot th re 1 1 a p"W . I fill c:i rent d:;.wn into V v nle, Ir . lei.tly b;ili;'i'l ; wrh It iplatllltles of l-HHe stud, and t h e-, clone t hen beeoiii-s vi. ib! !ni.;e r ui iris of sail I wiiiriin round an I iiiovin,' foiward al tin) sain thin-. Th.) air, air 'a ly v ry diy b-foi ) tin -i in oi . t nrii'inl. d, now b- c no's sti I morn so from tie: .re-el ct: of t he dense cloud of tlu-t, A is ay iocs tin' -t .1 ". ai r. m tin desert; al lit litis -ten :,s a low h:.z n 1 th" Ii " i. o ', I it' 'i;i' k Iy r :.d;-.o tin: It it I it'lv ea-.-i, s. m tiii.e, slowly, sotn. time. r i i I y, lh" l b pill .r- 1 1 i n :; vi-i lile a !"ii w iy t T I ark"- in 1 h ' at :no.ih re, and I r i -. i i:i ; wi'h lio'in u'r. at de-tru:-tnili. In th - wh:r. 1 h" win I blow, with tic loie:.. of a l.irr.cni", hi 1. of sand ar" taken up. and are cither scattered or are :n;ai i u'ulhcnd into new hi. Is wln-ievcr th' -t .;n choo-es to d'po-it their, o tint 1 1," desert is dotted wi'h fre.pi.'i-,t y -hit in j san I i rio-:s. I ibr then nr.; inri d whols caravans of tra h'ts, travel is an I ev-i: armies. Tin Ml. loom i. Mippo-e 1 to l:av - anidhi! ited lh :.i lilies of S ::n tth 'lib and of Ciim I y.-s. So t. . i i .'y dry i- tin air il then sli I ii- tint it I . I r il to v :-e! .li -, while th ..":-it.' "I tin du-t i '...ii I ni l!.. - il nl'ii'i I 1 1. 1 ; i s -i i d i; :..r human b. i.-ii-s to br .-tu -. Ti i. ".iv -s li.eto th" i 1 "i tint tie,' will co". tainc'l a d-'ii-l y poi-ou ; h": e t i. A-.bie siui.on, si ,'i: l'v ill ; a ids in ti . win!; in: ills no nn r i lo.i'.iis th a i any . .; h r w i:td, its fata! ipnli'ies l.t-ino -i::i .ly l!n s. -ccs ive .liyie's. and the (piaiitily i f li m sand wi'h wv.iih It i- b.a b I. Th t--:i-)"! it ur i .1 1 1. air li 1 1 be.-n kn wn to ris: to 1:11 .1 -i and it i de-;i it l ; t ll' cl i, s, .-, j:1 d i i I up mull. an I in .. I il , ia skin ti ril i", inlei-" thir-t, painlii! Illld . I. l'i lilt llealhi p all I inability to sleep. Tli" I l::i : . i ti .n- I in pa-,. inn; a ;l V a - p .'. v l i - !.e' iv :. a f w ml ", ll !e . at:. I I w-nsy or t in -ilv-.i -a li-ur -, I !; I I ist !-..:-,.' bi hind M ua ini-t..k.n..'e evt b'l.e ol tin all. il I. i . t a v II. I. 'I In h .(, p i. bin ; all ol lh -i ". ui, a'. - ni'i-t ;i a. ti;.. Li "it li i on: ol the body and I ' "I'" -I. t .en p -: t i -a h i, t line t i set in, . .ii.es the Ih- h t nl its lirimiess al d con i-!"i.. -. . s-i t h it i! drops or may bn t il, n . l! thu boc.es easi y. A ptllV of oth -'tt sliepin.; oil the roof of ( ' "i r o .1 . ol.' s h-.ii e nt .1 .. i .'. ibid t h 1 1 re 'U-.t th ir i -1 i . - i c " pf tin sim on.: "Tiny Weiea.t iki in'-l ly a s.'ii-ati'in ol -.:,1 r i'i.i:i, an I auex" re. il.n 'y h'-t, oppi. - iv - ( . lini in the air, v.hil'a' tin -'in- t un a t fir stii' 1! of -li phui .-: v ide 1 tin atmos-pie-re. li t'n f..r,..iii inornii a number of tl'-'t il t.." ::ald ll were found tub' with, nil in a r :n.itkil.!e in inner. 1: was. as i: a c r rant o' lire about t -. I v,- y ir I. i i I i . i I'll had passe I thl'iil h tl: :' ..r len in a stiai.;hl line, nu;ii:!:; a-d ili -ln wi :; every ejieeti thin ; ia Us t our e. I'. it i i i oti one -i !e and a -I I ; out on tin other, its j. :th w is a i d li e I as t ii i i ..ill -e ol a riv i.'' I ' il jr.iv w .s n il i'ira l y one i f these si-oiirpes ia ii. 1 1 '. r; An'i.. A'l r souio pre! i in i . r v r'tn rks on the a I vanee of th sinmoni, In .rct--. ..: "Ni durk wis the Htm "; h-T". nn I si bura iiio the h.-itt. that it seemed tint In .1 had risen iiein the . ar'h, or d -cended from alove. I'.ut :t l!:" moniet.t when the wor-t of tin cii.ee ti t d poi-on-bl i-t w is C 'liii n,' r -ii I we w r1 already pro-tr.ite, one ami nil willd i th.-' teat, with our heals Wili wrapped up, al-mo-t sniT c t d, in I i"l, lut si c; whi e our c -nn Is lay with u liie d ad, th ir lon-j; r.ccks stret' h d out oathefan.l, awaitin n tin pa-Ma:: 01 ' .'i'". We reinained thus fsr t. 'i ti.inres, iluriii"; whrh a slid In .f, like tint of n red -hot iiin slowlv passin over IH, was a' on: to Ii! felt. Th" l ill b'l.t walls b, o.m nnin to flap in tin n : u-ti;n i;u-ts, an 1 annou rcd that the worst of the simoon his yono by. M , ctvnri I" ap peared more like col s-s tlnn living men, an I so, I siij.p.i.e, did I. Ilovv-it'i-r, I cenhl l ot lorl eir, in spit i ot wnrr.in.;., tost'p rut ami It" k st the cam l; tiny w ri still Iy i ilj ll .t, as ;h ii h tiiey Ii d be. ii .lo nl, and the a r wasy t daiKish, but befo'O Ioni it bri-hltiicU tin to its usual Jaz.liug J tu-1 i : i :..'.,' t i m th it : the him... ni lil .1, :,. al in" p. .el o w as ', .hr.-lt in a li'.iif Lv tb" s"'i, enliiely flee Iroin -and or -I :-: ; sothat ' -i .. t .... a ai. i .Ian I b.r .i ' I h .1' by know how to a.f -.: t fir Its' '. ud 1 1." o.d a a-.-1 el and 1 1"": Mii-uln :i! -. r,,-,!., I M ;....'t,e. I'-- '- ' ' i.er, oh! I"l Ml" K"! ! ... i., .ii;,- : I l e e in lh" world. I know, It-..;- ii:: blown Ictl.", A l.'eininiscent ship I handler. ; n.(. .,:. i.rovtu Ii..ii, il i S mil street, ju t below I slip I ' ... r n... i,. I., tr.-e." ad tlo-e iy an all. n -,i row e noil ;h t) .. ...!, b- a I' .i -t intii opl" -li'-. t. :i c'lple of ; I..'...,,..! ,...,i - III s".', ship;. in t clerk , w.-re ob -IV" I I y a N"W v.. I wi..-ii I h iv t'- on I I. , V ,!k T-l.-'-rani r poit"l de -p I'-hiii:,' ' I . -at- in ! 'i n-. I 11 'tii" l"l' I Ie" I,,,..,,:,,, o. -,; , st.l lr-h- I'M Mi' l"i Hi- iii ii .."ar nn I" '!"'. 1 ' . I . ii. oi ,.lllv III 1. W" II lia-'e n.tiiy tur 'l ca in , i i n il am v. itaeiioia and "lil I I pl.t i el Inw-ns li.iO l.ulth.'i.' I.'. i. -lis. '"'' ' !"' " the r 'p -it. r, la pin: w I. it '..-;.. d .Ik's alt o. w .ilea .-uMi-. ' !! u h oais," ...i I tin: i::;r: with tin , r.i.r,,,,,, ' :,! ,.v :.: .-...nl ' I ' ' , . , M tiv il s. Tn.'i w r ..; In - d n toe I'l.nch Mi I l.-r o! M.u " a d Inv j'l-t com .i-.w.i li.'iu oi:i Mi'lii-'-iii lac- t..ry. "Why di I n't tie y li ;i h lu-i..'" "Tiny w oe i r : . I'd ':": d..' Th-r. are o I ii. ..i a s r. u . ! t i" I ' : ' h "' ' . yar I ot h 1 w i-e idle w ho w i i be pu' to w ork w I . : ' 1 1 i - i. t ! i s or- i .t i pi.-p-r sh ,j e. I.'of. r-l .:: , A'!l t' I bin., I. V' I- , po-,1, ., l ; an 1 N -W . ala:..l all cry l-i A n--in .n i.ai -, t"", it -een-.s Aineriia l.ot o-.l , pi! lies her twa lami-j but tin le-t of the w.irld'.s in ; w .!." "Wli :t is thai thin;; th--f , like a j si. .in mop;" j ' Thai is a h-.ly Hone, ' . p i I ll', ) t cha'id. -r's e: , y ; e lia: "a -to I': mop ll I i y - .1 ar p i i h ! ii" d r . s. "W.: st-l. t v- r. : in . ; tie: -ipp I w nil-, ; roiu a : alva: 1 d -li a: !iin- i' -i to a pa van 1 -1 a: elior. " , ii',.... " ..... 1 i!n re- ,, ,;. , , . . ,i, ,., l.ot ! er inn . : more .Ike a 1 . a t I s til l .1 a chandler's. It h..s plate -pla-s win- i ii-i ' dow s - n l shrii-i,' I I a- 1: s u-e -. " 'I'ce o.d Hi in I'll! hen I of th" hni- I telis ii- tin' ll ty yeart :r.ro bo.h clerks and m-rchnt.t u"s-d to Imbl !e around tall. ov c indies until ll or Vi o'clock lit ii;l:t writia; letters aid i p.-i-io then. ; Ilia', i s'c.i 1 of the i :- voivi'i; ci; hi oied i oair . u-: sit ii How, thy used t" p ic'i ! Ii" i ii - Iv's ..i hat I, ipl ua -t"pp" I stools mad" l y tin c ir- peater, an I in t h .e I ! I tin: s" clerks w u: I woik t wi. r tl.r..e yeii . with ".It p'V lor th .';r i b are- intiie b-i.iie.s II - lini.' An I, j '! r a'1, some of the s.m : tb-rks m-d i mi iliourr-'. ! ' - ' Mi;ile a- an Allicle nl I'linil. Tin l.-.n losi l.ily T.l""taph In. bt.'ii di-cu.-i ':; tin p ..-im ily of in bn- rip maiiiii-.d t . n.t wlril-. Mnifb. !v, .rial!,' .lain.-, h-is-iined i.ii wlmlc'.s l! '-ii, an I I, p ot- il "" I. ;.. :.vcra-i wh il.: w u'd yi I I 'el.O ti , ii.ts "T soup - s. in- w h.,t t i y. p flap, inl cn'ti- :!..ii, a i i ie-ai -pio In i".,'; :.-o "1 etr u.-h, atanyr't-, loreh.iity .1 infers b. ! In o,.r. 'n e tir- . i.im s mi..." , t!,.- t-.b'.-i- " mi .!-,' be 1. d m.t ..I a le wh ili..e wn i Th it w. ill 1 d pen. I, pi." al. v, nil lh : ! .- : th- i In! I'. -. Ii "1 a - I lln: -i-'o j ,.t tin w ii ii.-. I: may ' .. in 'I I, I h-.wev t, tint what M uk I w -i I c.U. a j ..I, Ol I 111 : I M. ei :..! 1 W !l lb' j u.ei I I III -T 1 ' a of l! 'I ' I- "( -"ii 1 I , at in ;; It m V .:' --' I ' p lltlled lh-.t l lilt le "I it w il l " a I'm ; v. . ;. . j 51 i.t " r, th c ' at -nis are a I m - ll. ; III - T .' ' I in' hi, 1-ir 1 o' - pic ia a- : : iii ; lil I" ."ly ,.;, , i.l. 'I li -re I. a stioiip ai.l' i !: t ; r..b,: i.i'y dial t l : a laid lie a ; 1 w I. a e iy, 1 1 i:i p; bis third i : !.:: w n I I e . ii -li. A I thin .s t i. ii i i"i" 1, tliere I or", I h i -ilt if . t i"U I - m-t il.n ea-..:; : l-'e that o i- w h il.- woi.l I I i-t a I oat 1': ; m h ..I 1 a w h..'. w.M i. I h: I . ' - r Mippos. s th .1 t . s w . ni I in a : a t at. savin to I In- , i. i I n: -th...! I. pe-. I hat I pefils i li th" pi i . ,.l : ii w hah-. Is It cxpt t ie I that w Itai" to at w ll! be i-li -ij.ii 1 In a ni'.! ' " i ' I tire ni mis l .ion sinners. 'I i on ;:l i" . in I '. . I "' ll ii 'U- t.ickv r- -ori to a pier nt i . y in."--. i ., d. vies to e in I n.' c m il n of 1 1; revt nu 'li : - s i Is ar see'et" 1 in cav es ri the Hi ultil'M, ;;'l I- I" I I',' well arm ! in :-. a .' it i- s.im.-l i a -s several yrs :i.' ire fry a-n U'i."i'! i d and the op -r itors nr.. I ;'it t- ju-la -. An i-isl nie i t'.ii ii i I is win a an"; of m ni hi 1 tin ir st.l : n a rive and nrr n ;, d it s i a- to 'n i , " t h sm .k ascend th-oil ;!l th ' ll . '.-. of a I .! ; : tree. T.n- w n r in i I 0:1 1 1 a sii f -it way for a 1 1 1 ,' ! 1 :n, lur w 1, it I. -I broke I up :.y th- . lh -r -. A .-his 1:1 IVny c iin'y hi .'., s-vril years -t , inspired by a natur 1. t!n--l for ","nn thiii"; str.i i:' -r t u t i wite-," inveil-d and c in-ti inled a still out. of an iron kettle, mikii'ii w 11 len ci:i an 1 '.i-n; a Ion,' .111 narre' for the worm.- ttrnphie. I itlov icatetl liirils. F or iii a produces a ceuliir berry e.i le.l tin P i l l of ( him of which tlm 111 irki:i''-bi:ds of th il 11 'W rv land p r- 1 take lar.;e.y wh-n ,ij.", aid mt nuo casu s. Tinyi'ct on a r-.-ular t" ,'," ai d b have a .1 deal s m -a d . .1 1- der such cttcuiu.t .ncs, h : re e, .Imp;, st.l "enti leerin' at i nch oilier, sh ,ut- ' mt and mixing up all aorU of songa. J lie ('iiesl Ti:"P e.n. e iv i a !' -i less boy I I Ill ll'fi" bl-"Wll le.Us" I ... ..Id blown h-.ti-e, I n I r ll " :, I- I,..-." : S.le ll.tv-l.-l l.,,-,-.l.l II,"..', i : , . , ,i..i was In. ' i . ii. i, !.. -.an hi la: I iii"-l bur 'I '"' '" ' -1 I" -ni - I ""''" " '!' - . ii".; m,is.., ,..,. I a '.. -I- v li'l I . So... I a '.-in. Willi a '. ! I ill : , . , . , t I I il' I. I ." I'I'oH 11 I. "ll-", ' , .... , ,, ,,..,,,, 1 i, t- .- : .... . . ,-1 1 ..... :l .- ... . i . ; - i.v ..n I --ii 1 !..-! ii . I . I . a . 1 a I o i I 11 i: a . iio..'it a lean nr. e'n ' -I, ,d ..eii " .pl-'lli : I. :-n . I mo: I." e, Iroin ' I I. l- i. . .-.t i., i,i an I In I M . t an I b I, . . I I I l w. ! a . i. ! r an a .j '- I - ,'l.i I in s r.,-:.. I. iii St. N :.' 1 1- III HOl.'DL S. li- in rmai I's favorit'j linn. N"p- li .r-.pj his s, v. rs! ki'ia wlu art ..! .i r- x. A N w V.,rk lui'.'lir swallowed a I rnon I t . e-cip' :.rr. -t. A tliauioud i : t la- r ei li, -are! v. i Ciil.ay .-.eenis to b - a p-.or plaee for - - i i bieye'i:::'. Th" pin I -ny- 1! tier i.iv o . l l I. .;. a in. i.t a iiin i t , 1 J ! ( '''':V- ' j "D. ye'.i kin.w li.-owi.- i dri-d-up J 'nl in r-; ' "Y , 1 know lirow-, but . liio d .niptitiu d.-su't li'. He talus , tiie --:i:;!'y :id :n'V r d: I -s up.'" AN-v.-Yrk -on e-po:i lent inunted j l l:j i ,i .nair s in n "I oup on tin pla..l ! jf ;, s, :1. h-' . '. 'I hat - in-l iiiui; ; j we've :- -.-i i.in: i.Hi.- u iinri oil a Silill- .,, rh '..'. ni.,". i pu' on neatly as many air,;!, th it. A i , , , . ' ul..l. y (bashfully, 1 ,vi . l.i, ..p. -, a-n:odicaliy I - I. ',,.,. ,r M nd - She is; ' but she's en ;a-."l. Tu ;bley (win fettled thi-i-'s la-t ni ;liti- 1 know it- I'm tin- n,:i:i;; man. j ,i: cu-try. 51 m 'J'ravi, - "( )li, t r,. y u uie, Mr. I, Sinith! .Mrs. j;,yaoi !,,,--., ,.-t th" d in:. el - In la i .,.( ,..,.,', .. ,w , ,w f :;..t tin men j , lia:;.-r. s.tpp yoil sjoollt and j ,t ,,. t),, ,,j il,,. they could ! ,..:,r y.-e.:r in. ok tie as far as tho I tut ...endow." j ,v ,,., . And w hit an you :;o- I j( , , f I ! w Inn you row up te I b'a nrr: ? li'io 1 ii, I an a 1 '.0 bo a I ; ai-!-; po'ic nian and you sh ill be my j 1 ur-e. ( ..ii-ia Hal p "icemen don't 1 have iiur- -, ii !' li ib -O 1, don't j tiny, tie ..,!:.' boat -!:ev. you've ' 11 e .. I b ell in I he p .1 k. A b ai, wi-iiin- to 1 t-i. a bee Iii vc, ; hud I in. . 1' down in liont of ll and , i-v iiiru ' l 11 wll!i hi- pnw "N .w,'' I --.i l 1, , " ui.! lie p ifi I'y -til! and j b t th" I s -'i o; in" 11.1t ii lln-y are e. h:..i 1. i :r d pee, rie ; tie 11 1 s 1 1 111 1 ' !: a I-- 1 bi lim-d with, ut of pu ii ion." A ! it w is -o o'.l .1:1. d. but i.y a lie, I heal. : h. ot hi 1 I, in'.; .1-a I. This nai . I al iv 1 :n l.:l 1 on a-p.'i I uf tho ' I' lh tin poli.y" .p'en.li 1 1 v. A I.iimI Mi-bii liine. N"l .a . years a ;o a l'al.11 w is b,...n iin-.en ..l. 'l - '.:! i f the In. li'l llt"! ill ,ll- fai e - i : t ' . ii ' a I v h: , 1 .111 Iniri'i in tho inn ii i' in..-" tea, :ri I 1:1 1 into. a ";en 1 1 lut".'- do mi' an I da 11a ; 1 it. Tin poll.- :r-eTel on th: n-'iio, and tint ,.-'i I u is a s rir.io'is up; linsl the liilm for d :tii 1 "e , an I n--ii ' -t tin di 1 v r for fir I'-ir an I ri ekle.s di ivi r;. Tin east; c.lii" b.-b r-' tin mi ;i st rat ' a a I when the c a. hiii 11 w.ii called nn iadiviliril ,t, pp, d l-i w I' d and .ai I that h wm t.ieinan. ' ':' course he w as i b'nl iliod by tho p 1 i 1: an I ri tin end was Fen-le- t - I to a n o-th's rigorous imprison m : 1. the lit' 11 bein ordered to pay a c it tin -am for d aiiia.p.ss. The next day, while the ' wnt.rt'f the docut was ir t.'.l'u-, lb'- ii.ii i's pit a It r ii p mred will the : o: . y and the plaitililT, after re in iv:u; it, s. id: "I. 01. h ie, now, tin ;hl. ; i- nil ov. 1 ; III t'-U me, was I hi man a i.o :.ppe,,r,.. in cniiit ye-b rdaj tiie i.a hnian wh) ra 1 into me I 1 di l i 1 think he w is." "oh, sir," s'lit: tin j ! a l ", "it wat irtcat niisfor. tune. A' the tun wli-ii the summon) cam" on lor hearing tin: IS dm 1 b'i! tll(. .chtiiat.'s service, mi he 11 ' to hi. nt 1 h"w, who livt with him, on gt to the court it will 1 1.3 only a matt ro a sma i I'ri" take this money wi h you.' An i now, sir, tho liilu's nephew lini .-ut one months rigorous inipt Itoiimen' ' ,, , 1.1 1 . an I hu dure no! complain, lor ho wmik ,c .,. ,r ,n,.c imMr.,ia 1 I; u ,., lt , ,,(,., ..; Thu. (h . ,!W a, tim,., ,IV .,.,. j . ,.W , y .,n .. w, ,r, iK , ,, .' ., ,1 1 .. hi,, . ; LCa iiilla (India' ir!;lisbiu.iu, i.lW.1.11 'IftM