lir C!)ot!)am Wtcoxh KATES TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ADVERTISING One pipinrp, tine insertion One square, two insertions - One Square, one mouth - fl.00 1.50 - 2.50 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. VOL. XI. riTTSIJOKcr, CHATHAM CO., X. C, XOVKMliKIl I, isss. XO. !. !)c l)atl)cim Hccorb. II. V. LOINDOA, EDITOK AND 1'ROrHIKTOJl. u u u Set Vuiir I'aees lu the Sun. There's u ring ng glorious men-uro Ju tlio mulch of life, my brothers; Jf we listen wo m iy Loir it a1 1 d iy lonp. With mi undertone .if Iso discordance w h Ily .-mothers. Ami tliis is tli cheerful burden of tl.o s 'iiv : ''I'm ward ! Ke p the column moving! I'erfcet lest bl.ull III' our gll III "II When our missions urelinliilcd our labors done; Puty's path lie (J lin lieforo us, A h itsoeVi- eur tns; mi 1 bur ten, If He bravely set mil- faces to. the sun. A Four-Footeil Contest. "Pj -ridgowku w ill kill t lir slnlliou at the first spring," said the li'jiit, in lii-t liizy, nirogant an hem tk-ss Way. Time ii no tiger of hill or jungle t lint r in comparo with my Pj Tid gowlt a (thun der sp.-ar) for siz , strength nnd leroci ly. Tho white steed, wcro In twenty fold tlio equine li'-ro you clni.n for him, S,hio Colonel, wi u t not cvalo his doom. II) will go ilowu liUo a shut, an 1 you will no loader dis uto my f u irdi-in hip ov r Mdiiln, the demure litt'.o X'mlch girl under your wing there " "Hut yi'iir Excc'dency," sail tho ciliv-iT addressed, "if tin staliioa shoull wi i, the girl will go to J5 jiub iy with lne, : re .riling to your nugust promisi. .' ' Th) tin ky pntentato waved his iinn, whoso j wcl-stilToned sleeve fairly hi .: I with tho movement. 'Yon have my wor I, Sahib," was Iiia mi rtilioui reply. Tlio wurJ of Pj .mpudru lli-san, li'jih ol Nagpour, is his homl." "Certainly, " called out Major I'jia-iV-xtir, a: other rel-coated i liieir of tho group. "Pit if y ii ara so sum of your tiger winuiii'.', Excellency, I wiil lay you an nl.litioual thousand of on Nnlgkn, the moiiutaiu stallion." 'J'lio 1 i j 'i 1 1 inclined his bond in assent nnd tho wigcr w s July rogi t re I by an obt'ijiii..iii wlntj-ioocd secretary at las elbow. ' Tile arena was a J on wa'.led circular ! pit, nhi ut Ii)) feet in d i.-im -ter, a id j itrou i I thi.i tin lion of", wall a li capa-ity of " Id sn.c'aU.i-. m,o so1 J stei'i' v n to -lvi eveiy o. e, t.vea tin j hiim!i.o-t, a oniii:t vi"W of tiio i :i I : rior, au I yi t ra a immunity from tho : li tee it will bea-l s Mpri-i . la addition to t!i- throng of ji.'r'orial ' ntto;'.d int i surrmi i li i:; 111 l j h i i the j gorgeously l i striol j .in p irt- incut mi' ri d t -mi- accomiii.) 1 ai m tiicre ! was a Ltro'ip vl K Jish . I'i 'er-, resjileu- ! dent in III n- f'.'ui .el u llo: :m. ! Tir: lii t of tli.-e to wlmin the ; Kijthllil a l lrmed hi no f w n Co . 1 M dm i, mid at hi . ,-i do a sia u .i Iy beauti.ul you i' Hui i- lrl, tin M i- ; haU reli i red to. Kvory tina w n at i stake with tho poor child i i tlu uaii io combat that wu about t.) euitie. .Mo- , hun liai fouid her with a baud of tihant dancin ; woaiou or Mm I o gyp- ' sies of tho P ctai), and s.trctiy I veiili;d a ruumr that she was tin j last survivin ; chi d of Mu'uy lia, ' half brother ol tho pusent li .j .h of -Napoor, who hid, after usurp the throae, foully niiir dried all tiio other rightful Unif, ma-iy of whom lie had thrown as prey to lin favorite tig r. The Kijili hid only se: prev ntjd from wnstiu,' .M hdi Irom her .-il;'-coastitutod p:u'.ectnr through a whole soino fear of tho I! itidi comperoH, but liad at hist i xet tod his malign still power! u! lusisteuco to sindi au ex tent that tho present contest h id boon agree I ou u a test oi tho gui's gunr l ianshiji. Tho ItajaH tigruo I to pit his cham pion lighting tiger Pj.'rid,'owka agaiust a white stallion, likowiso noted for 1 1 i - combative diipositi m, tint Col. .Mohuu had olit iino I from thj foot hills of '.hu Western Ghaut", justly co obiatcd for their lino cavalry stoclf, much of wdiich is blooded, with a pure Arabian ances try. Hhoul I the tit.i'.liou w in, M ihaln would ba transferred to the protection of powerful friends i'l Homb-y, with a fair prospect of ouo day recovering at leaU a poruon of ber inheiilinco. Should tho tiger c mo olT tho victor, she was to bo nurrondurcd uncondition ally to her cnul nnd rapacious ki n man, whoso appalliug character was a mllicli ni gu ir.iuten of tho turriulu late in that event awaiti ig lior. Thero was sea-like murmur of an ticipation, and all eyes wcro rivetol on ono or two strong iron gratings t'u t were sido by si lo in the w.ill if tin pit, on lovel with a, sandy lloor. An instant 'ater it shot a-i lo, and thera was a'l inv I' ri'ary I ur-t of ap plause us tho noiilo horso boiridc 1 i ito view. He fH not larjo, l.tit porfctly pro portioned, with a glistening cut, us of nowy sstin, a mine and tail that won of light golden tinge, furni-thing a con trast as uniquo as it harmonious aad besutiiul. Fire wis ia his eye, the rhythm of sp.ol and activity in hii line limbs, and, as he curvoted snurli-ig around tho srenn, it was noticed llnit 1 ;irn"!l hoofs were shod with new and .ku.ipsli.ol i-hoos, that fairly lladiod lite a lumping rivulet in tin sunshine, with tlio graceful and airy in iv. menu that scarcely seemed to touch the earth, and yt were surgestiva of liorco wari ness aad expectancy. Tho Hajah stroked his beard once more and smiled again. "It was not mentioned in tin com pact that Nadgka should bo shod," said h ".Still, 1 wuivo tin point I can well ullord to." T.uii ho straightened himself with a cruelly gloating and exultant look, nnd thero frcdi durst of many throat ed opplauu', not unmixed with terror, as tho other grating shot bac'v with a clang, nnd tho vmntol monarch of tho jungle, after springing into tho arena w ith a snarling sort of roar, bo aa cir cling around nnd uroun 1 it in ominous silouco, with his cyos fastoued on evory movement of the Btillion, who coolly kept revolving in tin centre, as on a pivot, head down and lnols invariably to tin fo "Pjridgoivka's way Pjeridgowka's pet trick!" chuckle I the rajah, nib bing his j'jwdlod hands together. j "S ihib Colonel, in two tninutcs Xad ; i kussatii skin will bj in red riuluns!" ; Tho tiger was, for vjry truth, a prodiy, cvin for those d ayii, when larger and li'Tcr prisoners wcro made than now. II) was four feet tall at the I shoulder, precisely eight foct from tip I to tip, and correspondingly propor tioned, with a ferocity that was at that tinn proverbial throughout India, j Uotud and round prowlod tho mon j ster with no moro st.irid than would have been produced by tho footfalls of a kitten. ! buddenly thoro was an exulting roir, tho largo striped bulk reuined to fly up into tho uir as though hurled by apings, nnd ho was seen to Inunch out toward the white stallion ai if projected out of a cannon's mouth. Hut lighliiiug-liko as was tin attack, it was countered by a movement as electric and as cIT.c tivo on tho part ol tho cipiino hero. There was a wdiitc, whirling sort of lla-li, out ilew tin glistening steel-shod heels, striking tho tigor in tho cliost whilo yot in mid-air witit tin forco of a citapult, iind hurling him bacic with a resounding crash against tlu wooion wall of tho pit till it fairly tremble 1. Tlio raj ill frow ned, whil) M ilula's soft fiic ) correspondingly brightuued, and tho broi.ze faco of .M il.un vlow.y i rel x' into a stinlo as In drew her l hU . la li ;ur) yet moro rea-suriu''ly to liis si ! ; tiio en iro liriti.h contingent . at tiie same time bur-ting into a Bhout that rang and reverberated over tho shriilei p an lits o! tin n .tivj onlookers iniah like lh) hoirso braying o: a battle j horn i v -r the Mpi'akiags and r .amor ! ill.;s of the li es und Ueltiodiu 11 -. "Anther thousand on Nndgka!" i n.d l'oind Mer, fXciledly fluttering two I'm ;en al in-' p aenia'o in baling book fashion. "A wholn I.ij of ruiuos, ' if I o .ly hal til in! Wliil says your i:.:.'llo:tcyj" I j mipu lra-ll iss in com pose Ii v nod 1 e l nil a-ient, and tin w i.-er wu re cur l"d. "It w is Pj 'ri Igowka's lirst miscal culitiun; his iuipiti Jiio uv ! reacliLiI it ault," he :d I, -truking his beard oico more. "W itch bun i.uw." Appiro tiy but -lightly injured by hi- repu -c, llio'i .li p iiiting siiglitly, t ho t gei h id ie-u lied his silent, watchful ci c-lngs of the urenn, Heimiiiylv with no more w Hit o! conli louco in himself thin if tliey hid not been in tin least interrupted. II a ill : "-t il ion w i; n nv icon to have ch i igu 1 I: i -1 i"ti..s -. f ir t ia-, wiiilo ro suiuin r lin piv ) gyra. i ins, his heal, in lieu of hu bi id.jii irter-, were now pre-, ir d to the ;r .t. Ani iliT i'r aliless intervi of sin pense, foilo-yjl by a fre-h nurtiiu spring on tlio part of the tiger. 15 it it w is countered i v.'ii moro cun tiiti;,ly and clT..ctivdy than bnforo. Crouching and glidi i ; u i lor th' llyiig bluck and yellow bulk, much as a gaz.'llo might cr'nichingly cv ido a 1am- m org yor's hurtling .swoop, out flow tho glistening hoeU a rain at jint the riidit iu-tnnt, this tinn iTinging ii) with a tre mendous impact on tho monster's 11 ink, so that when Pj-ri I rowka's rev jlutions wcro rosii'tiod, as th -y wero nliiin-t in stunt. y, it was wit 'i a mi Ion, hi'f-gasp-ing air, and with n percoptibto limp that betokenol more thin a Ir ling in jury to hit hips. "Another thonsind lo fivelni'drcd on tho white stallion 1" vociferated Poindcx er yet nnin over tho many voic d a;ip!au-o. "Is it a go, your Kx- coU'Micy; C)r I go you three to one! ' The Kn jah's t). lent il conipo . Ill i had docp.'iiod into som .'thing moro than Oriental glumno's; and his cruel gn.j ro.uued (rum tho ti ;er to tho little In1 gum now radiant with a smo, during liorceness of di '9 itisf.,i:' ion ; but he, nevertheless, inclined liii h;a I maj ;-li-cilly, and the third a I litioaal bet was rcgistcreiL Put again nnd ngiin wu tho ligor's spring reponte I, and with no hotter suc cess, save that on ono occasion ono of his mighty forepawi m i.i:io 1 to fetch tho bravo stood a long raking stroko along tho loins, rippin; hii skin into strips nud staioinr his silv.'ry coat with blood. It was now a forogote concliidon tint Xidgka Woul 1 bo th: victor. i'ii. '. lishmon roared tliom-el ve-i ho rsiji ven tho natives yolled l.ieir uiir tni.vd delight, in spite of their royal muaor's I,...n. -.1..!.. ii ... t. r :.t ui-fiv;usuie, Willie lllllli nt 111. I s I !lf . clapped her hands und bounded in her scat at the si le of her sternvi nged pro- ' lector. j Hut Pjini lgnwln, thotiLdi plainly 'lis- 1 piritod, bud as yet sulTetcd iio positive- ; ly disabling i:iju:j', and it was ipiicljy ; evident that ho i itcided to tnalie ' m re i II ill to ret levo tho day. j Without tho slightest warning ho -ud- j donly changed his tactics by swerving from his prow liug circuit, and running j instead of leaping directly toward tin horso's lowered crest, until within a couple of y iriP, and then launching himsolf forward, like tho veritable thunderbolt for which ho was named, full nt Xidgka's throat. Jtut tho stallion was not thoro to mejt it, having danced to ono sido with the rapidity of thought. Then, and before tho tigor could rccovr from tho shock of striking the opposito wull of tho pit crash! crash! crash ! successively wen; tho steel shod tcrriblo heels launch" I, each timo reaching tho mark with nr. rowy precision and bono-cni'liing force. Aud then tho junglo monarch wn seen running whimperingly around fi skirls of tin nrcna on throo lcgc, an I with his jaw hopelessly broken co-i-ipiercd, dofeatcd, and with the sole ob ject of effecting a skulking cscapj fro his victorious foo. ThoUijah mado tho sign by whii! liis favorito was permitted to make goo his retreat, and thon, with a b..w t . Col. Mohun, turned to go with hii suite. "O io moment, Kxccll incy !'' shout u i M ihala's protoctor. "P ign, if y n please, to formally annnu id 'hat tin victory is with Xidgkn, and my litl.e friend horo is to contin'n undi turb -d under my lu irdianship. Tho potentate did so with none of tho best grace, it mud bo sai l, nd then took his departure with as mil h lu-to as was cousi-tcnt with his augu-t dignity. It was nono too soon. Tho whito stillion, winch hal unli. that iiioinout rem ii io I pnuliy ii th; contro of tho pit, su lden'y roared libu Hclf hi ;h in tho air, wi'.li lli.hiag cy is nnd 11 ating tu tuo and thou fell upon his i le lead. "Poor Nidgka!'' commented M.ij r Poindexter, laying his h ind on M dma's shou'.dor, on which tin little lio;iim was now sobbing as if her h.-urt wi u d break. ''Sjo, his entire left ribs wire laid liriro by tlint one stroko of Pj r idgowki's paw. lbr. never nind, Miliala is freo from th; 1! ij nil'.- clutches an 1 I have won a pot of las money." And perhaps tlnw didn't mind, nt lea-t not .really, M oiey h id changed h inds; M ilnln, the wiiili in N .utcligiri, was save-1 to b.'como a g ;.-it iu i;is- trato's wifoin lljiubay, nud tho mother of a child de-tii:o I to depose tho usurp ing Kajih of N igjicor, twenty years later and r.-tore tiio rightlu! dynasty, and a most d -cisivo single comiiM had been nobly contested and heriit.illy won. Put then the horo was only n whito sta.Iiou only a li rse! -il ice a AVcck. The Oil Ti'i-o ol ( liinu. The llural llcrlicolo cilli Attention to the villi-) of tho oil yielded by tlio seed of tin "oil tree' of China nnd Japan. This treo resembles in habit und in foliage tin common tir treo. Tho fruit is a capsu'e tho size of an orange, formed of several cells, each containing a large thick-shelled soo-l. Theso seeds contain an i c'avo purga tive principle, nnd are not edibl They contain, however, -10 per cent, oi their weight of a clear, co'orlen, limpid oil, possessing remarkable sicntivo proper tics. This oil is used largely in China and .1 ipan in th) m mufacturo of lac quers, in miking water-proof cloths nnd in painting buildings and for lights. An oil treo five or six years old may bo expected, it nppoirs, to produco nu nverago annual crop of from HUD to 400 pounds of seod. It thiives on dry, sandy, rocky soil, and his been found to ucccod in some parts of southern France, where, and in Algiers, its moro general ru tivation is now urged. Kx pciimcnts with this treo sh uld b ; mado in Cali'oi ni i, nnd n- it is found in tho northern Island .' Nippon, it may bj expected to bo hardy in many parts of the 1'iitod Plates. (Sia I'raucPco Cliron icle. A din's lie IJu.ililics of OnlotiH. Paper pa-ted, gummed or glu -d on to metal especially ifit hu a blight surface, inually routes olT ou tho slightest prov ocation, leaving tho a I he iv: m aerial on tho back of tho paper, wall a ur faco bri -lit nnd siipp ry ss ice. T ih'iipcr description of dock diils ure printed on papor aud ih-n s'uek on zinc, bu: for veins tho difl'n u'ty was to get the paper an I metal to adhere. It is, however, j.iid to bo now overcome by dipping tin metal into a strong and hot solution of washing soda, a tf ward srruhbi i ; p r.'ictly dry with I clean rag. () don juice is .Inn applied to the sin face of th metal and the labs! pa-ted aud fixed ii tin oi li.inry way. It is slid to be nl co t iinpoi-ildo to S p ir ate paper a :d ir.eto.l tints j. ine.l. IVobrbly ii.ilii' -li-iw ta.'Uti nil lit be siiia.e--'ii 1) tn nte I in tlu snne u.nuner. - Scictititic Aim item, i (JIII.IMtM.Vs COl.l'MN. I tutli. Tluy both bad enatMil gray, Aiul I otli went Wijlkiu' every day. JmiiIi bad line bail, sosuft and long. A nil in uli r mi.. Knew ri-lit li-nm wrong. Hut b ibv was cncli night undrcMsed, And lo kel to sliep mi miiiiima's breast; And be was ieft nlnin-, to lie I'pou tho mat-pour iitt!.. ,-ikvi-' -V'nith's ( '"itipaninn. A Knilhliil llm-e. Translated Irum tin French: An Ar;,b chief and his tribe had attacked a cnrav.m and were dividing the spoils, when n ci.vdry of fell upon them and began tdau ;htei irlg them in great number', making pri-onols of those they did not kill. Tin Arab chief was se verely wounded in his urm, but as the wound dil not kill him, tho Turks biuadliim with a leather thong to h camel's back nn I took po-s s ion of his steed. 'When ni lit ciine, the Turks encamped with their pri-o iers i 1 tho mountain', nnd left tin Ar.ibehiuf, with his limbs tio I, near tin tent where they slept. During th) in-lit, being awake from suit -tin ?, the chief h-ard the neighing of his bor e. II ! dragged himself to where tho hor-e was staked m l gnawed tlio string th :t kept him captive, sj his ..vod iriim il might bj tree. The horse, seeing his mister woundo I, seize I his belt in his teeth aud ll.'W like tin wind tu his tents; th ro lay itig bis master ut the feet of his wi!o nnd chil Iron, the laiiliful horso fell and expired from 1 ;it i- u Toys Mn,,' or Old Corks. Curious toys may lu in ale or cork. ) io of theso is tho well-known lit lo unbler, sucli as is geiienily co::--truct jd of pit'u; lut cork, csp. ci d.y if it bo hollowed, will nnsw.r tho nirp .-e. Ma'io the puppet of tbr o or four corks, slripo and p. hit it as skilfully as you can, and gluo to tho feet, or in ler them, a hemisphere of lead. Whei thrown into nay position, th) liguro of courso rights itself, ami, like a cat, al ways falls on its feet. It i ipiile po--i-blo to make a c it, also of i h i r cuk, which will indeed aliv.tys fall upon its r-ct. Another toy is n duck of cork, which is also bnlla-tcd with lead, nnd which can out l ido any -torm. These are made by gluing sij iare pieces of cork to gether, and tiicn shaving tho whole in to shapo with a sharp U:.if. Thoso ducks would meet with a ready sale at the water side in a ;y place wh to .-um-mur visitors congregate. A duck or swan of cork, coiitaiui lg a piece of iron, can bo placed on a sheet of paper, etc., rind mado to niuv i by a magnet iled beneath the pipe. A more d tli u't toy it tin "walking man." A j uiipet i. undo from cork. the legs being m .v il l ) at tin hip, yot so constructed tint the body does in t fall backward or forward. Tho sole- of tho liguro are shod or plated with Kon. A horse-shoe m g ut is thou niov-d tin-d-r a tain I online or oth-r fraiii . i: iv cr.'d with piper or parchment, nn-l m tin -o'.es follow tin pulei of tlu mar- net, the !i ;iirc, of cuirse, niay be tiudo to walk ov T it Cm Inns Antics of a lib-1 ami n fnt. A curiom laid aii.ii-ii:g Irioiil-hip Iris sprung iii between u crow and a uiallis .- cat which It -longs to I' i . Ale, a hot -1 k'-ep 'i- o! Trenton, N' .)., says tho N. w York .lour-.a!. So no few months ago a fiiond in Salem County 'tnt Mr. A'easmall crow, which un der his fostoring care grew up v.-iy tame, and is now a gi My 1 ut intelli gent biri. Recently a maltcso kitton was introduced into tho family. Tlio cat nu 1 tho crow brcamo fist friends. Tiny have been living together on tho lawn in the h d d yard, au I w here ono goos tho other follows. .Inn is a qui -I clown. A little atten tion and pcttin: torn his head and he does all sorts of crnzy notioi. such as turn in ; somersaults and lying on his i back nnd (lapping his wings. When much attention is given to him tin cat i bec lines jealous an 1 lit th lir-t oppor- ! tunity .lu grabs the 1 ird around tin I inck nnd drags him id. over th" yard. Jim, nlso, has cunei Ir: able of tho' green-cyod monster in him. Ho pecks ' and ciws whenever anybody shows any j ntt-ntion to the k it ton. The crow has a conli il didikc for chickens. A brood is kept in tin yard near his roosting p'ace. A arge I n-iii of w ,t'-r is plare 1 near their rnna ( verv d ,y. .I tu ser ur s his ti v - ; '.v : ning I to th birroic. a d ;.;i n. ri i all the ri ;nr stun " ', ., which In car- ! - t i .ii I ad a nn I thro iit) tho; water on as to make it unlit for u Tivio a week rhie eus a:e Ui 1 -d for tin t iblc. 'I bis is dim's day of horror. When tho work begins ho hi les him self. 11 1 goncrnlly -tarts for his favor ite liiunt and it is impossible to keep him out of it whil) the cleaver is being worked. II lakoi refuge under the con- t r so that ho ch i hoar or seo nothing. Wli 'n tho slaughter! l ; of tin imoccnts over he is glad to get out and resu-no hii clownish biuinoss on tho lawn. Jim has his particular friends nnd gives them a lively welroni) wiin ihet come to see him. 'CROTON AOUHDUCI Punctured TlirouIi Thirty Miles of Solid Ruck. New York Possesses the t-onc-est Tunnel in the World. Tlio longest tunnel in the woild i rapidly npprum hiig completion. In l (idi -r wonl , says the Sun, New York, in ub ni- eight mouths' ti n-, and niter j tlio expenditine of about .''. Oii'l.mHi. wi.i h iv) her mpieduct. It is of int -r.-st to tho public to t ike a glanco ntthisgroit engineering feat in some cf its more practical features -the ipi 'Stion of Now York's water sup I' Vnnd its utiliz ition under present and prospective facilities being of vital imioitaice. Tiio drainage urea of the Croton basin covers n bout tl'il sipuro miles. In "th-r words, tin supply from which N 1 -v York derivjs her wator is brouttl-t :.' Crotuii j ,ko from th it area of coin'r. 'lids v.i-t wat r-.-hod, even in pcrio Is "f tin greate-t drought, wiil furnish n up ly of water cipi il to tho needs of 10 : city for ab ut thirty years to conn-, . li w ing for on increise in population u i i'.io propoition t ) to tint of tin .' t. I'll', nu ler j rofoe.t con lili oi-, toe itioi for storing tlas water are totally inadeiiat '. Tho jirescnt ca-i-i'ily of Cud. m J.ko and otli r ren-r-v .li s is roughly c-tiniate 1 i;t ub nil t -n billions of gallons, a d n-suiniog each year, like the present, shall jgivi n r gu a- mintlily rainfall averaging .-.bout four b elies, these reservoirs wi.l be kept li led and crpi I to tin incr. ns d ib nir.idi mad) upon them by the nciv aipie iin t. Put, eiven a few months ol diougla, N Yorii m iy Iind herself a bidly IT as ever. Tile reason for this is obvious. Th rainfall ; iit present Icing far in ik-i'- s of the storage capacity of tin Croton ro-erir, the great excess of water pa-es over the dam and so it to th -Hu l-on ltiver and out to sea. lloni " the iiece--ay for tin proposal linker 11 rid go rcserv dr, which, whu con structed, as il i;n vi ni'ly mil t bo, will impound an J I jio n.l this w.sto water ui. I furni-h ample receives In-m which to di;:w in so ..sons of drought. Tiiis res. rvoir, th -reforo, is n n.ost impor tant feature in the present plan for im proving N.w York's water supply. Wh oi the d im shall have beon con structed tin pro; o-i I ro-crvoir w ill have u cap icily of about tl "i, u oini id, inn : of gallons. It w ill form a : lake ir.icticilly nbout sixteen miles long aud of an avr i ;o width of ov -r hall a n il', from i!i mouth of the 1 Croton river to Ci. tm l-'u.s, near l'ur dy's. II.- iea-i'll of It- Vaster bed,- and ' j greater depth, the water in this res r- I v. ir will not only be cooler but of o, rout er purity. It i- a well-known fact that the rays of tins -uu acting upon any body of wat or of general depth of le.-s than eight bit cau-o a vegetaldo growth or green si u r, the decay ot which renders the water moro or les- I impuie aillioiigh not! lelotori- ou- tu lualth The new aqueduct is about IIO miles Ion -, a d wid deliver to tin city Hod, . Uibl.nilO ga Ions r. day. It is horse-shoe I shaped nnd n little over thirteen nnd a j half leet in diaim t- r from Croton lake ' toupoi.t near .1 -roinn park, tbrou h ! which section tlu water will run ly j grivity, with a fall of about -evoi-tcnths of a foot to the mile, li ling tlio conduit to tho extjnt of about fou -- j tilths of its capacity. At .1 roiuo park i the inpndtict makes a somewhat abrupt j fill of aiiout lOD feet, passing uulcr the II nlein river some HU ) foot below tho level of tho water, running ti -.dor M m hattan island, and final ly rising at lXVll street, where a gat '-h msso has I) en constructed, from which tho water will bo di-tiihutol by moans of eight iron pip.-", four of which run tho al Control pirk und four to the , ity. I liri.ii ; lioiit ils entire leuth this, great tunnel Ins been I la-ted out ul j solid rock, with tin i xcetioi of three j or four spots where "blow-i IT " havu been con-ti iirtcd with tin obi -ct of I r.lidd v emntviii'' tho ami duct which here ,.,t- tho Mir. ac-. tor the purpose of x, n-p-'ir or cleansing. Too tii-r.i I is lined throughout with brick ai d, in ono or two place, whoro the rock bus bjcn found imperii ct und a leakage is poarih'.c, iron has boon ad ded as a lining. In eight months time this vast undertaking wiil lmva been ai c 'inpli-he I, an I nothing will then ,0 !:' jag I ut tin Qmkir Ibiduo res- I crvoir, w i.ifh is now u ider considera tion by the ii. 'iv coin ::i. i mors. (nod lleilsoiiing. "Ma," ri nmnstr.ite I Hibby, "when I wns nt grandma's she let tin havo two pit c s of pie." "Well, she ought not tn havo done so," said his mother. "I think two pieces of pie aro too nauh lor little boys. Tho older you grow. Hobby, the more wisdom you will gain." Hbby wis silent, but only for a moment. "Well, ma" ho stud, "gran 1- I ma is a good deal old', r than yuu a.e.' I LC'hristi.iu Advocate. M atercress ulti viiliun. It was not ii ail lvisj tbut w t.rcress growing was undcit iken in l.uglaud. In that year a mi.rvvt gaidencr iiiimcd I Hindi airy of Sp-ingbe. d, near tlr.vo send ob-i-iv.' I ill it tlio wi.tercre-s of that i!-.ce was o! a li n r ipiallly than J thai pro iuc J elsewh re; and p -rceiv-! nig th t uh -a kept Ir-c from wi uis, etc., it tlnov- v.ell, he took to farming it f ir the in rk"t. f-iuco then it has b co-ne an oi j 'd of regular cul.iv ition ! a id largo be Is have l.eni planted in I various part-of tho country. A few j "I the giow.T- h.-.V) become ro-perous j men, and today large nuiiib rs i i v j by 1 its lu'turo, while many moro d.dly am j their iiveliboo I by it s sale. 1 1 Lotido i i alo:.e it is computed tint tho i hawk r- an.aunl.y di.po-e of ijWKiO w orth of watercrc--, nn I tho green gro ! cers o! tint ci y nre credited with sell- ing each y-.'ar ,''" worth of the same ! plant. When, therefore, we conic to o . si ler the inutilities, whiih, in fid lition to the mctrop li , mu.t be c m--am d in'-ti r, Hiriniu-hani, I.tverj O'.l and other large ceatns of la- i iu-lry, we get some idea of tin cnoi 1 ii.oiis um n it i. n illy ,-.' nt on this reli-li. i l tlie coi.tin. nt it i- ai-o nioili cs 1 teemed ns mi'y be gathered fioni tin I'-.ct tlint the yearly rental of tin beds a Mr'irt reaJiOb .f o ),nou; au, in J,ris ei t r . i duties aiiMiiliy levied r-n w iterir.-ss estimate 1 to ic w orth g") ), -: '"'. li New dan 1, whither it was , imported by Kigli-h s tilers, it rnn ' excic lingly weli, the lei.ves attaining nit extraor liuary -I.;; in fnct, it is sail ! have become it somen Int trouble --nine weed. In 1 idn, accorling to Mr. M i -, it is cultivated under sheds ieciel fur tl.o purpose. Cliamb rs' .l.i.nial. An (Mil Saying and ils Origin. The -ay::.-, ' A bird in tin hand is w.itlitwo in the bu-b," ciiginntod io in the following Will toli.ers, til) Crlli;,ited je ter t, Il.i.ry VIII.. d to call nt l.oid Sur i )' , who n 1. had olt. u I y a wad -Mm : l ju t - iv.- l fi oni ti.e hi-i...-, ni--, 'ca Hie, in; I who coa.-ci,!! o.tly, wn aiways gt .d tu t e bi.n. II: was on tins occa-iou u-iiere i i-it-i tin1 av.ary, w la-re i 0 found "n. y lol l'' : i: using hiiii-e I i'-h bis I iv b. s n,. i , l.a;.j,en'. .l to ..diiiire tie.- p'lii'ug.. oi n k ini:iiii. r. "Hy li:y lady, my rince of wit.-, 1 will give it to y u." Wnl -kippel a! out wah de.igi.t, and ,-iv by tin ..-,-,t lla.ay lie was a in -i do : eutlem-m. j Away went Wi.l wrh hi- kin Mi-her, I'd. ing all bir a-ipi d w'lom In met that in- friend Su-r y in.d j i-t pre -;. ted bun with it. X ,.,-, u tl) ul p -U -d that I. .1- 1 X o ihain; to-, wh, bad -en t!i - ird t.e my pievious, ar rued at I. od s-'u-rcy's i ;,t ns Will j Saiuers had lei I, with the intention ol j inking the i ir I o! .-lin y loi n present j to a lady frien I. (I c a was bis chagrin mi lite ling tiio bill go: e. Surrey, ho.v- , cvol, fli-oled llllll -itii -i.y-il ; tlll't lie j knew Soiners won d le.tore it if b,. iS.urcyi prioni-. -'l liim two soino olli-r d iy. Away went a iiie.seiigi-r to thy piiucu ol wit., wli oii be loiin I in r i;,. turcs wit ii bis i to wiom he ,1 . liverod his lor i' s mes-a ; -. lli -at wa- ill s surpri ie, but b wn not to be j b iiubuo.l.-d ,y eve", tin monarch him-! self. "Sirr.h," .-ai I Wil', "t il youi I master that I .mi iiiuch i bl i ;cd lor hi- j liberal otTc; of two for "n , i-.:t th a 1 prefi-r one lord in hand li t .vj in the; bu h." A Jlon-der Tree. Muring a r.-ccnt trip through, tho. wilds of tin Sierri", aii ut tin h 'ad w tors of tho K iw 'ah riv r, Tul iro county,, )b. Fred W. Clou -h, s well-known engineer ol the Coiistoik, j says that in and his companions dis- ' covered a treo of sciii)ia -pi ci s, which ho bcli.vos to no much the largest on tin i outitnnt of Am i ic i. 1 Mr. W irren, who has seen tho big trees ol Minpo.n. t ho-o of t'.ie bi ; tree grove in t'llav rai ci u ay, and all th big trees of the c ei-t range, -ays th lo : is nowhere i . Cilit. riii a lr-e th it up. prouihes in -i.o that on tin- K neah. Tho men h id wall tin in no rule, tape line or inea-uii! of any kin I, but .Mr. ' Warren inoa-ui-- I tin tr. e with his rill -, which is four io. t i i lea t!i. II found it to be 1 1 leiigt' s oi his gu i i'i cnciiai- as hi h abovs the' ground ns ho coul I roach. Tlu top ol , the treo has boon broken i IT, but it i.- i stiil of im nenso height. This monster treo stands in a small ba-iu near tho Kaw enh.aad is surround- i ed on ull sides by a wa 1 ol hu ;e, ru rgo l r c'i. Tmro is so much briisli in tin, vicinity that the little valley in whicl . tho big treo stands is u'.ino t inaccessi- 1 bio. i I'rub in Farmer. Slrnngesl nud Weakest Woods. According to Professor Sargent, say? tho Scientific American, the strongeslj wood ia the L'uilod States is that oil tho nutmeg hickory o; tho Arkansas ro gion and tho weakest is tlio West In dian bin h. Th most elastic is the tamarack, the white or shellbark hick cry standing far below il. Tho least elastic and tlmlowo-t it specific gravi ty is tho woo I of tli- Kicui au en. Tht bighe-t specific, gr ivitv, upon which in v ncial depends vaiii" as luel, is attain id bv tbobluewooj of Tux as. For lHrger advertiscineijts liberal con tracts) will he tiiade. j The I'riceless Itoon. Yes I inn old nn I pn- r, swes-t chilli, the s-eniio old''U- f-ill l lii'bop" and j y nn t light of youth have faded, one mi. I nil . And di e mi- ol liive' Thou iiiukest me smile! Ah long mid long n,i. Th'.-e ul w bo-t' -joiil my l.eait leaped high wi le hud tlie i-arlli In low. And those whu live? Well, well, no more. "I'ls l.e-t, mnvli ip, lllone, What though no -pot in Hod's fair world I e or called my ow u. Hut still iiiiw-ii-i .1 day by day inu-t lie eon- t'-nl to gam Hulli.-i nt f.o- my lonely needs l.y toil of build mi 1 brain.' All, nil bu- whieli my foolish heart most loud mil s..i,.y .1, I old'- itiliinio w i-.l. iii .praise II i-mime) for !iy .-in I aye deioi. I ' Y"t inn 1 I, . -! tiioii tnink'st it strange.' for nn my -. .nay b , i I 1 here tleinns a draught trod only from the Willi- " of t n- I. ird. Teals inns', v.. yield, run! sweat nnd blood, must true, i re it I e won, Put y.-t nt Ins! ii giislic-I'li-ih, more golden than lie- sua. So passing f i-;mt . ri -h and sweet, n single drop thereof L'ive-t ullei-j y than l iippiin- s, more deep i-oiiti-nl than love. Timii canst not gu -s the priceless boon: lib, child, the .".-n-.' untold Tbut pas-nth li a b-i'-t Hiding, liod gave me to have and b..l 1. INiiinrt Si. -cm- in l.inpiiieotrs. iir Monoi'.s. IVojilc who live tooiong aro not lit to die. Tho original grand oil puty---Mo-thu-ciah. Speaking of blowing people up, tiio ki rosene can. A lmrber v.h o tn! s too tuiicli is ofton given to cutting remarks. Corn d odgi.i s- i who havj been ki'kcd for stepping on ihem. Work aud p'.ny aro n-'-oss.ii-y to tho nttor, an I they h u;l 1 be mixed. d in re im too much shot-gun to tho Kjiiaro i.icli in tlu ,-iver.tgo idea of jus tice. liven if hi iv.fike, wa-te, the ordi nary m :j,cng' r boy will ui v.-r como to want. Tlie i.ri.-l o! n cniniu.-i! i- ii-ua'.ly giurataeed, at Ica.a lb. to is a warrant lor it. A poet wants to know "where tho ll.' c u Is nn: .n." In tin air- louin, ol coin s . "d'!ic waim-. -t r. lationa xia between ii', nrd we n:e mo ntcd by the closest s,f ties," ii- t'.n- b-llow aai I when ho vainly t: i-d to let cool the handles of n magnetic bidl' iy. Conductor iwdio.e c i- is live minutes bi bind tim , tu -tout patly win) has been riinnin!.' hail a bl. ol. i--S.ep lively, madam! Moot p r y i h i.yj Oh, I'm in i.oi.uvy. Conduit i i darting u,) Well lam: w a for t lu ne x t car. Mr. l-'i.nici. i i g .oiiiL- a but ler i I hope you iik ' jion c. gnis lull flavored, for n.y la.-l in a:-, who was jgood enough to mill. it ti a I -i.ited him, complained that my fav niio i riud was too strong lor him, an'l mad . him .sick. So ho took hiin-cll i l! .-1 a day's notice. Pluck Ha in." la a letter to a local paper, Mr. T. I. ddgin Ti-aie of Pel-, I', iglaud, re leriing to some orrespondeiico nbi ut "bi.ick ruin," say- th t about half-past seven p. in. on duly HI there was a Vwcr of black r ii , which is. thus do scrilied to lii n by Mr'. Haxondnl', of lii-t K -wick: "About siven i i the ivoniug the -by Lei. tne overcast, a heavy, reddish-i rown cloud being over head und reaching to the horizon south ward. In about half uu hour torrents of rain fell, and the remarkable fcnluro was that tho rain was perfectly bbic'c. Everybody uboul h -ru noticed it, and the furnicrs say Hint tln-ir rain tanks of clear wa.r are row tilled with this bluck water. It doos not seem to bo on in i mint of any substance which wid sett e I i Is - any M-dnncnt, for in the tanu- a -tilt t Tli ir-duy i remains black. N VI morning us no drove to Ci I i ga i", Ibme miles distant, wo ,-aw by the road- and tho pools that there bul been the snino phenomenon nt that iliaunc", but we learn that nt Tliorner, II arwii-k and other places im mcdiitoly surrounding there was no rain." In a second letter tho lady "tolls mo that tin shower of black ml i c.xicndod ns fur nt lea-l ni Wet her by, live miles distant, and that h r husband has given n bottle of tho wat t to Mr. Hrunson of Lee Is for n-ialy-i-.'' "The explanation I would suggost for tlie remarkable phenomenon is this that the coloring matter of tlio rain is in te tic dust from tho breaking up of tho meteor, for tho meteor was soon agninst the bank of clout doscriuod by Mrs. Haxondall, which from my house seemed to h-ing over a di tiict extend ing from Wctherby to llarewoo 1. Tho meteor appeared to break up into sparks and minglo witli tho northwostorn or II ire wood extremity of this cloud, from which in about half an hour descended tin I inck nun. Surely this letter will i nl tick others to contribute information oa this Interesting subject." '.V.; -' r. ,