Tljc vC!)Qt()am ttccori vtljc I)ntl)am Hccoriv II. A. JA)NDO, llvitoi: am) j'lioi'ifinoj;. i$ati:s ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ( 'III' S.I:II0, ()1V I.TSI'lt I f I (in- Mii:ni', Iwii itisi rtii'iis Unc soiinrc, one month - l.ou 1.50 - If.Otr ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly inSdvance. VOL. XI. IMTTSliOI CHATHAM CO., X. ('., XOVK.MIJKIl s, sss. XO. 10. n A r'n'ilintli Iii tho .1 011 ii 1 nt us. Afar from tl" i :i I of Hi Snbhutli b.'ll, Afur fn in I lie S 1 1 ;i ; T. throne Whoso voices t i il ,y i :i iship swell Willi Jtll lilfl lit l, Ih of K lllg, Alone on tt In I y Alpine heighf, J'athisl in h II ml of res l-n lent Iglit, Wi.h ( ln glitt.'inng peeks of miow m slight. Wo "ntter for in rniii prayer. Though iiu ill in y our e.iiie;i'e",-ili"ii bo, Sealei'Iy i .willing llio "two or three,'' TI:o Master himself is there. Ki joalii'ig oi -an pioehiinis our pini-", No piv.nln i voi'i' is h-nrd, Our olioi-ist- r's ps alio on this poiirl if iliiyii Is that of id . Iuppy hud; ( ur music tie of tin- rushing rills, Pouring down from tli" snowy hills, As each Us ii pointed work fullils Io ipinig ii through tin' Howry iVll; AnJ tlio boimIoi ful works of our l'athir tcncli Muro tlmn the wis-.t hii 1 best oou'il preach, ( 'r tho tnnirue of the It'urno.l ti ll. Though 1 hoy seem in eternal miht nr rnyiil, There once was a day, wo know, lion llio lull's found at ions lir.-t wore 1 ii'l Ami lirst tin" wore crowned witii snow; Hut wh o in liiont (ho lust n'.i! il.iy All tlmt is o il inn 4 pis. ii way, Do wo not hope 1 Hi.' mountains gray May delight our awak niing eye.; l'liibVtii ul all that is ui'. mi I bright, Pointing up to n w irhl of light, And a glory that ie wr dies. Lucy Tavlor. in Word ami Work. BARREN HONORS. My mother was left early a vi low, with Ii v j children, u'.l girls. Wo inhei it ; 1 nothing from our well-horn ii iccs turs sav: will -forme I nose, white hands and low, cu.livatol voices. My mother was a p'ou 1 ami o ur.igc ii woman. Si source was money ith in lint wo eur.y luiirneil to ri-o ir.::i a I 'ititily-tcivcd dinner ir-upy hii-i ry, mill darn an 1 reilaru our sp tlessly clean though s imp! : dresses. I'jor mot lur, hers was ti stern rule, hut I think of tho lung hours (luring which sho played tlio I art of lioiiiekoopoi, govrccss anil fcamslross, ami marvel at In.- strength of miml nu J hoily. When 1 was 17 1 was invito I to speml a few months with our father's lousin, a Mr. I! aunuint, who livoil in ;;reat stylo in L union. Mi was that tno-t se.tish of beings, a hypei hotnlri ir. That I might ilo her sotin credit, Mrs. II mii 11)0(1 1 ordered a suitable out lit form-, and lino dothus and good food noon transfurn.o I mo from a pile, atonpiii'., dark eyjd t-t rij of a girl, iatu a tall, up ri ;ht, h at:d.t.ino y. u tg W 'tniin. Shu was too h'.peies-ily Mii;!t in e ( to ob sei vc tlio change, and il :n tut until In r lav Tito nephew e iinu on hii anniiil viiit tlie adn iratw-i which his young (nee too plainly showed, oponed lu r eyes to l!.o f. ct that 1 was a c:iiii less beauty, tho most daii:;eioin being i i K .iglnn I, where men :m I woiih ii am seldom givuu in umriiago but olteu boii 'ht nnd sold. A ceno wis troublesome, th ro.'ore my hostess em. tented herself with de ( Ini in;; Ii rielf worse, and onloring her d i-tor to preit ribe sea air. .1 irk 15 mi llion t was r ipn-te I tj a(oin;iaiiy h r to the I b) ol Wi ;ht, and I was packi-d olT homo. 1 hhail never forgot my mother's sturt of mrpriio whoa sh j saw the change in my appearance. A I that evening nhu n m ined Very thou.d.tu1, and I boaii to fear that my unexpected return was hnr.lly v dromo, until two days l iter, w h 'il with lur sw. etest s:i i!o f-h-j informed mi tint I was to put on one of my most becoming a:id behave my prettiest, :. sho ixict ed an old friend to lunch 'n:i, My younger sisters wen ordered i IV to pai t.iko of a cold dinner in the school room, nnd my ninths and 1 awaited L'ird Silurian in the drawing room. I knew him to he one o! the ol lest, ns to title, of Kiglnail's peer-", and I had heard a whiiper that mamma n:i,'ht lirvo been his counte-is had h 'r youth: ul b nuty been inado more nttraelivo ly the htiiidrod thou'iinls of pounds ster ling which tin la ly that ho i veutu illy married had brou-ht him. He came, a oriiu-fni e I, still old gen tleman, who put .1 double cyogliHS an I tc.innoJ me closely. A glnuce of mu tual intelligence passed between iiiaui ma nnd hit lordship, which did not teml to put mo at my oise. Ilow.ver, I smiled aud talked ai well as I coul I, with a beating heart. After liiiicli'.'ini I was ordered i ll for a walk with the other', and that veiling my nijlhor kised mo, saying: "Lird Silurian will bring hii son, Lir l Trenton, to call on Wednesday." There was something in her look nud tone that sent mo to my l ed with a "sudden sicking" of lu.ut. What nocd to uwjll on tin wretclied details of the m xt few weeks. I, r I Trenton came, saw, nnd as it eventually proved, conquered. I thought him u most vacant youth, but my mother ex 1 laincd that ho wai very much struck with me, mid "such a dear, simple, ihy boy, notwithstanding his great wealth and high position." Tito wedding day cam o and I lud oen my bridegroom but twice. U.i these occasions his father ha I been m the room. Li ly Silurian I had not sera tt nil; her hutbaad brought mo a magnificent tiara, necklace, earrings and bracelets of diamonds the Silurian diamonds wore famed---and re retted that his wife whs too great an hva 1 1 to yrosont them in p.rson. I luvo sannll rcollcct'nn of tho coro mony; but I rememler that my fnther i -law bent over nnd guided hU son's hand when lie signed ihj registry, I. u ;hing, nnd cnl i-jg him a nerv in fellow. I wroto my maiden name, Olivo C'hise, for tho lnt tiin, and ini mediately after I, iiccoinpunio I by rr.y father-in-law and husband, drove to I.imestono Towers, tho homo of the Silurian family. There I m ado a ha-ty dinner nlor.a in ono of tho tungnificent rooms which h id been set opart for m", and slipping on 1 gorgeous wrapp' r, I tri ! to forget my woes in tho pages of some of my favorito books. Kro long my tired head fo'l back on the sofa nnd l slept. I uwoko with n cry and a sense ol terror, A number of wax lights shed a soft rndinuco over the handsome room, tho porfuiuo of rarj (lowers filled the air, nnd bending over the couch on which I lay, his hot breath f inning my cheek, was tho man I ha I m iiried, with an expression on his feco and in his evil, shifty eyes, whi.h ( "I grant I mny never see on any human face again. I'.ir a moment I was p'ir ilj. ;d with a Ii ding of sickeni ig terror, then I rose fio u the sofa and moved toward the table. ' Where are you going?" ho ciied. "N t o ln-t. I'Jii't y ii know you mi ;e now ."' I : nn instant he ha I mo in his arms, and w is holding mo so tightly cln ped is his embrace that I pa ited lor l ieith; while he weut on: "Yes, you're mine, safe ei.on ,'h now. I've got nw.y from that old imp who's lueii .standing be. twecti ii1. II thinks I'm s:l ! with ll'ncli. lie's i deep oi.e. Ves, you'ro mine, and I cm tear v-ir great, sad, bbii k eye. 'it. or pi: ch your white lie h, or bitu you until the b'ned come i. " ' ( i!" I gasped. ''If you aro mortal mi I not a lien I, lal.o no! to l.a ly Silur i n; take me to your moll, or." My wen' . called forth tho wildest b.u .-liter. ' l.idv S:'.nri m ? lie cried. "Yi u'il never see her, sin's mad, us mad ns a hitter; rursi Ii r, that's where I t;et it Iroin. We're all mad but that oil imp of a fath i ol iniii , nnd he'd I e ma I too if In were not tin evil on". Your mother w ill! ' I til" money, and she's pot it ; slo.'s out '.'"iil.Oil l, nnd l'vo got y ui." The look winch In cist on me fn 1 my ve y blood, I ui by this time I bean t(i see all too cl ar y tie; ntturo of the sn;r: into which I 'i 1 1 fuller'. I ii't.vcd lorw ii I bill bo sol. ' I my Ire--, an I pi c d one hand hvt my mmith and m i I ; hit teeth moot in my shoulder. Tli'i pain w as so int Mi'O that I almost f: i ilel, my I n 'i i gav w iy and I fell to lb Il r. "I5; (lill' In cried, "dead al ready!' Tiie cxi''anialion oave me an i lea: wh it if 1 w re to lei ;n death? 1 lifted on il, and pieiently li'ind him ir.ovin ; iib iiit the room, muttering to himu'lf. Who i I knew him to bo at solid distant') I lta'f opened my eye, and saw to is. v horror tint he a;; cured to be tiying t' open the win low. Sud ileii:y h ) ib'sltte I. nnd I heard him murmur, "No, thii side won't do. I want her to lail iulo tin mo it and lho:i he won't find her. The bnlroom win- ' (low's till) 11.11'.'' II.' turned hit sfps toward tho bo I rooin, w hich a I joined. I sprain "'I' foot, gained tho door which opened into tho ha'l, ai I sue- poscl, anil inn i myt"ii in a lorif, dark corri lor. Down this 1 no until I reached a narrow staircase leading up ward. Agonizing fear lent wiigs to my feet. I gai icd tho uppjr floor, and went swiftly down a long corri lor which ran tin length of the opp)site wing of the home, Imping to Ii id some miii l-seivnnt's door ajar, for it was im possible to ieavo tho hotitj in my ptctent dros, or, rather, undress. rorlu io favored me. At tin far end wis a; closet, or, morn properly, small ii mil, iiroiridtli! walls of which were lung tho servants' Su id iy drts e-. I iipproprin! e I one of these, a black shiwl and pi: i i bonnet, tho veil of which would serve to mask mo well. I felt no fear as I gli lod down the three long flights of oaken s'ept which led to the I nc'i cn'raiico hall, and in ten minutes (gained th) high rea I, which skirted the park walls. I set out brave ly for my thrco miles' walk to M , whero I ooii'.d take the earliest tni i for Ion. II 're I knew I cou'd dispose ol one of my p'ni lest rings to pay my fare to tin city. In M I posted oio line to my moth:!'. "Wu ;:i I can forgive yiiu," 1 wrote, "you shall see mo again. " My di-appear ince was lni'lied up, but I a:terw ird lonrne 1 that I, r I Siluri le, my mother, and one other moved heave i and curth t) find me. Two lun lsomc rings, by which 1 might havo hem traced, I sold iinmodintely ii London, a id long before tho money I thus gained was cxliausted I had been introduced by a young wonnn who lodged in the saiiio housn with mo to a manufacturer of artificial 11 over', II i gavo mo work, nod thus I live I, if such an existonci may he called living, for thrco yoirs. Siranijo to say, my landlady csuk It in nonr Limestone Towor-, ;d throu ;h In r 1 learned that tin Silurian heir was generally supposed to bo "ipncr" at tini's, an I a .ways dull, bru tal nnd li 'i.vy; tint his uaf .tin .tile mother had b en mil for year', mi l that o n" poor young lady h i I Ii nilly niiirii d I. ,r 1 Trenton, but hii I leit tin i e'. day never to returi'. (bie cvei.i.i more weary n:: l il ow ". hoarted than liui i', 1 was dr.i ggi i g my tired l)iii 1 1 slowly h im.' w ir I, air tho day's work, wii:u a pas-ing hansoin topped siid I mly. from which sprang a young man, winisei.' i my arm, crying "ThanK t!o I, (live, you are found at last." It was Jack J'.eaumont. .lack, gool, dour, h and -omo lis ever. 'Oh, .l ick," I cried, breaking down and sobbing piti.u'ly, "lell me all about them, muinmaand the girl-, only dou t tell them where I am else tin y 'I'ill want me to go luck to Lord Si n rian, and 1 can never forget him, n-ver." "Old scoundrel ! I should think not. lint he ciu't ino!ot you, dear (Hive; now that his miserable sou is ilea I he hits no more authority over you t::aa I have." "Dead ! J ick," I crie I. "Yes, threo inontht ago. Ah, (Vive, naughty girl to hi !e Iroin me. Il you knew how 1 have suir red." (Vi my twinty-liist birthday I became Mr-. J ilia lleaumoat. .My iinih r to thit day think, hersell the a ignev -d party; and has to reiucinb r that my il:chise HDicy enable 1 hi to I'm ! -tillable liitsbiii It for all her 'SlIi oefoie she. cau forgiv; mo fur rclu lag to pn lit by her excellent bargain. I I ho Wisconsin. ilic Mile) to. The stiletto is a tiui:r weapon. Ther) is nothing of Am.iieiti iiiini l.e uire like it. in length it in is Iroin six to lil'teon iiiciics. Tin; biioU is ai oiil twice the length of liie haa lie, dagger e lge l, thick at th" narroiv oii.r !, and tapering olT to i xc s-ivc tiiiniies; at llio point. At tho j u. rd the ! i unetcr of tin Ilia io is ili iinoud shape I n id the two extr.l cdgei run almost to tlio point. Tlio real edges, which nro r a or -haip, make a won id winch III i i.iixiiiaiy e lge, more l imit tlian slurp, nggru viito to ii terribo legree. Si t If i tive is it an 1 so nun .1. nan l i tin ha idtof ade.vtei-ui nuia, that tile gov ern mcnt hat Rcc it!y bcc i e 'i riiiieiit i:ig with it in a weapon nt t .".-e ipi li ters and in the M is-.oivah c iiiip iign sev eral coil auies weie iiuiiid Willi shields i.lld long stilettos. 'llio v.'eapo i is car ried in a sheath like an ordinary dagg. r. Another knile, numouly cini-.d and itiipiently used by criminal Italian-, is what I'-ulcS'Or S ; .iiiiapieci), the Nea politan fencing in isler, ( ills tin) "mol Ictta." Tho irollfttii bears ttiuie r'scii. blance to a razor, though considerably longer. Tlnro is only one idgo and the blade opens lue a penki i:'e. It swings loose, however, a id w hen draw.i it opened i y ciilchiag li d I f f the han dle with the lingers and throwing the blale out waul. This rtipiires practice and tlexteiily. A sin a I s img catches the knife and holds it t p I is closed by pressure noon a tiny "outto :'' on the handle. Though not ns ifl'(liv' a j weapon ns the stiletto, it makes an ugly wound when lisid by an cxpjrl, ai.d can bo opv.c I almost :ii tjiiii-kiy ns a stilello can be drawn Iroin its lie i' li. The case with wiiich it cm bo concealed a I Is to the frnpiency of iu use. Tin handle ii liar I wood or b ine. There is nn uptown i 't.-rili-l limit that is fciiid to inip.u t st ib ttos and i ther Italian weapons. A small stiletto cau lu bought b r :! Toe largest si.e coot ifo nn I $H. An imported nn latla cuts il Tue price p'.nces the nil Italian ailiclo out of th) leadi of mat. v ol the knife users win failed to bring lhi.ii' cowardly weapons ncro-s the oceie, nnd they coutenl th-.-m selves with a species of Ftnall dagger, crude I u'. ef fective, and not infreiiiently made by tliemtel v 'S out of a w -1! worn table ki.ife. New York Graphic. All lllephant mi a I, ark Cjiisider.ible coniiuoi ion Was elite I lit the little town of Stive-, Hunting donshire, II a dan I, by the lucon-i I-t-ate niamur in which n big elephant took a surieptiliout holiday. The at tractions of tin traveling cirtut to which ho was alt idled pulled upon him, and in the sin ill hours of i. e morning ho let himself loose. II; fust at- by th: illluws cf some lus ' works, which he cntero I after breaking down a few trilling bit'icles i i the shape of three gates, two fences and a brick wall. Then In pulled out a plug with his trunk a id set Ir e a few thou sand cull" of gas, vi-it.d the re tort luiisj hiid lii'hiencd the sol it ry witihmau into lit', explored the ncigh boiing m.rkit gardens with disas. trous resu ts to tin owners, and weiiad up by wricking n I am and gorging himself with new wheat. lie was sli.i conlcntoliy -Ii .ve.iag in when his keepers ilisfov r l him, a id with dillicii ty induced him to return to ids ipnrters. I'i.itii- for damages nre pouting i i upon hi- owner-, aid the will almost swi'low up tin prolitt oi a b id season. .-w Yoik S.i i. IHII.IHlllN S ( IIU MN. Our r-.ibv. I'ill "ll f'V"l' s e "III b.ll v. I.ilMeT'.i. With tier oji's s i sp rl.lnu bi 11.', Ami her .-kin solidly while, lap, an.l cheeks of ro. , li;-.i- T"ll you w in.!. She is ju-t the svsei test I, a! y In til" lot Ah! flic is our only I ri i ling. Ami to me All h"r liitl" wiiv - are w 1 1 1 v When Sh" sl,gs . f t e ,I I'very wni. I i ju-l as pr-tiy As can I There's ma .'iiioiher in the eit y tweet Ms si, '. - II up i' Young !' o s.imiI n i; Tho K irl t-i s ui ins rative of !iit hinting i S'tskal cln w in Ii -w a s i alt. i(l. in th mr Vpeditioil to t it fo.V eluded tlu pursuit ofhiiuse.f and another liuntet by superior y : We ran nuoth r fox, ail but him i: the strangest w.y, ju t as we t hni h' him our own. M'K iy prcs.'l him h ir 1 on ono sid an I Ion tin other; his st rergth w i failinu1; his chance so imoJ hop.'! js', j' no .shelter I iy belorj him, neither budi nor holbnv; n::ly a v el wiiile cx,ia:isj of gliiteriag mi i th'iesi. Slid he l.i bore I on, and w. wondered ai hit Courage; but tie s.cret w.h soon re vealed. l Vi a su l len he made an i.etive rtii and 'li-appoir d lead foremo t into the n .iv, I) nvn weiei,!.' 1 to -eenre hie. Heboid a g apiag leidgcr-liole poiutiug towarl tlie centre of the earth! l!y what in-tinc'. could the fox tli -rovee tho exact position of lint hob? !Io wont through the thick miss if snow ia ono do-in header strai ;ht ;is a plumMiet to hit mark. No d i il erci.i. - .ei tin smooth, shining surface w it vi-tbl ; to us, ycl the fox. in nil hit fear : d peril, could ii -lit ex act y upon tin cn trai.c ol this coiKea'e I, and apparent ly, bllg-Uiilreiji. elite I burrow. A Si.v l'"(i. Necessarily, Ir on tho ol'' itiipon; polied to lead, the fox exiuls in t il ning devices. A good iil.itra-i ia of it it this of tho fox that, having c.iptui- .1 a large duck, found his hiin-.-wud pio.-ress obilruete l l y a wall too high for him to leap over with his htir-l.i '. K iviiar l in ole two or tlir-o niten.pls and on each ocra-ion feli back b: 111 I. Finally he sat down at: I looked at the wall lor a few iiii.iuu-s. II viug satis lied himself with the ..invey, he caught the duck by the lea I, r ii.e l him elf up against the wall with bit fore paw- as high at he could rent h a-el .'-.tusk tlie bill of the duck into a crevice. Tic) fox was now free lor action. Ho leapd on the wall w ith a bound, i i n lied down and calchin g the dink by the neck, went oil' on the other -lie witii his plunder. Tin arctic I x is known ti bo pari ic ilniiy wary. 1 ! was ki.led by seizing on a bail ;i I to a siring, which ullc I the tii ;gcr of a gun; but I allot her one, pr llliig by this ixpti I ence, took ( ire to go u eb r the bait and ul" ' have b low th line ol lire. Cases n known also of tin arctie fox avoiding nil risk an 1 c inipb tely clr cuiuv. is 1 1 n ; its enemies by cutli'igthi lino nttacho 1 to the trigger an i thoti ialely removing tin b n'. - 1 1'icayu io. Seii-tiiills In I'.o-.lon I . lior. In the ice-lini", whei inmv days niil ;,,,( - (,f jU;.r Ktj yiV d tin h.r- Lor with di i.t iee, tlio upon the smoo: h w hit" lent satisla tin. Th hi nds to peer over the 'u I- w ilk about -in I .c with cvi s al . lilt brown edge with won- beiing baby-l'ai , an 1 I : i g their salt. llliipelett boll.'t to :l p Tell b.'ti le till gulls. A gull and a se il, tiling olT (0 sen on a block of ice, in sneao nnd con tented companionship, one s.-in times toes, llnvo a v.'-y pleasant iiu-iii iry oi ac'rt.-iiu -tat iy, .solemn : ull I onco saw a linirin.g hii; elf i.'.l of water that lay in an ice-block. Tho water was vuy daik all routi 1 th ice, and tin ti Ii! w.h carrying tin ice out to sea, dri ting ilt pretty freight p ist buoys and beacon t and pas-ing vessels. The "iill shifted from one foot to an other, keeping i::o warm under his plumage, w hile he balanced himself on tin; oilier little pink foot which rested 3u the bare ice. With head bent this way and that, In) iiranend his feathers, looking into tho little pond-mirror before him. Ilo took a sip of w ater, and still anoile r, h.-ivi :g lo-t all fear of men and eagcr n ss for lood, in lull en j iy mcnt id this b ippj In ii r of gull-hood. A steam r pa std so close ni u'. most lociu-hlho litlle ice-crnlt in its wheels. but tho gull di I not flinch or look up. Though llio it; ft lipped linen-ily i:i the wake of the steamer, and the swell rolled over ii i ven then he did not ut dow i his tin ki t up foot. At last in the c'ini: x ol rist fulness of soul aid boly, ho nestled down on the ice, and rested his solt while breast on the cold slab with out shivering. They nro so often (pi'ite nlonc in their i est or amusement that havo about them a dignity and rcservi piito pc. cu iur to themselves. St. Nicholus. Till- CROW INDIAN. Habils of a Copper-Colored Resi dent of Western Plains. He is Crafty nnd Brave, and is Utilized as a Scout. In pcrsotnl nppenrinc) tlio Crow I i Ilia men are Hue looking, ta'l in I well formed. The woiinti nro small a id inferior ri npp.'iirauce. Their vocal lung-. . it conrso and haish, and does not seem to have a Vecabu'nry. They .are poor in traditio '. The men cut the hair sipiirc'.y II louti l the fore heii I, leaving this bang irom four to six inches i:i bii 'th, which, when ia full dre-n, it made to .stand uptight ly dressing it with clay, which is somi iinni male in renih-iv" by nduiixtu o Willi u stic.y .-il slant o ootaine 1 iy I oi.itig etiuiiuy wi e i s nnd i ii -la s. The si lo hair it ;.t imes rai ic l airi the hair on the oiick of the he id sepa rated into sv ta! "st:ipst' winch are lit"'- I ia place by ; lue place I nt regular itit.'tvils. To give the-ii the appear ntico oi very long hair, o which thi-y nr.' ix'reinely p'o'l i, lh,l wliic.i has belli cut i IT i i in uriii i:', i r th ,t taken from lluir pit.-ies' tails :r. l mane-, is glii'.'-l on to leti;. th n out. They do not i.l. oil', eyebrows or iusli es. In dross, the ni' tin ii . ded coat iiimI'! ol bla-i;;i.i. At the -I1..U. lor, wrist of the coat an I down tin lo'gin;s a coarse Iringu it hit. in1. Tho womon wvar -!io:t -'.iris in. l: of iaw iii .teri 1', and cue iitlie lor clired tibbons or tti tket t. Tin Crow- h iv - an excellent reputa tion am nig ot li r t ri i'S lor their cuu niig, crafty - J i i.l a d 1 r .very in war. Witii th whit -s, at a rule, they havo been fri.'tid.y, a';d since 1M havj ren deiel'i 1 ii;e s"i vices to tin: govern ment a t enii-t d -c eii'.s. At prc-c t they nr.' bell r armed and belt rmouil cl than any oilier tribi o! Iiuiat.s. Tlie Crows Ii .ve n sun daiice of their own a. it dilTert essentially from that of the Sioux a i l oth r tri'ies. Tin dance ori.ia. t s iias;.'::i- -,f n-vnge, a-.d tlir.-u -h it t ir; s.-.-k I o la-.ce ol tii. . ipie:;i I out their p ans fi r veil pros, en: i-ig th 'ir w ..i t in g 1 1 x j 1 l.ti 'at. I! si let t lie strings nr tin a 11 - : ; ia curving . i:ce, and it I horso-steal- by wli.h the! 'h lln smoe.- 1 1 a long pn' : j, 10, luce good I danc -r is fa-teiic l 'hroii of the t lies! and back to the brav i ende-.vors to iuck by 1r.1i! ilal i ig hiin-el wil.i knives 111 many ,arlt of tin boly. Somief the y tl ig men I'asio 1 1 ulla o heads to th - muscle, of III) h'cli an I daucj them selves l roe an I cam p. Their legends them first 1 f I! other 1 " ' 1 1 ins iie at Ih" i 1 t at 11 thi. u ;li and about say that Clod male hum in bein -s, tho , ned lb white man j 111,1 Ii:t:e.:l !i r somo off 'lis.-. II -w uiu, h l. dily pni Crow wan i ir . can 1111 Ie in I Si , near thi. pn-t. fill, ol th il v 'iu when 1 one of Ihe-e go 1 WTtto s ed It W ,1 II the 111" il:'. Or! Sel.ui 1 tho then s ir, lary o: the inter i.o) vi-itel the c.p'ur l S;o,i nnd Cheyetines i ear I' et K igh hii- ora'ile gcntleni oi d naliv ei at one of th 1 to elm rve the .'tKi-s nnd !ea-ts, and U metal Mil ', our i ominaiidii g officer, condiieted bin: t tin :i, i dibor ing eitampm nt. The wnttr ikchii panied tlie par y, whieli went on hor e bac't. As we ncire I tin sp it w-e be held s-'Ve::i: bun Ir -dt of It dims iiji ,t. te I down on the grns'. -ti igin shout ing aid liuiiuii r. T.iey w r i net dun i ig jl-t then, in' w re eijoyiiga star perioiiu 111c t by .1 -.nltliry w.iriior, a Crow la Inc. . tuethiu g of en ex cnieiitingly huiii-'iout character, a highly-seasoned and palatable bido dish iu the feast, .0 to sp-a't. The stalwart ( row stool in tho cen tre of tin; eite'e; the Id hi I wit stream, ing Iron a hundred gashes which In was self-inflicting upon chest, slum', ders, abdomen, irnis an I legs with sharp-edgtd knivi, handed to hitu al-t-nuitely by sonn ol the Si ux a id Ch 'venn i i r iv s. Tiie sight was too much for the sonie what sensi iv organi at 1011 of tlio fas. Secretary, and. givi :g hi, horse the spurs, he fooa e-ciped from tiie (lisgll -ting spectael'. The nl ten din L l idi ins enjoy :d th : p, ridrm inc 0 huge ly, fur they w, re chn'ti. g away and biiighing gnyiy whil; rho horrible and certainly very paiu'ul n.iiti.ation was I going on. Tue i itorpn toi infoniied mi that it win an 1 iitonenient ceremony on the part of the Crow, who h id in tin proceeding win ter killed a Sioux. From tin sunn source I h anted alt erward that llnvery height of th- festivity w is roach t 1 by the an lience when the jerf rm-r linnl ly pirmitted his body to tiewashe l with vinr;iir, after which In i-nluleel in lit nud c mvulsions. , Cincinnati V. .ipiui'r. Tho rgretit Warwie o! K gland, tin putter-u.i nud the'low n of kiu ;s, did not know his lettir--. Mnrdi l Sotiit, tho greatest of Napoleon's nmr shals, coul I not write a single correct sentence in l'lea.h Sicv"non, th inventor o.' tin locomotive, cou'd t real whci he was tweuty-oi oy-arn m.i. , Silkn ill .M.l l l. Tlio m ..-t intiii-.i.g 1 .Lira in t.n Tm'.oryof Al iska i- Sal,-., lh:cai t il, nn old Km-i in town. It ii bc.u'.i lu' ly situ it d, Miiii ii id d, .-nve 011 tin seaside, by high I.l 111, tains, ntel tho ln.rbor is formed by many low, small wooded islands. There is some level ground on whiih a town might be built. Nearly nil the housc s.eiu go ing to decay, nnd theie is a'n:o-t rso building going on. Our gov r.-incnt tlieen resi le h r", an I there i- sonu pleas nit soci' ty. There i' a large and flourishing mi-M):! i hoo'. of Ih" I'res lyterian Cliurdi, wlnro liM young na tives of butti si xes are educated. Th" old I!,is-i.i:i church i the gnat ultr..i lioti, with its paintings and (Ireek ser vice. I ittenb'd s-tvice, but was not able to see n.uih dilTerencc between its ceremonial and tin K itnan tatholic, savo at lite end nli the congregnlion went up and kissed the cro-s iu the innds of th" pries!. Some ol the jitiint ings tire covered, save the V.oc, with silver and igobl m a luanm r 1 ii'.v r saw elewlicrc. cliurdt it a congreg ti in of peril ip ,-tll 1 I, Willi Mil, mo tiy !'. -i lei li;e -topped :.t a few pl.e- s li i.r g an I nutiv.'s h If-1 re 1 three tow. is met. no place i 1 A ;; ; -or ca ini 1 : li ii ;.t ' hutting seem the ott.y i.i'u-'ties of j Alaska worthy of 111 nil m. Tli : I inner J S s 1 uadtvelope I, save i.i o 10 in-line-, ; hit its futur.' i innot !' ;.r.'dii.t -d. I'lshing (iciii,is ini three or ! i.r I ::.':. !h of the y "ir. it no cvi ' dcice 0:1 th' c'ei-t tliil Ih re can lo .-v-r any n .-i ii u t uro of impo: '. i::ee. j Al l. "st 1 very v.-lnre tin hi'.!--, when not ! snow-cl ol, are cov ie I with small J s ru ee, too sinall for liinilar. Tlicre ; si-i nn no tea on to thit.k the for ; is'.s will bo cleare I, cither J. t t'n lutn 1 b-r ('T the reeky soil j 'J'.ie 1110-1 of th ' native hutt seem of I the poorest, with an opening ii ilo IcMreto let out. (he sll ..he. A I with itt lisbi'i and huntiei-, is w il ' adapt 'd to a ';iv.i;o '"'piiiet ion. I .. j lets 1 lit 011 ;h its mine', it h liillicu t I I see h ei it can siippoit utiy eonsi Icrable , 1.11 ml er oi civ I IZ.-d people. The 11 at r. et nr - :;.irly leach ib.e, but tie: in .st dilii 1 I'l! ;.r.i:il":n 1. t e liu i oit'ilpatioti 1 w.idi ; I siippo-t th 111 iu acivi.i.'.ed w.iv.i II troit l-'ice I 'res'. Kci'lio's lolllltl'. Jim K -one oit: I hit I r'uie to n woTinti. Tiie imp veii-he-l wi low in oi l lucid of his c. in: to him once wiih i-soiil worth ol lin-noml all sin 1 h i I lell, eagerly begging him to I u; tl a annul it of a ceitai l s! "U:t wi.." Sn had ieen iiniil iy:. a- :: seaiu-l 1 est at the bonus of -' 0 1 I, l'.ii: and O il i'li, nil loriuer friends of her liu s I a', ;'s. Al one of these houses she ha I ovcthenrd an unit of a wonder ful bona I. . j .st ih'i ili-covered near Yirgnia C.ty. lit no I i..k tin- dii iiioii is, a w -d li.i ; gi.l t 1 this poor . 1 1 -: c wotiiii fin. 11 her ninth t. II 1:1 v st d their value it t'10 so, desired. Oi 1 he a ; 10 11 :c meat of I lie new di C v ii's I'm stock juu'.p d fri.111 ts-.'s ,j s i.i, I; , 1 I 1 s 0 sir, I, up to .' '1 At that po, 1'. she ,.skcl him I 1 el. 's'l" thought h -i s.-lf w ,)t Ih about .-.,"i.'i . She was 1 in a 1, vcr of 1 xcil mee.t. K "ii , slua ,ndta.!, was :.s col a- 11 cm liuihi r. , "See how niiicli Mrs. - -has wiih jus," he told bit (ashir. i he .-.n-wer ia ne, "M s. .S'iTii on 1. l,--s cm ;ni- ions, making s"iii ; -;u." Keeno a 1. d it -h w 011! I 1 1 v ,1 1 h. c.v ior Ih .1111. mi it tin -, i 11!, rcciivii g ::o answ r, j oil , I s';,. 1, , I l.nnte l. lb; had 111 d j :ii miiMai 1 himself ia th d, al, all of which In- he -ito-'lost in tin Aiii -r;c-i'i iMoite C.iri.1 - W .!. strcit. Tt.eli.t ' w.'iiiii wiiom he crieuel now dnzl I p ojile her liani 'i It, keeping lie 111. tli r's till in a la isinif. I A tiier ic. .hiv (iniilil's I Vie I or. I Mr. (i- ul 1 sat on the porch of his 1:- vi:i"to;i rcsideiica and in bis laii was a ! baby, ih; si t-.'n. I son ,.f his son (I org-, who innriii d 11 litli Kin: don, tin: pieitv ; :n tress. The i;'oit that this new c "it r ' is to be nan c I a.ti r bi. gran-lfnlher is a I mistake, beiaiise his brother, now n ,11' j a year and a hall o. I, bears the n ui-.e u ' .1 iy Kivg-I ui (I n:'.. I. N-ar by -n' IV. I W 1 1 . i.i 111, to w lioni .1 iy ( ti d ..y I a suilici nt saiaiy to c.timii md l is entile ! time. The at; oil. t it sail to b- .M.iiilT 1 a yeai, an 1 that is re .sona'ulo e ni icr liiglliat Dr. Milan gnv up an 1 xlen . sive pmct ice to take thi' spina, job, I a:: I is r.ither a rti h man, :r vhow. Ti, cot.trirt covert a peuod of twet.ty vcars iiik'ss terninated earlier by t he j dentil if the opulent pitieat. T nis 11. will b" seen that (I u'd ton Tin I .1: i i vestment of nearly '.' "1 on 1 1 a nudicii nltendu.ce. Phi. abl phi 1 Tunes. Slin II itched Sho wits an old l.-.shioned woman. She stool on th" step of 1111 open c.i, a d tho lady nt the end of the ,1 t.t su ki'y retu el to s!i 1 along. ';n ...d la-hi'ine I stood theio li r a long n with Ih driver l,o. in g 1 ack and re 1 ly to move on, and th oi b ill i y deinitnd 1! : "Well, hiii i't j 11 ""in ' to hitch? ' Tin I "i v ' h 'r : aw ful lo.i -,.l n .:: .ti d i er . I t 'a; to " ' :: i. .1) ir it I'r e l'iujt. For larger ndvi rtisi tnet.'s liberal con trails will be made. ! A I'ropliecy. (-: ven unblown lilies l.y 11 ragged wall, H -m ii mil. low 1 .iie s ." k nn. I slim 101. 1 tall; Scvi 11 lilie- by I : 1 ai'i . ;... ., in .1 I hi he.t ami li. nt ..jg.iiii; . Now 't -.ten-well 1.1 leT. iinyU', , My jgi-e it ;ifl "f 1 r ph". I I'hiie shall I 1 1 !..- lov, mi I tluee shall I !1 1 I o 1' . I 1 1 i 1 , line si, a I .;. .11 i..- help until it--, tlyiiin 1 I is at!, ; Itll I- of ii i;,e -I oiv oil .:. i-'e. I'.'el- of 1 ill. !- 11.! ; oil -h laee, lb.. I,;, I nil .. . , r . - I i'.'ow-. You me v I ,- I i-1.1 , nn.. I !n..s: Sev.-n liili!...iMi Vj s ,v a i-a.Li I wall, S- ven 1, 1. lie. -nn I ,,,--, sic. k aie I slim nud tall- SfV"!l li ill I i." : 1, , ( i e oiling t h, re, i. .. m'.I, ie w s iui; CI" m.'ie. hot llv. ll'eiiv il1" ! !' nth ' I tl.. 1 i-t h .1. a .-I. aie. 1 ; Ami vt I w ,t. ii 1 1 ee, lib! wleil s.-.e.v i muti-is- i ( ' iocs ll. II!! IMlhl ! to I" .1. . lit . I ll: ., c.s! j My lot" st 11. Is t!;..i-.., tall aiel ,n .'.' . I l !le-e I he - I, mill; illl, Wat '. 1 1 he !.- tie l, ..:,. two no I .ill. I l.e.iv, - ! I ! I !l ie' i n.'.-.l wall. ' I."! I;.. ,-, v , las tl-, 1,1 at 111V .-et. j I. 'I I " ui,:-;, r "I ..I,., thin U oil. rin.? I in,'.., - , V"t what of i,,', .11, . 1 oenr, ! Wis!,..,, ,f ,, ,,. I i,:,,.. .... 1 - j .Ml Il al s, ! e, ,.r I ..- ;n ; J o 111" w :o 1 ;n v pi-.,j,!i V - !.l. I. -ill .1 M i.arl in I :! 11 Tl avcl'T" Ill .'lOUOL'i. Ma lc out of h'le t otii -Porous pla j ter . I A goo I way t j see the world n to go on i. ":,,wr." We j te-u that Cork has a largo I 11 still g j,o II ali-'t'. 5li.iv a pol.tical ( ,i-i I i late beuls liu Opponent by .1 -.. inti ii The p.,ct is oltetl ! 1 ides', niiea ho rings, and i .1 l'n re i lets. A tT -l Ie iui ' --i'y--T.r' al olition of grale I'lJ'Ti' t i y r.n'.wiy tracks. A man ndve- :i- s or a priv i'e footer to i istruet his sj;i 1.1 tin art of cornet play i e.g. A -alt c i:l -li t ii.ik''i-l an 1 a rubber 3v it eit will k. .p,i :n..;i d:y through it long storm. Tile sho, in ik -r to e I 1. ve I'o) foar of being with, ut w r.i. IU, occnpi.tioti is cier-lasli ig. If coroners u. i. p.11 1 by Ih ; l.'ody they w, id I ii. I ciii !: w it: it:y col p el railroal.s br.,u;lit in be them to sit o:t. Tli-plumber who wln-tles while at Work it a paradox i" 1 1 creature, for al- hull g li he lay his pip., yet he pi es his ij Speal.i '.- ol 1; id li.e.ot, n .1.-11 .r bill will go is '.,r i:v as in I til" w r if iiil'.i 1 til pist.ig'i 1, put on th) enve lope. "Was liia! p .ir of sh".'. h :l f-so!e,l .' ' "Yet, sir. A otic-le;--! d man can.i) lieletiii. I; aiel boll ;lit one of them." A mm who nt ;. I to a N"W Vi for, who .-1 1 1 1 ' i -, - I "il, w to Live 1"H Years," r . t . i 1 n. 1 p y a u t ul end beiriiig th leg.'iid: "I ' -11 1 d ! daring the fust 1 ".ti.ry ot y- ut- oi-l "ii .' 1. hill the (on biles ( s. Atn1li1.11 daiiy i itnc'ts nre slat t ingly enoriiitiii1. Tii -y ie pre-en I tin i.l -Visfnent ot uenjly twenty live limes tho .Mil ' bank capita! of the i-. ii -li; Hint, is to say, tl " b.i-.k capil 'I is a lit t Io bssth.ii ;'' 1. 1''".'1 'o, while the daiiy il!tere-s nil, lilt !o ll.Ole thill :,:!, II1I1I,. toil, inlil. Of ifiiise our real is 1 nl not ..w sii.-'i f ri-l.t fill li ures in a Itiii;', and we will, tluie ore, nrran-.-e them ij, lutstil heroic, d s s. Tue number ol inilcii oe.u is cstiui ,tc I 1! 1,11011 inui. ih, v 1 h an aver aee el :' 1 ga'dons ol milk ntn.u-Vly. This wo.ii.l it , Is :.:: a . le-jnto :i.k pri dt.i : io:; 11 7, :l"i , 01I1), 1IO1I gallon-, a ininiat nre oc( tin, a fair s t I Niagara. Fair thousat.d Inillioi-.s art u-ed for cheese, litl-l til ' I- 10 i i ig '.'.li V.I,t!IO oil') I as I hi oiigli the n 1 ult I ;l i't g h m Is of tin,.,i n:i 1 ; r.'i'-'r, an I down t io lliro-.ts ol li-'. I'Oil.iioo men, woll;e 1 and babies in thi- 1 1. id ol freedom. Tho piiiitity of I'li'I'-r i:i :n 'I met lire 1 and a cd is a:.eiit 1 :;"i 1 0 m, no ) pound-, a ol A cln! il, "i'l 1 "01 j .01 id -. The v. 1 u ) jf our dan i'l ) l-iel t for tlio l.i-t year was nearly'HV 'Ibis i-, s-Jil,. , nli), coil muro 'linn the v.-.. 11 of mir an -liiiiil wheat yield; while it elo e'y ap proximates tint of 111 corn crop, which is the most valuable of our Iniiii j. induct-. To support thit iniu.o'iso deity herd len.iH'1), him) a' res of at uro bin I ire icpnred, worth t?-.'."in, nun, (I'l'l. It it ea-v '-t.oilgh to see, ih.T.'lore, ill it , out, on.) fnrmers in tin. i-.'ntiv i.r.) )!l import ant element of our ional welfare nnd pro. pi rity. illilsteii I'ricsiati U gister. A Needle in 11 Haystack. Yung Mr. Sissy (to hit prelty ,'iu-inl Hi, M 111 Ie, I don't know what o do. O .0 giii wa ils me to pluy t n lis, another eroipiel, and nnolli r some thing else. They will d wi ve inecrii.y; ( shall certainly Ion: my h'eid. 1'rctl y Coil i i Y' 11 mast , c cur ful ih. lit losing vour liend. ( Ii rev; .' 11 would novel li 1 I it ttgnln. - j .Y e. Y r.f Vna.

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