ft ljc mijatljam Uccori). ljc ljatljnm tUcorft if u. a. j.o: ioi, EJJITOK AM) l'Kul'KlLTOH. HATES ADVERTISING ()!' SiUllll', DI1U HIMTl Iclll- One mpnire, (wo iiibi rl mm- ' l.S" Olio niUtirc, one in. ml li - 2s5(J For hirgor ndvi rtisi nn ii's lilntat cou trw-ls will In; iiimli:. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, riMi1 una uuLijftii i fill Sirictly inAdvaiice. VOL. XI. riTTSli()l( CHATHAM CO., X. C, X()Vi:.MIii:i isss. xo. i: CLP Wo r, i -I a ('.. s...i: 1 1 I i.i i- i. i i l ilW ill S, V III lll'.S Fl'sl Ill: An.1 And,-,-. ii ' of p. ni e :-t. I y no hi t it t " lu:l I in.-. Win : l:v lh I I. I Un heal I in tun." I. lh .nk ii fill ii-i-i. ,' e: nr.-ii. .It,.,. ll is ,lft An I A light uf . ....r mi I l .. I ir lh.- l-ii- ii ! -.- i.i.. ii'-.-.ii ni;ly I'll W" g.V," lh I'll., I'm- miiis in,;i iii -;!,.- i ... f, i t; I'm- .tr.nig - I ri ;n I . .ii I I !i I.i: .-.i I..M ul ll i. hi tii.- i .i , f H:i'".:ilv. an I lli I u- Ill-- I- I'll ll give Ili.lil:. i. i iI.-h. .-in i r u u.n 'I'll -,t iiiiii .. ii ..v I I . '' Hi - li- il-.m I nn Through h ii in ii ii 'ult rain,, . I III Hi ll 'i.i I. ilnl tin I 1 1 I I. Ill tli- .Si .ni1.". i in nit r - I III We I'm thnl 'I li lt v Tl llIM:., , - I'll. II ll lill ' n' II TV ' i'i :i ,i- k iv ; i ' tu'i -ii. .in I tl -mi: . .ijitii.iu i H . I ii i l; , Tel .Id ii.:Ui nl' tin A::.l ii .-ill ! ..; 1, 1' - . H'i Ii .i: ;i - Hi:. Hi. III III. ilHie Itiul-i. . Iv .;.-i I Inn,- .- ii, mi I 1, . Mm" . Ii.lii. a I. nl. , .., , ir In iii-n f. r Hi. ii r. i-l lh' l-.e. n j ilii'i-, i.h'l ll I or ll'- .mill,. -nil i: I hal I" q I I I 'ii We ('li I'v vi'ri.f I'l-.nu I i r. n. h nl lh,. "I i:i uiir v -in hi I-. n iiea hi lh ii... .l t 1:1. ..I' In. I'-. ll I'll ilml n .i.i I l y ci'iii iil liei l, .in i ,iv I'll il i;ivc I ii.in;. .. -i- H IO-.l -'lit TII.WKSiilVIMj D.W. l.s f CI! WI S. J I. (lav there hail n slice,. s el etnriny rain, ivuli rairyitil frnigi's of rloii'l ahovc 1 1 it-wc-lcm lniii.'i.n, ami a law hilli in -s in the aim, is I'hcic. mm i i y C i in ni ram, (T f-ii'l Mrs. Fl-lon, ' 'V now in c-iiiiiiiiily, as .he went iilmut lii'r ilailv wmk. "ive'ic Lri'in." I i have a I a I I Ii .nkseiving il iy. Not h it what mil! oiidii tn he .ju-t is gla.l ami tli-mk-fill, wln thcr it rains m- sh-ues. Iii.t it is 1i iivul.inij. when i no Inn inviteil (-.nil. jiaiiv fmni a ili.lamc. Ami I In ! Ji-niiil wont .li i in - our fioni Hiivporl with Aunt Mnnia. if it su..is; ami Sturkcy can't lent no nut in ii sin: in. with her wiak ihc-t. ami everwhn.; will go w ioim !" Townril iii'ht, Ikiwc cr, the nni lmrst tiiuiiijih mlly thn"',i!:li the clmd., lightning n,i tli - ,'iulic aisles ..f the leat'cs woo, Is with rcil tthaiiis. uml touchiiiL' wiili lines of lnnl gnhl the IiIl'cs nl 'the wives that l okc sullenly UU Wueilliilil I'oint. "It'll He lint", aflci all," saiil Mrs. Klston. Atl.l sln Imist int.) Fttlc luiilaile-of fviio, as he kt il o 1 1- ihcie l Halil win ai,-li--. . t iiivay the ii'! civ. ciiliieii Howl of sii i-, i i i " atilicn ic. louiilcil ilm iie, aid hn-kcil to see if the turkey was ull pliii ke.l ami ilics.cil, irmly lor the mi l low's oi cn. For I i,.ie I 1 .tun kept neither c" U nor waitress, I ut ill icmlcil on herself only for all thi'-e lioiischohl ilclails, a nl no one iimlerstooil hciter the necessity for ii c.'irelul coiioiny of lime. She lnnl iiniteil I lic'.e I cmiicl ami Aunt i;lioil.i,l r,uu Hay , oi t, Mi.s Slai key, her wluloiu st h.'o'm itc, now the le:ii her of the nearest ili-trn t scho.il, ami .Mr. ami .Mis. Ilowai.l, who liveil in the tot tage lieyoml the tiiml iliinci on the beach. It was the Ust Thanksgiving tlul Li.'ie hail ever kept, aid she was ile tei iiiiiuil on halil::; it a -u . , "Hut .ill the piCj :ir:itioiis were i om jilete ut last, cicuilowii In the i ount iiij; of the inn icut, l'u, ile shapeil spoon-, that we. e an In -irlooiit li.'in I i ic'j gr:'ll"l:unti.cr, ami the nlil inn- anil Jih toi. Milne I liic eilcl, ainl sonic i ov cicil with iiiipos.iMc laiul.caj-i-s. in the dullest shaile of pink ami :ie umim:; wife, looking ilowu the rod, s.uv I rank Flstou cumin'; up 1 1 . ui i the whail, a dark silliuuet to a.a list tno ml glow of the sky. "i'll go ainl meet him," she sanl to lie me If. Fur I i i i' h:d not been in nr id ion.; enough to f. n .: nil tin -c cr u olul mi ni OI .es o'' the lion innon tilm-. Frank 1.1-lmi, lh c inlai'i o the little boat Unit pi .- l i i i wi c i H . p i. . I iiml iiiL' a"il the licii'i-.i i iic town, nu t hi r Willi sile an I a ki-. (':r . i Whit hive vmi gut in thcUtiit, I r:i U "i-.i-! 'i i - i-nilin'j mi tiptnu to peep 'ic . r t!, nil of the willow re tt-pt.t'lc that, ho tattkd. l ill. I I.N I 1 11 ' hang, g. .u b!" (-.ii-I In-, with a no.l of ttiiiuiph. 'And Miti, i' ('niiri)i.l grapes lint wi n- li ft nl mi In. I cuii 'j.;i.ini'iit, I'.nd Filthy lit III.- h (Vi- 'cm iln-ap'' " ll. I lank. Low nice! ' CM laillled the limi-i w f. . i l.i,i,ni g ! , i -1 I mills, "ltwill l. in -l what I want tu give i i.'nr iiii.l ilci nun inn tn my inlilc. Ami I bnhi d the hi. km l.ii i lodiv afer vuur imoiIii r's recipe, aid I'm mi:c tiny are j godig in lie n-ifi'. tly splendid '." j ".Nilehd id. me ilicy.-' suid Hlilou, j -tilling "jii.nl IllllllolT'llv lit his IV it' I I till! wile. Vc!l, .'in glad "I that, i I'ml, Lizzie. I fiugol t.. tell y. tit " ! "U Inil is it, "Frank " with ii lialf "tatted a ir. " Vmi ic going tu h iir miiiic company , lli.it V"ll linln't cad Hailed nil, 1 said lie. I "U lio, Frank : Nut Aliliy Haile:" I "No It's ii wiinklod litlle ul.l woman, Willi a regular I. tile ni lu-li iuiicil c iift. 1 1 I .pulled li.iuil. v illi ii lilul) m, iiihIci it. ."-hi 's wail ing nt ill, 1'niiit lor li. i I a g Lingo In I e i : ii 1 1 1 . il. mi I th, night I'.l n-t .tei tiji .in.l give you .1 wind nl w ,ii ii ii::." ' r.i ;:,' i,'e: ' i rieil l.i.!tf, ill im-lei-i-igvi la ."-Lcgiiini.' nii'iin. to stay ; What ha; A v '1 '"'I lieu '.-! li ic ami li-'Vi-s Frank, '.m Jiii'.:. "Ami I'i. Ii.d Wiil. It Willi his l.e. liuunw . S.li.l Hilly lio: t 'i in n,i to I ill' ll'l-.l.r " "Fill, I i.ii.k, w h i i, ii ; Why ilun't yi'ii lell in h i ii is " "ll. i n inn- i. M: I'. nl'.ii.i II.ili. nek," s.l.il the I il'.t.l-ll o liie ."i a Mew. '-lie i ..in Iii'in I!,- i.ile uf l hnlc i-l.mil. anil h- i v. (.;,.- w,i. ,, s, L" .ii. i i .in. in nl y.ini i, :.. I in r. Ainl -I . '- , ..ciiii:; to sjii-ml Fh ink - i . i :i : w iili n i "' ".Mis. , ,,,!,,, , ;;,' U I- ieiii .it, "1 I i i- , her he h face :r w n:; lila ik. " li, I kn.nv ii-.w ttliu il i- I ia i'v' AH the :e!.l inns l.. . lu ,i , j.. li u ii.HM I! iln ii, k s i l.i's Me- I, nl nu li ot lill IIWII, .lill IV. alu.iy. w lll'l. lilli iii.mit I he i o ml 1 1 with let- l.niii-wiiik an I In r n . ei,t I- .uk aid U, i rank, -he wn. .-ui h .i.:i'! I cn't !i:uc her 1 "All right, in i,l lin l.l-li'ii . "F:l uo h.c k ami I. il 1, i,.T so. lill v- I i-i i- " "Wc!;." "I loil't all till. it-Hi "tn of the i, I'I -t'irv i.: tin ni .1 lini. i.-t aid ilevil " "Hut, Fiatik. win :i I've mviti il all the neighbor "' "ii-, cv.ii tlv .ii," s i:, I "i.i nk, l iv i -ill-; the i no nl ii - e, -niiil'orlei' ar.'i.H.I Ins linger. 'Wlii i. un i;e:v.hli.'r:' That's just t he ipn -t inn i;li il- par.ihle was inicmlcil to answer." .;im- stuml u uiiiiii'e, .il. nt ly think in:;. i'lm't s.li.l lilC put yon:. i.l ii:i . ".-! f out. in v- 'li'iir.' in : c: .i"l:;ii::.' 'ii:;h. Hi.t sh.-' ill the Wh II f M iy el I an. I Icci.ie. ami " "I uii'ler-taid, " inter: ii,iteil I.i.'ie. "ami she's mi ncii;hliur. I'll g b.-u k, Frank, aid w.um iipt.iieof my ihiekin pie. fur supper. I iliiin'l i.itci.il tn have iiiivthiui; lull hie nl ami n,;l, r aid i ohl p '..' left, but ul cuius,, -li,. is tin- 1 aid clnlli'il, pour i li'.iluic " "I Init's in,- i, un !i:;!e ciil !'' sai l Flank, with a ciii'-:n-' Imn-h to lh -stiai locl.s wiii. h ha l est iipeii, like i iu-j -1. 1 spun ofi, ; i n t,1(. Imriler of I.iie' ti il woisie l limnl. "I know ju.t lmw till, suit ol thin;; puis ymi h ui i-kcepers out. hut niiii-l.ii vv 1 lilt M'lr.iiv for the oltl la.ly." I'ut l izie couhl not help inarvcling a little when Mi-s Hardy Huh. nek arrV. oil i n the -cene. h- was a little, lined up ohl treatine, with lilai k, nslh-ss eyes, a i : 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 coliuc'l "front," ami a Host: aid thin that im t in close proximity. "So you an: .Mary Smilh's il u lei, are you " saiil she. "I can r.t iciu inlur Vol. wiicn volt w e. i" :i h-etlt" eirl, kli-e hi 'i to a o,i,.) ippcr, scivin' patcli wo , Well, I m yli'l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 uf coiuiu' hen to speiiti Tn iiik-itii in'. Sea a r al ways ill I ague with me, aid that's a ilii-iiiliul uii e ciafl til it yuiu liu-li'in l is the skipper of. I shouliiu't womhr,' she a,ilr,, as she bewail oa her secmd weilgc of chii ken-pie, "if I nude up my iniiiii to sprml the winter here, ami liiiisli my silk cuiiains. I'm anukiu' siik t irlains, lbabith Ann -ewin' ships of s;k lo'cih r, i tit like you new carpet i.iuh aid whtii it sail ihuie, I'm goin' to botrow l'i'si i" .luhnson's oi l loom ami weave 'cm up into the predict snk flirt litis y.iu evil set eyes on. It'll be a pie suit winter's work for you an I me won't it, Fliabt th Ann I 'lap. you'ic g it nunc ohl silk, g iwns ion t iiihl spue " sh - aihlcil, w i -I I ul ly. "I incilaliMlcil.uk bi:i" ami sa 1 1 mi ciilor - tenor roller tiny inil it now aii.iy i. W'orKH in tlieiillul nice.'' ' l.i'ie looked I t widen d: iiptain i In erily threw linn-i ll' but tin" into the bn a. h. Oh, we haven't airivid Hi ili'.-n ty of s ik gun ni yet, have wc, I.i ic.'" -ai I he. I akc suiue i.i these ciiib- ipplcs, .M ss r.alaock. 'l'iuy'ic erv line." The old woman ..at down in the warm liiclht, nibbing her wrinkled lumls together. "It's warm a'nl Comfnitiible l:eie,' siid she. "I w I r 1 never thought of coniin' lo Fliiihclli Aim's In I'm e. I c s if .li'hnson d ilu't want me She sai I old foli.s was ton much i nc. I le v Wih o was too line a lad;, to notice he; old Ann! Haii-v. and my ( ' ms.n Max well as jj.iotl as turned me out of door-. Hit l.li-al'Cth Ann is ln-i mother right over ng, in lie kindest hi nted tiei-tar that ever breallu d. I'm ylad 1 eo ne here to Thaukngiviu. 1 guess I'll :ay." She said all this aloud, in her strange, (running voice, although she eviiionily imagined that -he was ouly thinking it. "Frank," wh spcretl Mrs. I'.'ston, snuggling close up to her husband, "I think she is lligh'y. She's so very old, you know ; she m.i-t be eighty, at tl.e very least." "Who is my iiciehbor!" Frank i upended, softly. "i think your duty ' plain in this in-tanec, my iii'in." The little old rcl.it ion was busy si '. ing at her balls of , a- tl coloi cd .. si'in wlicu the Tli.ink'Kiviiii; om pm u IvtU, ueit day, ud u: tsi'dy i, l.'l-vii we: tin iii as to tlip cast olT sill; ilic s iiic-tiun. I '.nil was ut a ilill'cicnt iiiiiiioii,lilll ill wcic iiilvcr-c tu the stian''er. '; i..ic, I MiiiMn't slaml it !" criei! .Mis. Iluw ml, a yiiv yumir nciiilihor. 'An nl'l (Tunc like that, to conic Iii-k aid '.ettlc liulit linwn mi vnn, Fko th( U'l W.nii in uf I hi- Se.i ! Vll.V, I lievei heaiil such iin,ndi in c in inv life Aunt llhinl'i I i . i L In r hi; nl .solemnly. "Mai ln"iM llai'cuck lisi-il to vi.il aiuii il in 'i nrk r t.rc." sa:i she. "w hei; I Incil lhe;c. ,li,' wa. a 1 r -- I t'n I tii.il, ii'nl then' warn t. none of her tclal ion lint was ;:lii l ID In-I i.i of her I wonhlll'l like tu iiinh-itakc the cue of her!" "Flit h- ul.l. Ui'.il.i," sai.l Fncle I ciniici; hi , I .she'.- hid il sliukii or two, folks .ay. ilniiiio what's to I km uiiim i her i I' Fii iil eth Ann .seinl. her awiiv.1' "I won't :.i ml her away," sliiil l.i.ic. "Mie shall have a Imine here. Frank iliie-n't oh cet, anil we iniiv lie fi clile aid Ii i. inllcss uiiiscIk -jsiinie ilay." "Flunk il'in't know what he's uniler takin','' i-ii'l Aunt Llimla. "I hain't. 'in mil' h ,iilieni e with the nlil creetur' as I sin. nl'l In v hid, el -In hail n't SiUiiiiilereil away all her niniey, Imvin' lottery tickets. She wo ililn't in ar to m one's il'l.iie. Durham liahioik was lis nlisi in.'itc as ii iiuilc." Hut Misie Slarkcy iiuilili d nnpioval to he:- I'i ieml. "I think you me lining right, ilcar," .she w lii-.,n re. I. So they lill ato their 'riiiinksiriving ilinncr, iv it Ii ninny ci'in,il iineiits to l.i,' ie's liou-cw ili-lv ai hii i i-iiiciits , ami int as tiny Meie sittin:; iiioiiinl the liic, -rai-k ini tint 4 ami ill 'inking limni:-Itn-wril ciih-r, I m ic I cnuicl iittiinl il cry o teiii.r "I. i. nk al H uliaiii Hal, cock !" sad he. "She's unt lin.ithl'l- stroke!' ll was trill' Tin; niur 111 lie ihl wi'inaii li.iil sunk lioivn, .ill in a hca,.. in Ini chair, with a (limiting look in her ili.torleil f.u-e, ami the wonls "I ll.aln lh Ann'' iiiii i-i ing on In r lii Ami the 'I ha::l-SL'ivinu mity was liiuLiii up in iliic ciinfusiuii ami ill.- m IV. ' I f she w ai to die,'' whi-pen d Aunt liln d i, the best thing that could an' ail In r id il ions I" in v tel ioii-ly "ll Hnillil he ia,iien to lii'i' Hui Mi.s Hailim-.i Haht-uck did not tl.e. She lived on. ail winter, into 'he tiiuc wln n dm u-c? began to bloom aid tic inapie bins. hui. bliiihed redly along the hIl'i s of the swamps. All llns time she was ipiite helpless, and her sole p cisiiie was ui looking at lh' biil- of vivid (ulurcd silk rags thai I.i ii- i.itig d daily at the fool of her In il, to auiu-c and ipiicl her. "It'll m. ike a ilriinl'iil etty .sort o' fin tains, "' .he -ad, m the stiniiiiL' Inngiu'tlel way euniuioii to parilylas. "I ll liuish 'cm win :i I'm better. I'll lid li 'em, ami I liahf ih Ann shall havi: 'em ful h( r ow n. ' Tin- n i:-lit hi I'mc she died she .suddenly ..,i i't-,1 In i . Aunt Hhi.iia was .sitting, iitt-dlc woik 111 liiuiil, In her s de. ".Mind," -aid she, "thcin siik balls is llliab'-lh Ann's. Fvegr.i n 'cm tn In r, sig.nd and -tali-d in the paper under my pillow. Muni you don't forgi t !"' " h, I'll m t lorgtt," said placid Aunt I'hn, I, i. W ii li I he t-ariy dawa poor Miss Haihy went to the home where, let us hope, -he w is inoie wa it -oiim th in she would have lici n in earthly habitations. "I don't want the siik nigs," said I i vie, when -he head of her tplaint in lierilaiice. "IVor thing ' They were a comfort to her, but of whal use could they be to me." "Noii'il heller t ike 'em," said 1 ' licit I cmucl. "sell tin to the lag man, if yntl can't make no bitter use ol 'tin." ".No"' -aid I i.'. ie. "I'll have thin' woven into silk t tut litis, ns she wantci' them io be. 1 (an hire Melimia Final and her loom lor a month. Ami Melimia in I'd. the work.'' Hut win n the balls of silk weie un wound there wire n hundied of them, more or less each ball was found to ho wuiind on a ten dollar bill, rolled into evl idrical shipc and doubled over. And every ten -dollar bill was l.iviu Fls- ttlll's lillll. "She didn't spend it all for lottery titkels, it set ins,'' observed Inch) I eiiiut l. "Little girl, what are you 'pondering about :" s ml the i aiitiim to I.i if, who stood silently looking out upon tin: greening woods. "1 w as thinking," said Li.'ie, "oi last 'I h inksgiving Pay. How thankful 1 am thai you wouldn't let me send poor old Ann! Harhaia bin k to I hide Island I Not only because of the money, but that 1 was able to take care of her all that dreary wiutei- wh'-u she wan so hclplc-s, and hud no friend but me." Tlio tapiaiii flatted Lizzie's bright head. "So you're keeping your Thanksgiv ing Pay yet 'said he lemlcilv. "'its,'' I iic answeit-il, "I'm keeping my I 'laiilisgiving Pay n il Tiie Fust Thanksgiving. It is only about '.'"'! years ago tlmt Thanksgiving tiny was ol sci ved in this C'uintii. i hi Ma .i o, t ami his uimti hunt s sat down to dinner w ilh the Fin i taiis. I he lid ."ins brought ilit-r im:ii the wo. itls and the pale fates supplied li - It. clams and corn. Ten years laicr when the hi t batch of luead ill the col ony w is in t ov. Hiii'lforil - oven and starvation was .'.ai ing our New Fnghiiul .iii.-('tois in the I -ice, il e,H), shiptioni Ire 'ami appean d w ilh the day appointed b provisions, ami I lasting wa. t hanged into a day of thanksgivin The tiohhlci s I'ato. A gobbler slim 1 tip, II tin' fence, U hen all I ut him Im I tl. tl. Ills I. nu ei-.-i l his tail outspread Auil siateiy was ins bead. V lr- sf .. - - I I - -Ii '! . !'UXl;--. -i i i r r n - r i r- i-'si .-.-55" A i i-siiii; train, i I n wrs-stlo.! with .V'i'l 1 n i'-- h ui I.i tht' Krountl. Ami i-.o'i i .- h .ngs he" s o t-v hva'ly At thn lot u teiilti pvuud. UIII.DHDN'S ( (M.l MX. I'l'.iv, Muthci, I) .ii, It.: I i an it U.',' "(li:'' :-ai I III.' f I.I-.-.' hill" e ill'il li-., "S nii'i Imii-'s i iiii4 iii tlmt itii'i.i mil; Ir.c, Many liinl. to .-ilnl I r i .-il-e a ll) ini;, Willi iniieli noisy elmtli'i-, "li! whal is 11, e malt r' I I 'my, mullier, il-' ir, w iiat i :m n In"'' "I'll tell yuii nt oneu,' Mini Hi'-ir iin'lhi'1-, "For tll'illr;li I've liel-ll , li-'ll- I uloli In Hie. -a I liavo iii'vi i- I . .iv it t.-ii J lie .-,.c.-.-ii ul lh.. bii-.l. i i- ili-'ir miii;:. Tim Koliin Kcl lii-easl has I., .-n V llnif; A I. .n ami n ,.ei i.iik I il ., Jluii her nisi , wild tunr t my in il, I. list nilit was lil'.ivil il i.in hy the nnl". "Ami 'oh! w h it ii sh nu.. :iii. a ,iily' All I In- iiiln-r l.ii !.-, in I..; tli.-r. 'Hill, ill-lee I, "tl. .1 l.'i.ldi-l- lit ll !,ny Small ilivellinn Inil. I, I i.i i i sic-li iiualh-r. l-''.i niirl'i.s - re e Iiiixlv.i'ry, Hut .Ini, 1 1." ,1;-.-.. u-.i;,. I. i;.. ,, 1V ' An, I n ,iv uiMi a I, ri nu I a H itler l f tli.-ir ins lli.-y .ii-. tl v i ri r aw iv. Hut Iht l,..inii'ii, m ,1,., .- nu.. ,,,v, r, SlIIL's s.,y, "Wen llllet i!i - a -,-.t. 'I'li'-n l. iilliers nii.l ..Iri-.v I will lirniv y, ,u. An, I lielp yuii tn milk" a new n, .1. " - I Mai-iiiel Kuinein Sini-litin-. I I he White S,i.ii inn an. I III. uuilier-. , A pel l-.O Hi iu. L . ;, I ,o sl now hlV- in; whi'.i" wi igs vi. smu o i I .i ,n av fiiuti in II ndo'il, V., iiiie r cut af ; tirtioon. Tlio win!,: spiinr.i w.i.s -n r -ri ii-id..'d l-y a ll tk nl cmniuuii bil ls that i in led ab, ip ll 1 1 1,: a w it III ul , bees. Wheicv r tic whit! sparrow ; ll :w Hie cumino , r. lullow d :i : t r ,vi I i it was a ci. ic. leal ig!i' to see Ilit com j pliiceney Willi which lh.: Fi:;!i'sh priilen , receive I tin; id iil;i' nui tin, I hnliia ;e ol th'i lower or-L.T of hinh and the servile manner ul his followers, n ire tin un- pir Itiiinl hi oll'tnei! of appro nliiiig two ; i!o-.i) to his royal lilgh iess win cuininil : tud and n sharp , in i diluent ivns ul unci) administered, w hicli pinv.-iileil any n. Mil urn hi) familiarity ull tin part of I t'.iu c uiilii iii order. J Tin: A'hiti! I il l led nearly a hundred j ol llttlu hroiia sparrow t iihniit for over i two hours. When il idighte I tlio ollcrt I wtni'.l alight, and whin il circled iibtnU i or ll !W ia a strai ;hl line tic: i th r llttlu j birds wiui'd luiiin.ill itely lollo'v suit, i keeping always however, at a in ist re. j sputtful liiitauci'. New York Su i. Ileetiir iiinl til ! liielieiis. II. to n a dug 'tuiy Inr h.vors of f :i u i a o sagiicity. We have a lug dog, which wni seat to us .loins live or six years ago, when In wn. a puppy, us u "IViu li-itoii" setter. Tim, how ever, developed tliu fact lint hu was another kind of dog, ati I I think l.o is a iu.huIT. He was fo gin) I-naliired, nlVettioiiato an! coiir ige-Jii i lh .: I c i'il l not nii.ko up my min i t.i -iv: him away, a id so kept him :.i t in y ii'l as a kin I of "Uir l, with a; , h nvi.'V.r, atteniptiiig anything in t!i- way ol hi, e,l uc il i,iii for any jartieu :.i putpo.e. Weil, I prosUllio, iitionlm; tj liis faithful do ; u-.ture, hi: lh u .lit ("or who shall say .logs dja'l think.! I In: on ;lit tu m ike soinn reiuiii tor lih biiaid ami lo lgiag, an 1 so hi coiisti tilted liiiuse'.l a special p .1 i ,- ! i watch over tlio thickens, f whe.h we hive some two or three dozea nl a i ti nes ia tlio yard, and i vory . v ipig it ii hinu-iag ai wj'.I as i:it .-r .'-t in ; to aeo his caro of thoni. itln ut at tempting to chas) or worry them, ho takes his position near tlio do .r of tisu 11011-111-1111', and Watches liiti-Miy un' il all til l chiekein g,) i:i. I h i la iuo-t said ho cmiiiti tliiin; but ivaetli'i h docs or not, it it not tho i s 1 1 ii" tli .t tionoof them fii'i stray i ll i- they .om -times do, without hit m i liie-li :g u :- mistakalilo signs, by barking or other wise, of his uiioasiiies', a d nut ii 1 1 il tlio door ii lucked wi I ho .piit hu post I This trait lias been not ic , I and iv ' marked upon by a l of t!,u l..uiii hold. Theotlnr evening I fok linn d ovn : town with tno for a walk, -it,. I on turn . ing to go back I said (, him, i a l nutmal tone of voic, "11 i , i, Lia't ' you think it lime lor y -u t i go h .mo an I look after thn clnclieu.:' N "t c peel i'lg, of ion.", any repo:i t) the ipicsti'in, I forgot :or tl i that I h 1 1 sill iiiiMlu ig to i -lit b it lilin ; , soon alt'Tw.ird, irnei !..okiiig ar ui.id , for linn, I could nui ii id Iii iii, a i I h::r- ried home, ouly to l.n I hnu at hi, pj.t ; and tho chickens a I ia the huu-e. I ! locked tho tloor aid l-'ok th ; key tJ ; tliokltcll'll wIl'TO il 11 kept, tliUilC- , lioviig In in :r, in Ids duty a, a seiili'u'l, ! the wagging of Install I l.ing at pl.ii i I Iv as it could that he w h sati.lin.l nil!i hit perlormanc ii will as my c'.vu. - F,op!e. Hlarn,.r's Voir l lilidng the I lepli.tiit I I "l'etei in .u's Mi'.t -ilil.i;ea" II n I. M n;i'i nii-es once inoro tho i, ie li , : . th" po sihility of uti i.'.iag tin A iiiai c.cihiiut. 11. -rr M "iges point t out t hat there H a strong t vidonte th it tho el pliant wa u .d in aai-i.'iit tines i i A -rita, and asserts that no s.-rimi, attempt ha been made m n o lorn tun- s to -uh luo it to thn hum of l.iini c itv. 11 ni.d il ii ,s tlmt it is uiiita as d it il m tied i ii in "U - p'l.int and iniieli strong r; aid tit tt. if . It tou'd ho really taui"d aid traimd to work, it would bo t f iin.!i '!.i i ti 1 1 v i i the opoiiing of Aiiii-i. Hi", u I, -i st. m ) protection is acorle l to tin: A''- I rican eleplnut, II rr M -u ei I. "li v.-s tint by the en I oi next toi tury it wi.l U-cpaito oxtiatt. I RUIJUKR lirXTHRS. ni-n Wlio Diiv Kvery!hi:i- : Si .ir !, of Milky Sap. I'I 10 Yul uocs at Work In tho Cobt.t Rican Foroct;.-. Tic C)la lit 'I '" Vu'i' rrru, or n 1 cr huutoi s of ii'a.lel hi i I! -; l!io ino-t i i le nt oi ri .'iitures, :- cut on an e x -at li. in h aunt - ll".t tn llallla;'!! ' i, wi ;t.'s a I , s Ulilll'tlt, .-:! i" an I ii'ii'-i n ii first t l-i i i, wh pi 1 1 1 i on, is to s'.'ture 1 1'iitic as ii - i ii!,", and ..in r-i i.i- lies, A 'll n :n. . ,-, li-s b , il try, . ' it liis liv.-ri p. IS 111 IlliILT Vii'aroi's, 1C ul ll..: lutiire. r Iii i i.'iiiiiiliin! ; r,t (.'enlr-ii 1 1: . V I 'lini ,s f.irm a di-:ii:ct nl. nil, the lowest li I lit: ii'i !".s jt may I c ' ks ul ii I'll" in d i, or tlio , earl ii tin.' we. tern c :i -t. i,ro in. .i Iv h:ilfbr.:e 1 1 .' men s I i nn n:i ;a; i i:i II, iii uigli I! I ii i-n.-s; mi hi he in i I,: i v 1 1 iii-.-l v , . i li: "llsll leui-hed ol el 1 1 i ' nrol ah!.' Vul :l" I . in i.e e llt'lil ll.lllVM t ..w ' 1 ' Inn: In, mil ..' dar by lin Ili.l c o fl t. f urn. I,-a In, in 1. Tn gr.i i a . : V w i tli it'll I w. i- bi-r tri 1 : 1 1 11 ' 111 nil I ail r, ml ;n t un i I en -aii.tjlitiily nat:-i- b -li iietih'e. li'ie I out by tlul .ri. iiiiii i, in in h i; i :d to he supplied a their .-.."I r. li I, r eh Yiilai'i) is pro i, aaatlly of niiiiiiii--lillii ielit -upply of i.tT- Ms in 'i.i -i 1 I ': 1 i.!l I lllllii -I iii I'll hu let i i.e. shrewd u a It ri i I i Ann i :( a:i iiiiui-rs ii- w ith "gt ull .t I Ut:" pn cii-u . im t -iP, p VI h: I w ilii a ..-an, a Iilliii'i, a l ual i.ii'l :i sa'.l, ll ur an 1 puiK f suit il l him lioin tiv,. to six mni: t lis. All llils if lh ir e I to hi; i.cciu it al tin lil ; lin st market price, mid in ril'irnli! il ipuliitc t to sell to thii .iiine iiccii.iiiiiod ill i ; do tier, at Si III'! l'lX"d slltll pi r , I'lllld, a l lh i o.iitiluuii' la: :n . y i 1 ei I duuag l l Inn A j "Uf ley t.l th : w -eUs ot in ) ''.hi, . ol th ' Vu ir-i ; afl tin: villa ;e, In I Io tin; last cent li -ciirut d or r.n bi-g. n'.l the ci-,:. lit i v, may in i iipv ; t'l I lill Wil. li returns t ui-'lii, i ll', !i ic ivo it i gain ir ii 1 1 1 Lilt w l,ic:i ho hu. : teal or borrow, mi l mod that he can ol - tuiu by roiiiisi'i upon the next i xp nli tl'iii. 1: i. no! sti-augo, hnwi-v.-r, that iheyar' ro'.u. t mt to return to such danger. ni i . il a , for u i.lt r i v t? leaf of t ic t r.'-pK a! f.ire-t snun' veil nntius tie tin - i liirlv nig, and eleiiial vi-i-iiiiii-" i. ih- j in i of s-ift-'y. T.io h 1 1-t.-i'.s In- i, imp .1 ,.-.- th .: , I 'h- w ild feat-, h lino. I.uw 1 1 ni ike ll 'hi i.i It-nil, arnuu 1 hi :, a d let is i u isl e 1 1 ,- i x I', s.-d I.i a ih li-aii I peri.s -ei u an I Il iac':-. N t oi.iv arc tiii-ie l.uiL-ty j-i ; unrs ni'.l pinna-, w i , la at t and ot Ii -r p.nverlul atiitnais, lut more to b - drea lol are the ilea i'v it-p-ii-s, ..nine of th'.-m no longer thai; yi.ur haul, Hutu uro ti:y liZiir.L, the i x it I to'or nl tho leaves under winch tiiey h: Ie, wlc'so biti n laid; i iiiUiiitr.ililo in:-, b-i li.s and last-it . in-iiiy ol lli-jin uiir.' diigoroii! th in tic ratil r of our net t !n i n wild-, whithat least givoi -n.no w , ruing ol his inten tion to sliike. wln.e, i veil i::ei o tu li fe nvd th in t!n in. i ,: ion. i roco lilt s of 1 '' i ol : I.i hu ; a n .-I'i the l.t-s I '-. ale 1 1,- I "vers I tllil' ! i ill!', I iuiH v ipor , , Ail": :r I biin.;-, tlie ly of wild 1 i in he may I i tortiil is a'l t i, k al-i o id w it li 1 li ) i.ox : lh : t rr i e .Kent-". 'Ill t I:.' t lilt Hill,!", s h." Vul irn's I I t'uasMlS III ua- 0. -, , r ,iic'l other animals : I'-'le to k II, ei il tut by 1, it, an occa-luiial luxiirv, j a dish of ro I beans -t I I'i III. .Muii ' il.oice.'t of k.-yt UlC If: so. ci, considered aux, nrticuliitly ll l'J rod I'll.' . ul has no nth, in Illeni lliaii a -h.ii-t lope u I' t w a t w i .1 1 l -, a:-. 1 ie, ot hi ilia, In ti el swol.l A !ll"l il 111 ' I '.or oc the lll -r oVel Ie. up tl.e g I i .if'lli'd I. a... -Ol 1 iltl.l. - Ih lalt I -i in K or kiiile which ev ly IV w lit is en -a gel in any cllput : : t .11 : i , llpoii Til" hlll.ti-1 ti: i oi c t i ill till I 1 I I W il .1, t I.I o '.l . th .' b w er bi .tin li, s a. i ,1 tree, :i at In to la hand. I il cm veil ii nt 1 1 n i, h - t i means . f tin: i op and t, an I t i in a i:i t Ini 1 : , gi i I tl ally h.-tl ing hi -n-i! h int a deep ch inael - I l.;,-el! I V d, !' Ill me 1 1 , III 11 h t I: do ,V W aid -Ihioiigli the 1 1 il ti k tu the tiii, tin I i must c 11 ll. li d. I p minia;; the , for il a ses th,. c re!o,, f,l r I ll in ii i t ccs-ari-, I u! u: e u-e' u' n --s uf 'C il.nit", or i veil a In li t v v.iu ii; t r 'u lull I III ll: -ic y tin," tic I I'1 be thru- nil. ll iw . T! it . Ill I r y t h i:-. any grow. i the ti lui y t.ppe. mid I i I, tho sap m I i! stn- n. -. ;. :, n -, n i i- iv loot, lie ll i iisioii in .1 die. chii!- dllg lit tl.o y i-oa-.-ul it.- 1 I i-,t i id : H - I"' with ill - ii ni a n-.i ml i gih-gt e s, mi w hut j p", whi. a ov rgiows nl. tu... i .a .-i: d I r pmt ui i.-naut, l t ', a 1 act i the i-iuiso curd, or "nmlVti'' 1 1 1 1 " " '. ' m'.-i g .i ' y ; deiJ, for j a lor it! u liiiti.m lie; i: :.,v l- -o.iti lianl- L-c.el ii.tn sn 111 till'.'..- i f 1 d.a rubber ,11 I j.i'iy for I r ilisiio: I ,t i ri. Ji'-lic i i-i s in il il in- ". ' Sp-Ji i.;it,i.i and s.iiu.i.ui liav .1 t'l- , rioil' Way of depen l.'i; on a i banco j liiipptiiiiiig to -lete: in l ie t heir t.-.urso of j .ICtio-l PI Itr Cel 1 ai l CO'. till .'i.'lli i-.'-. A 1 i-iiij tint illu.tr.iti , tiii n-teri cm is , tint of a yvtri" broaer. H i 1-a't tic 1 poss' Sior ol a largo f ii'.iiie, but raih'-T ; to 1 1 ;t. u in s.l I li t ii : ran i.s of lie: 0.i er, ail'T a laigo b.-rl .in-'. Ilr.'mg no I ir;t: i it'TO-t In: j liiips o i tllicr i 1) of the lii.ii .-oit ai 1. 1. j i I ;im -nl "Iii tat : . . Wl.ei hi, judgment is at I n I lis n s, imp 1. 1 p'.'t'iiiar iiiethi) I. Tu tuiy : tins oi.l In: ii is had iii-, .-tockl i". i.i i Io i igiil i an I I -It-. il; ai i-r,g in tlio ; iiiui ing ho pi.-k- up I ho -tm-kin; neai t e.,t oi hnu. If it lie a ri lit loot It-Mow ii ! hi I in: a litir th il day. l! ll li.- a hf foot nm.' he will io a i u i. 'I his you:::; man Inns implicit fuith in thn C'liiM-, and I he i a u u ar I hug about it is In- i . wry seldom it-It. Hal this pet u i u an I -I nifi : d'-p id ' t'lleo nil Miuiellil-ig I I deell.' olio's ac 1 limn is i:,i'.. inly Ini 1 1 iv : I by sp.-ciil.t- I "I hui I y li u : il In -'.' , d 'incut II i ;llt I " i ;. t ted -lot t I be i ill ia i 1 1' 1 y i v il. iiciil iiV-.-r cuuip ir id v ly largo al s nr in.. .. i. i'tn-r - i- a l.i.diiy flu tali', i and li hi'., in i l,r .-V lean 111 o.ie io!l In - in ail -r I i .;, I , , u u -, u .1 Inr Ir- in .New iiiK, nh'i'O di .in.- ru.nn n 1. 1, nu. i le i wn'i hii r 1 1 1 I by I wo ill lili u! In mo at tli" bin k id tin- Imii e a ul .on" nl Hi,.- Iioiil. livery lay alter 1 1.: ,li:nn r I i. li I nngi this cl.r.'yii, i-i tiiid . I a the r ::.!!,: of hii .stilly nn 1 nil's uili Ins "ipiiit'' ll lnnl I Wi.iili il.ght ul stilts ti inc. In-" 1 -i nil i y tin not wait lin i I n, aid 1 Ih ," .., n p do -i not d.i c iii in at ; idl hi v..l!:oul. lla ;:',; other siihi'iii tilts it. an i, perhit liy I ttioai.l. ;.Vw Vo;k S.i:i. I lic Ih in, mil Im Cuisoiiiiiis Vtiahc-i. Tli) deinai.d for pm.. -t. u s i. k -, t x i.-pii-ig hu ii n; I l.il'in.rou. pa: :ig: apln, i, v.'iy iiniil"l. il t'.,iir,n I... lueiiag. ci n , 'linn uiliii urn, c : a il : i I log ha u :t i den t ii i bo to i.i I t d I ii 1 1 y i i, a i ppod wi' In ut a few baa lo.-.-trietoi-s an I liny : snakes ol dill' ion t kin I -, but lie: mo..; poi-uat,u. i.ii l, are l-i.i rnky eve I lor tin: aver i ;o siinwm.in, ii-;d they mo :-.).-elai.y inly Io ic i 'i in !i-e l.,rgo .: ni-logii-il ga:',!:is. j Si ii t.'inu, about that there n a con stant deiiia-. i lor ev a sueii things as rati. i s laki.i, i oppi rl.eads .u-.d lnncca- I M s. The i-M'esslve cue wnh whuli ' tli -y are l.aa l ed u.-.k-i :iei l-it . i.ire. A i ie from i lie .li ii. tin. I Im . xhi. ill m I hei'j is a c 'I I tin lin, Ho I dcni'in I front , liv-n i.tas w iiu v, i I tin,) .snake . fur pui , isi":. of M-ieiil ,:!; I Xjl T.lll : it, T.l) h'l nl an iiufi 1 1 iiiiat : snaiio iiliich i, Ini l led i-v r I i th to n 1 1 r in n i s of a p-.y-ieiiii i. not likely tib: a hippy one, lo:, a!lliuu;h he wi.l :e allowed to gi iilby hi-u-elf i-y ii:ii; v.ri.u. rih- bit-, pigeon., .lag. and i!io l.k i I a order that the ilm tor mny ..tudy tlio syi.ip. turns, ho ii id I t: t- a-ed bcyoiol indiu ' a ci to in i k t! I.iiti a, nnry a, pu..i "L ' :-u l will ui "! aspvdy aiid iniii-raljl.! d' iilll Wh il he -hii I hl.: si IV: 1 hii pil' pus.'. M .reov.-r, ho wid -e i heated by hiving iig rui.bei p .kn.l at linn to bil'j ut, w 1: i, h is a t hi :g no -cll'-ic ' t - l I ..; snake t ;i : , e . x pit I lo ,ie. l'..n is doae in or h r llii-. 1 he veuiiii :roiu his I nigs in iy I. t ...i t ie I and an ilv.: i 1. I'.: I : a:e, howtver, I' w pl.y-icians , w ho t iny ih.ir ihv .ia to scionc t lo mil hnglhi i. to lead t h ill to monkey w ilh copp, i h, a I c nl n i l K press. ' I lie Sell Hilnlcr. W lea I ii ,o .l de..! a.. .:;: tin self tn :i to men of Anient i a:d whal they hav'doiio for the i-'u itry, but the -ell ' I I i in hu got in il- wo:a cipia' lo anv . o. til in, icccr lin ; to a i inline m the I'oiu.n. Tin: . -':: bri.lt i w is first m;c c - ilu ly al : at In I t i th r " up r i t 1 -. ,ii lio ie y "ii, t'i.-. i ,h i' i :i- i t lit", our w ht at ci cp l;u :e i-e I ov, i a melon ol lu-li,!-, and lh." hi ,!,r didn't go "loiind br -.-.': ing -.lout it t.:ln.-r. Tim iiiiiiili.-r ! w :i : I i . in r thn i phi, o mi a e r, icjiiit in . v i :;.i. o I tons , I i t w in,, t., bind a -i w ;," , t rop, w It tit a :u, -, i : l ,-, I i-i.t yeai I i lll.nitii . i'i ii in, -In !-. H, ih it m ag e inr row lii.'i.l lh." cxp.'i 1 oi ., 1 .i ni i- vistly in. ti" a e ! and 111 ct.-l i I w It al red uc. I : ! ''' ! h ni si per c -a t , and in , , ' plii -si.-n pei c nl. Tho l-'iiruin wiit.-r li urei t ut ili-it : Ho S...1, - bindt r n ' de till,' I to p ,y our "i-iti i ai .lei.t. A id ; v. t it isn't pi, in I oi unduly .. xilttd. - i ,'1'cxns S.li: i s Iiis.ippeat ante ol the Uml Inh. Ae, ni in : to tho Wal a 'all.ii Wadi ington Toi, iiorv i ,).ji:rnnl, tin) re I li h have Itr the li:st time in sixteen van dt.a, ptare I Irmu Wi.ll.wn Like, Hid the pit ,.-rs ure idlo in cuiistipiei-,. . The lisli al e I le . tie tl with tho "line i'iiick ' salmon td th- t'o.uinbia, a. d h.veli.ea itiulcin d to making tliu lake thtir t'lc'diag grounds, wh-ro they swarmed la inum-aso i.uiiil.ers. L.k-" many otln I li h, tic y thnnjjc colnr ,t tin breeding s a on. l l o blue b ok is out' of tho liue-f speci s of saim " i, and it, utt I t :o. n Ian! I .-i st:oius to bj .1 in utter of ouly u shoit tiiue. J lie l.itfle Toivn of Tallliolt. You kin bunt ahuiii yoiir cilie.., ulil their ti ly jti'.m III and .-iz. ', Aii'l I rag nl. .ut your count V s-ats, und liusb III ,s fill. I pl l...', And i ,iilr-"-i'ls. mil facloiio-, and all siclt I. ,,'lel V l',-:t tl.- lit! I,- to "i u1 Tail:. It is hip; enough lor in--' Y' ii . in I'.o p aliiiui yer . liiii-i-h.s', u ith their . te.-pl- s in l ,. el .a I-, .'.II I -l- ill, "ll VI- gl.el"l :tl-."i-t.s, llll'l Ill01 ai. -ill v l "i nv I-. Y, ii I in tin:, about, yer thi.nti es, und ull Vo I'leg b, o ... 1. 1.! t : 1 It I I.. I .'.-, n .,' T ti!!,"!t Is IV 1. 1 :. .'II, llll'l I-I- ",l"' 'I ii y I. unt in i -t yi ci our tow n, lilt's littla I.I. ".-in I -ucill; li,"V hiiml im ehiir. li. i, uutli, -r; j-ts' tin) ui", -tin' hoii.e is all; lin .-.. no -iloivalks, to ..poik ..', hut tin) i l.'.Ml -I S 11 lilts ll-ee. And th" I, in," I ,--, ii uf 'J iiilholt is wide en n;;h I 'I III"' i- mi. I'm I-. it '!:-" .nun tin' like I'm lilin' lo ildiiiil, Tol.a'." I ul u'l-- I -! i "li '. ai.d ,-i i n-Ill I. pin' hit, And Hi dl ii ; :.tor. , a, l I sin," hop. nu I -i. e. i-y, a 1 II I"", lint tii" Ini;,- t an u' l.tillndl 1, liau.lv 'll ugh ,r m ' N i bin i-iuil -, .-ilnl I urn . ur nose up, mi-! I -'." ai. I I., i y i- lu'i. A n I l.u.-li ..nl li,.;i,-i-, "'I'm I loll, rs Ul let in ,ll s II 1:1111 I.I' I:, " . II.V sill! . 1 oil b- !l"-. u'y hit's win It) toll I . l-lo' he. Hat 111." hill.- l . n. ul I I Mi ill's "nod l'lloll,;!i j ..bun . U I mill lillev. III 'lOliltlS. j l.'ll.i IIP 'II F.leti. i A 1 b ,r pi .loi 1 1 o,i -I ' i 1 1 1 in an. A hud i i-i Tli: slnil ol a liickory j Mil. I ' (.v: 1 1 s armf n tin f.t vorito slnng t.l lh i pol.i. .-niiia. " W.'iose doa! it ill" asked ono who nt II t nruorei of ntiol h r. I'.inipi ii;,: u-i-d all lip: iv :y from tho dun y l.triu In the d i ii c i ii g schnol. Tins main pni it to l.o ivati hod hy tho leader of tin: La nl n tho t oot cliso niblo. Lxelil-iv' h itii a ivnvs cut ilia i c t,u tiit.i it-) ol chickens which tlo not belong to ihair set. I W'li) iiro lh" best moil ; send to ivarl ' I. wy r :, I ..'. :ni .n I Ii: ir charges arc 80 : li' ' Hi one can a" md llu'iii. 1 Why n a mail who makes pntn Very j wi. If 1 : 11 : makes penpl i sli.ol pens ii'.d th n -says they do willc. "11 -re, " said a th-i.ii-t to a virtim, I "i i inv liceptioii roo in; and lh.it.'' I ' pomti'ig lato a i ni un i Hi: e t .iiitaiuiag i a l l; thai:-, "n my ilrouin; nuiii." j ' My work n play, a t hougli it is I pretty Inn. I work," nil II -rr Punplil- I hei.ner to liie igo in i.i "What is y in noi meii hen." "I .uu a piau- ld." M.le' it stia-.g, r i.i tow.i) -"Ii M .ula ll.lly a L'lrl who cares uracil for i .-I.;.: M i-i.ia S h-; I -hold 1 think io. Why, l by -ay tho nil -vied thing el- her in. a!-, t ll' t la.hiou piutt." i A F.eiu'h -:i. i:it h ;s di c iverol or gain of sight ia v," ."i-iai" e- ! X i won-ilerih.- w oods ii ig with laughter when a da le goes to a picnic mi I tries to u iliv a vii.ilieg call Willi a t lollies i:. M t In i i hi diler, didn't 1 l,o:;r Mr. .'e ;ui:is ,i,, y ll li.sl in 1 1 1 when hu "il ' w .y .' 1 1., it filter Yes, tn annua, ; : .i ' " i- a. aunt in v w i .'. Mother- -: w : ! w i- I'm ;ht, i Y oi hoariil:; It. : .U...1. ill :, i'oiiits lor I ool M oi kei's. I A l',i: i ' i i i" 4 steel linn Inn soul nut a l. il i ihi-i-iiel for loo! workers, un 1 it ' tiiitam, so !uut!i tl.al i, good tlul wo te pi . .". 11 e;. tire, ;i, 1 ollow -: Pa i t loi p i to-p t liy ih l purpose lor n l.'i Ii ! e ! oi 1 -i c I ii lo bo mod. : i h ' i ,! i " i h -i how nun li muio likely ' y ii i to . ' ii ii ,i y.i.i w ml I-y doing ihi.. I' "il l lh it tli : grant ol a Well, hu lee I a ! I-,, k--' pi , . Mce! is nu. h li il l'.i:i tli t i 1 Ih bar it win I i . i Ii . ii: 1 1 tli" ei an: 1 .- as ctnti c i , or t o ,i , i Hi in, th - tu i.-i-i ,' bar, tho I, nl U'li ii h it. v.-r it in .v h iv i been ) W IS oo l,i ;!, lo U !l ,e J,; ,-,-:.: , , ,.,ril. I l'l-lg. 1 1 n' t d 1 1 le 1 1," .pi ility o! -i-i v leir ol ' ''! " ' ' -i.fp ' il il if ! of ill j; Mllri. ill co I ii li l oicss do pen Is 'h i li -.',: ,i .i : I !n- h -at at w Inch il left I io I: .it, in l ol iocs I h i'i nil Its tpl ably. I' ii'tt: , lu h .rdeii aiy bar of :.te 1 wiili i, i: in ,t i, moving tin scale from it. , i; w.i! nittin y 1-e disappointed if u do, - the out ido is iiivo'y lo lu o I ci u di to ! Io ca-ily. I ' i 't 1 1 y to Inr leu the largo tools iu 1 .ii ii ' h or stiil Wat t. Historic Table (lolh. ''-"': l; I, - . president n' W isliiiig en i'i L"- I dnv-r.iy, :t Lexington, V ., ;in I sua ot '.In l iinfcdi r t-general, wlu-i h- "ivvs a very pt.iticuhirly im I ittn .1 dniner pntvs rcids his tablo w,,'"ia iv. ibdaim d ii:en cloth, in tho .'onier ,d which are Ai.mcd the ii.itlals ll. W ," hiving lorinerly belonged to i-hi.-toii, I rum who-o iiugiist no .. . n., il h s -lefi-e oleil to its picsetit )M.e , wh . I ad im t d .ccutb'i t of M.ilU; V. slim. ton. Chicago 'cyfc Id;;' it fa ir- r.- ijiMiifyfiiiipBiitfWi'WiiIijii

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