-I tt4 1 1 1 TOR TARSI AXU (.AKDEN. How to Wurm a Stab!.' In Winter. Thcro is iio necessity for lire hout in cow stable ia tho winter, nor yot ia a horse stable. A sttiblo will bo warm enough if it it tijjhl and closo as a dwelling house, and tho horio has about 1000 cubic foot of air spaco. which would bo afforded ia a stall 10 by 5 foot, celling 10 feot Uijrh, and half tho floor only tolccu up by tho stall. Two or moro well-fid horios will give out ouough heat without discomfort to warm such a stable comfortably. Tile stall should bj well littered with straw, or dry sawdust, which being uoa-cou-ductivo proveuts t ho hurso from beii chillod when ho lies ilown. This si.j for a stable will oilori abundant venti lation without having windows ojioti at night. Tlio floor abovj tho aniinnU should bo tight to retain tho warmth. Xuw York Time. Tho Cost uf I-Viutm. It seems to us. tint sumo of tho oi l calculation' aluut tho cost of fences in thU touutry aud oi kt'cjiin them in repair, as beinu' impectivoly oreuU'r than tho national debt and llu in terest on it aro becming somewhat supeianr.u .ted. No doubt fences cost more than th-y jh ui'.d, but their yearly cost is deer aiiau', in all tho older part) of tho country at least, by substituti ui of foiling and eusilago for the old pastuiiag .yit in. The national debt has greatly leerca-sj i since thesn cal rulations were nude, and the interest account stiil more; but we think x h it tho disiito of fun cm' lias ket pace with either of these. A great deal of fencing material is still used, but it is every year in larger propuitioa oi wire. V'.i v few rails uto now pa'. uj in tho oid-.a hioaed worm fonce. t'-l rails aro spiuetimes us.'. I, but they are tnot'y spike 1 to po-ils set Hi straight lino-, and generally -itrmoii ited wail a barbed wire at top, to make th; tad go farther and nm-.o th; lence more ef fective. - tAmerici:i li:':v.it.,r. Sweet ( I'Hi'i- iud 1 .in kx fl at . Til j ope.HU;; i: xxi.i.u Cawi lound my s0 colonies "ii stock j t witii bees, but r.e.ir.y d-. stitut.' of luney. Tin.-hiwy-iIjw was light, so that I took oil only Vi cases of white honey. This was eecuied l.y taking out thg. u't-i le frames aa 1 putting on cases xvu'i empty combs, liy shaving tho thick-st edgo with a hot ktii.e, it was iapp-!l as whito and even as iroiu foiudaliou. .sweet clover, of whieh wo li.ive a great al.mnd nice along oar rivers, comet into blossom bolero the close of wkitu clover, whoa bees ior-ook tho latter and tided tho sections with tho sweet clover honey, thus ,-p Jl.ing uriay ca-.s that would otherwi-o have b;en white. I think that sweet clover is lunch overrutid as a ho ley-plant. lluek wheat hasyiel l 'l :';i rly, so that 1 -hal , !, ivo 10 cases of -xvcet cI.jv r an I buckwh ' it honey combined. 1 hiva had ! ut four swarms this season. I.t-t season's averago w.n thirty-fi v j po-iads pi i j colony, which was snri'; however, Ii shall reaii.e more money this year, as I j eliali not repeat the experiment of send- ! ing my lnvioy to a city commission : hou-o, getting returns of six cents per ! pound for nice lurk wheat honey. !.: doesn't pay. - , New York Wot! I. j H.iiiy l.'.it inns. It is no! hi.-i.-;- 1 . .iy d.).v:i a : , for feed in ; tie' t axv tint under all en- ', cumst inces tu iy be s.ti 1 to bj absolute- ; ly tho best rii'.e. We are sometimes s0 situate I ;'i r i :a:inut do the best thai j COilld be done, an 1 then we nr. is-, do tho best w ran. It is perhaps alwavs best to do u '.!.'.:.' hi t right, and, therofoiv, to feed a peril c'. ration when it is possible for us to d) .-n; and yet the Kural and .'s-oekmaa a xv.iyt tlnans wheu it say i feed cor a ir."d, ground oats and bran in eipial iu in: itu-, itjh.is g'.van a ration, which : lough not per feet, is practically good enough. A tlerman rati 'a is Co't m se.'d meal t xx pouul--, corn fod ler ti.'t jei pnun b, bran live pounds, nia t spr uts five pounds, and .: rn meal three pounds. It is to bo observed that the corn meal is much less ii this raiiui thin in the ono we have given, and ui . i".li onably thit is ii the right .In r",i.;. Corn meal is cmp irative v inferior muk -pro liieiug !oj I. I'r.-fes-ser Armsby giv.-s as a r.it ion, clover ten pounls, corn easilige t .veity pounds, corn meal live ouud-, . i. tnea, two pounds, l. ran i'lvj poinds. Tile tool-, aro always in order ns put of a r i'i -n. iiod "irnw is not w, taunt it. vi.u1. Uil' th" ;iii:g for us to do is to study the ipu-tion of scieutili.' (ceding that xvu m iy at least get on the right si bi of the hie. We b.vj seen people feeling corn meal e iu iv.-ly, whoa tli-v hid O A , nice -traw, an I c j ii 1 without inueh tr n o: got bn.u and oil meal. Now ivci u:o lerato uj lerstaudiug of tile s u 1 1 j 'it of feeding vould havci led to tin iced in ; of everything but corn meal, n anytiiing must In left out. I he Potato Ibis's nreer. llighteeu ye .r ago this present sea son, says the N w York Wor! I corres pondent, tin Colorado potato bu ; ap peared i l tho west, and has "held the fort" ever siace, besides extending its iinwi lcoiii presence further to tho cast, uniil it has invaded nearly all partt of world. Tho first two or three years tiny were uot so numerous but that hand-picking sullied to rid the vines o' them. Hat as the tun 3 weut by ' .ley inu tipli. d to such an extout that this bicamj no longer practicable, and other remedies Ingai to bo use!. A mixture of iimo aid ashes wn si tod over the vine in liberal ipmtities, bit thi 5 roved to be altogether too mild, as the bugs, disdaining its presence, coo- tinued to strip tho lcavea from tho stalks to the complete ruin of the j crops. Paris greon was then tried; at first a j small amount mixjd with luckwheat, put in a tin pint can, ono oiul being re moved, and wtun mosijuitg netting was tied over, tho mixture was sifted over tho plants, liut it was found that when dissolve! in wator, drawn cut oa a stono boat, proved to bo a saving of muscle. A teas noon ful of paris green stirred in a sprinkling pot proved to be about whit was waited. After tho dew was i i!' the leaves and the sun sh ma hot, came the bet tini i fr the medi cine. If a sh .'W.r w is coming up oper ations were suspended until it was over, because the ruin wadi'd i il' the poi,o", and it was wasted. lint when the vines were dry, if tin foliage was well .sprink led, the lugs uto the leaves with -u.h avidity that they died fast enough to satisfy their worst enemies. It was necessary to repeat this operation as olteti as tho young but' appearel, which would bo twice or three times in a -eason. Their coming w is watched for and prompt measure at onco taken. When potatoes aro ripe, the proper time to dig them is while tin groin 1 is dry. They are then ha id.e I with more ease and sitisfaetiou thin when th; ground is so moist tint tin soil adheres to the tubers. They are best le;t on the ground ii pits, and c-ivered with h-iv and earth enough to keep out the rain and removed to tin c-liar on th approach of cold weather. I'.irm mi'l .iirdrn Notes. Ninety poinds is dentin I a goo I weight for the average Texas st -er. j Tho milking should tu done ipu 'liy and at regular tines, and th' utmost cleanliness observed. The greatest profit la fee ling sl.o'p i for mutton is ginned while the animals are you ig, siys an exchange. M inure sh uild never be pi u'j 1 in ! contact with the roots when .vf.ii; ut a tree, but Used as a mulch or loo-. ires.- The early i"ar from eo and titer better an 1 j iHi'i'i Is more wii. Usui.! I !. ii cu tuie o: a w r'.t r :.s oi!;ii"ud I E 1:1 Iv lor in ki.in -ect de; re 1 stiun, Ui-eas I rres distinc: talked o th ail ro I frees de.-p s ! tw I or t! p an'o' of tw ! as b. at a now I i i Il'il '! lJ ll. i : icoiie !e,. pi. ha a I .! aa I ring t as -!. In l'r lm i : u u 1 1. ma fi. one p iu l a 1 iv is not toi much to rxjit'c: thriity, iiealthv hogs. . woi'. grower of iene in M ehlgan thii: itier who l,ii s to wash in w.... 1, years epe til it tho fa s hocp U.m 2 i cents on eaeh i! ere. it's folly to par too small potati th - 1. lies lietwj-ji the !-rg j ones w ll se. 1 iietter w l'i )ut t hem. that l'e-'l tleeii to the .sl uiA or poultry. Tin : e-t time to s..w tun 'thy se"' i . tin fa!', an 1 it u.intly -U'cee ls w s.iwn w.th, or tat In r after, n i wit u wn.ter grain. I tin so; ; 1, h o, propir'y prep ire I l. rm I oed lor grain, the gr i-s s"i d wi.i lie aiop y i rre l by the llr-t ran. A mo-t ev-ty expt r.m ",t sl;--)-.v. t' on iv ra go lau I one r; i n . t -u :'! . for a potato lull to m.ur; a goi i .. The i -option are wiiere all th" mi tioiis are i x -pti ril li ad v-rvr, and a per'ect seed T.ie rub- -e to lie (piito as well proved by th- 1 exei-ptions as oy the general opp r. -u t. A recent innovation ii the t r on i of cabbage is to tie up th - heads. -it i 1'his p an us"d to bo follow I considerably w nil cress, let tui" and t h now followed with Clbb.lg' lien I- begii to form we 'iiiiiii plan is After t li the outer !e iv are githered up a-.d a cord tied around il.eui to hold in place. Tiio-e who have tried the plan ilium that the cabbage heal up eirlier, while the ipinlity of tin hea l is b-tter, being more soil I and ar" better to handle. An Amphibious I'eople. The r-iii.t people are almost nniphilu i'U'. Ttiey are also rai!.i! boatmen, and they uso two kind of boat;. The dapang is a dugout can o", w ith a li-ee-boar 1 heightened by elinis. but . i ill.-r-ing from tho u-uil Malay inolel in hav ing both bow and stern cigar fliao" I, the tops nf the ends being bent up ward. These dapangs have large ba n boo outriggers on l oth si le nod can stand heavy weather. Tho praus, m larger visscls, i ri strongly built; not very neatly p' riiaps, but with a goo I deal of ornamental carving on th stern'. 'Ihey range from ten to twentv tns bur lee, and are used for voyage to I"5 irn- o and the more distant islands. Mention h iving been made ofrirviig, it may be a ldjd that tho Su in aro very clever and tatseful at this sort of work, n hii h is to bo found about their houses and tombstones as woll as oa their boats. Pearl-fishing is followed her, as elewii 're in the Malay archipelago, and th. r-ulus uto said to bo tho lest divers iu the world. Til y think noth ing of a depth of sovonteen or eighteen athoms an I will swim straight down to the lot torn without sny weights to help them. O e crleLrated ponrl liver is sail to have gone down ia thi way to a depth of no less than twu;.ty -even fathoiai. THE CAT'S-EYE. Ceylon the True Home of This Superb Gem. Moonstones, Crociclolitos Other Precious Stones. and The I'uko of C'onuaiight gave his i ride a cat's-eyo ring in an engagement token, and this was enough to nnko the stone f.a-hi imble and t increase its v .ilno greatly. 'J in demand soon ex tended to C yloti, where the tru ! chrys ol.iciyl c .t'ss-eye is ion id, and stiuiu ated the search for il there. In tho ehrysob -ryl c a'---eyj the rlT 'ct ii the result of tin twinning oi the crystal, or 'f a deposit It 'tween its crystalline lay rs of oilier minerals, in microscopic in e u-ioiis. 1. ti:e stono is cut across those -y t, "en c ibai hon" or carbu u-Ie cut, I s it is cal'ed, a bri;h! line of light will ie rouderis" I on the domelike top of tin ' -'ono. 1 i th' s-arcli for these cliiyo '." rvl Ch'.'s. yes there hav : Leon foun I in endl-is ii ties ol ilirysob"! yls i'f de?-p (' I hi, a ;bt '. 'dlo'i, yel.ow gt'.'eTi, sage v .' wi.h i - Mip n a". I gem-'. r t:nt :l. , fi Tiies. : 1 t to the rb ion applure l'l haid- gav :. great surpriv! to 'ers, r it w ii foun d th it leaf greet: or O iee green s.cd the wonderful dsrhrrt , of chan.in.; to columbine ,fll light. ll." green being ui due 1 an I tin re 1 ig. They Mere. it ne gem .!e In dative, .tones pos.i tic prooer: 1 I y n". :M ire'y '"."mina: : ig. 'act . a c x md i , ,: I fern,, i.y be ':ia, and , Vsn ' a gem u I ou'y v! i.-!i in ! -, il 1! V. II (oun I in v. IKri, 1. w x n I r f...,r c.r.ts, -, 1 1 t ien a one m j ts. Tl.ey i" UiO-t ! ill I" li'' I'ge to say anion ; v a f w 1, ,v i i ro the ehar i ;.'t iu i a! .'i ll:! ...in I .mi-re I -e'.lls a".!, m th s V ghi ail ::. r: 1 rare m i ur iVny in; e.-ii Afti ral Ibv -r, cp cia..y It'.-r-d to a 1 : -tO'l" .J-, J,,. tru' 1 h !' l ", o! -I.1C re -a oh ,p, it the bar I i i m at 'ri il coated rt or chilcedonv, less of seven. I really f.-r ts ! even iiirr -:'e comp-'tit w ho i"' t xx h d Th'.s i'l a , but ' of rtr- au l at ;ng to i rival . 1 1 I i 1 mark' f, t ho i veu ! - ! we- t v live y t In i i let y. liven ". ma I ' of this in ,te. Y.se--, cm li"i I-, i, clia'tDs. , '.. xxv re 1", U-gO ij'l I 'lltles. b : il by v ''.e '. in j .-i I'O r XSel 'h' , si il le of it, ,,u I -laming it pro end I'V I:- ! brown -t xxhito :. '. Wis .rb red, nitit ions. XI' I n-ta ii ed by en a' I ' xx ta t 'leilC icV f the ores, xx ere , v.". ly nini r!"d. feu yen's '.-o thi. in ,t i : il xvas pr.c al.y unknown; i ut so oxten ;vei y has been s,,,,j that to ! iy i is to bo i't u i 1 : i very t"uii.t t.m I, whether on the igi, I'.k-"s I' 'l'i, l i l'l'ri l'l, a Lis or at Niinl N'.vgorol, show ,g i -.xv t!,ot-, ngh'.y orgaiii d is the .'stein of di-tril ut i-m iu the getii in r it. Missionaries hive never sprad i !ig:o-i half so n;u v a- t':.d": b V: :-e iiii'-.tti .l tie r -ye. i.r i Ire. Ttiiik Xilx.itit.ige id Leap ciii-. An A".-o-iia lawver wi, -.i: 1 1 oa th' -lops of tin ('-iitra- hoi-e m N xtrn, Welnesdiy, -ays tin A-isouia iC.inu. . S-'iitne', uh u a pie'' yoiig I.-ilv "issel out oi thi Imtei and up lh reet. "Tin ro goes a r in o-K ibly icity gir ," i - x c 1 a : it i -' 1 a ; e:i ti-.-ui n onx rsiag wi h hoe, an I tln r. ' ipute .; li'.tlo romance ronii. c!n I with her, oo." The legal genilemin xxas all at 'tiiu at n,ii"j in hi. friend con' i i. no I ; "Hie belongs djwa in llil'.imor-- and bur lather i a xvea.'.hy lopi r di-ti b r f that city. Sli i's got a coo f nuijuiii i i her oivn right, and a dgi i-1 v.-:i. s ab.nit her that meHils busbies-. H," iocnted at the (leorgo hotel. Hack U i k, ; his f iimmer, coming there ali mono. A youig mm sitting at li;r tab..! at tracted h'r atteutiiu. Sin -poke ( him one evening nft.'T he ha I mot her about three timi, and broke hi:n all up iy asking him if he wai married, lie replied that he xvas too ponr.y situ ated for miirrnge just then; ho hadn't lunch money and hid to support Ins father. 'Weil, I've l.-nty of mom y,' ho sail; 'why d.m't yiii marry me' "."he returned to her homo iu I'.i't: in ire, told l.ct father about tho cirtuiu- timre, nt bis couscnt, a id returned t. B uck iloc with h r lather, was tu ir lied in I'.n Igep .rt, mid t-hoaidber husband are pas-ing the remainder of the 'Unmcr ia X-xviiort. ns baorv a turtle doyes.'' Tin - - laisyir nil uuen tbinkiiie; erer -inra what chincst there . v.- .r fnr you.2 men thu couatry. qi'Aivr axu curious. flanry VIII. died of carbuncle, fat I and fury. I ''Krin go bragh" means Ireland for ever. I or the first six months of tho Ij.l. ,.;, , ;,. I i 1 lisli railways Uihel lm people na4 J 1 1 II injured UoT. Henry 111. is said to have granted a licenso to dig coals near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 12:11. A professor at Columbia College, New York, has set himself to work and has now mastered 12 languages. II. ir powler rune into mo in Jiird in 1VJ0, and in 1 7 .-" a fix gMiiei was ltd 1 upon prison iisin Voiico was lirst governed I..- a A all sta Paulu do, A. !. , t i; ig- of a it. uioa cho. it first doge, tvmono i!jccaiio.,rii, m 1- ll'. A tor a hurricine last month a ccr d ree "el feet Ion-, :; feet wile and o feet lu ll was iioleavel in the h.ubsir of V r i Cm,, M'. xb o. The I'-'rsee, atuienl lire-woi shi ppcrs i xp.i led from I'ei ii, aro tin factors, capita i ts, and baling nierehauH of r.ombay, where th ri- i.re fund An ,'csthotic-loeki i blue lobster, w ith a delic i! dy tinte I pink tail, was cap t i eliit 1' :t an I, Me., recent y, and is i.ow swie.iuiin ; ia clo-o ipiaitersas a curiosity. The itn pertinences of lupine . s have leaehe 1 a cam in the sending of curds ati 1 citculats ot undertakers and toml--t-'i.e ma uil ic. urer s to tin homes hist visiti' 1 by deitli. A tanner named ll ir lerea i, living near Augers, I'r'itic", put a .oieL'd j '.ml hell in ins bet, ait:., he I a ; '.: i.te I i.e I i it an I in a few moaiouti i w as , pl.-t ' v !! i n n to pi a- j irnles .1 '-"p'l, a Kre'iicli carpenter, ! '':' "'.!' of a ;e. imi'x an euomo'is nil', : !! I :t with l.i, le:i i,.,-; I . v.'t the ! light t'li'p.e, .:. i -aitli a he-.vy hammer Irove th nail I gh into hi- br.iiu. 1 ai e ! i r; v- Ii v i 11 tim 1 : Inn one-hall these N w Ye.l Iv.ii si 1 1 . I. Ills II ;h 11 " tin-. 1. I'lile. : the C l..e )-., ,11 It ' I M :t .'S. i-i I ranches of a . t near Wpuh -s-pi t: ilied ti h w as d to h iVu l eeti or some bird of i' " w a- le i li :.t v. a pp; I i y a : or Munha w-as ii. i t. ike for a e l pi r-oti who l it gixer i -i i, bu: the returne I tho pi-'i e I X -llli ' l.ii 11. u "1 1.1 ,o:o.-,ll I h oa! .st i'o orporat.'d busitm-s ron i "ru in the w ol i i, tin 11 i I ...n ll ,y lo'iipaiiy ix huh has ,iid an c.xi-t. tier of 22 yea'-. '!',, ii i-.d.pni ter. of th,. i oiiipar.y :u at W inui; -eg, M i : H"i).i, aud the !":-. of the tock 1, held in llugl aiol. A re-i lent of So : C.ty, loxxa, who for :!! "ars or in-r,: lm grudgingly pai l I X s o i 2l very p,..ir .1 T"-y acres, has ri-t -oil t l.i-in i r i.oove :;7, oi' ) in con of a l.'lll" ,f th d of tin; . . ... in ils i : '. v I vrvbod;, iili. V 'I ll-'J i I C Ui di-covi-ry tin. rrou r t ile bi ii k and I! id xx rite i put lor 'be in I. o.ks, iu te!.'-thee- - iu fact, pie inii-t xxiite. i pen or a pencil gi:i :i i r xv In re i preters to t arry it xx i I. a in ho ni i !, I; n. I le re 1- an old : ' mi i i :io harnor i f I-'. i. . i "'irs nu I years, par! :i ; 1 ; r y t am and i c fb I "i .d Cb. u ," I y i.ax i -g ono iii gou iiiouu I tiie fi-h 'riii.-'ti's I "ise that has St. Augu-tine, 'I'h" j orpoise ii 'I'bcsome. II; it:d is knoxv i II often plays 1 i at s an I hii lice always ail -urs a good catch. Mihstiliites lor the Mackerel, I'lie b aitli of Aim n- an and Canadian -a t ti ll in th) iinr.ets o: this country, xving to ,h -rt citeh. ins luen pro due : ix e of a novel f'-at ur". I' is the substi tution i f other ti -li, -ueii as ". ack sea or li'issim -ill mackerel. Si- -tell bloaters, -in I suit shrimps from I! dgiutn, do ui's! ;c -ardiie a:: 1 in fait ti-h put up l'i many peculiar w.y- -uch a xvere scare y hear ! n! n tins trale. Do ii.i'-tti--ar lines htvi bi.'e i advance I in I : n o oxvtng to thii ia crease I demand. 'ii- ii; -a'.: lish jobers, sin-It us M'--:s, -siirlv -r, ll 'nek burn and Honl li y, a--ur 1 iii- N xx. represent ilivj that the demi-il for line maekerei, and pelitii-ul irly f-.r ' -prii; i hickoii' lidi, Is incea-iig, and l"ierv;dly so. 'I he sainplos ; Irish mackerel merit de-iii-lioa. Ii ti'id of being -pliton tl." l ack, they are. so serv-d oi tho belly and aiesciy, augnlir.and full of tough b.oi,.. 'Ih,-y scoin very strong, and i.rn .Mineral. y r-j-it-t.j-l by the trade, in spi'n of tin -h .rtiiess id domestic li di. As to th- ll irk se i in irkerel, llley leum t i be ,i (l.ill b'txV'ell a I jll- xvare cntlisli and a mill at lire shark. I le y :! ! h! irk, !i 1 i f nil, and aro not, strictly "ptikiig, regul ir mackerjl. They also an r j c t 1. Tin experi ment of importing in icerei will hirlly be repeat e I agui. Sirliao1, etc, as Mibstitiites aro nil xv ill enough, but the genuine, domestic, inshore mickirel wi.lalwsyt m .st hi di. I I'liiladel nhia XaWS. The Oldest l iilU'l'esoilltl Mr. .1 di'i I', l',; i', f ;ii..sde;e, N. V., H (irtbi ly tlnr old. st ex. member of C auress loin livitii', II i xvai Lorn in ililis'litlu i, is.) Bnd U now kO yoir o( n;e. ,, wi3 a member of ia tweii:j ui:ith rone'rosn (l- 4'li, cicric from tlii then elsvuntli dit- ,ric. II 1, ,;; i ; rt,..i.. t,t ...,- .1 ..... i ' 0" facu.tnjs, wiUi c er iutolloct, AC- llv, ltL I, a,, i ho'altb, Tho Taris of Montana Territory. To tho younger penera'ion Helonu is n Pnrisiuii-liko center which he hot -a , in tini1 to see. Cui'itali.sts imty imiko ' their money at Hutto or rlsexx here, but j aro iiiixb-i'titi'lv stiro to (spend it nt Helena mid llio miiii'i' nr i'iiih-I h i-i lirvvr so Inppv in w hril h i self HI wlmt, WltlllSllt 111 IVStlO!!, If i . ... ... ... ' , , l leliopiiiis of he J firitorv. I Km is tin polls nl tile J oll'ltoix. I iiiiinx of lm city in the extreme miibjlo Wi s' I that could no well sati.sfv one w-ho had 1 leiirued to appro 'into Wi stern life ns Hrlenu. Its clitiinto, it-s Millouuditl.is, i-vi'li itn .".ninety, lurgelv coin) cd of Jlasti'im mid colli';; -bred tnni .u 1 voung w ixvs fi a .'n iiinii ohb i' c titer . ire delightfully -. -Iiaiiii-tlt fen til I'm. The city ha n iMiidation of heni'lv tiftoiu tlioiisund, inui coii.slderiug its grrntwonltli.il is not surpi i dug t bat ii should lur. e rh'i'tiir lights, u hov-.i-rar lino, and i xei lloui ..hools. I hanks to the railroad, xxhirh have bad mid aro roiilitiiiiiig (o havo so jm p O'taiit nil I'll'eet upon th ' roiiiiti v 1'Vi rlinikod by the lln. kv Mniiutuiii, Moiitunn's isobi'i oi is n thin of the past. Two i ail rou 1 rmitiM c-miieet i' with tin- l-'.ii-t and I'll. 'it'll' Wol, mid tin-re is --till tho Missouri, mix i-r.it)- fioiii St. I.nni tu the (inai l'uU, xit bin oasx V'-aeh nf Heleliii. Ill tho tnwillnp of llilell.l v. as riit. red fiaon tip- ( ion. nil bixriiiiu. -ut. In a pi ri ,1 of m-h'ii xiiii-i Inter tho plaoi-r rlaims Uial- Ilobiia xuohb'd si'.Ml.lliMi.iiiiil. mid ulthiHieli ar ivtn 'X a , from tho i ii-siile xxi.rld. tin 1'itx. ii k a ihinit: r 0 liter, xx a . of Li oat i in i rt .i 'i --, il'i I may b said to h.uo i lijny. d nil mi llltel l 'ij t -l p- ri !..(' .sieee.-s lbd"ia. I'.vai'.lid from a 1-i it Maiul- poltlt. i- tile 0'-.gM.iie.t!, I'.ilnllii rend. Ul.illetarx , pi'lllle.il. lillllo.ld, nlld mi in1 i'1-iitVr "I M-oit.ma. Its t t-.iil.. i.. 1 .Igor and ue-re i ti n led til ill llin! of anx nth. i city i-r tow n ri i h Ti rntorx , .md t be: a foi''' it - Colo n: i ei ii -.iipi'eiiin. y 1- mi pi. sd-'iii' l. Tlio Hoi. tin batik:', i loh in lioposits mid loan;, m humbi'i'. lonv XXi'll i-lltille tbo ,'itx o it - -l.-iltl .IS th' iiioiii l.'irv eetllor. I h" ti'l'luiuils of Ihe bif.'lv .'..'tiiplet. .1 M:.tot"ba -.x -teiii. Mid b. ix tin: th" Noiilniti I'neitie :,s ai . tit I, t to tbo r.:i;.t. Wo. I. .-.ti I Sunt:,. oa--.. xi r il bi'alieh fun K In tin' i lo ii; -taut iiiitiimr riiMp'. .f i.-kos. M;ii.--:!1'-. an I l.iuiiiii. mi l is promt ..-.l . ll. I s w bieb are to aid ill di X. b p.e:' the Hell llntliot. M- lltl red :. I i : t ,o in-- 1 1 1 -1 i 1 1 : . i ountrx . II. biia. in th" t nil et mh-c i.ft'. x.ii.l. i. .i.,'i."pi.bt:i!i. I,.t .:,. walk a -ti. ,-t ii' an; In. nr i f tho lav .o- ! .i-'ht. and ho xul! bo -uiv t" n..t. . ibo ;" . ul.iiiut;. . Crmdiiig bo- eldo '.ale s 1 :.' iii'tit- pie'ufispio ii r.-l -.in : . :. i l' .li '"t.; 'o i" ii..it','d Ali- - Mil'. . ; .iitiiig lik" Mi.'awl-oi-, for -.oii .-t uil,.- ! t" "tuiii up: " r.iiiobiiii ti. st.iii.liin i - tl eir b-'.ivilv loud. .) x ;ifg- -ii -; ti'.io- ' j " 1 . t ' 'lil l-st -s, Iiietl of loiron. .. Chin, i 111 tl and I . 1 1 ; t I . t i. nil itis ; lid ! il.l l'. W-. will!. . lie 1 ldi.'liS, the pi-...- j : . '-oii-s and the in . I , th - r.-pi -en: .- ' 1 i :- of eli 1' , Slut" ill t lie I 1 I u. ! I ugll-.hluotl .lli.l I i--!':,o i. aM t'a.ko j ll I. l,a tboir tioiii,', ,. 1 1 .1.1 it i. : i... , obi f.lll'ilx illtbletio, , Ii,. p 1..I - ' nun. ii.-.- Iiamp r tin- I . b--. -p: r,t . t i I 'i l.ii - . wmi Ki r -. I'b ro is ., In , list of .1 ' Ix st'-- .. ,,!..! th.. nix j , j U"X. r X' l! ll'O.t sight S' !'!. luxi.i d s I'll bu- it . olin.atio iidxauia;'!".. ' I e,e,,. ,',,' -.s , II u i ( '.- M i ;..(., , . Waiting fur a Collision. "Ours is a pfofr.-i..!! that trios ne s 'o il's," Mild il St. I.iiilis train loso.ite "Notwithstanding that ui lute .xo.il - tie. d lb ri-iii rmlwaxs liaxo a b.pt -, rati which thiii'oiiighly (-vstoiiiati. o tlio I u-: lo ss, exrii with all til"' mif. glial 'ds a lit - tl" bl! of rulelesslli ss or drli-ln ti m . I duty is linhlo to enii-i' trouble, and iiol . only husM of I'lopertv, but iu tnanx in : t-t.-tin'. f. is att.'inb .l w ith b.s o h'o. "I ri'tiionibrr Homo y. nrs n; when I had i'linigo of trains mi n Southern o nd i u hero ti hignil'h olli.-os xxoro foxy nu I f.o j l i tw. oil, nl fgixing nu i-rdrr t. t! o op r I nt.'i nt n rerlaln i.tatu.ii lo hold , II-'lib bound p.i.-s li:-or tnutl to-oidrth 1 - Hint I Iiiudil Indp Ibo -...nth bom,. 1 il - onigi-r train to i, mho it-, tuoilni. i ..int.th-' Iat t.-r b ing .e,iouhat !.,!. Ibo opolliioi iipiiito I tho holding or ' dor, f.-r wbi.-li I (.mx.- I si. K.' I I th. II fgnxi- th" s-oiilh lioiimi tram an o ih r l-i use Mime "f tii" in rib I -. tiiiin's tiino t' inako tbo ii icct i !, jg pun. i, Itist.'ad of holding Ibo i.orth bound ir-iii. I f. r onions the opi rut.ir lot it i by hmi. The loud xins etooki'il. Mil. I .as I oth flail I Wore brtw ill telegraph slatlolis I Mai! ; id to xvalh the thiol' mi l wait until I ' slieuld In nr of their coining to-Mlio-. ; 'I be slli-p. lis" was ti'll ibl.-, aliuoM Mliti! i ting mo for iiny other duties. As g... ,i ! liieli would lime if, the i.oitli I oun ; I tram, which bad iiiniisput.-d light .f II i ' mad, was doiiivrd li.'foie la no .ing Hit ' ii.i-i ting point. Wlioti the liut ti.ui; loeehi'il n ti h prupli isliilioii 1 frit 10 . ln xed, but lh- strain hud I n so torn 1 bl- on tnv lioixes that I was not gom : for nuii'Ii bo wxeiul days, mid t! i i'rii'lii'' will en r i i ii i 111 I n in v In ii. l ui !'( ell -i I iini-l x 1 r Iii.li, k -lH-.IT f (III' X- r Xf. i-rsit. or S'm Yoiik. I-Mlllt v til' thr -suit-. 1 II 1,1 X 1'IIS M III 11, Xl'I'll 111. I S'i. Mx talnll I ll I.i ,t-ii,e A i 1 1 ... k's. I. nit,. I th. in n.in.i 'l.-. mat palli- I',, inn - l'l isiins, mill I. ii. tl" n. .ii li. I is.,- Il.l.e.ii fi, .1. Ill Hire. -il.n- I i-il the .jilii mi. I - ii and l.ii.llx l.rui-. i r- e nt 1 1 i'l X' ri ni'.x 'I -,si i I!,, x Inii i !. 1 : i 1 1 . -1 .uli i .i i .- I no -on "I i i, ll'i'UI XX III, il lie ll ailed I it.', ,1 -i- iri.nl.: ,ol-.i -Illll, ll l-lll i ll ' lll , --iilli-r, ,1 Hi., .1 -V M l-s W, Ml lluiieir-Vloon. ,-. I'erk in-, ,.!.i ! . xs hx ilnn'l we i i- x.e . iiil. ,11.x neae'' II. i- X ..ur lm t !, ran hi .!.. li on ..i.-" "N,,. I'-loix li. I h. la. niiiti.r i-. no home I---" tei. I-s :eoxiii:i i,.. ii.. In. .-iii. ai i .,r in.- n i.ais e n. - a II ll'. I ll,.' II.. le ,...h in. ii .In, ..-. iii.l il a I-..SH no i n i na M'.-. mx "in- u-.-ii t" -niter niil.-l. t ion. I i lonai del une a i ueiils i mini. mi n. In-r s . i e l.isr -nini- mid her teiiiMT xxa-re ur.-i.i.x al r.i ii-i. li na- m l hui tio lit. ol '.-..111- al il liild. hull."' lltlpli o.ll.l .ill 111. ,1111.-. I... It," i -In- has l.i-giin in Ink.- In. I h i. - 1 la. rile I'M to ri,l sl- lia- Ii.-.n " I'll lie.! lianex lli.-il m-al e Inn inn our n..n. -huh ovtl uisiuii." W.'-t.-rn tinti.-r n I nle, 1'reli r Liiyni-; llieir llniior liy the iinail. A Wamlerliil t-'nii.l mnl Vlrillrl e. Km. xxn Ami llieil Ix liix -lelnns all nu r Hie wurlil. Siiin's Kill isii.s- not only ix-eii Itiih and sir. nu-lli I ) v rum of ,1 "n imiiai i riipiitiei-. I m i rniiis an iii i-iiie tor f.K.d thai Innl. Is hi- th.- i-.ast.-. I....U. "I li-ne hei-n .i-iiig s.-iiti'.- I eiu'.siini I or H 'x.aai years, in. a am . i.iwil w.-li .Is a. lion. My imtifiils .i.' ,1 U .i iisnnt ..ml .H,ntatile, mid ml 1.11111 .tro!i;i-r mid irmn Ili-sit from the us-or it. I uh.. it in nil 1 'it -. nt S'a-.lni Ii -,-iises. and I h -1 .-, 1 . 1 1 1 ux-lul loriliililr. il xxhen iiuiia. in n-a.l. 1 .ill.ui 1 ti -.-di'd. as 111 Marasmus.' I. XV. I it le . M. II , Knnxvnie. A'ns. M .ny i-.il.tif al 1 a n. I ul n I a-'iit h a s. raleli. heats liis 0.1 11- tlie ui, est remedy for rntArrh 111. Thl. nWi1Br ..f nuiiilure JK'KmiT ,'atti4 fire pis A l-sci-ret Of irno.1 licnlth Is found in ihe recnlar mnve luii.i nt Ihe Imw.-ls mill pi-rltM t iietion of the l.tver. Ttifst'oreiiiiii xxci-- itil.-iidcil hj 'uitlil-i' In limine In. in the b -.i.-tn all lniijiititie-. ll y.m io-ei-iin--lli:itetl, i.il i.lTel' a "Miiii.liiii; ili xinitlt.it" ton whole iHinil.x ot iliseiises and ir li'"'llai'it ie xx lit. li xx i.l htil'elx l.e "uei i'1'le.l." inui ..n will haxt iciiin. iinwi'leniiie ami Uo ti'lilillieil. All ttipse lilihjiijiv ciill.ltt ino-- lliuv Is' axeri. il I'V Ihe lllilell u. i.l lr. Pier, e's i'.'.i-.n.l I uiis'i ixs' I'lllils I'l.Hirfiil n.rilie .te ll.a! I. an iltloll nf the Imwels 11 11 1 l.lxrr, -taleiBhiiiir a health) net on .. in.- f.iiir.. won iialul oig.smsin xxith xxiiieti xe ute eie-iiti-.l. Wi- pri'Mim- thai Cork lues a hii-eo lloiiliii" to-tl'.il loll. 1 lie Spri lHl Ott.-f if Tun Vol I li - i 'nil' xMov.nf llosioii. Mass., 1. I,:, !, i... pel a li- ,1 I i-l n. , k, sl,..,l, I... no. In. Ula o :: n :eli 1-. a tin- t il uintj i oines toil oil. - a x.'.lr. Am ni si Miii-i ill'i'i- In Till-: ( oxie x io ii ho w II -. ml ji.; '. at .me , i ioi len.-lla pa. I' 1 1 ee lo ,l,Oi na ' X I. I !l an. I lor a lull x ai Iioin I e.il .1 'i. . 'llli-oin-r iii.-iii.le.s t"'ir i",!.i,ii n 1 1 in i -i' -, lot' I'hatilis ii in -, I liii-ino- S. w , . -o s ,i,,. l-'n-ii r. all th, lo b -'l,,n i W.ikii .' .'. 'mi lit- ,o.:l t'.e Xll le,oo I '-e ieni l.i i, ivilh .'nO ii!ii-.lr.llinii-. li'ialli a C- "I i' i'.'l' tl olllx fi.'i'i .1 xe.ii . .M ai. out ..I ti ,,. i l,.-!, -I',. in a- plusu r . A I' i ! V lo v. Ill x. U -urter w ,lii ileln:. -tiiiii. e li. .-.:,"e. .:. , t..ijtl Kiel' i, ml -l. U.ln ,nl a lie. uieri a li,-. . . in - ixel I. a., Iboiileilu -' e's i 'i,-, : li lm,' :i ..- xeiirMi. in .- hi e a iel i : I:. la. ia. 1' ., ii ,i ii.i-'- '.' . I0I-. Ili.-i ..in I-1.; M.i. k in a, i o . . V. ACTS AT THE GAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, TH t BOWELS, nndti.oKIDNtYS This lotiil im .1 .a lion gun it won del tul pom r t" i ute ai! . 1 1 -. i-r.. Why Are We Sick? I'.i-r ill .- xxe :i!l.". the liiixes lo leiiiain Me.tl.ini'-il ili'l ittital. 'I, and I he-, -.ii a i a gan- to 1 a . nu-. !- '.).'e'l or i' ti't-!. .'lei l. -' '...ii- I. urn. is :,le lia-r- ,ot, .'.. i il ti.!-. ihe 1 l"".i I hut I ' i ' M il, d . :!ur.. I CELERY j COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS 1'tI FS. lONSrlPATIUN. K1PNFY TOM I'l.AlNTS URIMKRY DISEASKS, i tMAt.E WFAKNT.SS RHUVMA. TIHM NhUKAlelA AND ALL NIRV0U8 riSOHUEP.S. 'lm tin' and -In ti 'liieianj lie n rvi",, and i .lit -ii-j l.t e :u u n I 'he Iiit-r. ' - ox -!-, and 1. id ii x - .and n -t.-r ill", the!! . . t to till. -XV i t! ill-. .1- . XVhy ninlir Biogiu P.nm 4mt AfhiI Why to:lm nt.-'t mth l lies l'i.r.sii.nf on Vhs friul.ti-ii. ri .-v.-i lo. r ii' r. i Kntn-yitt W hj .w n.-rvoiis u' .lik h. ,i,n I Why l na fliri'l" me'i.t.l :ra'r,o!,.::,::',:'i: ! tvA' O" H a 'i . ". ' .." n ll-- '..!. 'l It.. 'I' 1(1 I : .1 .'. It.Vx' I 111. . I. til. I... II ..Inc. I IITV I'll 1. 1, It- I'll It r.lJM'l SCIlOLAHSHIt' PALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1712 Cticslnut St.. Phila., Pa. r..-ti t.ii.- lm- iii'iitiuiii.'M. 'I i nu- i . t,n i icil t :l i.. I im.ih. Th.- ill r i .o on . .ai. iti . i lu.li-i- ..I sinili, lli-.t -;- t'l'X lllillU. H.I'. '"I I IhU il'l sSv'y7?? Ely's Cream Balm tfiV -'1lsXXo,.l,SOOOloa,,v Sftvc,iv)iM2ii. Woman or Child fM MMllll'illU I I'll in al CATARRH. I'iso-s fl.-nioilv for I'nliirrli H Ihe il. -l. r.i-U:t l.i I ... mi.) i h.-.i..s. (..! rM.rib P..- i -t ' lf -jr. Mitt -tt-n. fiirt i iic. 1st nritt'rfiw. . i- if I ni''."i4ir.,i1i l.,Ht, Ll' C07CD AXLE 11 uiibnui, AHFY0Uf?1RlED?!,'Kn -.1.1 . , ,1 - e 1 -.," o. 1.1, s ,.. iiiuirl.ix.., . il ,:,i.li.. S XX. Ml Il ll. IN-IM'- '.rg.l ..H'll IX. link l-tl, llliui.i,sitlii, Ulilli. CALIFORNIA DRSNflE. RAISIN UNO FRUIT LINO, li, .no rt,-,.-,. 01 iniy !'' ttn.'i.. Just 01.. 1'ii.ia lur 1 "I ny H.-..-I.1 in.lu,'. m, n' lo aplllera. SlUNfjfl. (imi l SELOWEB. --mi I'leuo, lal. s'l'l IIV. lls-li-k-.-.-.in.-. liii-:ii-.- Kortim. I'. lil,irtii-li'. Xiallit,,, Is,-. Hii, ,u h, mil. i'li.. 11. hli I.i,,. hi h Illll. Or. -ul'ira (,, .. llriMufa lulletir, ll slum St., I. niinl-.. ,s xl B!o.t.' ii'Wt, 6-tal English Gout nl lUll S I IliSv HKeuifMltc ntrntif. Hfi-al Bx, J4i rcaiifU 14 rill. 1.1 ', i:ni. ie 1 1 i,l I r-. N.''r. N'l'i.-. II... tlui.j.nr It. lii.... 4 .... . I-11 xr.it-. In . U.S. Mail Route8aT.n.rfK lit. a m, th. in. i!V'i .V in 1 y. Whiiifcrt.ti. I So Is l ""v. IttinipltM wra-Ul II HI. FKKK i IJnes i.ii un-l'-r tin :i.ir-tt ft-sH. wrtit. li.-irt sitir a ,l.':y ix-'in uui.ier vmi iieny. n.'i. ts'tl-F t l h'X Iv. full I. n.-th lu-miti.. e.lv We Pi' Jl 5,i . ts,: 'lli,.gr!,.r.xi'.. ,lijysnr.g,N i. x l;lktt VlX.r .iJ-uxUim-.i-is. .;..j..j..j..j..ji.j...4,tlf utstft Hfto iit uni -ltd ir'isU lor ft ff t if ori tit ft !!litoT L'uftt, ftlltl firl h!f hur nin-rtinrtt tu mi mtu 10 tut i.'tTi'W Uirnt it it it iir-iur -r t.ctiun ihftn ft reo iwitMia. n l on v t chnatnf A n ItV it 111, tl", l,.inl ' M t .t1 y t.Rn in, but ft'o m a pn ml initB lllfliy US U k .'..'.ii ., .? - .f . t , ., ,. VTV W V V V V A -i.eb hi-, -.ii-, r ... oi...; in.n ,r ,;ra.I. lie -i.n s 1 j i.u.vi ,i . Ha. ..-., :. -i. i ., -i- - i i.i a-, i.n.i , In- .i,- t, ri-..-. lb im.ii 1,1 I -. ml I'll .lie i , a 'I he pin I I- "in a -,1,1.1, '.I li, ii In. i-ili.;-., am! .- 1 111. I "I, I J ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON .l Pffl wEHS HK.HARli-nNixi (Ld'tppr't'tor?, E' Ljj UPRLItsOTON. VI. C FREE m at In 5UACOBSQ1J, 6V, VWH, IV THE GREATREMEDY FOR PAIN. H'ures Itlleuinutlsni, Neuiulijlu. KclHt Irii, l.titnl.airu'. Itat-kiiche, ll-a.liichov l iml lou lie, Sore Thrant. Sxvilllngi, 1 iiisllill.s. Sinnln-i, l!iul., Cuts, lln no. anil Senilis. Snlil 7 lrii.;.;is mi'l lunlrn Krctnehere. THE CHARLES A. VOTEIER CO . C illlmorc. Md. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A 1ITIVI ClIRK TOM lNniOEBTIOII ADD ALT. ttuiuiftch frost-lii, Artatng Tliarcfrom. I ni i m II ..toil I'rn'iT irt'l irl Vni- fin I I'H' ,'..'i if fie' i!,'."'il'0,- (ll '','!', or l' l.'l I I'ff U ;! I ; lift 1 l''l rw.;. '( " rlt. ' .'...'. $1 I'M I" .',;. .Snip. n , ., ii'.,i' tl! 'J ig.il tittM'. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO . Daltimort. M4. but, I'lv't'ii.tvr, ua Uftiirililu-ii,. If M I' 111 'CAUTIO'W" llnwi!-' "f tiiti l. a. lav laiiee ait.l Hi" prifi lire -t l'l -1 'a ,- ... m. Ill .'tail lev rt'lvf-l ll-lii f!l"l. ' -I .o- liMXlllit He' hirl.'ll. 1,1, I. .i.,li-.t tin' in iui-.i;iln-i hu'ii I'O.'i - iii.'I liifiili-r kih us. I; I I, .ii-a ..il, W. I.. Ikhii:I l i'i s l ll Ir. In. .'il I'l l- e. or -.11- lie h.. III' In nllll--.ll lux I in n a.'i-l l.n.-esl..lli.i-il..-ll lilt' l tt"!i!. i.l I.IIUsloUH3 m a.:i''''-'"''';r'iiw K L. DOUGLAS iPO 5riW-l'J. .1MII.MIN. Ta. i ."ill M AMI is-, -i ii...uth t-i -i-i.-. m l uii-s ., xx iiikhii i.i I.l'! II- I- , I. , . l I .1 I- . . ! Jll'l Villi. Mir i: 1 1. XX . I . Inn i.l . M SIMM , ii . HH.eil :.n-l . -::'i I , , 1 I 'I (I . L.,imI- i u-.- . i.. nm i.i vs'.-v; -i ei i in: khoe. It i.:....i l XI , ,,.,1 I , :-. i ..... -a ... .a il . -ii. Mi,"-.tli ii.i I. - ii . ll. I si..,, , s., I.., l-r XX IX I le- I I I" i 'i i : II t- i ' W. I.. IIUI I.l S S, :...ll Sli.li' J. I,-, !lJ f-a ii.-n i "' '. li- - ,ei - ..i. ,..i, , XX . I . Illll 111 Is f'! MUM I III; 111 IX. S Is II. e - - , - ' 1 i 11 - ' !. W. I . Ini CI tsW.t.HlH llfs s.lo.nl (-line t: e-l i- " ' In v., il 11,1 I. MX Ii HIS, Xl.i' Fojr Books I.fiirisl in Ons ReadiD. V.-i.r-. XX m l, Ii '., -I'vu Mm . I II. Ill Ihe l'i;ij.',on .-' I ,,:..' l ull. :nc Il.eui. I. ei s i i.i, I'm oi, HM..I.I I "li l''x..:i llv-.i.. . s-.l heirsir n it . . .. -,i i,ii- i.eiikin .-I taklli ; .. .1,1- ins, - ",' ". 1 - 'I'ldi-'i : I e. elvi.i it.at in i i..-ii" , -ii vi , i.i.iO.ui xx .nil.; i-:. I . III, in .' !," i. I , I t . t 1. . ..: lid a if i ;ilo..n.' - . ut .'ll .eir ,,-'. a l.-.-a .-.I IX ..- lm I' I Illll ll-l'UOll . l-.'i- ami give ,!' e ., tin ;!-! ..I .-mx (.. a'', I. nl iHl , .'.I,,. Il-l-, l. r, i. .i.l l.ulnti. I. l l., lor. Il.in.l.l 111. . I... M..sl..-i. ,. ,, .. A.-.. ...i,, .11 I ix.i-.ii,'. f. ..'a in . e. I , ,t !',, li, , pa '.a--. Hie ll. s.-.i' I::-:,..;, ,, I'diliellt.; kll,, ' - 1 tie f.'iels. V.i.!.. .j :i , ;i;-i. .Ixmi- xiu.oii.ion Mx ll..!.XI X I'.. I'm!. A. I...i-i-lt.'. '.Iii Kiltl. li. , N V. la a., tlx I or,' il In i ai i ii'- t- le!. !.. e. Si lid I..I' I I -en 1,1-. JOHN T. LEWIS & BEOS, VV .tiHH M',;u -1 tr. Whiie Lead. Red Leal Litharge, Oranqo Mineral. Painters' Cehrs atiJ Linseed Oil. o It It ti'nni t 1 inn TEN COMPLETE NOVELS XV. ti.v J.t I ii' I '- I I" "ti' '.'sn l ht,9..t. vnl'im. -,, ,, o., 1 ,o:a., l',.i..i.-l.'m .11-11-1. .. N.o.'l.. I- ' I' I "-:' - - '",.' Ji,n -,, -.., i , XI l t I-.II-, ', 1 -,'lt ,ll,.t.,'. b' , , .. - I' - a',- t ,' , -a I " I ' X.. XI It Tf il :n. 1-M- 1. 11 - Ml 1 ,- - n ,.- Ii.-A-V.!--.. I. v. -ii ll.. f , : " .'.,- ... I 1 (Ills I'l-ro. ,.'.. 1,.-. l- 1 M . X. i n tu t ul I'li Gatr. l'l i .... 1. a ,. A- ,..'.' I l!-i . ! v XI. T l'i: ii : r-p.r, i.l lXI. x... 1 I-. Sll.llul lllTiri il 1 -I'l.u l II....... J..II..&1 I-'.-. 1.-1'. V. ft I I : I hr Txtt-ltt- I .--tl. a I '' 'I i n I i.mi.li-li N.i I.l I' I'K.N, i'uk il.hrr. 6S Murray Mr.i l, .r Iliirk. DEDERICK'S HAY PKESSES. M.oi-' i-t se-. 1, lu-liier. or, ne, r. 1 !ii',i.er niertl 1 li'l.ll. Iu ls-' ll"' I"-1 "".I K--I any V. k. lHH:l( b A 0 , AI.I1ANT, J(. T. We Cure CATARRH In. .,!.,! ,1,0 . h..l. .e .-Itm-iti. N .-I... ..r .n-ii.-..-Hl ar II I I'M II ATI . I" ' IK mnur fill liMttiriilui ..in .. .in,,n .t'iti",iiln COMMON SENSE CATARRH CURE a tnle bl-. Hilvan". 111. 1I0W ! AXV LINKS IX TIIK MIAIX? SI53 IN CASH CIVEN AWAV ! i :-i:;;:';n-;::i-mm -1.1, . -i t in. I". i-l-- 1.-' -''" WvjS ,153 IN CASH CIVEN AWAV! tlfe': NORTHERN PACIFIC. 1 LOW P.HCE RAILROAD LANDS & frff Covernment LANDS Mil l loNs.-l XI lllsi.f rwh 111 Minii-,'li. .S-'rtll l.-itt..T.i. Xl,.r,t,.n:i. I-Lili". XXn-ln ll. .11 iin.l llos-.-ii. OtnU rUn tie.l Xuri.ailtiir.il, l-in'le nil I 1 an-..-r I nn.ls n..w..-ii l"S, til- is Kriil I rrr. v-lr--m chas lamborn, i.'.'H.:v;'in";.- JOJES PAYStheFREICHT ft T Wii finlMul ! ic fNfn flff it.lt. . . f-M p.li-1 Mft W .f!i r Ihf tato shsi wftiit.yervioi (not itTle) jiratnl Ihit m ktxp Em mmmm him dry in in- fmim-ft iona. 11 u , cllrJ TOWKK'S MSH HKANl ' I sl.ll'R KB." 1 ni f.iiiUiir 1,1 evtrf f.,-.h.. ,l ovr l:.e li,,.!. With lln-ia n ti, n: p- n. . t xx nj ul w.n rrr.. ft! -.tii"'l "art H.H Hn11.1l si. ..." I U ! I '-' H. r-.-s-r". T - IX PURE O 1 " C WHITE ? 53 hmi 1 1 "1 1 1 11 i k. ' .. 1 ,.,...',, ,. 1 ,i,.,i , t; sxi".' . I -Us,'. ......ll li... 1,,,.. .., II, ..,,. 1, Ur, ,. wi,,. It a -1,1.1 I. iu..i bun... AJi.ru. I'ul.,..l..f, 1 -, 1 1 !,, v. 111.