!)c vEljatljam ttecorfc $l)c iflljatljam ttccoru. KATES II. V. I.lIMOIV, EDITOR AND riiOI'JtlETOK. ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, I llll sqllllll. , IIIIC IIIM'I t Oll-Olle- seplllll', tWO lllSt I'li'llirf - One pijinirc, one month - 1.0O l.BO - 2.60 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly In advance. Fur lurgor iielvcrtiscinei'i'.s liberal con trm Is will In' miidu. IMTTSI5()li() CHATHAM CO., X. C, DKCKMIiKIl NO. II. I VOL. M. Tntc With fioelom apples fill thy harvest t in; Harter l:o nt .-wealth (or p.ld In Fashion's mnrt ; Trnvcr-e roiip.li sons swio distant port to win Without n ( hurt. Fray tlin lino cord of T.nvp tint il it break-, Laiim-li thy iiogue before tho storm nli it"; Toaso the piono, sVoping Peril till it wnko; Then rail lit Tut". iHanskn Viiiliidgn. ALMOST PERSUADED. A sultry ci'onitg h id closed over tho great li'.y. Ovo.-li ad, the at irs shono faintly along tin- c o o, narrow streets; tho galishts Ihrk red; every doorstep, every opin enso nont in this elen-cly populated quarter of tho city was packed full of humanity, striving to pet a breath of air. Lilly ti:rnio:id had como homo lata (rom tho store She win tired an 1 dispir ited; mi l tho gentle little (top-in ithor, to whom she nl ways turns I fjr sym pathy and tenderness, had gono to spond a week at her brother's farm on the Connect! ut Kivvr. How strange and rmpty tin; littlo room look id, with the vacant rocking chair and work-basket o unvontcdly ti ly. "I wish sho was lurk again," Lilly sighed, as sho dropped into a chair, and began lisllcs-ly to eat her sit; -r, of n t'ico of linker's breal biokcn into a bowl of sky-blue city miik, "I wonder why Undo Murk ill In't ask mo, too! I Mippose he thought I couldn't loavo tho stoo; but I could havu not a few days v icition I am sure; or pciltnps t li . y In I i ut ono rparu room, though I tend sur ly hivj slept with mother, jiut as I d) here.'' Lilly (Iermond did not know how much pood Uncle Mark Stevens dreaded a meeting bet wean his son He land ".my fcather-liculcd city girl," as ho expressed it. "Henisasgood as Rohi,'' rcasonod Mr. Stevens, talking tho mitter over with his wife; '"and I don't want any silly coquetto ploying with his feelings. If he's to have a wife :is 1 s'poso it's in tha nuturo of things ho should havo somo time let it be somo sonsiblo girl ns will be a r i -11 1 companion to him that yuii and t n rnu take comfort with. Hn! don't n-k Mary to bring that step daughter o' hen here. She's no kin to u, anyway yen enn lix it, aid it'll only be exposing Hen to temptation and folly.'' "It scenn kind o' liard though,'' sai l Aunt Almira, "to separate mother and I iltld." ' M ry's try own si.iter," said Mr. Stevens, "ami I'm willin' to give her country air and change of scene. Hut I don't owe no duty to Mary's step daughter, as I know of." But when Mrs. O.-rmond told them of Lilly s sweet temp rand patient toil, of her lo g days of work in tho store, and her cheerful evenings of sew ing for In r mother, tho hearts of Loth of theso old p :oplo soltono 1 in sonii! decree. "Father," sui 1 Mr-. Stevens to her husband, "Mary's f tip-ltuightcr must lc different from what you ami mo s' posed. I almost wish don't you? -that wo hal asked hor here, too? ' "So do 1," sni I Fuel.) Mark. L-ok lure, Ainnra! Hoi u going to take a load of cord-wood into town on Tinirs d.y. S'po e we tell li i .11 to go around by Hre'con street nnd bring Mary's i.tep-laiubt' i ut for a siirpii-o to her mother eh!'' Kt d Mrs. Slcvons brightened all over. "That will lo a roal nico plan,1' sai l she. "And i' Lilly is anything like whnt Mary says, I gii.-ss wo shan't havo no reason to regret it. It does sc in too bid to think of anybody cooped up in tho hot city sueli weather lis this." If tired, overworked I, lly (iermond could havj known all this how her heart wui'.d have leupe I up within her! Hut wo aro not always nwaro how near the angel of dolive rauco is to us; and sho wis very rebellious in her heart this right. "It's all one wretched treadmill cd toil and clmdgory," sho mui iiiuro I to herself, with never a prospect of chango r recreation ! o.io might as well bo dead!" Just llien, Arietta, Wales, a bright ; ouog factory girl who boarded on tho floor above, knocked nt tho door. "AH alone, Li.lv I' sai l sh. "I thought as much. Well, I'vj got such a p'an to propose to you ! J di i M -rton ii going to take mo to the (i.oufu S ci cty's ball to i;ht ft Wndfo.d hall. And he's got a ticket for a i xtrn lady ; and so, why ra i't you go with u ? ' "J!' Lilly (i imond turned red and pde. "1 it mother don't approve of tails '" "O; courso sho don't!' retorted Ari etta, with a toss of hor yellow, much lttfrizzui hair. "She's old and pokey, and y'U are young and gay. Basidci, she's only your step-mother, and you can't expect her to feol for you a she would do if the were your own mother." Litly frownol a little, but she passed on to the m it ehj Ktioi. '.'v get ; othi .g to wear," said she. "V , y ii hnve that prcttv white ntilnwiJi ih; Liidlc-wcrk U nines', J Nothing can bo pntli-r Fian that. And Julia does so want yon to go. Hj's got a friend coming Mich a genteel young man! Do come, I. lly! Think how much hirer it will ho than sitting h"ro in this stuff hole, with Mr. Iljolcer'e bnhy crying next door, and old Mr. Farren playing t lie lluto overhead. ' "I promised nnth r not to go out anywhere in tho evening while she was gone,'' hesitated Lilly. "Whit of thali Slio'li never kcow,'' urged Arietta. "Sho surely can't ex pect you to in-!W yourself up hero lue a mouse in a trap, while tha is onjnying herself. Old folks nro so so li .h !" Oaco more Lilly frowned. "My mother ii not selfiih," sai l she. "Oh, well wo won't arguo about that," said Arietta, coaxingly. "lint there'j no reason you sh ju dn t sco a littlo lif , o ico i i a while, as Ion? a I and John nro along to keep you com pany !" "it w ui! 1 bo nir-," said Lilly. "I ve almost a mind to g . " "Til'Mi make huslo ain ut it!" cried Arietta. "I". I call or you as I coma down stairs. The earlier wa aro there, tils belli r iliance wa hive on tin dan cing lloor." Lilly went into the back ronm after Arietta was gone. Mr'. Hooker sat there, ri c cin her bnuy on her knee, nnd to her the girl confided h:r dosins. "I w ii In't!' sail Mrs Hooker, slink i ,,' her bead, soberly. ' Why not ' ' ' 'Hint i co: hi Snri My don't 1 car tho best ru ut tlion, Ld y, ' sai I Mr'. H'ok er. "A lut of giddy girls nnd rceiibm young in :n that are l ent on earning their living si-m : way out si lo of boa -st work. I don t think your mother would liko you to g-t into such com pany ai that wlul i sho i gone." "Th ro's always some rtason to keep mo Iroin en j tyi lg my-elf, so far a1 I can net!' bur t cut poor Lilly. "Ari etta Wales is going, and 1 mean to go, to i!" Mrs, Hooker looked pityingly after hir as she ll mnced out of tho room. "Poor till, it it aoit o' hard upon her!" s!u punderod. "And sho so young and pr tty. too, and workol so steady nil d iy ! Ilui that (i.ujlul S ciety - '. ain't what 1 shoii d liko n daughter of mine to get mixed up in. Howev.-r, a willful girl will have her own way." lli'.f an hour lat-r there cam) a soft "tnp-t ip" on tho panels of Mrs. Hook er's door, and a biowe, handsome face peeped in. "Hog par Ion, ma'am." sail a cheery voiC' ; "I ut is this Miss ti rmond's room! I'm her coi-ii H;", and hor inoih r has sent me to bring h?r out to tin country nnd mako n littlo visit thero." "And I'm Iwr l iu-le Stev.'-s " ad lod a second voic , "and I hn team's wait ing below, and there ain't no lime to b s" "Dear in", I'm so sorry!1 cried Mrs. Hiokcr, ftartmg to h-r feet; "hut Lit y tierinond ha gone to n ba! . !" "A ball!" echoed V iclo Stevens. "Gone to a bail!' reiterated Hjn in ama.'.'inont. "With her mother nwiy," criod tho oi l ma-, "and my sister tolling mo how ipii-t an I st:i ly she w is! V hup, Hoi; 1 don't know as wo want no ball-g dig jvmng ladios out at tho old farm. I gii"S3 perhaps we'd bettor bo starting for hom" Hut wait n minute; perhaps sho left some word,'1 sai 1 Mrs. Hooker. "Hor room is the next ono bcyonl; I'll go and see." ' I uu'ss it ain't worth while," inflex ibly uttered Uncle M irk. Mis. Hooker knoi ked nt tho door of Mr, (i'rmond's room, as a sort of forlorn hope. "Come in!" called a soli voice. And thero sat Lilly nt her sewing by tlio light ofashaled kerosene lamp. "You loo'i Mi-priso I ! ' civil Lilly, lau;hin'. "Hilyiiu soj 1 decided, alter al1, to take your good advice, Mrs. Hooker." 'And I never was so glad of any thing in my life," nid Mrs. Hooker. "My dear, hero's your undo and cousin iroin the ton itry, with a team, waitia' to t ake you to y ur iiu-thcr." Lilly utioro I a ci v of delight as sho jumped up, nnd (lung her itwing into tho corner o' tba room. "Uial.yi" she crio I "truly? cr tin I dreaming? W li re are they?" Sho ran cut into tin hall, and wa kissing F.ic'.e Mark and -luikiig hands with Hn almost bo fore they knew it. "So you ili In't goto ill) ball after al?'sail tho old man, bis liar I faro soltcning as much under tho l luo joy. ousnesi of her eyes as bones h tho touch of her rosy you ig lip. "INo," said Lilly ilthough I was soroly tempted to forget moth"r's goo 1 a I vice. H it I never disobeyed her y.t, and I'm not going to bogin now. Hut it was so dull And lonesome here!'' 'Porr child I I should think so," snid Uncle Stevens, with a look into the dismal room. " Hut now put on your things quick! Tho horses don't lika standing tuerj knoe-deop among ragged chit Iron." Lilly was not long in packing her littlo hag; and whoi sh) nil to Lid M '. B)Okor goo l-'iye, sin whiiprred; "It was your good adviccthnt turned the scnle. To .ink you o much for it. How much 1 should lnvj lost if 1 Lai gone to tho b ill ' ' "Sh :'s a nice gi 1,"' s..i I Fnc'.o Mark to his wife that r.ight, when L'ily was nslcpia the 1 iV.-n ler--centi!d b.'droom that looked out upon tin river, "and I don't woud r M iry's proa I of her. H i'. I did feel srt of ijueer, ju-t for n inin uto when Ithou;hts.o wi- n-!aiking round at bills with M ry koowiu' noili ing ubo.it it.' ' ttf crursc she would i't do nntldV of tho sort V tai l An it Almira reo lutoly. ' Sho didn't, it seems,'' snid Undo Mark. A week afterward, Lilly heard, through a letter from Mn. Hooker, that tho lull of th: i otful Siciety hid been inexorably broken up by a detach ment of tho police, in search of somo counterfeiters win hclnnged to tin den, cl.i among whom wore An. 'Ha W iloi' I cj in, .loin M rlon, and his dashing friend who hal been destine I to escort her, Lilly (iermond, on that particular ni -lit. A id Lilly sbu I lerod at tho thMi;ht of the ri'k sho hal so narrowly escaped. Out h re all was so sweet, so fragra .t, so poiiC.fu'; in tin city all w u lu-tle, :lin, pirpctitd j ostli ig. And Lilly's cheeks took on a oftor pink, and her heart beat a pulse or two fasl-r than its ordinary pace, when f-Uis recalled tho way in which Hen had lookc I nt her that morning vh;n he hal brought h r a long, trai ing spray of while i los toni'd cle c.ati'. "Vou liko the country i" said In; "and us? and you wouldn't mind Maying hero always:" "I shou d liko it of nl. tilings," Lilly I had eagerly responded. j And thon, as hi) eyas had roste 1 a ! moment u on her, she had hid len her face among tho clematis stars. An so sha was inut inuring to her self: "Perhaps ! perhaps!'' Ai l Hoi Stevens, out in tho harvest, field, was saying to himself, as ho swing tho gleaming crailo to and fro: "Perhaps ! ' Saturday Night. Locomotive I'.nniiiccr.s. The engineer whose humanity Is not hardened has his feelings harrowed oc casionally by pedi-trims who risk their lives on tho track. Tramps and other careless persons nro so nil neroin that tho casual passonger in a locomotive cab goucra'.ly cannot ri lo fifty miles without seeing what seems to him a hair-breadth oscnp-, but which is novor thcluss treated l y tho cnginoer as a commonplace occurrence. Tiieso hcod less wayfarers do, however, occasional, ly carry their indilTi rence to danger too far, and they aro tossu I in tho nir lika feathers. Doubtless th"ro nro thoso who, liko tho fireman who talked with tho tend -r-liearto I youu : lady, rogret tho killing of a man chiefly "uecauso it musses up tho engine so; ' but, taking the fraternity as a whol", warmth of heart nnd tonderncss of fouling in iy bo called not on'y w.d'- luvoloped but prom inent traits of character. 'I'no groat striko on tho C'hicigo, Hurlin'ton & l ii icy rf a I last sprinu', wliich proved to havo boon ill -advi.ed, would have been possible only in a body of inon act uated by tin moit loyal friendship. Undoubtedly a largo conservative olo ir.ent in the Hrotherhoo I of F. lginoers b lived tho inovo in j I licious, but they joined in it out of nil bit jnso spirit of tbb'lity to their brethren aid leaders.- Scribner. An llscnpo from ( aniiihnls. Mr. II. II. Johnston ', Knglish consul nt Oil Calabar, Africa, tool: a trip up tho Cross liver to try and mako treaties nnd settle quarrels among tho natives that were injuring trado by their war fare. Do had n most interesting tiino, moro inteio-tiug than lu would c iro to xperience again. At a placo called F. ledcmi, ho was pulled from his canoo by a mob of cannibals, slung on the shoulders of ono of them nnd homo on n rnpi I trot to tin town. There ho was placed in a hut with the door open, while hundred) of s ivnges continuous ly stared at bin-. Looking upward ho saw ari.'i') ;i d nroiin 1 the upper part of the clay walls a hoi riblu array ofat least a hundred skulls, while a smoked hu man ham hung from tho begrimed inf ters as an appropriate centre piece. His interpreters cpportunoly arriving, a friendly pa'nver ri-ulted in his return to the canoo in tin samo manner in which ho had been taken from it. New York Witness. Hoy Hnllllghteis. It will, perhaps, be h .rdly croditod that at Sri S l astia n, Span, bul ri.hts nro arranged between chil 1 torea 'u rs of Ul, 14 an I 15 years ol I, and bulls of 3 years. Thoso small Sonniar Is, drossod in picture que costumes, brave doath for the snko of turn ishiig tho crowds with an am.nsem nt, and actuilly profer tho dangerom li o an 1 .ippbuno they roceive to working at any tralo or go ing totchooi. It is a sicliining specta cle witnessed by thousands of all nations, in lool, therj are far more French nnd V.n rliili prosont at the chil Inn's bull fi !U th 1 1 thero are Spaniards. IHII.intK.VS (OI.LMN. A Cfiinposite C ut . We took our pussy ' p int. ?r iph, Tlin one of a neighbor's it, An. I then n thir l, mi I then it (.un til, A i.'7e:i pil .-let nt. An I then w ; took the h it..ni-op!i ( If every ph"t )i:rapli; Oh, tint is often don", y. m know; I ml I. you needn't laugh' We sleov.-.l Ma in ma th.- lu-t - tfeet. ' II. 'in is t ho t.vp.'," w.' vii.l. ' ( U nil the iloz m pii-sy e.'s w liar ii ,i I aid d h.-ii I " ' Spl ndi l' A tei ior ' . ri.-l Mamma,- - 'into lrauk to say H e t . "11 u li puss would ho a ti n i- typ" Ti.nn tin- c iiiii..site l":!-t ' St. Mi. hulas. A Home for lllril ;. In tin b'li'iti: :! i. v .-arleis of I", iglan i win- e perhaps tin: finest trees and tl iwers grow, tho b:r li lire ma la wilion.e to come and n -t. Signs are here, thero and i very w her i; loroi Id ing tho boys to moie t their homes, and as a ciuseipi"i!re t acre i luusin for you w he re Ve r y oil may turn. Some pour forth a melody ol son:-, whi.o ethers twitt r and ilitrp 1 1 1 i r happiness, atoning for the slight damage some of their tribj in.y lo to bill an 1 blos som. I iiiiii Fishes.. At tin : q i it ii.in ..l ys: nl Palace in I. ) I n tlier' i.ie l.ngci tn-.k i H.lul wilh n any si.ru and ki.idsuf li lies. Loh oters re-1 on n i i iiuro iinnks, eels lay qni-tlyii iiiun g l!n rock, whilj deli cate. y-tinto 1 sea iiaeiu ino.s look .iko full blown tl iivcr-, tumbled frrm ioino invisible ro c ariov.'. Tho seals sport and iu'.Ioiv in their pmd; onn half ex-p.ct- the seals to 3 oil, for they nn li e yi'tiag c ilv j dicilo un l as i.n-iiy trained as ado but what is tistoiiish ing it to iv. itch the carps at play; down one wi I ila-h, another clo-o behind, ar.d tiiitiing helly no. No. 1 ni l skim along the bottom o! tho pond, n..'l all of a sti'l'.li.-n, pre-to, tu nasort of somersault ov.t X . 2, who in it) turn goes through tin saiuo performance, until one by ono all the sober looking li-h that have br-en t! uting in a sleepy way liar! :y j on in the fu", nnd a trecaiul Irolic c.sins, so funtiy and -o odd that th i lookers-on j 'in in a ii-. 'iry la igh at the iitllj t u lay li-lns. I'.c.iyu le. The lieii-s of Hi-rue. J ho city of Swil . .ri i:: I, H -r::e, takes its name f i out tin bears. I n.-v tiguro in the co.t-uf-arm.; incaiv-l wood they hold the matches, chum mid uinbrella3 ol tuu Swiss; th y ligur as white bears on ginger c ikes; and they, or at least livo or six of them, livj like very princ s of bears in one i ti t ol tiie city of Heme, where they hiv- :i home and p aygrotin I. Iti-siilth.t s ni-.e good woman, dying, 1st her ih-mi-.j to feed tlie?e Le.irs. Kiwev.r th it may be, th y are certainly well ( ! and jolly. So -.oon a ) you look dew -. iion tlnm tiny will sit up and m ill i.i i itedly with their huge nrius to you to throw stiuo toothsome nitiele, an i it one sm-ceid.- i t citdu.i; tho cov.-te 1 pii- the excitement becomes intense, and all tho others b.cken us t ln u ;!i trying to sns, ''Me too, me too." Th i.- happy henia are even !u nidied with toy-1, they havo trees to cbmb and iig a . o I u balls to roll; and ono wonders if thy ever pino for tho wools and rocks of their native iiieu it ains. Pica, i: n .-. A Hiave St. li-.-ninr l ). ll is only within t!:o la-t few days that pmticii'ii.r.s li ivo b.-oii j-ubli-hed in the Swiss paper i of a bravo re-euo ef fected 0 1 Mount St. I! :;: : i. While a violent snow storm wis i.i progress, (irnnd, the inannger of the bo -pice, no ticed that his own special dog that was alono with i.int ii his room b iano veiy restless, iiud made signs to bini to go out. lie took the hint m an I fog-horn and went out on the mountain, the slog leallng him. la a very short tiino ho hem I a call and :-ioaiiing, and, helped by thi dog, il it ; out of tin snow a.i Ita'ian, whom !.; cuiied on his back into iho ho.spic '. Tin rescued man state I that his latho, two llotheri, and another Itnllm, all jotirmying homo with him over tho pass, lay buried in tho snow. II hoi pushed on to ob tain heip, iu! hal been over p nvercd by tho storm, llrand made ready and went o;:t n;ai.i. T he secoml iinli was more tiali nii and I - I him lurtli r away, but at l ist the barking ol tin dog an nounced n discovery. It wai tho llaliui stringer, who was now saved and carried up ts th i lunpico. A thirl linn (irnnd and In. .log Hidicl con into tho tempest, ami ii.'ln ii ijiinit r of an hour' search loun I the olhei near where :he3 coud m-iil had been i-coveiod. Tiny were 1ilit.- on te I under th ' snow and aluv-st Inseii-ibl . II: took the mo-t feclde on hi. own shoulder', nnd with diflicu'ty conducted th i otho s to thu hospice. J w-i now midnight. His toi.somo tas.c bal cccupied ttrai.d over lour hours in a blinding snow storm. Why are tho linkers of tho Armstrong ; mi t h gr itest t lii-ves in II I Hritish M j :y s -civic ? H -can o tin y nfla i I th guns, for r0 tin material and Itixl all tho gui Ll etches. IIIGIIHINDIiRS. j A Chinese Oruii'itinii for Mur- 1 dcr and niaikinail. i Crimes of the Hatchet Society ; in America. j Tho High' imb.-rs, whoso atrocious j murders and continunl black niai.ing j on-rations have j u.'.t-d the police o' Si i l'l inciseo, St. I. mis and P.lliurg, i an I whoso op 'latloi.s in X-iv York ; have so far been curie I on with gn-at skill and su iie; aie nn or , am, .ti. n of Cinnamon dating back to the T'.ii I I'm or long-liair" I rei-el ion, which t was entile y kubdm: 1, it wi. thought, I some thirty y .its ngo i i the Fioweiy I Kinloni. Tue llighl.iiolers belong to , the Triad S u. .-ty, whiiii ha been compi.r; I in ( hum to th" Xihilisti : in usii. d:i ci term.; it tho Ciiliiamin ren'.uuees uli obli;;a- 1 lions to hi, buiiilv. his gods i n 1 i.i-fiUou-iii'-n. Tu ncefor ll he is the cteatiireof hi. upei m.-s i i th: ) . I- r. Political co.nspi-my mil tin lai-ingof fun is to Lring a hunt a renter. iti ll ol the Chinese dynasty in pn.c -ol ti..- M inciic o emperor Hull on the tluo-.e aro or wele tliejrimu ubj els of tin Highbinder : throii.h th ir pmei.t order, tin Triad Soi i ty. ll i.ee its clusu rel'itiousliiji to tic: X.hiii.ts. Hit lilac x in nil puie nnd simple, en - force I with the sc ur. c a:; I the long klli e, ll IS lo lg Ii ' li th -It ii I Cilij'.'.'t oi the Highbinder- in tic. I illed S'ate-. Tin trial cf -i t inn if.nu in St. Louis for blackui iil and inurd.:' .i year or te.o since ln.u lit u; tl.i- l.ct Ce.u y. In St. I. oiis every Chinaman nit i lli.uited with the Trials was a-se se l To cents blackmail a week. T.n- :i--iS-in:.lion for which tin six Mi,-!. In d-is were triel in St. I. mis was p'.cu.i . . 1 y ntrc cious. The term 1 1 1. hbind ir, as ori : in.il ly ll-cd in Sin 1", nn I-eo, wheru it was lir.t heard in this c.ol itry, tie at.t thugs. Too T i 1:1 1 s were th-a siippu-.d to l o it t lie land of th: Cehe t ials w hn' the Hiug-areor were i-i 1 i Ii i. II it it wa. dl coVered .-hortiy that whereas religion i- the piiiuu motive ol 1'i.uggisin, pol itics started Hi ;h; in ler, which speed ily b v .to I it tell to tin coigenial ta-k of l lecun d ing. I'.: an I by th High binders I;. r line known as the H tcli-t Soci.ty, an 1 mur. lor for .r.on. y was rcogni.:d ns tliu chief object of its ei-t moe, I hin.nmeii w -re : e nn v : 1 by the llitchet Sici'ty ii Set 1'iaiiciseo at Vl iO a ll -ad. Th : oath end the rtt tl il of the Higlil'lndei i were demon inc.- i i their fcroc iy. Tin cult ciin-ci-tto D-ver, tiien ir.ov d o t, iicirdi ii eg, to S'. I. oils, the i t-. 1'itt-i ii- ; and th oi to New Yolk. Ii N -w York U.opiriti.m have li en c,::. l uted with the utnu'-t seirecy and sace ss. Tn ; c n-o ol tin .-ix Hi .:!:bi'iders trie .1 for tin murder vi L .w .1 lii.on ii St. Lend , called the i.ttentioa o! tin entire con:. try to tne spreal of tin- h: b on er 1 1 r. The murder c f John-on grew c ut i f his ni-uting tho polio in brea.ing up the gaml ling bu-iness of tho I byo Ooom, or .1. e li.ng, tho le.ad-r of the Chyo fac tion in St. I. -ii i ii-o:n ami hi- f, iends agreed lo piy ijni -u lor the removal ( I .1 dinso i. A li.tinguisho 1 member f !iu II t. hot Soeu 'v in 'I'ii-co, Ah l.nng I v n mile-, mil a High lander, w li. h id -i i v d a I'lin m the Sin (nnta I' i.itetr.liry, was sent, fir to do the ri ill iving, but, theio b. ing a hitch in tb i n.attie, In didn't st.-rt in time, so that ( l..-o Cniagic, lv .. i'g Song and cth ii not so iinineiii i i the profession uilcrtooic tin la-k. liny foil id John-o i a-!eep i i I e I, chopped him almo-t to ii 'c s n:i'l t.ien stood the body on it- li ii l in a hue';..! . f iiceand lock, d it up in a closet. T.icy e-it tj-iong Seng nw .y witn ifl'i. proini-ieg to sen 1 him more, but In w is c aj.'ure.l. Ho gavo tl'.e poll e tin; n.t.n sti v in tho cn-e, and through tear at haling violited tho Oith of the Ilitc hetS c i -. ty and die id cl th n vengeance, he went tr.i.y in j ii . .1 n ; and Chy Chiagk were sent.-nc. I I death. I lie Chine so eleimnt n X-w i ik and .n Fran-lseo has luv r -i n i -.- ll ipncli- '. Tin feeling in M it ttect w t, -in h ;h,t the Hi.hbin.b'i w i . li.il-1- to Lo c nl;. . I at any tiun, tin presence of Ah l.u :-, the past til and 111 bbiti I er, being an indie ition th it the 11 itchet Sciity is ready for busi us-. Ano her casoof Hi ghhtn ling w is th it of Sing Le-, at T.-oy. A Chinaman r.i Montreal borrowed tfo'lo Iroin niiotll -i and Sing l.-u was a witness. Winn n C'liinamnn borrowe money it i- iv.ih tiie u.ider-tnnding that in will p y it when ho can, provi le I the one m iking t he loan does not want to go home toChiea. Then ho risk t tor the money, and the ! orrowcr must pay it hick, or if he does not bo held respon-i l ie lor wh.t ever tioublo iray teinil the l-aler through delaying or preventing Ins de parture lor bom . 1 he botrow.i in this instance, rcdu-u I to jay buck the money, and the lender cnt- red suit for it in Montreal. Tho c iso w is col e I. and Sing L e wns the most .m portaut witnes . When tho cn-o w i uoncluded Staj L.-ewcut back homo to iroy, N V. Tie bib-r v.ett tl.crc ' ir.d cite in. t- d rit;y frt-'y, (giving . the nam; of a hi air n known ns u loi -.io'iiry, who '.v.: Ili-n in ' ii". ' ciU"d o" - le I-. on t b : day mi l at j the loetr g 1. e was paying his rent, j When the lnr.d had lult li i.ttacko l Sing I. o, Ui.ljl him, stole; all his money ifl'ML, mid the:: wrote on a pi-ce ol paj er and ii-tod on tho Icmr on:.-: le a ( l:it-ird: "Me fio to N'.-w York. !i.-k -oon. j s-lo lo r ' 1 A - ;;iag I. 'J Ci.ll'.d i't Wi it s ii W..I I of i 11 . .- It - li .-,i- pie ion w is nn us - I nil t ha nun ler .ii i . .v. red. It wa- proven, In- le. el, tint ig I. e's rein .val hil leea e'onsi lerod toriual y at a iii.'i ttag of the j M nitreal branch o! the Hatchet Sj ciety. Wlieu a ( 'ninmiuin is fiuin I inurdered t he iiiferein e: that ho cano ti bis end y llighbin i r- is quill! as rnli'.y ilrawnastli.it of M I'll I e-pon-ibi.ii y lor th ; a-s.n in ill m ! It ilia .-. H .th the M ili I an I 'h 'I: ;l.b: I len -no atl o e i his org aid, ill. nt-, as as foreign in their :ii. ns .-nd ii.clhods to Ameii.ati p.. lity .m l ni let : 'iith c-eduiy so. i. ty ns it i- o is-i i i! o for any bjit'i lo be 'N-w Yore Wiild Apple l.-K". j In Scollnid and in 11 i iland tho apple ' is a very popii'nr iliv.niug nic-I in in i n . I v in.it ten s. I'.iit f biis pr piilntity i. pro I'll1..! y due to the loiinn.n notion j that the Ireo of knnw.elge ol good ml I vii was an apple tre". II .-ace ineti- Hons the ii- : of apple pips in love all drs I A iov.-r in nl 1 t.ike n pip l.e tw ceil till j linger and thumbnail shoot it up to tho fed ing, nnd it it struek it, hi- or her I wi Ii would bo iiicomp.i-lnd. Nona- I days a in ii Ion tests tin It lelity o! In r belov. d by putting a pip i l the li e, al : tliu to time pto'ioiincing his name. if the pip t-iirst- with a leperl, it i- a sign lint In- Invei her; i ut siiould it i burn -ileal -y, she is cnr.ii iced of his I w.a::t of true alT-ction for 1 1 r. This is ol t on r for ir. - I with i. lit - inst a I of ! pips, (i y - I loune.i i exp -riiti' iUs with i the pip- by pi .ciiig one on eaeh cheek, j ono lor l.iibi'crhia, :u:d tin other lur j I! I'liy. I i I : i " I nn I'. i I vid. -l m '"ii drop- up. ai th.' i-p un I 1 A iiel.on liken I hat his lie's iin-nind . Wlul.- .iil,i i mil s iek- liriolv p. I in- la-!." Oiyal-.i luetitioiis the Veiy common ' niuiiieine nt of paring an ii p'o u it iu ut br nkl gllio p el and lion tier -wing the stiti over Hie leit slieiil ler, in crder to sou tin: initial h lt .Tof the lover's name fonncl ly the shapo Iho .ari.ng ; takes upon tin groin I. This isoltetll one- of the in mv divinal ions duly prac ttcolon !I illowe 'ti or Alt .int -' llv -. 1 Anethor way at tin same s-as. n is f-.r , tin cir i m in i I -a to st nl boluro a i 10 il.i n.,-gl -i-s c iiinhing hi-r hair with ' one hand aid eating nn apple hold in tin e.tlt r; the lie. of tho iituro hu , O'lid Mi l the:: he seen in the glasi : looking nv.-r In r ie.'t -ho ilder. Mis. ! I.vh-ni', ii l.i-r "Sis- S.ip- rstiti on-, ' .v - anotlier app e ch inn. livery p r--M. i pre-eiit fa-ti-.s an npp'e "on a t: in : hung tin I twnl" 1 toon I befnion h .' ti e The ow !'.: of th ' apple tin' tir-l fal's . tT is declared to !) upon th; point of n; irri i -o ; and as th y full snc ces i v -1 y , tb : or I r i i win h the rest of tiie iti!- wi. i i.ttaiu In inaliiiii.ir.ial hou.'ii is ileal y indie. ilcd, si.igh-ble-sedne-s l-t-isi the l"l of th '.n w!io-o appl is tin last to drop." -tt i, .tic et'- .1 ur l ol. 1 1 a i ! i n : mi His l i unk. (1 il l wi.tc ho- lint i. v. r ke-p timo hove l -ng i con a fnvoiile means oi -o-cin nig' transport o!i ei ; hut the. m rie an trunk Is now coming into la liioti as a medium of r..in ad 1 1 in i.uniciti ol. The pollock ill ! of '.In Indianapolis II id. i Journal - iy-: "ll. vol k'ow t ll il! if ll till n his a h- avy tnn.k be tan ontlniies trcvel a long distance- on a rulioil wilh.ut a ti-'e! or nev money:' -oil a Venn ; mm ye t r l iv, w b i I I -.-.-nt y m-i le hi- w i lain- t . I vi- with hip a 'ow dollar-. "When 1 r-neh I s:. Louis 1 11 nl but live con t - l l nn p.-c .1, a id 1 .lid not know n mail lb- - . I i on'. I n-k I r a loan. I w . el to the t u ket a -out ar.d i.iikin; kneii. i my condition, a-ke.l I.iio b w I i ou'd get to Indian apohs. ' H i v v u i t1 ink!' he a-k... 1 told hm. I h ol. and It s.'U I he would illtrodll e m.. to thi cotldllc! or. I h condii. t o- c i ne u p 1 w .s liio. d, .i-i.l b asked un lor mv lo in v ! I ill Iv, which I il hi m, then gav- me a smaller In el, Wh n in: ro c1 eck il d bo ii hu ll he - ii 1 won -1 get my tt u i k 1 1 Indian apo.i'. 1 a-ked bin, how much tho 1 Hunk woul 1 co-i m when 1 went to ; got it nut, mid h- - a I W ol, I got i t fi 1 1 ti Ii al! ri : lit, hut w hen 1 pro-" n t-'. I thi ttccet for tin tttr.k it co-t m.. ij'J ' instead of T. I IciV s o-e won len; ; i ever since who got the inon-y; lut 1 I didn't cute, lor 1 wis glad to get back ' to Indianapoli --, even on tltoic t -rn.- ' I Sound riiiiiiice i II igl. y "Y'c ti . ! Wiggins asked me 1 to l"ii I hi at a hundred thi. moi tn ng, and 1 said I'd bto about it. Wti it do : y.oi think ? ' O gle y - "I think it would he c be np'-r to give: It to him. You won't Imv tn -pond a ytlun ; t . vi in iryi ig to cod.it j the debt." i Jud :. Smilt-ts Inslpad of Tears. When shadows hide the- sun away, Whnt use to sigh about it.' Kcei. up a e-he-i rliil heart, and say, If sunshine can't be ours today, We ll g. l iiloiii; w ntle.iit it. If t hint's g,-, wrong, lot worrying (?o: What jgo.,1 will coin., of fretting! I- may I e- ,i is 1 . tie r (., -I I I ens il nil. m . I In- iiiust know; Si. spaii- yi -ur lain regret tiiiR. 'id. i r- i- a siin-liiu" that mokes good 1 he keek of -nn nbove us. In .li... i fill w ads. mil happy mood, An I Ii. in Hi it will ii-.t darkly bl. ol. In miu..- of II. .iv who love us. We c'liiti it le dp what hnppi-ns hoi e, S.i mal;.. Hi- be-t. my hr .th"r, Of w hat fate vii.l- I l :il i-'il' t" yr; A siiiil- I- l. -n.-r than a tear For us nnd for I'-o h other. Ill MtMlOCi The weather prolit deiivm hil profit from til ) clriuge in t !i t weather. When a man want s to take n digni fied po-itton, he u-iiiliy atauJs on cere-luoni-s. " i 'gin--, th ' proph t, nppoars to bo ,-,t," -ays an Xehauge. T his is all pt. lit and no loss. I .no late t itiitiito in iho ranks of fiction is a e owb y w!io claim i to linvo c .ii. 'ht a ( h'.i ra germ w il !i a lai i at. Pi ano-playing I- liki the mmlic il pro fesioiiintwo respeits. One cannot suec ted in it with. nit p-itieaco and practice. A m in who former. v ait-1 ns fireman to a locomotive refers to his recollec tions of that time ni tonder rcinini-trenr.--. "Ah, Hroivn, ono moment, " sail tho poet. ' C in you -ii .get a title lor my book of poi III! It is to b" pilbli-hol in tin spring.'1 "Is il a collection of your pul. li lnd work-f'' "Yes." "Call il 'llnid Lines.' " The inliini class teaclnr was trying to bring out thu fact that Divil was a man of varied oe ioip it ions. Tho ques tion was a-ke.l, "Wh t do you call a man who p'nys on a harp:" A young ster quickly answeiol, "An Italian." Then ii new topie wis intro lucid. "Why am I lik ; a pin!" a-knl Mr. Witiyniaii triumphantly of hi- wife. He c vpect' d -be lies going to say "Ho c mi e you ar i so -bat p,"an I he was sim ply paraly,' d when -be responded : "H : can e. if you shou'd get lost it would n't In: worth while to spend time look ing for y.oi, a d in e m e Joo of you put un in a bundle wouldn't Le worth 10 Lenli." A Clcii.',viiian "ho Hclii ie l in llrcvily. In lT'is tin I'.iptl-I chiitcU of llilo tow n, now Wear.', N. II., "vole I a desiro (which wa- un inimoii ) that lMnliah Tingley si.'tila among us in tho work of the gospel ministry." II : was a gradu ate of Yah) cohego, hal s uliel thool ogy two years, and wu note I for short prayers and short sermons. Tiie brevity of some of hi- sernion- they wore not more than eight minutes in length -in ole hnu n nola'di! preacher i i an ago when inini-ters discoursed for an hour, and even Inn ;c r. O c , being called upon to lea 1 in prayer at a public moct m ', he fell on bis kneos an 1 Raid: "O L .rl, toni h in to fe el the need of Thy price and to seek il ; lo know l'hy will and to do it, t. tin 1 on.- p'lu o and to keep it. A ion." The hi-toiian of We'iro ! Us thi; me c dote ol the laconic mini-lei's wit: A youn . minister being in a company where sev ral clergymen won: present so engrossed tho conversa tion that all fearod tint his volubility was lirni' less. ,t la-t, turning to Fallnr Tingley. ho said, with an air of familiarity : ".r, we noil of Judas' pint of the ministry; and what part do Vou think it w i-.'" "1 think it was tho talkative part, sir," answered the old man; and th" y.iiig man's leipiacily dep.artii 1 for a so i-on . A W ai niiir lo rain-ills. wiiter i i a lite i innhir ot Harper's li , n gives this pi"i c of ivarniag, and in ny parol.!' iv. ul I do well to lay it to hi-ait: ' 1 1 ii: of Hiowiii g's mo-t beau titui and path-tic poems, and ono intel ligent tow h"iiisoe i e:r run-, coinmemo ratos th net of an e-ntl of A ruudel, w ho, linvi'ig struck bis littl- child on tho ' head, had thepicturo of himself and the ibi'd painie-d, tho child, as bo bo c un in after years, imhcrilo from tho cfl et- . f tint blow. It would be well, ! ivetiiin., fir ivity parent, anil for all tho-o having c hildren on their hantl, 10 comniit tln-e ve r-es to m luory, nnd to put tholo-sou in pr itico, ior the in jury done to children by tin quu k anil rnreloss box on the cur that is thought iin'bing of at the tiino is something in ' rnlculnbb'. It is iinio-siblo to hit a 1 tender child a blow upon soeb licnto an organ as tho oar, and ouo having such 1 c oso connection with the t rain, with ; out eloing an evil and unseen -vork.evoa ! when tho blow is given with tho fl it of I tin: open hand. Tlio action, it has bcoa ' ;,f ly ascertained, has produced violent j it fl animation in tho ear, and running , di charges lor years; blood has been I ! . : i o i" i to follow it immediately, and w hen this has not hnppene 1, partial unci even total dealuess has been the conso evacuees in uiani instances."

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