TliK WALKING Ullltch that took plilOG f CO Til at New Ynik last week was a mont' wonderful leaf, of human cndui luce. T 11 U KM D A Y, V EC E M J ) E J t , 1HK& 11 '"f T'a' . . my match, but a go us you please Indian Atiut iiii's In Mexico. H. A. LONDON, Editor. CJr iTt Il walking uiatcu that took place vuv W iislnisgtim Letter. A lit itiul Murderer I-.tinltcd, Ulnainam OJieiOra :at New link Inst week wan Sun .y, N. C. Dec. 3.Vnn Cm.- S.ts Finn,!-,,,. D.c. d.-A special i WOtlllel'flll feat of lil.lltail eildill Illl.'C. tlrnm nut- IUM.Mlr n rri.n.l.l I I In. i.. .,t .1...... .. I',..'. ...... 1 I .. . i . i. "v '"r" ' Vf...n uiuHt i, iccc.n-i. ov i iti' I a., ami sii'imcr i it- whs taken fiom Shelby j -til unlay p.nts I' ri it.l.. .,. ie-, cui.i..itie.l in r .... .....j night, by armed wen mid Itm hei. il,. inicnor of l!,c country bv Jn-i V asiiim .-ton. Nov. Ill, ISM. 'II., I ., , ..iii. i , ,. 1 nt.M.tb-rrl.rgoi,,Ht,uiy. Art,t.1,v,.la,1sli ua. ,lg, J., "h-, uZl ZiT.. i ) t ! h 1:, I.UJI . -'. -" B ' "oi...,B to Uongroaa .s ail complete, an,! l.u-. and wi.s committed oil the iibdit of and , tones ami wU. t. his old iii..tlcr Thk Mktiioiust Confeieuco which or running. It bojjuu ut midnight bu n Mibinilt, d to bis cabinet :it, a Novi mini- As mum ji- "it was i.'ieif. nd she a. ) , and he in ad met in Now lWrne Inst week waa ht- 011 the '1 1th of November and cloned meeting -',in'"'1 lul tl-' I"" I"-'- but known, tlavuta of hncbi,." the- n.ur- ,ut .!!'. Aiiolh.-r woicm v.d.o ni.-d tended by a ho -e number of preach- ut 10 o'clock lust Saturday night. . !wt it content, ntv. ..ohody o.iiMd.. .1, ht, .1 . l Il(bt. . I , 0 ,., b. r ..s Kill-1 'I ! bodu- leuaeauy a mii-iiumuir " know.', .-r is liki-.y to know until lli iiiii.U-. Sineia! partus ,n- Hiust.d f !; u ; m1 in eram.d )ny delntca, h!1 of wbo... ,.-oi,tu,u.i.K au days. lb-ro to ,,, lM111,,,,lt iK :ul al r ,, M(M. M1l,i,.i,1 bu, ,.,,,,. (! , til,.,.ttll J,',,,!. Vi" Ui Wr lUOHt lle;llUWy eillfliameil ov numn numi, v.inu,. nun nit- oav. in.' ,ni is el :.i- I, ill. a H'ainst Ih.iu ilii.l liny .!. Zli , , ,.( , , ,j , ., ,.u, . , , , ,wii,' to the L Old tOMI sided, to All WHO m't HU. 1U0 renoiih miui.iiHiiieti miiicwihiu. nou,n-iir.i c-ii-v.-lali.l Iiuh .SiM.J-.,':- of ulnn Van said I'liaib-y was 1 1 . f,'iiii froiu tbe sevuial flitnvlics wi'io of a miles, which beal (he highest ii!-N-a,;c i -.i:i:.,!s n.- t!.-tt .Mr ty liKin. and toi.l wi.nV il... j.i-U'Ua.d ii,..-.iii.i.i.:ii...!:.o:ic!cr.Hiid show- record of iinv DieccJiiiL' iOik'liiait Cii- flmid lr.s be. li i-n I !y f par! ,, llm htolnii uioncy cm:. I be jvm j - - " ... .... i - ed what a great and 'ood work in contest. Ten of the contestants liav beini; Jono by our Methodist bre;h- elled over frJ." miles, whicli sot n . .i ... i ... . ..i i ; i ,.i ' , ,'. r0 IU tUW OtillO. A. lenginy nun am- imuii-.i ivi-. ,.,m r. tii'-s-Mj-i-s. I.Ue le.i.i . ,i i:.e , .1-tmt.. tn.ik nhiee nnon a mo- rested only lii hours and -'' nun i'l. ;u timely. In- is tin- lit -l Loci!ablo citizens of that yood oontenttook place aiound u laijro liny iMit oioy s:: 1 1 . I t 'saury st:o Iimii:mi-.. On Sunday of hi.-t wiel. an ,il I el: p! t - I: : il n 1; .ow-n.t ut f-ir 1oij l;i-hon OranberiT pre in Madison Stniare garden. Tho sue- "I'd i'.t.'i . -t n: ..k t.i'i. ,.t ,.n.l ih .1 S an fatmdy, tnuiall.i. and n t.;,. i C:v,n-:, .. ne!o! Is-,,b :. I . n'i , . , ,. .t i . i e t it will In- w.ll u,.i lt, oi a phue :ilou bielhi r. know mis l I. ai b-v Aiih-ihi: . iii.b-i i .i,,t le i'i -i . hv , 1 i, and gieatly eudeaiod hnnsell cesstul pedestnau was an Enis!,. ; J M Mr , ( ' 'J- h JOIIX W. M A iv K 11 A M , llv.mUmvieM for (Groceries! M , oiil fi ioiids hi Cbiit bani are iinib d Id call on me wlmn tbey viait 1 " -1 : i i rx . , and I will ettarahte t.i salisfv tin to in i-vrytbinjj iu Staple anil Fancy (roceries: ::. d i' .l i ;! w.iim.ici. A Tidal Aerbieiii. tun alt in l.ev. r bad any "h ak l.unid. On Siitni.lay lie let racl t d. s; . i.ii ... i .-,.:; oi ins a luiiKi-ii.Uioh li i tui-i wh.ei. told tlie hl.ei .tl inal b- eoinnul ( , . , ;,,. ;j '.,.!v' public d.cil.M:l-.M, eh.,-p:c. -nt; I -e,i t:..' ciil.le. 1 he ... S ,f li.e . o S ih.hlv " n,,'.,''. ... t',M, ul.'ite Im ii. ! .i. ipiickly spiead. and it ,.s p,,Wl. .,,,, Ti'in. r. wu- in tiie on known Hist unaltuiipl .-,! iueb v,.,,,-, M-mno tb.n tliip-. about sro.vit, cm SN'lTr, Mt)LASSi:S, ri.tnii. c;;AcK.':iis, l-lsir. COFFEE, sYnrr. youx, ToiJACCi), MEAT. lion to appoint a coinmilteo of seven utes dunii,' thu mx .lays, and tiav. I v ,: ilu'.x t:;U woul.l lu- made. Nhei i.V 1 b.ii.: :.-U ,'.,. .,;. , f,...., 1 1 u -1, i T i i . Tiann's in write a iiastoral uddn-ha to tho led bis !': miles in lr, hours and M :' " ' ,. I1'""'"1 a :;Hal .1 ;.i o.u,.i i he ja.l ; b..: ., I... . o',;!,tiii !,ie vile . lowrite a pastoial auiri..a to u There is bardv otb,. 1,1 ,:" ' "' ' l.r,: li.:'nl.-iv t.o.U.;e. oc-,,..n- uu .y ... u.e , ,lllfi..., , . ,, , ;, . , membeia of tho churches in tho ton- uiiuute,. lime is l.anl.y ain tui day .U!. r S, I.,.y li.rn.-y t-fk , i.-i t, pint ol tl.. in went borne Just ,, w h":.. I.'u.l ii. p,,,, rV !h s,o trpit..a. The motion was at fust animal in the world t hat cm! i have .h.ii.'e oil i.e N.iv . ! , p.u ! men;, he b. f le l ..:, io InindM-d in. n ..,..'!..' ' . '....'...',...."!.."''.,., fereuce. The motion was at fust auimal in the world that cm! i have ,h.tli.J oi i i.e N.iv . !., p.ti ! defeated, but was afterwards locon travelled such a d.slanco in so Mio.i i"i-tu;,': I I .l 'I'l .,u ....rl Iv .... I,. I. I le. v.. -Clllili; B.UeiOU OIIU iii.'-i.ew fc..v. ... .v.-v., u ........ .V.....U.J .............. . iion of the Confeieiice will Uo liekl ai J(l,, n. urei'Ubucru. ( Xbousanda of persons i 11II!"C oi il b..' fit IUll.i V. r...; li.e pr. :t cii-Ii.i.i ol pic- n,,l,. mI. i,tl in.o in.w.. .ii-mio.i:.:. d ,; ..; , j,, ;l f i ac 1 1 . . i .c i I li.e 1 1 1 u i h 1 1 1 . i 1 1 1 1 ;i!,,t t,t t.i li.e iiiil. ut. II mti ill ? . ,ti oi p.,1 im..f Willi a ! He j liier. W I o I . i;im d to demel np 1'l.e .'llI.llll !.ms bi en iL, L..w A I,. every day u-nil rly kei t Up ew r s.m e. and lnt oners 'stale. I.' -I..- i he lo, ks ol tb. One or the first things which our 11,1,1 "'hl w" ""-" "'u '-lb U.diuv.lay ibe . ,..p..y. s of t. at .U- w n i. a t.: iianm.. r. brou;:l,t .' , , . i i . intense interest, and the "ale i.e. ipts p.oi!-.- '.I i . r. , . i loi i nt la-t .in tt..- i'!is..i,. r. ne.l u uiiui,d LegIature oubt to do, vvneu it ,t) (1,:m d.., ,..-..:,.,.! ev.d. , of, he S.eie his i.eek Iwnhl! d si d meets Dext liiontU, is to seat .Mr. I ai s n.It n l in 1 1 e.r w eilare ihis out the Ki e, n,o,:i.l on i oud Ui.ei, ! 11 t.'iy an 1 tails i;,' of this sii'u Liltlewnod received a.- enr l'o-Ini.i-! hi.s shaie tho siiiijj hide fortune of i,,, ,,,.,! t;,,. "i.dtlO. SiK-b coiilesls, howiei. Sc. leiurv i. onybl to lie pihibiu-d bylaw, for ,:" '' '' 1 1 l! in cm w r. i. -in i Tl e-e I.!., ;.. It is i At", n.i It The S!;itc (tllieial Vote. , I'r-.iu :!... I:i.l.'lk:h n tfi ;ti-l o'-r-. i jr..! ;i .t. Oreen. the rrpublicHU candidate, for the House iu Witko county who was duly elected, but, by a mistake of ti e .11 I, .-.l.l.ti'.. .it .,!.. v.iiill.r litil.'p. U'lls . .i- .. . t i deprived of his certiticale of election. Iu filling up the letunm from a re publican ward in Uali iii the wron !.'.' I. . ! '. ..... ........ ... I .ui. vices .,.....- Tl.e .SnUc J'.o.rd of v ... ,.es. i . v. s aerted by mistake, and this err. ; t,.n,iy Cui.vaaf.v4 tu .iliu,b (,.,- eonld not be corrected by the boat d otlic is and Cou-ies-nn i. wi.tcn n..n of county canvasser s who mus; pve ed tl.. u wni i.. certificate of elc iiou tipun the lace V',''',, !i""::or L!.- .. .... .. , towie. Hl'.IJl, IV. l'.M.t of tberetu.ns. ibe House, however, it. ,,4.,j,,n, ,, (t . has the power to collect tllisellor i'l.e v. le loi all tin. .t'.ate i (Icel and to ive Mr. tireeii his seat, an. I .-t n ds na foll.iws : l-'owle, UT.liJI. Dockeiv, i:r; JT.V Wa.;. il .,1. li,'j-,. f.n.i, aid. t-'t'I.O'.tT . I blinniol..! ' '. fj. '. smi:, Usually when a seat in Collar, ss a. rs, 1 1.'m;: .m,,;,!, ,,, pt (j; ;;; or the Leo!a'uie is contest, d i.eaiiy 2.V,?; li.m. 1!'..1Ti,. I'.m-h tll,, .i :. the entile session is consumed ln-fon. I1 1 ; 1 'l.v on. J, .!.'; .S.n.d.-i o... I t '7: He hope that this will be pio.nplly done. M -K F.i I is.'.i an il.'cisitiii is r. n.l. le.l. and ., ...!, liNo. ; M ,.,,, ::;-J..s,- iueuai paui .0. a.i.inu.iuie. inis j.,. . is wrong, and the democrat i.- p n ! l),.Vcieu. . i. .M... .. -j.ji in Olir lieXt l.eislat lire will have nil 1 he I ole for (. 'oi;;r. : -.n.-l. wun a.i opportunity ot wiling it'i.ihl exam ;uil...vs : plo ill this mattur and cm icoi.ji' so First listlict - Ski. in I. t '.'. I. . great a wnm. i.iie. 1 "i, t .". 7 ; I V .l.ov.-. 'iv.' - S. i olid I 'is 1 1 a I - Si niii ml, s. Iti.'e". . Jllif.E Thomas Scttl" died verv ( beiiham. 1 i .7 uddunly at (.iieeiisboro' on last Sal bird 1 Mm. i. t - M. Claminy. K ordav from a neuralou: aiVect.on of ' " '.' "' hu''" . .- ,, . roti.tu 1 .: i i i- -1 .i.iin, l'.i.'.U'. the heart. He was well known to X;e:ioS, 17.;i. lunuy of our i eadeis as tho Solicitor Ul 1 ',,ti ic! ! 1. a 1. !".J.;, of this Judicial dist.ict for s.velal ISrow. I, IV. I 111; .M nlu'i i pro ,. I 1 year a. For the past twelve yeais he 't" ' ''slnct- U .wniii.l. r..'.oj. hadbouu Ju.k'eof tl.el'nite.lSiat.H L,k,'-1U';l';. ( .. , ,, .., , Sinnta Iistiiit - lb !. !.!.: . i .., District Court in r.on.hi. a.thouoi, j.j. pj-. j-", ... u r , j.,-, , , ,;l ua retiiuieii Ins resnieiicff at lueeiis hil th I :-t i i. t t ow , boro. in this Stale. Frehidet.t Cleve- Ward, lo.o'.l. land will appoint some good deni crat as bis successor I te,.,iai Mu-kii r. aiioii! a Ini.e fi oiu (he i own a I....I ;.-o. A. in p . si I . ..mi.. made ai d the !,t r ::!!. wed Mo, I'.V. and pie-. Iile.i ,i colib ss ills linsdel-MS. Ill HI,! i.i !"'. b:s d. pait- 'nt,d bis brother I ad d. - ci mined to -: t . ! ' t be had. lob i'hhU.k. an. . t li .be infill li: ..:.y iijoied. iju. ,-tn,n I.. o u d ont i'm.iii .Moo, is .io'lo'l'i: w!,. !! er li t' s.,.,i. . In I h hi' iiM d. and win! to i..-w- S. c,.-t ,iv ,.f i!... N .v x at;. I I'.ut I'l.i.t.. ck's lie npp; nr.." i v.. in .a. v i . . ... w .;. ,.,,; ,(,,,. 1 1. , ee 1 i:n. .s I mt i i leal i. 1.1 .v., !i ,:-i bv the .i.ti.o f.nied him 1 ut-il. x l.e L .- I.e. I ! w :. 'nt':.' il'... t.s l'i,i.b.,-k Mai wile ci.-'.m it .l li Hell, v ii -r in tbe o'd adu : Hi t1 "liie h u.ded the oM m.tii x n-:. . and w In n early 1'i.d cat. '- the -toim . K.j e. ns'ivcd w no I e v. Is ! t ohe, I. -d'ti'o. sciitalive t !:.. li i ! bd:;. I, as ,. el, ,,t.d le-t ti." ..Id llr.'li ! " I i e l..n,. ed laad ii::u:.l !... i.l.ib.;;.!: i.t: w h s iiiiu.i . ' ' ! ' ne pe i.. . s. ;. oi t.,. ,:,.( , .. I.ei. r. ii:i. ,t a,: I.' i tie .' '. H use . I lb . -. I.t a' r, e. and a he-taite i '. ' M lo ; .... .. Is tv.ri. i. it!.. .1,. ivii. .y. I.ur sl.o! h-r li.' pin. N. I Uee.J a. 1 e. ! 'pi. v. e id !.. v , f tl- mo! v iict lay ,i ..ei I..: !.. lie !i.;li! i 1 1 1 , I i-! I 'H ..l j, w ; .. j . Jf. ,. , n ..s t; , v -,t i re I'.; !...-. ,i.,': I le.s at. !v ih. me,;. I .bat . . i bolo: Mc atu mpl l.. 'Mi ck a C. K.nliy i...i b- Speaker ,, iiaiu.Nni: 1 .ii-i. l.e I . i oi is of tY'.-'.iss t 1 iti.v one J, ale is a I. l.e i -.!!.. :a ,, i ',c. nt ... to j , , , .si. ,! .me oi ,.i.,a In v wi.l ado. I ... f,,,., , ,.. I'.bi'd .Vi : 'J h; ;i ;;.f . I'l r . - ! : ... I' t , Nov. H i - All of the i" ill linn, is a1.. i:,' 1 1 - Mm otioaiia iiver, closed down today ind finitely. t I Iv . p-i .t i s el urn tbi v have i: li' 'li y li a '. -.;..! ! ovi r and a;, uiiai'.e t . I.e.-p then : w a 1; ( ! It.l ill nnimrs me S II O K IS , D li Y G 0 0 I) S , NOTIONS, Crockery, Tienvarc, &c. r-.v- Speciai in.I'i -eiii ..ids to Country M. ;. l.a:its. I . Her . veiylhino at J I ices that defy ci in-.f Ulion .' I lave anofe Stors for feiaajiss at WA LolBlk e n Nov. 1.1. l'-ss. iu . ,o : .U. li .1. . i t: i r 1 !.. :: lb :i an i t.. . II.. i i'lo f 1 1 ' i f mi l,ii.; st .11-.. 1 n. cb-ik, ; I a. Hi;.. ; . in I ,:.s .I . no f a.e ito I .ton I j'lst a! I ii- An ,a - ni a: 1 1 . . -is li al l.i. two t - i.' . i .; oo inn i I i.l. .: ll.n. w ... bo to j a-s e n. l.i Ci- . I ..1 leasl s in. ' t:.c I n as M. Ninth lhsirict Ewait. 1' bio l iif. r. no i s , f 1'. Judge Settle was one of tho mo.-: tj,,,,ull l)Ut px ti (. j distiuguisbed and respectable r. pub licans of this State, and had ben. highly honored by his piny, lb was elected Supreme. Com t l.i Ige. was Minister to I'eru. wa.- I'u -i i.i.t of the republican national eni.vci.tio.. iu 1S72, and was the i .'publican can di la'e ln' C.ovenior in l7o Vaiite, ar.,1 the canva-s between the.n waa the ablest ever ma hi in this Ktt was a reinHikablv hftli.b ..... ,..,..r nl, !! dilV no. ...... j- x who knew him o.,.-ij,'f ,.f irr. o i lit. in. s Wele ol the I'o.k . . .lie --I.e.. in is i i '. ,t. i n. i: u j .,. ty. ti l- . : .. .pieli'. : a clei !, .I..! n-I m. 1 !.!!.-. . IMlly He!. Ill loose l..- s. I . 1 ( b t 1 I t l.. ;...v an i asv .; I I ey i n i- . ni in . i ! n o 1 1 .i 1 1- -eliUille CIV 1. : I V... I . f. ! ll.i , .'a! Il.ele W.i! I! illMto l.e Col.a . 11' I j I !! , .1 .1, i . In- b; ii ! w i . a., a: I ,,'ir .1, .... j sp. t ii.. I. I.oe, II. ,1111!.-' oi ! . 1- ban, J ; -api r v. I, ic I i.l Of a-;;, ,de tl.e id at. I .i i, a i.l I la. t.i I, i n I. i u. a.- ,1 i.ieii. . I Ha, .v ilmosM A S.;cl Elect ion l!ct. Ei. 1'vso. l.-x . Nov. :in -A ii .vi I'l lloll Waer was paid i.ei,. i-t,i A lew weeks If -fore ( . el. o!i : proiljilient lemo -lali.' ,b l,!i-! t,. op. l'aiinir upon li.e ivoile , , I l .e '.if. i i . xt . of a ''adm- l.'e,.ib:.,',ii, , f ii ! c, v ri.v..nius iiinvi.iin, nn ;.sl. Mod. lav. . i . !. - " .x iiiseii-sii ,n ie.itoHwa This ia tho .-e.ond session i f the of which me that if C, ITiftieth CoU'-llSS. which will elo-e eiecti d the llldv ,. ,;: I el n, n ro ! 1 ei llbUt'ai -Weep. I 11.1 l ei e e 1 1 .. . II. ,.- i.. M. I'.. M i. Han;- .:. .- - tie illlt io la Jlill ! .Mil. '' I'.iil .ll!:l I I I .. l lo i '. i '. ' l a b a . I, .i I I l.e I c .'.i.l I. I I,' i . . . ' . 't , . . o..i , Iom .i..i.i '. 1 ,1 n t w ni k' i. . 1 1 ,m: ;.' Ibe .1 :y .. : : e i -I .ce. li.. .H.W.! a' ' ! : 1 1 t ;r v : d. and I . I 1 .. b. ai i I lie S!...' ; an e. ,'::V;:.':."u':,..v:''V'::;':;,c." 9 ' .m!.,;...! 'mil. ,,," '.'.f',,' 'm .ry in pfflMk 1 ' ' i iii oi i 1 1 . , :'o. h . ! la-: .luncal g bViy D M W i a! i t! ,"! !. I lo be t!:e l l.e.l fe Misjii ,,.,!. i,.!'il'..i..'ihv. mm I, J...,.!, "; ... .,av:!!;: I ' iv I ! w , i-i.ei! Tj- ItfiK" ! o ' ; d v.i en iciiiou ,t. The i !; i! of ! ! 1 sib,, 1 i;' I a pail ;i ,!,,. j ; f .,. .,. , ,.,. 1 ;:.. ,. .-pen; . . is.,-; I- , : .' ' a. f t ! . ii i.'hi'i 'd ;" "on and ! ooT.d "i obei' The I ;.....!.;. . and an .... ' .... . , . . .. i .. .! . .. .'.1 .1 .. 1 l (.n!l.t. ,'..,. j.j., ; .,; . I,,.,,,:.,. .1 I' i. i: iv , s' ii t. i a. in - fr ., Sll'P 1 .;.-. itI ! t . ? ;i ....-,; in 1: a ii.'. !-.'.. v.i ,) I: ; ed -n of -.v i "'S Z ' I . ' . k' II- , .s o ,- ,., , .e',! ,. I , .. f,, ,. v. Ill ''; 1 . i-'o' ' - -" : iv. .er 'ft..-, W!!.I, ! i; ! nt ...s 1. ,-, j. j .v. , . j..s . ' ' o'1' -'i'-- : : , ; i ay- ;;. n;. . .. , i u. t m-i e!.o. - a ' .-.ii! ;,,: ; ii!,.... j i ,; ,,. 1 1,.. ..I. ..;: ;l, , I ',.;:, 1 I, - to. ,. , .. ... !.,.., .... ,. !, ...... I ei'd p.- -Vtn'i ( 1 I'l ,', V.I . . i.l 'to I-, r c: ji-i . c, niele, ,.; .,11 - I si I', I- I Cb I ,, p. i'ef. ru:i-:- -siv ! ? ' ao! I! o c ' I : c: (! u i-biil., . an i i I ! C'aia ' : ;'. d .'..-.tfi-iadv : crm 1. w.f o . ii ! ' ' ! v.:ii!d ki.'. .1 ! e.J:.. .i. ..., a .. ! !, .;.:f.tCl.!!gh S- ! np. r ;-.t n ; -J" ,-i u!s. ' M''V ,a: h;,lol J 1 d,v .,; rr -v vnS.Vl ?V . 5'i dins l 1 1 !'(' II. A .Vs TJ lai'e.. noi tb of Diiiham. 5". W. SSLXIZXIXAXis. SERGEANT I1ANUFACTURING "caT Graon3boro, IT. O. ! IMUlinillK Of TURBINE WATER WHEEL. COOK AND HEATINC STOVC8. SaSj-. V? PIOWS. Slr.lW Clillprs Anrlimne And Cislin-i ut llvciy Ucsci iptiou. ,?-SoiiJ tor I'rlco-Lut. i r, oi.i..i. i. ii .n i inii.i p'." i .i a I w in. 'lat . - pi i aid !.- v, .- n n ly 1. 1 lie. an i I. I ti.-d. he .'. a - w m s oi. a . lav ii.ii u.. tl. d lo li.e limb . ,n ..;.. an I ai 1 : I a Sun i,.'.' t - I 'is led f.oiii i. till. .- iion .'.!, i his ,-oa! '...! iauii l ! ii'to it- y I I irilie; tl.e sr. -i.e ':'. . 1 , ., i . as ' . o ! as po. il . I.. .1, r I i., i ll ci.. ' l..!.c, lb. body ,.,;.! :l o , .. ,. k vi s'.ei . i i , , w b n : In- ' : i . i 1 ! I 1 an in.rn ' . I ii , ! y n i: . I.. 1 c.n e io his',. a:h at tin ii i: d- of ui;- ki. .?.. :i ) hi in -. I i.i i o i , i , 1 -low n ai d I '! i I n n i i r b io v ii t'.-i Is i;...vt . i li 111 i -ft ti i u a a b A l !; !I 0 I; 8 K 'V I'-'i; . It lOi'.ACCo AFTKI! JtTnr t-rtr w ni'.iii: V'U w ii.!. t.F.r nn: iiioiikst v. ...;.i:r !'i::ci:s. HEAD d tJ AETERS V O 11 ALL GRADES! Hast Varchoisse, Best Lsg'ht, -AND- - BEST ACCOJSMOWATIOJfS, la A I'i'.r be t. 'tu I lll.i t:at. ii v.; erii-s ne in.;, - - w ei I uneX I e. , , ll.lli.. li.e .- i : a- (. s..,u... ii I 1 . i. ,.. on the 4th of next Match. A quorum f!h ,-. ;oi ill:, lepilbl! ,-.u bred, -.a! in i .'u:. ol anv . act al li lb I. I: - el pa.!... l.e a . e. V .- n. -. I X !lti -.'. . iill.o 1 VV I I. ! 1 . e, I, ami i', ,ir. 1 .i -n t : n n;.- nn.. ; Lo - to I. al 'l.-niisl lor nn-.... , lenta! wo.k, ,! ,ii tin- is of lbi'iis .ii ; n.aiix was present in bo'.h branebea, but '""," int. ti..v t:,.t n .w have a s .. -.u if , . ., , a-!.-.. I to iu.ow- the 1 idy t,, i Mr i. t , , , . ,m, . 1. !a. I, : f,,ii ' nothing was done except the naiding u( f his Hl.e ,b ,,t iM -, t. ei h x,, ,.,,,., , i.r v , .. of the l'resident's message. This :. i lav ii,, lady, am.., I nub ,, f ' ,,.; tl,.-, . (. , ,,; document, like ail of Mr C.tveUnds p-.r .f -i.or " f,.i ceps ac.-omp-ia f.,. i . ...j.. . .) .,., ,,,ia.:. writiugs, is very able and patii.ti.-, -d by s..!1(. f,,en.U. ut.nt t.. th.-.l.-i, f.oi., :.'..,,: t. .. ,.v; t. mrimii. anJ. after readniir it. we r,oU.t mini- l'' 1 tl(' v-N:th i.ea.-: -n ma- Itai ' wil.' ,., - . ......mi .... ...... . 1 l"",,,'1'";' norany ..! ,li,- -p. ,-la point noii.-...,,t s.eiue.i in ii.n.h ti.e I . ly won:.! as a national calamity. Wo regret leally cUim the fo. feted lh. but not being able to pubhdi this ih"We, uu na.hiiati. u t . d ,s . in full. Our readers will all endoisM d-ntist adjusted hi eli.n, f-J; ... , ,, Ins si ut and i.o'.nt. o ;t tl.e m lai every word of the following ext. in t ,, . ,.. ., , r ,' , J w lo en lie pr. pose o i,, ni,.,.. 'roui it: Tbe lady per forceps, white "Our cities are the abiding places iipon her f.-malu eoiii.atii...,s ail !l, d of wealth ami luxury ; our iiiauufac from the loom She ta-t te d tit toriea yield fortunes never dreamed forceps upon the tooth and ,ve a of by tbe fatheis of tbe republic: our pull. The foiceps supped ..fl. Then buaiuess men are madly striving iu : tbe dentist told ber hhe nuist "ivethe tbe race for riches and iiiiminse ag . forceps a little twist, itt !: I of m-.e gregations of capital outrun tho ly pulling at tb" to.. ;h. and lie si ow imagination iu tbe magnitude of their ed her how. Aiain she k'ta-ped the vuderUkiiigs. We view with piide tooth, jjuvo tbe requisite twist aid aud a.ittslactioii this bright picture pull, and. to the of the of our country's growth ami prosper- onlookers, she held the tooth up be ' Mn w mi . . . Wis . Nov -.'s i ;,.,.., ity, while only a closer scrutiny de- fore them. A.I .ins Tadmadg . tiv.-. ar o! I s..i elopaasoinbieshadiiig. I pou more i f S.iiiu. lW' T. .tmadge, the will careful inspection we imd tl.e wealth Th( Judicial Vote. known wheat Li, er. v.- teid ty mmi. aud luxury of our cities mingled with rp.m n.o Kai-i.,-1. s..w,.t ..wrw i ..... " ' '"';:l'ed up a ste.l staple' whirl poverty anil wretcueuuess ami nine- Kl. .ro vw. ..,illt , t.,((l uiuueiiiliTe toil. A crowded mid Utr Klu, th(, .usUunHtU,il luusima.j ......... t.w.., amemlineiit. tlio count bavin ' I i l t'loiTil le l.-li ! beiM i .'.1. I.odtst j., . a i C !,. . .,1, in C ...j, it 'A 1. ti ll li-..;, . . N ill. Ca. o I,!., I t l;t. ten, ami I. a- .-! la C.batnis c ; i i.l. !.! I.s I.J I ial I 1- t'.. i.i,ill li.'atc'.i. it..: i', . '..1,1.1 . '. I t e I 1 . , f 1 II , n t In.-::, i f tl.e ; ;. nne, K. ;'. if He t -. . l..t At-oii! two V- I-. I : led bv hit. 'I . i H UiVVii '-i t'r I -.v-b i. ; 1 l:il lliiiiiil . ii, lU'Liiii. how v. i mm ) MAW (I.V . t Foil MAN AND bKAM' IN N. C. ol; VIlallNlA. Stable Holds CQ Ecrsss! a. ;( 1 w ii!. i . i in; w !. nn.' ,i ,t - nil ffo Wlnnffl .'. hi a: IV we!.1 1 ac uriiry, ai d tbe higliaak av. ...t - nil iiiiit feme. fti!l.iyl!.u. SIX! hi.. 1. for 1 on III,-! 1.1 bee. in,.;. -f I. 'aial-1.' Hi li fi 1 1 '.e. to a hi.b . .nd was lir.p..Ut d n- ii n ..a .,1, ii la n t' i-anil;; to 1 .- a loali. e ',. . ,-! - c.i I. i li the if th; '.01.11;; ! .!.'. I o'bels in! i, d. Tl.e mail. : . S!, di- ,11 ,1 ...p. .1. . , j i n , I'iitt i v.i. n !,. .:.' . I ; n-.l tit.! is. ,11 s! I !.-.. .. V . . .,, . f. , my pr.'i.,i;,.i f.., ,. ,,., u. . '., '. 'V ; .'I,..,.. .he S nth. I:, l! li.e,e il(V ll.-.l he l:.d i i.imh'd l,:'s fan .!., -,l . im.,. 1 1 a,,,,,,,; , ..,..;,,, a! t 1 r; ' a: it'- th.- 1 . n. ( . m . i. .. .. ...... . I. .1, ... . - , . , -. ii o , ; av e for CO I fl I lie,-, !,. -., I old pal -I .-. oil t he out nie u l-I.e.l ! . si e Ion . y i & i '! llll.l ii ' 1 J I 1 1 .' i : vor i't;s:i:!: ; : " i : can. ei:. I l I .Ci !iS, or M a'tonant S .r. a n ni .rd. new r lo le'.iili. you can I ,.Ve .o'.ir .i-h o iiil ii'a 1 1 I y c, a. .ah ino h;' nn h t -i .-!: tl : ! .bn e-b i o, M i i . cm!. tv. N C. lp' '- ii:ui II- tl'ly 1 'fit' d. M ey . I.i.nb- 1 l.i .' .si' ..f f .imif. wb..'l, has 1 -1 v r til o, c.i ltd. ,i. ii pv-ir.r.. v-v l, !-., J' ..-:' no. n . c. i. h : w. ti r. .till. I. II 1.WI...II Wvafit &TavIr, t..i . .-! I e t!.e V. Ill j. t,. .oiu n .lii.l'o i.l 11 I . .!.o l ess Opel . h .!,l ,;, it s I Mil, H i; V, la 1 11. I . II le l !loils(- nil, have a.j'oiani pi. s, i.t, nnlv-s li.iv . oiiiH in iiiu. ii fas. i ten, ii. 'W and Si. lala. . '1 I,. ,,, is a "rowing b. '.: f thai Har-ri-.'ii w i.l ci' i .m . t . a ... s-.p .p of Con gress soon af ei hi . Iiia.i..rmatioli Swailo.u (I a Staple. lie went out, me. t l fj a vei 1 .'- t n an just imisiib' of the dour, wb . in tv I. ited binii.if v.h Dcm Kiinniit.i e. I, imd at ..nee d ill the p: e ic . r a blow wuh his list wi i. b k: o.-'.i ! hm. t" the .'I ..aud allt.o-: -t lea i K i lol lllliier ill' !l j II I il o. ..poll ( ial .sop. knocking l.iui the k an I fa .( imli! tl. . i.o-. o i:i. ii in-li. d oil -in. I pollid 1. mi "lb J I,:, p. i-acbs r v. a t l a ;ly b; ui-. d up. Towr.sliip r.oiid- i neon -.( it ii t t'oM M! li. S. C , Dec I A d- ci- n w us i cm bed by the Sia'e Si.pi cpi I ilav Mihri..:ii:' the .b e, ;. iT;'.t it b i..:x:xl low ii(;n(j-;s ii u .1 ill iu 1 J.i t.i ti.U LL... Ll. 1-t lb- It - in I. '.!!' IK ipin-titie. Oi.l ! 'X ;;! ..-ii, th rebv ntv.nj: a ' d '. ....,!:. '.'n 1 1 ! k , i . . tl,--. . . 7" ' ' " We hae on hand a ft. 11 line of !"'!:$! Oiiil Ei;:! SSGTltd SliJCt iu:ayy oimckuifs, i-eed uilh county. ! of every .1. sci ipti'.n. also :bd lie m.le. Cr.i.'ll rroftts' i'.At iiilN' . AND TIES. in ! l.ii-.VO ts.tlou. wl ch I ivs much which wet tVer to th, miblic at lot- ari,i, r...Lsy;; f.r ,.i Mv r.....,.:t,.v,i!,. sired, M.'ANCH YAED, I,'.; ; i u s On. .Stamp, fa vei n: iu.E, n. c, MAM l'.U"! ri.ER i f al! kbnlK of KtiLieiils end Tcaiste IN MAIM'.EE OK (1UAXITB. A!-. to' ti act or foi a!! kindsef Build III;.' V o:k. Cm bin.,'. Toatl, NtfpM, .--oi . ,c. J'e.-ins of all dsdiptiana kepi on ham) and Kent to any addrs General Commlssfaa tlerc-iants anO ,: "" nnS. Goodwin. Cotton Sellers. C. r. & Y. V. RAILWAY. n Sales ,v,d j.',. Court vi- tion ail-gests ibe impoverishment of eomph ted vester.lav. It appears that rural aectious and iliscontetit with the vote was ns follow s : ajelauuiiui ai pin suns. iug iiuiuei s aop, not satistietl with bis brother's simple and laborious life, joins tbe eager chase for easily-acquired wealth. We discover that the fortunes realized iiea.vtdet, tally let s.p ,ov. n hi- wind I i e mn, ,mo n,, ...,., ,i , , ., !-p.i t 1'lo'iM 111 He ei to e .- 1. " t :! i". lb ii e.v o?;' : . hi- fiiciids imd cus tom.':, IUlll'1 ! I'l 1 a I '' lo e,. th, b !. tls for tl.e I, ftst mo... v. He 1. :- I. .v a ie:l b;oi btUbii It t Condeiised Schedule No. 4. Taking e fleet Monday, Sept. 24, lSKtf. nwi.Y rttrirr srvniT. "i-iit " : Trln'ttiiif '&ntb tolll I'li. es. I .. . V- ' t .Tun.-; ivs. i..-r Mi.ll I IVm(4 xli.i ii.iltic nieuts Will make i a -h advances on Cotton I.,-...., r.. m inTitiiiu, xrri,T on band, when dt'-iicd. ' n iny. iirinio, ' t it II i' Snnl'Til, ., lit tiivi. us a trial and see wi ll weflll "', 1 " 1-lt tv i' m sii.-r. do. W -VI i' .V TAi i.oi;. i :o s.j. n P.-; s....:--.u. I ir. rx.-i.nian Mm w, Uai.iiii.ii, N. C. .-, I.l r l. I--'. SXD HOT 71K ! And is a! tvm k again i'lo'. i t befote. bis ui k i n Wntche-.. ..iii.i...r.). Ml. All jr. 1 avis Shepherd. . , A verv .. nr.. 1:17 . .. 1 HUM. . .. 1111,1(17 staple 1-a'.mu' ih,'.c ipiail.-i-, , f an , th.- hro-id i.rinci 'bit - In- - s,,. V T T I'm TTMXTmn ftnT.'! w i.l ouuiiii e. Ins woik 1 li UatcPe-.. mcblono and .in asm,, half.,,, in, I, ( lUltu FALL All D MiJTtR KOuDi 'bcksttn.l ''' Irye.pial toanx in tins n. width. Ibe Hi, ie fellow- acidept ,a.U ,s nn,-.,.... itut ,.m db, cam e , . r , . . . .. . (, ,S,!I, S' nd t I ins .it once and o,. nil V swtilo.ud.t w li' l. iiviii. . 1. uli.i . i . , lotK ! Hi's P.est.iinls vour Wol k ut. e I aelit Sn.I 101 S ec- . .' 1 . . , . 1 . - ' "' tl:e nli-f nee ct n cori. oral i iiin j.. . , , , . , ,,. . , . T , ' , ttlod.,,1 ... ..- let! lu,o, It ,,.,,.t a 'pp.. Il.a j. ;, , ,.., ' l"" "V'" V' 'My. Via,,- aces. .cl es ( U ks. J. -vel, y and have anv m , .inc. 01, Ins l,..!, uorl,,,. ., tw,h; : ! v . s: , : any nun kit. run- I.n lie I resents V e ,b.o ,moS .... II u . m. i t p m. -.i.;!it mil Man Tiulu runs dally rgcrpt Sua- Ir. lii'ii in, l.-oiinm...iii,.ii Train ri.M tram '""'''till" .' n.-iiiiniBiilli. Hn.l rMitrn Mr. I"-. V' .ino-.i,.. sun.l Kil.l.n. una frnm Knrtuw n l. I.. ..o . usi.r.i- 1. 11 T111.1..I iiy, I liun..lio aiwt ...oif.ii.t mi l rr ,.u i.i.s..Hi-.n- 1., F'MtvvUI n V! i. i.iv-, .ii,i.s,i,i5H nii.l Krl'lKT. .ran,- ,.11 I'li.-ioiy laiui.-li iuu dully xspalMva Iny. W. K. K Vl.l!. (tau'l I'M. AfCMt. J. W. ri.Y. llrn l UJt. by our manufacturers are no longer solely the .ewaid of bturdy industry ami enlightened foresight; but that they result from the thsci uniuating favor of tbe goveruuient and aie largely built upou undue exactions of our people, luo gull between eni- ployera and tbe employed is con staatly widening, and classes are rabidly forming, oue comprising the yery rich and powerful, wnile in ol- ,(;,. oilier arc loniKl l.i' Terrio.y p""i ( Furclit s . Ti'.l.oKl , .1.... I.n 1,... I . 1.. I . ' ' ' ' ' """-'" 1 "en s,.,... i,,.i,.s. h eoi.sidemble pi,,oiii.-m ,,f ed w.'h sew, ...a,,,.,',.,,;, spells during VNpi,,, . ,.,,, p, ,p( 'N ;.,,, , , u the hist thine luopths v.,,., ..... rx- .1 , ' . .,,,,,,,.-,,.111, .,..iiiiui...if.,i,.- ll's I,, 1,: itch. graved II:-. it. .1. . f Lailios1 Hals i.;nl Mil-1 i'l v (10,:; is vi 1 v nice. W. M. FA K It 11. I,,,, si'.- C urt.ll.'.i-. 01:1.1 :m-. j-. S. f. .VI. -'. In, ly- OEFRIESS iUi3i,P sl DYES :u Vour 0m DyclnfCf t Uoim. fli ) tml .ht- ( rytliintr. Tlw .frii4ey. I ' M 1., !ir::'i)tuiia. Auiount In P wrn J.xtou Vl-il ' - - e.mtlv deeded that sue!, sub-cup- In fact, bo 1., . ps .my and . very-; V 1 ' . TT.1, , i.., '" t "n V """""" Taking tho bighest votes ,1. both ( ll I'isl Hliss (h'.llliri'S I.tist . lions' in thin Stato w ,.,-,- il imd t! tug y. 1 . an wish for. fr. tu a Silk mk.T 1 "m! -.T'.., x '.'"i. ..'t"u... (.'".'XV.Mv'iUV'w.' w.'JatX snlea the democratic 'iiajo, ty is lb,- jKArr,.,!r, X. C. Nov -Tl. wo,ll'n'1' "1 Id- Fi. 1 1. !- to , ,1 .se of C.mtor O.I. So. tTr,, T,:!,!:!:::; " " N-'"- c" ' "" liUM imm mm, r Ibe vote ou the an;.'Hili,iept iu r.. v x: 1.. , .' . .. II. n. -lohn Nl .! ' ' . m.voinle.1 "M. 11-y s .v.-.l is m.c.ey made." ,' erensin- the , I t . . , o, .v-u (, , ,,, - ..,,',', . ... . , - ., , , 0 . , till r I r ..r I atkl lit I not , iii , . . "I'HM i' I . in.) ." I 1 . 1 't- 111! 'lti'tl I M llll ' OtHl 'IHI M - Court indues f.,,,,, . !. ..a . 7 -" .ou.. u.s ,,.s,. ... ... . 1. ..if... 1 1.., '"'- TlTT'MTTATVT e. ... .... ".-...., iwe,venti!i,ire, lioxesof oianotsi,.,,,. '"" '.' ..,,,,,,1; ... . - - 1 wi Vr:;...Y : "r . f- " " ovtiboard WreckiPK There were 2i:it! ,1,-e, lions from ,,ot.- 1 a"V' ! HXFCV I OKS NOrHE-.lAV i-'.-r dehi-.m and 1 whiel. c-,n.U hi,. . " s arrive, l lighters me the aiinv last year, or more than 1(1 ' ...i 1 ,..',..v ." - t,-. , h, ,h .-MJ.M.M. Ac., apply , w unti so nuts like a 1 una ma-1 ,.... . ... I-.. 1.-i.;.. ;.. r. ...,. . .. 1- . ttr I. I.flKT5f5W LW ; ., ... ., .... n . l,,,,-.. .. .. lOr.tV for ,ll..,.r,if.v I. " s - . ... ..oi,iK , ,a ,., 1,.,.. n ii- n ,-i', .UTUiiinm . , " '..V r. i.,, '..' . . . . - l;iv:i NcMtucr h not d uuagiil. ! Hie ieint d (lentral .Seliotk-ld. l'itlsb 'i -.', N. C, Oct. -5, 18SH. w. ss. " ..i.iuiiu.i sn.i . Jlareh IS. lSh8. ly trrma for TO MB. t to above nd- f

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