i - THURSDAY. DLCEMIiKlt li. lKh.s. , , , , -r LOCAL XQiC012D:3. SCHEDULE lT.TSllOKO' If. H TU pHiiior ir.ilu mi il.o I liiel-"!-..' riilhrail Imiw Mtil.ii' dully. rn'i-pi suinlitis, hi 1" -'On. m. ud nrrlTrn m I-etslmr"' tc s sn p. in . niaklUK cUi iMiiuit'll"li Hli On' n ail Iriilu en UiftK. A. A-L. It. K., tOili li m i iv" i lf:il.-ljli at WliUi. in. awl Imvn r...l.-l.li in a. in . m, MP" The tcasin hi- arrived for t lit? yearly announcement of the biggest Log, 80 Hl'litl in till! I turns. Mr Our highly esteemed young Mayor lias j unt Mttfely passed through u attack of tun nips. 9& Pngwoiul, Persimmon mid Hickory limber wanted Kt tlm shuttle block factory in Pittshon.' NOW ! Don't wait, hut biing it al once. WT" V. 11. Leonard is too busy to write au advertisement, hut lias his u Kind big steel; of Chi ist inns iu:d Holiday goods eheiipcr tliiiu ever for CftHU. MTke.ifw Li il over Haw river, at Pace's iu ill. will ho tinished and opoit for travel nex'. week. It will hu a great corirniienc.e to the citizens of that aeclion of the eounly. UTOnr town nllicers have hud considerable wot k done on the streets and sidewalks rr-.-rnt iy. which itn- how in bettor condition than nc have almost ever In-fore known. drMr. ! W. Toe has been re elected liy t lie enmity cniumi-sioucrs an superintend., lit of the jioor house, II pOlttioll which liu has tided srveiiii yiiars uiost fail li fully mid liieieiitly. WrMr. J.iKiuh 1". l'.iookn. of Mat thew towi.hllip. Wilrt ilssrlll.tld h' R negro, named (been Mi-Li'un, ui:e diy laitt week and hiehy e.u witli a knife. The iicfin then lied and li;i thus far evaded 1111 e.-t. ter A bind; iion with yellow f. et. half rnr r.ivl hull' liuund, wits lost at the Koldii"-: ' Itcnni'iii I;tst Anh'.ist. A dollar " !' ( aid by its owner, J. NV, (to) 1 i. near I j-t I. vil !o. for in formotii) i t its wheieabouts. afS There i- smiim- h -ne of e.stub lisbing a fieail -.tton fuel, ry i.t this )lttep. l'aities inilsid.-of the county liAT offered to siiiKClll-i) !"H.v el rent, of the neces-aiy ci it.il if our citizens will raise I he leiiiaiinler. MT'Itisbard forsoiueof our towns man to get iieem-loiiicd to the new railroad schecbile. by which our maw learns in the inoniiii' and an ivcm late in the ufteriiooii. A letter cm now leave here for Huleigh af'.er 1 0 o'eioi I; and an answer lie rc-i ived the siimc! day. ttJ IteniPiiil'ei th- largest si' ck of era ds of all kinds c:in he found at V. L, Liuli it's. Ho w ill olVer l hit wetk upeeiiil indui'.t -ni-nis ;:i liess tioo.i-. Now i the time l '"".v a eh. u diet s : bring the money as that will get the goods cheap, ify-.i ne.-tl tt suit of clothes try at Ireelon-:. before you buy. A nii'odonl.iecaso (..!.! Wa.-rM cheap fr cash. r Mr. .1. K Milliken i- the mo-t auereaafiil f u nn r .vit h his I ha! ve know of. H always h 4 pieniy f lb..' whites!, veetest li:id I .i-lw.-t honey llmt we iia.e ever seen, and every year kin (ly tern nilti'rs t lie Jtscolin with sum -.if his best. We are surprised l ha1 all teir f f.aers do Hot keep bei'i .Hid have an :tl u u.I.iui-.-ut homy. WP('hristnias is routing, so are I he ChriatmAM goods at L md'Ui's lie is rei.eivilig nice things for ( h:istinr,s erery train London'.- sto. kof fancy foods, toys. will he larger than uaual. Me will nlV-i si K. I'.i. isif.vt UKKTH to Sinivw Sfiioiti s for Ciiiusr- M1S TllfES. IiOli.h.ll Will sell J'OU what you wish an low aa can bu ha 1 in auy nun kct . r Thanksgiving Pay passed i ff Tary quietly at this place. Ti.e stores were kept open until I o'clock, when they were closed for the reiuninder of the day. .Services were hold at the Episcopal church. A few of our townHiiien vent some delicacies to 1 1 1 inmates of the pom house for lieir dinner. Tho wciiihcr wus nuns, .lly jdeaaant for the season. Man; of our huulHimn enj-iyed their favonle eport. Oi in tM. lioxns. LHst Monday win the day, on which the 'aw rupiires the county otliccrs to give their offi cial bond Accel diii;;y on that day Meatus. 1 honor, Khno, Clegg and Petty gavo thiir boinls, :is slienll', register, mirvi yor and c-.. ner, and Mr. Holt renewed his bond cleik, as the law leipiircn. Also Messrs. ' tlilliam ('ni ter, josiuli Tysur, Edwanl l'hiiips, L. F. Wiiiiiiuis. J T. Wright, Oibbotia Ilairif. J. W. U ley and W. T. Maun gavo their bonds as ronsta blea of tboir respect ivu tow nships. List ur Jimouti At the last meet ing of the county ronum dinners the following w io tiiawn a-, juinrs for (he neit term of our superior court, which begins mi the 11th duy of February : U. M. Jones, Alfud Hineslev, A. H. Clink, S. A. l'eriy. (Jeorge V. Moore. X. M Norwood. John I). Doi aett. Ji1 a A. Crane, V. A. Temple, J. A. : -, C F. II. White, M. li Mfcili !. ! i omits M. C. Johuson, V. N. Pi.; '. i isonSpivoy, Oliver Vestal, N. ti t ei.ier, Thomas Wicker, John M. Sladii k, J. A Elkins.C. It. .Scott, J. L. Fields. Joel A. Lawhorn, J. t'J. Cook, J. M. Audiew, J. D. Check, U W. Cook, J. J. 1'eepley. liiehard Moore, (Iran A. Uitius, Obed. Miush burn, O. T. (ioodwin, 1. M. Tatti tthall, W. T. Edward 15. F. Foe, Iloraco Nunu. A passenger conch is i.uw at- (ached to the local freight trains on the It &. A. X L. railroad. wliiL-h pass Mom-urn about midday going to mi l fn.ui Kuiei-.li. Cioe' conned ion is undent Saiifoid wbli the limit Main on the C. F. . Y. V. It. 11. fining to Fnyetlt ville. but not vviih tin train going to Oic.-nsbont. I'assen-;ts nil: leave here id 10 lM tt. in and arrive nt ravel t vilio at 1 ). ui. Com in Issinucrs licet in::. nr new hiatal of count v cominis- sioiieif, .ilessis. Kliitiil Jl llatel). At ins T. liiimlu-th and Sidney J. Tally, duly qiimilicd mi hi-t Moinhiy by takii g their oath of ofii.-e before the (llei . of the Snpi'iiur Comt. and ut once i roeeeded to biininess, after or- f.':mizing 1 liie election of Mr. Hatch asctiiiii nitoi. : ne iouowing uccoiini.s were imdiled and allowed: Jum' A. Thomas, for lum ber aii l woik on Moore's b.i 1-e. 4 ST Cinwft.rd A Strowd, for eoflin mid huvying expenses of Sallie Iht'iwn, 3 10 Lein. Ellis, for registeiing voters. '.V2 J. I) ihngess. for wmk and limit rial on White Ouk blidt-e. M'.)7, C. W. liymim, for repairing abutment on bridge at Fy Hum's, H.lill A. L. Jones, for guard and lioiiid of Vh'i HackiiL-v, 1 HO 1). .M J'oe. for (,'uaidu g and fet'tlini; .'the llackilev, 1 ol) -) N A. (iilinoie, for currying Cmiiey IJ Kowi-rs to Mor gantou Asylum, i!4 ' W. L. Loietoii. for supplies for poor house. 'J .: Chatham Tanneiv, for leal her. I.: S M. Holt, ilisolenl fens, Albert Snipe.-, insolvent fees, J. I', llooii, tiir supplies for pour llOUM', J. W. Foe. H 4 siipei inteiulent of poor house, Atidei on Tin lor, for woik at ft it" ftll t.s 1" house, ")!l Juna Tailor, for woik at poor house. Dr. J. ('. K'lkueiii, for exam ining J. II. Edwards, a lu natic. Dr. L. A. Hanks, as supeiin- telldel.t t.i health. Thomas Cross, j iil f. e.s. ft (H Hi fit; !.7tl W. It. 1'iittisliai.. for register ing VoteiH, -1 111 W. J. I, llteiloh. for regis', u- ing voters. 1 2:1 It It. Hiiiiilet. insolvent fies, I. lift W. 1'. II d ev. for corn, S ."nl lla lley A- Di'vn, f,.r corn. '. 0(1 X. M H and, for r- gistering voters. ti lii J. W. I'tti-y, for conveying William lJiiyl-iii to j iil, 4.1ft X. W. Ilaicli, for pnk and bacon, 1ft its J. W. Tayloi, Jr., for lumber for l.oikviile biidge, 4 till '.S. M Holt, for statiM.eiy, ti 2(1 L It. F.xline. lor s.-n ice's. 13. tin Oi.i-i i.h.n, 1 h.ti Xo.ih ('heck be al llowt-d .1 oil a month fur sappoit of M u v A Cute;-. Oam m n. Mint il.isi D.,rk be lllhi.ved 1 pel ill-illtll for SUppolt of Waller sti i-m d. Oi.m.mi . That X-.l l'hiiips hr al lowed Si p, r in' .ii ; h additional for siippo: t oi Ad. .in Mai tin. Oi.lu:iii si. Thai W. L. I'.!die In allowed I per iu mill for the suppoi t of the child of A liilitie Daik. 0. -.it.m.k T::at (V E 'iloustoti. as s;;elit, be paid :l ft'l per uionlll fill Kiipp-ut of JMiiitiinl .Miller, a paupi r. (In i:i:i... I hat V. T. Muiks I v- t nipt fio.ii S'.ate and eotn.ty tales us da'iieiiean nitisl on at-coimt of po. ti ty mid thsaoility. 01. -ni.lii K 1 h-U p:ii ties di si: ing to have any I'liuitii- ex imined for com mil !iu-ti t will notify il.e superinttn d.-nt of health, Di.L. A. Hanks at i'lttsboio'. Oi;i'i:i.i.n, That the following per sons be allowed 'l ft'l apiece ns ho.ird j of eoinoy CMlivassuis, Obed. ; Mai si Jen n, S A. l'ei rv. It. W. li'uml, 'J. H. Euike. W. M. Thomas. John ;Chnk. W. 1'. Daik, F. M Fariell. Leni. Eliis. J. II. I'ysor. E E Hi ant! v. i(J. E. Williams and J. II Ward. Oi;nt i;i:i), ihat Ihe fodowing be , b-fi bieast, proving a!:no-t instantly paid for liohling iiupitst on body ' f a.-il. (iltuu came to D.n. -iiu ye." lotind ill Deep liver: V S. I'etty, : U'fday luori.ing and report en the kill coioner. l(l: Ii. S. l'oe, J. U Foe, inir i,', tiic- auiliurities. w ho nla etl him Hums H al, .J. M. Craven,.!. W. l'oe audit M. Yai d, jiti oi s, l.fli? iipiectt : 'liioiims Wnkte us witness and for Inking body out of the liver, i-l : Thomas IJeale and J. C. Foe for guarding the body, $'J apiece : H. 1. l'oe, for eoflin und itiggnifs' grave, :": and O. S. Jolinsoi.', na ollicer, !j(2.1l. A ( li;itltainile in Nnsli. ltoeKV Mot'.NT, N. C, Dec. 1, XS. Mrt. F.niT ii;: The election ia over, the scent of the I'inm-iiiton DuriitTivi bath dietl away. Yes, indeed, m .S er. kep: no doga about tin ir cabins liours after he came you would have for tl.e ast year or so, but. im-te.ul. hail to outrun the 'Shoo Fiy" train ' have iai-i d pigs on the table sirups, ' if you caught him thin side of U'ehlon. etc., Ihat an usually misled by nc and really, ho a:d, ho wemid pay groes on worthless curs. They kill thiee times the pi ipo of a ticket if he ' ed their hoes the ut her itjy. ami John could get one utiuight through to Eogan's weighed 110 pounds, ami - Washington that mgut. lint we lost Henry lit iit ui's weighed H02. The) I our nobie lender and devoted chain are better oil" than it tiny h:t I thrown Dion of the pot r man's lights: 1 mean the loud to dog, ludecd il would (trover Cleveland. 1 say the friend of llm lifter uniil. hii. I I rntv an viol, due conHideititmu, tor ho who lavor ; out ol every reu tlogs inat a. t m u taiiff reform no that the poor may he 1 and utilize the odds ami ends thut as acccHsibie to the necessities of life knep tiiecanii.e.-i alive in raising chit-It-as the lich are to tlnnr luxuries must ' ' or igs. Two able imtli. d be considered a iir.suvi.r.KXT man, and healthy while tramps vvne yesterday when lie naflitices his own eleclion sent by Ihe major to tin; chain em,.; to the highest ortici in the gift of the for -'J11 days tor vagrancy. J'liev were . people, by his devotion to this pun- going the rounds of pilvale lesidt n cipie because he feels it his duty to es ami begging from door to door, do bo, we must cail him a iiKStrvToii. I bey were about "ill years of ne, ami lini In. i .'one Mill I run l,,it lei,.,.'., when breatl was. lmm ii tht-m, the ' ut lwmoeratic micc-ss in the Oid Norlh State, and especially in Nash and Chatham. Fart of Itoeky Mount is iu Edge- combf bul J am proud to belong to Nash, "liy the way'' I hear ihat some of the negroes who have been elected iu Edgecombe will liud il : dinieult io givo their bonds unless i -Lite nun help Iheiu. Ibis jeuiinda mo of a conversation libit ml heard 1 a few da ago. An old colon d iuuu as talking to a wi.it.- man. '-Mats lorn , he ntnl. '"I li ur ills man nur- i i- isclcoicl president but 1 specks lie'ilbe lil.edcsetothci niggclH can t gdi de I on. The Rocky Mouni l air was a rrriind rmecess. Cale itoaipts rdiool .; lull, . expense !?llllll. prolii rhU0. Every binly is to ica.ly to coi.gr at ma .vir. John 1!. Underwood, the very eflk-ieht leerelaiy. for his sueceis. Ti.anli! -ij i i 1 1 ir is i ut ver. Rock V.n:i:t nbsi-rvtd it with en tillable nverei.ee. Even Mr. 1). Ahiam a ,li .v a-, (J. iitile enough to riose the doors of his store that day like all the other iiieiehants. Election - Fair-- Tla.i.ksgiving We are now on the 'home iun" for ('liri-tnifts. ( i t n ii ii.ii w.ti .'iiuui will biing us. (i:iess he w ill he sum , Kt,.om,.r )HVid Clark, from Siivaiinah. to come iinlesH llairison fails ;o gne ! fl,-nv,.,l this rvening with many p,-ie-his bond. sengi-rs and eoiisiderable freight. Willi kind wishes for the Iticom.j i,:s is th- ':st. steamer to enter and the Democ-.aSic host it kil to;t1(. jt Ml;iv September, mid sue victory i:i t'li-lham, j ,;.(, ihe dock by a ffi-ent ero-vtl I inn vry truly. !,,f ,di.. hfttiletl by a brasa band. It. IJ. Lin;:iieiii:y. 'Speeches wire iimd at the dock by - I Mavor 15 irr ami otheis. 3tfttC IaCV7S. i i Wad.-sboio Messenger: Mr. .lohn M,.rKau. who li-,., .,?r .Norwo-.d. in , Staulv i-niu.tv, has a co w which gave , birth "to twin' calves the night b. foie; the Isle eie.-tiou. While this is u; l.ithefii!-iisil:i!..e. iirrenee. aslill more : remaikiibh-ho t was t hat one of them was pcilectiy v.iilte v.l.liellie t ilii-l was v -a! black. M;'. Morgan, who has git it respect lor the ctt rind lit iiess of thii e;;. ve;y iippn pi ia'.ely nam-il the v. hue i n.- l'o.iit and dub bed the black ore iKtckerv. L uoir T I ic: A young hero IS omI- -A b. l!. the soil olilv Line vi of Mr. S. .1 ::i i nn. si, .w-i ii ns pres- r ...o,,l '...i ... L tt I.a'i tin t in tf of Lis fall, i 's refidence cati-;ht ,,,,'liiat they h..d just been liiHTind. liie w hi!" tio-olliei liicniliris oi lite I m ft4in.lv we'.e awa lioni home. lloj Mr. U. 1". Di. ks died oil Wedms .-eird a chi;t n. f oil of hill ler mi.k. ! tlav of last w et 1; at Xaolni Full-, hNn and i liml i d on the ceiling iuiiiie.iiat ' 12 (Id ly inidt-r tl.e liie. ami while tho sparks r.iii.etl dow ii on him, I hi ew the but tt-r-inilk on the liie in. d kept it under coiitrol until help amvid. A hole eirht f.-t I by four w.i. b'.irne 1 in the roof, ami the bir.l.iing would have gone had it not been for the boy. . . , , , X'-w Ion I'.ntei pr ise : wt t k there c.Hiie int. ; town a two - hol.-e wii.'on. t-ovt red i-omewhal after I the fa-hi"ii of a tlehvt-ry Wilson, but uiiieli larei r lis on -.i pants wire Mr. A. 11 Fitch and sou, who had tiuvr-b-il in the wueuii nil the way from Salamanca, X. Y . to this point. Mr. Fitch packed his w:i;ron full "f clothing and hi d'l.i.g and h ft New York Suite to hunt ii hoiii.-i farther South. Ho traveled by p: ivate con veyalice so that he would h ive a bet ter know lodge of the country thioueh which he passed and be more com petent to judge a- to the best place to locate. He is a farmer and has been, since It aving i is ln ine. Imntii.g a frond fai iiiii.;; country. When he armed e, L i ii.g lavoral.lv impress ed W ith our section of c.Miiitiy. he iilie.ioreil tiliil lieeiui to nioK aroutnl . . Willi a view to puicli ii-ing a I iiui. Durham Plant: Sain Si-cm.!, col oud, better known as .'-imi 1 ' !, w;; shot and instantly kiilnl Salr-nhiy ; night, between t) iili ! o i I. ck, ty : iil'otiu-r ctiioitd li'a'i inline I Cth.:s tt.erin. on tin- hu.u tf Mr. J I t:-L-iii I M'.le't-i 11, Ik -ill SliigesVlile. illi.iut mil.- : miles from l lt i.::ti. tilt nil wart i:i ehiiige of the pieiiii-c-.s and i.is atleti 1 lion was cille 1 to tl.e la-t that then was some ivui'ii i'.ioii a uong liie hog- -in ll.e pen ( i ..,, ii. ai'c- in a.ued bv a im. i ; white bi.y, r.tal'ie.i i ::t lo r.r- ceiliiiu ;h( ttiii-1-. No! hilig v, its fuu;i,i I ti.e iir.-t lime, ai.-l neining the l.oi t a.;ain. ( !.t nn pin-u; t tt a ;;i.n. e dh i ; it aiul went t iw arils llie .hog p u. He hilied twice and a-lii-d l! then" Wits anybody lit the pi i.. llmt h- should Clue out. ih C! ivili in) .lli.-Wt r, he .-tut in lie I toappi o.iih and c.s he i i-iti-!i- : ed the pen . 'ii.- i li:h0' most- and (i!t mi lii't il. It tiu i.e.l out ihal Sain Sn-a i ; was the object iil tie- hnt; en and j ihat he reci m-d Ihe entile lo.nl in hi-, i Hi jaii until au t- :i 1 1 . i : i.i 1 1- 1 1 t-niiel la heid. The Coroner, Dr N. M .bdm- soil, lepiilltd to the si niunetl a jui v. A fti-r I i.e and sum - u lei' tin; evi - deuce, tin jm v :.it id that ll.tr kili- ing win cntnViv j-istiliiihlr ; nfier which lUenn was leieased f l om cus - tod v- Cllitrlotte Chitmicle: Two colored men who woik on I ho farm t f .Mr. (', ii Woll'e, who i csitliB in I i is town sbii abtiiit tin ec miles from CLailotle, iiuve by rgr eu.ent v . 'i the.i -emplttv - a might Uuy lor the larmera oi ! tills Si lite, if Illt-V would kill o!l' IlillO ... 1 . .. KUiuiter irump wouni ainiise nimseii by breaking the bread pitching it in- to the air ami catching it hUe a ih-g. i'he police are instructed to arrest all able bodied tramps caught hedging, and work will tie eiveu them on the public roads of the county. If all tramps received such treatment at i every place there would be fewer of . Ibeiu. Ei. Ivecuhd. Yellow Fever Abut in jACKsoNvn.i.r. Flu., )-e. 2. l'or tho past, twenty-four home two now ca rs of yellow fever are report-'d. no tli nl lis. Total cases to date, IdJ'J'J : 1 deaths, 111). ! The woik of disinfection begins to-' morrow morning. For bedclolhing, blankets utid wealing appearal thiee eylindrieal vals have been prepared, where the I infect etl art idea will be thoroughly purified witli boiling water. Tie preparation for the disinfec timi i f nil uriicles which can po-cibly coiit-iiii genua of the fever lire very thoroti-di un.l the work wili be per foiuiod in the most c.ueful manlier. st eaietul manner.'' Won of thn United. litnl service oli.-ers. : un h-r I he surpei visit S'l.tes m-irine host A siiieeitti disDntch to the 'limes- I nioii Horn X' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u save: llie Eoth the Mallory and Clyde Htenm- ers are expected to an ire next week Ji isiiu ss is iuijirovii g rapiillv, and r citi.ns are r. turning to tmir boniea " m t '" Wedded Her Lover a rutlier, t Siikicux. ThXs, Dec 2. A vonng ' .1..,-...,.,1 -,.!..-. 1 an.!..,-,;."" , ('(itcd at Wl ilesbolo' last Spring, i leiving his f itl.er, w ho is a widower, j at his old In. :ue in Tennessee. A f,irl o whom he was engaged to be mar- i lied lived ill Ihe same town in Ten j intsMc, mid Anderson and she cones i I onded leulaily. lie paid her a: visit a few weeks ngo. but yister lay ! he lettdtetl u large envelope contain ' ill'' two letters, one from his father I .m l one fi oiu tint vouug iailv, Htaliti lads- ih lph t-ount v. Ho had only been sick j a week. Mr. I'i.-ks was alaigttstock ' holder in the Naomi Falls Factory,) ami i'lcsitlent of the Fluid As.-ocia j 1 1' .11. ' pretty picture is a healthy look ' and well cued for baby Hv the : ust-of Dr. Hull's Iluby Syrup yon ran Ikt eplhe health of voiir bubv in tiplen-1 : ,-,, ... -. , ',, tll'llti:ililtl.ll. XI let: ' t:eil t 3 a uiill.lt. I I 1 no "wouiaii s Iiii-Uit is wlist Jjiix : atloi- lllll wen O'l It-Illll'll. l.n l-ll-ll womsn that has unco nsud it will not , -,i . , ,, , .,- ... oo without it. I rice oiiiy Jo cunts, , : in:i. At his lt..n:f, l.sitr Mi. Vfrlmli Spritiffs, etntittititt s.iin'.. N. f., mi '.'Kih i.f Nmttii-r, isss, Mr ; Alttiit It. Maiisii, In ilicrUt.ly-u.Ird yenr ( las I 'I'l'ti tins )-i4i.s..il itwity. jiTI.-r hnvltiti ii'ttsitinoi 1 neftrly Utli-its-it y.'itrs nf l.i'rrntt'ti.1 ilin, tie- ll i in..tiilii'r ef hii lii'iivt'.'.lils fi.mlt-, knnwD Irif tli.ilr ; l iii;''ti;t-, mul .iito Uini IUur'1 f..ii.i-iinusly lit . thf i-iiil!.-- lilst..-y i.f oui fci.J..lil r.niiil-. A klinl 4itl lii niici'iii liusLitiiil Rii'l (ittiit r, it K"iil.il mi. I i'.MU -itntri.sl n.-li-iilii.r, il oui I triiibfutlr kakI , ' l" '"" I'" I'l' iip J i" 'tii .-iiril)- t-lss. f ; - " iin'.-t. I Kvi-r r.-.-lli.t! .4 llwty Inlsrt-si lit tin" ill l -s tils -totiry. In .fd In pt-t-ry i-li'i-!lii. uiu-r In- r-Mrii t'l las lunj. rlty. net mi tln Wh i.f Ninvinl'-r W vi oi '.i.'- 'r.i!s!it nt-iiiiii'i.iiii li- lii ; . n lia-1 lin'ii hi i-i.-'.'.m Uiri.tii;li llfi. W. lfllt-l Ills Hll:ll:is, i.u H'l'tlksKtvIl I'.ty, it. ieli U t 'iili t-lti.-Se .f vi. Vi-rii.ii, li n s. In .t' ti'.'tM Dim llMSiirrt-i-'l -ii ni"i-u. err I. lit. N. i'., In-t:. lsi, ibsk. A li-.iKsi'. New Advert iM'iuents. TA IF. OF NOUTH CAIiO! 1NA my oM'it a ill im . i.i rm. si ii kn a i'i rui v. . I'. W'M't Ii--.n.l wt l Murni -1 hK Is It stus-liil ; riH-ci'lln,: f..-,- II,.- I it I.. '- ii' 'it :i.f ! simiiTns Mim:.;i-.'.rie"i- i J.-iui f ,; .!. ,I.-.'.Mt.i i1. I4.n l It it -.sirll.i: !. Ui s.itl .-...-I'liti i'i tin-.-..ur: ! mil t. nil iti.-it n... ... -ii li ie ".. !! in-. . .--Hiy i:tr'li uini il .il 1 1. , nr.- n.' I'I -' It !S nf Oils S!14 III) I '-Hlll'iit Hf.l- Itll.' l! -!'l.- III lull ll 1, l!lly ft IT ll'l-i-I'l' It-1' Iili J 'II I4ti,- i.l -.1 l".l i- ( O.i- I'lei I, ..: Ui" sii.i . i r n t 'I. .' 1.! 'im .-i.iiiity. .ui 11,.. :iNl ih- .r .liiiini'i-. s. i!M ni .n r . r il.-'iHii' in tin- i'lnli.' Iff 's t ..mi l.-i i r lu-1 rmi'nt will l- it.-l.rii ir nt'-s .. Nuv. it'll. Issn. 6is. 11. Ilol.t,.!. s. i- iiCTiCE TOHAGlSTfiAt'tii! Notit".- is herein -jiven th-it the Fitiituce .' -niluii tee i f ( h.tt hi.m conn- tv will in Us n 'iihir tiieet.l.' nt ihe Ctuirt-li'. i .e in Fillsbort.. on Fri thy and .Sitt tit lav, Dec. "Ill and Nib. al Which tune -ill inaislial x will i ' iiht r he prt sei.i w il h their dockt ts "'' "'" a winiei Malt im-nl to lli.t ! ehairmiin of the hoard, showing the 1 ''U'"" f enuii'ial cast s trie.i, lines I imposed timl lines collet-ted If no il'iiill 'l b'lsim ris i;'.s bneu done the stiitetnent will so state All other persons linv tig bnii.ess with sititl couimi'.lco will take notice of this1 meeting. A. U. liEADLN. j Cliaii iiiau of Finance Com. Novembei 7. IXM. 2t. Ciiiiiiiilssioiii'is' ExpeiiMfs. in ii.-.s..inii.-it iiii s.s.-. .ii iiia iy;, i, t.. n. rxlllir. I llTk ef 111.- t"il'i nf (-ullllljr t'i.llIili.Ft'-ll itb nf t'liHllmiu futility, il.i hni-l.y .-rrtlly Uiitt Urn f-.ll'iwli it Is ti Irti'. ttti'l .-.irris-t Hiittriitrui l.r Hit )ntr tmllns' N" :mUi.;iN.J't UifBiii.iuiitn.lt. urn .mil ti.-tttiro nf tH'Miii iisniliili niiilllst dy lltu N'ttril In tlir iiit'iii lsrs :h.'r-.f stivrinlly, lli.i liuiul.ttr if l.-its lln li.irtr.1 Itni lit M-ssInu uj,1 ll.s dtstnttiv m-hhiim i.y u.t. ts.fil.ini i!n-n.i rr iriivciy. 'Hi" inll'-st'.- linliia.'t. I In, .Imnii.-f irnv.-ll.-a In ltlial.lK lTl1fi'"t. C. K. HHOTf 'in t ni .utiinti-Htti'tH!-, U" trHMlf l .'j 5.'., t'il fUCi'UMl i.f I'tl.ijeB, ('mDUtni ui- a, !. aiii'h uuy: H. H. itifi.rti irctlny", C'.,r-iitJi in iiii n; Imn li, k' , Ti'lHl, W. II. HAKH jh 1hv ii5 iv.nititinl"iipr, H. n.iit UHill--i "V., (Hi H'lMiini hrlltfn, ( n iifi- uni ( A.- H;fhl lH -T liMIH. "SI Doi'i , " " i''u (fi in j jo in I si - ttTsit; f-"ll!l'tl'.lll I. IV K, IU, , 0..mmm! a. i,:rn,t.-..ut .,iP..i.i'.. T.-Jal. J. . n oil C rl ijrt H- tMtlini'itft'Mlf'l'. mil itaeiihi t..v , I Ml (K'f.MlIlt "I I'i i'ltfca. -..iin-ti.tt i; i.i.h, ituv i.t t Until ev ivinnilth. f M ll I t 4.1 111 .'I Tviil, .vo ;.',h, iissi. hii.Ji L. H. tLlM:, Uetk Salvatioa Oil SEn" BAND SAfdi. HY VI It I UK OF J uti Mp.T ..f tlit fHiHTlr I'xiirt of riiH'lutm 'iititv I will m II ui ihi' I'tMiri li' iiM- ilir in I'IHh L.in',' S t'., mi hA'll UDW. lite i5ih tlnyttf Im-f'-nttn'r, !tvi irwi of luii'l in "ni t lnwn s;,!i, !i-l.e:-(-oirs iT-nk ; . liliiinllif, lyT (I'li M.it i!if iii'f rii u '!. iiii'l ie-ih i-'li'Timr t.,il.-.-.!MiiM.f S i ii'i-r T I'.-i'.y.d.-i-i-itM-l. T.-rms: i.tH'-hllll fil-ll, 1'illnllCf 111 lillH' I'fll Willi itr fiMH. lnM-f.-Hi. J'i,!N J. a ;M VN, N". 1 i, lhH. ti'tmiliJ-l"liT. -t u ii fi OOJlfOtt OOll, ' 1 A T" A CXTi ivr A T fJiTWT AST MAIlTirJ RALZIGH, N. C, the D20,000 STOCH OF MUN'S AND BOYS' L 0 T 11 1 N . . f .. . t p (j Ij V 1 11 1 i J in duelling inpidly. because we sell it 25 I'r -t- K-s. than wholcate pncoB. Our stock of ivicn'g Underwear . . ., . . ,,, ..;,,. i u" nu",, .--.'- pliers aio ehtaper thi.n can be bought elsewneie. l.tlllO pairs of Gents' Merino Half-Hose ut iiftc, worth ftilc. 3,000 Cieiils' l.tu 1 1. h ii-il autl unlaun-dlit-tl shirts at less thsn tho orig inal cost. Cents' ?1 00 t.'-S-N r 4fc.JJ )lll4l for 2.ftU. We w:ti rant eviry pair of FAUST ii SON'S Children's shoes we soil. They me hauduiudi' ami are in all sues and tpialities. ouu OCC-0 dep-Utuient is t-OllipletO. PAfiLOK SUITS. nr-u-:ir i-arK sim i-iuiii ent. (03 . ju I-V1.0U tu I 'it) vu 1 If. fill 1 SI1K 1'iH-I: '.'t, . . 4.r o,-n o 111. I' I H Ut i I I' ..,i,.r il. ii.Oii.r Sill's fn.iu 'Al M) V.1 KM DO ( M .Mi I at w in ufl m I !oit. t.-imo'. -iii'-. I wiuui tiiiiiiiSnrSiitu. rrnui w iiuu-. u. .-;. ii'i.s irura ! lil.DDlNO. lli.ir MHi;ris.i.s. tin.. llllll-.T, l-llt.. II ur M.t "n-rs.-s lenil 1-..1I..U M;,'l-.-i.-i" ri'illl S:lll'.t ''! slul.'k. l'"i!"li Iwp. Ji 0.1 6 00 tw k hu I i Ml) ,j N HI t i ui t in I DiNlNO It )OM. j Wnlniil l-.-t.fl'.j Tit! !.-. tia.W , Wilu-ll -i.-lis..it Titlili-s, CJ -K J h'.lHr SUlf l-.nltl.l-, IB M ! Wi.iuiii Ma.-i;ai i-. -0 ' mul j; -u i TAl'.EES. ! ppiif. Iif Tl'l' i. I!'l tciqnf ouk ('' iitn riti',!, i ru..n j i lit 10 lUt'HW. t UAI1W. -..'li! Si .tt t lilis. C'-iu'ii W.-..I eii.tlis. i , ,Kjt ,lllluK -,irH 1 Vl Si. fi'sti, K 3itaJ t;i MISCF.LLAM-.OUS. t'.-iin- S,!ili f.,r r- .illiiK i-hali lotol fcM. 11 00 : sihI I....U. Mililitts.-., 1 ... ki-rs mi l Hi t .-5 I0OD nn $1 j lit) l-'iir-. "V. II I'D, Mill 1 Ml liui.y li.- : I'nrrl witli rums..!. y. tm, h mi ftntl in on Ilntl Still..!-". Sll.'O-. 1 HI '!' V il'4, I. nUl i'S. 'lulu II. tlll!ll"i-k t.'Ulllri, :tt'jn'.."i.lp. frui.t ;t.ili-.-.,i.i Is. I. .-ill t;.' -o una ii . c :i.M HU'l i Ml . i lllCU I 5.1 I " -UliI i ll ii" lo 15 1.0 . Si ; ; IU IKI 1 Ordei-K hi.m tli'- Country, iiccom-j ponied with the Cush. will receive ' i priuiipl attention. .Letters ol uupiiry ; clieerlullv and plomptlv iiiisweietl. , j. c. nursbrj zi co..! No VI Fast Martin Sue. t. ltl EK'.H. N. C A j.ril li. lHits. (vents, an.l Trftilf JUtI oliu.ntt), mill nil I'ttaat butitiri.) c.tllil'U'lll fur 3linlt.ral4 t-4-n. Our nti-ii is Op iislti- I . S. I'nti-nt Of ir. W'r l.iit-c ti nl itgpitrl.-f. nil hulof tjuv-ct. tieiii-c run triin. t t'i'l luiiti in km tltnf. it.il nt lt-s i tisi lliu linns: ri-n.iU) fruia 'whiui;t-n. . M tVml iifiilrl. ilntwlni!. r llioto.. iui '"'Kirtfc llun. Wf Bin-.- if i!-.!ri.i.-.li- ur nut. In at eiinrgtv tint fn- 'l tl.' Iti'rtil lt twtiml A tt.tt.1:. - Hi") t'. I'l.l.nii f ii titf." 4itil nlttr- tucm io iii-i-utl flu ut-5 In in.ir SutU-, co'-rfty, fl jwo, K-nl fur. Ail'!rrs. C. A. SNOW & CO. 0piis4it I'un-iil Oftire, Wtwhltigtoii, 0. Ct FlEiE! F1UE!! IHSURE YOUR FROPEBIY IN TIIK- This in a Homo company and d-.v ; nervea the patrouage of all North Caroliniami. . j w:ik org:i!iieil in and Una paid over half a million tlolhua iu ; losses i.i i.l there is not ouo contented claim aeaiiist il ! All losses paitl promptly. Every jn-iidout man ought to insure bis , property. For leinis. Si'., apply to H. A. LONDON. Agent. W. S. P KIM ROSE, President. fjept btb, lSbb. I !, SOME MEl li i i JQH h l, mmmi Entire Stock of Goods TO BE SOLD As Soon as Possible! He Desire Everybody, Especially his Friends and Customers, to Takd ndvantage of this uppoitunity from day to d iy uniil ull is sold. Wc desire to say to all having claims against him individually or an en dorser, to mail to us, nt once, a stutt mi nt of same 1'roj eriy Attested. To his debtors we would say. wc. us well us he, kmw what it is to start from nothing and toil ami labor for bie i.l. men! and clothes. We ask ycrtir undivided attention and your eurneat efforts hi I.elpinff n relieve him by coming at your earliest convenience tt) our i tVu- . in DUUIIAM, N. ('., and paving your imb b'eduess m full, or at itu.-i : k:ng mi aeg( unmts that wiil be entirely satisfactory to us, which we believe cv.-.y one can and will do, and Having ua the trouble mid expense t l st mling to your iiouses to soe you, and saving you the annoyance and ni.- is vt i.i "in-e of being called upon to entertain us", or our h-gal representative, at jour n snlenc.e. FleaBe remember that if you do m.t. avail yourself of this invitation that you may expect us or our authoiizcd agent ui any momi-nl. II H. M AUKHAM. i T . Drill vvi, N. C, Dec. 6. 1S8S. His. To the readers of the KECOIID: DOB'T FAIL TO CALL AT THE uuuumu mil WIIEER YOU WILL FIND THE (.illANDFST DISFl AY AND MO.ST SELECT LINE OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, shoes, hats, i; rr., that has ever been exhibited in &1111UAM. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, TRMffiCS A1ID CLOAKS are our specialties. Samples will be promptly mailed to any address, on upp'.ication. Very respectfully, ' tft STGSfE, Main Sri-. 1 1 i. DITMIAM. N. C. r. H. Mr. O. SI. GEANES is Chatham fiiemls call. (V-t.-ber 4. 1SSS. I TO OUR ! CHATHAM Fli WE OFF Kit Low Prices on HARDWARE. Wapn ani Baccr Material, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FAINTS. OILS. CLASS, Lime. Plaster, Cement, (il'NS, SHF.ELS, FOWDKi;. 1 -. T. CAES aiiJ WADS. BUY or Tbomas H. Brtas & Sods. EltlGfiS IMTLDIMl, ltALFKill, N. C. the fhice tflls: AND EVI.lvYl.ODY TFLLS THF FUlClv FOX, WBENN & Cfl ' CIITX, liEAI.fRU f DRY GOODS, NOTIQXS, GttOCERlS,&C. : All kinds of country produce boti;;h( at higheist market prices, ami our Goods sold at the cheapest, When you come to Siler be sure to eall on u betoro buving elsewlieie ! Our Cotton Gin -. .11 'in your cotton a well and as promptly a anybody's gin. bo bring your SEED COTTON to the ONLY ; , Giu at Siler. ' Nov. i, nm. 2uxj. i El 11FIEE! fill? with us ami will be pleased to bnve Lis THESE YGU WAST: WORTH AND WE A 11: STYLE AND STRENGTH ; CKOICS .NO CHEAPNESS. The.' to. .. oiii. il i' .is me olYeiedill our glei.t sttirh of New and MmVt Mil which includes ali I l.ii.gs NEW and DFSIIIADLI l. r i'ALL and WIN T Kit in the line of DUY (iO-.-DS. I'llL.N.SC.OODS, h!Lb. I'I.1. SlIL.S, FANCY COui.iS. F.UOTS. SHOES, HATs. FUl.MsillNC. GOODS, At Kviti.in.'t i. n v stock is -pi e'till;. :.l !i!"e llil't our ' t i lie j;. h; t j,. 1,0. sities bin i;' u;.4"..i:t!l.!.i ill veriei v. and til ft in favor, bdaist if tlm HKill (Wi.VDK 1U.L1 . V of our (iOODS. Nothing w ill coin nce like pcisotinl ilis'i'ielioii that lor St astinablu Oooda mil Fen-tii:iil)!i i'i:. -is the J'KST FLACE w i Diy (iim 1.. Stoic coriie!- Main and Maiiguiii Minis. hoe, Hiit and I'm ni- i. in- S. ne at -tiiiol formei'y Offi:j i. ,1 by D'irhmn i-ook MolO. Oct. !. !--. TO OHFR Clialliam Fnonds We desire (o return our thanks for tho very hl.. iitl paiiomte of the past aeusou und to noliiy tLtm that WO have received oar FALL AED WINTER stock . which siirj iises snv we have ever opened in point of beauty and econ omy. our GOODS, NOTIONS, Mm Oil-cielk Sole Agents in DurLam lot E. 1'. Iteed's Ladies' Shoes. Call and see us when in town. Yours-, truly, IfiUSE & SHAW, Mum SrnriT, DUltUAM, N. C. Oct. 4, 1S3S. 3iu, PA

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