EI)c l)at()am ttccor& l)c Cljatljam Record.! II. .A. J.OIN DON, ! EOITOlt AND lT.OPKlKTOl.. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, KATES ADVERTISING Hue Kiunr(?, oiio insct'lion ( tin' -uarr, two insertions -One Ki'imrc, one month - $1.00 1.50 2.60 ONE DOLLAR PER 1M Strictly inAdvance. I For larger mivortisi monts liberal con trui Is will bo iiiadc. VOL. XL mTSH()R() CHATHAM CO., X. C, l)L( KMBKIt P, lsS. AO. 15. CP ftpttem C G I.ons nnrf (iiiln. I sorrowed th:i: g"l I 'ii ' iy n dcid. Its liirlit t:. I; i- c-Ji.r.trv iil adorn ing . Tut whil-t lgiiovol. bh"li' tlio Kast grow i" I With morning t sie.hod tint merry Spring w-.os foiol to (jo An. I the v. rent n ;li:it did . ivo'l be conn- h r. r ut whilst ' ri'irimii',il nt Iit absence. In: Tw MS Ml I'lller. I mourned In o ill -. 111" diUTo'llb- wore killed Ky huniii'i; ii-i 1 'in? sc rrhe I inv early 1 .osic. . Hut while for th - I pined my lion 1- ware in. I Wi'li ro. . TIllW lloe-l heart- I 1 bewail-d !i.e (Mil Of frioti i-liips than winch noli" had oni S"S'ini.l tp-nt in ; II .1 wbi'.t I w- it 1 found n newer frii-.ii 1, Ami dearer. And thus I lnrn d oil pleasures nr" es lrnniTi.il (Inly Unit SMinr-thinj; letter may I n Riven, Fntil nl last i tin I this earth oxcri ing. I I'i r I h- iv -n. STORM AND SUNSHINE. ".-! n! sho i! iir t the liens! Look nt the wii' (Ik i - liggitf up my s-: seed!' And Miss Penelope Flos'imi nil is f si :is h r rhfii ui.it ic Uneo would poimit toward tU.- clTen I ing fowl, her ll'.i- pinghnm np:er, cui-pnad from inch corner ".ike a sail nil Pit to favoring gules" flapping up nnl Jown in unison with h r .hti'.l "Shoo' shoo! 1.11....! ' 'I'lu hens and th-ir lordly lender lie 1 i i dnmay b.-for; this in.li lo-da I ap pntltioa behind them. 'i'il like to w:ing your hit'.!' : ii ulatod :!i i wrnthy s j.iri -1 i-r, :i -hu i - '.V in . i:tj a di-t i u up the ro.'i ( - i 'i--- In r-clf ng.. i :-t their rc turn t i Kit domni is. "l-.Ii -what, ma I tin ( ' end out a iill o, stout, re I haired oonthninn whom Milt I'.!os ni, in her oul, li :i 1 Tin it'. Tin) siul 1 en colli hm anio near '1 "ino'.isbln - llu littlo man, who cou'.l only K'.sp, 'Yun'vo nearly kiiiickc'l thel'rfMi'h (ut of my bolv!" '"I win l:i!ki i' to tl.cn) rhirken," Mi's I.os:.m I, ,-ip i icliciiily. 'Oil, jtm i i In'l menu my nrck, then';" I i - i . - a lnoal sniilo in tho lej.th. of a r.-l rt.ttnn hand kerchief. "I'd tee'. r.i u h like it if y ini w.i t!io owner al lh-; posky creature-! ' she ! l-irnid wrutiiTii ty. . "I w. u il t iki- my rhatue-i of hein hint n. iii h i-v-.uch fair h unl.-i,'" l.-.nvin yal'-n.t'.v, 1 ut not with,' ut a tiitV; of ituiiii ia lh? tone of hi- w.ir.N. A f niti t ?u R iun enteied Mi I'. u- hi' mind. 'II j you thij owner: ' the demanded, poiatia-; with one lunj, l ony tlnp-cr to the still flyin ; Jowls iihea I of them, who were now vaulting lightly into her xt doer -new neilihor j yard, ' r.ittunately - 1 think 1 may f.-.y they ate nnae, teeing tlity liav- l-r-i-n lh.-nionr.t. of makhg me rripi iii:tcd with t;iy fair ncihinr. Mi- J"l js-Oii-."' ' ll'.inil h! 1 au: wir d l i. :a:r i. . i .-h-l.r.r, l-eari'i iu n.iad h-r ruine I f-rnd'.'-i. "I! miyu't be. o lurti.iato if they rum -lijjiii in my garden u'in,-' with a rim sn i. "M iy I isk what vim wdul.l do in t i it ci3 :" he nSKcl I'landlv. yet tliero waatriflj i f 'litter'' in iiii roun I li'tio CTJ9. "Pot-pie i jood," wus tho ommoui i ii-wcr. "fi i 'i pi 's aro vjry d.'.ir under some du uiii-tuiiij.?, ' camo till in iian re I i.v. 'V-'-,-?1 s.j 1'vi! h-arl," cjolly. "Hut 1 hai;.'t a l it btia-jy; I'll ak you i i to dine." making n -tilT lit.le, curt y. 'Thank you; III come, mil hriaf; iiioi: a littl j popper to si aoin it w ith ni t exactly the kind thi.t comes i i b x : jiiii;tliii a trill j nmro biti i :," slniflc.irjtly. "Wuilu you wu.iibjtit il ycu mi ;ht fetch some salt to save tho in-jil troin lieiu' flit, Mr. -. " "My naiiii.'s Ililiierry, inn' air. - .T virih J irolthi in Iliiicrry, I'll huve you iiiulcrl ".n l !'' withii-inf; wrath. "(i I mo-it n-; in .my names M chick, ene,'' disdainfully. "I vo pot what tho Lord evidently left out of your composition,'' iinri.y. "What' that?' ndv.ineinj witli ir.utuiil iro toward tho enemy. "S mi," ho snorted," fnrettins hit innnncM entirely iu his r n:e. "You're an impudent man!" "You're a sa--y womai. ! ' AVUat niilit h:vt- filoW'.d a...l been ' my sad plnce to recur I, w: s pn Si iite 1 by til) nil Men appearance i f a fair youn j;iri, i.s tto.-t iooki.-i;; a Juno roM-, ntlendcl by in eijiially hand -cmo y u -jman. 'lh1 bel 1,'trent itti'ul..s o lii" t 1. wen an and slurt litilj man cnuiid lh so two Kivors, who had leeu sccre'.'y wa'.kias and Inlkiair, ' lveri i.ro woat to d", to cry cut ia -i m n 1 taocous concirt "Aunt Penelope ! What n tho innt tnl'' "L c'o Josh! What does this in an I'' "Matter cnou-h, 1 should think !" re tirtod Mist li'mwni, (-larins fiercely at tb youns tn in. ' W'li i V donating Ilia mli'jcl ly "tie ion torefn.!.cr j.ol .t'U so dcui tin i.lorejji I ";u'" handsom) eyes, that ho involuntarily retreat d a step or tw- . "M". liilber.y, an -li'," 1 ''san tho cm barraise-l v-nnij tiiri, but was rut short by her iadinat.t r-litiv. "I vj hal ei o ijh of Eil berry t for nnoilay!' with awith'-riaj r-larci nt th'3 .inle mi). 'C'jiiv, Mi, you miticli homo with me! And don't let me catch you mini Icrinj in tho wooii with any moro Hilberryi, or l'.l know the roaton wiiy !" ; "You, sir!' roared tho dimuutiv! ' uncle, hopping about li'co ai aiiniate.l j fro:, "m irch nloa,' withm-! Aid i! I ; find you ch niig any morj H.otsom i disinherit you! ' j The young man whispered a hurrioli word or two to tho blushing and o:n- bnrrasod girl, and turnin-; upon his j heel h lUghtily, with tho long stride'. ho oon left hit fat littb une'e's short I ones waddlin-t on far behind. I 'I'll cut him o(T with nit a shilling ! ' 1 ho panted, "if he iv-r goes near that' ltlossoin's ni 'co a -ai.i ! I'll nip hii fun ! in the !'ii 1 '.' ; lb' : mi IT s 1 tor:ni'y ai Id witched the ; Imi.' ii 14 gmt disappear! ig with hit ; "v v -ti-lo iijue 1 boots," while Id, aj "iinl .lack'' strove to overtak s him. ' Tiio deo-iviti' littto jade!' burst out ! tho ir.itj anil. "Off n-w.iikin' with j n horri 1 :1:1a! I' ever I citeh her wi-h 1 that old Hi berry's mph-w again, I'll' unke a bile.l p 1 l liti' of him to go witltj the pot - pi.-! ' j "P. .as., Au .t I'.-nni", m ir I bo the ! Sa.'i' pipi-l it li'.itlu y i.i.ig v ic ) at' her '. :h-'s 'S is.I-ox ! ' Au-.l IVae'i-ric lurncd to cj.ii-.i -.t-, but lh; j r.-i'y s..uc:ox was ! sri .: 1:1 ; 1 1 1 h .1 i-t .1 1 : IV! "11 -."..!. 1 . 1 1 - Iilll. I'.-.u' iit'ti'lm -kii-ii-i i v. I I-. v...,i.-' Mi-- P.-i..v p kept i.-h.r;. tyo upon h r cbarming 111 tC'. a!t-'r liii . liitl ! cpi so le. li d, a. a-! I. .ve l.iu;h. nt law or !"i k-mit li ; ' at 1111 its an I uac'es, too, Mt'ie is iu don -t; lor one li 10 day, in spun of Aunt Pennie'. -harp eye, M:-t PeiH'lopo J!.iiss(iti nil. i::is 1 1:; and, not str.mjo lo -.., yii'g Mr. Hi berry had also dis ippeaic-l. A littl" tio'c came li-un ,1 tiei.jhbori.ig tow a r.ni'.in t ill-: Pkwi i M I I wtr Wlii-n-i-tliei " w is I lit .'iii- Hill . itv i-i N , at -t I .' I. ' "lav, , il'. tli.-r" nr.. I t - m.-.-nliMl.-l I'll o:n. I i.'iir niint "ill v. 11 t'-utu.- yuf wivnaid , Klos- tli it .-!it 1 l. a hilli.-i 11 . and I. .114s ' I.. iu li.-i s -II -if .hi w.l --.-nil your l-n oifj inert I'lM i'ti: I n iii itiiv. in" lli..is.,-.t , ' 1 1 iv.' von h -ar.i I h i sli.itn u .nw-j" cued out Miii P: r.ebip ; 1'. - - 111, -pia-f.'"-i, 111 hi;; into Mr. .! .-i ill I'.i! tfrry' -. kite ici .ioor a . i ca'i-ii;j t iat astoa- i-h.'l ti'.id inttii i.red g.tittma:i to ill .1 bi-.ii of pnt'itiK'S tint h) wa. j il ii ; tho act of s.'tti'i j up ) 1 th-j t Oil i to piro for Ini fill .1 dinner, be hivin j been : driven to this extr.- niiy by the s-.i 1 1 mi j Lvmnu of hi s liotisek-eprr, who hid j left hi n i l a liutT tint tii'.-ni ig. I ' (i.iudaesi oririiiii ! ho jas.ied, i "what ii it?' ncrvi-u y b.'ginr.i ig to gather up t'l" rol.i i j ji :r.iti wn-; d.rin;: tilt whie if tho chickens h id iueti itiikinrj .1:1. 'tier rai I upon I'll o! I ! mai I's ;'iir I J "'llio-e voung foo'.s hr.v been gettiV j mnrini! stianp.d l ho spinder, wrath :u Iy. "What vounu !o 1-.'' lb t ol I hnrhulor di 111.1:1 led stupidly. "(i;r yiuag fools you fool!" slu fairly shi!l;i nt him, b-ji-hg over with ra-e. "hvik at that!" thrustin-j the note that sh.; bud received under hi. no e. "15 ossi 111 d into a Ibliierry!' sb-t ulded, with scathing sirc.sm. llj senie 1 to be ditdby tin sud don nnd dienlfiil nnvi, and kept on huntiig a ir.U'phv o- two that seemed yet to b" mison.j. Mi P. osioni, by a hnppv c 11 i lone, b nt io as. i-t in thn poo I wor when, each ri-i:i.j to jeth- r with the resni.-d v-.ji tables in hand, i-oinolirals toeth-r ii sudden col li io:i. "tin a! C'.rTi (J.-cro Washing ton ! (ii-lont M-. Iblilierry, rubbing his b 1 1 v I u no-t i or r.iutn ru fu'.lv. "II. vii ' k ire'i ii.v liraias out an I ! done with 1:!' (Ho I Mis Ibos-om, si aki ig white and taint into tho uearest chair. "My dear I'vj birt you forgivo 111 '." lit .'aid, in great iiit ilin, S:. ! ' ri iiig in st iu !y itiili jnalion to r."i'nt the tender app -Hati :i. p. r a moincr.t Ih -y stood lo iking nt cith olh'r, then both invohi itarily burst i-ito irroprci-iblo ia'i jitter. "It shows wliieh li.-a 1 was the bird est," Mis It n is. en f'na Iy ;;ai led breath to sav, a: d pointed Willi gii.n hiimoi to 11 swcllin j a'.o-.il.ns large as a .uod s.."l walnut protruding I rom p u r lit tlo lliiberrv') fotchead. 'I!i:nph!' bo groaned. "Al for that scamp's doings wish it lit I been his hea l,'' rubbing his bruised forehead tenderly. "Mo tiu.-iit huvj dona worse," re tur ' 1 Mi' II oisoi!) in on injured tone of voice. "S might your nice," h) retorted. 'Well, who's compbiinin' I ' sho snapi'cd. "Why, I thon;b'. you wis,'' his roil 1 1 b uo ey.-s i peai :g to their full cx- 1 lent. I "M ! I i.nly biought you tho new-, j lint's nil." J "Weil, well.'' h" reneatud, Irakin7 I about help'eisly. "What ran wo do hboutii? Tiiey'ro mirrio.l tight at tlu rock of Gibraltar now bit in going be mighty lonosomo without Ned," hs added in u. big! v. "I shall iiii.t Poanie, too," ha'.f sobbed tho melting au it. ' Yet I aw fully Int'j to have thoso young 'nut so gut tin best of their elders. Itaia't plcnsin', look at it in any light." "Sec here, Penelope," "rowing ra diant, mi l edging up to tho tall form, "let's turn tho tablet on 'em. Now you luivo b en .1 Illossom long enough to change into a P.. .berry. Come, der Penni", what do you say?" "I 111 all took I ack I don't knnw what to sny." I -lushing like a girl of PI "Say you'll bo a Bilberry 1" ho oriel; and befor.'sho wis well awno of his intentions', the little man had stood on tiptoo and kiised her. This 11 iwonte 1 caress hid meltod tho ice about Miss IVnilopo's heart, and sho fait' ringly sai I "sho w Mild.'' "And wo will liavo tint pit pio for our we' Id in; dinner, " ho sail teasing- Tho young fols were willing to cry I :i s wlun lh -y had luen ordere 1 h'.iin aud learned the lacts ia tho case. "An' to think, Poanie, I called you and N'd tools, nt' t irne I right round a 1' dune lh; same thing inysolf," aid Mr'. !i;b.:riy "t:ior. wi'h b ppy cjii trition, "You know lh; n lag," slyly -ug-'st ;d llu junior Ini 1 , nt sh af fci tionateiy kiiS'.'i hr nun I s faded cheek. "No fool like an old fool," tin senior lit i b) repeated mrrily. "AY I le'ivo ;t to you if 1: n i t as true .1 the los ; o . Mi.s P.h)-.om was c 1:1 ib'tely vr. ipiisii'.d, but M.-. Ibl'ietry was p-r-f'-ctly happy. And our stoiv c unetj to a good e .d. A Mintgiili's I I'l'iiii'tiilous Load. The oidnaiy shoig in. how v r per fect it 111 .1 y be, 1- altogether too taut! a id iaelT etive n weapon tor lh) pro fessior, a! I' torn 10 ilii".--hu:iter, s ays tho Wa-hingl in P -I. II- tnu-t haVo -onii'llii -,g that iti'wi down 'h; gaaio -ike ,1 iiiarhin . II ! gi-iu-ra'.-y iwot wbat h" calls a ' b j .,u 1," tho barrel of which i from 1 ' t 1 1 " imt long, and whi.ii i irri: a pnu 1 I and 11 half ol shot an I a h ill-pi'iin l ol powder. This engine o: d.-st -net i- 1 ii place I on :i -oil of pivot or 10 -1 i 1 tin- ;mw of a i'0.terl;tl with the mo o ext nl tiig oviib.nid an I tin butt re-ting agiln-t a puking o tag. or something simi.ar i 1 t h bo: t-.-m o! thy craft. The man wliou es p. Ins down flat in th" bottom an 1 approach'-tlm docks on the w tor : y 111 -a-.s of ih it it calkd .1 "o.'Ci'i'in j paddie," wi.ii ii is v.:ry -b ut and wlmh is work I iy ono hand stretched over th; silo of tho boat. Wh"n a point his boot re idnd sulit cieutly near the dm. i, sjiii; ttiovi m-at it mad) to frighten th m, a i l as they ri e in great 11 itti ring blaels clou Is tho "1 ig ;.ut" i Iir d into th-ir inil.t, sr.motnr.es ki'.li ig many ui.-ii. The reboti id of the u guns is so great ib it th y -oiiiotin.. s th:ow iht skiff bi ck 10 lee!, and 1 veil sometime sink it. Tho fotc; of th; rebi 11 id i caught by 1 h pio-king in tho loltrm of tho boat, ai d, n n.ny ba imagined, not against tho h tilder of tin m::u who tires i!. Another device of similar character, practiced by Potomac mar ket hunters, is to arrange from seven to 10 old 1:111 -ket buirels on the odjo of a boat n::d havj tin triggers of all of them connected by a slri g which wlun fulled explode-, th-1 titite si t. In this way is many as " to ducks havo b-en ki.led al oti'3 li e, many of thoio canvas uackj. The Lion's Mode til righting. I.toiis, as a ru ', hunt i i fiimily par tic. A very old lion not iafrciju.'r.tly incapia it ited from taking an nctivo part in pur-iiinj game, is generally to be found at the heal of such a coterie, and on him devolves no unimportant part of the pro tram. H iwn to lecwn d, it hundrel or moro jt.ic-s be'ow, where the draw jilt biplccks nro nialo fi t when a train hats for r..-J(, the young an I ;:ctiv; mabi and lionesses p i.o tlninselvjs I chin. I what available c v.:i i 1 feu id. This being done, tho 0 d lion goes to windward of tho encampment and shakes out hit abuinl int mine in tin bre, , so that tho odor from it may 1)3 earned down lo tin excited draujht animiU. ( 10 si ill of th"tai:.tol breeze brings c-Vi.'ty ox to hi' let t in a moil e, t tiien standing, o:ten trembli ig with fear, thvy g: with di. :itij 1 eyei into tho im pcnctrald. darkness, t'.oser and closer npproticliei tlio ag:d lion to hit victims, slinking a ltd re-h.iktng the dome, tawny cov ring of hit foreipi n tori. Then, il tin traveler's Inmost bo not atron , he may look out for u -.taiupede. S loald il hold lomporari y, tht; aggre-e. or, nt n climax to his former m 1 icavi-r, gives uttt tanca to hii deep s" ,11 I loud est roar, w hen th in ghte'p d cast", if net secure I ly tho stout-.t fiste.lng that can be obtained, wil. break Iroo .1 .1 ii' -h with i-.c.ineiiv be- rapiiity i-to the v :y jaws ol th ir lo s. s crcte.t l i 1 . w.ml 1'ui.adelphi.i Ti not. ! ciiii.mir.N s (hm'mn. i I, I r-1 Il-I ill II- i1'li-r. i lielp. M iir.- II, liei. . uis,.ti. 'ttl.-i -v I do.' I'.ui 1 ivat' for i lli'i-1 1 wait up hi 1 '. t .:'iiiiaiiia W'ii li --Wl 1 cir l."i' ait.-inio.-ii o at, K'iiiiting mid r-i'iit'- a'i iv sh" s-. l.o. . k at tie bird. how t.. v l.n l I t.. ,- ovn ii..m ' Wuteli tlt brown bees, alwavs ti-ibng their best' 1 i:t v an-own Inivl-t I'." pl'-ugh if y. u'd thriv.; P ni I w a-te iir ir- in-1. :i wi-ltiitg, bill stt'iV' " t'p ia her f."i' l-ioke'l a i'i-. !oi-v . n 1 If i "Ji.ni't f, !':-!. (l.ll'llll.-. Slid :h "hel vf.i;r---ll." Aft.'iai'i 'i; -1. a l"V.i ciow .r,.iv.y attd '!";; til anuliM 1 m i- it . it ipiiliy t'"''l" 1 ill si- p. Notliii, Hiis i.t.ir,l l.nt In" "!d farm !e u- r'lnil,iit:r al'.ng with its v.nin.iu: 'tieU t" k ' (iiiffr-tn I'.o p'f.trv il-:" 1 .hp a ! .11-1 l',s, I'll sy !i:inpi-i ijp fri.in tin beni'li !!. n II is,. I'.ai-k to her chair s'r.. I tli.s prn.-t ieal l.ov, sr. p" I to 11.-- ears in t 'in. eu-tnrd add joy. Ci liilill!, he i i :e 1 . "I',";!". Iv'i' im-il III" sb.-l', III. malum, 1 t'lllni' I I d il ll"!p lov If.'" - II u p - -Ming i eopl . An A.-roliiil C lf.it . ' Ton-, ' lb : in.,1 loo.i: - .y of tin r-t. 1 imes Hotel, h.-n ii.t will!" t;,t whi.ll h h.n Ir.i'ln.'l ! do 11 trip . ait ia a manner that w- u.d do rrcdit 10 a human sorobat. Tin ti'ki t 1-nl-o an tkiollont Iu inm-bu!i-t, and he c! i-i: i i.-r s a .01 -g .a siring ! lelc'tx"! tight y .a. ro t th- r .nm.it if !;e enjoyed th.' iiip. II : is so t nr.e th it hi is p rmitl ; I t 1 iu 1 ai (.1! I b : tl J r of tho roo.n nt id I liu.es wv.huul Ids niakii tg any IT r L to i scip''. Tma tbi.ks very bijhly of hi' p-', and so do the hell boys i! tin- boil o. who nevr-r ire of witti'.-s-ing bit ei ::i nice ; -:N'-w Vork Sun. Illid ( iilohlng in the I'.iro Islands. P.uplo w'lL do a most nii-.ihi.g to eara a living, and ultcn go i.;lo tho mojt dangerous pi ice-, '1 h n men i 1 tho Faro Islan Is catch, for their 11 .h and feathers, I iris which nest in: he -loop silos ol c-ifTs 1 1; il I.- t hi -li. The way til -si fow.ers -o ab oit tjieir work is interesting. They nro let dow n from above by rope'. S x ir.ea hold tho rop; and bir or tais; lh" fowler is he signals by :o ans of another ma'b r rope. Wl-.i a In ii do-e to tho .liil In cannot sec mir.y feet oach si lo of him. In order lo - e 1:1 to be pu-hes hi iti-cl f out with hisfe. t and a tor lode, ing ipiirkly about gui lei himself to tho spot w here ho wishe; to g . It 1 i-er-tainb. an oxei'.ing kind of a swing. Wh n a . 1 ; n 1 : 1 1 ! y of I ird- ar caii.'ht, thi; lea t h 11 1110 sold, a .1 'lnloivl -rs i:-e the Ib'sb, both fr-h a-i I -1 rie 1, for tool. I ho Pig. oil of 1 lib c. r.i-i'i v at! rnoon ' :i :.i ..i of S'. Mill; ii Venice i- . I :ir ti i -I 1 7 a crew. I of pi-cons that d o ;. I to b . fo 1, -an.. I so t mho are they thatth v a'ight on tho head or unit of any one who 1 11 rs them a f w tempting ;its of grain; 1: -b'cd, w ith but lut e a lo 1 pi jcoa will laku food In m lh-' lip-, and many ladies and children -.mil'.' tb'tiHelvo feeding these i c ih. whoso bodies -hi 111 :i cr and gleam bith ; biijht sun light ai they fl.t l.ith r and tliitlnr. Nonativi would ban.: a feather of their little bo I io , for tradition has cn ciicel tln-iii with ihniiu. It is s:,i 1 that A iniira! 1) indo'i", whilo besieging I'andi i in the thirte-nt h century, re ceived ir.tc.ligrnr ! Itom lb.' i-'and Iv means of carrici-j ieons w Iiidi gro.il 'y faoi it it I its ooni;ii-t. He the-i dispatchol lh. liids lo V "ih o w ith the news of hit success, and si n o then their ihtc-n lants h v b.-on caro Itilly tended nnd riveted by tb.e r.a'.ives. T.ny i.ro r.o r.spieteis ol r-o::s or plai ns, for tluy ne-tl in lh f. iMiiei of tho surrounding elitiee-, biiild t l.o i r nests ti the carvel front if tto: po:co of the dojis an I iroon and c o on tho facalo of S', MirVs. Tiny wi-u'.d even dare p- rib 0:1 th' liend ot 11 s.i I, and jf liny did th"y aro such 1 rlvi eged characters tint no 0:10 won d lull them nay. i lio iy inc. Poseil as Angels. Among the aili-ti ' ircas'.ir-i of old St. P.-let's ('illuiba1, this city, are two angels in mniMc, on either si io o' tho high altar, the work of the Atniiican -.cui'ptor, Ilium Pow.is. A story which provokes n smil 1 is n-la! ; I, as to tho manner in w iiich th.-y were or l "red. Over t hi r y y an ago. Ardibbhop Pur reli wrtd- to M Powrs (wl:i was t t" ili -.g in ri"r.:uce) a kin; what ho w.ui d rhirg-'lor a piir of si it u s of angel, "of lh ti-u.il si. ." ill; mi p lor rep'i d tint "angels wore all sie., lilt e an I hi ," nnd that ho was unahto to deteiiiii :o what the A'ihbi-hop no a.l bv tin "u ud si..'' I'i wlmh (tie i-vei-rca ly 1 ccl.'.si ,lio rephol: "Tiko tin two prettiest girls ol pi, r cine, a id put wiigs on th- ir." I ho n 11 1 lor soli cte I his mod 1 . r.-.d pi o. iiu.ed two bra'lti'lf woiks now among li e chief mi -ri 111 11I1 o: ! . P tor's, which leitainly il;;C-l lb.' ltalim sty e o! f 111 ib: lo oliue-s in th ir lea-lul'i-.- New Vuik I I'lL'iitii'ieut. RIIKHA PIBRF, Its Eminent Suitability for Tex- i tile Fui'i'o-jc-i. : Its Economical Utilization a Croat Industrial Problem. j T. ;o groat stienr-tb, length, and lus- ' tre of lh" liiiro of th; rhcia plant, quil- iti s which oininen tly recommend it fur ii"! i : t xti.o in liiut'iictiues, havj ren dered that plant tin tubject of solicitous attention for many years past. ; The pro lucti ni of th fibre i 1 ipi uitity, 1:1 an i'tono-1 ir d manner an I ia a sttit ailj 1 ot'diti').-. tor tex'ilo purpo-c-;, . c- t -1 i' 1 s i; fur', on. ! tho most im- 1 loitant ir.d'.i -trial prtdiloint of the prisel.t day. 1"' r rr,(T'.' than thirty y nars cn lcnvo-.s l-..io be. n ina-'lo to iilii.o this li ,ro on; more i nl ly ; many thousand of pounds hiv" been spent; ; tin ni I of both nif-chat ieal and chemi cal sci'-no) ha- bion invoked, but almost ail ii vain, for although this libro is tr-ed to some extent, that extent i. cx- . Ircinely cireuuisi ri'.-.d. Twice during the pas' eighteen years tin In diin (i vTiiment has oil -re I a ptix- of ' J l.iidl tor u n nchmo wbidi shou I j 1 IT 0. t .i.i.ly pro luce th - ti or" in the re- ijiiite 1 conditi : , the pr: h iviig b-on twice tump, to 1 f r and twice with-' draw -.. Tin Kieiith i(.v.-r: m-iit has, rec.n.t.v tike 1 up the 111 .tl.-r, aid hii- ; otT.T', -I p:i s ol th vi 1. o -il'JO'.i f,.r j any piocess or in 11 bine th .t wiii p' J- dii.u ;!io fibre i.i 1 imnyrcn il ,:i 1 n'. 1 i 's j a d rf proper (put'itr. Tin gr-at .1 -tl cnltv in tho way o. -: -r si is tin satn laitorv trcatnnt:! of 'in gr.niny innttrr j in wl.11 h th libro i. 111 e 1 led. It has been foti id ta-y to dec -r t it it-' th; rh en stjins t'.i-t ii, to riinovr the li. I-, wiiu its adhering bark and 0- , meiitiilous matter, Iron) tho wool, but tbllii-iilt to pro i uce tli'.-fibres cltnti an 1 live fr.cn ail exirnncuis and 10 i lt -rj 1: t 111 itter, ready lor tho spinner, on n commercial nale, Thii hnldc goo 1 with all thn v.'.n.-tt-'s of tlii- fibre, wi.cth-r ih-y i o known inidci th-; name of (,'iiin 1 "T :- , i'i ' a or latni- th.e.i b ing tin I 1 1 1 1 1 a i l r 1 i".ie the M il iy , name of th" p r.t. f::c thing )s coy ceM-o . aid that is, that with a li.ue: i .c 1 on-tfucte I f"t an-othc-r purp .o. a? l!n one under rotio -is, and adn.itt 'Uy i::i er.'ec t as icgar is it. treatment of the ihcea plint, the libro of the Ir.tt -r can be, mil i, ob- Inine I uudatii l ie I an I fairly !rcc fiom tho woo ly stem. Th" 11: achi no in 'pic t ' tio.n n a iVix-soutdii ig machine of i.ove. disigo, and about 1'. f C 'i inches ; high bv 1 f"' t wi le, and 1 fee' long , overall; its working civicity being put :i! lewt of ret' .1 !!ax p r hour. It con-ists of an upper fc. d t 1 1 In on wlrh ' th' tii.x -traw ; !'.-l :.t tiiroo pair- of tbilei rollers, wh'cli d.-i'-v-r th' fix L'wr. ,v ird 1 b"!w .,- tie- p.i - of pi ning I nl', nil matin '.villi si pair of giii le roll'Ts. 'i ti - pi:it ing loois roetn l.ilo hat: l-h-ick! ail may be popu larly iki lii'C i :n v -ry c nir-e wire bm -ho. Tu-y .t" -ttu-l.e'l to i.o vertical tramei, t i who I: .1 h"i n.t ii to-and-fro ui'ti ! i it.; irt I, and th I i IS i ! rl.il'i- ,l.lll : MV 1 - I I " app i-il' ll. 'I h tl itiiiis miteiial i- drawa diwi; w::rbs by the rollers, w hicti li ive nn in- tc-riiilttont ino'ion, and at eiitliiio mcntary pau-e tho pi i n i ig pins en'er the untoriil n i l ate r ipi lly with Irawa from it. Hy i g " t : . . - ti r"U de pi'iiding cir' un is I- liv I ell' to a si pi Ig l'ec.'ivi :g t.il.lo at t b 1 bottom ol the 111 lehi 1 . iv r whi h taol i th woody .-libit i'.o !;a- pt'Mous y pi s.-l to a receiver 1 1 1 cru-'-ied and fcmi-pu vn. d conliti, 1 an 1 per fectly free from li'.T". 11 it in 1-much cs it d,vs iti w irk 1 or -.. ly n re gards tl'X, tin priiHi;.!.: would app ar to be correct. It i. moreov r, to be born in mini h it, a- we b .ve already stated, the liiiirhine was rot designed to Ue.it r !"., a, iti' llix. IU-:'.C' iu so:r.o of its b l ,ils it 1 i np -rfect a. regard linen. N v. r'.h -lost, w j :. n'liii stenn of rheca j tit ihr. u -h with txc 1 lent result-', r.s f..r as the 111,'rh 11 1. .al separation of tl..' ft 1 r : from the bark and wood ii cone rr.'.' I. T.ie st.-m-were those of rb.eea grown at Kow ; they wero about -ix feet high and of fair ti.e. They had be mi lotted for four davs and were 11 d iii:j d y. Mr. Wa laco holds thai they houl I bo rotted for 1 ight davs and cunplct -ly dricl. lliiwevcr llii- r.ay !, the stems we siw put through I in 'chine were quickly iloto-, nn I the ti- : pro duce 1 w.h from w- nl. It 1. inteiid r I to -en I to 1 idi 1 a machine sp chilly m ule for Ka in? with rh.'ei. The lirst point -ottl-.il tliat i', the pr 'per-ia.o nt wlmh lh) ni'ichl 1 'ha. I b; u;el -M.. W il.ac.) is col li let t i f Imng able b, pic. 1 1 e ilioli 'ro from hii machine 1 'i iy lor ii 1 by tin - j-i on r, ju t as he hat alrecly done with 11 x It i to bo hoped that lie will so ice i in 1 (Toe tin g obj'Ct, whi.ll wiil le the tnoaus o! tivit-.g to th 1 1 x ' 1 1 .- inlustiy a libro which has been pi o -. on .co 1 to bo the strongest it niitu.e, ri i t for which the t radii Ii n i,( . long nnd nnxioiiuy look In g. Londot T:m s. Ib c nsed 1 11I1 11 tio. s I i. luiico:.- ranglit l!y an Artist's Skclch. Atti-ti do not a'.w.iy t devotj lruh and pencil to tin pint: ay.il of tho bo its -tifif ; sometimes thosj potent instru ments are t :i' ni" I i:to wenpons whicli may rca-miany b .- tear-d by evil doers. A ready ban I and braiu aro possessions iik"!y to come i:to play under any cir cumstances; they may cvon copa si;ccd3 fu'.ly with bruto force. Thi fjl. owing advenliira is to'.J by Mu ready, tho artist: One bright, moonlight night, in my stu lent day-, I was walking in n.strot in tho out skirt 1 of ban ion, litibj bet ter than n country line, when n man camo out of the .shadow thtuwi by a largo treo and proliu".'! a pistol ad dressed mo in the usual robber fashion w ith, "Your w itch 11 a-i nmney I "I am a pair nrtis'," sail I; "see, these are my drawings. I hiva no watch 1 lr ve never been nbl ; to I uy one." ' Y ur money, tb-n md be ipiick!" Al tho time- I was watching the fellow's face; it xva v.-iy white, an1 I think h" was icoro Irijhtenod than I wi-. I gavj him all th: .-l'ver I hala-cu! mo; b i -nil ' tl ;od-r.ight" uvii.y c-nou.'li, a.-! -t i't '1 nil towards l. iudon. I iiiado in. i .: o! 11, y way h iu , and before 1 w "it lo ho 1 1 dr -w tli" miu'.s fiicc v.-iv can fully. Tin next 111c rr.m ; 1 wont to Haw st c' t with my dnwing, luedng that it 11 ight bo rtco ' ie I by tho otli.-ers th r-, but no! T :- nice, they said, w.13 new to them. T . 11 U-.ivj t h iike i.ess ! ere." sail the chief detective, " ') may p. son it r -pr 101110 ..cross the p- r ." To it very soon h app ol ,,l I' d -1 fortnigb' hid bar liv 1 before I was end:' 11 1 ion to I lontif .' th man w 1 1 II I; id neon a-r. stc-1 -.ini c-asiiy couvicte.i A rgon nu'. nur-ier and 1 i ': mcisci llo lo Avoid t (inl.igi(i:is. ; Ilow much .1 luger c-vty on1 r:ms j earh day of c itili: ig a tn ill ;nan'. dis ease is very littl- known." - id a d .ctor recently t a reporter for the N ;w V-ni M ill and Kxprcss. "M in;, di.e .-..-s, 1 lk ; hydii'p'iobia. are only no'-vyd by I coming 11 .bru t . i t irt with .1.1 nor id- . ed - urine". I l oth.-r .li-cnses it is w :',- ' .1 rfu thofMe.t 1 1 which the cotn municn; liig patt iles c m 1 irried. Persons h .v taie't: tile siii'iU'cx a mile .li ta t Iron; !h li i:-:l 1 . . 11 let fever is very co-it.n -i no. A -lies- lol ' -d up a! the bid oi u 'iying pa lent a-. I p'ared in a trunk li 1 env yod tin poison to u Ir.iui y o! chi dren .'.-ur miles , distant when th" dies wis imldiei in their pre' nee a iter I h r -c 11:0.1 1 h s time has '-lapse. I. Wh. -oping. con ;h an I diphtheria are prut ably never convey - except bv the breath of tin patient. ; M'-isIci 1, cotiiii u-iicntc I a great dis tance and ii ci ion. 11 lie;. I.. I by the clothing and ci:r:cd ab ut by p-isotis i-iti-ig ! he sic's I '.'U!. Il 1- r t 1 1 : that many ima-o. l..v- .-en c :i 1 r 1 c I -ed I y i ' tending th" funeral of seine person who Ins .ii : I o' a contagions di-ois . Ten much enre nnot oe taken in d ispesi : -i ol t tic clothing, or ii-infee in j 1 v : vthine tii it hi- bee:-, li.'.ir ap' isiin -i.f r; -. it h .1 c m.T.uni otblo .1: . a-" tl--r 11 .liti'-.t l.'ls li. vn tin li:-! -yii. I -hp if ! nrii t fev.r, it t ) . c s b!ty-.:i." diys betoic thr patient it tre - t ro :p. 1 1 , . . t ion, smnl. ix tiftv- is .liv-, 11 - - twenty seven i v-, ! 1 iht : ' i a t -.v -r t y -eight day-, 111 .1 ill p-. t w only -one day- a..d Iv ph. 1 I b-v 1 t'.-.' ty 1 hi -lay. llniiio's I lupin lb. Aliie V:c M ty ot II ig and alleges lint P: nl c: uiu-t b'di b pp e-t r. un. 1 1 y i 1 llurop. Sin ! ivs th t win!" the surplus in won 0 1 11 (lr-..t I'.ritai 1 an 1 Gortr.nny 1.1.. '. .: s 1 1 :i- .;:lv 7 ",. , . 1. 1 an i l Otlona! 1 v tv, Fiat. 00 m ' Sst liiid a Mirii.u- . !' -u'.iy 000 women, an-I 1uarr.47.es '."' nioie pr va i" t in p.roprt : a to iho popula I lion in France than Iscwhetc. I'rarce has the low -: 1 Ir hiat : ot uli llnv c 01 iiU-.!rie , J.! s-; - a thus a r.d, u.aiti t tl or (lr. a! H Itala 11:1 I H- lo- (. r many. 1 he average r.utn.'cr "I 1 hi drca ii a l'r m h fnniily i. now agiii i-t 1 iii. I' 1 'land a .d Wa 1 -, '-..'I i -. Se itlan.i, and .11 n lrenn i. 1 iti 1' y has nearly I'v.; 10 a fan.;. v. : Fiance has a Lieaitr roportion of . grown no per.on-, than any other ra tion 10 llir.ip', thenuiib-r of per-nns 1.1 eich lo noil i-sMwi'i-.i tin a 'cs ol II 1 an I (in io lee, i i France, .1 t.l-l, in II-... 1 it'.l, l'.il: in Swed- it, I'.iM; In (.:cat llrit .i '. 17 Ig, in ib" I .it. d Stat, s, I.".'.' lhi.ncc b as lh hi -h st aviiag: ia-c of tlx' liv in g bl. ( a', y ir , . ai:.-t ! II illan-l, .;.:; !. ! n. 5T. lif. -m "I P. it i'n '''I 1. 'lo 1' . ite 1 S ate-, 'J l I. (li l'ra e, 1 lit of cveiy hnalied j d -,.ths. thoso o; persons over th : a o: .: i lib nr.- 'Mi; in Switer an 1, 111; Knglnn i, : till; II -l.-iii-n, 20 ii. t. 11. burg, " I ; 1 Prussi 1, I1', Ausiri', ' ?. Hi ookl v-i I:'' j A Mnrtcr. I .'Io I! imp has been calling 'or nearly two hours. 'J'h'-y arc talking mu-ic, Inn 1 gui liv. ' l h voung lady (s:id I-nlv biigbtiii-in-, up' -di, I iiko Fieiich opera: 1'. h --:. h ago lo i'. 1 -into anything tl d b is 11 go. ' lie i-oea. j Life. Heaven nnd l iii tli. ni '.- mo in Sbadows where there is no Mm; I'I. -re is no beauty whom there is no Still lo; AvI ail tilings in ti - lines of c!"i'.v run, bii'.i'. mid b.i'.l. ebon and gold inlaid. I e. a'lo.iig ni tl.i'. iigli tli" shrouds of a 1 : .i I 1 , Ion 1 r 1 i-i is like th silvery wnke I. " 1 by V'..; p.iin-iee "ii th- mount nin lake, I'n-litig and t.-ipjH ni-.ti: hc-ie .nnd I here. Mi" I mo.- it'll vo l- tl. r nigh h-av'ti and oal I 11 t Ii I' ill .V", (i'i I'I 111 I -''It. It- j'.-lloM-. of t!l"i- ligllt, ! 1," s 11:01., o - up.ei n misty niglit I', iti, i.:h" -iia-b-.a ...iii.ng l.te: nnd Lev" V. inn.s lot- b e I-at- ..no, in tli.' holy tomb, 1 I -. .ni-" l ed'' '.I..'., - ai" b. ti-r soon in ! - ,1'. . 1 nl r, in N.-w Yolk Tribune. ni ioi: i-i F. mi'y wi r-hij. Fir.t bnbios. 'J he prohibit! m pier A dry '1 ok. A -liiai'ig ij oal --.1 boi 1 1 lack's (hair. T:ui -hoito'c ! Tic; no'o that is not proto-t' d. A r'nir skin iiating a friond out of b.. row d money. T your.:.' men It i1 bet! -r to bo fait isle ilia 1 fa -I 11 wake. Mot .,1 th; Hi. lib landlords nro .-Oi'S'-rv it ; v e . terra lories as it ware. 'ihe wner of a coouintiou lurm.co .rys to earn a living by liming thcde;.d. Tm rca-oa w h , l.innd ressei b ivo tho oliies U ir-'bably bjcauso they use in. I i jo. A 1 .right s"hf.'. ir lerently statnd in a .- .iii".-i! i .11 tii it d uii ;ii- nu'.s were first n: d i ; Cr. eco. W'.uen a coup!" conic to'he conclusion bet th. v will in itry i: i- a tits voto and he clcigytiii i imis! c.i,t it. It is singular t h .! a i d or has never o-iii n omin ted for a M ivoi, for n goo I :::e knows all about men and measures. In lit-..: days ol rdorin it is strango tint i;o.o.l h a- s 1 j:.e.ic 1 that juiie.t should lutniis'ti their ow 1 i'ooJ. C'cr ai'lly a panel should b; nbl) 10 supply its own Lor.r-1. "Whv," a-ked an examiner, "does h n so sel loin overflow the land I' P. i'i-c- r inerci u! Provi 1-nco has n.-.'i-.el sp.Tigei lo lmow i:i it," was thn eplv. Tin cxin.incr was a j-ublic .ch ol so r. o. ii itjjg f ik- -Shall I send tho ....cl.aji'I Mr. llui.Kby No, I'd lako II 1: v :'.' j.-t slinv-o it im -lor my arm. I 111 getting so careless like, that moth er -he ha I t- frJue my phves on lV 1,111 I I leave'm souicwh r . Th- 1. -mains of a Hi!.o:.i desperado .ho.li.-d a few years ago wore c " . 1 in c 1 la-t week Oy relative, fiom tho I'...!, and found lo have liunid to tone. It was then remembered (hut 'or several months Ioforo his d.ccaso '.- hid 1 0:1 1'lui icd of feeling rocky. 1 ho Music ol the Ancients. I':-.- il yti.,:! tbi'e wis only a cow's : r 1 wi:h tlir- e or ! ur ho'.-s in it, nnd icli u rp.ar lyrdialoair t hr-e strings ; he t.r en:; !y:e hel oi.iy . v -n strings ni 1 wa- v -ry Mi-.n'.l, 1 - ing l-.ei-l m ono I. an i. th' .l"ai h trunipiMs that mado I..- w.,1 s 1 1 .1 noil f'di d w.n, wero nil rati;-' loin : :h-ir tl 1! -: was tho i,n-.e as th 1' vpina; tii'V had no in - 1 nun in . ic bat iy p.-rcu-sioi,, of wi.idi li.e : l. ab .-! boa-t u i Ic was tho p.-.it-'iv, a sin il. iriangu'-u- harp or lyro i.'l- wi-c :lriags. an I st:uek with at) nn mi ile or slick; their sacbsit was son.itluiig like a bug pip : tho timbrel wa a t .mbeti: iae, and the dulcimer w.i. a lo : i;- ontn! hal p, with xviro .lii.ij-, ;.!i'l -liiiek witli it si:rk hko tho ,,sal'cr-. 'I'll- y had n- wi 1! I -ti mu-ic; !.a I scnv.y a v-iwel in F. cir language, v. 1 v. .,1 c 0 tin 1 t 1 .1 '-t ill 11 , they ,,1 .'o 1, 0 hi mu ii ia- - pi yin j at I ho lo-lu ,' 1 a ol tii T 01, a-; .0 S -b inon. I , 1. ! t would lia'. : di-d innnhacon--1 it in lh" greatest i f ngoi.v. Marbles ,1 I anguishing Spnrl. Matl .e-, which o-.C'! I tol s many .0- s a- t ii i r-- d iv . iu ;li y 'ar, nro 1 w fillcn 1: ii 1 vil times. K -.ucding loi" is ilc an rv llett -it the at t con- c.iiis ,1 i- cn.licd by a-toth.-r ti 1 ni" ; tho tib v-t.i 1 enntounde 1 with hi. irotln r ..,f tin rank - ill li. ; thero lire no longer oil the liner nineties in 6tone and glas-, ur 1:. o ib.ro i an 1 streaky marble, 1 or do b-ys, iiie sportsmen, yean for a lull bag; m r do they study any 'ungcr t'.i" h.trir ;u io-, tho possji;itici 111 I the .-uMi'.-tps ly which their bag 11. a V be li i d. The game is now only played iy .ilt.e beys -their big is sma ; their game is simple, nn l wheti ovci iby cm riii-e a penny, tho niar i !os Im come a v biclo for gnml) iug. S iti;r lay K- view. niidoi's of Vegi'lalioii, o.it in Nevadi convicts seal many ;iga: lie sp.;. imont of vegeta'ion to the iigricii turi'l nnd horticultural cxhihi iioi. I In inmates of the State Pri son hav this seaon raise I beets eigh teen inchei in rircuinforono nu 1 cab li'ige. largo enough In fid an ordinary 1 whci'liiiirow. lint in the cultivation id s. inflow, rs they tako the greatest ' pud-. S mio of thoso moasiim four j Iu. 1 - van 111 . h : in circu nferonco and I l;i w in. siaoci two vj fect high.