(J lie !jotl)am Rccori) $l)c l)atl)am Hctoi.j II. JXZV Itrs HATES KMll'oli AM) J'lJi'l'iaBTUi;. VI ADVERTISING MM- m mi it', ten- insertion- fl.00 "in s. pinto, two insi rtioiis '- l.M Otu square, one iiicmi li - For larger ii lvrtiMimiitH liberal con tracts will lc im:i-1 - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly inAdvance. VOL. XI. lMTTSIiIi CHATHAM CO., X. C, DIX IvMliHU 2, isss. .NO. Id. mtmk I IT. Vi BONC tlh I HHI-TMAS. Pound over nil wait -is, loueh out from nil Inn is Tin. elir,rus r . ... II . ..hisnin.t- ,,f I,. m l. King liyiim- Unit xv-ro miiu hv thi stars of tin ln.i. ;.. King soiih i tii- angels when .liviis jh I ui p. Willi gi.al oil.-'atinns Mi iu h 'P to tlii' nations 1h,lnrk night t. , o lia- an l ,1 in h is he Rim. Kiss, Imp ..f tli.. n i . ariso Ilk.. I In. miii, All spir. Ii tin t iin,;.. . : li. ni ts I. at ns o 10. King the 1. 1, III i f nilim,. wit il olieluls of ioxo-. Sing out tli- .ir villi ni't and sin,; in the lioX'e, Till th,. li. iuti ..f no ..M.pi.- l,o,.p tiniv. in j n. nl. ! Ami tin- v.i f II,.- xvorld i th von o,.r Hit. ! lord ':asp Inn Is of tin n itions ! In trnii ronKr; atiilatiou.s, j Thn dnrk niflit is emlm- nut .'awn tins I f ' L'nii: Itisn, l.oi ..f II,.. n-es, ai is.- liso th sun, Ml sp. el, fluiv t,. niu.ic, nil lii-iiiti I mil in oik, ' llloxv, l.ii.-l-s . f l ii,., Hi,, in ,r. hos of pi..-i-.-. Fast, Wis'. N un s .'il'. lot th.. Ion; I"'""' '' ' Suit; t ho -.,. ,,f ,.,,, ,o, that tho nng-ls Is gnu. Suit; of i;I..rv to i., mi. I gun.l will tu in un I ho 1. ' olnjiig III ehoril . I ll I I. .-Is n , Tin-dark night is on lm4 :, , ,, ms I, vim; His.'. Ii,.- of tl,.. . .; , ji,,, ,,, All sp i-cli i!..v to iiiiisi.-, nil l.i-t, Lent ,,s ono. lull, i il. IV i- r. II AN . I : I til ! ..;y ; ;,TO, K IN,; HilIU U tii.. i hIiV s to kilt.;: H. sin., y. ni .I..1, t f.,r.,.. Tho .far 1 It f li- -liiii..-. .l.iilill;;' Sh- ii..,v ( hintum- x..t: lint i'v,- I,., : .,i,t p. '-M - I' eel 1,- f I.,-, l.'ii - ,v, ... j Anil I iii .in-.- si,.. ,m , ,j, ! vlli- .--.I .. luni.y :,n v. IVai ' XVimt a tiny ,t..,-i,in.- i It l. ..sn't tliko i,iii,-:i to I;,,'. Sui-li hit In pmk t s as l,al.v Awity lioio l tr.-M an I r.i',. Hut tli-n. f..- th.. IkiI.v's rinisfi- h It ill IIOV. I .o ;i! all. 1 liv, S nit,-, won! n t I... liLikini; Km- nn t uny I, ,:f ,11 I know what will ,!,, . r ,,, ,.,,v. I'v.. th. uK-ii ,,f i;,, ,.. .S ,;.., I'll I or row ii t,.rkiii- . f t;niii,ii,n, 'Hi.- I.uiyo.t i;,,it ,'v,. - ,,, An.l you II li;,,., it In- ,uiii-. .l.-fn- inntlicr, li'Kht lion, in ih,. , ori..., s.r An.l i-.ti-.-, 1. li.-, to S mi. i, Anil I;. st. II ! i In (I,,, (n Wllto; -T, s i. l..-,'.v st ., kiiu; Tlmt l-.iiisli, th,. , ..i i,..- ,. , You li.ivf i.-v,-r - ..-!i I, .,-, nt.i, For sho only ,im t his y.-.ir. liilt sho's ju.t tho l-iosvl-.: I Jil.y - Vol ii.m-, l..-1-ir.. v 1 1 j;.. Just iT.fl. h. -s.i.-l,K Huh tf.,.H,4, rru;n t',.. .,p , ..,m ,.,vm, ,, , ., M:w ykah it .-.-, Til' novr si, i -ii!li r,.nii,i,. fr.i.ui, Hut hravo h m- mil, -, ,i,,1,,i ,,f An-I front h.-r liiirly I u- h-r .-w n - Hip s .inly storu t- ll, , iir; Uori-'s ll-ttor ho k an,,li..- y.-.-u :'' Aiiothot- yi-.ii-' Ayo. l.-'t,-,. hi k iii..!i.r ,,.m- We'll h.-iv.- h. r im!.. oist ,, I ,.f .;.,.r Athoiisiui ..miii. f.- ,.v 1V With homo in i.l.. ai,. .1,1,11 , ,...r. An.l I, it -i In. k auot l. - v..,,, -Anoili r v.-ir' II . flttihor,' .vim,,,. Till- v.irs niiiisTM.is. f.V I I UII M i: f. ITMu !. S,Z IH.' IS T.MAS morn! f7 "n"W-il.'ekc.. ; 7 " with th.- Lines, 01 tripped hriskly alotij;. takim,' in si Jieepn and wli'lfs of the fortheomini,' frimts. Ili.;e tt:rkevs tolilnd of nil dignity, lyin luepless upon t ln-ii hacks, their iHtik le's upraised 111 protest. f-BVoty lookin,"; eoiiipounds lieiu- mived hy cook's deft hands, w -hd- fi i..,.n,. ., t-te., littered uji the kit. hen tallies. I'lenty mul lo sp.ue fur linl'i poor. At least so thou-ht one of them, as he CP.ed into the kilt lien window of a handsome ilwellin-'. Not in the.-e words, p-crhnp-, would ho have evpics-ed him self, hut why some, should have so much morn than they wanle 1 and oilurs notliint, was middle to him. A 111 merit bp lingered, th.-n turned away with the words : "1 don't mind much 'Lout myself, hut I'd like Biiinm it fur the little 'un." H ither a coini, a! Iij;uredid this youu tfr cut us his hare feet wended tlieni Belvou toward a les prusp rous pint of Urooklyu. Vet despite the ainpliti'de of mpuiMl trow'sers and dilapidated frock rout, with its skirts reaching almost to his ankles, there was soniethin- in the hoy's Btrii'fjhtforwar.l eyes and hiine.t face licit ave evuleneu that he was .ht Berv ng of it h.-tti-r fale thin that of a wnif. ( lolhrs, hortevei', never troubled him. Something to starve oT tho crav inifS of hunfjer and a hole to crawl into into at niirht, thee were tho things that were the caicc of thought to this child of the streets, more especially since he hud token unto himself a charge. Here tofore he had lei a happy-go lucky r istenre, not iihsla-iding the entili- that fell plentifully to his share. Forajing for break fast was his errand this mom, tvjt somehow, nujid. so much good cheer, n rv t"1,1 ,iu'r,y !". f of child, e s tliev ' thot 0 seomcl notliint; for him till a lit t Its J old woniii-, vvlioso fjuili showt'.l scinti- j , iicsa o iinoiti.-., pnusoil tit tho siolit of i the luil, ninl, (ipi'iiiii a liaskit slits cur riiil, suiil rlu or ly : "Thrrc sonny, thi-ri.'s t onplo of Imns nn.l :t few ookir? I tna.lc mysi'lf, that I'm t.ikiiio to tho criitnlchilil.rn. It'-s ' not 1 1 1 it. h, tho Lord knows, I, tit jc'it wi'li oini', ami 11 lilossc l t hrisiiiius ,iy...'' Ami with :i fiiemlly mul sho trottoil olT. Ilrrovi-rin from his suipti-u', tin- Imy litiri id nfti'r, ovc laimin I ireat lilcs.lv : "Oh! 1 say, tlmnU yi .My iiutm:'s Huh, ait' il" yer ut any woml to saw I'm vn mati.'' i 1 1 .,r-. f , , k . . ' - T3H-J ri$mir ' l.or, sunny ; I hiivcs it in, in 1 nm. lit--, lint you'u. the rilit heart, ami th.- I onl lo 1 s a willino spirit," then w ith her wri ikh .l fa. ,' a-lnw with kiiulliiiiss tho w.uthy soul h i-t.'ticil on ln;r way. 'Hero's luck !" t'larulftto l Itoli, "an.l I'm li'lievin' what .lohnnio's mother sai.l," mul l!oli ri'iifntP'l slowly. Tho l.onl cares for the orphan," ml il nu' emphatically, ".in. I I'm hles-cil if I ain't an ont an'-out'T ; fur a feller eoiil. In't l e ..rpii in.-r thau a teller wot never h.el no lailter an' mother, I take ; il-" Merc, w ith a who.ip, Hob ilaite 1 a, ron ! til.- street, A l-airel of tiiola-s"s had I lieen stove in, and a swum of wnnt ( sti rs were sci.opino up the sii, ky mess o. every availul'lo tin litis. Seiin- a I'loke.i di.h from out an a. c-iiiiaodatiii a-li l.arrel, lloli scenic 1 11 sham of the ; prize, tittci im; : "I'm a squealer if wc tiin't iii fur a r.-ijuliir lodilication." ! His dish full, olt he started, and after ; sundry turns made his way to a vac.rit lot. whore shielded hy a pile of luii ks, lay, till. .1 to one side, a iatoe crate, partially stulled with straw. "Hello, Johnnie' Wnko up!" should , I!o!,. at which a little fellow, with tin i holinicst of lilue eves and the sun'lie t of culls, p ike I In- lira I from out of the sliaw in the crate, witlj.. "l'se here, lloli. 1 iui us have bte ih I fast;" j "V. u 1m ith- treat, f.' lepTed lioh, displaying I 1 oiitiuuiii..: with "We do tliinu's in stlo this t, ! tin i -im is. Nihlilo on that whle I -.t j the tal.le." and l!ol. to-sed the little j ( h ip a cookie . then, onively pilint: s. v ' rrnl liricks to-etlier, he placed thereon the Inokeii dish of mola-scs and li e old : woman's donation, who 1, w, -illivu him- sell in i't-sid,' .lohuuie, and tuekniLT I ho stiaw sniioly nl,,, ut t lii-iii, hf e acnlated: "i'ileh in, li'tle '1111, and siy "lace." Folding his tiny hand-, .'ohnnio lisped, "i.e. cly : "For what us 'imnt to eivo, I.ord 1c thankful. Amen." To w Ii i -1 1 H0I1 sulijoim-l : "llcie's t-i the old lady's , 'ciiv tin istm.-is ; Hurray!" Alter this rather peculiar d In alih! ;.a. u the least pi. needed without, iiitemiptioli until Johnnie ropounded : "What's Santy ( laws !'' "th, he's a chap with a jolly, red face an' white heard, wot goes round Christmas with 'm ap, of toys and s;c!i.' "Will he come here.'' fried Johnnie, his eyes opeiting wide. "No, I don't b'lieve as how he'll visit our establishment. I only hear tell of him going to the nobs, use 111 buy plenty for them-elvcs,'' answered Hob, grin ning. "I"haps oh. lioh! p'haps Mrs. Santy Claws 'till come to us poor folks;" inter logaied Johnnie, wistfully. "Mrs. S.iutv 1 laws 1 never eart y heaid ..f sich, but 1 hear .-ay tin-re's a wo man at the bottom of e.etythiu'; so I guess there's a nice, jolly old la ly Santy ( laws,"' r. plied Hob, iissuruigly, as he noted Johnnie's anvious little face. "Whole's Santy laws live i" was Johnnie's next .piory. ")h, in u twill house," and Hob, coolly drawing upon his imagination, added, "no end of tip top furniture, nl gold and heaps of pictures and blaing Iii os." " - h!" uttered .luhnnie, with 11 wistful si-h, and "it 'ml be nice there, wouldn't il?" Then, nestling t loser to his com panion, he uddeit : "lint it's nice lure, too, in this warm straw, an' 1 like being with you, Hob, 1 docs." A burst of inoiis bells lloa'ed toward them on the crisp morniii air. .V melo dy of welcome to loid'shousn of prayer- "Johnnie," called out Hob, "how'd ycr like to po to church?" "What's there?" ,Ue.stioned the little fellow. "Oh, they pes prayers, an' plays tho orgin, an' sings, an' Mas as want, to take a snooze. 's it warm:" anxiously asked John nie, cuddling into tho straw. "Warm? You bet! A n' sof ys as soft asas mud." "I'll go!' ci it'll Johnnie, rnvxlinj; out of his nest. Siuh a tjuaint little I'-guic as lie looked all tnu'l'ed up 111 an old shawl, the ends trailing on tl.e ground in he marched happily olT, his band in Hob's. Shortly after thi-.e two children sto.nl watching the handsomely dressed throng as it en tered a fashi . liable pla -c of worship, till Hob, with "Now, Johnnie, look alive, o: theiop'll nail us," pushed the child I eforo him into the croud, and, sure enough, an abut p iliceman, spying Hob, made a grab f r him, which Hob deftly club. I, but mennw hi!e .Minnie was catrieil on towatd the baic door amid a sw irl of .silks -mil sali is. Th -liit . fellow was u trifle awed at the church's solemn grandeur: but as Hob never failed to turn up all right, Johnnie made for an empty pew ami curled himsilf up 011 11 hassock to await his fiieml's coniiug, J'les, ntly the or gnn pealed forth, and Johnnie's eyes grew round with astonishment a the voices of the unseen choir mingled with its wondrous tones. Hut soon the lit tle he-id drooped, ami lulled by the sweet strains and the unit ual waiinth and cmnfoit, the child slept. Nor heeled he the advent of a plump, toy checkc I lady, whose white hair eon Hasted so picttily with her still young face, and whose companion a stout, jolly, lloriil-t'aiTTl gentleman-- pos-iss,..! a bushy head of hair and beard of silvery w hit, ii. ss. , fa nt t-M aunal ion escaped the lady; then, turning to the gentle man, she w Icspcred . "I nnk ! The po,,r little I null " "Sha'i I .-po ik lo tin usher." ipies tinned he. 'lie swift gl nice at tile pa'e, litt'e fan nad the lady shook her he id, an-weiing. "No, no' I ,1 him be, tin- deal'.'' Many tunes during tlie service the lady's link cos st raved to the little sle. per, and 011 e w In 11 the child sijrr.-.l utuasily her daintiiy gloved hand softly btroki d his pretty curls A swish a rustle the c..i..r. uat ion was dismisse I. Tin- lady of tie- losy 1 lie. ks and white hail dr. w le r sea'sk in about her, but her ;:ie it-ted hngT ingly upon tin sleeping il.il, 1. 'Well, ilamo .' and a tiieiry twinkle glistened in the speaker's ce. as he ad ditl: l-l.in,ks as if a till key bone might ieli-li, d-n t hi'.'" "Hli-ss h s htt!e heatt, yes a id, oh, don't you think we in ght .'' And so, what wa- Hub's astiui i-limi'iit -for he had lingered toiiiid, aiiiiuing himself as be-t h- could to sec a lady mid geulliuilil coin,- loiili from the t hutch, followed by a footman beiring the sleeping Johnnie, t ait'lully lolhd up in a liand.sonii' carnage rug. I'rawn up t 1 the curb wu- a -tyli-h tiirno'tt, into whith the la. ly anl gent I. in in stepped, the footman placicg Johnnie on the seat I esiile him -. t b. 11, a- the lackey sw ung himself on to the bo, aw ay started the tarriage ibiwn the strict, Hob yelling out : "Jimmy era, ky! if I don't believe Jolintrc'.s slriu k ile ." l u ting after the 1 iirringe. hi clung on behind, taking good eaie. however, to keep out of sight of the driver and loot -man. l oon they drew up before a handsome house, whose w idc porch wme an air of 1 hoery wt-Ii iiau'. l!ob,w iggling himself down from his perch as the door closed upon .'ohnnio ami his new ly-loiunl tii, -mis, ejaculated, somewhat rueful ly : "Hole's a go ! I '.Minder w hat 'till turn up ii. !.' A i v how, 1 hope il 'till bo something soft fur the little 'un. He ain't 1 iilctilated to lough it, like inc." .1 SU -li I: . A moment later ' the little 'un" was ga dug y oinlei ingly at his luxurious sur roiiinbn!s, his little hands softly palling the old gold In. fade of the lounge on winch he lay. Il was every bit .true, he thought the gold furniture ami pictures ami b g fui's and "Oh!" lie exclaimed, as the riisy i lit I'ked lady fame smiling toward him, saying : "Wi ll, my little man, are wc n ndy for turkey and pudding.'" "Yes, please, ma'am, Mrs. Santy Claws." nnsxcrtd Johnnie, eyoiug the lady curiously, s ho added, sagely: 'Tub sad there w as a x oinaii in every thin', and he giio.ssc'il there'd be a Mis. Santy Claws." 'Hie lady laughed ii.rnily as a 1 buckle issued from the region of an easy chair ami a voice loinarhed : "I nc for yo i, Man.e "' "Who's H0I1, dear'" ipiestioned the lady. "Why, he's Hob. lie takes ca:e of me. ou'io .Mr. Santy ( laws, ain't you;" continued Johnnie, gaing knowingly at tho stout oent If mait. "Hey? Why? What makes you think so:'' "'Cause -'1:1111 - " and slipping dow from the sofa, the child exclaimed, eagerly: "oh. Mr. Santy Caws, please won't you bring Hoi. and me some thin'I 'cause we never has nothin'. mm We's pour folks, but we ain't bid, we ain't."' 'Well, well," somewha huskily spoke the geuli incn, and whit is your name?" As the child, with a look of surprise, repbed ' Johnnie," the lady cried in eager tones : "oh. Hen! Our baby's name, and the pu tty cm Is and blu. eyes. . like. Isn't il alini.-t tis if (iod had sent him in " change for our darling r" "If you phase, sir, tie re's a boy what insists 011 j-e.-ing you. S.iys h s tiamo's Hob, sir," 1'. livering hiniMlfnf this itu'ssnge, the servant awaited his ma-ter's pli iisuro "Its Hob. My Jiob!" uttered the ihil.l, delightedly. "Show Ii i 111 up," was the order. Hob paused upon the threshold of the luxuriously furiiisle d room, feel ing his dilapidate 1 condition for the first time, but Johnnie running eagerly toward his young friend, dro.v him for ward as the gentleman said kindly : "Come in, my lad, and tell us what you want." "It ain't tioihin', sir. only I see y.-r takin' Johnnie, an' I just followed t-. know what yer w as luinin' to do. '. ausc I told his moth, r af. re she .lid that I'd try an' keep an eye on the little un, as there w. -isn't nobody 1 1-e to tin 't. Hie was allots go-id to inc. sin was, an' a lady proper, too, if she didn't rig out line. Johnnie he can say grace an' prayers which sh-- . ached him, light up lo the liand'e, nil' he's pretty, loo, il l.e had livings like iih young un-, tin" if y.-r feel sorter like adoptin' him, why. I was (join' to say" here Hob puis. . I. then added ra'hcr Icri iedly ' I'v n- ih in' agin it. seeing as yer d , th'- sipiaio thing by the little un.'' CoavingK dtawin.; .'nhnnie toward her. the lady said 'Would you like to live with ine al ways, Johnnie." I J :&l?4 t' ' 1 1 , -';i-r..s?V'-M. r v- - ' r 1 :'.a1 mm 4 k mi 5 W "Oh, yes!" cried she little fellow, : clapping his hands ; then, interrogatively, a grave look gailu-ring in his pretty blue oyi s. "And Hob, tiio? ' A glain o passed betivien lm-baml and w ile, when the fonner n d h. aitdv : , "Suppose d.iliu, you keep the little I'l l low through the holiday, and, well, I'll look to the lad. How is it. my hoy: Would you like to wotk l-r nn :' "l ip-top, sir." was the icady icply. And so it came about tint these two waifsd'ob in a neat suit, lint h s kilt I benefactor ha-l managed s,.i..-how to pro cure, ami Johnnie in a Ir.tn- frock, long treasured by a mother's constant love sat down to a Christmas dinner that was a series of astonishing deligh's, to these small folk-. Tears had dimmed thot yes of gentle ".Mrs. Santy t laws," as sh,. ehuhd lie' 1 tiny waif in garments th.i once belonged 1 to her little son, her one ye.v lamb. Yet ; somehow the touch ot Johnnie's baby j fingers carried comfoit to her lonely j heart and eased the regret that had long j dwelt there. That evening as the rescued waif -tond ciiioying tin bl i, ing logs and .(iiaint andirons of l In old fashion. 1 fireplace, Dob suddenly exclaimed "lieu we've been bavin' no end of shindv, an' yer ain't said- grace. .1 11-t I yer lire ahead now, an' an' I'll shove in ' prayer, an' don't forget tny old lady, ! cause she st ilted us in on our lie k to- I 11 neeling, the iluld, clasping his hands, obediently n peited "For what us 'bout to 'coive, I.ord he thankful. Cod b!. ss Santy ( law s, Mrs. Santy Claws, the old la ly an' Hob an' me, and plea-o let in live h re, amen." "Amen! An' don't yer fergit it, lit tie 'un," subjoined Hob, giavoiv. As the ch id knelt, the tirelighl e iress ing his golden lo ks, husband ami wile ' stole softly in and listened to the prayer of his baby lips, till, -lined to lis ery depths xvas the mother's love of th s g.-n tic woman's heart, and so, o asping her helpmate's hand, she murmured 1,141 rly : '. 'ur children, husband." 'So be it, xxife," was the earnest answer, a , reverently I owing his -head, he added: '-Anil ..'oil's gift.' Holly' firs) Until. Cliristiiins iii Many ( liin.s. In lielatid and in St ot land, as well as in the inosi ,,f ih,- Hrltish pr-nin.is. the Christinas (ii-loins arc veiy imu li the si.ine is in Kngland, varied . liioly le. local custoins ami 1 olorcd by the history and habits of the coplc. The midnight ina-s in Ireland, i.ttetukd by a torch light procession, is very impressive. I ;. til ing and open-air games amuse the peasantry on Christinas May. In the Scot, h h ghl inds the dav is devoid to fi ii-ting and drinking, ball-play ing 11ml open-air games. m Mi 1 ' ' .4&h .-s. "Ins.. or 1 1 in ' l ite Am. ii. in M. in 1 III M w. -avs the Two 't pul'li, s. "et lelitat. . hris:uia . ith a tie,., the Mei:n!i. wi'h a pnata lliery night tdi the twenty 1'i.iiitli i:u lusie, the pm ala is broken. It i a large onkeu vi s-t 1, ga, ly de, oial. d and t iled with tooth son-.e diilees 01 can-lies, hung fiom the le ling in tie-1 1 nlei ol tin- 10,1111. The 1 hildteii nr.' bliudf .,i-d and aimed with stick- to break the jug. Many aio the ell. .it- ma le by the laughing, rollicking, loyoiis young volunteers to make theai seivc-s ma-teis ,.f the situa'ioM. wliteh they liitally accomplish wh.-u some mem ber of the bliinlfol.it . I brigade with a lucky blow shatter :he pinata The rr.isli of sjilinti ri d. sf atti re, I c ockcry, the rattle of I .11 b-ms and the 1 audits on the lloor.i. tie- si.;nnl f, ,1 lie wn lu ll ing ut of tie-111 mk, an 1 the 1 lid, lieu throw theuiseh.s upoti th" sweets, knowing that '1-'hidings is hivings'" I'l'.-sonis ice then pied urouiid, aiimng tie m China ba-k. ts, figures and silk and satin boyes w it h cand it's. Mailt ing then comineiices and lasts until morning'. In llodaiid the pation saint of Christ inas is I 'fit Nickel i!-:iint Nicholas dre-sol ju fur, ; he is also called Santa Klaus. He is lfsf rihi-d as a round. jolly fellow, w th a rd fa-e and merry, twinkling eyes and while b, aid, who with re ii'li'i r and sledge drives upon the house to s and come down the chimney willt pie-, tits for the children, w ho ai, taught by their parents to plare tie- I shoes and sto kings on th" hear'll, w In re he w iii lil! them I t foie inotning if ibi' t hihlron ha e b en good. It Austria, l'..-hein;a, Hungary and I ' ' i : 1 -. I the day In fore ( hri-t'iias is eli sor, cl si rally as 11 religious fast. No meal is eaten, bill toward e. oiling, when the ti'st star appears, the tables aie li 'hid and the great ban, plot is spread, tin 1 nil pai'lakc w til appetites sharpen, d by the la-t. At 1.' o'clock guns are tired, drums are beaten about the streets, mid t veiy suit ,. noi-e is made until mass beg ns. 5 1 - Vimtit. f Aim feik i? -is s 1 m 0' i Ut - olil MM. I .'I; . II : I 1 M s. hri-lmt.s live wilh tie' pi. on- . ..unity folk in Suabia does not mean a mole ex change of pit seals and compliments, but a devoid thankfulness f u bles-ings 10 coi I'd during the year. The pom and tin ri. h are for the nonce made one, their ob, 11 t be n : to insi-t the few ol the r lellow towtispoople living in squalor an.l want. Muring the evening hours of the day pre. t iling tin Saviour's h uh ipiiel joy holds supreme sway in a g. odli poitioli of the thiilty villages of the oot:e No. ksr a'ley, and a good will to all is e.pn--ei upon the well fed fiu a - of young and old. I l.e large front room of every cottage, whose sci iipulousl y t lean tin ir is covered with shining sand, is .1. curatcd with em blems suitable to the high holiday. The broad sill by the tjuaint, old fash ioned, small paned window -upports a gay (hiisimas tree loaded down with good things to eat and embellished by ilocns of witi lan.lles, yxliosf bright light da !es the i-jo. 'I ho s.ii iro a-id hoaxy four trough in tho comer is cov ered with gifts for the 1 ttlo ones. The substantial i.akon table, which has done tint in the family for per banco a eon tuiy. is alino-t breaking down undtrthe weight of tooths line morsels. ClirNtiniis Ileaiioiiiv. "Mary," sni 1 an etoiu.mioal hu-baiitl. "I want to make you a( hristmas pro-i-nt this year, but I reid'y d . not km.w what to get. I guess I'll its1 pone it uiitit next year and then get something ni. c." "John, y. 111 said that hist y :if." "Keally now, d il I ' Well, tint p fo ea that I never forgot you." "Hut, John, you may be dead by xt year." "Why. tha'". tine an 1 ;f I -l-'ti't wn-te tny money on lit i -1 1 1 1 1 - p'. s y "n',1 be so mil. h btTler .'!'. I . .dly. ,.'ary. I'm glad to see you lo-k .it III lite', i tl -IH 'l U si nsibic liglr." I lirl-tlll.l ( llll.'kles. j The season of t hrisi uen ha- many ,1 I yuleogl-t. A ( liristri.n belle Tlie gill i!h til ling in her v..u e w ho will alw ly - b ee' in yyh.n anything is t-hd Why is it th it Chiistm 1 ,s .. ,. 1- I by t, II ta'e pi opl.-r I'. an .- t i .. y then lniM1 a iliiiuo io giie ibiii'js iw iv. It is not tin- e p, ti-i of .1 ( hti-tn : g ft that iieikes il pi u-. Il is ih heart and good f.cli-.g th-.! g-'- with :'. A ,b n!i r in t-.ys ao 1 i- "1 '. an I I It esc" us a Chrislin 1-g mi.'. Tao ' !::-' mas gone profit red Ly 1:1 ' " ' ; ! ; s the tuikiy I very one lamt h 1 u.,; c I : ii 1! when a man fetches home 1 nn-t::: .-pii-st-ii! for h will- it i- 11 u.diy so jai: i that he 1 -itinol 1 oiu-.-d it. whil. on :h other hiinl lb-' wile's t . hi l' : io 1 bus hand i- n eiliy hid h n ::i 1 -le t he ., in .rhelgl.ee. 'lav. ho I., .lay ' Ih ' - i - ' , .ui . I lie pres. 11" s 0 'V tl, . tai - 1 11 1 lo.t..' n, .1 1 'hri.tni I - n - a I I 'out. 111 Ii- .th th-. ' ( i 11-: n. a. 1 . ' A I lll isl ma 11m S-t eiiad '. fvmf m Kiis.i.m Clirisliu.is Spur!.. All of the racing i- don 1 ti. i, , 'llieie aie many hoi-. - with r--.'ids whith would do en dit to the Amor'e 111 turf whi. h w.ti) never giv-11 an oj.;i.-r-tun ty for speed 011 n din . ,: . I hoy have run on ice an-1 lliricigli tie ptitu i;-a! streets of the city ami . ail b- so :i in li,,' races w ith. nit inconvenient c. The m-iiii streets are vcrita'.'o lace i ui-e- during th winter months tiiere (.n g i laws 10 pteient horse, no Tig atiywh. re. l!n driveis simply assiiuiitig the tespons; bility of .Linger. All tneti of so. al slam'-ng ..wn fa-t horse-, ami otiCht i-:-in is day they dine tln nn foe -c, t;o ii brdbalit The -leigln -ire beaut il ui. anl nr.-.li iven by women a- well a- 111 a. Often three, to. 11 and I'lM-li'i-o -i'i.!, ire in tin rices, and the d it eg 1 1.'. ed i- witnessed mux here else. In some ot the ha at'- a' the i hiin li- s and winter gat . I. u - ! 1,' g 1 's - ho ate In .lest of hu-baiids go 10 1 ni. 1 th 1 petition of wife hunter-. Tiny u:e dresseil ino-t In illiani ly. a ., I t In-y - ir- men who aie in tear h . f w ivo . ae lie. . nipaiiie l by tin ir t it!;.- -. M.-ic in-t.-ie-t centres i-i the gi-!-- :in. tlei co-iiniies than the ha nil Win-ii a young man sees a gill be I ke- I." makes a mcmoraiulum, ami the next d.iv Ins negotiator visits her mother or guardian nm I negotiations b.-jin. : may b- ml till a match n in-uh that lie- two see each other l.uc to face. 'I he holidays aie not alone ci h biated by the chit r pels.,;,,. 1 1,. , hi iiii n h ue theii sport-. As soon as they app. .1. 011 the streets in the morning Ih. v hi gin t" ' p. Il each other with 1 00, I 1 .1:1- Im ''i- and il sei 1 cl tin ts It ,- a kit I ,.i a flee tn-at. in v. I, t h th, j- m 11' - I . i ntly indulge an i make up w ha' t ike. ' t he .. ill ol lit I- t to 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 : 1. .. I'l 0 cliihiien foi ,1 in gi.oii-- ., .1 o. . . ll through tin stu i -s 10 , in. in h.. 11 . ',. hoil-e, sillg.llg cal I-. a-'d aie g:..'li sweets yxhenver tiny go I I,. v a e a 11 ipl'V lot. even though they li 1 . n 1' ihu a lxantages ol scho il ami tiaiinn. the while children of many other . oiintries rii '. v. ''., .',' hi , '1 ....... Happy New ear. r.ruig moa ros-. ami hi 1111; 1110 a 1 111- ti.l I fine m a l.tll, - pi 11 ui 1 alo-my ih'.-u 10 'I'll,' old Vi ill 's out H lilttio lli.'.l ' ..'ll . In. Anil wo niiist lia-o -"in. iliun, to uiiiko us t hterv n li 11 -l.'l- Hoke up the (ir. lusher mul liiejier, l.iHht ni" the ciimlles, ami ilraw inothe em tain 1 il.l Jneky Frost may limit till he's lost, tint he never will llnil the way in, that's i m lain. mm Sin,- lo Mr. ('ii' ..f tl - ill ii.-o wake ni" a s-'inj I: -ii'itiml. s:,., -o t nn.l l..w: I. 1 11. I --1 1 - r lniisie S..1111 i nlong, .ii I in.: e-i h 1;..'.' -tii 11 wall of woo. 1 1 111 aiol bear, . !,-'- - la-t leal', 1 iii' of t h- n t'i.- a by inn, i .;;., in shi.lvws soft an- t 1 . ' I! .. : Iin- ..f your heart - A t :. i.s-ii! I s l.g .il - slooplll.:; then '...l,. oi 11 -!,. tie . l-il-l of art' 'i 11 f 1 Ii i' ' 01 a I ist .lo-p-iir, I'lk an I I w, A eh ml . : w.H., I f Hi- il- - 1 , i y l a . 1 . 1 I - - :i ..ii . , ti ,1, i - a a ii.-. in. 1 'a' . 1 ih ! 1 i "k ii- s- i! i.l, iii a s ai.'. I. , i.'lv .tut I. at 1 .1 Uiy bri.-ht. I.' I It -I'" pa- a lone slur sWis-ps nloii ii -1, , .::. i; -i, .in- r til-- 1.1 lit. Vi h..-.. i,. th 0 - 1- ,b , ii' or -l.ti k or dim. Air! CM Hi s s ir , into lioa velily lu lu:'. ' i'alli. r llvan- 111 .noKoi'.s. A f '..ii'it'T--tatein.-'it: ' It "i.l w i-h.'' 'Iii' 1 11 iii-; of a 1 1 1:11 t n m to buy ll-.w t i mil.- iiiot:-y 'i.t ti sitaatier iti a 11 fit. A it: Uary pt ! ii -otivthi-i-. 1 0 x hir !' tin a: : '.' 111 : ti, li !. i- :; .1 man .- n - "a a i-:i:.a:;a skli h- I- thr-w ! ii ion I- owi resuurees. W:. a ..ll ai.' it It a fl in iinininjj ii'nii I iintii vt I-jo, nut gd thoro ' ':' j I. i 'ks ,,.-c not i-i' tyUiia ; tho homa ' li -1 n.'iti a a '.w.,ys inaiso tho bctt j l( !.!. . an I I : '.' -. i A 1 ..' a 1:1 in 'I 1 1 -f the lomiaatinf f ki i' lnclie -e iv:' ;vi nctlliliy ; !,", til 1 1- In and ke;,: A a -,r ;':, -," sal I M : -. MeC.Hii I -a", i - 1 1 : u . 1 1 0.11 ih: : 'iti- r; "I a apo.i- :liey ,ii-- w h it tiav .1 h 'Jti eat ,l!'.'' (;.,..,, A l-r M'-'. I l ink, rlif i Arey-'U -o il ',;,1. Ii 1 lilacr.' Ilili -i S.1.1 l; I., iv ti t:- I am with h-r lathot 1 am p.-tii', I. "A1', I -"'," -ii I -i'l e.pi .'.tiian, m-jet-iti- a on.'-h.'g.rj I iti 1:1 i : tin r. nil, "ymi h'.v-.- !i i I y. ut' 1 1 : it : 1 siwol oil j aa 1 r l.op i.i aiiou: m nao t) in ; bili'.iin -nl ol ati elect i 1 in t !'' 'I ho in - I,' .yal A a I vi y lixliibitioa j yy i.i !.:.x . h to pair of s ,et elms by a j prominent l!:;!ish lii.ti.iri I, ono ol ; xx Licit w ill ri'i'ti - 1 1 aeii'le pi iying; on ja hat p a-i 1 ih: olli-r of w:,i,!l xxill ! s'liT.v the s un ::;.!. .: I i 1' lnil'pi.17 Oil :l !.y. I! ; ;;:.! n cmvui-i 1 over th" ; i.'.i -a... 1 .01 a--, ,-! '.li- 1 ...ie,.;;'i III. I (ulTom. lent ol tile 'liliii-se Jac.llliU j O.;,. ol t U iiT-t 1 1 11. ia ; in i n.ie 1 lion 1 of a i ir-1 foot f un.l ia ll.e iiitlo Clli- in--- ji.atit, ulsti I. n a xv liter bird ii I its haunts an-l hal it' an-i yet i- not so 1:1 a j.peai ii: ie. l'.s f oil 1- b uti-.l Set 1 tin 1:1 i.-t part o t lie-' '.euvjs of tin aijuatie weds 'vliich ri-" above tho s-u: - lac.' of the xx.i'er, a-.d (onsi-ts of tha tiny ins, , 1 ;i;e a'wavs so atund-int ; tier,-. 'li.v of tli'-e a.t:-.tie plant:, j net ib. y tliolhy, 1 vyr the mii faco ol i tie xx.-itit with a rank 1 ut ui-t.ibl, .-rowti'. N . 0:1 or t" . of tiio leave-) i w. .,; I tT-.r I a -iiiin 1-".' r"sti" ; pliie-i I lor t '. .1 I il.l ; : u' .1 1 -l 1 i hut tin. I w.:!,i 0: a -ni.!i I ir-i iv r sev I'll ot 1 tiio 1. i;x M..1 i: c u .1 n aa h r ex ' th". I 11:1 I t.'.al ing s 1 : r : : r with p.-r.'ect satety. j '1 li t,.e- 1,: th : j .1 ,.i;.i .it , so li;propor j t:.-i.:.ti-!v elo:i--..t.. I t'.nit th' lesire I j 1 . n 1 1 1 j. 11 i. i,t tai :i ,1. anl it can pa-t I Mi'iirelv , vor a carpel of limiting xy.-eds xxlire a li-.'hler I. ml, l..t u::g the ol on gated to--, xn u'. l sink at one" i it O tho xv, t r. Tl.e juatia en lures til.' xvater j xxeli enough, hut It is o ; t he siirfaeo aud I inn ia ihe xv. .l-r t'ui' :i lia.ls its food. I When ."'armed, ll dive- at once into til! i ixul i a d sw i is s. in d i-t iieo beforn ! ciinin ; u;,. A -1 von then il does" not cm- ..,.;v I, th- -ill i.e.'. In' merely ihi 1: t ! !, n iii .-ut . f xx il , 1 unit! t! ,. 1 ... t: . ,1 . x I. an I -., bid lea , It I i ll, .:. . II It ll 1 et I p l-t. , , 1011- ! l"'e Am.. 1 ,i-t'i. Long I an ils Ac I'. 1 g'.i-;i in. w -; 111 1 -ix-.m lie fnl loxx I : .- ll .1 o! Lo 1 ; , , al ; f e Imp ! lial cm ill ol China n ov-r inn:) imlm Ina:'. In the year ol l'-s xx m inm. pit-led 1 ho etc 11 ub'i I ik i-ig of tlui kind 011 ill-'. I'.uropoati 1 -nit i'li'til, tha cii-il el l.iujuoloe, 11 tliuCt'iiil 1I11 Miii. 10 connect the At -u.tie with the Medil .-. 1 1 11 r v . It. length is I l uiilm, it h i- in ,10 than loo 1, i,s an 1 a bunt liliy ..jieimt, and It- hi ;h --t part n 1,0 I,--- than tli 10 loot iiluivu ih sen, whi e 1: is ei.vi-il-lo lor vu-, n-U of up. xxard of l'.l tons. Tie) largest ship cu nl ii Hump: is tho grout N nth H il , nl ca :n, coin plete I il ls.'.i It it I .'1 I cet wi lt at tho water -urfnii, 111 l.tt xvidu i,t tint bottom, and has a depth of ) feet, and extends from Anistt r lam 10 the Held, r, "il miles. Tie t i.c Ionian Car.nl, ia S laid, hal II ti t.il length of I'el mi cs, iaelti lin three li.k'-s. Tli" Sin Ciintil is Sst n,iGa long, of which mi 11 i'e. nr.. i dual canal. 'I'll - ll-i- Cm, I n :i"i.i I '2 miles Ion-; ill- Dili Ciiiii', Cleveland to 1' .1 tstc.euth, I'.:!'.'; tlui Mi .'-nan.! I! io, ('mil r mi in lol d . -J'.il . and ihi Wiiii-h aid F'f, Fv ,;. -villi, to tho Ui-' Uuo, iJil - llJjuyUlya Cilizau. j y - l ,.JU -lM-rz,, -.u-u::-,,, . ......,.,.. ij