I OK AK.1I AM) (iAKDEX. Slitltrr fur Stiu-lc. It ii now so coinmoii for farmers to provide stabling for thoir cattlo, es pecially for cows, that but fow who aro at all woll-to-tlo noloct it. ttill thoro ure somo who i von keep cows without any decent provision for them, tmJ will let thuin stand out ituil shiver iu culd btormj, and even o out to milk in the rtiin and snow without nny protcctun for themselves. That cu-( troatcd in that way will rnpi-lly shrink in their miikfjocs without .saying. Vlter n man can do no bitter, ho shou'.d put tip n f-traw sholtur of seme kind at once, which will serve a tfoo.1 p'.irposo until ho can build seme tit in;.; better and more permanent. My x u-rienca is that a porsou illicit ai well do without cattle it not to prottit them properly through tho winter. N . w York World. Mow In litti-y a Heck, How tunny iluv puintH luvo you broken, lirit nml hut, up, mi that f;tt atonef How iri my tiiU'jj hn it been criii-ero.sed by the hariow.' II w much injury his liacn done to your hordes by thj Mutch reeeiv.sl wh-ti they were brought t. a nM l';i -tut'l sttl.t Haw much les-t hn thejteld i f your cron bean oa ac.Kitnt of this ctinil?rer of the prottit 1 .' N n.v it at good a tune :h :ny, perhaps to di it out and cjhVMt i! int laura miitcri.i! or lury it. Ilain buried i: .: lare stone.", I ( Vi in that thj .lander in -curro I it .-ry s'.idtt if tha work it st tempted in the rijit. in t uier. I') not dij; under it at all. K-.-ap th c.- vi t ion ii bout i inch a (rout t'.i) nearest side tf tlie 'tut', Make it Ion-; eium,'.!, wi.lo enough and .In-p eiiuu rh to .- m taiu tint stone ni'.ii r,i in to -pare. When tho 1-oi" i du ; ?nt!i . 1 1 iy ;arc, than with lo .Indian l.e 1 t'io. cri I t! y remove the six-inch -IkI t' e;:r.h as low as tan can remit en-i'v w.thaiit tik int; any riik of Wia,- rii'lied. A plank laid aloiiL; tin Uirtlter e l:;o 1 the ho'.o maygivi ym -oma alvt t.io in di,-U'mg- Metdi; a narrow trench a'.on thn op;io-ita si la i f t'.ia at.iiio tr.mi the excavation. M ike thit trench i- ",e to the stone an I pnitly tin b-r it. Nuw jiour witt.r into the tret.ch, ami ke--p on pouring until thn :irt h ti t K ' , .. t h is softened into mill, ':en tha :c can ii-uil.y be .-lid without unch trouble into thj hole. A i'.'v.r t in I- tued to j;:va it a start. ,11, -t i t t'.;.:i v.itcr. r.i'lli'til- of t iu Kot.ili.in. Kvery ili-mi'i turnier know tint cattlo tail bo pa-t-ire I in a field n'U r hore, and u .iiii-i-l for a time where tin hornet wo t! I hive -t irv.d: und that sheep ui.l d well aftir tho cattle. A -tnii .ir prtneip'. upp'.i.'i to tho raiin; of th; virion t'.irui crop. Wheal in iy tltrtvj lam-ii ly o.: tin plant food leit ;.t r ; . . - -, i; !y r t:i crop; 0.t ts on tint leit i.y tho wlo-.t and corn; point,, - K: nhit was !.. t taken ly tlie th:e-' ji'i.'ha croji-. Hut tha r, .piircinenu : '. tut i:utrit:o-i aro not th- :dy reao . r.or the -tron-cst ones tli: cm lo iir.c I in f4vor o! n strict sy -tain of rr- j' r:nt:iin. The cine! ol ic.iion to piantii:: tho ..une crop jeir a tor yon:- in iu , t-v.o i i l isth.it the i-w i n! !!-. i, ;,:T.-ai!i' that crop ,,I!i, k; p ,; ,, h t. '.- i : :s v :ir withbir ao'l I re-. 1'r .it Ho; entir' -or, and the h o Mii .itv U -come over l.iked ;'h t',, ;-.oin and tho spur- of di. in pi tans i.'l U Hi that pitrtieu r i r ,. - . caltty of sin h eo:i f: . -a another near i y i i i -., if r I I'nrtinl prot-iti : in th: . .1 t . bllt and nt i. espei it were fur pro:, r .! t .'., t. i om crop subject to ins. ot -itto-t. n-.dli ca-es a location :.t tin1 .;r distance trmn ai.y ti . . wh.-r xvnt orowi th; year I - ore. st , In I fitch crop c.dihl I o iL.;t ut of In tnnn rotaiton for one o- mora years n'.t - jrcther, ono mi ht be nb'.- to .tarvo o it thein-icts and diH' i-is atTectia; i: f..ir Brma year-; at, 1 if I y c -v -orted ani:i cueli ii mea-iira en' I ! e s n lo t t i a whole ncuhborhoo I, t ti t ,-, ,i. 1 fa hione I b; and c'.ivm crops iv.i ;ht 1 -r u time be irow:i :i.:ai:. ,::, :;c.it A tricnlturist. Obi Hons. iook-makers 'is .v.-.. as t ier pep, Fometiuies tr.a.o i: i !..-. Th' v tc 1 il lieu . are ii j : i ti ! I . r e-j. and breedini; u-jiosj . niter tl.rco y. ir.n' nc;e. I so, is it n.'t du to t!i ;n-n,:-taiy prai net i f br.-. 1 r .' V -1 i 1 iy we pas o I by a h : w - a ;a w w.-ra ltiformod w is fi uri eo,. year !. Th .lav Leforo we eneou . t rc i .e witose owi. ir informed us that th -ihvery obi -ho lays tlie e.--s and hatch-1 and tc.rs four brooil o! i liii ken-a::i.;i: 'ly if . i u ; " ted. .i .' was -t'tii,' on h -r thir-J '.-clti'ir" cf thi y.'.nr .i few dnyt r.o, when "iirokisi up" by tiie mi-tros-.. Whenever not allow I t it, sh,.. com inere s noain in a few .1 y- to !y hi t eoo. And yonder there i -1:11 nt.o'.b. ? ben that wttaedii !-i It: n.ab jacent p: m a heun I hi ; been ti.ti . .1 to borrow and carry h -me from a: y ji'aee around when ho ccsMdo so w.iti out pi ril to 1. nil el'. Il h tl uu.t v ,1 every vestt.'.e of poultry - v.' tho Mii I ol I i.en Uj.o:. whoso par-on he wis attempt ing to ex -cute a levy, ... more properly to U v i :: ti exet it: i in, wli n tha oppor tune arrival of til) owrer arrest , tho inister piirpOsi- of caul permanently, and rescit.t i Iain t Tartlet from a sad fate to Iivj a 1 i L it career. Ilein -so'c (urvtver a yd tti.cu'el .rw:i with a 1 v ing coiiipiini i:', she h is at tempto I inia mltro success to ay tlie debt : . r ti tade to th owner i y uini hinj; hlui to this day with tha in rry linn I c I o. 31 and t hicens consume I on hi tu lle, bho still Uyt and rears annually hor throo broods of chick, beside tho cgis flho is not allowed to brood. O to remarkabla clutch cousi.ted of 11110 nlono a dozen part of whioh wvro xehuntfoJ nt tho rate of ono for two females to help tho old htm to mpp!y tho heavy demand on her ennr-ie- :i:i I industry. Old bans proper')' trttato I aro profitable in spi.e of bookj and wiseacres. N w Ynr.t Witness. M ItieatltiK a Colt. Ho!;int!it education of a colt Ly hi idle hnndli'i;;, lir-t on on; sid and then on the otiter. 1'ut him about in ditTcront directions, lorw r I, bncK nrd, j to ihe left und ri,'ht, aid ;;et him t 1 yield to th : bit in each of these direc- tio.v. Thi. should be done both in the : stable and y ir I, and m usintj th) r. ins for this purpose tho traitor ex ! eroise a -t-a iy, tirnt pressure on the l it until tha eoit yield-, when the pros j sure shell! I bo loiueve I at once, in : orler for hint to uidentand that he lilt ob'-d. U lion the c lt's h.otd can bo handle I in ev, ry com--iv able liireeti .a a :dth) ' ir,ii-c!ct of hit neck lira supple and con trolled, than Imndi.) th t forward foot, th "t the I. dv, nr.d ti iish with tha In t I f -i t and tall. Whan luridlm- tho nil's feet toae'n him not only t ..llo-.v you to pii-k th"in u an I r ib and r t.t i on them w i h a hammer, but to hoi I them u:t until yon it ready lo let th-m ;;. lake the I di in your lift I carof illy and mi-; it noli up over his bu i, rt'i'-a'.in,' thi. till ho iti,k', n . bj -ction. Take a polo all ut thr -: of a -lo t stake, pole him al ov r lit bo ly, and pr,' in I t w en hi lo.; until ii ; show . no feir :' it. Tja.'h hunt' m I anil allow a harness to lo to-o I i ii t a id al. an in: hi n. lluill- i::!i:T 'lit', robes, pa or, etc., about his head an 1 body until lie 1 utter. v i . -iT r :;t to them all. I. ad and back him it'.! ' an I over an ol 1 pair of -balls rep aite lie, ai'd w!. n h ; is -t iitdi i a; in 'h m r .i-e them up in I ru'- !i- le.'S " ;th ti: "it. and tin il'y brin tho . ri-.lvir u,'.i.:i t his 1 ;;. ii cliii, -e.,liy it t r t, an 1 tl.ei uiiire forcibly, i .li. h cue t: !.. t lor it. Alt ih-s- ti ; ; -! I be lone t ith' colt b -:e:o h ; i h irnL s I al a!'. A c. It -!. .t:l !. ti.r .-I ;h a -a la of rei.a'.'ij le. h -t-re ha ! 1 it I od to a -1 . W ..; t i in.' hi ' h ' whip cn.-ht to b- it - !, ift i v t moi-.oa t 1: in be ', tit f.'.i a view to .-.In- itin ; ii.itl ! 1 . "c ..- hi. -p'' I wh" '. it . n; p'l I and ttr: ; :.: : lilt. lei o :tr ! :', ! r no li-r.o i - .: t ! r v h w i I " to tile (r-'-.t" w 1 n !.;.. I .-: I . ':.;. 1 : -tri v i.. a li, - .!.; ,t w !., p .1 w . i -,,. o Ihh . I 'I.. b.-i.. ! .-: ..: ! it i... i.- l-s.i- ti c 1: I wli.it. ' 1 1 i I b- :.:.j . '. t b . l.o 1 : n . .1 r 1 I -tai . ! about ar I.;' y, nil -v a he can t .Ir.v.o, an I b.cked all a tha pi icm' 1. t im i mi ;!i tr : ! l.l-i:- it I : tl. to i !, w : re ! a :' 1 ii'o" e dan'-r .;' a mtdiip, i . 1 wh ro control e, ii, I l.o? .o r -.n li y b . o,.' i;.o 1 '. on In .1 1 cenr. I ". or It to "n ,vw :- " a i o t .pit, kly and make a ::;c r. ni'T h . h : I i r. i".- 1 a'- ",t f r mi o-. -i I ! a th. r, d: .vert tl.r i li -ha b"V ::t. li , up ,i at'.' I I" of !, :, e. and . ti' . a : n ' tii" r M i !'--.a I r t l 1 Ir -ipi-n! y, ! o : 1, 1 1 1-' iiii I : o.t.'ti 1 . tlir 1- !, an I ' a i ; l.t t p to ; in- or. li-r t 1 tii' 1 ii! r ! ! : win ::. it:-; or i v.Tt i:n; tl.- t-i I ii : --be. l-.ti-in ami ..irleti te. I - ' -' ; - ' -upply of :-l it.t fo i I. The htinibb.' i-.".v i I iei n receive th'i iitk'titio l It in ri'-. r-n'.'p lire often iu uro 1 1 y rcnrfi-; ihro'i-h ml', wet -r is . A riii-h bark on trees invites botors; smooth b ir. r- e'n th ati. Swe Iish turnip, p r-n'p a;: I carrots aro alexco.leiit 1 or t at t-.'.in - h ;. Tha p, ie!ie, tree re d n. t be in n i I'lt-tnre lot ii.ir iiroiu: I tho dwe'iii i ho i-e to l.o a sourc of .1 m.vr. I there : the I 'a: posil la eli tr.r ot h r-e., c w-, she'pur ctl.er a'liri.als -:i.'i'.; .aboil! them, or o! chi. I ren play. a; 1 1. er', tita c.tutioi shoii ,1 bo ob-oive 1 1'i.o.n well ami Inrtndeep holes lor the iirp.. e of mtkino them servo is ani'ltli! b r -urfaca didi'iaor wi.l r ire v :: vo -.i'-ii-. til it ale, a -iibt-r-ri i a . -t : e a . t t oieha I, or tho earth b ,ow n . r .Italy dry and o:oil-. , S .n.e'.im s a i hv-tii or i pan spaces be iween rocks ate penetrate 1 nnd becom avitiabio far the reception of surfaci tiioit ur". Art's Vesti-es in (eiitrnl t hi nil A n:iio:i ary w ho -ettl.-il in ih.i I', v incii ol I l.tian. Central China, an i v. sited ihe -r. :.t I! i bliii.t pionk, M .iii-,'. t Intel, de-ciie I tit; temple ::s strl -hiwin,' many won leriul works of nri, n twfhst in ii i on iln-ratiji;-, d"V i t lira; w.i-1 and rebel ion. Near tii I' .ot t f ih- :i.oii ntatn is i ;taa;od a bioii'.-, thirty feet hleh, in lilt-en t -ii.-, c v re. I with an immense nil t -iter of tioures delit tiely cast. O. lie ro;' llu.ilhi th ro are no less tha n ! Tin). t u e of which liavo been iiiutib I by collectors 'f rjl'ic. I An Invaluable Itiid. j O tl in:t .oiaan Want is tha ptico o; I that parrot. Ilird tlealcr I wouldn't loll that bird or li v a or m in. y. d oentlt m in lie must bo very pio lici nt ia conver-ution to inaku him so v III .Id". i Ibid l?a'.er O i th contrary, fir, b- i . duuiu. FATliR T LASSOOLNG. A WtStcrn CowbOV LasSOO a Hit? Brown Bear. By n Dcxtcrou-l Toss Ho Chekub Bruin to DcMtli. , , ,; i ... t ... . A real many -tone hiv- b en ooin i i t ..... i ... r : io renin Is ot cowboys la-soot ii;aj I'O.irs, w oi.d T u'. rep! i-a; teat--, ma iy ol th -m ptirelv too in i: velioif. an I mm. i a o o-tii:-'. A siu! in 't ol th-se c w - oys who Inva mile .u. f 1 cists ot ha no is: have foil tl in u v iy lew tiiin. iles and it.tieli t th l.' -it- tl y llttt they hid tl o i ear ju.t where th"y h : : t watt him. i:i I -o th y Itsvj b e:i ola.l . noil ;h lo diop :h ri itn or ro,o nod t .in er aw '.. I! a - is a tru -'cry, :ne l.o '.- ol win -It tire ti-t yet a uiontu ! I: A i't'-v mil-- r. : th .'I I'oit l i xa, r.enr the p in-1. i:. l.e t. tii!i, and , on the pr i.i ie i i ; to i . r : o ! t li I! d II v r, '.. the lo-p lou, o.tt o r unit an I i l.':,-r o! th M . i : 1 ' oys. I'i.ere :t:o a :-r ,t :ninv :1c , tat je.i l;;i.o .in this r .!::', 'in I I e.i I -n. p. y i io th- Chit t a '. I '-'. I. um in ir-.. ts with beef, th Mil. I- n b-y- mi b- tho i:-iv.!V ':'.'. lei lie- tliil t'iv hi I . ve ir.v '' nr lo.- i i th -h ,p ot a I I ; a o w n n n' . wh r i' i -' I i ir 1 1 t - n ..j.! niriii tbiv fo- l 'i:it, linn-r and -nop r. This bear nn., til..ct, at j .11 c.i-tom r. II H i 1 !", :: known ! r : . art ! all t!ir iinnt"!- in tli-'C-uitiy j il i I : b i'i:, an I !i t 1 . r : - I nil :.t- : i::pt ti kt I '..im He h i I hit- 1 ;-.:e I up : I . 1. w : ike ! .'. itfa'tl. ' :o,-.e,l i.t traj s, :;-..l 'iiv I :, liM ' o.o at p i. m-l mo.it. li -..-it, I." ; ta-u;ll .bl-!'.int prebiiel t i.i! i.i-own be. f vet. or in-it t . it th-s . -ise ti i ;ht I"', rnlh -r th i i hav it -al:- ! -d for li.iii ly th-. tia iv.i.in iti ; tit-. In! I r p trt o ' r- t in 1 1 I 1 Car r.t- w iv, an exi"i 1 'lice I r-: ; an t o t the bc-l caw :ne:t on the p. lit, t'.anci- I 'o be out im tl.e ran-" hor-e hit. .tin..-, w ii.-ii h - aw ,i bi ; ir.wi . it'll Ml I lenlv ;u:rp tr.m out tha ohipirri!, i.-'. e a y.ar.iti; h if ar t v r with I.:. aw, i: i', I b. tore the mtt-'r Ceil I le i . r th - no", ha 1 ilia.:,- -! hi- prey . t . bii-n an I i -i: -it siah'. ii i 1 c ;.'. I scar, .ly believe hi eye;, il i- ,..::, and h i I l o w:i on of itlir.tl n-e or .1 'leriso ,:,v -in- iru-i "i I an t . r; it i a -tnal. iiici.el-l.ti I l.-.r-' w i- a 1 i : 1 r.nvn Ic-nr at hi el bow. '. it -h. u I h do? Ih Ii.:i:.i :- was il- .u'v, in !.!-mo rre I, t'.-'v, artier, j -.d full of pl'.ieii, .ii;.i be-i l-s all ibis ; , :: j !,:, i. : b r his matcf's control . j , t I I . a . li 'ii I an 1 l .nr: I the chap irrn! rde j I-.,, c wo, y, l.i i rope r-idy In hi- hand j !:,! io. ::o! ! , -i j I'.rtri a toss if I ho i ..; !.' .1 ,.:.p.r.i:-iitv ftT're.l. At ia-t ! ::. - nr-.iin :1 h 1 !.-. ein-r,--.'! from tho j ver. M i s'omr hid ha shown his :.. a I tha : w ';. I ti.r.iti ,h the air spun luai- tiicl"' that S"ttb I , iu;lv .low: .ver ih" car's l.e but th: animal 1 1- i n-.-.v -.;.' I tho now; with I hi ; aw an! very p- 1:1 iy ti.r -w it otl. i'r.en th. i e ar t ;: -.e I till, a". I be.m to rut i ver the pra rie. W-rit achtrici r a c.-w "v wt.. c ubl, while poin !:il. -a. .op, etch an I throw a lrn.i. I ; ! - i a e t-ily a lie c"il I a c it. 11,1 .p-i i t I lopct h il a i-h.iic of thr-ot , ti'liT : i Cilc'i i.y any Iv' or mail -1; ; 1.- . v r tii h i I. I : any ca-e a - ir t i:,i -l- w i m -tora for tho - a:. Th ::; i-t m st ,rt I -in ;r t!m . ,i"", :r I or I'.'.v! ue l!n i 1'irraw.tf w a ::.,!,! ri it i r- oly . , r ti i al i i-t. i i e , t " it' ', I lit if: h r t ir tied !:. o .'." ;.; Mr; .. r - I -i I lit h a I, !h.i aw ,y :! went .-inni'l.; !ii' 1 1 , 1 1 lli'.' a : i" n . t : I a a i 'i e 1 o : .... i:, ,rk. I'I. ' i - .1 t i spttv . Wt 1. on., -h i nap I hi I : k" t t l.o . ri 1 tr ::i t.i. i.'-'l a t 1 -ft! ..i n r 1 1--, : . vr an I ii-." in th I i ' II . a'el lies bra'..: the - in. a h won'. I i.in l'e !.." tl rc-t nn 1 r:;ot uiru.y al w a ,' - k - o n; !'," -! ,:i 1 til,!, - i t h -. t tho li .- n.i- :i ,r'. c..i,..'l '-a id hint before tile C W V ! 1 U1- li it" I. I !i.- :-..-i : i . -a i re i on- . '.. for -:,-:it ili'.il o! th . : c 1. , . r h 1. I en tninc 1 a .i t . i '.'. f tiy w-.at t.. d ' ;: 1 r -!. . . r - 'i - t , , . Wi- il a w r i to hi- I . i.ioh :r.' a it to ;t w v- i.i . t i: it t i : Ir . t i.e t i'W boy .nn i ; ; : !. !. .1, w it i i.r; -:,.s .i p 1 1 ii it :, I..- r i-l. i la an t !. cee le I in i i't i . b. be u' - ti.r i at w .t h hi ..!.'.. I , i, i III ' ,-ii'c ! 1 1 v it! i i - '. i :.M, an I l.i we I i.t -v i .'.'.'. c i iei I 7'" I uirl-. N ". . I . -. A nn) M u-. i.tii-. 1 1 i a -I ; n b : i i i I .-on ! of the re-u-1 ir arn.y roil .l inr station in N'-w V -K, (f ry lay i , i. y ar ei-i l e s. c -tin v.-or!-. -Mil. r.ns Wa-ted.'' t arii't, lif.-r-, an I -i.ato .'.rummer t nra ii.iii)i in lenvi:. I, i.ecnu -o sklii el UiU-it it".- r in tin I mora lucrative cm j l..y uie..t u'.-i 1 1 of the army, an 1 c m ,i .pi r.tly tii",-. In not eiii-t. Th" pay ot an : ru:y u.;i.,cii'i i, f.' p-r month, a I I.- il i-t lie! i -il I. i.i da iotweoi a I run Sjr of the '.'lis-.li mi in I a -k.lfnl clnti ft i-t. Av.otli r bt rrmt,' iiitlii nco ! the fact tii.ti army inu-li inm ara nol allowed t) pi a; outside of camp or barrack ai l th i earn nn extra hone t dollar, I'l' Viou . to t wo ye in ao tho I t vi-1 . I lir.d innd lurni.li"d mu-ic tin. i'i th - - in nt-r lor til n 1-land, I nt tiio army Hi t ils cut oil thn souro of revenue. Comet players are n plcnti (ul a sparrows in thn park and app'.ic tiois nr.) rec'ivol every day for posi. Hons. The clarinet pl .yor's placa iu the band i tha hard, t to li 1. A ; riii m -l :u t only Iwoaty-fivo v "in old is the lino! cuiio in Hancock, Jud. ' v'A, AX, tlKI0Uii i I Pet tloajs weariu soalskiti blankets nre irmong tho aiKhls on HroaJway.New ! '' I An eastern woman to snro gas partly c'os the burners in lvjr boarders' rooms 1 with asbeto. A walking-stick, tho crutch-handlo j of which it nn eni -tr'.imp t is tho latost , t conveuieaco for deaf moil. i . s I ! J tck I'.rown, a locomotive engineer I o:l the Michigan Central roa I, i tho j living iutio.i of th-htto i Jtterill Shi i- . dan. j The la-oot pnn;o ever f on l i it iHt- ' ph.yo I in it N w York d 'a'er's willow, j Iti.il'ht feet i.t ctrt uiiiferer.c ) nil I thr o in diameter. It is Vilu:d at n , 1 r i.i n mm- 'or An.t I iraiis is y ,, L,. ;,tc iii'nus a dweller of th- n w world. Tho tir.t word s p .. I vtry much lis . Yank c in pro- r.it: c: ..! i :. i h- li-art of tl:- poet Shellev it se - ii a i i i te-er v -.!..:, "t ; oth-r .rt cioui , i ; c f tii po t i : 'li li aise of bit ,:-, : I'iicv Si 1 , it lb sc am by I inai i, I'. u ' .;. in rli. Hi r land. j A In. i i M . i ,-iwy.T, who it no- i I,, i I n l.i. -nt i. ir.de lite, went up ; i ti ow l .t .lr. th) other day, nnd sen- : i: an 'tic on hi do. r. 'I'.tckat 2 o c.oek it ! mi to wait for himself, j Tn i pt.-t. lli at llineack. Ml., n- j y a d i-l ru 1 1 u which ts . 1 IT rent ; roiu a y 1 1 h r in tho cttin'ry. It hits l . xr-nters tiotn three tlltT ie rt states, We t if.'itiia, Maryiautl and 1'eunsyl- t i. Tinl.x co. lectors receipts of tho t li-vi tints war" inset i'-ed on r. ;;. ,,,T1.. oi troeherv. mie of m, lri,utl:' I'c t. -It Ml.iiiu coll-C- tio:i, haf.- !-!! ti.n-.nted, nnd show ti, K;ypt utidcr tha early f l , A ; : i liali r ' club t rani I in Hen- , t 't.v... -, Ar..., i to i npos-i a heavy lino . ,ai o . io i r ti -. -r-it r i-1 at tin end of j i-.a, . .t-i t : :; - those who can oive . aait-l-.et : .' viience that th-y lt.ivj I pioposal an-i l ei n r.-j c'.ed three time I ih.: i i- the y ::.r. ! There his u t been l tmled lit S m l"rai:ei-co a tr. ak worth luentioa. in j shape of a liic. ii-.aro from Ail-tra'.ia that is i:!'."il.' and a'o.ol utely without I l...i". iv.-ii wl. ro man" nn I tali t u-ht t.i la .. i titer ti -recti she. is a Ot ti ,111:1.- r i. .-. hoo'.in ; it M i i!.ni'.in While l-bm I. Cnali. 1. i-l ilt-.-y discv- j end a cave b..; -t iunian ro: c. that :r, -' her t li. i . t i i l .-h r.ve I t.i . o t hose "f Irlnn-, tl. u;lt h nt, why an I wheiC- th:;. tame th.-r- is o:o ol thuo j t!.i:is wl-.trco:t hir.oty and tradition i.re alike -licit. j Ilia ,,-mi!1., w ho s amct im s uct h ild of fraction hois-wi'i nppiceiatj tha .leviee of a Sidney, iiii, nun. 'Ilu ia vent ion is a hor-e.hu -i - inc., and const-ts of apt:', r-a liy ad i.tttahlo to th bio of any a-.in'.al, anl in which a hor-e c in bo secur-.y fa-to o.-d, th" rack j bt ina; mad" so that it c in ba readily j t ak -n tlowa und i.i v -d nit of th ; way. j It i -titled up . i Th rity that th-ro t a -el of fal. ii ta'!':i at th- I . t : otu of r.ear'v every well : i N w llnla.d a I peo '." nro p.-ono ! ., 'o tit m wlillo drawn,' water at ttiat tii'V nr.' Ire-.p.t-nty ftii'td by t fa- lii;ert imlel ,1" 1 m tit! - in I r .t .. r -ht-tly mem .r i l - of th" l.iMtiu i ; a':t- and that trainmen of tan tlti 1 the in he-id- the railway where the, i i v dropped from the moiitlu o( oiill-uoiii pttsson a;er. Tha -i it ; in - o:t n -hort time nt;! of the f tt ' xprosses lo'woon 11 1 lnbiir-h ai, I borlonltis rt v.v I nn in "ie of th - el I iuh t' i'nnt a to Htt-li-h rail rot lm,' !orty y. nr u."', and one of tiie-'' nlh:a,es that h cm remember when tin train tor II iiubur,'h wai start "d i v a b.iio i btyii,- ''I'd bo a I! itteri'.y. ' Th a pi-e i-cr car were i.s much lise sta:;" naiit"- r. j s -i : '.o ; tlm i i - a; i a; r wn 'aire'! pile 1 on top, nn I the eunrJs sat like ilrivers on t p- iilil-l.lte 1 lhes l! wii. be ti -urpri-iu ; fact to many read rs to le im that cold waters ai. ;:1 more it li e thin do warm wt'er . The i tool of li Trin-s about tl.e i.a-ts of .Tapin greatly exceed thoo of II inland, th ot ;!i th .! ap mee water! are the colder by at least JO do-jree?. An i l"a of 1 1, i r mimb rs may be h id i r in Cap!, II. C. S'. John's Notes i.ii ! r-,.'ti!i -. ' I . M iy ir: I .tu in this li.ii appears in inert ' 1 1 ole n 'i ni li -r . The strut, bay anl .ie k, : re alive with herri !. T ti y .ii in -ii h riiiinbeis thit thtnj in .ir.-st the I-t .tii aro pushed out of the Wiit -r, .vol th shore tor mi e is thus 1.. pt en tint y repioni had with fresh !ih; c u liumlier of sea-oiills, evtle-, cro.vi, besidrs toxe, wolvos and l.enrt lin l an ever realy meal, and th" way the s.-auiU jut picked tho til.it from t h -back of tha neck, ami l. ft ihe rem tinder of tho li lt, showed how well tlry knew tiio supply was t n.! int. The ,f i,:ne.j simply nn a net -trarlit out from the shore, ln or 'I'M iirU.'.o:i4 a line of stake. At th t r d of t!i" nt t i a 1 a , into which tin ti-h, on -triAii the net and working nlori:; it, -o oi ti ul their way. When r ipiire I, thi li-ln r.nen only have to L'f ' ll, h li th' ha;; up, and op 1. tho o-.d .it the li h lull int.) tii ir boat. Tin. -peel of hern i a; ii b th larrer nr.. I roatsi r tit in our own. Tiio tem pera! tiro oi ih) witter i i which th y ap pear to tbitiri h to such an extrnordi nary extent averages tlti decree, win re n that in which cur own fl-h is loiin.l i verno-s 5-t ilaoreos lo 53 de-treo. Aino Aericiiltiirp. Tho Hritish I'oiisul nt HtiUndndo Ktatt'.s that tho Aiiitis wlic ttif a ro iiiitikaldo tribe if sitiiill, liuiiy o ii'lo, originally Initio by hunt iuo ntnl Itsh-injr- lmvo lit'i ii in fjrent -s( rait.-t jsiiumi tho tifi'iipiitiim of thoir littbittir Krotiudr I iy tin .liipanoso in iMi'.t. Siiieo Iss'J I'il'orts havf been ntittli to relievo their diHtress und b touch tliciti f:i rn i tif, nnd in lsii abtiiit m: noiv-i woro culti viitctl by them. In their cliiof btimo in the Island of Yost-o, the A in s are cHti luuted to iitltul'cr 1 . individuals, with .'t.tiiHt hoiist'i. They nro suppostttl to bo jrr.tilitttlly-tlisappt ai iiii;. .IrKnn ..( l'inilti: l'liiNcF. At lU Kf it-'l'nlt is extremely lliiglish in all his t.tsto.s, ways and talk, and objects lo talkinn in nny for i'it;ii laiitMinwo when it i.s not iibmiluto Iv iieivssarv. A i.im.K iritl beinti nskod to tlelino n xolcaiin. tin wird: "It's n nioiintain that throws up lire, Flnolio. mid liver." F.rnpilnu ofihr sfcln C'urnl. Hkoi h vil l i:, i in r i: to. I ' s ns, I 1 it i -mix i '!. I-S'i. I I li.-i e ll-eH I'll WlUltTH's Int s r..r tilt -pa-t f li. . : i-.ii-. .an, I ib-nk llieiii tin- In -I eailmrlie oi.l aiili-luii..!!- n iiir.h kti.'Wii. tor -..iii,. five urn- I -iilt'ir.'it with all in llpl i-.n i.t llie skill 1 1 oil e i i- iei u-reit . on :i in I an it.. an. -. 1 1 riiil lilt. Hill I.!....,! i'i-. i ti . I it's. I. in, aillioiiu'li L'alllllu; slrnmlli. lie' it'-lniii- .a- ulin-!lt-e.l. I llnall out til. I. .1 I" take ,-l l,,i.iu-li i-.-ul -f of Kit v I'lilTlls I'll l.s. I look -i ia. li l.icht forrotir hllils. Iti. li litr. I." ir. tlili-i-. two. It enilltf ii !i loi I , .-ii.-. .n. I l!,. '. I tic in.. mil l.'i.k .i.i it.t. i.uli'.w ;' il.. bai'i'V i-.-'ii! I anl ii-tv in. skin l- ( lie. l! i leal' .111.1 I i.i - I. i'i II s.i et el' -met. Kn. YkmmiV. "w ell itp" in .n I ' l'liruntni v lliillet.,f An i-. iie.l li aslonan laii-ly ru-lieit into n I'.i.-l.ai ih tiu s..i-i-, luniiii; ii "lir. kt n il.'' .a p. ar.-tlii-i- ti i.i'l.ailt . "Me Jabber-!" lo- flli-l. "riii nit w i. hi.; ioil..;reU . I want some -I tin It to -t iaiu'tiii-'i tiieoin. S-. nit ' tt.ini 1'ilri: a l..n Itni!. I-' w ill li en . I'm ifaiMkin'. Wlml .I'm-til. l.-r tl.lllr" '-XX lull tin i. 11 llit-lth,-" a-lo .1 Hie i !.-rk. " 'I 'III tilt. .I V III! Mi l-, -or. or s..:ii-:il i' loll..-lino, lio v . nil llillll," repbi-.l ilo-in.m. ".--1. ure, I'm ia i.iiivnt.ii- iil-tielv. with iii iiiliii he, ami !:v. r . .au I lint, lin.l l.a.l -I.I. mi. ti li. itn.l 1 1..- .lo ii know- I :il all." I'i . in k '.i . ! ."ii a t lai .a Hi . I'iiti e's riea-.uil I'nit him' l i-ib-t-. iin.l I'.il wait oir i i.iiti-iili-l. I l.e-.-Iinle I'. io l- iin-e all .l. i'.oiiaaii.'iil-ol .it.-r. -I. .in a. h itn.l I....W-I-.. r-ilt.-ll- . ..al.-U. Ib : in a 1 1. an imi-lanl -ee.l-. ami pleasant to '.ike. I'lilv.:;!-!-. 'I l.e m ill lilt- is i, e- Jllloi I lit. I I'i -Uils. Iln iii ..itiii l le-h ittitl SMi-cttuili- i ,-ltl, i en, I. no ni r-t ol i s I- Ml I -I.iN w I-I....les. 1' IS Ils p.t.lll.ll.l.. lis III i t-it.-ity .1 -I. .'. Too i up. tl it w it Ii w h , mi in . .1. i an.. I - 1 1 iei-.! y t-v i I li y y. ni'l oi. I l.rojil nllei t.oli . . ina .il. I'l.-:i-e r.-iol ...a ill n t loiil li.'! I e .all-. r,- u-.iiht . 'em ! t I lilt ." 1 II' I. I'lll l. oi. rii.i.. ii ii-, ,i I ii-..! . .1 1 '- I II, .1,1 lis ,,,.1 W 11 I ... i i-'Ol is ill ii Vi I . NI. i. Aiiil.ilii.i. I.r. :ile-l -lii-t,. I - Km tot y t Ii ii.. III. I. Ill" t II II Ii Itinllv Slntpf s. ' I . . S.i.s 'I, I! ' il .oil we . alillol ! ip " ,' ii I 11, -.on. I nil. s II I here l-n I - oil llll -'k. a', i.i ll.W lull we -..' ! ...t si.ilii.or i. ..iiant.-i'l I .-I. - ' On - (" I '" al" inn-It :o"l .ili'l'.nal. .1 I-I. .I-. li ...l- l.. !l'-.-.l ole f II. -Il . . III. lOii.il Wll- II. i lil.lhl. . i.lol llll Ill'IICll it I, I- I.. , I. . i .,! .!. Oi. l -II I!' -I llilll l! '- "' ih. n-.o,.-..t , '.1 'inn ..t-.i i. Oi-' :.'- 'hi .1 . .. - I i .ii ii, . it h I-..!- I., i Ii.ir i .ii - aiel I. - ! 'ise !.. ,ll ,1'iil .11 Hi. ihi'iO'l. I 'i! f..- II. I Htil' I! . w,ii ,1 i:,.,. - .oi, mi. I In- I'i. n i'i' Mi.l.ial lii-co.r. i oi. I in in I .1111.-111111. 1- 1 1'. Ol, i .01-011. j I ia io- 1 1 Is a -ure i ".le I. I' III-- Ieif!e.l ill-ill-, il taken ri linn'. Ail -.ran. .ii- it--, a-, .. : . . t . . i. -1 1 u . ;l . . .11 is lu i .i.l. .; in I I.t- nt lei. I I" il. eitt ii lina l'. ninrih ( nrrit. A . le .rMiian. alter m ii - "i -nn. run; rr.im I.i.alh-'iti' ili-eas.., I 'nlit rr It. ii 'el i.-imiy llVlllL-.l.ri l,ll.ill rellle.U. lit Ll-' lolllel 1 I'ft -' 1 It-1 loll W hull i"MI.i.'l. I Ul'-'l lllltl -ill il lillli ll.illlib-.llh. Ah -iilT.-l-er li.. in ilii-.re.i,. f a' ,ti-. a-e t.ilin-,l - if ;.!! r . -e. -l i iiif" ! eliM ope to I'l'-t. .1. A. I.liwreli. .-, is- W .in ell r-t.. N. Y., will rect ue tin' ru ape freeof t lntrs'f. 1 1 i-n 'i mil 1 1. in 1 1. -i r w hi. lit- a 1 1. 1 it'le i io I.-.- i mii.-. Ilillit-llllV Ill-llllllll1eil. 1 1 s,, fleli t . r ,iil'i, nil I" I'll w I ,il kile I of .1 l.lS.tllM l'-it' i i a . t '. Vi'lll.-' tlill.1 Wh" I--'.olfl-'lii: I I'.lil . .'"-lll'.ll I'-ll. I I" "III llO'll' .ue ttlli ti l-lll Hi- -iUll - tone I-")'' IO -.lie. I Iff -lite il let I'O -l-lll' ' '" l.'ke, I- I 1. 1 III LO! . Ilk-. i t ill'.-. I 'I-' in I' ii.' M i' k Ul m; I o., N. V. A llllllier III le keeper A p 5 mi -1 r- LL uE in r j ri'i'Hrnl BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, LmiRhinR, HBnlth RnhleeV, ?ejiiiliite the Stomai.'h tintl Bowela. 1 l y liriiuiri-ts. '-tor., ."Hit.. l.m. WELIS, RICHARDSON I CO., BURtlNCTON, VT. Baby Portraits. A I'nrtMioot i..-:nitit'ul luil iy !-Tlrair . j.rtm, .1 fll tint' J-Ijitc r Ly ilt lit li1 lir..r. -. nt fn--ti MIm r-f nny Iwttty l-.rn 1 1 1 1 1 1 a vi .ir. Kvt ry Mt'ihrr wiintf tlu -r' pi-"tun , M itt) nt t-i.i v. l.i(- !iiil'V ( luimr tiii'l tiu'. WEllS, RICHARDSON & CO., Props., Buriinr-n, Vt. Strength, Fastness, Beauty, Simplicity. U'imiii.'il In eiilnr more tr--l- than imv oilu r liven ever lllilile, llll'l I.i uie lllore I ri'lialil no. I iliintl'le eolop- ..k fr the ', n'i"i .', all.I ta'-e lioothi-r. 36colcn; xo cents eav.li. WELLS. RiCHARDSON t CO.. Burlinyton. Vt. f. r Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articlei, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Oold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cenli. To any ne and A $2.50 PAPER FOR ONLY $1.75 Money It's Easy to Dye U I I'll t$h&- Superior m. m iaj &, a Sent to each Subscriber at Thankaglvlng-Chrlatma.-New Yoafa-taater. nou-thold A'Mrrw!.prrlnn CopWm mnA ro,d 4nm,nt fre.. '. -,lr, ft, rM,.f... A-t lr,.- THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 45 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. MihII Womrn He Allownl lo Voir Tin- ijiii-stlon of lem-'ile siiiTr.-iui' lia- ntrllntr.l the i.ti-ne iiimI i-t-n- of reforint-rs for in ji it y enr-. iin.l pioU uiuillliellts Imt t- been Mililuo.-ti f..-itn l io;iiiiisl il. Mirny i f tbe poller sos eonlil M.le liilt llKflillv. nil. I Ninny woiilil vol ii-i Inn- lot biiiiil-ilul. nn.l liive no lliim;lil lo tin- nii-i ii i.r n ini'.il H ill i-isii.-. 'I l ej wt I.I all n il' lor In-. I'ien e's I noi He l'i.-t riplion, for Kiev know il i- n Iswim lotlii ir sex. It i- un t . in. i! .1 lor ih.-. nn- of leiieoi rlieii, nhnornial ili.st liaiia-s. nionilit sirkiiess, uutl the eiiiuil le III-lo w lil.-tt wollll'll iire i-lll..it e'. Ilistlie Olllv lelllt-lv for wolllllll'it -i-t-li:i- weaknesses uini iiiliiK iit-. solil h ilriiiiiri-t-. iiinler it p. si lite urii.'inuitee from the miiniifin-lurel-, tlint Il will u-ivt'-.l! -In.-lion in t-M-l-v eit-e. or lliol y will In leiiiiiili.l. ."see KUiiranlee on w rower annuel In. I tie. Smilli " .Lilies "N l l.W ilul I.i liiii.tiilion-. W i s Mmkt spi-n'-i n linker." tf colli stt litl " "Well, I lien, me lo Inrai-li so many slock 'niiTenllonnl ' .Knnitti ' Itr-iilmlnna. Whrrnu. The M nn It. ui" il.. N. A. . t '. !lv l o.ioe- r'- to ni.ik" i' k'wivn to Hie worbl at larui. th.n II f" nn- the ilouhlo ruiuoi luitf link of l'lillni in loiinst iiiitl lieiwt en Hie w uitt-r , Ii n-s of Kloin.ln n tl the iiiniiit-r ttt- sorlnt.f the Noilliwesl; mi. I H'i .i.i. lis "iii .i. ii-iiiisil" dvstntn Is itn ni p t H...I, ils r'.ei; ml P,lliiiti HnlTfl Slii-n-r lin.l t hair e;o- s.-rv ee hel vMen l liienu'it itn.l ;,."ii. il:. Initial. i-ilet an l t'liieiun.ill mo e.pi-il eli nii'l U'i-'-i.i., It-rates are n Iiiwhs Hit Itntept; Ui ni If it ,'.. (e..f, Thai In Hie event of rnrtnuon n tli. itlll i ;. '.ni lo i on nil wit i I'.. t. .Me- t 1. 1 mirk, i on I la. Airetii Monon lioiite, I -a i. .-irUoro St.. t liii-iii.'o. lor iiiil b un. ul o--. (In nn evi'iit seti.l for it i'oiii ti: tin. tie. eiit-iosv 4c. p. nl.-.u.-.l l-'llllll . .1.. I u-ilie ll'l ItV The only waiv a i-'oek e.tn t k. A It iiil nil 1'iire fnr '.llepile Klin. To (In- t -l.fm Pit n-e iiifi'i-iii your teaOen tluit I lime a I'li-iiive u nit ilv tor Hi. iil-.vit nniiieil ili.-i use w liieli I warrant to i ure ilm wor-t ea-'-s. So -lioiici m fnilll inil-ir Im- thill I will-.-nil f ft- a snnili't t-'llle tui'l VII i lilt I'll- lit all-e l. it II -llll. Ie I W llo W III COO i 11, e 111- rui 1 ll.tl. b'll'l I' II ill.. I I- pres- il.l.ll'i . l.t-p y. Al. C , IVill I M.. Mis lorn. Th 1 1011 1 1 liik'ttwAy I ti Kt lfiiilt to Ut--ti'net:ttn is 11 ilu of all evil. If nlll 1 le-1 Willi -on-eve- ll-i' irl-.a:ie Tliomp. oil's lie. liter linmul-ls -ell ill "-'..'.pi r hiittlt. Many nil unit i.oi.l. elieileli" n wa-ti i f nn a t n n 11 Tsmm 1 h n n h jEly's Cream Balm, Gold in Head. ' I- 1-A iH.y m, WISE GREASE Mllfll fil Ml. N.v.r I'l-i-nn orJM-tl- I'.ery 1, Moii'imi.,.! sample. .r..r-..li. a. 1 ttr.lel.t-P-i.s- Wlr-K 1 1 I ren ne he-l miiile. -ol I I.y I.I l.il 1. r-, t'hi ats 1-1 htm ...tuiii"ii i r. .1- 1' I. A It U cV 1VI-K ( ., Mini . itll lin. l .-.I., ( llleuw... III. 0 nomctly fur niiurh 1 tho si, Kilr. i ( ailil I ln,H''et. DETECTIVES (i u, w. , ('.- t i ru- ri r nis-M.lt?. 1'sf 1 10 U III ff.-r droiinuu Ih tt rtitr liun au o-ii Ary,io,C;s;iauU.3. EElTCEl AXLE .11 uuunub PIUM HA31T !:;.-;: I ' .1 1 HI- "I I I I. I I 11 ' li Mil I I .... I i:tMitH wnnf iit. Un tt-i'ir. F-m-t .nrf t. !. ,s,,.,ni.' fr-f. t '. t . Mt'oli ' I. I.xki in ur STI'll V. liorili.li'M-i-in-?. Iinon- K"nn. IJUfflC I , nn mi. r.iniiiiii'-ii.i., vriiiiii ii-'. .-non ninii, fie.. I III a uill'a t iilli'lie will lieu-tit l y Mill, ireiihir- fn l.)7 aiiiu i-t., ituniao. a 1 HI 'J, Dill- 0--M1 Enjlljh Coul in WtsI . Ji raa4e 14 rilla. YOU MARRIED? If you r nnt, 3. .11 eli.ni.,1 l.. - .. l. fl.uii ,t...lu- ir. . .11 11 .'1. f..1- Ul, I. el Mil, Uiiuitai.ulu, Mill It. So m (e n dr. fUmpitM worth 9!.9n FKr'K IJIT HOt till I'T Hlf ri'Tt - irir.. rn Ur"i-pr s if.xy Hcln Htl h rO. . Hull, Mt. h 1. " SOLDIERS 1.1.1. CFT -F.ION. , .......II I. I H. . te I'. ' ,..1 1. 1.. .! I t- (r.e 1 rfiri' VFEVtR-pti-l StlLICt Wti Jr- -v TberiSFIllBlliDSUril-Ulewtrt. You Ought All iibout a llttrso. How to piik Out a .od ( ik. t'.-i iiiitis.-iiitl so (.iiard a-jainst Frautl. 1 h-Wvl I i-iMsc I'urt.' wIkti same is ''f bv th.- Ticth. I HlTfivnt I. arts of to Shoe Pro-H-rlv. 1niinlr.''ls of otlu-rs tntht to bo in tho man ant! buy who niav have oocasion, nf all iinimals, tho liablo tborotuiivil the laok of thorn ,.f dollars. All of tnuoh othor inform Horsonion oan bo in-j our loo-PajiC Iiook. whioh wo will on roooipt of only IsttatBi 100-Pap Horse Boot ONLY A QUARTER, IN SILVER OR STAMPS. BOOK PUB. HOUSE, 134 Leonard StMN.Y, S New Subicriber who uill tend u thii Slip, with P. 0. addrets and $1.75 in Money Order, Expre Order. Registered Letter, or Check, for a acription to the companion, wo win teno mo piper FREE TO JAN. 1, 1889, and for a full year from that date. This offer include the ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENTS, tho PREMIUM LIST and FOUR HOLIDAY NUMBERS, STJACOBS QJl UJiMimn Iniii. Fresh Proofs Just Received. 85 or. PMidyvnTi Ohio. Jitai li. KSI. Wit Ukm -with rhi-niitUam Id 1AG1, iaffritf tltoi-l twr al-irs And ait-it crtltf hsl, 8b. Jiesbl 0.1 cured me iboQ. 9 yMra a0, n0 ti-turn. CiEO. L. inxoii. 11 Venr-i. (V lumbii. Ohio. Jine 13, UN TlkeD with rheuimtleiii IS vein ifioi lufferedl till oni y-r Ifo. cued by St. Jitrobi Oil lo r- ttirn tlnoc. B. K BRA. Crlppleil .!. Wiahttnnie. 111., Hijr M. . Five TCAn aft bid rheanntlpm in my feeli nt (red I yean, u-ted cine. 61 Jicohi oil c-cd W. JOHErR FEU. at rtnuooir-Ti and utAintn THE CHARLES . VOiiEI.ER CO., Uiltlinort, H4. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. AND ALL FTOMACH TROCBXES Pl'CH A8 tndieitloii. tt.tur gi'.mi'li Hecrlbiirn. fi'iti. Uld dlticti. Conptlpillin. 1'ullnfli ifter eitn-l. I"im-iI Kl-lntc In th- Moult mat doii'treeit-lc lBtc after cit ing. Mert'tittiame end Lew -Splrlte Al Itwn .' "ii ( '.ov ,irM-u' ;, mail on ro mitt ..f '... i.'i 1 j -,. .iiii in nM)!.-. imp!t VHt tut 1 ef . ir .' s .Oily.. THE CHARLES A. VOCF.LEH CO.. B illlTorti. Mil U N t' f l IN THE SELECTION OF A CHOICE GIFT F'.r l'.i,r, r.-ii-.-nt. 'i'.-a Iit. I Inl.l.or Fri.-ioiJ-niiolean. .'.'in-l'i-. tu In. .-.- illhe iMiind nii iiii.l 111 uc'iyef Webster s Unabridged. ij In i-litt muu y other vnliml lo fontiircivi iouUin A Dictionary ef ll,""i v, r ls nnoo l iu-i,ivirii, ''1 A Gazetteer of the World I'lffttini nn-t (! " rii'inc ?' ."" rinT". A Biographical Dictionary f turn !y !",'-N-'t,-. I IVr-n, t A Dictionary of Fiction ' . r.ileli Mil' in W-lister, All in One Book. 30im m. r- W..r.- nn I m-irlv '.mm nv.ro Win it ai i"iis lliitii nn- iiih.T Aiiiri'"tn I :"i"ii!UV. .-..1.1 1 v i.'l le-.k- il- rs. I'.iiiihlti fn-. C. C. MERRIAM & CO., 1'iih'r?, "i: 111elif.il, Ma-.. OR ATE FUL-COM PORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "I'i- llli. r. t: -Ii 1. 11 t ..-' .a Hi.-ii.ttnrnl tiwa ...1.. . 1 ,. . -i. 'i. ,111. 1 iiulrl 1.'.., .itieo . f in. 1111. pr..-T. ... Mr Iii- Im- pronilisl 1 a .1. I .,!. ! Ihi. nr. .1 ! 1: .110 I .i t .l.s ter-' I. llll. . 1 ... li .on. 1. s,.t .1.. 1 that ...I., tilt I in 1 hi unit! sir..!! . 11.! ,ti t le .!,-. ii-.. Hull ill . ll- a! .li- 111. nil. I us reit'lv .ii.fii-1 nil. I. . h .li 1. a. ii Ih. 01 i 1. . I -I" k ..ilil e 11111 i.i -h.OI ! lo'l" il pit!. li"illast)..i r 111 Ik. S"lil . II.. I tli'l-i ie t'hi mint. .1 MIS l-il'I'-.V I il.. Ih Money in Chickens If v.-ii Li:.- 1 . ,v I.-i-ri'l-rt rr f Oi. ie 1 t -i.Ti i-i'iil - 111 -I oil , ,1, nil 0 , I'i' 1 i IH IHMIK e .01 ll- .1-1 f .1 I'M'-tl- . c. I' u. f. 1: 11- r le t an m t. ,ir. I 11: .' e " 'oil" ... n'i.1 io .hiiiii- 11 1- re .1 of -, v. ,1 - ji . .. v. - t en hot ti ls i ei .III It 'II, In-ii--. I" " i. . 1 ,1.- ,11. 1 ...-' 1 , ..hi.h I. .l-f..r Itn-nlma .. i. tli.lirf. Il.li.s.1. Veil ll' ; h - -'lij.-i i" mii"'. it xr.'-I.'' ll". -J.-,.-. HOOK IM'H. 1... tin nl l ' . J!; al l. s. HI I ' 1101 -1 . 1 :i 1 HOW MANY I INKS IN THK CHAIN? fab T ltlS IN CASH CIVF.N AWAVt ..I'.,- . I. I weCuraGATARRK .-.tiff.H, Out sll, VT!' IH ' K il. llll- f.lll ,.iiii. .ilti - li.. .il"'ii -ppllrnllelii COMMON S USE CATARRH CURE 6(1 mute Ht., t ItleiMlo, III. CONSUMPTION 1- .. ).l.ll,. T 1 Si.'-IM ll l'-o:-' IV. CAI irOttWlA ORAHOt RAtittH Kl Bt'lT LAUD. 1. nn nn ie it.i.o- Ji.n Ho-pmee t..i I lilel.t -peel-il lli llie. inelil 1.-- Ill' l- h.t I, IUH. MUMOR, TEItllV 6EL0VER. Bis Dle-n. Ok TUG Best Waterproof Coat. Ifnl wt no i1, mo-i kp f Ary hi I. Th nw ruMMKI. 1 l'KrK t ft u..t tu "rial. IMllli-tr l Tat). CM ' to S o Impcr ml ol't'oot a pur-slblo. Toll the What to oall the tho Animal. How Those points and oqually important possession of every has oooasion, or to use that noblest Horse. They aro at any minute, and mav oost hundreds the foregoing and at ion valuable to obtained by read. Illustrated Horse forward, postpaid, 25 cents in stamps. 1 1 1 I. II 1 . r I Know SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. . Illustrated WEEKLY Supplements year aub-