: " 1 0TI)c !)atl)am tttcorfr, I Ck ktkm ItoA v 7 One sijuare, two insertions - - 1.80 M -tf V - u Ore B'juarf, one month - -100 QLl)c fil)atl)(iM Uccor,). II. A. JXINIOIN, ED1TOK AND I'KOl'MLTOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. For larger lv it int n'.s Uixml con train will be 1'iii lr. imttsijoih ciiatiiam co., x. c, jantary iw NO. 18. VOL. XI. 1 ho Clillihen. They are Mich t in v feet 1 They hnv ko: - so shot t w-ny to merit. The yenrs xvhii ii nre r.-ipiii cl to brfs'f Thoir steps to cvotuies-s, n-l nnika Tliem go Moro sure nnl slow. They nro nidi little hand! He kind, thinj; nro so now, nnil ;f Stall Is A step beyond the d"Oi way. All around New day has (" ti n.I f-uoh ti'inptii p thine to shine upon; Bn'l to Tho hands are tcinnJpd oft, yon know. They nre such f in J, clear eyes, TliHt wi'Ii-n to sin -prise At every turn' They nre so often he! I To tun or sin wees; showers " "i !. Hy looking in our fnon Live nk, for Mich, niueh Krnre. They ore such tmil fx ir Rift: I'neortnin as tin' rif's i If liht Hint lie nit r g the ky ; They may not ! lore Ly nnd by. tlive thrm ri' loxo. i.nt more, abnx-3 And Iihj !-. pitm.fM wPI, the love Washington f 'ritl-. INHERITING A WIFE, 'ioo'liy, Helen," mil the vo i ig man, xvilh a tl nli of anger en ln hit id some fno , ns h: turned from 1.1 undo low. rds t!i ) p.ilu girl st Hiding hy 'ho wind oxv. ' Hood ! y, l'tik," sho tnid, lislless ly, pn 11 r;ng hi in sl'n ler white hind. H i took th ' 1 :i ri I, n:i d, beudi -g over, lightly tout !i d li .-r forolirid with his dpt. She r .i i -f 1 ! c. li ad t n bites? him with folia 1 i IF rt, an I In win gone. "Th yii:i ; (,1 think h- n!i defy to'V S:.i I M . .! ;i i ' Illicit', Migiilv, ' lit with I .ve -ii I pity li-hg to l.ii ki.-.d.y iy t yes .b lie bent th-in up. a IHctl. liiln t.v tlis mil old inni's 1 opted d mi r h i-r, nn I in h r co-nod Cd -.tercd ail lii pi:u-3. S)i w.n Jiii idol, i':d liu U.i p'.nuiio I to maso her his lii-i.-ci. cr ll:n'. sho sliMiiid sli.iru 'U ho hi I r,f tliii world' sjonli itlt Frank hn-em, his nephew. H it tlii Utter contiijui.cy w.i to hu tint t huso younj people. :di"U hnvi hn tor.uuo to... tli3r o i!y ns i-iri a id n if., Uoh B M r'cy hnd betn nn 01 ,.liri'i vcrsincj sh: roul 1 rr mein'-er. Slio h id or.doared h.-r'.r to old Mr. lur. ran hy h:r sv.-.-i;., tnseili.'.i 1 if,, and h-r levntiou to iii.n ft h r hni'f..'tor. nd Frnult l.u ! heen thrown iniirh to-ctii o, i n iv i: f i r o( r iir'.', :njQl4r. Hi .cm, ui h : lo.kcl nt fin favottt) ni'ph w's ha -d ionip, n:ii inate I fnco, i.nd then nt Helen's sweet M-al piituro, framed Iy her in:ns of i right h;.f(, wh:n t'; two wero to v -tli r, d e nied to himi If that they tvero made for t::e!i llier, mil tiiat it a plfiinly ti c work of II -n van that h y fhr.u'd I.j thr.iwa an -Mentally in . .ith other's way. Hut lie hi 1 pi t row ivins h tli. r or m t hid nnythi'i to do wrh -er;out mit i Ion von ever Mich a youn rapnirr ns l it h w. II hud jit ii reived a tenihle shock, 'n I lu Was stirred l inner, di'np 1 oin'm rt, nn 1 i'y for his fnir II Ilm. ilitn, too, he w s pined in so diiM t a p.isiti ui ill t h" livrdiy knew wli it 10 r.y to her. lie In I no ns'iminco 'hit Frnnk h 1 ever spoken n wor I of a vo to t Ins oil-, 'Hut hi (-n't defy me with im Vu ity!' i;rowliii lho irati unrle, at l h'nhal not replied to hi. lirst re-o-.nik about tho younj (;cntlcmnn in sl ion. "I will not Unvo him ti.r hii-! I will inako a new will! i shnil be a linear for nil he'll get lio:n to ! ' continued .1-ha D.r.iati, stamping ). ii fo. t ti rcelv. 'tii, father!" snid Helen, npponliri , v. "What hui ho dono to ancr you si. ?'' "one;" ?lieut"d tho old man, fauly txmper.ital by thu iptcttion, lotcttin for tho in in nt tint Helen did not shara hit newt, and thcroloro indignant that sho alioul l not j nn with him in condemning the younj; man's heuimi ciime, "Diaei" ho repeated, in ri. inn tonot of fninhiy kindled aner. ' Wh it hain't ho donef I'psot all my plaai! Destroyed all my hapjihes I Toils 1110 hs's in lovo with that French jjirl, Klnu (')iiit iii, and that hit happinots, his very lii'o depends npin hit nnrryiif; licit A .(1 ho has tho 1 ll.ntery to ask my approval of such 11 ri I ir lions step 1' Tho old una pnu'od only lit siht of Helen, who hal sunk palo and t ro mh -ling upon a so'a. ll-r delir.tto I'iho.tj were interlaco.l, and thcro w is it look: of such unutterablo pai 1 ia her faci that even Mr. Djncau's anger flad bo foro it. Then with asu lden thought his an ;or rose apnin, and ho tleni tnda I, "lias the villain ileceiv.-d you, II ienf Tell mo thu truth. l!y henv i:, if hi h is, I II " "Oil, do, no; ho has never spoken to roo o( of " "There, there, my dear! 1 only wisheJ to know 1 meant it all for your pood," Mil Mr. DuntBn, tonderly. Helen fled to her chamber to think, uid to recover, if possil le, from tho sudden blow she hnd reccivo I. There had hern no spokon words of .i.vs betwesn them for the threj y 'nrt 1 hat Fraik hal It -en u constant vi iior to his uurio's, ar.d yet sho hid tin u lit. ! ljd Ulivve-1 ; jus, tha had hoped that tho first lovo of her puto young heart hid found a safo resting place, and that it was reciprocated-by him, although ns) yn! not proclaimed, for soma pood nnl MifT.cicot rcaoa oa his part. ll.it it was all over now. Her eye-, wero open to the mortifying truth. She cried for puro shame at first, then for disappointment, Her fuco wai all i P i:r,o nssho thought of tho possibility 0; tlio knowledgo on tho pa j t of ethers of her initplnctd lovo. Then her cheeks and brow l-ccuiv.o deadly col l us fh'? rculiz-d that her young hopes wcra all withorcd and iloa 1. When Mr. John IVincan saw that tho light hal (jouo c;it Irom llelon'e eyes his anger towarl his nophow knew no boiunl. ll-i knew that Frank had goao from his presence with a !xcl de termination to win the girl, F.litu C'jur tois, if possible, in pi'.o of (ill op. posi'ion. And In knew what ho could not speak of to Hilcn, that alio hn i loved his hc:id,tro:i-, hi I uiis.ii !; 1 nephew. I'll; old mn 1 was closeted with his lawyer t io after this ocuirreaoo for icvcrul hoii. s one lay, un-.l tho rniiill nf tlio con.'orenco wat a new will. Three joars p 1'. Thoso three years folio vviri : It a u.; pniluioo! 1 rank I'll ran in disruc Irani hn ti ic'o's honu h ul 'icon to lla'en M u Icy joyless y ear-1 of sliont m' lerin:', liaslmre 1 Iy a sympathetic lic.-u I, u it.oli.n to a pi ear. Slio had .-llT :rad i i sileiue, and had trie I to walk her nil' tted path with .nit ward (onipoMii'. And old .1 din Dine.iti, t IhmiIi ha li 11 1 icon tn no 'e;dei sn 1 soliiitomof her welfare l hail ever, .-itv that ho ctn: .1 do bill iittlo t-J li -,lit-;i her burden td sor-ow. Hut .1 hit Dincsu hi! jarj no---. I lure w.-.s 110 longer ivi'-i Ins b vn ; c ire to dnel.l He :10m h 1 nn 11 mis-i y . Jt ha l he 011 I tit n few weeks tho old man hid Linked II ten with bisdyii,' I rentli 11 id p t " I ae.ay. Mi'J w us red: potiessi r of liu weallh. l'rnak D.mea 1 ha I been f it'll moaed, but w.i". souewliera nbroa I, p.ir-uing his i '.lis f-.tiiiit in the shape td loMifio n:id I". iso t'ourtoi.. II ; h id l..t si;ht of ll-.e Fr.-iuh pill w Hit whom he hal become i;i!.itu:itcd nlieut t!iu 1 101 his 11 itie Ii id dl iiosuid him ntiyri'v iii-m his ho'ise. l'odnw-. in uit a clew ho ovt-rtoi-k li-r finally in I'.ui.. It was ham e me tin on 0110 of tho t-iy !l loets o. tho I'rem h city. Til ) younj; nun w , wu l wila J y as he es 1 i.'.l h r uni 1 4 I w u I liini. II r.i-h.-il upon her wuh :ar mr.ro of e:i thu iasiii tli t i discrnli ta. F. no drew bae.i in siirpii.o at hit ellu ivo oio.-t-lu::- Hivey.m forotlen nil tho u.st, the 1, lll-e.'' nske I F.aak, l ilteily, as ho saw I y li r no! d.-nieami I'd at iho hnd rim : ;cd. " 1, no, 1 never forget," mi I I'.Use. ' l.d you not i;ct my letter .it tho time 1 led 11 y 111 i!e'-." Mitd Fionk, lepronclilu'ly. "(, vos; 1 1 c - 1 v 1 I your let "or, and one frmn y ur in r 0 id'out the same uni , in wliit li he i iloriv.e I in you wero uo longer Iii luir, but a -.. b.i-ar," Said illiyoiia,' woman, l.ill;lll:i; ill nil I. ' (ioo I Ii nve is, F..isc! tan i: leihil yen nro mercenary, theiii 1 did not think " "Nu; I supposo you thought I ceuld mairy a hci'iir ju-t as well as not, and continue to w. r.-v nt inil i -.ery lor my living, and for yours, too, perhaps!' s ii 1 1 ho yi ', lightly. "I'd e, In ur rue ! It is not too lute! My nail", linn 11. e, has not cir me 1 ft in his will. Will you not riturn witu me, nnil, lor the sako ol tin: pat, let mc call you tay oiva Kiise--my wiuf "Hu h! ' snid tho ftirl, warr.i-.iglv, as a m 111 approneh I. "1 could tlo nolh i.ig of tlio ki d. Let 11:0 present you to my hiiiimii I, M. Fonm I." And, to his inter.HO di-ust and morti liention, Fi ink found lnme!f tho next 1 ist.tnt in thu cmbriiro ol a ViV.ui ju nnd vein til) Ficnrhmnn. The new view ol tho lovaiy siren in her coarse ness und mammon Wirdiip, torther with this presentation of a heavy, vu! jur man, p:.st mid llo :u;e, as her hut bund, wns a combination of i irciim Btaices that completely disenamored Frank Dune in, and he lla i precipitately ns soon ns released 1 1 out th 1 man's c utrhen, amid poals of laughter from 1 ho pid Iy Ficnch ;-irl nnd nasal n-lieux from her ntnlo com j anion. Old Mr. NuiuTs sat in his din-v littlo law t Itiee, nratchinghis enr with his nnd (;b.i.ci'ig titr.idena.ly nt a letter ho hcM in his h-inl. Tlic leltor wns from Frank Ihinein, nnd in'ormoi tho lawyer that h ', Flunk Duncan, would cull upon him in a day or two on butiness relating to hit dc-cca-od uuclo's will. "Tho young scamp must know that Helen is tho p so sor ot tho old man's ft ate. lie nid lo teurtiig hor for her money, an 1 I10 doesn't desorva such a t a yw.iy," snid Si nier, with a growl. "A d, worse than nil, to think John Duncan has tixc 1 it in si.ch shape, thill hut I II deceive hi n 11 little." 1 li . r.:ll ol I I in '-r h id i 1 n sense iik 11 II leii.ndei his care si ne Mr Jdi-i Iaai;4a' death, au l wuttiuJ her wolfuro w:tli n j M.y.is eye. S , w.ien Frank prcsento I i:iiitc!', lu -ii-1, brti quely. "V' U are cut til Wl'h-.'.t .1 shilling., yeuug man, n-id yon deservo it." Frank colore I, hot felt tin ja-t.ce of thj rahtik-; 1;:'. ho venture I, "Aid ll-lcn- M;-i M n U-y! ' ' O :, slo: 1 provile l w it'i a 1111 ler atenuniity. Tiio re' i"J"!, f :eiee, to torn 1 i.istitii' ion- a'ltein," s.ii 1 t!:a lawyer, c!io';::iu' a i. '.tie at. 'ho fi! "Thank heav-? ! .si.il F1.1 .h, impul sively. The olil iuwy.'i sprang lo his feet i i n passion and, icc:.:i' t lu u-'-onidio 1 young fellow, !.out'. I, "V ei think heaven then that she is a be. .-gar, to.i, do you!' "1 ntn g'al thnt I ir.- y g'i ta Mr and comfort her nn I I e to her what I o.ico wns, with jut 11 tu p'eioi that I i-jmo from mercenary nutivei,' aaii Frnnlc, exit' tir.lly, "Ahem! 'Iua''t nil i i;ht, yoj man. Hut yo.i 11:11 I he aw ir t'.i it your pa-t conduct doe :i't o c iniiiainl you vety high'y. lspiak plainly, for H.'len M rley it r.iv w.irl. " Frank wince I uider this li-li, lilt all tlrasame he vr.n ro olv.-I ti bear i'. in ni.jnc', a:i-l tho scales hili'uia'l roui hit eyes now, an I lu retr.'-in'ieio 1 trilling inci leuts i i tii.'ir . iv lleien' n:) hit ow 1 w hieli lei hi 11 to I'e'.ievj I'.nt h had throw 1 away a o ail. li e would seek to r (over il ag.i'n, nnd wai glal that th-' :r.l;v dl.11 :i t o! money dil not bar th w .y. Ha knew full ivell tliat his (ooii-li i.i (iluitioii foi ill- gay - r ei Iii i t. I! i-e, whieli ha hil iiii-t.han I r h vo. -.v.i-.i'l prove n Ii ruii la:.! ol.stat 1 ; but wit!i youth, np ntiio-, perseverat.c , ail nn em n l d- V .t ton I . I.i: jiiepjiP, ioi hope 1 1 o win 1 1 lea's e-! altei wa.d, pcih-ip', I ' C'o:iloiiud th-. young good point 1, liter all," crs. And so ll 'lcll th'Ml ;ilt lawyer to! i her ah-Mit it. I.: . nd v i n to 1 u.i 1 mil- iinilerttaad how duli n'.t il tv 1' 1 In t) koip Frank loig i.'iiorut o tin pro visions of his nude's will. 'I'lireo ino itii ' :.r e :i in i 'I rivvi-ilvo of t im ;ii th- '.g s roll onward, a a I yet three sho; I month; a'-a -cm et line 1 so crowd .' I with iv-.tt beatiu dnectly Upon oar live. I hit ye us - iv, aa a ;o tire ns not in:: g in imp r: - "ii. Three 1110 th o' pe.-.itci.i ', of i.-iob. tiusive d"- dio : to Helm, ol . v. b".:t shiiiiie l.-i Ins 1 a-t oondiict, 'in 1 mi 11:1-liiislak-ili'i; I "tor mi 1 alia 1 to i.lo'ie for il if po.-ible, 01 tli' put o: Fiank Dmciii, won the ulion ill !:n)oi lo believe i.i hit sincerity. And, belter than a I, it beg in to tell Upon tho hard w ill of reserve ih it had grown up bet wean Iblen's in.ipieiii h .d lovo and her pride till it fuirlv cm nil 1 .1 uwny. "V oi fnr-jiv.! me at ln-1, ll'U-i.; but lean never forgiv; my-elf I ', h lig o stupiliy biin I mil lor havin inn' I youyeirsof pai 1 be-i let," sai I Frank tenderly. ' I. t tin del 1 bury Ih ir dead, Frntik, but bd ut w'u a now- livo again live oily ii tue present, an I hope for compcnsi-.li ui fur oiu past sorrow s in tha future." "A i l I Ih ink II 'live 1 that I di I not have t .tiy to woo you it an Ii. ;ie-. I wiii work lor you. ami w ; will bo hip py. " II den colons I nn I w it silent for a moment. Slept o e h 'ard i.i tlu hall, nnd Mr, Seiners was announce I. "Cut 1 IT without .1 farthing nnd yet happy npparo.'.t.y," suid tho lawyer, bin ipuiy, taking out a legal il ctinicnt and reiiding : "An I if Frank Duncan forsake hit foo idi oh j 'it mid nnrry my a lopte I tl .it dit-er, Helen Moib-y, within three year 1 and six inn tlis fmm tho d do of tin i tostam-nl, 1 do bequeath to him half my for t ti ie." "It iter than you deserved, young man." Helen blush'. I a Frank caught her in hit arm . , l ae I I n. Situ ruling lliltlel Mies. S veral species of buiieilh- t havo i cen known t.i sw.ini in i.i.nien.o num bers nt (crlaln jtr.ads, but in tho Failed Slat s, so lar, only one speciot has attracted piirtnu'ur nttuutiou ia this way. It it tho Arihippu L 11: tor fly, and i of it bright orange-red marked with I lack nnd creamy-white. It ran 'OS from ('inula to South Anrrica, and is one if the most com mon species in the Mississippi Yd ley. lie. ore obtaining Us wines, it feeds on tho milk-wee Is, wheie H li ny be found as 11 lare worm or lirva, neaililully nsrked with black, whitj mid ye. low, and having four long, slender i.or.i', two nt each end. In Aujtiit. 1 lirst saw this but- toiflyin s war ins. Two swani.s, ca:li containing hundreds ol ml ivi.l .nils, Were flyitiu'i only a few mi e apart, in the valley cl the Minncsou river, both Koiuf; oastward 111 tliu rnilr. .1 1 c, eating through heavy timber. S .ch swarm; nro apt to 10 ur tt alnio-t any t nn :10m Apiil 10 1 he I -t ol O tob.r. They never lie veiy .111 without scatter ir. , and this irobdny i count! for the ew 111. tires wo sco of thi-in 1 u'.si do o io.i .molo.ica! publuatimu. -- l'ruiii l'a. ui.r. II I l.!Mt i; -. "! t .'.IY I II I) i- in III - Mi bile fit-- ti-iy plump bil.l- 'i.-1 on pi i-al.t ' 'I -n..g !.,', .i.il ! .t. ! tiicin.-i-lv. -i ir a i-.. a- on a mil, I The iwo bu-es'. s it witn t '. : r b ; t unii ! tin way, j Au l -ti auht as nn m r iw 1 iin e.:eh little 1 tl. I Thcri f' if ! ilfiii mftfrily :m:j, ' Siiinm.'! i ' AmIkii lit'.-tr It-iv.ii h miv j I "i- - ..:it;i:in!U, Aiiil -if t-i 1 i.t- ; .Mi1i-.I1 ii-' --ii; ...v, tli'l'l'" , d.i-i.-.- ' llxcipl Wiie'l It r I. lis," .--Ill 111" I lie 111 th ' in::. II'. "And Iw-ii w ;li In ros 1 I, mi, l ot- ami ! pink"-- ' ! 'aii the f'lin ia n cli'-ro- f ni"!'-. ''.iiv. - ll.iT.I! " ' 1 Will v- 11 , in" ..t.; -te i of 'vat'M-to ill ink An I urass see I he plenty mi li 'l-l mi l or lub. And a h st of one kindre I I lt n n ay w i'l I ( wingini; ! I'uward.-. our lioin. nil III new., of ihe m;:ii;.i I S nth briiKin.', j And we'll leisttho'u on 1 . -1 11---oh. bey diddle, dld-lev ' "Soiih- b;-i ries aie p-ti.oa," sal I th" o-ie II Ihoioidd.r-. Then. ''I 'an l lo. it. ill ( nr e.iaxuigiy, ' As tle-y 1 1 .l;e I kin by.it Ii 1, "lor e t- j tainly, de ir, 'J l.eie is n il I he I' i-l le.ison that k 11111 you j In. U id be U'len the tune tliat iva'vti w i.-lo -1 fornli ii inter is h"re. I 'oino, hi- happy an I i"iy nil I tr-eibla i t'ib.-,.W, j Take p..sl e.ue of to lay Imp' t'a b t f. I t' 10 1rn.1v ! And j 1.1 in mil- .in ,111.; - uV h"V, di l lie, ! , In lie;- "I won't nnd tint' s tl u," sai I the u" 1:1 the j middle. -lWid A.tak Ifiiu Oil I'M sy I ins, t!i' l.ibe.' A Mai. l-i hotel keep.r In: a c .' ho j thought consi ier ili'u of, a id the-i it, j in reluri', seeim-d t i t!d : i coa-id ribio 1 of him. Wlo-ii M . I' went to hi t amp, J om t x ! v mil s 1 ito ti.t woods, ho , took puss aiong v.i-.ii him. II - stayed .some weeks in camp, and ysin-u he had ti.isli'd hii jib il rienl of li s '.vi ii'l ; to take puss to his cant), .1 di lane i of about (i.tem mil 's, through tin w ,j If I and ncrost the lake. II- I i ; a v -ry J ii.tiinato fri.'i; I of M-. F'. lln latter j Ci'iisented and let Ml. F. t k ; pu s :t; ! the I fie with him, a ol M . F 1 . Ir hii hotel to nttetid to 1 u.i .es ilo-re, ytheii lo nnd behold, in a few lay-, who should walk into the c Pi of th 1 ote! but i'ii ts and walk up to M-. F. an 1 11 nk'J hor prese.ica kno.vn a. if slu- w 1 glul to see him. Slio ru!b;l h-rsell up against hi-n and purred iiiou'.d him 11 while, then went thro'i li I ha lio'.l f and -pn!;o tu them nil as be t iir.l reiill by i-i-wiig and purling an 1 ru'; I ing ngaiast tliem. Tli .t v tv after- nooti-h' wa'k-d aeio.s tli: tint tr j the npotloc iry shop a: I ;u:,p-'l u a nr. , the Counter and 111a he iie:-e.f k'.ow.'l t j thoapoth c;ry, and alt.-- -.1 i-wi.." hi'i' to rarest In r n few i. ii u'e- li pc I dow n on tho 0 her aid : ol toe c u in and helped heis.-lf to tin c tin i p i 1 r. drawer nrnr tho lloo-, when she hal sonieliir.es In en before We net' 1 j knew haw sh got nt ros the like 01 I lo w sho ra r.e bi.ck, 1 11' -1 e came bacl.i I jil-l the- saui", nnd it w.i-Vt "Id' year- J ago either. I, iwiiton -I u. nil. I he Michb-b.ii lo, lliese are v ry sum . li-ii, though they look in the above pi. I ire n thou d) th y might t o a hilf-a-yirl ion.'. T.iey nro lift as pultun t il tie ir treat 1110. t o! their mates as tlo y nr : fatherly tow rd their young, ler when th-y get th' nest completed they drive in th' female and and stand as a senline! for pr t. ciiou at tin entrance, and when :n y 1 f th egg-' wash out they pick t lr in up in th it mouth taic'iilly, ca-rvii; th in bac'i like nn animal i.i"ti:r. Tii--c htt spunky li h are v ry i,u . k in th ir n titions and briiimtly co'.-rel. I'n iiestt nro built in roott or cl m .. ot scu-weo I. The stickleback i ..iiite an in'rre t ing li di to t i ty. e p i .liy f. r little boys an I girls wi o lov- tog ' li lin g and study out. th habit- of l.vi g ol tho variout van no' uf lid'. Him specimens of se:.w e.l look n in 'st .i.c plants or lilt'e titvs lint cr.w on fer tile c 11 th, hut 'o iwo'.li on'v thr v iii water or in vciy .1:1; y inn I Tlietr little fi ll nro well know n o the boyi for tlu-ir spinal, pric!y backs, whiel nro Ci vernl witli li t - pi iited tins t hil olten prick tlio Inn-Is ii'id li 1 rs ol niuiteur li-hernii n nnd careless li i'c bos', so they n'wnyt remen.b 1 the litt'e in sl -bao. li-h ns their ap-cnl i"i''iri';, ns w.-.l a- fir tli ir wonlerfui nest - nai.i i . T'o-'sc li-h are often in I I t b it ii n-liiag, nnd soineli nei, when tin hnyt r- not clTctunl in cnti lung fit li li. they turn about an I d v to th-ms-lv s ii catrhi.ig tliem as minnow .; and won the boys (get tired a id po-set v-tr .t i. u at't ti'-O', tilt V lull I a ti-e and liy th s; little tidbits, a. til y nro seme' i '. ca'led, ittl l thny servo an exe -...nt r I ishtathi coll lii-irh lint ha. be n snvc I for the oer ision. Neir.y n.ey vaiiely of simd lit'i, whei ju I e.utht, are v ry tw n t nnd 1 'li. i nn 1. prop, ily cooke I. A'-rohatic giiJdlo caket T.uuovets. SI-A CABLES. T!u' Iirih KiiciiTlcd by Nine Groat biibir.ai'ino Wires. I How tho Work Is Dono by a Littlo Army of Operators. is onip .r.itiv 'ly n ry 1 . t h ! lirst s'llmi'l! ine 1 Itidpeiiol -i i; til! lirst s-.llimnlne I I 1 :;i .pu c.i.. w i' -'.'cressiu ly nit 1 no- ween Irel.m I n 1 1 N :wf mil 11 id, mi h r.tst slril h ie ' b'en fn-i'le in tho per- j fettia.i, co 1 s 1 1 act 1 o t nn I laying of doep j 'en ca!)l s th t ' li - en 111 is row iilmos' j en'..ro'y gird c 1 iy them. Tin toast j 11 :m of t'o- A r.eriras, Il iroiie, A!a, i A.'iica an 1 An 1 1 : re f-stoo-ed with ' countlesi in,.e. of .-uiinuine c tides I hat ; ijop grierlu v from tl'.e '.fean bed at j regular i.l rv s to touch nt so-nc bu-y , tea port or 1. 'ay 1 111. 'e. Theio me now ii ie great su-cn irine rub e compiniet ; in tho w r 11, witii ever sixty llioiltiind in les of i'l '!', ex -nd. 1 i ta tha re- moti'-t pa: ! 1 of t II li-iai!alile ; T .e "leate-i of il 'so c iil;i 1 tho i In t. i T .de'ti.ih I' Miip n-.y of London, wit'n :'. I n I I in lot of ribio under its ea.tr. I. T..:. ii' star's from I.md's Kid, Hi; and, nil run uu lor tin ore.ni t 1 !. . 1 in From there it loops '.o (1,, 1.1 'a . then a, der the Meliterra j ! IP-Hi ! 1 M i.t 1 an 1 A. ex m Iria. ovenaa : i Su , itn.b.r til II 1 S'lt to Aden, ii 1 1" : tin I 1 ! ol A11 l i.i to Uambny, . (oping .no 11 1 ; . M Ira-, I o Singapore, toSii :o, to llu Ivmg, Anuy an I S.i inghai, in '1:11, t Xign-nki, en 1-i-ig at Y.tDv. : o a. 111. I -ri S hena. Af 101 is .0 in I ) . th: ."nt from Aden b. .inr ta Cape town. O l th Wet ;.: I in.) :i:tl" o' f inie on '' t' u h it rour 1 1 .1: -. A io'.Ii r long 1 ibio runs iron I., im ta J'ernanil.ii' 1. Sjirh Am-net i. le-t.j.vied on bath coasts is l.ir south as ti.o A'-go-itina Kipuh iv'. Th I.i tern al-i) has a lino lo India ill 011 h I' rn, thenro llirou.di :he I' t-. ni till!'. There nro nine w or . 1 1 1 : .h -til : Ti i.i ; ,b ; iif .veen America and ,n I. A., ill West In 11 1 Islands, i.-'tim A-iii ;. el t g 0 and Aintrab. I" ra irh I e-l'des. work tli .""a i'i t longt us of fiibma- ; me i a!.!.'i a g ' i .'..'I a-my of opera : .a s it emp oy I. N l iiiuch h i" boon wi :tt '.'i all nil tlntiinen, but th . d eep sea cable 0:1 n l A.litie.i runs nf the finest ho lies ol skiiie I woikers jj wmld. A.I tli ciido lines nro maun- fiirl.ivel and owned ill I'. 1 gland. These rableni'ti are brnv, Icar'css nud far above the nv.-ragi! i a tel i gene e. They: 1. ever ! 1 r.h from going whero lnty calls , tliem, an t th'V are m"sl i up irt.r.il fac- ; Ini sin c 1111111 too, d ip'.oni icy and pro- t t i.'u i.i'. t ', inieui. "lit-y nro grerd 1 traveler', an I u iuibers of thorn have ; been in ' v ry put ol the kr.own Wtrld. : 'I he deep -e 1 ca it-men are ti-lgiit tl'o) , ru Inn o.t .ry el 1:1 ".ts in I. mdon. They are t h n s nt to I' nta Ku 11 , Fane mte, whT" th be.-. nn , I 1 in 1 . i , r with tiie wording of th; sij li mi rcronler, the spark ail t he t r t. n ii ti r. When pro , t'leieut til y are detnlie 1 to any place inui h i be ci''ie. 'I lie-o pralor are welt p i1, war.e short hours nn I very bloni leave the seiv;e. Th-y nre cal to I upon to w nk in ihe deadly fevers o. I'. iami n-d Allien, to lace wild beasts in I -'1:1, to wolk nm. t) ig prowl nig bunds ol i.'i ler r.. nu ll in Am-in nnd i'.-r i ., Ih v uni. I live in the tholei j-.-t : . ken ei'iet if i am ui.d Cl.i-ni, th- yellow ev r ol C.iii.i, the Inui I r iny i'.'I 11' ii A il 'r tc 1 an I the bleak coi-t of F. stem s.b-ri.. Hut in Spite of 111'! fait tint Iii' cable lines nro laid throu ;h such pe-t i.ent ml countri.s, tlio morali'y ra'e among the cn'do op ra tals is very I nv. This 1. no ton t lin t 1 Hi tact that Hn C'.mpinii s ma ta 11 tinu il.y tha 1 ing their men ahou: in sin h pi ico. An operati r is det tiled to very uahe i't hy ph.ct" for six months or a year. Il . it linn sonl to some very healthy spot. M 11 nro olten trans ferred fr. 111 I'.i-.umi to Nigasaki or ( ' ipe l ow p. To keep t h"-o vast linos in cruer a 1 i.uil er of -t a n h'pi are fitte 1 up for tlitt pu pon; ai l I n men spen I n few , ngr.aph ha- a!-plea-ant month; i.n I oar I the n, t .king ii rrnl in it- 1 r turn ubout. an o .crat r inariie. and loen'.es in n p'.ac In is al.wul to re main th-ie. Tin m. 11 live 11 very pc is ant life, except xvli-a : tiny a-e detailed to ibingcro'is cr 11 lic.nl i li v 'titioi Tho men alxvayt le'y on tin protnlioi of tin; ho ne tl lvernu e it an I liny f :ir-let-ly go to st d ions i 1 tin: xvil lest s ots of A abi ., Turk y, P'r-ia or Air tea, con t-i.'ilt of th f u t that ii tli 'ii nivo 111 ;! si I if m n D 1'ish gu iboat xvi l soon in ike things h .xvl 111 tint viri nty. 'Ihebugetl lorea ol opetators (no kept a' t h ' rep atin message Inv ; lo 1 at ois, whern all ti anslcrrcd. At S ii . nn I Ad ;n tin e tb' ployn I at c n il .1 ion. men nro cm- tl tin A nei;- mil si Ie Ih iarge-t b r.e is nt llentt's (intent, N, w fo'ii.dl in I, where there are -1 I 111 n. Tin- i- a steady colony of cable operators. Nearly all ol tlio o. der men are mnrrie I, a id , lip liilinlio--. T l v huve loin ing th p i, srhoa , c iib-h u-e mid oxv 1 iln ir oxvn houses At tin c.b'.e st t ions tin c 111 p iny t in . I . event', bill ill 1 i 11c. lid 1 i ihnnlli- , a cub h ut; lurr.ish .1 null a pla in. I I I I ta ii', ear I l oom, (l ol a I c .uvei.ij..cos. Single men liva hsre. .Murine it outoiinrjed, in 1 when 1 mnn 111 rri'3 he it :;.ven a s'linll huuse, hit fue! an I the diet-r's F( 1 vice", nil lice. I.de is 11 a ie as plensit t ns possi i.I", au l the ttnti nt in? ,'urnishc, 1 with bont hou'cs, sail anil rowhoaH nt.d firc- arm. The men are give!, thirty .iny' vacation with pay eniiy. Ti c leuvi cumu'ativf, nnd if a mnn works liva years he is tgiv-;n live n.oiitht' leava with pay, :ri I hit passago pai l to uti-itnv r invt of the world hi lull V llvj . ' 1 , ," I-- I .in ml. r to o nrti rr- 'mile I ns a pocies of supe: iifi'.nr il b in ; by the ifTercnt wild tribes in cut'iundU'.i : untrie . - New York W.-r! I. Why the I'limroso lilo.un .it Niirht. Car iv -ning primrote does nol ohtoni ' in tho dnrk hours lor mere sentiment j and moonshine, bu! I" m a lnotivo that lies 11 ueh rearer hit heart. I'.oip tho . lir.-t moment ol her wooing welcome she ! listen for murmuring wiag', and j nwiiitt tliat supr ni'! lullilment ant'u ipn- 1 tod from li r 1:1 hint bud. For it wiit 1 itln.o-t invariably be feui.d that tlio.e ; blossoms which onon ii tin twilight huve adapted themselves to the crepin- ; culi.r inotiis and otlier necturnnl lnseel'. This finds a striking iiiu-trnt ion in tlio j instances of nnu'v long i ii'i i.i.r-shaped niglit-l.lo ini-.g l! wcrs, liie tho lioney- ! suckle nnd v. 1: ions orchil-, whoo nee tnr it beyond tho renrh of nuy in'ect except tha night-flying hawkmotli. H : i trui that 1:1 other list tlo-p noclurnnl 1 Honors the sweets could be reached by Outlet flic tr bees during the d: y ;.' tlio 1 hlo.'soms remninod 1'" tho niglit 1 murmurers rceeuo tin !ir-t fresh invita- 1 lion, which, if m-t, w ill !e iva hat n wilted, hi! f-hciuie 1 blossom to greet ', the sipper of tho sunshin". T'i.is leau i i fnl ex peetancy ol tiio tlowi-r deter mines lho limit of its bloom. Tims, in the e vent of tain or other 1 a ises prc- 1 ventivu of insect vi-.!', tin' evening ( primrose will romaif. open for I lie out- I teillies during the following day, when j otherwise itwoullhi.ve drooped pjr- co pt i I ly, and extended but n istiosi welcome. 1 ln.va StC.u tliis fact .-Irik-ingly illu trulo I in a st:.yo! mountain Iiurel, whoso blo soms lingered ti ex pectancy nearly a xv 'ck in my parlor, xvhen tlic l! ) xvers 011 tho pnicut shrub in tho woods had fa ten sov.rd duys before, t heir mission having hern ful filled. In the htm e sp enn-i-.s the . r.uii.iiln: stamens reunit e I in their pccKCts in uu sine 0: in- i-u-ssom cup, and seemeil to trace the roroiiiupou Its receptacle. These stamens nro naturally dependent upon insect agency for their release, mid th" consentient dischnrgo of pollen, and 1 nr tired thnt when tins o j t-rnt 1 m w as atlitirin'.y con summated th'.' tinner cup soon dropped oil or wi'.ln rol. ,11 rp r s Mn , i:ii'. Keiiiodt'liiig (liniki'i- M.iriingi' laws. In. P"i t .1:1 1 cinr.ges ii th.' mairit.'O n.xvscf tlio yimgir brai.cli of 'In So ciety o. Fricti I. are noxv 11 .1 1 consid eration and ivi;l be sulniiUtel to tin' lies', ipiarlerly me ting. I" Ito t h an es reeoin men I e i are "lo d iti 0111 a n.'" in--te d ol 10 ,lli 1 011 t n .in 0" 111 i x ' I marriages; rr tmeoatth' prohibiti u i.giinst court: ... or epiu g torn pan " xvith or nit' nil g the xxol lin.s ol p.o plewlio are not tinker-. T.i" ruio 1 ecoinmen 1 111 ; "Ir aling with'' peisei Viieatlu; th so n-gu. ti ni. :.::! "o sti'v ng a.gai .t " tin-in in i-i-o th y nnaiti obli.r.it" 1- 1:1 .1 ni d y ii'od.ti -1, "iv.: g the month y ui' ting the r 1 g It t to coa do.ie the 1 IT"- 1 : if the aceu-'l "ivo evi ler.ee of being ap.u nn liable in ether tespictt. Paragraph 'il ol the link of Di-eioine, adopt' I 11 1 -1 '", lenders parties liable to b do I for man v- ing out of the order, or, if both amen abio to Fi ieli is' imv, v. ilhout the satii ; tion of the in out li y linn t nig i 1 tn 1 I :li I 1 to a'loxx the 1 tenti .11 o' the meiii . 1 wilho'.it n xinttei: ,'ii'kiioxv.c Ignn ti' pit vide I it b f 111:1 I that ll or she 1. desirous o' eont inning 11 iii-iiibel ot lin society. I both partus ai i ".tine na! I. " aul a . te 1 1 lie has bei n ex: in I !0 not p'.ep-.r I In make sat -I .cioi y tv plnnnti n i-i 'vrilng, they are t" be ie-ba-ed rim n.e.iilur-hip. T11-: li-t pin- be "i riMidcr.nl more , :o .s tor ruitii -r i.cl n.airiagi's xvil'u p rsots 1101 meiiib.'! t of th - Society of Frinid-. , I'.il.ade phi 1 In. purer. Injury of H.inilagiiig Hie lies Th" in torn priv.il.int niiiong pb.y-i-cians as xvcil as the i.uty, ol tiihl y bandaging t r lying up the rye a oot. ns it bin o nes 11 tinned or Mir, 1 brnnded a bad o n' by a xv. it T in II it th. lie say.: "It pr c ml llo; free nciest nnd binefn la! 1 ll its ol th coo! nir, and nt the sau.c t'lim reve;,ls an. I (great . x retnr.ls Ilie lice egtess 1.1 ; the hot Keis imd nir rbid rccretnnsof lho ii ll.imrd con junt tiva nr 1 line ', or j both, li tho-e tases, too, xxli'ie a i foreign substance has pot into th t eye, j thu band ago (which is mu 1 ly c lapp :d ! on the first t1il:ij pnsses lho ll Is n;or , closely against tiie ball, d thus tiens-s the pain and discomf irt by aug menting tho Infer lions cit'.sed by i ho foreign body. Tins cannot fiii to be ha. mini. In tbosa ens where no light it pni i'n! it it my habit to n I pi t ov t tlic er'oi i 11 neatly ti.ting ' h 1 Ie, vdilill, whi eit 1 xt 11 1 s lb- ir;lr, ld UWi tha Iioj etc ess ol uii." Jus! So. For thus it Is Willi men of brain, fiiidin III ir ioitii, u-on Ihe wane, ii' t hoping liit-y ni'iy la'mn ris'i Advertis-' TI." K"'i : s! I "h" live I" Iny Hum- toi.n I 111 llii- th" "olv way To il beyond the 'illil.-sHi si.-.': Adv-iii-! I' im'V- I yet was known to fall To lo : -.htou tine-.- an 1 nialei n sal" 'K. bind v .iii- iii -k w-n I A. It it:-. WI .-. l . tin . v.h Ite'e at ..li"" : V 11 li'iv. uni .1 . it i,-P. lh". 1: I .-for,- i voiie cm on nrim-n '1 1 v tins one w ay b 1 client hardline; V. o'li till I h.-l-e'll the secret ll A Iv.-i tivel When t liu And trad" Wb it i- it nre h::r I nud cash is low. cone s in most nw tnl slo.'.' that I w. old n.lvis , dvi'ia i ' V. l en folks And ie i. i' s Mv lis! n k -.. nug pa . ti n -bo til.-, i- '. ben drav.-. r nnd pocket lo't'u .x.i.d !. ...'ii ".is. .nt ,-in l n-ni.;lit. If V. ; I W if I be I'X.-e dllig W i.-e, Adverli-e' nn nun. ill 's in, ill M!ii:')!s. A hndsoti',-; r-u;.. Two dollars. "Lives 01. t" nil be-r d ivs Tin lurod gi' ' Jlv" 1 a ru III I'.-rrnonia Il l 1 ii.'t o i d pcr o i may 1. ot fool irn.'i ino !. iii't of comic valentines urn th.8 ig stee.i o' tlio newidealor. I a'l ;hi Tile w ,v 11 -hip i b ti 1 I h lion to t h : restri'".iu.i- of Th ti. c i'.i . !"!' is ni ve . c Iti :r' 'i-.d 1 1 'I no t in t ' 11 nore.a 11 invrce. V, Mire to ev a y man. T..0 dr.! tain i.o I Cf h. N w i t i-t t .1 .r-ge makes t.'. 1:1 s..d 1 !oun - 1 ,1 ieii.or pay the xx hen a man can ii a'.- 1 ti II pcophs 111 net. i be 11 who dyes :ht 10 I e writing to lying love. 1...1 faitni.'," as slu. ve I in his , w n t lie is i y 1 ; 11 . el' Tho ilan I- lent . Ins h- ir In- 1 o 1 any gu i ahtnt l.l "it it li: i 1'. l a! th: old lti.ii It! ,i 1 ti-d ilia pig an lu in the w ater sho. Iota she so'i'l Milkman Did your In-1 men: T N t tod ,v, I ; 1 xx i !i la settle it.t i n 1 H Jllsewit'o you'll llaVJ tO i-hai k it, as v. ii n -11 1 1 ' v lo. "V u ieliows , h arga a veiy high iti(.' for pill ing t .. tii." s-il a leai eslato deah r to a di'iiti-t. "H'l. I dun' t know lib, nt th it," was the !. li t :. t It ply, "xxeo.i'.y tliu a do nr ai i.clier." j It was i.t : h Sn.i.n oiii y . j f.ir.e h i. 1 I all ' "Ah," n.i.i lc, died l.illghi lg I 1 ic ikl : d tabic. Mr. t . U i g Mrs. S. about a I t lie night before, in.- iio.,1, y.iu'd ll-.vo y 11 iculd have been then burin Then 1 e i.t i..i- all .1 ti no of I xvisll yo . had." ' A K :,. .' ' M . liar. In:. 1) m e : 0 f lint I II- 1 ' is - W V, thni'.iilij 1 . ll..) 0 .-an ! XX I o 11. 't 11 V bo ill It's !,!! kill lo e - o. lux ti till, i li u 1 1 i.ti ! Hon I 0 Mint pen ii I'ockel Iniife. I A largo doio r in tiithry expresses! ! tho opinion tint i'."t mi" man in ti ly j !', , bow tos'.i.irpen n p t-.i't ki.ilc. 'A ri.or," si, v- ii , "a.u-t I e tail ll it I 0:1 the h.-ne, b l:-o hollow ci-o. I utdT cl;.', ll it 01 a st ground ai l it a pocket 1 ri'niiuni ll 1 ' kuile r-ipiircs 11, e .t y 11 lay 1 ; t 11. 1: ihe poii . I the 1110- , SO IIS ti h .1 si Ie. yon 1 ill 1 tint ! edg, I nr..-1 T iie bin ie inns: ." h.-ld til all of twenty ft twenty-live degrees an'! I. Ti i.i ai.. I .. v ! an t d 111 1 1:1 r I. ie 1 to 11 1 lllsel. Ihe 'eaiinel, kciv.s by a not leninvu hi, 0. Ix .IV.'SJ often I'llll- 1 sol t xx it limit 11 10. tei h ;ii a! y t : t in I . -. iii h ,e w Into lino w 1... n or 1...:. . ; I h pt'lt-h.' ! in. p: o 1 1 1 y xx l.o : e 1 ilell, in- I lis tiol b .1 i 1 1 1' s,.:'.' ,N w Y .r. I I I Sixth i nlui v S.ii'cnplingns. At S'. M .a itur, i.ei.r Tou'oi, Fin te, 11 s.-.i a . pint ; ins ha . b -en disrov rred w 1 1 1 1 11 silver plate o", wlnili nro lane ivi'il tini xx 1 id.; ' .(.ltti.venia Tu, ) iii.n.ie, c.-r in. 11 11 taritate !ui.' A cx In. iii-cn tiiii.es 1 ei.gn.v il ii Inn:! 1 1. ui 1 reed xxnli t .v.i airoxvt, 1111 i tln-i i. a ' ith p i- ! ling ntol holliig in 1 1 It r hand in . 11 :t"i- nil 1 . ,-.M-: IH'- t :nli 1. s:i;,p ...I'd to bo I h..t .1 rv 1'iax 1 n, xvho, i 1 "iO, S I iii 1 li-d within- In ni l collier, b iiintie... in tin peiiiii-ii. ', with whom he W11- lllll-s.11 led by till! l-iguths 111 0 1 !. A rhoiiogr.ipliir 11 .11. M-. 1. Hon li.i', ll 11 sliitc I, devised a ib.'l with a small ph nio.'i ipli in-i Ie, whit h ttlks xvht: 1 tiio handle Is tinned. 'Ihe 1 lii'tingtitph Is plac.d on areceta ( c w It hi I t lie ( ll" d o1 the ibll a id th S initi ; proli u t e t. 1. th xx nd npp t to I tlo t 111 ni li. 1. I ' i 1 11 1 ' . xx h irll 1 ' 'll 1 -tp 1. I ', the t .Ikl.. ; ; p til teui c, u j ha .eitm.h. it I 1 11: aed 1 in thn I vi-. d , I, OH. if, ir

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