Z)t v!)at!)am Uecori l)c l)atl)cuu ttccorb. II. -A. JOIlOTS , KD1TUU AND riJOl'IilETOK. KATIES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, tin' :-'iiuie, one inseilum- Mir sipmrc, two mm rt ion -One Kiunrr, one inonlli - fl.00 1.80 269 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly inAdvance. Fur luroor mlvortw men's lihctitl con t r:; Is will 1 VOL. XI. IMTTSP,) CHATHAM CO., N. (., J ANT A UY lo, iW. NO. El (Doc Ctettem mtmk Win tor livening. Tonight tlio very li tsw springing bj TilsS gold f 1 1 It H III t - 1 ll'lbl r ils. In n (Iron in The streets that narrow tu llio westward ".Icnni Like runs of lln palaces, nn.l high From nil th" crowded chimneys tower mid .li- A tlitiiis.in I i:iii i ill-.'-;, ti.iun in the west The l iuuiiiiine, I : i m c I'cni uth I li sunset lost, One burning tfa of wUl Soon, mm shall lly The Klorioti- vi-i vi. and the limns shall fe,-l A iniiihti' r ni's'or; soni fi oin heinht to height, With -il ii.v ,in, the sharp mipiltin", si a is. Stern ere 'poi-, frost ; an t wind. Ih-it touch Ilk' si ...I, Out of Hi- , jitlis l.cy.iul Hi it'Mii hlS, I ilttteriu..; au l .s! ill, shall oouio lie iitttul ni-lil. (A. I. iimi'iuti, iii ti ! 1 1 'iiti's Mnt;iiuo. ON A MOUNTAIN. ' !) h know how pit I uresipni ho l..-oki"' (iitcii wondered. Sin wax in clined to ';ivj a man credit lor vmi y, or any ot h -r In tto i I to y :irr:i-y he in i" lit pots.'. .1 c Mi-cua-l 'li I not know tint ho mi ; lit hiv ; posed sui-cot I ill ly 'or a tint mi i:; bit ol m nth con .try life. ll knew, coin-v, 'hit ho was hand lOini', nnd tli it llij water li i drank from Juan S-pulvila o'li wai c ml an I rl nr. 'I'ln v iter jir hirr; in a hu;e poppet tie', and the .'cri-liko foliao with it featlnry liltn'ciui drooped ho irly to Iho ron i I, Iraini i" .1 se i i n irrcen at I. or, tliton -ll which llio sun ; i '.toil, .1 " s shirt wi a snowy w lite, an I lie vivi 1 soirict n nl yellow I ri lNorchi ( k a ' t I loo '. W around hi. lliroit a I i h'T colour; to hit s virthy i lr.-ek. A wide sombrero cov eted liii black It, I:, li lt li 1 not hide tho fin-hi t ; olaue-M t!io dark ey.-s cast toward ; irei i's hammock. Tlt'i hand that Id I tli! :;ourl wa small nnd shapely, n n 1 th ro wa in his saln'o nil the (trace of t'.ic Suni-li c ,v ill ;r, w hoto I ! in) blood, much diluted, Il ved in hit vein. Mis W.i'lo 11 iiho I n littlo ui derthit :r i'i li ii.ii.' .1 Idw. ti ii ty! lVilnpi. Si1 lit I pent mo o hour li in sho luo'l to romcnili t, luiiiii;' . ;i ill; wi li' -ill-TV or nv iyi.n lu.ily i i th) lutnipock, -t ru'i np fi th l i I 'I il i n in -; ll-lo:ii:i ; lln o l,'h tin ill if I -in", "limy ilny to th ; lnvo talc ni o'.il Jpni'i, r. tul 1 with n. any on.lo ii-h-ir.onts l y tlm yciin romaaror, who lia-l i cvo-jour icyc I a hu l 1 roil niiU'i from l i monalai i li 'tn". .1 n;'s Ih'C ranch tip thi cnnyoi -li'l n it occupy ti'. 1 1 1 1 of liii Inn', anil, R'hllo I ii many ' :"il survuit lm'l anil nlioieil, In) I'rnnht out lit i choicst lora of swoct -nyi-t- for (lircia's "li loc'.atio l. Vfit) ;n, I oforo Mm Wal'lo' hill) vol hil loi.ol v iv far into life's of t ri-j, to!h h'T purvnt hml 'li" l of i nu npl i a. T.i) en.) of tit) liMlo iri h i-l f til t o i h -r f:it!l -r'i ol lot M-t:r, howi ii iitinl wirry let ariii sli-ni'. 1 .n'l r t'nj miio) falo. Th.'y h.nl io no fro n their omtori h"iin) in scinch ol li i th, i-i tli ; lit 1 - lo. .thill il!n;o, no t.c 1 in ihi slial iwt of th-' Si-rra Mi Ir i. 1 1 r.i tititnrj ran ncrin Imi.-'ii- r.ifn-in i anil ky nn.l raith cro alive l uiliant ii Irihlcst hu a. iari u ha I b. c:i s t ir 1 if her colur .s i nil roil 1 1 ii-4-; th1 -ray sky; tho now ci vcro 1 c.rth; luir aunt's pi!o ion of a,'o, an 1 ln:r own iliiiiiucl i-ra iiy, th itih.' r-fui-'il to rd urn h no, ..liii ii ;h th'i ct ulier il iyi w ith thoir n ealtli of fruit hvl f 'lil: a.;!!!1, i.n.l ii r h'-ftlth ivn n'm )U entirely re-noicl. Mis V ilo's aunt ill I not tak kir.,1 - ly to tho gallant I jh-, ami liii oc a t m al pcrformnaco u-ion tho maniloli i sho utterly ili.approv "I. S'" caino to llio door cn lv: nftcri'.ooa ii ipi"-ition with i vi leal ileprcci it io l of tho pretty tab leau. "II iv i you w ult n to S'-cph-m tiliy?'' sho tlomaiiile I, na i (iirria nnio out fio:n th r'.tia of V'liam'ir.i, w hero she h 1 1 inon watnlurine i i im i ;i i n' ton, anil rrr'tu. 'J thu hostilo ji'iim of hoi- su it'. sp 'i taelo. Jjse il.-parto'l with alicrity, nn 1 (iir c ia. prop roil uaw illialy to enter tlo i)-ni". "When an iinplc.nant fact i thrco tltotunnil miles away," Uio ruml'lo l, 'it ii very ilimqroeab'e ti In romiii'lo'l ol it.' Slu foil to tvo'I'Ioi iai; how Stcphoa w .ul I look in a aomhrero nml i; rcil mi. Ill r. S!:e ; hu l.lereil at llio thou ;ht. ' F.i'TV him at a hu I liht with n j.uit ir ti.'il on with rcil anil ydlow iibboas. Oil, ileat ! why n In hair i mil a pal - iTjwn ami hi - inoi.stach j no lei b c. Wiiat a very u iploniant height hx feet thiue it tor a 141 au.'' Al any lain h j was k'"1' -'!; f'yp'rtly pioniivcl to marry him. llow coulil 1 uirl thri at"ic I i h tu cr c el Sho took a lat hi k at the m. ti -t 11-. II w ( 1 cia. InvoJ thoio 111 una tai;s! Hi. in their hihoit jcaks i.iiiht th ; lirst siuilo ol the iiiornn; whoa sin a.i'l sluol.' tlnhol at noon lay over their browi siJes; h:n tho ua s ii I " omi nii;ht,' ' an 1 hi I thorn in n nft puq I : lia. ; who 1 the "clou I 1 1 all) -I hi -) t r "t- a I shro l ie I tli ini 1 a -ro' i n.i't; ev.ir chit i','i'i,', yet il-vav the siui", liucia Ijvc'I th ill 1 el L-i 'Ircmiivul iluntusof tho lipf time whoa eho shou'il cxp'oro thoja hhUeu cniyo::. At it lin'cl ilnwti tho utroct, n 1 i v I y willow il'il ll"l siit.r bo:r lo I. iiici i coasi'li-reil them iliirmin niipi.i'it nro, hut her niliit hel I them i a colli iliplen-uio, mostly on account of what she tcrnicil thowi'low'i ''flirty1' way.; but sho hn I been boeiiilol iato ptomii t :i in n moment of w.'itktinss, that somo time (! iicia iniehl accompany the ol'j"itiiinab'o wi.low on a mountain ex cursion. Tiio mint never iateii'leil to keep tlii- pronmo; rconciliae; it with hor coasi-ienc.) llint "some limo" wai so va-Mio that, it mij'ht bo iii'lilinitely post I oneil, anil tho paimey never nccom pliei. Myiti'iiom limine took her to l,o Aucle one ilny. Thi win th') widow's opportunity. SI10 swoopo'l ilown upon (i iieii, nii'l, lielor" tho be wil lord eirl re-ili.)! thi siluilion, she was inoiintoil on 11 I urro, i i company with t wo rea ly cava'.ier an I thu wt low 11 11 1 1 her sister. Their ilostiualion wa n tent on tho inointatii si-lo, oceiipieil I v tho employe, of 1111 in i ;a! i i-; com pany, who wore tinnelli th-' 111 u 1 t in in s-oaich of water. liatcii hail often lo ike. I lon ;in;!y up to I ho eyrie nbmlo, which sho h i'l Ilk cneil ton preat while bill poreh"il upon the moiinlai i si lo. Tin-y wmitul s'nw'y iipwar I tliM.ii;h sar;o brush an I chappaiel, piiusin occaio'ially to lnu'i bark over th.) S ft (Jtbriol valley away to th') 1 1 t h it t ocean, shnwiii-; throu -h .111 t 111 III In'U. I'.y anil by (i ucia felt a i-trana ami unpleaiatit pialai a her 1 nrro crept f.-i'i:;erly nrou i'l tho iihihuiI ly stoop precipice, Tho ili-t.int tent lookol inciii) than ever like a bir I rea ly to tak ) wii-, aiul, oh, so far away. Tao wilow, olancii; backwanl, ex rluiuiDil al her palo fno : "Are you 0111 to faiit, Mm WaN .1'.?' ' 1 think I am po iiifj to ilie," t! m in w hiinpero I. Thorn w n Rf,Tcat commolioa nnioni; men na'l bensl, "iii-llia; s-iltt w-ro np p'ieil nii'l bottiel were uncorke 1, an I 1 ! irria opoaeil hir eve to ft :t -1 h 'rscif upon tern lirmi, shelter I by a l i:f jre-ne-w on I liruh. N 1 peisuiim con! I i ilin'o her to 1 1-111 u it, but nt her cai nest reipi't, th" re! of the p r:y rontmu -il their iipv-ul j uirney, leavri'j lief ia her pr. '-o.it retreat for th lew hour . til it won' I i it irv ) o be fore their return hoiii1. i irci i :.ive a si;h o! relief a a bell I 111 tho trail hhl them from vt -w, ami sit! ivn lift a'.one. The ilav wn pirfoit, an I sh) r v'llol in her l'l'lepen. I"ic nnl tlii :,-bi' ioui view before h 'r. I'.ir .1 nvn thi ravine sh ) h.'ar I t ho tnu-ic n; .1 hi 1 le 1 stream. Tall yucca1, with th or iiru-ei of snowy Uioni, iniejht .stau l for white ro'ie l spclie wiv' of Mi a I mountain Ltiuiit', with whein 'I Imr triel hu fe it of skill. She Inn 'ho I alou 1 al l merry moclv-in,- l ii i, l'iili'lnii dv r with a soaf uiiuiicint; t ho sweet no! i a t-1 fhri I call of hi feat h re 1 fri n.l, .1:1 I e 1'li iu Willi the iiioiirnt'i' p'ep of a ! ri jipi 1 ihl.-ken. Sh ) k-ew th .1 ,lou' Iidiiij wa-in th- t t-.yo-i inouii i th1 other 9i.le of the in. unt ii i an. I tha' ho s mu tinies took t! 1- trail as a short, ir cut to the town below. Want if ho shoul I come tin in miiie? II w surpriel h woiil l be to see h)i i thi. unevpectol p! :( Wi 11 1 li- be "l-i-IJ The trip h el been tire-fuii', an I h !r prcs-Mit ipiartors so comfortable that h r .1 ay ilrennn me to I nw ay aa l sh 1 ioe into sleep. Sullenly she awok) with tho thought tint th) ilay h cl become sur-pri-in-ly hot. Sho ilrew n littlo further into her mi; roaiptu bower ait'l ro-uuie-1 l-.pr ca-tle bui .lin'. !y ami by a clum sy j iclv-rsbl it, with hit riiliculoiii c .r ilroopin - for war I liiinbercil ncross tho path. A tittiiil littlo cotton-tail fol lowed swiftly with a slran ;o ilisrei; ar.l cf her presence. Tho air grew h .Iter aii'l hotter. Thn mocking-bir I hu li!. hi ono ami tlew away. ( leer litil 1 ii.ar N, w ith their hnltin h i-t , ilarte.l i ito the lui-he. Moie ribbit-i, with Ion; jump", p;mo I by r.inl li nppeareil over the mountain. Sko wonilere.l i liy nt thi strano pro ossion of bon ti jil reptile, but scrnmb'o'1 hnsti y up ns a horri l toa l, with bristling bai k atol '.iiinecessniy tail, nearly ran across her fo t as she rose; tho I urro, with a lou 1 snort nn l mighty wrench, snapp."! th) rope with which ho w.i take-l, ami ran 111a 1 y up thu ttail. She heai.l alou I crarkino noio, nii'l clou Is of sun k - 1 il ;-l her. Wluit couM i' men ,' newiileiel, she looke I ilow n th ) 111 ;i .! ii 1 si 1 -. Ah, fill! Slu knew thou. Tin mountain mi 011 tir1. Tongues of tl in;o ilirtcil fiom sl-.rub t shrub, an I lick) I up the iTi, ilii-il to tin ier i y the mi-tropic sun throu ;h thy r :in!esa movth ot summer. Vi:h 11 toif like a tun. post tt swept up tl.o moun tain. Tho drit'.l branch- of ileal trees, kil.Cvl by former li'e, nn;ht the ir.i.e, ami s too 1 Iiko seutincU of lire in it w ike. A'lh'Huh sh) knew tint certain anil awful ileath was comia , teiror hel 1 tiar ciahel b.', a nl sho w:tnuain I'li inii ii; 11'coincioii', whoa sir) wn aruiiol i y the v iic of .Kse sh:ieki-i wi illy: ' K v. y ont'i, 11.. For the liveoi th Virgin, tl 1 ' S't 1 i!l not mov 1 i i'li f av us ",o I upon tin feet of h"i tuoi'. a . li jui u l.i. ' 'i'l'.n lint breath of lentil wn scoicll' ini'h'r (heji, wli-n ill oil hersoll c'u'cheil ly lie- arm, nnl iiri:ro-i u.i- Cer..-linlii ll -1 V 1 V I :i'a II '1 I li'l-li'.-s te the 1 th 1 -l I : ( the 'n I. Tli r . w is no time I' ir eh oil,' patlr. .1 so w is rcrtuinly ml lo blami lint h i ile'.icat) physiipn ren.lere I I. tin incapable ol tj i v i 11 j her heller as i-taiee, but when her seines p turtle I, u:r nsonali'o in 'iiuntion ciino also. St p i 01 won'. I never hnv.. ilra :;ei u nl turn ! lo I her ilown n in uuil i 1 wi'h an utt-r ili ro-jar-l other l-eli-.:; an I h-r wir lrobe. Stil! they slippe l ntnl stumble I un l th: tirj piirsueil the 11 with il.in ;cr .m haste. Another live ;n:nut i an I tiiey woii' l n-aeli the cineo', with it 1 1 x p imo of n;iav I an-1 water a i l -n'"ty. At thii nnloi tun ate moment '! mil's skirts cnui,'lit tin pro jeetiu"; limb of 11 fallen tree ami brought le-c ier nn I rea-in-' I to a sullen st niUt ill. li nein tu ril at her skirts nn l .1 so pu.leil nt ( ! ireia u ith all liii at r-'ii 'i h, which ill I not toinl lo help niatt-r. Tin tire i-nino nearer 11ml snatch ' I the i-ml ol tho tree whose It rcil he!. I (iireii pti-o:i-r. Willi a wiM shriek .1 so let n Im hohl, : u'l, plunoin 1! own w ar'l, le. t the unfortu late :;irl to her fate. .. Hovel of tin a'rain tin loisenel yir mi.'iit were easily il isen 1 anlel aul liinii followe'l h-r 1 ow 11 lly ;iii le, I i.'titeil even ii h :r peril, nnl thor-011,-h'y cure I of her i 1 a' u it ion. A she reaeheil the savin j; :;iavel sh 1 siw a stranely familiir li jnro il't-h mnlly up tin cinyon. I wa- n .iy a ll.itiii"; r.'laiic, f - I -he w 1 inn lertilie'l for n asi)-, au l llua" h r. If hea I ioa ,' iitothe little stieani, I'.ie water '-ur.;li an I sphnhe I it 11 -1 w. t h-r to th ki 1. II r hat wa lost aul her ilres; wis ii tat tors. "lsha'l ilie of coiisiimpti on,1' she thought, "after nil tiii I ep)uio. tilt, how mc. 1 feel! 1 bellev! I am .lyi:i ; li o w. ' ' Sho openn-l her eye t, h'.wev r, airl sat up very slr.iih'. for a 1 i i wi inin, a she hear 1 her n line calie.l in an a'omin ; tone. "li.ueii, liiiei), my ilarli:i- liircii.'"' "Wiiy, Slcphe:'," she cii.'.l, "is it really you? Wiieie .li I you como fioin.'" she. ask.-il, ,11 In li-lul her, iliippiii", nut of tir: lrJ int. "I c.iniiot l.'elieve il n you.' "Il i. sin 'ly I," he iis irn I h t, as he llfle-l h-r with ten ler s:ie:i:;ih M"l hel'l Iut closely in hn anus. "It wi til In't he Ir-.ilthy for :rio h rl !iw to be in my pi .0. 'W'l -r. -it I I c in fr -in.'' ( iii'i;o, of 11 r 01 tin '.I o I ti liu. 1 w 111 lere 1 ah jiii that wretch - I Irt'.o till i'i nil I w 3 al i"-l ta; nale I, ant cam iip'th' 1 i-imi 01 an exploring e x peil t: .,n to tin I my ti nice apparently e :ile iv in !"; to coinmr sui ci 10. That litt 0 M -xiem you c-iii"l put -ui:i'; h n-.'t stopp ; I riiunin yet' ( looking ; tier th: r.'tieitli:; li ;il 1! a:i'l tint 11 nt 111 r 'i now' I'll! il'!-l "W.i I how smoky. Tint woiil l Inv a tn I 1 IT ct nt i.ihl," In :ii I, looking nl tho I urnin.: mnu-itaii. ' liiink tiol! my ilai'iii" ii sale Itoin that liery ilcath." "I th, Stephen ! ' tiau la 11 i - I, th: ow in:; tier mil blv iirius ainui'l l:n mil., witli sublimo ili-repir l f r In 1 1 ; 1 1 1 mat, "take me l.eire ami k. ep 111" always. I think Hi 111) i'-lie-l thia;: In tin wot II to be -0 t al mil sir. 111,'.' At- I itita Con-ti:ul: -ci. Slu Ills jn 4 opelili.lien. t'i p nil 1 ;ea 11 an oi.l nty too little v.sitcl by tho htti ry-skur: y c'as of ti.uri-ti who take I. iropi in om ourv-clopn-lie ijii'p an I thi is. "0:1 1 summer'' quit siillici.-nt for it -t .ii:";ioi. I' ii at in Venue if tin 'iki:i;i iinint, hih-mloie I, chaniieHo I nml ct nalleil by lhrea Is of "htteri i"; vat -r, lull of na : itliHecture all it i ow 1, an I ! in.rliiij; with alii"', proviuci il if you choo-c t) call it so, but none tin lesi 1 It 11 r 1 11 i iil; nn.l iii livi lu 1. on that, account. Tin bin .lit l.i!iish fae.M, scoureil like tin sur:i.i -i of an oi 1 H itch knocker, hnvo II l-'reacll iiiiiaecs; tlnwjnn i aro ile ci lo lly pretly; tlnnii an in l'liriblo "tyle'' in tin- mi'l-t of their very pro vim: iliiin; an I tin street 1 present a pmorainaof siht au l sottn h that ioe not easily leave thi iininoiy. I', rhapi it 1. t:i 1 w it )r th it .-lit! ti i l the inia'l ; t'l 1 p;rp.'lual, frj-h, bu-t'u i";, scamperi i- Iti'tie; tiio playful nun lull of tili-aiaiteil bolts; the pieti e- of Sweilish 111 Miitiiin In niu ; aerns tho sea; the shower mingle 1 with shin 1 tli it :;ive the c'litn'e of lljnuiaik in 11 inner it 1 11 1 liu -iiko tlnrui. It 1. the I tail ( pnr.t loxically enough) of water of water sprit", of nixn aul ni!i icp', ol ilnsolvi i:; l.ti ni li!y a'l'l lu-'kea iiishne; in sh ut, not so much tho ".u-t tunpi i s c ' which Ha'. 11; feu 1 a.-viu in a lovely Savoyur-I lake as .1 pem. of mea' price 11 ikn.i.v 1 ai v t to t rav -lor 1, w jtin ; roily to bo i.-co.-ere I in its yre.t ti thie inii-e! -.lull on th : cil ;e, of t h,' ". iltic. lhey ritnislicl Him. "How il. 1 you (e l 1 nn 1" a-ki'ltiiv general 'rsfiaer i f a ':r- ul-f-a'h r social, ns hi po'seil a ha el 11. ! Iiatheil betwe n his victim's t Co. T fe-1 '1- .- 1 in tho i:iouMi," the h -t r teji ie I. Wlnreupo'i -i rcv.ln r wcr - i '-t 1 t v 01: ml 1 to tho s u:e t it. -.r.ic . (ITII.IHIMYS I IH.DIV All I llWl'leiimn ( aller. .l.n-k Fro.t -ui to the im'oI"-a p ine A li-l sofllv tlli"' I Mltu hi . lei.'a- o He-. "Kx lis" me," I Slll'l, 'ti.e.l in . are t jht An I I I talliei- you won!. n, rmn.. in ( 111 'hi. " ts.i hi. Sri .uohe.l h s ii'iine all i.M'i' llieplas Ami Hi" 1 aby siiei 1 "il as h,. I-. .u-. loin p 1--l N'.-iii h's 1 'oui ni'"ii. A Wcll-l"ise, C-v ti'j,e. A fri n I o ou 1 o.vi'l a ivilleii r.n I n puppy of nli nil tin sun ! a,-c. 'I'j- j ha I :;ruiva tiji tocth'-r at. I tv re a'.way. !:oii. frie.nU. Tin 1 1 1 ( y heiu-.rof Ih 1. - wfi uu li:iu l sp-ii n -u ;;rew to be 1 f loat do.;, but kilty il I 11. -I ;e.-iu to i' nfiiii'l of him, a'1' 11 ;h h" wa s laroe; in fact .-h" rntlnr ilir o-"! 11 1011 eoo.l uatuio by I I in.r hi. ens, sm'ch in hiif .ee a i l te i-i i; h::n 1 1 1 v 1 v wnv iiiia.'iui i 1 . w i inwr In tii lt- () to .t'e'op. At list, one 'lay, when j kitty hul t rm nt 'I him nior than any I respectable nu ;ht to si in I, he su 1. 1 J'.'.uly out up, tuiheil tut of th'.- lieu nnl liuuiel to n plic in theyarl; war re It w ,s v'.y s.in.ly airl l.e'in to ill ; liiriuiniy. I 1 a b w :i 1 .litis h -h : I '.lu; i H'c a l.o'e. II th :, walk.-, I i ito the In. 11." au l ". i i" uu to im iiti e toimeiilor with an air of "now I I at totnl to yn.r lei'," sei. 'l h-r in hi mouth at'l stiiile 1 for the hole. 1 11 tlii hole ho ilepoiit.-l kitty,. m. I ho iliu.. Imr with on.- treat paw. In sh-irelleil tliitoih.'r with the oth'rono. W: w- itcheil the fun for a b w -i-en-b, wlrei, loin -; reil y afr.ii I In w ui I l.uiy her, we w -nt to tho r scm. Cot .nnl Iik Mm ies. I hnv ! a cat 1 hi: kmwi a thin m two. Wlnnev r -he wish" iioythiu too.it, while we :ue liiaiu -, sin will t;o to tho liea I ot tin table, ami st uilii;; upright upon h r lo i-l lo', wait ' liet ly f ir fooil, which, if tono l to her, sho will nlrottly cateh b tw on her fore paw nml convey t . h-r mouth. It 1 an inherite I trail. I'pivi my inurri i,o, iiboiit four year :io( 1 took Ni ;-r lo my honio, which i ab ml one-half mile Irom my parent i. At lirst she remained coiiteiite I, hut my wifj ii not partial to tats, prefiT.-in .1 0 ; i, and Nier oo 1 left for her ol I h"me. F.oiu iinn to time wo won! I "el her to thin th" mice out, l uther stay wis brief. Tii. mi 11 iner we kept her boiii-time, sho seem l:if iplit : at Inin '. H e day sho was eon-, and ,u lew day l i'er we ioaiued that she w si ( my ,!!r ...,' a fnai. iiy of llueu kilt ):is. Wli-n III.- youtl' one wero ol I euou.di t i w.- in, o le iv 11 taken aw .y, aa l we loo's the cat home. As soo 1 a let oat she di-i.p learod. The next day she reaj pe;u d with tho smartest and be-t dip - . 1 1 me I kitten 111 her nniith. It hn proved a v. lit.i blo "chip of tin id i 1 l ie,," ncwr scr itehos or bit' 1 the 1 hi! Ire--, -Hid en j y s their (1 'lie. Th" cat leu.ai.u-d .1 lav or so to look alter her 1 IT :-i 1-1 lt, tiiea re tinned to lln ell ' I It I i hill I, .and fur some li e.e diviiel h 1 11! lent !:! an I tilii" b ! weea ill .' t wo. N .w sir! -cl-iluni rutin-, ivilently thinkin-jj tli tt at ho h:n iu-ai-.li" I a cat, e.pi-il i 1 ali re speiti lo her el', that we hive no neod for her. -, ' lur I u nl ( o 1 p nm.n. lull rot in j, l .i II ihles. Wiil my y t tl :t ; t An ncni hoircr my v. ry youne-t plea-e "iv1 mo their nt tontton .' Ah, li re you are! We'l, my littlo one-, in you very seen i re to li"i:i to lenvn your litters, r', 1 d.ed, yi a are pot alrea ly lenruia- th in, it may ta li re t you lo k now I li t tin laii i f other countries, a- well :n baby Americans, i.re v.xpoi t -d to know their a'phib 't at a very car y a ;e; tin 1 mine of them, b-enuio tint-.- aie nmr ) letter in their alphabet', h iv ev.a a harder time then you do. Some, a ;ni 1, liavj less to learn. For i'.stiuee, at a sprightly and lenne l 1 nrn-sp.su lent uilornn thi pulpit, tin Siu lwuh 1--laul a! plnbct has inly tw-v: Icltjr-; the liurm.'so, r.i ietee:-. ; the Italian, twenty; tin II n jale.e, twenty-one; tho Hebrew, Syiric, ( iia' lee, S imiirlt in, and I. .tin, t wei.t ;--t w o c.ich ; the Ficnch, twenty three; tin (ir.ek, twenty-four; the ti rm-in ami l;itch, twenty-six each; ihe Spnni-h ami Slavonic, twei.ty s. ven each. Hut, on the other hand, the Arabic h n t wen ty -oi ;ht ; the Per sian nn.l Cootie, t h'.rty -: w.. ; tin tieot 1 1 in, thu I y-liv .-; th ; Aiunuiin, ti.iity- I 1 .-lit ; the 1! i -i 1', forty on ; the M n c vile, forty-thu.'"; tin Sm-nit anl .lap r:cso, tiliy; tin F.tiiiopic 111 i Tar taric, two i 11 ulred aul two. If tin ml 1; in itioa bewilb-ri yi.ti, n-.y poor lltt.e 1 li-r-lo'irnen, -Ion" n I It. I', w 1 '. keep. 1) .0 -f thesn davi yell will I e I 1 ; 11 11 I ob'o to piny ! a ami, lit, r on, line ball i:i a 1 t!rsn Ian . 11.1.0 . The:', n few lotto!-, 1110:0 II icss, in any o:.o of them, w.li ie a matter ot -mil con-iit"ice to you. Uvea now, 1 .1 no say, a.ter whit 1 have told 0.1, you .! ! a bin to jday w-. tho l"'it":-'-i iinoi a-iy country. In truth ii 1 w. re yoe, I think I sir u d pief -r a I i of Miiii-'j 11 or l attarie lelt--t - block ',. b '"111 w nil. !. y ol w: h, I'll ie.c tinn ti i. mnttur t" Saat't ''.an-. S N'lehoim. Wjiiujic 1 to waU A luuadrcs. 01)1) IMH'STRIHS. ()u;cr Wrio'ln toihu.ts of the Forests of Mai no. Making Toothpicks, Thread, Spools, Shou Pci'.s. Etc. 'here ii an in lu-t'y whiih i-ivcs cm- j p'oyim-nt to hnu lied of p -opl, i llm ccti ,n of the state wliKH ow. s it on- ' oil to 11 whittlcr. wilt 9 a l'l'tsluir- I I : ii 1 !i 1 o icsn ndeiit tioin M m.e Jin'-1. tli- tnakin-. of wooden tooth- I Tnero i n factoiy 111 thi town ' winch luiv.s tlrm cut nt the lat- of 1 ' know not how iinny thnti' iml per day, ml there lire s. ,-!. fa, u.ri ,, j,, ';t tiiuiher of nei-jhljorili ; vii !a ,'0.i. Aside Irom the men nnd I i.ys directly 1-111-plny "I in tin prvlu-trin of these use ful little nit Lie, many o! lnrs are I. ou tfit 1 by the in I ti t rv. Toe fanner w o own the treo, tin woodsman who (hop them down ni l the team ster who hulls the timber to the lai toiy, i nch co.i.o in for a shir'! ol the ii.o.'i y piid out bj the to,. tli, k k tn:ir. 11 fir. till ' I -. file wool !1 for $:J to l.'i'i p-r cerd lit the l.-rtoiv. anl a e-ieli f n - lory t.'iioi !rmi ' t 1 l'lini mr-la 1 at tea-, .pule a r '-,.,,- ab.e amount I I ..,,1 r.., ......1 ..1 ti... I '" "i''"'iii 'I'O.O. III. wiiel ined i win!- I itch anl poplar, and mil .! I, j -t r il -hi- -r 11 :-l a 11 i without knti, , th-r- is n -oirily a 000 I d of waste. U n uu i'o I .ii 1 . . 1 1 lint oiinii'li toot I'lii" . are in 1 I 1 11 M in" each year to I, .ad a IY- mill tram 1 ! on car-. In 1 on - I 1 11 -. c: ; he '. out h- pi'-ksnu nb r .'i, niuit nun im i, ni al" 1;' '1 pick I 'i 1 1 ii man, tt ma 1 1 hi! I i 1 the I' died S.ates. 'i'hat t-.ul.i -caieelv b .' cli,loi . lilt the telllljl.-'t rim-'iin ti need m t be alun.el, lor ! there are -everal I i.ct . 1 i devoted tot this i:, lu 1 1 y 011' si I e of Maine. i 'fan in ventor of the wood in tooth- ! pi-k i 'ti! li vim; aul still inal-.in toothpick. II-.' w 1 in Siuth Am m 1 when ho made tin lint b x, and ;,' tiie idea Iron the i.at 1 ye, who - 0 tn also to have n io.chint for whittling. Well, he imp'oy-i hi le'siif time in ; W lilt l!llir oil1 1 t"'X I pi , Willi Ii lie sent lionie lo In- tvi . Si - "ive a put of th "ii to a leO -I k- ';.. r, nml hi oii'-U like I lln -ui s i tt-cil tint Ileal o i) or lore I ti laroe .pnntttv. 'I he - man in Snith .Virti u -:i.'.' I ii.-:i In ' "ol the letti'-, l u' at one) en ;:i.;e I a it umber oi native anl set tl.ein tot whittliao. ; N vi lie ret 11 : lie I to Im i,at:v U " 11 - 11 M n:i", an I w :.t t o 111 ve t 1 1 1 .-. In due t ime h - lia i a m m bin ' t hat w .. :ld 1 mi'tepieki ab-ni 10. inir-M a ta-l as tin .-will, t t-iiith Anierti 111 whit- tier, nil I since st. h ha b.'eil di 111:; Ills be-t t 1 siipj y tin: world v. ith toot li- pleli-. II- Ins -t j nli ete, I lu, i;.:i- ihinelhit o :e n er i:iv j c,iu 111 iko 1 "1, - lion pn k a luir, nt,-. i li i ,i .111, s 1 it .,, 1.1 e niiiu lou-, and toot li plc.v tiro iheap, 1:1 -pit: of the I.ic'. th ii Ml -re 1 , -Old to bo a -ml ol toothpn ti,l-t , mi- trol'iin:; th" pi odu- ' 10 1. Anollnr peiiilir imlu-tty wh'cli Il uirishcs 111 we-ti-ri M 11:10 It the niak 111 nf Ihted -p. -ol-. Thev mo 1 ol tioin smooth, whit! l-iith llliib-r, a wood which w uk ea iv. It taiious kind of 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! - t ill tt Inn fill" are nuiinieils null t lit oiiuhout llio 1 1 i tit 1 m t i 11 u; uvioll when' ilie bmh Is sawed into stnp abort iour I Pol lo.i:-, and Irom 011 t-i two ri h- 1:1 width and tiue,vue-s. fhe-e stitp-. au-l 11 t't.e )e.i :ir tii",- me I I'-niei t lieu i;0 to tile spo I I 1, to - I t o bo eon - It rev lioind s .;:, f::il el; . fin 1 ', I -; I 'I Verted into spo'. I iie ;roee-'s mo ioreyheiiud i a I !,K I ut ' x : i e:i,,'y nil liu-roil -, 111! with o:to t option, not r-ci-:iil -irinil, wii'u ".-.til i -I' en- aiticu!ail i iler-'sli'i-;. T'iio method and let I. II- i- , 1:1 - a- 1 1 ;', ..:: I .. : cf -oli.hm : th i s on Is t . novel mi I hap sw i t. r 1 h i n t i . - - of . r .. n i .. . ciioiutil. A l:ir.'l i. lid-1 tt -arii I if! ol Uy, Iml thou j ::. !': ; ,u ,.:; 1 th-m, and th'U rev,, v.-I :v tn-aut of . 'file la'.r.ttn, l;ott, :, ale .w: : .:.,:.', mat hi i cry an I belli 1 , u 1 1 ,1 tin spoo' ! to overt -ov) i itln-i with the r-ati.t ,-: t,re worn smooth iy rublnn ; one :i.iia-t : ea-e. another. Si. , .1 nrin.ifne'.u, ii-. i, tin! 'file falcons a:t tr line I to pin-.' ;'. most important iadii -try 11 ..tcr.ii ft I lie vil la.- -t of I Iv or 1 count ,.- ali.ltt.tl doubtless continue so until tin) sup ly of birch ti uib'r oiv.: o.it I can rem. in'i.'r th" limo when Vati ko ) shoeiii nt ! . cut tli or p':; theie, seivys. T:i"V would -aw t IT a white birch lo.', loiviu it smouh and i-vi.i, linn plough little furrow :.ire-sit in tw o direciims, w it'n nn instrument which 1 icilev: they call d .1 ).; cut ter, fa !i eni-uh o! tiie wool was fnwed i IT to make tin pei;- tin :i.;!,t 'cn;th :,nl the block wai split ;;; into p.i o- by u-iti" n knife. 1 don't siippo-o nnybfidy n-aio pes; tha' way n w. T lie y fie cut by machinery Irom wl.itj 1 tu l nnd n aplo and New 11 i',-iaml s-.ii-pil'.s tin.' w -itiie couu'.it. I e"4 arc 1 worth from '' t) I'o cii.ti a i iu-hel nl tin lat tones. I . , I!., r ti.ltr. .. (tr, O.l,-,, ' i 1 " lis I -V't'ipits , in,:, v. anl .-" I i,-i c i - b ,liu : s , wd -t ! S iii-dm ' sll'lVllll o.i ! nt , to., are t ik'.-a lro u ih : saw d pi. mil:.- ini.ls i:i tram ear to .1, - cou'.pr ssi .omit l an 1 t h"re SijUetv. d in. til Co: -:tid into Mi n mo-t luipro ' an'ile in ns. l.ir.;o tpnnt it I" nl il e l l y vati- ii - m i tut i tii ;-: to- iittreicnt jn-poscs. Fli r st v.- is i : i iv f o :. i' . sum '0 v fiti'-, nad wi.. s,-,.ii b) h-.i.rl Ui m i l it!. way aicidents. i'orpioii'i iim' I ;ii. ml ilia. "Iii-h-is end i-i.i ei. ol -i-c-ipiom can now be ri el n d nui about Jt- monn." r'.-imi'-.ed Willi un '. : 1 1 1 1 of! tint vi 'Otou I. 's A es coii'it,- l,.wu to Olio of t he I'.x inii .or men. II' spoke of tin tn as tlr;ii -;h they wero np b's or oran ;v liillen Irom th" tn im. "V- 11 00 out Ih r ," reuiark' d In, "and . t i threo or four I .! i i Hi s e.-l and out , 1 ,lr s "' io .-. S . met urns 11 wl" I-' ' 1 al' a d -. -u 111 a place. ' ' " 1:1 . v : y ::el cto-s - - - ' oj. t li r. e or 1 our of 'hi to up to.-, th 1 lou wi'l -o-t a ''S"''''''-'-t t'l'it 1'nel" IS lie let 'III ( tl u taraiitui 1 w hen im its -tart- i ("1 0,1 a.,,..:h. It in ."in- th.t ,.1im' he n to 'lie or hn eiien-y n It h- bven rainin- down 1 1,-r and the r:u 1 iilw .yi brings out lln scorpio'i -. V011 nn y not know th rj are any mound, ! but 'ot a ;ood -ii-iw , r or t wo nnd y- u will lin l enouoli to l:i lit :i y -u, .-corpioa nev 'r biiii-.;s .,m!i in ire tiiati oe.e lot of you'll. A s-uj-i a, tin .-y aro ready to lie-in i.u'i il-, the; I urrow .iko liu i;i' in the Imi-,1 of ti e ,, d n:;e and actually eat her alive. ',,. u a ...truturo thino but it tin -. I le."" seen it do:'.e many a tune in the i t yat - '.iiat I h ive Itv j I at I' 1:1. on 1 a - I 1 1,1:, lly. Ascotpion n nveiy ropul-ivo I'li i - to i look at. I' h n ten I .-. -, .1 :-htiv l ed ' j f " PP'uirance ami 1 lit! e : ov 1 coio:' i. -i :i .-hi v "How. i"- si les the ten ! s i' li n a 1 nv: of t'-r-rit-le eil'-ts. Its -t n i 1 i's tail ami ', 1 '""I "rli "'" w" h " h" ' ,!1 " ' '! houco; Ih- 111 '.t wo i ler -i:th:is-i 1 at lire, 1 1 s-.it th. :.,! :e Mimn. 1 ' I r pul-ive 1 i 1 1 1 -s 11 iciliii , :i t ion . o1 I.e. An-el's ci u-ity, how .-!, tin- It- t m ( es wh"i e m,;: .a,- tun; l,y th-m , . ""' ---"M"V K- it:. . i 10 ., ! iv,.,-w f .1 c-t.. nl d .ih Mom th - in.-, nl thoii-h -t r ti. l"-n ! - 1 -;o to- a! w '"""' ''".v ' ''tell' I'm 1 H I- su:e I" ,lli, but ti: y w,l. li -. t .. : as nl I 1-' -. I ii'-r 1 - 1 ,,, r to" ii-t supply of cent ipo-le :.'i I I 1 :. .t -i I An -elc 1 , i :tv. I ii v, .ik ! loon, aro-e-n c! i-:n--l ,1m in - 'h se 1-0:'. 1-1 1 -1 r : 1 , .-i.pl- h:.te a hoi 1 ni of tii ti: a- d o 1 me r -, 10 laet, do not . 0 U i .tiif I a lln in u b (!: y keep nl a ','ii I d i-t 1 :e . i 1 :;er I -id lie. whi 1 1111 -I" vi ! I -011 ill' til mine, h 1 I I 1 , ;.: t I -,e t ! 1 d is; 1 t 1 s ! 1 n " ami 11 tt a . .-.! I 11 1 . : v I -: -. He II el i. "I t .'ti n I V a t : . I was -ii If nu r .;iu..l , .! . l'--:m::ij d., t, r lix I hi 11 .ii', I: .t v t. :.- I In ! i. ftli-.t'.: al 0:1. ii! ii'lil. I'.- 'pie in tie tarantula --'I'l n .,!" I. - - . . s,v oi t!l- m t.i.w .n llo-.i-o. . , -!i 1 , 1 .. ( em-iatly. , ntcliipe II 11 nt 1 m in I'd si, 1 Aldus It e I , II: I'. 0. I: , a-jcnlnl l li d, 1- Wl I w 1 1 -li I. I, 1,1 ol a h , tt t i . e .. I t 0 . ii !, 1 I - cent 1 y t iketi with M ti-n Kin-, ii.nl nt the 'lnmiii'" -, a ; I a -t f, , Iv,.- a-s-r 1 m l.'e n t. M'-lndi' 1 very h 1 v H'-. urn .: t, tho t;ol-l dom -I -i.n- tu ir; ! I ii-i.h I, 1 bein j tin -re. 'fin 1 !. . r I 1 about M"-ln- I Int.- m i tl. - ,. , 1 if -a'et it v. :r It. 1 1 : r i-1 li i. lini: liavin.; - t : . 1 1 s . : s t .-i. h I u, iii ::idi.n d.'ino ot ti." I noun' 1 o - d. And n o : al . o: 1 1 , : . 1 - 1 : -In- vciellv, 'or ;, ir ,: -I, 1 : t,.ie:'ie,o ine ni'-mi-rv of th M. h rut- i- l.i;-, ami bv tie: d, .-' 1 n I ten nt ; io-k,. lini !i id I he u: se i y ,-s l eon'Si.iel liooi - -1 ! i 1 1 : ; on hi. s in 1 1.1 y. A:.t I'pe w 10 a::',-:: lln :;anie .1- sue I ly Aidui. Ivor: ai.d i.:- Iii,-:!-, j Ih el i: .: n: t I t , , a 1: I V lit t . k 1 L; ill ;:l - I I !'. : 1 i : i . t miie:,.. I'lewi.ileie I by th ' t Li ms. tin: a'. I. lop lo e- oi in I ui t l y bt ' is - u. . t monts, a d ti ol. l,:::i.. !: -t:u ; -Ii i ',. lite wit it li." :. i v l.i'uu Is ir, a, h -,,,:, t h m w on,, I h i v li e , In - I at I ui ! the : i I tendered 1 y tin f.iico:'.-. -1 Vent h' ( ompa".i."". - - rolilesl People on Ilie 01, ihe. Ihtve toun-l th" in- i li ir. -t, ir -.1 least th) New Yorker, to l e tin . .-. ct people on the face of the r!oi a S.otih vi-ilor to tliis ttty exi.at-.--l with nil tin vun ol th: !i;i i t,. l.e ,':. .-. "l'.very where I :;o, l.i the -ti',ti .-. 1 the hotels, tii . 1,,-n, - !in. t 1 e .,:,, i s business homes ami tin p in, ti e t . -. ; litres nnd tin thurtl.e., nuone :,;.i i wholesaler and tl:. n'er, the ttutk- i r nnl the w a th, 1 linl i-o. 1 u u - I licrs. I have travce 1 aimm . many ,....,..,.. . ' v ' t I . 1 I ... I ...... . . I !...,...,. , l.i ins, !, it in x-'T It ii : I ii any of tlnon n in : h civility an I ntTti liity as I see an: , ; tin A met lea , esjccially tin "ew Vnrit't-. foey 1i-iV":,'.mi a de;ree ol fin ::tUt--s and hu nov tint felon to mo ot!:er ri.o on , ai ih." 'fin N otch i, u who wa thu cnruptmcl w-th w 1 i'ti-1 w,yi i-ittle-1 i.w-iv ii i'1.-, v n nil-, i u-: eti'il r i ! :: , t oniiiii o.u ; fir a lull Ir ur. N . w Yorii Si i. "J" It a T11112110. : "'I'1:" l"'fol-- t"iii;u , so aiuall and weak, j ''''' kl11'" decliui-l the ir.-.k. ' Tie- t iiiie di-slroy- a i;reali-r horde, Tiie Turk a-s . ,. "tli an '!.'. til w ir L" - 'Ihe)' 1 .1 .11 pr-.v-i b w i-oly sailli, - '- l-nnMiy tonsil" nu .-al ly death." ' 1 ,. i, t -k tins fnriu iinti-ad, . "!'--i, . I--: -ui' tongue oil oil y -head." , -,,, ,., ..,.. ,1, ., wr, w huse spee.l," , - ,i ii.i i -trips tl." -te "I." , u'l.d- r .'. s.. s it,i, imp-.H. I I, o I'-.-.-u '- :;-.-it '-1 lions,, 1-, the henrt. I'r 1 1 -1 fit u 1' lie- ma v 111 sprung. "T'i- n;:i l" t si. -el l slip ii"'ei- let tha I' ii,'ii". ' Tii" s.'t--,-. wni'-i ii-iiiii-Hi" whole. j .-vM,,,,. t"ii,'.U" d .ili ki--p li 1 soul." I . iUi st.,n News. III MOKOFS. 'I ho fa-liionabb; haiioino- T.iml'ro ijuins. Jukes the wi l for tin d, id Too sur IO' at -. M.'t'iof rea! Citato nmi "l.-,."ls. 1,1 " 1 j A; 1 licaut for louns generally adopt j a lau 1 otv-tun e. 'lie: wind now whistlin- throilsh tho cm 1 ti-'o's ha a lonity tone. Ah .; ami cty u-iriUy follow tho sni.-ri I'oy's tiCijUi-i' i 0:1 of a pockct k:.ife. A r -ck -alt bed Ins been found in Mil!,, an, I 11: ii o-t men prefer tt htiir I inat t e . tor n a cotnlort. Ac, i"-:n m who nnrrieJ a couple 01 ! l'-ai inu'e r, li oukly 1 lln other day I mile a led .nak when ho wLliO'I lo t" "a1, pent; i,!e bis-." , ,. ,.ii,v x .,,..- iv- 1 spent two t , . ;.i.-l .-, i.i. .ht over one . , i'.ai nt ,1 ;.. , that true toiill not till j t,, , .,!(.. I,... was on. It was a ca.so ,,.. : :;ui:.t,u: N 1 1 1 : I -" 1 ' i getting a I w. li ,v -1." 1 l.i'!. -I ',-i:iy thing I ..i j y 1. ' 1 I A tu :il or Nimro I j "Wei, ! t u. mis-, a coupe: moro rab- 1 in ami t!i 11 "o I. "'a . ' j vi'i i.; le liiiii :. b 'Ibov wn inked I1.,- . tm-i lav what 1. Ihe hi In-st form ' 1 I , 1 ui 1 i . 1 i . ' I !i : on a 11 , " wa tho 11 j t : . ,. el tin- 1 nl, woo had evi 1 . i e t a . 1 1 in t h" 1 11 1 11 1 of tho A ' 1 I ,- Ii v : 'e- 1 .oeark "I in c mpany I'1 t hu -h.-u d be a tnx " l. 1 :-l " -I ec "c mi lur, " re- ;i.-l. :-,-! mtiii.-' p iini"n of tho :-.- 1. 1 : . .1 : 1 s ; ! I b 11 In "i who wa l i.--.- ,1, , t . . i t1 er ii.xuri ' i : '' -. ' tu 1 an indi onant pi u ti !- "til h Si I c 1 1 il! c.ir ye-'.-i I t , "it i i n i :- ,1 i , p :,'.! up and ,v t i. n l tiiv -m .it ' "I Il thank y -u sit," mi no, i tin' lily, "li attend to your ow i : ti I aul not al o! I a ',,"1 .. t .- tn nty year-, it I'm any a I .- i t a i i 'oti' s a ;o. " r.isteiir's t I. urn . to l ii ::n. I- i I.. : ; I i ii t kti-'-.t in this i-1 , i, ii I' : nt' s i iai n t i tamo re'-ie. i a in .: suf-ia- 1 1 1 1 ioiiml-i- 1 1 -:: I i h - .,: - v iv " ihe method i-l j'li elm' !.v 1 1 o : h )bi i by inoeu 1..! ' 'I t r h i l en! i eon I ' r 1'aS- t' ,:, ' sai I a w - - -."Wii p!-y-ieiau who i, .-. :,; y nt t I' i- i or i u In . i at, oral ry, -it -.- tt i I I , I at I c ill ink I'f; t ho -: -irk i . v. i . -, ..: r-.iin'c, a id the it u,e-m:,'vi i;: i-i-l-i-trv woiill li,v) been i i : ii 'I. A bl.ht I. a I ti nn: upon tin ! tt i e. ime l-t-i ii. ui- a.'-ttt Ihit could not i-e .let, c!e,l wa nt wori i i ti o ! wine, a- d . tl -.t' d it -o that il would r j net keep. Ilieexportel wine I'U'iinu 1 :t i i a:-, I iiit'-r, a id the domestic lost I tt - Il : ii-i. I i i if. 'I h-' 1 iieo wino j maker, kit,: lu despair, nml knew that ti son.ctliiti ; win not done I heir l-iisi-; ::e s w i.l I io::i, to all cud, and thit . j ii-., ,.,! ie-1 .1 all i : m t l,oi: -and i nf hap ' t I : tii In ne. ili.il dep.-inle 1 upon j t: - , ius'.ry lor -upi-ort. I'a-teiir nt t t t.n ee I 1 :i ' it I.. 11-! toulld that tha I . . : ito' .ito:- lu t lie ttliei w.-re e.iuiel , lu- ,:.-i:.tc ;eim-, w im h etui , lu do-sti-'t 'I I v a low ic-reo ol bent, with r i ; : :.li etin:; tl tpniity of the wine. . 'I ho i emo ly 'nn appli d nu u:ed intely I on n ! u o -i lie to ail tin wines which l..,d i.n lei.. '"i e n ci I fermentation, ami t..cv w ie in nle sweet and j me. An- liter l-i i list t y n.-is also par:tly.).l. It i l s, , uiture. A p'.a:iio called i .i::n nttackel the i '. k -wi run, il- ;',, ;;:i . ., !o-s of ' i.tloO, uoi) m ono m Mvtinis of woim wno ilo j -::i ye I, a: 1 tho e that were left only I ti.ii'.e I o.tt a small ipimtity of sil't. 1 a-te ,r 1 1 n, o I t he di.t: .su lo it I oiioin i a::d In : : .1 it to b ) tin w n K of a I tviasj j ursrti-iu or para-if. 'f.io i;erm was I lckcd up by the worm from the l-ml I i.pei w .licit it ted, an I speedily got i.ito lie s ,civ w hich co i tiind tho mate- rial Irom which tin worm s in its iocooii, and iiicr"'is"d so rap d y that tin wmm wa killed, or it sil k-pro- l.ii.n-; power w a destroyed. l'lntour list ovend the time which tho poison em L-i-rni could ha killed mil tha ir.ctlio I of dsin ; it. nnd n-jaiit sive 1 tho t-oin.u.-rcril poo p. n'.y of i,v Flench, 'flu- iiive-tt tioii took iiii.ny ye-rs, -laiin' wiiich I'l t"iir win ; o , 1 - nt. I iy lib,!-" I by ii, en of s, i : ce, lit ,!8 ill wi-r,; siienci'd w Inn lie tini.y ki.lv4 Ui um. 'tAssw lotk Ttibuao. 0 i Jc.! t.-l W'l

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