jfryMfrfrfwiiMifiifii ,IMi m mi d)c l)atf)am Vittotb dl)c l)atl)am Uccorii. II. A. LOIVUO, EDITOU AND l'HOPRlKTOH. RATES ! ADVERTISING ' One square, ono insertion- fl.OO : Ono square, two insertions'"- 1.60 ' Ono square, one month - SWJG For larger advertisements liberal coo tracts will bo maile. , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. VOL. XI. ititsii)ro Chatham co., x. a, jantary it, mu NO. 20. e itw Dentil and 1,1 To, "Cnder the roots of tho roses, Down in f lie dark, rii'li mold, Tlio dust i f my dear i nn reposes, Liken spai k which night incloses When llic ndic of the diiy ure old." "I'nder tlio awful wings Which bro d over land and sea, Ami whose shadow nor lift nor flue This Is the order of things, And hath 1 1" 'ii from of old; First production, Anil last dosti notion; So the pendulum swings, Whllo cradles nro nicked and bells are tolled." "Not under Hie roots of he roses, Hut mi lr tlio luminous vin-:i Of the King of kings The soul of my love reposes. With tho light of morn in lier eyes, Where tlio Vision of Life disclose l.ifetlmt sleepi not nonlies." "I'ndor or over the skies What is it that never dies! Spirit If such th-ro b Whom no one Inth seen nor henrd, We ilo not acknowledge lhe; For, sp knii or written word, Thou art but a dream, a breadth: Certain is notion.; but Dentil!." tK. 11. St. il lnrd, in Independent. A DIFFERENCE IN MEN. "There's Mirh a diffronco io mon," nid Cirry V'innll. But," safely suggested licr mother, "looks arc oaly skin d nop. A id i: it comoi to t hit, Ssl-di ll-own is a hand, somor man than Felix Graydon.'' "Ah," nod led Carry, "lint Mr. (iraydon ii so ty'ish ! Mo wonrs his very collar dilTorontly aid look at tlio rut of Iim c!oth;s! ' "Caroline," said her mother, solemn ly, "I havo no patience with you. Stand up boforj mo, mid letnn look at ymi." ' What for, moiheri" "Stavl up, I say, an I let mc look at you!" reiterate I M s. Vnal, nslirov.il, oldorly woman, with koen blue oyos an I throo horizontal wrinkle ncioss her foroha I, and Carrie, much won dering, obeyed. "Humph!' omuiontcd Mr. Vtnall, after a brief surv.y. "D rk bltu eyes, nothing much out of tho common; a little pug nose, nie teeth, and a lot of flulTy, yellow hair, which, would look tidier if you romlel it into n flit knot at tho back of your head. What is thero about yon, I'd iiko to know, that two young men ordinntily stn iblu should lose their h 'mis about you. ?'' "Mother, whit -tran'O things you do fy R',':;!od C rry. sinking back into her chair one more. "Aad iloyou know, cnild,' went 00 Mrs. Vinall, that you arc playing with tho most impnitant litorests oT your 'ifc! Tli re's nothing that r 11 potsibly 1 o so much to you 111 a good husbnnd. Why don't you m-iko up your mind nbout i: ?'' "I don't know!" hesitated Carry, biting her pink Ihgerniils. "Then set yoursel f about knowing," admonished Mrs. Vinal', tartly. "I cm'tlivo forevT, you unit compre hend, and you'v; loiler.d your way up in lifo after such a fashion that you can't possibly earn your living by your sclr. And if you don't marry now, whilo your goo I looks last--such ni they are I'm suro I don't know what w ill become of you ! ' Mrs. Vinall spoko with a roguish spirkloii her cyo, although her lips wcto wrcnthod with gnvo solemnity. Carry caught up her bonnet and ran out of the -00m. "I'm not g d ig to stay hero to bo lectured nuy mor-," sni I she, lau;hing i 1 tpito of hcriolf. "I'll go to tho vil lage after somo more satmm-pink wool to finish my shawl.'' "And you may stop at Bridge's,'' audod her mother, "and get mo a pnekago of matrhc, and half a pound of Oolong tea, and some cheese." ' Tho prettiest little crenturo in tho caunliy," sho added to herscl', with true mator.ini pride, as she watched Cairy go tripping down tho lane; ",i:id it 1 could only sco her well sttiltd in lifo 1 shouldn't euro how soon tho good Lord took mo away. Ii it I do w ish alio would fl id it in lier heart to fancy Sclnh Brown, hu'a such a goo I, sub stantial youig man. Felix (iraydon moy have citified airs about him, but I douot if, in tho loug rin, ho'll w ish an I wear ns woll as tho other one." A"d so Mrs. Vinnll went down stnir3 to her pritty untie occunsti 'n of skim ming cream, in a cool, ito c-floored dairy, where tho light si ted in through a screen of quivering wooJbino leaves, and tho milk-puns shono is if liny wcro irjple of hammered silver, instead of commonplscs tin. Such a c olden, m'try midsummer day as it wa-I W.ii won d cv. r havo suppose I that it wou'd chango i.to that fierc, suldon st orm J Mrs Vinnl whs standing on the door stop looking up at tho sky from under her shading hand, whi n F.lix (irny.lon cam sauutcring along tho quiet coun try road, a sort of modern Adoni . "Looks Iiko a storm," sai I In, care le sly. At iho same moment 8 dnh Brow 1 j imp:d on the fence, 1n his working drc, with scni"'lii g in hia hind. "I've found n whip-poor-will's ro lot Carry, Mrs Yiaall," said he. "1 I nearly steppo l on it whon I was cutting tho grnsi on tho north sido of tho big, oblong me 1 low. Sin has always wantod one for her collection. Thero it wa, riht cloio to tlu ground jmt a tnnglo of sticks and stims. " ' Ye," sai J Mrs. Vnnll, nbsontly, "C'arry'll ba nwUi ly pleased, .lu t lay it on tho window-sill, S d nil, p'.onsc; it'll ho safo thore, 1 do wonder whsro sho "Whcro Carry is!' repontod Brown. "In tho home, isn't she?' 'N'. S'10 went down to tho village for somo pink wool ami mutches and things an liour or more a-o, and I'm only afraid she'll bo on tho way homo now, without a sign of an umbrella or a cloak, or nnjtain but a wliito muilin scarf." "lust hand mi) an umhrilU out of tho house!" cria 1 S.lnh B-ow.i, with alacrity. I'll run back to the meadow for my coat in half a minuti, an I go to meet hor." "Tiint won't lia neccsMiry," curtly interposed Mr. (Jrnyloi. "I'vo a si I sun-umbrulla li"ro, an I I II i ring Miss Carry back all 1 1 ht. " Ho walked luirii idly 01, but Selnli Brown still lull out hii hand to Mrs. Vinnll. "Tho umbrella, please," said he. ' It's hardly worth whilo tho two of you going," said Mn. Vinall. "I'm going a ter Carry, or I'll know tho renson why!' said Solan, in a ri-ao-luto Voire. And Mrs. V111 nil gave him tho nm brolla, with nit a word of lurth.'r pro ton. Ilo hurric I baclt to tho I10I I for his coat, nnd struck into tho hi ;h roil by a short rut at very usiry tin point which Mr. Folix tirnrdnn had roacln 1. And from that poi it th y wilked 01 together, yctsjparuted by tin width of tho high roul, occasional. y d.rtiig belligerent glances at each olhir, nud never exchanging n friendly wor I. Both were good walkers; both w;ro dutcrmincd to bo tlio Ii st to tjsc in pretty Cany Vinnll lrom tho coming loin post. lust about hall way to tho village, how. v.t, as th.-y nearj I n disolnto old brick houso, mil lvwol with too much shulo an J evergreens with tangled vine, 0:1 winch "I'o L-l" had hung so long that it was popul irly suppose I to bo a pirt of the mural decoration, tho rnia c una down in di.ying sheets, the thundor rolled, and avivil dart of lightning shono for u second iiL-foro their 1 yes, ns it secinud to bury itself in tho ground. I 1 tho snmi mom?nt they saw Carry Vinnli' luce at tho opoi dour of tho old brick liouv, lior hmd bockoning to them. "Sho Im taken r;f 11 J there thcrJ, of all places ii tho world I ' hoarsely criol flrnyilon, breaking tho spell of silence which hn I roi ;ne I so long be tween tli 111. II ild on, Brown! Do you kniw what they're udng tin brick homo for now i Siio don't, that's vjry cvidjnt ! ' "Vo--, 1 do," sail li own. ' Old Mills is storing hi pr.w.ler then for tho blasting in Djv.t U 'i-ki." "Don't go no ir tho place!' shoutod firnydon. "Ii lu'tyou hnir her motli T any that sh. hi I a lot of nutclii) with bor? Mitche liinpiwl-r mnguzinc! and with a thiinder-itorin Iiko thii rat tling overhoid ! C.lit) her: tell hor to com: out hero to u ! ' "Sho couldn't lunr you il you shout ed to her with a boatswain's trumpet!' retorted H-ow.i. "Mm til i v !" roared (iraylon, in stinctively put'i'i; out his hin i to stop tho other, 'Mo yen want to bo blown into tho middle of tin next liildi J)t 1 you sco that lust 11 tsh of lightning? ' And ho fnirly took to hi hceli, hur rying do wn the ron I which le 1 to tho distant village, without even pausing to look Icliinl. Selih Brown glanced after him with a cou.ite:iuntfo ol i .liuito contempt. "I alwayi tliou dit he w 11 a poll roon," ho muttered. "N w. I am suro of it." Ho ju nped tin fer.ca like a young deer, and hastened, with longstiido, to tho old brici house. "Oh, is it youJ' fai l drry.not with- ut n sud len shadow of disappointment in her luce. "It's very good of you to como for ine, l'.n sure. B it I thought ' "You tin light you saw Graydon,'' interpoiod Brow . "Well, ynu did, but ho lias an cnijag Muent in tho oppo site direction. I'm sorry I am tho wrong one. But conic, Carry I" "(),;t in Hint lair. certuinly notl" si l tho viilago be . lit y, with an air of ditidon. "I. t us tay hero until it is over. It's a tr it ty n!d p!n", I know; I ut the roof i. w t r-light, and" "And there's your parcol, Cirry. Come I II 1 toe k an oblong paper pnekao from her risp, and then drew tho un wiling little b .11 J uidcr hii arm with gce.t'8 force. "But I shall get nil wetl' she da clnre I, still hanging back. "Curry," bu sail, "do yon know win re your nrei" in ihs obi bric'N house, to-bc-surcl' sho linn red. "You are in n pond r magazine. And y ur life- r sy peih ipi depend 11101 the I Ut tlLCJ W..I.U W- (4B JltuCl) bvtwcvn , oiinclvoi and this dingorom place," ho nddo I, in a deep voice, ns another sheet of b'm lightning blu.ed nnd vaniihed lofore their ryes. She w n quick to com; rohend the, an 1 11 peril which surrounded them quicker still to Iristou out into tho driving tempest, clingin; convulsively to his arm tho while. "And you yi,u ramo hero to rcscuo me?" sho faltered. "Do you think I rf u'd stand calm ly by and sco you cxposod to peril Iiko I hi ?" "Hut Felix tirnydon " "Felix Grnydon thought of himself only. Felix (iraydon is n thorough paced puppy I ' calmly olnervo I Brown. Not until thoy wore almost homo did Cirry Viuall spook aqnio. "It don't rain so much noi?J'" sho snl I, with a long, shii bleiing sigh. "Do you think wo need walk quite so f.n.U" "Am 1 I urrying yon too much, Carry? Why didn't you sny sot" "Oh, il i-n't tli it ; i ut Salah " His eyes soft' lied into nudden light. II ; Iiko I to li'nr hii qu :i t oil liililo iinmo protiouncod by tboso chorry-iipj bps in so winning n faihiou. "Ye", Curyi'' "You said jmt now a littlo whilo ngo " And then sho panic 1. "I said wh it, C irry .' ' "You said that you woro sorry you woro tho wrong one." "Ye', Ciny." "But, Sehili, you are not tin wrong one," murmured Cirry, with her cheek closo to hii w. t contilei v "You nro tho right one !'" "Cany, my dnr.inr, do you m:nii it?" "Yes. 1 do menu it!' crie I out tho girl. "After tho way Fo.ix (iraydon has lu ll ived to lay, 1 ih v r v.a it to seo Lis facj ng.'ii. Ho h n cow.ivd -1 mom -.piiitod cow ir l ! II w in! I b ivo Hod away, to s.cure hi - own sa ely. tin I loft 1110 to perish in that horriu a death trap. Bit you oh, Solah! -you aro a hero!' "My darling, I di I nothing that any other m m woul I not imvj doue." "Th.Mi Felix (Jrnydon i,n't a 111 in; he is oaly a curl'' liercely declared Carry. Tin storiu rol'.e I awny into the l lntk oning east, tho o il pow ler m.igi iao escaped destruction for tho once, but Carry Yinali's fata was di finitely seL tol. When M'. Cray'lon tiled ho lereivcd a curt "Mot nt bom !" 11:1 I Mrs, Vinall's shrewd laco was full of satisfaction. "Carry has chosen well," shosiid. "Alter all, sho was tight. There ii a difference in men!" jS.lurday Night. An Owl Thai killed Ducks. Orlando Seamoii", a larincr living nt Parish, N. Y., found n duck in his barn yard dond an' parti illy eaten. Ho tli'Might the slay -r was a coon, nnd so ho borrowed a steel tr ip ot his neigh bor, (ijorgo Tliayer, and set it near tho rtmni m of tho tin ;k. Tin next morn ing tin trap and duck were both gone. Seamons got Tlnyer's coon dog and tried to run tho true;, I ut the dog snilTe.l around nnd liydown with mi ex ression of contempt 0.1 his rotiiite nn c . N -thing further was seen until a week ago, whon 'I'll v . 'r found a duck torn to pieces under tho shed in hn barnyard. Thayer is nn old trapper and hunter, nnd ho did not t ike any stock in tho coon theory. After dark tho next idght ho set a trap near tho remains of tho iltuk. Tin next morning tho trap was still set, but tho duck had been dragged ono side, and moro was eaton from it. Ho thon set throo traps ahout tin duck, and enrly tho next morning he had tho cul. prit, an enormous c it owl. Hi had got ono too in 0110 of tin traps Tlnycr had set, nnd upon tlio othor foot was a trap tho one li nt Soanio-'s wit h t b chain broken. Tho owi w is also caught 111 nnoth ir ol tho trnpi set l y Th iyor, so that ho wai held by th.co traps, and they were none too much. His toos wcro ns large ni a man's fin ger, und tho trap on his e., which would break a tint knit's leg, hud not broken tho skin. His wings measured six feet from tip to tip, nnd hii heal is twice as 1 ir ;o as neat's. Ho bud not I ecu bothered to carry a steel trap for livj weeks and earn a living besi lei. Mr. Th.iy r has him chain.'d up in a barn, and is fee I ing him upon nil tho de'ictci s of tho sonsoii. Now Yoik Sin. The Fnslcst ti moled Crnlsci. Thu ni iiior-plat d cim it luuuortalito has boon nMc l to the elTectivu -Irongth of tho Bri ish nvy. Six- is 0110 of tho fastest cruisers of any lass i.llnt, aad probaiiy quite tho lastest ol nrmorod ciuisurs, b.ving nttnincl a speod of 1!) 1-2 knots nt hor triV. She i. of 5000 tons displacoincnt nn l S'ulO horse power. The aimnmcnt oi tlie -bip con sists of two 22 -ton and t 11 ." ton steel br-ech-loa lin ; pun, 1; u.t d on Vjvasseur fittings, sixtui-ii :t .1 under i,nd G-pounder quicv firing and nn cquipmunt of machine : tins and "Vlute'ien I torpedoes Sh w n L uilt A t' .alh-i .-, ut a cj: of '.:, 000. ( INI lUth.VS (OI.I MN. Sonieliudv. Soini boily crawls into inaniori's b"l ! tlust at the I ron k of (lay, J Sniii;les up c'oso and whisoeri I011 1, I ' Siiii'UhIv's come to stay," imeliiKly rushes through tho Iioii-, I Never once shuts the iloor. utters hr playthings all 11 round, Over the nursTy Hour. liiiil soii the foiii'o iiml tears lier clothes- Neverii bit carosshe oie'lioily h'lilis v. ith roguish eyes, I i lliroiih tier I ingleil ha.r. M iineli 1 ly's in.-.'' slies.iys "leit then Sionel u ly il.a-sn't care." - livery t Imr S it unlay. Oild Imprisonment of a Spin row. '1 he following ii.onoi of truth w.-u not ciippo I from hiitcry, but ii the re sut of observation. Tho I'ittiiur D-'spalch says: "For many weeks a prominent citi 7.011 living on West Allegheny strcu has been feeding Iho sparrows lrom tin front verandah. 0 10 of tho lirdsli noticed, wis always on linn I and up pcared 11 ixioui to t food. It wuii'-: invariably cirry olT 1 rgo pieces 0 bread and lly to a tree c'oso by. dopoiit big the food in a hole in Iho limb. Tnis the bir 1 di lev ry Iny. Kiinlly tho man criclu led to in i'iu no investi gation. Hi procmed n la l ie-, nnd, looking i ito the In!", was k-.i r pi : ' I t se a sparrow iinpii-onel nnd bein: kept nlivo Ly its m tin for w.icks. Tin bird was securely fastc:.e I by 11 smal. piece of wood, which w.ii wc Igc: tightly near tin openi ig. I'iii little sparrow ci.u'd only ;;et its hen I out. Tho man soon 1 1 1 -r t ; I tho littlo plis oner, which manioiste I iti appreciation by rhuttering lou lly. ' Live Hulls. During a (r.iiup t ir.mgh tho wood of Vim Dijiuen's I.md a spnrtsmai obscrv:d what he thought to bo im men so hornet ' nests hanging to the limbs of high t-eo'. H i spoko of thoai to hi. host, a-d t!io next dny tin far mer, e,oing with hin to tho woods, sail: 'Watch that nost whilo 1 tiro at it." .Vi tho ro.n-tof th-j gun burst upon tho nir the ncM, or bdi, fell apart as if by mngic. while a loud rhirpinn ciruo from oach fra ;mont, that instead of dropping to tlio gr. 11 id roio hig! abi.vo tbi trees and wi.ige.l itiolf awny. Tho round gray bull was 11 clu-tero wood swallows, and tho farmer told list sportsman th it whon he first saw o 10 0 thorn ho clixboi up 011 a high liint with a mosquito net to captiru what ho had also supposed to bo a homed nest. Thcso are tho only birds known t( hnvo this roinarknblo habit. At cer tain tiiuoi in tho 'lay th -y will bogin tc cougrogato nlnut a treo, an I suddonly several will alight upon a dead liml: nnd cling to its unlcr si le. ():her will join them, hanging with theii headi down until a bad is formed that grows rnpi liy, tho uew-co inn a'ight ing nnd cliiiL'ing to eath othor with tluii claws, a1 d linully tho t:i 1 1 r j (lick is s-uspendod in a er at lull. Il w 90 few birds can suitnin tho weight of nil th; others seems nirncub 11-. Sometime! they appear to bo nslcep and tho In - i dropi 11s if the birds near the li mb had Io:-t their hold. It then f il.s apar'. and the birds lly aw iy. In a 'I'ossiiiii l.irt. ( 10 hu nl roil and sixty ' p isiam 1 hn I . died together ia ono ro mi. or 1 limbing about on :oles plnco I therein for theii ace ommodation. That's wh-it n dournal man saw at th wholosale grocery an I sot-d store of ,1. C. McMillan & Cj , on M .rieltn street. Tin 'possum room wai as dark 11: F.rol 11 . On a numb.r of pic. mining aero -tho room weie little 'p h-iiiih, li; 'pos Mill's, fat ' pos-su ii", g. ay ' p vs.lins, blaci' 'po s nut, ciety ono witheuap) ing lit t It blac.i 1 yos and giiaaing teeth. O 10 cieat I ig fellow that wei;hod 1? pounds was hanging ly his tail Iron, the gas jet, ho having reached tho j" by jumping from a polo cloio by. Cud lied up in tho coruor of a littli box on the floor was a littlo rgrny pos sum that growled and snarled like 1 cat w henever any other 'po.ssum cam r.ear his home. Thi i 'pos-inn was tho smallost in th lot, but wli 'mv-r ho approached bunch of his f.l.owi they always parte to m tko room lor hi n, as ho was un iloubta lly "the to..k of tho walk.' S .1110 of tho 'possum stay in this roou tor two wi'i ks, i ut rr.o-t of tin m re- nriin tlo ro only a fow days before thej nro taken out to h.ivo their nocks cracked. They aro fed on garbago just as a pi:: is fed. Two of tho 'possunn escaped one niodit, ami the next morning tho mir. gled remains of It chickens w. re found scattered about tlio Moro room. Tin McMillan 'poi-um house is perhaps the on y one 111 t lie world, ns the niiiiiinb aro generally ki p! i 1 coop i 11 itu thej aro wimtod fur the ' alt e. (Atlant: .1 urnal. Instead ot complaining of tin thorn' among the ros, wu shout 1 Le thank ful there aro roses among tho tUoras. MOTIlHR-OIMMiARL Where tlio Supplies of Tliis Ma terial Are Obtained. Mon, Womenand Childron Dive After the Oysters. How littlo peoplo pcnerally know nbout many of tho things which they hnvo in common inc. This is notably tun in thn 111 :i t : 0 r of tin muteiinl known ni mothui-of-poarl, which is Used for jewelry, rrochot hooks, paper knives, kni c handles and a variety ol otiier objects. Whero docs it. ornio froir, nnd how ii it obtained ? aro ques tions which ure not readily answered. From a writer i 1 Li Nature sn ngont of the Frcni h govornmon t, sent to in quire into the production of mother-of-pearl it is learned that this article is tho principal produc'ion of Tahiti; that thii ii what stimulates her commerce and gives riso to tin r.lntivo important exchanges which take plnco in tho fur olT lands of Occanicn, and thiit this is what nttratts those vessels which, for n century past, have been sailing among tho do'olato und w ild idmdsthat maku up tho nrcliipi'l i;oos of Taumotii, (iain bier and Tnliuni. O i account of its rariiy. mothcr-of-piar! hasilwiyi been nn objotl ol luxury. I! loro navi jntors went to that pait of the world which is lost in tho iniiiielisily of tho I'acilic Ocean it was still rator thin it ii now ; it had mom v.ilu-i, p.-rhnps, but it was ns.uio lly neither moio sought for nor moro pi 1. 1 I. The mot ber-of-j onrl employed in the i'ldu-trlos is iiirnished by the various spcci.s of .-loll fi-lies, tho most c tco.nel, i;;o-t in le-cent and nl?o tho most beautiful being tint prolticod by the 1 cii'l oyster. Agnie, two si rls o! pearl iv-tis aic il 1 si in :r iii-lio.1. O 10 of th .0, known as tho pi.itadino i-ne-bngriui intir g i 1 ill '-rn), is lound in Chi 11 ii, tho Ii du-, in the lie I Sen (IT the Cuuoru i-liind-, to the noithwest of Australia, ii th- lliilf of Mexico, and pniii'iar v n II the Tn iiM lu an I ti.uu bier Islands. Tin; other, moro mm iiiouly known as the pearl oyster, is leu id 1:1 the I .ill s, in the sea of tho Anlilles, 1:1 th - li .'l Sea and to tho north of Au-.tr.illn. 'I'm: pi tudino has 11 liar.l.r, 11. ore u.uro and more transparent sh-il, and ono that nt tin it s larger dimensions than that of tho latter. S uue have I con found that measured as many a 12 inches in diam eter, and weight d more than 20 pounds. Tho tncleagrinn radiata rarely exceeds four inches in its largest dimensions, nnd never rem lies 11 weight of live, ounces. Tho twospcties furnish pearls. According 10 the lasbion or tho pre vailing tai-te, Minu tinus th iso i f ono i.ro (ueferred und tomtit uue Ih-isu of the other; novel t h' less pintad ino have a bri. liter lus'.ro nnd moro transparent and intense toms than those t! its con gener. It is d illi ult. the writer says, to es tiina'o the money valiio of 'hi pearls collects I in the French pnss-ssi mi of Ocenmci. In Lis opinion it would nmount to ifii.l.tiilil .1 year. Thu most important murk' t for lino pearls is lound in F.ngland. Tho pintadino comes from tho tropics. The archipelago of Taumotu and Cum Lier, ns alien ly stated, is thu point whero it is found in tho groat -st nbun dance. Ib re it rinds tut round ings that aro most c .ngcnial to it. Thii nrchi polngo, which was mine x I to France nt tho same tiin.1 us the islands of Tn Ii it i nnd Moovea consists of 80 islands, almost all of which yield mcthrr-of-rcarl nnd T2 of which aro inhabited intermittently by individuals of the Maori rncc. This peoplo arc said tojlw indutrious,docil", submissive, of mild and simplo man ners, obscivr.nt of laws nnd regulations imposed 0:1 them, und aro ut tho saino time ono of tlio poorost classes of peoplo on tho globe. Tho narrow tonguo of land, or rather tho crown of arid reefs that surround tho lagoon ol thcso coral islands, and which is desti tute of vogetation, scarcely allor Is this peoplo sutVuient food f 01 their muorablo and precarious 1 xiMeiicc. Hxplosivo Hi lie-Balls, dpt. in S;iange:i berg, an Austrian chemist, hns for years tiled to utilizo an invention described as a "Sproug Kugei' or "Blasting-bill," a hollow r ill j bullet warranted to explode (fivo seconds after firing) with forco sufli cient to disconnect body and soul of tho toughest c i v ilry-hoiso. Tho mili tary commissioners of four diffirciit statos Irivo rccogniz ;.l tho dynamic valuo of tho contrivaxo, but "with sincere regret," etc., hsv.i folt obliged to declino tho patent, ai incoiuiiatiido with the tridition.il uiigesof civili7.nl warfare. A rill ;- bnl , they argue, cv.n f nimed nt nn army of wanton inva der1, is intended to disable, rather thai to Lulcher an ndv. rsury, nnd ex-plo-ivo projoctilos, l onilnhelli excep -cd, must bo coi sidored ns inndiui.si ble in the panoply of Christian urn ies as tho poisono I nrrows of tho B-a7.ilhn sav ige. Tho disl met ion r-ce us som -what Miialojous to tin einra-nl o. th-.t Bull b valet who inossoi the review of a French infantry r giment, anA turuc 1 to hii 111 1st r wit'i tin renin Sc tlr t "blue unit-r:n is porfi clly absurd, except in niou it i I nitiller and rogi mental mil it i 11 ;' bu', with nil its in consiitincios, tho recognition of tho general pri icipio is a step in the right diicctinn. A Irigado of ilisa'dcd soldiers is put lmrs do combat as ef'rc'. ually ns a heap of disinomb red corpses, nnd tho evolution of the imitkct mnrits a steady ibcroaso in th. i.o of tho missilus. Twoliundrel yoars ago tin trumpot-shap.'d blunder 11 9 of a .-an-idi infaitry soldier was loud id with two ounce balls; tho heavy flintlocks of King Frederick's musk'teeri tired 18 balls to tho pounl; whilo the fur moro (llicient projoctilos ol tho improved 1 French Lebel jgun nro not much latg r than peanut'. Firctl at short range tho iivorago quarter-mile distnnco of modern bnttlcs a 1 ullet of thu l sort will go throu h nnd through a soldier, bras'-foil cuirass nnd nil, leuving him a b Iter chinco of recovery than tho I leatlen baso balls of tho mi ldlo n;es; yet in nino out of ton ca cs will p it him on tho sick list, not for that d .y only, but for tho rest of that campaign. -- An Aivakeneil lutercsl in I'urest 17. 'Iho increasing popu'urity of Aibir D iy in nil sections of the 1' iiml i. an other evi !nco of tho uwakeued in terest in forestry. X"br.nkn wns tho lirst stitc, we b.di ;vti, to set apn t ono dny in each year for tho good nnd I ml J alde 1 urpn-c of planting treoi. 'Ibis was in lTt; nnd smco that time moro than I'll OuO urres of Nebraska land havo been ji'niitcd with trees. Tho ex amplo hat b ;cn largely imitatid in 11' her western slates, und, indeed, Ar bor Dy is li'tely t) becoun popular over tin length and breadth of th; I' 1 ijn. In (i.-orgii tin 3 niijoct of f ir istry ii roceiving ntlmtiou in tho pub lic schools. We can ill spare one woo Is ami for ests. They nro a source of wealth, of hoal'.h, of pleasure, ns well as of beau ty. Il is est i mill c I that tin annual forest pro I not of tho I'aited States amounts to $ s M) no 1,1) )u -moro thau doub'e tlio vain of llio cotton c op. Over lo 1, 111 it 1 miles of railroad, with their demand for cross-ties, nnd tho numerous other wood ruliri ig, w jo 1 con 'U 111 ing c:itor,i: is-os 0: tlio couotrv, are a lerriblo drain upon tin wools and forests; and in'u- tree pla 1 1 ig is nunlo equ il to tho co i-um pt ion, tho forests wil. bo depleted. O.10 result of tho stitpping if tho f rest lands will bi in creased nnd more destructivi spriig Il ods and increased a id moro ruin ui summer diou : lit. with da igcrom re sults to c 1111 it ! and health. As con necto I with forestry. Arbor Day ii to be one. uraged. We but imperfictly comprehend ns yet bow much a general taste fir troo ru tiro w mid leal to tho boautilicat io 1 of out ri:i'-, ami how much thii same bcniitilic 1' ion would lend to health nid comfort. IMail and Fx press Cicking (nlloii in Texas. It is estimate 1 that the aim 11 1! 1' uton crop of t In I'nit 'd S' ntcs is more than ? 000,11011 bales, :i large portion of winch isliirni.ho l by Texas. Tho aveiago balo contains "iO0 pounds of lint. I'h'ro arc three and 11 half pounds of seed to the pound of lint, 2 10 lolls to each pound of seel, and every bill his to io picked by h md, ono at a tinn. Supplied w ith a Ion g b g, wo began on a pice ! of cotton w ith rows half a mile long. Tho bottom crop of cotton, con-isting of the bolls nearest tho ground, is tho first to open, so that tho picker mut eithor stoop or get 03 his knoes to r.-: c'l it. Beginning in tho morning as sooa ns it was light enough to see, wo worked until II or 12 o'clock aad, starting again at 3, wo picke 1 11 nil dark. Tin weather was hot, !i" to 100 in the sha le, nn I :i "i in tho sir'. 0 1, tho long, long rows! Half a mile on tho knoes, working bo h hands ns fast ns poisi'do, and pulling trash out of the cotton with the teeth! Fifty cetils for 100 pounds in tho sec I is all w o were p d I ; and workns har I cs I might, about 100 pounds would be nil I dull I pick iu n day. Ic.nnot underst md why tho colored people like tho work so much. Tney will pick 1 itton lor half tho w.igos they could get at other work. It mny bo becnuso they go in crowds and mako a frolic of it.--D troil Frco l'rcss. Tastes. It is noted that nearly all tho ladies in the Whi'e House have been as-ici. ated in tho public mind with somo dis tinttivo tasto or quality. With Mrs Grant it wns interest in rational nff irs; with Mrs. H iycs, tmipcrance; with Mrs Cleveland, beauty, and wiih Mis. H irri03 it promises to bo domesticity. Nearly nil of tin items about her toll of her doing her own marketing and pruiso her skill as 1 hoiitckcepsr. San Francisco Chronicle. A My Hint. Tho editor of the Sign, a magnrine publish 'd by the stu loot 1 of tho N w Jersey N rmnl School, says: "There 1$ -ino in which $ ono o' ,..ii $ i i $ t who 1 $ -tiding ia their $111 fcriptioni. Best. Let lis rest ourselves a bit, Worry-- wave your hand to it Kiss your tlnger-tips; and smilo Il farewell a little while. Weary of the weary way Wo have conio from yesterday, I. -t us fret us not, instead, 1 if the weary way uhend. I."t us pnuso and r itch our breath I ill the hither side of dentil, Wlnl we soo the tender shoots 'f the grasses -not the roots. While we yet look down not up To seek out tin. buttercup And the ilaisy, where thy wavo 1 ' or the green Imnie of the grave. l.-t ns Iniiui h us smoothly on l.istle-s billows of the lawn. An I drift out across the main if our childish .1 renins R(;uin. Voyage i ff, beneath the trees, 1 1'i-r the field's enchanted seas Where the lillies are our sails, And our seigu Is, nightingales. Where no wilder storm shall boat Tlui'i th wind that waves tho whent. And no tempesls burst about Tlie r lil laughs wo used to lnvo. I.'iso all troubles gain release, Langii'.r und exceeding ieai'e, ('rinsing idly o'er t'10 vast ( iilm mid-ocean .if tho past. I.-! us 1 a st inn-selves n bit, Worn ; -wave you hand to it-. Kiss your linger-tips mid smile Jt farewell 11 little while. - (.Iiinics Wbitcomb Hiley. Ill MO ROUS. A tir'tllsh place -Tlio ribj. CaiHi s a riso in (1 un -Yeast. l'oor quarters Mnglish shillings. There is a charming claiticity about a girl of eighteen Springs. A trood ninny dough hoads nro still found among tho upper crust. Some folks are so peculiar that thoy will not cut salt fish unless they know it is Irish. la a school of full tho young ides is doubtless taught not how to shoot but how to swim. Tho man who Aids fault when bil ncwspnpsr isdamp ii equally dissatis fied when it ii dry. 'i'ln oiigin of tho expression "raining c ts and dogs," is probably iho same as "II li.in ; omnibuses" The belief that ti h is brainy food is necouiito I for by tho fact that fish ara ulwnys lound in schoo1''. It is a 1 ir ions f i t that one of tho most prolific, of insects is never mora than an uut to hor own children. A clergyman says: I onco married n handso no young couple, and as I took the I ride by tho hand at tho closo of the ceremony and gavo hor iny warmest congratulation', sho tosied her pretty head, nn l, pointing to tho I ridegroom sail, 'I think hois tho ono to bo con gratulated.' The I'solul Peanut. I'ln 1 canut is a useful product much mono so, indeed, than poop!o imagine. Wo all know how extensive ly it is eaten in its roasted state, but therein ly no means li s llio extent of its va ne. 'I ho nut contains from 42 to "id per lent, of n nearly colorless, bland, fixed oi', resembling olivo oil and usod for similar purposes. Tho best is ob tained by rot I expression, but n large quantity of inferior oil is preenrod by heating tho foods Leforo pressing. It is a no-.-drying oil, changing but slow ly by ( po-uro to tho atmosphere, and rtmaimno; flui 1 in cold several de crees bolow 1!2 dogroos Fahrenheit. It eoitnins besides oleic and palmitio nci Is, two other oily uci Is, which havo been cal'o I tho arachic and Lypo- ir c, though it is doubtful if they nre reilly distinct. Tho principal con sutnpti n of tho oil is in soap-n n't ing. In D S '. Virginia b 'gnu tho man u fac tum ol peat ut flour, tho result being a p iu inly pilutnblo biscuit, while (I- orgta has long mado pastry of po.imlel peniiuls The kernels roasted nro lnrgo y 11 c 1 in tho manufacture of chocolato, while tho nmaude do terre, ns has ben shown, is usod by tho con fectioners. It is also euten ss a fruit and toasted for coffee. "Tho poor man's fruit," tho peanut, is capable of su-taitiiug life for a long time, owing to its pei 11 inrly m.tritivo qualities, tho negroes u-ingit alike in poirilge, cus (artl or as a beverage. Nor does its Usefulness end here, for tho viies form asph-ndil folder, ns good as clover hay, whilo hogs wi.l fntlon on what thoy find in the ficl Is nfter the crop has been gathered. It is an easy crop to raise, the ds mnnd for nuts has trebled within the past lew years, and has never yet equaled the demand. Tho quantity of peanuts used in this country may be set down ut 11,000, 000 bushels per annum, and this seems alnr re a count; but as for back as 1 Sft7 there wcro imported into Marseilles alone from Africa more than 10,(100 000 bushels v .lued at $5,000,-. 000. At pnscit tho nveraee prico of peanuts mny bo set down at fivo ccntss) pound. So that, by setting dowa America's product ns fl 000,000 bushels' of 22 pounds a bushel, it rei noscnts a proiue; vilu-il nt $11, if'i'i. Off. Sin ' VrancUco Chronicle. i lb 'A it'; li

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