dhalham Record - "- THURSDAY. JANUARY 24, 1889. LOCAL XU3COUDS. ' 1 , "Easter comes unusually late this year, ear, on tue zi uay oi Apm. , If you wish to keep posted as ; to what the Legislature is doing, you j cluilllt.d tbe aUeution of our fore-! olhor, for th,e purchase of the timber, J b(? eXftnlilied to geiie,i l,..tli. in-! destroyer of the ago. It speedily an ought to subscribe to the Rbcokd. fatlle.a Therefore we, the members I wblch wa ""V1 toT of "?m telliceuce, beauty, ape and dispobi-: nihilutcs rain, whether from a cut, WW We take pleasure in eaiitug SSS ! wind W 1 D M iver'iio" to' the e l eated young fnend, V. U M,.Iier, , .ju luh.jgll)blU(, ..ectfully ! 1' I ask all the brotbeihood to join us in J . joy ye WOuld call the attention of j hl4'(' petition, to p.iss some law to persons interested in Sunday .ScUoolshu've us of said unjust aud partial, to the notice published in auother !" , , oolumn. I We know there cau b no law that J ... I dibcriiuiiiates between tbe races ; yet , MT Sheriff Uiowcr will be at Siler wa beiitvs there can be some law en-, City ou Tuesday, the 2'Jih inst., to collect the remainder of taxes due in that section of the couuty. W Dogwood and Persimmon in great demand ai tho bhuille block factory. Hut no more Hickory lim ber wanted at present. MT An escaped convict, named John Hopkins, was arrested in this county by Mr. Spruce Taylor and carried to the penitentiary, on last Tuesday. MT We are informed by Mr. R. J. Baling (Chatham's champion tobacco planter) that Mr. W. Ji. Mills, of Williams township, owns a well de Teloped calf that hai no sign what ever of a caudal appen'm;e. Next! "Every winter our old fiiend, Richard Cottt n, Esq., of Cape Pear township, comes to the front ith the biceest hog in the county. '1 he one that bo killed this year was two i years old and weighed ill pound. Who can beat it T Have you settled all contracts you made at London's He ueeds bis money. Call and see what you owe, even if you have not ihe money, aud see if you cun't mako some ar rangement. If you do not call he will have to pay some one to call on you and you will have to pay the bill. MT" Bargains are what you hear all around but you can certainly find them at London's now, if you bring the money. Y: can buy a Ladies' JIat for 50 cents which sold for 1 a Month ago, and others in same pro portion ; Ready made Clothing at cost for the cash ; Ladies Cloaks away below cost. Appointment or Maowtuates If fie people of uny township in this couuty fee uuy intcie-t in the ap i ointment of their mtiLrihUatua, they ught to b getting up petitions and ireud theiutoour Representatives. Do , not ueiay unui lowaiua tuu ciusa ui the session, when it may be too late The Recoku h:" heretofore published the names of the magiotrates whono terms will expire this year, aud if the peoplo w ntanyof them is appointed or removed they ought to get up petitions for that puuo.o at once W suppose that our Kepreneiitativea will have such magistrate appointed as the people may pctttiou lor. A Coi.i.iox Di nATK. Wo hive re ceived a very handsome invitation to attend the "Fifty fourth A.iniversary Exercises of tiiu Euzeitsii and Philo mathesian Literal V fc'ooi'-ties" of Wake Forest College, io ar held on tho j 151 h day of 1' eln unry l ue query for discussion will be, ' Are the iner its of the present 6v.teiu of Free Schools in N n th Caroiiua sufficient j censulered as au aduiliou to my per to justifv the State in supporting nridi.'m. I hope you will mako this ft,, j. ..( ; collection. 1 . 11. V omai k. question will not. only bo inlerusliug i to the hearers but instructive to the debaters We regret that our supe rior court bcinu then held will pre vent our attending so pleasant an occasion. ConrrnKRATE Pgssioi.pas On last Tuemlay the ex-Conftdeiate pension era of this State held a meeting at Raleigh, which was alt. nded by thoso old ciipp'ed s.'ldiers from all paits of the State. At night s gisnd time was had iu the Hall of the llouso of Representatives, which was kindly given for the meeting. The veterans were escorted in a body to the capi tol by the Governor's Guards, and an eloquent addiens ol welcome was delivered by lion. Thomas C. Fuller. Addresses waie also made by Oov. JPgwle, Col. Polk aud others. It was quiu a touching ana1 pathetic scene to free so mauy battle-scarred aud maimed Vetera.1. s of the ''Loht Cause'' assembled together. In this connection we are pleased to note the kindness of the raiifoad officials who gave free tiauspoi talioii to all the old soldiers who attended this meeting. Pirsokal Items.- iJessie. John P. Leach of Littleton ai J 0 E. Leach of Raleigh have boeu visiting their old home at this pla.o. 'Ihe foinier ft on of the most prominent citizens of his couuty (of which he is a eoru tttissioner), aud the lultf r is one of Raleigh's most euteipiising business men. Miss Mattie Ihrie attsnded the in augural ball S' 1 is visiting tiieudsat Raleigh. Dr. H. T. Chapiu baa returned ffi-on ahm-t viuir. til hid futher. WUO uow resides at Aurora iu Beaufort ofhcial act wits tho grauueg oi par county. idoiiB to three long term convicts iu Our venerable towusman, Mr. i the peiiiteutiary, all the pardons be James Mooie, has been quite sick, j ing granted for good reasons. Tho but is now convalescing. I fortunate prisoners were, Robert We copy from the Durham riant of lait Monday th following euspi- Cfoui paraL ph about our old haoh 4ox friend. "Dr. J. U. Manning want down the road today. Iu an swer to oi.r inquiry ae to hi deoti Botioo, oue aaid he waa going ta IUI- eigh and another said ho was going to see about the rAin at New Berne, Which wai right 1" For uie arose. NO Tax, No vote. tv. o - m..nWa f n-. ! ,l Aiii-m-n N 1 K7. .1 km.w. thi.1 f"roUt tLe dute of 0UK ..overnment'a . existence, aud long prior thereto, the 'people have ever beeu opposed to all -'taiation without representation, aud Lave never submitted to any uci, awS) auj believing wo have giievnnces'tbat aie unjust and not to ? . . . .i .i . . ., , ,11irl..lli ,i.,.n ihf,. I of baid Alliance and citizens of Osgood!" " Pnc mucD 'U0V9 lDe ,ulll,6 ! , " , ,u . ., " acted that will make tbe burden of log, the log turned throwing them taxation rest more equally upon the ' both off, the shot gun in the hands of eUoulders of buth luces in regaid to j Peterson fired end put five m-ck shot the law that requires us to keep up ! into Mr. Chase's thigh cau-ir.g him a system of public ecboils in the. to bleed to death in five or ten ruin S:iue. utes. Peterson took bim out of the Krlifving as wo io that all of the j water and placed him on pon.e los colored laee will spare no effort to and immediately gave tbe alarm. Mr. Hccure for themselves the right toErnul and some oi her of t lie neigh- vole, and will iuke every mult to , moflt all the reqauemeuis tbul may be made of them to secure for them selves the right to out their ballots; Theiefore we. the said citizens, do lespevtfully ask the Legislatuie to pans a law recpiiiing every voter, who muy be aked to do so by any citizou ; iit the polls, to produce u leceipt for bis poll tax for every year intei veiling between the electiou at which he offer to vote and the election next preceding tho cloc'.iou at which be off.-i a to vote. ,i.-.b io urn-. Wo offer this and ask its favorable nsideiation by tho Legislature 'u j is interest of those who have ever coiimc the aud ut all times j.aid their taxes, be lieving it will be tho eradication of : many delinquent tax payers, nnd we ' win noi see fucu ycti bo uiucii itiinr-; sentution and no taxaiion, w hich is as objectionable as tsxntiou and no reproen'alioii ; and the sheriff will not return so ninny ubte bodied men ou tbo insolvent list. Unuiiiuiously pasHcd by Lodge No. 1S7. J. W. Bkowh, E E. Bkanti.t, Committee. Tbe above is a step in the right direction, and we wish that every sub alliance in the Stato would pre sent a similar petition to the Legisla tuie. We heartily favor an amend ment to our State constitution requir ing every man, who is liable to poll lax, to pay the same before he votes at any election. A iu:in who evades hemiug tuo burdens of government ought not to enjoy its bighet privi leges. A man, who is liable to poll tax and able to pay it, ought to be Hindu to pay it. or not allowed to vote . . H..,- .... .i...8e ,0 imv. iict tuu law say to him, "No tax, No vote!' Of course this would not apply to auy who are exempt from poll tax on account of age, poverty or infiiiuily. En. Rkcoi.I'. Fur tba Bkxikd. Mr. Womack's Correction. Editor of ths Rkcrp: In your lot issue you eny that I receive as Principal Clerk of the Mouse of Itep- resentaliveo, Ihe niitn ot ?1) (H? a day V..I .- t il'l i ou will see bv t.ettion J.b(Z of Ihe, .1 -. ... R I, t ode that, though tl.e Ukwkb seldom I w. si"v. i.u,. tuiikes mistakes, the law puts the per Jieiu at 15 00 a day. It is true that I bt.'i'Mon of '1 he Code provides for tbe ext i a coiupenhution for making indexes, Ac , but as that will be done after the t.eMon dotes, il con not be We publish the above with pleas- uie, and would stale that the Kku oiid'u not hot it y for its alleged mistake is a siatement made by Mr. Womack ; i. tr. ii ,. i.;. ljnitc-ii tu jc-itt,i:Lut.u vi tiii jiaw El). HtCOSD. County Siinday School Conven tions. County Sunday School Conven tions will be hold at each county-seat iu tbe State ou Fiiday, Pebruaiy Tld, at 10 o'clock. Any minister of the tiospel, aupcuiulendent or officer, teiieber or adult membei' of any Sun day School w ill be a mou ber of these conventions. Pastors and superintendents resi dent at the county seat will arrauge for throe conventions. Each county convention will ep point live delegates to the State Con vention. By order of Sta'e Executive Coin milUv. E. J. Pakmsh, President. J. W. Uoiie, Secretary. State News. High Point Enterpriaa: Work on tho railroad to Aihehoro' is progrenk iug ue rapidly a tbe weather will Vtiiniit. One hundred and twenty L... in Mini-. iu-T up a twenty foot embankment near the ill pond. -While paining ... i ..... t.i .i. i:.,i car loads of lumber ooing unlonded. This khowa what our fuctoiiei aie l liU UVUIfb fcuio icw rv - doing. Tbe meeting of tho citizuns hint nicht to diacUHa tba advimihilitv M . . 0 .If, . . I.1 I.. of the eitablishineiit of a Female Seniinury here was wall attended. Raleich Visitor : Gov. Scales' last j Long, oi Stone; crime, larcenj ; lernt tweutj yeai i time served, eight years. Ransom Joyaes, of Duvidson; crime, burning a mill ; term, eighteen yeara; tinio served, eleven yemu. John Hoilirefi. of Beaufort ; crime, burirla ry; ter;ii thirty years, time served, twenly-one years. Ihe last named uiau wa. oue of the first couvicts plac- i d in the penitentiary. I Wilmington S'ar: A Mr. l!i vant, 1 who lost his right arm in the battle, of Tort Fisher in 1865, was in market yesterday with a raft of timber, cut ui1 " !f wi'h ft nn- no ynn"'"" " OD n"b" inapeetora were aroused " .' i 0,1 vtera,1 ttn.d he refused fo accept i ! ft V."",11- i"U' r.inrio.l nf (hn funis, lurl sen ; -" ""' i tiru i u ' formed of the fucts, bid against each rates Newbern. Journal: FreemanErnul, E.,. was in the city veste.day and reported a fatal accident vh ch occur- red in his neighborhood on Wedues- day evening about sunset. V. II. Chase, the postmaster at Ei nul post- office, sud Tom Peterson, a colored Bisn, were out huiiting wild turkeys. In crossing Orent Swamp on a foot- nois went io ins assiHiauce anu luuna Mr. Chase dead. Charlotte Chronicle: Avery dar ini robberv was committed Wednes day nicht nt Rev. G. R. White's resi- i in Kkninn ( , . n-. i ul , i r nli.nir A llilM'flou (juurloUe. The young i,i:.,u cal,nlf, f tilfi ;,Pi.h. I b,irhood had bieu invited to a muii-1 leaI entertainment at Mr. While's i,.li:1, ,-,i ii ... ,hii tlm warn i. !;.,.; J ihe uU-asant party and listen- i jug t() tj, gwe8( t, ujUH nf inusic and ,H cloii-min.. voices of the multi-is. tlitJ charming voices ot ine singi-is, tljat l(lH r,,!,!.,,.,.,,,,!,!, with steatthy ttearl a room in the verv ccntro of tlje bousei WI1(1 ,.Rni,.ti off iirge ! trunw filled with Mr. and Mrs. Whito'a ! dolhing. jewelry and other vs rIKr. HrA . r al nmnv ut ri alusblss, rsons ut t;ie entertainment, and. ouaccouutoi the gay laughter and sound of the music, tbe thieves entered the bouse, secured their booty, aud lied, without attracting attention. Btatesville Landmark: At a chop ping at Mr. John Alexander's in Shi loh township, Wednesday of last week, a limb from a falling tree struck Mr. Henry Johnson, crushing bis skull and breaking his shoulder and both legs, causing instant death. It was a windy day and two parties were chopping forty or fifty feet apart. Johnson and William Moore were standing near oue of the groups when the other party colled to them to "look out," as a tree which they were cut ting might full that way Mo jro chang ed his position but Johusou did not seem to think there was any danger and did not move. A moment Inter the warning was giveu that tho tree was coming und everybody got out of the way except Johnson. When the mru looked back he was standing still, looking in tho direction of the falliug tree, and an instant later he was crushed to death. Lumberton Robesonian: The news papers of this State seem to bo antic ipating a very hard year. The Char lotte Chronicle has been reduced with in the hist few months from un S column to a G column pupcr. Two papeis in r syetievine, the .Messenger - , . , , ., Kill I 1.11. until Ulll II.. .u I III 1 1 Biini.cu- , , , . . '.i tied, and one in ukc county, the Cape ., , ... . ' suspended luht week. "o(-s:tl( a others that we do not now le. nll. It takes money, and a great deal of it, to con duct a newspaper succi-ssfuily, a fact that agteat many people only seem to learn by sad experience. Even when there is a good opening it gen eia'.ly requires ai.out 10 years of the best sort of managem. -t to thinly e&tablish a newspaper, that is to say, make it self sustaining, and after that, ,. ' it requires a vatit miuouiiI of tact, to eep it going. Of course a man with plenty of money can run a paper any where. Winston Republican : Jennie Dear inin, au aged colored woman, w as found dead in hor cabin iu Stokes county, a short time eir.ee. liar clothing caught tire and death resulted from the effects of h'.r injuries. Thai, was an inhuman act. The cutting of the throat of a horse or r: C. i toad man, iu Jerusalem town p. Davie county. Upon going to uis stable last Wednesday morning Mr. Dead man found the sn'mal dead from the result of this brutal t eatment. (ieo. E. Dull, of Lewi.iville, has some little boys, woo, with mauhes, ignit ed a straw slack near his baiv; while at piny lsst wi"k, whn h c.nno nur be inur a serious lire. Fortunately 'he barn was proven' cd from igniting an 1 the loss was cc -fined to the strn ' and Lay stscks outside. Ooo. Sidden, a highly respected citizen of Davie county, living near Elbaville, died suddenly on last S aturday morn ing of what was supposed to be heart disease. After eating a henrty break fust, he told his sou to go to the woods and start the fire w here t lie v huii,.nKa ph.nt Led. wl.i.o he ' woo,i l"lc P1' 1 atove wood, mten. Iuik to follow an ... . oou as that wns done. The chop ping at the wood pile 10011 Mopped, and the lamily thought no moro of him till noon, when seeing liin cent hanging up nt the wood pile. Seaieh was made, aud he was found near by, cold iu death, still holding his axt in bis hand. It was clear that he had died without a struggle Heiresses to a Million. -. 1. t . n 1 . vjai.kvii.i j;, im, on ii. ai Era, in this county, Mrs. Winfield ! 3 ' and Mrs. IjHttm.a. daughters of a! Not even th-n 'ee-dculera are soderp piOBJinent stock .ihu living near Era. Iv disturbed hv the mildness of the; hve been found to be heirs to an erf- j a 'anon thus far are the loggers; tateiu England worth at least 1,0()0,-1 throughout the pineries of tlm Noi th 0110. The estate hat been in the western Ststes Billions, of '. et of English courta for some time, await- lag tbe discovery 01 nc- ri. Ir-. u - tiueis and Mrs. Wintield inherit inrougn ineir moiner, uow aeceaiea. j Courting a Man. twu,t .!. 10.T Tl,,Kmnlr A ',.,,.. ,.. .. sn0 nfi;, ,.mvilieti i.e nmtri. -itblu five years after the death of hi. uncle. the late Luther James. 1ms received BO IUBI1T ifettelB (,0m 1ot6 lorn maid- eu8 tnat te proposes to select him wife . competitive examination held by i committee. All the let ters have i iA.n ri nn nnn in n i i n r n i liih ;n i,.. notified toanuear and tion. Mr. Babcork lias etill a year j left. One Cincinnati beauty wrote to him leceutlv : I am tired of reading m tides about you in the papers. If you want a wife, why dou't you e.. one in Ann Arbor, where you Me? If vou are not suited w rite m a line at" No. t I f' .ini (t Street, 1.-1UCI nil- 1. A Boston publiKber o'.iered an Anu Arbor photograpliw Ji i lor a picture of Bsbcock, but the latter modestly declined to furnish h photograph. ! Never Too Poor to 1 ;ike a Paper. Fmra the Albntiy Journal. A workingmau in ihix city who was complaining of bard times recently, was asked how he could afford to take a daily newspaper. "Well," said he, "I hope I hall never bo too poof to lake a paper. 1 1' ouht I was too poor for ten years aft"V 1 was married. My wife suggested Ul I take a paper regularly, and I di ' so, and it was ll,' niOHt I'COIIOm Icsl .-.UoIiO 01 D1V lif It kept, mo at homo evening's and a'.foi ded ine idea-ui e aud insti uc- tion and was a comfort to the whole family. I had to stop the use of to hiwn for s uIkiIb veir encs in erdw to nav for the pa per, and tbe result was that I havo not cared for tobacco since, anil in that one ilein I have since, anu in unit one- nein i nave enough to pay for Hi-vera, daily pa-1 pers. So long as I havo money euough to buy bread with, I will have money enough to pay for my nee- paper. A Muilcl Couuty. Frnm tli rr'HnwMlvti rnrmw. No county in our State is less known east of the Blue Ridge than the Utile county of Clay. It nestles in the grand old mountains like a nioilcst luauleii j on ttie lap of a giant. 11 has a imsll population, but it is lic.h in resources. It is poor iu money, but is wealthy in virtue. Since its orgnr.izntion. it liai nevnr bad a trial on tho ducket of its court for murder or manslaughter. There is not a distillery nor a bar room in the county. No arraignment for rape or other hideous crime has ever disgraced the record: of its courts. Grsss, clovor, corn, wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat, fruits and vegetables grow luxuriantly, while its water and its timber.? are as tine as can be found in the world. Nrgrot's Viit Ilanison. AforsTA. G., Jad. 21 The color ed people of Virni uia. South Carolina, Georgia and other Southern Ststes are arranging to eeud a delegation to visit Gen. Harrison to present their viows of the Southern question. The delegation is to be bended by John M. Lang.-ton, of Virginia. It will be iu Indianapolis by the 1'nt.t of Pebru aiy. It in said tbe delegation will be composed of noix- but repiesi-utalives of tho rare in the S.-ulb. Killed His P.ririe. Umontowv, Pa., Jan. 11. While Thomas Murehai t. a leading business man of Brownsville, was cleaning a revolver host nig' t, tbe weapon war. accidentally discharged und the bill let passed throt. ( ii the body of his wife, a biide of iew weeks, causing her death this ii'nnoi tr Snow in Virginia. ' WiN"iitTK!:, V.' , J.oi. 21 Five ir.chos of snow, the llrt of the sea- boh, art r.'t-.ting opon the tine whea' j lields of the Yalh y a-d tho fanners: are well pleased. Theio is a cold ; northwester picvsiling tonight and1 good prospects to. ire gatherers here Twenty-live lives wero lost last Friday by a tire damp explosion in a mine uear Maiictiei.ter, England. . . , , Gov. Fowle has apjioint ui Col. T- . n nli:r..n.lirn A A. juUnt General of the State Guard, in place oi (Jon. Joriniitoue Jones, wlio has accepted the posit ion of editor of the Anhevilte Cu..u Reidnville WV-kiy is on foot in 0' A tuovement t iioro to beenie ,i. :.: . .. I. . ii,.,. IIIO IlOSIHOtl 1)1 1'imiiJulirBn uu 1 "" k -i t .. . . unl V I I 'd itir mm u .li ijpiiic. nr havo learned t1 ' there will he no oppoeition to tl.' inoeiiient. Uev. A. W i. t-v i- i.. : .Uilllum, l. !., reilip hit dimihlcd fi .'ii' a ecoml fctr le of par. 'vpi'i I'lei-iil'iit. I'ultlo, of the i. in. "ibitv, Uum lnvi'.ea nev. . i.. Nori . to till tciKpornrily hi chair of Enp. ith Literatine in that inxtltu, ion, and .! has uccep'.d- At Paikeinhu -'. W. Va , the Ui 1 tetl States (lri-iiil J..'i v, which ha i been iiiVeHticatitigrafa of ft audulent votiug. briber.' ..e l inliiui.l.ition .0 the recent elei iion. preented fiftv iudictmentM, over forty of thnn bo ing lor illegal voting. Dr. A. II I.t'doui, of New Yo.k Citv. reprehentiiiu a big French Cop - per" Sv.Kbc.ale, h,,s through hi aV orn.'VH. Mrra. G.abani .V Winston, purchased t lie eelehrated Yuncoy Cop per Mine hiUu'.leil iu Granxillu snd Perion counties. The price paid was SlO.Oili) co-h. Dr. Ledoux was for- i ... u, , .. i, ' log have aires, ly bee,, ct j Michi - g". inc. ns. . ..u .w.ic,o cannot be h.u.lo.l because of the ab - uce o mun uu i- Tbo Railroad Commissioner of Yir- eini in Ilia nnimal i(.oit show tl.e casualties of 1888 to havo been 11 0 persons killed and (iHO injured. There e about 3000 miles of road in Uie , A Western newspaper ssys tnl the Intent sensation is a St. IjOUIH horse that chews tobacco : but the ' gi-r-atpst sensation is Dr. Bull's Cough I ' SiiJoiS,-.n Oil i ib neatest rain- bruise, scald, bum. frost-bite or from wound of any other kind. Price lonly 2" cents. ! m a 1 - - i SCHEDULE PITTHBOUO' R. R. ' The puKenrr train nn I lio Juixhoro' r'lroad 'imtm Miwboro'iiniiy.exruptsuu.iayH, tiosn. "rllv" Hl M""""" l p- m- 'k'n i loei.ueloD with ike r-.iill Iralu onthsK. A. I .L. . K . which rrlvwiRalelgh alli.Mp. m. j u4 w M ,.,0 p. ,, iyViiiii:n. Nnttmwnr rtKnth ninl murrlHwi liisurtm Ire. Obti tinrlf 'hnrgf il nevon iiih it llu. JOHNSON HI'KNS. At U' riwlil'li ot tb brlrln'H faili-r. InOtdilHnU itiwiif t:l;. jHiitmry I61S, 1IX, ty CMrn-n Jnlmmn. J. T., Mr. O. 8. Jijmnwik, Jr., to MlKS ANMC UtlltM. New Ad rrrtisemviitfl. w. d. mcTvnin, ATX11IN1;V A'JL' I.V.V. SANFORD, N. C. Collection of Claims and Mortgage Matters Specialties. Practices in Moore. Chatham and Harnett Counties. Jan. It. 1H). ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE!. Having .iuxIIII' .I nn 'lin ndralnlmrator r Kllr.nllli llurwnr.l, liviiiwi. 1 horby Dotlly kit pi kloltlllitf i-lHlrim r .llibt t-ald Uc:"dMlt Vl ot Jiumiiry. m.'O. LJ". - L". t xhiijit pinno m mo i'ii ur Lof' r th" nb 'lay U. U'hl.l.LV. i ; a DMINISTRATUIX" N( I ist limine. iuftitiiii amiir.t luii. i ; "ri'it-" .".'i NOTICE Inn ti Is Willi ilCM.fl, ltlUA I'llllBl ill-Ill I" .llllMI II. l-Hlllt to ttu on V b. rr- i:m 34ili ilitv i-ii jiitiuiiry. )H!0. Jiiiiui.ry'it. ui.liMl.tA A. A VENT. rjOTICE. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will bo n.ai(i to the present I session of toe General Assembly for amendment to the charter of the town of Pittsborouw'ii. O. C. UYNl'M, jU i lh.-i!). Mavor. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIR ' TI T. "f ivriftlit exi'.-utl-JiiM In my hinds from Ihi' iui.-t'.ir ojurl of I'lnttlnim county. 1 will wll f..r ch.!! at pui!liT au.'ilnu hi tlin i-mirt-li-iin.n .iir. III l'l:lf.h.ii,-, i .i MONDAY, ll.i- '.I II day "t KKIUU AIlV, li-HJ, II, i Ml. Willi! l-i-i.l fr.H,., Mill, iilo III Hitl.l cuioy ; on" ni "r i .r.v nf Ihu.) In wii'inm i.ni i ii-'itiini; ill-1. .nlHif ikirbitii I.nwti'r hiiI inin' ..ii I ti.'liie 1-t So, 'i In tbe dlvlytnll ol t)n llltldn of Mlly l.iwler, dirortHO't. oui n-iii-t lit Ht--k ry Moiintnin t,tviiMlili. ad- Jol'lll.e till) IS of II. II I IK" Klld othl'l i. l oll- tiilntiiR iiit'.ut '. 'hi :i.-ri'.-. kiiomi n tlio "Klizitiwiii" trHii,iui. l.'Mi d on tho .t-i.i--ri y "f N. K. II in m. Jkii. IV, lw. S. . IIKK.WKII, Mii'ttfl. Home like, convenient, pi anautand neat drpurtinont. Isble good. Fiist-cIasB sample room for druuiuicis. JOHN A. SMITH, De 1, ISM. Proprietor. TAX SAL lis: V'OTIl i: i l. that I wi IS HFTtEBY tilYEN ill si-i! for vash. at the court houxe ilo.ir, in tbe town of PITTS HOIK)'. N. C. on MONDAY. :1m 4:h dav of FEMU'ARY, 1S8!). the lauds ilesciibm! in tbo following iliit ; said landri io bo sold for tho pny ment of taxes and costs due thereon. snd levied on as the propoity of persons : IS MATTIISW TOWVSVir. Ciir i'-, VmkIiiI 4 t: no I 'i Ai.d homo in Ml r t My, in iir.Mt I'UKrii T.'w.-.si:!!-. Mm 0. IIiiKlii'M. 41 it. m, tt M. Hai ..-r, tlV. k. I .-. Wlu. Tllllr rH. o I !l . IN OiM.lMi ll -v. ssnir. Rcinliill. I" l- k Co , !;u..if. ol J. T. K 'li-lall, tht in- I.011W1 Mill l"t. VK' I. IN Wll ! !'.M-i T.'WN.SMll'. M. Moi lnis. '.f. ic i-. h, M, (tliltllllM, .lb ll.Tr.i lloHf llllfi.) S Htoro, w,,,,,.,,. I ulu.uUiV' j (J p TllWVsmPi IxtH'ttntV hih tk. Jto ni-n-., 'l T. ill", k-.. !l" m-p-i, ! . -h wr-.- th.tis. I M T"'" J- 1.'tn.l.w. IW., S. W. Bii EWER. J in. 10, lS.v . SlIKI'.ll" SORTtSAtiE " U 'lir-tB ItnrtK-i SALE. m i' ,'XI"-1IH-1 t" llti' I'll nt .iiblM' uu."... mr sn i. r III llUrlKim", "II .1 l-fl'i nary, IKsn, a ' nil. r.-i k lit llit.lli.y l"" 'ilp. .tin 1) isirsiic ait'l iium, , rHh, n' III.' ri.liri lm ! hti mil iimi u.u iiy trwt "f Inii'i "'I oi ' mlinlnlm; intiili.ini; ninati a'-r.-.. J.lil. I". IMI. JOMll .'illl.-.M'. ORTGAGE SM.E l'.Y VI U- i .11 -ri K i.f nmrr. li-f c'''ll'Pil to Hyutmi h I " -n ,..:,- I. wnv.Mlr.ll T..r -h.-Ii m u . .- tu :."ii-' in l nti-r''- "ii kt .,:...V 1,11' '.111. itV "I I 1-r-iKi , !., U'tH Hi Mi.li. ui.'. "ii v. 1-iTllH 'l HI 'll.l J.ili. 10, IM. hi mmiiIi ri m-Ii-iI, nii'l il-v- I VM'M .V IIK.M l.X. HC! YE AFFLlGTf D! We have heen t-lc-wn eevfial trti i nmnitls liom 1'Ct.p e ill out tl is i-ee- ; :., K a.itur the itood results of Dr ' n,-.j h (re itini M: of their ca-eH. and ' Wl, XVoti't' l c ill i.tt' i. tion to them : H. j i)i,.',im. of M -:iy Osk--. N. ('.nnd j j,.s, y.Wr.Av ih I'tley. of Gull. N. C. wnt in t-i -m of eon.iiicti.lati .in of ! Dr. D.o iel s m, !lo.o -of tr..atnient. ; Th, led , wnte, th .I ,hu r.dle, ed fvf t. en ye.is. i.i.-Hhat the treatment she has KCCIVe.i na-. c..uip. iei tttiw her Jon- -lioio Lea b r. Mm-ev refunded in c;iso of tuiluie rtiicb bus never vet occurred. j. II. DANIEL. ! SuT I. !.", JONKSUono, 5. C. i fORFS EE'S SALE. BY VIR C Tl F. "I l il.-"' I 'I list I 11. I':il'N.,HII "Il OH' i.li 'IH' f.i I lu m. by C. ' V , 11KK. I Will o. .0011. nn Kit M-ll l I'll""' I BI'lV 'll i'' 11.,, n l Int. I11111 triirl "t ! ri" i:t , 1 urn. all ihf rtKhi, ;. l mi;-liii:. H, nml n r..r ; .., .r.,-,". . 'rS!;; - , Ja.:t!r.I!. " V k. vauuoiioiou. ju. sins - EHis' Dry Goods Emporiun?, Durham, N. C. Oyer $30,000 Worth of Goofe Will Ec Close! Gat in SO Bays. No Such Opportunity Has Ever Been Offered You Before ' WILL PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS QUE AT SLE. EVERY DEPARTMENT FILLED With Choicest Selections! CARPETS AND RUGS! BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS! HOUSE KEEFING GOODS of EVEBY DESCHIPTIOIs', Embracing Table Liuens, Towels, Sheet iny, Blankets, .tc. Our Black Goods Department Is Complete, representing Black Cashmeres iu nil prudes, Ilonriettasi A magnificent line of Blaek aud Colored Kiiks. nil the BeHtMukcs, includ ing tho Latest shades. ErOS Goods! An Elegant Assortment of I)i .ss floods and Appro priate Trimmings to hi' b. The Entire Stock in Every Depai tim nt MUST BE SOLD. 19 Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. XV. S. HALLIBURTON. Dea J3. 1888. Assionre. TO OUR I mi a mri a mi FRIENDS WE OFFER Low Prices on HARDWARE, Wapn and Mil Material,! SASH, DQC3S, BLINDS,! PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Lime. Plaster, Cement, GUNS, SHELLS, POWDER. SHOT, CAPS and WADS. 1WT OF El Ttas H. Bricrirs & Sons. 8 UUIGGS 151 ILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. THE PRICE TELLS: AND EVERYBODY TELLS THEriUCE. SCHOOL NOTICE. Tho Sprtnir Ti-rm "f my Hchnol will opou m ri'.is- born" on M Inr. .Imi. Ilh. IHSU. TiTnn r'1'' "--l"!' moniy wet-K: rrlinnrr Kn;llslt, ,,, . mill . . . U1'M I.kiIii, Orek. KreiNX. .i -vau, Survi-jluu an. I hur.igrHihy, mull. Oil nira. 1 am r.,.y w pr-T.. r,.,,n, taill. an.1 yueK Ko,,il. mi.t. I...- clt, ..r r. r buMnrns li:e. X""- lrr' i-hllJr.Mi mil hii ltmtrui'te.1 hi Imlf tali's. I'nii-iitB nmy he HKi.tiriil thin every i lT',rnvlll be ninilK m iimlii. Dii- Iiimi urt..n tli'.roui.'lt. Tli..u (ImlrlnK InHruiHI'm III Miml. nn l 1'iiliintii! In C,i,.tntn ,.r i in c.l.ro. will Imvi. tli. I ue c lltr Btiwi n inp'ti'iil nnJ i.,! lii' ".l In-i rti.-t-.m, b. n. JAf liSUS, Dee. V. ruiHl-or..", N- C. HOLIDAY pt? T,c4"fr,?rrrci " Ki-ftJ r.-im-y I'liitli t, 5.SS. an.! M.V Kditcy H:if.iut r.ii.-kcr, r CiiMnrialiio Ann Ilucktn, H " TiiWul 1'iiilur IUk-Uit, DM Ool.l, Silk l'lii.tt, 15.1 Hall Stiitnln, Waluul. " M, a j:. , lit tut utiil 15 i rancy Tnl.li'H, llrAnif I'tribiollto H'.aii'l. r.iilar om - Dunk, wniutii ora. Lvuuriti, Hainlsomn Couch, Hl!k riuxU Svta, iii.uk Knckt, tr..:n f:i.no io fl.i 15 5'l tTi.lll ii.'i W K' ' Orders from the country promptly filled. J. C. HUTSOPJ & CO., No 1'2 EilHt Martin Street, KAI.EKill, N. C. n italUikiM iii'UiNUa uvnl 417 ait.l O'.i rajMU'vllleb.iwH, SAiexon, n. o BRANCH YAl'O. LaIhers Oi.n Mtanp, FAYET TFiYMiLF., N. ( ., MANUFAt'TFRER of all kinds of MoK&ts ana ToffilstoiiiB IN MARBLE OR GRANITE. Also contractor for u.11 kinds of Build ing Work. Curbing. Post:-,. Steps, Sills, Ac. Designs of a'i descriptions kept 011 hnnd and sent to any nddiesb upon application. 1 CH AS. A. GOODWIN. 1 March 1, 1SS3. Propiivtor. cr ::::: AT - imjnwfi pnnwPi FIRE! FIRE!! EMI YC'JP, PROPERTY -IN THF i m mm n This is a Homo rrtiupuny I'.nd da serves tl.e j utn i.ro of u'l North Carolinians. It wiik oiri.?jizo1 in IP.08 a'.d has miid nvfT l.'i'f i 1 iilliiin ili.Ilna in 1 mm is,.i o0co:, All hirfses iaid onijilly. Ever prudent nmn oujjht to insi"a l.i propt i fy. For tenns. Ae.. ojiply to ii. A, London, Agent. , Vv. S. PRIMHORE. ricsi.lonl. ' Si'pt. fill), I8K8. v 'j i i.iij. 111 ucme Th y .-ti.tr. .torpliin.. l.v:-.i-.rMvT. wbctp. I'r.n un-. u ps-o. '1 M- i -ivc ncjuJ .-trwiilt, '.i-:.-'.iTn-. . .'.mor t 11 1 rl;aic '.,lTTl o?-. ; . T. ,.,,,, 1)rt.,.u.; ... x ,,,.,, A. ,,. 9- bm. Iti .-csli. c S:..i-o, uli I V. A. K,.i.ihua, ll tu nevs N, i ,. vtl .ii Ov. n ill! clu-t-k. - jmi r. vrv.tTr. l ltil.t.Tf TiVL ' 'tt t t?" ten! -Mams imi Cotton ZsUqys. if,vc on ,i;4' ! a ful- 01 hj:avy ;p.oi'Eries. -eed -f t'V V -,-...-.-;p,i .11. h.n.". INC AMI TIES, which wo !T-r to iho public at bot t..in j.i'iccs. Will iiiiil.o cash a.Iv;;:c.o;i on Cotton on hand, when d-v he.!. Gi u uh a ti inl .11 1 tl sec what wecni. do. rt'YATr TAYLOR, S.';.. 16 l'jtal Martin .in ' '0 Kii hat'sc Pwi, IiAI.BIOII, N. 0 8ep!.;r.l pi- K, irjfT. TZI IZCS ! Ai I is nf woi k M:i:i. mil, hh hefore, wi.I !:n) nti-oe hi-; woik on Wutch-.-t 'ii ' a',d .1 weii ; ,.,iiUl tof.nv in t' i St.ite. S. !:! t i.ini nt once nlnl our woj 1; lini.e rif.'lil Semi for Spec taclcK. Willi i.es, Clocks, Jewelry ani Bl i.ile I'lvM lits. Vi i.lii'j; iii cn !-iHve,l V. P. I'ARKMt. C. F. 'I Y. V. RAILWAY. 1 i Cont'ionsccl SohoJule No. 6. Taking I';'. . I M..!.d.iy. Pec. 21, 1SSS. pit v ii MT srvniy. irfttu itfittii: (-.!. 'I'lili. O-.l-. is'fc' ! N... ? Villi A ' ;i. j Xnvo, . ii' ,1. in. p. in , . vlil.-. n Iv... 7.4S p. r.i f. I" . ... , l.-iir, Jj n "'I 1 '.- 1;:. ' 4.U 11 t'i Kit"..i .1. l.ni ' 11. :ts ii". l.i'i I li vi 1.111 siii-i-. " ll.r . . ! Arrive. '2 !. Of, -i..l 'n-.., Kl.i t I " (' oil. A 1 1 j . " a,6. m. V". l-lin-fikiHKl ut a.viitpvl.,0, iirui r si flr''ttit' -r.i. fi.nl. lVi-H'-niriT at:-! Mai! T: alim rtmiU. "yi-xrvpt" u. .lay. 1'iplt.lti nn 1 A-r.iM'ri,. -la! .it -i 'ii run f lb Mii-iuv!)!,. I., rail-!. vt'li-Tn.-., i, "I lium , aii'l Hii'iirilii.f, ir'i'tt I h'-i iii-viiii. fiitH-ii.k.- 'f ell Mi n layv, Wi'ijni-Hil.ivk I f-n.liiVM; fl (li-ii-i.f li'ri.' In Ml. Mn .M.iinlay- Wilniwlt ii-1 ll'ila. , fr-'Mi Ml. All-y In ,1:l Imr..' '1 11,'h.Iii. -. Tint! -.In i iir-1 Sal Hl-itayM ; ,-niii Ore . i,. ,,- in i ,- . , o.--. nn-, n i i'i kiim . T' rs'layr 'i S.inn-il'1. ji.-l i r.-lii 1 ;i""!'i'IIi. l.i , ,ui.l'- ." of. M..;! ... Wi-'t - 'lm. ti'l I ri'l'O Tritilt.-i .-a . ii.-'.'ii i-r.-.ii'ii run .bill) tfl-- ;.i -ilnvn. w. k l.vi.r:, Ouu i v. Ay J. w. i nvaon'i sui-i.

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