wrir.iw.ri. .am ttiwtfwfi riwrimjin r-r-mf rfr"rfir,ni-'" &l)c 41 1) at I) am Uccorii. II. A. JAJNUOIN, EDITUli AND rUOI'MfiTOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, KATES ADVERTISING One Bqunre, one insertion- One sijuarc, two insert ioim One Bijuurc, one month $1.00 1.50 - 2.40 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Strictly InAdvance. For larger advertisenii nts hbutal con VOL. XI. ITITS150IM)', CHATHAM CO., N. C, FEBRUARY 7, 1889. NO. 23. ptrucls will-bo made. n'l i tr firifiiniirii itm it n'ti ft Witiwiw tr K iIm; IIic Ciii'tnln. T ihe the cm tain- let tlx- It ght'icsi 4 If your fin- i in I gin shine foi til ; To 111.' s.-r i-. :!i d .ik'i -J 11 in-'.v he of vi'.il v.nrih; flivo n ghnip.-.i tn l.i H-ly wniid'rcrj Of your h us. 1 1. .1. t lull "f j y. Il may rcii-e tn nnv mill il inn Nome h r fi i n.llo-s, ti mpt- il toy. Haso I lie rut I ih:- m ,m kindred Ivii'ti to nil i-1.. mi I by ties Which forl.il a so il lislmttin-' ( If ourselves fieni others' eyes; (Share ynur lilit mi. I -hare your blessings, (id lintli in nle whnl'i worl.l kill, AikI his 1 ve s. i unii isal, Tillies Hie HeiK. st sinner in. Unix- the cm tain of n ur window, H lisc ll.e e.ii tain of your mini; On mil lei si s ion m:i!;e you To til- wants i f nthcr-i l.l.ml. II Ipine ( liters wa iie st re i;;th n'.l, (In ii we on- i tel if m ule; Anil no one s mimm or patient, Hut si !ii ' tn.ne hath nerd of nnl. - I'lora N. ('anilce. A MAN-FISH. Al I oili'iU i'l llir.lll. il II of Jlltle ''I. Is.V.l. I w n in llie crow's in I or lookout mi I ...-.(. 1 llie New luii.'land whnltr Yiitll.'o land. Mini He Wi ll' hear ino ui for ;i! j n.ii ii frmn i !- .In in l'i r nnnd. .' l-'nid- whin I i':iioli -h-lit of ;i limit in:.' I i. in L. dy on tin. I. a- hnvv. .-on I half ;i noli- away We In. I only :i liylil b;ccf ami ll'o i.i was sinnrly dis Imbed. :iii-! fi"in my pi rob al"fi I could see cvell llie !: !i .: lin y played about lis. I had S.-.-H-. ,!-. h,i.-, the .In U u In n llie llo.iler Mini his In ad. Ki ll llis Ii i l umli r (lie -in T n . . in. I. nflcr wav in:; hi.s mm m .1 i:;ti.il. In hi I'lin vw inim'tii:; down In m. 'l lie -edit of ii in. m ml :! I. j.oiiln uiih ti t 1 1 i ii u vIimIimi- ! (! I him. win ii.ii en.ei.j!i. Ie.il hnc v. :n -oiiii llii !: ii.;., h nioie iiit-i I in s ore for in. I hl'.o -ri ll (lie Unlives of ill ino t i vrry . ininii v in ill,- w.-iiti-. Imii I never -iw any thin,' like ihe pci"l this llilil". I III. nle II- he i .1.11. i,.M o in. e jll-t smoked Ihr.eioli wait-r like a ,nw I with In r sail ., ),, ,V .,, r,.. llie men iiin-i.i-.il I'. i :i i 1 o .'el si:;ii ,,f liim, mill .1 In , .mi. :iloii!:-Mi In i In . !,.-. .is w.i. .i inn:; it: '. v ol o.n iiiill, mill eooHy i . ill,-, ,,in : - liiii si,!, is Hi , i .' 'l lie A i ii i i. ..ii i Ii iler, Yankee l..uii," lllnweleil lh - le ii-. S':inl :iiy It. in, I :" "l s, v.e w ill Mill,'' lrii. . llie I :i. ii:i. Very wi Ii. si. Ml i oitn- iil.o.ii.l." Tin j l!ii-n liim .i t..!., .in. I In- soon f t I on .I.-. U. l!n' ot'ly iint ..in i -nieil (.-l--i.il OH tin- lli. lie il-k.-.l lor .1 i iiew ol looii ii. wlllil ' the Wilier oltl of hi-, clo'lles. i'l. wlu ll llie I I'loll'jlll liim sonie unili In .h i n.'l ii'.. :ir o-.ir Iiuii.o ry . Id- n-fn-eil .Hy i lolln--. siiiii 1 ll.lt In II II I'l I let win il li I1IIJI. illlil H 111 11 lie hii'l liiii-l" I i iiiie- In- eil.iiit. .1 : My t , i ,'.,in Ki-i, I,. , 1 1 1 i I tin Kn.;!i.li hn .. .,, , ii::. 1 l .111 - I. . I I I" I .-; t i- l i l to il w hale H till tin I.i -t ol yon. i.lii tin ;, I. iv .mil li I Mi llil II to." V"ii iiil the ;mhi Umi .la--- ii ;..;" ..II. I il l I lie I i, ; i . V. . -it." In le Win -h. :" A ni i'ter ul lii'ty null s to the mtlh i -t. -ir." Al seaf Ye., 'ir." 'oW .li.l o 11 ,j '," S.ii.l oi il l.y to my Wiiti h :iml jillli"i il ovei li.iiitil. ami liiive heeii lloiit ng i vi-r sin, r." Tluri' Wii-n'l a iii.iii in llie ship who lielii'VI'tl his sloty. Iiiilenl. wli.it inli I lioeii! man woulil I'. lieveit.' Ami vet il Wiii (io-pel truth, as we ilis.-overeil when w't! leiiehi .l Ynlpiiiiiiso. Tite Sii..n v;ik the'V, ami liiilf n ilu.-u of In r erew IimI si i it liim o 1 1 ,IU i l,:n, ;n .lateil. A iniiu lisli hail ronie iihoiHil of us. Tin re ii"'-''I' wi-.a inetiiiiii'l. I.iilheiei laiiily WMit a iniitiiiin. lie w:e- next to iiiiiphihioii'. lie was with in for sixteen in. .nth;', I'm I .iiuiie.: licit time was the wninli i- of ..in new an. I of every other i tew we met e was a stalwart, pio.l looking ehap 1. 1 il."., I. in hi- interior may have I .(ill I Hi i 1 1 mi llie li-ll I'iiiu iple. He Willi) ii .swiftly tn some kin. Is of lish, ami that withuut seemiiiur In lire him. Heci.iiM not I.. .Irow neil, mill no shark wotil.l I'iu him. 1 s.iiil he w ,n a iiieer man The rem hi- n-. .1 :i' ly a,iei s w ilh me. I my wonl ;in l honor that every statement I shall make i true, an. I can he riiveil tine. Our carpenter was lii.l n with n broken itinl w h. il l-'iii. 'i n tin iiii 1 that lie mil. I ll.e tools he hi. :t en p. liter lempoiiiiily. Afl. r we h ll Y:il pariii-''. ii" loiioer iloiilitinif the sinry of hjs inn .lavs' Ih.at, lie yave us a ni iivel hiilM i xliil.ition of his skill tn ;i swiiinni r. In rimiiiny I'.n to the south we struck till' fill? ' "'I "i" H eyelotte. ami o.. a ter rilile sea. Our he; ship Win tnsseil iilioitt like a pea. an. I the waves w.illc I up mi iim now ami then until their rrcsis kceineil to town- lifly feet ahovc tin' rail. Kvcrv thin-,' win lasheil .in. I ilnihle l.ishe.l, liml the cook eoiililn't liliike even it cup of coffee for twenty lnmm. While we wen lyftiff f" lian.uin; m f"r life l'ii:. 1; sd ij'jM-l lo his- shirt ami juiut hh.J wcul (iverlioaril for n lurk. The best tiititt iiinoiio us woithl have been ilrow neil in live minutes. lie win in the w iit.-r wo liotirs, .'in. I when lie runic mil be iliil not putr as heavily ii iiiieiuwhii hii'l run across the street. A huinlieil times in thi'-c two Iioiiis we llioiit'ht he wns lost, but he hail mi more fear for liinn. lf lh:iii as if he w;tr. on ilrv latul. In the sixteen months I saw him i;o overhoaril in iiiiiny :n lifly I inn s, in ; 1 1 1 soils of xvi-:ithiT.iiii. bv ilny anil by liivbl. anil yet In- itevi r nn l w ilh all nccM. ut. I stilled ih.il no : h.-it-l; woiihl bile hint, lie ptoMil this fail a lliotnaml linns nvcr. Il.iilmr sh.u ks. for r known 1. 1 tin i-i i lv -., will hi - siiim liiiies pa s a sv initin i l . hut they are small fi v coinpiiti . In he Itaintiii r heinls ami w bile - hat k- of tuiil in i int. The li ne iiiiin i :iti r i - not a -hnrr tish. except in Iropii :il wal is. . hen a wh.-ih r is en- rii::ei in iii.li'i-; in mnl tr. in:: is ilrilliie; i IT bi lute the win. I. Iti ill-Ciilei- iippem. I ha- II Iln ill twenty live In I 1 in:;, bit tin le. I up mi. I lies '.tow u i!,c iim ii ul w hiile-. ami i v i .1. i.ily a I In I y. 1.1. Tin -e are tin ,1 nn. in of ll'i .!.. p. who will rn-h upon a i Ml ami up-. I il or tear it to pie. . mnl 1 1. ii ill In fill lio p.'lill li'.'ii tie pii. I, "I it liin.e. U'e ool a w hale n I In- -, o 1 1 1 1 i I of ( '..in i pi ion, a hitmli'-'l mil.-, oil hole, .-nnl l-'itn h uae It . hi til -I exhibit i"it. We h:nl mi .i::l;t li.-inel li h li-linl Inail iiml liiil In on.- l.nl.oaiil - iile. mnl were j'l-l hook- ill:.' oil I-. the lil-t l.l.lllki I piece to lois :i way . w hen three or four n -ter sharks appe nd. The oiu- v. ho i iiine up ml. in w.n ol -t;i h i, e ih.n iln- tin n i-iilh-.l out in iima 1. II.- In with his iloi-nl I'm al...M' w:ili t. atnl v.e eoul.l -i e every i'n h ol him. w.n , m.u-h to oive you a chill to note his -. ii knl eves ami hi-. iiw fill nioinh. j When I "iin h -i'W thi- link In- -rti.l he , woiihl tli i v t- him away. The Capriin or ; .l.-t.-.l him . :;o al.oiil hi-, hn in. s-, not ' wi-him; to I .e a in in. bin l-'itn-h waiteil until the oli, i-i . wete oil their uu.iiil. iltnl thin Willi ..'.. ll.olt.l off the lee l..,-,v uith :i ':r..it - pi. eh. Tli'le w:i. a wilil i IV Ir the clew an.l a unh with I. p.-. ! I. ul Tom loi.ki-il up ami l-ue'lml ami j -.wain aroiiml the I. in of the -hip. The; I.i ; man . it'-r b "' I'.n l.i ! oil al.oiil '.'II ! l.il.'lt the '.pli h. I. lit I elh.-l . .lllllo-t in I. uue. li.nl i -oiiio up mi the .piatli n. ; ami tin re I : thin ol I he w i. ke.h -I li.h : in tin- Atlaiili.- ! can. I ai i bo.ly Innii. -I an. I I nn 'I .oi l half a iloen lop.'.' club- w i ; e 1 1' ton u lo Tom, but he woiihl ma in i in I in. lie sit-hleiily sank l.elow iln- - in I n .- ami in nle a be e line I . '- the Li" li.h. ami. I., my :inpii-e. the i. I.I fi Mow il ille.l l-i'h to I -i ape the colli -ion. Ii i- liuih I., lh.- I. tl. r th at Tom f'im It iltovecM-ry ine of llio-e l ii" 1 1 -1 . I - aw ay I I . on iln -hip. :iml ..- an hour he pi I ih il about in il:,- wad t ami was tin hai nn il. In 11 uise of a couple of lo Ills lie bi;; -hath n 'mni'l. A piece of blubber was tniliip in :in .Mioit ami iliopp. .1 mei l.o.it.l, ami hein i'lea ila-li of :i humlr.-.l In t ami l.,.i. .l it .hiwn like a !la h. II" I Ill-it took up l.i si.iiion oil . 'iti- 1 1 in 1 1 .-r. iiinl not ovir 1 llil IV feel way , ami tie- -ailor inoiinl. il the rail ami m t le a loou; leap li -; 1 1 1 at biui. Tl:e -hark w. el oil' like a -In ak, ami we miw him Iln tiioic. ( Ince. when we were ill the harbor of Honolulu. Tom i; avo a public exhibition. I atul at lent .".tuiil people -aw him swim about ainolio the -balks iu- oitt-iile the ! surf. N'Veial iln:;- wen llitowii In iln III j In be ilevoiueil. ami "aliens of bloo.l were pnlllnl oil the Wiltel to eXeile llletn, j I but iii vi r a nit.- caiiie w ilhiii Iiw- fivl of j ; the sailor. He lunl II" peculiar mlor i .-tl .ut him thill we coulil iletecl. anil ; w by llie -li;n ks fi an il him w.n ;n iniicli tl pu.le to him-elf in In others. Allium; Tumi's ailvetitiiies was his cs : rape ftoln the tint k pirates of the .l'.'.-ean ' Sea il couple of veals before he joille.1 out -hip. I iielbi-i became every par . licul ir of it is n null ler ..f olli. ial reeoril. t I e was-one of the clew of all Italian ' briyr iii.'i.kino a voy:o e In Con-lani ittople, i, ii. I on the ii iurit. w hili' becaltitc.l anions the i-lanils at (he mnttlli of lite An hipel itoo. a roiiple of boats, earry ino ''( nu n each, pulleil out li one of the i-l.inil-, ami altaekcil them. There were I.'! men ; nn the briu'. ami. Ihouh piinriy arnie.l, they Uine the pi. iles : hot liiilil before the Ms-el was catrieil by boiitiliiiu'. i In il Toni saw that all win In.-I he hiil liinnelf away, ami win not ili-i m ir.-il until llie brio hal he. n loweil into a rni. The ( recks liml cnnle.l off then, ', anil iuslcii.l of nil I in:; his throat lltev look I. im it-hole In make a -.ac of him. The island wits (he remlevous of ;i biul :;an iiinl il scmiicI that a portion .f tin in were iiv.ay ol) an i xpnlilion. l or this r. iison lh" h.iir win pulh .l intn the cove, which lirui very ileep water, an i hoieil st. in ut! .'. stern, ami her om I hanl inij was ih-fi anal until ihe other parly sliouh1 return. Tom w:n (In- Mile survivor of tin' crew, iiinl he w.-.s treated bkc ti do. lie It'll a stiiiiitei ill',' of the liiiio.i.iee ami he was told that any effort of I is la . -i i.pe Would be leWilld.-ll by bc niim ; aii.c. .NcuTtlicksii, vu the si'i-uiul ni';hl 'f hi , t , he stole tiw ay fn.tr. his hut to tlte w.ili r. sw am olT to tin- l'tiir, l.oar.le.l In r by I he for.-i hains. anil liml- inu the two nn n on mnh'-r wnieli f:i-l if leep, he hr.-iiui-.l thelll with il capstan .mil iinily cut. The other w;n of chain, lltnl Tolil m ill. i.;e'l In slip il ju-t in (he I it If liirneil. The brir w:is out bio of all the siu ill ct-iift. ami. :n the liitiht w as ilitrk, mi one siiw li. i .hilt uwiiv. Ihifl she ili.I, howi ver. ai'leil by a f.. initial" bree.e. a in I next lioiiiii- she w:n siu'ltteil ninl l.oanl.-.l l.y a liiili h inaii oi' Wiir heiiiliiitf up from (Hie. I'iu- ; Ilali iii !:iiverninent ni-nle the (in i l.s pay ; a ;'i i' 1. 1 roinnl sum for the i, hIi.il:.-. an I 'I'olll (;it money cll.illll out of il to h ie kepi him all his iln-. hail he In i n il l.iinl-iii.iii. lb- ipiit our ship wiih in. .re lies than he hml i nli ieil it. I'..r ixli i u tiiontln in. I I lie seemeil pi rfeelly mill. -III. iilnl Wit real will up p. llis work. Then t! w tiers- ; ill home i,'ot int., foil.e :i:ul hal ! out, atul we I -nil. . I inio I!;.. .lam ir. one i lay I" liml a new ileal en I i.-.n. I . We were piiiil oil' ami a nn, Captain put ill chiite, ami s't.-h of tin-men in wi-hnl In !;o wi le shipp.-il tot :i ih -.v etui e in a i li. -Ill ship. Mi; I of II 'i: iii. iiiliie -llioiioh none i f it- lik. i the le-w ' iplain. It w;is eurioii-. th.ii he .nnl T' 'in 1'iii. h look a sin .n;; ili-l:ki- I h olln T ill lis siht, hut il,,. - , ,. -i:;-iiei .ml ; ""'I''1 111,1 We ha I only i'.. "ell oin-i.le wln-it tin- la w Captain iii-nie I Us .1 speech. We liml le all IIM I.I",e : cruise up to this ihile, ami -hip w.n in J-"""! eoinlit inn nil the way mould, ' bill bo xx .ml. I mil h ive eoiiie up o the : malk ha. I he m1 in-iillcl an. I al.u-i.l n-. j U'e liml a call aft. ami n t,n in!i, r how : ii';ly he looknl ,-n In- -m v. . y . -! h a a - lii'ineiit . a- an o it -ei r I....!., om- I. is slaves, mnl lle-n -ai. ; You inli-tii.il l-. of soji-t . ami i . si oil-i s, there's :i new ileal :ibi.:il. lie ship iiiul I wan! yon lo i:ii.,-i-i ! it m the o. i. IT! riiei'-'s I., he no inure s.,j. r i 1 1 ami pi.-iiii kin:;. Then-'-, t" be in nim e uitminiiiv;- Let w . -en : a I.i :i au I I..', i lie. If we haie a in in :ii." ii'l whom th. sh.nks w.m'l I .il . he'. I he! me! I will bite him if chalk! There's .;.. . -I look nut fi'l- .i... -.n't walk In .li ipiitle al I iiinl lh - ipii.-ker ymi . oiin- to i the lull. I- f..y,,l- l.iy ealiiO-i-! (i. foiwatil ami ::o w.uk or I'll be am. you!" Aim. -I iii iy Captain :;ni- a i r. w i thai -"I'l of ,lk. The iiM-i.i : in i li r look upon hi. tin n a- heh.w I in-In in. ; creation. ,- ihin!,- it ii...--.ny to l-i.-i ' ami blii-. r ami threat, u to h I llnait know llie w i.i" ililli i. an e b.-twu-ll lllelll. lie Iiinl in nle a bn a!, I'oi Tom, win. ha.l inlei.il ii-a boat -.le.iii-. ait'l i-M-iy man of in foie-aw trouble. We Ii-n I In , ii live il iy-i iil when the low i nun'. Sim tal of iln- ut' li ha.l lieu Initially kliocknl al'-"il willnntt ex. it-' ami olieilay a- we w. icon w haliiej L'l'.un l, ami Tom win pi n in hi- boat In onlcr, Capl. I.ni kc Inok .neasioii to liml a ileal of fault. It w.n plain to all of it- thai he wa- set kino a fin-, uml thai he was bent on -lining' Tom up. He kepi .It it lllltil lie loli-.il him self In lin y an. I -Inirl. I he -ailor. We km w Tom woiihl ihm t -taml that, inn-.li.l he. I In -.iiar. .1 off ami f. lli "I the Caplain like an ox. ami iluriii'r llie c'.iil'u-ioii he look ti film' in the t ill. iii ami ban ii -ii.le.1 the iloor ami arnie.l him-elf. ii-n't the ohl mall liowlili:; lu nl when he i ame o! lie i-iie.l all suit, ,.f .. nl, I-, but took pr. cioils ooi care iiol tn rxpn-e him- M If to Tnln's life. The sailor lit b I the ciibin for time ihiys, iillnwim; the cti-w . limve iibmit 1s ihev .Ie.nnl. but wall him;- to tire upon the ( aplaiu if he cxpo-cd hiiu-elf. On the third ni'jlil. wh.n w e w t re a L'ood liuiidrc'l miles oil' ('ape I'ri". he dropped out of one ol llie -Ii in polls into the npeli scit, and the lir I we km-w of it we heard him lamjiiu:; a- he swam away. six months later we had a "rain" uiih the Scotch whaler .lam I. am! the nu n told in that iln y pi. k.d Tout up win n h" had been all. .at I life.- days, and lam Id him three wnk; later at !.ihia. - -j New Ymk bun. A Family of Cninc iileuecs. On Cl.nle M-.u'ttain. W. Ya.. n -ides perhaps the nm-t peculiar family in the country. Il i- a family of roiuei.leii. es. The father ami mother were manic! on the t Itll day of October; they have had nine children, all of whom wen- born on the I lib of October: live of the chil dren arc dead, ami all le of litem erased In breathe on the I Ilh day of October. The mime of lite In-ii'l of ihu family is .lo-hu a I'tanklm. lb- -ay. that lie was a Confederal.' -...li. r; that ho. was raptured twice by the build Stall s soldiers, and that he o- two bioilnis in tlic war, and thai all four of the mi-haps or inisfoiliiiirs of war oectried on Iho nn luornblr I ;h of October. In the nci'-dilm! hood the I'raiikliu family is ie o:irded w ilh super-1 il ion. and inn a hu man bcitif.' can be pi. -vailed lo lay either in the limne or on the premise, on either day or niuht on the I Ith of ( Mnhir. H'!"e;i';ii llvi-ald. i ii I i.iici:n s co i.e. ii n. Niiiinln.l laiide. j VI i"i little ( lonid w.n 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 utie", J At liiiieh'.'un tuiii', mi I -al l j Jle'.l not say "1 Ii ink you,' lo .Maiiima, .she iirtile lunl tn t.e.i, Atul cover up liml stay tin limns; f.) wln n llieeli.el; slrueh two, Then CI unle s.,i I, -'Tiiniili vm, Mr. Clew ! , 1 in much i,lilie,cil lo you" The IHilleii nee. i. llie i. Ii-itritifj- .. tiad. ami doe' not he it. tie to ink am one the nieanin" of new wud-. Tin- other day slit I piikd up a piiper nml pilled the worn! woman. Maminii,"' she -aid. "what dnei I woman me, m ;" U'iII, a woiu.iti in. -atis a .;it vvhn 1 .-1 'low n up. I inn a woman," replied bet mother. ' Why, I 1I1011..J11 you win a ladv." Yc-i. a woman is a lady if she is kind ntnl polite." "A l-i'iiI leniati i- a man. A real rt. tl. man is a man who isalway- "eittle and kind and polite."' 'It. Ih.-ii my pa is onlv a lean, lei he i- so ctoss o u oti Sunday . " V. hat ;i n Imk, I nml l..u a liltli child. toy., what -hall you be called. An- you f i . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 -inh habits a- will enli lie yil to the word "u, nt lem in .'" -Youth'-, lianncr. A 'r.lllie lleil'. l. A p rl'.-i lly I; iwn year old lu ifet is the nn i-i iiileri-siiny pel oil the funi of Orlamli, (ititliii. in Coviiivioii Town hip. I'eini. Mr i.tilliii own-, lh" luolh er ami L'rainlim.lln r of the heifer, ami up to three y.ar- a;;., the of.-iil uraudiiiolher lived nn hi- farm. They ate all btimliiil in mlnf, and I'iu mil- (irilliu say- thai Iln y all p....-,... iln- culle-i ami i vcm-s di po-ilion- of any rnltle that he ha ever ovv tied I. my. I he tanie Ini li r. has followed the i hililicii to m liool m-iiily every ilny dlirile.; the -ilfiol sen-., t II i -i year. The school! . i- a ,iinilcr of a mile from .-my ol h. i builditiL'. iiud l.ucy ofii-s by the road id.- while iln- children nre .-.ll.-iuiiii:;- lo their studi.--. Soitn -linns she i- -cm ml rods away when clniol i. di-ini- -e.. but llie in it -he brill's the el,a-,-d . 1 1 i I. ! I . 'i '. ti..-y voices, -in- nil. -is a low of "iiidm -- and itimie diiiti ly u'allops lowaid- tin i;i tn be rubbed nml pelli d. She I Is the chit (in n 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 1 . her jus n- they please, nml ' f llie little buys I'l. n l, ully rides oil lier back to iiml from ti-.- -i !i"oli.nt-e ami itioiiml the farm. The only animal on the pr. tni-i ; 1 li.it Limy exhibits a ii-al di-like for i- l-'ai-iner tiriilin'- sha:;y doe Shep. Ottee In in -i i.lel.l ill. Iiippcd hcl oil the hind Ii ;. and cm t -i I In n .he ha- -howii hei lull n d by I e t tin to hook him w liem v er he "i ts in !ni vva. The old do:.; tealie. In r di !ii-e. but in-li id ol 111 in;; 1.1 1' l.ei.lle w hetl -In- pt in:;- at him v it !i her head lowen d. In--kip- booinl h-i icaih ami in ver ato lllpts In bile In : Mr. (iiillin -ay- he woiiid Hot !! the hi iii I fo Iw ii e a-miii h a-she i- i- civ woiili. -.-, New Yot k Ti ilniiie. Tin- Tiii lm Tin- iinkcy i- a bud ih.il i- not o( inuch :; I :n :i pel. but il u-uallv re ci iM - our allciiiion I'm a I. wccl.scaih y iir. A turkey, lik" . :y ll'iu;; 1 1-e, i-be-t in iiiodci.-'ln.ii, lot to,, familiar and w hole-ale a. .'l:lilll. nice i- apt to brin;.' oil many a pate;. .I"llll I'.llll :;ave the n III f l llkey ,i this I ,;,-,) nn, , i- ih,. no. i ', :, jden ihnt il hailiil from Tuikey, while Amorr-a. llie land of the flic, more tr.ilhr.i!!;. claim? the tuikey a-, her own child. We (In not know the turkey's opinion or which land he claims ;n his mil ix - In ilh: but we be lieve that ;i o-oiid, -, n-il.le, healthy turkey luinks iiiote nboiii the i ml than Ihe be.;anniii.;- .1 hi lib. Whether "thai boiuue" be li-h or A m i ic.-in 'in... h IS the ipti -tli'll 111. 1 la Weighs ll".!l his -i ale-, for s..n ii h- vary a- I,. . ii i ..i. it v w il h Ihe nnl ionaHiy. Tin t. I'-ic tin oii:;in of thi- bin I nm-t remain the bone ol eoiileiition, a litniiy bone, a wi-hhoitu for Ihe iialioin. The turkey is t ai-cl in nil pail- of the I'niled Stall-. The male i- ..ilh-d a gobbler beeau-e he .'obb, -. He i - a colli i ill d ei.-atiire ami x 1 .. ri hi: I "spreads" hiin-elf. a- llnm-jh he would! 'ii. .any :i till, unfold." he "at- prouder ! and prouder, -wears by hi- hc.'.rd." ami fot'ti ts thiit -en on in wli'. lt niaiiv ; f bis army me si ti and i.-id low. for j pride ever conn s 1,. fote destian lion. ; . 1 1 it is cv i it -o w il h tin- Inrki y . j Tim female i- -h and irlirin. She inaki". In r Inst in siiludcd pl.u e-. She hatch.'- In r family am! i- a hnnl. ihi.u::h foolish im.lhcr. ofiiti iiadiuu' h.-r muhi" to damp places, where tlieyca-ily ruin tract mills and never live o ci Icbtale Thiinks.iiv ino or any of lh..-.- feints at j which ihcir family is promim pi. I The wild tuikey i- fmiiid in Aikn.i-as, ' Louisiana. Alabama. Indiana ami Illinois,' but it dms n it tliriie no. of ih. IJockv ' mountain-, they ale hard to i a!ch and do not t nle so ;; I as the umhe-seil "illl-isl'il tuikey" we rt firm ( hicue-o. PHOSPHATE BHDS. South Carolina's Curious Depos its of Life-giving Rock. Methods of Mining tho Most Valuablo Fertilizer Known. The phosphate beds of f 'liiifleston. S. ('.. h ivr pfoM d of irrral value tn t III' place, ami they have nolo than com pi -mated for Ihe gradual bs. of llie col Im trade which has "one largely to lite rilies in itt Ii or In Savannah mi llie si nit Ii . Tin-.- bed- ami the K"'e:it "A-lihy Inh bii-in " are the nm-t wonderful and iucx pliiiil.lr formaiiotn kimwit In oeoo"i-ts. Tim llepo-it- eom-i-l of midule.-. of ph..-. pllilte of .lillle. thickly illlel-speiscd willl tin hie.'e bom s and lei lit of ant. diliivian 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 i i ! i :! 1 1 ami tnai i a- uiiimmoths of L'i L'.-inlie propotlioin. The in:nlndnns. i.inl bal us. pro'liioii ;T'.i illas. li. nrd- Ihiriy tlttee feel ImiL;, ami other Iiiil:.' ur.'imiiiiMii'oiis and earnivoroii iita.li up. d- h i x I- bu n found lyin.'j in tin--:im-In .1 wilh bliny lev ialltiins. vora-ci.iu- iiiariiie Millui.saml other monsters of the dep. The beds have bull ilyh-dby A:;.i--i,- a- the "n at. -t cut i r ily of Ihe world." an. I lley constitute by hir llie lii.'-l vabiilile I'erlilicr known to man -ince the i-xli-in-limi of the I'ei'ii vim :;uaiin .h-po-il-. Thai limy are an alino-l iiii-x b in -I i I ! sotiice of we'iltlilo the v. hole -late mix well be jud:;. d. and lh..n-aml . of people at ::,L'cd in m l till'.: the fi 1 1 ili.'ia-s In malkel. The iiiiioiini of 1 1 .1. 1.- in .1 . 1 1 rock in Ch. ul. -loii i mnl. In -ever.il million dollar- a year, and il is inerea-im.r stead ily y.ar by year ::- tin- ili-ninnd for the feitilti i-. becnim - tnii'-e "cnernl lliioiioh i ut Ihe vvotl, I. The .h pi-!:- underlie a :i-t ic:;ioii of the country, thirty miles wide and 'evenly mile- in .-n'.:lh. i ii -tit i I - dili.-r a- lo tlie origin of this :ieal il. po-it ami in their e-liinalion of Iln- 1 1 1 i.i : 1 i I i. - of rock cunt. lined in the dep.. il. The lo. k b'tlll- the bed of many livii- lia.lin;: I" th i in. nml nop. out of ihe land at many point-. The riv er d. po-it . .iie mini 1 1 w it li i row Int. pi. k ami do d:;. . The land lock i- excavated wilh pit k and shovel and i found in a -e.iui laiiiii" in ihh km -from llnee t.. i hii ii inches, al a dcplli of al t tell fi i l below the sill face of ihe oroiiii'l. The eoii'ilry in which tin- rock is found i- oeiietiilly level, and lite soil is soil and nmi-l. 'I'iu- rock is sound, d I'm- by a ,iuo, shatp potulcil -Ici-I rod. U hen rock is -truck from -ix In l.-n feel In-low the stuface a le-l pit is sunk In le-ccrt.iin the lliiekln -- of the sli.iliun and lo liml if tin im k will analy e up to tli" -I ami. ml. I'l'im lie iniiii". the imk- arc hauled ill ilitiiipiu:: i tl t" ihe vva-ln is. 'I ln to. ki- In n i tanned into pi , i - of uni I'm in -i.e. 1 1 tlun fill- into liou;:h-or tub- n -tin:: mi an im-Miic In rach of I It. III!' an oita:;.ina -hall, i a-cd in in. ii ami -1 1 v. ii It hi nl"- or itnki --. li vol. -. wiiii 1 1 nun- the i n k aioiind iiml fori i - it out of lite tub- upon si n eiis. llil" in tin- tubs it is sub in I. d to a i oiiiiiiuinn and povvctl'ul -lieain of water wliich cleans ii of all foi. ia mailer. Theie an- ixleeii i ompaiiii s now in o:i ;.;nl in iiiieim ihe land rmk. with a joint eapil il of about si'.'. 'I"". The . i id in i inn of hc-e mi ins av crau. iib. nil ;;nii.iMHi ton- of rock a yi.-.r. Thi- in dii-try hit-, been the b.-d rock of Chatli l"lt life for many years, and now it -ecun all idoie; the ci-a l tin- pciciiui.il fruits of Ihe cm I Ii. which in thcin-clvis nre tliimjs of lieaiily, will In conie n- vnlu ihli- in a coinin.'teial -, n-e a- the life iv ini; toil, which ha- bciii lilalied by the delaying boni s of anlediluv tan tinm stir-. Side by side with ihe iim is and liel. I- which furni-h foilh pho-phale rock an- ihe broad -a Viinn.n and low l in-r i-latnl- where tnel on-, cabl.aue-. a-parauu-. p. .latm s and si raw berries l..iui-h .ibunilaiil ly. I.ar;'.e ipiaiilili. - ol tin -. pioilui I-. ate -liippcl north cm tv year. ('oinniercial Advcr li-rl . Willi Oilecleil Ihinllt's Capbil's.' I had an inten-liu chat wilh a col orcil woman who was a slave in Mary land ju-t previous lo the aa i mil ion of l.ineoln.w t iles a Washington i ofn-poni rut . Speak itio ol I li'il Ir.i". dy . -In- -aid : "I didn't see lioolh "hen he came tn Mr. Mud. I s. but I saw his ,- and faol'. The boots were lotii; ones, and mini have n iched lo his hip-. You know thai ISooth von captured in Mudd's bain, which win burned to the j;roui!il. The soldiers came down there with a ril-li. .and were l" 'im,' by when a little boy. not more I hall live year- old. told tin-ill that tlu i'c was a man in the barn. He was hcliiiM-il bv that lillle bov." Sin lis of (.i ciilness. Mrs. Hopeful Is my boy iniprovin MIX .' I'n .lessor of I'enni.iuship lie is m,i linowoise. ll'n wrilinu is now so had no I i i i LT soul can r.-ad it. "How lovely ! The darliiio! He'll be a o'ciii author -nine day." New York Wuklv. Tlic llislnrv of llaiiilii rilinir. The earliest lit Iiilt of Ihe Yicsiern woi. I. th il nf the so called I in ial Iminti snipls, was copied nmrc or less din elly fintn the ins. iipiioiis cut on brass nr slnlle. Tlie type of letters Wits placli eally the : same. Hut w ilh the ( -limine of the imiterials used Ihere ratne aliiinst nec essarily in tiIMe a clinn:,'!' m tin- mode of forinino Ihe lellers. Cursive iti:inuscripl.s that is, manuscripts written in a ruii nilif.' Ii.uid. with llowinir and r.uinertrd teller.-, look nhiiost imivcisally by the teiilh reiiluiv the place of tlie rarlirr burial iiiinisiiiis, with their stilt up ri::hl. isiilat.-d letters, and hand writ timi. at. we now iimli-l -land il. uni l:: il. Hut lurinir tlie Middle Aoes w riliii"; was the art "f a romparntivi ly few liiuhly- llilille.l si lilies, eanieil by snlll" of tlli lll to a wonderful I n-i 1 1 1 of perfeelioti. After the iiilioduitioti of prinlino the very line. -I w l it ilo ili-appeateil. for tlie irol'es-i,ii of il,,. -si riM. was supi-i-seiled. but tlm hi 1 1 . 1 1 - of those who i mild vv rile p,i-.ibly in, t-ea-eil in llie habit of rort'es loitih-m e n,ri vv. ami writing win no oto,r fur the ordiiiaiy man lite dilli cult, l.ilii,i,,i- i..ees- that it Used In be. W ith increased practice hamlw i it iie.r be caine sniiiew lial ea-ier ami more In e. Tlie proiiiess in thi- ilin i limi went on w ilh lillle iiib t taiption front the sixteenth to the eiyhli elllll eellllliy: rarll i;eiell I ion ' how. -oinew hat of nil ailvance on thill w lili Ii had pn cedcl it. The w rit i i-T bo'iini" i ..nl ii.ii'.ti-l v li '- awkward and I.---stiff'. I'.ui il is in our fiillu r-' lime .ill'! in our own, llial the j;reat I'lliinyr ll'n taken place. The increased II I II 11 i t 1" t f letters w liieh lite How written h.n ei to im rea-1 d s d in III" vv riling of ilu-m. Willi inctca-cil practice llie hand ionics to lin.vc iti'ire speedily and i a -i I y ; theie is no !o..:or the :mie iiire in tlie formn linil of Iln- individual l.-llef. vv liieh tin-re Win while people had more time for w rhino. Word. are. so lo speck, (la-lied oil ; illld We iire i ottleill if we can make the whole word iui lli;;ilil" without t -oti-sj. let ill;; ..n minutely Ihe Idler- of which il i- f"i I. I think. Ion. i hat the im pl"V clin lit . which IlilVe In "It illll'inhleed ill tin nn . balneal appliance. I'm wriliiii.' in pen-, ink ..ii-1 pa ii r have not been without tin ir iiillin m c. and ihi- iullit nice Inn P ml. d in the din. lion of :Jv iie, ;:r. ill r li'-.-dom and I i. ility to the wiilii.u. Th" "teal snpi rioiiiy which ill tin -i- nn .'I: mil al applianics we in liiil.aiid i ti joy oM-r nio-l of the nalioin ol Iho ('out im-.'il . will. also explain why it is th.-il tlie hiindviriliim "f laipli-h nn u ha- a bolder chnia. I. r than that of in. .-1 l'.i-ei::!i, -rs.. Murrav's Miunitie. Iliur biimhliuu: I't-nllts. I here in er w :n ii o imldiiio re--rt in Iln- vv. aid like M.'iite Carlo. Il i- a nunc of wi altli to the mnm,':. t- of it- m.e;iii li. ml tin r lair-, ntnl a cry -iniph- e.ilcit lali.'ti will -how ho xv princely in.-Ihe pinlil - of thelablis. The inanni tin nl admit- that it-, annual pi"lisiue ..'!.. "il in, (""I in ): I it i- over :."i. nun. nun. Now. iiia-tniicli a- the i ham i - of the labh .are 1 lo. "li in l.ivoi'i'f tin- b.mk. o ...iin an nuallv s:i. . "11111.111111. which il piofe esn do. Si .'O.IMIII.U mnl hav- bull staked mi it- labie- niii-l have b.cii woti.-ind l"-t. The bank's sji.";.iiiiti.tiiiii pt-otin i ils loyally at the rale of I I.. ."'.Il on thi- enormous amount of inoney. wlinh mii-l th. I. I'.ie have lu i n played. o- and won. It i- thi- fat l of 1 hi- LMiuhh i , Icil iii',' with Into.' ma i s of money that p.ully in i omits for the 1 a-c i tin I i' ut i xer-ri-ed by nmbliii";. A rarrful pliiyer who be-ins wilh. -ay Slunil i apit.-d. may have tiu::itcd. m i-irdinL' to the ihictriue I hillll -. A.'il'i.lHIII In lol, he lose- hi- , api t il. If In- plays lonu' enough the bank loyally of one ill thirty -ix i- sin, In -wallow up hi- capital, ami then he h n h id all the mot ion of hav iiil; been alti r nalely -Hcii--lul or the iivinc, riihir At Mont. I ai n tin- bank royally ttiii-t in. ital.lv linn nil who plav Ion .' iiioit-jh In have i-k.d their iapil.il thitly -ixt-im-. The annual profits of thi'tibli- i xi i id the annual uuoriMoitc incoitie ol all I he iimht bills. Iiinino Ihe lit. time of Mr. Hlane il wascisy itnnejli lo "i t a slaleincul of ihe.'iiiiount. II! il. liulil' d in I' lliii it be known what a vvoiiili .'ul pri'su ions fellow he w a-. Hi- daughters, ho in-it i ai d ptim i -, iin- not proud of tin- -.um e of llnir wealth, and since their father's death line -oiivht to divert attention fioin thiin-elvis ami t licit 'affairs in inuch is piis-ibh . M. Wnualliii is now the general tnaiiaui r of the Casino, ami he lei- lately i x i ii it out tint the m l prolits of the tables la-t year w lily I Ml, I H Ml. nr one fouilh of what ihev used to be. A bun Itieasl nf It. lir..nhe.iiiiio Lawyer (tn iippostnrj w it ncss . hcri' you ever arrested for felony ; 'I he Wit lie- i ic-ierately Yes. I.avwel Ale What was that ftl- ii v : Witii. Ars Law ver - W hat buihliii" was it lllat you set lire lo? itues -Thu kc (uilace tit Mniitual. A Cotinlrj" School. Trolly nml pule and tinid Khe -siu in her stiff bnek-il chair, Whiln the bhizint; summer sua Bliint's in on her soft brown hair, Ami thu tiny brook without, That sho hours through Umj 0(ion door, Muck Willi its inuriiiur e iol Haul I curb and dusty floor. It S'-'Ciiid such an ondlesB round lirnmiuai' and A. Ii. C. Tim blackboard nml the sums, Tim si lipid (,'i"i,raphy; When from teacher to little Jer.i Nnl one of t In-ill caros a straw Whether "John" is in any "case," ir K iii.Hiis in Omiiha. lint .(iiiimio"ii bare, brown feet Are ni-liin to wado in tho stream, Where the trout to his lui-iin; bull Shall leap with a quick, hri-M lenm; And hits le-ielierU blue eyes stray To the Howem on tlie de-It hard by, Till her thoughts bavo followed her eyes With a hiilf inicoiise ous sigh. Iler heart outruns the clock As she smells their first svvsel scent; Hut. when have tune and heart Their ine isure in unison betitf For time will ha-te or lag, lake your shadow- on the gr.isJ, That lingers far behind, Or Ibes when you fain would pns.1. Have patience, rustles Jem. The stream tin I tho li.-h will wait; And p itiein", tin-1 Idun eyes - liown tlm wiii lin road hy Hi" Rato, I'li.l. i- Hie willow shade, fitaiuls s iin.'i'iie vv.th fresher Unworn; Ho turn to your hooks again, And keep lovo for the alter honr. - tOin ilm Uorald, III MOIIOl S. Lverv bakery ha- its pie rale. A'pialie oratory Water spoiilitie;. lii-uniar cluin h irners- Sexloin. A soldier i- known by the company ho keeps. The lino Iru t will make (he lover nf polk chops bri ll'- willl il.i'4ll:lli"l. An onliti!.' to Ihe inniket reports, onion- an- stroll . at ten i nils a bunch. Your wa.-licrwoiiian niiiy be a good soft sua per. lull -he i- not always a white-Wii-ber. Fir-t Lady: Yhat an inipcrinus, dic tatorial, arrouaiii man tluil Mr. 1'umpin is. Sceonil lady: Yes; you know hi) ha- in ver been man n d. A rhrini-i di i fires thai wood can Itn ( onv eilcil into pal liable f I Tlmsii pels.. un who pay for "honi'd"" will not be surprised nl tin -t itctnenl . Tin man who lit-l siiL'i;e-led the ll-e of an X in the -iunt nre of a person wln coiihl not vvtite win no philosopher. Tho litm of iIi'ihl'- -li'iiild have led him In seleit the cipher, which :n ,i ii.auli il:i iipli is ( iiiiin tit ly si::iiilii-.anl in inn-t i ines. Sriileiirrd In the llaiulmu. This puni-liiueiil i- a- peculiar as must Chine-c piini-him tits an- The man is si inl by four or tivr st;iwatt allenil-anl-. throw n down i-tt his face. Ids loosn .y iaina- tolled up. lie is firmly held oiit-in lolied in thi- position by men at hi- hi in! and bit. Two operators then siii:it down oppi -iie one anot hi r nil each side of the ii tiin ( ine lakes a strip nf seasoned bamboo about three feet loiicj and one huh wide, and lupins lightly spanking llie backs ,,f the lliiyln. Hi! ies twenty of I'ii-c apparently harm less -piinks. and Hu n hands the hiiinhoit In Iii- i- a is. who uives his twenty, and then ham!- it bark: and -o on. turn about, until the tw n bundled blows are, administered. Al lir-l Ihe punishment looks ridiett-lou-ly li'hl: bill by the time the first lif. ty blows are reached tlie skin -f the parts luiit i n bcuiin lo iissiunc the appearance, of thick wa-h -leal her. ami before thu hundredth blow the skinbeeins ,, lly ott in loose while flukes; before the tilllu two hundred blows h ive been slrurk, tho wind the back id both thiudn looks like :i in.a-s of -wollin raw liver, iboiiull not a drop of hi I ih.ws li.-m th,- pails. Il is -aid that a man would i xpile uml. r Ine Xi rucinliiii; tottuie of two hundred nml lifly of these blows. have ItcMT seen aiiylhiiiL' like Ine i x.iii-ile aony depicted ill that man's livid, iii i-riiiLf features, when he w.n carried into the prison to rrciivcr." Ih-ston Coiniiierciiil I'.ui b i in. I'xpeilition of Cussiirk .ealot. Ttie Car of lus-ia has forbidden tho A-hiuoff i xpeditioli (n start for Abyssi niii. Ashinoff is a Cnssiick .e.ibit who two years :.l;o enli red Abys-inin willl a band or armed monks, and ! pielcnd imj I" hair tl-r Italiiins bitterly he won the favor and eontideiiee of Ix ill"; .lohti, and win welcomed in Abyssinin mora heartily than tiny previous while visitor, lie founded the town of New Moscow, lonvinecd K im,' John that thi it reliointis were practically identical, and (.bliiincil permission to brin in a la rye nitmbrr of Kiissian iniinirants. The tulvaiiee party win tn roinist nf forty prirsts and sixty monks, and it was in Lr fiillnwrd next Ituuitll by 'Jllllll yiiiinr; ineli w hn had o imderts'ii a inrdii iil i xaminalion before Ihev were ecepled .n ctniraltls. The Czar, however, has dl-lnimleil the expo, ililhrn. ami I'm liidd'-n A -b i in .IT to (am tiiiuv kU pilaus. Wiuhingtou btur. illlittlMiiMmilsUSWWoWii