vZTI)c tfljatljam ttecoro &ljc vCljatljam ttccorb. II. .A. JOIVUOIS, ED1TOK AND rilOriUETOK. HATES ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Due Rnmre, one insertion Oiie square, two insert ioim" Onc Bijuuro, one month fl.OU 1.B0 ONI DOLLAR PER YEAB Strictly Inldvance. for larircr udvcrtiscmi nta liberal cow VOL. XI. rriTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, KKBIHTARY II, 1889. NO. 21. "tracts will-bo mailt'. fit $mxk Cat Y Ihrw wi ll II XI! o The Priili-i Vh?. The ty are iliirk and cold mid still. The ty p- :iri' black nml prim nnd ilull, Yet il'inii.iiil in tlms" nliji-i'ls rliill Fxprcssinn liiv-i in slumber's lull. Tlii' diamond- in l!n pltmuiy mint', Anil those iikiii tlii sitvcrcipn'.- ernst Willi most inii'iii:il brilliance shine. So penis "f thought and w ixlmu rest Within llir ease. What words nf pain nml senni nml woe, Wlmt words tif j.iv nml love nml bliss. What iii"uiiinp word- fi-'nn cruel blow That slrikt - n- down. Iii-oolhiii,; hi-s From Iiivi- div in.. ti li -ni il hat" From du k il.sp.iir tn hop" mi hipli--Wlmt winds i .f md or hriplilcr fate, What vvomlicus words do -ilcut ho Within II H i-. The li I i if alia ii.it ii Ih.iiipht, Tlii- w.ir.l-.. mcl. il nml sag", Th" la!", "f li;i;n in inl"ri"-t wrought Hv- li.-li hi ma -lei - ..f Hi" an"; Th" tin lo- n a -Im ied past, A Sli il.i'-i" ii-" ami a Villon's ln'st, A nation's i fr.Mii lir-l tul.i.t, I'rmii a to i in inii l p-t Within Hi- r.i-". HI3 SON'S WIFE. "I'm all. lid 'le'- a pool, feeble clee- tiu, sii I ,.. Mr. I.aylil.. -11:11,111- liis head. "'I'i 'i i.'i I-U M lay m. i ti i n ur. ami llic w.i Mn ; lin'l mil m. It ain'l thr way jinn in .tlii i 111-I In keep inm-i. Hector. '.: how.' Nhc.c ye puill' now?" Hector HaylilT linl loft III'.- ox y oke lie Mas tin iiiliiu. ii'i'l eio.-rd tlii- prim thim yard v. I ! 1 . lipid step, to take the heaped up clothe I : k.'l limn the hands nf a pitilv, . mlor Mump woman who ll.'ld jll-l fili'l I flout til" kill lull ll'i.'l. The old 111 tn nt ten d an audi1'!" snort ( f disput. 'Wi ll. I ... wi I" -.,1.1 l . -'If lll'l' t -. hain't i-i't !ii- work It wail on dial w ife o" his'n ! It , lin'l ,1 in in'- woik tn carry clothes out, in 1 way mui can li it . If jam io il on.-.-. .n lu- expelled tn ilniltwirr. Ami 1 1 rloi'- w il" i , (hall !'i"iliil .-I'l' iilv. Il ain'l tin- way I 111.111 ii';ri matin- whin wa. tir-l inairinl to Hirtni-'s tii.th.r. What y hull iloin J" sh.11 ily, a- thi- niiii'.; mail re tiirni'il to hi- uoi k. "'I'lial hi-ki'l w r- loohi ivy lor t y 11 -tliia In 1 arn ." 1 i -1 1 1 - -t riirlly. '- wish I iouI.I a If. inl In kni a uiil for hrr." "A pill!" Ml llihll"s voir,; licliay.-il ininlr.i a-toiii-hinriit anil ti m t in 1 1 .t . '"A fjh'l ' Vmir inoilict- " "Vis. I know, fathir," intcrniitril Ilirtof. "Iiiil Ihiii'.- have chanu'ril sim v then, mnl i. rliai. innther wnuhl have lii'i n , ilhe iiiiw if the lnni-ework h eln't wniii Iter mil before her time." 'That's a ilnwiii i'lil lluie,' ill the faee of l'roi -1 1 nee! " v.ii, yr. It t vl i IT. reil ilenitiL; to the in il- of his stiff, iron ray hair. "Il w.i- the I,ori's will that yoiii' in. t I ir i -hoiilil lie look away, ami Ha're ain't ;m -nt o' iloubl but that she's hitler oil'. Ami Cynthia won't never -Ian. I in In r -hoe , mi way you 1 an look at il !" lli et n I! n lilf in nle 1111 reply, but took up hi- n joke ami went aero the liehls with it. "Father may say what he plea-e-," saiil he In hiin-ell'. "Init mother ilieil of 0. 1 rwork a nl uiiili iraie, nml notliin rise. Ami the I1011-1 lioi ilutie-are Ion heavy for Cynthia, ami I 11111-t M-e what can he ilnne In lighten them. No woman shall be ilnnlui.1 tn ih-alli iimliT this roof now." Cynthia lloii.'h h.-el been a pretty ynunj; faetmy jirl when Hector Hay I ill hail inariieil Inr. She hail been ig norant of all the iletails of hmi-i keeping, but -he hail exerte.l herself ililiycntly to learn. t)M Mr. HaylilT, however, was an cxaetini; eritie, ami the liayiill farin Ihiiim' was a bi;j. rani'ilinu', iiii-ouvenient place, where one 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 work haul all ilny ami have very little In -Imw for it nt the end. Ami the tireil look in her pvtvi, anil the weary llu-h on her elicck, went tn Ilei tnr's heart al times. 'My ilailinj,'," saiil he, "I wi-h I couhl make thin-i ea-icr for ymi. " "(III. they are ca-y eunuch," saiil Cyn thia, brightly. "It's only 1I1 1' I am too Mlipiil to tnaliau'e as I onht." Hector shook his heail. He knew that umiethin- was lacking, hut he iliil not iptite coinprehi in I what. Hut she ilroope.I sn that he viw some radical ehantre was necessary. "Cynthia," saiil he, "this won't ilo. You must Lfi In stay with your mother A week or two, ami rest ami recruit." "Hut what will you ilo.llectnr;" "We'll keep bachelor's hall, father nml I." saiil the ymui man, cheerily. "What lines il signify to us, a little in convenience, so loiij; as you are bene fited? " So, rather unw illiu-ly, Cynthia went. Old Silas Hajlilt shook his head forebnd ingly. If this is the way yoii'ro pnin' to bahy that wife of yoiir'n, Hector." said ho, "you'll liev her playin' sick the whole time. I don't hold to leltin' women think themselves too important. Now we nhall he oblecircd to hev Mary Jenkins here to do the chores an' cook, 1. nd it'll cogt us a dollar aud n half a week at the very least. Taiil't what I rail economical hiiu-ekeepin'.'' "That depends upon what one calls economy," said Hector, quietly. Hal when his neiirhliiir, l.uon l'ei kius, drove pa-l that afternoon, with his wile. Hector called them ill, secretly le ji di'iliLC that old Silas was down ill the swamp lot, cipliirin a refractory calf. "You're not in a hurry, l.uon, are you?" said he. "Sit down 11 minute. 1 want to a-k ymir wife's advice." A pretty thin tn do," laughed Mrs. Perkins, "when you've pot a wife (,f your ow n." "It's about her that I want In cnn-ult ymi," said llectnr. "The work here is Inn heavy for her. She don't seem tn pet alnnp with it. And I don't know why. Now, Mrs. Perkins, ,.k iirnund tlii- kitchen, and tell me what ymi would do to it if you lived here." Mis. I'eikius took a lei-urely view of the pr. :iii-ei. letting her eye- rest on one p irtiou after iinotlier with medita tive -low ne . "Well.'" -aid Hector. "In the lii-t pi. n e," said Mrs. l'er kin , "I wouMu't have tlii- loom for a kitchen al all, if I lived here. It's damp." Damp!" echoed Hector, "As blue 111. 111I1I." undiled the oracle. "The icllar under it i-n'l properly liaincil, I am ceilaiii. And the win dows look tn the mn I II. ami I don't sup-po-o there's an hour's sun-hine in il all day. No make a stoic place or some tliinu of this 1 11 mi, and take the siltiup iimm for 11 kitchen, where there's a brh:ht lookout to th-south, and a p I cemented cell. ii' underneath." I lieu r tlioi.;hi of that." said Hec tor. "Well, what el-cf" "W lu ie dn you fit t your water.'" ! asked Mr-. Pel-kin-. J "l-'mm the s,iiiii,', under the hill." ")n von mean thai your wife has In In in;; all the wale" you Use up that ihiii;" I "Kvcept the wash water. That she I dip-mil from the hoi;-head under the 1 caves," lAplaiii. il I lei lor, rather iliscom ; lit". I. ! "Mv !;.ioiiic lue!" said Mrs. Perkins, 1 . : I w 11 n-4 m:r In r plump hands in comical dismay: "that'- eiioiih tn break any woman's 1 .nisi ii til i . : 1 !" i "It's what we've always ilmie," .-aid i llci Inr. "I brill:: a cmple of pail- in 1 the n 1 . U' 1 1 i 1 l; before I pn to wink and j alter I eniiic home, but I "Nonsense! a mere drop in the J Inn ki t!" said Mrs. Perkins. "Whit you want is a sink, with water pipes laid I frniii the -prinir. and a fimnl cistern, 1 w ith a pump in the K i I lun. and a wa-h-I injr inachiiic j "What's that ?" said Hector. I "We'll show you one if ymi'll come I over to mir limr-i-;" -aiil l.uon Perkins, checi fully. "And stal' naiv tubs in I he cellar," ; added Mis. I'eikin.. "and a hot wahr j boiler back of the -love. That's th" way to break Hoik down ia-tiad if lellin it break ymi flow 11. " I'll dn ii." -ii, ll tor; "I'll havc,all these thin"- iKed up while Cynthia i- nt her mother's, it you'll ju t help me with your cpel ienee." "Mrs. I'crkiii- nod. le i approvingly. "It will add ten years tn Cynthia'.s life." said she. Old Silas shook his head nmre stienu oiisly than ever, when he heard of these new plans. "Hector." said In1. "I believe you're ffone crazy! The old ways waspum! eniiiiph for your mother; 1 should think they'd be p I clinuph for your wife." Hut lleelor was firm, nml the old man lost his temper at la-l. "I can't slay here and see you tnakiii' ducks and drakes of the old place," said he. "If you're ejiiiu' to set your wife up for an idol and worship In r. I shan't stand by and see il. I'll pn tn Ohio, ami visit my brothel- I'.ltia! ban's folks; mid we'll see win re all these tine not inns will brine; you up. Anyhow, ymi needn't look to my money to pet you out of the pi lorhiiiisc." No, father, I will not," said Hector. And after lie was pone, the repairs and improvements commenced in poo. I earliest . Silas Hay HIT had intended to stay a year in Ohio; but either the climate did not apree with him. or he didn't apree with brother F.hiathan's folks, for he re turned home some months before he was expeetnd. There ain't no place like home," said Silas. "And, bless me, how hripht and nice thinps do look here! And I declare, Cyiilhy, you're like another woman! Your checks are as red as roses, ami you step round as spry us any r.'ickct !" "Yes, father," said Cynthia, "this im provements in the house have made cvcryihinp so much easier for inc. I pet the work done ill half the time, and wilh'n ipiarter of the trouble." HaylilT looked around. "The improvements, eh?" snid hp. "Hut they cost a sipht o' money." "Yes, they certainly did," owned 1 yuthia. "llnw ini.ch. now?" said Hay U IT, with an intcriopative iiptinninp of his specta cles. "Five hundred dollars," said Cynthia. Old Hay lilT could not repress a pioan. "The iiiietesi mi live hundred dollars at six per cent, is thirty dollars a year,'' said lie. "Thirty dollars 11 year is a round sunt: and all dup into theprouml, as ymi may say- in pipes ami drains'." ".Not iplite, father," said cheerful Cynthia, npeninp the table drawer. "Look here --my work is done soia-ily and iiiiekly, nowadays, that I have a deal of time to myself, mid here is my wmk from the shirt factory, button. Imle in.ikinp ami puttiupmi the lini-hinp touches, you see. I lake it up when my dishes are washed ami the wmk is over. I haven't hern at il half a year yet. nml I've earned a pood deal mme than thirty dollars. Look, here is my snvinps bank book!" "Well, I declare!" snid Silas. "Hector objected to il at first," went oil Cynthia, "but when I prmcd tn him that I should Mill have plenty of time left to nail and parden. nml walk with him, he let lue po on with it. So, you see, the improvements are really an econ omy." "Well, I de dare!" said Silas. "I diinno but what ymi'ie riuht, Cynthy!" He walked out to the villape biuyinp pioiind in the y cllow llu-h of the I w i lipht, that cveiiinp. while the iiis-cl leaves wele iliillinp down 011 11 Military mound, nml Mood there silently for awhile. Perhaps he wa, thinkinp of what miphl have bu n, if he had been more considerate in th" years pone by to the I r woman who lay there! When he went back to the hollM', he met lleelol. "Ib-i tor," said he, "you did ripht to lix up the limi-i' to suit Cynthy." "I mn plad ymi think so, father," said Hector HaylilT.-- .,,,,, A.,. A New Chinese baiulilinp Inline. A brand new nu-llmd to play the fan tan ha- just been in 1 1 1 lii it by c nn- en tcrpi i-inp Chinese :;ambleis 111 Moll street who expect tn elude the police. The panic, as is well known lo most de ei lics of the Sixth Waul, is usually played with a lot ol little Chinese coins upon a Imip table. I'.y this new method it is played with a box full of Mandarin oranpes. which the dealer luiy-al whole sale rates from the fruit dealer-downtown. Hue who doc, not know the ins and mils of the heathen's civilialimi would think he was In line a Chine-" fruit dealer peddlinp out his oranpes by retail at nn immense rale of prolit. This 1 111 i j paiubler carrie- his box of oranpes on one aim, while a -harp-poinle.l knife and a -iii.ne ihoppiiip boa H I are also pail- of hi- '.piipmcnl. With the-e he :;oi - from one -ton- into aiml In r. or wherever he si- a irowd of Chinese laiimliy men. but iii-. ad of sell inp tin- fruit he lays down the elmppinp board and select- a p I -i.'ed nraiipe, removes the skin carefully and places it upmi the board. In the middle of this board m chopping block is the lipiuv 'in. The painbleis bet on the nuiiibi r of seeds ill the oralipe, twenty bcinp taken as the iiii-iii . It i- "even" 1 icy where there are more or h-s than twenty, and if the player is sn di-pi I he places his money mi that fipurc il-e'f and wins three fur one if there are ju-t twenty seeds. The dealer pets 7 percent, com mission. When the bets are laid th" denier cuts the oralipe and counts tin; seeds. Those who lay money on the ripht of the fipurc play for less than twenty: those mi the lift for mme. Their money is not taken in ease twenty wins. !y a curious Oriental irony the heaviest loser pets the fiaplucllls of the fruit. One fellow on Molt street .li-poscil of half a diieii boxes of oranpes in this way and won $ln. New York World. Krnen Wheal fur Seed. There is a le-t bcinp made which may be of preal value to wheat raisers next spiinp. Many of tlmsc w hn have sown their wheat have devoted a porii f il to secfliup with froen wheal, smile elniininp that the perm is neither de stroyed nor injured by bcinp fiocu. Should this wheat prow promptly in llio sprinp it will relieve the farmers from preat expense in procuiinp seed the eominp season, it bcinp evident that pood iinfroeii No. 1 hard will be held bv a few, who will, followinp in the wake of more in tl in lit ill and wealthier "trusts" drill. 111. 1 a hiph price for pint seed. At all event t.ie sccdinp has been done, and the wisdom of this tally work ai-d the fiiestion of froen plain for seed will in a few weeks le settled for North Dakota. - I Minneapolis Tribune. The Small Hint her A pa in. 'I)o tell me about It, Miss Clara," snid Snippy, caperly : "I am all cars." "Huh!" said Clara's little brother; 'that's a chestnut. Clara told ma you were nil cios last nipltt. I heard her." j liazuf. IIII IHIKN'S (Ol.l .MN. Ilei-i' They 1 'nine. Ten milium Iiiil" fan i.-, I 'lime Hilling li-.nii th" I, -, On ivliilr-1 hltle A sailing lightly by. They wouldn't Stop to t.'ll III" Why lh"v were fin th" win '; lint nil were surely lia tin ; A preeinlls pift In brill;;. bill iii tin. early 11 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 YoluiJeVi'S VV'Tr I f I ; I -1 1 . All tlovriii-j lii iulit al o. in; Wh.-ii. lin y had b" 11 iiIm.iiI Ilo. Imr what .-iioi a.. shout in;?, What frolic, fun n i l nois-! I Hlltcll d III. 'Ill from le window A doen merry h..v -. Those preeinlls little tail i"S , Had lab..i". nil tl i-hi Tn pit.-11 j illv simw bun'; ISel'niv III" m.-riuup lipht. --.vyfiff Ihitin; in Ihr hiil, y.ul, : t. iMiee Itiirplari.e 11 Itild Cape. A New I .f 1 li I' 1 1 l( 'iinll. I citif'll -us peeled that mice were visitiiip hi- innary bird cape, which il-uiLiled ul tin- end of a chain six feet from the floor, above a stand of tall, slender plants, and he set a six holed trap mi the botiom of the cape. Somi thin:; had eaten the seeds in the bird'- tiny ve el- eiu h nipht for a week, and llimiph il was hard to believe that M i-mill could s. alc the lofty perch, il was Mill more imn a-nnable In su-peel any other pilferer. The trap wa- a feint in the dark. On tin- tniirninp fidlovviup the scllinp of the dap the pent h man's cleverness va rewarditl with four dead mice in il. The thieves had leal lied the cape by limbiiip the sway inp plants, leapinp from the pendant lips In il- but loin, ami Iheii suichip their bodies be. tween the wires. 'file stand of plants was removed, and then after the canary pl'aliaiies were -nfe. Ce,'.;,. A Itallle tor 11 I'.al. There was a "inoukey and pairot time" ill tile caple lloll e of tile .oolopi cal panlcii !ie olher day, and il nil piew mil of which bird should eat a rat that had been ihrowu into the cape. While il is called the caple I -c" it alsn contains in addition In a larpc cnl leelioii of i-nples, several liiizanl , two prillin vultures from Alii. a. .1 South American comlm- and a h iimd owl. All the Tuts I lint arc cauphi in the uardeii are thrown into this cape. When one was pivcii to the birds m I' the African vulture- made a swoop for liini, bill his enjoyment was brief, for the condor dived from hi- perch ami l.rii-lied him away. Hut he did ma have sense en.iiiph lo keep hi- prize. Im while he wa- apparently ploryiup our hi- victory the buzaid .tolc up In hind and uabbid the rat and bepaii plckim: at il. Then the owl pot jealous and made .1 dive for the rat. II "li.nl no net- seized the prie than the caple made a da-h for il, and went with sin h force that he knocked olT one of Ui-horns. The whole ihinp wound up in a peneral lipht. anil it was only throiiph the elTorts of II. ad Keeper rivrnetli.it peace wa. n -1 1 ! . -I'lni-lil'ii'i lo .".. Ilnvv a llaliliil Wa r.iiin il. The rabbit was cauphi on the dnwiu when a few days old and inv mother iiudcrtook to try ami rear him. allow inp him to live for a time in In r pnckel and fecdinp him constantly with milk from a teaspoon. He prevv fa t and soon be came ipiite friendly, bcinp led n-piilarly on bran, fresh leave-, bi n k oats, and any pieces that he could pel pivi u liiiu; fur lie always knew the unal hours and would collie and bepswutly by the -ido of every mie round the table lie lived loose about the romii, only bcinp put in 11 box when we were out. We were livitip in a "rial" at the time ;unl he was never allowed down stairs and no cat was ever allowed up. lb- would always come to the call of "Hun. bun. bun," ami would jump onto our laps, and, if we allowed, would eat out of our plates. A favorite place for him to -it was on one of mif shoulders, where he would sleep lo Innus mid sometimes nllv nibble an car. lb' took pn.it delight ill a cabinet in the room where he knew that t ake was to be found and would scratch nt the door till lie had opened it w ide eniiuph tn pel in; but, soon learn inp that when he made a noise we heard him and -cut linn away and lucked thu floor, he took to doiiie it as ipiii tly as a mouse, and more than nuee, thinkinp him unusually ipiiet and pood, we have pot up to see w here he was anil have found him in the 1 abim t. pn cilily de vourinp cake. He had a hundred pH t ty , clever way s, but. much as we ov, d him, we were a pond deal tried by lifiii. Hi- deslructivciie wa- M-rimis; bunts and -lines or baps, il left unpil.udeil, would be nil. hi.. I lour I in a very -holt, time, and I H int inbel well my inolhi i s look of dismay oil limlinp I hat he had eaten larpc holes in her petticoat, when -he had only ihotiplil him a-h-cp mi her lap. uiiilcr lit 1 tlr.r s for warmth I'lmm A. ' ,.");. A club hmise The polite stativ0- CANAL BOAT LIFE. Sccnesat the llibornaclc of Arti ficial Waterway Navigators. Tho Cnnallcr's Mode of Life Whilo in Winter Quarters. Vi nav ipatioii "s -lu-t up lipht an' jammed; t Jul" won't hi nrv a boat throuph the canal till May 11 I iter." 'flic speaker was captain, in ile.bo'sun. carpi -liter nml one third of th" crew be Imipiiip In a hip, nall-ided, while painted canal In. at that lay in the old Morri-Canal Ha-in nt the font of lien deison si reel, .I11-.1 y City. I'o- nearly a 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 -- of u mile in eithir dilution stn tched the v i-ta id 1 anal boats that had lied up for Ihe winter. To the 1111 initialed lln v all seemed of one si.e and shape, lull the Hue can. ill. r is as proud of hi- boat's lines and individual idctiti ty a- any yachtsman alioal . and tn mis take one canal boat for another is to make cut mie-of both captains. Hut at this time of year tin y nn rpe pnife- i 1 1 : 1 1 jealousies into the effort for peneral coin I'm!. Km I to cud and side to -idi lie hun dreds of canal boats, the inner one-, or those nearest the -hoi dock, afford - inp. by means of a loiip plank placed fnun rail In rail amidships, act cs- tn the laud for those who are mi the edpes of the prill cl'lll licet. Hut woe betide the luckless eanallcr. who. with. ml I'mannl and loud-voiced invitation, ventures In depart from Ibis plank and set lout upon the deck proper 1. 1 the hint he is eiossinp on his vv ay tn -lime. That law is irre vocable and mini are hardy enmiuli to at tempi ilcliance. "i:f vve want yet we'll tall vcr." i- the rule as expressed by the aullioiil ies. and it is dominant . From the mi. Idle of Decciuber until "May 01 later" these boats lie torpid as far us t'oiiimcrcc i- coiicerued. They pat her in several places around New Ymk. Sonic in the I'.rie Ha-in al Smith I'.roolJvn. -time at l-'oiiilceiilh -licit, llobolicn. a lew al Coculies Hip. New Ymk. and the 11 1 il t he Mi .11 is Canal Hash,, m- as it i-now lallcdtlie .ler-ey Central lin-in. despite the fail that il is collllollcd by the l.ehiph Yalhy Iiiil niad. This latter b.-i-in has been used by the canal boat- ivt r -imc war liini -, but win 11 tin- l.ehiph mad obtai I eouttol ihcv cleared out every canal boat and I'vl'ler. For a liui.- tlieyk. pl away, but tin railroad, limlinp thai they t oiihl not utilize the b.-i-in In any belter ad Vanlape, renew eil llm am ienl pt rinis-ion, and the boats Ik. eked back to tin ir old ipiarler.-. More than half of lln ni ate in habited by raptain- and their lauiiliis, and a. a ic-ull the hip licet is a liillc city in il-elf. Altlioiiph then- an no bat k fences ovi r which lo cxt b.inpe pos sip and pa'lier Inml Im eriliei in of liciphboiinp habit-, the vvmthv wivis Iiml il jii-l as easy tn talk mcr I In pun wales ..f th.ii' rc-p. 1 liu ah.i.lcs, and so far a- nv 11 oo, inp the .itliniet of the liciphboi inp family i- .met mi d. the ab sent c of fence or wall i- .1 I n in-lead of a ih privation. When a boat ei'iiit - in for tin season -he is pivcti a berth, made fast seciiu ly , ami 1 In -1 1 all hand- I inn to I1..11-. than inp. which, in opposition .- tin p. nci.il rule, i- done in the vv inter lii-to.nl of the -pi inp. 'fhe iiicn w a-h out and linn nilphlv ventilate lie hold, while the wiiiut 11 1 lean and -ciiiii the taliiuaiul its appurtenances. Stores fur ihe w inlet arc briiuphl aboard and the family settle down tn their hibernation. If there arc children they are -cut to one of the tim e school- m ar by in .1. r-cy City , for the eanallcr i-ton true an Ann lit an tn n-e mi i.piiirtiinity f..r dinalinp hi-ymmp one-. Froin a linam ial ioint of view the biisiiie-.s is iml v . 1 y 11 tuitiicial iv c. if the captain is also tbc ovvm r be may . by careful iiiauapt ineiit and p I luck. make ifsalil ,1 ytar above expenses. If he is an 1 niployc he receives a day for his -crv ic. s. out of which ainoinit he inis pay his i n w and all his i xpin-es save Imrsc hire, stablinp ami blacksmith wmk. Thai is d.uic by the owner. Ibirinp the war and liel'ore the railroads sn iheroiiphly cnveri d New York Stale, it was not at nil ilitlieiill lor a canal boat captain tn make a thousand dollars in a run, which occupies about twenty days, providinp. of course, that he owned his boat. Hut limes have very much chanpcil ami there is not nearly eiioupb work for the number of boat- nllo.-it which is pel- tinp fewer every year. At.f Ymk f.''Ky.Ae. toinil Cause fur Silence. Miss Itapley You are very silent, Mr. Pmisniiby. Poiis.inby Ya as. 1 make it a point lie vail tn spt.ik mile I pet all itlcali. Miss Itapley tardily I- Ah! now 1 know why you so seldom -peak. Iinicitini'nce. "W hat time does the next train leave?" "Where are you poinp;" "None of ymir bii-incs-, you intpiisi- I live thing.'' A Youthful lb I'! Waiter. Spiiliplield Mo., leal.es boast of !".V iil" the vi ill',"! t bead waitir III the I country, and the I on I i mbablv vu II b did. Ti.iu lb 1 who put up al the 'l.ark House I'nr tin- til -t time l'n.Ucuilv slop to -tare in nmazi ineiil when, on in leiinp the dininp romn. tin y si c a hand so , lipid hailed, bliie . vid boy -land inp m ar Ihe cenlie i.f the n 0111 n ady to place I iii-m at tald". Il is a dipiiilied younp-ler, tlri's eil in Imip 1:011-11-. 11 clo'clv blitliim il -nikcoat. I weal inp a stand 11 1 collar of the latc-t style. A sinple 1 11 i:; lit i'i'i-Tt I lloHi rof soini -"it i-always pinned to his coal lap. I. As each pur-t ciilei- the lad bow- politely, draw t a chair Irmn a table and a-si-t the piii sts n -it tl.uv 11 w illi a much ca-e and place a-one tan find anyvvlieie. II not hurried by u lil-h of pil. sl-. he plai t - tin1 bill of fare by the plate and pour- a pla s of water. 'fin 11 one of the seven ytuiiip women vvaitiisin the rooin is ilirecled w ith a Imw tn lake tin nn It r. All thmupli the unal he ha-a keen eve for every lliinp in tin- room. No piles! need 1 1 t'tiii 1 nn a L'la-s ia c. 1 1 1 M 1 'Ii .Missouri hotel I ia I .it 1 to a 1 1 1 ai I a vv a it cr herc. The hid sc. - thai -iimelhiup is wanted about as ipi'u k as the want i de vclopcd ami if the waiter docs mil -ce il also a wave of the hand or a bow attracts In r ill t . It! ii hi . 'fhe look in the lad'- face when he thinks :l waiter -nlnt -whal loo attentive to any pin-si h coiuii ally -evere but clTet'tivc in nialliiip the ymmp woman to her duty. 'flic name of the u.unp man is l.oiii- 1 (.VK.1 ,. lli- falht r i- iiia-ler 111c- ehaiiie of t he 'Ft i -1 1 line mat bine -bops at this place. The boy is I I veal's old. lie bepan work at the 'ark two y cars ,-i"o as bell boy. Then he ciiti 11 d the tlininp loom to a--is tin- head waiter. Two month- sipo he had dev doped so much tact in the nianapenieiil of the mom that he supplanted his t hief. The tlininp 11111111 has eleven tables 111 it ami thirty six purl- are often sealed al I hem al once. I.oilis pel- ."i a month and board for hi-services. 'New York Sun. ! Fhe ('enei'aliiMis. ! A k :, t ,, in. id. at. both of ... pevily and the unbroken pit m rvalmii ol si vei.il L'riier.'ilimi-. reei nl ly 1 .line In Hu ll. .lice of III. h'avv linp- of Sandelsv il!c. lie wa- called in to m. an old lupm livinp about two mi le In nn andeiv iiic named Al.iam Mai -hall, who wa- - ii k j 1;1v ,,,, .,,,,, ,. nature of j llmis ,;.,, ,. , In. ratio's --icitiuul phlhi-ic.'' old ape. Ihollpll siii !i wa t tin ea-e. 'I'ln old mpio hid a colon I worn 111. even more aped 1 1 1 111 liim-i If. in alii udauce upon him. The ilo. Im chain i d i-k who -he wa-. and to hi- a-loni-liiin lit wa- inl.'lliied that it wa- Abi. tin's luother. 'flu 1 lima X wa n.nlnd. Imw ever, whin in 1. .111 -col 1 miv. r-aliou tin old woman. In 1 - If V1.1 a-u illy ninnkid that Inr nn. I hi I --wa prlliu; 1 .it In be blc imw !" Ipoii in.iiiv. il w.i- I 1 1 in I thai -In- wa- '.''J year- of ape. and ha lm .1 to I Mr her plc.il I'i'i at pl'.'Uld' ch i 1 1 i ii 11 1 'Id A I u am i- 1 nl of li'-nip able to have .iiaoi. Imn I l It a prand imi it In I and pi.ni.b hildii 11. while live pern lalion- aie yi 1 alive in the land. -;Columbiis .lia 1 Fn.iiin r. A ( in inn- I i(y. Im ipinc a t il v with nn ol it- -1.111-naiiow. luuddy and ciowil.d, whin llic si II. r of loth ty li In t I ilo tin- place of the 111 si..v . vv li. n Ihe p.iv 1 I-of the ,lll l t. the I oil. lilt .. of Ihe tat-, thtl clelk . ill the store-, the pol l ellll II oil their I" -at-, tin d I it r with hi-niii-k. ', the lun loolt.d nn n and vvoiu. ii who piddle tin ir wares and the veiv In ppais at the dni'ivvay- all -inok.- tipa:.tn , m I ipars. The s net tai-t.irry Iheiolliiied tlc.nl to the 1 1 im til y . vv it li tin- tin mi i" 1 -in the tars thai bdlow. Milt, vvoiu.n and 1 hil.ln n. half naked and w ithmtt shoe-, bear the biir.h n-lhal vve put upon drays and wapmi-: watt I lani. i- peddle the limpid llnid fn-iu tin- a.pn I to I- In. 111 house to hmisc l.vciy otln i vv..iii.mi h 1 a baby dauplinp 1 uilt nte.llv frmii a - n k upon hi l'baik. Im apine ihe pit t tire ami Voll pi t a plllllpse of the -tit 1 I -1 em - that ymi look up.ni :i I 'H I the preal plaza facinp the c.-lly pai n " and (In- map I I i tit t 1 1 1 cathedral td the City of M. xico. ; Albany .bmiual. Statistics uf .li se Vaiinf'ai tnce. The lnauufai lure of corn -t m il supar" or "start h sup i- ju-t imw attraetiii ol' piUe.isi, miii h .ill. lit i"ii. A iis-ian ihnui-l discou-rcd in IMI ; that by boilinp with ililuted sulplnnie acid, start h was eonvcrtetl into supar. j On A up. I. IWI, I" plu.osc fact. nies were in operation in the I nitcl States, ' eolisiiniitip daily alinut '.Ml.tilili bu-hi I- of ! corn. h has In en c-titu.itcd that in ! May, 1SS1. the total i-oiisiimplioii ,.f ,, i u ! in supar luakiup was about :i,i.nilil l.u-h j els daily. The faelories :,re so arranped that coin may he enlivened into starch J or supar acciu'ilinp tn the demands id the I market. It was estimated that 1 1. nun, - tHIO bushels com would be llsetl in these j factories in ISM, and doubled in lht'J. j - J'kavuuc. TI10 S wee I est Eyes, I are the sweetest ees lityoll' Win Th i" blown, whi'if tire nml lanpnor meel siiiinv. laupliinp rye-nf Iiiil". Th n bla.-k. wuhplai -hv and licet!' ..-lllle. W idl ell.'.llpeflll hue, ;'l'".v. where mind with beauty vies, inlet. S.I soft lllld tl'll" II mn. which are th.. sw.el. st eyes? lai'lin,: bent her siiuuv li- ad. I' r.nti -ii, I ft se.-mi'd liall ill v III", " Wi. test CVes to III"," I said, tin.-, thai I.B.I; vviihlo,.-. in mine." I. I hi himiii in .liiii fcn. Ill Mtll.'OI S. Mm of all I v pi ( 'oinpo' ilms. 1 1 irkiie.-s that i tell Derby hat -. A 1 all In arm a wail Ir a baby at '.' a 111. The -lllll eollltlel ol a yniiiip woman, like Dan Cupid'- vvcapniis, i, a beau ail'l a narrow . A Imr-r is unlike a man in mie re pect, it I. a-l In doc-u'l like In be hacked up. "( ..-e the llonl ilnof s. , as tn I.I cut ml .ball-." said the bulla red banker ti In- . .-.shier. "The churn tnti-t pn." say - mi apri cull oral cxehaupe. of r si- it luu-t. ill 'inlet thai the butter may mme. He -initiy , pirls, be sunny," sayt Fill Wheeler WihnX. We llntl't .ee Imw they can. but still they dauphti.T lie. The Mare Maud Navv-Yard is to bo put in commission for rcpairinp steel -hip-. Il will he a pood plate for drill inp In .1 se marines. A man that marries a widow is bound to pive up siuol.inp ami clu winp. If slm pives up In 1 weeds I'm- him, he slmiild pive up the v.". for her. Mr. brow ne." saiil the milkman, you -. lit me the vvioiip check. This is haw n I" tin order of the Hoard of Water Ct inmi-sioiit is." "Why. sn it is," replied Mr. I'.n'wii. . and then lie added: Natui.tl mi-lake, lliouph. Mr. Pump v i ry . " The Kinp anil Hie Heppaf. A sial.lv old pchlh lu in vv ith pailllt, -allow fealure- and pold riinmcd cye-pla-st - ovt r the bridpi' of hi- nipiiliun 1 wa imuinp down in the tlt valoi ..I 'Nn. .'.V.' Ihoatlway the olhu day, win n In b it in vain for a mulch. Ilo eked a -iianpi r I'm a lipht of his cipar, vvhi. lt he pol. and tin u .ipolopizul for it. in thi- way : W In 11 I wa - roiled St iles Minister t' l.i-l under I'n -idi nl Pit n e, I fell into the balm, so common in that cinmlty, of a-kinp i .i-ual at .piainlanccs for a lipht. and I can't rid mys. II of the trit k, lliouph pi rhap- ymi may think it. di-. ."ill. 011-. Ibil mi the tni ls of Lisbon I have actually -c I f thu lapped, -t hi -pal- in ihe Capital stop the Kiiip. win. was walktiu! vvilh Ivvii ai.N ,. camp, and a-k him for a lipht. lb pot Ih. lipht." 'I'h. ilipnil'nd old pent Ii lu.aii vv a as 11111I 1I1.1I in. offi in . vv oiil.l In taken. and with a 111 ipni!ii 1 nt bow and tlmiiish he pn-, nt d hi. 1. lid. Il.-vva- Ibm. .luhn .1. ( I'Millivan. A". )'.". .s.c. Sunllovur fuel. A ipiii r kind ol fuel i- now u-. d by .nme of the people of Wollillp fi'iilmv. li i- ii..thii.p nioie imr h Ih in iinllovvt is. Ana, 11 id simlliiwi 1-4 will, it isas-iile.l. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -1 1 fuel for mm -tovi lor a whole year. W In u thy thu -I ilk- are a- hard a- maple wood and 111. 1 1- an exci Hint lire, and the seed lamb, vvilh the seed in-ide, are said b burn In Iter than the be-t hard coal. As -null. .wets will prow aiiuo-t aliywheie, it is b, In v. d that there is a way by which -on f the tfccl. - plains and vail, y - of ( f!H iiia 1 in be made In y ii Id l.-llpc supplits id excellent fuel. Mil Flam ... ( hioif. '". Hie Czar's Haz.zlinp Palace. f-iikoe Nine, tin I i 1 1-- i.i 11 'ar'-i pat 11 e near St. I'llif-burp. -land', in pimi'id- 1 n.'hlrr 1 b - ill cm limb n nee. n the pal ice there i- a 1 1 known an the l.pi- lazuli 1 n. the llnor of which i- cboiiv inlaid with m. thel of p.ail. 'flu n i- al-o an amber loom, tin walls of vv hi, h an of the lini-l amber pit ki d mi! in a multitude of exquisite desipns. 'fhe vv alls of the palace 1 1 in ne.' .Inn It am lump with the rarest lapi-liy and silk curtains, 'fhe baii.piet inp hall is lint chit f atlrai lion of the palace. lis walla are enu red with pold, and ils ci ilinp is) tla.-liiip vv ith the same precious metal. Value of Persimmon Trees. The farmers around Flbeiimi, (Ja., know the worth of in 1 -im no n-. and b n yt ai's have made it a point never tn cut ilnwn a persimmon tree. In places so many trees have been left standing thai the liehls lock like orchards, ami indeed they aie, pcr-imiunii orchards, the tries of which be v line crops of fruit almost a- valuable a- coin for fat tt ninp hop-. The farmer- -ay that thn pt i-i in 11 ii n tn e draw - but lilll" -liiiipth or moisture from the soil, and that excellent cmp- arc prownivcii hi ncatb their shade. Sue 1'vrL Hun. im. in 1 w